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WWW.GILLESBOUVARD.COM Catalogue Produits 2 FIBRE OPTIQUE GB for Network est spécialisé dans les réseaux fibre optique et interfaces réseau Distributeur pour des marques Optocore et BroaMan : OPTOCORE®, fabricant d’interfaces réseau audio, data, vidéo, ethernet, intercom sur un réseau en boucle optique permettant le transfert de données par fibre optique pour une qualité sans égal, sans limite de longueur. BROAMAN®, fabricant d’interfaces vidéo full HD 3G, data, ethernet, intercom sur un réseau en boucle optique permettant le transfert de données par fibre optique pour une qualité sans égal, sans limite de longueur. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour découvrir les univers de ces marques de talent et assister à nos démonstrations produits ! 3 Fibre optic network for professional audio, data and video ies ADI Ser New M F i x e d 4 in s tallati on · B r oad c as t · l ive Pe rFo rmance COMPANY PROFILE For the past 20 years OptOcOre has been the most prominent provider of time critical, redundant, audio, video and control infrastructure. OptOcOre introduced at the German Science Fair in 1993 OptOcOre networks are used in a wide variety of environments, including opening and closing ceremonies of the world‘s most prominent events, as well as an alternative to copper infrastructures in OB vans, stadiums, studios and theatres. OptOcOre systems scale down to point to point portable stageboxes with mixing console integration. OptOcOre is based on the open AeS3 and AeS10 (MADI) standards providing transport, routing, format conversion as well as distribution of audio, video and control data with full management and diagnostic capabilities. Development and manufacturing All technologies and products are developed and maintained by an in house r&D team. the r&D department strives for efficient and elegant design of hardware, software and firmware. Be that in use of the planets resources, energy efficiency or coding. the first OptOcOre devices by Brunke electronics in 1996 2002 trade-mark the registered Optocore® is GmbH opal audio vertrieb Engerstrasse 47 D-33824 Werther 236/237 Fon ++49-(0)5203238 Fax ++49-(0)5203- of .de www.optocore .de info@optocore All assembly, testing and burn-in of our products is performed at our manufacturing base in Munich, Germany. Education and training The most important advantages of the LX4 system can be illustrated in the following points: Optocore solves tasks previously believed to be almost impossible: OptOcOre has a deep commitment to training and education. OptOcOre offers a series of training seminars to educate the industry about OptOcOre network design and operation, digital audio and an introduction to use of fibre optics cables as an interconnect. OptOcOre certification training (Oct) seminars are hosted regularly around the world. ◆ Highest audio quality due to new 24-Bit AD-converters. ◆ Exceptional dynamic range of up to 146dB due to low-noise, switchable microphone preamplification. ◆ Economical, professional signal-splitting direct at the input unit (double split on stagebox). LX4B - F.O.H.-system ◆ The combination of numerous different tasks (audio, video, DMX, computer data...). ◆ Reduction of transmission problems (quality and quantity). ◆ 48 Output channels, 8 channel multipin, selectable line level 0dB, -10dB post mic-preamp ◆ 16 Input channels, 8 channel multipin, selectable line level 0dB, 10dB ◆ Retention of flexibility due to patching possibility. ◆ Long distances and maximum robustness (military standard, water-proof cable and connectors). ◆ 10MHz band-width Video Out ◆ 2x RS485 interface (also usable for DMX, AES/EBU Out) ◆ Standard long-life Class 1 Laser fibre-optic modules (up to ~1,5km, on request single mode ~10km). ◆ 1x RS232/USB hardware interface ◆ Optocon: mobile fibre optic connector (MIL spec) ◆ Optolink: optical connection for extension ◆ Full microphone pre-amplification with phantompower and gain matching at the stagebox. ◆ Uniform, disturbance-free quality to all split-outputs. ◆ 2x PSU (redundant power supply) ◆ Rational grouping via 8-channel multicores at the outputs (extendable and adaptable). ◆ 5-stage level-indicator with bank-wise operation at the front panel. ◆ 3 U Enclosure ◆ 2x24 character fluorescent display for extended menu functions (software updateable). ◆ Complete software updates via RS232 or USB. ◆ Additional monitoring function via headphones. ◆ High-efficiency, switch-mode, redundant powersupply and energy-saving components. m LX4A - Stage-syste OPTOCORE Certification Training (OCT) is eligible for InfoComm CTS renewal units. System Optocore® Multicore Network signal transmission for professional, has been developed signals to numerous different applications allowing in the long distances transferred over be digitised and quality. highest possible The Optical Digital tasks previously Optocore solves almost impossible: believed to be optimal applications, where broadcast the mobile ◆ in outside broadcast is required