The Courier - Vancouver Swim Club
The Courier - Vancouver Swim Club
The Courier Commitment to Success! Front Page News for All Squads Swim-a-thon® News Swimmer volunteers: Emily Cheng, Josh Noll, Kasey Kwong, Cameron Stitt, Marita Sailor, and Lotta Novotny. You did a great job with adopt-acharity, squad standings poster, and coordinating ideas for coaches fundraising incentives. Our adopta-charity partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital will continue throughout the summer so keep an eye out for more news on that initiative. Congratulations to all the swimmers who completed their swim-athon last week. Donations turned in on Saturday get us off to a great start, but don’t forget to follow-up with your sponsors who pledged money based on the number of lengths swum. Our squad standings will be updated by the end of the week. The last day to turn in swim-a-thon donations that will count toward a prize is Friday, Prize donors: April 27th. Eric/Qin Young, Bing/Lina Ren, Also, thank you to all the volun- Mike/Claire Wahl, teers and businesses that helped to Dean/Minerva Maeda, make this year’s swim-a-thon a Jim/Gracie Goddard, Andrew/Kim Chi Vu, Chris Rusuccess. dolph/Tammy Brennan Parent volunteers: Janet Casas, Minerva Maeda, Sylvia Weitzel, Erin and Mark Noll, Angela Nelson, Karen Liu, Anita Aslett, Rachel Friedstrom, Kyounghee Choi, Robyn Millane, Nancy and Richard Clark, SoYan Kwong, Liz Duyck, Mariecel Torres, Shawn and Katherine McFaul, Jocelyn Yu, and Jeff Gleaves. Businesses that supported our swim-a-thon: McDonalds, Hillsboro Skate World, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, Wishpets Co., Dairy Queen – Farmington, Sunset Lanes Bowling, Sweet Tomatoes, Grocery Outlet – 185th Ave, Sunrise Bagels, and Fred Meyer – 185th Ave. Schedule change: No practice for all squads, which includes Olympic Way this Friday and Saturday (4/20-4/21) due to polo tournament. Commitment To Success April 18, 2012 Inside this issue: Front Page News 1-2 National & Sectional 3 Top Age Group 4 High School 5 Middle School 6 Junior Age Group 7 Storm 8 Thunder and Bolts 9 Olympic Way 10 Spring Practice Schedule 11 Upcoming Meets 12 Community Pages 13 Birthdays 14 Contacts 15 Mel Zajac Qualify Time Table is inside. SCRIP There is no scrip this week since Tammy is on family holiday. Page 1 Front Page News (Continued) THPRD staff: We also appreciate the assistance and cooperation from the aquatic center. Diana Waterstreet, the aquatic center supervisor and her wonderful staff, they have made the swim-a-thon success possible. Raffle prizes will be given to the coaches on Friday, April 20th for distribution to winning swimmers. An email has been sent to all families with a list of unclaimed raffle ticket numbers. New raffle tickets will be drawn on Thursday (4/19) for any unclaimed prizes. So please check you tickets and claim your prize today! Once again, thank you to everyone who helped with swim-a-thon. And if we forgot to recognize your contribution please email – no oversight intended! Kathy and Karen For the Swim-a-thon athletes in each squad were asked to come up with “coaches' incentives”; special re- quests, practices or things they wanted which the staff promised to provide or make happen should the squad's total dollar amount exceed $200 per athlete. Coaches' Incentives... Coach Kara (MS) “Let the swimmers pick what they to do for swim practice for the day” Coach Tim (HS) “Relays all Day” Coach Ben (THUNDER) “Have the seniors help and give tips on our swimming in practice, plus pick the senior athlete of their choice (the last part will be a little tricky, but we'll do our best) Coach Ben (SECT & NAT) “Fun workout like burpee tag, partner sled pulls, group races” Coach Ruth (STORM) “Relays all Day” Coach Ruth (JAG) “Swimmer is coach for the day (squad's top money earner)” Coach Franz (TAG, SECT, NAT) “Use cameras for Tech” Coach Linck (SECT & NAT) “let us work with little