Mansion Tax - Business Economics and Public Policy Department
Mansion Tax - Business Economics and Public Policy Department
Mansion Tax: The Effect of Transfer Taxes on Residential Real Estate Market 1 Wojciech Kopczuk and David Munroe Columbia University Preliminary and incomplete please contact authors for an updated draft October 1, 2012 1 Wojciech Kopczuk: Columbia University, email address: David Munroe: Columbia University, email address: Abstract Houses and apartments sold in New York state at prices above $1 million are subject to the socalled 1% ”mansion tax” imposed on the full value of the transaction. This policy generates a discontinuity (a ”notch”) in the overall tax liability. We rely on this and other discontinuities in New York and New Jersey (where our data spans the introduction of an analogous ”mansion” tax) to analyze implications of transfer taxes in the real estate market. Our research design builds on the recently popularized methodology exploiting ”kinks” and ”notches” to learn about behavioral responses. Contrary to work on individual responses to taxation (such as to income taxation), the real estate context brings to the forefront issues of incidence: the response to the tax is generically a result of the matching process between individual buyers and sellers, with both parties affected by the outcome. We find that the incidence of this tax falls on sellers and may exceed 100% of the value of the tax. Results based on different taxes with different statutory incidence are consistent with this possibility. Analyzing administrative records of property sales in New York and New Jersey, we provide evidence indicating that the results are robust across many different types of transactions. We find that supply-side adjustments to quality of properties may play a role but find no evidence that results are driven by tax evasion. Using data on real estate listings, we show that sellers partially internalize the tax when they first post listings, and that this response grows stronger in subsequent updates to the listings; all happening before bargaining with the ultimate buyers. We also find evidence that taxation increases discounts from the final asking to sale price, implying that the presence of the tax shifts bargaining power to the buyers. Finally, there is some evidence that the tax increases the likelihood that potential sellers leave their real estate agents, suggesting that incidence is partially borne by intermediaries. We interpret our results as showing evidence of a market-level distortion. We find indications that the tax leads to sorting of sellers by their motivation to sell. At the same time, we find that the presence of bunching induced by the tax reduces the informational content of the price signal available to buyers by weakening the relationship between listing and sale prices. We argue that the presence of these market-level distortions can explain counter-intuitive incidence results. 1 Introduction Purchasing a house or an apartment is a time-consuming and complicated process with large financial stakes, and any inefficiencies or distortions in this market are likely to induce significant welfare costs. Beyond the price, a typical transaction involves a lot of associated costs including broker’s fees, inspection costs, legal fees, title insurance, mortgage application and insurance fees, and moving costs. While some of these costs are payments for services or insurance against various risks, they all introduce a wedge between the price received by a seller and the acquisition costs paid by the buyer. This is clearest in the case of transfer taxes that are present in many jurisdictions, and are imposed on the final sale price. In this paper, we ask how transfer taxes affect functioning of the real estate market. Our empirical approach in this paper is to analyze implications of transfer taxes on the real estate market using variation generated by the discontinuous nature of the taxes imposed in New York and New Jersey. In a nutshell, these types of taxes are levied as a function of the appropriately defined purchase price. The so-called “mansion tax” in New York state (since 1989) and New Jersey (since 2004) applies to residential transactions of $1 million or more. The tax rate is 1% and is imposed on the full value of the transaction so that a $1 million sale is subject to $10,000 tax liability, while a $999,999 transaction is not subject to the tax at all. Additionally, in New York City all real estate transactions are subject to the real property transfer tax (RPTT). The average rate of this tax changes discontinuously from 1% to 1.425% at the $500,000 mark. Figures 1 and 4 illustrate that the tax affects some aspects of the market: Figure 1 shows that sales in New York bunch just under $1 million. A similar pattern appears in New Jersey around the time of the introduction of the tax—Figure 4 demonstrates the onset of bunching stimulated by the tax Our analysis of the consequences of transfer taxation in New York and New Jersey, allows us to offer three sets of findings. First, we show that transfer taxes are responsible for distortions to the distribution of reported sales price. We show that the distortion coincides with the introduction of the tax and that its presence is very robust across different sources of variation, data sources, subgroups and methods. Second, we rely on the heterogeneity in estimates of the size of response to provide evidence that these effects represent real responses rather than tax evasion. In particular, we find weaker price responses when there is less room for quality adjustment (such as sales of finished apartments) and stronger when such adjustments are easier (such as sales occurring before construction is finalized). On the other hand, we find no substantial difference between cash and mortgagefinanced transactions and no stronger response for transactions between related parties. We also find moderate effects on time on the market and reduced reliance on real estate agents. Finally, we show that the tax affects functioning of the market throughout the search process. We analyze real estate listings data that allow us to trace at which stage of the selling process responses take place. We conclude that the original asking price (posted before buyers respond) is already distorted and that the distortion increases with subsequent revisions of the asking price. We also show that this process corresponds to the ultimate likelihood of sale, revealing sorting 1 of sellers (arguably according to their intrinsic determination to sell). However, while the final asking price reveals that sellers internalize the tax, it still does not reflect the final incidence: we find a significant discontinuity at the tax threshold in the extent to which prices are discounted during bargaining between buyers and sellers . We conclude that the incidence effects unfold in two different ways. First, the presence of the tax is internalized by sellers who are not directly responsible for remittance. Second, the presence of the tax appears to increase the bargaining power of buyers during negotiations with the sellers. The last, and important, piece of the puzzle that we document concerns informativeness of listings. We show that in the presence of the tax, the relationship of listing and sale prices is weaker, indicating that the quality of information available to buyers declines and that the tax is responsible for aggregate (in addition to transaction-specific) distortion to the efficiency of this market. The price effects that we find indicate substantial shifting of the tax to the seller. Indeed, our central estimates indicate that over 200% of the tax is shifted, although a more conservative estimate that takes into account the possible supply response pushes this number closer to 100%. A number of other findings are consistent with substantial incidence falling on sellers. As mentioned before, listings information supports the notion that sellers internalize the tax. Furthermore, our data covers multiple jurisdictions and different tax instruments with variation in statutory incidence: we find that in each case responses are consistent with the burden of the tax falling on the supply side. We note that beyond the usual interplay between tax-sensitivity of the demand and supply side of this market, the reduced informational context of the listings following the introduction of the tax is likely to further shift the price response to the supply side. From the point of view of existing literature, the context we are analyzing is interesting in several ways. First, the tax is discontinuous, allowing us to identify its effects using a “notch” design. Second, relative to much of the public finance literature, the bilateral nature of this market puts at the forefront the equilibrium outcome of the market process—each transaction takes place between two parties that both may respond to the tax. It is, to our knowledge, the first analysis of tax distortions in a matching market of this sort and one of the very few emprical papers that recognizes the incidence effects of taxation in a market with heterogeneous goods (Rothstein, 2010; Chetty et al., 2011, allow for supply-side responses in labor market context) . Third, the housing market is interesting in its own right and we uncover new facts about how it operates and the ability of policy to distort (or influence!) it. We use discontinuities in the application of the tax to evaluate its economic effects and distinguish between different mechanisms and types of responses that might be present. These taxes create price discontinuities (these are “tax notches,” see Slemrod, 2010), while the introduction of the tax in New Jersey creates a time discontinuity.1 Furthermore, the statutory incidence is different for the mansion tax (which is the statutory responsibility ofthe buyer) than in the case of the New Jersey realty transfer fee schedule (responsibility of sellers) and RPTT tax (which is the 1 There are also geographic discontinuities that we do not exploit: the RPTT changes discontinuously at the New York City border and before 2004 the mansion tax changed discontinuously at the New Jersey-New York border. 2 responsibility of a seller, except for new constructions). The volume of transactions is large, allowing us to exploit these sources of variation without strong parametric restrictions. We incorporate a number of data sources in the analysis, including price and timing of transactions, characteristics of properties and information from real estate listings. A small literature focuses on the effect of transfer taxes on the functioning of the real estate market (Benjamin et al., 1993; Van Ommeren and Van Leuvensteijn, 2005; Dachis et al., 2012). A more active literature, analyzes the role of real estate agents, attempting to unbundle the effect of cost from information provision (Levitt and Syverson, 2008; Jia and Pathak, 2010; Bernheim and Meer, 2012). Finally, a number of (mostly recent) empirical papers incorporate information available in listings data (Genesove and Mayer, 2001; Haurin et al., 2010; Han and Strange, 2012; Carrillo and Pope, 2012). Our paper is also closely related to work on behavioral responses to taxation. As in the work on responses to income taxation, we are interested in separating real, timing, avoidance and evasion responses (Slemrod, 1990; Saez et al., 2012). Contrary to that strand of work, however, our context requires considering the impact on both sides of the market. In recent years, there has been a revival of work on estimating incidence of specific taxes/transfers (e.g., Doyle and Samphantharak, 2008; Mishra et al., 2008; Hastings and Washington, 2010; Marion and Muehlegger, 2010). The context of real estate tax is more complicated because of non-homogeneity of goods, and the closest analogue to it in the tax literature is work on incidence of income/payroll taxes or credits (Rothstein, 2010; Saez et al., 2011).2 While a recent but somewhat more established strand of work on behavioral responses takes advantage of the presence of discontinuities (kinks) in marginal tax rates (Saez, 2010; Chetty et al., 2011), our research is one of the first studies that take advantage of the presence of tax “notches” — discontinuities in the total tax liability (Slemrod (1987); Sallee and Slemrod (2012); Kleven and Wassem (2012)). The structure of the paper is as follows... 