but transfer quality placed at a considerable distance be unit has had to from the event; several stages applications involvingto be overcome; ◆ in mobile PA distances need or where extreme where the transmission ◆ in studio installations, be optimised; quality needs to more where constantly are being introduced; ◆ in building engineering, routing signal complex tasks for where the installation costs signal ◆ by reducing numerous varying transmission of is necessary; classifications and distribution complex network. ◆ when developing and programmability systems with control- Timeline: 1993 OptOcOre technology patent 1996 release of the first OptOcOre products including excellent channels, each phantom power, ◆ 48 XLR Input mic-preamp and Optocore-style 0dB to +50dB selectable gain: channel channels, selectable ◆ 16 XLR Return level 0dB, -10dB multipin, line level Split, 8 channel ◆ 2x 48 channel mic-preamp (max. +8dBu) post switchable to display ◆ 8-channel level-meter, channels each bank of 8 earReturn 1-16 with Input 1-48 and phantom-power ◆ Channel select gain-level and phone jack to control 7 Out) ◆ 2x RS485 interface DMX, AES/EBU (also usable for Video In ◆ 10MHz band-width hardware interface ◆ 1x RS232/USB (MIL spec) fibre optic connector ◆ Optocon: mobile extension connection for ◆ Optolink: optical power supply) ◆ 2x PSU (redundant ◆ 6 U Enclosure 5 2000 OptOcOre becomes a network with digital connectivity 2002 OptOcOre implemented by DiGico 2003 OptOcOre GmbH incorporated OptOcOre product Brochure 2002 2008 the OptOcOre network triples in size 2009 Introduction of the r-series hardware platform 2012 the capacity of OptOcOre is doubled to 2Gb OPTOCORE is, and will be, an independent company that embraces open standards. 2013/2014 5 FEATuRES The high bandwidth infrastructure OPTOCORE Features OptOcOre is a high bandwidth network designed specifically to meet the requirements of professional audio and video. OptOcOre offers a unique solution that is flexible and scalable, yet intuitive and easy to use. OptOcOre is a modern replacement for traditional copper cable plants and manual patching. •De-centralizedaudio,videoanddatarouting •Highcapacity •Controltransport •Lowlatency •Redundancy •Integrationoptions Open platform – the Autobahn for your audio, video and control •Opticalisolation •Lowcostofownership OptOcOre is an open platform. Designed to transparently transport and route industry standard signal formats such as MADI, AeS/eBU as well as ethernet, DMX, MIDI, rS-485/422 and cAN BUS. •Futureproofhardwareandsoftware •Scalability •Losslesslongdistancetransmission OptOcOre converges and simplifies any cabining and patching infrastructure. The OPTOCORE fiber network is capable of: • Upto1024audioinputchannels • UNLIMITEDnumberofoutputs • 32routableSerialChannels • CompositeVideotransport • FastEthernettransportandSwitching • Upto24devicenetworks,expandableto 216 devices using SANe SANE is capable of: • Upto64audioinputandoutputchannels • FastEthernettransportandSwitching Topology Options Point to Point Links OPTOCORE Device Daisy Chains OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device Star Topology OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Technical Partners OPTOCORE Device Ring Topology OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device 6 OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device OPTOCORE Device ANALOg CONNECTIvITY The X6R and V3R platform allows customizable analog, digital and network connectivity utilizing state of the art circuitry for the highest sonic performance and ultimate reliability. X6R – 16 Channel Converter the devices are populated at the time of manufacturing with analog, digital and network options. V3R – 8 Channel Converter Network and Digital Connectivity Options: FX – The OPTOCORE fibre network module allows the converter to be used as a part of a 24 device OptOcOre redundant ring topology network. 4Serialports-Sync-2LANports-2SANE/LANports TP – The SANE Cat5 module allows the converter to be used as a stand alone converter or expansion device for OptOcOre FX devices. 16AES3I/O-WordClockI/O-1LANport-2SANE/LANports FX – OPTOCORE Fibre option TP – SANE Cat5 option Converters include AeS3 ports for conversation to and from the analog inputs and/or outputs. 16AES3I/O-WordClockI/O-1LANport Converter option the X6r 16 channel converter can be populated with two 8 channel input or output modules for up to 16 inputs, 16 outputs or a mix of 8 inputs and outputs. V3R Analog Connectivity – Euroblock TheV3R8channelconvertercanbepopulatedwithasingle8channel input or output module. Analog Devices: Connectivity Options: X6R-16MI – 16 Mic Inputs X6R-DualMI – 8 Dual-Mic Inputs X6R-16LI–16LineInputs X6R-16LO –16LineOutputs X6R-8MI/8LO –8MicInputs,8LineOutputs X6R-8MI/8LI –8MicInputs,8LineInputs X6R-8LI/8LO –8LineInputs,8LineOutputs MI – Microphone Inputs - 8 channel microphone preamp. High quality 1dB analog gain step preamplifiers. DualMI – Dual Microphone Inputs - 8 channel dual microphone preamp, for a total of 16 network inputs. each input is fed to two microphone preamps that can be independently routed and controlled on the network. LI – Line Level Inputs -8channelLineLevelInputmodule. V3R-8MI – 8 Mic Inputs V3R-8LI –8LineInputs V3R-8LO–8LineOutputs the above connectivity combinations are available with FX, TP network modules and as stand alone Converters. X6R-FX-8AE/8MI – 8 AeS I/O, 8 Mic Inputs X6R-FX-8AE/8LI –8AESI/O,8LineInputs X6R-FX-8AE/8LO –8AESI/O,8LineOutputs LO – Line Level Outputs -8channelLineLevelOutputmodule. AE – AES3 I/O - 16 channel AeS3 switchable I/O module. Available for FX devices and can be ordered in conjunction with analog input and output modules. RedundantPowerSupply,DCinputandXLRpanelsareavailableas options. 