kids” (that fits perfect with the THUNDER incentive!) Swim-a-Thon® Support We would like to acknowledge the following for generously supporting this year’s swima-thon: Eric/Qin Young Bing/Lina Ren Mike/Claire Wahl Dean/Minerva Maeda McDonalds Hillsboro Skate World St Jude Children’s Hospital Commitment To Success Jim/Gracie Goddard Andrew/Kim Chi Vu Chris Rudolph/Tammy Brennan Dairy Queen – Farmington Sunset Bowling Sweet Tomatoes Grocery Outlet – 185th Ave UPCOMING EVENTS May 4-6 THSC Spring Open May 12-13 MHA Sextathlon May 18-20 CAT Open May 25-27 Mel Zajac Jr. International June 2-3 Wine Country Open June 15-17 Mt Hood 12 & Under Meet June 21-24 Mt Hood 13 & Over Meet June 30 Thunderbolt Dual Meet June 29 –July 1 Sun Country Invitational July 13-15 Thunderbolt Summer Classic July 14-15 OSI 10 & Under Championships July 19-22 OSI 11 & Over Championships July 24-28 Northwest Sectional Championships July 31 Intrasquad Last Blast August 2-5 Far Western Championships Page 2 National and Sectional 36 DAYS (5 weeks) TO MEL ZAJAC!!! Meet info... 67 DAYS (9.5 weeks) TO THE OLYMPIC TRI- If you have any conflicts with any of the ALS!!! competitions listed please let me know ASAP. These important meets are closing in, I hope THUNDERBOLT Spring Open, May 4-6; all athletes entered, entries to be posted online at everyone is doing all they can to be prepared! The MAC meet came up a little short of expectations as the competitions were less than desirable. Although the fact was that all events were “mixed”, girls and boys competing side by side, it did make for some interesting races. The venue was uncomfortable (in the basement, a little claustrophobic, loud and hot) and the total time was more than expected. I had hope to get in and out in 3-4 hours, and 5 hours later we were still going. Combine the issues above with the fact that we're in the midst of heavy training, so our results also came up short of expectations. Racing early in the season seemed like a good idea, perhaps it proves there is such a thing as a “bad idea”. We decided not to return on Sunday and get back to the training with our sights set on the competitions listed at the top. Corvallis Open, May 18-19; all non-Mel Zajac athletes will be entered. Mel Zajac International, May 25-27, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Qualifying times are published inside this Courier and online at To be eligible athletes must hit two (2) qualifying times at the Spring Open. Schedule Changes: Fri, April 20 5:15-6:45 AM (SECT & NAT)/no afternoon practice Sat, April 21: SECT no practice, NAT TBA Until next time...THINK FAST!!! Linck Reporting Your Volunteer/Service Hours Parents, when you have done volunteer work or service for the Thunderbolt, don’t forget to report your hours. Here is the format how to report: Swimmer Name: Swimmer Squad: Volunteer Hours Completed: Please specify job(s) performed for the number of hours volunteered. Important: You are awarded double hours for volunteering in Concessions, Hospitality and Equipment. If you are volunteering for any for the above three, please state the following information very clearly: 1.Number of hours volunteered 2.Number of hours to be added to your account after doubling To check your Volunteer/Service Hours Completed (Reported/Sent for the season) /Balance (Remaining to be done for the season), please log on to the team website. Click on $My Invoice/Payments. Select Service Hours. Thanks. Suman ( Commitment To Success Page 3 Top Age Group Goals: With the start of a new season its time to set goals! For our 1st meet the Thunderbolt Spring Open I would like to see everyone matching or beating their SCM best times from this past season. Please check here. I will also have a goal spreadsheet posted later this week for this season. (I’m a little late with the goal sheet… but the will be good!) We will want to set a goal that is a 3-5% improvement from our converted SCY times. Please let