AGENDA FEBRUARY 1, 2016 7:20 p.m. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY -- Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 3a. Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes January 19, 2016 4. Approval of Agenda 5. Reports 5a. Approval of EDA Disbursements 6. Old Business – None 7. New Business 7a. Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Recommended Action: Motion to Adopt EDA Resolution approving the Sale of a View Easement at 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. 8. Communications -- None 9. Adjournment 7:30 p.m. CITY COUNCIL MEETING – Council Chambers 1. Call to Order 1a. Pledge of Allegiance 1b. Roll Call 2. Presentations -- None 3. Approval of Minutes 3a. Study Session Meeting Minutes January 11, 2016 3b. Special Study Session Meeting Minutes January 19, 2016 3c. City Council Meeting Minutes January 19, 2016 4. Approval of Agenda and Items on Consent Calendar NOTE: The Consent Calendar lists those items of business which are considered to be routine and/or which need no discussion. Consent items are acted upon by one motion. If discussion is desired by either a Councilmember or a member of the audience, that item may be moved to an appropriate section of the regular agenda for discussion. The items for the Consent Calendar are listed on the last page of the Agenda. Recommended Action: Motion to approve the Agenda as presented and items listed on the Consent Calendar; and to waive reading of all resolutions and ordinances. (Alternatively: Motion to add or remove items from the agenda, or move items from Consent Calendar to regular agenda for discussion.) Meeting of February 1, 2016 City Council Agenda 5. Boards and Commissions -- None 6. Public Hearings 6a. Japs Olson - Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance Vacating Easements Recommended Action: Mayor to close public hearing. Motion to approve First Reading of an Ordinance Vacating a Public Sewer Easement and Sewer Construction Easements and set the Second Reading of Ordinance for February 15, 2016. 6b. Coffee House Holdings, Inc. dba Starbucks - On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License Recommended Action: Mayor to close public hearing. Motion to approve application from Coffee House Holdings, Inc. dba Starbucks, for an On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License for the premises located at 3850 Grand Way, for the license term beginning March 1, 2016. 7. Requests, Petitions, and Communications from the Public -- None 8. Resolutions, Ordinances, Motions and Discussion Items 8a. Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Recommended Action: The following motions are recommended by the Planning Commission. All actions could be made with one motion: Motion to Adopt Resolution approving the application for a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment as recommended by Staff. (Super majority vote required.) Motion to approve the first reading to Adopt Ordinance amending the Zoning Map, and set a second reading for February 15, 2016. Motion to Adopt Resolution approving the preliminary and final plat of Japs Olson Addition, subject to conditions recommended by Staff. Motion to Adopt Resolution approving a major amendment to a Special Permit to approve a 192,000 square foot expansion, subject to conditions recommended by Staff. Motion to Adopt Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the export/import of more than 400 cubic yards of material, subject to conditions recommended by Staff. 8b. Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Recommended Action: Motion to Adopt Resolution amending and restating Resolution No. 12-069 approving Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions. 9. Communications -- None Auxiliary aids for individuals with disabilities are available upon request. To make arrangements, please call the Administration Department at 952/924-2525 (TDD 952/924-2518) at least 96 hours in advance of meeting. Meeting of February 1, 2016 City Council Agenda CONSENT CALENDAR 4a. 4b. 4c. Accept for filing City Disbursement Claims for the period of December 26, 2015 through January 22, 2016. Adopt the following Resolutions Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations according to the recommendation of the City Manager: Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license violation on December 15, 2015, at Pei Wei Asian Diner, 5330 Cedar Lake Road, #600 Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license violation on December 15, 2015, at Raku Sushi & Lounge, 5371 16th Street West Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license violation on December 10, 2015, at Sam’s Club, 3745 Louisiana Avenue South Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license violation on December 10, 2015, at Smashburger, 8124 Highway 7 Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license violation on December 10, 2015, at Thanh Do, 8028 Minnetonka Blvd. Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license violation on December 15, 2015, at Yangtze River Restaurant, 5625 Wayzata Blvd. Adopt Resolution for 2016 Liquor License Renewals for the license term of March 1, 2016 through March 1, 2017. 4d. Adopt Resolution approving a Master Subscriber Agreement for MN Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies. 4e. Appoint members to St. Louis Park’s Station Design Committee. 4f. Approve the Purchase Agreement between the City and Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. for the parcel in the Northeast (NE) Quadrant of Highway 7 and Louisiana. 4g. Adopt Resolution authorizing the special assessment for the repair of the sewer service line at 3528 Xylon Avenue South, St. Louis Park, MN P.I.D. 18-117-21-42-0018. 4h. Adopt Resolution authorizing the special assessment for the repair of the sewer service line at 1816 Louisiana Avenue South, St. Louis Park, MN P.I.D. 05-117-21-34-0085. 4i. Appoint Councilmember Tim Brausen as the primary representative and Gregg Lindberg as the alternate to the Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee. Adopt Resolution rescheduling the public hearing relative to the establishment of the Wayzata Blvd Tax Increment Financing District within Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 (a redevelopment district). 4j. St. Louis Park Economic Development Authority and regular City Council meetings are carried live on Civic TV cable channel 17 and replays are frequent; check for the schedule. The meetings are also streamed live on the internet at, and saved for Video on Demand replays. The agenda is posted on Fridays on the official city bulletin board in the lobby of City Hall and on the text display on Civic TV cable channel 17. The agenda and full packet are available by noon on Friday on the city’s website. Meeting: Economic Development Authority Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Minutes: 3a UNOFFICIAL MINUTES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA JANUARY 19, 2016 1. Call to Order President Mavity called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. Commissioners present: President Anne Mavity, Steve Hallfin, Gregg Lindberg, Thom Miller, Susan Sanger, and Jake Spano. Commissioners absent: Tim Brausen. Staff present: Executive Director (Mr. Harmening), Economic Development Coordinator (Mr. Hunt), City Attorney (Mr. Mattick), Communications Coordinator (Ms. Larson), and Recording Secretary (Ms. Staple). 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 3a. Economic Development Authority Minutes January 4, 2016 It was moved by Commissioner Miller, seconded by Commissioner Spano, to approve the EDA minutes as presented. The motion passed 6-0. 4. Approval of Agenda The agenda was approved as presented. 5. Reports - None 6. Old Business - None 7. New Business 7a. Call for Public Hearing to Consider Establishment of the Wayzata Boulevard TIF District – EDA Resolution No. 16-01 Mr. Hunt presented the staff report. He stated that in 2012 the EDA prequalified the area to establish a TIF district and noted that there is a timeline in which the EDA has to establish that TIF district, which would require a public hearing. President Mavity noted that Member Brausen is not present but has voiced his support for the matter. Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3a) Title: Economic Development Authority Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2016 Page 2 It was moved by Commissioner Hallfin, seconded by Commissioner Sanger, to waive the reading and adopt EDA Resolution No. 16-01, requesting the City Council to call for a public hearing relative to the establishment of the Wayzata Blvd Tax Increment Financing District within Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 (a redevelopment district). The motion passed 6-0. 8. Communications - None 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7:23 p.m. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Melissa Kennedy, Secretary Anne Mavity, President Meeting: Economic Development Authority Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 5a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Approval of EDA Disbursements RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept for filing EDA Disbursement Claims for the period of December 26, 2015 through January 22, 2016. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the EDA desire to approve EDA disbursements in accordance with Article V – Administration of Finances, of the EDA Bylaws? SUMMARY: The Accounting Division prepares this report on a monthly basis for the EDA to review and approve. The attached reports show both EDA disbursements paid by physical check and those by wire transfer or Automated Clearing House (ACH) when applicable. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Review and approval of the information follows the EDA’s Bylaws and provides another layer of oversight to further ensure fiscal stewardship. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: EDA Disbursements Prepared by: Connie Neubeck, Account Clerk Reviewed by: Brian A. Swanson, Controller Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 5a) Title: Approval of EDA Disbursements R55CKS2 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC BU Description 1/22/2016 8:14:34 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor Page 2 Page - 1/22/2016 Amount Object 2008B GO TAX INCREM BONDS G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 407.50 HWY 25/FRANCE OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,500.00 2,907.50 FRANZEN LAW & POLICY GROUP LLC HRA LEVY G&A LEGAL SERVICES 5,000.00 5,000.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER HRA LEVY G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 106.82 106.82 KENNEDY & GRAVEN WEST END TIF DIST G&A LEGAL SERVICES 1,224.00 1,224.00 METRO TRANSIT COMMISSION DEVELOPMENT - EDA G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 159,082.47 159,082.47 REDPATH & COMPANY DEVELOPMENT - EDA G&A AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVIC 340.00 340.00 ST LOUIS PARK CONV & VISITORS BUREAU CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU COST REIMBURSEMENT-CVB 60,717.32 60,717.32 THE SHOREHAM-BADER GRANTS SOIL REMEDIATION 471,326.43 471,326.43 VALUATION GROUP INC MCGARVEY COFFEE SITE APPRAISALS 3,200.00 3,200.00 Report Totals 703,904.54 1 Meeting: Economic Development Authority Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 7a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt EDA Resolution approving the Sale of a View Easement at 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the Economic Development Authority approve the proposed Sale of a View Easement at 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. SUMMARY: On December 14, 2015 staff provided an update to the possible land acquisition of 2 parcels from Clear Channel. A requirement of the purchase agreement is a view easement on 7015 Walker Street so that Clear Channel Outdoor Inc. can preserve their view of the billboard from Highway 7. Staff has reached an agreement on the sale of the view easement to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. for a price of $3000. The total area of land within the view easement is 806 sf. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: The sale of the view easement would contribute $3000 to the Economic Development Fund. More information regarding the proposed land acquisition can be found in the “Discussion” section of the report. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Discussion Resolution View Easement Grant of Perpetual Easement Joseph Shamla, Senior Engineering Project Manager Greg Hunt, Economic Development Coordinator Debra Heiser, Engineering Director Kevin Locke, Community Development Director Brian Swanson, Controller Andrea McDowell Poehler, Campbell Knutson Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 2 DISCUSSION BACKGROUND: To construct the Highway 7 / Louisiana Avenue interchange project, land needed to be acquired from Clear Channel. The land which was acquired was in the same location as the existing billboards. The billboard in the NE corner of the intersection has been reinstalled in a new location. Since May 27, 2014, the City and EDA have been working on a purchase agreement to acquire the remaining portions of both properties from Clear Channel for economic development and storm water purposes. The purchase agreement allows the billboards to remain onsite within an easement. In order for Clear Channel Outdoors to preserve the view of their billboard – they are requesting a view easement over a portion of 7015 Walker Street which is a property currently owned by the EDA. (see attached exhibit) This easement is one of the conditions of the property acquisition of the Clear Channel NE parcel the City is proposing to acquire at the City Council meeting tonight. The view easement will restrict 806 sf of land at 7015 Walker Street in the area shown on the attached exhibit. If vegetation is planted or a structure is installed which could block the view within this easement, Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. would have the right to remove it. The City is planning to construct a modest storm water pond on the property to facilitate redevelopment in the aging Walker-Lake industrial area immediately to the north. The view easement would not have any impact if the storm water pond is constructed. Also the property currently has 5’ setbacks on the west side and the south side of the property which would also limit the placement of a structure. Staff is recommending that the Economic Development Authority sell the view easement to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. for a price of $3000. Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 3 ST. LOUIS PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE GRANTING OF A VISIBILITY EASEMENT WHEREAS, the St. Louis Park Economic Development Authority (“EDA”) is the fee owner of real property legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto (“EDA Parcel”); WHEREAS, the City of Saint Louis Park (the “City”) is purchasing property owned by Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. (“Clear Channel”) that abuts the EDA Parcel to the west (“Acquisition Parcel”) as part of the settlement of the City’s eminent domain action against the Acquisition Parcel for the Hwy 7 and Louisiana Avenue reconstruction; WHEREAS, among other conditions of the acquisition, Clear Channel has conditioned sale of the Acquisition Parcel on (i) the City providing Clear Channel with an easement to locate a billboard on a portion of the Acquisition Parcel; (ii) the City granting a visibility easement for the billboard to Hwy 7; and (iii) the EDA providing a visibility easement for the billboard located on the Acquisition Parcel over a portion of the EDA Parcel (“Visibility Easement”) in the form attached hereto as Exhibit B in exchange for a payment of $3,000 (“Easement Agreement”); WHEREAS, the EDA is willing to grant the Visibility Easement conditioned upon the payment of $3,000.00 and the City’s acquiring the Acquisition Parcel. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the St. Louis Park Economic Development Authority that the Easement Agreement is hereby approved, conditioned upon payment of $3,000.00 and the City acquiring the Acquisition Parcel. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the Economic Development Authority February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, Executive Director Anne Mavity, President Attest: Secretary Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 4 EXHIBIT A Legal Description of EDA Parcel: Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 187, including ½ vacated street adjoining, and that part of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 186, including ½ vacated street adjoining, lying easterly of a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the center line of said vacated Republic (Curve) Avenue with the southerly line of Walker Street to the Northerly right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway No. 7, except part taken for highway, all in Rearrangement of St. Louis Park. Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 5 Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 6 When recorded, return to: CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC. 2325 East Camelback Road, Suite 400 Phoenix, Arizona 85016 Attn: Senior Transactional Counsel GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS THIS GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENT AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS (this “Grant of Easements”) is made as of the _____ day of __________, 2016, by the ST. LOUIS PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("Grantor"), in favor of CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Grantee"). Grantor owns that certain real estate described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Real Estate"). Grantee wishes to acquire a visibility easement over, under, upon and across the Real Estate, which easement will run with the land, and requires certain restrictions on the use of the Real Estate in order to protect the value of said easements. Grantee and the City of St. Louis Park (“City”) have entered into a purchase agreement for the conveyance of property abutting the Real Estate to the City (“Purchase Agreement”). A condition of the conveyance of property under the terms of the Purchase Agreement is that the City grant an easement for the construction of a billboard (“Sign Easement”) and other associated easements, including a visibility easement to provide clear visibility of the billboard to Hwy 7. The easement for the sign on the City property is legally described in Exhibit B attached hereto and made a part hereof (the “Sign Easement Area”). A small portion of the southwest corner of the Real Estate is located within the area of visibility of the billboard located within the Sign Easement Area to Hwy 7. A condition of Grantee’s sale of the abutting property to the City under the terms of the Purchase Agreement requires that Grantor grant to Grantee a visibility easement for the appropriate portion of the Real Estate. To assist in finalizing the Purchase Agreement, Grantor is willing to grant such an easement to Grantee and to impose such restrictions in connection therewith. 184998v1 - 1– Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 7 Now, therefore, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Visibility Easement. Grantor hereby grants to Grantee and its grantees, successors and assigns a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for visibility purposes to serve the billboard located within the Sign Easement Area (“Visibility Easement”) over, under, upon and across that portion of the Real Estate legally described and depicted on Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof (the “Visibility Easement Area”). Grantor imposes the following restrictions with respect to the Visibility Easement Area: (a) Grantor will not make any plantings or improvements whatsoever on, or otherwise use, the Visibility Easement Area in a manner that would obstruct, partially or entirely, the view from Highway 7 of the face of the Billboard constructed in the Sign Easement Area. (b) Grantor hereby grants to Grantee and its successors and assigns, the right to trim or remove any vegetation, structures or improvements on the Visibility Easement Area which would obstruct, partially or entirely, the view from Highway 7 of the Billboard constructed within the Sign Easement Area. 2. Additional Terms. (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, all provisions of this Grant of Easement shall run with the land and are binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, assigns, successors, and tenants of Grantee and Grantor. (b) Grantor shall be responsible for the payment of all ad valorem taxes, mechanic’s or materialmen’s liens assessed against the Real Estate, and Grantee shall be responsible for the payment of all taxes separately assessed against the easements and the Billboard structure(s), and any licenses, fees, permits and similar charges which may be lawfully imposed upon Grantee for the use or operation of the easements. If either Grantee or Grantor fails to pay the taxes or assessments for which it is responsible, the other party shall have the right, but not the obligation, to pay such taxes and/or assessments on behalf of the party responsible for such payments and to be reimbursed therefor on demand. (c) If any portion of the easements granted herein, or the portion of the Real Estate immediately surrounding the area upon which the Billboard is located, is the subject of an offer of acquisition, is acquired, is taken or is threatened to be taken by condemnation or eminent domain or conveyance in lieu thereof, or a certificate of convenience or necessity is issued by a governmental or quasi-governmental entity or a private party in conjunction with a governmental or quasi-governmental entity, then Grantee shall be entitled to seek compensation from such entity or party, for the value of its total interest in and to the easements and under this Grant of Easements, including the revenues to be earned by Grantee from the easements and the value of its property situated on the easements, and the Grantor shall be entitled to seek compensation from such entity or party for the value of its interest in and to the Real Estate. 184998v1 - 2– Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 8 (d) Grantee shall have the right to assign or transfer in whole or in part, and subject to this Grant of Easement, every feature of Grantee’s rights and obligations hereunder and to the easement to any entity that holds the easement for the billboard located within the Sign Easement Area. (e) This Grant of Easement shall be governed exclusively by the provisions hereof and by the laws of the state in which the Real Estate is located, as the same may, from time to time, exist without regard to conflicts of laws provisions. (f) If any term or provision of this Grant of Easement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Grant of Easement, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Grant of Easement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. (g) This Grant of Easement constitutes the entire agreement between Grantor and Grantee relating to the easement described herein, and any prior agreement, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Grant of Easement are of no force and effect. Any amendment to this Grant of Easement shall be of no force and effect unless it is in writing and signed by the Grantor and Grantee. (h) This Grant of Easement may be executed in several counterparts; all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument, and each of which shall be deemed an original hereof. In Witness Whereof, this Grant of Perpetual Easement and Declaration of Restrictions has been executed as of this _____ day of _____________________, 2016. GRANTOR: ST. LOUIS PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY By: By: 184998v1 - 3– Anne Mavity Its President Thomas K. Harmening Its Executive Director Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 9 Acknowledgment State of Minnesota County of Hennepin ) )ss. ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Anne Mavity and Thomas K. Harmening, personally known to me to be the President and Executive Director, respectively, of the St. Louis Park Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument in their said capacity and as their free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this _____ day of _______________, 2016. Notary Public My Commission Expires _____________________, 20___. 184998v1 - 4– Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 10 GRANTEE: CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Its: Acknowledgment State of County of ) ) ) SS I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that _______________________, personally known to me to be the ________________ of CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC., a Delaware corporation, and the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he/she signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument in his/her said capacity and as his/her free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this _____ day of _______________, ________. Notary Public My Commission Expires _____________________, 20___. 184998v1 - 5– Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 11 EXHIBIT A TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 187, including ½ vacated street adjoining, and that part of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 186, including ½ vacated street adjoining, lying easterly of a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the center line of said vacated Republic (Curve) Avenue with the southerly line of Walker Street to the Northerly right-of-way line of State Trunk Highway No. 7, except part taken for highway, all in Rearrangement of St. Louis Park. 184998v1 - 6– Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 12 EXHIBIT B TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN EASEMENT AREA An easement for sign purposes over, under and across that part of Lots 1, 26 and 27, Block 186, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and of the vacated alley in said Block 186 described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of Outlot C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Hennepin County, thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of vacated Monitor Street a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet to the point of beginning of the sign easement to be described; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 27.33 feet; thence North 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 62.36 feet; thence South 58 degrees 51 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 48.10 feet; thence South 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 53.53 feet to the intersection of Line “A”, hereinafter described; thence westerly, along said Line “A”, a distance of 26.50 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 3188.12 feet, a central angle of 0 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds and a chord bearing of South 85 degrees 36 minutes 34 seconds West to said point of beginning. Line “A” Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Outlot C; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet to the point of beginning of said Line “A”; thence easterly a distance of 213.24 feet along a non tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 3188.12 feet, a central angle of 03 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds, and a chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East to a point on a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the center line of vacated Republic Street and the southerly line of Walker Street and said Line “A” there terminating. 184998v1 - 7– - 8– Page 13 184998v1 Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Page 14 EXHIBIT C TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SURVEY OF VISIBILITY EASEMENT AREA An easement for view purposes over and across that part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 186, “Rearrangement of St. Louis Park”, and vacated Republic Avenue, Hennepin County, Minnesota which lies northerly of Line “A”, hereinafter described, and southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the center line of said vacated Republic Avenue and the south line of Walker Street; thence Southerly along a line drawn at a right angle with said south line a distance of 65.02 feet to the point of beginning of said line to be described; thence Southeasterly, at an angle of 101 degrees 41 minutes 19 seconds with said right angle line, a distance of 114.40 feet, more or less, to its intersection with said Line “A” and said line there terminating. Line “A”: Commencing at the intersection of the east line of Lot 12, Block 187, said “Rearrangement of St. Louis Park” and the northerly right of way line of the 200 foot wide right of way of State Highway No. 7, as originally shown on the Minnesota Department of Transportation right of way map File No. 179-14B; thence North 03 degrees 48 minutes 25 seconds West, assumed bearing, along said east line 4.81 feet to the point of beginning of said Line “A”; thence North 89 degrees 03 minutes 26 seconds West 98.01 feet; thence westerly 94.33 feet along a tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 01 degrees 41 minutes 43 seconds, radius 3188.12 feet to the intersection with a line drawn southerly, and at a right angle with the south line of Walker Street, from the intersection of said south line and the center line of vacated Republic Avenue and said Line “A” there terminating. 184998v1 - 9– - 10 – Page 15 184998v1 Economic Development Authority Meeting of February 1, 2015 (Item No. 7a) Title: Approval of Sale of View Easement - 7015 Walker Street to Clear Channel Outdoors Inc. Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Minutes: 3a UNOFFICIAL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA JANUARY 11, 2016 The meeting convened at 6:30 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Jake Spano. Gregg Lindberg, Tim Brausen, Steve Hallfin, Anne Mavity, Thom Miller, and Susan Sanger. Councilmembers absent: None. Staff present: City Manager (Mr. Harmening), Economic Development Coordinator (Mr. Hunt), Director of Community Development (Mr. Locke), City Clerk (Ms. Kennedy), Communications and Marketing Manager (Ms. Larson), and Recording Secretary (Ms. Batra). Guest: Becky Bakken (President of Discover St. Louis Park) 1. Future Study Session Agenda Planning – January 19 & January 25, 2016 Mr. Harmening reviewed the proposed Study Session agendas for January 19th and January 25th. Councilmember Mavity stated in her opinion the Bring Your Own Bag (BYOB) ordinance and the off-sale liquor discussion were left without final resolution in 2015. She suggested the new Council review both topics and open them up for discussion. Councilmember Sanger agreed that the Council should further discuss the BYOB ordinance; however, in her opinion the off-sale liquor discussion had reached a resolution. Mayor Spano agreed with Councilmember Mavity’s proposal regarding the off-sale liquor discussion. He stated that he recalls there was a split on the issue amongst the Council and there were not enough votes to move forward in a specific direction, so the matter was dropped. Councilmember Miller asked if staff provided enough information, and the Council agreed that enough information had been provided. Mayor Spano, Councilmember Lindberg, Councilmember Mavity, and Councilmember Miller agreed to revisit the off-sale liquor discussion. Councilmember Mavity suggested the Council focus the discussion around establishing a size limit for liquor stores. Councilmember Mavity explained that there was a split vote on the BYOB ordinance, so the proposed ordinance was dropped. Councilmember Brausen stated there was a lot of discussion and staff time spent without a resolution. Councilmember Mavity stated she wants to pick up the BYOB ordinance at the point where it was last discussed, with a new Council, to make a clear statement. Councilmember Miller stated he is in favor of a new discussion. Councilmember Lindberg explained that he is not supportive of a fee, but he wasn’t in a position to vote as the issue was not ‘ripe.’ Councilmember Brausen stated that he is in favor of opening the issue up for discussion. Councilmember Hallfin stated, in his opinion, the decision of no action was final so he would prefer not to reopen the issue. Councilmember Sanger stated that she is willing to discuss again because, in her opinion, a decision was not reached. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3a) Title: Study Session Minutes of January 11, 2016 Page 2 The Council discussed the need to involve the Environment and Sustainability Commission in future discussions on the BYOB ordinance. Councilmember Mavity reminded the Council of the roundtable that was conducted with three Councilmembers and a few members of the Commission to collectively discuss the ordinance. 2. Annual Update – Discover St. Louis Park Ms. Bakken presented the staff report and annual update on Discover St. Louis Park (Discover SLP). She explained that Doug McIntrye, with Foley & Mansfield, is the chairman of the Board and is serving his second year in 2016. She discussed the makeup of the Board of Directors of Discover SLP, which, according to the association’s bylaws, must be a mixture of hoteliers and City officials. Councilmember Mavity asked for clarification on the makeup of the Board and Ms. Bakken stated that there must be four hotel members on the Board. Ms. Bakken explained the importance of tourism to the City. She discussed the economic impact tourism has on the State’s economy, the 3% hospitality tax, and how tourists spend money when travelling. She explained how the taxes are allocated amongst programs. She noted when visitors come to town, all areas of the City benefit and it elevates the community as a whole. Ms. Bakken reviewed the different business segments in their marketing division and how the organization advertises. She highlighted several new marketing projects aimed to bring in revenue for the organization. Ms. Bakken discussed the unique visits to the association’s website and where the majority of the traffic is coming from. She explained that this industry responds very well to social media. The top five pages visited on their website are Restaurants, Things to Do, Business Listings, Shopping and Hotels. Most of the visitors to their website are from Minneapolis and out of state, primarily from Chicago. The association plans to concentrate on increasing traffic from out of state visitors for 2016. Ms. Bakken presented a summary of the City’s lodging tax revenue, which shows that it has grown every year since 2012. She stated a 3% growth was projected over the next year, but noted it will eventually level off. She added there are some potential new projects and opportunities in the works that will increase the revenue generated over the next few years. Ms. Bakken outlined the organization’s key initiatives for 2016, including utilizing more volunteers, launching a revised website, a statewide travel campaign, Ryder cup preparation (international event coming to the region), the 3rd DSLP Adam Turman Visitor Guide Illustration, and a possible partnership with the City of Golden Valley. Councilmember Miller asked about hotel capacity and if the City is reaching their limit. Ms. Bakken replied there is a little room for growth, but the City will level out eventually. She explained how the revenue is calculated using the industry standard. Mayor Spano asked if the 3% tax is average when compared with other cities. Ms. Bakken confirmed that 3% is the highest that can be collected. Councilmember Brausen stated that the organization does great work and asked what it takes to get listed as a business organization with the association. Ms. Bakken stated that the association is working to promote businesses that increase tourism. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3a) Title: Study Session Minutes of January 11, 2016 Page 3 Ms. Bakken explained that Golden Valley has sought out a partnership with Discover SLP, because Golden Valley likes what the organization has done for the City of St. Louis Park. She reviewed the history of the discussions between Discover SLP and Golden Valley. She explained if the same 3% tax was implemented, the City of Golden Valley would generate approximately $147,000. She stressed that the organization wanted to hear Council’s opinion on the subject because the Board recognizes the importance of maintaining the identity of Discover SLP. Mr. Harmening stated that the City is already maintaining the assets, therefore, in his opinion, the City should be getting income. He noted this could also open up dialogue with other surrounding cities. Mayor Spano asked if the partnership would change the composition of the Board. Ms. Bakken explained another three seats would be added to include a representative from a hotel, a city official and one at-large member. Councilmember Mavity asked what Golden Valley wants out of the partnership and asked about a ten-year vision. Ms. Bakken stated they are looking for economic development and looking to promote their city to have a greater presence. Councilmember Sanger stated that she sees pros and cons to the partnership. She asked if there is a mechanism for assessing whether the benefits received are proportionate to what is contributed. Mr. McIntyre stated that the Board has looked at those questions for a long time. He explained the City is already marketing and as long as the association is not rebranding, it could be a win/win situation. Councilmember Miller asked about the opposing points of view. Mr. McIntyre explained that the first goal is to not lose the identity that has been created and the second goal is to figure out the division of expenses and resources between St. Louis Park and Golden Valley. Mr. McIntyre stated it is $150,000 of new revenue coming in, which creates more opportunity for the City. Mr. Harmening stated his main concern was losing the Discover SLP identity and it was apparent that the Board had similar concerns and was committed to not letting that happen. He stated that, in his opinion, the proposition could be a win/win for both cities. Councilmember Lindberg stated that this proposal makes him nervous, although he defers to staff’s judgment. He explained that he is cautious and would be curious to know what Golden Valley’s thought process is about this partnership. Councilmember Hallfin stated he is cautiously optimistic about partnering with another city, and he defers to the Board, but hopes that Discover SLP would be able to opt out of the relationship if it does not work. Councilmember Mavity stated her support of moving the recommendation forward with the cautions that have been discussed. Mayor Spano stated his agreement with the proposed partnership because the assets in each city are very different and it would take a long time for Golden Valley to acquire the infrastructure for equity to become an issue. It was the consensus of the City Council to encourage Discover St. Louis Park to move forward in exploring the partnership with Golden Valley. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3a) Title: Study Session Minutes of January 11, 2016 3. Page 4 Boards & Commissions Appointments Ms. Kennedy presented the staff report, which is the continuation of a discussion from 2015 regarding changes to the Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions. Councilmember Mavity stated in response to the two questions posed in the staff report, she agrees with the proposed revisions, but is not ready to move forward with the pending appointments and reappointments at this point. She referenced the new online application system and questioned why there would be two separate applications. Ms. Kennedy explained there would be an application for new candidates and an application for or current members seeking reappointment. Councilmember Mavity stated she did not think that a dual approach is necessary and wants the same information for each applicant presented to the Council. Councilmember Mavity asked why the term expiration date in May was proposed by staff. Ms. Kennedy explained that staff had originally proposed an expiration date at the end of December, however there were concerns raised about monopolizing an entire study session for candidate interviews at that time of the year as Council will also be in the midst of budget discussions and other end of the year preparations. Councilmember Mavity discussed the proposed interview process and stated she is not in favor of interviewing all of the candidates. She suggested the Council use the ranking process that was previously created to determine which candidates would be interviewed. Councilmember Mavity suggested the Rules and Procedures could state that applicants may be asked to interview based on the discretion of the Council. Councilmember Lindberg agreed that not all applicants needed to be interviewed and stated that the process needs to be simple, transparent, and applied equally for all applicants. Councilmember Hallfin stated he does not think the whole system needs to be changed and reinterviewing people seeking reappointment is not a good use of time. Councilmember Sanger stated she doesn’t want to re-interview incumbents unless there is a specific reason or extenuating circumstance. She stated that she doesn’t mind interviewing applicants for a vacancy. Councilmember Miller asked if the impetus for the changes was to make the process easier for staff. Ms. Kennedy stated staff was asked by the Council to make recommendations for changes to the overall process. She noted that one of the benefits of the proposed changes was that the process would be more streamlined and efficient for staff to manage. Councilmember Miller agreed with Councilmember Mavity regarding interviews and delaying the next round of appointments and reappointments until May. He suggested using a standard HR practice to review the applications and then interview the top candidates. Councilmember Mavity suggested that the Council and staff be more efficient when conducting the interview process. Councilmember Lindberg stated he would support the changes discussed as long the process is transparent and can be easily explained. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3a) Title: Study Session Minutes of January 11, 2016 Page 5 Mayor Spano stated he would like to open up the Boards and Commissions appointments, but does not want to interview 25 applicants in a night. He added that the current process is not efficient and makes it difficult for the Council to evaluate candidates appropriately. He agreed with implementing a standard HR practice to evaluate candidates. 4. Proposed TIF District - 9920 & 9808 Wayzata Blvd (Former Santorini Property)e Mr. Hunt presented the staff report relative to establishing a new TIF District on the former Santorini property. In 2012 the Santorini restaurant building was declared a health hazard, and the City required the building’s repair or removal. A predevelopment agreement was entered into with the property owner to demolish the building in the fall of 2012. In early 2013, the Santorini family had the building taken down. Due to statutory limitations, the City has three years after building demolition to create a new TIF District on the property, and that time period will soon expire. Staff asked if the EDA would be interested in creating a redevelopment TIF District, which would preserve the EDA’s ability to utilize tax increment to facilitate an appropriate redevelopment on the property. Councilmember Sanger stated her agreement, but inquired on the vision for the site and whether the City plans to seek out a redeveloper for the site. Mr. Hunt explained that the property is guided and zoned Commercial, but the City would like to see something intense with high property value that would support other uses in the area. Mr. Locke stated the City will look for a developer. Councilmember Sanger stated that it would be a great spot for a nice piece of visual architecture. In response to Councilmember Miller’s question about the $25,000, Mr. Hunt explained that is the cost to formally establish the TIF District. He further explained that the EDA normally passes that fee on to the developer, which the EDA could still do when the right project comes along. Councilmember Brausen stated his support, because the cost is a small expense to leave the City’s options open for redevelopment of that site. Mr. Hunt explained the next steps to move the proposal forward and explained that if the EDA acts now, there is still time to get the request in before the deadline. 5. Review of 2016 Legislative Issues and Priorities Mr. Harmening presented the staff report and explained the Council has been doing this process for quite some time. Questions for the Council include (1) is the Council okay with issues included in draft document, any revisions or additions; and (2) is the Council comfortable with using legislative lobbying assistance for 2016. Mr. Harmening explained there are a number of issues the Council have seen in past years, which encourages legislatures to support the City’s capital bonding requests. Mr. Harmening reviewed and discussed new items on the agenda for 2016. Councilmember Sanger stated she is comfortable with what’s written but a few things are left out: (1) a statement of support to improve the transportation funding, such as a gas tax increase, in general for the state; (2) specific funding for safety improvements for at grade railroad crossings; (3) Minnetonka Boulevard is missing that the scope of the study needs to be broader than what’s outlined to include landscaping and redevelopment; and (4) add a statement that addresses the wear/tear maintenance needed due to redevelopment in the section that contains the statement for modification of fiscal disparities. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3a) Title: Study Session Minutes of January 11, 2016 Page 6 Councilmember Hallfin stated he likes what’s in the draft report, including the items Councilmember Sanger mentioned. Councilmember Brausen agreed with Councilmember Sanger regarding the transportation tax and stated the only thing missing is community solar gardens and accelerating the development of and pushing Xcel Energy for that. Councilmember Lindberg stated he has no changes to suggest. Councilmember Mavity stated that the County needs to take the lead on a few issues, but the City needs to verify that it’s going to be addressed by the County. Mr. Harmening responded that the City will be pointing the necessary agenda items to the County to address. Councilmember Mavity discussed the issue regarding Metro Cities’ policy about appointment to the Met Council. Councilmember Mavity wanted to give a heads up to the Council so that the Council doesn’t support those changes. Mr. Harmening stated he will add this issue to the agenda. Mayor Spano stated the draft agenda looks good. He explained that the session should last approximately six weeks and if anything gets addressed, it will be transportation and possibly bonding. Because of this observation, he stated that there are 19 items but probably only one will get addressed. Mayor Spano suggested the Council step forward and highlight the top priority and prepare a prioritized list for ease of reference for our legislators to address. Mr. Harmening stated he will provide a draft for the Council to further discuss and edit. Councilmember Miller suggested that the Council take away the whistle quiet zone, because there is a lot controversy surrounding the issue. Councilmember Mavity stated that there is not enough Staff time or resources to work this up currently. Councilmember Miller stated his intent was to raise the question to the Council not to pull off or change. It was the consensus of the City Council to discuss and edit the draft prepared by Mr. Harmening and discuss again at the next study session. Communications/Meeting Check-In (Verbal) Mr. Harmening stated that Starbucks as a corporation is looking to provide beer and wine at their establishments so there’s going to be a beer/wine license application in the near future. Mr. Harmening explained that he’s almost finished with his portion of his evaluation so Council can expect the evaluation soon. Mayor Spano asked Mr. Harmening for clarification on the Meadowbrook Manor exchange. Mr. Harmening stated that he thinks that improved management of the housing will be increased and demographics will be discussed. Councilmember Mavity stated, for clarification, that on the Wooddale report, there will be recommendations on sightlines on the bridge. Councilmember Sanger stated that her big concern is with the median on Wooddale. She explained that all of the traffic coming down through there will have nowhere to go and would like to discuss what can be done to minimize traffic cutting through Sorenson neighborhood. The meeting adjourned at 9:24 p.m. