WALK TO USC - Daily Trojan
WALK TO USC - Daily Trojan
Page 12 Classifieds T u e s d a y, Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 0 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m Classified ads:may be placed in Student Union 404, Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – noon and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. Call (213) 740-2707:for more information. Classified ads cannot be taken over the phone and require advance payment. No refunds on cancelled classified ads. Visit www.dailytrojan.com/ads: for more rates, information, and policies. 000 Rentals Rooms NICE FURNISHED ROOM, use of kitchen, laundry, internet, cable, utilities paid. $625/mo. (323) 732-8591. (4-21) CHARMING CRAFTSMAN HOUSES Rooms in quiet shared houses. Short walk to USC. Off-street parking, shared kitchen, microwave, cable, internet, TV, washer/dryer, free utilities. 1188 W. 28th St. / 1248 W. 29th St. Singles: $565-$975/month. Call (213) 713-7440 (4-21) RENT FURNISHED SINGLE R O O M / S T U DI O / G R O U P HOUSE. One block walking from USC. $675/month/room. $845/ month/studio. (323) 766-7689, www.uscrental.com (S) WHY COMMUTE? Furnished room in private home on quiet residential street. $450/month includes utilities, kitchen privileges. Clean, safe and quiet environment. Prefer Non-Smoker USC male. Call (323) 733-6765 (S) FURNISHED ROOMS 3 blocks north of University. $600-$1,000/mo. Quiet study house, graduate students preferred. (818) 519-8955. (S) WALK, BIKE TO USC! ROOMS, APARTMENTS & 6 BEDROOM HOUSE SEE OUR WEBSITE! 000·Rentals 100 ·Property Sales 200·Help Wanted SUBLEASE: 2 BDRM/2 BATH. Stove, refrigerator, cable ready, laundry, parking, bike rack, 10 minute walk to USC campus, tram stop. A Must See! For more information, please call Mary at (213) 910-7564 or (213) 765-3330. (S) 1, 2, 3 & 4 BDRM units/ hoMes aRe availaBle Hardwood floors, appliances, cable, internet are provided. Near USC. Call (818) 540-5460 or e-mail kyles7777@aol.com (4-26) 2 BDRM/1 BATH & STUDIO APARTMENT. Pre-Leasing For Fall. $1,499/month & $1,050/month. Across from campus. Gated building, parking, onsite laundry, A/C, stove, refrigerator, microwave, dishwasher. 1133 W. 36th Place. Call (213) 765-3330, e-mail leasing@firstchoicehousing.com (S) ELEGANT 1 A N D 2 BDRM A P T S . Hardwood floors, marble countertops, stove, oven, microwave. Large rooms, lots light. Near Post Office & Food. Rent: $900/mo. & $1,400/mo. (323) 620-0812 or (323) 730-0058 300·Services 600·Miscellaneous 400·Merchandise 700·Announcements 500·Transportation WE ARE ROLLING BACK OUR RENTS TO 2007! TWO WEEKS FREE!* Studios: Starting @ $799/ month. 1 Bedroom: Starting @ $950/ month. 2 Bedroom: Starting @ $1,325/ month. Some of the amenities include: Hardwood flooring, cable, internet, central heating & A/C, dishwasher, laundry facility, stove, refrigerator, microwave, granite countertops, LCD TV (in selected units), gated parking, patios, and much more! 3036 S. Hoover Street (just South of 30th Street), (213) 765-3330, Leasing@firstchoicehousing.com, www.FirstChoiceHousing.com *Offer good while it lasts. Some restrictions apply. (S) TROJAN HOUSING 4131 Figueroa • Near USC Studios - $695-$745/month 1 Bedroom - $895-$975/month Internet free Call: (626) 757-2139 E-mail: baolai@sbcglobal.net 3 BDRM & 4 BDRM APTS. SPACIOUS 30th St. between Shrine & Royal Two blocks north of campus BBQ Area, Laundry, Bike Racks Immaculate on move-in Available June 1st - (818) 996-9080 CHARMING ART DECO APTS. 11 locations minutes from campus. Affordable living. All utilities included. Efficiency, Studio & 1 Bdrm available from $595-$1,195/month. Call (213) 380-0584 or visit our website @ www.swelgroup.com (S) LARGE STUDIO Fraternity/Sorority Row Adjacent. 