000 - BN Dockyard Chittagong
000 - BN Dockyard Chittagong
RESTRICTED Commodore Supdt Dockyard New Mooring, Chittagong www.navy.mil.bd Telephone: 031-740391-9 Ext 6700 E-Mail: csdoffice@navy.mil.bd iJ2- Feb 2016 06.02.1528.500.05.001.16·2.9 ALLOCATION OF DUTIES - OFFICERS 1. Following officers of CSD organization will carry out the duties as shown against their names. Necessary handing/ taking over to be completed by '?~ ..Feb 2016. Ser Name & Rank 1. Captain S M Muhammad Ali, (E), psc, BN (P No-754) Captain M Ruhul Minhaz, (L), psc, BN (P No-846) Cdr M Mostafa Kamal, (E), BN (P No-544) 2. 3. Org! Unit CSD! DYD " " NHQ Appointment GM (Prod) Addl Duties CSO President NRSC GM (P&E) President Costing Committee Director CNRD Adviser Dockyard Auditorium President Canteen Management Committee Adviser NKF Flour Mill, Ctg Chairman Civ Barrack and Maint Committee GM (Yard Service) - ,. 4. Cdr M Saiful Islam, (L), psc, BN (P No-881) " NASO Implementation officer, Dyd ERP System! GM (Admin) .- Designated Auto Reliever GM (P&E) GM (Prod) GM (Admin) DGM(Ord) OIC Computer GM (YS) 000 I 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cdr M I H Chowdhury, (L), BN (P No-660) " Cdr M S Jamil Siddiquee, (C), psc, BN (P No- 670) Cdr M Nazmul Haque Mollik, (G), BN (P No-784) Cdr M Mahbur Rahman, (E), BN (P No-1164) DYD BNFD S/BAN OIC Technical School Welfare Officer (Civ) OIC GMPAD's Misc. Fund OIC Pay & Allowance Fund OIC CSD Workers Welfare Fund President Academic Council, BN Dockyard TI Principal BN Dockyard TI President Bhatiary Store Collection Committee President BNLC Construction Committee CO BN DOCKyARD CO BNFD SUNDARBAN Member House Allotment Committee (HAC) DGM (P&E) President Standing Tender Evaluation Committee President Computer Repair/ Survey Committee Member Costing Committee President PPC Machine President Quality Control DGM (W & E) . OIC Central Store CO BNFD SUNDAR BAN COBN DOCKYARD. " CSD/ DYD Cdr Ehtasham Ahmed Quraisi, (E), BN (P No-1111) " Cdr A T M Shahid Ahsan, (L), psc, BN (P No-1150) " DGM (SR) DGM (Yard Service - M) Industrial Engineer DGM (SR) DGM (P&E) DGM (YS - L) DGM (H & M) DGM (W&E) DGM(Ord) DGM (Yard Service - L) OIC Cal Centre DGM (YS - M) -.-.- 1 RESTRICTED , RESTRICTED Ser 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. . , 20. Name & Rank Cdr M Julhash Uddin Ahmed, (E), BN (P No-1187) Lt Cdr M Rais Uddin, (C), BN (P No-1108) Instr Lt Cdr M Aminullslam, BN, (P No 1238) Lt Cdr Saiful Ahmad, (E), BN (P No-1442) Lt Cdr MUM Giaul Islam, (E), BN (P No-1444 Orgl Unit CSD! DYD DYD CSD! DYD NHQ Appointment DGM (Hull & Misc) XO,DYD Instructor Electrical (Technical School) Addl Duties DGM (M) Member NRSC Member Costing Committee Safety Officer Management Representative (ISO Project) OIC Fish Project & Fish Fund Area Sports & Recreation Officer Dockyard Security Officer Member Bhatiary Stores Collection Committee Fire Fiqhting Officer Signal Communication Officer OIC Computer and Office Equipment Instructor L&R (Tech School) OIC IT