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3a) Title: Study Session Minutes of January 11, 2016 Page 7 Written Reports provided and documented for recording purposes only: 6. 7. 8. 9. SWLRT Update November 2015 Monthly Financial Report Wooddale/Highway 7 Interchange Update Memorandum of Understanding with Minnehaha Creek Watershed District for Erosion Control Permitting Authority ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Jake Spano, Mayor Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Minutes: 3b UNOFFICIAL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL STUDY SESSION ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA JANUARY 19, 2016 The meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Jake Spano, Gregg Lindberg, Steve Hallfin, Anne Mavity, Thom Miller, and Susan Sanger. Councilmembers absent: Tim Brausen. Staff present: City Manager (Mr. Harmening), Engineering Director (Ms. Heiser), Finance Supervisor (Mr. Heintz), Communications Coordinator (Ms. Larson), Operations Manager (Mr. Stevens), and Recording Secretary (Ms. Staple). Guest: None 1. Assessment Policy Discussion (continued) – Sidewalks, Street Lighting, Maintenance Mr. Harmening reviewed the discussions that have taken place on this topic over the course of several meetings and summarized the consensus that was reached by the Council at the November 23rd Study Session. Mr. Harmening provided an example of an alley being improved. Under the City’s current policy the owners along that alley would pay, as direct or indirect contributors, 100 percent of the project cost through assessment. He stated it was his impression that the Council wants to incent people to improve the alleys by reducing their assessment contribution to 50 percent of the project cost, noting that direct and indirect access would be split 70/30. Councilmember Sanger agreed that was the consensus of the Council. She stated that she struggles with the indirect access charge. She suggested implementing a connection fee, similar to sewer connection charges, where a property owner would only be charged a fee if they obtain access to the improved alley in the future. Mayor Spano asked for additional information on what Councilmember Sanger would be suggesting. Councilmember Sanger stated that the project cost would be assessed to the direct contributors and, in the future, if someone were to build a garage with access onto the improved alley, they would then have to pay their equal share of the assessment. Councilmember Mavity stated that while she understands the fairness of what Councilmember Sanger is stating, she does not believe that would be enforceable. She stated that people could still use the alley and use loopholes to get out of being classified as a direct contributor. Councilmember Lindberg stated that alleys are still public roads, acknowledging that they provide different type of access to homes. He stated that his priority is to have unimproved alleys replaced. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3b) Title: Special Study Session Minutes of January 19, 2016 Page 2 He did not believe a 70/30 split would be enough to incentivize the residents to support the improvements. He stated that property taxes could be levied and the alleys could be improved and the discussion would be done; it was noted that the cost to do so would be $3,200,000. Councilmember Miller referenced the unimproved streets in the City and it was determined that the cost to improve the unimproved alleys and streets would be around $4,000,000. He asked how much the City designates to the pavement management program annually. Ms. Heiser stated that the pavement management plan has an annual budget of $2,400,000, which is allocated to improved roads. She also provided information on how those road projects were selected. Mr. Heintz stated that currently the franchise fee is $3.50 for each CenterPoint and Xcel customer, with an increased fee for commercial users. He stated that in order to generate $1,000,000 the franchise fee would need to be raised by $1.25 per utility per month. Councilmember Miller stated that it seems that it would be simpler to pull the unimproved roads and alleys into the pavement maintenance program and they could then be budgeted in for longterm planning with the other roadways in the City. Councilmember Hallfin stated that some of the commercial streets have not been maintained on the same cycle as residential streets and suggested that the commercial streets, alleys and unimproved roadways be inserted into the pavement management plan. He noted that another option would be to improve the alleys and unimproved streets when the City is in that area doing road projects. He stated that the residential street maintenance could be delayed one additional year in order to work in the additional roadways. Councilmember Mavity stated that even though $1.25 does not seem like a large amount there are many important issues that come before the Council each week and perhaps it would be a better decision to place those additional funds towards other issues. She stated that she has not heard anyone complain about the alleys and some people might think they are quaint. Councilmembers Sanger, Lindberg and Hallfin stated that they have all heard complaints. Councilmember Mavity stated that she is not in favor of simply paving the alleys and unimproved roadways just to do it. Councilmember Hallfin asked the opinion of the public works staff. Mr. Harmening stated that the City workers would prefer for the roads to be paved, as it would be easier to maintain. Mayor Spano asked for additional input from Ms. Heiser. Ms. Heiser stated that it would be much easier to not assess anything but stated that from a fiscal perspective the pavement management plan has funds committed. She stated that the need for rehabilitating street segments has increased. She noted that with additional funds the roadways could be worked into the pavement management plan using the assessment rate of 50 percent for commercial properties. She stated that undertaking the alleys in the same cycle as the pavement City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3b) Title: Special Study Session Minutes of January 19, 2016 Page 3 management program would not work as well. Alleys are different because the work is occurring in someone’s backyard. Councilmember Sanger asked for additional information on whether it would be feasible to delay the pavement management plan by one year in order to address some of these issues. Ms. Heiser stated that a lot of the pavement in the City is the same age and staff has real concerns about delaying maintenance because the right maintenance needs to be done at the right time in order to preserve the life of the roadway. Mr. Harmening stated that there appears to be movement towards doing this as much as possible without using assessment. He suggested that staff research this further to determine what this policy could look like. He stated that in regard to alleys it appears that the Council would like to avoid assessments if possible as an incentive to get those improved. He referenced commercial streets and explained that commercial streets are heavier and wider in order to accommodate the vehicles, which makes them more expensive to improve. That is why the 50 percent assessment is proposed for those roadways. He noted that commercial properties also contribute less to the pavement management plan than residential properties. Councilmember Miller stated that he would be in favor of incorporating the unimproved streets and alleys into the pavement management plan with no assessments. He asked if there would be a way to understand what would be saved by improving the streets now rather than delaying that action for ten years. Ms. Heiser stated that pavement is rated annually on a scale from 1 to 100. Deferring maintenance by 8 years would mean that that the pavement condition would deteriorate, impacting the type of the maintenance, and costing the City more money. Councilmember Miller asked if there is a higher cost to plow gravel alleys. Mr. Stevens stated that the cost to remove snow in an alley is the same across the board but noted that the risk of damage to plowing equipment is much higher on a gravel alley. Councilmember Lindberg stated that he would support assessing commercial streets for the purposes identified by Mr. Harmening. He asked for additional information on assessments. Ms. Heiser provided additional information on the assessment process and noted that there would be active management of commercial streets. She stated that benefit must be proven for an improvement project in order to assess the property, noting that the initial assessment level could be set; however, a direct benefit equal to or greater than the assessment amount would need to be demonstrated. She advised that any final assessment would come before the Council for approval. Councilmember Lindberg stated that there are different purposes for residential and commercial roadways and he would prefer that the cost for the commercial roadways be assessed to the commercial users rather than spread out over the residential base. Councilmember Sanger stated that she would like to hear a plan for streets that have both commercial and other land uses. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3b) Title: Special Study Session Minutes of January 19, 2016 Page 4 Councilmember Mavity stated that she wanted to make sure that the assessments are not being reviewed in isolation and that at some point she would like to see the big picture and overview. Mayor Spano referenced the list of ten items that was created for assessments and believed that at some point a high-level discussion should be had to determine whether or not to assess direct property owners. Mr. Harmening reviewed the recommendation for residential sidewalks, which would not assess sidewalks that are included in the Connect the Park! program; noting that sidewalks not included in the plan could be constructed with 50 percent of the cost assessed. Councilmember Sanger stated that if the item is used for the public, such as roads, sidewalks, alleys, and streetlights, an analysis should be made to determine if the item will benefit public safety and if the answer is yes the improvement should be covered with public tax dollars. She stated that if the answer is no, the improvement should then not be constructed. Ms. Heiser stated that if the installation of a streetlight will improve public safety, then the item is covered by the streetlight policy. She explained that the City will fund public streetlights that have safety benefits, but a resident desiring decorative lighting would be assessed for that higher cost of lighting. Councilmember Mavity stated that she would not support funding alleys as residents pay for their own driveways, but stated that she would support funding public benefit improvements. Mr. Harmening summarized the consensus of the Council to have a policy that does not assess for things like sidewalks and street lighting, and to fund those items through the property tax levy and franchise fees, with the exception of commercial/industrial property. Communications/Meeting Check-In (Verbal) No comments. The meeting adjourned at 7:16 p.m. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Jake Spano, Mayor Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Minutes: 3c UNOFFICIAL MINUTES CITY COUNCIL MEETING ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA JANUARY 19, 2016 1. Call to Order Mayor Spano called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Jake Spano, Steve Hallfin, Gregg Lindberg, Anne Mavity, Thom Miller, and Susan Sanger. Councilmembers absent: Tim Brausen. Staff present: City Manager (Mr. Harmening), City Attorney (Mr. Mattick), City Clerk (Ms. Kennedy), Inspections Director (Mr. Hoffman), and Recording Secretary (Ms. Staple). Guests: Dana Nelson, Metropolitan Airports Commission, and Lisa Peilen, Metropolitan Airports Commission. 1a. 1b. 2. Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call Presentations 2a. Recognition of Donations Mayor Spano expressed the City’s gratitude to Lola Sletten, Joe and Arlyce Wiersma, Julie Masonsmith and the Church of St. Therese for their donation of $135 for program supplies for Westwood Hills Nature Center in memory of Ray Knighton, Bill Skewes and Gerrie Nassen; Jason Wallestad, Sonja Saunders and Iris Wallestad for their donation of $1,000 for program supplies for Westwood Hills Nature Center; Jeffrey Raison and Marilyn Reiter for their donation of $250 for program supplies for Westwood Nature Center; and Discover St. Louis Park for its donation of $2,200 for registration and travel expenses for Recreation Superintendent Jason West to attend the 2016 National Association of Sports Commission Symposium. 3. Approval of Minutes 3a. City Council Meeting Minutes December 21, 2015 It was moved by Councilmember Mavity, seconded by Councilmember Lindberg, to approve the December 21, 2015 meeting minutes as presented. The motion passed 6-0. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3c) Title: City Council Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2016 3b. Page 2 City Council Meeting Minutes January 4, 2016 It was moved by Councilmember Lindberg, seconded by Councilmember Sanger, to approve the January 4, 2016 meeting minutes as presented. The motion passed 6-0. 4. Approval of Agenda and Items on Consent Calendar NOTE: The Consent Calendar lists those items of business which are considered to be routine and/or which need no discussion. Consent items are acted upon by one motion. If discussion is desired by either a Councilmember or a member of the audience, that item may be moved to an appropriate section of the regular agenda for discussion. 4a. Approve Resolution No. 16-004 authorizing Suburban Rate Authority Membership. 4b. Adopt Resolution No. 16-005 authorizing execution of Hennepin County Grant Agreement for Public Space Recycling Funds. 4c. Adopt Resolution No. 16-006 approving acceptance of monetary donations from: Lola Sletten in the amount of $25, Joe and Arlyce Wiersma in the amount of $15, Julie Masonsmith in the amount of $50 and The Church of St. Therese in the amount of $50 for Westwood Hills Nature Center. 4d. Adopt Resolution No. 16-007 approving acceptance of a monetary donation from Jason Wallestad, Sonja Saunders and Iris Wallestad in the amount of $1,000, and Jeffrey Raison and Marilyn Reiter in the amount of $250 for Westwood Hills Nature Center. 4e. Adopt Resolution No. 16-008 approving acceptance of a donation from Discover St. Louis Park for registration, hotel, airfare and cab fare for Jason West, Recreation Superintendent to attend the 2016 National Association of Sports Commission (“NASC”) Symposium held April 3 – 7, 2016 in Grand Rapids, Michigan in an approximate amount not to exceed $2,200. 4f. Authorize the execution of a contract with Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc, (SEH) for the Wooddale Avenue Traffic Engineering Analysis. 4g. Approve the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Minnehaha Creek Watershed on consolidating permitting authority for Construction Stormwater Management. 4h. Adopt Resolution No. 16-009 calling for a public hearing relative to the establishment of the Wayzata Blvd Tax Increment Financing District within Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 (a redevelopment district). 4i. Approve for filing Planning Commission Minutes of October 21, 2015. 4j. Approve for filing Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes of August 5, 2015. Approve for filing Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission Minutes of October 21, 2015. 4k. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3c) Title: City Council Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2016 Page 3 It was moved by Councilmember Sanger, seconded by Councilmember Mavity, to approve the Agenda as presented and items listed on the Consent Calendar; and to waive reading of all resolutions and ordinances. The motion passed 6-0. 5. Boards and Commissions 5a. Reappointment of Stuart Williams to the Fire Civil Service Commission It was moved by Councilmember Lindberg, seconded by Councilmember Hallfin, to reappoint Stuart Williams to the Fire Civil Service Commission with a term to expire December 31, 2018. The motion passed 6-0. 6. Public Hearings 6a. Public Hearing – Lifeswork Enterprises, LLC dba Pinot’s Palette - On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License Ms. Kennedy presented the staff report regarding an on-sale wine and liquor license for the business located at 4712 Excelsior Boulevard. She stated that the business would be a restaurant with an art studio where patrons can enjoy finger foods, crepes, wine and beer while they take art classes. She provided examples of similar businesses found throughout the metro and within the City. Mayor Spano stated that the license term goes through March 2016 and asked if that is correct. Ms. Kennedy explained the business is proposed to open in February, the last month of the 2015-2016 license term. The 2016-2017 license term would not start until March 1st. She noted this license would also be included on the list for renewal at the next regular Council meeting. Councilmember Mavity asked for additional information in regard to the food to liquor ratio. Ms. Kennedy stated if the applicant met a 60/40 ratio for food to drink the business would be authorized to sell strong beer without an additional license. If the 60/40 ratio was not met the applicant would still be able to serve wine and 3.2% malt liquor. Mayor Spano opened the public hearing. No speakers were present. Mayor Spano closed the public hearing. It was moved by Councilmember Mavity, seconded by Councilmember Miller, to approve application from Lifeswork Enterprises, LLC dba Pinot’s Palette, for an On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License for the premises located at 4712 Excelsior Boulevard, with the license term through March 1, 2016. The motion passed 6-0. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3c) Title: City Council Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2016 6b. Page 4 Public Hearing – 2016 Liquor License Fees. Resolution 16-010 Ms. Kennedy presented the staff report regarding the 2016 liquor license fees, noting that two new fees were added for a microdistillery cocktail room license and a microdistillery off-sale license. Mayor Spano opened the public hearing. No speakers were present. Mayor Spano closed the public hearing. It was moved by Councilmember Hallfin, seconded by Councilmember Sanger, to waive the reading and adopt Resolution No. 16-010 approving 2016 liquor license fees for the license term March 1, 2016 through March 1, 2017 pursuant to M.S.A. Ch. 340A and Section 3-59 of the St. Louis Park City Code. The motion passed 6-0. 7. Requests, Petitions, and Communications from the Public – None 8. Resolutions, Ordinances, Motions and Discussion Items 8a. Resolution Requesting Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to Recognize Impact of Aircraft Noise in the Community. Resolution No. 16-11 Mr. Hoffman explained the proposed action would request the FAA to expand their awareness that aircraft noise is an environmental concern for a community. He noted staff has heard concerns from the City’s residents in regard to the aircraft noise. He stated the FAA currently claims that only 300,000 people are affected across the country by aircraft noise, which recognizes only those living at the end of a runway. He explained that aircraft noise has an effect on the livability of a community even seven or eight miles from the airport. Dana Nelson identified the agencies involved in air transportation and the different types of aircraft. She provided information on how the FAA decides to use a runway and how routes are created. She reviewed the duties and responsibilities of the Metropolitan Airports Commission and provided additional information on the DNL, the Day-Night Average Sound Level that is used by the FAA. She reviewed the home mitigation efforts and schedule that the Commission follows, noting that they are one of the few groups that is funded for mitigation by the FAA. She stated that additional information can be found on the website, and noted that noise complaints can be filed on the website or by telephone. Mr. Hoffman noted that there is no easy solution to this issue. He stated that MAC installed a temporary noise monitoring station in the City during 2014, which substantiated that there are a lot of flights creating significant noise events. He added that the City believes that the FAA needs to be aware of this issue in order to use the information to create a matrix outside of DNL to address the issue of aircraft noise. Lisa Peilen thanked Mr. Harmening and Mr. Hoffman for reaching out and for their cooperation in creating the resolution to address the FAA on this issue in a positive manner. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3c) Title: City Council Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2016 Page 5 Councilmember Miller asked if other cities are adopting similar resolutions. Mr. Hoffman stated that they are not aware of other cities that are adopting this type of resolution. Councilmember Mavity thanked staff and Ms. Peilen for their efforts and noted that the City is well represented in this issue. It was moved by Councilmember Mavity, seconded by Councilmember Sanger, to waive the reading and adopt Resolution No. 16-011, requesting the FAA to develop alternate noise metrics and recognize impact of aircraft noise beyond the current 65 Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL). Councilmember Mavity explained as someone who grew up under the aircraft traffic pattern, and continues to live under that pattern, she is aware of the issue. She stated that the City is asking people to pick up the phone and make a complaint when there are noise issues from aircraft. She noted that the information will be used to create a record that can affect the longer term planning process. Councilmember Sanger thanked staff for their work, noting that she has received a number of complaints from residents on this issue. She echoed the comments of Councilmember Mavity and encouraged people to phone in their complaints. She stated that passing this resolution would be taking the first step towards recognizing this issue on a federal level. She asked if information would be placed on the City website that provides a list of contact information for complaints. Mr. Harmening replied in the affirmative. Mayor Spano suggested a reminder should go out to residents before the warmer months of the year to encourage participation. Councilmember Lindberg stated that from the tracking information provided it appears the west-central portion of the City is participating more in terms of filing complaints. He encouraged all impacted residents to file complaints on the MAC website when there are issues with noise. He recognized that the City is in the path of aircraft travel but noted that the amount of air traffic and noise has increased. Councilmember Hallfin stated he has had residents reach out to him recently about this issue and he referred them to the MAC website. He noted that MAC staff actually responded to a complainant to advise them that the incident in that case was a helicopter. He was pleased that MAC was responsive to the complaint. He stated that the resolution could be a model for other cities and hoped that positive things resulted from its adoption. Councilmember Sanger stated that MAC would be holding a meeting in St. Louis Park on April 27th in the Council Chambers and encouraged residents to attend. The motion passed 6-0. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 3c) Title: City Council Meeting Minutes of January 19, 2016 9. Page 6 Communications Mr. Harmening stated that the Bundle Up winter fun day will be held on January 30th from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Councilmember Lindberg stated that he will be hosting a discussion night for members of Ward Three on February 17th at Park Tavern. 10. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Jake Spano, Mayor Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Approval of City Disbursements RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to accept for filing City Disbursement Claims for the period of December 26, 2015 through January 22, 2016. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the City Council desire to approve City disbursements in accordance with Section 6.11 – Disbursements – How Made, of the City’s Charter? SUMMARY: The Accounting Division prepares this report on a monthly basis for the City Council to review and approve. The attached reports show both City disbursements paid by physical check and those by wire transfer or Automated Clearing House (ACH) when applicable. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Review and approval of the information follows the City’s Charter and provides another layer of oversight to further ensure fiscal stewardship. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: City Disbursements Prepared by: Reviewed by: Connie Neubeck, Account Clerk Brian A. Swanson, Controller City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 2 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object 3RD LAIR SKATEPARK SPECIAL EVENTS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Amount 259.25 259.25 A-1 OUTDOOR POWER INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 180.40 SEWER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 525.75 706.15 ABERNATHY, LISA ORGANIZED REC G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 140.30 140.30 ACACIA ARCHITECTS LLC MOVE-UP PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 225.00 225.00 ACCURATE RADAR SPECIALTIES POLICE G & A EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 1,114.05 1,114.05 ACTION FLEET INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 1,536.70 1,536.70 AIM ELECTRONICS ARENA MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE 1,820.35 1,820.35 ALADTEC INC OPERATIONS GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,112.00 2,112.00 ALBRECHT, MARY EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A TUITION 990.16 990.16 ALL CITY ELEVATOR INC FACILITIES MCTE G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 468.00 468.00 ALL ELEMENTS INC WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 784.66 784.66 ALLIANCE MECH SRVCS INC FACILITIES MCTE G & A BUILDING MTCE SERVICE 1,775.50 1,775.50 AMERICAN FLAGPOLE & FLAG CO PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE BLDG/STRUCTURE SUPPLIES 480.40 480.40 AMERICAN TIRE DISTRIBUTORS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 663.10 1 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 3 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 663.10 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 4,787.00 4,787.00 ANDERSAND CORP TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 62.50 62.50 ANDERSEN, JENS EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A TUITION 694.36 694.36 APACHE GROUP OF MINNESOTA REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,344.60 1,344.60 APPLE INC TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,503.99 1,503.99 ARC IT G & A EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 287.72 PRINTING/REPRO SERVICES EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 1,530.36 OPERATIONS OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 33.11 ORGANIZED REC G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 63.38 1,914.57 ASCAP PERFORMING ARTS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 336.00 336.00 ASET SUPPLY AND PAPER INC SOLID WASTE G&A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 9,283.41 9,283.41 ASPEN EQUIPMENT CO GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 152,538.92 152,538.92 ASPEN MILLS OPERATIONS UNIFORMS 425.29 OPERATIONS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 249.95 675.24 AT&T MOBILITY CELLPHONES, IPADS, ETC. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 199.12 199.12 ATOM POLICE G & A TRAINING 250.00 250.00 2 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 4 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object ATOMIC RECYCLING VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A CLEANING/WASTE REMOVAL SERVICE Amount 209.75 209.75 BADGER STATE INSPECTION LLC PE PLANS/SPECS ENGINEERING SERVICES 300.00 300.00 BAHE, CHELSEY FAMILY PROGRAMS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 75.00 75.00 BANNER CREATIONS SSD 1 G&A OTHER 7,584.50 7,584.50 BARNA, GUZY & STEFFEN LTD HUMAN RESOURCES GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 18.98 18.98 BARR ENGINEERING CO STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,432.00 1,432.00 BARTON SAND & GRAVEL CO WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 300.00 300.00 BATTERIES + BULBS WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 19.99 REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 88.95 108.94 BAUER BUILT TIRE & BATTERY GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 136.22 136.22 BCA CJTE POLICE G & A TRAINING 120.00 120.00 BEALKE INDUSTRIES, ROBERT HOLIDAY PROGRAMS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 400.00 FABULOUS FRIDAYS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 200.00 600.00 BECKER ARENA PRODUCTS ARENA MAINTENANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 255.66 255.66 BECKER, SHEILA FITNESS PROGRAMS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 357.00 357.00 3 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 5 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object BIRMINGHAM, DANIEL GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Amount 250.00 250.00 BISHOP, KRISTY BASKETBALL PROGRAM REVENUE 55.00 55.00 BLUE CARD-HENNEPIN CTY FIRE CHIEFS ASSN OPERATIONS TRAINING 850.00 850.00 BLUE TARP FINANCIAL INC PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A EQUIPMENT PARTS 639.98 639.98 BMI REC CENTER BUILDING LICENSES 336.00 336.00 BOBIER, HEIDI INSTRUCTIONAL SKATING LESSONS SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 40.00 40.00 BOHN WELDING INC WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 504.00 504.00 BOLTON & MENK INC STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 34,592.00 STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 19,724.50 54,316.50 BOUND TREE MEDICAL, LLC OPERATIONS OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 393.05 393.05 BOYER TRUCK PARTS GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 46.79 46.79 BRANDON TECHNOLOGIES INC TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,298.54 1,298.54 BRAUN INTERTEC CORPORATION STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5,453.00 5,453.00 BRONX PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOC NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION GRANT OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 192.09 192.09 4 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 6 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object BROOKSIDE MOBILE PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES Amount 1,500.00 1,500.00 BUDD, SUE WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL CUSTOMERS 84.31 84.31 BUREAU OF CRIM APPREHENSION CELLPHONES, IPADS, ETC. TELEPHONE 510.00 510.00 CALIBRE PRESS POLICE G & A TRAINING 447.00 447.00 CARTEGRAPH SYSTEMS INC WATER UTILITY G&A OFFICE EQUIPMENT 184.32 SEWER UTILITY G&A OFFICE EQUIPMENT 184.33 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 184.33 552.98 CBIZ BENEFITS & INSURANCE SERVICES INC EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,545.00 2,545.00 CDW GOVERNMENT INC TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 40,708.40 40,708.40 CENTER ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT 2,225.14 DISCOUNT LOAN PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES MOVE-UP PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 675.00 LIVE WHERE YOU WORK PRGM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,900.00 CES Resid Energy Conservation OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,880.00 7,680.14 CENTER FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION INC HEALTH IN THE PARK INITIATIVE SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTAT 5,000.00 5,000.00 CENTERPOINT ENERGY FACILITY OPERATIONS HEATING GAS 3,835.97 WATER UTILITY G&A HEATING GAS 4,260.27 REILLY G & A HEATING GAS 206.55 SEWER UTILITY G&A ELECTRIC SERVICE 114.23 SEWER UTILITY G&A HEATING GAS 153.29 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A HEATING GAS 803.16 WESTWOOD G & A HEATING GAS 125.74 NATURALIST PROGRAMMER HEATING GAS 171.85 9,671.06 5 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 7 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor CENTERPOINT ENERGY SERVICES INC BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount FACILITY OPERATIONS HEATING GAS 2,599.45 REC CENTER BUILDING HEATING GAS 4,440.22 7,039.67 CENTRAL PENSION FUND EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S OTHER RETIREMENT 10,120.00 10,120.00 CENTURY COLLEGE OPERATIONS TRAINING 200.00 200.00 CENTURY LINK GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET PREPAID EXPENSES E-911 PROGRAM EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 20,227.53 8,012.56 28,240.09 CERTIFIED PLUMBING INC WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 642.00 642.00 CHEMSEARCH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 166.51 166.51 CHUX SCREEN PRINTING WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 593.10 WESTWOOD G & A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 344.90 938.00 CINTAS CORPORATION FACILITIES MCTE G & A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 342.65 FACILITIES MCTE G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 157.64 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 572.70 1,072.99 CITIZENS INDEPENDENT BANK 291.09 GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY ADMINISTRATION G & A POSTAGE ADMINISTRATION G & A SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTAT ADMINISTRATION G & A MEETING EXPENSE HUMAN RESOURCES GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 195.02 HUMAN RESOURCES RECOGNITION 350.00 HUMAN RESOURCES CITE HEALTH IN THE PARK INITIATIVE TRAVEL/MEETINGS 443.75 COMM & MARKETING G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 82.56 COMM & MARKETING G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 17.02- 27.45 575.00 74.18 12.24 57.80 6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 8 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount COMM & MARKETING G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 685.00 COMM & MARKETING G & A PRINTING & PUBLISHING 171.36 HUMAN RIGHTS MEETING EXPENSE 184.55 ASSESSING G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES ASSESSING G & A SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTAT 38.89 267.00 ASSESSING G & A MEETING EXPENSE 27.00 FACILITIES MCTE G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 281.02 POLICE G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE G & A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES POLICE G & A BLDG/STRUCTURE SUPPLIES POLICE G & A POSTAGE POLICE G & A TRAVEL/MEETINGS POLICE G & A MEETING EXPENSE ERU OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES JOINT COMM POLICE PARTNERSHIP OFFICE SUPPLIES 69.55 243.81 7.96 49.00 46.48121.87 279.50 1,010.00 JOINT COMM POLICE PARTNERSHIP MEETING EXPENSE 490.00 E-911 PROGRAM OFFICE EQUIPMENT 171.63 E-911 PROGRAM TRAINING 258.00 OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATIONS FIRE PREVENTION SUPPLIES OPERATIONS OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 52.72 OPERATIONS SMALL TOOLS 41.10 OPERATIONS UNIFORMS 52.58 OPERATIONS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OPERATIONS TRAINING OPERATIONS SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTAT 1,861.93 INSPECTIONS G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,196.36 INSPECTIONS G & A TRAINING 229.81 ENGINEERING G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 151.65 ENGINEERING G & A TRAINING 915.00 FRANCHISE ADMINISTRATION GENERAL SUPPLIES 1.00 TV PRODUCTION GENERAL SUPPLIES 806.69 TV PRODUCTION NON-CAPITAL EQUIPMENT 238.13 PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT POSTAGE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 115.28 WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 265.00 ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY TRAINING TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT MUNICIPAL BLDG OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ORGANIZED REC G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 59.95 BASKETBALL GENERAL SUPPLIES 53.61 297.99 1,939.99 50.58 760.00 24.28 157.64 1,316.76 133.98 7 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 9 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount SPECIAL EVENTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 557.26 HOLIDAY PROGRAMS GENERAL SUPPLIES 174.75 PERFORMING ARTS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 150.00 LITTLE TOT PLAYTIME GENERAL SUPPLIES 235.18 WARMING HOUSES GENERAL SUPPLIES ENVIRONMENTAL G & A TRAINING WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES WESTWOOD G & A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES AQUATIC PARK BUDGET GENERAL SUPPLIES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A OFFICE SUPPLIES 63.75 786.73 115.66 1,845.00 332.29 150.15 21,534.53 CLAREY'S SAFETY EQUIPMENT INC OPERATIONS REPAIRS 450.85 450.85 CODWELL, BILL INSPECTIONS G & A 1&2 SINGLE FAM. RENTAL 120.00 120.00 COLICH & ASSOCIATES ADMINISTRATION G & A LEGAL SERVICES 19,371.35 19,371.35 COMCAST OPERATIONS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS OTHER CITY DEPARTMENTS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 18.13 WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 292.05 REC CENTER BUILDING EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 63.25 113.54 486.97 COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS INC PARK IMPROVE BALANCE SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,940.0038,800.00 36,860.00 COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING G & A TRAINING 150.00 STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 404.91 554.91 COMMUNITY ACTION PARTNERSHIP SUB HENN EMERGENCY REPAIR GRANT OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,502.70 4,502.70 COMPAR INC POLICE G & A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 490.00 490.00 8 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 10 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA SANDING/SALTING OTHER IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES Amount 35,382.60 35,382.60 CORPORATE MECHANICAL REC CENTER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 958.00 REC CENTER BUILDING BUILDING MTCE SERVICE 882.96 1,840.96 COUGHLIN, JUDY FITNESS PROGRAMS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 591.20 591.20 COVERALL OF THE TWIN CITIES GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 30,318.00 30,318.00 CREATIVE PRODUCT SOURCING INC - DARE DARE PROGRAM OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 2,011.92 2,011.92 CTC CABLE TV G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 257.50 257.50 CUB FOODS POLICE G & A SUBSISTENCE SUPPLIES 232.66 232.66 CUSHMAN & WAKEFIELD/NORTHMARQ WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL CUSTOMERS 5,086.20 5,086.20 CUSTOM HOSE TECH INC VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 370.42 370.42 CUSTOM REFRIGERATION INC FACILITIES MCTE G & A BUILDING MTCE SERVICE 298.44 298.44 DALCO ENTERPRISES INC REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 1,202.68 1,202.68 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A LICENSES 1,813.00 1,813.00 DEPT EMPLOYMENT & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTEMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A UNEMPLOYMENT 6,139.40 6,139.40 DEPT LABOR & INDUSTRY INSPECTIONS G & A DUE TO OTHER GOVTS 3,212.63 9 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 11 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 3,212.63 DEX MEDIA EAST LLC ENTERPRISE G & A ADVERTISING 150.00 150.00 DISCOUNT STEEL INC PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 201.54 201.54 DO-GOOD.BIZ INC COMM & MARKETING G & A POSTAGE 21,452.39 21,452.39 DOHMAN, JOE EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A TUITION 3,500.00 3,500.00 DUCTWORKS HEATING & A/C INSPECTIONS G & A MECHANICAL 52.00 52.00 DUNLAP, REG CABLE TV G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 74.75 74.75 EBENEZER CARE CENTER INSPECTIONS G & A 1&2 SINGLE FAM. RENTAL 495.00 495.00 ECM PUBLISHERS INC ADMINISTRATION G & A LEGAL NOTICES 273.68 273.68 EDUCATION & TRAINING SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A TRAINING 499.00 WATER UTILITY G&A TRAINING 998.00 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A TRAINING 499.00 ARENA MAINTENANCE TRAINING 499.00 2,495.00 EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC ESCROWS ELIOT PARK ESCROWS 225.00 8,562.50 ESCROWS 375.00 2010A GO HIA DEBT SERV G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 407.50 2012A GO HIA DEBT SERV G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 407.50 2010B GO REF (03) DEBT SER G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 101.89 2010D FIRE STAT DEBT SERV G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 407.50 2014A GO DEBT SERV G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 203.75 LA CRT 2010C DEBT SERV G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 407.50 10 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 12 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 2005A GO IMPROVEMENT BOND G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 407.50 2008A/2013A UTIL REV BONDS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 407.50 2010B UTIL REV BONDS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 101.87 2013A UTIL REV BONDS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 407.50 2014A UTIL REV BONDS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 203.75 2010B UTIL REV BONDS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 101.87 2010B UTIL REV BONDS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 101.87 12,830.00 EISOLD, JASON REC CENTER BUILDING MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 60.38 60.38 ELECTRIC PUMP INC SEWER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 17,861.82 17,861.82 EMERGENCY APPARATUS MTNCE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY GENERAL REPAIR EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 111.60 1,224.30 1,335.90 EMERGENCY AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGIES INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 910.07 910.07 EMERGENCY MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC INSPECTIONS G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 59.40 59.40 FACTORY MOTOR PARTS CO GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 493.19 493.19 FASTENAL COMPANY SWEEPING EQUIPMENT PARTS PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 19.18 686.95 25.98 732.11 FECHNER, MARTY ASSESSING G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 55.78 55.78 FEINBERG, GREG WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 42.88 42.88 FERGUSON WATERWORKS ROUTINE MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS 1,400.00 WATER UTILITY BALANCE SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE 2,793.78- 11 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 13 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 BU Description Object WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE WATER UTILITY G&A IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI Amount 1,021.61 399,021.75 398,649.58 FERRALL, STEPHEN WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL CUSTOMERS 126.20 126.20 FERRELLGAS REC CENTER BUILDING MOTOR FUELS 491.22 491.22 FIRE SAFETY USA INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 675,000.00 675,000.00 FLEX COMPENSATION INC EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 233.25 233.25 FORCE AMERICA INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 57.38 57.38 FRATTALLONE'S HARDWARE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 45.98 WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 39.54 85.52 FREEDMAN, BREANNA JOINT COMM POLICE PARTNERSHIP MEETING EXPENSE 61.02 61.02 FRONTIER PRECISION INC TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2,872.85 2,872.85 GARTNER REFRIG & MFG INC UNINSURED LOSS G&A UNINSURED LOSS ARENA MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 8,421.12 807.13 9,228.25 GELLERMAN CONSTRUCTION CO INC MUNICIPAL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 720.00 720.00 GOODPOINTE TECHNOLOGY INC PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT G&A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,150.50 10,150.50 GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL INC WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 697.45 697.45 12 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 14 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount Vendor BU Description GRAINGER INC, WW GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE BLDG/STRUCTURE SUPPLIES WATER UTILITY G&A SMALL TOOLS 230.72 SEWER UTILITY G&A SMALL TOOLS 151.25 PARK GROUNDS MAINTENANCE GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE 1,341.06 505.76 2,228.79 GRANITE LEDGE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS DAMAGE REPAIR OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES UNINSURED LOSS G&A UNINSURED LOSS 529.88 1,499.19 2,029.07 GROUP HEALTH INC - WORKSITE EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A HEALTH INSURANCE 467.04 467.04 GUGGENBERGER, ANDREW WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL CUSTOMERS 60.06 60.06 HACH CO WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 449.42 449.42 HALL, JAY WATER UTILITY G&A SMALL TOOLS 207.31 207.31 HAMILTON, MIKE BROOMBALL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 500.00 500.00 HAMLINE UNIVERSITY TRAINING SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTAT 2,800.00 2,800.00 HANSEN THORP PELLINEN OLSON INC STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,855.00 10,855.00 HAWKINS INC WATER UTILITY G&A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 3,613.61 3,613.61 HEALTHPARTNERS OPERATIONS HEALTH & WELLNESS 10,547.00 10,547.00 HEDDLE, ALLEN DESKTOP SUPPORT/SERVICES MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 35.25 35.25 13 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 15 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object HENNEPIN COUNTY CHIEFS POLICE POLICE G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS Amount 225.00 225.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DEPT SPLASH PAD MAINT - Oak Hill Pk OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 417.00 REC CENTER BUILDING OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 325.00 AQUATIC PARK MAINTENANCE OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 417.00 1,159.