me know if you are planning on attending so we can plan the travel. Schedule Changes: Morning Practices will begin next week. Our weekday morning practice will be Wednesday and Fridays 5:15-6:45AM. Wednesday will be for everyone. Fridays will be for TAG+ swimmers. Swimmers that will be getting ready to move into Meet Schedule: Please let me know of any con- the Sectional group in the Fall. Christin, Abby, flicts with the competitions dates. Sean, Edward, Cortlandt, David, Thunderbolt Spring Open May 4-5th Entries Posted online CAT Open May 18-20th This meet was added to the schedule in place of the dual meet. Entries Posted online 12 & Unders Mt Hood June 16-17 13 & Over Mt Hood June 22-23 Bend Sun Country June 30-July 1st Thunderbolt Summer Classic July 14-15th OSI 11& Overs July 19-22nd Far Westerns August 1-5th San Jose CA. Commitment To Success We have an advantage that most clubs in our area do not have; we have a LC pool to be able to train in. I would encourage all to make sure you attend your morning practices Friday April 20th No Afternoon Practice due to a Water Polo Tournament Saturday April 21st No Practice due to Water Polo Tournament Coach Franz Page 4 High School Congrats to Sophia, Kendra, Caleb, Ben, Risa, start Angelina and Dylan for a successful T-3000 at 5/12-13 MHA Sextathlon SCM the swim-a-thon. All those who haven't swum it Sat&Sun 13&over 7:30-8:15am waryet, don't worry! You will be making it up either mups, this week or next week. Results will be posted 12&under 8:15-9am, 9am start soon. 5/18-20 CAT Open LCM (Corvallis, OR)-LCM B+ times Here is a link to a great slow motion video of Fri 3pm warmup, 4pm start Sun Yang (1500WR holder) highlighting early vertical forearm. Sat&Sun 12:30pm warmups, 1:45pm This slow motion video highlights evf in all 4 start strokes (Skip ahead to the race clips starting at *Those going to CAT Open will not swim 2:56). in MHA Sextathlon Finally, here is an interesting scientific explana- 6/2-3 Wine Country Open SCY (McMinnville, tion of why it makes sense to swim with a high OR) elbow. Sat&Sun 8am warmups, 9:15 start Reminders: Bring water and clothes for dryland to practice every day! Practice Updates: Friday, April 20th-NO PRACTICE (Water Polo Tournament) On Tuesdays and Thursdays dry land will sometimes go until 5:30pm Meet Schedule: 5/4-6: Thunderbolt Spring Open LCM Fri 4pm warmups, 5pm start Sat&Sun 11-14 10am warmups, 11am start Sat&Sun 15&over 3pm warmups, 4pm 6/21-24 Mt. Hood 13&Over Meet LCM (Gresham, OR)-must qualify, age group A times 6/30 Thunderbolt Dual Meet LCM-those not going to to Bend 6/29-7/1 Sun Country Invitational LCM(Bend, OR)-bus trip, must qualify, 14 year old A times 7/13-15 Thunderbolt Summer Classic LCM 7/19-22 OSI 11&Over State Championships LCM (Gresham, OR)-must qualify, age group A times, click here for time standards 7/31 Intrasquad Last Blast SCY 8/1-5 Far Western Championships LCM (San Jose, CA)-must qualify, click here for standards Coach Tim Schedule change: No practice for all squads, which includes Olympic Way this Friday and Saturday (4/20-4/21) due to polo tournament. SCRIP There is no scrip this week since Tammy is on family holiday. Commitment To Success Page 5 Middle School Congrats to Jacob M, Colin, Utsav, Jason, Sat&Sun 15&over 3pm warmups, 4pm Maya, Portia and Joyce for a successful T-3000 start at the swim-a-thon. Great job!! 5/12-13 MHA Sextathlon SCM There is about a week left to raise and collect money for the swim-a-thon. There is still time! (Due April 27th) I was pretty disappointed in the small amount of swimmers in attendance last Saturday. 