TAKE ONE - What is happening in Southeast Texas


TAKE ONE - What is happening in Southeast Texas
take one
february 2013
S o u t h e a s t
T e x a s
E v e n t s
28 Great dates
Heartthrobs of Habitat
Mama Won’t Fly Dedicated
Celebrating the Simmons Family
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february 2013
a publication of SoutheastTexas.com
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Brew Review
Southeasttexas.com Stats
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8, 9
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30, 31
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28, 29
30, 31
from the cover
Rose Blount, a founding board member of Girls’ Haven, savors a
sample of gumbo in preparation for the 19th Annual Girls’Haven
Gumbo Festival on February 23 at Parkdale Mall.
Photo by Jim Debes
Copyright 2012, SoutheastTexas.com. All rights reserved.
All contents copyright 2012 Virtual Communities, Inc, The Events
Books, SoutheastTexas.com. All rights reserved.
EventsBook is a monthly publication. Events shown are from SoutheastTexasEvents.com. Priority listing is given to SoutheastTexasEvents.com’s member organizations. Other events are listed as space
allows. For additional information on the events listed in the EventsBook and other events not listed, visit SoutheastTexasEvents.com.
SoutheastTexas.com is not responsible for any discrepancies or changes that
may have occurred since the publishing of this issue. Every effort has been
made to ensure accurate information at the time of publication, however, this
cannot be guaranteed. SoutheastTexas.com recommends visiting SoutheastTexas.com or contacting the represented companies to determine availability
of service and to confirm date, time, location and other related event information. All submissions of editorial, photography, advertising and event information are accepted only without risk to the publisher for loss or damage.
6, 7
d e pa rtm e n t s
Shelly Vitanza
Art director
Therese Shearer
Rose Blount: The Roux
in the Girls’ Haven Gumbo
From the Heart of Southeast Texas
Events To Love
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2013 february
february 2013
Editor's Letter
Love Begot: An Event and Story to Tell
very Friday afternoon for four weeks Ernest Gerhardt Schluter left the Wharton, Texas Western
Auto classroom where he was learning to wire
electronics, mainly radios, and rode with some
buddies to the dance hall in Hungerford, just a
few miles up the road. Although he couldn’t afford
the dollar entry fee to the weekly social hotspot,
he enjoyed just standing outside watching a frizzy
redheaded woman dance with what appeared to be her five siblings.
Ernest thought the young woman was angelic and vowed to save
his money so he could go in and ask her to dance. On the fifth week,
he had four quarters and a dance with Bertha Krueger. They had a
lot in common, first-generation Americans of German
descent who worked hard all week to enjoy Friday
night before Saturday tasks. They were married
within the year and my father was born a few
years later.
How did you meet? It’s a question I love to ask
sweethearts because the answers are usually stories that evoke memories of happy times and deep
fondness, and people love to tell them.
Soul mates have been seated next to each
other on airplanes, assigned as chemistry
partners, introduced at weddings, set
up on blind dates, connected online
and, yes, eyed one another in bars.
My dad, Ernest Gerhardt Schluter,
Jr., a name you might have guessed,
saw my mom across the Wharton
High School band hall. He, a junior, was
first chair trumpet and she, a freshman, was last chair clarinet.
My husband and I were set up for a lunch date. We both ordered
salmon salad and raspberry tea but talked so much neither of us ate.
Our friendship turned to admiration, true love, and we will be married this month for nine years.
My aunt worked in the same building for a decade with a man she
paid no mind to until he shaved his heavy beard. They’ve been married now 20-plus years. My cousin recently married the love of his life
who he met when they were both resident attendants at the same
dorm in college. They fell in love while breaking up drunken parties
and mopping water from over-flowing toilets.
The stories of true love achieved are vignettes to celebrate especially in the month of February. Throughout this EventsBook read the
stories of lovers, sweethearts and friends. Interwoven in the details of
the Mr. Habitat Heartthrob party (pages 8 & 9), the American Heart
Association Heart Ball (page 28), and even the Orange Community
Players’ production Mama Won’t Fly (page 26), we tell the stories of
love and sweethearts.
In addition, we ask our department writers to tell us how they met
their beloveds. Brandon East, who is soon to be a father for the first
time, tells how he met his Anne (page 21), and Aime James, married to
Gusher Marathon man, Richard, describes their courtship, (page 33).
We’d be remiss if we didn’t include a story of lovers who met on
SoutheastTexas.com in the Singles’ Club, the only regional dating site,
(page 18).
So sprinkled among everything happening in Southeast Texas including concerts, Monster Trucks and the big Senior Celebration at
the Civic Center, enjoy the stories of love!
Thank you for reading the EventsBook
& Happy Valentine’s Day!
Carl a
2013 february
Rose Blount:
Girls’ Haven
in the
ose, we’d like you to be on the cover of the
EventsBook for February,” I said over the cell.
“Ahhh, no. I’m no cover girl. No absolutely
not,” was the emphatic reply of Rozanne “Rose”
Blount, a founding board member of Girls’Haven.
“Well I thought we’d have you standing with a gumbo pot.”
There was silence. She was listening, interested. I continued.
* Girls’Haven provides a
loving home, psychological and medical care or
referral services for more than 70 girls every year.
* The cost of providing services and housing
for one child is around $14,000 a year.
* Thank you to our current Board Members for their selflessness and dedication:
Rose Blount, Sheldra Brigham, John Ceravalo, LaAnn Ewing, Joe Fisher II,
Margueritte Humphrey, Dana Melancon, LaNell Wilson and Christy Mellen
Aspiring to he
lp girls
learn responsi
bility and hav
a well-rounde
d life with man
for success.
Providing a sa
fe place
can be turned
“In a story I’ll write about Girls’Haven and promote the Gumbo Festival.”
She went quiet but finally said, “Well, I do have a very large gumbo pot.” Her
voice was more congenial.
Gumbo seemed to be the key word, or was it Girls’Haven?
“I got a gumbo pot I could almost fit into,” she added.
“So you’ll be our cover girl after all,” I proposed the idea again?
“If it’s about Girls’Haven and gumbo, yes, I’ll do it,” she said resolved. “I’m
open tomorrow at 4:30 p.m.”
Rose is to Girls’Haven what roux is to gumbo. Like a rich butter or base that
thickens and holds a soup or gumbo together, Rose is and has been for 20
years a unifying strength ensuring that the girls of Girls’Haven have what they
need to succeed.
Case in point: on Christmas Eve 2012, Rose brought the 16 girls who now
reside at the 27,000-sq.ft. home on Fannin in Beaumont tamales, queso and
guacamole, because that’s what her family eats on Christmas Eve.
“The Board of Directors has made a commitment to the girls and staff to
keep it a home-like environment and not institutional. All bedrooms are decorated the way they (the girls) like it- closet and clothes and toys. They get taken care of the way I would take care of my daughter. They’re just a big family.”
Clearly, Tex Mex on Christmas Eve is not critical to a healthy and happy life;
but being loved, cared for and experiencing belonging is Rose’s goal for the
girls of Beaumont’s safe haven for girls ages 5 through 18.
“I want them to feel like we’ve taken them on as their extended family, which
is why we don’t have them out doing fundraising projects or going door-todoor. We want to provide stability and consistency.”
Even Rose is surprised at the stability that the Board of Girls'Haven has been
able to provide since the home’s inception in 1993. That’s when Mark and La
Nell Wilson asked Rose and a small group of friends to open the “girls” version of Boys’ Haven. They purchased a five-bedroom home on eight-acres on
the Eastex Freeway next door to current-day Triumph Church, which was The
Palace at that time.
Immediately the group home accommodated 10 girls including a distinguishing 11-year-old.
“She was so shy, she couldn’t even look me in the eye. But she was taller than
me. At the age of 11, this child, whose grandmother had just died and who had no
other mentally healthy family members to care for her, was so tall and precious.”
Within a few years, the Girls’Haven board recognized the need to help more
girls. They’d outgrown the living quarters and began discussions to expand.
Joe Penland, a community leader and owner of Quality Mat, Co., was a
february 2013
benefactor of Girls’Haven and supporter of the expansion. However,
he didn’t think the Eastex Freeway location was the safest and
proposed to the board that the
home be moved to a building he
had purchased for his business
purposes but had ultimately decided wasn’t practical
for the intended use. The building, formerly the Beaumont
Professional Mens’ Club at 3380 Fannin, needed renovating.
“We were shocked and surprised because we could barely pay
our utilities then. But the board talked and prayed and went back to
back to him (Joe) and said we couldn't afford upkeep if we moved
in. He offered to help us raise money for the renovation and
help with utility bills until we could do it ourselves. That’s when
we started the Evening Amid the Stars gala in addition to our
Gumbo Festival which we’d been doing for a couple of years.”
In addition, the Penlands host an invitational golf tournament every May at
the Beaumont Country Club benefiting Girls’Haven.
“It's amazing to me how far we've come. The big boost initially was the
new facility in 2000. It provided us with a lot more girls- swimming pool and
grounds and we were able to start a charter school now with 240 students in
K through eighth grades.”
The beauty of the charter school for the Girls’Haven residents is the proximity of school to home. The Ehrhart School is on the grounds of Girls’Haven. If
something happens at school, the girls are close to home and to their advocates.
The licensed school offers open enrollment to anyone who can provide
transportation to and from the school. It’s like a private school without tuition; the classes are small; everyone knows everyone.
In addition the Girls’Haven board also introduced a transitioning program. Girls
who graduate, get jobs or go to school can live in more apartment-like quarters on
the upper level of Girls’ Haven. They learn to pay bills, save money, obtain transportation and function in the real world before they actually live on their own.
“Whatever they need. One girl wanted to be a Westbrook Star, we found
the resources. One needed braces. Jack Brooks (former U.S. Congressman for
Southeast Texas) paid for them. We have angels in the community who help
with providing cars or college tuition. We have a good
track record in the community and lots of friends.”
And they have Rose Blount, who is most proud of
the 11-year-old who was one of the first residents of
Girls’Haven. Rose believes this child, now a young woman,
exemplifies what can happen when a community pulls
together and provides basic needs and a little caring.
“She is 27 years old, 6”3-tall and about to finish law
school. If it hadn't been for Girls’Haven I have no idea
what would have happened to her. If it hadn't been for
us getting her through middle school, high school and
ready for college- not sure what would have happened.”
One way Girls’Haven sustains its continuity
of care is through the Gumbo Festival.
February 23 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
In the Parkdale Mall Parking Lot
$7 for four sample bowls or one large bowl
Games. Prizes. Entertainment.
Rose and Brian BlountMeeting
Brian and I met through some mutual friends. I was from Memphis, Tennessee
and he was living in Jasper at the time. I made the move and we’ve been married 28 years.
Look for Brian’s band, Stone Cold Band, performing at the Gumbo Festival.
A Heartthrob is usually a good-looking, well-known man who contributes his time and talents for the enjoyment or benefit of others.
February 16 Southeast Texans will choose a heartthrob as Mr. Habitat 2013. Therefore, we thought it important to review ways to identify a heartthrob.
THE Physical Make-Up of a
True Heartthrob
See-through-you eyes
(Best for long engaging gazes.)
How to Know You’re in the
Presence of a Heartthrob
Lips, knees and/or your heart, which
is actually a pounding or throbbing
Inability to speak,
only staring is possible
1960s Beatles Mania Style
Velvety voice
(Close your eyes
and you think it’s
Luther Vandross or
Elvis Presley.)
hands clutch on and won’t let loose
End result of all of the above
Number of Women Who Think
a Heartthrob Looks Best in:
cowboy hat
jeans and boots
suit and tie
baseball cap
(Gives all to the things
he loves, like a charity–
Habitat for Humanity.)
(He thinks he is
just the boy next door.)
(Knows just how to
sweep you off your feet.)
Heart Throbs
Through the Decades
James Dean
Harry Belafonte
Sean Connery
Elvis Presley
Robert Redford
Paul Newman
John Travolta
Denzel Washington
George Clooney
Justin Bieber
Channing Tatum
johnny depp
five o'clock shadow
their arms
Boy Scout, baseball, police, etc., etc.
Unanimously the winner
having a heart for habitat
Mel Gibson
Mark Harmon
Tom Cruise
Brad Pitt
Percentage of people who will be be sure to attend
Mr. Habitat 2013, presented by Habitat For Humanity
of Jefferson County,
6 p.m., Feb. 16 at
the Event Centre...
Call for Mr. Habitat tickets, 409.838.5853.
Chemical engineer, graduate of Lamar who
loves attending his daughter’s dance functions. Says he has a special talent that will be
revealed the night of Mr. Habitat.
