lotte reimann - Lesliegallery


lotte reimann - Lesliegallery
visual documentation
10 - 2015
Installations and books, 2013-2015
Being inspired by film, literature and my own life, I tend to tell stories. True stories, false stories and stories that seem to be none of the two.
Lotte Reimann
Table of contents
Artist statement
Self-portrait on balcony, 2011
Bis morgen im Nassen, 2013
Documentary-archive narration page 3
Reflections - an unfinished collection, 2014
Photographic collection
page 9
Jaunt, 2015
Authentic-fictional narration of collected photographs
page 11
Curriculum Vitae
page 17
Installations and books, 2013-2015
In my work, based on photography and text in installations and artists’ books,
I discuss subjects such as contemporary (auto-) biography, the “prohibited” and the
characters of photography itself.
In later projects (Bis morgen im Nassen 2013, Reflections - an unfinished collecion
2014, Jaunt 2014) the main focus shifted from actual self-portrayal to playful
observations of contemporary “family albums” from the more-public-than-expected
space that is the Internet.
All projects come in diverse forms of photo (-text) narrations, shifting easily between
authenticity and deceptiveness, and document and fiction.
I guess, my main impetus for the body of works is a certain disapproval regarding
corporal norms, an adrenalized attractiveness, and “physical” power itself.
Most protagonists defy specific rules or norms, and so do I as the artist. I steal, I lie,
I absorb and expose what maybe wasn’t meant to or at least in a different manner.
By incorporating other peoples photographs, stories, lives I impose my personal
perspective on their biographies, shedding light on atomic interspaces and oncoming
Though it reads quite nonchalant, my intentions are serious. I cherish and
identify with the protagonists and their quaintness. And I try to provide insight into
contemporary changes by and of photography and its handling on the Internet.
Lotte Reimann, Schildescher Str. 87, D-33611 Bielefeld,
Bis morgen im Nassen is a documentary-archive narration about Christian, a passionate amateur photographer and wet-look fan (fetish for swimming in clothes). The project is
initially conceived as a book and composed of about 100 images he took between the early
’90s and 2005 and 5 dairy-like short stories I wrote after getting to know Christian and his
wetlook community in person. All the images are sourced from Christian’s website and
re-photographed from my screen.
In an exhibition six framed pictures are shown on blue ground (see page 8), alongside a
performance (reading / slideshow) of approximately 30 min. duration.
The book has been published by RVB Books (FR) in June 2014.
Bis morgen im nassen, (~ till tomorrow in the wet)
Documentary-archive narration of photography and text, 2013
Artist book, 18 x 24 cm, offset print, edition of 600, 2014
Reading at Galerie der HfbK, Hamburg (D), 2014
Bis morgen im nassen, (~ till tomorrow in the wet)
Documentary-archive narration of photography and text, 2013
g45_14.jpg + g41_11.jpg, 2013
Bis morgen im nassen, (~ till tomorrow in the wet)
Documentary-archive narration of photography and text, 2013
g67_01.jpg, 2013
Bis morgen im nassen, (~ till tomorrow in the wet)
Documentary-archive narration of photography and text, 2013
g34_18.jpg + g34_15.jpg, 2013
Bis morgen im nassen, (~ till tomorrow in the wet)
Documentary-archive narration of photography and text, 2013
Spread showing Bielefeld, 2 October 2012 + Christian and
me (2/3 wet),18 x 24 cm, 2014
Bis morgen im nassen, (~ till tomorrow in the wet)
Documentary-archive narration of photography and text, 2013
Installation view at P/ART, producers art fair, Hamburg (D), 2013
Dimensions: 1,8 x 6 m
Reflections - an
unfinished collection
In the early 2000’s
there has been a rumor
on the Internet that
went viral: Reflectoporn.
Supposedly, it was
people posting “pornographic” photos of
objects with their own
naked reflections on the
objects’ shiny surfaces.
Those objects were
meant to be sold on,
When I stumbled
upon the photos, I was
hooked. Were there
people out there practicing a virtual exhibitionism?
Trying to find out
more about this fetish
I ran into void. There
were no platforms nor
forums on this issue.
