CTI: Next Generation Tire Model Interfacing
CTI: Next Generation Tire Model Interfacing
EHTC 2008 Strasbourg CTI: Next Generation Tire Model Interfacing Michael Gipser, Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Germany Interfacing of Suspension/Tire/Road Models vehicle/suspension model rim position and velocity spindle forces and moments calls tire model distributed contact forces detailed surface geometry calls rigid or flexible road/terrain model TYDEX STI STI (Standard Tyre Interface) established between 10/1993 and 12/1996 by the TYDEX Working Group: tire model users and developers; no MBS software providers BMW AG Robert Bosch GmbH Centro Ricerche Fiat Continental AG FHT Esslingen (the author) Ford Werke AG Goodyear S.A. IPG GmbH Mercedes-Benz AG Michelin NedCar Porsche AG PSA Steyr-Daimler-Puch Toyota (TCL) Volkswagen AG Volvo Car Corp. Volvo Truck Corp. TNO University of Berlin University of Delft University of Karlsruhe University of Vienna TYDEX STI STI (Standard Tyre Interface) (A) suspension/rim tire SUBROUTINE DTYRE ( + NDEV, ISWTCH, JOBFLG, IDTYRE, + TIME, DIS, TRAMAT, ANGTWC, VEL, OMEGA, OMEGAR, + NDEQVR, DEQVAR, NTYPAR, TYPARR, + NCHTDS, CHTDST, ROAD, IDROAD, + NROPAR, ROPAR, NCHRDS, CHRDST, + FORCE, TORQUE, DEQINI, DEQDER, TYRMOD, + NVARS, VARINF, NWORK, WRKARR, + NIWORK, IWRKAR, IERR) (B) tire road/terrain SUBROUTINE ROAD ( + TIME, DIS, IFLAG, JFLAG, IDTYRE, IDROAD, + NROPAR, ROPAR, NCHRDS, CHRDS, NPRSUR, NROAD, + Z, DZ, DDZ, DFLAG, PRSURF, IERR) TYDEX STI What Is Wrong With It? STI (Standard Tyre Interface) STI was meant for simple tire models like Magic Formula 1989 and 1994 but: some modern tire models are most complex: • FTire model family • Rmod-K model family • CD-Tire model family STI is old-fashioned Fortran 77 C and C++ not supported STI assumes: tire model is a small time-continuous sub-system co-simulation mode not supported some definitions in 'STI standard' are ambiguous lack of memory management lack of management of concurrent tire instances lack of detailed output (geometry, footprint states,..) tire equations of motion mechanically wrong, if road marker is accelerated CTI Important Features CTI (COSIN Tire Interface) easy-to-use API, calling FTire Model Family and 3rd-party tire models from a wide variaty of different vehicle/suspension simulation programs supports C, C++, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, Fortran 95, .. implememted as plug-in (DLL / shared object) works in co-simulation mode dynamic memory management management of up to 50 concurrent tire instances management of operating conditions (inflation pressure, temperature,..) detailed output on demand • • • • • • animation wheel envelopes tread states plot signals linearized LTI matrices modal data record / replay function independent on calling MBS software and model mechanically correct support of moving roads TYDEX STI CTI (COSIN Tire Interface) (A) suspension/rim tire ctiComputeForces (handle, t,r,A,v,w, mode, F,M, status) (B) tire road/terrain ctiEvaluateRoadHeight (handle, t,x,y, z,vx, vx,vy, vy,vz, vz,mu, mu, status) (C) driver road/terrain ctiEvaluateRoadCourse (handle, s, x,y,z, .., status) + more than 35 additional and optional API functions CTI Calling Tree MotionSolve FTire Adams FETire Simpack FTire Family Simulink COSIN/mbs CASCaDE Inhouse CTI UTM plugin RTire MF 2002 HTire MF 1989 UHM plugin CTI FTire Model Family MotionSolve FTire