Saeed Serrant
Robin Strother
kasey nonette
Heartthrob Characteristics
Originally from the Bronx, this Port Arthur
Police Officer loves his three boys, a physical
challenge and making a difference in the community every day.
february 2013
It’s easy to see the passion. Long is the father
of seven children, owner and principal at
Long Architects and president of CASA. He has
also built Habitat houses and designed the
playhouses for CASA’s playhouse event. AND he
has coached soccer for more than 20 years.
JK Chevrolet’s pick for sure, Chester, the JK Fleet
and Commercial guy, is a sincere and loving
husband and father of two darling daughters. He
and his wife, Cheryl, who works for the Greater
Beaumont Chamber of Commerce, recently
moved back to Beaumont to be closer to family.
Infographics is loosely based on fact embellished with fun.
An adventurous guy who loves to do mission
work in Asia almost as much as he enjoys
making Texas highways great as a communications professional with the Texas Department
of Transportation.
Habitat Contestants & Their
This U.S. Marshall has got the broadest shoulders and most engaging eyes. A married family
man, committed to protecting the community
is definitely Heartthrob material.
Chester Jourdan
He sings and plays guitar and has been
Keller Williams Rookie of the Year. Reed is a
devoted single dad with a history of supporting
nonprofits including Boys' Heaven, Buckner
Children's Homes and the Salvation Army.
Marc Shephard
kevin reed
Sean Villery-Samuel
A member of the first graduating class of Ozen
and now a practicing attorney with The Samuel
Firm, Sean cherishes childhood memories of
fishing with grandparents and can’t wait to one
day be married and have a family of his own.
2013 february
From the
Heartof Southeast Texas
Events to
Here are 28 GREAT events, one for every day in February. Pick and choose or hit a few.
Morrissey with
Special Guest Kristeen Young
Your sweetheart will swoon when you
plan a night with indie rock and pop
lyricist and vocalist Steven Patrick
Morrissey at the Jefferson Theater February 16 at 8 p.m. Morrissey, a baritone,
is the former lead singer of The Smiths
known for his innovation in indie music and dynamic live performances.
Opening for Morrissey is Kristeen
Young, a keyboardist with a four-octave vocal range. Tickets prices range
from $42-$64 through the Beaumont
Civic Center box office at 409.838.3435.
Mike Epps LIVE!
Love laughing? Consider adult comedian Mike Epps, also an actor and
rapper, who pokes fun at anything
and everything serious, pop culture
and all people, oftentimes those
in the crowd. Get “Eppsie” February 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the Beaumont
Civic Center Complex where you
can get tickets in person or by calling
409.838.3435 or at all Ticketmaster
outlets. Ticket prices are $45.50.
Clay Shoot
If you’ve been hit by Cupid, do a little
shooting yourself at the Samaritan
Counseling Center of Southeast Texas’
2nd Annual Clay Shoot benefiting the
Center’s children’s programs, February
9 at 8 a.m. the 1-in-100 Gun Club in
Lumberton. Individual tickets are $125
but there’s savings in numbers so put
together a team or two to support
the cause while entertaining your
sweetie. Sponsorships are up to $5000.
Heart Ball
Ignite a flame at the Heart Ball, a dinner, dance and fundraising gala hosted by the Golden Triangle American
Heart Association, February 16 at 6
p.m. at the Holiday Inn Park Central.
During the formal evening honorees
Patti and Floyd McSpadden and Dr.
Robert Toups will be recognized for
the community contributions and
the Book of Days will perform live
music. Tickets are $150.
Girls’Haven Gumbo Festival
Here’s something to warm your heart
and your tummy- the 19th Annual
Girls’Haven Gumbo Festival February
23 from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. in the Parkdale
Mall parking lot closest to Dowlen
Road. Bring all of those peeps you’re
passionate about because there’s
food and fun for everyone and it all
benefits Southeast Texas’ Girls’Haven.
Cost is $7 for a large bowl or for four
mini “taster” bowls. Free parking
and admission. Call 409.832.6223 for
more information.
Taste of the Triangle
Foodie friends forever fork-up and
follow their cravings to Southeast
Texas’ 30th Taste of the Triangle, aptly
planned for Fat Tuesday on February 12
at Ford Exhibit Hall from 6:30-8:30 p.m.
General admission tickets are $20 and
feature samples from area restaurants
and beverage companies. Hosted by
the Sabine Area Restaurant Association
to raise funds for Southeast Texas civic
and charitable organizations and area
students who represent the future of
the food service industry, the event also
features VIP ticket opportunities. For a
pre-Taste of the Triangle ticket, cost for
two people is $150 and the event starts
at 5:00 p.m. Call 409-892-2752 or 409860-9811 or email tastetriangle@yahoo.
com for VIP tickets. General admission
tickets can be obtained at the Ford Park
box office or by calling 409-951-5400 or
at Ticketmaster outlets.
Pro Cars for Kids
Make your Valentine’s engine purr
with this thoughtful gift while also
making a donation to a great cause.
For a $35 donation to CASA of
Southeast Texas, you’ll get two free
oil changes to be used within the
year at Alton’s Automotive on North
Street at MLK. This 13th Annual Car
Pros for Kids awards 100 percent of
the proceeds to CASA. Call CASA
at 409.832.2272 or Alton’s Automotive,409.835.5378, to make your donation and secure your oil changes.
Ubi Caritas
Mardi Gras Extravaganza
Feel majestic mixing with royalty on
the night of the Ubi Caritas Mardi
Gras Extravaganza, February 9 at 6:30
Jay and Teri JenkinsMeeting
Must be that those who cater together stay together.
Although Jay and Teri met while both working in retail at Dryden’s in Mid
County 35 years ago, they now work for Cheddar’s and cater special events
together. Jay is not only a partner in Cheddar’s responsible for the I-10 restaurant’s operations, but he is also President of the Sabine Area Restaurant
Association, the organization that hosts the Taste of the Triangle annual
event. Find the Jenkinsons, Jay and his beloved wife Teri, serving ribs and
tenders at the Taste.
february 2013
are red,
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people performing the classics in the
me well
elegant environment of the magnifispent!
p.m. at the Holiday Inn & Suites. The
community is invited to celebrate
the Mardi Gras King and Queen. All
of the proceeds of the event go to
Ubi Caritas medical and dental clinic
in Beaumont’s South end. Cost to
attend is $50 per person or $500 for
reserved table of 10. Price includes
dinner and beer/wine bar and dancing to the music of Three Car Garage.
Dress is casual. Please call James
Grant at 409.832.1924 X115 for tickets and sponsor opportunities or
email jgrant@ubicaritas.org.
A Vintage Affair Wine Tasting
Show your affection by treating your
sweet to good food and wine at the
second annual “A Vintage Affair”
Wine Tasting February 1, from 7:3010 p.m. Sample an assortment of wine
varietals and a range of flavor profiles paired with cheeses, breads and
chocolates. Admission price is $35.00
per person for the regular tasting or
$100 per person to participate in the
premium seated tasting. Admission is
limited. Make reservations at www.
amset.org or by calling 409.832.3432.
Brilliance 10!
You. Your sweetie. Dark historic
theater. Romantic. It’s Brilliance 10!
an annual showcase of the very finest young talent in Southeast Texas.
Enjoy the awesome performances
of our most talented local young
cently restored historic Jefferson Theatre. General admission is $10; $5 for
seniors; free to students and children.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra
with Wynton Marsalis
A surefire way to heat up the passion
is to feel the fusion of 15 of the finest jazz soloists and ensemble players
who comprise The Jazz at Lincoln
Center Orchestra under the leadership of musical director, trumpeter,
composer and educator Wynton
Marsalis. Coming to the Lutcher Theater for the Performing Arts February
7 at 7:30 p.m. this remarkably versatile globetrotting orchestra performs
a vast repertoire, from rare historic
compositions to commissioned piec-
es, including works by Duke Ellington,
Count Basie and many others. Tickets
are available by calling 409.886.5535.
stomp, scream to “Born Free” and “All
Summer Long,” “All Night Long”, which
is the title of opening band, Buckcherry’s fifth album. Also opening for the
musician, rapper, singer-songwriter
Kid Rock- Hellbound Glory, a scumbag country band. Tickets are $86,
$60.50, $50.50 and $40.50. Call the
Ford Park box office at 409.951.5400.
Rebel Soul Tour:
Kid Rock Live in Concert
The rockin’ rebel soul for rebel hearts
is coming to town. The Rebel Soul
Tour: Kid Rock is coming to Ford
Park, February 7 at 7 p.m. Swing, sway,
Master Series 3:
Three Score and More
The sweet sounds of the Symphony
of Southeast Texas February 23 at the
Julie Rogers Theatre will make your
beloved swoon for certain.
2013 february
For this Master Series 3: “Three Score
and More,” Frank Huang will play
violin; Brinton Averil Smith, cello; and
Jon Kimura Parker, piano. Romanticism flows with the melodies of
Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto No. 3,
Prokofiev’s Classical Symphony and
Beethoven’s Concerto for violin, cello,
and piano, “Triple.” Tickets are $36 to
$12. Go online at www.sost.org or
call them at 409.892.2257.
Pipes and Drums of Blackwatch
Your and your darling’s hearts can beat
in unison to the drums of the Pipes and
Drums of Blackwatch, Scottish pipers
and drummers that not only serve in
the elite British Army machine gun platoon but also serve as musicians who
have inspired troops and intimidated
adversaries since 1745. The members of
the Black Watch and The Band of the
Scots Guards command the Lutcher
Theater for the Performing Arts stage
February 20 at 7:30 p.m. with a fantastic mixture of color, sound and military
flair. Call 409.886.5535 for tickets.
Keep your love simple but see the
drama of love and relationships in this
Bard on the Bayou series, Shakespeare's
shortest and bloodiest tragedy- MacBeth, February 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the
University Theater. With themes of
corruption and ambition, it is a chilling
exploration of what lengths humans
go to in the pursuit of power. Tickets
are $15 for general admission; $10 for
senior citizens, students and LU faculty/staff and $7 for LU students. Call
409.880.2250 to get yours.
A Night at the Museum
Family Arts Day
Take your littlest honeys to this free art
fun day on February 9, where they can
create works of art with mood lighting
while viewing the night scene paintings of Sarah Williams and the swamp
scene photographs of David Gibson,
currently on display at the Art Museum of Southeast Texas. From 10 a.m.
until 2 p.m. those with a heart for art
will have the opportunity to experiment making clay vessels after viewing
a collection of ceramics from the San
Angelo Museum of Art. Free fun!
Young Audiences, Young Artists
Here’s an intimate affair for the most
special of people in your life. Young
love and lovers who are young at
heart celebrate youth at the Home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frieberg for the
Young Audiences, Young Artists quarterly production. The February 10, 2
p.m. performance will feature Literary Students from Bridge City High
School. The cost to attend is $20.
Contact Stacie Jannise at 409.782.6859
or email her at yasetx@aol.com.
Lamar Basketball
With double hitters of women’s and
men’s basketball, who could miss?
Pick your date but know the differences. The Cards play Stephen
F. Austin February 2 (4 and 6 p.m.)
and it’s “Scout Out,” so all Scouts
get in free with a uniform or ID. On
February 9, McNeese (4 and 6 p.m.)
comes to town and LU will celebrate
its Alumni. When Nicholls comes to
the Montagne, February 19 (5:30 and
7:30 p.m.), all military personnel will
get in free. Wear pink at the February
28 (5:30 and 7:30 p.m.), hoops against
Central Arkansas, it’s a pink out!
Mardi Gras Parade Orange
The Mardi Gras Parade in historic
downtown Orange will be Saturday,
February 2, at 5 p.m. Line the streets,
catch the beads, see the glitter and
glam and enjoy the beautiful pageantry of this annual event. It’s a family affair so take all your sweethearts!
Mardi Gras in Port Arthur
Laissez le bon temp rouler with your
babe for days celebrating the fun and
excitement of Mardi Gras in Port Arthur. The events start on Thursday,
February 7 with a Courir (Heart) Parade at 4:45 p.m. followed by a concert
featuring the Philip Glyn Band and the
Sabine River Band. Friday, February 8th
festivities begin with music by The
Joel Martin Project and the Krewe of
Krewes Parade both at 7 p.m. followed
by a 10 p.m. Eastin Corbin Concert.
Saturday the parties in full swing beginning at 3 p.m. for the Royalty March, 4
p.m. the Pookie Marceaux Band, 5 p.m.
