Methow Naturalist
Methow Naturalist
A Quarterly Journal of Natural History Winter 2012 V17 N4 $2.50 The Methow Naturalist I want to be connected to the grandest, biggest, most real, and most beautiful thing in the universe as we know it: life on the earth. Bernd Heinrich Slime Mold: It's Crazy! Also: Poetry Wildlife Sightings Changing Bird Species Plumages & Molt in Birds Plate Tectonics & Biodiversity The Life in the Rocks: Plate Tectonics & Biodiversity by Dana Visalli Oval Peak in the Sawtooth Range; the mountain and the life upon it exist thanks to the forces of plate tectonics, which create the uplift to build mountains and cycle the nutrients necessary for life. There is a surprising level of connectivity showing up in recent scientific studies between what we might call the living and the dead—between the exuberant vitality of the biosphere and the mechanical grindings of the geosphere. Between life and rocks. For most of human history the earth beneath our feet has just seemed like it was a handy platform on which to stand; but to which we bore little or no relationship. Research over the past 100 years has demonstrated that arrangements are very different than we had imagined. The planet turns out of course to be a sphere rather than flat, and while it remains a handy place to stand, it has proven to be vastly more animated than previously thought. Not only does it have molten core that is the same temperature as the surface of the sun, but the continents themselves have been crashing around on the surface of the planet for the last three billion years, joining together at least twice into solitary land masses (Rodinia and Pangaea), only to the periodically split apart and go floating off in different directions. Our understanding of the movement of the earth’s crust is something quite new. As recently as 1980 20% of all professional geologists held the theory of plate tectonics in utter contempt. Most of the world’s scientific community has now successfully weathered that paradigm shift. But apparently paradigms are like oceanic crust, constantly churning and metamorphosing into new material. One of the more recent insights to spring from the study of the planetary system is that not only does plate tectonics drive crustal plates and move continents, but it now seems that this dynamic force may be the single most critical factor for maintaining the diversity of life on the planet. It is not just energy that runs downhill; so do the nutrients essential to life. When we plant a tree we assume there will be enough phosphorus, potassium, carbon, sulfur, nitrogen and other essential elements for the plant to grow. But why would these nutrients still be in the soil after four billion years of erosion and water running to the sea? The answer is, because of plate tectonics. The oceanic plates that form the floor of the world’s oceans are being Dana Visalli is the editor of The Methow Naturalist If this box is checked your subscription is due or expired, see back cover; subscriptions are $10 or more/year APPROACHING MICROCONTINENT THE METHOW THE CASCADES A simplified view of the forces that formed the Methow. The heat of the mantle creates convection currents that force the earth's crustal plates to move. Denser oceanic crustal plates will sink under lighter continental plates when the two are forced together. Sediments that had washed off the continents into the sea are compressed and deformed when two sections of continental crust are forced together. The Methow is largely deformed sedimentary rock. Briefly put, carbon dioxide reacts with high silicate, continental rocks—such as granite, which there is a lot of—to form calcium carbonate (limestone) and silica (quartz), both of which are then sequestered as sediments, removing carbon from the atmosphere. The chemical reaction is faster at higher temperatures, so the warmer it gets, the more carbon dioxide is removed, forming a negative feedback loop. The process requires a continual supply of silicate rocks, which is both produced and uplifted by the forces of plate tectonics. Without this removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere earth would soon resemble Venus, which has a surface temperature of 900° F. Without the addition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from tectonic activity the surface of the earth would freeze solid. There is another interesting twist to this story, and that is that the sun has increased in luminosity and heat output by 25% over the past three billion years. During that time the earth’s temperature has remained within that narrow range suitable for life. This has been possible because the quantity of silicate rock—which is continental rock, as opposed to the lower-silica basalt of the oceanic crust—has increased greatly over time. Evidence indicates that there