2 Policy Although real estate transfer taxes are common across the U.S., the tax rates in New York and New Jersey are notable for being discontinuous. These taxes are applied to the sale price of real property at the time of transaction, and range from as low as no tax in Texas to 0.01% of total consideration in Colorado to two percent in Deleware. In New York and New Jersey, however, the tax rates change discontinuously with total consideration, creating corresponding discontinuities in total tax liability (tax “notches”). Table 1 contains details of the relevant tax schedules. One notch arising in both states is due to the so-called “mansion tax:” a one percent tax on the total consideration of homes costing one million dollars or more. Under the mansion taxes of 2 There are also important differences between the two contexts. The occurrence of a real estate transaction is endogenous to the presence of transfer taxes, whereas the possibility of taxpayers dropping off tax roles is usually assumed away in work on behavioral responses to personal income taxation (Erard and Ho, 2001 is a notable exception). 3 both New York and New Jersey, buyers’ total tax liability jumps by ten thousand dollars when the sales price moves from $999,999 (where the tax does not apply) to one million dollars (where the tax comes into effect). In New Jersey, the mansion tax was introduced on August 1st, 2004, and covers all residential real-estate transactions in the state. In New York state, the mansion tax was introduced in 1989 and applies to the sale of individual coop and condo units, and one-, two, and three-family homes, with few exceptions.3 Real estate sales in New York City and New Jersey are subject to additional taxes with disconinuous average rates. In New York City, the Real Property Transfer Tax (RPTT) applies to residential sales (as defined for the New York mansion tax) with a rate of one percent if the total consideration is $500,000 or less, and 1.425% above $500,000. Commercial sales are also subject to the RPTT at a rate of 1.425% below $500,000 and 2.625% above. Unlike the mansion tax, the statutory incidence of the RPTT falls on the seller by law, however it is customary for the buyer to pay the tax when purchasing directly from a sponsor (i.e. purchasing a newly developed condo or a newly offered coop). Thus, the RPTT is fairly unique tax in that there is variation in the statutory incidence of the tax. Residential sales in New Jersey are subject to the Realty Transfer Fee. This transfer fee (or tax) has a non-linear schedule (see Table 1) that shifts when total consideration is greater than $350,000. For example, the marginal tax rate for consideration above $200,000 is 0.78% if the total price is less than or equal $350,000, while this tax rate jumps to 0.96% when the total price is greater than $350,000. Moving from a price of $350,000 to $350,001 increases the buyer’s tax liability by $630.4 These four real estate transfer taxes offer several sources of variation. Firstly, and most strikingly, these taxes create discontinuities in total tax liability. Moreover, there is variation in the magnitude of these jumps; increasing the sale price by one dollar can increase the tax paid by between $628.80 (a change in tax liability at $350,000 for the NJ Realty Transfer Fee) and ten thousand dollars (one percent change for the mansion taxes). Secondly, the NJ mansion tax varies over time.5 Thirdly, there is within-state geographic variation in the RPTT—only sales in New York City (and not the rest of New York state) are subject to this tax. Finally, we have variation in the statutory incidence of these taxes—the New Jersey RTF and RPTT are remitted by the seller (for RPTT, this is so except in the case of a sale of newly constructed homes, where it is the buyer who remits the tax). For the mansion taxes and Realty Transfer Fee, the buyer always remits the tax. In this paper we focus primarily on buyers’ and sellers’ response to the tax notches associated with these transfer taxes, which we bolster using the temporal variation in the NJ mansion tax, and the variation in the statutory incidence of these taxes. 3 Exceptions are as follows. If a residential unit is partially used for commerce, only the residential share of the total consideration is subject to the tax (although the entire consideration is still used to determine if the tax applies). Similarly, multiple parcels sold in the same transaction are taxed as one unit unless the parcels are evidently not used in conjunction with one another. Vacant lots are exempt from the mansion tax, and, finally, any personal effects sold with the home are deducted from the total consideration for tax purposes (but are subject to state sales taxes). 4 On top of the notch at $350,000 the New Jersey schedule also features small kinks at $550,000 and $800,000. In this paper, we limit attention to analyzing implications of notches in the transfer tax schedules. 5 Although the other taxes also vary over time, our data does not go back far enough to study this. 4 3 Data We study both administrative records on real estate transactions in New York state and New Jersey as well as historical real estate listings in New York City. Sales records, which cover the universe of recorded real estate transactions in the given geography and time period, come primarily from three sources: the New York City Department of Finance’s (NYCDOF) Annualized Rolling Sales files for 2003–2011, real property transfer reports compiled by the New York state Office of Real Property Services (NYSORPS) for 2002–2006 and 2008–2010, and SR1A property transfer forms collected in the New Jersey Treasury’s SR1A file. Additionally, we make use of deeds records for 1996–2008 for the five counties of New York City collected by an anonymous private data provider from the county records.6 We match the Rolling Sales data for Manhattan to a subset of historical real estate listings in order to get a broader picture of the effect of the tax on sellers’ pre-sale behavior. Our listing data comes from the Real Estate Board of New York’s (REBNY) electronic listing service and covers all closed or off-market listings between 2003 and 2010. REBNY is a trade association of about 300 realty firms operating in New York City and representing a substantial fraction of listings in Manhattan and Brooklyn. We limit attention to, more complete, Manhattan listings. REBNY data accounts for approximately 45% of Manhattan sales in the Rolling Sales files. The administrative sales records for New York and New Jersey contain details of each recorded real estate transaction. The NYSORPS records cover all counties in New York state excepting the five counties of New York City—these sales are covered by the NYCDOF data (and the privately collected deeds records). Data from the New Jersey Treasury covers sales in all counties of the state (see the Data Appendix for more details on the data sources). The sales records indicate the date of each sale and the total consideration paid from the buyer to the seller. Information about the property being sold includes the the address of the property, the type of property (ex. one-, two-, or three-family home, residential coop or condo, commercial property, etc.), and the year of construction of the building (in New York City and New Jersey) or whether the property is newly constructed (in New York state). Additionally, the NYSORPS data indicate whether or not the sale is arms-length7 and the privately collected deeds records indicate whether there is a mortgage associated with the purchase. For each geography we identify sales that are likely to be subject to each of the transfer taxes. In New Jersey, we consider all “residential” sales to be taxable (mansion tax and Transfer Fee). For New York state, we define all single-parcel residential sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes (including residential condos and seasonal properties) as being subject to the mansion tax. Finally, 6 We are grateful to Chris Mayer and the Paul Milstein Center for Real Estate for granting us access to the New York City deeds records. 7 NYSORPS defines an arms-length sale as “a sale of real property in the open market, between an informed and willing buyer and seller where neither is under any compulsion to participate in the transaction, unaffected by any unusual conditions indicating a reasonable possibility that the full sales price is not equal to the fair market value of the property assuming fee ownership.” This definition excludes sales between current or former relatives, between related companies or partners in business, sales where one of the buyers is also a seller, or sales with “other unusual factors affecting sale price.” 5 in New York City we define all single-unit (non-commercial) sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos as subject to the mansion tax.8 In New York City we define commercial sales as any sale of at least one commercial unit (and no residential units) or a tax class of 3 (utilities) or 4 (commercial or industrial). We identify years since construction as the difference between the year of the transaction and the year that the property was built Year built is not indicated in the New York state data, however the data do flag sales of newly constructed homes. From the REBNY listing service, we observe details of all (REBNY-listed) closed or off market listings since 2003 (when electronic records are first available). As part of REBNY membership, realtors are required to post all listings and updates to the REBNY listing service within 24 hours of putting the home on the market. These data include initial asking price and date of each listing, all subsequent price updates (and corresponding dates), and whether the property sells or is taken off the market (and the date of this event). To acquire the final sale price, we match these listings by precise address (including apartment number) and/or tax lot to the NYCDOF data for Manhattan. We obtain approximately 90% match rate for listings identified as “closed” in the REBNY data.9 We have 23% match rate for units that were not indicated as closed in the REBNY database and we interpret these matches as corresponding to either direct sales by owner or with a non-REBNY agent. Table 2 presents descriptive statistics from the three sources of housing sales data . Overall, we have records for 5,705,834 sales (with non-zero sale price, omitting duplicates) spanning 2000– 2011. In all three regions, sales subject to the mansion tax form the majority of our sample and, on average, sell for a lower price than non-residential sales (except in NY state). Mean price is generally much higher than the median due to large upper tales in the housing-price distribution. Unsurprisingly, prices are highest in New York City. Although median (and mean) sale price is well below the one-million dollar threshold of the mansion tax, the observation counts in the final column in Table 2 demonstrate that there are still several thousand sales per geography within $50,000 of the mansion-tax cutoff. Table 3 presents the number of sales subject to the mansion tax and median prices over time for the three regions. The growth of housing sales and prices throughout the early 2000s is evident here, as us the subsequent drop in total sales and median price at the onset of the recession in 2007/2008. Table 4 presents statistics for the matched REBNY listings data. The sales covered in the REBNY data have much higher prices, on average, than the general NYC rolling sales data ($1.24 milion versus $658,000) . This is likely a product of the REBNY data only covering sales in 8 While multi-parcel sales in New York state are typically subject to the mansion tax, such a sale may be split for tax purposes if structures on adjacent parcels are not used in conjunction with or clearly related to one-another. Since we cannot identify such cases in the New York City and New York state data, we err on the side of caution and exclude all multi-parcel and partially-commercial sales sales from taxable status. 