Motorcycle showcase, 5:30 p.m. concert with Chubby Carrier & The Bayou
Swamp Band and Motorcycle Run, 6:00
p.m. Krewe of Aurora Grand Parade,
8:30 p.m. Whiskey Myers concert and
10 p.m. Chris Cagle. If Saturday’s events
don’t wear you out, enjoy the Munchkin Parade at 2 p.m. on Sunday, music
by Gregg Martinez and the Delta Kings
at 3 p.m., Truck Parade at 4 p.m. and
closing concert with C.J. Chenier & The
Red Hot Louisiana Band at 6:30 p.m.
Boomtown Film
and Music Festival
Culture your cutie during two days
of art, music and film for the Boomtown Film and Music Festival, February 22-23 at different venues including
Lamar University, Tequila Rok and the
Spindletop Gladys City Boomtown
Museum. This annual event claims to
showcase the most cutting-edge musical acts of Southeast Texas, as well as
fiercely independent films. For more information see their Web site at boomtownfestival.com or call 409.422.9030.
Lagniappe Film
and Music Festival
Give something extra to the love of
your life- tickets to The Lagniappe
Film and Music Festival kicking off
February 28 through March 3 at
varying venues and including numerous films, more than 30 musical acts,
vendor booths and contests. LFMF
is dedicated to the discovery and advancement of the very best independent films and musicians from around
the world and it’s happening right
here in Southeast Texas. For more information, call 409.422.3378 or email
info@thelagniappefestival.com. Their
Web site is thelagniappefestival.com.
St. Mark’s Artists’ Series
Presents the Stephen F. Austin
State University A Cappella Choir
One of the finest choirs in the U.S. is
coming to St. Mark’s Church in downtown Beaumont February 24 at 4 p.m.
and you could be there with your most
precious sweetheart. Stephen F. Austin State University A Cappella Choir
back from a European performing tour
through Austria and the Czech Republic is a 52-voiced choir renowned for
nearly 50 years. The concert is free. For
more information call 409.832.3405.
Trash Off
Because romance is different for different people, there’s the opportunity
to bond through beautification at the
Shangri Community Trash-Off. Help
beautify the streets of the Orange area
and the banks of Adams Bayou by
picking up litter Saturday, February 9
from 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Participants meet
at Orange Lions Park and afterwards
regroup at the park for complimentary
pizza and soda. For more information
on participating in the Annual Community Trash-Off, call 409.670.0803 or
visit www.shangrilagardens.org.
Kountze Trade Days
Stroll through the 250-plus vendors at
Kountze Trade Days hand-in-hand. It’s
romantic until you get so many packages you have to get practical and just be
happy to be together. Held the fourth
weekend of the month on Hwy 69 in
Kountze, this massive event has food,
shopping, kiddo activities and more
shopping. There is a $2 parking fee.
First Thursday
Eclectic and electric is Beaumont’s
downtown the First Thursday of every month- February 7 this month.
Call it a prelude to Valentine’s Day
and take your favorite for food and
dining, shopping sidewalk vendors
and enjoying live music. Events center around The Mildred Building at
Calder and Martin Luther King Blvd.
Katharine & Company serves dinner
and all of the boutiques are open for
browsing. Festivities are from 5-9 p.m.
Oyster Supper
Share your love of oysters at First United
Methodist Church’s Annual ALL YOU
CAN EAT Oyster Supper in downtown
Beaumont on Calder at Pearl. Enjoy
oysters fried, raw, in gumbo or chow-
february 2013
der or in chicken sausage gumbo. Dine
in or get your order to go. Meals come
with cole slaw and French fries. Presale
tickets for this February 23 event are
$25 or $30 at the door. Feeding time is
4:30-7 p.m. and proceeds support missions in the community. Get your tickets by calling 409.832.0295.
Salsa for Two
It takes two to Tango, Merengue or
mambo so go salsa dancing! City Dance
Center will teach you and your partner
how to tear up the dance floor. Six
weeks of beginner/ intermediate salsa
workshops run on Mondays, February
4-March 11 at 7:30 p.m. for one hour.
The first three weeks will be beginner
material and the last three weeks will
be intermediate level. Students will
have the option of doing all six weeks
or just the beginner or intermediate
portions. The cost for six weeks is $70.
The cost for a three-week session only
is $40. No partner is needed. Consider
also a four-week advanced workshop
on Mondays from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m.
from February 4-25. Cost is $50 for the
session. Call 409.833.7222.
2013 february
social seen februaryReed
tants Kevin
1. Habitat Heartthrob contes
up competition
and Chester Jourdan served
at Goodfellas.
at the Celebrity Waiter event
Wayne Evans
2. Dale Champagne and
celebrate the ribbon cutting
Hair Salon.
John Wayne and Company
after the
3. Enjoying breakfast treats
at Rao’s:
Resolution Run on
Young, 10
Adriana Young, 14, and
stin Bennefield,
4. Painting with a Twist art
Stephanie Garza
Ashley Hebert (PWAT owner
nd in front of the
(PWAT Studio Manager) sta
ed mural at the
Painting with a Twist design
h Street.
Altus Cancer Center on 11t
d and Mary Jowers
5. Former Mayor Evelyn
ter Birthday
attend the Altus Cancer Cen
nting contributions
celebration to view their pai
and eat a little cake.
lary Dean,
6. We found Jarrod Daigle, Hil
and Debbe Bridgeman
Chad Dupuis, Whitney
hosted Rotary
at the Better Business Bureau
after hours party.
february 2013
2013 february
A Taqueria for Anytime: Pancho’s
The next time you drive by Pancho’s Taqueria (corner of Laurel and MLK) on your way
Downtown, turn into the parking lot, go inside, take a seat and be prepared for mouthwatering amazement. Open for breakfast, lunch, dinner and the infamous “fourth-meal,”
this taqueria packs a ton of flavor for incredibly reasonable prices, perpetually leaving you
wanting more! Authentic tacos, enchiladas, fried quesadillas (yep, fried), chilaquilles, madeto-order tortillas and tortas are just a few of the local crowd pleasers. Our favorite time
to visit this joint is for Saturday brunch, or if we’re feeling adventurous, you might find us
there at midnight scarfing down a platter of Tacos al Pastor. Trust us, it’s love at first bite.
Details: Pancho’s Taqueria
Cuisine: Mexican
Address: 150 North MLK (Beaumont)
Phone: 409-832-8226
Hours: Tuesday – Thursday 9am – 10:30pm
Friday 7:00am – 4:00am
Saturday 7:00am – midnight Sunday
Highlights: Chicken Enchiladas with Verde Sauce, Chilaquilles,
Fried Quesadilla, Homemade tortillas
february 2013
Be a Gourmet Chef for your
Valentine in 4 Easy Steps
By Tabetha Franklin
Main Dish Studio Kitchen
If you are looking to create a gourmet dinner for your sweetheart without breaking
the bank, or your back, consider a nice dinner at home with an entrée worthy of a fine
dining experience. We love this quick salmon dish, it’s super easy and you can save a
bundle by picking up a bag of salmon at Sam's (usually has about 7 fillets). I cook the entire bag using this recipe because the leftovers are to die for days afterward! Just crumble
the leftover fillets over a crisp salad or in a wrap the next day. I love a double duty dish
and this goes easily from "gourmet" to "next day" with rave reviews.
Broiled Salmon
with Pesto Mayonnaise
4 pieces of salmon fillet
2 Tablespoons lemon juice
3 Tablespoons mayonnaise
1/4 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
1 Tablespoon prepared pesto
1. Preheat broiler. Line baking sheet or broiler pan with foil and set aside. Rinse
fish in cold water and pat dry.
2. In a large Ziploc bag, combine olive oil, lemon juice and Italian seasoning. Add
salmon, then squeeze out air and seal. Gently massage fish to coat and set aside.
3. For Pesto Mayonnaise, stir mayo and pesto together in a small bowl and set aside.
4. Remove salmon from bag and place on baking
sheet. Discard marinade. Broil fish 4-6 inches from
heat for 3-4 minutes. Turn fish and cook for 4-6
more minutes more or until fish flakes easily when
tested with a fork. Serve with Pesto Mayonnaise.
Tips, tricks, an
d failures
from my Pinter
est boards
By Emily
Planning a specia
l evening by cand
lelight this Valent
Day? Spray the
inside of your vo
tive holders with
coat of cooking
spray. Once the
celebration is ov
the candles have
er and
melted, you won
’t have to worry
peeling out the
"Mix together 1/4
cup of canola or
olive oil and 3/4 cu
egar to repair da
p vinmaged wood. Dip
a rag in the mixt
wipe.” This simpl
ure and
y doesn't work an
d there are other
you can do for da
maged wood inclu
ding using wood
ture and floor repa
furniir markers. Try th
at instead.
s.com is
compatible wit
h Pinterest!
Tabetha and Danny FranklinMeeting
I met my husband, Danny, through a coworker who invited me to attend a crawfish boil at
his house. Later I found out that Danny had a couple of other girls at the event who came to
meet him as well. But as it turned out, I was the one he asked out on a date. Our first date was
to Bennigan's for dinner and to the movie to see Pretty Woman. Seems like forever ago. This
year we will celebrate 20 years of marriage.
2013 february
My hot spot for a cool time in Southeast Texas
SoutheastTexas.com’s Singles’ Club Makes Sweetheart Deal
Patricia “Trish” Provencio and Russell Peveto will
say their nuptials on Valentine’s Day after meeting on SoutheastTexas.com’s Singles’ Club, which
makes SoutheastTexas.com’s Singles’ Club this
month’s featured hotspot and Trish and Russell…
well, a sweetheart of a deal.
Trish tells their love story:
I registered in SoutheastTexas.com’s Singles’ Club
in early October, 2012. I put up a profile, which
included pictures and detailed information about
me. Initially, I wanted to just make some new
friends and meet local people because, although
I was from Sulphur, LA, I had recently moved back
home after living in Dallas.
Russell emailed me toward the end of October
and I replied a few days later. I only wanted to talk
on the phone because I’d been burned by a couple
of men I’d talked to on some other sites. I wanted
to get to know each other a little before meeting
in person.
Our first phone call was on November 5. Our
phone chats were always long and I could not wait
to talk again after we'd finally hang up.
As it turned out, Russell, who was also from Sulphur, was really only looking for someone to go to
a movie or dinner with occasionally. Through our
phone conversations it became clear to each of us
how much we had in common.
We met in person on November 12 at a park in
Lake Charles. There was chemistry, and we could
finish each other’s thoughts almost immediately!
We’ve been inseparable since.
He proposed on Christmas Eve, over the store
intercom at Kroger in our hometown of Sulphur.
Of course I said yes, and our wedding will take
place this Valentine’s Day.
SoutheastTexas.com’s Singles’ Club is great because I felt secure knowing that my personal information was hidden. It was easy to use because the
emails sent by others using the site were forwarded
directly to my personal email. On other matching
sites, I was getting emails from men all over the
world, not just locals looking to meet other people
I also like how the site has many separate sections for whatever you desire, including an area
dedicated to the Singles’ Club, making the site easy
to navigate.
SoutheastTexas.com’s Singles’ Club is a free online resource for people who want to make friends
or find their soul mates. There are more than
16,000 singles utilizing this service. Join today by
creating a profile. And if you’ve used the service
and found your true love, tell us. We’d love to hear
about it. Email shelly@southeasttexas.com.
cartoon corner
Sheriff, I got a great idea!
You can be the king at the Ubi Caritas
Mardi Gras Extravaganza!
You already got the costume down:
Green, purple and a little gold...
Just show up at the Holiday Inn February 9th
and you’re sure to win!
Yeah! You’re right!!!
When you eat the
King Cake...
don’t eat
the baby!
february 2013
bee aware
My Friend Apis
By Elizabeth Waddill
Magnolia Garden Club's BEE
AWARE conservation campaign
Meet my good friend Apis mellifera.
You may have seen her around town;
she lives in a commune nearby with
around 45,000 others who all work in
perfect harmony. She is vital and well
connected to all of us, though you may
never even noticed her. She forages
and dances among the flowers and we
taste the fruits of her labor in every
jar of honey, as well as apples, broccoli, strawberries, nuts, asparagus,
blueberries and cucumbers. She is a
big deal in the food industry. In fact,
according to the U.S. Department
of Agriculture, a third of the food
we eat is a result of her pollination
skills. I am talking about our friend the
honey bee.
In a continued effort to “BEE Aware,”
The Magnolia Garden
Club and The Beaumont
Farmer’s Market are
sponsoring a FREE
community screening of the award
documentary, Queen of
the Sun... What are the Bees Telling
Us? This beautiful piece of cinema
takes an in-depth look at the global
bee crisis and takes us on a journey
of the catastrophic disappearance of
bees and the fascinating world of the
beehive. This engaging and uplifting
film weaves an unusual and dramatic
story of the struggle of beekeepers,
scientists and philosophers as they
consider the plight of the honey
bee. Together they reveal both the
problems and the solutions in renewing a culture in balance with
nature. The film has won
numerous awards and has
been described by Box Office Magazine as “the feel
good advocacy film of
the year.”