was only 10% as much continental rock (and continental landmass) three billion years ago. The amount of continental rock on the planet has increased greatly over time due to the differentiation pushed apart in mid-ocean by rising plumes of molten rock, sliding on the fluidity of the upper mantle. As these oceanic plates move east and west from their point of origin they cool, thicken, and grow heavier. Where they are forced against continental rock, which is composed of less dense material, they sink back into the earth, carrying the essential nutrients that have flowed to the sea with them. One might think this might be the end of the story, like Frodo throwing the Ring of Power into the cauldron on Mordor, but it is not. The essential elements conveniently reappear a short time later, geologically speaking (in about 100 million years), in the form of uplifted mountains and volcanic magma, both of which erode back to soil. Without plate tectonics life on land would grind to a standstill in short order. Plate tectonics is intricately involved with both the addition and removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, the balance of which is critical to maintaining earthly temperatures with the narrow range acceptable to life (roughly 0° to 120° Fahrenheit). Carbon dioxide is constantly seeping into the atmosphere from volcanoes and ocean vents (there are approximately 600 currently active volcanoes and thousands of hydrothermal vents). It is also constantly removed from the atmosphere, both by photosynthesis and by a chemical reaction with continental rocks driven by plate tectonics. Continued on page 10.... 3 A Red-tailed Hawk, molting wing and tail feathers sequentially so that it can continue to fly. Plumages and Molt in Birds By Art Campbell and Michelle Dewey much more complicated than suggested by the simple division into breeding and nonbreeding plumages, in fact so complicated, that the process has seemed to defy attempts to organize it into an understandable sequence. This situation began to change in 1959, with the publication of a paper by Philip Humphrey and Kenneth Parkes. They proposed a new system of describing plumage successions in birds, a system that could be uniformly applied to all birds. This new system incorporated the key innovation of defining plumage sequences based on the types of molts rather than when molt occurs during the year or at what stage during the bird’s life history. The HumphreyParkes system recognizes four general sequences of bird molt and resulting plumages, with birds of the same species all following the same one of the four sequences. They named these sequences: Simple Basic, Simple Alternate, Complex Basic, and Complex Alternate. Just as we humans replace our old worn clothes with new clothes, all birds periodically replace their “clothes” – the suits of feathers that are called plumages. This process of shedding feathers and growing new replacement feathers is called molt. Birds molt not only to replace feathers that are worn, but also to grow plumages that serve specific purposes, for example to attract potential mates (kind of like those new Levi’s and the pearl snap shirt). While bird identification guides depict the most common plumages of each species, birdwatchers often encounter individual birds that don’t fit the pictures in their guides. Understanding the process of bird molt and the plumages that result can help us identify those birds that don’t “fit” our guidebook description, and can enhance our appreciation of our feathered friends. Most of us are aware that some birds have a distinct plumage in the summer breeding season that differs from their “nonbreeding” or winter plumage. But ornithologists have long recognized that bird molt and the sequences of plumages that result are Art and Michelle are Methow residents, avid birders, and regular contributors to The Methow Naturalist 4 Mature American Pipits in summer plumage (left) and winter plumage (right). Identifying birds requires knowing their plumage variations. Before we describe these four sequences in detail, we need to introduce some molt and plumage terminology used by Humphrey-Parkes. All postjuvenile birds periodically molt all or almost all of their feathers. This complete (or almost complete) “change of clothes” is called a prebasic molt. The plumage that results from the prebasic molt is termed the bird’s basic plumage. Some post-juvenile birds also undergo a partial molt, typically a molt of the head and body feathers, which results in the bird’s alternate plumage. This partial molt is called a prealternate molt. The period between one prebasic molt and the succeeding prebasic molt is termed a molt cycle. The duration of a cycle is typically a year, but in some birds may be more or less than a year. Recapping those terms, we have: Prebasic Molt: full change in plumage leading to Basic Plumage. Prealternative Molt: partial change in plumage leading to Alternate Plumage. Molt Cycle: period of time between prebasic molts. Now, back to the four molt sequences: 1. Simple Basic, the simplest of the four sequences, is one where a recently hatched chick molts all or almost all of its downy feathers into a juvenile plumage and then later molts all or almost all of its juvenile feathers into an adult plumage. Subsequent molts, typically once a year, simply replace the adult plumage. Turkey vultures are common valley visitors that follow this sequence. The other three molt sequences can be viewed as variations on the Simple Basic sequence. 