7 INTERCOM CONNECTIvITY TheX6R-INTERCOMandV3R-INTERCOMplatformallowscustomizable intercom, control and network connectivity, utilizing state of the art analog and digital circuitry for ultimate reliability. X6R-INTERCOM – 8 Intercom Ports with control the devices are populated at the time of manufacturing with intercom, control and network options. V3R-INTERCOM – 4 Intercom Ports with control Network and Digital Connectivity Options: FX – The OPTOCORE fibre network module allows the converter to be used as a part of a 24 device OptOcOre redundant ring topology network. 4Serialports-Sync-2LANports-2SANE/LANports TP – The SANE Cat5 module allows the converter to be used as a stand alone converter or expansion device for OptOcOre FX devices. 16AES3I/O-WordClockI/O-1LANport-2SANE/LANports FX – OPTOCORE Fibre option TP – SANE Cat5 option the X6r-INtercOM can be populated with two 4 input/output intercom modules for up to 8 inputs/outputs, with an intercom specific control option. X6R-FX-INTERCOM-IC422/485 – Four Wire Matrix Ports TheV3R-INTERCOMcanbepopulatedwitha4input/outputintercom module with an intercom specific control option. V3R-FX-INTERCOM-IC444 – Line Level I/O, GPIO, DC Intercom Devices: Connectivity Options: X6R-INTERCOM-IC422 – 8 Four Wire clear com Matrix ports X6R-INTERCOM-IC485 – 8 Four Wire rtS Matrix ports X6R-INTERCOM-IC444–8LineLevelI/OandGPIO IC422 – ClearCom Four Wire Matrix Ports with Serial Control 4FourWireClearComMatrixPortswithLineLevelandRS422Serial Inputs and Outputs for clearcom key panels, matrixes and interfaces. V3R-INTERCOM-IC422 – 4 Four Wire clear com Matrix ports V3R-INTERCOM-IC485 – 4 Four Wire rtS Matrix ports V3R-INTERCOM-IC444 –4LineLevelI/OandGPIO the above combinations are available with FX and TP network modules. IC485 – RTS Four Wire Intercom Ports with Serial Control 4FourWireRTSMatrixPortswithLineLevelandRS485SerialInputs and Outputs for rtS key panels, matrixes and interfaces. IC444 – Line Level Inputs and Outputs, GPIO and DC output 4LineLevelinputsandoutputswithopticallyisolatedGeneralPurpose Inputs and relay switched General purpose Outputs. Auxiliary Dc outputs to power external circuits. SDI – 3G/HD/SD-SDI Inputs and Outputs ABroaManversionoftheV3R-FX-INTERCOMcanbesuppliedwithup to 8 SDI I/O and WDM multiplexers. AeS3 based intercom systems can utilize OptOcOre AeS3 ports. redundant power Supply and Dc input are available as options. 8 MADI CONNECTIvITY the M8-FX, M12-FX and M20-FX MADI Switches allow for the use of high capacity, open standard MADI and Fast ethernet on twisted pair cabling in standalone applications as well as a part of an OptOcOre network using high bandwidth optical uplink ports. M20-FX – 18 Twisted Pair MADI / Ethernet Ports the devices are designed and built utilizing state of the art digital circuitry for ultimate reliability and operational flexibility. M12-FX – 10 Twisted Pair MADI / Ethernet Ports Network Connectivity Options: FX – The OPTOCORE fibre network module allows the device to be used as a part of a 24 device OptOcOre redundant ring topology network. 4Serialports-Sync-2LANports-2SANE/LANports FX – OPTOCORE Fibre option Twisted Pair MADI: twisted pair MADI is a derivative of the AeS10 MADI standard and introduces the use of standard, low cost, cAt5 cabling in addition to coaxial and Optical connectivity. M20-FX –Twisted Pair MADI/LAN Ports M12-FX – Coaxial MADI Ports recognizing the need for more affordable options for MADI interconnectivity, the implementation utilizes commonly available components to create a 64 channel audio interface at a price point viable for low channel capacity applications . twisted pair MADI not only fulfills all professional requirements for simplicity sound quality, low latency, low jitter, but can optionally have the added benefit of Fast ethernet on the same cable for device control. Connectivity Options: M12-FX – Twisted Pair MADI/LAN Ports M20-FX-CAT/ M12-FX-CAT 16 / 8 twisted pair 64 channel MADI ports routable using the device’s 1024 x 1024 / 512 x 512 channel router or to a network connected to the high capacity optical uplink ports. each 16 / 8 twisted pair MADI ports additionally features a Fast ethernet network switch port. M12-FX-OPT/BNC 4 Optical / 4 coaxial 64 channel MADI ports routable using the device’s 512 x 512 channel router or to a network connected to the high capacity optical uplink ports. M12-FX-OPT/ M8-FX-OPT 8 / 4 Optical 64 channel MADI ports routable using the device’s 512 x 512 channel router or to a network connected to the high capacity optical uplink ports. M12-FX-BNC/ M8-FX-BNC 8 / 4 coaxial 64 channel MADI ports routable using the device’s 512 x 512 channel router or to a network connected to the high capacity optical uplink ports. redundant power Supplies supplied as standard. Dc input optionally available. 