9 Non-matches fall in a number of categories. Sales in some co-op buildings are missing from the DOF data (explain). Some transactions contain only street address or non-standard way of specifying apartment number (in particular, commercial units and unusual properties such as storage units fall in this category). Occasionally, the same building may have two different street addresses and a unit may be listed differently in the two databases. 6 Manhattan, which is considerably more expensive than the outer boroughs. About 64% of the homes in our sample end up closing (rather than being taken off the market). At the same time, 8% of listings do not close, but have a corresponding sale in the rolling sales data, suggesting that these individuals are selling with non-REBNY realtors or with no realtor at all. Unsurprisingly, homes that do not close spend longer on the market (200.5 days on average vs. 146 for sold properties). For properties that close and are matched to the rolling sales data, the average discount between − sale the initial asking price and the sale price ( initial ) is about 6%. This discount breaks-down into initial a 2% discount from intial asking to final asking price (defined as the price listed immediately prior to posting a listing status of “in contract”) and a 3% discount from final asking price to sale price. Note, however, that the median listing in our sample has no price updates between the initial and final asking prices. 4 Estimates of the effect of the tax Consider a property that would sell at a price of p absent taxation. When the tax is present, the property may not sell at all or it may sell at some price p̃. In the population, denote by F (p) the number of sales at prices lower than p when taxation is not present and by FT (p) the (observed) number of sales when the tax is present. Because we focus on notches in tax liability, it is possible that FT (and in practice perhaps also F ) is not differentiable and even not continuous (ie. there may be mass points, “bunching”). What effect of taxation should one expect? Consider first the situation when there are no behavioral adjustments (including tax evasion). Assuming that the sale did occur, the effect (presumably a drop) in the pre-tax price p − p̃ is reflecting the loss in seller’s surplus—the portion of the tax incidence that is falling on sellers. In the context of the mansion tax, which is our main focus, the statutory incidence falls on buyers so that the price paid by the buyer is given by p̃ + t(p̃), where t is the tax liability applying to the final price. In the standard incidence case of a homogeneous good, p̃ + t(p̃) − p represents the share of the tax born by the buyers. However, it is natural to think of the housing market as a market where goods are heterogeneous and changing incentives affect matching between buyers and sellers. Thus, there are two things that differ here as compared to the standard case. First, the identity of the buyer can change. Second, the new buyer may have both a different valuation of the house than the original buyer and a different surplus relative to the house that she would have bought in the absence of the tax. Hence, p̃ + t(p̃) − p need not represent the change in surplus for any particular buyer. The seller’s burden, however, p − p̃, is free from this complication and we will focus on the difference in sale prices in what follows. 4.1 Graphical evidence of the presence of a response Response to the tax notch is evident in Figure 1, which shows the empirical pattern of taxable sales in New York. Here, data is grouped into $5,000 bins (top panel) and, to make the figure less noisy, 7 $25,000 bins (bottom panel). There is clear bunching in the sale price just below $1 million and, arguably, a drop in the volume of sales just above $1 million. Figure 2 shows analogous patterns at a smaller (0.425% — hence, we are showing only smaller $5000 bins) RPTT notch at $500,000 and also shows some evidence of a response. Notably, there is also significant bunching at other round price levels (at every $50,000 and, to a lesser extent, remaining $25,000 multiples).Unlike the bunching at $1 million, this round-number bunching occurs in the bin above rather than below. It may be that although this observed bunching below $1 million is consistent with theoretical predictions, it may reflect adjustments to the tax by very small amounts. Aggregating the data to larger bins in the lower panel of Figure 1 mostly eliminates such round-number bunching while continuing to indicate that the response covers more than just the immediate neighborhood of the threshold. While the amount of bunching at $1 million appears out of line with that at other round numbers, suggesting that sales are shifting from higher price bins, the one caveat here is that one might think that $1 million price is more salient than $900,000 or $1.1 million (even in absence of the tax). However, data for New Jersey spans the reform allowing to verify this concern explicitly. Figure 3 shows the distribution of sales in New Jersey before the mansion tax was introduced. There is no indication there that there is $1 million is more salient than other multiples of $50,000. Since our data spans the introduction of the mansion tax in New Jersey, we can also verify explicitly that the tax induces bunching by comparing sales in New Jersey before and after the introduction of the tax. As figure 4 illustrates, the number of sales just below the threshold clearly increases at the time of the introduction of the tax. Correspondingly, the number of sales above the threshold falls. Focusing on the region within $10,000 of the threshold, it is evident that the increase in the mass below the threshold is larger than the shift from just above $1million, providing the first indication that the apparent effect of the tax may extend beyond 100% of its value ($10,000). Figure 5 shows monthly distributions of sales in New Jersey, focusing on the $900,000 to $1,100,000 range. There is no evidence of the distribution being distorted below $975,000, and a clear evidence of a shift of the mass of sales to just under $1 million from as far above as the $1,025,000 to $1,050,000 range. Figures 4 and 5 show patterns that may be consistent with anticipation effects — there is an increase in over-$1 million sales just before the introduction of the tax. This is not surprising: the tax had been announced and the lengthy process of closing a real estate transaction may allow for the possibility to speed up the timing of final sale. In Figure 6 we eliminate the timing response by focusing on sales that occurred at least three months before or three months after the tax. We focus on the following two years and adjust the period before the tax to obtain the same number of sales in the $500,000 to $1,500,000 range. The figure plots the difference in log sales, by $10,000 bins, before and after the tax. By construction, the difference should be centered around zero (modulo changes in the shape of the distribution and the impact of log transformation, both of which are expected to be minor). Indeed, it is clear that the difference is about zero away from the threshold on either side. The evidence of distortion around the $1,000,000 threshold is clearly visible and the approach allows for more precisely understanding how far the effect on price distribution extends: 8 for the following $80,000 sales after the introduction of the tax appear depressed. Graphs for both New York and New Jersey indicate clearly the distortion to the shape of the distribution of prices around the mansion tax threshold and provide evidence that the effect takes place as the result of introduction of the tax. We note a number of salient aspects of the response. First, bunching occurs primarily just below the threshold, although it may extend beyond $10,000 or so. Second, the tax is also associated with hollowing out of the distribution above the threshold. It corresponds to a precipitous drop in sales immediately above the threshold but there is evidence that the distribution of prices is significantly depressed in an extended range perhaps in excess of $50,000, far exceeding the tax liability which is of the order of $10,000. These graphs show features that are inconsistent with the simplest incidence model. Assuming incidence of α and simplifying for the purpose of illustration the tax to be a lump sum of T = $10, 000, the transfer tax might be expected to reduce sales prices from p to max{p − αT · p, $1, 000, 000}. A uniform response would imply that sales from up to αT above the threshold would shift to the threshold itself, while the distribution at any higher level would shift by αT . If that was the case, the distribution of prices should not show any significant hollowing out above the threshold. It is also pretty suggestive from Figures 1 and 4 that the mass at the threshold cannot be accounted for by sales that would have otherwise occurred within $10,000 of the threshold so that the implied incidence would have to exceed 100%. Heterogeneity in response might generate appearance of “hollowing out” of the distribution but would require incidence exceeding 100% for a substantial number of individuals to match the quantitative effects. 