Yet, there were lots of
fun-blogs with random
little collections of
reflectoporn imagery,
Reflections - an unfinished collection
Photographic collection, 2014
“spotted” on other
Usually, I like to
treat my subjects with
a lot of respect. I like to
get involved to understand what I am talking
about. But this time
it was hard to find an
“entrance” to that world,
since I wasn’t even sure
whether it really existed.
As a last attempt to
get in touch with the
real fetishists, I went a
step further and took
some reflectoporn
images myself. Once
uploaded to
I quickly received an
Unfortunately, it
was only ebay with an
“your-ebay-account-issuspended-email” and
I surrendered.
TV #1, Tape, Screen, Yamaha chrome parts,
Guitar, all 2014
Reflections - an unfinished collection
Photographic collection, 2014
Installation view at Freitagssalon, Hamburg (D), 2015
Dimensions: 1,9 m x 2,5 m
Jaunt is inspired by a collection of nude self-portraits of an american amateur photographers
couple, found on a photo-sharing-site. Pictures from other “random” sources on the Internet were
added, whenever I encountered a gap in my storyline.
All the images are re-photographed from a computer monitor and consequently treated as if
I photographed myself. Finally, I am telling my own “fictitious” story based on their “authentic” selfportraits.
The book has been published by Art Paper Editions (BE) in April 2015.
jaunt, |jônt| a short excursion or journey for pleasure
Authentic-fictional narration of collected photographs , 2014
Boarding, 50 x 70 cm, 2014
Artist book, 21,5 x 30 cm, laminated offset print, edition of 500, 2015
jaunt, |jônt| a short excursion or journey for pleasure
Authentic-fictional narration of collected photographs , 2014
Half nude on car splattering, 50 x 70 cm, 2014
jaunt, |jônt| a short excursion or journey for pleasure
Authentic-fictional narration of collected photographs , 2014
Nude on passenger seat, 50 x 70 cm, 2013
Skid marks, 50 x 70 cm, 2014
jaunt, |jônt| a short excursion or journey for pleasure
Authentic-fictional narration of collected photographs , 2014
Spread showing Accelerator, 21,5 x 30 cm, 2015
jaunt, |jônt| a short excursion or journey for pleasure
Authentic-fictional narration of collected photographs , 2014
Burnout take off, 50 x 70 cm, 2014
Nude kneeling, 50 x 33 cm, 2014
jaunt, |jônt| a short excursion or journey for pleasure
Authentic-fictional narration of collected photographs , 2014
Installation view at Prospects & Concepts, Art Rotterdam (NL), 2015
Dimensions: 2,10 x 3,70 m
Lotte Reimann
Curriculum Vitae
Schildescher Str. 87
D-33611 Bielefeld
+49 176 23 58 26 31
born 1982 in Achim, Germany
lives and works in Bielefeld, (D) and Amsterdam, (NL)
2009-2011 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, (NL)
2005-2009 University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, (D)
Awards / Grants / Residencies
2015 Athens Photo Festival, short list, Athens, (GRC)
2014 Stiftung Kunstfonds, publication grant, Bonn, (D)
2013/14 Werkbijdrage Jong Talent, working grant, Mondriaan Fonds,
Amsterdam, (NL)
2013 Work Holiday, residency, Knust/Extrapool, Nijmegen, (NL)
2012 Unpublished Dummy Award, Best 3, Offprint / Unseen Photo Fair,
Amsterdam, (NL)
2012 Kunststiftung NRW, project grant, Düsseldorf, (D)
2011 Steenbergen Stipendium, short list, Nederlands Fotomuseum,
Rotterdam, (NL)
2011 Still Image Prize, winner, Royal College of Art, London, (UK)
2011 Young Blood Award, short list, Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam,