28th & Hoover. Several units available. Special deal for groups. Great rates. (213) 747-2900 hkabakow@earthlink.net (S) 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, $1,150/MONTH. Completely furnished. All utilities paid. Available in August. Gated parking, laundry facility and cable included. 5-7 minute walk to campus. Call (323) 359-0694. (S) 2 B D R M A P T. From $1,295/month & up. Furnished, wood floors. Available August. Walking distance to USC. Remodeled. Free tram to campus. 2816 Ellendale Pl. (29th St./Ellendale Pl.) (S) (818) 345-4613 GO TROJANS!! WA L K TO U S C 2 bdrm/2 bath, 2 blocks from USC, cable and internet free, gated parking, A/C & heating, microwave, refrig, dishwasher, bus shuttle to USC, area security controlled by USC, can accommodate 4 roommates. (213) 272-2309, (213) 842-3001, 24 hours. (S) CALL US TODAY Features: Leases by Bedroom • Online Bill Payments Reliable Maintenance • Wireless Internet A/C • Pet Friendly Hardwood Floors • Granite Countertops Gated Parking • DPS Patrolled Areas Walk 1 block North of SC to 30th Street - “Graduate Row” • $20-$38/day Rooms, 1, 2 & 3 Bdrm Apts • NUPP Mgmt (213) 446-0680 (S) leasing@stuho.com • (323) 731-1034 Stove and Refrigerator Freshly Painted, New Carpet, Parking Space, Stove, Close to Campus Refrigerator,Near Close to Campus, Near USC Bus Station, A/C USC bus station and Heater. Please Call Priscilla Rojas at (626) 806-6882 Please call Priscilla Rojas at (626)806-6882. (S) CITY PARK APARTMENTS Now LEASINg foR 2010-2011 th Hu Pre-Leasing for Fall is rry sp fo ec r ia l! Studio to 4 bedrooms. Limited availability. $850 and up. AWARD WINNING BRAND NEW BUILDING. Beautiful huge 4 bedroom loft, $3,495/month and 2 bedroom/2 bath lofts, $2,450/month. Stove, refrigerator, central A/C & heating, gated building and parking, laundry, bike rack, beautiful courtyard. 10 minutes from USC and tram stop right in front of it. 922 W. 23rd Street. Call (213) 765-3330, leasing@firstchoicehousing.com (S) Summer Sublet June/July. Studio w/private bath/kitchen, parking. Great Rates! Phone/text: (213) 747-2900 EXTENDED STAY AND SC GUEST HOUSING On every unit: 1/2 off security deposit & 1/2 month free!* Apartments 28TH & HOOVER (4-20) - Newly Remodeled Buildings - Gated Parking Structures - Full Laundry Facilities on Every Floor - New Tiles for Kitchen & Bathroom Floors - Surveillance Cameras - Central A/C - Maintenance Staff On Site *Some restrictions apply. Offer may be discontinued without notice. - 5 Minutes Walk to USC Classic Housing Near USC www.robinsonresidences.com (213) 663-3022 (S) 3 BDRM/2 BATH & 1 BDRM/1 BATH. Pre-Leasing For Fall. $2,100/ month & $1,395/month. 1/2 block away from campus. Gated building, parking, laundry, stove, refrigerator. 1152 W. 36th Place. Call Mary (213) 910-7564, (213) 765-3330 or e-mail trojanvillage@firstchoicehousing.com (S) NEW STUDIO FOR SUBLEASE! $1,000/month, utilities included. Furnished. Walk to USC. Available May 8. Call Kelley (908) 419-6315. (4-21) One Bedroom Apartment for Rent. ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Freshly Painted New carpetFOR RENT Parking Space Classified Line Ad: Daily: $9.85 for 15 words or fewer, 35¢ for each additional word • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $44.50 for 15 words or fewer, $1 each additional word Classified Display Ad: Daily: $13.85 per column inch • Weekly: (5 consecutive insertions) $62.50 per column inch • Monthly: (20 consecutive insertions) $233.50 per column inch Apartment Pricing: 2 Bdrm / 2 Bath • $2,050/mo. (1st Floor) Studios: Starting at/ $850 2 Bdrm 2 Bath • $2,100/mo. (2nd Floor) Bdrm / 2 at Bath • $2,150/mo. (3rd Floor) 1 bedroom:2Starting $1295 2 Bdrm / 2 Bath • $2,200/mo. (4th Floor) 2 bedrooms: Starting at $1,425 Bdrm / 2 Bath • No Vacancy 3 bedrooms:3 Starting at $2,200 1246 & 1247at W.$3,395 30th St., LA, CA 90007 4 Bedrooms: Starting www.cityparkusc.com cityparkusc@gmail.com (just south of• Fax: 30th Tel: (323) 733-6157 (323)St.) 733-6543 3036 S. Hoover St. (S) (213) 765-3330 or leasing@FirstChoiceHousing.com (S) Prime Rental Locations - Fall 2010 The Palms 27th St The Caribbean 30th St Singles Starting @ $1,100/month 1 Bedrooms Starting @ $1,400/month 2 Bedrooms Starting @ $1,600/month Limited Units Available For Summer Properties are remodeled, have laundry facilities, and on-site parking is available Visit our website: www.gfpropertygroup.net for details Call (949) 235-8585 or (949) 235-6565 to set up your appointment (S) ONLY TWO BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS- The Trojan Buildings PRE-LEASING FOR FALL 2010! We are rolling back our rents to 2007! TWO WEEKS FREE!* Studios: Starting @ $795/month 1 Bdrm: Starting @ $950/month 2 Bdrm: Starting @ $1,325/month 3 Bdrm: Starting @ $1,895/month 4 Bdrm: Starting @ $2,995/month 6 Bdrm: $4,995/month Some of the amenities include: Hardwood Flooring, Cable, Internet, Central Heating & A/C, Dishwasher, Laundry Facility, Stove, Refrigerator, Microwave, Granite Countertops, LCD TV (in selected units), Gated Parking, Patios, and much more! 3036 S. Hoover St. (just S. of 30th St.) (213) 765-3330 • leasing@FirstChoiceHousing.com * Offer good while it lasts. Subject to termination without notice. Some restrictions apply. www.FirstChoiceHousing.com ARE TOO GOOD TO MISS! Apartments still available in 3 prime locations just north of campus. All properties feature: •FREE gated parking •24 hr. security cameras •On-site managers •On-site laundry •Air conditioning •All major kitchen appliances •Bike racks inside property •USC tram stops right out front Trojan Plaza- A fun and popular building with an outdoor seating area, pool, & basketball hoop. Studios from $1075 Ellendale Trojan and Trojan Terraza- Quiet and relaxed places to live and study with FREE wireless internet, new elevators, recently remodeled exteriors, & many upgraded interiors with granite counters. 1 Bedrooms are $1395 2 Bedroom/1 Bath are $1950 2 Bedroom/2 Bath are $2100 www.trojanbuildings.com or Call (310) 399-7333 ext. 106 (S) For more details, Visit Classifieds WE ARE ROLLING BACK OUR RENTS TO 2007! Two Weeks Free! * 3 Bedroom: Starting @ $1,895/month. 4 Bedroom Lofts: Starting @ $3,495/ month. 6 Bedroom: $4,995/month. Some of the amenities include: Hardwood flooring, cable, internet, central heating & A/C, dishwasher, laundry facility, stove, refrigerator, microwave, granite countertops, LCD TV (in selected units), gated parking, patios, and much more! 3036 S. Hoover Street (just South of 30th Street), (213) 765-3330, Leasing@firstchoicehousing.com, www.FirstChoiceHousing.com *Offer good while it lasts. Some restrictions apply. (S) PRE-LEASING Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 0 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m SUBLEASE: SPACIOUS APARTMENTS NEAR USC. Spacious units available includes refrigerator, stove and laundry. Walking distance to tram. 1+1, $895/mo. 1026 W. 22nd Street. Call Nadine at (951) 285-3588. (S) PORTLAND COURTYARD Pre-Leasing Now Studio, 1 & 2 Bedroom Spacious & Recently Remodeled Swimming Pool, Spa & BBQ On-site Laundry Facility WE ARE ROLLING BACK OUR RENTS TO 2007! Two Weeks Free! * 3 Bedroom: Starting @ $1,895/month. 