2. The Simple Alternate sequence is like the Simple Basic but with two molts, rather than one, per cycle. One of the two molts is the complete prebasic molt that results in the bird’s basic plumage. The second molt is a partial prealternate molt. In the bird’s first molt cycle, this alternate plumage occurs after the juvenile plumage and before the basic plumage of the second cycle. In the Simple Alternate sequence, the downy hatchling molts into a juvenile plumage, and then later in its first cycle, the bird undergoes a first prealternate molt leading to a first alternate plumage. This first alternate plumage is succeeded by a first prebasic molt leading to the adult basic plumage, a second prealternate molt leading to the adult alternate plumage. That sequence of prebasic molt, adult basic plumage, prealternate molt, and adult alternate plumage then continues throughout the bird’s life. Loons, cormorants, and some gulls follow this Simple Alternate sequence. The alternate plumage of these birds is different from the basic plumage, but the extent of difference varies. Loons in their striking alternate plumages (the contrasting black and white with stripes and bars) look quite different than they do in their relatively drab basic plumages (mostly battleship gray). By contrast, the alternate and basic plumages of double-crested cormorants, which occasionally can be found on large lakes in the Methow, are quite similar. The third and fourth sequences have an additional molt (the preformative molt) in the first cycle leading to a distinct formative plumage. 3. The Complex Basic sequence adds a preformative molt sequence, where the bird’s juvenile plumage is succeeded (after a preformative molt that is typically partial) by the formative plumage, which in turn is succeeded (after a prebasic molt) by the adult basic plumage. Many songbirds, such chickadees and crows, follow this sequence of plumages. Because adults of species following the Complex Basic sequence molt out of their worn basic plumage into a fresh basic plumage once per cycle – typically once per year – they look essentially the same yeararound. Continued on page 11.... 5 Slime Mold: It's Crazy! by Eddie Torr A common plasmodial slime mold throughout the United States, Physarum polycephalum is obviously brainless but also somehow quite intelligent.. When sexual maturity is reached, the young come together in pairs, naturally enough, but instead of mating and giving birth to new offspring, they have the ultimate sexual experience and melt into one another, becoming a new, solitary individual. Observing anthropologists are shocked by this unheard of and possibly immoral behavior. Genetic material, which had existed as single strands of DNA in the parent generation (known as a haploid condition, from the Greek, haplos, “single”), is in this new being diploid (“double”). These newly-formed individuals begin to feed and grow, but tests by doctors show they have an unusual condition. While increasing in size, they prove to be single-celled. The nuclei of these odd super-celled creatures are reproducing, so that soon there are hundreds, thousands, even millions of nuclei—but there are no cell walls. Thus these individuals become quite corpulent, even gelatinous, and move with a flowing motion, like warm honey. The observing anthropologists can scarcely believe they eyes when they see these corpulent individuals begin to grow multiple heads, each raised on a long, thin neck. As the scientists watch in a state of shock, a hole opens at top of each newly-formed head and new individuals crawl out and begin to feed. It’s crazy. The life and times of a slime mold does seem a little crazy, at least by human standards, when one learns about the lifecycle of this odd group of organisms. The easiest way to convey how unusual they are is to imagine for a moment that an isolated group of human beings is found that grows and reproduces as slime molds do. In fact we will need to find two hitherto unknown human tribes, because there are two primary types of mycetozoans (the scientific name for the slime molds; it translates from the Latin as “fungus