The date for the showing is Thursday, February 21st at the historic Jefferson Theater in downtown
Beaumont. Beginning at 5:30,
Chef Monica Cobb will have
her fabulous food truck set
up right outside the theater offering special honey Bành Mons
for sale. The lobby will showcase
like-minded community groups and
organizations from 5:45 p.m. until the
movie starts at 6:30 p.m. We are busy
assembling a panel of local bee experts for a question and answer session following the screening. So buzz
on over... it will be the place to BEE!
A few things you can do to help the bees:
1. Plant bee-friendly flowers and flowering herbs in your
garden and yard. A few examples are lilacs, lavender, sage,
verbenia, wisteria, mint, honeysuckle, sunflowers and rosemary.
2. Weeds can be good. Let your clovers and dandelions grow!
Wildflowers, many which are technically classified as weeds,
are some of the most important food sources
for native North American bees.
3. Don’t use pesticides to treat you lawn or garden. Chemicals
and pest treatments damage the honeybee’s systems.
4. Buy local, raw honey.
5. Bees are thirsty. Put a small basin of fresh water
outside your home.
6. Buy local, organic food.
7. Understand that honey bees
aren’t out to
get you.
Elizabeth and Russ Waddill Meeting
Russ and I met at TCU when our fraternity / sorority did a show called "frog follies" together.
He was of course the lead and I was just filling up the stage in the background. I thought he
had an amazing voice and was (and still is!) really cute. After a few months he finally asked
me on a date and we were engaged 18 months later. Russ’ band, The Book of Days, will play
at The Heart Ball February 16.
2013 february
Tell them "be mine" with the perfect bottle of wine
By Gerald Patrizi
Wine Manager at Debb’s Liquor
What makes a wine masculine or feminine? Is
there a gender distinction when it comes to grape
varietals? Does it really matter?
There is a difference and this month it matters.
February is the month to give your sweetheart a
Valentine’s gift, and I can’t think of anything better to give than a bottle of wine befitting your beloved. Man or woman, wine is the perfect gift. But
you wouldn’t give a light, sweet Zinfandel to your
big, brawny guy or a full-bodied, dry wine to your
feminine babe.
Wines are usually purchased for food pairings,
but the drinker’s preferences, especially when wine
is a gift, must be considered.
For example, with a heavy food dish like red meat,
you want a more full-bodied wine. For lighter meals
like salad, chicken and fish, you’d select a white wine.
Similarly, a wine for a man should be more hearty
and robust while a wine for a woman delicate, unoaked or wine processed to eliminate the oak flavor.
If you’re buying for a man this
Valentine’s Day consider:
Folie a Deux ($19.99),
which means passion shared by two. This is a full
bodied Cabernet with a taste of cedar and hints of
chocolate. It goes great with red meat. Some people think it’s a great wine to pair with chocolate.
7 Deadly Zins ($15.99).
This is one of my favorites for all occasions. It’s a
red Zinfandel, hence the “Zins” and goes with the
same hardy foods as the Folie does but also shines
with grilled meat. You’ll taste spicy berry fruits, like
blackberries and raspberries.
Petit Petit by Michael and David Winery ($20).
It’s a Petit Shirah but a big wine. It’s very masculine
and perfect with hardy foods. There is a real earthiness to this wine that has a circus label. Some call
this earthiness a little bit of barnyard but I like to
call it old world flavor.
Girly wines this Valentine’s, try:
Rosa Regale Sparkling Red from Banfi ($20.79).
It is absolutely the best. Just imagine a liquid spar-
Chocolate Amore from
($26. 39).
drink in one.
Again a delicious, luscious
chocolate dessert wine.
Chocolate and Raspberry
chocolate wines ($10)
Available in full bottles, these
wines are thin, more wine
like and very good dessert
wines. No food required.
kling raspberry. Consume it with chocolate, raspberries and strawberries. The wine matches the
sweetness levels of these super scrumptious foods.
Filo ($17.89)
Here’s another sparkling varietal. Filo is an
Italian Red Paladin or sparkling Rosa. It
has the same flavor profile as the Rosa.
In addition here are two wines for
chocolate lovers, man or woman.
Forgo the box of chocolates and instead try one of these high-alcohol
content, port-style wines that
come in half bottles. Both are
thick enough to pour over ice
cream or you can just sip:
Desiree for Rosenblum
This fabulous dessert wine
needs no food. It is food and
Gerald and Stacey PatriziMeeting
Stacey and I met during Hurricane Ike. She was an older sister of my stepson's girlfriend
who came to the house during the evacuation. We stayed up talking as the hurricane
moved through and I guess you could say we had a whirlwind romance. We’ve been married
a year now, and she loves sweet Boudreaux wines.
february 2013
brew review
Loving Stouts
By Brandon East
Outside of the IPA (India Pale Ale) and Wild
Ales, it is the stout style of beer that has American craft brewers and beer drinkers mesmerized. In
fact, the oatmeal stout was my first style of homebrew in early 2006. For the past 30 years, American
brewers have passionately tinkered with stouts to
develop a drink that is more creative and complex
than the classic Irish and English styles. Here in the
U.S., the hops and roasted notes are emphasized,
and so is the alcohol content. These components
can vary to give stout heavy or mild notes of coffee, chocolate, caramel and resin pine.
Stout and porter beers share very similar characteristics and each brewer of these styles has their own
variations of malt and hops strength. Additions can
include oatmeal, lactose, chocolate and in some of
the more double/imperial stout styles brewers may
use oak-barrel and stave aging with and without spirits like bourbon, rye whiskey, rum, scotch, coffee, dried
fruits, spices and more, all in an effort to layer flavors,
aromas, and the mouth feel of the stout. I won't focus
on the Double/Imperial stout this month, rather on
the single stout styles known as American Stout, Oatmeal Stout and Milk/Sweet Stouts.
American Stouts
It’s still a mystery why Saint Arnold Brewing Co.
doesn't have a stout or porter offering in their yearround portfolio. If you can find a six-pack of their
Winter Stout seasonal on the shelves, I recommend
picking one up and supporting your local Texas
brewery. It won't be the most complex American
stout on the market, but it’s a good starting point.
As you may have read in last month's Brew Review, Deschutes Brewery also produces an amaz-
ing porter, Black Butte. Obsidian is a staple in my
fridge and in my opinion, Obsidian (along with
Sierra Nevada Stout) is the best benchmark for the
American Stout style- sans any adjuncts or flavor
additions; just water, hops, barley and yeast. Layers of flavor and aromas include citrus hops, semisweet chocolate, crunchy bread crust, licorice, near
burnt marshmallow, ash, heavy malt and coffee
that finishes hoppy and lingers, begging you to
take the next sip. It is remarkable how easy Obsidian is to drink in light of its many complexities.
Oatmeal Stout
This beer is a tad sweeter than the American
drier stouts like Obsidian, plus the addition of oats
that balance out the bitterness and round out the
mouth feel to give it a more medium body.
Samuel Smith Oatmeal Stout (Tadcaster, England
5.0% ABV) is a smooth, slightly sweet, balanced
and exceptionally flavorful. I think it might be the
best oatmeal stout in the world, period. It has a
nice roasted malt character and the flavor of the
oats is apparent with touches of coffee and milk
chocolate. Then, the hops peek through enough to
become noticeable at the end of each sip. It is medium bodied and the mouth feel has crispness that
holds tight onto each bottle’s carbonation with a
minimally creamy finish. A true classic.
Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout is brewed by Left
Hard brewery in Longmont, Colorado, the first
craft brewery in the world to put nitrogen in bottled beer. Guiness Draught has a widget in their
cans and bottles to assist with eliminating container pressure, but Left Hand does it all without
the plastic in the brew and accomplishes a very
similar cascading effect: an awesome creamy head!
Launched in February 2012 this nitrogen-filled
version of their regular milk stout, became an instant favorite of mine. When poured hard into the
glass, you get that great cascading appearance and
frothy tan cap. It’s quite sweet, nutty and herbaceous with hints of dark fruit, dark chocolate and
milk, and it finishes with solid carbonation.
Milk/Sweet Stout
Yeast in beer can convert certain added sugars,
so in many cases lactose that cannot ferment is
added in the boiling stage to this stout style to create a creamy mouth feel and add sweetness to the
finish to balance out bitterness that comes along
with heavily roasted malts.
Brandon and Anne EastMeeting
Brandon and
It was love at first sight when I met Anne Russell at a mutual friend's party in late 1999. She
was finishing her junior year of high school and I was one year ahead of her. She was unlike
anyone I'd ever met; cute, amazingly friendly, independent, smart and shy but undoubtedly
a class act. We talked a bit that evening and saw each other sporadically over the next few
years, but I never worked up the nerve to ask her out. Over the summer of 2003, I was finishing up my third year at Texas Tech when Anne, also a junior now at Ole Miss, and I began
dating. To this day I still remember what she wore on our first date at the original Katharine &
Company on Calder, which at the time had only one table and a couple of chairs. Things got
more serious over that summer and we continued our long-distance relationship and visited
each other at college, which began my love for Ole Miss, The Grove, and the town of Oxford.
Anne made all of my dreams come true on December 23, 2004 when she, the girl that I
never thought I’d have a chance with, said yes to my proposal inside the new Katharine &
Company, over candlelight and a dinner. Moments later we were embraced by our families
who I invited to join us for the most memorable evening of my life.
Eight years later, we are now embarking on another chapter of our life together as we prepare to welcome our daughter, Caroline, here in late March. Anne and I could not be happier.
2013 february
SoutheastTexas.com STATS january
What happened in the month of
january? The numbers explain it.
Classified ad listings from antique cars to
music instruments to wedding dresses.
Auto listings for new and used cars, hot
rods, convertibles, trucks and motorcycle.
Resumes ready for employers' review.
Real Estate listings for homes, commercial
property and rentals.
Active singles postings (See this month’s
“Hotspot” about singles meeting, page 18.)
If you want to buy and sell local, YOUR best choice is SoutheastTexas.com.
Contact live support at www.southeasttexas.com/help/index2.cfm or call 409-832-9869, Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm.
february 2013
classified pick of the month
Give a Valentine’s Bouquet That Lives Forever
Wine loving Valentines will adore a bottle bouquet: a piece of cut
birch wood designed to hold two or four glasses and a bottle of wine.
Bouquets come in four different designs:
Round Robin: Round that holds four glasses
Butler: An X shape with curves that holds four glasses
Square Diamonds: Square and diamond cut that holds four glasses
Duet: Most customized that holds two glasses
All bouquets can be customized by color and edging- smooth,
round, beveled- and painted, stained or antiqued.
Husband and wife team Ron and Joan Bassana design and create
the bouquets, as well as a large selection of crosses.
Bouquets cost between $15 and $25 depending on style and extent of customization and can be picked up at the Bassana’s workshop. Orders can be shipped for an additional fee. Wine and glasses
are not included.
To order, contact the Bassanas at bassana1@yahoo.com or call
Ron and Joan Bassana Meeting
This creative couple knew each other in high school but never
“hung out,” according to Ron. Ron went to the Marines; Joan went
to college. Then three years ago they ran into each other in church,
and they’ve been together ever since.
Are you a Southeast Texas artisan who advertises on SoutheastTexas.com? Contact us to be
featured in this section. Call 409-201-9934 or email shelly@southeasttexas.com.
2013 february
visual arts
Artist reveals “Moments” through paintings
goal is not to represent a thing. It is to feel something about that object. I never know what I am
going to feel when I begin a painting.” She adds that
when she comes across objects or situations that
speak to her, she paints to discover that message.
Fontenot’s journey began in Mamou, La., where
she was raised surrounded by rice field prairies and
wide open skies. She earned a bachelor’s degree in
interior architecture and a minor in architectural
history from Louisiana State University. In 1984
Fontenot was married and moved to Beaumont.
From 1993 to1997 she and her family lived in
Yanbu, Saudi Arabia and traveled to other countries in the region. Upon her return to Southeast
Texas, she said she decided to pursue painting and
studied at Lamar University for two years. She has
studied professionally with Jerry Newman, Ruth
By Melissa Tilley
Artist Cynthia Fontenot’s process of painting
is a journey of discovery. She finds inspiration in
ordinary objects and her subjects include still life,
landscapes and people she crosses in her everyday
life. As she develops her paintings, they evolve into
expressions of those experiences.