13 swimmers were missing, almost two thirds of the squad. In the future, if you can't make it to a special event (or any meet or practice), please send an email to let me know. All those who haven't swam it yet, don't worry! You will be making it up next week. Results will be posted soon. This article highlights some important points about IMs. It is quite interesting, especially if breaststroke is not your specialty. Reminders: Bring water to practice every day! Practice Updates: Friday and Saturday, April 20th&21st-NO PRACTICE (Water Polo Tournament) Meet Schedule: 5/4-6: Thunderbolt Spring Open LCM Fri 4pm warmups, 5pm start Sat&Sun 11-14 10am warmups, 11am start Sat&Sun 13&over 7:30-8:15am warmups, 12&under 8:15-9am, 9am start 5/18-20 CAT Open LCM (Corvallis, OR)-must qualify, LCM B times Fri 3pm warmups, 4pm start Sat&Sun 7:30am warmups,8:30am start *Those going to CAT Open will not swim in MHA Sextathlon 6/2-3 Wine Country Open SCY (McMinnville, OR) Sat&Sun 8am warmups, 9:15 start 6/15-17 Mt. Hood 12&Under Meet LCM (Gresham, OR)-must qualify, age group B+ times, click here for standards *Those going to this Mt. Hood meet will not swim in Wine Country Open 6/30 Thunderbolt Dual Meet LCM 7/13-15 Thunderbolt Summer Classic LCM 7/19-22 OSI 11&Over State Championships LCM (Gresham, OR)-must qualify, age group A times, click here for time standards 7/31 Intrasquad Last Blast SCY 8/1-5 Far Western Championships LCM (San Jose, CA)-must qualify, click here for standards Coach Tim Schedule change: No practice for all squads, which includes Olympic Way this Friday and Saturday (4/20-4/21) due to polo tournament. SCRIP There is no scrip this week since Tammy is on family holiday. Commitment To Success Page 6 Junior Age Group You have all been doing well on your stroke Here are the results: counts. It is important to continue to swim long 4/14/2012 as we increase the speed. This is where it mat3000 ters. If you can continue to work on this through 1 Alex 37:02 the next two-three weeks, it will become more Sam 37:48 habit which creates new habits takes diligence 2 TJ 37:54 and time. You will become a senior swimmer be- 3 4 Steven 38:19 fore you know it. Keep being diligent! 5 Austin 38:23 The Swim A Thon was a huge success! Congrats 6 Abbie 38:24 to the JAG squad on their Timed 3000. 7 Sofia 39:24 8 Emma 39:56 Schedule Changes: 9 Ciara 40:37 10 Jordan 41:10 Friday April 20 and Saturday 21st: NO prac- 11 Nalex 41:13 tice. There is a water polo meet at our pool. 12 Kenna 41:14 Upcoming Meets: Please email me if you are UNAVAILABLE for any of the meets below that you are qualified for. THSC Spring Open: May 4-6th CAT Meet: May 18-20 MHA LC Open 12u June 15-17 MHA LC Open 13 over June 21-24 June 30 Dual meet THSC July 13-15 THSC Summer Classic July 19-22 11over LC Champs 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Christopher Sid Gavin Nate Lara Vivian Allison Nikita Stephanie 41:15 41:16 41:48 41:52 42:09 42:19 43:49 44:02 44:44 AVE 100 01:14.1 01:15.6 01:15.8 01:16.6 01:16.8 01:16.8 01:18.8 01:19.9 01:21.2 01:22.3 01:22.4 01:22.5 01:22.5 01:22.5 01:23.6 01:23.7 01:24.3 01:24.6 01:27.6 01:28.1 01:29.5 Coach Ruth Aug 2-5 Far Westerns Schedule change: No practice for all squads, which includes Olympic Way this Friday and Saturday (4/20-4/21) due to polo tournament. SCRIP There is no scrip this week since Tammy is on family holiday. Commitment To Success Page 7 Storm THSC Spring Open: May 4-6th CAT Meet: May 18-20 Wine Country Open June 3-4: These swimmers will be entered into this meet: Annabelle, Greta, Sivanny, Victoria, Noah and Leo. If you are unable to attend, please email me asap. MHA LC Open 12u June 15-17 June 30 Dual meet THSC July 14-15 10 u LC Champs Schedule Changes: July 13-15 THSC Summer Classic Friday April 20 and Saturday 21st: NO prac- July 19-22 11over LC Champs tice. There is a water polo meet at our pool. Aug 2-5 Far Westerns: 11 and overs qualified Technique, Technique, Technique! I cannot emphasize this enough. That is all we are working on right now. Everyone needs to stay committed to working on their stroke count and long pretty strokes. Speed will come, we need to focus on what we look like and how we are holding on to the water. Stay focused during practice, it will pay off! Upcoming Meets: Please email me