2011 Gerrit Rietveld Academie Awards, short list, Gerrit Rietveld Academie,
Amsterdam, (NL)
2008 Shots Directory - Young Photographers Competition, short list,
London, (UK)
2007 The Leica Prize, short list, University of Applied Sciences,
Bielefeld, (D)
Exhibitions / Screenings / Readings
upcoming 2016 solo show, Leslie gallery, Berlin, (D)
2015 The Mirrored Eye, group show, Museum Arnhem, (NL)
2015 P/art III, producers art fair, Hamburg, (D)
2015 Unseen photo fair / Studio 47, art fair, Amsterdam, (NL)
2015 We’re all naked underneath, trio show, NEST, The Hague, (NL)
2015 The Edition Show, group show, Riot, Ghent, (BE)
2015 Show What You’ve Got - Laura Link & Lotte Reimann, duo show,
Freitagssalon, Hamburg, (D)
2015 Kaleid Editions, book show and selected for their edition, London, (UK)
2015 Athens Photo Festival, book show, Athens, (GRC)
2015 Work in progress presentation, duo-show with Sonia de Jager,
Studio 47, Amsterdam, (NL)
2015 Book launch Jaunt, Offprint/Tate Modern, London, (UK)
2015 Out of Shape, group show, Bart invites, Amsterdam, (NL)
2015 ExposerPublier - Nightstand, group show, La Galerie de la Rotonde,
Paris, (FR)
2015 Prospects & Concepts, group show, Art Rotterdam, (NL)
2015 Out of Shape, group show, Tique Art Space, Antwerp, (BE)
2015 The Folio Club, group show of book works, Barcelona, (ES),
2014 Galerie der HFBK, solo show, Hamburg, (DE)
2014 Lost & Found, performance (reading/slideshow), Theatrum Anatomicum,
Amsterdam, (NL)
2014 Scan/Festival de Fotografia, Tarragona, (ES)
2014 Kaleid Editions, group show, Art Academy, London, (UK)
2014 Re-printed II, group show, RVB Books Gallery, Paris (FR)
2014 “Der Greif - A Process”, group show, Neue Galerie im Höhmannhaus,
Augsburg, (D)
2014 Lotte Reimann / Philipp Valenta, duo show, Städtische Galerie
Petershagen, (D)
2014 Ignite35, slide performance, Mediamatic Foundation, Amsterdam, (NL)
2014 “De Fotokopie”, group show, Galerie De Schans, Amsterdam (NL)
Lotte Reimann, Schildescher Str. 87, D-33611 Bielefeld
Lotte Reimann
Curriculum Vitae
Exhibitions / Screenings / Readings…
2013 Weihnachtswarte, group show, Galerie Warte für Kunst, Kassel, (D)
2013 Empty Stretch/Petty Thieves Three, group projection, Washington D.C. (USA)
2013 unseen photo fair, Polly’s Picture Show, group show, Westergasfabriek,
Amsterdam, (NL)
2013 P/art I, producers art fair, group show, Kolbenhof, Hamburg, (D)
2013 Hard//Hoofd, group show, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, (NL)
2012 Weihnachtswarte, group show, Galerie Warte für Kunst, Kassel, (D)
2012 Still Image Award 2011, group show, Dyson Gallery, Royal College of Art,
London, (UK)
2012 Offprint, Unseen/Unpublished Dummy Award Table, Amsterdam, (NL)
2012 Grid, group show, International Photography Biennial, Amsterdam, (NL)
2012 Colts and Fillies, solo show, Galerie Warte für Kunst, Kassel, (D)
2011 GRA Award Show, group show, Double Tree Hotel, Amsterdam, (NL)
2011 Steenbergen Stipendium, group show, Fotomuseum Rotterdam, (NL)
2011 Rear View/Borders of Photography, group show, Polly’s Picture Show,
Amsterdam, (NL)
2011 Best of Graduates, group show, Galerie Ron Mandos, Amsterdam, (NL)
2011 The ‘ ’ Show, Graduation Show, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, (NL)
2011 teenage magazine, group show, FOAM, Amsterdam, (NL)
2010 Fotofolgen, group show, HfbK Hamburg, (D)
2010 LLL, group show, Bomann Museum, Celle, (D)
2009 Dialogue - Isabelle Wenzel and Lotte Reimann, group show, Loge,
Hamburg, (D)
2009 Hinter der Tür, solo show, Kiosk24, Herford, (D)