animals,” although as we shall see they are neither fungi nor animals). The two types are the plasmodial and the cellular slime molds. We will start with the plasmodial tribe. The word plasmodium comes from the Greek plasma, meaning “to spread thin.” Plasmodial slime molds at times form communal structures that moves around either like a quivering mass of jello, or alternately flow outward like a widely branching root system (see image above). For the plasmodial human tribe, life begins normally enough, as small individual organisms. Early in infancy we notice some markedly unusual behavior however. Some of the young crawl about on the ground; others are drawn to pools of water and are endowed with whip-like tails that make them excellent swimmers. Then we observe, to our great surprise, that the two body types can change back and forth from one to the other, depending on environmental conditions, wet or dry. Eddie Torr combined his expertise in the Kingdoms of Animals and Fungi to study Slime Molds, which are neither of the above. 6 Unlikely as it seems, the life of the cellular tribe is even more bizarre. Early in life they crawl, as did the young of the plasmodials, but they never have tails and never swim. After a period of feeding, the individuals of the tribe come together in one spot, but instead of mating as couples, all tribal members simply form a pulsating pile of individuals, moving now as one but all still separate. When the time is right, by some unspoken signal some members of this commune know to lift others up above the seething mass, and somehow those lifted up are 'born again,' and become the young of the next generation. While such lifecycles are a bizarrely mythical for humans, they are reality for the slime molds. The Partly-hairy Slime Mold, Hemitrichia calyculata. It may not look Both plasmodial and cellular slime molds are comhairy now, but it soon will. mon in the Methow, in the Cascadia ecoregion, and visible. Many of our local species can be identified by throughout the world. There are an estimated 1000 spechecking the celebrated new “slime mold page” at the cies of plasmodial slime molds and 70 species of celluMethow Naturalist website and comparing visual charlar slime molds globally. That’s relatively few species acteristics. compared to flowering plants The life and times of (250,000 species) or mamslime molds parallel the imagmals (4400 species), but beinary stories told above. Plascause they reproduce by modial slime molds first microscopic spores, most appear as germinating spores. species are very widespread. They can be “amoeboid” As fate would have it the (crawling) or “flagellated” cellular slime molds are min(tailed). They are singleute and unavailable for gencelled at this stage and foreveral observation, but the er. Individuals switch beplasmodials are easy to find tween the two body types and observe. Their preferred apparently “at will,” dependhabitat is humid, decaying ing on environmental condiwood (especially under dead tions. They feed on bacteria bark), and the humus of the The Partly-hairy slime mold with the sporangia open. that are decomposing organic forest floor. The highly visimatter on dead wood and on the forest floor. ble plasmodium and/or the spreading network of veins As the individuals feed, they grow by increasing are visible from spring to late fall. The gooey plasmotheir protoplasm (their cellular material) and by repeatdium and the tiny, globular reproductive sporangia are often brightly colored, making many species highly ed divisions of the nucleus; but individuals remain a single cell. As they grow they become visible to the human eye as a plasmodium and/or as a network of veins. One plasmodium may have hundreds of nuclei or a billion and can weight up to several pounds (several ounces is the norm). When the time comes to reproduce, the single-celled, multi-nucleated plasmodium somehow “knows” to produce stalked fruiting bodies called sporangia, which grow multiple spores within, each capable of germinating into a new individual, haploid slime mold. Cellular slime molds vary from plasmodial mostly in that they retain an individual cellular structure as the community organism grows. When the chemical signal is given, crawling (amoeboid) cells will come together into an aggregate structure that moves as a unit, The Creeping Pretzel Slime Mold, Hemitricha serpula. Continued on page 12.... 7 Changing Bird Populations The physical world changes constantly. One ecologist illustrated this fact well when he observed that "plant species and plant communities probably never catch up with the changing climate." 15,000 years the Methow was under a river of ice. By 13,500 years ago (ya) the continental glacier was completely melted. 13,000 ya there was a rapid cooling, called the Younger Dryas, followed by: 12,800 ya: major Glacier Peak eruption. 