March 9, 2013 - Sullivan Renaissance
March 9, 2013 - Sullivan Renaissance
March 9, 2013 ABOUT THE EXPO Su llivan Renaissance’s annu al expo featu res exhibits by m any of Su llivan Cou nty’s gard en centers and nu rseries, and other vend ors w ith prod u cts and services of interest to volu nteers. Ou r atriu m is filled w ith flow ering bu lbs, shru bs and trees d esigned to inspire thou ghts of Spring. This year’s expo w ill also featu re an interactive d isplay on the Su llivan Renaissance collection. Am ong others, the follow ing exhibitors w ill be featu red : WORKSHOP SESSION I Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 noon WORKSHOP SESSION II Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. A. MEET DR. PETER TARLOW Please complete and return this form by M arch 1st! This special session focused on young people will engage Sullivan County youth in a dialogue about leadership and their role in the future of their communities. Take advantage of this opportunity to meet and talk one-on-one with keynote speaker Dr. Peter Tarlow for a discussion about your community’s beautification and tourism concerns or questions and comments. Sullivan Renaissance will schedule a specific time. N am e: ___________________________________ Presenter: Dr. Peter Tarlow B. 2013 RENAISSANCE COLLECTION B. SHOWING OF FLOWERS The Renaissance Collection of plants has doubled in size! Grasses, ground covers, shrubs and trees have been added to the annuals and perennials introduced last year. All are low maintenance and perform well in Sullivan County’s climate. Learn how to use these plants and their companions to add beauty and sustainability to your garden design. Color defines a location and influences the way people feel about it! In community beautification efforts the power of flower color, use, combinations, repetition and attractiveness prove to be the award winning recipe. The key to success in designing hanging baskets, containers, window boxes and flowerbeds is using annuals that provide color all season long. Learn how to mix and match Renaissance Collection plants for the punch needed to take those plantings up a notch or two. Presenter: Diana K. Weiner, Horticultural Coordinator Presenter: Diana K. Weiner, Horticultural Coordinator Bu tterfly Botanicals Liberty H om e, Gard en & Pet Manza Fam ily Farm Monticello Farm H om e & Gard en Su llivanArc Gard en Tou r Su llivan Cou nty Master Gard eners C. TREES IN YOUR LANDSCAPE C. BENEFICIALS IN YOUR GARDEN The Cu tting Gard en Tri-Valley N atu ral Resou rces Program Participants will learn about tree maintenance, as well as the mission and activities of the local volunteer Tree Keeper Advisory Group. An overview of the DEC's Urban and Community Forestry Program will also be provided, including: guidance about tree management, the use of tree ordinances, Arbor Day/Tree City Program, and DEC’s Urban and Community Grant Program. Butterflies, bees and bugs play essential roles in the garden and the environment. This workshop will show how to attract butterflies, choose the best plants for a butterfly garden, and identify the most common butterflies in this area. Participants will also learn about the role played by bees and beneficial bugs, and how to attract them. Presenters: Janet Gula, George Profous Presenters: Susan Dollard, Helene Chappell, Jim Kile D. VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT D. SOCIAL MEDIA 101 Meet Cara Kowalski, the new Sullivan Renaissance Volunteer Coordinator. She will present an overview of the new volunteer program developed to assist with recruitment, training, placement and retention of volunteers in your community. Share your needs and learn tools to assist with the challenges you face. Learn about the vital tools for communicating and raising excitement and awareness about your beautification efforts and how social media can help to interact with your community members. Learn how to recruit volunteers through social media and share links to volunteer opportunities. Presenter: Cara Kowalksi, Volunteer Coordinator Presenter: David Binkowski, Cara Kowalski LOCAL MARKET This year’s conference featu res an expand ed m arket w here particip ants and gu ests can pu rchase local, natu ral and organic good s from area bu sinesses. Am ong others, prod u cts inclu d e: REGISTRATION FORM A. YOUTH PANEL SHOP LOCAL CON FEREN CE Artisan bread s and p astries Local w ines H and crafted fresh pasta Locally roasted coffee E. SULLIVAN RENAISSANCE SALON (Individual Appointments) Maple syru p and honey Plants and flow ers Arts and crafts and m u ch m ore Bring your ideas for beautification projects and have a one-on-one conversation with Sullivan Renaissance staff, who will go through the grant paperwork with you and answer any questions you may have. Community volunteers may sign up for a private consultation. Sullivan Renaissance staff will schedule a