9 MADI CONNECTIvITY MADI Series Devices: M20-FX-CAT–16TwistedPairMADI/LANPorts M12-FX-CAT –8TwistedPairMADI/LANPorts M12-FX-OPT – 8 Optical MADI ports M8-FX-OPT – 4 Optical MADI ports M12-FX-BNC – 8 coaxial MADI ports M8-FX-BNC – 4 coaxial MADI ports M12-FX-OPT/BNC – 4 Optical and 4 coaxial MADI ports OptOcOre FXdevicesareadditionallyequippedwith2SANEportsthatcanbeconfiguredtobeusedasTwistedPairMADI/LANports. the DD2Fr-FX and DD4Mr-FX allow transparent, high capacity, open standard MADI connectivity to and from OptOcOre networks. DD2FR-FX – 2 Optical MADI Ports with analog video the devices are designed and built utilizing state of the art digital circuitry for ultimate reliability and operational flexibility. DD4MR-FX – 2 Coaxial MADI Ports with analog video Network Connectivity Options: FX – The OPTOCORE fibre network module allows the device to be used as a part of a 24 device OptOcOre redundant ring topology network. 4Serialports-Sync-2LANports-2SANE/LANports FX – OPTOCORE Fibre option Connectivity Options: DD2FR-FX 2 Optical 64 channel MADI ports. CompositeVideoInputandOutput. DD2FR-FX – 2 Optical MADI Ports with analog video DD4MR-FX 2 coaxial 64 channel MADI ports. CompositeVideoInputandOutput. redundant power Supplies supplied as standard. Dc input optionally available. DD4MR-FX – 2 Coaxial MADI Ports with analog video MADI Devices: DD2FR-FX –2OpticalMADIPortswithCompositeVideoI/O DD4MR-FX –2CoaxialMADIPortswithCompositeVideoI/O 10 AES/EBu CONNECTIvITY the DD32r and X6r allow customizable AeS3 digital and network connectivity. DD32R – 64 Channel AES3 device the devices are populated at the time of manufacturing with connectivity and network options. the devices are designed and built utilizing state of the art digital circuitry for ultimate reliability and operational flexibility. X6R – 16 Channel AES3 device Network Connectivity Options: FX – The OPTOCORE fibre network module allows the device to be used as a part of a 24 device OptOcOre redundant ring topology network. 4Serialports-Sync-2LANports-2SANE/LANports FX – OPTOCORE Fibre option Connectivity Options: DD32R-FX 32 AeS3 pairs. Switchable as I/O in blocks of 4 pairs. CompositeVideoInputandOutput DD32R-FX – AES Connectivity – 25DSub X6R-FX-16AE 8 AeS3 pairs. Switchable as I/O in blocks of 4 pairs. X6R-FX-8AE/8MI or 8LI or 8 LO 8 AeS3 pairs. Switchable as I/O in blocks of 4 pairs. 8channelMicrophoneinput,LineLevelinput/outputmodulethatcan be used in place of 4 AeS3 pairs. X6R-FX – AES Connectivity – Euroblock X6R-FX-16AE/SRC 4 AeS3 inputs and 4 AeS3 outputs with sample rate converter. AES/EBU Devices: DD32R-FX –32AES3pairs,CompositeVideoI/O X6R-FX-16AE – 8 AeS3 pairs X6R-FX-8AE/8MI – 8 AeS pairs, 8 Mic Inputs X6R-FX-8AE/8LI –8AESI/O,8LineInputs X6R-FX-8AE/8LO–8AESI/O,8LineOutputs X6R-FX-16AE/SRC – 4 AeS3 input with Sample rate converters and output pairs AES3 ports on an OPTOCORE TP device All TP devices are equipped with 16 AeS3 pairs assignable to the network, switchable as inputs or outputs in blocks of 4 pairs. A redundant power supply (standard on DD32r-FX) and Dc inputs are available as options. 11 INTERFACE CARDS The Y3R-TP Yamaha card with SANe allows cAt5 connection to an OptOcOre FX or tp device. Y3R-TP – 16/16 Yamaha card the Y3r-tp card is capable of 16 inputs and outputs. Multiple cards can be daisy chained from a 64 channel input / 64 channel output SANe port on an OptOcOre FX device or used in a SANe network. the Y3r-tp card is capable of transporting and converting the Yamaha HA remote protocol and Fast ethernet. The YG2 and YS2 Yamaha cards allow a redundant fibre connection of a Yamaha mixing console console to a 1Gbit OptOcOre network. YG2 – 64/64 Yamaha master card the YG2 card is capable of 64 inputs and outputs and connection to multiple YS2 slave cards. A YG2 card is capable of transporting and converting the Yamaha HA remote protocol and Fast ethernet. YS2 – 16/16 Yamaha slave card REPEATERS The DD8RP is a four channel protocol Independent repeater for standard SFp fibre transceivers. DD8RP – Protocol Independent Repeater the device can be used to convert between single and multimode fibre, to transverse between WDM colors/wavelengths or to amplify optical signals. The BroaMan product range offers a wide variety of solutions for 3G/ HD/SD-SDI professional video signals. BroaMan Repeat 48 – 3G/HD/SD-SDI, MADI Repeaters the BroaMan repeat 48 is a modular coaxial-optical converter for 3G/ HD/SD-SDI and MADI that can optionally be equipped with WDM multiplexers and auxiliary