10,200 ya: warming. 8000 ya: rapid cooling. 7000 ya: major Mt. Mazama eruption. 6000 ya: rapid warming, the Hypsithermal. 5000 ya: cooling, the Neoglaciation. 4000 ya: major Mt. St. Helens eruption. 1000 ya: warming. 600 ya: rapid cooling, the Little Ice Age. Recent human impacts are of course another formidable force of change. A small booklet printed in 1895 titled A Preliminary list of the Birds of Okanogan County, Washington by ornitholigist William Dawson is one of the rare wildlife documents available for our area from that time period, and it offers a window into how some bird populations have changed in the past 118 years. Dawson spent 14 months in 18951896 in the area, traveling often. Copied below are species of current interest along with Dawson's observations, followed by Methow Naturalist (MN) commentary. Common Raven: 'Some strange croaks heard and a brief glimpse obtained at Halloween Basin (elevation 6500') entitle this bird to a place on the list of suspects.' MN: In 14 months Dawson saw no Ravens. This species is now one of the most abundant birds in the Methow, and probably the species seen the most often. Entertaining and intelligent though they are, Ravens are nest predators, and having thousands of them in a county where previously there were almost none has taken a toll on some other native bird species. Sharp-tailed Grouse: 'The common bird in open situations. An invariable accompaniment of stubble-fields, and a habitué of grain stacks. In portions of the county they are still very abundant, but where hunted they soon become extremely wary.' MN: This species was present in the Methow as late as 1975, but is now extirpated from the county. Ravens are implicated in their decline and disappearance, as are domestic dogs and cats. Red-tailed Hawk: 'On the list based on a single specimen. The buteos are rare in Okanogan County.' MN: Redtailed Hawks are now abundant in the Methow and throughout the west. Bald Eagle: ' Comparatively rare. Only three or four individuals were noted during my stay.' MN: Bald Eagles disappeared completely from the county by 1963, when there were only 500 breeding pairs in the lower 48 states. This collapse was due to hunting as much as it was to DDT. In the past two decades the population has rebounded, and there are currently 10,000 breeding pairs in the lower 48, a few of which are in the Methow. Peregrine Falcon: MN: Not on Dawson's list, while Prairie Falcons are. Apparently there were few or no Peregrines in the county in Dawson's time. There are currently 4-5 known breeding pairs in the Methow. Prairie Falcon: 'Next to the Sparrow Hawk (Kestrel), the commonest raptor. One coulee in particular sheltered half a dozen pairs of these falcons. Except in places where they congregate for sport, the presence of these birds is likely to go unsuspected, until the screaming of the falconets betrays the nesting site.' MN: Prairie Falcons must have been much more abundant in Dawson's time. A few pairs breed in the Methow currently. Say's Phoebe: 'This bird is the frequent associate of the Prairie Falcon, preferring to haunt just such cliffs as the nobler bird selects for nesting sites. Here it takes up its station about the middle of March, and it is rarely to be found at any considerable distance from home.' MN: We always wondered where these birds nested before there were front porch lights to nest on. Great Horned Owl: 'These birds were seen only at the upper end of Lake Chelan.' MN: Now abundant. Burrowing Owl: 'Occasionally found in the semi-arid and treeless portions of the county at lower elevations.' MN: We have testimony from now-deceased 'old-timers' that they used to throw rocks at burrowing owls during recess at the Beaver Creek schoolhouse. The species is now extirpated from the county. Bronze-headed Cowbird: 'Rare. only two specimens were seen.' MN: Now extremely common, which is unfortunate, as they are nest parasites of other birds. Red-winged Blackbird: 'Found sparingly in the few suitable localities.' MN: Now one of the most abundant birds in the Methow. American Robin: 'Common, but nowhere abundant.' MN: Everywhere abundant now. Western Bluebird: 'Very irregular. Ten birds were sighted on the 9th of March, and a group of ten on May 1st, but no more were noted during the season.' MN: Western Bluebirds are more common today than 120 years ago because of nesting sites offered by bird boxes. Mountain Bluebird: 'These exquisites, in their quadruple extract-of-azure garb, are justly ranked the topmost twig of the American ornithological tree. They pass at their leisure in great flocks in the spring, breeding at higher altitudes.' MN: Our favorite bird, reasonably abundant at higher elevations in the Methow. Birds present in the Methow today that were absent in 1895: California Quail, Gray Partridge, Chukar, Wild Turkey, Rock Dove, Eurasian Collared Dove, Barred Owl, House Sparrow, European Starling. The Heart of the Appaloosa Sonnet, Without Salmon Fred Small Sherman Alexie From the land of shooting waters to the peaks of the Coeur d'Alene, Thimbleberries in the forest, elk grazing on the plain, The People of the Coyote made their camp along the streams Of the green Wallowa Valley when fences had no name. And they bred a strain of horses, the treasure of the tribe, Who could toe dance on a ridge or gallop up a mountainside, Who could haul the hunter's burden, turn a buffalo stampede – The horse that wore the spotted coat was born with matchless speed. 