4.2 Quantifying the magnitude of response We will proceed as follows. First, we will provide a simple framework for understanding and econometrically quantifying the magnitude of the response. We will then use this framework to analyze heterogeneity of responses that we will use to discriminate between various possibilities. Finally, we will incorporate listing information to understand the importance of market and search distortions. The basic ideas are illustrated in the top left panel of Figure 7. Absent the tax (and ignoring any other frictions), prices of seller and buyer are equal to each other so that the possible contract space is characterized by P B − P S . The presence of the tax distorts the contract space by introducing a wedge between the two prices above the threshold level so that the contract space is characterized instead by P B − P S = t · P S · I(P S > H), where t is the tax rate and H is the threshold. Consider a particular buyer and a particular seller who engage in the transaction absent the tax. We assume that the bargaining process maximizes a function of their respective surpluses f (P S − C S − G, G − P B −C B ) where C S and C B are their respective costs,G is the value of the object and f is increasing and (weakly) convex. Suppose that the same two parties contemplate the transaction when the tax is present. Under natural assumptions, when the original price is either high or low enough, the threshold is irrelevant. When the original price is in the neighborhood of the threshold, the final price of the transaction may either end up at the threshold or become taxable. As long as 9 substitution between the two prices is possible, there is a range of prices that will be dominated and, if the notch was not present, the marginal transaction at the threshold would otherwise have occurred at the price strictly higher. Alternatively, at any transaction price that involves the tax, P S > H, there is a gain in surplus for the buyer from transacting at the threshold of P S − H + t · P S and the corresponding loss for the seller of P S − H. This creates a number of possibilities. If transfers are possible, there is room here for Pareto improving trade. Transfers need not to be one-for-one — an increase in seller’s surplus by I at the corresponding cost to the buyer of βI, where β > 1 would be Pareto improving as long as I ≥ P S − H and βI ≤ P S − H + t · P S . Side-payments (tax evasion) are one example. Reduced investment by the seller (foregoing renovations, removing appliances etc.) is another. Another possible channel of response involves changes in the outcome of the bargaining process. As long as the seller is left with positive surplus absent the tax, there is a possibility that the presence of frictions might leave her with lower surplus. Function f (·) may be interpreted as a reduced form representing the outcome of the bargaining process between the two parties under the assumption that the outcomes have to be Pareto efficient (surplus of of each party is maximized given the choice of the other one). None of these possibilities explicitly recognizes that the identities of the buyers and sellers may change or that a transaction may not take place — we will return to these issues below. Still, this framework provides a useful way of quantifying how large the response is and how it varies across contexts. Figure 7 illustrates two measures of the effect of the tax. Both of them rely on considering a marginal transaction that shifts to the threshold. The incidence measure corresponds to the price (pS ) for the marginal transaction absent the tax: the actual price of this marginal transaction changes by pS − H and, if this effect represented the full drop in seller’s surplus (absent reduced investment and/or evasion), it would represent the cost (incidence) to the seller. The gap measure relies on the price that would have occurred in the presence of the tax but absent the threshold. For the marginal transaction there are two equilibria — selling at the threshold or at the gap level — while transactions below/above the marginal end up on either side. The gap quantifies the size of the missing region and reflects the extent of substitution between buyer’s and seller’s surplus. We econometrically estimate the extent of the bunching response and corresponding incidence as follows. We specify a parametric distribution of prices absent the tax as follows: ln h(p) = g(p) + αD(p) (1) and the distribution in the presence of the tax as ln hT (p) = ln h(p) + βI(p > T ) (2) where the left-hand side is the log of the probability distribution function at price p, g() is a parametric function (a polynomial) and D is the set of indicators for round numbers and potentially an indicator for the price being above the threshold. We estimate this model on the data that 10 excludes some region around the threshold (T − L, T + H), as illustrated in the upper right panel of Figure 7.We use the predicted values from this regression to obtain a counterfactual estimate of sales in the omitted region. Given the observed distribution of prices outside of the omitted region, we estimate equation 1 by maximum likelihood. This procedure yields h̃(p), our estimate of the empirical distribution function of prices. Given the estimate of the counterfactual distribution of prices, we can estimate bunching at the threshold and the implied reduction in prices for the average sale at the threshold. An estimate of bunching can be found by taking the difference between actual and predicted sales in the omitted region to the left of the threshold, (T − L, T ): ˆT B = FT (T ) − FT (T − L) − h(p) T −L As in other papers that rely on bunching and notches, we use the estimated distribution function h(p) as the counterfactual for the distribution in the omitted region (T, T + H). Given this counterfactual distribution and the estimate of the excess mass, we estimate where in the distribution taxpayers at the threshold originated from by solving: ˆ I h(p)dp = B (3) T for I. We will refer to I − T as an estimate of the incidence of the tax. This is illustrated in the lower left panel of Figure 7: the blue region is the bunching measure and the green area extends to match the bunching. In the absence of evasion, this is a lower bound for the estimate of the incidence response. If the response does not involve re-ranking of prices, individuals at the bunching point will come from the segment of the distribution just above the threshold and the equation 3 defines the border of that region. If some transactions do not take place as the result of the tax, this procedure will an underestimate the true effect, because it mistakenly assumes missing sales end up at the threshold. The response need not be uniform, in which case we obtain an average for the responders (elaborate). The gap estimates would be straightforward to obtain if there were no sales above the threshold. As we discussed before, empirically sales appear depressed in a significant range above the threshold but, of course, they are not zero. Hence, instead we proceed by constructing a counterfactual based on the post tax distribution h̃(p) outside of the missing region and extending it into it. We estimate the magnitude of the gap by quantifying the number of missing sales relative to the counterfactual and mapping them into a contiguous region above the threshold, as illustrated in the lower right panel of Figure 7. Estimates of gap and incidence are straightforward calculations based on the estimated shape of the distribution. Our assumed density of the distribution is specified by formulae 1 and 2. We specify the parametric form by assuming that g(p) is a polynomial (third degree in the baseline, 11 sensitivity checks). For the round-number effects D(p) we proceed as follows. We consider separate effects for $25,000 and $50,000 multiples. The basic idea is to include the dummies for round numbers. Because the extent of bunching at round numbers may vary depending on the price (perhaps $1.2m is not equally salient as $600,000?), we also allow for the interaction of dummies with the price. Since our objective is to estimate the counterfactual in the omitted region (in particular, at $1 million), this app(proach amounts to assuming that bunching at other round prices is a valid counterfactual for the magnitude of bunching in that region — this is not a directly testable assumption but, as discussed before, data in New Jersey before the introduction of the mansion tax (Figure 3) provides support for this assumption. Our actual implementation of the round-number bunching is more involved. Our baseline approach is to rely on the maximum likelihood estimation and hence specifying the density at any point. In order to parsimoniously capture various forms of bunching, we introduce “bunching” regions that for each round number R extend from R − b to R. Within the bunching regions, the distribution is specified as g(p) + DR + DR · p where DR are the relevant round-number dummies, while it is g(p) otherwise. In practice, we take b = $1000 — this allows the bunching region to extend from, for example, $899,000 to $900,000 allowing both for bunching at the $900K level and just below it (which is of relevance when we turn to listings data). Except for slight gain in information due to allowing for continuous prices, this approach is very close to binning the data in $1000 bins. For completeness, we also estimate analogous specification by OLS — this is standard in the recent public finance work on notches and kinks —- but we note that any of these approaches involves specifying the parametric density function and the maximum likelihood estimation is a natural choice that guarantees that the estimates satisfy law of probability rather than hard-tointerpret mean zero residual restriction. Additionally, by requiring to bin the data, OLS amounts to throwing out information. All reported standard errors are obtained by bootstrapping the whole procedure 999 times. Note that the estimates of incidence and gap may fall into one of the bunching region. When this is the case, the estimates are not very sensitive — small changes in parameters correspond to staying in the bunching region. In such cases reported standard errors for estimates of gap and incidence are small, even though standard errors for the parameters of the parametric density are not.10 4.3 Incidence estimates Table 5 contains our baseline results for New York City (other jurisdictions follow, we emphasize NYC because that is where we have listings data to which we will turn next). Our estimate of the incidence parameter in the baseline specification is $1,020,137: bunching at the threshold is equivalent to all transactions over the following $20,000 shifting to the threshold itself. Taken literally as an incidence estimate, it corresponds to over 200% incidence of the tax for the marginal transac10 The distribution of incidence and gap may be asymmetric because they may correspond to the bunching regions. In the next version we will report confidence intervals instead. 12 tion. The corresponding gap estimate is of similar magnitude, indicating that in the presence of the $10,000 tax, hollowing out of the distribution corresponds to a region equivalent to approximately $24,000 above the threshold. These estimates are consistent with the graphical evidence presented below. We will first discuss their robustness and then work on understanding their interpretation. The baseline estimates were obtained using third-order polynomial and omitting data over the $990,000-$1,100,000 region. The following five rows present estimates obtained using different order of polynomials — the results are similar but the inspection of the fit of the data suggests that loworder polynomials cannot capture salient feature of the distribution while high-order polynomials introduce unrealistic behavior in the omitted region (i.e. out of sample predictions are sensitive). In the subsequent specifications, we test sensitivity to the choice of the omitted region. The results (especially gap estimates) are somewhat sensitive to selecting a narrow omitted region — this is not surprising given indications that the distribution may be distorted over the range of $50,000 or more above the threshold and the omitted region should extend beyond the range of distortions. The results are not too sensitive to expanding the omitted region below $990,000. Our baseline specification relies on the data both below and above the omitted region. The latter is in fact distorted by the presence of the tax and we rudimentarily control for it by allowing for a level shift. In further robustness checks, we consider estimating the counterfactual using data below the threshold only; alternatively we also consider restricting the functional form to be the same on both side of the threshold. The results are not affected by any of these changes. Finally, we report the OLS results obtained by binning into $5000 and $10,000 bins and conclude that they are quantitatively similar. In Table 6, we report results for other regions subject to the mansion tax, relying on the alternative datasets. Estimates