of CNRD Project Officer, Dyd LAN System OIC Archive Centre CSD Website Admin Designatt. Auto Relieve. DGM(SR) DGM(W&E) OIC Gun Shop SODYD GPE (W&E) NASa OIC R&R Shop " OIC Machine Shop SO (I) OIC ICE Shop " OIC ICE Shop Instructor Mech (Tech School) Member Standing Tender Evaluation Committee OIC Machine Shop Lt Cdr M A Abedin, (L), BN(P No-1494) " Design Engineer Electrical Lt Cdr M Kamrul Hasan, (E), BN (P No-1664) Lt Cdr M Tanvir Rahman, BN (BA-6507) Lt Cdr Tania Islam Tani, (L), BN (P No-1843) " OIC Ship Fitting Shop " GE (Navy), North " Radio Instr Offr Lt Cdr Marzia Ali Keya, (S), BN (P No-1846) DYD Supply Officer DGM(Design) Member NRSC GPE((H&M) GPE(M) GPE(W&E) DGM(P&E) OIC Cal Centre OIC P&WShop Trg Officer SDO (8&R) OIC Cal Center OIC Bhatiary Shop Member PPC Machine Repair!Survey Committee SSO to CSD OIC CSD Special Fund OIC Contingency Fund OIC R&R Shop GPE(W&E) OIC Central Store OIC M T Repair Fund OIC Minor Repair Fund 21. Lt Cdr M Nur Hasan, (E), BN (P NO-1498) CSD! DYD OIC P&W Shop Member Computer Repair! Survey Committee OIC Paint Shop OIC Gyro Compass Sec OIC Ship Fitting Shop Member NRSC Member Quality Control (H&M) 2 I-... GPE (H&M) I RESTRICTED Ser Name & Rank Orgl Unit 22. Lt Cdr M Masum Hossain, (S), BNVR (P No-1907) NHQ Appointment OIC Central Stores Addl Duties Member Costing Committee Member Computer Repair/ Survey Committee Member Canteen Manacement Committee Member Ladies Club Construction Committee Public Relation Officer (PRO) OIC Fittinq Shop OIC Fridqe Shop OIC Foundry Shop Asst Industrial Engineer Member Quality Control (M) Designated Auto Reliever SODYD Secy to CSD 23 Lt Cdr M Fuad Haider, (E), BN (P No- 2293) " Asst OIC Fitting Shop 24. Lt Cdr M A Haque, (SO) (a/E), BN (P No-1695) Lt Salsabil Amin Nizhum, (E), BN (P No-2092) " OIC Gun Wharf Factory DNASO AASO OIC Gun Shop " Instructor Engineer (Technical School) Manager (SR-M) Manager (SR-H & M) OIC Laooino Shop OIC Carpentry Shop Asst OIC ICE Shoo Rep Anirban OIC BN Slipway Manaqer (SR Electrical) Asst: OIC Cal center 25. 26. Lt Kazi Mantasha Wazeda, (L), BN (P No- 2195) " 27. Instr Lt Sarmin Sultana, BN (P No- 2313) Lt Obaidul Haque, (L), BN (P No- 2410) Lt Kazi Shameem Arefin, (s), BNVR (P No-2422) " Asst OIC Weapon Control, Gyro, Echo Sounder, Sonar & Instrument Work Shop Law Officer " CNRD OIC CNRD Fund " CSD Secretary Photoqraphv Officer OIC Nau Porikrama CB Officer OIC CSD Secretariat OIC Electrical Shop Member Standing Tender Evaluation Committee Member Quality Control (L) MTO 28. 29. 30. Lt M Rafiqul Islam, (SD)(L), BN (P No-1891) " Asstt OIC Heavy Electrical Shop 31. Lt M Mahbubur Rahman, (SD)(R), BN (P No-1893) " OIC R&R Shop Lt M Delwar Hossain Khan, (SD)(L), BN (P No-2018) " 32. OIC Gyro Compass Section .. 