“I love to paint,” Fontenot said. “When I paint my
Orr, Shirley Peel and Frank Gerrietts.
Fontenot said she decided to paint “seriously”
three years ago. “I don't believe anyone decides to
be creative,” she said. “I also believe creativity is just
a natural human response to life.”
An exhibition of Fontenot’s artwork called “Moments” can currently be seen in the Art Museum
of Southeast Texas Café Arts through April 21.
About the collection of artwork, Fontenot said, “I
like squares. Squares are stationery. Unlike circles,
triangles, or rectangles, squares automatically impose a static quality to our focus. These paintings
represent single points in thought or feeling. They
are representations of reflections over my experiences of the last few years. I wanted to keep the
subject in a very shallow depth of field to emphasize an immediate presence of thought.”
featured exhibits
Cynthia Fontenot,
oil on canvas,
55” x 55”
Art Museum of Southeast Texas
500 Main, Beaumont, 409-832-3432
- Sarah Williams: Remote America
Through April 7
- Edge of Mists: Photography
by David H. Gibson
Through April 7
- San Angelo Ceramics
Through April 7
- Café Arts: Art by Cynthia Fontenot
Through April 19
- Protégé High School
Art Competition and Exhibition
February 22-March 24
A Night at the Museum Family Day
February 9 at 10 a.m.
Protégé High School
Art Competition and Exhibition
February 21 at 6 p.m.
Beaumont Art League
2675 Gulf, Beaumont, 409-833-4179
Melissa and Dustin Tilley Meeting
- Are We There Yet? Traveling the
Art Road. Works by Curtis Schnell
February 9-23
Dishman Art Museum
1030 E. Lavaca, Beaumont, 409-880-8959
- Modern Impulses
I met my husband, Dustin, as he pursued me among the yellow-lockered halls of LC-M High School our sophomore
year. His teenage persistence and finally a dinner date to Ninfa's paid off, as we have now been together about 15 years
and will celebrate our ninth wedding anniversary in June. High school sweethearts may be cheesy, but the thought that
we have already spent almost half our life together comforts my heart.
and Surreal Dreams
Through February 22
Museum of the Gulf Coast
700 Procter St., Port Arthur, 409-982-7000
- The Texas Pop Music Festival Revisited
Through March 24
Stark Museum of Art
712 Green Ave., Orange, 409-886-2787
- Mastering Fish:
American Natural History Illustrations
Through April 20
I Heart Family Day
February 16 at 9 a.m.
W. H. Stark House
610 W. Main Avenue, 409.883.0871
- Director’s Favorite Items on Display
Through April 20
- W.H. Stark House Celebrates Victorian Valentine’s Day
Through April 16
W.H. Stark House Create Your Own
Victorian Valentine at The W. H.
Stark House, Carriage House behind
the Stark House
12, 13, 14, 15, 16 beginning at 9 a.m.
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mobile app at
See the latest visual arts exhibits, openings,
and more in Southeast Texas by visiting
february 2013
2013 february
performing arts
Mama Won’t Fly
Dedicated to Playhouse Sweetheart, Relative of Playwright
On Valentine’s Day, the Orange
Community Players will perform the
first of seven productions of Mama
Won’t Fly, a production dedicated to
one of their founding members who is
also a cousin of one of the playwrights.
Johnnie Faye “Jeff” Hattman, along
with her husband, Samuel C. “Sam”
Hattman, were founding members
of the Orange Community Players.
Jeff died last May but the Players are
paying tribute to this sweetheart of
the theater, remembering her for her
talent, hard work and diligence to
establish the Community Playhouse
and direct quality productions.
Since the founding of the Playhouse
in 1951, Jeff directed Hello Dolly, Music
Man, Quilters, the entire Nunsense
series, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and South Pacific,
in addition to 12 musicals and 12 oneact plays during her 34-year teaching
career at Cove Elementary and Little
Cypress Mauriceville High School.
“Jeff was a perpetual cheerleader
for the people in her life. There are
many individual stories of how Jeff
inspired and encouraged people
to follow their dreams,” said Codie
Vasquez, director of Mama Won’t Fly
and long-time member of the Orange Community Players. “I wanted
to give directing a try and when I
mentioned to Jeff that I was ‘thinking
about it,’ Jeff brought me a script and
said, ‘This is what you need to do.’ I
fell in love with the script and di-
rected my first Jones Hope Wooten
comedy, Dearly Beloved, where Jeff
served as producer and performed
her last cameo appearance on stage.”
As a tribute to Jeff, the Orange
Community Players are presenting
the production of Mama Won’t Fly
because it’s a script the playwrights
dedicated to her when it was released.
“The playwright, Jones Hope Wooten, invited Jeff to the Crighton Community Playhouse in Conroe for the
World Premier of Mama Won’t Fly in
September 2011, where she was surprised to learn that the script for the
comedy had been dedicated to her,”
said Vasquez. “The inscription found
on the inside of every copy of the
script reads, ‘With love and admiration,
we dedicate this play to Jeff Hattman,
whose passion for and commitment
to the theatre continues to inspire us.’”
The play is one of more than
21,000 productions and 16,000 performances of Jones Hope Wooten
Playwrights, and Nicholas Hope is
Jeff’s first cousin.
Mama Won’t Fly is a six women,
two man performance and the story
of a daughter’s comedic race against
time to get her mother to her brother’s wedding, which ain’t just down
the road a bit. Mama Won’t Fly from
Alabama to California and the wedding is in four days. To add to the
cross-country misadventure that
includes a side trip to Vegas, a maddash across the desert in a hijacked
18-wheeler and a near-death experience in an underwear museum, the
bride-to-be, Hayley Quinn, decides
the best way to get to know her inlaws is to join them on the journey.
Mama Won’t Fly was not originally
scheduled for this season. Instead,
The Red Velvet Cake Wars was set for
the February production. However
Jeff’s unexpected passing last spring
caused the Orange Community
Players to make some changes.
“Jeff’s 50 years of work and support
for our community theater has left
a legacy, and the Board of Directors
chose to dedicate the entire 20122013 season to her life and work,” said
Vasquez. “The board also made the
decision to keep Nunsense A-Men! in
the lineup. It will be directed by Jeff’s
long-term friend and fellow board
member, Diana Hill, and will feature
the cast that Jeff hand selected.”
Nunsense A-Men! is set to kick off May
9 but in the meantime Mama Won’t Fly
performances are February 14, 15, 16,
21, 22, 23 at 7:30 p.m. and February 24
at 2:35 p.m. Tickets are $40 for adults
and $25 for students. Call the Orange
Community Playhouse at 409.363.2541
or orangecommunityplayers.com.
Lutcher Theater for the
Performing Arts Center, 409.886.5535
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
February 1 at 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra
with Wynton Marsalis
February 7 at 7:30 p.m.
The Pipes and Drums
of the Black Watch
February 20 at 7:30 p.m.
Rhythm of the Dance (The National Dance Company of Ireland)
February 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Betty Greenburg Center for the
Performing Arts, 409.833.4664
Hay Fever- Play
1, 2 at 7:30 p.m.
The Importance of Being Earnest
February 22, 23 at 7:30 p.m.
Orange Community Playhouse,
Mama Won’t Fly
February 14, 15, 16, 22, 23 at 7:30 p.m.
and 24 at 2:30 p.m.
Port Arthur Little Theatre,
9 to 5 The Musical
February 15, 16, 17, 21, 22 and 23
at 7:00 p.m.
Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown
Museum, 409.880.1750
My Aim is True
February 9, 15 & 16 at 7:30 p.m.
Jeff holding the award given to OCP for
Outstanding Arts Organization 2011 by
the Southeast Texas Arts Council.
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Part of the cast of Mama Won't Fly
Set the stage for a great time with these
performing arts in Southeast Texas at
Home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Frieberg,
Young Audiences, Young Artists
February 10 at 2 p.m.
University Theatre, 409.880.2250
February 28 at 7:30 p.m.
february 2013
Strong Southeast Texas Families Distinguished & Celebrated
Family Services of Southeast Texas
helps keep families fit and healthy,
and this month the nonprofit organization is recognizing the most
flourishing families in the area.
On Thursday, February 28 Family
Services of Southeast Texas will host its
11th Annual Celebrate Families Luncheon at the MCM Eleganté ballroom.
Four groups of people will be recognized during the fundraising luncheon, the first being Dr. and Mrs.
Jimmy Simmons. The retiring Lamar
University President and his wife, Susan, will be named Family of the Year.
“When our committee talked
about this award, we focused on the
importance families place on spending time together,” said Alison Howell, development consultant for Family Services of Southeast Texas. “The
Simmons have close family relationships and a lot of family traditions. As
a family they give a lot to the community, and one of the factors for Dr.
Simmons retiring is so that he can
spend more time with family.”
Texas Coffee Company will be
distinguished as the Family Business
of the Year. Since 1921, Texas Coffee Company has been an icon of
Southeast Texas business. Portions of
proceeds from pounds and pounds
of coffee, and in more recent years,
TexJoy seasonings and spices, sold has
gone to support local charities including Family Services of Southeast Texas. Third generation family members
and managers of the internationally
distributed products business Carlos
J. Busceme, III, Joseph F. Fertitta, Jr. and
Donald P. Fertitta will be recognized
for their thriving family business and
vigorous support of the community.
The Southeast Texas Foster Grandparent Program, a program of the
Southeast Texas Regional Planning
Commission, is being honored for its
care of children, and Family Services’
women’s and children’s shelter and
will be named Family Services Volunteer of the Year.
According to Howell, two foster
grandparents go to the shelter every day and watch children so that
moms can attend to personal needs
such as job interviews, computer
work and other tasks necessary to
gain self-sufficiency.
The final award extended during
the luncheon, the Bill Leger Family Advocate of the Year Award, will
not only recognize an entity that
supports families in the community
but will be renamed from the Family Advocate of the Year to honor a
long-time friend of Family Services
and former emcee of the luncheon,
Bill Leger, who was killed in a car accident this past December.
The Bill Leger Family Advocate of
the Year will be awarded to the Beaumont Police Department Family Violence Unit for its diligence in helping
establish and implement the Jefferson
County Domestic Violence Task Force.
“The Beaumont Police Department
has played a key role ensuring more
offenders can be prosecuted,” said
Howell. “We are honoring them because of the work they have been doing to improve services for victims and
ensure accountability for offenders.”
Each year Family Services of Southeast Texas, located at 3550 Fannin,
serves more than 1,000 women and
children through its shelter or safe
house, essentially providing free
room and board and support services to victims of domestic violence,
including legal advocacy, children’s
advocacy and transitional housing.
In addition, Family Services provides
professional counseling and educational programs such as parenting
and anger management classes.
The cost to attend this luncheon
is $40 for an individual and $300 for a
table of 8. For information about the
luncheon, call Rebecca Blanchard at
409-833-2668. For ticket information,
call Linda Guerrero at 409-833-2668,
ext. 115. To learn more about Family
Services and its programs, visit the Web
site at www.WeStrengthenFamilies.org.
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in Southeast Texas at
featured events
8:00 AM
13th Annual Car Pros for Kids at Alton's Automotive, Inc, 409.832.2272
7:30 PM
"A Vintage Affair" Second Annual
Wine Tasting at Art Museum of
Southeast Texas, 409.832.3432
8:00 AM
Trade Days/Craft Fair/Garage Sale
Fundraiser at Woodcrest Elementary
PTA, 409.225.7294
9:00 AM
YMCA Mardi Gras 5K Run/Walk on
the Seawall at LSC-PA Carl Parker
Center, 409.962.6644
5:30 PM
Symphony Ball "The Secret Garden" at Beaumont Civic Center,
5:30 PM
March for Babies Kick Off Celebration at MCM Elegant Hotel,
8:00 AM
Samaritan Counseling Center
of Southeast Texas’ 2nd Annual
Clay Shoot at 1 in 100 Gun Club,
8:00 AM
Annual Community Trash-Off at
Shangri La Botanical Gardens 2111
W. Park Ave, Orange, 409.670.9113
9:00 AM
2nd Saturdays At The Giving Field,
6:30 PM
Ubi Caritas Annual Mardi Gras
Extravaganza at Holiday Inn & Suites
Beaumont Plaza, 409.832.1924 X115
6:00 PM
Southeast Texas Arts Council Hearts
for the Arts, Suga's Deep South
Cuisine & Jazz Bar, 409.835.2787
6:30 PM
30th Taste of the Triangle at Ford
Exhibit Hall, 409.951.5400
6:00 PM
Golden Triangle Heart Ball at Holiday Inn Park Central, 409.550.1753
6:00 PM
Mr. Habitat 2013: Heart Throb
at Beaumont Event Centre,
7:00 PM
Legacy's Jubilee Gala Fundraiser
at Holiday Inn & Suites Beaumont
Plaza, 409.924.0500
5:30 PM
Christus Color Me Red Fashion
Show Benefiting the American Heart
Association’s Go Red For Women
Campaign, CHRISTUS Outpatient
Pavilion - St. Elizabeth, 866.683.3627
10:00 AM
19th Annual Girls' Haven Gumbo
Festival at Parkdale Mall Lot in front
of Macy's, 409.880.2725
11:30 AM
11th Annual Family Services of
Southeast Texas Celebrate Families
Luncheon at MCM Elegante' Hotel,
409.833.2668 ext. 115
4:30 PM
First United Methodist Church Oyster Supper at First United Methodist
Church , 409.832.0295
2013 february
Health, Wellness & Education
Heart Ball Ignites Heart Health &
Raises Funds for Heart Disease Research
The “month of love” is not the only
time you should be thinking about
hearts. Heart health should be a year
round priority and the American
Heart Association provides multiple
educational opportunities for Southeast Texans to stay informed about
healthy living. Check their Web site
heart.org for information on how to
reduce your risk of heart disease.