ports for OptOcOre. Learn more at: 12 OPTOCORE CONTROL SOFTwARE the software enables complete control over a OptOcOre network. It enables access to the patching matrix of all devices in the entire networks and let you remotely control and monitor connected devices, such as converter modules (gain setting, phantom power, input and output level readings). OPTOCORE Control the software allows the configuration of and access to the complete network, audio, data and video MAtrIX, the naming and gainsetting of all inputs, the configuration of the word clock settings, the provision of phantom power for all mic inputs, the modification of options, the storage and recall of the configuration setup to/from pc hard disk, as well as the realtime level display of the individual channels. RS485 and Video Settings rS485 and video patch is confirmed by the local setting window, locally or via the network. Specials the OptOcOre control protocol can be used by interested manufacturers or customers to control OptOcOre devices directly from hardware other than a computer (mixing desks, media controller, control boxes, etc.). this is currently being implemented by various manufacturers, including DiGico®, Soundcraft, LAWO,SolidStateLogicandYamaha®,allowing gain/phantom control of analog OptOcOre devices(LX4,X6,X6R,V3R)directlyfromtheir digital consoles. OPTOCORE Control Software – Input Tab Supervising the Network WorkinginON-LINEmode,itispossibletohave the complete network under control, the software advises the system manager after every significant event, such as input clipping fiber/CAT5 disconnection, RS232/USB/LAN connection status. A log window will automatically pop up on event, if desired. Input-output, Matrix and Patch Any input of the system can be routed to any output by means of the Matrix tab. One input can be routed to more than one output. Local Settings Output Tab Patching Matrix Log Window 13 SELECTED LIST OF OPTOCORE uSERS Events and Tours: 2012 Summer Olympic Games, Opening and ClosingCeremonies–London,UK 2010 Winter Olympic Games, Opening and ClosingCeremonies–Vancouver,BC,Canada 2008 Summer Olympic Games, Opening and closing ceremonies – Beijing, china 2004 Summer Olympic Games, Opening and closing ceremonies – Athens, Greece 20th World Youth Day – cologne, Germany 32ndAmerica’sCup–Valencia,Spain 53rdAnnualGrammyAwards–LosAngeles, california, USA Atp tennis Masters Series – USA Barbra Streisand european tour Billy Joel & elton John “Face 2 Face” tour commonwealth Games – Delhi, India european Song contest – Belgrade, Serbia GlastonburyFestival–Pilton,Somerset,UK Green Day “21st century Breakdown” tour LeonaLewis“TheLabyrinth”Tour New Years eve in times Square – New York, USA robbie Williams “close encounters” tour royal Horse Gala – Qatar take that “progress” tour LeMansGrandPrix–France2012DivyaJyoti Jagriti Sansthan, India Kuwait50thConstitutionDay–Kuwait coldplay tour "Mylo Xyloto" – europe punk'd – USA carnival – Brazil Australian Open – Australia X-Games – France Permanent Installations: America Gardens theatre at epcot, Walt Disney World – Orlando, Florida, USA Bastille Opera – paris, France cirque du Soleil, MGM city center – LasVegas,Nevada,USA Deltion college – Zwolle, the Netherlands Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus – Germany First christian church – Akron, Ohio, USA HardRockLive,HardRockHotel&Casino– Biloxi, Mississippi, USA Henan Arts center – Zhengzhou, Henan, china HongKongCulturalCenter–China KaufmanConcertHallatThe92nd.St.Y– New York, New York, USA KingsPlace–London,UK KölnerPhilharmonie–Cologne,Germany KulturpalastDresden–Dresden,Germany New Zealand parliament – Wellington, New Zealand NorwegianEPICCruiseLine–Norway,France, UK,USA Olympic Stadium – Berlin, Germany pittsburgh Hockey Arena, consol energy center – pittsburgh, pennsylvania, USA 14 porto coliseum – porto, portugal Seacoast Grace church – cypress, california, USA Swedish theater Helsinki – Finland ThePhoenixHall–Kyoto,Japan Würzburg Main-Franconia theatre – Würzburg, Germany Wroclaw Opera House – Wroclaw, poland HochschulefürMusikKarlsruhe–Germany tokyo theatre Orb – Japan Oostende theatre – Belgium teatr rozrywki – poland EdinburghInternationalConferenceCentre–UK Luxor–USA emirates palace – Dubai chan center – canada Aarhus theatre – Denmark Broadcast: ArenaTV–UK AustrianBroadcasting(ORF),OBVanand recordingVan–Austria British Broadcasting corporation (BBc) “TypeB”van–UK Berlin-Brandenburg Broadcast (rBB) – Germany canadian Broadcasting corporation (cBc) radio OBVan–Canada Canal9,ValenciaTelevision(RTVV)–Spain DRSRadiorecordingVan–Switzerland Hessian Broadcasting (Hr) – Germany HunanTV–Changsha,China JiaxiangTV–China Media Burst – portugal MediasetOBVan27–Italy NBc Studios – USA polish radio – poland rai 3 Studios – Italy Saarland Broadcasting (Sr) – Gemany Southwest Broadcasting (SWr) – Germany teleBaern – Switzerland the Audio truck Inc. – canada VRTS3radiovan(Flemishradio)–Belgium ZhejiangTelevision(ZJTV)OBVan–China SVT,Sweden Media city – UK NRK – Norway radio Deejay – Italy Israel Broadcast – Israel HSe 24 – Germany TheVoiceofGermany – Germany OPTOCORE GMBH GB4D 10 Chemin Pierre Plaine 38460 CREMIEU Tél. : +33 (0)4 37 06 26 26 15 Product Overview Professional digital Video, Audio and Data infrastructure with routing, format conversion and management 16 COmPany PrOfile COMPANY PROFILE Broaman (Broadcast manufactur GmbH) has been set up by the founders of German optical fibre giants, OPTOCOre, in order to apply their world-leading network technology to the broadcast and video post production industries. Broaman manufactures network devices necessary for the infrastructure of broadcast applications such as Studios, OB-Vans or Sport events. The devices transport all types of broadcast signals, including digital and analogue video, digital and analogue audio, digital and analogue intercom and all forms of control data on copper and fibre infrastructure. if required, this includes format conversions, like from copper to fibre or from analogue to digital, as well as routing of signals based on automatic or manual rules, up/downscalers, frame synchronisers and many more features. as a service company, we build devices and deliver solutions to customer requirements. To implement this, we use a pool of the best available technologies, and mainly those based on open standards: These include DiVine (Digital Video network); 3G-SDi (SmPTe); Camera links; WDm (Wavelength Division multiplexing) for Video; OPTOCOre; Sane; maDi; iP based systems for audio; analogue, aeS and iP based systems for intercom; ieee802 (ethernet); serial data; DmX; miDi; Can for control. We strongly believe in the usage of open standards when possible for maximum future proofing. Devices are constructed from various base frames – such as route66, route33, repeat66, repeat33 for flexible applications, and repeat48 and repeat48CWDm as standalone 3G/HD/SD-SDi and maDi to fibre converters – with or without WDm multiplexers. inside, numerous modules can be inserted, to individually tailor the devices and provide solutions for specific projects where there is a requirement to send, receive, multiplex and demultiplex as well as convert professional video signals, including analogue, SD, HD and 3G-SDi, with/without audio, intercom and data. The self-contained, energy-efficient devices are fast fit and can also be interfaced to audio and data network systems, such as OPTOCOre, Sane (Synchronous audio network plus ethernet), maDi and ethernet, to provide a complete transmission solution. ABOUT DIVINE DiVine stands for Digital Video network and launches a new quality in professional video, audio and data transport. DiVine produces building blocks for digital video like BnC to fibre modules, video router, scalers, reclockers, embedders, WDm modules, fibre transceivers, Sync generators designed especially for multiple, high quality video channels infrastructure. Broaman uses the standards DiVine, 3G-SDi, Camera link, HDmi, DVi to transport video through the devices. ABOUT OPTOCORE OPTOCOre is the reference in audio networking, proven since 16 years in thousands of broadcast applications. internally based on open aeS standards aeS3 and aeS10, it enables digital audio infrastructure with routing, format conversion, and distribution of audio while maintaining the full aeS/eBU standards used in all digital audio and Video devices of today. OPTOCOre blocks include also all sorts of data transmission and allows redundancy, management and diagnosis. Broaman uses the standards OPTOCOre, aeS3, aeS10, iP based audio, ethernet and rS422 to create the audio part of our devices. 17 OUTSTanDinG DiVine feaTUreS SD/HD/3G-SDI enabled SDI BNC to fibre conversion DiVine integrates the latest high bandwidth video standards, where all products are fully compatible with SD/HD/3G video streams. DiVine allows customers to use standard BnC SDi interface as inputs and outputs. infrastructure is then fibre based for superior quality and reduced weight, space and cost. The whole range of DiVine products offers SDi to fibre and fibre to SDi conversion. Converters can work as standalone units and can be used as point-to-point solutions or can be integrated in a more complex routing and repeating platform. Up to 80 channels on a single fibre DiVine enables the transport of up to 80 video channels on a single fibre optic cable, utilising the Coarse and Dense Wavelength-Division multiplexing (CWDm and DWDm). Complete DiViNe, OPTOCORE and SANE integration Through use of DiVine, OPTOCOre, Sane and other standards, Broaman creates integrated video, audio and data infrastructures. One cable can be used to carry all necessary signals – video, audio, ethernet, rS485/422, DmX and many more. Routing platform Broaman offers a routing platform with three different options – automatic routing based on device iD, routing controlled by an external platform (for example VSm), routing in the Control Software. 