if you are UNAVAILABLE for any of the meets below Coach Ruth that you are qualified for. Swim-a-Thon® Prize Swim-a-thon Prize list Grand Prize for Top Fundraiser: iPod Touch 8 GB 2nd Prize: Apple TV device 3rd Prize: Party for 6 from Sunset Bowling 4th Prize: Party for 5 from Sherwood Ice Arena 5th Prize: Party for 5 from Sherwood Ice Arena 6th Prize: Party for 4 from Hillsboro Skate World Squad winners 1st consolation prize : Nike Employee Store pass 2nd consolation prize: $25 gift cards 3rd consolation prize: $10 gift cards We would like to acknowledge the following for generously supporting this year’s swim-a-thon Eric/Qin Young Bing/Lina Ren Mike/Claire Wahl Dean/Minerva Maeda McDonalds Hillsboro Skate World St Jude Children’s Hospital Wishpets Co. Commitment To Success Jim/Gracie Goddard Andrew/Kim Chi Vu Chris Rudolph/Tammy Brennan Dairy Queen – Farmington Sunset Bowling Sweet Tomatoes Grocery Outlet – 185th Ave Page 8 Thunder and Bolts This season is off and running. We have been introducing several new skills, and giving some of our newest members time to get accustomed to the flow of things before we get up to full speed preparing for this summer’s meet schedule. Some New skills Pulling – This season has seen the introduction to pulling. Coaching the pulling patterns of each stroke is more simply accomplished when isolated from the full stroke. The goal is to increase the efficiency of each stroke, by eliminating wasted movement. We have introduced two styles of pulling, pulling with a board and pulling with a partner. Dolphin Kicking position – The dolphin kicking position that we are using this season is an advanced variation of dolphin kick. On the front with the hands at the side requires the swimmer to get the breath within the rhythm of the kick. Finding this breath timing is one of the critical elements to mastering butterfly swimming. Backstroke Kicking position – The Backstroke kicking position that we are using this season is a break from the standard “streamline kick on your back”. Kicking on your back with your hands at your side is actually more similar to backstroke swimming position than streamlining. Another benefit to kicking with the hands at the side, is that you can see your own kick. Getting the visual feedback of seeing your kick is valuable to all athletes, especially visual learners. Breaststroke Drills – Breaststroke with a Dolphin kick and Breaststroke with flutter kick are 2 important drills for developing rhythm between the breath, pull, and recovery. As we get into this season, remember that quality is the most important thing. Take pride in your ability to perform skills correctly. Not necessarily first, or fastest, but correctly. Important schedule change; No Dryland for Team Thunder this Thursday April 19th. See you at the pool, Coach Ben Schedule change: No practice for all squads, which includes Olympic Way this Friday and Saturday (4/20-4/21) due to polo tournament. SCRIP There is no scrip this week since Tammy is on family holiday. Commitment To Success Page 9 Olympic Way HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD AT SWIM PRACTICE The best thing you can do is to encourage your children to “have fun, be safe, and play smart”. After practice ask them if they had fun and learned anything new or did anything they had never done before and offer your praise. Sometimes children will express feelings to their parents that may help the coach provide a more suitable environment for the individual. You are encouraged to talk to the coach about your child’s responses to the practice sessions. coach’s instructions and then you have a confused child. Sometimes you might think the child did not hear the coach’s instruction and you want to help. The fact is that children miss instructions all the time. Part of the learning process is learning how to listen to instructions. When children learn to rely on a backup they will have more difficulty learning