for New York State and New Jersey after the introduction of the tax are remarkably similar — within $2,000 — to those for New York City. In contrast, estimates for New Jersey before the introduction of the tax show no evidence of bunching. We use information about vintage of property to investigate heterogeneity. We expect that a property that negotiating a purchase of property before construction is finished allows for significant response in terms of the level finish, appliances and other amenities; therefore allowing for reducing the price by reducing the quality. Similarly, older properties may require renovation and hence allow for some room for response to the tax. In contrast, original sales of apartments or houses after they have already been constructed and finished may have less flexibility. Our data for New York City and New Jersey contain information about year of construction. In particular, in New York City dominated by large apartment buildings, there is a non-trivial number of sales that occur before construction is finished. We do find that bunching is very large for early sales (before construction is finished in NYC, the year of construction in NJ( and for sales that occur three or more years after construction. In contrast, we find that sales that occur soon after construction — presumably original sales of already fully constructed and equipped properties — show smaller but still significant (exceeding $10,000 incidence estimate) bunching. We interpret these results as evidence that supply-side response along the quality/finish dimension is important but cannot 13 account for the full response. In Tables 7 and 8, we report estimates for other types of taxes. We do not find any evidence of response to the small ($600) New Jersey threshold. For the $2125 RPTT notch that applies only in New York City, we find a response for new but not old sales (and we do not find any response in the rest of New York State where the tax does not apply). These mixed results are consistent with small magnitude of the tax and its limited salience. However, they also coincide with shifts in statutory incidence. The RPTT tax on new sales is responsibility of the buyer — just as the mansion tax, and similarly as in that case we find evidence of a response. The RPTT tax on old sales and the NJ Realty Fee schedule are responsibility of the seller and in none of these cases do we find any evidence of response. Putting these results together with our estimates of the magnitude of the mansion tax, the results so far are consistent with 100% of the tax being shifted to the seller, with additional response on the quality margin. Another margin of response that we have not yet considered is tax evasion. Naturally, our data does not contain direct indicators of tax evasion. However, it does contain some information that one expects should be related to availability of evasion opportunities. In 9, we split the New York sample by coop vs condo status. Coop transactions have to be approved by coop boards that have the power to stop them. In particular, there is anecdotal evidence that coop boards disapprove transactions that occur below the perceived market price. One might then expect that if underreporting of the price was the important margin, the extent of bunching in coop apartments should be smaller than otherwise. This is indeed what we find although not by a huge margin. In Table 10, we investigate a more direct measure — the nature of transaction. One might expect that all-cash transactions involving fewer parties (in particular, no financing) and more liquidity would make it more likely that side payments are made. We find the opposite. In the context of real estate transactions, tax evasion is certainly possible but one might expect that it is not completely straightforward: both parties have to agree and money has to change hands at some point during the long closing process. One would expect that evasion in this context requires an aspect of trust between the two parties. Our New York State data contains a dummy for whether transaction was “arms-length” (ie., between related parties). We find no evidence that arms-length transactions involve more bunching. In Table 11 we show that our incidence estimates are not spurious by testing if similar response occurs at other multiples of $100,000 and find no evidence that this is so. In Table 12, we study the evolution of bunching over time but find no clear association with the state of real estate market. 4.4 Bunching in listing data Evidence so far shows clearly that transactions taxes distort the distribution of observed prices. We found some evidence of supply-side response and differences in estimates based on the side of the market responsible for the tax that are all consistent with incidence falling exclusively on sellers. Our tests of tax evasion were weak but did not suggest that this is the main force. In what follows, we turn to information contained in the listings data and necessarily limit 14 attention to New York City where we have it available. Figure 8 shows the distribution of listing prices around the mansion tax threshold for properties sold and matched to the tax data, while Figure 9 shows the distribution of listing prices for all listed properties in Manhattan. Top panels show raw distributions, while the bottom panels show the distributions adjusted to remove the common round number bunching. There are three prices shown for sold listings: the initial asking price, the final price in the listing data (that we interpret as the opening bid when the ultimate buyer is identified) and the sale price. The graph for all listings naturally does not contain sale prices. There is clear visual evidence of bunching at the threshold for each of the prices. Bunching appears strongest for the final price than for the initial price, and perhaps weaker for the sale price. These visual perceptions are confirmed by our estimates in Table 13 that indicates substantial bunching for both initial and final listing prices, that exceeds the response at the sale stage. This evidence casts further doubt on the possibility that the responses that we identified might be driven by evasion, because these are responses that occur before a buyer who would be willing to engage in tax evasion is even identified. The response of the listing prices indicates that sellers internalize the presence of the tax (which is the responsibility of the buyer!) even before meeting the buyer. In the next section we will try to understand this process in more detail. Figures 10 and 11 show analogous results for the smaller RPTT threshold. These graphs are noisier and evidence of response is hard to see; formal estimates do not reveal it. As discussed before, we found a response to the RPTT only for new sales where it applies to buyers. However, the number of new sales in the listing data is small and we run into power issues. We will proceed by analyzing the mansion tax threshold only. 5 Understanding the response In the previous section, we showed that the distribution of listing prices is distorted already at the initial stage. Figure 12 show that the effect of the tax is not limited to the initial posting. In fact, there is clear evidence that discount from the initial price to the final advertised price (i.e., before buyer is identified) and to the final sale price increase as the price increase above $1,000,000. We present the median and 75th percentiles of the distribution of discounts (many listings are not revised) in the figures. Naturally, the effect is not immediate at $1,000,000 because the tax applies to the sale price and not the initial price which constitutes the running variable. Figure 13 shows analogous evidence for discounts from the final to the sale price — i.e., occurring during bargaining process. There is similar evidence of an increase in discounts above the tax threshold. These findings suggest that incidence effects uncover throughout the search process — by distorting the initial prices, subsequent revisions and, finally, during bargaining stage. In Figure 14, we focus on the mean discounts from the initial price that blur the impact of the tax but allow for decomposing the response. Roughly half of the response is due to price revisions and half due to discounts at bargaining stage. 15 In Figure 15, we show the distribution of sale prices conditional on asking price. There is clear evidence of the distortion to the median and, especially, to the 25th percentile of the prices. In Figure 16, we superimpose estimated quantile regression lines on both sides of the threshold that illustrate that discounts from the initial price increase significantly (and apparently permanently) once the tax threshold is crossed. 5.1 Informational content of prices The presence of bunching in asking prices suggests that buyers may have less information than they would have otherwise. More generally, evidence of an increase in discounts suggests that the relationship between the initial price and the final price may (though does not have to) be affected. In Figures 17 and 18, we test this possibility by investigating the relationship between initial and sale prices. Conditional on sale price, the spread of initial prices increases significantly around the threshold and stays elevated in an extended range. Conditional on the initial asking price, the evidence of dispersion in the sale prices is very strong and seemingly not limited to the neighborhood of the threshold. Figure 18 suggests that the tax reduces the information available to buyers not just around the threshold but permanently. 5.2 Evidence of other responses Increased frictions may also affect the time that properties spent on the market. In Figure 19 we investigate this possibility and find that evidence that this is for properties that are initially priced just over the threshold but no clear evidence otherwise. Another possibility is that properties do not sell at all. We investigate it on Figure 20 and find counterintuitive result that properties initially priced over $1 million actually sell at a higher rate than others. Figures 21 and 22 show that this effect is driven by an unexpected channel: listings that start above $1 million are actually less likely to sell with the REBNY realtor and much more likely to sell through other channels (directly by owner or through other realtors). We interpret these results as showing that sellers who are otherwise affected by the tax, respond by giving up services of effectively taxable real estate agents and instead substitute their own (nontaxable!) time. Indeed, Figures 23 and 24 show that sales outcome of sellers who stay and those who do not stay with original realtors are dramatically different: those who sell without a realtor sell at lower prices with much clearer evidence of pricing below the tax threshold. 6 Conclusions 16 References Benjamin, John D., N. Edward Coulson, and Shiawee X. Yang, “Real estate transfer taxes and property values: The Philadelphia story,” The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1993, 7 (2), 151–157. Bernheim, Douglas B. and Jonathan Meer, “Do Real Estate Brokers Add Value When Listing Services Are Unbundled?,” Economic Inquiry, 2012. Forthcoming. Carrillo, Paul E. and Jaren C. Pope, “Are homes hot or cold potatoes? 