president`s corner editor`s notes - Fauquier Aero Recreation Modelers
president`s corner editor`s notes - Fauquier Aero Recreation Modelers
FEBRUARY 2007 PRESIDENT’S CORNER Duane Beck The schedule of club events for the year is included in this issue. Mark your calendars and come join us for a Fun Fly, Picnic, Silent/Electric Fly, Float Fly, or one of the aerobatic contests. After January’s meeting, the board decided to hold an IMAC contest this year, on the weekend of May 26-27th. If participation remains low, this will most likely be the last year for IMAC at FARM for a while. I want to thank Bill McMullen for stepping up to CD this contest. I would encourage any club member interesting in trying aerobatics to consider entering the IMAC Basic category at the contest, and please let everyone know about the contest. This month we’re beginning a six-article series about pattern flying, written by Rusty Dose. Rusty is a former treasurer of the National Society of Radio Control Aerobatics (NSRCA), and member of the Omahawks R/C club in Omaha, Nebraska. If you want to learn more about pattern, or just are curious about how to improve your flying or trim your airplane to fly better, please take a look. We’re also including the new AMA Sportsman Pattern sequence for 2007-08, along with the descriptions for the first six maneuvers. We’ll plan to include descriptions for more maneuvers in following issues. You can fly the Sportsman sequence with most any sport or fun fly airplane. The club is holding a pattern contest the weekend of September 22-23rd. I’d like to encourage everyone to take a look at the sequence and read the descriptions. Try practicing some of the maneuvers and see if you can chain them together in a sequence. Consider participating in the contest. You don’t have to be in it to win, but you may find a good time and a chance to learn something new. The Handley Page HP-42 built and flown by the team of John Hunton, Mike Dale, Bill McMullen, and Bill Hadden is depicted as part of the NEAT Fair articles on page 50 of the February 2007 issue of Model Aviation and page 80 of the January 2007 issue of R/C Report. Congratulations on an outstanding model of an unusual subject. At the February meeting, John Hunton will be presenting a talk on Computer Aided Drawing, or CAD. He’ll discuss the differences between drawing on paper and drawing on the computer using a CAD program, along with the advantages and disadvantages of each. There will be a second part, at the same meeting, for those interested in more advanced details and demonstration, with maybe a little hands-on experience if time allows. Duane Beck EDITOR’S NOTES Jeff Killen Upcoming Events: 1.Club Meeting, February 27, at the Warrenton Community Center, 7:00 PM SECRETARY’S REPORT Jeff Killen The January Club Meeting was held at the Warrenton Community Center on January 23. There were no new members or guests present. John Muller was attending his first meeting, and also received his hat. Congratultions, John. Old Business Ron Coen reported about the status of our club members who have not renewed their AMA. He started with 28 members, and now has this down to 12. He also noted that as of the end of December we had about $7752 in the treasury. Vince Tabacco made a correction to the December newsletter in that his roast was for Charlie Koustenis, not John Hunton. Sorry about that error. New Business John Hunton gave a brief report on the status of the Culpepper field project. The architects tried to change the runways to a wrong direction. He passed around a page to show the problem. Nic Burhans is also working on a similar project for the Prince William club. Dick Sutton has made an addition to the web site – it is a link to the Culpepper airport weather, and shows wind and temperature. We also discussed options for having the pictures in the newsletter on the web site. Calendar Review Float fly and picnic at Lake Ritchey will be on 6/3 instead of on 6/2. Crockett Park support event is on 10/13. Vince T. has started AMA papers for the event. We voted to not have a swap meet at the event. Club members may bring a side dish, and the club will provide the main dish. Ralph Graul, Bill McMullen and Vince Tabacco were formed as an ad hoc committee to look into the possibility of having a FARM sponsored swap meet. Larry K. will try for 12/15 for the Christmas Party. Fun fly starting times were moved to 1:30 PM, from 1 PM, in order to make the event easier for churchgoers to attend. Show and Tell John Hunton – Savoia Marchetti S-55X (which flew over the Atlantic Ocean before Charles Lindbergh), in 3 versions, from a tiny electric to a (about) 5 foot wingspan. Bill McMullen – Cub obtained in a trade with Carl Hampton, Helicopter Lite Machines Corona 120, with 2100 mah LiPo battery. A new challenge for Bill. Mike Marohnic – Helicopter, Hirobo Freyn Evolution 90, with OS .91 motor, and gyro Vince Tabacco – F27C Striker, a Delta Wing electric from Park Zone. Rob Wingo – ME109 from GWS, foam, $27 with no motor, or add a 180 watt motor for $15, water color spray paint. 