Chroniclefinalwith saudigazette.cdr - Al


Chroniclefinalwith saudigazette.cdr - Al
What’s inside
Back to school
Why we learn English
Computers today & tomorrow - P 2
Short stories
Fast learning
Fatest land animal
Bermuda Triangle
Aramco 26 competition
Publication : Volume 3 No.1, January 2006
P.O.Box 7575, Jeddah 21472 Tel:6830551 Fax:6987204
The GM, Mr. Mohammed
Hamza Ghouth together with the
Asst. GM, Mr.Talal Ghouth held
an important meeting with the
principals, vice-principals and all
the mathematics and science
Mr. M.H. Ghouth teachers in primary, intermediate
General Manager
and secondary sections.
In this meeting, Mr. Ghouth
informed the staff concerned
about his decision to
implement "Robotics"
technology in teaching
Science and Math at AlAnjal starting from next
semester. He said that
Al-Anjal which has been a
leading school in Jeddah
should be the leader in
implementing such technology in the Kingdom.
A representative from the American
company visited Al-Anjal and gave a
presentation about this
new methodology
which is totally based
on learning through
projects. This will help
our students to
understand and use
applied sciences in the daily
life. The 3 syllabus in this program is divided
into three "4-year parts" to cover all the grades.
This programme is being implemented in
various schools in the United States and many
European as well as some other Gulf
Mr.Ghouth said that the
support of principals, teachers
and the entire teaching staff is
essential in the establishment
and success of this huge
endeavour. He also said that the
laboratories will be prepared soon
Mr. Talal Ghouth
for the next semester.
Asst. General Manager
HRH Prince with Primary School Principal
and the students at the School Library
HRH Prince with the students
in the Classroom
Prince Mamdouh Bin Abdul Aziz visited
Al-Anjal Private Schools on November 21,
2005. He was received by Mr.Zaki Edrees,
the owner of Al-Anjal, General Director
together with Mr.Mohd Ghouth–General
Manager, Mr.Talal Ghouth–Asst. GM and
Mr. Afandi – Primary Principal. He toured
the whole school campus, visited the
school library, computer laboratory,
English laboratory and the Pottery
workshop. He also spent a few minutes in
one of the classes of his nephew, Abdul
Aziz. The Prince was very happy with the
school, as it is fully equipped with needed
facilities to make learning relevant to all
students. Likewise, the school is
privileged on this short yet meaningful visit
of the Prince and proved its continuous
commitment to provide quality education
and excellent Islamic conduct. Many local
news papers wrote about this visit.
The General Director and owner of AlAnjal, Mr.Zaki Mustafa Edrees shared
his ideas with the Chronicle staff the
relevance and essentiality of updating a
competitive and efficient syllabus that
work with the technology so as to make
the English course more meaningful and
fun. It aims to develop their creativity, Mr.Zaki M.Edrees
awareness and critical thinking. He also General Director
points out the demand of the time to be globally
competitive to meet the challenges of modern world in
In line with the vision of Mr. Zaki M. Edrees, the
school welcomes a brand new curriculum; Science and
Math. These two subjects will be taught beginning from
the Primary School up to the Secondary School. In this
way, the students’ critical thinking and creative minds
would be more developed and enhanced. Their skills
and abilities to observe, make inferences, explain and
interpret data and come out with conclusions are some
vital points that students will experience as they
discover the wonders and world of Science. It would
also mean clamor for answers to all their questions questions like “why” and “how”. In this way, every
student is encouraged to a higher level of thinking.
Moreover, in the field of Math, they will encounter such
terms as variables, algebraic equations and
expressions, exponents and the like. Students’ patience
and perserverance will be tested in solving different
word problems and perform different mathematical
operations. All these things can be achieved through
various classroom activities like experiments,
investigative report, drills and exercies and homework.
HRH Prince with Director, Managers
Primary School Principal and Admin. Staff
Anjal scouts served Arabic coffee to
HRH Prince during his visit
In the history of Al-Anjal, one cannot
forget nor just take for granted the
effort of the institution to make it one
of the leading academic institutions
in the kingdom. One of which is the
strong tie-up and link with one of the best
schools in Stockport, the North Reddish Mr.Colin Manning
Junior School. In line with this, Mr. Collin Head Teacher
Manning, Head Teacher of North Reddish
Junior School, will pay visit to Al-Anjal as part of the link
between the two schools. This is to strengthen and
rejuvenate the tie between Al-Anjal Private Schools and
North Reddish Junior School. He is expected to arrive in
mid February 2006. The administration and the whole
Anjal community are honored to welcome Mr. Manning.