2008 Portfoliowalk, presentation, Deichtorhallen, Hamburg, (D)
2007 Pitchwise, group show, Historical Museum, Sarajevo, (BIH)
2007 Unter Freunden, group show, Young friends of the Kunsthalle Bielefeld, (D)
2007 The Leica Prize, group show, University of Applied Sciences, Bielefeld, (D)
2007 Du Bist Was Du Siehst, group show, Galerie Artists Unlimited, Bielefeld, (D)
Artist books / Catalogues
2015 Jaunt, artist book, published by Art Paper Editions, Ghent, (BE)
2014 Bis morgen im Nassen, artist book, published by RVB Books, Paris, (FR)
2014 (auto-) biographics, fold-out poster, Petershagen, (D)
2013 unseen photo fair, catalogue, Amsterdam, (NL)
2013 guffaw, artist book, published in cooperation with Extrapool, Nijmegen, (NL)
2011 Guffaw, artist book, self published, Amsterdam, (NL)
2011 teenage magazine, catalogue, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, (NL)
2010 LLL, catalogue, Kunstverein Celle e.V., Kerber Edition Young Art, (D)
2007 Incorrect, The Leica Prize, catalogue, Kerber, (D)
Reviews / Features / Interviews
2015 Ponytale Magazine, online interview, (ES/USA)
2015 American Suburb X, online feature, (USA)
2015 Unseen magazine, print feature, Amsterdam, (NL)
2015 Ponytale, interview, Madrid/New York, (ES/USA)
2015 Self Publish Be Happy, online feature, London, (UK)
2015 Platvorm Platform, print feature, (NL)
2015 Photo-Eye, online review, (USA)
2015 American Suburb X, online review, (USA)
2015 Dazed digital, online review, London, (UK)
2015 Vice magazine, online feature, Amsterdam, (NL)
2015 Missy Magazine, print review + online feature, (D)
2014 Girls Like Us magazine, print feature, (NL/BE)
2014 The Unknown Books, blog, online review, (PT)
2014 Volkskrant, print article, Amsterdam, (NL)
2014 Page Magazine, print review + online feature, (D)
2014 Self Publish Be Happy, online feature, London, (UK)
2014 La Piña, online feature, (UK)
2014 Subbacultcha!, print + online, Amsterdam, (NL)
2013 Indie Photobook Library, online feature, (USA)
2013 The Independent photobook blog, online, (NL/USA)
Lotte Reimann, Schildescher Str. 87, D-33611 Bielefeld
Lotte Reimann
Curriculum Vitae
Reviews / Features / Interviews…
2013 gallerytalk, blog, online article, (D)
2011 lost painters, art blog, online article, (NL)
2011 trendbeheer, art blog, online article, (NL)
2011 icon screen, design blog, online article, (D)
2009 Conscientious, photography blog by Jörg Colberg, online feature, (USA)
2009 We like that, art blog, (D)
2008 Camera Austria International, photo magazine, (AT)
2008 UniSpiegel, magazine, Der Spiegel, (D)
Talks / Lectures / Commissions
upcoming 2015 The Experimental Book Platform, talk alongside Paris Photo,
Paris, (FR)
2015 Self Publish, Be Happy, artist talk at Offprint, Tate Modern, London, (UK)
2015 Kijk:Papers, artist talk, Warte für Kunst, Kassel, (D)
2014 Radio Amsterdam FM, live interview about the “Reflections”, (NL)
2014 Missy Magazine, portrait Yvette van Boven, (D)
2013 Lecture at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam (NL)
2012/13 Commissioned work for Hard//Hoofd, online magazine, Amsterdam, (NL)
2011 Fotoboekenmarathon, talk, Huis Marseille Museum voor Fotografie,
Amsterdam, (NL)
2011 Talent Talk, talk, Showroom Mama, Rotterdam, (NL)
Acquisitions / Collections
2015 to be confirmed, Museum Arnhem, (NL)
2015 MACBA library, Barcelona, (ES)
2014 MOMA library, New York, (USA)
2014 Joan Flasch Artists’ Book Collection, Chicago, (USA)
2013 MUDAM library, Luxembourg, (LU)
2013 C/O Berlin library, Berlin, (D)
Lotte Reimann, Schildescher Str. 87, D-33611 Bielefeld