18 Customised systems each Broaman project is consulted with our support and development team which enables the customer to design a system that perfectly matches their requirements. Module based solution The product range is very flexible, each product can be equipped with the number of fibre and SDi interfaces as required by the customer. This modular approach allows the customer to tailor each system component according to their needs. TeCHniCal OVerVieW OPTICAL MULTIPLEXING DiViNe APPLICATIONS DiVine utilises CWDm and/or DWDm technology providing transmission of professional audio, video and data over one fibre optic cable. DiVine supports SD/HD/3G-SDi video, digital audio format aeS/eBU, maDi, as well as analogue video and audio. DiVine also provides a transport of serial data rS485/422, DmX, Can BUS and ethernet. Traditional video transport system TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION DiVine is a video platform offering complete and seamless integration of the DiVine fibre based Video system, fibre DiVine converter solution based OPTOCOre audio and data platform and Cat5 based audio and data Sane technology. DiViNe SD/HD/3G Video OPTOCORE Audio + Data over fibre SANE Audio + Data over Cat5 DiVine router solution 19 rePeaT48 SySTem Repeat48 provides a high channel count point-to-point SD/HD/3G-SDI video solution. interfaces can work as simple electrical to optical or optical to electrical converters. Optical channels can also be multiplexed and demultiplexed with CWDm module. There are two frames available, each configured by the manufacturer to fulfil the customer’s requirements – repeat48 and repeat48CWDm. Video channel status information REPEAT48 Features: • upto24SDIportsforSD/ HD/3G video configured as: - input with adaptive eQ - input with reclocker - Output - Output with reclocker • upto24simplexLCfibre transmitters or receivers, respectively to the SDi port • E-O-Econversion • customisedI/Oconfigurations Power supply status information • dualPowersupply • perfectasastandalone converter Dimensions: • 1RU(rackunit) 483 mm (19”) width x 44 mm (1,73”) height x 200 mm (7,87”) depth • Weight:dependenton hardware configuration Up to 24 x SDI to fibre and/or fibre to SDI converters REPEAT48CWDM Features: • upto18SDIportsportsforSD/ HD/3G video configured as: - input with adaptive eQ - input with reclocker - Output - Output with reclocker • upto8simplexLCfibre • built-inCWDMorDWDM module • E-O-Einternalconversion • fibremultiplexing/demultiplexing AC power 1 & 2 • customisedI/Oconfigurations • dualPowersupply • idealforatransportof multiple video channels on the common fibre cable Dimensions: • 1RU(rackunit) 483 mm (19”) width x 44 mm (1,73”) height x 200 mm (7,87”) depth • Weight:dependenton hardware configuration STanDalOne WDm mODUle The passive WDm module can be equipped with different CWDm or DWDm modules, providing multiplexing and demultiplexing for the largest and most demanding systems. WDM Features: • upto160simplexLCports • allowstobuilt-inanynumberofallavailableCWDM/DWDM modules • providesexternalconnectivitytoCWDM/DWDMmodules • nopowersupply–passivedevice • suitableasMUX/DEMUXextensionforRoute66and/orRepeat48 systems 20 Dimensions: • 2RU(rackunit):483mm(19”)widthx88mm(3,5”)height x 200 mm (7,87”) depth • Weight:dependentonhardwareconfiguration rOUTe66 SySTem Route66 is the DiViNe system approach and is the name of the whole range of routers that BroaMan manufactures. Based on four main boards the user can define how many SDi and fibre interfaces are needed and how the device should perform – as a repeater or as a router. The route66 system product range consists of four devices route66 (up to 66 channel router), route33 (up to 33 channel router), repeat66 (up to 66 channel repeater), repeat33 (up to 33 channel repeater). each of the units can be fitted in two types of housings – 1rU or 2rU, depending on the number of ports which should be available for user-defined connections. each unit is individually configured to meet the most demanding requirements. Word Clock Sample Rate Up to 24 x SD/HD/3G-SDI Optional OPTOCORE board Video channel status information Up to 36 LC fibre ports Unit status information Features: • upto24BNC-SDIportsfor SD/HD/3G video configured as: - input with adaptive eQ - input with reclocker - Output - Output with reclocker - Switchable i/O • upto20duplexLCfibreports • upto36simplexLCfibreports • optionalbuilt-inCWDMor DWDm module • optionalBlackBurstsync module Optional OPTOCORE board • optionalOPTOCOREmodule: - 2 duplex lC fibre ports for OPTOCOre with built-in redundancy - 2 Sane with ethernet ports - 2 lan ports - rS485/422 port - Word Clock Output - external Word Clock input • DualPowersupply Dimensions: • 2RU(rackunit)483mm(19”) width x 88 mm (3,5”) height x 200 mm (7,87”) depth • Weight:dependenton hardware configuration Video channel status information Up to 10 x SD/HD/3G-SDI AC power 1 & 2 Up to 20 duplex LC fibre ports 2RU HOUSING Word Clock Sample Rate Unit status information AC power 1 & 2 Up to 8 LC fibre ports 1RU HOUSING Features: • upto10BNC-SDIportsfor SD/HD/3G video configured as: - input with adaptive eQ - input