how to listen better the first time. WHAT’S WRONG WITH HELPING YOUR CHILD FIX HIS EQUIPMENT? Quite simply, we want to encourage the children to become self-reliant and learn to take care of If you decide to watch practice the most impor- their own equipment. tant thing you can do is allow your child to focus on the coach and on the tasks at hand. We know If you need to speak to your child regarding a it is common in many youth sports for parents to family issue or a transportation issue or to take stand at the sidelines and shout instructions or your child from practice early you are certainly encouragements and sometimes admonishments welcome to do so but please approach the coach to their children. Please try not to signal them, or directly with your request and we will immedito try a certain technique, or to offer to fix an ately get your child out of the practice. If you equipment problem or even to remind them to need to speak to the coach for other reasons listen to the coach. In fact, just as you would please wait until the end of practice or call the never interrupt a school classroom to talk your coach at an appropriate time. child, you should not interrupt a practice by attempting to communicate directly with your Adapted from “News for Swim Parents.” Pubchild. lished by the American Swimming Coaches AssoWHAT’S WRONG WITH ENCOURAGING YOUR CHILD DURING PRACTICE? There are two issues. First we want the child to focus on the coach and to learn the skill for their personal satisfaction rather than learning it to please their parents. Secondly, parental encouragement often gets translated into a command to swim faster or run faster and going faster may be the exact opposite of what the coach is trying to accomplish. In most skill development we first slow the athletes down so that they can think through the motions. Save encouragements and praise for after the practice session. ciation. To find more useful information about how to be a helpful parent for you swimmer at, click here. Practice Updates Friday, April 20th-NO PRACTICE (Water Polo Tournament) We will be having a parent meeting in the hospitality room within the next few weeks, watch out for the date and time. Coach Tim WHAT’S WRONG WITH SHOUTING OR SIGNALING INSTRUCTIONS TO YOUR CHIL- Olympic Way Director DREN? Those instructions might be different from the Commitment To Success Page 10 Spring Practice Schedule Starting April 2nd National Sectional TAG JAG HIGH SCHOOL Middle School A Middle School B Storm Bolts A Bolts B TEAM THUNDER OLYMPIC WAY GOLD 1 OLYMPIC WAY GOLD 2 OLYMPIC WAY GOLD 3 OLYMPIC WAY GOLD 4 OLYMPIC WAY SILVER 1 OLYMPIC WAY SILVER 2 OLYMPIC WAY SILVER 3 OLYMPIC WAY BRONZE 1 OLYMPIC WAY BRONZE 2 OLYMPIC WAY BRONZE 3 Commitment To Success Friday 5:15-6:45 3:00-5:30 5:30-6:30 5:00-6:30 6:30-7:15 Wednesday Thursday 5:15-6:45 3:00-5:30 3:00-5:30 5:30-6:30 5:30-6:30 5:15-6:45 3:00-5:00 3:00-5:10 5:00-6:00 5:10-6:10 5:15-6:45 5:30-7:30 5:00-6:30 5:00-5:30 6:30-7:15 4:30-6:00 6:00-6:45 6:30-8:00 5:45-6:30 4:30-6:00 6:00-6:45 6:30-8:00 5:45-6:30 4:30-6:00 PM DL PM DL PM DL PM DL PM DL PM DL PM DL 3:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-6:00 6:00-6:30 3:00-4:30 4:30-5:15 3:00-4:30 4:30-5:00 5:00-6:00 6:00-6:30 3:00-4:30 4:30-5:15 3:00-4:00 PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM PM 3:30-4:10 4:10-4:50 7:20-8:00 AM PM DL AM PM DL AM PM DL AM PM DL Monday 5:15-6:45 3:00-5:30 5:30-6:30 (selected) 3:00-5:00 5:00-6:00 Tuesday 5:15-6:45 3:00-5:30 5:30-6:30 5:15-6:45 3:00-5:10 5:10-6:10 5:30-7:30 5:00-5:30 6:00-7:00 7:00-7:30 5:10-6:00 4:30-5:00 3:45-4:30 6:30-7:30 6:00-6:30 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:30-7:20 6:00-6:30 3:45-4:30 4:30-5:00 6:00-7:00 7:00-7:30 5:10-6:00 4:30-5:00 3:45-4:30 6:30-7:30 6:00-6:30 4:30-5:30 5:30-6:00 6:30-7:20 6:00-6:30 3:45-4:30 4:30-5:00 6:20-7:00 6:20-7:00 6:00-6:30 4:00-4:30 6:30-7:00 6:30-7:00 4:00-4:30 6:30-7:00 6:30-7:00 3:30-4:00 