4 Bedroom Lofts: Starting @ $3,495/ month. 6 Bedroom: $4,995/month. Some of the amenities include: Hardwood flooring, cable, internet, central heating & A/C, dishwasher, laundry facility, stove, refrigerator, microwave, granite countertops, LCD TV (in selected units), gated parking, patios, and much more! 3036 S. Hoover Street (just South of 30th Street), (213) 765-3330, Leasing@firstchoicehousing.com, www.FirstChoiceHousing.com *Offer good while it lasts. Some restrictions apply. (S) USC Tram Stop REASONABLE RENTS Gated Community/ 24 Hour Surveillance X-large 3 bdrm/2 bath, fully furnished, quiet, security, parking, laundry. 1 block from campus. (562) 619-2880 or (562) 421-9658 OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY Walk to School 12 Locations Check us out at: www.CollegeRentals.com Now Leasing or www.MyNewPlace.com (213) 748-7538 or (213) 383-1310 (4-27) 14 Locations starting $800 & up Single Walk or Ride Tram A/B WE ARE ROLLING BACK OUR One Bedroom starting $900 & up RENTS TO 2007! TWO WEEKS www.nupac.com FREE!* Studios: Starting @ $799/ Two Bedrooms starting $1400 & up (213) 745-7838 (S) month. 1 Bedroom: Starting @ $950/ Three Bedrooms starting month. $20002 Bedroom: & up Starting @ $1,325/ month. Some of the amenities include: http://www.nupac.com Hardwood flooring, cable, internet, central heating & A/C, dishwasher, 213-745-7838 laundry facility, stove, refrigerator, mi- STUDIOS, 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS, single family houses on 29th Street. Laundry and parking available. (323) 730-0433, 29thstreetstudenthousing.com (,s,) Student HouSing JuSt a few min. walk to CampuS All types of units available: Single Rooms, Bachelors, Single, 1 Bdrm, 2 Bdrm, 3 Bdrm. Units start as low as $650/month - $2,450/month. For more info call: (310) 842-8234, E-mail: dancohousing@aol.com or visit us at: www.dancohousing.com (S) crowave, granite countertops, LCD TV (in selected units), gated parking, patios, and much more! 3036 S. Hoover Street (just South of 30th Street), (213) 765-3330, Leasing@firstchoicehousing.com, www.FirstChoiceHousing.com *Offer good while it lasts. Some restrictions apply. (S) LARGE MID-CENTURY one bedroom furnished apartment located on 30th Street near UV. No Pets. (213) 747-2275 (S) WALK. Studios/Apts/Houses. Leasing Contract. $525+/month. North Gateway to USC. (213) 446-0680, nuppmauction.com/resources.html (S) CLASSIFIEDS • STU 404 • (213) 740-2707 (S) WE ARE ROLLING BACK OUR RENTS TO 2007! TWO WEEKS FREE!* Studios: Starting @ $799/ month. 1 Bedroom: Starting @ $950/ month. 2 Bedroom: Starting @ $1,325/ month. Some of the amenities include: Hardwood flooring, cable, internet, central heating & A/C, dishwasher, laundry facility, stove, refrigerator, microwave, granite countertops, LCD TV (in selected units), gated parking, patios, and much more! 3036 S. Hoover Street (just South of 30th Street), (213) 765-3330, Leasing@firstchoicehousing.com, www.FirstChoiceHousing.com *Offer good while it lasts. Some restrictions apply. (S) WE ARE ROLLING BACK OUR RENTS TO 2007! Two Weeks Free! * 3 Bedroom: Starting @ $1,895/month. 4 Bedroom Lofts: Starting @ $3,495/ month. 