specific time. Com m u nity: ______________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ Mobile: __________________________________ E-m ail: ___________________________________ I plan to attend the follow ing: Keynote & Achievem ent Aw ard s Exp o & Local Market Workshop s (ind icate p reference below ) Workshop Session I (11:30 - 12:30) A. You th Panel B. 2013 Renaissance Collection C. Trees in You r Land scape D. Volu nteer Developm ent E. Su llivan Renaissance Salon Workshop Session II (1:00 - 2:00) A. Meet Dr. Peter Tarlow B. Show ing of Flow ers C. Beneficials in You r Gard en D. Social Med ia 101 Space is limited and pre-registration is required! There are fou r w ays to pre-register: Call (845)295-2445 Fax registration form to (845)295-2746 E-m ail sgonzalez@su Mail registration form to: Su llivan Renaissance P O Box 311 Liberty, N Y 12754 Click here to submit form via e-mail W hat t o Expect Su llivan Renaissance’s Annual Conference, Local Market and Expo w ill lau nch the 2013 grant program and introd u ce new initiatives for this year. The d ay w ill bloom w ith sp ring flow ers, inspiration, and the tools and resou rces to help m ake a d ifference in you r com m u nity. The conference w ill featu re w orkshops on a w id e variety of topics, an expo inclu d ing gard ening and land scaping exhibits, an ind oor m arket fu ll of local p rod u cts, and a p resentation of the Annu al Su llivan First Achievem ent Aw ard s. New t his Year! AD D ITION AL STAFF: Recognizing the critical role that volunteers play in m aking the Sullivan Renaissance program a success, w e have ad d ed a Volunteer Coordinator to ou r staff. The Volunteer Coord inator w ill be responsible for the recruitm ent and training of new and existing volunteers. We have also ad d ed a full-tim e Horticultural Coordinator to our staff to assist grantees w ith gard en d esign, and provid e technical assistance and training w here need ed. EXPAN D ED REN AISSAN CE COLLECTION : The Renaissance Collection of plants has d oubled in size! In ad d ition to the annuals and perennials introd uced last year, w e have ad d ed grasses, ground covers, shrubs and trees that are low m aintenance and perform w ell in Sullivan County’s clim ate. SPECIAL AWARD : We have introd uced a new Youth Involvement Aw ard for groups that exhibit outstand ing youth involvem ent in their project. THE COMMUN ITY “MITZVAH” AWARD : This program w ill continue Sullivan Renaissance’s efforts to engage sum m er resid ents in beautification efforts. Select establishm ents w ill be invited to participate by und ertaking projects based on a variety of road sid e visual im provem ents. This special com petition w ill includ e an interactive d iscussion regard ing Halachas (cod es) of the Shulchan A ruch (the book of law s) id entifying a person’s responsibility to the earth. SULLIVAN FIRST ACHIEVEMEN T AWARD S The Achievem ent Aw ard s w ere first p resented in 1998 by the organization Su llivan First, a grassroots effort to clean u p and beau tify Su llivan Cou nty. These aw ard s w ere created to recognize volu nteer efforts. This year, the follow in g in d iv id u als, b u sin esses an d organizations w ill be recognized for their ou tstand ing com m itm ent to im p roving the ap p earance of Su llivan Cou nty: CON FEREN CE SCHED ULE 8:00 CON FEREN CE, LOCAL MARKET & EXPO OPEN Registration Coffee Bar ~ Light Breakfast 9:00 IN D IVID UALS Etta Barbanti, Village of Liberty N ancy Levine, Sw an Lake Renaissance BUSIN ESSES Kohl’s Cares Associates in Action, Wu rtsboro Monticello Farm H om e & Gard en The Su llivan H otel, Rock H ill Thu nd er 102/ Bold Gold Med ia, Liberty 9:30 ORGAN IZATION S Callicoon Bu siness Association Jim Steinberg & the Monticello DPW YOUTH John Evans, Roscoe School Su p erintend ent For more information, or to volunteer contact us at: PROGRAM BEGIN S W elcome ~ Sandra Gerry, Chair W hat’s N ew for 2013 ~ Glenn Pontier, Director Sullivan First A nnual A chievement A ward Presentations KEYN OTE AD D RESS Su ccessfu l com m u nity change is a grass roots effort w here ind ivid u als have the pow er, resou rces, know led ge and experience to change their ow n com m u nities. D r. Peter Tarlow , international consu ltant, w ill speak abou t the pow er and im pact of volu nteers to m ake changes in their com m u nities. 11:00 VISIT EXPO & MARKET 11:30 WORKSHOP SESSION I BEGIN S 12:30 LIGHT LUN CH & N ETWORK S ULLIVAN REN AISSAN CE 1:00 WORKSHOP SESSION II BEGIN S c/o Gerry Foundation PO Box 311 Liberty, N Y 12754 (845)295-2445 2:15 D OOR PRIZE D RAWIN GS CLOSIN G REMARKS The expo w ill remain open throughout the conference! Visit our “buy local” marketplace on the 2013 ANNUAL CONFERENCE LOCAL MARKET & EXPO VOLUNTEERS “The Heart of Renaissance” MARCH 9, 2013 Cablevision Center Fernd ale, N ew York 8:00 a.m . - 3:00 p.m .
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