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The Rolling Sales files contain limited details about the properties themselves, including square footage, number of units (residential and commercial), tax class (residential, owned by utility co., or all other property), and building class category (a more detailed property code—for example, one-family homes, two-family homes, residential vacant land, walk-up condo, etc.). Transaction details in the data include the sale price and date. A sale price of $0 indicates a transfer of ownership without cash consideration (ex. from parents to children). New York City properties are subject to the mansion tax if they are single-, double-, or triplefamily homes, or individual condo or co-op units. We define taxable sales as those transactions of a single residential unit (and no commercial units) with a building classification of “one family homes,” “two family homes,” “three family homes,” “tax class 1 condos,” “coops - walkup apartments,” “coops - elevator apartments,” “special condo billing lots/condo-rental,” “condos - walkup apartments,” “condos - elevator apartments,” “condos - 2–10 unit residential,” “condos - 2–10 unit with commercial use,” or “condo coops/condops.” We define co-ops as a building code of “coops - walkup apartments,” or “coops - elevator apartments.” We define a commercial sale to be a transaction with at least one commercial unit (and no residential units) or a tax class of 3 or 4. New York State Office of Real Property Service SalesWeb The New York State Office of Real Property Service (NYSORPS) publishes sales records for all real-property transactions (excluding New York City) recorded between 2002–2006 and 2008–2010 available through the “SalesWeb” database. Since deeds are recorded after the sale, this data includes a small number of sales from 2007. The database is compiled by ORPS from filings of the State of New York Property Transfer Report (form RP-5217). The NYS deeds records indicate several details about each transaction and property. Transactionspecifc details include the sale price and date, the date the deed was recorded (and recording details such as book and page number), the buyer’s, seller’s, and attorney’s name and address (often missing), the number of parcels included in the transaction, and details about the relationship between the buyer and the seller (whether the sale is between relatives, whether the buyer is also a seller, whether one party is a business or the government, whether the sale is defined by the state as arms-length11 , etc.). Property details include the square footage, assessed value (for property-tax 11 The data dictionary defines an arms-length sale as “a sale of real property in the open market, between an informed and willing buyer and seller where neither is under any compulsion to participate in the transaction, unaffected by 19 purposes), address (including street address, county, zip code, school district), and the property class (one-family home, condo, etc.). We consider as subject to the mansion tax all single-unit sales with property class equal to one-, two-, or three-family residence or a seasonal residence. New Jersey Treasury SR1A File We make use of sales records from the New Jersey Treasury’s SR1A file for 1996–2008, which contains records of all SR1A forms filed at the time of sale (the form is mandatory in the state for all residential sales). Each record includes the sale price and date the deed was drawn, buyer and seller name and address (often missing), deed recording details (date submitted, date recorded, document number), and whether there are additional lots associated with the sale. Property details include land value, tax lot, square footage, and property class. We define taxable sales as those with a residential property class. New York City County Register Deeds Records These data are collected from the county registers for the five counties in New York City: Bronx County, Kings County, New York County, Queen’s County, and Richmond County. The records were collected by an anonymous private firm and made available to us by the Paul Millstein Center for Real Estate at the Columbia Graduate School of Business. These data include additional detail as compared to the Rolling Sales files, although at the expense of precision. Prices in this data set are rounded to the nearest $100, which leads to misallocation of sales to one side of a tax notch. Transaction details include the sale price and date, an indicator for whether the unit is newly constructed, the number of parcels being sold, whether the purchase was made in cash (i.e. whether a mortgage is associated with the sale), and indicators for private lenders and within-family sales. Property details are limited to address, zip code, and county. Real Estate Board of New York Listings Service We have collected residential real-estate listings from the Real Estate Board of New York’s (REBNY) electronic listing service. REBNY is a trade association of about 300 realty firms operating in Manhattan and Brooklyn. REBNY accounts for about 70% of all residential real-estate listings in these boroughs. A condition of REBNY membership is that realtors are required to post all listings and updates to the listing service within 24 hours. Using the REBNY listing service, we have collected all “closed” (i.e. sold) or “pernanently off market” residential listings posted between 2003 (when the electronic listings are first available) and 2010. REBNY listings include the typical details available on a real-estate listing: asking price, address, date on the market and a description of the property. Additionally, we observe all updates to each listing (and the dates of each update), which lets us see how asking prices evolve and determine the length of time a property is on the market. Finally, we observe the final outcome of the listing: whether the property is sold or taken off the market. any unusual conditions indicating a reasonable possibility that the full sales price is not equal to the fair market value of the property assuming fee ownership” 20 We create several variables for each REBNY listing. We define the initial asking price as the first posted price on the listing, and the final asking price as the last posted price while the listing is “active.” We identify the length of time that a listing spends on the market as the number of days between the initial posting and the date that the listing is updated as “in contract.” We define the 1 discount between two prices as the percent drop in price— p0p−p , where p0 and p1 are prices and p0 0 is posted before p1 . One caveat to the REBNY listings is that the price is often not updated at the time of sale. To overcome this, we match REBNY listings to the NYCDOF data by address and date. Of the 48,220 closed REBNY listings for Manhattan, we achieve a match rate of 92%. At the same time, of the 23,655 Manhattan listings that are not reported as closed in the REBNY listings database, we find 7,425 corresponding sales in the NYCDOF data. We treat such matches as an indication that the property was sold without the REBNY realtor (either sold by the owner or using another realtor). 21 Table 1: Real Estate Tranfer Tax Schedules (a) NJ Realty Transfer Fee Schedule Total Consideration ≤$350,000 0.4% 0.67% 0.78% $2,105 Total Consideration >$350,000 $0–$150,000 $150,001–$200,000 $200,001–$350,000 Taxes at $350,000 $2,735 $350,001–$550,000 0.96% $550,001–$850,000 1.06% $850,001–$1,000,000 1.16% $1,000,000+ 1.21% Note: Sellers are responsible for remitting the RTF to the government. (b) Mansion Tax Schedule (NJ & NY) Total Consideration <$1,000,000 Total Consideration ≥$1,000,000 $0–$999,999 0% 1% Taxes at $1,000,000 $0 $10,000 ≥$1,000,000 1% Note: In both states, buyers are responsible for remitting the mansion tax to the government. (c) Real Property Transfer Tax (NYC) Total Consideration ≤$500,000 Total Consideration >$500,000 Property Type Residential Commercial Residential Commercial $0–$500,000 1% 1.425% 1.425% 2.625% Taxes at $500,000 $5000 $7125 $7125 $13,125 >$500,000 1.425% 2.625% Note: Sellers are responsible for remitting the NYC RPTT. However, it is customary for buyers to pay the tax on sponsored sales (ex. new construction, condo conversions). 22 Table 2: Sample Statistics Number of Sales Share Mean Price Median Price Total Sales between $950,000 and $1,050,000 Total Taxable Non-Taxable Total Taxable Non-Taxable Total Taxable Non-Taxable Total Taxable Non-Taxable Total Taxable Non-Taxable NYC (2003 – 2011) 633372 392446 240926 100 62 38 944825.4 657774.4 1412405 428068 402000 475000 12561 8133 4428 NYS (2002 – 2010) 2062229 1483982 578247 100 72 28 204184.7 206706.3 197713.3 85000 112000 28000 8646 6287 2359 NJ (1996 – 2008) 3010233 2400399 609834 100 79.7 20.3 235141.4 197090.4 384916 149000 145000 169990 12295 7587 4708 Notes: Taxable sales are defined to capture transactions likely to be covered by the mansion tax in each geography (while non-taxable sales will include cases where tax status is ambiguous due to a combination of legal exceptions and limited data). NYC data is from the Department of Finance Rolling Sales file for 2003–2011 (taxable sales defined as single-unit non-commercial sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos). Data for NYS from Office of Real Property Service deeds records for 2002–2006 and 2008–2010 (taxable defined as all single-parcel residential sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes). Data for NJ from the State Treasury SR1A file for 1996–2008 (taxable defined as any residential sale). 23 24 N . . . . . . . 49030 55353 53835 49401 49664 40980 31782 27441 32301 NYC Med Price Med Real Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290000 267017.1 340000 302651 395460 342345.4 444132 371177 480000 391945.3 475000 371548.5 418690.5 328269.3 460000 356305.5 455000 341493.8 N . . . . . . 167417 171622 180127 180519 155726 6059 120061 113362 106880 . NYS Median Price . . . . . . 130000 145900 162600 180000 169000 283000 160000 154486 160000 . Med Real Price . . . . . . 121843.4 133702.1 145194.7 155410 141089.1 228636.5 125202 121030.5 123529.2 . N 126000 130028 147590 157392 156264 156438 167524 171815 182189 177218 143557 121721 38961 . . . NJ Median Price 123500 126000 133835 138000 145200 161900 189000 226000 264900 305000 320000 315000 285000 . . . Med Real Price 132758.1 132734.3 138325.1 140158.8 142883.8 154059.7 176913.6 207571 235691.5 263219.3 267671 255736.7 225458.8 . . . Notes: Taxable sales are defined to capture transactions likely to be covered by the mansion tax in each geography (while non-taxable sales will include cases where tax status is ambiguous due to a combination of legal exceptions and limited data). NYC data is from the Department of Finance Rolling Sales file for 2003–2011 (taxable sales defined as single-unit non-commercial sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos). Data for NYS from the Office of Real Property Services deeds records for 2002–2006 and 2008–2010 (taxable defined as all single-parcel residential sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes). Data for NJ from the State Treasury SR1A file for 1996–2008 (taxable defined as any residential sale). Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Table 3: Taxable Sales Over Time Table 4: REBNY Listings Sample Statistics Sold Days on the Market Initial Asking Price Final Asking Price Sale Price* Discount (First to Sale)* Discount (First to Final) Discount (Final to Sale)* Matched, but not Closed All Listings Mean Median 0.671 1 197.859 110 1604547 899000 1602670 875000 1237652 780000 0.06 0.043 0.019 0 0.03 0.023 0.103 0 n 71875 67550 71875 71875 44320 44320 71875 44320 71875 Closed and Matched Sales Mean Median n 1 1 44320 146.107 80 40680 1384028 825000 44320 1435747 799000 44320 1237652 780000 44320 0.06 0.043 44320 0.012 0 44320 0.03 0.023 44320 0 0 44320 Notes: Data from the Real Estate Board of New York’s listing service; represents all REBNY listings in Manhattan between 2003 and 2010 that are closed or off market. Sold is an indicator equal to one if the final status of the listing is “Closed.” Days on the market is calculated as the number of days between the initial active listing and the final status of “in contract” (if the property sells with REBNY) or “permanently off market” (otherwise). Initial asking price is the asking price on the listing when first active; final asking price is the price listed immediately prior to the listing closing or being taken off the market. Sale price is the price reported in the NYC DOF data and is available only for REBNY listings that have a match in the DOF data. Discount is defined as (initial price - last price) / initial price. 