Adams FETire Simpack FTire Family Simulink COSIN/mbs CASCaDE Inhouse CTI UTM plugin RTire MF 2002 HTire MF 1989 UHM plugin CTI FTire Example: Misuse Test Case Flexible Ring Tire Model FTire FETire FTire Family RTire MF 2002 HTire MF 1989 CTI FTire Example: Side-Slip Sweep Flexible Ring Tire Model FTire FETire FTire Family RTire HTire CTI FTire Example: Tread Wear Simulation Flexible Ring Tire Model FTire FETire FTire Family RTire HTire CTI FETire Example: Mode Shape and Stress Distribution Coarse Finite Element Tire Model FTire FETire FTire Family RTire HTire CTI RTire Rigid Ring Tire Model FTire FETire FTire Family RTire HTire simplified rigid-body belt dynamics ground pressure distribution approximated by shape functions tread model like FTire real-time capable CTI HTire Handling Tire Model Magic-Formula-based simplified tire model for handling on mildly uneven roads FTire FETire FTire Family MF versions 1989 and 2002 RTire MF 2002 completed with efficient contact algorithm HTire MF 1989 completed with 1st order transient behavior combined slip several use modes real-time capable CTI HTire UHM User-Defined Handling Model FTire FETire FTire Family RTire MF 2002 HTire MF 1989 UHM plugin uhmLoadTireData plug-in for user-defined steady-state F&M models (file,..) file,..) uhmComputeForces (defl,.., defl,..,kappa ,..,kappa, kappa,alpha,.., alpha,..,Fx ,..,Fx, Fx,Fy, Fy,Fz, Fz,Mx, Mx,My, My,Mz) Mz) CTI UTM User-Defined Tire Model FTire Family CTI FTire FTire FETire FETire FTire Family RTire MF RTire 2002 MF 2002 HTire MF HTire 1989 MF 1989 UTM plugin UHM plugin UHM plugin plug-in for user-defined dynamic tire models CTI UTM Program Interface User-Defined Tire Model Plug-In utmLoadTireData (handle,..,file handle,..,file) file) utmLoadRoadData (handle,..,file handle,..,file) file) utmComputeForces (handle, t,r,A,v,w,.., F,M) utmClose (handle) CTI CTI/roads MotionSolve FTire Adams FETire Simpack FTire Family Simulink COSIN/mbs CTI CASCaDE UTM plugin Inhouse CTI/roads RTire MF 2002 HTire MF 1989 UHM plugin CTI/roads Supported Classes of Road Models internal eval. COSIN/ev RGR TYDEX/STI CRG IPG-Road URM plugin FTR User 1 CTI/roads RDF 2D+3D User 2 USM plugin Wavefront MBS 1 Shell (shl) MBS 2 3rd party eval. MBS 3 CTI/roads Supported Road Models CTI/roads: Supported Road Models COSIN/ev Road Models (Cosin) RGR Roads (Regular Grid Road Files, Cosin) CRG Roads (Daimler and TÜV SÜD) FTR Roads (VI-grade) RDF 2D and 3D files WaveFront triangulation files (.obj) Shell triangulation files (.shl) URM (Program Interface to User-Defined Road Models) USM (Program Interface to User-Defined Soft-Soil Models) interface to TYDEX/STI-compatible roads interface to IPG-Road interfaces to several user-specific proprietary models interfaces to several proprietary road models of calling MBS packages CTI/roads User-Defined Road Model Plug-In urm (handle, t,x,y, z,vx, vx,vy, vy,vz, vz,mu, mu, ..,file) User-Defined Soft Soil Model Plug-In detailed description in SAE 2008-01-1410 CTI/roads Soil Model Demonstrator CTI/roads Tools 2D and 3D visualization RGR file generation RGR file processing SHL file generation CTI CTI, CTI/roads, FTire, and HTire will be available in MotionSolve by the end of 2008 CTI thanks for listening.. CTI, CTI/roads, FTire, and HTire will be available in MotionSolve by the end of 2008 CTI and FTire demo versions papers & presentations animations documentation updates at www.ftire.com