Make plans to attend their annual
Golden Triangle Heart Ball, which is
sure to be an unforgettable celebration. On Saturday, February 16 at the
Holiday Inn-Plaza, guests will enjoy a
cocktail reception from 6:30 pm until
7:30 pm, with the program beginning
shortly after.
The event will honor Patti and
Floyd McSpadden and Dr. Robert
Toups. This fundraiser takes place nationally and raises funds for research
and programs locally and across the
country. This year’s philanthropic
honorees will receive the J.C. Crager
award, which is given annually to
individuals who exemplify selfless
devotion to their community and
are heavily involved with their local
American Heart Association chapter.
Another highlight of the night includes a young child who will share
her remarkable story of survivorship
after having gone through two openheart surgeries. In addition to the
moving program, there will be din-
ner, dancing, live and silent auctions
and Book of Days will pump up the
crowd with their original tunes and a
few well-known classics.
Individual tickets are $150. Call (409)
980-8800 for more information about
tickets, tables and sponsorships.
Get the free
mobile app at
Check out all health-related happenings
in Southeast Texas at
Tips for a Healthy Heart:
1. Engage in light to moderate activity most days of the week.
2. Eliminate the use of tobacco products.
3. Limit alcohol intake.
4. Eat a balanced diet that includes lots of vegetables,
fruits, grains and lean proteins.
5. Limit salt intake.
6. Schedule regular check-ups with a physician.
The Facts about Heart Disease:
• About 600,000 people die of heart disease in the
United States every year–that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.
• Heart disease is the leading cause of death for both
men and women. More than half of the deaths
due to heart disease in 2009 were of men.
• Coronary heart disease is the most common type of
heart disease, killing more than 385,000 people annually.
• Every year about 935,000 Americans have a heart attack.
Of these, 610,000 suffer their first heart attack.
The remaining 325,000 happen to people who have
already had at least one heart attack.
Warning Signs of a Heart Attack
• Chest pain or discomfort.
• Upper body pain or discomfort in the arms,
back, neck, jaw, or upper stomach.
• Shortness of breath.
• Nausea, lightheadedness, or cold sweats.
To determine your risk, visit www.heart.org.
february 2013
featured events
6:00 PM
Anger Management For Men at
Family Services Counseling Center,
6:15 AM
Revitalizing Challenge at Christus
Health & Wellness Center, 409.454.0417
6:00 PM
Batterer's Intervention and Prevention Program at Family Services
Counseling Center, 409.833.2668
7:00 PM
Citizen’s Police Academy Courses at
Beaumont Police Dept., 409.880.3825
4, 11, 18 & 25
10:30 AM
Get Fit Where You Sit Fitness Class
at Exygon Health and Fitness Club,
7:00 PM
City Dance Center Intermediate
Salsa Workshop, 409.832.7772
8:30 PM
City Dance Center Advanced Salsa,
10:00 AM
Genealogical Research Help at Tyrrell
Historical Library, 409.833.2759
6:00 PM
U.S. Citizenship Classes at LIT,
409.880.8114 (2 weeks M-F)
12:00 PM
FREE Community Educational
Program on Back Pain at Baptist
Hosptial Spindletop Community
Room, 409.212.6145
10:00 AM
Hospice Volunteer Orientation at
New Century Hospice, 409.832.6700
4:00 PM
Down Syndrome Family Group
Meeting at St. Stephens Episcopal
Church, 409.838.9012
8:00 AM
Explorer Tour Teacher Workshop
at Shangri La Botanical Gardens,
1:30 PM
CPR Class at Christus Health & Wellness Center, 409.899.7777
4:00 PM
Beginner Spanish Classes at R. C. Miller
Memorial Library, 409.866.9487 ext 3250
8:00 AM
Region 5 ESC Mobile Mania
Conference at The Edison Plaza,
10:00 AM
"Gift of Life" Valentine Survivor Celebration at Parkdale Mall, 409.833.3663
9:00 AM
LIT Microsoft Word 2010 at Robinson Center, 409.880.8114
9:30 AM
Anger Management- Port Arthur
at Samaritan Counseling Center of
SETX, 409.727.6400
1:00 PM
CPR AED Training at LIT, Multipurpose Center, 409.880.8114
12:00 PM
Pink Power Network Support Group
at Baptist Hospital Dauphin Center,
6:00 PM
Pink Power Network Support
Group at Julie Rogers Gift of Life,
7:00 PM
FREE Community Screening:
Documentary "Queen of the Sun" at
Jefferson Theater, 409.838.3435
4:00 PM
Healthcare Provider CPR Training at
LIT Multipurpose Center, 409.880.2137
5:30 PM
AutoCAD Intermediate at LIT,
409.880.8114 (TTH until April 4)
10:30 AM
Alzheimer Association- Reconnect- Interactive program at Rose
House- A Senior Living Community,
2013 february
entertainment for families
Biggest Bash of 2013 Comes to Ford Arena
& Includes the World’s Newest Monster
A roaring good time revs up this
February for a weekend of family entertainment. Monster Nation is the
country’s premier monster truck series, featuring the toughest monster
trucks in the world that will race
side-by-side on Ford Arena’s chal-
lenging oval track February 22-24
during Jurassic Bash.
Six mammoth motoring machines
including Bigfoot, Tailgator, Toxic,
Equalizer, Red Solo Truck and the never-before-seen, Smashosaurus (Photos showing minor bits of the truck,
reported to look like a dinosaur were
available at press time.) will risk colossal collisions racing and also perform
fearless freestyle stunts and tricks.
Monster Nation stars, like Bigfoot’s
Dan Runte, will get up close and personal with fans before each event
which starts Friday and Saturday at 8
p.m. and Sunday at 3 p.m.- for a free
pit party.
“Kids have seen these trucks on TV
but until they see one up close they
don’t know how big it is,” said Dan
Runte, Bigfoot 18 driver and world
featured events
8:00 AM
Trade Days/Craft Fair/Garage Sale
Fundraiser at Woodcrest Elementary, 409.225.7294
8:30 AM
Lamar University Spirit Team
Eighth Annual “Showdown!” Pom
and Dance Clinic, (K-4th grade),
10:00 AM
Lamar University Spirit Team
Eighth Annual “Showdown!” Pom
and Dance Clinic, (5-8th grade),
10:00 AM
McFaddin-Ward House Annual Rose
Pruning and Free Tour Day, McFaddin-Ward House, 409.832.2134
10:00 AM
Girl Scouts- Shark Symposium at
Girls Scout- San Jacinto Council,
10:00 AM
Painting with a Twist: Family Day!
Vibrant Heart, 409.866.0399
11:30 AM
Free Tours of the McFaddin-Ward
House, 409.832.2134
5:00 PM
Orange Chamber of Commerce
Mardi Gras Parade at Downtown
Historic Orange, 409.886.3247
5:30 PM
Symphony Ball "The Secret Garden" at Beaumont Civic Center,
1:00 PM
Painting with a Twist: Family Day!
Flip Flops in the Sand, 409.866.0399
9:00 AM
Education Youth Concert at Julie
Rogers Theatre, 409.838.3507
5:00 PM
First Thursdays at the Mildred at
Sidewalk and Shops on Calder,
7:30 PM
Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra
with Wynton Marsalis at Lutcher
Theater, 409.886.5535
7:00 PM
Rebel Soul Tour: Kid Rock Live in
Concert at Ford Park, 409.951.5440
6:00 PM
Mardi Gras Southeast Texas, Inc at
Downtown Port Arthur Proctor
Street, 409.963.1107
5:30 PM
Wesley UMC Parents' Night Out at
Wesley United Methodist Church,
7:00 PM
Nutty Jerry's presents Loretta
Lynn and Family at Nutty Jerry's,
7:30 PM
Brilliance! 10 at Jefferson Theater,
10:00 AM
A Night at the Museum Family Arts
Day at Art Museum of Southeast
Texas, 409.832.3432
12:00 PM
Painting with a Twist: Family Day!
Panama Parrot, 409.866.0399
1:00 PM
Barrel and Pole Practice Day at 3
Cross Cowboy Church, 409.622.9274
4:30 PM
44th Annual Little Beauties Scholarship Pageant at Buna Elementary
School, 409.651.0137
7:00 PM
Teen Choice Live! The Tour at Ford
Arena, 409.951.5400
5:30 PM
Save Our American Raptors
(S.O.A.R.) Bird Program at Shangri La
Botanical Gardens, 409.670.9113
7:30 PM
Painting with a Twist: DATE NIGHT!
Tree Love, 409.866.0399
7:00 PM
3rd Fridays Game Night at Unity
Southeast Texas, 409.842.0271
9:00 PM
Central High School C/O 88 Annual
Mardi Gras Dance at Dorie Miller
Legion, 409.454.7354
16 & 17
9:00 AM
Greater Orange Coin Club Spring
Show at VFW Hall, 409.233.0011
11:00 AM
Painting with a Twist: Family Day!
Time for Tea, 409.866.0399
7:00 PM
Sevendust- Lacuna Coil at Dixie
Dance Hall, 409.838.1700
8:00 PM
Morrissey with Special Guest
Kristeen Young at Jefferson Theater,
409-838-3435 ext. 1
7:30 PM
The Pipes and Drums of the
Black Watch at Lutcher Theater,
6:00 PM
3rd Annual Arc’s Got Talent at Trinity United Methodist, 409.838.9012
7:00 PM
FREE Community Screening:
Documentary "Queen of the Sun" at
Jefferson Theater, 409.838.3435
22 & 23
5:00 PM
6th Annual Boomtown Film and
Music Festival at Downtown Beaumont, 409.422.9030
22, 23 & 24
7:00 AM
Kountze Big Thicket Trade Days,
6:30 PM
Lamar University Distinguished
Alumni Awards Dinner at LU Reception Ctr 8th Floor Mary/John Gray
Library, 409.880.8921
7:30 PM
“Three Score and More” Master
Series 3 Concert at Julie Rogers
Theatre, 409.838.3507
8:00 PM
Monster Nation Jurassic Bash at Ford
Arena, 409.951.5440
11:00 AM
H-E-Buddy Story Time at HEB Plus,
1:00 PM
Girl Scouts
World Thinking Day at First Christian Church, 409.866.1119
8:00 PM - Painting with a Twist:
DATE NIGHT! Deer and Doe,
8:00 PM
Monster Nation Jurassic Bash at Ford
Arena, 409.951.5440
3:00 PM
Monster Nation Jurassic Bash at Ford
Arena, 409.951.5440
4:00 PM
St. Mark's Artist Series- Stephen F.
Austin State University- A Cappella
Choir at St. Mark's Episcopal Church,
7:00 PM
Mike Epps Live! at Beaumont Civic
Center, 409.838.3435
9:00 PM
Lagniappe Film and Music Festival
Gala, 409.422.3378
record holder for the longest jump
in a monster truck – 214 feet and 8
inches. “People can come right up
and kick the tires, get autographs and
take pictures.”
And how big are these monster
trucks? Runte says it’s the question
everyone wants to know during the
pit parties and he loves talking about
the dimensions and power of his
“Bigfoot is 12 feet wide and stands
10.5 feet tall. It weighs between
10,000 to 12,000 pounds with an engine 300 to-400 times more powerful
than a good mustang at 1200 to 1500
horsepower,” said Runte.
Alongside the power rumbling
racing of the Monster Nation line
up, Ford Arena welcomes the careating, fire-breathing, transforming
dinosaur robot, Transaurus; Wheelie
World Record holder Tyler Shepard
and world-class FMX East Freestyle
motorcross competition showcasing
professional motorcross riders from
around the world.