5,940 listings have invalid listing and off-market dates (missing or obviously misreported), and are omitted from days on market/sale calculations. Sold with REBNY is an indicator that a listing has a match in the NYC DOF data, but is never reported as “Closed” by the REBNY agent. * indicates the statistic is calculated conditional on the listing closing and matching to the NYC DOF data. 25 26 1020137.099 1022651.161 1021740.212 1019365.681 1018692.079 1016204.914 1016331.357 1016700.363 1018175.902 1020100.292 1021791.952 1021714.491 1023552.716 1024620.193 1023357.325 1016656.579 1018245.351 Baseline: 3rd Order, Omit $990k – $1.1M 1st Order 2nd Order 4th Order 5th Order 6th Order Omit $990k – $1.01M Omit $990k – $1.025M Omit $990k – $1.050M Omit Price ≥ $990k Omit $980k – $1.1M Omit $970k – $1.1M Omit $960k – $1.1M Omit $950k – $1.1M No Discontinuity at Threshold OLS, $5000 Bins OLS, $10000 Bins 1002.171 1019.381 1106.111 1459.447 1101.66 979.908 958.485 1021.825 1297.738 1113.779 1126.719 866.317 204.586 845.046 1820.956 1742.113 1043.411 Std. Error 1039172.869 1024316.746 1018037.158 1017633.055 999301.891 999393.565 999960.048 1012703.41 1024350.868 1024343.693 1024518.34 1024991.424 1024977.649 1005032.379 1013332.433 1024169.542 Gap 1194.007 386.877 2211.538 2474.912 1652.231 20.193 194.646 1092.657 384.938 416.717 282.996 966.384 836.057 5120.439 3584.697 686.284 Std. Error 107777 107777 107777 107777 107777 111073 110677 109913 90696 106935 105948 105101 103913 107777 107777 107777 107777 n Notes: Incidence estimates by MLE using data from NYC Department of Finance Rolling Sales file for 2003–2011. Sample is restricted to all taxable sales (single-unit non-commercial sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos) with prices between $510,000 and $1,500,000. Incidence Specification Table 5: Mansion Tax, NYC Table 6: Mansion Tax, by Region Sample NYC NYC (Yrs Since Contr.) NYS (excl. NYC) NJ Post Tax NJ Post Tax (Yrs. Since Constr.) NJ Pre Tax NJ Pre Tax (Yrs. Since Constr.) All <0 0 1 2 3 4–6 7+ All Old New All 0 1 2 3 4–6 7+ All 0 1 2 3 4–6 7+ Incidence 1020137.099 1049054.752 1014350.51 1010656.719 1012930.019 1022965.88 1024587.946 1021098.749 1022040.067 1021541.398 1030726.162 1021749.859 1036831.498 1015596.349 1024086.308 1023489.171 1022395.4 1020133.785 999212.833 999510.246 999999.024 999158.962 997134.253 999335.584 999217.855 Std. Error 1112.065 16400.406 8110.852 3161.653 2845.458 5243.869 4903.579 1456.981 1311.569 1380.212 7507.74 1599.151 13676.785 7240.816 7854.407 8373.455 4285.694 1947.966 36.546 2521.52 8195.094 1552.95 2537.63 278.616 45.998 Gap 1024169.542 1026372.814 1013795.203 1034428.244 1020471.916 1023791.783 1040462.957 1024276.017 1028140.388 1026815.57 1049702.23 1024413.21 1024693.428 1031723.732 1014230.067 1024408.158 1024952.859 1024404.738 1006702.44 999767.682 1010920.084 1024102.996 983243.507 1024640.566 1012451.003 Std. Error 703.141 15497.931 15212.777 7078.796 6210.459 8951.187 6185.779 592.98 1988.517 1872.429 3077.446 389.533 13412.089 11380.295 17080.624 11938.152 6122.684 822.455 3126.063 21158.688 12468.02 14120.242 19769.328 6581.474 4308.25 n 107777 604 1095 3642 4635 2345 2554 75674 111517 107535 3982 87823 976 1869 1495 1753 5171 62793 62999 825 985 1222 1424 3787 39017 Notes: Estimates from baseline procedure (3rd-order polynomial, omit $990k–$1M). NYC data is from the Department of Finance Rolling Sales file for 2003–2011 (taxable sales defined as single-unit non-commercial sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos). Data for NYS from the Office of Real Property Services deeds records for 2002–2006 and 2008–2010 (taxable defined as all single-parcel residential sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes). Data for NJ from the State Treasury SR1A file for 1996–2008 (taxable defined as any residential sale). NJ sample restricted to sales recorded between 1996 and 2003 for pre-tax estimates and post August, 2004 for estimates in presence of the tax. Years since construction defined as the difference between the year the property was built and the year of sale. New sales in New York state are defined as any being flagged as new construction. 27 Table 7: NYC Real Property Transfer Tax NYC NYS Sample New Old New Old Incidence 501597.724 499614.834 499532.221 499110.756 Std. Error 718.315 28.544 440.783 18.446 Gap 500240.342 499107.35 491151.744 499238.192 Std. Error 1190.69 157.32 3599.767 60.204 n 22626 265543 19687 698862 Notes: Estimates based on 5th-order polynomial, omitting sales between $490,000 and $550,000. NYC data is from the Department of Finance Rolling Sales file for 2003–2011. Data for NYS from the Office of Real Property Services deeds records for 2002–2006 and 2008–2010 (excluding NYC) restricted to all single-parcel residential sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes. Sales in NYC are defined as single-unit non-commercial sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos. New sales are defined as any sale occurring within three years of unit’s construction (in NYC) or any sale flagged as new construction (in NYS, excluding NYC). Table 8: NJ Realty Transfer Fee Omitted Region $340k–$400k $345k–$400k Incidence 349492.126 349469.436 Std. Error 19.804 18.524 Gap 348332.936 348053.374 Std. Error 440.07 435.186 n 421468 426899 Notes: Estimates based on 5th-order polynomial, omitting sales in the indicated region. Data for NJ from the State Treasury SR1A file for Aug. 2004 through 2008 (taxable defined as any residential sale). Sample is restricted to taxable sales with prices between $100,000 and $900,000. 28 29 Incidence 1014455.145 1021984.526 1024011.537 Std. Error 2064.824 1177.482 915.067 Gap 1023982.611 1024255.175 1024248.239 Std. Error 2383.789 798.624 815.375 n 28058 79719 67519 Sample All Cash Mortgage Arms-Length Non-Arms-Length Incidence 1017195.518 1014139.99 1018509.338 1021923.036 1023255.82 Std. Error 1607.718 2231.711 2225.505 1367.195 3308.883 Gap 1029198.879 1024450.398 1034432.707 1029302.345 1023398.319 Std. Error 1931.629 828.998 2553.994 2212.865 5594.466 n 79435 29291 50144 100534 10983 Notes: NYC Deeds Records data from deeds records collected by private data provider (taxable defined as any residential sale). Non-arms-length sales in NYS defined by the Office of Real Property Services as a sale of real property between relatives or former relatives, related companies or partners in business, where one of the buyers is also a seller, or “other unusual factors affecting sale price” (ex. divorce or bankruptcy). NY State NYC Deeds Records Geography Table 10: Mansion Tax: Evasion Notes: Incidence estimates by MLE using data from NYC Department of Finance Rolling Sales file for 2003–2011. Sample is restricted to all taxable sales (single-unit non-commercial sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos) with prices between $510,000 and $1,500,000. Coops are identified as sales with associated building codes equal to “Coops - Walkup Apartments” or “Coops - Elevator Apartments.” NYC Non-Coops NYC Coops Sample All All Old Table 9: Mansion Tax by Property Type (Coop vs. Non-Coop) Table 11: NYC Mansion Tax: Placebos Cutoff Commercial 600,000 700,000 800,000 900,000 1,100,000 Incidence 999350.137 599257.387 699279.176 799210.939 899169.227 1099059.583 Std. Error 66.102 32.874 30.541 29.639 26.872 146.288 Gap 999738.022 599750.513 698250.242 791895.943 791092.447 1111937.941 Std. Error 1038.92 731.249 1168.353 1983.227 4908.542 1945.735 n 6395 86794 95405 100582 101874 108609 Notes: Data from NYC Department of Finance Rolling Sales file for 2003–2011. Commercial sales are defined as any transaction of at least one commercial unit and no residential units or a NYC tax class of 3 (utility properties) or 4 (commercial or industrial properties) and are not subject to the mansion tax. Table 12: NYC Over Time Year 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Incidence 1013332.409 1022734.837 1029680.354 1019609.237 1016019.041 1016565.392 1021414.821 1015390.475 1019300.361 Std. Error 4028.256 2685.899 4155.561 2741.283 2298.069 2531.723 3080.109 3593.947 3309.653 Gap 1022040.529 1018218.629 1030943.347 1024601.377 1024053.356 1017390.173 1003469.802 1030732.583 1024941.986 Std. Error 5523.747 5680.969 4072.798 2458.913 2890.239 4615.174 5278.356 4766.875 3119.67 n 7646 11174 14381 15636 17331 13464 9048 8847 10250 Notes: Data from NYC Department of Finance Rolling Sales files, restricted to taxable sales (single-unit non-commercial sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos) in the given year. Table 13: Mansion Tax: Listings Sample All Sold Unsold Price First Final First Final Sale First Final Incidence 1024054.397 1025936.624 1024027.132 1029615.738 1017363.849 1024128.815 1024852.06 Std. Error 1128.428 2124.956 1611.512 3418.527 1919.906 2458.838 3003.655 Gap 1024283.191 1021118.533 1024033.484 1016288.534 1023952.165 1024769.283 1024234.591 Std. Error 633.216 2860.161 2197.155 4097.914 2152.11 2959.917 3425.851 n 37770 37189 26207 25792 25585 7932 7853 Notes: Data from the Real Estate Board of New York’s listing service; represents all REBNY listings between 2003 and 2010 that are closed or off market. Unsold sample defined as all listings with final status not equal to “closed.” Sold sample defined as all listings that match to a NYC Department of Finance sale record with final status equal to “closed.” First price is the initial price posted on the listing. Final price is the last price posted while the listing is active (prior to statust being changed to “in contract” or “off market”). Sale price is the recorded price from the NYC Department of Finance. 30 0 Number of Sales per $5000 bin 2000 4000 6000 Figure 1: Distribution of Taxable Sales in New York State 750000 1000000 Sales Price 750000 1000000 Sales Price 1250000 1500000 0 Number of Sales per $25000 bin 5000 10000 15000 20000 500000 500000 1250000 1500000 Notes: Plot of the number of mansion-tax eligible sales in each $5,000 (panel a) or $25,000 (panel b) price bin between $510,000 and $1,500,000. Data from the NYC Rolling Sales file for 2003–2010 (taxable sales defined as single-unit non-commercial sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes, coops, and condos) and from NYS from Office of Real Property Service deeds records for 2002–2006 and 2008–2010 (taxable defined as all single-parcel residential sales of one-, two-, or three-family homes). 31 2000 Number of Sales per $5000 bin 4000 6000 8000 Figure 2: Distribution of Sales in New York City around the $500,000 RPTT tax notch 350000 400000 450000 500000 Sales Price 550000 600000 650000 Notes: Plot of the number of sales in each $5,000 price bin between $350,000 and $650,000. Data from the NYC Rolling Sales file for 2003–2011. Both commercial and non-commercial sales are subject to the NYC RPTT. 0 Number of Sales per $5000 bin 500 1000 1500 2000 Figure 3: Distribution of NJ Sales Pre-Mansion Tax 500000 750000 1000000 Sales Price 1250000 1500000 Notes: Plot of the number of mansion-tax eligible sales in each $5,000 price bin between $510,000 and $1,500,000, prior to the introduction of the tax. Data from NJ deeds records for 1996–2003 (taxable defined as any residential sale). 