Newsletter #7 - Wandering Primary School


Newsletter #7 - Wandering Primary School
Wandering Primary School
2 Watts Street
“Cold temperatures, warm hearts”
9884 1026
Principal: Jenny Carter
Registrar: Lisa Demeza
9884 1014
Newsletter No
Friday 27 May 2016
Coming Events
Fri 27 May
Wed 1 June
Thur 2 June
Mon 6 June
Tues 7 June
Wed 8 June
Tues 14 June
Fri 17 June
Tues 28 June
Fri 1 July
Fri 1 July
Sat 2 July
Cross Country
Zoo Excursion Yr 3-6
WA Day Holiday
Pupil Free Day
School Council 2.15pm
Winter Carnival
School Nurse
Assembly 10.00am
Last Day Term 2
Election Day
Dear Parents and Community Members
event. Our students did their best and were
good ambassadors for the school with their
attitude and effort.
Sick Children
Unfortunately often with the colder weather
comes a spate of coughs and colds amongst our
students (and us bigger people too). Whilst it is
OK for a student to come to school with a bit of a
runny nose and cough, school is not a place for
sick children and they are best kept home to
rest. Where a child becomes ill during the day
and/or is too sick to be at school, we will contact
you to please come and collect your child.
Likewise, going on my experiences as a mother,
some children are not quite as ill as they might
first seem in the morning. In these
circumstances, we are very happy for you to
bring your child to school a little late so that they
don’t miss a full day of learning. If you would
like to discuss the issue of sick children at
school further, please contact me.
It has been a busy two weeks since our last
newsletter, especially on the school improvement
front. One of the pictures we included in our last
newsletter was a group of senior students
assisting with moving their class to the library. I
am happy to report that the teaching and learning
program has continued effectively in this new
abode, albeit in much more crowded conditions,
which is a huge credit to our students and the
staff for their flexibility and commitment to the
school. I feel very fortunate to be working in a
school with such great people. Everyone has
gone ‘above and beyond’ for which I am very
grateful. The old part of the school has had
numerous tradespeople working in it and it is
looking very promising that we will be getting our
senior room back into operation towards the end
of next week and the other room shortly after.
Needed – Remote Controls
Mrs Tamminga is coming across to help our
teachers and students with exploring robotics as
part of the science, technology, engineering and
mathematics (STEM) curriculum which is in the
implantation stage in schools across Western
Australia. If you have a remote control from a
television or air conditioner that you no longer
need, we would really appreciate if you could
send or drop it into the school – with or without
Cross Country
Today saw six of our students: Ariana, Dakota,
Hayley, Jack, Jayke and Sophie travelling to
Narrogin to compete in the district cross country
Walk to School Day
Thank you to all of those students and families
who walked to school with us from the CRC
centre last Friday. We all had lots of fun walking
to school and participating in some dances once
at school.
28 May
By Ariana and Eliza
Over the past 2 weeks there have been lots of
things happening. We have had yummy lunch
orders, moving class, walk to school day, senior
free dress and cross country will be today for
some people. Don’t forget lunch orders are on
Tuesday. The oval will be open at recess and
lunch with fun games. It will be fun.
Our classroom so far…
Congratulations Alexis!
Congratulations Dakota, Jack, Ariana, Chayse and Macey!
By Macey
Last Friday we walked to school from the CRC.
We had lots of fun. When we got to school we
did some dancing. We did the chicken dance,
some limbo and we did the conga line.
Congratulations Keeley and Macey!
By Tiani and Mitchell
We have been having lunch orders every
Tuesday because we are fundraising for the Year
6’s Camp. The camp is in Term 4. I hope the
Year 6’s have a good time. For lunch orders, the
drinks are apple, orange, tropical, apple and
blackcurrant juice and for food, we have sausage
rolls and meat pies! I hope all the students are
enjoying it.
By Shelby and Tom
On the 22 May 2016, it was Free Dress Day for
the Senior Class. The reason why we had a Free
Dress day is because all of us read 25 nights.
Since we have a reading recording book, we
receive rewards for every 25 nights we read. I
(Shelby) wore a long-sleeved shirt with long
pants and a hoodie, while Tom wore a shortsleeved shirt with a green hoodie jumper and
jeans. We had a fun day and a great time. We
are looking forward to our next reward of 1 hour
computer time.
by Kristen and Jack
It all started at the start of term 2. First we started
with forces. What are forces? I hear you ask.
Forces are gravity, and push and pull. They
affect an object by: changing direction, changing
speed and changing shape.
Next we learnt about energy. What is energy?
Energy is never created or destroyed it is just
passed on to other things. There are lots of
forms of energy and they are: chemical energy,
gravitational energy, mechanical energy, nuclear
energy, radiant energy and thermal energy.
We did a few experiments like the balloon rocket
and incredible hoop glider.
We are now discovering electricity. We have
learned about electricity and what makes it and
are learning about circuits.
At the last meeting we voted to upgrade the
Turton Road Entry sign which was noted to be
worn and dated. Plans are being discussed to
repair and repaint the sign. The P&C have
allocated $250 towards this upgrade.
We are having lots of fun in Science.
We will be holding a wood raffle next month with
the winner receiving a trailer load of wood!
Tickets will be available for sale in June. Keep
an eye out for flyers and tickets coming home
with your child in the next few weeks. The wood
raffle will be drawn on Election Day – Saturday 2
An executive meeting has been called for
Wednesday 1 June at 2.00pm.
By Hayley
Today is Cross Country and the people from the
Senior Class who are going are: Sophie, me
(Hayley), Dakota, Ariana, Jayke, and Jack. We
hope it is going to be a good day.
By Jayke
Today it will be Cross Country and I am really
excited to go. It is in Narrogin. I didn’t get to go
last year because I was sick. The track is 2.5km
for the year 6’s and 2km for the year 4’s. I am
going with Jack because my parents couldn’t
take me. My little sister will be there because she
came fourth in the Williams cross country. I think
it will be really fun.
By Jack
Today I’m going to the cross country at Narrogin.
I am versing the year four boys and after that I
am going to Nan and Pop’s.
Wandering Primary School P&C
Association Inc.
The P&C have recently donated $350 to
Wandering PS for the purchase of two Veggie
Beds including soil and seedlings for the school.
This will enable the students to more easily rotate
planting from season to season. The Veggie
Beds should arrive shortly.
Do you have any thoughts, ideas, or
suggestions that you would like the P&C to
discuss? Please let us know so your topic can
be added as an item on our next agenda.
Meetings are held once a term with the next
General Meeting scheduled for Monday 25 July
at 7pm. You can submit your ideas by contacting
P&C Secretary Julie Ferguson on 0429 884 104
or Your ideas are
always most welcome.
The Library Lowdown
Australian Kids & Family Reading Report
This premiere landmark study shines a light on
reading behaviours
attitudes of
Australian children
aged 6-17 years,
and their parents,
children 0-5 years.
This report is a MUST READ FOR ALL
PARENTS and can be found in its entirety at
“Once you learn to read, you will forever be free.” – Frederick