Advance tickets are $23 for adults
and $11 for kids 2-12; tickets are $2
more on the day of the show. They
are available at the Ford Park Box Of-
fice, all Ticketmaster outlets including
HEB on Dowlen Road, the Beaumont
Civic Center and the Lake Charles
Civic Center. The FREE pit party is
open to all ticket holders, and begins
90 minutes before the shows begin.
Big Foot
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february 2013
2013 february
sports and recreation
Resolving to Keep Your New Year's Resolution
By Amie James
January leads to spring,
spring leads to summer
and summer leads to
shorts and swimsuit
season. We all know it.
That's why so many
of us make fitness our
New Year's resolution.
This January you started
out strong with a plan to
have the toned thighs and
six pack abs you've always
dreamed of! 2013, this is
your year! That motivated
the heck out of you for the
first, maybe even second
week. You're in the gym with
all the other resolution makers
smiling at each other, wearing
your new workout duds, sweating and feeling good. Then by the
beginning of February the gym
puts your missing person picture
up on the back of the Muscle Milk.
Where does it all go wrong? Why
can't you keep the resolution you've
made year after year?
Time Management
Time management- that term you
hear applied to highly effective business people... great but what does it
have to do with a workout? Everything. You have to make an honest
assessment about your time. How
much time can you really devote
every day to fitness? Telling yourself
you will commit to an hour long
morning class when your lifestyle
only allows 30 minutes is a sure way
to shoot yourself in the foot. If you
have 30 minutes, use it to do something effective and create a new,
healthy lifelong habit. Taking 30
minutes each day over the course
of 30 days is a lot better than one
hour for seven, do the math! But we
expect so much of ourselves, which
leads us to expectations...
You haven't seen the old high
school track since you were 18 years
old but you think you are going to
go out and run three miles on January 2nd. Do I really need to explain
the hole in this plan? Give yourself
permission to start off gently. Leave
each workout feeling positive and
somewhat fresh. We tend to believe
that it is only a workout if we've
pushed ourselves to absolute misery.
This is a terrible idea and is, in effect,
negative reinforcement, which leads
us to mindset...
Whatever you accomplish is an accomplishment. We all know that person who’s able to do one armed pushups, run 79 miles a day and leap tall
buildings in a single bound. But you’re
not them. Celebrate your own accomplishments and focus on your personal
achievements. We tend to forget quickly how far we've come, so keep a journal
or take pictures of your progress.
Record Keeping
Before and after fitness photos are
a must. Nothing brings you as much
honesty as a “before” photo and nothing brings you more joy than an “after”
photo. It's easy to forget how much
progress you've really made so keep
a calendar of how many days you've
worked out. Buy yourself a GPS watch
that will help you track your miles
and times or one that shows you
how many calories you burn at each
workout. Record how you feel on
the days you workout versus the days
you do not. We tend to forget these
things and constantly need to refocus,
which leads us to accountability…
This is the big one! There are so
many ways to keep yourself account-
able, group fitness is a great one. Find
a running group, a swimming partner
or take a regular Wednesday night
class at the gym. When you join a
group and you don't show up, these
people will notice. They will text you;
they will interrogate you on social
media. They will hunt you down! I'm
february 2013
only partly kidding. It will happen and
you'll quickly learn that it feels good
to be a part of something. It may
take a few times of meeting your new
group or workout buddy but you'll
find that your workout becomes a
whole lot more fun when you make
friends that care about fitness.
Kids & The Gusher
Anyone under 18 can become a marathon finisher by participating in the Gusher
Kids’ Marathon Club. Get the kids’ marathon
packet at www.thegushermarathon.com.
Walk or run 23 miles and log it and then
participate in one of the races on Gusher
Day- the Half Marathon or Kinsel Ford 5Kand you’ll be presented with a medal at your
school within a few weeks after the event.
Have questions? Call 409.782.6017.
Amie and Richard James Meeting
Richard and I met at the gym. I asked him for his help with a machine and
because I'm slightly muscular he thought I was kidding and answered somewhat
sarcastically. That didn't exactly make it love at first sight but something in me
made me talk to him again anyway. We started talking and couldn't stop so we
decided to meet at Jason's Deli for dinner where we talked for two more hours.
We both had a desire to make the world a better place. The rest is history.
2013 february
Have a busy schedule or just like to
exercise alone? Social media such as
Facebook or Dailymile are wonderful
for sharing your workouts and nutrition with friends and getting positive
reinforcement. Don't underestimate
the power of positive reinforcement.
We all want to get to the big goal!
You didn't make this resolution
for nothing, did you? Want to get fit
enough to join an adult soccer team?
Want to play tennis? Want to run
your first 5K? Want to try a triathlon?
Want to cycle with that group you always see riding together? Weight loss
goals are good but sometimes they
can be discouraging if they’re too
lofty. Set a goal that brings home a
finisher's medal or sparks a little fire of
competition on the playing field. Set
a date. Set a goal. Sign up. Get it done.
It's hard to miss workout days on the
calendar when you've registered for a
team, league or race. What are you
waiting for? A goal is the ultimate
motivator. Resolve to believe that
you can meet your goal and commit.
A goal keeps you from falling off the
horse, which leads us to...
Getting Back on the Horse
Eventually we all miss a workout.
It happens. Life happens. For some
reason we miss one, then two, then
we feel like we can't go back. It's like
an invisible force field that keep us
out of the gym. I hear it all of the
time, “Well I missed spin class a few
times and then I just quit going.”
Why? What law states you can't
go back? It happens. A resolution
to improve your health is like riding
a horse; if you get bucked off , pick
yourself up, dust yourself off and get
back on as soon as you can. 2013 is
your year!
Get the free
mobile app at
See more sports and recreational
activities in Southeast Texas at
featured events
Pool Swimming- All Levels- BISD
Natatorium, Beaumont
7:00 AM
Exygon Road Run- Beaumont Exygon
5:30 PM
Golden Triangle Strutters, Orange
Leaf/Delaware Extension
5:30 PM
Cycling MobilOil Federal Credit
Union- Intermediate to advanced,
Beaumont to Sour Lake/30 miles
5:30 PM
Little Cypress Admin. Bldg.- Cyclingall levels, 20 mile loop in Orange
5:45 PM
Nederland High School, Golden
Triangle Riders, Nederland
5:00 PM
Open Water Swim Training- No
Lifeguard Duty, Boomtown in Vidor
5:30 PM
Golden Triangle Strutters, Orange
Leaf/Delaware Extension
7:00 PM
Exygon Road Run, Nederland Exygon
5:30 PM
Cycling MobilOil Federal Credit
Union- Intermediate to advanced,
Beaumont to Sour Lake/30 miles
5:30 PM
Little Cypress Admin. Bldg. Cyclingall levels, 20 mile loop in Orange
5:45 PM
Nederland High School, Golden
Triangle Riders, Nederland
6:30 PM
On The Run- Beaumont
7:00 AM
Nederland High School, Golden
Triangle Riders, Nederland
8:00 AM
Cycling- All levels- various distances,
Colonnade Shopping Cntr., Beaumont
7:00 AM
Nederland High School, Golden
Triangle Riders, Nederland
9:00 AM
YMCA Mardi Gras 5K Run/Walk on
the Seawall at LSC-PA Carl Parker
Center, 409.962.6644
5:30 PM
Amelia Little League 2013 Spring
Registration at Amelia Elementary
School , 409.283.4635
7:30 PM
Country Western Swing/Shuffle mini
session with J.P. Richards, City Dance
Center, 409.833.7772
1:00 PM
Barrel and Pole Practice Day at 3
Cross Cowboy Church Corner,
7:00 PM
World Record Sundown Bounce
at Orange City Boat Ramp,
Spectator Sports
12:30 PM
SETX Baseball Academy Winter
Baseball Camp #3, 409.951.5440
4:00 PM
Lamar Women's Basketball vs Stephen F. Austin at Montagne Center,
4:00 PM
LSO-PA Basketball Seahawks vs Jacksonville College at Carl Parker Center,
6:00 PM
Lamar Men's Basketball vs Stephen
F. Austin at Montagne Center,
7:00 PM
Texas Strikers vs Arizona Storm at
Ford Arena, 409.951.5440
2:00 PM
Lamar Women's Softball
vs. UTSA at Ford Fields,
4:00 PM - Lamar Women's Softball vs. UTSA at Ford Fields,
2:00 PM
Lamar Women's Softball
vs. UTSA at Ford Fields,
7:00 PM
Texas Strikers vs Rockford Rampage
at Ford Arena, 409.951.5440
7:00 PM
Lamar Women's Basketball vs Houston Baptist at Montagne Center
Lamar University. 409.880.1715
7:00 PM
LSO-PA Basketball Seahawks vs Lone
Star College-Tomball at Carl Parker
Center, 409.983.4921
1:00 PM
Lamar Men's Baseball vs. Northern
Kentucky at LU Vincent-Beck Stadium, 409.880.8135/409.880.8974
4:00 PM
Lamar Women's Basketball vs
McNeese at Montagne Center,
4:00 PM
LSO-PA Basketball Seahawks vs
Coastal Bend Community College at
Carl Parker Center, 409.983.4921
4:00 PM
Alumni Night at the LU vs McNeese
Basketball Games at Montagne
Center, 409.880.8921
4:00 PM
Lamar Men's Baseball vs. Northern
Kentucky at LU Vincent-Beck Stadium, 409.880.8135/409.880.8974
6:00 PM
Lamar Men's Basketball vs McNeese State at Montagne Center,
7:00 PM
Texas Strikers vs Arizona Storm at
Ford Arena, 409.951.5440
5:30 PM
Lamar Women's Basketball vs Nicholls
at Montagne Center, 409.880.1715
7:30 PM
Lamar Men's Basketball vs Nicholls
at Montagne Center, 409.880.1715
6:00 PM
Lamar Men's Baseball vs. Creighton at Vincent-Beck Stadium,
1:00 PM
Lamar Men's Baseball vs. Washington at Vincent-Beck Stadium,
4:00 PM
LSO-PA Basketball Seahawks vs
Lee College at Carl Parker Center,
4:30 PM
Lamar Men's Baseball vs. Creighton at Vincent-Beck Stadium,
7:30 PM
Lamar Men's Basketball vs ESPN
BracketBusters at Montagne Center,
3:00 PM
Lamar Men's Baseball vs. Washington at Vincent-Beck Stadium,
5:30 PM
Lamar Women's Basketball vs Central Arkansas at Montagne Center,
7:30 PM
Lamar Men's Basketball vs Central
Arkansas at Montagne Center,
february 2013
celebrating seniors
Best Years Center, Celebrating Seniors- Mardi Gras Style
By Emily Wheeler
Celebrate Mardi Gras Senior Style
with the Best Years Center on Thurs-
day, February 7 at the Beaumont Civic Center. From 10:00 am until 2:00
pm more than 2,000 seniors from 23
cities will enjoy Cajun music, entertainment, vendor booths and food
samplings. Promoting healthy lifestyles, fitness and fun, this free indoor
festival offers new services for seniors,
a mock park with horticulture information and showcases engaging
hobbies and clubs. Throughout the
day, groups from the Best Years Center will show off their jazz and tap,
aerobics and line dancing skills.
Delicious shrimp etoufee from
Calder Woods, gourmet cookies baked
by Atria Collier Park and other Cajun
treats from various organizations will
be dished up for lunch. At noon, Dana
Melancon will crown the Mardi Gras
King and Queen, chosen by fellow
members of the Best Years Center.
Come dressed in your most
festive Mardi Gras attire for a chance
to win one of the many best-dressed
prizes. Beads, sequins, wigs, hats and the
like are all recommended and welcome!
For more information, please call
the Best Years Center (409) 838-1902.