32 0 20 Number of Sales 40 60 Figure 4: New Jersey Monthly Sales $990,000 to $1,010,000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Month $990,000 to $999,999 $1,000,000 to $1,009,999 Notes: Total taxable NJ sales in given price range by month. Data for NJ from deeds records (via NJ Treasury) for 2000–2008 (taxable defined as any residential sale). Mansion tax introduced in August, 2004. 33 .2 Share of sales $900k -- $1.1M .4 .6 .8 1 Figure 5: Distribution of Monthly Sales in New Jersey ($900k – $1M) 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Date < 925k < 950k < 975k < 1M < 1.025M < 1.05M < 1.075M < 1.1M Notes: Number of taxable sales in given range as a share of total sales between $900,000 and $1,100,000 by month. Data from NJ deeds records for 2000–2008 (taxable defined as any residential sale). Mansion tax introduced in August, 2004. 34 -2 log( NJ sales post tax) - log( NJ sales pre tax) -1 0 1 Figure 6: Distribution of All Sales in New Jersey 500000 750000 1000000 Sale Price 1250000 1500000 Notes: Plot of the difference between the log number of NJ taxable sales per $10,000 price bin from October 1, 2004 to September 30, 2005 and July 2, 2002 to April 30, 2004. Data for NJ from deeds records for 2000–2008 (taxable defined as any residential sale). Pre-period (July 2, 2002 to April 30, 2004) selected to balance the total number of taxable sales between $510,000–$1,500,000 between the pre and post periods. 35 36 Incidence Seller's price Threshold with the tax Counterfactual distribution Buyer's price Price Observed distribution Figure 7: Incidence and gap concepts Incidence estimate Source of bunchers Bunching Tax Without the tax of buyer's and seller's surplus leads to maximizing some function Assume that bargaining process Gap Gap estimate "Missing" sales $1,000,000 Omitted region Counterfactual distribution 0 .02 Share of Sales .04 .06 .08 Figure 8: Distribution of Real-Estate Listing Prices in NYC (Sold Properties Only) 750000 Initial Asking Price 1000000 Price $25,000 Bins Final Asking Price 1250000 1500000 Sale Price 0 .02 Share of Sales .04 .06 500000 500000 750000 Initial Asking Price 1000000 Price $25,000 Bins Final Asking Price 1250000 1500000 Sale Price Notes: Data from REBNY listings matched to NYC Department of Finance sales records. Sample restricted to “sold” listings = last listing status = “closed” and property can be matched to NYC sales data. Panel a presents a plot of the number of listings per $25,000 bin as a share of all sales between $500,000 and $1,500,000 (bins centered so that the threshold bin spans $975,001– $1,000,000). Panel b presents a smoothed plot of the distribution that accounts for round-number bunching. The log of the per-bin counts from panel a are regressed on a cubic in price and dummy variables for multiples of $50,000 and $100,000 interacted with the price. Predicted bunching for round-number bins are then subtracted from the corresponding counts. 37 0 .02 Share of Sales .04 .06 Figure 9: Distribution of Real-Estate Listing Prices in NYC (All REBNY-Listed Properties) 750000 1000000 Price $25,000 Bins Initial Asking Price 1250000 1500000 Final Asking Price 0 .02 Share of Sales .04 .06 500000 500000 750000 1000000 Price $25,000 Bins Initial Asking Price 1250000 1500000 Final Asking Price Notes: Data from REBNY listings. Sample includes all REBNY-listed sales in the given range. Panel a presents a plot of the number of listings per $25,000 bin as a share of all sales between $500,000 and $1,500,000 (bins centered so that the threshold bin spans $975,001–$1,000,000). Panel b presents a smoothed plot of the distribution that accounts for round-number bunching. The log of the per-bin counts from panel a are regressed on a cubic in price and dummy variables for multiples of $50,000 and $100,000 interacted with the price. Predicted bunching for round-number bins are then subtracted from the corresponding counts. 38 0 .02 Share of Sales .04 .06 Figure 10: Distribution of Real-Estate Listing Prices in NYC (Sold Properties Only) 350000 400000 450000 Initial Asking Price 500000 Price $5000 Bins 550000 Final Asking Price 600000 650000 Sale Price 0 .02 Share of Sales .04 .06 Notes: Plot of the number of listings per $5,000 bin as a share of all sales between $350,000 and $650,000 (bins centered so that threshold bin spans $495,002–$500,001). Data from REBNY listings matched to NYC Department of Finance Sales data. Sample restricted to “sold” listings = last listing status = “closed” and property can be matched to NYC sales data. Figure 11: Distribution of Real-Estate Listing Prices in NYC (All REBNY-Listed Properties) 350000 400000 450000 500000 Price $5000 Bins Initial Asking Price 550000 600000 650000 Final Asking Price Notes: Plot of the number of listings per $5,000 bin as a share of all sales between $350,000 and $650,000 (bins centered so that threshold bin spans $495,002–$500,001). Data from REBNY listings. Sample includes all REBNY-listed sales in the given range. 39 0 .05 Median Discount .1 .15 .2 Figure 12: Median & 75th Percentile Price Discounts by Initial Asking Price 500000 750000 1000000 Initial Asking Price ($25000 bins) 1250000 1500000 First Asking vs. Final Asking Price (P75) First Asking vs. Sale Price (P75) First Asking vs. Sale Price (Median) First Asking vs. Final Asking Price (Median) 0 Median Discount Final Asking vs. Sale Price .02 .04 .06 .08 .1 Notes: Plot of the median and 25th percentile discount from initial asking to sale price ( = 1 final/initial) and initial asking to final asking price ( = 1 - sale/initial) per $25,000 initial-askingprice bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all closed REBNY-listed properties in the range $500,000–1,500,000 that match to NYC DOF data. Figure 13: Median Price Discount by Final Asking Price 500000 750000 1000000 Final Asking Price ($25000 bins) 75th Percentile 1250000 1500000 Median Discount Notes: Plot of the median and 25th percentile discount from final asking price to sale price ( = 1 - sale/final) per $25,000 final-asking-price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all closed REBNY-listed properties in the range $500,000–1,500,000 that match to NYC DOF data. 40 0 .02 Mean Discount .04 .06 .08 Figure 14: Mean Price Discounts by Initial Asking Price 500000 750000 First Asking vs. Sale Price 1000000 Initial Asking Price ($25000 bins) First Asking vs. Final Asking Price 1250000 1500000 Final Asking vs. Sale Price Notes: Plot of the average discount from initial asking to sale price ( = 1 - final/initial), initial asking to final asking price ( = 1 - sale/initial), and final asking price to sale price relative to initial asking price ( = (final - sale)/initial) per $25,000 initial-asking-price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all closed REBNY-listed properties in the range $500,000–1,500,000 that match to NYC DOF data. 41 800000 Sale Price 1000000 1200000 Figure 15: Distribution of Sale Price by Initial Asking Price 800000 900000 10th - 90th Percentile 1000000 Initial Asking Price 1100000 25th - 75th Percentile 1200000 Median 800000 Sale Price 1000000 1200000 Notes: Plot of the median, 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of sale price per $25,000 initialasking-price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all sold REBNY-listed properties (matched to NYC DOF) in the range $800,000–1,200,000. Figure 16: Distribution of Sale Price by Initial Asking Price (with Quantile Regression) 800000 900000 10th - 90th Percentile 1000000 Initial Asking Price 1100000 25th - 75th Percentile 1200000 Median Notes: Plot of the median, 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of sale price per $25,000 initialasking-price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all sold REBNY-listed properties (matched to NYC DOF) in the range $800,000–1,200,000. Lines represent quantile regressions for 42 the given range ($800k–$990k and $1M – $1.2M). .08 .09 Std Dev of Log(First Asking Price) .1 .11 .12 .13 Figure 17: Dispersion of First Asking Price, Conditional on Sale Price 500000 750000 1000000 Sale Price ($25000 bins) 1250000 1500000 .08 .09 Std Dev of Log(Sale Price) .1 .11 .12 Notes: Plot of the standard deviation of the log of initial asking price by $25,000 sale price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all sold REBNY-listed properties (matched to NYC DOF) in the range $500,000–1,500,000. Figure 18: Dispersion of Sale Price, Conditional on First Asking Price 500000 750000 1000000 First Asking Price ($25000 bins) 1250000 1500000 Notes: Plot of the standard deviation of the log of sale price by $25,000 inital asking price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all sold REBNY-listed properties (matched to NYC DOF) in the range $500,000–1,500,000. 43 0 100 Days on Market 200 300 400 Figure 19: Median Days to Sale by Initial Asking Price 500000 1000000 Initial Asking Price ($25000 bins) 25th Percentile 1500000 Median .74 Probability of Sale (with or without Realtor) .76 .78 .8 .82 .84 Notes: Plot of the median and 25th percentile of days to sale per $25,000 initial-asking-price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all REBNY-listed properties in the range $500,000– 1,500,000. Days to sale defined as the number of days between initial listing of the property and buyer and seller entering into contract (defined as final status = “in contract”). Unsold properties are assigned a value of 999 days on the market. Figure 20: Probability that Listed Property Sells by Initial Asking Price 500000 750000 1000000 Initial Asking Price ($25000 bins) 1250000 1500000 Notes: Plot of the share of REBNY-listed properties that close or are matched to a NYC DOF 44 sale per $25,000 bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all listed properties in the range $500,000–1,500,000. “Sold” defined as any property with a final listing status of “closed” or any listing that matches to NYC DOF sales. .6 Probability Listing Closes .65 .7 .75 Figure 21: Probability that Listed Property Sells with the agent by Initial Asking Price 500000 750000 1000000 Initial Asking Price ($25000 bins) 1250000 1500000 .05 Prob. of Leaving Realtor .1 .15 .2 Notes: Plot of the share of REBNY-listed properties that close in the REBNY database per $25,000 bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all listed properties in the range $500,000– 1,500,000. Figure 22: Probability of Selling Without REBNY by Initial Asking Price 500000 750000 1000000 Initial Asking Price ($25000 bins) 1250000 1500000 Notes: Plot of the share of REBNY listed properties that are sold in NYC DOF data, but are not sold in the REBNY listing per $25,000 initial-asking-price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all REBNY-listed properties in the range $500,000–1,500,000. 45 800000 Sale Price 1000000 1200000 Figure 23: Distribution of Sale Price by Initial Asking Price if Sell with REBNY 800000 900000 1000000 Initial Asking Price 25th - 75th Percentile 1100000 1200000 Median 800000 Sale Price 1000000 1200000 Notes: Plot of the median, 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of sale price per $25,000 initialasking-price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all sold REBNY-listed properties (matched to NYC DOF) in the range $800,000–1,200,000. Figure 24: Distribution of Sale Price by Initial Asking Price if Sell without REBNY 800000 900000 1000000 Initial Asking Price 25th - 75th Percentile 1100000 1200000 Median Notes: Plot of the median, 10th, 25th, 75th, and 90th percentiles of sale price per $25,000 initialasking-price bin. Data from REBNY listings—sample includes all sold REBNY-listed properties (matched to NYC DOF) in the range $800,000–1,200,000. 46