Hossam Orfali Faisal Ehab Farhan
Faris Khabeiri
Ziyad Asali
Mohammed Abdul-Wahab
Amr Jameel
The Primary School Principal, Mr. Abdul-Rahman
Afandi, has conveyed words of appreciation for
the efforts made by the staff and the students. He
whole heartedly congratulates the staff on making
the first issue of this Chronicle a success.
Likewise, he encourages students to read all the
Mr.AbdulRahman Afandi contents of the chronicle, learn from it and
hopefully see all the students share and contribute
even more fruitfully in the next issue of Al-Anjal’s Chronicle.
Badr Al-Ghanim
Yousef Kramly
Hussain Naghi
Hassan Abu-Rukbah
Wael Al-Salem
Taalat Bahjat
Mohammed Nagadi
Nawaf Al-Ghamdi Mohammed Ganadeeli
The commitment of Al-Anjal Private Schools to give
and provide quality education in the field of English for
its students has proven its dedication in updating
effective, efficient and competent English teachers
when the former hosted a workshop-seminar last
September 3-4, 2005.This is in respond to demand of
time - the need of every English Teacher to be
prepared and be equipped with various teaching
techniques and methodologies in order to make every
teaching and teacher more relevant to all students.
The said event was participated by all English
teachers of Anjal and other teachers from nearby
schools. Moreover, the seminar workshop stresses on
the value of bringing back the innermost talents and
giftedness of every English teacher to bring life to
every teaching lessons, encourage, motivate and
develop the skills of every student; listening, speaking,
reading and writing. After the 2 day session with
Mr.Dewar, the guest speaker and Education
Consultant for Pearson Education, the teachers felt
rejuvenated and filled with enthusiasm to face their
students and new challenges that awaits them. To all
the English Teachers, Good Luck !
One may ask about the reasons
why we teach English to our Arab
students. One possible answer may
be that we teach English because
students have to learn it. But the
question which still remains is: Why
our students have to learn English? Reda Balbaid
The answer to such a question may include the
following points :
1. English is the first language in many countries
in different parts of the world such as the United
States of America, Canada, Britain, Australia
and New Zealand.
2. English is the foreign language taught in many
countries all over the world.
3. English is one of the languages of advanced
4. It is one of the languages needed to run a firstclass business.
5. It is needed by students traveling abroad to start
or continue their university learning.
In conclusion, English now because of economic,
political and historical reasons is almost an
international language. It is nowadays one of the
few languages needed in the fields of business,
politics and education. These reasons may be
enough to answer the question why we teach and
learn English.
The first day of school
Preparing for the first day of school
helps children feel comfortable and
less nervous. There are a few things
parents can do to make the first day Amr Jameel
extra special.
1- Talk to your child before hand .Get a calendar
and mark off the first day of school so it’s a
visible reminder. Chatting about their worries
or what they are excited about gives children a
chance to explore their feelings and gives
parents a look into their children.
2- Plan a trip to school, especially if it’s a new
school or program your child will be attending.
If you found out what is worrying your child,
you can discuss this during the trip. If your
child is in elementary school, seeing his room
and meeting his teachers will help set his mind
at ease.
3- Involve them in buying school clothes and
school supplies. Once they are bought,
arrange a special place at home where their
school supplies will go each and every day. It
can be either in their room or in a spot such as
the foyer or family room.
4- Start going to bed early the last week of
summer. It’s hard to get back into the routine of
school if you begin on the first day.
5- Have a back to school party. Having a chance
to celebrate going to school sends an
important message to children.
6- Give your child an alarm clock so that he can
get up on his own. Food can be packed the
night before and in the refrigerator. The less
you have to do in the morning, the smoother
the first day will be.
7- Take a photo of your child in the same spot on
the first day of school. Long after they
graduate, they will enjoy looking at how much
they grew form year to year.