3 RESTRICTED OIC Tea Club & Fund OIC MT Workshop OIC Dockyard Recreation Hall' Asst ole Bhatiary Store Member Quality Control (R) OIC Yard Service (L) Member Bhatiary Store Collection Committee Member PPC Machine Repair/Survey Committee OIC Civil Barrack & Fund OIC Canteen OIC Machine Shop OIC Fittino.Shop OIC BN Sliowav OIC Central Store OIC Gyro Compass Section SSO OIC CNRD Fund OIC Gyro Compass Section OIC Gun Wharf Factory Asst OIC Gun Shop Asst OIC LShop Asst OIC L Shop OIC Slipway Asst OIC Gun Shop RESTRICTED Ser Name & Rank 33. Lt M Ayet Ullah, (SD)(SIW), BN (P No-2020) Lt M S Islam, (SO), (OlE), BN (P No-2058) 34. Org! Unit BNFD S/BAN NHQ Appointment Dock Master CSDI DYD Asst OIC Gun Shop Addl Duties Designate Auto Relieve, SO, RO S/BAN XO S/BAN OIC Slipway OIC Tree Plantation & . Fund OIC Gun Shop • , Asst Safety Officer OIC Anti Submarine Weapon Shop OIC NKF Flour Mill,Ctg . OIC Mosque Planning and Management officer CNRD 35. 36. 37. S Lt M Salim Hossain, (SD)(E), BN (P No 2366) CSDI DYD S Lt H M Billal, (SD)(X), BN (P No-2511) H S Lt M Obaidur Rahman, (R), BN (P No-2596) BNFC B/BAN Addl OIC BN Slipway OIC Yard Service (M) CSDI DYD OIC BNFC B/BAN LO BNFC B/BAN Addl GPE (W&E) Design Engineer (L &R) .•.... .-- 39. H S Lt M Lutfor Rahman, (E), BN (P No-272D) H S Lt K Farooq Ahmed, (L), BN (P No- 2745) SODYD Asst OIC Gun Shop Design Engineer Electrical OIC Gyro Compass Sec Asst OIC Gun Shop EO BNFC B/BAN GPE (H&M) -- f1~ Training Officer 38. OIC Gun Wharf Factory BNFC B/BAN Addl OIC Technical Library OIC Laboratory EO, BNFC BALABAN CSDI DYD Addl OIC Battery Shop Design Engineer Electrical OIC~(YS-M) Asst Management Representative (ISO Project) 40. 41. H S Lt M 0 Uddin Farajee, (R), BN (P No- 2717) HSLtMO Rahman, (E), BN (P No- " -"- . Addl Addl Asst OIC Radio Shop Maintenance Officer OIC Slipway Asst OIC P&W Shop DGM(YS-M) OIC LRSC OIC Gyro Compass Section OIC Rigging Shop OIC S&C Loft Shop 42. 43. H S Lt M Aman Ullah, (L), BN (P No- " Lt Cdr Mozaffar Ahmed, (SD)(L), BN (P No-1133) (Rtd) CSDI DYD Asst Management Representative (ISO Addl Project) Vice Principal Maritime Training Wing OIG Maritime Training Fund Vice Principal Technical Institute Vice Principal Technical Training Wing OIC Technical Institute Fund OIC Dyd Auditorium & Fund 4 OIC Battery Shop OIC Cal Centre RESTRICTED The concerned shop OIC will act as a member in NRSC Committee. 3. The designated auto relievers will keep track of the important activities and events of the concerned department! section so that they can take over the duties at immediate notice. 4. The auto reliever will automatically take over the duties, if the actual appointment holders are away from the duty place. Handing/taking over where necessary is to be completed well in time. Officers will resume their duties on return/ joining. 5. All previous orders in this connection are to be treated as cancelled. S FIULAZAM Commodore BN Commodore Supdt Dockyard Distr: External: Action: BIC~ All Concerned Info: . /.::::::: t 1-\11 Admin Authorities The Commanding Officer BNS (All ships/Estb under CSD) . Naval Armament Supply Officer Officer-in-Charge, BN Slipway Officer-in-Charge, BNFC BALABAN Not in Original Copy Internal: Info: All General Manager 5 RESTRICTED