6 Bedroom: $4,995/month. Some of the amenities include: Hardwood flooring, cable, internet, central heating & A/C, dishwasher, laundry facility, stove, refrigerator, microwave, granite countertops, LCD TV (in selected units), gated parking, patios, and much more! 3036 S. Hoover Street (just South of 30th Street), (213) 765-3330, Leasing@firstchoicehousing.com, www.FirstChoiceHousing.com *Offer good while it lasts. Some restrictions apply. (S) Elegant World Class Resort Apartment Homes Less Than 10 Minutes From Campus • Free Wi-Fi • Private Study Rooms/ Library/DSL Computers • Free Gated Parking For Residents And Guests • Free Tanning • Karaoke Room • Greek Friendly Party Rooms • Outdoor Grills/BBQ Areas • Virtual Golf/Indoor Bowling • Full Size Indoor Basketball Court • Resort Style Swimming Pool • Night Light Tennis Courts • Roof-Top Pool And Resident Lounge Be Inspired... Best Downtown Locations! 11 BDRM / 7.5 BATH JUNE SPECIAL Remodeled Victorian House Walk To USC 2802 Ellendale Place (213) 446-0680 (S) GO TROJANS!! 6 BDRM/4 BATH HUGE VICTORIAN HOUSE Perfect for up to 8 people. Pre-leasing for Fall 2010. Totally remodeled, 42” HD TV, stove, 2 refrigerators, dishwasher, free washer/dryer, microwave, A/C, gated building/parking. It is a must see. Cable and internet wired. $4,995/mo. Tram stops in front. 1155 W. 24th St. (310) 652-9226, e-mail MOK310@aol.com (S) NORTH OF CAMPUS 4 bdrm unit that can house up to 6 students, off-street parking for 1 car, laundry facility on premises. 4 bdrm • 1314 W. 29th St. $3,650/month (6 people) Call Tony (310) 678-8710 (S) NICE HOUSES: 3 bdrm house, 3771 Catalina; 6 bdrm, 1 bdrm, 1430 W. 27th; 9 bdrm, 1236 W. 23rd. www.leasingsc.com, (323) 497-7514. (,s,) C LEAN WELL K EPT HOME 4 bdrm/ 2 bath includes appliances, some furnishings, water bill. Parking and negotiable internet/cable. $2,050/mo. Normandie/Washington Blvd. Martha (323) 313-3299 (S) 6 BDRM/4 BATH HUGE VICTORIAN HOUSE. Perfect for up to 8 people. Pre-leasing for Fall 2010. Totally remodeled, 42” HD TV, stove, 2 refrigerators, dishwasher, free washer/dryer, microwave, A/C, gated building/parking. It is a must see. Cable and internet wired. $4,995/month. Tram stops in front. 1155 W. 24th Street. Call or e-mail to view! (310) 652-9226, e-mail MOK310@aol.com (S) 8 BDRM HOUSE $6,495/month ($799/room). Starting August. Walking distance to USC. Remodeled. Free tram to campus. 2814 Ellendale Pl. (29th St./Ellendale Pl.) (818) 345-4613 (S) ONE BEDROOM HOUSE. PreLease For Fall. 1155 1/2 W. 24th Street. Totally renovated, dishwasher, stove, refrigerator, parking, free washer/ dryer in the unit, granite countertop, fully renovated kitchen. $1,495/month. Call Oliver (310) 652-9226 or e-mail MOK310@aol.com (S) 1/2 Block From Campus. Available Summer and/or Fall. Remodeled 3, 4 and 5 Bedroom Houses w/Spacious Rooms. Sleeps 3-10. Refrigerator, Stove, Dishwasher, Laundry, Big Backyard & Patio, Free Parking! (818) 312-6868, USCHousing@gmail.com The Downtown Renaissance Collection 6 BDRM/4 BATH HUGE VICTORIAN HOUSE. Perfect for up to 8 people. Pre-leasing for Fall 2010. Totally remodeled, 42” HD TV, stove, 2 refrigerators, dishwasher, free washer/dryer, microwave, A/C, gated building/parking. It is a must see. Cable and internet wired. $4,995/month. Tram stops in front. 