Going back to school doesn’t need to be stressful.
With a little preparation, it will be an exciting day
for students of all ages.
There are many definitions of
language. One of which is that a
language is an arbitrary system of
vocal symbols used to communicate
ideas and express feelings among the Nawaf Al-Ghamdi
members of a certain social community.
This definition emphasizes several points...
1.The system of the Language is arbitrary. This
arbitrariness means that there is no logical
reason why a certain language behaves as it
does. For example, there is no reason why the
subject in an English statement comes before the
verb whereas in Arabic the verb may come before
the subject .
2.The function of the language is not only to convey
ideas, but also feelings.
3.Language is an oral activity and writing is a
representation of speech.
Junior Journalists of Al-Anjal joined the Smile Club
when they attended a lecture on keeping dental
hygiene in Opal Dental Clinic, Jeddah.
In their lecture the participants learned how to use
the scale correctly on choosing the appropriate
toothbrush according to their age. Likewise, they
invited dentists to
give some lectures
to the students of AlAnjal. They all
believed that having
a pearly white teach
means beautiful
smile and "Smile is
the second best
thing you can do with
your lips.
A fox was running quickly over some
rough ground when he suddenly fell into
an old well. He struggled for a long time
as he tried to get out but the sides of the
well were slippery and he kept falling Abdul-Aziz Balbaid
back into the water. He became more
and more tired. At last he heard footsteps. An old
goat looked over the edge of the well.
“Good afternoon”, he said, “Is there any water in
there? I can’t see very clearly.” “Yes, there is”. Said
the fox.. “Come down and try it!” The fox was thinking
of a trick to play on the goat.
The goat leaped into the water. The fox was
delighted and climbed onto the goat’s back.. From
there he managed to pull himself out of the well.
“You should have looked more closely!, he said and
ran away leaving the poor goat in the water.
Published by :
English Department,
Primary Section
Mr. Zaky M. Edrees
General Director
Computers are probably the most
important invention of modern times.
The noun computer comes from a verb
to compute which means to sum. How
long would it take you to do this sum? :
232455667888+ 465656444665 ? A Yousef Kramly
very long time ? A computer can do it more
quickly than you can blink your eyes .
They can do very difficult mathematical
operations quickly and accurately. They are used in
banks to store information about people’s money.
They are also used to work out difficult scientific
problems .Factories used computers in robots that
can do some of the work that people did in the past .
They can store huge amount of information. We
can work with words, numbers and pictures on
computers. Most books, newspapers and magazines
are now made with the help of computers.
Computers are used to help planes to take off and
land them. They are sometimes used by doctors for
medical purpose. The computers are used in
wireless technology which has become a part of our
daily lives.
It’s very evident that computers can do many
useful things. What about the future? Computers will
soon be able to translate from one language to
another. (One day you will be able to type Arabic into
your computer and it will be able to translate this into
French or German or any other language) I think
this is possible *.
People think that computers will soon control our
lives. But this will not happen .Computers can’t think.
We use our brain to tell them what to do.
Mr. Mohamed H. Ghouth Mr. A.Rahman Afandi
General Manager
Principal (Primary)
Which fish shoots insects?
As you might expect from the name,
the archer Fish can shoot down
insects with drops of water squirted
forcefully out of its mouth .It has
excellent vision and is accurate at
distances of more than a meter,
knocking down spiders and flying
Faris Khabeiri
Can fish hear sounds?
When we hear a sound, we are really picking up
vibrations in the air called waves. Sound does not
travel through a vacuum .It needs something like air
to enable it to move from one place to another. Water
will also allow sound to travel through it. Fish can
hear these sounds in water through their ears and
they can also detect changes in the sounds waves
through a series of holes called a literal line down
each side of their bodies.
World’s largest fish
The largest of all fish is the whale shark, which
lives in the tropical areas of the Atlantic, Pacific and
Indian Oceans. One specimen was captured
measuring over 12.5m in length, and 7m round the
middle. The Whale Shark is harmless plankton
–eater, in spite of its size.
World's tiniest fish
The stout infantfish lives exclusively in Australia's
Great Barrier Reef and the nearby Coral Sea. The
smallest and lightest animal with a backbone has
been described for the first time by scientists in the
US. The minuscule fish, called a stout infantfish, is
only about 7mm (just over a quarter of an inch) long.