Get the free
mobile app at
Find more senior events to enjoy
in Southeast Texas at
featured events
9:30 AM
Trinity UMC Ripples - Older Adults
at Trinity United Methodist Church,
10:00 AM
Celebrating Seniors Mardi Gras
Style at Beaumont Civic Center,
11:30 AM
Prime Timers at St. Mark’s Church,
1:00 PM
Wesley UMC Go Getters- Liberty
Opry at Wesley United Methodist
Church, 409.892.7733
Emily and JeffWheelerMeeting
Jeff and I met in our seventh grade art class at Marshall Middle School. We were friends
throughout the years, but did not begin dating until the end of our Senior year of high
school. We dated for several years and were married in 2009. In seventh grade, Jeff drew
a picture of a rose and gave it to me because my middle name is Rose. The drawing was
framed in my bedroom and eventually ended up in a keepsake box. I had the drawing
framed and surprised him with it last year after we learned we were expecting a baby girl. In
1999, neither of us knew that drawing would end up in a home we share together, on the
wall of our daughter's nursery.
business & networking
featured events
11:30 AM
SETX Referral Group, Rockin A Café,
7:30 AM
Greater Beaumont Chamber of
Commerce Business Connection at
MCM Elegante Tavern, 409.838.6581
2, 4, 15, 16, 18
12:00 PM
Avon Recruiting Events at Parkdale
Mall, 409.626.2070
6:00 PM
Orange County Christian Writers
Guild at Brown Hearing Center,
12:00 PM
Kountze Chamber Meeting at Kountze Public Library, 409.246.3413
6:30 PM
Monthly Meeting of the Progressive
Democrats of Southeast Texas at
The Beaumont Club, 409.898.7355
1:30 PM
Golden Triangle Computer Club at
Howell Furniture Community Room,
7:30 AM
Better Business Bureau “Morning
Mix Tour” - Newton County Chamber Of Commerce/Welcome Center,
409.835.5951 Ext. 117
4:30 PM
Greater Beaumont Chamber of
Commerce Mix & Mingle: Ella and
Scott, 409.838.6581
11:00 AM
Better Business Bureau "Lunch and
Learn" - No Bad Days at MCM Elegante' Hotel, 409.835.5951 Ext. 117
Get the free
mobile app at
Stay in touch with all the business and
networking events in Southeast Texas at
2013 february
february 2013
sneak peek february
Felix Lugo to Carry the U.S. Flag in His 50th Marathon- The Gusher
This Spring, look forward to seeing Felix Lugo run his 50th marathon at the
Exygon & Baptist Hospitals’ Gusher Marathon on March 9. Lugo runs with the
U.S. flag to honor all veterans and the victims of 9/11.
After September 11th, Lugo had a life changing conversation with his father,
who for the first time opened up about his war experiences and losing many
of his buddies.
“9/11 was like a release valve for him,” said Lugo. “I later found out this was a
phenomenon that also occurred to WWI vets after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. And I decided I wanted to do something to honor him, all vets, military
members and all victims of 9/11…all of us.”
Lugo planned to run one marathon with one flag, one time. His first marathon was post 9/11 in January, 2001.
“Sentiments were high, I was overcome with how well it was received. I ran
that marathon carrying the flag in 4:39,” said Lugo. “Shortly, thereafter I made
a commitment to run marathons with the flag until our troops came home
from Iraq.”
Little did Lugo know that the U.S. would wind up fighting another war altogether.
Has Lugo ever considered putting the heavy flag away during his 49 races
of 26.1 miles?
- Annual Anayat House
Fundraiser “Under Construction”
at The Phelan Mansion
- Biloxi Blues at the Lutcher Theatre
- Standing Ovation and
Court Party at Montagne
Center Lamar University
“Yes, always. But after I run the marathon, after the pain, I always get to go
home,” said Lugo. “And then I think somewhere, someplace there is a soldier
who is doing more for many who he doesn't even know. My task is little compared to that."
See Lugo carry the flag March 9 at The Gusher Marathon.
To get more info go to: www.thegushermarathon.com.
- 18th Annual Go for the Gold
Party and Reverse Drawing
at Art Museum of Southeast Texas
- Citizen Bee Competition
at Performing Arts Center
- Lamarissimo! University Wind
Ensemble and Concert Bands
at Julie Rogers Theatre
- Lamar Facility Brass Quintet
at Lamar University
- Beaumont Civic Ballet
"Spring Into Dance"
Public Performance
at Julie Rogers Theater
- ImaginOcean at Lutcher Theater
8, 9 & 10
- Sesame Street Live
"Can't Stop Singing" at Ford Arena
- Exygon and Baptist Hospitals
Gusher Marathon, Half Marathon
and 5K at Montagne Center
- Goodwill 40th Anniversary Gala
at Holiday Inn
- Big Thicket Bike Tour
at Big Thick National Preserve
- One Night of Queen performed
by Gary Mullens and the Works
at Lutcher Theater
- Texas Energy Museum
Annual Fundraiser "BlowOut 2013"
at Beaumont Civic Center Complex
- South Texas State Fair at Ford Park
22 & 23
- Beaumont Ballet Theatre Guild
Cinderella at Julie Rogers Theater
- 5th Annual LIT Foundation
Shootout at One-in-100 Gun Club
- Beaumont Ballet Theatre Guild
Cinderella Wedding Feast
at Julie Rogers Theater
- Le Grand Bal and Art Auction
at Dishman Art Museum
and Montagne Center
- CASA’s Tee it up for KidsTom Mulvaney Memorial
Golf Tournament
at Beaumont Country Club
- Dreamgirls at Lutcher Theater
2013 february
membership directory
For Profit Members
MCM Elegante Hotel, www.mcmelegantebeaumont.com, 409-842-3600
Arts and Crafts
Painting with a Twist, www.paintingwithatwist.com/beaumont, 409-866-0399
Dupont Goodrich FCU, www.dugood.org, 409-899-3430
MCM Elegante Catering, www.mcmelegantebeaumont.com, 409-842-3600
Entertainment Venues
Ford Park, www.fordpark.com, 409-951-5400
Food and Beverage
The Main Dish Studio Kitchen, www.yourmaindish.com, 409-866-MAIN
Sports and Recreation
Beaumont Taekwondo & Jiu-Jitsu Academy, tkdtexas.com, 409-838-6667
City Dance Center, www.beaumontcitydance.com, 409-833-7772
Golden Triangle Raceway Park, www.motoramaspeedway.com/index.htm, 409-752-7200
Trade Days
Kountze Big Thicket Trade Day, www.tradedayskountze.com, 409-880-5667
MCM Elegante Getaway Spa, www.mcmelegantebeaumont.com/getaway_spa,409-842-3600
Nonprofit Member Organizations
All Saints’ Episcopal School, allsaints-beaumont.org, 409-892-1755
Alzheimer’s Association, www.alz.org/texas, 409-833-1613
American Cancer Society, www.cancer.org, 877-227-1618
American Heart Association-Golden Triangle, www.heart.org, 409.980.8800
American Red Cross- Beaumont Chapter, www.redcrossbeaumont.org, 409-832-1644
Anayat House, www.anayathouse.org, 409-833-0649
Arc of Greater Beaumont, www.arcofbmt.org, 409-838-9012
Art Museum of Southeast Texas, www.amset.org, 409-832-3432
Beaumont Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas, www.mhbh.org, 409-212-5000
Baptist Hospitals of Southeast Texas Foundation, www.bhset.net, 409-212-6113
Beaumont Children’s Museum, www.beaumontchildrensmuseum.org, 409-658-8927
Beaumont Civic Ballet, www.beaumontcivicballet.net, 409-838-4397
Beaumont Civic Center Complex, www.beaumont-tx-complex.com, 409-838-3435
Beaumont Convention and Visitors Bureau, www.beaumontcvb.com, 409-880-3749,
Beautify Beaumont, www.beautifybeaumont.org, 409-656-7400
Beaumont Heritage Society, www.beaumontheritage.org, 409-832-4010
Ben J. Rogers Regional Visitors Center, www.co.jefferson.tx.us/VisitorCenter/brrvc.htm, 409-842-0500
Better Business Bureau of Southeast Texas, www.beaumont.bbb.org, 409-835-5348
Big Thicket Association, www.btatx.org, 936-274-1181
CASA of Southeast Texas, Inc., www.casasetx.org, 409-832-2272
Catholic Charities of Southeast Texas, www.catholiccharitiesbmt.org, 409-924-4400
Christus Hospital-St. Elizabeth, www.christushospital.org, 409-892-7171
Christus Health Foundation, www.christushealthfoundationsetx.org, 409-899-7555
City of Beaumont, www.cityofbeaumont.com, 409-980-8311
City of Beaumont Parks and Recreation, Recreation Division, www.beaumontrecreation.com, Best Years Senior Center 409838-1902, Sterling Pruitt Center/Athletic Complex 409-838-3613, Henry Homberg Golf Course 409-842-3220
Family Services of Southeast Texas, Inc., www.westrengthenfamilies.org, 409-833-2668
First United Methodist Church, www.firstbeaumont.org, 409-832-0295
Garth House, www.garthhouse.org, 409-838-9084
Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council, www.gssjc.org, 409-832-0556, ext. 102
Goodwill Industries of Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana, www.goodwillbmt.org, 409-838-9911
Golden Triangle Republican Women, 409-832-6269
Greater Beaumont Chamber of Commerce, www.bmtcoc.org, 409-838-6581
Greater Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce,www.portarthurtexas.com, 409.963.1107
Habitat for Humanity of Jefferson County, www.beaumonthabitat.org, 409-832-5853
Harbor Hospice Foundation, www.harborhospice.com/harborhouse-beaumont.html, 409-840-5640
Heartbeats of Hope, www.setxsocialcenter.com/heartbeatshope, 409-651-8390
Home Instead Senior Care, www.homeinstead.com/216/Pages/HomeInsteadSeniorCare.aspx, 409-892-7494
Hope Women’s Resource Clinic, www.pregnancyhopecenter.com, 409-898-4005
The Hughen Center, www.hughencenter.com, 409-983-6659
Julie Rogers’ “Gift of Life” Program, www.giftoflifebmt.org, 409-833-3663
Junior League of Beaumont,www.juniorleaguebeaumont.org, 409-832-0873
Kirby-Hill House, www.kirbyhillhouse.com, 409-246-8000
Lamar Cardinals Football, www.lamarcardinals.com, 409-880-1715
Lamar Institute of Technology, www.lit.edu, 409-880-8321
Lamar Institute of Technology Foundation, www.lit.edu/foundation/LITFoundation, 409-880-8321
Lamar State College- Port Arthur, www.lamarpa.edu, 409-983-4921
Lamar University, www.lamar.edu, 409-880-7011
Lamar University Small Business Development Center, www.lamarbmt.sbdcnetwork.net, 409-880-2367
Lutcher Theater, www.lutcher.org, 409-886-5535
March of Dimes, beaumontmarchofdimes.blogspot.com, 409-835-7606
McFaddin-Ward House, www.mcfaddin-ward.org, 409-832-2134
Monsignor Kelly High School, kelly.beaumont.tx.us, 409-866-2351
Nutrition and Services for Seniors, www.seniormeals.org, 409-892-4455
Orange Community Players, Inc., orangecommunityplayers.com, 409-882-9137
Our Mother of Mercy, www.josephite.com/parish/tx/omom, 409-842-5534
Port Arthur Chamber of Commerce, www.portarthurtexas.com, 409.963.1107
Progressive Democrats of Southeast Texas, www.pdsetex.org, 409-898-7355
The Salvation Army Beaumont Corp., www.uss.salvationarmy.org/uss/www_uss_beaumont.nsf, 409-896-2363
Samaritan Counseling Center of Southeast Texas, www.sccset.org, 409-727-6400
Shangri La Botanical Gardens and Nature Center, www.shangrilagardens.org, 409-670-9113
Some Other Place, www.sopbmt.org, 409-832-7976
Southeast Texas Arts Council, www.setxac.org, 409.835.2787
Spindletop Center, www.spindletopcenter.org, 409-839-1000
Spindletop-Gladys City Boomtown, www.spindletop.org, 409-835-0823
Stark Museum of Art, www.starkmuseum.org, 409-886-2787
St. Anne’s Catholic School, stannecatholic.org, 409-832-5939
St. Catherine of Sienna Catholic School, www.stcats.org, 409-962-3011
St. Mark’s Church, www.stmarksbeaumont.org, 409-832-3405
Symphony of Southeast Texas, www.sost.org, 409-892-2257
Triangle Aids Network, www.tanbmt.com, 409-832-8338
Trinity United Methodist Church, www.trinitybmt.org, 409-892-8121
Ubi Caritas, www.ubicaritas.org, 409-832-1924
The W.H. Stark House, www.whstarkhouse.org, 409-883-0871
Wesley United Methodist Church, www.wesleyumc.com, 409-892-7733
Winnie Chamber of Commerce, www.winnietexas.org, 409-296-2231
Wilton P. Hebert Health & Wellness Center, www.christuswellnesscenter.org, 409-899-7777
YWCA, www.ywcabeaumont.org, 409-899-1011
All Events are listed on southeasttexasevents.com and
in the EventsBook for FREE.
Please send your events to shelly@southeasttexas.com.
Membership cost is between $300 and $1000 and
includes event promotions in a variety of mediums.
For more information, call 409-201-9934.
february 2013
2013 february