1155 W. 24th Street. Call or e-mail to view! (310) 652-9226, e-mail MOK310@aol.com (S) VICTORIAN HOUSE 5 bdrm/2 bath, large rooms, electric gate, 7-car parking, wood floors, washer/dryer, stove, refrigerator, front porch, balcony, large backyard. (310) 395-4620 GO TROJANS!! SMALL HOUSE, 2 large rooms + kitchen & bath. Includes refrigerator & stove, water paid. $865/month. (323) 732-8591. (4-21) 100 ProPerty SaleS House/Condo PROPERTY AUCTION. North Gateway to USC. Victorian Houses, Duplex, Apartment Buildings. www.nuppmauction.com, (562) 882-8185. (S) 200 Help Wanted On-Campus USC EMERITI CENTER seeks highly motivated students for office assistant work. MS Office proficient. Flexible hours. Work-study preferred. Summer and Fall. $9/hour. E-mail resume & available hours to: gmreyes@usc.edu (4-26) STUDENT WORKERS NEEDED to work for USC Government & Community Relations at historic Community House on 28th & Hoover. Hiring: Computer Tech and Clerical Office Assistants. $9-$11/hour. CWSP preferred. E-mail resumes to: marcellm@usc.edu (4-20) STUDENT AFFAIRS IT Seeking 2 student programmers with ASP & ASP.NET skills 20 hours/week @$15/hour Send resume to: saitdev@usc.edu Work-study preferred but not needed (4-23) OFF-Campus SUMMER CLASSROOM TEACHERS WANTED Must Love to Work with Children. M-F, 10am-6pm, $1,600+/month Los Angeles: (323) 937-7737 La Crescenta: (818) 542-6400 tutors7272@yahoo.com (S) LEASING AGENT / ADMIN. ASSISTANT WANTED! Energetic part-time/full-time individual(s) at First Choice Housing. $10/hour + commission from $100 up to $200 per rental. Mandarin speaking a plus. International students must have work permit. Reliable car is required. Other opportunities available as well. Apply in person ONLY, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. No emails. 3036 S. Hoover St., leasing office. (S) D AY C A M P S E E K S S U M M E R S TA F F Residing in the San Fernando & Conejo Valleys. Counselors, Lifeguards, Instructors & More! $3,275-$3,500+ (888) 784-CAMP www.workatcamp.com (,s,) Independent SaleS RepReSentatIveS needed Medici Piero Visconti 550 NORTH FIGUEROA ST. 725 SOUTH BIXEL STREET 616 ST. PAUL AVENUE 1221 WEST THIRD STREET WWW.THEORSINI.COM WWW.THEMEDICI.COM WWW.THEPIERO.COM WWW.THEVISCONTI.COM 877-231-9362 House/Condo FREE RENT • Directors Screening Room • Cybex Fitness Center With Cardio Salon • Mens/Womens Locker Rooms with Sauna And Steam Rooms • Private Resident Park With Sand Volleyball Court And Jogging Track • Event Calendar With Student Mixers • Furnished Guest Suites For Your Parents • On Site Concierge • Roommate finder *Amenities vary among communities Orsini 1 BDRM COZY COTTAGE Patio for BBQ, Kitch w/refrig & stove 30th St. between Shrine & Royal 2 blocks north of campus Immaculate on occupancy Laundry, bike racks Available June 1st - (818) 996-9080 Page 13 877-239-8256 877-235-6012 866-690-2888 2010 la International trade Fair • april 21-23 Shrine auditorium expo Hall (near USC) 700 W. 32nd St, la, Ca 90007 Approximately 100 International Companies Seeking Qualified Independent Sales and Marketing Representatives • http://www.kaccla.org/expo • E-mail: ibtakevin@empal.com NOTE: EXPERIENCE IN PRODUCT SALES / DISTRIBUTION IS A MUST (4-21) Page 14 Classifieds Ap r i l 2 0 , 2 0 1 0 ▪ w w w . d a i ly t r o j a n . c o m SUMMER DAY CAMPS Greater L.A. Area Swimming, horses, sports, arts & crafts, beaches, ropes courses & much more. Gain valuable experience working with children in a variety of fun camp settings. www.daycampjobs.com (S) GO TROJANS!! HAVE YOU PURCHASED YOUR YEARBOOK YET?? NOW HIRING SWIM INSTRUCTORS for summer 2010. Must be CPR certified, 3 years experience and dependable transportation. Pay is $20$25/hour. E-mail us at: swim@headabovewater.net (S) 300 $70.00 The 2010 El Rodeo Yearbook is ServiceS The New York Times Reserve Syndicationyour