It lives around Australia's Great Barrier Reef and
has snatched the "world's smallest vertebrate" title
from the 1cm-long dwarf goby fish. The infantfish,
which is no longer than the width of a pencil, is
described in the Records of the Australian Museum.
There was a man who had a lot of
shoes. One day, a lot of people
came and bought all of his shoes
except one pair of shoes. One
night, two elves came to the shoe
man house and made that one pair Hossam Orfalli
of shoes to two golden pairs.
Next morning the man was surprised he
said, “Two golden shoes!!?? “The next night he
put cloth on the chair because he thought that it
will become two golden clothes. Next morning,
the two elves came at night and saw the cloth
but they didn’t make it two. They just tried it on.
The man woke and saw them, they ran away.
Mr. Awad A. Allo
Admin. Manager
Mohd. Syfuddin
Design Artist
There was once man who had three
sons that he loved dearly and equally
so much so that he could not make
up his mind which of them he should
Mohamed Ghouth leave his house to after his death,
because he did not want to favor anyone more
than the other. Also he did not want to sell the
house as it had belonged to his family for
generations. To solve this problem he came up
with the idea that all three of them should explore
the world and each find a trade and the one who
produced the best masterpiece on their return
shall have the house. The sons were quite
satisfied and happily set out to learn the skills of
their desired trade. The eldest became a
blacksmith, the second a barber and the third a
fencing-master. The blacksmith had to shoe the
king’s horses and thought that the house will be
his, the barber shaved the best men in the
kingdom and thought the house will be his and the
fencing master received many a blow, but set his
teeth, and would not allow himself to be troubled
by them, for he thought that if he was afraid he will
never get the house. When the appointed time
came the three brothers met once more all
impressing their father with their mastering skills,
but at the end the father granted the house to his
son, the fencing master. However, because of the
love that the brothers had for each other they were
satisfied and praised their brother. They were so
fond of each other that they decided to remain in
the house together, plied their skills, became very
wealthy and lived happily ever after! The love that
the three brothers had for each other was more
important than the material things in their lives.
One of the most famous sights and
sounds of London is Big Ben. It stands
on a bank of the river Thames
overlooking the houses of Parliament
.The clock, which is famous for being
Salman Al-Rajhi very accurate, is heard every day
throughout the world. This is because it
is used by the BBC at the beginning of their news
The name Big Ben refers not to the clock ,as is
commonly thought, but to one of its bells .This great
bell weighs 13.5 tons and was made in 1858. The bell
was named after a very large man, Sir Benjamin
(Ben) Hall, who was in charge of building in London at
this time .
The clock itself stands on a tower 350 feet high.
There is a flag on the tower during the day that shows
when Parliament is sitting and light at night .The clock
has four dials each of which is 23 feet in diameter
.The hour hands and the minute hands are 9 and 14
feet long respectively and the numbers are two feet
The bell was first heard in 1859. Since then it has
been striking the hours throughout the world .It has
become a great tourist attraction, but in the winter of
1987 tourists were disappointed .The weather was so
cold that for the first time parts of the clock became
frozen and for a while Big Ben was silent.
Beneath our feet lie soil and sand, then
the rock - solid crust of the Earth. This
crust is like the skin of a balloon, only it’s
not holding in air, but miles and miles of
melted rock and boiiling gas.
Mohammed Jamjoum Sometimes this molten rock forces its
way up the the surface and bursts out of
a hole in the crust, called a Volcano. Active
volcanoes often cause much death and distribution.
An earthquake is shaking of earth’s crust, usually
where there is a crack or fault in it. Volcanoes, which
burst out through openings in the crust also cause
earthquakes. Many earthquakes occur under water.
Scientific instruments can detect about 500,000
shocks each year but we could only feel about
100,000. Luckily, less than a thousand cause any
damage. In 1976, over 700,000 people were killed
in the Tangashan earthquake in China.
The wolf was walking in the forest
looking for some food when he fell
down in a big hole. Then a monkey
came along.
Hussein Naghi
Wolf: Kind monkey , help me to get
out of this hole, please.
Monkey: No, I will not help you . If I help you , you
will eat me .