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY RESIDENT & REAL ESTATE ASSESSING G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 126.00 126.00 HENNEPIN COUNTY TREASURER GENERAL FUND G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES IT G & A COMPUTER SERVICES POLICE G & A EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 1,988.75 POLICE G & A SUBSISTENCE SERVICE 3,097.52 POLICE G & A LICENSES OPERATIONS RADIO COMMUNICATIONS OPERATIONS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS 2010D FIRE STAT DEBT SERV G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2014A GO DEBT SERV G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71.22 PARK IMPROVEMENT G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 106.83 2,919.99 550.00 316.00 64.80 1,367.10 106.83 EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 35.61 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 213.66 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE 400.79 11,239.10 HENRICKSEN PSG FACILITIES MCTE G & A OFFICE EQUIPMENT 7,275.84 FACILITIES MCTE G & A OTHER 5,144.40 MUNICIPAL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 6,078.84 18,499.08 HICKS, MAGGIE EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A TUITION 1,279.77 1,279.77 HIGHLAND AUTOSTAR COLLISION CENTER UNINSURED LOSS G&A UNINSURED LOSS 530.00 530.00 HILDESTAD, JODIE HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES HUMAN RESOURCES MEETING EXPENSE 13.14 150.00 163.14 14 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 16 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object HILL CO, ROBERT B GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES Amount 1,507.65 1,507.65 HIT RESULTS FITNESS LLC OPERATIONS HEALTH & WELLNESS 480.00 480.00 HOFSTROM, CHARLIE VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM REVENUE 180.00 180.00 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 939.96 FACILITIES MCTE G & A BLDG/STRUCTURE SUPPLIES ROUTINE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT PARTS PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 160.14 WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 309.06 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE OTHER IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 35.80 27.96 8.39 352.83 1,834.14 HOWES, JEFFREY VOLLEYBALL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 540.00 540.00 HYDRO KLEAN CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,165.20 1,165.20 I.U.O.E. LOCAL NO 49 EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S UNION DUES 1,407.00 1,407.00 IATN VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 19.00 19.00 ICC INSPECTIONS G & A TRAINING 5,958.00 5,958.00 ICMA ADMINISTRATION G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 1,322.67 1,322.67 IDENTISYS TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,449.91 1,449.91 IMPACT PROVEN SOLUTIONS WATER UTILITY G&A POSTAGE 648.05 SEWER UTILITY G&A POSTAGE 648.05 15 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 17 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount SOLID WASTE COLLECTIONS POSTAGE 648.05 STORM WATER UTILITY G&A POSTAGE 648.06 2,592.21 INDELCO SANDING/SALTING EQUIPMENT PARTS 243.44 WATER UTILITY G&A EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 105.65 349.09 INTEGRA TELECOM IT G & A TELEPHONE 2,266.20 2,266.20 INTL SECURITY PRODUCTS SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 59.83 59.83 INVER GROVE FORD GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 404.21 UNINSURED LOSS G&A UNINSURED LOSS 554.34 GENERAL REPAIR EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 1,443.95 2,402.50 IPMA-HR MINNESOTA HUMAN RESOURCES SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 50.00 HUMAN RESOURCES TRAINING 75.00 125.00 ISA PARK MAINTENANCE G & A TRAINING 320.00 320.00 I-STATE TRUCK CENTER GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 392.06 392.06 JASMER, JERRY EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A TUITION 1,006.46 1,006.46 JEFFERSON FIRE & SAFETY INC OPERATIONS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 272.50 272.50 JERRY'S HARDWARE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 38.06 WATER UTILITY G&A EQUIPMENT PARTS 43.44 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 3.25 84.75 JESSEN PRESS INC COMM & MARKETING G & A PRINTING & PUBLISHING 2,545.00 16 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 18 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 2,545.00 JOBSINMINNEAPOLIS.COM HUMAN RESOURCES RECRUITMENT 4,400.00 4,400.00 JOHNSON, LAUREN INSTRUCTIONAL SKATING LESSONS SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 85.00 85.00 JOHNSON, ROGER WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 154.40 154.40 KAMPA, MARK POLICE G & A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 30.51 30.51 KELLER, JASMINE Z EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S WAGE GARNISHMENTS 503.08 503.08 KENNEDY & GRAVEN ESCROWS ELIOT PARK ESCROWS 2,127.50 3,520.50 ESCROWS 518.00 6,166.00 KEYSTONE UNINSURED LOSS G&A UNINSURED LOSS 270.75 270.75 KIDCREATE STUDIO PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAMS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,419.00 1,419.00 KILLMER ELECTRIC CO INC WIRING REPAIR OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 475.00 475.00 KOSLOSKI, SCOTT GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 487.50 487.50 KOSTROSKI, PETER GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 372.50 372.50 KRUGE-AIR INC BLDG/GROUNDS OPS & MAINT BUILDING MTCE SERVICE 129.00 129.00 LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR SERVICES INC EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S UNION DUES 2,625.05 17 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 19 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 2,625.05 LAWSON PRODUCTS INC VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 20.32 20.32 LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA CITIES EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A League of MN Cities dept'l exp 9,257.80 9,257.80 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INSURANCE TRUST EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S PREPAID EXPENSES EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A League of MN Cities dept'l exp 107,787.16 9,798.84 117,586.00 LEAP MANUFACTURING LLC WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 626.45 626.45 LIBERTY TITLE WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL CUSTOMERS 31.91 31.91 LINA EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A LONG TERM DISABILITY 3,674.36 3,674.36 LIND ELECTRONICS INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 239.85 239.85 LITIN PAPER, PACKAGING & CONVERTING SOLID WASTE G&A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 171.69 171.69 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 1,215.00 1,215.00 LOCKGUARD INC REC CENTER BUILDING MAINTENANCE 103.50 103.50 LOCKRIDGE GRINDAL NAUEN PLLP REILLY G & A LEGAL SERVICES 2,575.35 2,575.35 LOFFLER COMPANIES IT G & A OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,901.28 1,901.28 LOGIS IT G & A COMPUTER SERVICES TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 35,622.56 4,752.00 18 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 20 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 40,374.56 LUBRICATION TECHNOLOGIES INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 6,011.32 6,011.32 LUPINO, JAMES ESCROWS PMC ESCROW 1,000.00 1,000.00 LYNCH CAMPS, INC SAFETY CAMPS OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,108.70 1,108.70 MACQUEEN EQUIP CO SEWER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 1,488.71 1,488.71 MACTA CABLE TV G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 1,750.00 1,750.00 MADISON, DANIEL SOFTBALL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 102.00 102.00 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 7,947.80 7,947.80 MARS CO, W P & R S PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 850.25 850.25 MARTENS, AFTON JOINT COMM POLICE PARTNERSHIP OFFICE SUPPLIES 19.33 19.33 MCCONNELL, BECKY WESTWOOD G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 28.75 28.75 MCCROSSAN INC, C S STREET CAPITAL PROJ BAL SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE 252,548.57 252,548.57 MCPA COMMUNITY OUTREACH G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 45.00 NEIGHBORHOOD OUTREACH SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 45.00 JOINT COMM POLICE PARTNERSHIP SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 45.00 135.00 MELL, LINDA BEAUTIFICATION / FLOWERS LANDSCAPING MATERIALS 265.23 19 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 21 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 265.23 MENARDS ROUTINE MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS 39.92 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A SMALL TOOLS 24.99 PARK BUILDING MAINTENANCE BLDG/STRUCTURE SUPPLIES SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE OTHER IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES 78.00 WW RENTAL HOUSE (1322) OTHER IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES 177.50 WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 165.34 323.59 809.34 MERKLEY, SCOTT PUBLIC WORKS G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 212.75 212.75 METRO CHIEF FIRE OFFICERS ASSN OPERATIONS SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 400.00 400.00 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS VOLLEYBALL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 268.00 268.00 METROPOLITAN COUNCIL INSPECTIONS G & A DUE TO OTHER GOVTS OPERATIONS CLEANING/WASTE REMOVAL SERVICE 4,920.30 348,097.01 353,017.31 MICRO CENTER WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 94.98 94.98 MID-STATES ORGANIZED CRIME INFO CENTER POLICE G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 250.00 250.00 MIDWEST FENCE & MFG WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE SKATING RINK MAINTENANCE OTHER IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES 1,584.00 107.10 1,691.10 MILLER DUNWIDDIE ARCHITECTURE PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,541.48 11,541.48 MILSTEN, MAURICE INSPECTIONS G & A 1&2 SINGLE FAM. RENTAL 30.00 30.00 MINN DEPARTMENT NATURAL RESOURCES ENVIRONMENTAL G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 35.00 35.00 20 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 22 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object MINNEAPOLIS FINANCE DEPT PAWN FEES OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Amount 540.90 540.90 MINNESOTA BENEFIT ASSOC EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S ACCRUED OTHER BENEFITS 149.07 149.07 MINNESOTA BUREAU CRIMINAL APPREHENSION POLICE G & A TRAINING 240.00 SUPERVISORY TRAINING 225.00 PATROL TRAINING 525.00 990.00 MINNESOTA CHIEFS POLICE ASSOC POLICE G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 320.00 320.00 MINNESOTA CHILD SUPPORT PYT CTR EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S WAGE GARNISHMENTS 147.66 147.66 MINNESOTA FIRE SVC CERT BD OPERATIONS TRAINING 40.00 40.00 MINNESOTA PIPE & EQUIPMENT WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 1,310.94 1,310.94 MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY SEWER UTILITY G&A SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTAT 110.00 110.00 MINNESOTA STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC. OPERATIONS TRAINING 200.00 200.00 MINUTEMAN PRESS COMM & MARKETING G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 293.00 293.00 MINVALCO INC WATER UTILITY G&A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 358.96 358.96 MN JUVENILE OFFICERS ASSN POLICE G & A TRAINING 960.00 960.00 MN TRANSPORTATION ALLIANCE ENGINEERING G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 820.00 820.00 21 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 23 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description Object MORGAN OLSON GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY Page - 1/22/2016 Amount 104.20 104.20 MORRISON & ASSOCIATES INC HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 4,655.75 4,655.75 MOTOROLA POLICE & FIRE PENSION G&A MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 15,212.80 15,212.80 MPELRA HUMAN RESOURCES SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 75.00 75.00 MPSTMA PARK MAINTENANCE G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS ENVIRONMENTAL G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 150.00 25.00 175.00 MRPA BASKETBALL SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 846.00 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A TRAINING 555.00 1,401.00 MSFCA OPERATIONS TRAINING 800.00 800.00 MTI DISTRIBUTING CO GENERAL REPAIR EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 358.54 358.54 MURPHY, PATRICK GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 212.50 212.50 MYERS TIRE SUPPLY CO VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 169.86 169.86 NAFA INC VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 499.00 499.00 NAPA (GENUINE PARTS CO) 1,868.33 GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY ROUTINE MAINTENANCE SMALL TOOLS 14.54 WATER UTILITY G&A EQUIPMENT PARTS 25.47 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A BLDG/STRUCTURE SUPPLIES REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 7.69 41.94 22 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 24 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 5.18 GENERAL REPAIR GENERAL SUPPLIES 821.52 2,784.67 NATURAL REFLECTIONS VII LLC SSD 1 G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,537.33 SSD 2 G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,537.33 SSD 3 G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,537.34 SSD #5 G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,383.00 17,995.00 ND CHILD SUPPORT DIVISION EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S WAGE GARNISHMENTS 379.40 379.40 NEP CORP PARK MAINTENANCE G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 16.85 16.85 NORDIC SERVICES INC INSPECTIONS G & A MECHANICAL 66.00 66.00 NORDSTROM, TIM EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A TUITION 296.08 296.08 NORTHEAST TREE INC TREE MAINTENANCE OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,328.13 15,328.13 NORTHLAND MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS INC FACILITIES MCTE G & A BUILDING MTCE SERVICE 8,556.18 8,556.18 NRPA ORGANIZED REC G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 165.00 165.00 NTOA ERU OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 150.00 150.00 NUGESSER, BARBARA INSPECTIONS G & A 1&2 SINGLE FAM. RENTAL 50.00 50.00 OAK KNOLL ANIMAL HOSPITAL POLICE G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 635.05 635.05 OATS, DENZELL GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET UNREALIZED REVENUE 226.00 23 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 25 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 226.00 OBERT, WILLIAM GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 212.50 212.50 OESTREICH, MARK ENVIRONMENTAL G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 264.50 264.50 OFFICE DEPOT 110.28 HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE SUPPLIES COMM & MARKETING G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES COMM & MARKETING G & A PRINTING & PUBLISHING IT G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 149.77 FINANCE G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 225.10 POLICE G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 206.60 POLICE G & A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES POLICE G & A COMPUTER SUPPLIES 9.29 19.99 43.60 114.99 JOINT COMM POLICE PARTNERSHIP OFFICE SUPPLIES 48.78 OPERATIONS OFFICE SUPPLIES 673.15 INSPECTIONS G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 362.26 PUBLIC WORKS G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 14.72 ENVIRONMENT & SUSTAINABILITY OFFICE SUPPLIES 65.51 WESTWOOD G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 160.53 INACTIVE-YOUTH PROGRAMS OFFICE SUPPLIES 296.12 GENERAL REPAIR OFFICE SUPPLIES 44.98 36.78 2,582.45 OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE COMM & MARKETING G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 240.00 240.00 OKEY, MARK GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50.00 50.00 OSTVIG TREE INC TREE MAINTENANCE CLEANING/WASTE REMOVAL SERVICE 849.00 849.00 OTHOUDT, ANGIE GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 50.00 50.00 OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY INC OPERATIONS OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 164.91 164.91 24 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 26 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES INC REILLY BUDGET OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Amount 592.25 592.25 PARK CONSTRUCTION CO STREET CAPITAL PROJ BAL SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12,111.89242,237.86 230,125.97 PARROTT CONTRACTING INC STREET CAPITAL PROJ BAL SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE 2,298.32 CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,048.75 6,347.07 PARSONS ELECTRIC WATER UTILITY G&A IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI WATER UTILITY G&A BANK CHARGES/CREDIT CD FEES TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 32,645.00 772.74 33,854.90 67,272.64 PATRICK, MICHEAL WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 34.29 34.29 PEARSON BROTHERS INC SWEEPING OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,000.00 4,000.00 PERNSTEINER CREATIVE GROUP INC COMM & MARKETING G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 250.00 250.00 PETERSON, JOHN IT G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 56.80 56.80 PETTY CASH 19.60 POSTAL SERVICES POSTAGE POLICE G & A TRAVEL/MEETINGS POLICE G & A LICENSES PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A MEETING EXPENSE 18.20 PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A LICENSES 19.00 WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 25.84 WATER UTILITY G&A MEETING EXPENSE WATER UTILITY G&A LICENSES SOLID WASTE G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES ORGANIZED REC G & A TRAINING FABULOUS FRIDAYS GENERAL SUPPLIES 1.37 ENVIRONMENTAL G & A TRAINING 4.50 7.00 6.00 4.00 35.00 2.99 21.73 25 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 27 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 25.99 ARENA MAINTENANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 16.76 ARENA MAINTENANCE SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTAT 20.00 AQUATIC PARK BUDGET GENERAL SUPPLIES 24.87 CONCESSIONS CONCESSION SUPPLIES 52.45 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A LICENSES 20.75 326.05 PETTY CASH - WWNC WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 35.78 35.78 PLACE GENERAL FUND G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 23,459.00 23,459.00 PLASTIC BAGMART REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 861.72 861.72 POPP.COM INC PARK MAINTENANCE G & A TELEPHONE 258.04 258.04 POWERPLAN OIB ROUTINE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT PARTS 212.00 212.00 PRECISE MRM LLC PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 201.85 WATER UTILITY G&A MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 201.84 SEWER UTILITY G&A MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 201.85 STORM WATER UTILITY G&A MACHINERY & AUTO EQUIPMENT 201.84 807.38 PRECISION LANDSCAPE & TREE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TREE DISEASE PUBLIC CLEANING/WASTE REMOVAL SERVICE 281.00 17,292.00 17,573.00 PREMIUM WATERS INC OPERATIONS OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 32.50 32.50 PRINTERS SERVICE INC ARENA MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 200.00 200.00 PRIVATE UNDERGROUND LOCATING STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 750.00 750.00 26 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 28 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description Object PRO AUTO DETAILING GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY Page - 1/22/2016 Amount 150.00 150.00 PRO HYDRO-TESTING OPERATIONS 1,270.00 1,270.00 PROFESSIONAL BEVERAGE SYSTEMS INC REC CENTER BUILDING EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 181.63 181.63 PROGRESSIVE CONSULTING ENGINEERS INC WATER UTILITY G&A ENGINEERING SERVICES 343.00 343.00 Q3 CONTRACTING WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 907.55 907.55 QUICKSILVER EXPRESS COURIER ESCROWS VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A 23.97 POSTAGE 12.2511.72 RACHEL CONTRACTING INC STREET CAPITAL PROJ BAL SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE 1,945.00 1,945.00 RANDY'S SANITATION INC FACILITY OPERATIONS GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI REC CENTER BUILDING GARBAGE/REFUSE SERVICE 2,610.29 596.47 1,426.51 4,633.27 REDPATH & COMPANY FINANCE G & A AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVIC 5,015.00 CABLE TV G & A AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVIC 170.00 HOUSING REHAB G & A AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVIC 255.00 WATER UTILITY G&A AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVIC 850.00 SEWER UTILITY G&A AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVIC 1,020.00 SOLID WASTE G&A AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVIC 510.00 STORM WATER UTILITY G&A AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVIC 340.00 8,160.00 REDSTONE CONSTRUCTION LLC STREET CAPITAL PROJ BAL SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,145.0042,900.00 40,755.00 27 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 29 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor REGENCY OFFICE PRODUCTS LLC 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Amount BU Description Object POLICE G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 33.03 POLICE G & A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 54.99 88.02 REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA INSPECTIONS G & A TRAINING 440.00 PUBLIC WORKS G & A TRAINING 320.00 ENGINEERING G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 125.00 ENGINEERING G & A TRAINING ENGINEERING G & A SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/PRESENTAT 320.00 1,825.00 3,030.00 REHRIG PACIFIC CO SOLID WASTE COLLECTIONS OTHER 21,372.74 21,372.74 REVEL MATCH LLC ARENA MAINTENANCE GENERAL SUPPLIES 321.38 321.38 RICOH USA INC IT G & A EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 3,806.35 3,806.35 RIGID HITCH INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY PARK MAINTENANCE G & A SMALL TOOLS 49.97 372.91 422.88 ROCHESTER ARBORIST WORKSHOP PARK MAINTENANCE G & A TRAINING ENVIRONMENTAL G & A TRAINING 285.00 95.00 380.00 ROSA, NATE ORGANIZED REC G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 442.35 442.35 ROTARY CLUB OF SLP ADMINISTRATION G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS POLICE G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS POLICE G & A MEETING EXPENSE 281.00 90.00 242.00 613.00 SAE INTERNATIONAL VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 85.00 85.00 SAM'S CLUB SPECIAL EVENTS GENERAL SUPPLIES 70.31 WARMING HOUSES GENERAL SUPPLIES 283.30 28 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 30 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 BU Description Object WESTWOOD G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES Amount 23.50 377.11 SAVITT, GREGG GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 250.00 250.00 SCHERER BROS. LUMBER CO. PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 398.20 398.20 SCHOMER, KELLEY ASSESSING G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 87.98 87.98 SCHONWETTER, BARBARA WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL CUSTOMERS 679.19 679.19 SCOTT COUNTY TREASURER POLICE G & A TRAINING 300.00 300.00 SEH STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,121.88 STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 2,485.83 4,607.71 SESAC REC CENTER BUILDING LICENSES 755.00 755.00 SHAWN, JACK BASKETBALL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,582.50 4,582.50 SHRED-IT USA MINNEAPOLIS ADMINISTRATION G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 98.28 IT G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 308.88 FINANCE G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10.70 POLICE G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 57.78 475.64 SIBERT, JEFFREY GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 225.00 225.00 SIDEWALK SAVERS LLC STREET CAPITAL PROJ BAL SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 794.25 513.00 1,307.25 29 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 31 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object SIMPLEXGRINNELL LP FACILITIES MCTE G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES Amount 327.00 327.00 SLP FF ASSOC IAFF LOCAL #993 EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S UNION DUES 1,524.90 1,524.90 SMITH, LAURA HUMAN RESOURCES MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A TUITION 234.03 2,243.27 2,477.30 SPOK INC OPERATIONS TELEPHONE 143.12 143.12 SPRINT IT G & A DATACOMMUNICATIONS 1,480.36 CELLPHONES, IPADS, ETC. OFFICE EQUIPMENT 3,358.37 4,838.73 ST PAUL, CITY OF PATCHING-PERMANENT OTHER IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES 130.18 130.18 STAR TRIBUNE SOLID WASTE G&A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 38.87 38.87 STEVENS ENGINEERS INC PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,735.00 11,735.00 STONE ARCH ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT HUMAN RESOURCES ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 5,250.00 5,250.00 STONEBROOKE EQUIPMENT INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 368.32 368.32 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS CO TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,687.50 1,687.50 STREICHER'S POLICE G & A OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 17,189.08 ERU OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 1,593.50 OPERATIONS PROTECTIVE CLOTHING SEWER UTILITY G&A OTHER 239.98 219.98 19,242.54 30 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 32 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description Object STUNYO, ERIN WATER UTILITY G&A MISC EXPENSE Page - 1/22/2016 Amount 549.09 549.09 SUBURBAN TIRE WHOLESALE GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 473.24 473.24 SUMMIT ENVIROSOLUTIONS INC STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,876.25 REILLY BUDGET GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11,255.61 13,131.86 SUMMIT SUPPLY CORP OF COLORADO PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 3,628.00 3,628.00 SUNRAM CONSTRUCTION INC STREET CAPITAL PROJ BAL SHEET RETAINED PERCENTAGE CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,852.84437,056.93 415,204.09 SUNSOURCE PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES SEWER UTILITY G&A OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.15 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A OFFICE SUPPLIES 36.28 18.14 72.57 SURESOURCE PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES SEWER UTILITY G&A OFFICE SUPPLIES 18.15 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE G&A OFFICE SUPPLIES 36.28 18.14 72.57 SUSA PUBLIC WORKS G & A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS WATER UTILITY G&A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 375.00 SEWER UTILITY G&A SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 125.00 125.00 625.00 SWANSON, BRIAN FINANCE G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 208.84 208.84 SWANSON, MITCH EMPLOYEE FLEX SPEND G&A TUITION 2,715.22 2,715.22 TELELANGUAGE INC ADMINISTRATION G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 29.67 29.67 31 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 33 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object TERMINAL SUPPLY CO GENERAL REPAIR GENERAL SUPPLIES Amount 169.95 169.95 TERMINIX INT REC CENTER BUILDING BUILDING MTCE SERVICE 105.00 105.00 TESSMAN, ERIC INSPECTIONS G & A TRAINING 116.00 116.00 THOMSON REUTERS WEST PAYMENT CENTER HUMAN RESOURCES GENERAL SUPPLIES POLICE G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 71.14 145.87 217.01 THON, MICHAEL GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 200.00 200.00 THORN, ROBERT GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 262.50 262.50 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR REC CENTER BUILDING OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES REC CENTER BUILDING BUILDING MTCE SERVICE 839.24 3,970.96 4,810.20 TIMESAVER OFF SITE SECRETARIAL ADMINISTRATION G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 523.88 523.88 TITLE SMART WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL CUSTOMERS 349.85 349.85 TKDA WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,367.06 1,367.06 TOWN & COUNTRY FENCE INC PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 9,950.00 9,950.00 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORP RELAMPING OTHER IMPROVEMENT SUPPLIES 525.00 525.00 TRAFFIC DATA INC STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1,300.00 1,300.00 32 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 34 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Page - 1/22/2016 Vendor BU Description Object TREE TRUST PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI Amount 5,400.00 5,400.00 TRI STATE BOBCAT GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 567.00 GENERAL REPAIR EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 279.25 846.25 TRUCK UTILITIES MFG CO GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 1,737.86 1,737.86 TURGEON, VALERIE INSTRUCTIONAL SKATING LESSONS SUBSCRIPTIONS/MEMBERSHIPS 125.00 125.00 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING MTCE SERVICE 270.00 270.00 TWIN CITY OUTDOOR SERVICES INC SNOW PLOWING OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES SSD 3 G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,629.90 556.00 2,185.90 UHL CO INC FACILITIES MCTE G & A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 360.00 360.00 UL LLC PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 1,620.00 1,620.00 UNIFORMS UNLIMITED (PD) SUPERVISORY OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 1,960.98 PATROL OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 12,928.23 RESERVES OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 235.50 COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER OPERATIONAL SUPPLIES 1,132.14 16,256.85 UNITED ARTIST COLLABORATIVE NEIGHBORHOOD PUBLIC ART OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 5,000.00 5,000.00 UNITED WAY OF MINNEAPOLIS AREA EMPLOYEE FLEXIBLE SPENDING B/S UNITED WAY 316.00 316.00 UNIVERSAL ATHLETIC ADULT PROGRAMS PROGRAM REVENUE 179.97 179.97 33 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 35 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA REGISTRAR BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A TRAINING 195.00 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A TRAINING 975.00 ENVIRONMENTAL G & A TRAINING 390.00 1,560.00 UPTOWN PLUMBING HEATING & COOLING INSPECTIONS G & A MECHANICAL 52.00 52.00 VAIL, LORI HUMAN RESOURCES RECOGNITION 607.90 607.90 VALLEY PAVING INC CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 4,047.37 4,047.37 VAUGHAN, JIM ENVIRONMENTAL G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 98.90 98.90 VERIFIED CREDENTIALS HUMAN RESOURCES RECRUITMENT 20.00 20.00 VERIZON WIRELESS SEWER UTILITY G&A TELEPHONE CELLPHONES, IPADS, ETC. OFFICE EQUIPMENT CELLPHONES, IPADS, ETC. TELEPHONE 100.08 11,077.30 21.16 11,198.54 VESSCO INC WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 254.78 254.78 VIKING INDUSTRIAL CTR WATER UTILITY G&A GENERAL SUPPLIES 40.33 40.33 VOELKER, STACY M ORGANIZED REC G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 70.15 70.15 WARNER'S STELLIAN CO INSPECTIONS G & A MECHANICAL 40.00 40.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT OF WI-MN SEWER UTILITY G&A OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 203.83 203.83 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC WATER UTILITY G&A OTHER IMPROVEMENT SERVICE 1,795.21 34 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 36 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. Council Check Summary 12/26/2015 - Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Page - 1/22/2016 Object Amount 1,795.21 WEIVODA, JANET NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION GRANT OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,532.03 1,532.03 WEST, JASON REC CENTER BUILDING MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 9.20 9.20 WHEELER HARDWARE FACILITIES MCTE G & A BUILDING MTCE SERVICE MUNICIPAL BLDG IMPROVEMENTS OTHER THAN BUILDI 61.25 9,510.00 9,571.25 WILKERSON, AMY REFORESTATION FUND OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 96.00 96.00 WITT, CLARICE GREEN REMODELING PROGRAM OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 250.00 250.00 WODTKE, RON WESTWOOD G & A MILEAGE-PERSONAL CAR 43.70 43.70 WOJCIECHOWSKI, SHELLI ESCROWS PMC ESCROW 9,500.00 9,500.00 WRAP CITY GRAPHICS REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 390.00 390.00 WSB ASSOC INC ENGINEERING G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,747.50 STREET CAPITAL PROJ G & A GENERAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,856.50 8,604.00 XCEL ENERGY 10,598.51 GENERAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE ELECTRIC SERVICE OPERATIONS EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PUBLIC WORKS OPS G & A ELECTRIC SERVICE 45,722.06 PARK IMPROVE CAPITAL PROJECT OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,046.00 WATER UTILITY G&A ELECTRIC SERVICE 36,922.05 REILLY BUDGET ELECTRIC SERVICE 4,082.99 SEWER UTILITY G&A ELECTRIC SERVICE 7,868.70 STORM WATER UTILITY G&A ELECTRIC SERVICE 3,827.98 PARK MAINTENANCE G & A ELECTRIC SERVICE 3,137.68 BRICK HOUSE (1324) ELECTRIC SERVICE 35.71 15.75 35 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4a) Title: Approval of City Disbursements R55CKS2 Page 37 CITY OF ST LOUIS PARK LOGIS400V Note: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 12/26/2015 Vendor BU Description 1/22/2016 8:12:41 Council Check Summary Page - 1/22/2016 Amount Object WW RENTAL HOUSE (1322) ELECTRIC SERVICE 65.31 WESTWOOD G & A ELECTRIC SERVICE 466.97 REC CENTER BUILDING ELECTRIC SERVICE 17,063.27 142,852.98 ZACKS INC PARK MAINTENANCE G & A GENERAL SUPPLIES 373.93 373.93 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE REC CENTER BUILDING GENERAL SUPPLIES 51.20 51.20 ZIEGLER INC GENERAL FUND BALANCE SHEET INVENTORY 906.17 GENERAL REPAIR EQUIPMENT MTCE SERVICE 974.26 1,880.43 ZIP PRINTING ENVIRONMENTAL G & A OFFICE SUPPLIES 95.51 95.51 Report Totals 3,917,060.79 36 Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4b EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt the following Resolutions Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations according to the recommendation of the City Manager: Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license Pei Wei Asian Diner, 5330 Cedar Lake Road, #600 Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license Raku Sushi & Lounge, 5371 16th Street West Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license Sam’s Club, 3745 Louisiana Avenue South Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license Smashburger, 8124 Highway 7 Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license Thanh Do, 8028 Minnetonka Blvd. Resolution imposing civil penalty for liquor license Yangtze River Restaurant, 5625 Wayzata Blvd. violation on December 15, 2015, at violation on December 15, 2015, at violation on December 10, 2015, at violation on December 10, 2015, at violation on December 10, 2015, at violation on December 15, 2015, at POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the City Council concur with the decision of the City Manager to impose penalties for liquor license violations occurring in December, 2015, at these 6 establishments in St. Louis Park? If the City Council disagrees with the City Manager’s recommendation, a hearing would need to be scheduled for the licensee to appear before the City Council for further consideration. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Discussion Resolutions Kay Midura, Office Assistant – City Clerk’s Office Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4b) Title: Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations Page 2 DISCUSSION BACKGROUND: Liquor compliance checks were conducted by the St. Louis Park Police Department in December, 2015. Under the direction of police officers, an underage buyer attempted to purchase alcoholic beverages at 58 licensed establishments in operation throughout the city at that time. Six of the licensed establishments failed the compliance check. Citations were issued in each case and forwarded to Hennepin County District Court for consideration of criminal penalties. The City is responsible for imposing civil penalties. Minnesota Statute 340A.415 limits civil penalty fees to a maximum of $2,000 for each violation. City Code requires that the presumptive civil penalties for the violations of selling alcohol to an underage person are as follows: 1st Violation $2,000 2nd Violation within 3 years $2,000 and 1 day suspension 3rd Violation within 3 years $2,000 and 3 day suspension 4th Violation within 3 years Revocation Administrative Process Liquor license violators were given three options: 1. Accepting the violation and paying the penalty, waiving the right to any further appeal. 2. Appearing at an Administrative Hearing with the City Manager, accepting the violation and waiving the right to any further appeal with the City Council. 3. Appealing to the City Council at a Public Hearing. The establishments and fines set are as follows: Establishment Name Pei Wei Asian Diner Raku Sushi & Lounge Address Violation Date Number of Violations within 3 years Fine/Penalty 5330 Cedar Lake Road 12/15/15 1 $2,000 5371 16th St. W. 12/15/15 1 $2,000 12/15/15 1 $2,000 12/10/15 1 $2,000 $2,000 & one day suspension $2,000 & one day suspension Smashburger 3745 Louisiana Ave. So. 8124 Hwy. 7 Thanh Do 8028 Minnetonka Blvd. 12/10/15 2 Yangtze River Restaurant 5625 Wayzata Blvd. 12/15/15 2 Sam’s Club Pei Wei Asian Diner, Sam’s Club, and Smashburger accepted the violation and paid the administrative penalty of $2,000. An administrative hearing with the City Manager was held for Raku Sushi & Lounge on January 19, 2016. At the hearing, the General Manager accepted the violation and paid the administrative penalty of $2,000. Yangtze River Restaurant accepted the violation, paid the administrative penalty of $2,000 and chose February 1, 2016, as their day of suspension. Thanh Do accepted the violation, has 30 days from the date of the corresponding resolution to pay the administrative penalty, and will serve the day of suspension on February 29, 2016. The Police Department will verify that no alcohol is being served at either establishment on the identified dates of suspension. All establishments that successfully passed the compliance check received a congratulatory letter from the Mayor and the City Manager. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4b) Title: Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION IMPOSING CIVIL PENALTY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATION OCCURRING ON DECEMBER 15, 2015 AT PEI WEI ASIAN DINER 5330 CEDAR LAKE ROAD WHEREAS, on December 15, 2015, a liquor license violation, sale of liquor to a minor, occurred at Pei Wei Asian Diner, located at 5330 Cedar Lake Road, in St. Louis Park; and WHEREAS, the liquor license violation was the first occurrence at this establishment within three years; and WHEREAS, the license holder, has stipulated that the incident occurred and was a violation of the city liquor license ordinance Sections 3-73 through 3-75; and WHEREAS, the license holder was informed of the civil penalty process and has agreed to accept the administrative penalty as set by the City Manager and as approved by the City Council. NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that a civil penalty of $2,000 is hereby imposed on the license holder pursuant to City Code Section 3-75. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4b) Title: Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations Page 4 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION IMPOSING CIVIL PENALTY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATION OCCURRING ON DECEMBER 15, 2015 AT RAKU SUSHI & LOUNGE 5371 16th STREET WEST WHEREAS, on December 15, 2015, a liquor license violation, sale of liquor to a minor, occurred at Raku Sushi & Lounge, located at 5371 16th Street West, in St. Louis Park; and WHEREAS, the liquor license violation was the first occurrence at this establishment within three years; and WHEREAS, the license holder, has stipulated that the incident occurred and was a violation of the city liquor license ordinance Sections 3-73 through 3-75; and WHEREAS, the license holder was informed of the civil penalty process and has agreed to accept the administrative penalty as set by the City Manager and as approved by the City Council. NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that a civil penalty of $2,000 is hereby imposed on the license holder pursuant to City Code Section 3-75. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4b) Title: Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION IMPOSING CIVIL PENALTY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATION OCCURRING ON DECEMBER 15, 2015 AT SAM’S CLUB 3745 LOUISIANA AVENUE SOUTH WHEREAS, on December 15, 2015, a liquor license violation, sale of liquor to a minor, occurred at Sam’s Club, located at 3745 Louisiana Avenue South, in St. Louis Park; and WHEREAS, the liquor license violation was the first occurrence at this establishment within three years; and WHEREAS, the license holder, has stipulated that the incident occurred and was a violation of the city liquor license ordinance Sections 3-73 through 3-75; and WHEREAS, the license holder was informed of the civil penalty process and has agreed to accept the administrative penalty as set by the City Manager and as approved by the City Council. NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that a civil penalty of $2,000 is hereby imposed on the license holder pursuant to City Code Section 3-75. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4b) Title: Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations Page 6 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION IMPOSING CIVIL PENALTY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATION OCCURRING ON DECEMBER 10, 2015 AT SMASHBURGER 8124 HIGHWAY 7 WHEREAS, on December 10, 2015, a liquor license violation, sale of liquor to a minor, occurred at Smashburger, located at 8124 Highway 7, in St. Louis Park; and WHEREAS, the liquor license violation was the first occurrence at this establishment within three years; and WHEREAS, the license holder, has stipulated that the incident occurred and was a violation of the city liquor license ordinance Sections 3-73 through 3-75; and WHEREAS, the license holder was informed of the civil penalty process and has agreed to accept the administrative penalty as set by the City Manager and as approved by the City Council. NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that a civil penalty of $2,000 is hereby imposed on the license holder pursuant to City Code Section 3-75. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4b) Title: Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations Page 7 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION IMPOSING CIVIL PENALTY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATION OCCURRING ON DECEMBER 10, 2015 AT THANH DO 8028 MINNETONKA BLVD. WHEREAS, on December 10, 2015, a liquor license violation, sale of liquor to a minor, occurred at Thanh Do, located at 8028 Minnetonka Blvd., in St. Louis Park; and WHEREAS, the liquor license violation was the second occurrence at this establishment within three years; and WHEREAS, the license holder, has stipulated that the incident occurred and was a violation of the city liquor license ordinance Sections 3-73 through 3-75; and WHEREAS, the license holder was informed of the civil penalty process and has agreed to accept the administrative penalty as set by the City Manager and as approved by the City Council. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a civil penalty of $2,000 and a one-day liquor license suspension occurring on February 29, 2016 is hereby imposed on the license holder pursuant to City Code Section 3-75. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4b) Title: Imposing Civil Penalties for Liquor License Violations Page 8 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION IMPOSING CIVIL PENALTY FOR LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATION OCCURRING ON DECEMBER 15, 2015 AT YANGTZE RIVER RESTAURANT 5625 WAYZATA BLVD. WHEREAS, on December 15, 2015, a liquor license violation, sale of liquor to a minor, occurred at Yangtze River Restaurant, located at 5625 Wayzata Blvd., in St. Louis Park; and WHEREAS, the liquor license violation was the first occurrence at this establishment within three years; and WHEREAS, the license holder, has stipulated that the incident occurred and was a violation of the city liquor license ordinance Sections 3-73 through 3-75; and WHEREAS, the license holder was informed of the civil penalty process and has agreed to accept the administrative penalty as set by the City Manager and as approved by the City Council. NOW THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, that a civil penalty of $2,000 and a one-day liquor license suspension occurring on February 1, 2016, is hereby imposed on the license holder pursuant to City Code Section 3-75. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4c EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: 2016 Liquor License Renewals RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt Resolution for 2016 Liquor License Renewals for the license term of March 1, 2016 through March 1, 2017. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does Council wish to approve renewal of liquor licenses for the attached licensees who have met the necessary criteria to obtain a license? SUMMARY: The City has received the required information from current liquor license establishments for renewal of their liquor licenses. The required documents include State and City renewal applications, Certificates of Liquor Liability Insurance, Proof of Workers’ Compensation Coverage, and license fees. Each of the establishments listed in Exhibit A of the attached resolution have met the criteria necessary for issuance of their respective liquor licenses. During the 2015-2016 license period, the following new liquor licenses were approved: Blaze Pizza, 8126 Hwy. 7 (On-Sale Wine and 3.2) Blue Fox Bar & Grill, 5377 16th Street West (On-Sale Intoxicating and Sunday Sale) Pinot’s Palette, 4712 Excelsior Blvd. (On-Sale Wine and 3.2) Seven licensees closed in the same time period: El Patron Mexican Cuisine, 8140 Hwy. 7 (On-Sale Intoxicating with Sunday Sales) The Four Firkins, 5630 36th Street West (Off-Sale) Ichiban Asian Buffet – 8912 Hwy. 7 (On-Sale 3.2) Little Szechuan, 5377 16th Street West (On-Sale Intoxicating with Sunday Sales) Toby Keith’s Bar & Grill, 1623 Park Place Blvd. (On-Sale Intoxicating with Sunday Sales) Vescio’s Cucina, 4001 County Road 25 (On-Sale Wine and 3.2) Yami Yami, 4712 Excelsior Blvd. (On-Sale Wine and 3.2) In addition, five establishments changed ownership: Doubletree Park Place Hotel (from owner IVC WHH Minneapolis, LLC, to MLCV STLP, LLC) Vintage Wine & Spiritz to MD Liquors, 8942 Hwy. 7 MGM Wine & Spirits, 8100 Hwy. 7 (from owner M.G.M. of St. Louis Park, LLC, to IAW Management LLC) Liquor Barrel to Top Ten Liquors, 5111 Excelsior Blvd. T.G.I Fridays, 5875 Wayzata Blvd. (from owner TGI Friday’s of Minnesota to Central Florida Restaurants, Inc.) FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Fees received for liquor license renewals are budgeted as revenues each year and defray the costs the City incurs to administer and enforce liquor licensing regulations and requirements. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Discussion Resolution with Exhibit A - List of Establishments Kay Midura, Office Assistant – City Clerk’s Office Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4c) Title: 2016 Liquor License Renewals Page 2 DISCUSSION BACKGROUND: St. Louis Park City Code Chapter 3 regulates liquor licensing. The City also abides by State statutes related to liquor licensing. The licensing period for liquor is one year, beginning March 1. Renewal of licenses is done in accordance with the following section: City Code Sec. 3-64. Renewal application. (a) Applications for the renewal of an existing liquor license shall be made at least 45 days prior to the date of the expiration of the license, and shall state that everything in the prior application remains true and correct except as otherwise indicated on the renewal application. (b) Renewal applications for an On-Sale License for a restaurant shall include a certified public accountant's statement showing total sales, food sales, liquor sales and percentage of total sales of the restaurant for the previous year. REVIEW AND REGULATIONS: The City Clerk’s Office reviews all the application information and works with the City Police Department to assure all licensees meet the necessary criteria for issuance of the next year’s term of their liquor license. As required by City Code Sections 3-57 and 3-70, all On-Sale Intoxicating and On-Sale Wine licensees are in compliance with food/liquor ratio requirements: On-Sale Intoxicating Liquor License must have a minimum of 50% of gross receipts attributable to the sale of food. On-Sale Wine License - The holder of a wine license who is also licensed to sell 3.2 percent malt liquor on-sale, and whose gross receipts are at least 60 percent attributable to the sale of food, may also sell intoxicating malt liquor at on-sale without an additional license. As required in City Code Section 3-70, all property tax payments for establishments are current. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: All license renewals and applications as listed on Exhibit A of the Resolution have met the requirements. All items are in order and recommendation is made for approval and issuance of the appropriate licenses for the term of March 1, 2016 to March 1, 2017. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4c) Title: 2016 Liquor License Renewals Page 3 RESOLUTION NO. 16- ____ RESOLUTION APPROVING ISSUANCE OF LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS FOR MARCH 1, 2016 THROUGH MARCH 1, 2017 WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 340A and St. Louis Park Ordinance Code Chapter 3 provide for liquor licensing in cooperation with the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division of the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, and and WHEREAS, no license may be issued or renewed if required criteria has not been met, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City of St. Louis Park City Council that the applicants and establishments listed in Exhibit A have met the criteria necessary for issuance of their respective liquor licenses, and the applications are hereby approved for March 1, 2016 to March 1, 2017. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4c) Title: 2016 Liquor License Renewals Resolution No. 16-___ Page 4 2016 Liquor License Renewals EXHIBIT A Business Name Licensee Name Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar Apple Minnesota, LLC Address 8312 Highway 7 Best of India Best of India Inc. 8120 Minnetonka Blvd On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Blackstone Bistro Blackstone Bistro, LLC 3808 Grand Way On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Blaze Pizza Team DHW, LLC 8126 Hwy. 7 On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Blue Fox Bar & Grill Inchin Corporation 5377 W. 16th St. On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Bonefish Grill Bonefish Grill, LLC 1607 West End Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Brush Studio Azeka, Inc. 1651 Park Place Blvd. On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Bunny's Bar and Grill Rackner Inc. 5916 Excelsior Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Chipotle Mexican Grill, #311 Chipotle Mexican Grill of Colorado, 5480 Excelsior Blvd On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Cooper The Cooper LLC 1607 Park Place Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Costco Wholesale #377 Costco Wholesale Corporation 5801 W 16th St Off-Sale Crave Crave Hospitality WE LLC 1603 West End Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Cub Foods SuperValu, Inc. 5370 16th Street W Off-Sale 3.2 Cub Foods Knollwood Diamond Lake 1994 LLC 3620 Texas Ave S Off-Sale 3.2 Cub Liquor SuperValu, Inc. 5370 16th Street W Off-Sale DoubleTree Minneapolis Park Place MLCV STLP, LLC 1500 Park Place Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Frank Lundberg American Legion Post 282 Granite City Food & Brewery Frank Lundberg American Legion Post 282 Granite City Restaurant Operations, Inc. 5605 36th St W Homewood Suites HSSLP LLC 5305 Wayzata Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating Club & Sunday Sale On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale; Brewpub On-Sale 3.2 Jennings' Liquor Store Jennings Red Coach Inn Inc. 4631 Excelsior Blvd Off-Sale Knollwood Liquor Knollwood Liquor Inc. 7924 Hwy 7, Suite A Off-Sale Liquor Boy Liquor Boy, Inc. 5620 Cedar Lake Rd Off-Sale Lunds & Byerly's Wines & Spirits Byerly Beverages, Inc. 3777 Park Ctr Blvd Off-Sale Lunds & Byerly's-St. Louis Park Byerly's, Inc. 3777 Park Ctr Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Marriott Mpls West CSM Lodging Services, Inc. McCoy's Public House McCoy's of Minneapolis, Inc. 9960 & 9970 Wayzata On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Blvd 3801 Grand Way On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale MD Liquors M.D. Liquors 2, Inc. 8942 Highway 7 Off-Sale MGM Wine & Spirits IAW Management, LLC 8100 Highway 7 Off-Sale Mill Valley Kitchen Mill Valley Corporation 3906 Excelsior Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Minneapolis Golf Club Minneapolis Golf Club 2001 Flag Ave S Noodles & Company The Noodle Shop, Co. - Colorado, Inc. 5326 16th Street W On-Sale Intoxicating Club & Sunday Sale On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Noodles & Company The Noodle Shop, Co. - Colorado, Inc. 5500 Excelsior Blvd License Type On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale 8120 Highway 7 On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Olive Garden Italian Restaurant #1424 GMRI Inc. 5235 Wayzata Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Park Tavern Lounge & Lanes Philips Investment Co. 3401 Louisiana Ave S On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Pei Wei Asian Diner Pei Wei Asian Diner, LLC 5330 Cedar Lake Road On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Pinot’s Palette Lifeswork Enterprises, LLC 4712 Excelsior Blvd. Prime Deli Weinberg Brothers Investments Co., LLC 4224 Minnetonka Blvd. On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Raku Sushi & Lounge Raku Sushi & Lounge, Inc. 5371 16th St W. On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Rojo Mexican Grill Rojo West End LLC 1602 West End Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Sam's Club #6318 Sam's West Inc. 3745 Louisiana Ave S Off-Sale Showplace 14 #8863 Kerasotes Showplace Theatres, LLC 1625 West End Blvd. On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Smashburger #1419 St. Louis Park Liquor Smashburger Acquisition-Mpls., LLC Tina, Inc. 8124 Highway 7 On-Sale Wine & 3.2 6316 Minnetonka Blvd Off-Sale Steel Toe Brewing Steel Toe Brewing LLC 4848 35th Street W. On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Off-Sale Brewer & On-Sale Brewer’s Taproom City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4c) Title: 2016 Liquor License Renewals Page 5 Business Name Target Store T-2189 Licensee Name Target Corporation Address 8900 Highway 7 Off-Sale License Type Taste of India Rasoi, Inc 5617 Wayzata Blvd On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Texas-Tonka Liquor Texas Tonka Liquor, Inc. 8242 Minnetonka Blvd Off-Sale Texa-Tonka Lanes H.J.K.S. Inc. 8200 Minnetonka Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale TGI Friday's Central Florida Restaurants, Inc. 5875 Wayzata Blvd Thanh Do Thanh Do Inc. 8028 Minnetonka Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale The Loop Loop West End, LLC 5331 16th Sreet W. On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Top Ten Liquors Yayin Gadol, LLC 5111 Excelsior Blvd Off-Sale Trader Joe's #710 Trader Joe's East, Inc. 4500 Excelsior Blvd Off-Sale Westwood Liquors FC Liquors 2 Inc. 2304 Louisiana Ave S Off-Sale Wok in the Park A Wok in the Park LLC 3005 Utah Ave South On-Sale Wine & 3.2 Yangtze River Restaurant Yangtze Inc. 5625 Wayzata Blvd On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Yard House #8354 Yard House USA, Inc. 1665 Park Place Blvd. On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Yum! Kitchen and Bakery Yum!, Inc. 4000 Minnetonka Blvd On-Sale Wine & 3.2 On-Sale Intoxicating & Sunday Sale Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4d EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Master Subscriber Agreement for MN Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt Resolution approving a Master Subscriber Agreement for MN Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies. POLICY CONSIDERATION: None at this time. SUMMARY: The Minnesota Judicial Branch offers New Minnesota Government Access (New MGA) accounts to government agencies. This is a replacement for the existing Odyssey system currently in use. New MGA accounts allow government agencies to view appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in the Minnesota Court Information System for cases in Minnesota district courts. In order to move forward with this initiative, it is necessary for the City of St. Louis Park to sign a “Master Subscriber Agreement for Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies” and apply for access. This new “Master Subscriber Agreement” will supersede the previous agreement with State Court and Hennepin County District Court. The updated Master Subscriber Agreement is necessary to ensure that the use of these records and documents are limited to the legitimate governmental needs of our governmental agency. To complete the application process, the Master Subscriber Agreement must include documented verification of authority to sign on behalf of and bind the agency. The Police Department is requesting Chief of Police, John Luse, or his successor, as the designated Authorized Representative for the Police Department. The City Attorney’s Office is requesting the City Attorney, or his successor, as the designated Authorized Representative for the City Attorney’s Office. The City’s domestic violence service provider, or its successor is requesting the domestic violence service provider, or its successor, as the designated authorized representative for the domestic violence service provider. The Authorized Representative is also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies, including MGA Accounts on behalf of the City of St. Louis Park or any document that may be required to maintain the City’s connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Resolution Kirk DiLorenzo, Deputy Chief John Luse, Police Chief Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4d) Title: Master Subscriber Agreement for MN Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION APPROVING A MASTER SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT FOR MINNESOTA COURT DATA SERVICES FOR GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES AND AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS THE DESIGNATED AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE POLICE DEPARTMENT, CITY ATTORNEY AS THE DESIGNATED AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE, AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION SERVICE PROVIDER AS THE DESIGNATED AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE INTERVENTION SERVICE PROVIDER WHEREAS, the Minnesota Judicial Branch offers New Minnesota Government Access (New MGA) accounts to government agencies. New MGA accounts allow government agencies to view appropriate electronic court records and documents stored in the Minnesota Court Information System for cases in Minnesota district courts; and WHEREAS, in order to move forward with this initiative, it is necessary for the City of St. Louis Park to sign a “Master Subscriber Agreement for Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies” and apply for access. This new “Master Subscriber Agreement” will supersede the previous agreement with State Court and Hennepin County District Court. The updated Master Subscriber Agreement is necessary to ensure that the use of these records and documents are limited to the legitimate governmental needs of our governmental agency; and WHEREAS, to complete the application process, the Master Subscriber Agreement must include documented verification of authority to sign on behalf of and bind the agency. The Police Department is requesting Chief of Police, John Luse, or his successor, as the designated Authorized Representative for the Police Department. The City Attorney’s Office is requesting the City Attorney, or his successor, as the designated Authorized Representative for the City Attorney’s Office. The City’s domestic violence service provider, or its successor is requesting the domestic violence service provider, or its successor, as the designated authorized representative for the domestic violence service provider. The Authorized Representative is also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies, including MGA Accounts on behalf of the City of St. Louis Park or any document that may be required to maintain the City’s connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of St. Louis Park, Minnesota that: 1. The City Council of the City of St. Louis Park hereby authorizes the Chief of Police, or his successor, as the signing authority to authorize execution of the Master Subscriber Agreement for Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies, including authorizing access to MGA Accounts on behalf of the City of St. Louis Park Police Department and is also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies or any document that may be required to maintain the City’s connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4d) Title: Master Subscriber Agreement for MN Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies Page 3 2. The City Council of the City of St. Louis Park hereby authorizes the City Attorney, or his successor, as the signing authority to authorize execution of the Master Subscriber Agreement for Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies, including authorizing access to MGA Accounts on behalf of the City Attorney’s Office and is also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies or any document that may be required to maintain the City’s connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. 3. The City Council of the City of St. Louis Park hereby authorizes its domestic violence intervention service provider, or its successor, as the signing authority to authorize execution of the Master Subscriber Agreement for Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies, including authorizing access to MGA Accounts on behalf of the domestic violence intervention service provider and is also authorized to sign any subsequent amendment or agreement that may be required by the State of Minnesota and the Minnesota Court Data Services for Governmental Agencies or any document that may be required to maintain the City’s connection to the systems and tools offered by the State. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4e EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: SWLRT Station Design Committee RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to appoint members to St. Louis Park’s Station Design Committee. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the City Council wish to appoint the recommended individuals to St. Louis Park’s Station Design Committee? SUMMARY: The Southwest LRT Station Design Committee is being formed to provide guidance to the City and the Southwest Project Office (SPO) regarding themes and designs for the graphic elements at the St. Louis Park stations. City Staff will work with the committee to generate ideas for the SPO professionals to create suggestions to use at St. Louis Park Stations. The Committee will then provide feedback and make recommendations to the Council. Process Staff reached out to those who previously volunteered to be on the Station Art Committee (which was not appointed due to budget cuts), members of our Community Advisory Committee (CAC) and Business Advisory Committee (BAC), as well as individual citizens and business owners in the station areas. The intent is the initial meeting will produce several ideas for the graphic content of the vertical elements (sometimes called “wickets”) and the SPO will then create the graphics that could be placed in the elements. There will be a second and/or third meeting to finalize ideas to move forward. We expect the process to occur over 2-3 meetings in February and March. The individuals on the attached list have agreed to serve on the committee. VISION CONSIDERATION: St. Louis Park is committed to promoting an integrating arts, culture and community aesthetics in all City initiatives, including implementation where appropriate. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Discussion Meg McMonigal, Principal Planner Kevin Locke, Community Development Director Michele Schnitker, Deputy Community Development Director Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4e) Title: SWLRT Station Design Committee Page 2 DISCUSSION RECOMMENDATION: The following individuals have expressed interest in serving on the Station Design Committee for St. Louis Park and Staff recommends the Council appoint them to the committee: Name Organization Frank Abrahamson Friends of the Arts George Hageman Friends of the Arts and Parks and Recreation Commission Kersten McManamon Discover St. Louis Park Rick Person Planning Commission and Friends of the Arts Carl Robertson Planning Commission Diane Pecoraro Friends of the Arts Janet Weivoda SWLRT Community Advisory Committee Sara Maaske SWLRT Community Advisory Committee Curt Rahman Business Advisory Committee Duane Spiegel Business Advisory Committee Joel Johnson Business Owner Rob Metz or designee School District Representative Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4f EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project (Project 2012-0100) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the Purchase Agreement between the City and Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. for the parcel in the Northeast (NE) Quadrant of Highway 7 and Louisiana. POLICY CONSIDERATION: This action is consistent with previous direction given by Council as part of the Highway 7 / Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project. SUMMARY: Staff has reached an agreement on terms to purchase the NE Parcel from Clear Channel. Attached is a copy of the purchase agreement. On December 14, 2015 staff provided an update to the possible land acquisition of 2 parcels from Clear Channel. Staff is asking Council to approve the purchase agreement with Clear Channel for the NE Parcel. The City is planning to construct a storm water pond on the property to facilitate redevelopment in the Walker-Lake industrial area immediately to the north. Currently there is very little storm water treatment facilities in this area. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Pursuant to the “quick take” provisions of Minnesota Statutes, the City has paid Clear Channel $337,400 towards the right of way taking and temporary easements impacted by the construction of the new interchange for the NE Parcel. An additional $224,946.65 is needed to acquire the remainder of this parcel. The City will also be paying $75,773 for the relocation costs and lost revenue with relation to the billboard on the NE Parcel. The additional funding would be provided by two sources. The Highway 7 and Louisiana Avenue Project would pay an additional $157,321.25 and the storm water utility fund would contribute $143,398.40. More information regarding the proposed land acquisition can be found in the Discussion section of the report. VISION CONSIDERATION: St. Louis Park is committed to being a leader in environmental stewardship. We will increase environmental consciousness and responsibility in all areas of city business. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Discussion Parcel Maps Purchase Agreement Joseph Shamla, Senior Engineering Project Manager Greg Hunt, Economic Development Coordinator Debra Heiser, Engineering Director Kevin Locke, Community Development Director Brian Swanson, Controller Andrea McDowell Poehler, Campbell Knutson Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Page 2 Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project (Project 2012-0100) DISCUSSION BACKGROUND: To construct the Highway 7 / Louisiana Avenue interchange project, land needed to be acquired from Clear Channel. Parcel 9 (“NE Parcel”) is located in the NE corner of the interchange between Walker Street to the north and Highway 7 to the south (map attached). Parcel 1 (“SW Parcel”) is located in the SW corner of the interchange between Highway 7 to the north and Lake Street West to the south (map attached). Only a portion of these vacant parcels were needed for Right of Way (ROW) purposes. Since May 27, 2014, the City and EDA have been working on a purchase agreement to acquire the remaining portions of both properties from Clear Channel for economic development and storm water purposes. NE Parcel The NE Parcel is 53,303 sq. ft., and rectangular in shape. It lies between City-controlled property to the east and the west. The property to the east (7015 Walker Street) is owned by the EDA. It was acquired from the former Reynolds Welding Supply Company primarily for blight clearance purposes. The City is planning to construct a modest storm water pond on the property to facilitate redevelopment in the aging Walker-Lake industrial area immediately to the north. The NE Parcel would be combined with the adjacent EDA parcel so as to create a larger storm water pond in the area with greater capacity thus facilitating additional redevelopment to the north. Acquiring this property would enable the City to pursue greater storm water management in an area where very little exists. To date, the City has deposited $337,400 to acquire the Partial Take of the NE Parcel. Staff is requesting permission from the City Council to finalize the purchase agreement. A purchase agreement is to acquire the NE parcel for $562,346.65 which equates to $10.55 per sf. Also a part of this agreement is the cost to relocate the billboard and lost revenue while the billboard was not in operation which equates to $75,773. Please see summary below for funding. NE Parcel Purchase: Purchase Price Less Right‐of‐Way Partial Take Payment Relocation / Loss of Revenue for Billboard Purchase Agreement Amount $562,346.65 ($337,400.00) City Funding Allocation Hwy 7 & LA Stormwater Project Utility Total $418,948.25 $143,398.40 $562,346.65 ($337,400.00) ($337,400.00) $75,773 $75,773 $300,719.65 $157,321.25 $143,398.40 $300,719.65 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project S:\PT\S\Stlou\116227\5-dsgn\51-cadd\R-O-W\parcel sketches\Parcel Sketches.dgn Page 3 5/7/2012 8 Parcel 3:57:11 PM RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL LAYOUT S.P. 163-080-083, 2706-226 COUNTY : HENNEPIN CITY : ST. LOUIS PARK SCALE: 1" = 50 ’ OWNER : ST. LOUIS PARK ECON. DEVEL. AUT. PID NO. 171-172-143-0065 . T R S KE L WA 8 4.81’ 28.35’ 15+00 MP RA . E N. 995+00 LEGEND PROPOSED CONSRUCTION PROPOSED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION EXISTING MNDOT RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING CITY RIGHT OF WAY/PARCEL LINES H 7 WB T PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY H 7 B T E PROPOSED TEMPORARY EASEMENT ADDITION NAME: REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK PARCEL NO. 8 OWNER: ST. LOUIS PARK ECON. DEVEL. AUT. LAYOUT BY: SEH Inc. BEG AT INTERSEC OF SLY LINE OF WALKER ST WITH CTRLINE OF REPUBLIC AVE NOW VAC TH SLY AT R/A WITH SAID SLY LINE OF WALKER ST TO NLY R/W OF STATE HWY NO 7 TH NELY ALONG SAID R/W TO ITS INTERSEC WITH THE SLY EXT OF THE NELY LINE OF LOT 12 IN BLK 187 OF THE PLAT REARRANGEMENT OF ST LOUIS PARK TH NWLY ALONG SAID EXT OF AND NELY LINE OF LOT 12 TO THE SLY LINE OF WALKER ST TH SWLY ALONG SAID SLY LINE TO BEG INCLUDES PART OF LOTS 6 THRU 9 BLOCK 186 AND LOTS 12 THRU 17 INCL BLOCK 187 DATE: 5/7/2012 NEW MNDOT R/W SQ FT NEW CITY R/W SQ FT MNDOT TEMPORARY EASEMENT SQ FT 995+00 CITY TEMPORARY EASEMENT SQ FT 3,069 Parcel No. 8 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project S:\PT\S\Stlou\116227\5-dsgn\51-cadd\R-O-W\parcel sketches\Parcel Sketches.dgn Page 4 5/7/2012 9 Parcel 3:57:13 PM RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL LAYOUT S.P. 163-080-083, 2706-226 COUNTY : HENNEPIN CITY : ST. LOUIS PARK OWNER : CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR INC. PID NO. 171-172-143-0064 25+0 0 0 +0 25 SCALE: 1" = 100’ . T R S KE L WA 20+00 U LO 9 A AN SI I 1 . 2 9 ’ 9 58’ 58’ E. AV 1 4 8 . 2 5 ’ 15+00 N. E . RA MP 4 9 . 00 23 19+ ’ +00 990 H 7 T WB H 7 T EB LEGEND +00 990 00 15+ 00 85+ 9 PROPOSED CONSRUCTION PROPOSED LIMITS OF CONSTRUCTION EXISTING MNDOT RIGHT OF WAY 00 + 985 EXISTING CITY RIGHT OF WAY/PARCEL LINES PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY PARCEL NO. 9 OWNER: 0 +0 20 PROPOSED TEMPORARY EASEMENT CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR INC. LAYOUT BY: SEH Inc. ADDITION NAME:REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK BLOCK 186 BEG AT THE INTERSEC OF CTRLINE OF REPUBLIC AVE NOW VAC WITH SLY LINE OF WALKER ST TH SLY AT R/A WITH SAID SLY LINE OF WALKER ST TO NLY R/W LINE OF STATE HWY 7 TH WLY ALONG SAID NLY R/W LINE TO ITS INTERSEC WITH CTRLINE OF MONITOR ST NOW VAC TH NWLY ALONG SAID CTRLINE OF MONITOR ST TO SLY LINE OF WALKER ST TH ELY ALONG SAID SLY LINE OF WALKER ST TO BEG DATE: 5/7/2012 NEW MNDOT R/W SQ FT 18,218 NEW CITY R/W SQ FT MNDOT TEMPORARY EASEMENT SQ FT CITY TEMPORARY EASEMENT SQ FT 21,474 Parcel No.9 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 5 PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT is effective as of the ____ day of _______________, 2016, by and between CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC., a Delaware corporation, 3225 Spring Street Northeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55123 (“Seller”), and CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK, a Minnesota municipal corporation, 5005 Minnetonka Boulevard, St. Louis Park, Minnesota, 55416 (“Purchaser”). RECITALS: A Seller is the owner in fee simple of property located in the Northeast Quadrant (the “Northeast Parcel”) of Highway 7 and Louisiana Avenue in the City of St. Louis Park, County of Hennepin, State of Minnesota, legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, together with all appurtenant rights, easements, mineral rights, and all right, title and interest of Seller in and to all streets, alleys, strips, and rights-of-way over or abutting said land, for which Seller has an interest, except for the billboard on the Northeast Quadrant Property which shall remain the property of Clear Channel and be located on a permanent easement defined herein (the “Property”). B. Seller desires to convey the Property thereon to Purchaser and Purchaser is desirous of purchasing the Property. AGREEMENT: In consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. OFFER/ACCEPTANCE. Subject to compliance with the terms, covenants and conditions of this Purchase Agreement, Seller shall convey the Property to the Purchaser. 2. PRICE AND TERMS. The price for the Property included under this Purchase Agreement is Two Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand Nine Hundred Forty-Six and 65/100 Dollars ($224,946.65) which amount shall be paid in cash at closing. Seller and Purchaser acknowledge that the Property being conveyed herein is the remainder owned by Seller in the Northeast Quadrant Highway 7 and Louisiana after the Purchaser’s acquisition as fully described in Hennepin County Court File No. 27-CV-12-20082. Seller and Purchaser agree that at the Closing described herein, they shall execute appropriate documents to discharge Parcel 9 from the above action, including a stipulation of settlement for the acquisition of Parcel 9 in the amount of $337,400.00. Seller specifically acknowledges that the Purchase Price paid pursuant to this Agreement fully satisfies Purchaser’s obligations to provide minimum compensation and other benefits as required under applicable law, except for relocation benefits which are covered by a separate agreement attached hereto as Exhibit C (the “Relocation Agreement”) and the payment of such benefits shall be a condition to closing hereunder between the parties. Seller agrees that by acceptance of the consideration provided for herein, Seller releases and discharges Purchaser, and 179511v6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 6 its officers, employees, agents, successors and assigns, of and from any and all liability and claims, at law or in equity, and under any state or federal law, for damages, including minimum compensation damages, loss of going concern, other damages, interest, and costs, arising out of or in connection with the acquisition of the Property. Seller also waives a right of first refusal pursuant to Minn. Stat. §117.226 to the extent it is applicable to any portion of the Property. 3. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE. Upon performance by Purchaser, Seller shall execute and deliver a Warranty Deed, conveying good and marketable title of record, subject to the following Permitted Encumbrances: A. Reservations of minerals or mineral rights by the State of Minnesota, if any; B. Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations; C. The lien of real property taxes and the lien of special assessments and interest due thereon, if any, payable in the year of closing which by the terms of this Purchase Agreement are to be paid or assumed by the Purchaser; and D. Billboard Easement Agreement for the Northeast Parcel, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit B. 4. 179511v6 REAL ESTATE TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. A. Prior Years’ Delinquent Real Estate Taxes and Delinquent Special Assessments. Delinquent real estate taxes payable in years prior to the year of Closing and delinquent installments of special assessments certified for collection with real estate taxes payable in years prior to the year of Closing, together with penalty, interest and costs, shall be paid by Seller not later than the Date of Closing. B. Real Estate Taxes Payable in the Year of Closing. Real estate taxes payable in the year of Closing shall be prorated between Seller and Purchaser on a calendar year basis to the Date of Closing. Purchaser shall assume installments not paid at Closing. Seller shall pay penalty, interest and costs on any delinquent installment of taxes and special assessments payable by Seller in the year of Closing. C. Deferred Real Estate Taxes. Seller shall pay on Date of Closing or provide for payment of any deferred real estate taxes (including “Green Acres” taxes under Minn. Stat. § 273.111) payment of which is required as a result of the Closing of this sale and the recording of the Deed. Provision for payment shall be by payment into escrow of 1.5 times the estimated payoff amount of the deferred taxes. D. Certified Special Assessments. All installments of special assessments certified for payment with the real estate taxes payable in the year of Closing shall be paid by Purchaser at Closing. 2 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project E. Page 7 Pending Special Assessments. Seller shall provide for payment of special assessments pending as of the date of this Purchase Agreement for improvements that have been ordered by the City Council or other governmental authorities. Seller’s provision for payment shall be by payment into escrow of 1.5 times the estimated amount of the assessments. If a special assessment becomes pending after the date of this Purchase Agreement and before the Date of Closing, Purchaser may, at Purchaser’s option: (1) (2) (3) Assume payment of the pending special assessment without adjustment to the purchase price of the real property; or Require Seller to pay the pending special assessment (or escrow for payment of same as provided above) and Purchaser shall pay a commensurate increase in the purchase price of the real property, which increase shall be the same as the estimated amount of the assessment; or Rescind this Agreement, in which case all Earnest Money shall be refunded to Purchaser. F. All Other Levied Special Assessments. Seller shall pay on the Date of Closing all other special assessments levied as of the date of this Purchase Agreement. G. Allocation of Payable Taxes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Purchaser will reimburse Seller for the portion of payable 2013, 2014 and 2015 real estate taxes paid by Seller attributable to the portion of the Property acquired by the condemnation quick take process on January 15, 2013. In addition, Seller shall have no obligation to pay any penalties, interest or costs on any delinquent installment of taxes and special assessments in 2013, 2014 and 2015 for the portion of the Property that was acquired by the quick take process. 5. SELLER’S BOUNDARY LINE, ACCESS, RESTRICTIONS AND LIEN WARRANTIES. Seller warrants that there has been no labor or material furnished to the Property for Seller for which payment has not been made. 6. ACCESS PRIOR TO CLOSING. Upon reasonable notice to Seller, Purchaser and Purchaser’s authorized agents shall have the right during the period from the date of this Agreement to the Date of Closing to enter in and upon the Property in order to make, at Purchaser’s expense, surveys, measurements, soil tests and other tests that Purchaser shall deem necessary. Purchaser agrees to restore any resulting damage to the Property and to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Seller from any and all claims by third persons of any nature whatsoever arising from Purchaser’s right of entry hereunder, including all actions, proceedings, demands, assessments, costs, expenses and attorneys' fees. 7. POSSESSION. Seller shall deliver possession of the Property not later than the actual date of closing, subject to that certain Billboard Easement Agreement, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit B to this Agreement and made a part thereof. All interest, fuel oil, liquid petroleum gas, and all charges for city water, city sewer, electricity, and natural gas shall be prorated between the parties as of Date of Closing. 179511v6 3 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 8 8. TITLE INSURANCE. Within fifteen (15) days of the date of this Agreement, Purchaser shall be responsible for obtaining title evidence and reviewing title to the Property. Purchaser shall be allowed twenty (20) business days after the receipt of the title commitment for examination of title and making any objections, which shall be made in writing or deemed waived. 9. TITLE CORRECTIONS AND REMEDIES. Seller shall have 120 days from receipt of Purchaser's written title objections to make title marketable. Upon receipt of Purchaser's title objections, Seller shall, within ten (10) business days, notify Purchaser of Seller's intention to make title marketable within the 120 day period. Liens or encumbrances for liquidated amounts which can be released by payment or escrow from proceeds of closing shall not delay the closing. Cure of the defects by Seller shall be reasonable, diligent, and prompt. Pending correction of title, all payments required herein and the closing shall be postponed. If any objection is so made, Seller shall have ten (10) business days from receipt of Purchaser’s written title objections to notify Purchaser of Seller's intention to make title marketable within one hundred twenty (120) days from Seller's receipt of such written objection. If notice is given, payments hereunder required shall be postponed pending correction of title, but upon correction of title and within ten (10) days after written notice to Purchaser, the parties shall perform this Agreement according to its terms. If no such notice is given or if notice is given but title is not corrected within the time provided for, the Purchaser (at Purchaser's option) shall have the right to: (a) terminate this Agreement; or (b) cause the exception(s) to be removed and credit Purchaser's cost to remove the exception(s) against the Purchase Price. 10. NOTICES. All notices required herein shall be in writing and delivered personally or mailed to the address for each party as shown above and if mailed, are effective as of the date of mailing. 11. MINNESOTA LAW. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 12. WELL DISCLOSURE. [Check one of the following:] _____ Seller certifies that Seller does not know of any wells on the Property. _____ Wells on the Property are disclosed by Seller on the attached Well Disclosure form. 13. DISCLOSURE OF INDIVIDUAL ON-SITE SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM. [Check one of the following:] ____ ____ 179511v6 Seller certifies that Seller does not know of any individual on-site sewage treatment systems on the Property. Individual on-site sewage treatment systems on the Property are disclosed by Seller on the attached Disclosure form. 4 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project 14. PROTECTED HISTORICAL SITES. [Select either one of the following:] ____ ____ 15. Seller represents that Seller does not know if there are historical, native American, or archeological materials on or in the Property that might be protected by law. To Seller’s knowledge, the property does not have any American Indian burial grounds, other human burial grounds, ceremonial earthworks, historical materials, and/or other archeological sites that are protected by federal or state law. Purchaser’s obligation to close is contingent upon Purchaser determining to Purchaser’s satisfaction that the property does not have any American Indian burial grounds, other human burial grounds, ceremonial earthworks, historical materials, and/or other archeological sites that are protected by federal or state law. LEAD PAINT DISCLOSURE. [Check one of the following] ____ ____ 16. Page 9 Seller represents that the dwelling was constructed on the real property in 1978 or later. Seller represents that the dwelling was constructed on the real property before 1978. (If such housing is located on the real property, attached and made a part of this Purchase Agreement is “LEAD PAINT ADDENDUM FOR HOUSING CONSTRUCTED BEFORE 1978”.) METHAMPHETAMINE DISCLOSURE STATEMENT. [Check one of the following:] ____ To the best of Seller’s knowledge, methamphetamine production has not occurred on the Property. ____ To the best of Seller’s knowledge, methamphetamine production has occurred on the Property and Seller makes the following disclosure: A county or local health department or sheriff [strike one] has / has not ordered that the Property or some portion of the Property is prohibited from being occupied or used until it has been assessed and remediated as provided in the Department of Health’s Clandestine Drug Labs General Clean-up Guidelines. If such order or orders have been issued complete the following statement: The above orders issued against the Property [strike one] have / have not been vacated. If such order has not been issued, state the status of removal and remediation on the Property: [Use additional sheets, if necessary.] 179511v6 5 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 10 17. SELLER’S COVENANTS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. Seller, as part of the consideration therefore, represents warrants, and covenants with Purchaser and its successors and assigns that to the best of Seller’s actual knowledge and without any investigation or inquiry, as follows: A. Seller has or as of the Date of Closing will have marketable and insurable title to the Property of record, free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, leases, claims and charges, all material easements, rights-of-way, covenants, conditions and restrictions and any other matters affecting the title, except for the Permitted Encumbrances. B. To Seller’s actual knowledge, the conveyance of the Property pursuant hereto will not violate any applicable statute, ordinance, governmental restriction or regulation, or any private restriction or agreement. C. As of the Date of Closing there will be no outstanding or unpaid claims, actions or causes of action related to any transaction or obligation entered into or incurred by Seller with respect to the Property prior to the date hereof. D. Except as provided herein, Seller shall indemnify and defend Purchaser and otherwise hold Purchaser harmless of, from and against any broker who may be entitled to any commission or finder’s fee in connection with the transaction contemplated herein to the extent arising from Seller’s actions. E. Seller is not a foreign person as defined in §1445(f)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or regulations issued thereunder. F. To Seller’s actual knowledge, there is no action, litigation, investigation, condemnation or other proceedings of any kind pending or threatened against Seller with respect to the Property, except for the City’s Highway 7 and Louisiana condemnation. The covenants, representations, and warranties contained in this Section shall be deemed to benefit Purchaser and its successors and assigns and shall survive any termination or expiration of this Purchase Agreement or the delivery of the Warranty Deed. All of Seller's covenants, representations and warranties in this Agreement shall be materially true as of the date hereof and of the Closing Date, and shall be a condition precedent to the performance of Purchaser's obligations hereunder. If Purchaser discovers that any such covenant, representation, or warranty is not true, Purchaser may elect prior to Closing, in addition to any of its other rights and remedies, to cancel this Agreement, or Purchaser may postpone the Closing Date up to ninety (90) days to allow time for correction. If Purchaser elects to proceed with the Closing following such discovery, Purchaser shall be deemed to have waived its rights to assert a claim against Seller arising from the inaccuracy or untruthfulness of any such covenant, representation, or warranty. Seller indemnifies Purchaser from any breaches of the covenants, warranties and representations set forth in this Section. 179511v6 6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 11 18. SELLER’S AFFIDAVIT. At closing, Seller shall supplement the warranties and representations in this Purchase Agreement by executing and delivering a Minnesota Uniform Conveyancing Blank [Form No. 116-M, 117-M, or 118-M] Affidavit of Seller. 19. CLOSING. The closing (the "Closing") of the purchase and sale contemplated by this Agreement shall occur at a location designated by Purchaser, and shall occur on or before February 19, 2016 (“Closing Date”). At closing, Seller and Purchaser shall disclose their Federal Tax Identification Numbers for the purposes of completing state and federal tax forms. 20. CLOSING DOCUMENTS. A. 179511v6 At the Closing, Seller shall execute and/or deliver to Purchaser the following (collectively the "Closing Documents"): (1) Warranty Deed. A Warranty Deed in recordable form and reasonably satisfactory to Purchaser, which shall include the following well representations: “Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described Property.” (2) Seller’s Affidavit. A standard form affidavit by Seller indicating that on the date of Closing there are no outstanding, unsatisfied judgments, tax liens or bankruptcies against or involving Seller or the Property; that there has been no skill, labor or material furnished to the Property for which payment has not been made or for which mechanic's liens could be filed; and that there are no other unrecorded interests in the Property. (3) Non-Foreign Person Certification. A certification in form and content satisfactory to the parties hereto and their counsel, properly executed by Seller, containing such information as shall be required by the Internal Revenue Code, and the regulations issued there under, in order to establish that Seller is not a “foreign person” as defined in §1445(f)(3) of such Code and such regulations. (4) Storage Tanks. If required, an affidavit with respect to storage tanks pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 116.48. (5) Well Certificate. If there is a well located on the Property, a well disclosure certificate in form and substance true to form for recording. (6) Certification. A certification that the representations and/or warranties made by Seller is materially the same as were in existence on the date of this Agreement or noting any changes thereto; (7) Relocation Agreement. The Relocation Agreement in the form attached hereto as Exhibit C; 7 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project B. Page 12 (8) Stipulation of Settlement and Partial Discharge of Parcel 9. The Stipulation of Settlement Partial Discharge as identified in Paragraph 2 of this Agreement; and (9) Other Documents. All other documents reasonably determined by either party or the title insurance company to be necessary to transfer and provide title insurance for the Property. At the Closing, Purchaser shall pay the balance of the Purchase Price and execute and deliver to Seller the following: (1) All documents reasonably determined by either party or the title insurance company to be necessary to provide title insurance for the Property; (2) Relocation Agreement, attached hereto as Exhibit C; and (3) Billboard Easement Agreement for Northeast Parcel, attached hereto as Exhibit B. 21. CLOSING COSTS. The costs relating to the closing of this transaction shall be paid as follows: A. B. 179511v6 Purchaser shall pay: (1) Recording fee for the Warranty Deed; (2) One-half of the closing fees charged by the Title Company; (3) Pro-rated payable 2015 taxes and pro-rated payable 2014 taxes pursuant to Paragraph 4.G. herein. (4) All costs of the premium for owner’s title insurance. Seller shall pay: (1) State deed tax; (2) One-half of the closing fees charged by the Title Company; (3) Pro-rated taxes; (4) Conservation fee attributable to the Warranty Deed; and (5) All costs of obtaining a title insurance commitment. 8 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 13 22. PURCHASER’S CONTINGENCIES. Purchaser’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon Purchaser’s satisfaction with each of the following (“Purchaser’s Contingencies”): A. B. C. The representations and warranties of Seller set forth in this Agreement must be true as of the date of this Agreement and on the Closing Date, and Seller shall have delivered to Purchasers at Closing a certificate dated the Closing Date, signed by Seller, certifying that such representations and warranties are true as of the Closing Date. Purchaser determining on or before the Closing Date, that it is satisfied, in its sole discretion, with the results of matters disclosed by a Phase I Environmental Audit or by any additional environmental/engineering investigation or testing of the Property performed by Purchaser or Purchaser's agent. By executing this Agreement, Seller hereby authorizes Purchaser to enter upon the Property at reasonable times to conduct the investigations and/or tests described herein. Purchaser shall be solely responsible for all environmental tests and shall hold Seller harmless from any such costs and shall indemnify Seller for breach of this provision including reasonable attorneys' fees. Purchaser determining that it is satisfied with the title to the Property. If the Purchaser’s Contingencies have not been satisfied on or before the Closing Date, then Purchaser may, at Purchaser’s option, extend the Closing Date in order to satisfy the Purchaser’s Contingencies or terminate this Agreement by giving notice to Seller on or before the Closing Date. The contingencies set forth in this section are for the sole and exclusive benefit of Purchaser, and Purchaser shall have the right to waive the contingencies by giving notice to Seller. 