Salescopy Corporation today at: 500 Seventh Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10018 For Information Call: 1-800-972-3550 For Release Tuesday, April 20, 2010 www.uscelrodeo.com Sperm / Egg Donors $$SPERM DONORS WANTED$$. Earn up to $1,200/month. Give the gift of family through California Cryobank’s donor program. Apply online: SPERMBANK.com (S) EGG DONORS NEEDED We are seeking attractive women of all ethnicities under the age of 29 who are physically fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. $10,000 plus all expenses. If you have a desire to help an infertile family please contact us. E-mail: darlene@aperfectmatch.com 1 (800) 264-8828 • www.aperfectmatch.com Perfectly matching donors with families since 1998 (4-20) WANT TO ATTRACT A CROWD?? Advertise your organization’s special events, meetings and fund-raisers in the DAILY TROJAN We reach 95% of the USC population On-campus discount rates • Free typesetting Student Union 404 • (213) 740-2707 Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 One “in the woods” 5 Troop group: Abbr. 8 Tiny light thatʼs here and gone 12 Classic door-todoor marketer 13 Manufactured 15 Radamesʼs love, in opera 16 Something that swings 17 Keyboard key 18 Manual reader 19 Show ___ 20 Stand-up comicʼs material 21 Film bomb of 1987 23 “You canʼt make me!” 25 Sch. with home games at Pauley Pavilion 26 Speediness 27 Kwame ___, advocate of panAfricanism and the first P.M. of Ghana 31 Stewed to the gills 33 Pronto 34 Half-off event 35 Lucy of “Kill Bill” 36 Period of low activity 39 Bamboozle 40 Sell 42 Buff thing 43 Figure-skating figures 45 Dressed to the nines 47 Computer data acronym 48 Makes public 49 Gasoline additive 52 What 3-, 13-, 14and 28-Down may be 55 Soft white cheese ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE H O P I O L A N C A N A A W O L A S L A N A M O C O L I R A E V A S D E M E R P R I A I T R M A G G H E R O N A R T P S H E S Y F A O U N S U T S M B U U S T T L A P I R E N T S E T E G J I G G O N E Y T T E T O L O L A E A U S E M I G P A R A C H A G O G E T O S S R S W A N E E P A R A T R O H O A P S S A G E N T M E A T Y A L S O R Y E S R U L E T E A R E S S O A T I T 56 Program filename extension 57 Puppyʼs plaint 58 Farm letters? 60 Votinʼ no on 61 Poet laureate Dove 62 Ryan in Cooperstown 63 Newsman Roger 64 Pizazz 65 The Cards, on scoreboards 66 Low ratings Down 1 Disney fawn 2 To have, to Henri 3 Tippler 4 Remnant 5 ___ jumping 6 Plops down 7 Ballantine product 8 German design school founded in 1919 9 Grocery shopperʼs aid 10 Itʼs a thought 11 Catherine ___, last wife of Henry VIII 13 Donkey, for one 14 “How many months have 28 days?,” e.g. 20 Zest 22 Professionalʼs camera, for short 24 Too heavy 25 Cancel 28 Rat-a-tat-tat weapon 29 Very much 1 2 3 4 5 12 6 21 24 33 36 41 45 28 29 30 50 51 34 37 38 42 43 46 49 54 55 57 58 61 62 64 39 44 47 48 53 11 22 27 32 40 10 25 26 35 9 15 18 20 23 52 8 14 17 19 31 7 13 16 No. 0316 56 59 60 65 66 63 Puzzle by Paula Gamache 30 Chickens that come home to roost 31 Hollywood or Sunset: Abbr. 32 Place 33 Third degree? 37 Dandy sorts 38 Nouveau ___ 41 Expressionless 44 Scala of “The Guns of Navarone” 46 Fizzle 47 Formerly common rooftop sight 50 Water or rust 51 Makes advances? 52 Instrument in ancient Greek art 53 Trompe lʼ___ 54 Utah ski resort 55 Big swig 59 Cyclades island 60 ___, amas, amat … For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Todayʼs puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.
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