Wolf : I promise not to eat you if you help me .
Believe me.
So the monkey helped the wolf ,but the wolf
did not keep his promise.
Wolf : HA HA HA I tricked you silly monkey. Now
say good bye I am going to eat you.
Monkey: What about your promise ?
Wolf : I lied to you .
Then a turtle came along .
Turtle: What is the matter ? tell me .
Monkey: I helped the wolf to get out of the hole. He
promised not to eat me, but now he wants to eat
Turtle : I do not understand. Show me what
happened .
So the wolf jumped back into the hole.
Wolf : I was down here in the hole.
Monkey : I went to help him .
Turtle : Stop. Don t help him. Leave him in the hole.
He is a liar.
Wolf : Hey come back . I promise not to eat you if
you help me.
Turtle : You are a liar . Nobody believes a liar good
Fables are short stories, often with
animals in them that give us pieces of
advice about life. These two stories are
examples of fables.
Hassan Abo-Rukhah
The Ant and the Dove
An ant went to a garden pool to take a drink but he
fell into the water and almost drowned. Luckily, a dove
was setting on a tree nearby. She saw what was
happening and pulled a leaf from the branch with her
beak. Then she dropped the leaf gently into the water
.The Ant climbed on to the leaf and it drifted to the
shore. The ant was safe.
At the moment, a man was spreading his net to try
to catch the dove. The ant saw what he was doing, so
he went up to the man as quickly as he could, and
stung the man’s foot. Ofcourse, this made the man
drop the net and the dove flew safely a way.
Lesson : One good turn deserves another
The crow and the watering can
For along time there had been no rain. An old crow
was very thirsty, but there was no water anywhere.
Even the streams had run dry. Then he saw an old
watering can. It was not full, but there was a little water
in the bottom and it smelt delicious. “ I must have
some,” said the crow. But the spout of the watering
can was too narrow. He couldn’t reach the bottom of
the can. He tried to tip the can over but it was too
heavy. Then he had an idea.
“I’ll collect some stones and drop them into the
water”, he decided. “That will make the water rise
higher and higher until I can reach it with my beak.”
He set to work. One by one he dropped the stones
in the can and the water slowly rose higher. At last he
could reach the water with his beak. He took a long
drink. Then he flew happily away.
Lesson : Necessity is the mother of invention
The camel is a cud-chewing mammal
that lives in the desert. By storing fat in its
single or double hump, this animal can
travel great distances without eating or
drinking. The camel is a herbivore that
lives primarily in Asia and Africa. Its feet Fahd Habeeb
are uniquely suited to walking in the sand without
sinking; each foot has two large toes with webbing
between them to expand the surface area. A camel
can be about 7 feet tall and weigh up to 1,500
Once upon a time a country
mouse invited a city mouse to visit
him. The city mouse was not
satisfied with the food that the Faisal Farhan
country mouse eats in the country, so he
invited him to the city to see how he lives and
the food he eats.
The country mouse
accepted the invitation
happily. The first place the
city mouse took the
country mouse to see was
the chin cupboard of the
house where he lived.
There was a bag of sugar on
the lowest shelf there. He made a
in it and invited the country mouse to nibble for
himself. The country mouse thought he had
never tasted anything so delicious in his life.
He was just thinking how lucky the city mouse
was when suddenly the cook came in to take
some flour. The two mice ran as fast as they
could to the hole where the city mouse lived.
After the cook took had gone out they came
back. The city mouse took the country mouse
to the top shelf where he invited him to some of
dried prune which he took
out of a jar there. While
they were enjoying the
meal, they heard a loud
MIAUM. They ran fast as
they could when they
became safe the city mouse said that was the
old cat the best mouser in the city.
The country mouse became very afraid
and didn't like to come back to the cupboard
again, but the city mouse convinced him to
accompany him to the cellar where they found
a cupboard of many shelves. There were a
variety of foods. The little country mouse was
attracted by its good smell so he went here and
there tasting everything. While he was doing
this he saw an especially rich,
very delicious smelling piece of
cheese on a little stand into it
when the city mouse cried "STOP
STOP" this is a trap. The country
mouse looked to the trap and the
cheese and said to the city
mouse "if you will excuse me, I
think I will go home". I prefer my
peaceful lie to your fearful one. So
the little country mouse went home
and lived there the rest of his life.