with reclocker - Output - Output with reclocker - Switchable i/O • upto8simplexLCfibreports • optionalbuilt-inCWDMor DWDm module • optionalBlackBurstsync module • optionalOPTOCOREframe: - 2 duplex lC fibre ports for OPTOCOre with built-in redundancy - 2 Sane with ethernet ports - 2 lan ports - rS485/422 port - Word Clock Output - external Word Clock input • DualPowersupply Dimensions: • 1RU(rackunit),483mm(19”) width x 44 mm (1,73”) height x 200 mm (7,87”) depth • Weight:dependenton hardware configuration ROUTE66 ROUTE33 Features: • Routingupto66SD/HD/3Gvideochannels • E-O-Econversion • DifferentI/Oconfigurationspossible • OptionalMUX/DEMUX • Idealforlargeroutingsystems Features: • Routingupto33SD/HD/3Gvideochannels • E-O-Econversion • DifferentI/Oconfigurationspossible • OptionalMUX/DEMUX • Perfectforsmallerroutingsystems REPEAT66 REPEAT33 Features: • Repeatingupto66SD/HD/3Gvideochannels • E-O-Econversion • DifferentI/Oconfigurationspossible • OptionalMUX/DEMUX • CanbeusedasabigStageBoxconnectedtotherouter Features: • Repeatingupto33SD/HD/3Gvideochannels • E-O-Econvertion • DifferentI/Oconfigurationspossible • OptionalMUX/DEMUX • CanbeusedasasmallStageBoxconnectedtotherouter 21 neTWOrK eXamPle Sveriges Television Project – Video infrastructure comprised of 4 video systems SD/HD/3G-SDI, coaxial cable SD/HD/3G-SDI, fibre cable CWDM COM, duplex fibre cable SD/HD/3G-SDI, mobile fibre cable DiViNe StageBox Camera StageBox 9 x REMOTE 9 x REMOTE CAMERA CAMERA STAGEBOXES STAGEBOXES Fibre to SDI Fiber to SDI Converters Converters Wallbox #1 4 x SDI Out 1 x BlackBurst DiViNe Camera StageBox . . x9 . Wallbox #9 DiViNe Camera Router Routing via VSM 2 x 10 SDI In 18 fibre Out Equipment Room x 18 4 x SDI Out The first and most CWDM COM, 1 x BlackBurst mobile duplex fibre cable powerful system is the Video router with Wallbox #1 DiViNe DiViNe DiViNe 8 StageBoxes, which DiViNe Video StageBox Video StageBox Video StageBox ID 3 ID 2 ID 1 can be connected in x 20 Miranda ID 11-16 . 4 x SDI Out 4 x SDI Out 4 x SDI Out 1 x SDI IN 1 x SDI IN 1 x SDI IN . x 32 32 different locations. RS485, Ethernet RS485, Ethernet RS485, Ethernet 8 x 32 Video . automatic The routing system is x5 Matrix 5 x REMOTE DiViNe DiViNe Video Router 5 x REMOTE Video StageBox Video StageBox VIDEO VIDEO with CWDM based on the route66 ID 4 ID 5 STAGEBOXES STAGEBOXES 4 x SDI Out 4 x SDI Out Wallbox #32 Automatic ID1 x SDI IN 1 x SDI IN 2rU frames, four Automatic IDbased RS485, Ethernet RS485, Ethernet basedrouting routing of the devices are configured as SDi in to DiViNe fibre converters with Camera StageBox Wallbox #1 DiViNe Studio 2 x SDI Out 4 x REMOTE routing capabilities, Ceiling 4 x REMOTE 1 x BlackBurst CEILING . x8 CEILING Router Floor STAGEBOXES . x 10 STAGEBOXES one fibre to SDi OUT . Fibre to SDI DiViNe Fiber to SDI Routing converter with routing Converters Converters Camera StageBox via VSM Wallbox #10 capabilities, OPTOCOre 2 x SDI Out 1 x BlackBurst router and two CWDm modules which provide multiplexing to 32 different locations (wallboxes). routing distribution of approximately 200 SDi channels. Due to the is automatic, based on the iD – it doesn’t matter to which modular design each device provides a different number wallbox a StageBox is connected, always the same 4 inputs of i/O interfaces which adds a great flexibility to the overall and 1 return channel from/to the router are assigned to the system. same StageBox. The second system consists of two Camera routers and one Ceiling router with SDi in and fibre transmitters, providing additional outputs on 15 remote StageBoxes. in this case routing is made by the user with the use of VSm software provided by lSB company. The third system consists of one light Car router and one StageBox. as in the Video router system the light Car router provides automatic routing and video is routed together with the OPTOCOre stream on the same route66 2rU interface. Connection between the light Car router and the StageBox is possible in five different locations with the use of a 4-core fibre cable. The fourth system is comprised of numerous repeat48 devices which enable the conversion and fibre-based automatic routing scheme for SVT project 22 BroaMan Broadcast Manufactur Gmbh GB4D 10 chemin Pierre Plaine 38460 CREMIEU Tél. +33 4 37 06 26 26 23 LOCALISATION Localisation 24 SIÈGE SOCIAL ET ADMINISTRATIF : 10 chemin Pierre Plaine • 38460 Crémieu • France AGENCE ET DÉPÔT : 57 rue de Belle eau • ZI Les Landiers Nord • 73000 Chambéry • France Autoroute A43 sortie 14 LOCALISATION Contacts : Responsable commerciale Diane Hivert +33 (0)6 21 67 85 21 04 37 06 26 26 Chef produit Gilles Bouvard +33 (0)6 07 45 73 35 04 37 06 26 26 25 LE RESEAU GB 26 NOTES 27 WWW.GILLESBOUVARD.COM SIÈGE SOCIAL ET ADMINISTRATIF : 10 chemin Pierre Plaine 38460 Cremieu • France CONTACTS : GILLES BOUVARD +33 (0) DIANE HIVERT +33.(0) GB4D S.A.R.L. CAPITAL 15 000 EUROS • RCS 520 490 376 TVA FR60 520 490 376 • APE 9002 Z GILLES BOUVARD EST ADHÉRENT AU SYNPASE LABEL DES PRESTATAIRES DU SPECTACLE VIVANT N°638