23. SELLERS’S CONTINGENCIES. Sellers’s obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon Sellers’s satisfaction with each of the following (“Sellers’s Contingencies”): A. Seller determining that it is satisfied with all conditions contained in and related to the Billboard Easement Agreement for the Northeast Parcel, including, but not limited to, zoning, utilities, title and environmental review, access and visibility; B. Seller’s receipt of all necessary permits for vegetation removal right of way; and C. Seller determining that it is satisfied with the terms of a visibility easement granted by the St. Louis Park EDA over the parcel abutting the Northeast Parcel. 24. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE. Time is of the essence for all provisions of this Purchase Agreement. 179511v6 9 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project SELLER: CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC. By:____________________________ Its: Dated:______________, 2016 PURCHASER: CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK By:____________________________ Jake Spano, Mayor Dated: ______________, 2016 And:___________________________ Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager 179511v6 10 Page 14 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 15 EXHIBIT A TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT That part of Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 186, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, and of vacated Republic Street lying westerly of a right angle line drawn southerly from the intersection of the center line of vacated Republic Street with the southerly line of Walker Street, and lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the most easterly corner of Outlot C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 205.61 feet; thence easterly 213.24 feet along a non-tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 03 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds, radius 3188.12 feet, chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East, chord length 213.20 feet to its intersection with said right angle line and there terminating. AND Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Block 186 “Rearrangement of St. Louis Park.” Together with that portion of the alley in said Block 186, lying between the Lots in said Block above mentioned and the Northeasterly ½ of Monitor Street lying Southwesterly of and adjoining said Lots 24 to 29 inclusive in said Block 186 which alley and street have been heretofore vacated. That part of the Southwesterly ½ of Republic Avenue vacated, lying between a Northeasterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 186 in said plat and the Southerly line of Walker Street, lying Westerly of a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the center line of vacated Republic Avenue, with the Southerly line of Walker Street. Except those parts embraced within the following two tracts of land: That part of Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block 186, also that part of vacated Monitor Street adjacent to said lots, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of OUTLOT C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street 50.14 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 205.61 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 92.19 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Walker Street; thence South 85 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West, along said southerly right of way line 241.99 feet to a point on the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street; thence South 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds East, along said centerline 148.25 feet to the point of beginning. 179511v6 11 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 16 AND That part of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, all in Block 186, also that part of the vacated alley adjacent to said lots, and also that part of vacated Monitor Street adjacent to said lots, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of OUTLOT C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 205.61 feet; thence easterly 213.24 feet along a non-tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 03 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds, radius 3188.12 feet, chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East, chord length 213.20 feet to a point on a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the centerline of vacated Republic Avenue and the southerly right of way line of Walker Street; thence South 04 degrees 26 minutes 09 seconds East, along said right angle line 28.35 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of State Highway No. 7; thence westerly along said northerly right of way line 145.58 feet along a non-tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 02 degrees 48 minutes 48 seconds, radius 2964.78 feet, chord bearing South 80 degrees 14 minutes 39 seconds West, chord distance 145.56 feet; thence South 78 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds West, along said northerly right of way line 237.76 feet to the point of beginning. 179511v6 12 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 17 EXHIBIT B TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT [BILLBOARD EASEMENT AGREEMENT – NORTHEAST PARCEL] When recorded, return to: CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC. 2325 East Camelback Road, Suite 400 Phoenix, Arizona 85016 Attn: Senior Transactional Counsel GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS THIS GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS (this “Grant of Easements”) is made as of the _____ day of __________, 20___, by the CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("Grantor"), in favor of CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC., a Delaware corporation ("Grantee"). Grantor owns that certain real estate described on Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Real Estate"). Grantee wishes to acquire certain easements over, under, upon and across the Real Estate, which easements will run with the land, and requires certain restrictions on the use of the Real Estate in order to protect the value of said easements. Grantor is willing to grant such easements to Grantee and to impose such restrictions in connection therewith. Now, therefore, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Sign Easement Grantor hereby grants to Grantee and its grantees, successors and assigns a perpetual, exclusive easement (the "Sign Easement") for the construction, maintenance, repair, dismantling, replacement, alteration, improvement, operation, display, illumination and use of outdoor advertising sign structures, appurtenances and related property and equipment as described and depicted on Exhibit B hereto (the “Billboard”) over, under, upon and across that portion of the Real Estate legally described and depicted on Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Sign 179511v6 13 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 18 Easement Area"). The Billboard is a legal nonconforming use under Minnesota law and the City of St. Louis Park zoning ordinance. The Billboard’s use and structure shall comply with all zoning and other applicable regulations. 2. Access Easement. Grantor hereby grants to Grantee and its grantees, successors and assigns a perpetual, nonexclusive easement for vehicular and pedestrian ingress to and egress from the Sign Easement Area (the "Access Easement") over, under, upon and across that portion of the Real Estate legally described and depicted on Exhibit D attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Access Easement Area"). 3. Utility Easement. Grantor hereby grants to Grantee and its grantees, successors and assigns a perpetual, nonexclusive easement for the installation, maintenance, repair, replacement and provision of utilities to service the Sign Easement Area (the "Utility Easement") over, under, upon and across that portion of the Real Estate legally described and depicted on Exhibit E attached hereto and made a part hereof (the "Utility Easement Area"). Grantee may allow a public utility to use the Utility Easement and Utility Easement Area to the same extent as Grantee. 4. Visibility Restrictions. Grantor hereby grants to Grantee and its grantees, successors and assigns a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for visibility purposes to serve the billboard located within the Sign Easement Area (“Visibility Easement”) over, under, upon and across that portion of the Real Estate legally described and depicted on Exhibit F attached hereto and made a part hereof (the “Visibility Easement Area”). Grantor imposes the following restrictions with respect to the Visibility Easement Area: (a) Grantor will not make any plantings or improvements whatsoever on, or otherwise use, the Visibility Easement Area in a manner that would obstruct, partially or entirely, the view from Highway 7 of the face of the Billboard constructed in the Sign Easement Area. (b) Grantor hereby grants to Grantee and its successors and assigns, the right to trim or remove any vegetation, structures or improvements on the Visibility Easement Area which would obstruct, partially or entirely, the view from Highway 7 of the Billboard constructed within the Sign Easement Area. 5. Additional Terms. (a) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, all provisions of this Grant of Easements shall run with the land and are binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the heirs, legal representatives, assigns, successors, and tenants of Grantee and Grantor. (b) Grantor shall be responsible for the payment of all ad valorem taxes, mechanic’s or materialmen’s liens assessed against the Real Estate, and Grantee shall be responsible for the payment of all taxes separately assessed against the easements and the Billboard structure(s), 179511v6 14 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 19 and any licenses, fees, permits and similar charges which may be lawfully imposed upon Grantee for the use or operation of the easements. If either Grantee or Grantor fails to pay the taxes or assessments for which it is responsible, the other party shall have the right, but not the obligation, to pay such taxes and/or assessments on behalf of the party responsible for such payments and to be reimbursed therefor on demand. (c) If any portion of the easements granted herein, or the portion of the Real Estate immediately surrounding the area upon which the Billboard is located, is the subject of an offer of acquisition, is acquired, is taken or is threatened to be taken by condemnation or eminent domain or conveyance in lieu thereof, or a certificate of convenience or necessity is issued by a governmental or quasi-governmental entity or a private party in conjunction with a governmental or quasi-governmental entity, then Grantee shall be entitled to seek compensation from such entity or party, for the value of its total interest in and to the easements and under this Grant of Easements, including the revenues to be earned by Grantee from the easements and the value of its property situated on the easements, and the Grantor shall be entitled to seek compensation from such entity or party for the value of its interest in and to the Real Estate. (d) Grantee shall have the right to assign or transfer in whole or in part, and subject to this Grant of Easements, every feature of Grantee’s rights and obligations hereunder and to the easements. (e) This Grant of Easements shall be governed exclusively by the provisions hereof and by the laws of the state in which the Real Estate is located, as the same may, from time to time, exist without regard to conflicts of laws provisions. (f) If any term or provision of this Grant of Easements or the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Grant of Easements, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby, and each term and provision of this Grant of Easements shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. (g) Except for the Easement Purchase Agreement by and between Grantor and Grantee dated as of , this Grant of Easements constitutes the entire agreement between Grantor and Grantee relating to the easements described herein, and any prior agreement, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Grant of Easements are of no force and effect. Any amendment to this Grant of Easements shall be of no force and effect unless it is in writing and signed by the Grantor and Grantee. (h) This Grant of Easements may be executed in several counterparts; all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument, and each of which shall be deemed an original hereof. 179511v6 15 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 20 In Witness Whereof, this Grant of Perpetual Easements and Declaration of Restrictions has been executed as of this _____ day of _____________________, 2016. GRANTOR: CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK By: Jake Spano, Mayor And: Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Acknowledgment STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) )ss. ) I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that Jeff Jacobs and Thomas K. Harmening, personally known to me to be the Mayor and City Manager, respectively, of the City of St. Louis Park, a Minnesota municipal corporation, and the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that they signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument in their said capacity and as their free and voluntary act on behalf of the municipal corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this _____ day of _______________, 2016. Notary Public My Commission Expires _____________________, 20___. 179511v6 16 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 21 GRANTEE: CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC., a Delaware corporation By: Its: Acknowledgment State of County of ) ) ) SS I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that _______________________, personally known to me to be the ________________ of CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC., a Delaware corporation, and the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, appeared before me this day in person, and acknowledged that he/she signed, sealed and delivered the said instrument in his/her said capacity and as his/her free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Given under my hand and official seal, this _____ day of _______________, ________. Notary Public My Commission Expires _____________________, 20___. 179511v6 17 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 22 EXHIBIT A TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS That part of Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 186, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, and of vacated Republic Street lying westerly of a right angle line drawn southerly from the intersection of the center line of vacated Republic Street with the southerly line of Walker Street, and lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the most easterly corner of Outlot C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 205.61 feet; thence easterly 213.24 feet along a non-tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 03 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds, radius 3188.12 feet, chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East, chord length 213.20 feet to its intersection with said right angle line and there terminating. AND Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29, Block 186 “Rearrangement of St. Louis Park.” Together with that portion of the alley in said Block 186, lying between the Lots in said Block above mentioned and the Northeasterly ½ of Monitor Street lying Southwesterly of and adjoining said Lots 24 to 29 inclusive in said Block 186 which alley and street have been heretofore vacated. That part of the Southwesterly ½ of Republic Avenue vacated, lying between a Northeasterly extension of the Southeasterly line of Lot 5, Block 186 in said plat and the Southerly line of Walker Street, lying Westerly of a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the center line of vacated Republic Avenue, with the Southerly line of Walker Street. Except those parts embraced within the following two tracts of land: That part of Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block 186, also that part of vacated Monitor Street adjacent to said lots, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of OUTLOT C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street 50.14 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 205.61 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 92.19 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Walker Street; thence South 85 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West, along said southerly right of way line 241.99 feet to a point on the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street; thence South 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds East, along said centerline 148.25 feet to the point of beginning. 179511v6 18 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 23 AND That part of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, all in Block 186, also that part of the vacated alley adjacent to said lots, and also that part of vacated Monitor Street adjacent to said lots, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of OUTLOT C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 205.61 feet; thence easterly 213.24 feet along a non tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 03 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds, radius 3188.12 feet, chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East, chord length 213.20 feet to a point on a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the centerline of vacated Republic Avenue and the southerly right of way line of Walker Street; thence South 04 degrees 26 minutes 09 seconds East, along said right angle line 28.35 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of State Highway No. 7; thence westerly along said northerly right of way line 145.58 feet along a non tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 02 degrees 48 minutes 48 seconds, radius 2964.78 feet, chord bearing South 80 degrees 14 minutes 39 seconds West, chord distance 145.56 feet; thence South 78 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds West, along said northerly right of way line 237.76 feet to the point of beginning. 179511v6 19 20 Page 24 179511v6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project EXHIBIT B TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS DESCRIPTION AND DEPICTION OF BILLBOARD 179511v6 21 Page 25 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 26 EXHIBIT C TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SURVEY OF SIGN EASEMENT AREA An easement for sign purposes over, under and across that part of Lots 1, 26 and 27, Block 186, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and of the vacated alley in said Block 186 described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of Outlot C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Hennepin County, thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of vacated Monitor Street a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet to the point of beginning of the sign easement to be described; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 27.33 feet; thence North 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 62.36 feet; thence South 58 degrees 51 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 48.10 feet; thence South 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 53.53 feet to the intersection of Line “A”, hereinafter described; thence westerly, along said Line “A”, a distance of 26.50 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 3188.12 feet, a central angle of 0 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds and a chord bearing of South 85 degrees 36 minutes 34 seconds West to said point of beginning. Line “A” Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Outlot C; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet to the point of beginning of said Line “A”; thence easterly a distance of 213.24 feet along a non tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 3188.12 feet, a central angle of 03 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds, and a chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East to a point on a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the center line of vacated Republic Street and the southerly line of Walker Street and said Line “A” there terminating. 179511v6 22 23 Page 27 179511v6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 28 EXHIBIT D TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SURVEY OF ACCESS EASEMENT AREA An easement for access purposes over and across that part of Lots 27 and 28, Block 186, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of Outlot C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Hennepin County, thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of vacated Monitor Street a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 27.33 feet to a point hereinafter referred to as Point “A”; thence continuing North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 47.09 feet to the point of beginning of the access easement to be described; thence continuing North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 25.27 feet to the southerly line of Walker Street; thence North 86 degrees 03 minutes 27 seconds East, along said southerly line, a distance of 27.11 feet; thence South 47 degrees 52 minutes 17 seconds East a distance of 20.76 feet; thence South 64 degrees 10 minutes 21 seconds East a distance of 27.80 feet to the intersection of a line drawn North 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds East from said Point “A”; thence South 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 16.00 feet; thence North 64 degrees 10 minutes 21 seconds West a distance of 45.92 feet to said point of beginning. 179511v6 24 25 Page 29 179511v6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 30 EXHIBIT E TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SURVEY OF UTILITY EASEMENT AREA An easement for utility purposes 10.00 feet in width over, under and across Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Block 186, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and that part of vacated Republic Street lying westerly of a right angle line drawn southerly from the intersection of the center line of said vacated Republic Street and the southerly line of Walker Street. The center line of said utility easement is described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of Outlot C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Hennepin County; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of vacated Monitor Street a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 27.33 feet; thence North 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 62.36 feet; thence South 58 degrees 51 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 34.40 feet to the point of beginning of the center line to be described; thence North 76 degrees 26 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 139.45 feet to the southerly line of Walker Street and said center line there terminating. The sidelines of said easement shall be prolonged or shortened to terminate along said southerly line, and along a line, and its northwesterly extension, drawn South 58 degrees 51 minutes 47 seconds East form the point of beginning. 179511v6 26 27 Page 31 179511v6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 32 EXHIBIT F TO GRANT OF PERPETUAL EASEMENTS AND DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIONS LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SURVEY OF VISIBILITY EASEMENT AREA An easement for view purposes over and across that part of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 25 and 26, Block 186, and the vacated alley in said Block 186, “Rearragement of St. Louis Park”, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of Outlot C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the easterly line of said Outlot C, a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet to the point of beginning of said View Easement to be described; thence easterly a distance of 218.10 feet along a non-tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 3188.12 feet, a central angle of 03 degrees 55 minutes 10 seconds, and a chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East to its intersection with a line drawn southerly, and at a right angle with the south line of Walker Street, from the intersection of said south line and the center line of vacated Republic Avenue; thence North 03 degrees 56 minutes 33 seconds West, along said right angle line, a distance of 15.00 feet; thence North 82 degrees 15 minutes 14 seconds West a distance of 192.00 feet; thence South 27 degrees 29 minutes 27 seconds West a distance of 57.49 feet to said point of beginning. 179511v6 28 29 Page 33 179511v6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 34 EXHIBIT C TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT RELOCATION AGREEMENT Agreement made this ____ day of ______________, 2016, by and between the City of St. Louis Park (“City”) and Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc. (“Clear Channel”). WHEREAS, the City has commenced a condemnation action in Hennepin County District Court, File No. 27-CV-12-20082 (the “Action”), wherein the City has sought to acquire title and possession to Parcel 9 which is legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the January 8, 2013 Order Granting Petition, Appointing Commissioners and Authorizing Transfer Of Title And Possession Pursuant To Minn. Stat. § 117.042, the City acquired fee title and possession to Parcel 9; and WHEREAS, prior to the commencement of the Action, Clear Channel owned and maintained one (1) outdoor advertising structure containing one (1) advertising face on a portion of Parcel 9 (the outdoor advertising structure is hereafter referred to as the “Sign”); and WHEREAS, as a result of the Action, Clear Channel was required to remove its Sign from Parcel 9 acquired by the City; and WHEREAS, the City and Clear Channel have reached an agreement whereby Clear Channel shall be entitled to relocate its Sign on property owned by the City legally described in Exhibit B (“Sign Easement Premises”) and the City will reimburse Clear Channel for certain relocation costs, expenses, and lost revenue in connection with the removal and relocation of its Sign as set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. Clear Channel shall be entitled to relocate the Sign previously located Parcel 9 to the Sign Easement Premises. The newly constructed Sign shall be similar in size and materials as the Sign previously removed from Parcel 9. Clear Channel shall be entitled to construct the Sign no later than ______________, 20___. Clear Channel agrees not to construct the Sign until it receives necessary permits from the City. 2. The City agrees to pay Clear Channel Sixty-Seven Thousand Eight Hundred Seventy-Five and 00/100 ($67,875) Dollars as and for relocation costs to remove and relocate the Sign located on Parcel 9, and Seven Thousand Eight Hundred NinetyEight and 00/100 ($7,898) Dollars as and for lost revenue to compensate Clear Channel for the revenue lost while the Sign on Parcel 9 was displaced due to road 179511v6 30 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 35 construction. Such amounts shall be paid to Clear Channel within thirty (30) days after the completion of construction of the relocated Sign on Parcel 9. 3. The parties agree that the amounts payable by the City pursuant to paragraph 2 above shall be in lieu of any compensation which could be claimed by Clear Channel to be due and owing as a result of the temporary loss of its Sign pursuant to the above Action, or for any relocation costs which may otherwise be owing pursuant to state or federal law. It is specifically agreed that the payments due pursuant to paragraph 2 above do not compensate Clear Channel for just compensation due and owing for other parcels involved in the Action and Clear Channel shall be entitled to pursue its claimed damages for such takings in the above Action. 4. This Relocation Agreement embodies the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements and understandings between the parties. This Relocation Agreement may not be amended, except in writing, signed by both parties. 5. This Relocation Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the provisions hereof and by the laws of the State of Minnesota. 6. All provisions of this Relocation Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the City and Clear Channel and their respective grantees, successors, and assigns. 7. If any legal action or proceeding arising out of or relating to this Relocation Agreement is brought by either party hereto, the prevailing party shall be entitled to receive from the other party, in addition to any other relief that may be granted, their reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and other expenses incurred in the action or proceeding by the prevailing party. CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK CLEAR CHANNEL OUTDOOR, INC. By:_______________________________ Jake Spano, Mayor By:_________________________________ Its:_________________________ And:______________________________ Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager 179511v6 31 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 36 EXHIBIT A TO RELOCATION AGREEMENT That part of Lots 26, 27, 28, 29, Block 186, also that part of vacated Monitor Street adjacent to said lots, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of OUTLOT C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street 50.14 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 205.61 feet; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 92.19 feet to a point on the southerly right of way line of Walker Street; thence South 85 degrees 33 minutes 51 seconds West, along said southerly right of way line 241.99 feet to a point on the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street; thence South 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds East, along said centerline 148.25 feet to the point of beginning. This tract contains 21,474 square feet more or less and is subject to any and all easements of record. AND That part of Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, all in Block 186, also that part of the vacated alley adjacent to said lots, and also that part of vacated Monitor Street adjacent to said lots, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most easterly corner of OUTLOT C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East 205.61 feet; thence easterly 213.24 feet along a non tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 03 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds, radius 3188.12 feet, chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East, chord length 213.20 feet to a point on a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the centerline of vacated Republic Avenue and the southerly right of way line of Walker Street; thence South 04 degrees 26 minutes 09 seconds East, along said right angle line 28.35 feet to a point on the northerly right of way line of State Highway No. 7; thence westerly along said northerly right of way line 145.58 feet along a non tangential curve, concave to the south, central angle 02 degrees 48 minutes 48 seconds, radius 2964.78 feet, chord bearing South 80 degrees 14 minutes 39 seconds West, chord distance 145.56 feet; thence South 78 degrees 50 minutes 15 seconds West, along said northerly right of way line 237.76 feet to the point of beginning. This tract contains 18,218 square feet more or less and is subject to any and all easements of record. 179511v6 32 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Page 37 EXHIBIT B TO RELOCATION AGREEMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND SURVEY OF SIGN EASEMENT AREA An easement for sign purposes over, under and across that part of Lots 1, 26 and 27, Block 186, REARRANGEMENT OF ST. LOUIS PARK, according to the recorded plat thereof, Hennepin County, Minnesota, and of the vacated alley in said Block 186 described as follows: Commencing at the most easterly corner of Outlot C, LOUISIANA ALIGNMENT, according to the recorded plat thereof, said Hennepin County, thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the centerline of vacated Monitor Street a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet to the point of beginning of the sign easement to be described; thence North 45 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 27.33 feet; thence North 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds East a distance of 62.36 feet; thence South 58 degrees 51 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 48.10 feet; thence South 31 degrees 08 minutes 13 seconds West a distance of 53.53 feet to the intersection of Line “A”, hereinafter described; thence westerly, along said Line “A”, a distance of 26.50 feet on a non-tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 3188.12 feet, a central angle of 0 degrees 28 minutes 35 seconds and a chord bearing of South 85 degrees 36 minutes 34 seconds West to said point of beginning. Line “A” Commencing at the most easterly corner of said Outlot C; thence North 46 degrees 55 minutes 11 seconds West, along the centerline of said vacated Monitor Street a distance of 50.14 feet; thence North 74 degrees 32 minutes 47 seconds East a distance of 205.61 feet to the point of beginning of said Line “A”; thence easterly a distance of 213.24 feet along a non tangential curve, concave to the south, having a radius of 3188.12 feet, a central angle of 03 degrees 49 minutes 56 seconds, and a chord bearing North 87 degrees 19 minutes 53 seconds East to a point on a right angle line drawn from the intersection of the center line of vacated Republic Street and the southerly line of Walker Street and said Line “A” there terminating. 179511v6 33 34 Page 38 179511v6 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4f) Title: Approve Right-of-Way Purchase – Highway 7/ Louisiana Avenue Interchange Project Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4g EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Special Assessment – Sewer Service Line Repair at 3528 Xylon Avenue South RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt Resolution authorizing the special assessment for the repair of the sewer service line at 3528 Xylon Avenue South, St. Louis Park, MN P.I.D. 18-117-21-42-0018. POLICY CONSIDERATION: The proposed action is consistent with policy previously established by the City Council. SUMMARY: Elizabeth Kelly, owner of the single family residence at 3528 Xylon Avenue South, has requested the City to authorize the repair of the sewer service line for his/her home and assess the cost against the property in accordance with the City’s special assessment policy. The City requires the repair of service lines to promote the general public health, safety and welfare within the community. The special assessment policy for the repair or replacement of water or sewer service lines for existing homes was adopted by the City Council in 1996. This program was put into place because sometimes property owners face financial hardships when emergency repairs like this are unexpectedly required. Plans and permits for this service line repair work were completed, submitted, and approved by City staff. The property owner hired a contractor and repaired the sewer service line in compliance with current codes and regulations. Based on the completed work, this repair qualifies for the City’s special assessment program. The property owner has petitioned the City to authorize the sewer service line repair and special assess the cost of the repair. The total eligible cost of the repair has been determined to be $2,800. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: The City has funds in place to finance the cost of this special assessment. VISION CONSIDERATION: St. Louis Park is committed to being a connected and engaged community. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Resolution Jay Hall, Utility Superintendent Mark Hanson, Public Works Superintendent Patricia A. Sulander, Accountant Cindy Walsh, Director of Operations and Recreation Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4g) Title: Special Assessment – Sewer Service Line Repair at 3528 Xylon Avenue South Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE REPAIR OF THE SEWER SERVICE LINE AT 3528 XYLON AVENUE SOUTH, ST. LOUIS PARK, MN P.I.D. 18-117-21-42-0018 WHEREAS, the Property Owner at 3528 Xylon Avenue South has petitioned the City of St. Louis Park to authorize a special assessment for the repair of the sewer service line for the single family residence located at 3528 Xylon Avenue South; and WHEREAS, the Property Owner has agreed to waive the right to a public hearing, right of notice and right of appeal pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Chapter 429; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of St. Louis Park has received a report from the Utility Superintendent related to the repair of the sewer service line. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of St. Louis Park, Minnesota, that: 1. The petition from the Property Owner requesting the approval and special assessment for the sewer service line repair is hereby accepted. 2. The sewer service line repair that was done in conformance with the plans and specifications approved by the Public Works Department and Department of Inspections is hereby accepted. 3. The total cost for the repair of the sewer service line is accepted at $2,800. 4. The Property Owner has agreed to waive the right to a public hearing, notice and appeal from the special assessment; whether provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, or by other statutes, or by ordinance, City Charter, the constitution, or common law. 5. The Property Owner has agreed to pay the City for the total cost of the above improvements through a special assessment over a ten (10) year period at the interest rate of 4.00%. 6. The Property Owner has executed an agreement with the City and all other documents necessary to implement the repair of the sewer service line and the special assessment of all costs associated therewith. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 City Manager Mayor Attest: City Clerk Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4h EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Special Assessment – Sewer Service Line Repair at 1816 Louisiana Avenue South RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt Resolution authorizing the special assessment for the repair of the sewer service line at 1816 Louisiana Avenue South, St. Louis Park, MN P.I.D. 05-117-21-34-0085. POLICY CONSIDERATION: The proposed action is consistent with policy previously established by the City Council. SUMMARY: Steven Dunn, owner of the single family residence at 1816 Louisiana Avenue South, has requested the City to authorize the repair of the sewer service line for his home and assess the cost against the property in accordance with the City’s special assessment policy. The City requires the repair of service lines to promote the general public health, safety and welfare within the community. The special assessment policy for the repair or replacement of water or sewer service lines for existing homes was adopted by the City Council in 1996. This program was put into place because sometimes property owners face financial hardships when emergency repairs like this are unexpectedly required. Plans and permits for this service line repair work were completed, submitted, and approved by City staff. The property owner hired a contractor and repaired the sewer service line in compliance with current codes and regulations. Based on the completed work, this repair qualifies for the City’s special assessment program. The property owner has petitioned the City to authorize the sewer service line repair and special assess the cost of the repair. The total eligible cost of the repair has been determined to be $2,881. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: The City has funds in place to finance the cost of this special assessment. VISION CONSIDERATION: St. Louis Park is committed to being a connected and engaged community. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Resolution Jay Hall, Utility Superintendent Mark Hanson, Public Works Superintendent Patricia A. Sulander, Accountant Cindy Walsh, Director of Operations and Recreation Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4h) Title: Special Assessment – Sewer Service Line Repair at 1816 Louisiana Avenue South Page 2 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE REPAIR OF THE SEWER SERVICE LINE AT 1816 LOUISIANA AVENUE SOUTH, ST. LOUIS PARK, MN P.I.D. 05-117-21-34-0085 WHEREAS, the Property Owner at 1816 Louisiana Avenue South has petitioned the City of St. Louis Park to authorize a special assessment for the repair of the sewer service line for the single family residence located at 1816 Louisiana Avenue South; and WHEREAS, the Property Owner has agreed to waive the right to a public hearing, right of notice and right of appeal pursuant to Minnesota Statute, Chapter 429; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of St. Louis Park has received a report from the Utility Superintendent related to the repair of the sewer service line. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of St. Louis Park, Minnesota, that: 1. The petition from the Property Owner requesting the approval and special assessment for the sewer service line repair is hereby accepted. 2. The sewer service line repair that was done in conformance with the plans and specifications approved by the Public Works Department and Department of Inspections is hereby accepted. 3. The total cost for the repair of the sewer service line is accepted at $2,881. 4. The Property Owner has agreed to waive the right to a public hearing, notice and appeal from the special assessment; whether provided by Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, or by other statutes, or by ordinance, City Charter, the constitution, or common law. 5. The Property Owner has agreed to pay the City for the total cost of the above improvements through a special assessment over a ten (10) year period at the interest rate of 4.00%. 6. The Property Owner has executed an agreement with the City and all other documents necessary to implement the repair of the sewer service line and the special assessment of all costs associated therewith. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 City Manager Mayor Attest: City Clerk Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Approve Appointment to Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to appoint Councilmember Tim Brausen as the primary representative and Gregg Lindberg as the alternate to the Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the City Council desire to have representation on the policy advisory committee for this study? SUMMARY: The Minnesota Department of Transportation, Scott County, and the Metropolitan Council initiated the Highway 169 Mobility Study in September 2015, to evaluate cost-effective options for improving transit service and reducing congestion on Highway 169 in the southwest metro. The study will focus on assessing the viability of Bus Rapid Transit, MnPASS Express Lanes, and lower cost/ high benefit spot mobility improvements such as auxiliary lanes, turn lanes, dynamic shoulders, interchange modifications, and transit advantages. The study will also evaluate the potential for intercity bus service improvements between Mankato and the Twin Cities. There will be a Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) as well as a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) for the study that will meet bi-monthly until anticipated completion of the study in spring 2017, to receive project information and provide technical guidance for the study. The PAC will be composed of councilmembers, and the TAC will be composed of planning and engineering staff from each of the corridor cities, Hennepin and Scott Counties, Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, MnDOT, Metropolitan Council/Metro Transit, and each transit provider in the corridor. St. Louis Park was contacted by MnDOT requesting participation on the PAC and TAC (see attached letter) The PAC representatives proposed to be appointed are Councilmember Tim Brausen as the primary and Gregg Lindberg as the alternate. The TAC representatives are Joseph Shamla and Meg McMonigal. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: This is an advisory committee, there are no financial commitments at this time. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Letter from MnDOT Debra Heiser, Engineering Director Kevin Locke, Community Development Director Tom Harmening, City Manager City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4i) Title: Approve Appointment to Highway 169 Mobility Study Policy Advisory Committee Page 2 Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Consent Agenda Item: 4j EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Reschedule Public Hearing to Consider Establishment of the Wayzata Blvd TIF District RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt Resolution rescheduling the public hearing relative to the establishment of the Wayzata Blvd Tax Increment Financing District within Redevelopment Project Area No. 1 (a redevelopment district). POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the City Council wish to reschedule the public hearing from March 7th to March 21st relative to the establishment of a Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing District to facilitate future redevelopment at 9920 & 9808 Wayzata Blvd? SUMMARY: On January 11, 2016, the City Council adopted a resolution calling for a public hearing to be held on March 7, 2016 regarding the proposed establishment of the Wayzata Boulevard Tax Increment Financing District and the proposed adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan. It has been determined that a quorum of the City Council will not be present on March 7, 2016. Therefore, the proposed public hearing needs to be rescheduled for the next available City Council meeting which is March 21, 2016. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: The cost to create the proposed TIF District would be approximately $25,000 and would be paid by the Development Fund. Such costs could be reimbursed by the eventual redeveloper of the site through a Redevelopment Contract. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Resolution Revised TIF Schedule Greg Hunt, Economic Development Coordinator Michele Schnitker, Deputy Community Development Director Nancy Deno, EDA Deputy Executive Director and Deputy City Manager City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4j) Title: Reschedule Public Hearing to Consider Establishment of the Wayzata Blvd TIF District Page 2 CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK HENNEPIN COUNTY STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION AMENDING DATE OF PROPOSED PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED ADOPTION OF A MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1, THE PROPOSED ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WAYZATA BOULEVARD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT, AND THE ADOPTION OF A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR THE PROPOSED DISTRICT. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council (the "Council") for the City of St. Louis Park, Minnesota (the "City"), as follows: Section 1. Prior Resolution. On January 11, 2016, the Council adopted a resolution calling for a public hearing to be held on March 7, 2016 regarding the proposed adoption of a Modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1, the proposed establishment of the Wayzata Boulevard Tax Increment Financing District, and the proposed adoption of a Tax Increment Financing Plan therefor, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 to 469.1794 (the “Tax Increment Act”). Section 2. Change in Date of Public Hearing. The Council has determined that a quorum of the Council will not be present on March 7, 2016, and no public hearing may be held on such date. Therefore, the Council has determined to hold the proposed public hearing at the next regular Council meeting, on March 21, 2016. The Economic Development Coordinator is authorized and directed to cause notice of the public hearing to be published at least once in the official newspaper of the City not later than 10, nor more than 30, days prior to March 21, 2016, and otherwise to comply with the requirements of the Tax Increment Act in connection with such publication. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4j) Title: Reschedule Public Hearing to Consider Establishment of the Wayzata Blvd TIF District Page 3 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ST. LOUIS PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA FOR THE MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 1 AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WAYZATA BLVD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (a redevelopment district) ASAP Project information (property identification numbers and legal descriptions, detailed project description, maps, but/for statement, and list of sources and uses of funds) for drafting necessary documentation sent to Ehlers. January 19, 2016 EDA requests that the City Council call for a public hearing. January 19, 2016 City Council calls for a public hearing. January 19, 2016 Ehlers confirms with the City whether building permits have been issued on the property to be included in the TIF District. February 1, 2016 City Council passes a resolution calling for a rescheduled public hearing. N/A County receives TIF Plan for review for County Road impacts (at least 45 days prior to public hearing). *The County Board, by law, has 45 days to review the TIF Plan to determine if any county roads will be impacted by the development. Because the City staff believes that the proposed tax increment financing district may require county road improvements, the TIF Plan will be forwarded to the County Board 45 days prior to the public hearing. February 2, 2016 Letter received by County Commissioner giving notice of a potential redevelopment tax increment financing district (at least 30 days prior to publication of public hearing notice). [Ehlers will fax and mail on or before February 2, 2016] February 19, 2016 Fiscal/economic implications received by School Board Clerk and County Auditor (at least 30 days prior to public hearing). [Ehlers will fax and mail on or before February 19, 2016.] February 29, 2016 Ehlers conducts internal review of the Plans. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 4j) Title: Reschedule Public Hearing to Consider Establishment of the Wayzata Blvd TIF District Page 4 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS – PAGE 2 ST. LOUIS PARK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK HENNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA FOR THE MODIFICATION TO THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NO. 2 AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WAYZATA BLVD TAX INCREMENT FINANCING DISTRICT (a redevelopment district) March 3, 2016 Date of publication of hearing notice and map (at least 10 days but not more than 30 days prior to hearing). [Ehlers will submit notice & map to the St. Louis Park Sun Sailor on or before February 25, 2016 at] March 16, 2016 Planning Commission reviews Plans to determine if they are in compliance with City's comprehensive plan and adopts a resolution approving the Plans. March 21, 2016 EDA adopts a resolution approving the Plans. March 21, 2016 City Council holds public hearing at 7:30 p.m. on the modification to the Redevelopment Plan for Redevelopment Project No. 1 and the establishment of the Wayzata Blvd Tax Increment Financing District and passes resolution approving the Plans. [Ehlers will email Council packet information to the City on or before March 14, 2016] March 22, 2016 ___________ City can issue building permits. Ehlers requests certification of the TIF District from the state and county. An action under subdivision 1, paragraph (a), contesting the validity of a determination by an authority under section 469.175, subdivision 3, must be commenced within the later of: (1) 180 days after the municipality’s approval under section 469.175, subdivision 3; or (2) 90 days after the request for certification of the district is filed with the county auditor under section 469.177, subdivision1. Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Public Hearing Agenda Item: 6a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Japs Olson - Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance Vacating Easements RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Mayor to close public hearing. Motion to approve First Reading of an Ordinance Vacating a Public Sewer Easement and Sewer Construction Easements and set the Second Reading of Ordinance for February 15, 2016. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Are the easements needed for public purposes? SUMMARY: The Japs Olson Company site is located at 7500 Excelsior Boulevard. They are in the process of seeking approvals to add a 192,000 square foot addition to their facility. To facilitate the project, to date, the City approved Japs-Olson’s first phase of the project, which includes a new 751 space parking lot on the east side of Meadowbrook Road and a municipal boundary change with the City of Hopkins. The second phase includes a Comprehensive Plan amendment, zoning map amendment, plat and a major amendment to the Special Permit. The Planning Commission conducted a hearing for these applications on January 1, 2016, and recommended approval of each of them. The applications are on the Council February 1, 2016 agenda for consideration. The applicant is requesting the vacation of two easements. One easement covers a storm line which is no longer in use. The other covers a municipal water main. The applicant will be relocating the water main to the Powell Road and Excelsior Boulevard right-of-ways prior to construction of the building addition. After the utility is moved, then the easement can be vacated. The Engineering Department is recommending approval of vacating both easements with the condition that the easement covering the water main not be vacated until the water main is relocated. This condition allows the Council to approve the vacation now, but allows staff to not record the ordinance (officially vacating the easement) until after the water main has been relocated. Legal descriptions and depictions of the subject area are included in the attached ordinance. A public hearing is required and a second reading of the ordinance would be scheduled for February 15, 2016. Five councilmembers must support the ordinance in order to vacate right-of-way or easements. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Draft Ordinance Gary Morrison, Assistant Zoning Administrator Sean Walther, Planning & Zoning Supervisor Michele Schnitker, Housing Supervisor/Deputy CD Director Tom Harmening, City Manager City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 6a) Title: Japs Olson - Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance Vacating Easements Page 2 ORDINANCE NO._____-16 AN ORDINANCE VACATING PUBLIC DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AT 7500 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. A petition in writing signed by a majority of all of the owners of all property abutting upon both sides of the easements proposed to be vacated has been duly filed. The notice of said petition has been published in the St. Louis Park Sailor and the City Council has conducted a public hearing upon said petition and has determined that the easements are not needed for public purposes, and that it is for the best interest of the public that said easements be vacated. Section 2. The easements described on attached Exhibit “A” and depicted on Exhibit “B” as now dedicated and laid out within the corporate limits of the City of St. Louis Park are hereby vacated. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect upon relocation of the utilities and acceptance of the relocated water main by the City of St. Louis Park, but not less than fifteen days after its publication. Section 4. The City Clerk is instructed to record certified copies of this ordinance in the Office of the Hennepin County Register of Deeds or Registrar of Titles as the case may be upon confirmation of the Director of Engineering’s acceptance of relocated water line. First Reading Second Reading Date of Publication Date Ordinance may take effect February 1, 2016 February 15, 2016 TBD 15 days after publication Reviewed for Administration Adopted by the City Council February 15, 2016 City Manager Mayor Attest: Approved as to Form and Execution: City Clerk City Attorney City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 6a) Title: Japs Olson - Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance Vacating Easements Page 3 EXHIBIT “A” LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS A 10 foot easement for drainage purposes over part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 117, Range 21, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of a line distant 33 feet West of the East line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter with the South line of Powell Road as opened per Document Number 2890680; thence North 89 degrees 46 minutes West, assumed bearing, along said South line of Powell Road, 147.52 feet to the actual point of beginning of the center line to be described; thence South 19 degrees 53 minutes West, 16.23 feet; thence North 89 degrees 27 minutes 40 seconds West, 270.46 feet; thence South 64 degrees 48 minutes 30 seconds West, 73.48 feet; thence North 82 degrees 20 minutes 45 seconds West, 41.05 feet; thence North 38 degrees 28 minutes 05 seconds West, 34.04 feet; thence South 51 degrees 06 minutes 20 seconds West, 66.43 feet; thence South 0 degrees 11 minutes 40 seconds East, 446.83 feet; thence South 59 degrees 05 minutes 13 seconds West, 255.14 feet, to its intersection with the East line of said Powell Road, and there terminating. AND Water, Sewer and public utility easement per Book 2008, Page 50. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 6a) Title: Japs Olson - Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance Vacating Easements EXHIBIT “B” DEPICTION OF EASEMENTS Page 4 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 6a) Title: Japs Olson - Public Hearing and First Reading of Ordinance Vacating Easements EXHIBIT “B” EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED Page 5 Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Public Hearing Agenda Item: 6b EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Coffee House Holdings, Inc. dba Starbucks - On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License RECOMMENDED ACTION: Mayor to close public hearing. Motion to approve application from Coffee House Holdings, Inc. dba Starbucks, for an On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License for the premises located at 3850 Grand Way, for the license term beginning March 1, 2016. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the Council wish to approve the liquor license for Coffee House Holdings, Inc.? SUMMARY: The City received an application from Coffee House Holdings, Inc. dba Starbucks, for an On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor license for the existing establishment located at 3850 Grand Way. The premise is 2,149 square feet in size, with an indoor seating capacity of 60 and outdoor patio seating for 27. The request is to allow alcohol to be consumed both inside of the store and on the patio. Ms. Carrie Moua will serve as the designated manager at this Starbucks location. Coffee House Holdings, Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary of Starbucks Corporation. No officer, store manager, or other employee of Coffee House Holdings, Inc. has any financial or ownership interest in Coffee House Holdings, Inc. or its operations. In conjunction with the launch of the Starbucks Evenings Program, the applicant holds beer and wine licenses in numerous jurisdictions across the United States. The applicant currently has liquor license applications pending in St. Paul, Maple Grove, and Rosemount and intends to file applications in Edina and Minneapolis. The current hours of operation are Monday-Friday, 5:30 am to 9:00 pm, and Saturday-Sunday, 6:00 am to 9:00 pm. The applicant’s expanded business plan includes a stipulation that alcohol will not be sold on the premises until 2:00 pm on Monday-Friday and noon on weekends. The Police Department conducted a full background investigation, and nothing was discovered during the course of the investigation that would warrant denial of the license. The application and police report are on file in the City Clerk’s office, should Council members wish to review the information. The required notice of the public hearing was published January 14, 2016. Should Council approve the liquor license, no actual license will be issued until all requirements have been met with the State Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Fees for this applicant include $500 for the police background investigation and $2,750 for the On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor annual license fee. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Prepared by: Approved by: Discussion Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 6b) Title: Coffee House Holdings, Inc. dba Starbucks - On-Sale Wine and 3.2% Malt Liquor License Page 2 DISCUSSION The Starbucks Evenings Program represents an initiative by the Starbucks Corporation to expand their existing business plan at select stores to provide an enhanced experience for customers during an under-utilized part of the day. This expanded business plan has been implemented at numerous stores across the United States. In Minnesota, the applicant currently has applications pending in St. Paul, Maple Grove, and Rosemount. Additionally, applications will soon be filed in Edina and Minneapolis. The applicant will require all employees to complete training related to the safe service of alcohol and all baristas will be at least 21 years of age. As part of the Evenings Program, Starbucks will offer an expanded menu selection geared towards small plate and dessert offerings to complement their wine and beer selection and meet their customers’ needs. The new menu selections, including a variety of flatbreads, chicken skewers, meatballs with tomato basil sauce, truffle mac and cheese, and pita chips with spinach and artichoke dip, will be served in addition to the food options currently available to customers. All food menu items will be available for purchase during regular store hours. The wine and beer selections will be regionally specific and will cater to a broad range of consumers. Additionally, all wine and beer will be served with complimentary pepitas. No wine or beer will be served on the premises until 2:00 pm on weekdays and noon on weekends. Starbucks hopes to positively impact the community and trade area by attracting additional food traffic, generating evening commerce, and providing a venue for community members to gather in the evening. Additionally, Starbucks has emphasized its commitment to maintaining good neighborhood relations and providing a safe and secure environment for its customers. Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Action Agenda Item: 8a EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. RECOMMENDED ACTION: The following motions are recommended by the Planning Commission. All actions could be made with one motion: Motion to Adopt Resolution approving the application for a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map Amendment as recommended by Staff. (Super majority vote required.) Motion to approve the first reading to Adopt Ordinance amending the Zoning Map, and set a second reading for February 15, 2016. Motion to Adopt Resolution approving the preliminary and final plat of Japs Olson Addition, subject to conditions recommended by Staff. Motion to Adopt Resolution approving a major amendment to a Special Permit to approve a 192,000 square foot expansion, subject to conditions recommended by Staff. Motion to Adopt Resolution approving a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the export/import of more than 400 cubic yards of material, subject to conditions recommended by Staff. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the proposal meet the conditions of the Comprehensive Plan and the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances? SUMMARY: Japs-Olson is in the process of planning a 192,000 square foot addition to the existing 512,850 square foot building located at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. The addition will require the following applications: 1. Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map Amendments. The land use map and zoning map need to be amended to reflect the changes resulting from the recent municipal border adjustment between the City of St. Louis Park and the City of Hopkins. 2. Preliminary/Final Plat of Japs Olson Addition. The request is for approval of a preliminary and final plat that consolidates two unplatted properties into one platted lot. 3. Major Amendment to a Special Permit. The request is for a major amendment to an existing special permit to allow a 192,000 square foot addition. 4. Conditional Use Permit. The request is for a CUP to allow the export/import of more than 400 cubic yards of material. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Discussion Aerial Photo Resolutions & Ordinance Excerpt of Planning Commission Minutes Development Plans Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by: Gary Morrison, Assistant Zoning Administrator Sean Walther, Planning & Zoning Supervisor Michele Schnitker, Housing Supervisor/Deputy CD Director Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 2 DISCUSSION Zoning: Comprehensive Plan: Applicant: General Industrial (IG) Industrial Japs-Olson Company, Mr. Robert Murphy, Chairman Description of Request: 1. Comprehensive Plan Amendment. The request is to amend the land use map to reflect the changes resulting from the recent municipal border adjustment between the City of St. Louis Park and the City of Hopkins. The land attached to St. Louis Park will be added to the map and guided Industrial, the land detached from St. Louis Park will be removed from the map. 2. Zoning Map Amendment. The request is to amend the zoning map to reflect the changes resulting from the recent border adjustment between the City of St. Louis Park and the City of Hopkins. The land attached to St. Louis Park will be added to the map and zoned General Industrial (IG), the land detached from St. Louis Park will be removed from the map. 3. Preliminary/Final Plat of Japs Olson Addition. The request is for approval of a preliminary and final plat that consolidates two unplatted properties into one platted lot. 4. Major Amendment to a Special Permit. The request is for a major amendment to an existing special permit to allow a 192,000 square foot addition. 5. Conditional Use Permit. The request is for a CUP to allow the export/import of more than 400 cubic yards of material. Location: City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 3 Background: The Japs-Olson business is operating under a Special Permit that was approved in 1987. A variance was granted in 1989 to reduce the amount of required parking spaces from 639 spaces to 586 spaces. The Special Permit was amended in 1994 to allow an addition to the building, and another variance was approved in 1996 to allow a further parking reduction from 815 spaces to 586 spaces. The applicant is proposing to expand its facility in the following two phases: Phase 1: Off-site parking lot. In June of 2015, a CUP was approved to allow the required parking to be met on a parcel located on the east side of Meadowbrook Rd. The CUP approval included a reduction in the required parking from 1,120 parking spaces to 825 parking spaces. The parking lot project was completed in the fall of 2015. Phase 2: Building expansion (current application). Construction of a 192,000 square foot addition. If approved, the expansion is planned to be completed in 2016. The expansion will be constructed on the west side of the building where the old parking lot is located, which necessitated the construction of the new parking lot in Phase 1. The proposed expansion also required the acquisition of a property located in the City of Hopkins, the relocation of the municipal boundary between the City of St. Louis Park and the City of Hopkins, and the combination of the properties into one lot. The exhibit below illustrates the relocation of the municipal boundary. This was approved by both cities in October of 2015, and approved by the State of Minnesota in November of 2015. Municipal Boundary Change: City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 4 Building Expansion (Phase 2): A site plan showing the proposed expansion is attached to this report. The existing building is 512,850 square feet in area. The addition is 192,000 square feet, and will result in a total building size of 704,850 square feet. Before the building can be constructed, the property now in St. Louis Park has to be guided “Industrial” in the Comprehensive Plan land use map, zoned “General Industrial” in the Zoning Map, and combined into one platted lot. The existing Special Permit also has to be amended to reflect the expansion, and a CUP has to be approved to allow for the removal of 35,000 cubic yards of material. Each application is summarized below in the required order of approval. Comprehensive Plan Amendment: The Comprehensive Plan land use map amendment is required to provide a land use designation for the land now in St. Louis Park, and to remove the properties from the land use map that are now located in the City of Hopkins as a result of the municipal boundary adjustment. Staff recommends an “Industrial” land use designation for the properties now in St. Louis Park as they are adjacent to properties guided “Industrial”, and the applicant intends to use the property in an industrial manner. See illustration below. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 5 Zoning Map Amendment: The zoning map amendment is required to provide a zoning designation for the land now in St. Louis Park, and to remove the properties from the zoning map that are now located in the City of Hopkins as a result of the municipal boundary adjustment. Staff recommends a “General Industrial” zoning designation for the properties now in St. Louis Park as they are adjacent to properties zoned “General Industrial”, and the applicant intends to use the property in an industrial manner consistent with that zoning district. See illustration below. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 6 Preliminary/Final Plat: The applicant owns two properties. The larger property, approximately 383,447 square feet is improved with the current Japs-Olson production facility. The other is approximately 84,310 square feet. Both properties are unplatted. The applicant is requesting to combine the properties into one lot. This requires approval of a combined preliminary/final plat, and the vacation of existing drainage and utility easements. Preliminary/Final Plat: The result of the plat will be one property, Lot 1, Block 1, Japs Olson Addition. The lot will be 22.2895 acres. A copy of the preliminary and final plat is attached for your review. The lot is surrounded on all sides by public streets. Ten foot wide drainage and utility easements will be dedicated around the perimeter of the lot. The utility companies and staff have reviewed the plat and are recommending approval. Hennepin County is requesting a 10.2 foot right-ofway dedication on the southwest portion of the plat. They are also requesting a turn lane for the 26 space parking lot located between the building and Excelsior Blvd. Drainage/Utility Easements: There are two easements located on the properties that will have to be vacated prior to construction of the addition. Both easements are illustrated below. The blue line identifies an easement for an existing public water main. The water main will be relocated to Powell Road, to accommodate the construction of the addition. The proposal is to vacate the easement with the condition that the water main is relocated. Once it is relocated, city staff will complete the vacation process by recording the ordinance. The red line represents a stormwater utility that will likewise be relocated and vacated prior to construction of the addition. The ordinance to vacate the easements requires a public hearing at the City Council meeting. A separate application will be considered at the February 1, 2016 meeting. The orange line represents a railroad spur easement that is shown on the preliminary plat. It was vacated in 1998, so no further action is needed. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 7 Major Amendment to the Special Permit: The Special Permit was originally approved in 1987 to facilitate a building expansion. The Special Permit is now required to be amended for the same reason, to facilitate the proposed 192,000 square foot expansion. Parking Counts: The parking lot required for the expansion was already approved by the City in June of 2015, and the parking lot was completed in the fall. The approval included a reduction of 295 parking spaces from the amount of parking spaces required by the zoning ordinance. A breakdown of the approved parking is illustrated in the table to the right. Parking West side of Meadowbrook East side of Meadowbrook (constructed) East side of Meadowbrook (Proof of parking) On-street Total Provided: Required spaces: Less transit reduction: Total Required: Requested Reduction: 58 spaces 514 spaces 237 spaces 16 spaces 825 spaces 1,244 spaces 124 spaces 1,120 spaces 295 spaces The parking lot was completed with 823 parking spaces. Two spaces were lost when the stormwater pond was reshaped into a more aesthetically pleasing and natural shape. Therefore, two spaces will be added to a parking lot located on the Japs-Olson property on the west side of Meadowbrook Rd. This will preserve the 825 required parking spaces approved by the city in 2015. The off-site parking lot is protected by a covenant recorded at Hennepin County that binds this parking lot to the Japs-Olson facility located on the west side of Meadowbrook Rd. Therefore, the parking lot cannot be redeveloped leaving the Japs-Olson facility non-compliant to the parking requirements. Bicycle Parking: City Code requires bicycle parking spaces equal to at least 10% of the required automobile parking spaces. As noted above, with the proposed reduction, 825 parking spaces are required. Therefore, 83 bicycle parking spaces are required. All bicycle parking spaces were installed with the parking lot improvement. Setbacks: The property is surrounded on all sides by public right-of-way. Therefore, staff was required to make a determination as to which lot line would be considered the front lot line, rear lot line, and side lot lines. The building is oriented toward Excelsior Blvd, and Excelsior Blvd is the higher classified street, “Minor Reliever”, compared to Meadowbrook Rd which is a “Minor Collector”, and Powell Rd which is a “Local Street”. Therefore, staff determined that the lot line adjacent to Excelsior Blvd should be considered the front lot line. By definition, this makes the north property line, along Powell Rd, the rear lot line, and the west and east property lines the side lot lines. The required, existing, and proposed setbacks, resulting from this determination, are illustrated in the table below. Front Rear Side-West Side-East Required Setback 20 feet 10 feet 15 feet 15 feet Setback Proposed Addition 20 feet N/A 17 feet N/A Setback Existing Building 63 feet 65 feet 257 feet 6 feet City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 8 Access: Excelsior Blvd: The property currently has four driveway access points on Excelsior Blvd, and six driveway access points on Powell Road, one of which is 120 feet wide. The applicant is proposing to remove two of the access points from Excelsior Blvd. The remaining two will provide access for a reconstructed and expanded parking lot located in front of the building. This parking lot provides convenient parking for visitors and office staff. Four of the access points on Powell Rd, including the 120-foot wide access, are proposed to be removed. This leaves two driveways to provide access for the docks located on the northwest side of the building. Meadowbrook Road: Staff is requesting modification of the existing driveways providing access to the parking lot located on the east side of the building. The modification would move the southerly driveway further north to line up with the driveway for the new parking lot on the east side of Meadowbrook Road. The driveways initially lined up, however, the parking lot driveway was moved further north in response to the County request for more space between the driveway and the intersection. Moving the driveway on the east further north to line up with the opposite driveway would meet the County intent to move the driveways further away from the intersection, thereby allowing more room for vehicle stacking at the stop light. Landscaping: The landscaping ordinance requires the greater of one tree per 50 feet of site perimeter (79 trees), or 1 tree per 1,000 square feet of building area (192 trees). At the time of this report, the applicant is revising the plan to show most of the trees planted on this site. Due to the volume of trees required, they are looking to plant some of the trees on the parking lot site east of Meadowbrook Rd. Staff agrees that planting some of the trees on the parking lot site located on the east side of Meadowbrook Rd will improve the landscaping and aesthetics of the large parking lot. Stormwater: The applicant and the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD) reached an agreement to direct most of the stormwater generated by this site to a regional pond located on a property owned by the MCWD in Hopkins. In 2015, the MCWD constructed the infrastructure required to accomplish this. The remaining stormwater that is not going to the MCWD site, will be directed to the new stormwater pond constructed on the parking lot site, east of Meadowbrook Rd. The infrastructure required to direct the stormwater to this pond was also constructed in 2015. The City Engineering Department has determined that as a result of the MCWD agreement, and the infrastructure improvements completed in 2015, stormwater storage is not required on this site. All stormwater treatment requirements will be met off-site. Architecture: The existing building consists of brick, stone, and glass and is therefore approximately 100% class 1 materials. The proposed addition is designed to blend with the existing building by utilizing concrete panels with matching brick inlays, glass panels, and acid etching. The brick and glass panels meet the class 1 criteria. The acid etching qualifies as a class 2 material. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 9 City Code requires at least 60% of the elevation along Excelsior Blvd to meet the class 1 materials. The combination of the existing and proposed elevation is 76% class 1, consisting of brick, stone, and glass. City Code allows the building elevation along Powell Rd, to be reduced to 25% class 1 materials. The combination of the existing and proposed elevations is 62% class 1, consisting of brick and glass. The architectural standards section of the code also requires a visual deviation along long walls. The depth of the deviation is determined by the ratio of building height to length between the deviations. A 1:2 ratio requires the deviation to be two feet deep. A 1:3 ratio requires the depth to be increased to 3 feet, a 1:4 ratio requires the depth to be increased to 4 feet. This requirement is often met by installing pilasters. The applicant is requesting an appeal from this provision. They would like to install glass panels that do not meet the depth requirement, but are considerably wider than the pilasters would have been. The pilasters would have been approximately two feet wide, and they would not match any architectural element of the existing building. The glass panels will be eight feet wide, and match the existing windows on the south side of the building, thereby tying the architecture of the proposed building to the existing building. The glass panels are not windows, but spandrel glass, however the dark tinting of the spandrel glass will match the tinting of the windows on the existing building (see photo below). Windows cannot be used on the addition due to the impact sunlight has on the printing process. Conditional Use Permit Analysis - Excavation: A CUP is required when more than 400 cubic yards of material are removed from a site. The construction of the addition will require the removal and replacement of approximately 35,000 cubic yards of soil. This equates to about 2,000 truckloads. The haul route to remove the material will include Powell Rd to Excelsior Blvd to Hwy 100. A copy of the Haul Route is attached. Planning Commission Review: The Planning Commission conducted the public hearing on January 6, 2016. No comments from the public were received, and the Planning Commission recommended approval of all requested applications. A copy of the meeting minutes is attached. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 10 AERIAL PHOTO City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 11 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES 462.351 TO 462.364 7500 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD 7630 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD 8000 POWELL ROAD 8050 POWELL ROAD 4103 TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH WHEREAS, the 2030 Comprehensive Plan was adopted by the City Council on December 21, 2009 and provides the following: 1. An official statement serving as the basic guide in making land use, transportation and community facilities and service decisions affecting the City. 2. A framework for policies and actions leading to the improvement of the physical, financial, and social environment of the City, thereby providing a good place to live and work and a setting conducive for new development. 3. A promotion of the public interest in establishing a more functional, healthful, interesting, and efficient community by serving the interests of the community at large rather than the interests of individual or special groups within the community if their interests are at variance with the public interest. 4. An effective framework for direction and coordination of activities affecting the development and preservation of the community. 5. Treatment of the entire community as one ecosystem and to inject long range considerations into determinations affecting short-range action, and WHEREAS, the use of such Comprehensive Plan will insure a safer, more pleasant, and more economical environment for residential, commercial, industrial, and public activities and will promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and WHEREAS, said Plan will prepare the community for anticipated desirable change, thereby bringing about significant savings in both private and public expenditures, and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan has taken due cognizance of the planning activities of adjacent units of government, and WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Plan is to be periodically reviewed by the Planning Commission of the City of St. Louis Park and amendments made, if justified according to procedures, rules, and laws, and provided such amendments would provide a positive result and are consistent with other provisions in the Comprehensive Plan, and City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 12 WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of St. Louis Park recommended adoption of an amendment to the 2030 Comprehensive Plan on January 6, 2016, based on statutes, the Metropolitan Regional Development Framework, extensive research and analyses involving the interests of citizens and public agencies; WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the advice and recommendation of the Planning Commission (Case No. 15-46-CP). WHEREAS, the contents of Planning Case File No. 15-46-CP are hereby entered into and made part of the public hearing record and the record of decision for this case; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of St. Louis Park that the Comprehensive Plan, as previously adopted by the Planning Commission and City Council, is hereby amended as follows: 1. To remove the following properties from the Land Use map: 8000 Powell Road 8050 Powell Road 4103 Texas Avenue South 2. To add the following properties to the Land Use map, and designate them as “Industrial”: 7630 Excelsior Boulevard 0.65 acres of 7500 Excelsior Boulevard located north of 7630 Excelsior Boulevard Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 (Contingent upon review and acceptance by the Metropolitan Council.) Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Jake Spano, Mayor City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 13 ORDINANCE NO. ____-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ST. LOUIS PARK ORDINANCE CODE AMENDING THE ZONING MAP 7500 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD 7630 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD 8000 POWELL ROAD 8050 POWELL ROAD 4103 TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The City Council has considered the advice and recommendation of the Planning Commission (Case No. 15-47-Z). Section 2. The St. Louis Park Zoning Ordinance adopted December 28, 1959, Ordinance No. 730; amended December 31, 1992, Ordinance No. 1902-93, amended December 17, 2001, Ordinance No. 2216-01, as heretofore amended, is hereby further amended by: 1. Removing the following described lands from the zoning map: Parcel 1: That part of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4) of Section Twenty (20), Township One Hundred Seventeen (117), Range Twenty-one (21), described as follows: Beginning at a point on the West line of said SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 where said line intersects the southerly right-of-way line a distance of one hundred and fifty five and two tenths (155.2} feet, thence southwesterly on an eleven (11) degree curve to the left a distance of two hundred and twenty-six: (226) feet more or less to a point in the west line of said SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, thence north one hundred and eight and eight tenths feet (108.8) to the place of beginning, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Parcel 2: Lot 3, Block 1, Morse Industrial Subdivision. Parcel 3: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 117, Range 21 described as beginning at the Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence East along the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 67.4 feet: thence North parallel with the West line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 279.5 feet; thence Northerly along a tangential curve to the right, having a radius of 1206.94 feet, a distance of 136.57 feet; thence Northeasterly along a compound curve, having a radius of 491.67 feet, a distance of 375.86 feet; thence Northeasterly along a compound curve having a radius of 547.71 feet, a distance of 147.66 feet; thence North 25 degrees, 23 minutes West (assuming the West line of Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter as bearing North and South) a distance of 8 feet more or less to the Southeasterly right-of-way line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company; thence South 64 degrees, 37 minutes West along said Southeasterly right-of-way line a distance of 255.35 feet more or less to a City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 14 point 155.2 feet Northeasterly along said Southeasterly right-of-way line from the West line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence Southwesterly along a curve concave to the Southeast having a radius of 521.67 feet to a point on the West line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, distant 108.8 feet South along said West line from said Southeasterly right-of-way line; thence South along said West line to the point of beginning. Parcel 4: That a part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 117, Range 21 described as beginning at a point on the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, distant 67.4 feet East from the Southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; thence North parallel with the West line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 262.5 feet; thence East parallel with said South line to the center line of Powell Road; thence South along said center line to said South line; thence West along said South line to the point of beginning. 2. Adding the following described lands to the zoning map, and classifying them as the General Industrial (IG) zoning district: Parcel 1: That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 20, Township 117, Range 21 described as beginning at a point on the North line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 700 feet West from the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence West along said North line 185.3 feet; thence South deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 29 seconds to the center line of Excelsior Boulevard; thence easterly along said center line to its intersection with a line drawn South, parallel with the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter from the point of beginning; thence North along said parallel line to the point of beginning; except that part thereof lying Northerly of a line drawn Westerly, parallel with the center line of Excelsior Boulevard from a point on the East line of said above described tract distant 461 feet North along said East line from the center line of Excelsior Boulevard. Parcel 2: That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter lying South and East of the center line of Powell Road; That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, 700 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South along a line parallel with the West line thereof to a point 461 feet North of the center line of Excelsior Boulevard as measured along said parallel line, which is the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North along said parallel line to the North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence West along said North line 185.3 feet; thence South along a line deflecting to the left 90.008 degrees to a point of intersection with a line running parallel with the center line of Excelsior Boulevard from the point of beginning; thence Easterly to the point of beginning; the Southerly boundary of said tract is marked City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 15 by Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 12986, all in Section 20, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota. Section 3. The contents of Planning Case File No. 15-47-Z are hereby entered into and made part of the public hearing record and the record of decision for this case. Section 4. The ordinance shall take effect not less than 15 days following publication and the effective date of the Comprehensive Plan amendment. Public Hearing First Reading Second Reading Date of Publication Effective Date Reviewed for Administration January 6, 2016 February 1, 2016 February 16, 2016 February 25, 2016 March 11, 2016 Adopted by the City Council Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Approved as to Form and Execution: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Soren Mattick, City Attorney City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 16 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF JAPS OLSON ADDITION BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of St. Louis Park: Findings 1. Japs Olson Company, owner and subdivider of the land proposed to be platted as Japs Olson Addition, has submitted an application for the preliminary and final plat of said subdivision in the manner required for platting of land under the St. Louis Park Ordinance Code, and all proceedings have been duly had thereunder. 2. The proposed preliminary and final plat has been found to be in all respects consistent with the City Plan and the regulations and requirements of the laws of the State of Minnesota and the ordinances of the City of St. Louis Park. 3. The proposed plat is situated upon the following described lands in Hennepin County, Minnesota, to-wit: See Exhibit “A” Conclusion 1. The proposed preliminary and final plat of Japs Olson Addition is hereby approved and accepted by the City as being in accord and conformity with all ordinances, City plans and regulations of the City of St. Louis Park and the laws of the State of Minnesota, provided, however, that this approval is made subject to the opinion of the City Attorney and Certification by the City Clerk subject to the following conditions: a. The site shall be developed, used and maintained in accordance with the City Council resolution, Official Exhibits, Development Agreement and City Code. b. All utility service structures shall be buried. If any utility service structure cannot be buried (i.e. electric transformer), it shall be integrated into the building design and 100% screened from off-site. c. A financial security in the form of a cash escrow or letter of credit in the amount of $6,000 shall be submitted to the City to insure that a signed Mylar copy of the final plat is provided to the City, and that iron monuments are installed as verified by the surveyor. d. Prior to starting any land disturbing activities, the following conditions shall be met: i. Proof of recording the final plat shall be submitted to the City. ii. Assent Form and Official Exhibits must be signed by the applicant and property owner(s). City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 17 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to supply two certified copies of this Resolution to the above-named owner and subdivider, who is the applicant herein. 3. The Mayor and City Manager are hereby authorized to execute all contracts required herein, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to execute the certificate of approval on behalf of the City Council upon the said plat when all of the conditions set forth in Paragraph No. 1 above and the St. Louis Park Ordinance Code have been fulfilled. 4. Such execution of the certificate upon said plat by the City Clerk, as required under Section 26-123(1)j of the St. Louis Park Ordinance Code, shall be conclusive showing of proper compliance therewith by the subdivider and City officials charged with duties above described and shall entitle such plat to be placed on record forthwith without further formality. The City Clerk is instructed to record certified copies of this resolution in the Office of the Hennepin County Register of Deeds or Registrar of Titles as the case may be. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 18 EXHIBIT “A” That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 117, Range 21, described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of the Quarter-Quarter; thence Westerly along the North line thereof 700 feet; thence Southerly along a line parallel with the West line of said Quarter-Quarter 642.5 feet to the center line of Excelsior Avenue; thence Easterly along the center line of Excelsior Avenue to the East line of said Quarter-Quarter; thence Northerly along said East line to point of beginning, except the West 49 feet of the Southerly 461 feet thereof. AND That part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter lying South and East of the center line of Powell Road; That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter described as follows: Commencing at a point on the North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, 700 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; thence South along o line parallel with the West line thereof to a point 461 feet North of the center line of Excelsior Boulevard as measured along said parallel line, which is the actual point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North along said parallel line to the North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence West along said North line 185.3 feet; thence South along a line deflecting to the left 90.008 degrees to a point of intersection with a line running parallel with the center line of Excelsior Boulevard from the point of beginning; thence Easterly to the point of beginning; the Southerly boundary of said tract is marked by Judicial Landmark set pursuant to Torrens Case No. 12986, all in Section 20, Township 117, Range 21, Hennepin County, Minnesota AND That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, Section 20, Township 117, Range 21 described as beginning at a point on the North line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter distant 700 feet West from the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter; thence West along said North line 185.3 feet; thence South deflecting to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 29 seconds to the center line of Excelsior Boulevard; thence easterly along said center line to its intersection with a line drawn South, parallel with the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter from the point of beginning; thence North along said parallel line to the point of beginning; except that part thereof lying Northerly of a line drawn Westerly, parallel with the center line of Excelsior Boulevard from a point on the East line of said above described tract distant 461 feet North along said East line from the center line of Excelsior Boulevard. AND The West 49 feet of the Southerly 461 feet of the premises described as follows: City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 117, Range 21 described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Quarter-Quarter, thence Westerly along the North line thereof 700 feet; thence Southerly along a line parallel with the West line of said QuarterQuarter 642.5 feet to the center line of Excelsior Avenue; thence Easterly along the center line of Excelsior Avenue to the East line of said Quarter-Quarter; thence Northerly along said East line to point of beginning. Page 19 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 20 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ Amends and Restates Resolution No. 94-125 A RESOLUTION AMENDING AND RESTATING RESOLUTION NO. 94125 ADOPTED ON SEPTEMBER 12, 1994, AND GRANTING AMENDMENT TO EXISTING SPECIAL PERMIT UNDER SECTION 3637(d)(4)c OF THE ST. LOUIS PARK ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO ZONING TO ALLOW A 192,000 SQUARE FOOT ADDITION AT 7500 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD FINDINGS WHEREAS, Japs-Olson Company, has made application to the City Council for an amendment to an existing special permit under Section 36-37(d)(4)c of the St. Louis Park Ordinance Code to allow a 192,000 square foot addition at 7500 Excelsior Boulevard within a General Industrial (IG) Zoning District having the following legal description: Lot 1, Block 1, Japs Olson Addition WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the information related to Planning Case No. 15-48-CUP and the effect of the proposed addition on the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area and the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan; and compliance with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, a special permit was issued regarding the subject property pursuant to Resolution No. 94-125 of the St. Louis Park City Council dated September 12, 1994 which contained conditions applicable to said property; and WHEREAS, due to changed circumstances, amendments to those conditions are now necessary, requiring the amendment of that special permit; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of this resolution to continue and restate the conditions of the permit granted by Resolution No. 94-125, to add the amendments now required, and to consolidate all conditions applicable to the subject property in this resolution; WHEREAS, the contents of Case No. 15-48-CUP are hereby entered into and made part of the public hearing record and the record of decision for this case. Conclusion NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Resolution No. 94-125 is hereby restated and amended by this resolution which continues and amends a special permit to the subject property for the purposes of permitting a 192,000 square foot addition to the existing building located at 7500 Excelsior Boulevard within the General Industrial (IG) District at the location described above based on the following conditions: City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 21 1. All exhibits from Resolution No. 94-125 shall be rescinded and replaced by the following exhibits: a. Exhibit A: Site Plan b. Exhibit B: Landscaping Plan c. Exhibit C: Grading & Drainage Plan 2. The following Exhibit shall be added to the Special Permit: a. Exhibit E: Building Addition 3. The site shall be developed, used and maintained in conformance with the Official Exhibits. 4. All references to completion dates listed in Resolution No. 94-125 shall be removed. 5. The off-site parking lot located at 7400 Excelsior Blvd shall be protected by a permanent and recorded covenant that preserves the parking spaces, and access to them for the facility at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. 6. Spandrel glass panels as illustrated in the approved building plans are approved as substitutes to the deviation requirements of the architectural section of the zoning ordinance. 7. The number of parking spaces required for the building as described in Exhibit A is reduced to 825 spaces. 8. One marked crosswalk located mid-block on Meadowbrook Road is allowed. The crosswalk shall be installed and maintained by the property owner consistent with City specifications. 9. Prior to starting any land disturbing activities, the following conditions shall be met: a. Proof of recording the final plat shall be submitted to the City. b. Assent Form and Official Exhibits must be signed by the applicant and property owner(s). c. Final construction plans for all public improvements shall be signed by a registered engineer and submitted to the City Engineer for review and approval. d. A preconstruction meeting shall be held with the appropriate development, construction, private utility, and City representatives. e. All necessary permits must be obtained. f. A performance guarantee in the form of cash escrow or irrevocable letter of credit shall be provided to the City of St. Louis Park for all public improvements (sidewalks, utilities, street lights, landscaping, irrigation, etc.) and private site landscaping. 10. The site shall meet all fire lane requirements. 11. The applicant shall comply with the following conditions during construction: a. The site shall be kept free of dust and debris that could blow onto neighboring properties. b. Public streets shall be maintained free of dirt and shall be cleaned as necessary. c. The Zoning Administrator may impose additional conditions if it becomes necessary in order to mitigate the impact of excavation on surrounding properties. In addition to any other remedies, the developer or owner shall pay an administrative fee of $750 per violation of any condition of this approval. Under the Zoning Ordinance, this permit shall be revoked and cancelled if the building or structure for which the conditional use permit is granted is removed. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 22 Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 23 RESOLUTION NO. 16-____ RESOLUTION GRANTING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT UNDER SECTION 36-79 OF THE ST. LOUIS PARK ORDINANCE CODE RELATING TO ZONING TO PERMIT EXCAVATION AND FILL OF APPROXIMATELY 35,000 CUBIC YARDS FROM PROPERTY ZONED GENERAL INDUSTRIAL LOCATED AT 7500 AND 7630 EXCELSIOR BOULEVARD BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of the City of St. Louis Park: Findings 1. Japs Olson Company has made application to the City Council for a Conditional Use Permit under Section 36-79 of the St. Louis Park Ordinance Code for the purpose of excavation and fill within the General Industrial District located at 7500 and 7630 Excelsior Boulevard legally described as follows, to-wit: Lot 1, Block 1, Japs Olson Addition 2. The City Council has considered the advice and recommendation of the Planning Commission (Case No. 15-48-CUP) and the effect of the proposed excavation and fill on the health, safety and welfare of the occupants of the surrounding lands, existing and anticipated traffic conditions, the effect on values of properties in the surrounding area, the effect of the use on the Comprehensive Plan, and compliance with the intent of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The Council has determined that the excavation and fill will not be detrimental to the health, safety, or general welfare of the community nor will it cause serious traffic congestion nor hazards, nor will it seriously depreciate surrounding property values, and the proposed excavation and fill is in harmony with the general purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance and the Comprehensive Plan. 4. The contents of Planning Case File 15-48-CUP are hereby entered into and made part of the public hearing record and the record of decision for this case. Conclusion The Conditional Use Permit to permit excavation and fill of approximately 35,000 cubic yards of materials at the location described is granted based on the findings set forth above and subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to issuance of a land disturbing activities: a. All necessary permits must be obtained, including from the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District (MCWD). b. A financial guarantee shall be submitted to ensure the streets are kept clear and to repair sidewalks, curbs, streets, and other public facilities that are damaged resulting from the grading and/or hauling activities. 2. All trucks used for excavation and removal of materials shall abide by the approved haul route which is attached as Exhibit “A”. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 24 3. The site shall be kept free of dust and debris that could blow onto neighboring properties. 4. Public streets shall be maintained free of dirt and shall be cleaned as necessary. In addition to any other remedies, the developer or owner shall pay an administrative fee of $750 per violation of any condition of this approval. Under the Zoning Ordinance Code, this permit shall be revoked and cancelled if the building or structure for which the conditional use permit is granted is removed. Approval of a Building Permit, which may impose additional requirements. The City Clerk is instructed to record certified copies of this resolution in the Office of the Hennepin County Register of Deeds or Registrar of Titles as the case may be. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 25 EXCERPT OF OFFICIAL MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA January 6, 2016 – 6:20 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Kramer, Lisa Peilen, Richard Person, Carl Robertson, Lynne Carper, Ethan Rickert (youth member) MEMBERS ABSENT: Claudia Johnston-Madison, Joe Tatalovich STAFF PRESENT: Gary Morrison, Sean Walther, Nancy Sells 3. Public Hearings A. Japs Olson West Expansion Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Plat, Special Permit Amendment and Conditional Use Permit Location: 7500 and 7630 Excelsior Boulevard Applicant: Japs Olson Company Case Nos.: 15-46-CP, 15-47-Z, 15-48-CUP, 15-49-S Gary Morrison, Assistant Zoning Administrator, presented the staff report. Mr. Morrison stated that the applicant proposes an expansion in two phases. The parking lot project which required a Conditional Use Permit was completed in the fall of 2015. The current application is for construction of a 192,000 sq. ft. addition. Mr. Morrison reviewed the relocation of municipal boundary between the City of St. Louis Park and the City of Hopkins which was required for the expansion and which has been approved by both cities and the State of Minnesota. Mr. Morrison explained that before the expansion can be constructed, the property now in St. Louis Park has to be guided “Industrial” in the Comprehensive Plan land use map, zoned “General Industrial” in the Zoning Map, and combined into one platted lot. The existing Special Permit also has to be amended to reflect the expansion, and a CUP has to be approved to allow for the removal of 35,000 cubic yards of material. Mr. Morrison discussed the comments received from Hennepin County’s review of the preliminary and final plat. Mr. Morrison reviewed parking, setbacks, landscaping, stormwater and architectural plans for the proposed expansion. He noted that the applicant is requesting an appeal from the provision of visual deviation along long walls. Mr. Morrison explained that in this case, that cut into the building space would interfere with the layout and operation of the large machinery used by the company and pilasters outside the building would not match the existing building. The applicant proposes using tinted spandrel glass panels to provide visual breaks. The glass panels will also tie the architecture of the proposed building to the existing building. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 26 Mr. Morrison discussed the conditional use permit for excavation. He showed the proposed haul route. Commissioner Robertson commented that the presentation was comprehensive and the requests were straightforward. Chair Person opened the public hearing. As no one was present wishing to speak he closed the public hearing. Commissioner Peilen made a motion to recommend approval of the requests for Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map amendment, Zoning Map amendment, Preliminary and Final Plat, major amendment to a Special Permit, and Conditional Use Permit. She stated she was delighted that Japs Olson chose to expand in St. Louis Park and that the company is an asset to the community. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion, and the motion passed on a vote of 4-0. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 27 P 2 L E C AR C R PA EL 2 LEGEND N N SITE VICINITY MAP FIELD BOOK PAGE FIELDWORK CHIEF: DRAWN BY: DRAWING NAME: JOB NO. FILE NO. CHECKED BY: REVISIONS PRELIMINARY PLAT OF OWNER: PROPERTY ADDRESS: Japs-Olson Company 7500 Excelsior Boulevard St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426 SURVEYOR: 7500 Excelsior Boulevard St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426 SHEET 1 OF 1 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 28 R.T. DOC. NO. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 29 R.T. DOC. NO. N SHEET 2 OF 2 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 30 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 31 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 32 GENERAL NOTES 1. ALL EXISTING INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY EFN EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, INC., PROJECT NUMBER 35803, DATED JUNE 3, 2014. 2. SUBSURFACE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROVIDED BY BRAUN INTERTEC. PROJECT NUMBER B1500402, DATED FEBRUARY 24, 2015. 3. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING LOCATIONS OF EXISTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES, AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO REMAIN UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. B MEADOWBROOK ROAD E / R.O.W. PROPERTY LIN MEADOWBROOK ROAD POWELL ROAD SEE SHEET C204 SEE SHEET C201 FOR ENLARGED PLAN FOR ENLARGED PLAN 5. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT FROM DAMAGE ALL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, LANDSCAPING, STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES THAT ARE TO REMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGE AT OWN EXPENSE. 6. ALL WORK TO CONFORM WITH CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND STATE OF MINNESOTA STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. 7. ALL EXCAVATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF OSHA 29 CFR, PART 1926, SUBPART P "EXCAVATIONS AND TRENCHES". THIS DOCUMENT STATES THAT EXCAVATION SAFETY IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 8. CATCHBASINS AND MANHOLES ARE SHOWN ON PLAN LARGER THAN ACTUAL SIZE. COORDINATE LOCATION OF MANHOLE COVER AND CASTING SO THAT IT IS PROPERLY LOCATED AT THE BACK OF CURBLINE FOR THE CURB INLETS OR CENTERED IN THE AREA AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN FOR THE AREA DRAINS AND MANHOLE COVERS. 9. FLARED END SECTIONS (FES) ARE SHOWN ON PLAN LARGER THAN ACTUAL SIZE. ALL PIPE LENGTHS INCLUDE FES. CONTRACTOR/SURVEYOR TO STAKE THE END OF FES FOR LOCATION. 763.559.9100 CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY CLIENT PROJECT NO: 10. PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL AT STREETS AND SIDEWALKS PER CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND MMUTCD REQUIREMENTS. 11. ANY WORK PERFORMED OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MUST BE APPROVED BY OWNER AND ALL REGULATING GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND APPROPRIATE PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED. B Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 PROJECT: PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN EVAR IOR BOUL EXCELS GRADING NOTES D 1. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS ARE TO TOP OF GRADE, PAVEMENT OR GUTTER LINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. SEE SWPPP SHEET C500 FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES. 3. SEE SHEET C250 FOR LOCATIONS OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS. INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. SEE SHEET C200 FOR GENERAL NOTES. POWELL ROAD B NO FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 DATE ISSUE/REVISION BY CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONTAMINATED SOIL WORK WITH OWNER'S ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS LI NE /R .O .W FOR ENLARGED PLAN FOR ENLARGED PLAN E / R.O.W. SEE SHEET C202 . CATCH BASIN/MANHOLE PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. POWELL ROAD POWELL ROAD PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. CERTIFICATION: STORM SEWER SCHEDULE PROPERTY LIN PR O PE RT Y SEE SHEET C203 EVARD IOR BOUL EXCELS ALL STORMWATER TREATMENT FOR THIS PROJECT WILL OCCUR VIA A FUTURE SYSTEM TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT B GRATE TYPE (NEENAH) REMARKS SIZE STMH-1 R-1733 SOLID COVER 84" STMH-2 R-1733 SOLID COVER 84" STMH-3 R-1733 SOLID COVER 60" STMH-4 R-1733 SOLID COVER 48" CB-5 R-4342 INLET 48" CB-6 R-4342 INLET 48" CB-7 R-3067-R INLET 2'X3' ISSUED FOR REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE: 12/03/15 DESIGNED: ARL DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 DRAWING TITLE: 1 C200 OVERALL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 0 60' 120' 180' OVERALL GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 1"= 60' PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C200 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 33 GRADING NOTES B 1. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS ARE TO TOP OF GRADE, PAVEMENT OR GUTTER LINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. SEE SWPPP SHEET C500 FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES. 3. SEE SHEET C250 FOR LOCATIONS OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS. INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. SEE SHEET C200 FOR GENERAL NOTES. LEGEND 905 MEADOWBROOK ROAD Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763.559.9100 PROPOSED CONTOUR 01.43 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION 04.07 ME PROPOSED MATCH EXISTING ELEVATION 02.05 BC PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 02.05 TW PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 02.05 BW PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 2.00% CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY DENOTES SURFACE DRAINAGE PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY LINE PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED DRAIN TILE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED STORM SEWER MANHOLE NE / R.O.W. PROPERTY LI PROPOSED HYDRANT PROPOSED GATEVALVE PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT CLIENT PROJECT NO: PROJECT: PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SECTION LINE EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER B EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE EXISTING GAS LINE NO DATE ISSUE/REVISION BY EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING WATER MANHOLE MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C204 EXISTING HYDRANT B FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 EXISTING STAND PIPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL EXISTING CULVERT EXISTING AUTO SPRINKLER EXISTING POST INDICATOR VALVE EXISTING UTILITY POLE WITH GUY WIRE EXISTING LIGHT EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT EXCELS CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING METAL COVER EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX LEVARD ALL STORMWATER TREATMENT FOR THIS PROJECT WILL OCCUR VIA A FUTURE SYSTEM TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT CERTIFICATION: EXISTING HANDHOLE IOR BOU CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONTAMINATED SOIL WORK WITH OWNER'S ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE EXISTING VENT EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING GAS VALVE EXISTING SIGN 03.10 EXISTING BOLLARD PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION FFE=903.20 (BY OTHERS) EXISTING TREE EXISTING SHRUB ISSUED FOR REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DATE: 12/03/15 Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C202 KEYNOTES 1 C201 ENLARGED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 0 30' 60' 90' 1 PROPOSED 10' SCREEN WALL (BY OTHERS) 2 PROPOSED 3' BEAVER TAIL CURB 3 CONNECT PROPOSED ROOF DRAIN TO STORM SEWER. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL 4 CONNECT TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN AT INV: 898.40 5 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER PIPE WITH NEW 84" MANHOLE. REMOVE EXISTING STORM SEWER AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION 1"= 30' DESIGNED: ARL DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C201 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 34 GRADING NOTES MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C201 1. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS ARE TO TOP OF GRADE, PAVEMENT OR GUTTER LINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. SEE SWPPP SHEET C500 FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES. 3. SEE SHEET C250 FOR LOCATIONS OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS. INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. SEE SHEET C200 FOR GENERAL NOTES. LEGEND 905 PROPOSED CONTOUR 01.43 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION 04.07 ME PROPOSED MATCH EXISTING ELEVATION 02.05 BC PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 02.05 TW PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 02.05 BW PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 2.00% Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763.559.9100 CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY DENOTES SURFACE DRAINAGE PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY LINE PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED DRAIN TILE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED STORM SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED HYDRANT PROPOSED GATEVALVE PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT CLIENT PROJECT NO: PROJECT: PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXCELS EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING PROPERTY LINE IOR BOU EXISTING SECTION LINE EXISTING EASEMENT LEVARD EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE NE / R.O.W. PROPERTY LI PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION FFE=903.20 (BY OTHERS) EXISTING GAS LINE EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE NO DATE ISSUE/REVISION BY EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING WATER MANHOLE EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING STAND PIPE EXISTING AUTO SPRINKLER EXISTING POST INDICATOR VALVE PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. EXISTING CULVERT EXISTING UTILITY POLE WITH GUY WIRE EXISTING LIGHT POWELL ROAD EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE CERTIFICATION: EXISTING HANDHOLE PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX EXISTING VENT MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C203 Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 EXISTING METAL COVER B B FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING GAS VALVE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL EXISTING SIGN EXISTING BOLLARD EXISTING TREE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING SHRUB 1 C202 ENLARGED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 0 30' 60' 90' 1"= 30' NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONTAMINATED SOIL WORK WITH OWNER'S ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ALL STORMWATER TREATMENT FOR THIS PROJECT WILL OCCUR VIA A FUTURE SYSTEM TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT ISSUED FOR REVIEW EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT KEYNOTES 1 PROPOSED 10' SCREEN WALL (BY OTHERS) 2 PROPOSED 3' BEAVER TAIL CURB 3 CONNECT PROPOSED ROOF DRAIN TO STORM SEWER. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL 4 CONNECT TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN AT INV: 898.40 5 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER PIPE WITH NEW 84" MANHOLE. REMOVE EXISTING STORM SEWER AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE: 12/03/15 DESIGNED: ARL DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C202 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 35 GRADING NOTES MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C204 1. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS ARE TO TOP OF GRADE, PAVEMENT OR GUTTER LINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. SEE SWPPP SHEET C500 FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES. 3. SEE SHEET C250 FOR LOCATIONS OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS. INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. SEE SHEET C200 FOR GENERAL NOTES. LEGEND POWELL ROAD 905 Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763.559.9100 PROPOSED CONTOUR 01.43 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION 04.07 ME PROPOSED MATCH EXISTING ELEVATION 02.05 BC PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 02.05 TW PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 02.05 BW PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 2.00% CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY DENOTES SURFACE DRAINAGE PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY LINE PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED DRAIN TILE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN CLIENT PROJECT NO: PROPOSED STORM SEWER MANHOLE PROJECT: PROPOSED HYDRANT PROPOSED GATEVALVE PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SECTION LINE PROPOSED BUILDING (BY OTHERS) EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE EXISTING GAS LINE PR O PE RT Y NO DATE ISSUE/REVISION BY EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE LI NE /R EXISTING MANHOLE .O EXISTING CATCH BASIN .W . EXISTING WATER MANHOLE EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING STAND PIPE EXISTING AUTO SPRINKLER EXISTING POST INDICATOR VALVE EXISTING CULVERT EXISTING UTILITY POLE WITH GUY WIRE EXISTING LIGHT EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT POWELL ROAD EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE CERTIFICATION: EXISTING HANDHOLE PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. EXISTING METAL COVER EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX B FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONTAMINATED SOIL WORK WITH OWNER'S ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 ALL STORMWATER TREATMENT FOR THIS PROJECT WILL OCCUR VIA A FUTURE SYSTEM TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT 1 C203 ENLARGED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 0 30' 60' 90' 1"= 30' MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C202 EXISTING VENT EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING GAS VALVE EXISTING SIGN EXISTING BOLLARD EXISTING TREE EXISTING SHRUB ISSUED FOR REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT KEYNOTES 1 PROPOSED 10' SCREEN WALL (BY OTHERS) 2 PROPOSED 3' BEAVER TAIL CURB 3 CONNECT PROPOSED ROOF DRAIN TO STORM SEWER. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL 4 CONNECT TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN AT INV: 898.40 5 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER PIPE WITH NEW 84" MANHOLE. REMOVE EXISTING STORM SEWER AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE: 12/03/15 DESIGNED: ARL DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C203 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 36 GRADING NOTES B 1. PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATIONS AND CONTOURS ARE TO TOP OF GRADE, PAVEMENT OR GUTTER LINE, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. 2. SEE SWPPP SHEET C500 FOR EROSION PREVENTION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL NOTES. 3. SEE SHEET C250 FOR LOCATIONS OF EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS. INSTALL PERIMETER EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL ITEMS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 4. SEE SHEET C200 FOR GENERAL NOTES. LEGEND 905 MEADOWBROOK ROAD PROPOSED CONTOUR 01.43 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION 04.07 ME PROPOSED MATCH EXISTING ELEVATION 02.05 BC PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 02.05 TW PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 02.05 BW PROPOSED BACK OF CURB ELEVATION 2.00% Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763.559.9100 CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY DENOTES SURFACE DRAINAGE PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY LINE PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED DRAIN TILE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED STORM SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED HYDRANT PROPOSED GATEVALVE PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT CLIENT PROJECT NO: PROJECT: PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT EXISTING MAJOR CONTOUR EXISTING MINOR CONTOUR EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SECTION LINE EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER POWELL ROAD EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE EXISTING GAS LINE EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE NO DATE ISSUE/REVISION BY EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING WATER MANHOLE EXISTING HYDRANT B EXISTING STAND PIPE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 EXISTING AUTO SPRINKLER EXISTING POST INDICATOR VALVE EXISTING CULVERT CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL EXISTING UTILITY POLE WITH GUY WIRE EXISTING LIGHT CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL CONTAMINATED SOIL WORK WITH OWNER'S ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS ALL STORMWATER TREATMENT FOR THIS PROJECT WILL OCCUR VIA A FUTURE SYSTEM TO BE CONSTRUCTED BY THE MINNEHAHA CREEK WATERSHED DISTRICT MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C201 EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE CERTIFICATION: EXISTING HANDHOLE EXISTING METAL COVER EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX EXISTING VENT EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING GAS VALVE EXISTING SIGN EXISTING BOLLARD EXISTING TREE EXISTING SHRUB ISSUED FOR REVIEW NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT KEYNOTES Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C203 1 C204 ENLARGED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN 0 30' 60' 90' 1"= 30' 1 PROPOSED 10' SCREEN WALL (BY OTHERS) 2 PROPOSED 3' BEAVER TAIL CURB 3 CONNECT PROPOSED ROOF DRAIN TO STORM SEWER. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL 4 CONNECT TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN AT INV: 898.40 5 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER PIPE WITH NEW 84" MANHOLE. REMOVE EXISTING STORM SEWER AS NEEDED FOR CONSTRUCTION DATE: 12/03/15 DESIGNED: ARL DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED GRADING AND DRAINAGE PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C204 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 37 GENERAL NOTES B MEADOWBROOK ROAD B POWELL ROAD SEE SHEET C304 SEE SHEET C301 FOR ENLARGED PLAN FOR ENLARGED PLAN E/ PROPERTY LIN R.O.W. MEADOWBROOK ROAD 1. ALL EXISTING INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SURVEY BY EFN EGAN, FIELD & NOWAK, INC., PROJECT NUMBER 35803, DATED JUNE 3, 2014. 2. SUBSURFACE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION PROVIDED BY BRAUN INTERTEC. PROJECT NUMBER B1500402, DATED FEBRUARY 24, 2015. 3. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS INCLUDING LOCATIONS OF EXISTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES, AND NOTIFY ENGINEER OF ANY DISCREPANCIES PRIOR TO STARTING CONSTRUCTION. 4. ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS ARE TO REMAIN UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 5. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT FROM DAMAGE ALL EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, LANDSCAPING, STRUCTURES AND UTILITIES THAT ARE TO REMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO REPAIR ANY DAMAGE AT OWN EXPENSE. 6. ALL WORK TO CONFORM WITH CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND STATE OF MINNESOTA STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS. 7. ALL EXCAVATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF OSHA 29 CFR, PART 1926, SUBPART P "EXCAVATIONS AND TRENCHES". THIS DOCUMENT STATES THAT EXCAVATION SAFETY IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 8. CATCHBASINS AND MANHOLES ARE SHOWN ON PLAN LARGER THAN ACTUAL SIZE. COORDINATE LOCATION OF MANHOLE COVER AND CASTING SO THAT IT IS PROPERLY LOCATED AT THE BACK OF CURBLINE FOR THE CURB INLETS OR CENTERED IN THE AREA AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN FOR THE AREA DRAINS AND MANHOLE COVERS. 9. FLARED END SECTIONS (FES) ARE SHOWN ON PLAN LARGER THAN ACTUAL SIZE. ALL PIPE LENGTHS INCLUDE FES. CONTRACTOR/SURVEYOR TO STAKE THE END OF FES FOR LOCATION. 10. PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL AT STREETS AND SIDEWALKS PER CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND MMUTCD REQUIREMENTS. 11. ANY WORK PERFORMED OUTSIDE THE PROPERTY BOUNDARIES MUST BE APPROVED BY OWNER AND ALL REGULATING GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND APPROPRIATE PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED. IOR EXCELS UTILITY NOTES D AR BOULEV SEE SHEET C300 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. ALL UTILITY DEMOLITION AND/OR ABANDONMENT TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. 3. EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES WHICH MAY INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, GAS, CABLE TV, COMPUTER CABLE, FIBER OPTIC CABLE, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT MINNESOTA GOPHER STATE ONE CALL BEFORE EXCAVATING. 4. ALL ELECTRICAL POLE AND LIGHT REMOVAL SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. 5. ALL PIPE LENGTHS INCLUDE LENGTHS OF FLARED ENDS 6. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PAVEMENT AREAS. REMOVAL SHALL BE ON A DAILY BASIS THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION. CLEAN PAVED ROADWAYS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING. STREET WASHING IS ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SHOVELING OR SWEEPING HAS REMOVED SEDIMENT. SEE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS 7. PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM COVER OVER THE TOP OF PIPE AS FOLLOWS: POWELL ROAD 1. Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763.559.9100 CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY CLIENT PROJECT NO: PROJECT: PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN NO DATE ISSUE/REVISION A. 8' OVER WATERMAIN B. 8' OVER SANITARY SEWER C. 1.5' OVER STORM SEWER ALL EXISTING CURB REMOVALS ON POWELL ROAD SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST JOINT. SEE C100 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION RT Y LI N E /R .O FOR ENLARGED PLAN E / R.O.W. FOR ENLARGED PLAN CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL PROPERTY LIN PE SEE SHEET C302 EVARD IOR BOUL EXCELS PR O SEE SHEET C303 EXISTING UTILITIES TO EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED SHALL BE DISCONNECTED AT THE MAIN WHEN THEY ARE REMOVED .W . CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. B POWELL ROAD FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 SEE DETAILS C-5004, C-5005, C-5024, C-5010 ON SHEET C402 FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING DETAIL POWELL ROAD PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. CERTIFICATION: PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. B ALL PAVING IN RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. 1011/C402 FOR RESTRAINED LENGTHS REQUIRED ON WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COORDINATION OF MODIFIED UTILITIES Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 LOCATION, CONDITION, AND TYPE OF EXISTING PIPE WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO ENSURE CONTINUOUS LOOP OF THE WATERMAIN 1 C300 OVERALL SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN 0 60' 120' 180' 1"= 60' B THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK UTILITIES DIVISION (952-924-2562) SHALL BE CONTACTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WATER-SHUT OFFS, SEWER CONNECTIONS, EXCAVATIONS, OR ANY OTHER WORK RELATED TO THE CITY'S UTILITY SYSTEM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING THE COST OF REMOVING AND CLEANING OF ANY DEBRIS IN THE LINES BOTH DURING AND AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION ALL CURB RELATED DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO BACK OF CURB DATE: 12/03/15 CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CONCRETE JOINTING PLAN TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION DESIGNED: ARL CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WATERMAIN CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION DRAWING TITLE: PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ALONG ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS. THIS WILL INCLUDE SIGNING, STRIPING, DETOUR SIGNING, AND ANY OTHER MEASURES NEEDED TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND GENERAL PUBLIC SAFETY. ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMPS WITH TRUNCATED DOMES ARE REQUIRED AT ALL SIDEWALK CORNERS DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: OVERALL SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C300 BY City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 38 UTILITY NOTES 1. SEE SHEET C300 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. ALL UTILITY DEMOLITION AND/OR ABANDONMENT TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. 3. EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES WHICH MAY INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, GAS, CABLE TV, COMPUTER CABLE, FIBER OPTIC CABLE, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT MINNESOTA GOPHER STATE ONE CALL BEFORE EXCAVATING. 4. ALL ELECTRICAL POLE AND LIGHT REMOVAL SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. 5. ALL PIPE LENGTHS INCLUDE LENGTHS OF FLARED ENDS 6. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PAVEMENT AREAS. REMOVAL SHALL BE ON A DAILY BASIS THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION. CLEAN PAVED ROADWAYS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING. STREET WASHING IS ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SHOVELING OR SWEEPING HAS REMOVED SEDIMENT. SEE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS 7. MEADOWBROOK ROAD Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763.559.9100 CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM COVER OVER THE TOP OF PIPE AS FOLLOWS: A. 8' OVER WATERMAIN B. 8' OVER SANITARY SEWER C. 1.5' OVER STORM SEWER LEGEND PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT B PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY LINE 5 13 NE / R.O.W. PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED DRAIN TILE PROPERTY LI PROPOSED CATCH BASIN CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WATERMAIN CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ALONG ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS. THIS WILL INCLUDE SIGNING, STRIPING, DETOUR SIGNING, AND ANY OTHER MEASURES NEEDED TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND GENERAL PUBLIC SAFETY. ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMPS WITH TRUNCATED DOMES ARE REQUIRED AT ALL SIDEWALK CORNERS PROPOSED GATE VALVE 17 8 PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN PROPOSED HYDRANT B ALL EXISTING CURB REMOVALS ON POWELL ROAD SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST JOINT. SEE C100 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION PROJECT: PROPOSED STORM SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED STALL COUNT EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 3 EXISTING SECTION LINE 6 EXISTING UTILITIES TO EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED SHALL BE DISCONNECTED AT THE MAIN WHEN THEY ARE REMOVED EXISTING EASEMENT 25' B LOCATION, CONDITION, AND TYPE OF EXISTING PIPE WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO ENSURE CONTINUOUS LOOP OF THE WATERMAIN CLIENT PROJECT NO: EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE R9.33' CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL 3 3 25.0' NO DATE ISSUE/REVISION EXISTING GAS LINE 13 EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE 5 PROPOSED SIDEWALK, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. ST-9/C402 6 8 10 MILL AND OVERLAY, SEE DETAIL C-5022/C401 PROPOSED 3' BEAVER TAIL CURB 24" RCP ROOF DRAIN STUB. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL 6" PVC SDR 26 SANITARY SEWER STUB 5' FROM BUILDING. PROPOSED BITUMINOUS 15 16 17 22 8" HDPE DR9 WATERMAIN STUB 5' FROM BUILDING 23 CONNECT TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN AT INV: 898.40 25 26 27 28 B ALL PAVING IN RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY 29 R9.33' EXISTING POST INDICATOR VALVE EXISTING CULVERT EXISTING UTILITY POLE WITH GUY WIRE 3 EXISTING LIGHT R4.00' 6" 45° BEND 25 ALL CURB RELATED DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO BACK OF CURB 12 77 LF 6" PVC SDR 26 25.0' 23 6" 45° BEND EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT CERTIFICATION: EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE EXISTING HANDHOLE EXISTING METAL COVER EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX EXISTING VENT 25 8 R6.00' EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER EXISTING TRANSFORMER R6.00' 3 10 20.26' EXISTING GAS VALVE 22 PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION (BY OTHERS) ADA CURB OPENING, SEE DETAIL C-5023/C402 30 EXISTING AUTO SPRINKLER 3 SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. 1011/C403 FOR RESTRAINED LENGTHS REQUIRED ON WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION EXISTING STAND PIPE 18' (TYP.) SEE DETAILS C-5004, C-5005, C-5024, C-5010 ON SHEET C402 FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING DETAIL CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CONCRETE JOINTING PLAN TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION EXISTING HYDRANT 4 B PROPOSED HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. W-3/C400 AND W-2/C401 PROVIDE SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL C-3028/C401 PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL C-5075/C401 UTILITY CROSSINGS, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN (NOT SHOWN IN SURVEY) WITH 12" X 12" TEE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 24 13 LEVARD 9 14 21 MAINTAIN MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND UTILTIY EXISTING WATER MANHOLE 1 IOR BOU 7 PROPOSED PED RAMP. SEE DETAIL C-5014/C402 13 20 PROTECT EXISITNG ELECTRIC MANHOLE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 25' 4 PROPOSED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, SEE DETAIL C-5085/C402 CONNECT PROPOSED 12" HDPE DR 9 TO EXISTING 12" DIP WATERMAIN EXISTING CATCH BASIN 6 PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER, SEE DETAIL C-5030/C402 19 EXISTING MANHOLE 30 13.31' 3 12 18 CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY 9' (TYP.) 2 PROPOSED SITE ENTRANCE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. ST-2/C402 11 PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT. MATCH EXISTING SECTION AND ELEVATIONS. MINIMUM SECTION SHALL BE PER DETAIL C-5045/C402 "HEAVY DUTY" CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE AT INV: 893.00 WITH WATERTIGHT BOOT. COORDINATE WITH OWNER AND CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK PROPOSED SIDEWALK. MATCH EXISTING SECTION AND ELEVATIONS. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT AND JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN PROPOSED AND EXISTING SIDEWALK PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TO REPAIRED AS NECESSARY FROM INSTALLATION OF WATERMAIN. COORDINATE WITH CONTRACTOR ON LOCATIONS TO BE REPAIRED WATERMAIN / GAS LINE CROSSING. PROTECT GAS LINE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / TELEPHONE LINE CROSSING. PROTECT TELEPHONE LINE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / STORM SEWER CROSSING. PROTECT STORM SEWER FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 14 1 PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL C-5045/C402 KEYNOTES DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / SANITARY SEWER CROSSING. PROTECT SANITARY SEWER FROM DAMAGE KEYNOTES EXCELS MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C304 KEYNOTES EXISTING SIGN (2) 8" 45° BEND EXISTING BOLLARD 8" GATE VALVE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. W-3/C400 EXISTING TREE EXISTING SHRUB 1120 LF 6" DRAINTILE EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C302 DESIGNED: ARL 188 LF 8" HDPE DR9 WATER SERVICE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COORDINATION OF MODIFIED UTILITIES Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 B 1 C301 ENLARGED SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN 0 30' 60' 90' DATE: 12/03/15 1"= 30' B THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK UTILITIES DIVISION (952-924-2562) SHALL BE CONTACTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WATER-SHUT OFFS, SEWER CONNECTIONS, EXCAVATIONS, OR ANY OTHER WORK RELATED TO THE CITY'S UTILITY SYSTEM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING THE COST OF REMOVING AND CLEANING OF ANY DEBRIS IN THE LINES BOTH DURING AND AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C301 BY City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 39 UTILITY NOTES MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C301 188 LF 8" HDPE DR9 WATER SERVICE B ALL EXISTING CURB REMOVALS ON POWELL ROAD SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST JOINT. SEE C100 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION EXISTING UTILITIES TO EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED SHALL BE DISCONNECTED AT THE MAIN WHEN THEY ARE REMOVED 13 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL SEE SHEET C300 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. ALL UTILITY DEMOLITION AND/OR ABANDONMENT TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. 3. EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES WHICH MAY INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, GAS, CABLE TV, COMPUTER CABLE, FIBER OPTIC CABLE, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT MINNESOTA GOPHER STATE ONE CALL BEFORE EXCAVATING. 4. ALL ELECTRICAL POLE AND LIGHT REMOVAL SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. 5. ALL PIPE LENGTHS INCLUDE LENGTHS OF FLARED ENDS 6. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PAVEMENT AREAS. REMOVAL SHALL BE ON A DAILY BASIS THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION. CLEAN PAVED ROADWAYS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING. STREET WASHING IS ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SHOVELING OR SWEEPING HAS REMOVED SEDIMENT. SEE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS RADIUS BEND CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY 17 LF 12" HDPE DR9 WATER SERVICE 5 B SEE DETAILS C-5004, C-5005, C-5024, C-5010 ON SHEET C402 FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING DETAIL 7. 12" GATE VALVE SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. W-3/C400 8.99' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 B 1. (2) 12" 45° BEND 3 13 29 PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT ALL PAVING IN RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY PROPOSED WATERMAIN SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. 1011/C403 FOR RESTRAINED LENGTHS REQUIRED ON WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED SANITARY LINE PROPOSED DRAIN TILE EXCELS EXISTING SECTION LINE EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER NE / R.O.W. EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE 17 11 POWELL ROAD 644 LF 12" HDPE DR9 WATERMAIN 21 16 15 5 20 14 DATE ISSUE/REVISION PROPERTY LI EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE EXISTING MANHOLE EXISTING CATCH BASIN 6.00' EXISTING WATER MANHOLE 15.03' EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING STAND PIPE 13 EXISTING AUTO SPRINKLER EXISTING POST INDICATOR VALVE EXISTING CULVERT 10 EXISTING UTILITY POLE WITH GUY WIRE 12" GATE VALVE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. W-3/C400 16 12" X 6" TEE NO EXISTING GAS LINE 6 50 LF 6" CL. 52 D.I.P. B PROPOSED STALL COUNT EXISTING PROPERTY LINE LEVARD EXISTING LIGHT EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT 20 21 CERTIFICATION: EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE 28 14 PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. EXISTING HANDHOLE EXISTING METAL COVER MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C303 Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 17 IOR BOU 20.00' 5 6.00' 21 14 13 PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. 3 19 PROPOSED GATE VALVE 24 27 PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN PROPOSED HYDRANT 26.25' 27 PROJECT: PROPOSED STORM SEWER MANHOLE LOCATION, CONDITION, AND TYPE OF EXISTING PIPE WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO ENSURE CONTINUOUS LOOP OF THE WATERMAIN 24 CLIENT PROJECT NO: PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ALONG ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS. THIS WILL INCLUDE SIGNING, STRIPING, DETOUR SIGNING, AND ANY OTHER MEASURES NEEDED TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND GENERAL PUBLIC SAFETY. ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMPS WITH TRUNCATED DOMES ARE REQUIRED AT ALL SIDEWALK CORNERS 9 JAPS-OLSON COMPANY LEGEND CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WATERMAIN CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 1120 LF 6" DRAINTILE CLIENT: A. 8' OVER WATERMAIN B. 8' OVER SANITARY SEWER C. 1.5' OVER STORM SEWER 12" X 8" REDUCER CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CONCRETE JOINTING PLAN TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION PROPOSED BUILDING ADDITION (BY OTHERS) 763.559.9100 PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM COVER OVER THE TOP OF PIPE AS FOLLOWS: ALL CURB RELATED DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO BACK OF CURB B Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 KEYNOTES 1 PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL C-5045/C402 2 PROPOSED SITE ENTRANCE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. ST-2/C402 3 PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER, SEE DETAIL C-5030/C402 4 PROPOSED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, SEE DETAIL C-5085/C402 5 PROPOSED SIDEWALK, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. ST-9/C402 6 7 8 PROPOSED PED RAMP. SEE DETAIL C-5014/C402 C302 ENLARGED SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN 0 30' 60' 90' 12 13 14 15 9 24" RCP ROOF DRAIN STUB. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL 16 10 6" PVC SDR 26 SANITARY SEWER STUB 5' FROM BUILDING. 17 PROPOSED BITUMINOUS 1 11 MILL AND OVERLAY, SEE DETAIL C-5022/C401 PROPOSED 3' BEAVER TAIL CURB KEYNOTES DIRECTIONAL DRILLING KEYNOTES PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT. MATCH EXISTING SECTION AND ELEVATIONS. MINIMUM SECTION SHALL BE PER DETAIL C-5045/C402 "HEAVY DUTY" CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE AT INV: 893.00 WITH WATERTIGHT BOOT. COORDINATE WITH OWNER AND CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK PROPOSED SIDEWALK. MATCH EXISTING SECTION AND ELEVATIONS. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT AND JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN PROPOSED AND EXISTING SIDEWALK PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TO REPAIRED AS NECESSARY FROM INSTALLATION OF WATERMAIN. COORDINATE WITH CONTRACTOR ON LOCATIONS TO BE REPAIRED WATERMAIN / GAS LINE CROSSING. PROTECT GAS LINE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / TELEPHONE LINE CROSSING. PROTECT TELEPHONE LINE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / STORM SEWER CROSSING. PROTECT STORM SEWER FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / SANITARY SEWER CROSSING. PROTECT SANITARY SEWER FROM DAMAGE EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX 18 19 CONNECT PROPOSED 12" HDPE DR 9 TO EXISTING 12" DIP WATERMAIN EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER 20 PROTECT EXISITNG ELECTRIC MANHOLE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING EXISTING GAS VALVE 21 MAINTAIN MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND UTILTIY EXISTING BOLLARD 22 8" HDPE DR9 WATERMAIN STUB 5' FROM BUILDING 23 CONNECT TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN AT INV: 898.40 24 25 26 27 28 29 1"= 30' 30 PROPOSED HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. W-3/C400 AND W-2/C401 PROVIDE SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL C-3028/C401 PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL C-5075/C401 UTILITY CROSSINGS, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN (NOT SHOWN IN SURVEY) WITH 12" X 12" TEE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ADA CURB OPENING, SEE DETAIL C-5023/C402 EXISTING VENT EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING SIGN EXISTING TREE EXISTING SHRUB EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT B CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COORDINATION OF MODIFIED UTILITIES THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK UTILITIES DIVISION (952-924-2562) SHALL BE CONTACTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WATER-SHUT OFFS, SEWER CONNECTIONS, EXCAVATIONS, OR ANY OTHER WORK RELATED TO THE CITY'S UTILITY SYSTEM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING THE COST OF REMOVING AND CLEANING OF ANY DEBRIS IN THE LINES BOTH DURING AND AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION DATE: 12/03/15 DESIGNED: ARL DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C302 BY City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 40 UTILITY NOTES MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C304 6.00' POWELL ROAD 1. SEE SHEET C300 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. ALL UTILITY DEMOLITION AND/OR ABANDONMENT TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. 3. EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES WHICH MAY INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, GAS, CABLE TV, COMPUTER CABLE, FIBER OPTIC CABLE, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT MINNESOTA GOPHER STATE ONE CALL BEFORE EXCAVATING. 4. ALL ELECTRICAL POLE AND LIGHT REMOVAL SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. 5. ALL PIPE LENGTHS INCLUDE LENGTHS OF FLARED ENDS 6. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PAVEMENT AREAS. REMOVAL SHALL BE ON A DAILY BASIS THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION. CLEAN PAVED ROADWAYS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING. STREET WASHING IS ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SHOVELING OR SWEEPING HAS REMOVED SEDIMENT. SEE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS 7. Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763.559.9100 CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM COVER OVER THE TOP OF PIPE AS FOLLOWS: A. 8' OVER WATERMAIN B. 8' OVER SANITARY SEWER C. 1.5' OVER STORM SEWER LEGEND PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY LINE 3 PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED DRAIN TILE CLIENT PROJECT NO: PROJECT: PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN PROPOSED CATCH BASIN PROPOSED BUILDING (BY OTHERS) 7 PROPOSED STORM SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED HYDRANT 79' 11 PROPOSED GATE VALVE 26 17 PROPOSED STALL COUNT EXISTING PROPERTY LINE EXISTING SECTION LINE EXISTING EASEMENT EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER 5 EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE PR O PE RT Y 1120 LF 6" DRAINTILE LI NE NO DATE ISSUE/REVISION EXISTING GAS LINE EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE /R .O EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE .W . 8 5 EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING WATER MANHOLE 42.00' 24 6.00' 5 37.49' 18' (TYP.) 42.00' EXISTING MANHOLE 3 9' (TYP.) EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING STAND PIPE 37.16' EXISTING AUTO SPRINKLER EXISTING POST INDICATOR VALVE 10 1 PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL C-5045/C402 2 PROPOSED SITE ENTRANCE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. ST-2/C402 3 PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER, SEE DETAIL C-5030/C402 4 PROPOSED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, SEE DETAIL C-5085/C402 5 PROPOSED SIDEWALK, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. ST-9/C402 6 7 8 9 10 PROPOSED PED RAMP. SEE DETAIL C-5014/C402 11 12 13 14 MILL AND OVERLAY, SEE DETAIL C-5022/C401 PROPOSED 3' BEAVER TAIL CURB 24" RCP ROOF DRAIN STUB. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL 6" PVC SDR 26 SANITARY SEWER STUB 5' FROM BUILDING. PROPOSED BITUMINOUS KEYNOTES DIRECTIONAL DRILLING KEYNOTES 15 16 17 PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT. MATCH EXISTING SECTION AND ELEVATIONS. MINIMUM SECTION SHALL BE PER DETAIL C-5045/C402 "HEAVY DUTY" CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE AT INV: 893.00 WITH WATERTIGHT BOOT. COORDINATE WITH OWNER AND CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK PROPOSED SIDEWALK. MATCH EXISTING SECTION AND ELEVATIONS. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT AND JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN PROPOSED AND EXISTING SIDEWALK PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TO REPAIRED AS NECESSARY FROM INSTALLATION OF WATERMAIN. COORDINATE WITH CONTRACTOR ON LOCATIONS TO BE REPAIRED WATERMAIN / GAS LINE CROSSING. PROTECT GAS LINE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / TELEPHONE LINE CROSSING. PROTECT TELEPHONE LINE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / STORM SEWER CROSSING. PROTECT STORM SEWER FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 18 WATERMAIN / SANITARY SEWER CROSSING. PROTECT SANITARY SEWER FROM DAMAGE 19 CONNECT PROPOSED 12" HDPE DR 9 TO EXISTING 12" DIP WATERMAIN 20 PROTECT EXISITNG ELECTRIC MANHOLE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING 21 MAINTAIN MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND UTILTIY 22 8" HDPE DR9 WATERMAIN STUB 5' FROM BUILDING 23 CONNECT TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN AT INV: 898.40 24 25 26 27 28 29 Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 B 30 EXISTING UTILITY POLE WITH GUY WIRE 19 EXISTING LIGHT 14 PROPERTY LINE / R.O.W. CERTIFICATION: EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE EXISTING HANDHOLE EXISTING METAL COVER B ALL EXISTING CURB REMOVALS ON POWELL ROAD SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST JOINT. SEE C100 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION EXISTING UTILITIES TO EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED SHALL BE DISCONNECTED AT THE MAIN WHEN THEY ARE REMOVED CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY ADA CURB OPENING, SEE DETAIL C-5023/C402 ENLARGED SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN 0 5 EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION C303 2 POWELL ROAD PROPOSED HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. W-3/C400 AND W-2/C401 PROVIDE SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL C-3028/C401 PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL C-5075/C401 UTILITY CROSSINGS, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN (NOT SHOWN IN SURVEY) WITH 12" X 12" TEE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 1 3 MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C302 KEYNOTES EXISTING CULVERT 2 30' 60' 90' FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 SEE DETAILS C-5004, C-5005, C-5024, C-5010 ON SHEET C402 FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING DETAIL ALL PAVING IN RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. 1011/C403 FOR RESTRAINED LENGTHS REQUIRED ON WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN ALL CURB RELATED DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO BACK OF CURB CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CONCRETE JOINTING PLAN TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WATERMAIN CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ALONG ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS. THIS WILL INCLUDE SIGNING, STRIPING, DETOUR SIGNING, AND ANY OTHER MEASURES NEEDED TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND GENERAL PUBLIC SAFETY. ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMPS WITH TRUNCATED DOMES ARE REQUIRED AT ALL SIDEWALK CORNERS LOCATION, CONDITION, AND TYPE OF EXISTING PIPE WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO ENSURE CONTINUOUS LOOP OF THE WATERMAIN 1"= 30' EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX EXISTING VENT EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING GAS VALVE EXISTING SIGN EXISTING BOLLARD EXISTING TREE EXISTING SHRUB EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT DESIGNED: ARL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COORDINATION OF MODIFIED UTILITIES B DATE: 12/03/15 THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK UTILITIES DIVISION (952-924-2562) SHALL BE CONTACTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WATER-SHUT OFFS, SEWER CONNECTIONS, EXCAVATIONS, OR ANY OTHER WORK RELATED TO THE CITY'S UTILITY SYSTEM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING THE COST OF REMOVING AND CLEANING OF ANY DEBRIS IN THE LINES BOTH DURING AND AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C303 BY City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 41 UTILITY NOTES B MEADOWBROOK ROAD 1. SEE SHEET C300 FOR GENERAL NOTES. 2. ALL UTILITY DEMOLITION AND/OR ABANDONMENT TO BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK AND STATE OF MINNESOTA REGULATIONS AND STANDARDS. 3. EXISTING UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN THEIR APPROXIMATE LOCATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO FIELD VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING PUBLIC AND PRIVATE UTILITIES WHICH MAY INCLUDE BUT IS NOT LIMITED TO: ELECTRIC, TELEPHONE, GAS, CABLE TV, COMPUTER CABLE, FIBER OPTIC CABLE, SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER AND WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT MINNESOTA GOPHER STATE ONE CALL BEFORE EXCAVATING. 4. ALL ELECTRICAL POLE AND LIGHT REMOVAL SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE OWNER AND AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION PRIOR TO DEMOLITION. 5. ALL PIPE LENGTHS INCLUDE LENGTHS OF FLARED ENDS 6. REMOVE ALL SOILS AND SEDIMENTS TRACKED OR OTHERWISE DEPOSITED ONTO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE PAVEMENT AREAS. REMOVAL SHALL BE ON A DAILY BASIS THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF THE CONSTRUCTION. CLEAN PAVED ROADWAYS BY SHOVELING OR SWEEPING. STREET WASHING IS ALLOWED ONLY AFTER SHOVELING OR SWEEPING HAS REMOVED SEDIMENT. SEE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK STANDARDS AND REGULATIONS 7. Planners and Engineers 2300 Berkshire Lane N, Suite 200 Plymouth, MN 55441 763.559.9100 CLIENT: JAPS-OLSON COMPANY PROVIDE THE FOLLOWING MINIMUM COVER OVER THE TOP OF PIPE AS FOLLOWS: A. 8' OVER WATERMAIN B. 8' OVER SANITARY SEWER C. 1.5' OVER STORM SEWER 6 LEGEND PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT PROPOSED WATERMAIN PROPOSED SANITARY LINE PROPOSED STORM SEWER PROPOSED DRAIN TILE CLIENT PROJECT NO: PROJECT: PROPOSED WEST ADDITION ST. LOUIS PARK, MN PROPOSED CATCH BASIN LOCATION, CONDITION, AND TYPE OF EXISTING PIPE WILL BE FIELD VERIFIED PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO ENSURE CONTINUOUS LOOP OF THE WATERMAIN B 6.00' ALL EXISTING CURB REMOVALS ON POWELL ROAD SHALL BE REMOVED TO THE NEAREST JOINT. SEE C100 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION POWELL ROAD EXISTING UTILITIES TO EXISTING BUILDING TO BE DEMOLISHED SHALL BE DISCONNECTED AT THE MAIN WHEN THEY ARE REMOVED 3 PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER, SEE DETAIL C-5030/C402 4 PROPOSED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, SEE DETAIL C-5085/C402 5 PROPOSED SIDEWALK, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. ST-9/C402 7 8 CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH CITY ON ALL WORK WITHIN RIGHT OF WAY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON LANDSCAPING AND LIGHTING DESIGN, SEE SHEET A102 B 2 PROPOSED SITE ENTRANCE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. ST-2/C402 6 CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN TO OWNER AND ENGINEER FOR REVIEW PRIOR TO MOBILIZATION. SEE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FURTHER DETAIL 5 1 PROPOSED LIGHT DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL C-5045/C402 PROPOSED PED RAMP. SEE DETAIL C-5014/C402 KEYNOTES 11 12 13 14 MILL AND OVERLAY, SEE DETAIL C-5022/C401 PROPOSED 3' BEAVER TAIL CURB 15 9 24" RCP ROOF DRAIN STUB. COORDINATE WITH MECHANICAL 16 10 6" PVC SDR 26 SANITARY SEWER STUB 5' FROM BUILDING. 17 PROPOSED BITUMINOUS SEE DETAILS C-5004, C-5005, C-5024, C-5010 ON SHEET C402 FOR ACCESSIBLE PARKING DETAIL PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT. MATCH EXISTING SECTION AND ELEVATIONS. MINIMUM SECTION SHALL BE PER DETAIL C-5045/C402 "HEAVY DUTY" CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE AT INV: 893.00 WITH WATERTIGHT BOOT. COORDINATE WITH OWNER AND CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK PROPOSED SIDEWALK. MATCH EXISTING SECTION AND ELEVATIONS. PROVIDE EXPANSION JOINT AND JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN PROPOSED AND EXISTING SIDEWALK PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT TO REPAIRED AS NECESSARY FROM INSTALLATION OF WATERMAIN. COORDINATE WITH CONTRACTOR ON LOCATIONS TO BE REPAIRED WATERMAIN / GAS LINE CROSSING. PROTECT GAS LINE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / TELEPHONE LINE CROSSING. PROTECT TELEPHONE LINE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / STORM SEWER CROSSING. PROTECT STORM SEWER FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING B ALL PAVING IN RIGHT OF WAY SHALL BE COORDINATED WITH THE CITY SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. 1011/C403 FOR RESTRAINED LENGTHS REQUIRED ON WATERMAIN AND SANITARY SEWER FORCEMAIN 18 KEYNOTES DIRECTIONAL DRILLING WATERMAIN / SANITARY SEWER CROSSING. PROTECT SANITARY SEWER FROM DAMAGE PROPOSED STORM SEWER MANHOLE PROPOSED HYDRANT 19 CONNECT PROPOSED 12" HDPE DR 9 TO EXISTING 12" DIP WATERMAIN 20 PROTECT EXISITNG ELECTRIC MANHOLE FROM DAMAGE DURING DIRECTIONAL DRILLING EXISTING PROPERTY LINE 21 MAINTAIN MINIMUM 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN WATERMAIN AND UTILTIY EXISTING EASEMENT 22 8" HDPE DR9 WATERMAIN STUB 5' FROM BUILDING 23 CONNECT TO EXISTING CATCH BASIN AT INV: 898.40 PROPOSED GATE VALVE 17 EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EXISTING STORM SEWER EXISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE PROPOSED HYDRANT AND GATE VALVE, SEE STANDARD PLATE NO. W-3/C400 AND W-2/C401 PROVIDE SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT, SEE DETAIL C-3028/C401 PROPOSED CONCRETE PAVEMENT, SEE DETAIL C-5075/C401 UTILITY CROSSINGS, PROTECT FROM DAMAGE CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN (NOT SHOWN IN SURVEY) WITH 12" X 12" TEE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION EXISTING GAS LINE 29 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY LOCATION PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION EXISTING POST INDICATOR VALVE 30 ADA CURB OPENING, SEE DETAIL C-5023/C402 24 25 26 27 28 EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING WATER MANHOLE EXISTING HYDRANT EXISTING STAND PIPE EXISTING AUTO SPRINKLER EXISTING CULVERT EXISTING UTILITY POLE WITH GUY WIRE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ALONG ALL PUBLIC STREETS SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT THE DURATION OF CONSTRUCTION IN ACCORDANCE WITH ADA REQUIREMENTS. THIS WILL INCLUDE SIGNING, STRIPING, DETOUR SIGNING, AND ANY OTHER MEASURES NEEDED TO ASSURE COMPLIANCE AND GENERAL PUBLIC SAFETY. ADA PEDESTRIAN RAMPS WITH TRUNCATED DOMES ARE REQUIRED AT ALL SIDEWALK CORNERS EXISTING LIGHT EXISTING ELECTRIC MANHOLE EXISTING HANDHOLE EXISTING METAL COVER EXISTING COMMUNICATION BOX EXISTING VENT EXISTING AIR CONDITIONER EXISTING TRANSFORMER EXISTING GAS VALVE EXISTING SIGN EXISTING BOLLARD EXISTING TREE EXISTING SHRUB EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT EXISTING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT Date Plotted: Tuesday, December 29, 2015 B 30' 60' 90' 1"= 30' DATE: 12/03/15 DESIGNED: ARL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL COORDINATION OF MODIFIED UTILITIES 0 CERTIFICATION: EXISTING TRAFFIC LIGHT MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C303 C304 ISSUE/REVISION EXISTING MANHOLE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL WATERMAIN CONNECTIONS TO THE EXISTING BUILDING PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION ENLARGED SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN DATE EXISTING FIBER OPTIC LINE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT CONCRETE JOINTING PLAN TO ENGINEER PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION 1 NO EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE ALL CURB RELATED DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE TO BACK OF CURB B PROPOSED STALL COUNT EXISTING SECTION LINE MATCHLINE SEE SHEET C301 KEYNOTES THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS PARK UTILITIES DIVISION (952-924-2562) SHALL BE CONTACTED AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY WATER-SHUT OFFS, SEWER CONNECTIONS, EXCAVATIONS, OR ANY OTHER WORK RELATED TO THE CITY'S UTILITY SYSTEM. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING THE EXISTING SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER SYSTEM DURING CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING THE COST OF REMOVING AND CLEANING OF ANY DEBRIS IN THE LINES BOTH DURING AND AFTER COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION DRAWN: AJR CHECKED: ARL APPROVED: DRAWING TITLE: ENLARGED SITE, PAVING AND UTILITY PLAN PROJECT NO: 140218 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWING NO: C304 BY City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 42 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 43 City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8a) Title: Japs-Olson West Expansion at 7500 Excelsior Blvd. Page 44 Meeting: City Council Meeting Date: February 1, 2016 Action Agenda Item: 8b EXECUTIVE SUMMARY TITLE: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt Resolution amending and restating Resolution No. 12-069 approving Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions. POLICY CONSIDERATION: Does the City Council want to move forward with the proposed amendments to the Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions? SUMMARY: In 2015 the City Council directed staff to review the Rules and Procedures in place for Boards and Commissions and provide a recommendation for changes to improve the application and appointment processes to make them more transparent, efficient, and accessible to the public. At Study Sessions on September 28, 2015 and January 11, 2016 Council discussed a number of potential amendments to the Rules and Procedures. Following thorough review and discussion, Council directed staff to move forward with the following amendments: Set uniform term expiration dates for all board and commission members and make all terms a period of three (3) years. Standardize appointment process so it occurs at the same time annually. Implement an online application system with a standard supplemental application for all Boards and Commissions. Require all candidates, including those seeking reappointment, to complete an application. Create a standard process by which applications are evaluated and candidates are selected for interviews. Retain applications for a set period of time to create a candidate pool for future recruitment. A draft of the revised Rules and Procedures, incorporating the changes directed by the City Council, is attached. The following boards and commissions would be subject to the Rules and Procedures: Board of Zoning and Appeals, CEAC, Environment & Sustainability Commission, Housing Authority, Human Rights Commission, Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission, Planning Commission, Police Advisory Commission, and Telecommunications Advisory Commission. FINANCIAL OR BUDGET CONSIDERATION: None at this time. VISION CONSIDERATION: Not applicable. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Discussion Resolution Draft Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Prepared by: Approved by: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk Nancy Deno, Deputy City Manager/HR Director City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Page 2 DISCUSSION BACKGROUND: The Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions were last updated in 2012. In 2015 staff was directed to make recommendations for changes to the Rules and Procedures that would improve and clarify the overall administration and management of the City’s advisory commissions. In discussions with the Council it was noted that a considerable amount of staff time is currently devoted to monitoring and managing the overall process to keep track of term expirations, vacancies, reappointments, recruitment, new application review, scheduling of interviews, and appointments. Based on Council discussion and direction, staff prepared a draft of the revised Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions. How long is a membership term? With the exception of the Housing Authority, terms are set at 3 years for all board and commission members unless otherwise determined by the City Council. The terms for members of the Housing Authority are regulated by Minnesota Statutes Section 469.003, Subd. 6, and are set for a period of 5 years. Youth commissioners will continue to serve 1 year terms. Membership requirements will continue to be set by the City Council, and all board and commission members will continue to be appointed by the Council or, in some cases, by the School Board. When do membership terms expire? Currently terms expire at different times throughout the year. The revised Rules and Procedures adjust membership terms to expire annually on May 31st. o The terms of board and commission members would continue to be staggered. o Current terms set to expire on a different date will be adjusted to expire on May 31st of the same year to make all term expiration dates uniform. This change will make it easier for staff and the public to track and prepare for when the City Council will consider appointments. The change would also allow for the establishment of a more transparent annual process involving advertisement of vacancies, recruitment, acceptance of applications, scheduling of interviews, and Council appointments. Is there a limit on the number of terms an individual can serve on a board or commission? No term limits are proposed. What constitutes a vacancy on a board or commission? Currently, a vacancy only occurs when a member does not apply for reappointment or leaves a board or commission mid-term. In rare instances a vacancy occurs if a member is not reappointed. The revised Rules and Procedures deems that all upcoming term expirations be considered vacancies. Applications are required from all individuals interested in serving on a board or commission, including those individuals seeking reappointment. Mid-term vacancies would continue to be dealt with as they occur. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Page 3 When does recruitment take place? Under current practices, active recruitment is only conducted when a known vacancy occurs. This means that if a board or commission member’s term is set to expire and that individual seeks reappointment, no other applicants are actively recruited and no notices or advertisements are posted or published. The revised Rules and Procedures require advertisement of all vacancies. Because membership terms will expire annually on the same date, advertisement of vacancies will generally occur at the same time each year – except in the case of mid-term vacancies. What methods does the City use to recruit applicants? Current recruitment methods are somewhat arbitrary in that staff can choose which methods to use if and when recruitment occurs. The revised Rules and Procedures require advertisement of all vacancies using the following methods: o Post all vacancies on City’s website o Post all vacancies on our social media outlets o Posting of notice at City Hall o Notice to all neighborhood organizations o Published notice in the Sun Sailor o Published notice in Park Perspective How does someone apply to serve on a board or commission? Staff has implemented an online application process whereby interested individuals can complete an application and submit it directly from our website. All applications will include standardized supplemental questions. Upon submission of a completed application, the applicant will receive an email confirmation. Staff will be able to use the online application tool to track the status of applications, schedule applicant interviews, and retain applications for creation of a candidate pool. How are applications reviewed? Completed applications will be provided to the Council for review and scoring. Who determines which candidates are interviewed? The City Council will select the candidates to be interviewed. All interviews will take place on the same night, at the first Study Session in April unless otherwise determined by Council. The Administrative Services department will be responsible for coordinating and scheduling interviews with candidates. If a candidate is unable to attend an interview on the date selected, reasonable accommodations will be made to reschedule the interview. When will appointments be considered? All appointments, including reappointments, will be considered by the Council annually at the second regular meeting in May, unless otherwise determined by Council. Mid-term vacancies will be dealt with as they occur, on a case-by-case basis. What is the process for making appointments to a board or commission? Following candidate interviews, the City Council will inform the Administrative Services department of the candidates they would like to appoint to each board or commission. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Page 4 How does a current member of a board or commission seek reappointment? Current members of a board or commission seeking reappointment to another term will be required to complete an application and explain their reasons for seeking reappointment to another term. Candidates seeking reappointment may be asked, at the discretion of the Council, to participate in the interview process. All individuals seeking reappointment will be considered by the Council in the same pool as new candidates seeking appointment to a board or commission. How are resignations or unexpected vacancies handled? Whenever a vacancy occurs within the midst of a term (by resignation or unexpected circumstances), the Administrative Services Department will initiate the recruitment process. NEXT STEPS: If Council chooses to proceed with amendments to the rules and procedures for Boards and Commissions the next steps would be: The revised Rules & Procedures will be distributed to all staff liaisons and current members of a board or commission. Staff will review the by-laws for each commission and present any necessary revisions to the Council for approval. Term expiration dates will be adjusted and written notification will be sent to all current members of a board or commission. The online application system will be activated on the City’s website. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Page 5 RESOLUTION NO. 16-_____ RESOLUTION AMENDING AND RESTATING RESOLUTION NO. 12-069 ADOPTED MAY 7, 2012 APPROVING RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS WHEREAS, the St. Louis Park City Council has established certain boards and commissions to serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council wishes its various boards and commissions to comply with all regulations to which they are subject concerning conduct of meetings, including those provisions contained in Minnesota State Statutes, the City Charter and the Municipal Code; and WHEREAS, the attached rules and procedures serve as a guideline for operating those boards and commissions and they set standards for the conduct of staff and board and commission members. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of St. Louis Park hereby amends the “Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions” attached as Exhibit A and shall adhere to the rules as stated therein unless revised by a majority vote of the City Council. Reviewed for Administration: Adopted by the City Council February 1, 2016 Thomas K. Harmening, City Manager Jake Spano, Mayor Attest: Melissa Kennedy, City Clerk City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Page 6 Exhibit A ules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Amended by City Council February 1, 2016 Resolution No. 16A. Boards The St. Louis Park City Charter grants the Council authority to form various boards and commissions by ordinance. Boards and commissions serve in an advisory capacity to the City Council and are conferred various degrees of decision making power. The City Council is the sole policy making body of the city. Some boards and commissions include in their membership persons appointed by the school board. Boards and commissions of the city which are governed by the provisions of these rules and procedures are as follows: Board of Zoning Appeals CEAC Environment and Sustainability Commission Housing Authority Human Rights Commission Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Planning Commission Police Advisory Commission Telecommunications Advisory Commission And other boards as created by or determined by Council In addition, other ad hoc groups may be formed as needed by resolution of the council. B. Staff Liaisons Each board and commission is assigned a staff liaison. Duties of the staff liaison are, in general, to facilitate or assist in the meetings, to record attendance, and to provide information and direction as requested by the commission. It is also the responsibility of the staff liaison to inform the City Council of any problems or issues that may arise. C. Membership and Terms i) Membership requirements are set by Council. All board and commission members are appointed by the Council or, in some cases, by the school board. ii) Board and commission members (except members of the Housing Authority) shall be appointed to 3 year terms unless otherwise determined by the City Council. Members of the Housing Authority shall be appointed to 5 year terms in accordance with M.S. 469.003, Subd. 6, or unless otherwise determined by the City Council. iii) The terms of board and commission members shall be staggered and shall expire on May 31st. iv) Members may be removed, with or without cause, by the City Council. v) The City Council will not appoint a board or commission member to serve concurrently on more than one board or commission, not including the Charter Commission. vi) Members may only serve one (1) consecutive year as the chair of any board or commission. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions Page 7 vii) Members cannot serve on the same board or commission as a member of their immediate family, registered domestic partner, or members of the same household. Youth members are exempt from this provision. For the purposes of this section the term “immediate family” shall include the following: D. A spouse or registered domestic partner Mother, father, siblings, step relatives, and grandparents Members of the same household. Youth Membership and Terms i) The following boards and commissions shall appoint Youth Members: Environment & Sustainability Commission, Human Rights Commission, Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission, Planning Commission, Police Advisory Commission, and Telecommunications Advisory Commission ii) Youth members shall be appointed to one (1) year terms unless otherwise specified at the time of appointment. iii) The terms of youth members shall be concurrent with the school year, and shall expire annually on August 31st. iv) Youth members are conferred voting status, except in the case of the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. v) Youth members shall reside in the City and be a high school student. For the purposes of this section, the definition of “high school student” shall be a student currently in or entering grades 7-12. E. Qualifications i) Members must be St. Louis Park residents, but need not have expertise in any particular area. Willingness to serve and be involved are the most important attributes of members. ii) Per Resolution No. 01-078, the City Council will not consider applications for appointment to advisory boards or commissions from regular full-time or part-time St. Louis Park employees (as defined in the City’s personnel manual). iii) City Council will not consider applications for appointment to a board or commission from other employees working for the City such as seasonal, temporary, part-time, paid-on-call firefighters or contract employees if such appointment could cause a conflict of interest. F. Attendance Regular attendance at meetings is a requirement for continued membership on any board or commission. Irregular attendance and frequent absences are detrimental to the entire group and put undue pressure on those members who do attend meetings. Regular attendance allows members to learn about and discuss issues in depth, which contributes to more collaborative decision making and effective recommendations to the City Council. Continued absenteeism is considered grounds for dismissal by the Council. G. By-Laws Each board and commission shall create and maintain by-laws and meeting procedures. By-laws must be consistent with the City Code and should follow the City Council’s template for by-laws. Whenever changes are proposed, a draft copy of the new by-laws should be forwarded to the City Clerk’s office for the City Council’s review. As per the City Code, the Council has 30 days to review and amend the proposed by-laws. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions H. Page 8 Meetings Meeting times and locations are set according to each commission’s by-laws. Each commission should defer to the Council’s meeting policy for meetings which occur on or near recognized holidays. A quorum of the board is made up of a majority of members currently appointed. All meetings will be conducted in accordance with the Minnesota Open Meeting Law, the City Charter and the Municipal Code of Ordinances. The proceedings of meetings should be conducted using standard parliamentary procedure. The City Council has adopted The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure as their guide. A copy of this publication is available for review in the City Clerk’s office. A simplified summary of these procedures is also available for use by board or commission chairs and staff liaisons. I. Minutes and other Records i) Minutes of each board or commission meeting shall be prepared and maintained by the staff liaison or other designated representative. ii) Following board or commission approval, minutes shall be forwarded to the City Clerk’s office for placement on a City Council agenda. iii) Approved minutes shall be published on the City’s website no later than two (2) days following formal acceptance by the City Council. iv) Meeting agendas shall be published on the City’s website no later than three (3) days prior to a scheduled meeting. v) All board and commission records, including minutes and agendas, must be maintained in accordance with the City’s records retention policy. Please contact the City Clerk’s office if you have questions regarding retention and preferred storage medium. J. Annual Meeting with Council Program Council has established a process whereby all participating Boards and Commissions (identified below) will meet collectively to present their annual report to the City Council at the “Boards and Commissions Annual Meeting”. The following Boards and Commissions are subject to the requirements for participation in the program: Board of Zoning Appeals (BOZA) Environment & Sustainability Commission Housing Authority Human Rights Commission Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission Planning Commission Police Advisory Commission Telecommunications Advisory Commission Annual Written Report – Each Board and Commission listed above shall prepare a written report for the Council which includes activities undertaken in the past year, a progress report on the previous year’s goals, and goals for the coming year. Annual reports must be submitted to staff liaisons no later than January 31st. Annual Meeting and Presentation Instructions The annual meeting with the City Council will take place each calendar year as outlined in the procedures on file with the City Manager. All current members of each participating Board and Commission will be invited to attend the annual meeting. Each Board and Commission will select one (1) representative to present their annual report. Each Board and Commission will be allotted a specified amount of time, as determined by the City Manager, for presentation of their annual report and discussion with the City Council. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions K. L. Page 9 Vacancies The expiration of a member’s term on a Board or Commission shall be deemed a vacancy on that Board or Commission. A member may continue to serve beyond the expiration date of their term until a successor is appointed. Resignation by a member of a Board or Commission prior to the expiration of their term must be submitted in writing to the staff liaison. The staff liaison shall forward a copy of the written notice of resignation to the City Clerk’s office. At the time of resignation, a vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term shall be deemed to exist and the recruitment process shall be initiated unless otherwise determined by the City Manager. If a member of a Board or Commission is not able to serve the full length of their term due to unexpected circumstances (illness, relocation, death, etc.) a vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term shall be deemed to exist and the recruitment process shall be initiated unless otherwise determined by the City Manager. All vacancies will be advertised at City Hall, in the Sun Sailor, Park Perspective, neighborhood newsletters, on the City’s website and social media outlets. Reappointment Board or Commission members seeking reappointment to another term shall be subject to the application, interview, and appointment processes unless otherwise determined by the City Council. Overall performance and attendance by Board and Commission members requesting reappointment will be considered by the Council. M. N. O. Application Process All individuals interested in serving on a Board or Commission, including those seeking reappointment, shall complete an application available on the City’s website. A paper application is available, upon request, by contacting the City Clerk’s office. Upon receipt of a completed application, a representative of the Administrative Services department will confirm receipt of the application and provide the applicant with information regarding the interview and appointment process. All completed applications will be reviewed and evaluated by the City Council to determine which candidates will move forward in the process. Applications shall be retained for the period of 1 year following receipt. Interview Process Candidates may be asked to participate in an interview at the first study session in April (unless otherwise determined by Council), at the discretion of the City Council. The Administrative Services department will be responsible for scheduling candidate interviews. Following the completion of candidate interviews, the City Council will evaluate the status of each applicant and inform the Administrative Services department of their recommendations for appointment. The Administrative Services department will notify each candidate of the status of their application and information regarding the next steps in the process. Appointment Appointments shall be made annually by the City Council at the second regularly scheduled meeting in May (unless otherwise determined by Council). The City Clerk’s office will provide written notification of appointment to new members and inform them of the details of their appointment. A copy of this information will also be provided to the staff liaison. The staff liaison for each Board or Commission will provide the new member with meeting information, discuss expectations, and review pertinent issues with them prior to the next meeting of the Board or Commission. City Council Meeting of February 1, 2016 (Item No. 8b) Title: Rules and Procedures for Boards and Commissions P. Page 10 Orientation Staff liaisons, in conjunction with the Administrative Services department, will provide orientation for new board and commission members. Q. Rosters The staff liaison is responsible for keeping an updated roster of the commission which should include contact information, term of office and date of appointment. The liaison is responsible for notifying the Administrative Services department about roster changes. R. Recognition On an annual basis, the Council will formally recognize members who have left their position on a Board or Commission during the previous year. S. Conflict of Interest No member of a Board or Commission shall: i) Enter into any contractual arrangement with the city during the term serving as an appointed board or commissioner member and for a period of one year after leaving office, unless authorized by Minnesota statutes § 471.88. ii) Use their position to secure any special privilege or exemption for themselves or others. iii) Use their office or otherwise act in any manner which would give the appearance of or result in any impropriety or conflict of interest.