One day, Tansy and Biscuit
decided to go for a walk in the
woods. Sidney came too. He
loved climbing the trees and
playing in the branches. “What ‘s
Mohammad Nagadi that noise? “Said Biscuit. “It
sounds like someone crying!” Sitting under a
tree were two little children. They looked very
sad. “We ‘re lost” they said. “ We were having
a picnic with Mum and Dad, and we went to
play hide-and-seek. Now we can‘t find our way
back.” Don‘t worry, we can help you, said
Biscuit. He asked Sidney to climb all the way
to the top of a very tall tree. From the tree top
Sidney could see right across the woods.“I can
see your parents,
“he called down, “ they
‘re not far away.” The puppies led the children
through the trees. “It is easy to get lost here,”
Tansy explained. “It‘s better not to wander from
the path.” The children‘s parents were very
happy and relieved to see them again. “We
were so worried, “ they said. “Thank goodness
these clever puppies found you! “ As a reward
for their good work, Tansy and Biscuit were
allowed to share the children’s picnic. There
was even some fruit for Sidney to enjoy.
Did you know that ...
The first computer was built
in 1946 and it was so big that
it filled a whole room?
At 2.00 pm on the afternoon of
December 5, 1945, five planes took off
from an airport in the USA. They were
called flight 19 and they consisted of four
student pilots and their leader. They took
of safely but they never came back.
At 3.50 p.m. the airport received an Mohammed Abdul-Wahab
important message from flight 19’s leader. He was
flying somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean, but his
compass had stop working .He was lost and he didn’t
know how to get back to the airport. The radio
messages from the plane became weaker and weaker
until, at 4.25 pm they stopped. Flight 19 had
The airport sent planes to search for flight 19 but
they found nothing. Then the officer in charge of the
airport received another message. Something terrible
had happened .One of the search planes had not come
back .It had disappeared and was never seen again.
The area where this happened is called Bermuda
Triangle. When the news of the disappearance was
published in the newspapers, many sailors and airmen
who had been in the area reported strange things that
had happened to them. Sailors told how their
compasses had stopped working when they entered
the area. Pilots also reported that their radios had
stopped working when they had flown into the area.
Then, in June 1991, sailors who were looking for
sunken treasure ships saw something at the bottom of
the sea. They took clear television pictures of five
planes close together at the bottom of the sea .The
captain of the ship was sure that he had found flight 19.
Divers went down to look at the planes and found
something strange. These planes were earlier models
than the ones in flight 19. The divers told the
newspapers that they had not found Flight 19. Instead
they had found five planes that nobody had ever
reported missing.
By : Dr. Khalid Hussain
Ammar Rahbeeni
There are high mountains and deep
valleys under the Atlantic Ocean?
Abdullah Rahbeeni
Once upon a time there was a boy
called Peter who lived with his grand
father in a house beside the forest. The
grandfather warned his grand son,
“don’t go to the forest alone because
the hungry wolf will come and eat you.” Ziyad Asali
Peter was not afraid because he had so many
friends : a bird, a duck and a cat, whom he played
One day Peter went to the forest. The big hungry
wolf came and attacked the animals-friends. He
caught the duck and ate it. The cat and the bird sat
on a high branch together while the wolf walked
round and round the tree.
As Peter watched the wolf from behind the gate,
he had a good idea he climbed the garden wall.
Peter called out to the bird and asked her to fly and
circle around the wolf’s head and before along, the
wolf felt dizzy. Peter brought a rope and caught the
wolf by the tail, the wolf tried to jump but he couldn’t
Peter called the Zookeepers to take the wolf.
They came and took the wolf to the zoo. Since that
time the animals and villagers lived safely.
Qutlip Daimler was born in 17 March
1834 at Shounorouf, a small village in
South Germany. He was studying
Mechanical Engineering in the
college. He made a small workshop in
1882, it was a laboratory to make tests Badr Al-Ghanim
on fuel engines. He always thought of discovering
a new car machine which can be used on Land,
Sky, and Water and that what Mercedes sign
means with its three angles in the triangle
Mercedes Logo. The first car was made in1886. In
1998 Mercedes company made a joint with an
American company called “Chrysler” to be
“Daimler- Chrysler”. Qutlip Daimler died in 1900 at
the age of 66 after being in the car and engine
business for 18 years.