5:30-6:00 3:30-4:00 5:30-6:00 10:00-11:00am 7:00-10:00 10:00-11:00am 7:00-10:00 10:00-11:00 AM 8:00-10:00 am 10:00-11:00am 6:30-7:30 3:30-4:10 4:10-4:50 7:20-8:00 6:00-6:30 3:00-5:30 5:00-6:00 (selected) 4:30-6:30 Saturday 7:00-10:00 6:30-7:30 6:00-7:00 6:30-7:30 6:00-6:30 6:30-7:30 6:00-6:30 3:30-4:30 7:00-8:00am 8:00-8:45am 7:00-8:00am 8:00-8:45am 7:00-8:00am 7:00-8:00am 7:00-8:00am 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 3:30-4:30 Page 11 Upcoming Meets 2012 LCM Thunderbolt Meet Schedule (Subject to Change!) Date May 4-6 May 12-13 May 18-20 May 25-27 June 2-3 June 15-17 June 21-24 Meet Name Location THSC Spring Open LCM THSC MHA Sextathlon SCM CAT Open LCM Mel Zajac Jr. International LCM Wine Country Open McMinnville, OR Mt Hood 12 & Under Meet LCM Mt Hood 13 & Over Meet LCM June 30 Thunderbolt Dual Meet LCM June 29July 1 Sun Country Invitational LCM Bend, OR Thunderbolt Summer Classic THSC LCM OSI 10 & Under Championships July 14-15 LCM OSI 11 & Over Championships July 19-22 LCM Northwest Sectional Champion- Mt Hood College Gresham, July 24-28 ships LCM OR July 31 Intrasquad Last Blast SCY July 13-15 August 2-5 Far Western Championships LCM San Jose, CA Commitment To Success Groups ALL MS,HS, Bolts, TT Sect, TAG, JAG, STM National THU, BLT, STM, MS, HS THU, STM, JAG, TAG TAG, HS, SEC THU, STM, JAG, TAG, MS, HS Standards ABC BC A Custom BC AB+ A TAG, HS, SEC 14A ALL BC THU, BLT, STM A All Qualifiers A AB Sectional All JAG, TAG, SEC Far Western Standards Page 12 Thank You To Our Sponsors Jackie Arnold Commitment To Success 503.332.3288 Page 13 Bradley Chang Ciara Chen Ariana Chin Suyoun Choi Caspar Corbeau Nicolien Corbeau Eleanor Foster Maya Jagannathan Priyanka Mathur Nickolas Lafrance Alex La Rosa Sofia Lee Angela Liu Jason Shi Nina Stitt Caleb Torgerson Aries Valenzuela Marshal Xu Commitment To Success Commitment To Success OWS JAG STM BLT STM OWG OWG MS MS OWB SEC OWG JAG OWG SEC HS OWG BLT Page 14 You Can Help! Remember, it takes many man/woman hours to run a well functioning, finetuned swim team. If you’re not sure how or where to get involved, call one (or more!) of the chair people listed below to find out where you can best help: Volunteer Job Announcer Name Kevin Arnold email Awards John Spurgeon Basket Carrier Vacant– Please help! Billeting Kim Cheren Bullpen Craig Walz Jane Walz Clerk of Course Kate Donchi Computer Equip. Jeong Yoon Computer Maintenance John Lian Concessions Vacant– Please help! Corp. Team Sponsors Vacant– Please help! Electronic Timers Lisa Forsland Equipment Manager Tony Nosack Fundraising Sovitj Pou Head Timer Katherine Heekin Hospitality Delia Slattery Maria Martinez-Calvo H.S. District Meets Sheila McCarroll Meet Director Ann Van Horn meet director Meet Entry Coaches Membership Janet Casas membership Liz Bruss John Spurgeon courier Officials Shubin Zhao Operations Mark Noll operations Photo Copies Megan Newton Publicity Kirti Devi Runner Anand Sharma Safety Marshall Gerry Yadao Scrip Tammy Brennan scrip Share Points Suman Dhawan Swim-A-Thon Kathy Stitt swim-a-thon &Karen Sailor Jackie Arnold travel Team Store Kristin Berti Teamstore Webmaster Barbara Keany webmaster Commitment To Success EMAIL ADDRESSES: Head Coach: Linck Bergen Head Assistant Coach: Franz Resseguie Age Group Coach: Ruth Stocks Coaches can be reached immediately after practice to set up interviews Board Members President: Jay Epperson Vice President: Sheila McCarroll Secretary: Liam McMahon Treasurer (AP): Juan Reynaud Treasurer (AR): Sylvia Weitzel Member Relations: Janet Casas Newsletter Travel Tualatin Hills Swim Club A Nike sponsored team Operations: Mark Noll At Large: Ann Van Horn THPRD Rep: Diana Waterstreet We’re on the Web: Office phone: 503-629-5568 Fax: 503-439-9328 THSC MAILING ADDRESS: THSC PMB 152 16055 SW Walker Rd Beaverton, OR 97006-4058 All contents ©2011 Tualatin Hills Swim Club unless otherwise noted. 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