50/50 Doug Elstob won the money; Dick Sutton won the fuel. FARM Club Officers Meeting After the regular meeting, the officers agreed to the following: 1.Support an IMAC contest, for May 25-27, providing there is no conflict with other major events nearby. 2.Provide a $150 deposit to Jan Ritchey for the float fly in October. 3.Ron Coen asked about a sanction need for our silent fly event. We don’t need one; we are insured at our field. TREASURER’S REPORT Ron Coen January 2007 INCOME: Member Dues Sale of Donated RC Equipment Club 50/50 Raffle Miscellaneous EXPENSES: Field Rental (Feb, Mar, Apr) Newsletter Check Charge Fee Office Supplies Contest Sanction Fee $130.00 $35.00 $23.00 $00.69 ---------$188.69 Total Expenses $600.00 $42.90 $42.20 $27.44 $20.00 ---------$732.54 Overall Total -$543.85 Beginning Cash Ending Cash $7752.15 $7208.30 2007 FARM Club Calendar January 23 Club Meeting @ Community Center 7:00 PM February 27 Club Meeting @ Community Center 7:00 PM March 27 Club Meeting @ Community Center 7:00 PM April 8 Fun Fly #1 @ Club Field 1:30 PM 24 Club Meeting @ Community Center 7:00 PM 12 Fun Fly #2 @ Club Field 1:30 PM 22 Club Meeting @ Community Center 7:00 PM IMAC Event 9:00 AM 3 CLUB PICNIC @ Lake Ritchie 11:30AM 10 Fun Fly #3 @ Club Field 1:30 PM 26 Club Meeting @ Club Field 7:00 PM 8 Fun Fly #4 @ Club Field 1:30 PM 24 Club Meeting @ Club Field 7:00 PM 5 Electric/Silent Fly @ Club Field 1:00 PM 12 Fun Fly #5 @ Club Field 1:30 PM May 26/27 June July August 17-19 September 28 Club Meeting @ Club Field 7:00 PM 9 Fun Fly #6 @ Club Field 1:30 PM Pattern Championship Contest 9:00 AM 25 Club Meeting @ Community Center 7:00 PM 6 Float Fly @ Lake Ritchie 9:00 AM 13 Crockett Park support (rain date is Oct. 20) 13 Culpeper Airfest static displays 8:00 AM 23 Club Meeting @ Community Center / Board Nominations 7:00 PM 27 Club Meeting @ Community Center/ Board Nominations 7:00 PM 22-23 October November December Field closed during Bealeton Giant Scale Fly-in 15 (tbd) Christmas Party / Vote for 2008 Board of Directors Please check the club calendar monthly for additions, deletions, date, location and time changes Threat of or it is actually snowing = meeting is cancelled! If it is raining heavily during outdoor meeting months, the meeting will still be held at the field (in the hangar) From: To: Subject: Here is the new me and new toy Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 20:50:07 EST Charlie K. . . Paid a professional photographer for this one. Taken at Pensacola Jets. Yeah, it is OK to put it in the FARM Club newsletter! A$$bucket FARM OFFICERS for 2007 FARM Newsletter Staff President . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Duane Beck Vice President. . . . . . . . . . Nic Burhans Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jeff Killen Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ron Coen Safety Officer . . . . . . . . . Bill McMullen Member at Large. . . . . . . . Mike Dale Field Marshall . . . . . . . . . Bud Hilker 540-341-8458 540-349-2733 703-369-0807 540-439-4014 540-347-5871 540-937-6240 703-368-8872 Editor Jeff Killen Printer: Classic Printing Center Chantilly, VA, 703-631-0800 (courtesy David Malkin) The FARM Newsletter is published monthly by the Fauquier Aero Recreation Modelers, AMA charter #1654. It is mailed to FARM members and to other clubs on an exchange basis. Articles related to all types of aviation are welcome. Opinions expressed in the newsletter are those of the individual author and do not necessarily reflect those of FARM Inc. Publishing deadline is the 2nd Tuesday of the month. Please mail all input to: Jeff Killen 10297 Woodmont Ct. Manassas, VA 20110-6164 703-369-0807 E-Mail: Our web site is: FAUQUIER AERO RECREATION MODELERS Jeff Killen 10297 Woodmont Ct. Manassas, VA 20110-6164