The Chronicle
congratulates Turki
Khayat for winning the
first prize in the
Swimming competition
held in Jeddah.
This cat is truly built for speed!
Virtually every part of its body is
adapted in some way to help it run
faster. Special paw pads and semiretractable claws provide great
traction. Large nostrils and lungs Wael Al-Salem
provide quick air intake; a large liver,
heart and adrenals also facilitate a rapid physical
response. A long, fluid, greyhound-like body is
streamlined over light bones. Small collarbones and
vertical shoulder blades help lengthen the stride.
The tail acts as a rudder for quick turning plus the
eye's retinal fovea is of an elongated shape, giving
the cheetah a sharp, wide-angle view of its
surroundings. The dark tear marks beneath each
eye may also enhance its visual acuity by minimizing
the sun's glare. The spine works as a spring for the
powerful back legs to give the cheetah added reach
for each step. But the great speed is very taxing
physiologically. The top speed, 71 miles per hour
(114 kilometers per hour), can usually be maintained
for only 200-300 yards. (274 meters). At that point
the cheetah's body temperature increases from the
exertion and rest is mandatory.
As a matter of fact, fast learning is
one of the valuable and effective
ways in learning whether it is at
school or in life in general. It has
been proved that it is a useful way.
Nowadays it's found out that even if one
completed his study and started a career (work)
he usually changes his work 4 or 5 times in his
career life. This makes it is very necessary to find
a way to learn how to learn. I had an experience in
this respect when I once was in need of learning
various financing and accounting aspects, some
computer programs in addition to the ways of
dealing with teenagers at the same time. Hence, I
discovered that fast learning is very useful and
effective. This way was developed by Professor
Colin Rose after Professor Howard Gardener's
theory about the seven levels of intelligence.
Fast learning theory in brief :
You know that the brain is divided into two parts,
the right part and the left part.
The left side is responsible for logical thinking;
also it deals with step by step analysis. In addition
the left side is responsible for thinking in words
and speech etc. So any problems in this part will
affect the ability of speaking. The right side of the
brain is responsible for creative thinking, music in
addition to visual pictures as well. The most
important point is that learning is easier, faster and
lasts longer when you use the brain with its two
parts in it. People learn a long during the first five
years in their lives. When a child goes to school at
the age of five he starts to receive only orders, "sit
down", "be quiet", "look forward", "do what I say",
here everything changes and this is the end of
potentiality, feelings and learning by brain entirely.
Thus the chance of learning by senses becomes
Traditionally, we learned by ways like reading,
lectures, analysis etc. They are valuable ways but
they are not the ways that all people should follow
to learn. Many people prefer or need other ways of
learning. What we want to do now is adding the
possibility of using our emotional brain and our
intelligence in learning and its stages. This can be
done through activities like music, pictures,
games, physical activities, imagination and
relaxation. Surely, people learn better when they
learn through activities. This makes them think
more deeply, when we read what we learn loudly
we can remember most of it.
We remember:
20% of what we read
30% of what we hear
40% of what we see
50% of what we say
60% of what we do
90% of what we see, say, hear and do.
The six steps of learning
1.Be ready psychologically
2.Collect information
3.Find out the topic
4.Memorize the important points
5.Test your knowledge
6.Practise and evaluate what you learnt.
The competition’s theme, “Our Children draw their Dreams.” Twelve students from Al-Anjal Primary School went home with a big smile and a joyful heart
bringing recognition to the school for a successful competition under the supervison of thier art teacher Mr. Hassan Shobky.
Below are the art work of the boys who participated in the contest. Mr. Abdul-Rahman Afandi, Primary School Principal, congratulated the participants.
To all the participants, Congratulations and keep up the good work!
Faisal A. Baraq
Fahd AbdulRahman
Faris Gannedi
Abdul Kader Mandourah
Omar Adnan Simbawa
Sami Samarkhandi
Salman Bafakieh
Feras Rokun
Majed Qutub
Hesham Kayyal
Saifuddin Naghi
Faisal Mulla