1. The river is empty. 2. Empty of salmon, I mean. 3. But if you were talking to my grandmother, she would say the water doesn’t matter if the salmon are gone. 4. She’s been gone for thirty-one years. The water doesn’t matter if my grandmother is gone. 5. Has anybody ever said that dam building is an act of war against Indians? 6. And, yet, we need the electricity, too. 7. My mother said the reservation needs a new electrical grid because of all the brown- and blackouts. 8. “Why so many power outages?” I ask her. 9. “All the computers,” she says. 10. Today, in Seattle, I watched a cute couple at the next table whispering to their cell phones instead of to each other. But, chivalrous, he walked to the selfservice coffee bar to get her a cup. Lovely, I thought. She was busy on her phone while he was ten feet away. When he sat back down, she said, “Oh, I was texting you to get me sugar and cream.” In the winter came the pale ones near frozen in the cold, Bringing firearms and spyglasses and a book that saved the soul. The people gave them welcome, nursed them till their strength returned, And studied the talking paper, its mysteries to learn. In the shadow of the mission sprang up farms and squatter towns. The plains were lined with fences, the plow blade split the ground. In the shallows of the Clearwater, gold glittered in the pan, And the word would come from Washington: remove the Indian. The chief spoke to his People in his anger and his pain: "I am no more Chief Joseph. Rolling Thunder is my name. They condemn us to a wasteland of barren soil and stone. We shall fight them if we must, but we will find another home." They fled into the Bitterroots, an army at their heels. They fought at White Bird Canyon, they fought at Misery Hill. Till the colonel saw their strategy and sent the order down, Kill the Appaloosa wherever it be found. Twelve hundred miles retreating, three times over the Divide, The horse their only safety, their only ally, Three thousand Appaloosas perished with the tribe, The people and the horses dying side by side. Thunder Rolling in the Mountains said, "My heart is sick and sad. Our children now are freezing, the old chiefs are dead. Hunger robs our spirit, our wounds are deep and sore. From where the sun now stands, I shall fight no more." They were sent to Oklahoma, where malaria ran rife. But more died of broken hearts far from the land that gave them life. And the man once called Joseph at death was heard to say, "We have given up our horses. They have gone away." But sometimes without warning from a dull domestic herd, A spotted horse of spirit wondrous will emerge. Strong it is, and fearless, and nimble on a hill. Listening for thunder, the Appaloosa's living still. Heart of the Appaloosa is a folk song, written by Fred Small. It can be heard here, with rather poor graphics: So Many Faults Tom Tereszkiewicz Stress on Earth’s crust produces compression, shearing and tension. Faults are cracks in earth’s crust resulting from stress. must I mention. Faults and folding of the crust cause mountains to form on the surface of the Earth. These geological forces have been shaping our planet since its primordial birth. These powerful forces work both to the benefit and the detriment of humankind. Nature is indifferent to our fate you will most likely find. Unleashing earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes, landslides and fire, But take heart, the situation is not entirely dire, For it’s the dynamic earth that gave life its razor thin chance, And without it, how could you take your next breath, laugh or dance? Tectonics, continued from page 3 (also known as fracproductive habitats, tionation) of ocean such as exist in the crust into lighter and tropics, and 2) from denser rocks via the habitats that vary conpartial melting that siderably over a given occurs during subducdistance. Having what tion. Because there is was just one continent far more continental 250 million years ago rock now than previsplit now into six conously, the rate of retinents (Europe being moval of carbon little more than a hangdioxide has increased nail on Asia), and havover time, maintaining ing three of the six a fairly steady atmocontinents arranged spheric temperature. along a north-south (The evolution of conaxis, optimizes varitinents was explored ability of temperature in detail the previous and climate along issue of The Methow coastlines. This creNaturalist). ates what may be the An increase in ideal conditions for The changing positions of the continents over the past 250 million years. plant biomass will also diverse life on the increase the transformation of atmospheric carbon planet. The configuration of continents as they exist into calcium carbonate, because plants pump carbon today is due to the force of plate tectonics. dioxide into the soil. This creates another negative What would happen if plate tectonics ceased? feedback loop in which rising carbon dioxide in the Once created, does high biodiversity require the conatmosphere leads to an increase in plant growth, tinued presence of plate tectonics? If plate tectonics which then increases the rate of chemical reactions stopped, nutrients running to the sea would no lonin the soil. On the other hand, if carbon dioxide ger be cycled back to land. Creation of continents were not continually injected into the atmosphere by would cease, but erosion would continue, washing natural processes, it is estimated that plants would all dry land into the sea within about 200 million remove the 390 parts per million of the gas that does years. While removal of carbon dioxide from the exist in as little as ten years. (This cycle works too atmosphere via photosynthesis and chemical reacslowly to have a meaningful impact on anthropogention with silicate rocks would continue, the infusion ic carbon dioxide.) of that gas into the atmosphere from magma would The distribution and arrangement of the conticease. Plants would remove existing carbon dioxide nents across the surface of the planet has a profound within a few years, photosynthesis would cease and impact on the potential diversity of the biosphere. the global biosphere would collapse. Species arise primarily from 1) relatively stable and 100% Oldest Rocks 50% First evidence of life on land 0% 1 2 3 Growth of continental land mass over 4 billion years. 4 Major eruptions of Cascade volcanoes in the last 4000 years. 10 4. The Complex Alternate sequence adds a preformative molt in the bird’s first cycle between the juvenile plumage and the first alternate plumage, all three of which occur in sequence before the bird’s first prebasic molt. Nuthatches, tanagers, and some of the warblers are examples of birds that follow this sequence. In the Complex Alternate sequence, as in the Simple Alternate sequence, there are birds, such as adult nuthatches, whose appearance changes little between their alternate and basic plumages. By contrast, the brightly colored red, black, and yellow alternate plumage of adult male western tanagers that we see in the summer in the Methow, looks quite distinct from the birds’ relatively dull yellow and sooty black basic plumage. Males and females both put on their basic plumage“traveling clothes” as they are leaving the valley in late summer. Now that we’ve introduced the sequences, note that there is a remarkable amount of variation in these four fundamental sequences. Here are some of those variations we birdwatchers will often see in the field. Some birds take more than one cycle to reach adult plumage. This is the situation with some large birds, and many readers will recognize that bald eagles and several species of gulls are familiar examples of this trait. Herring Gulls, which can be found throughout most of the year on Lake Pateros at the mouth of the Methow River, exhibit the Simple Alternate sequence of plumages, with two molts, one prebasic and one prealternate, each cycle. But the Herring Gull doesn’t acquire fully adult plumage until at least its fourth plumage cycle. Starting from its juvenile plumage acquired in the first cycle, each subsequent cycle of molts produces a progressively more adult plumage. Likewise, Bald Eagles take about four cycles before displaying their distinctive adult (white) heads and tail. Some birds molt all their flight feathers at once and become temporarily flightless. Except for some birds that are permanently flightless (penguins, for example), birds are generally aerial creatures that depend on their flying ability to find and capture food and to avoid predators. So, during their prebasic molt, most birds molt their flight feathers sequentially over an extended period, thereby preserving their ability to fly. Ducks, such as the familiar mallard, drop all of their flight feathers simultaneously in a post-breeding molt and remain flightless for several weeks until their new flight feathers have grown in. In a given species, alternate plumages may or may not look different from basic plumages. Male yellowrumped warblers in alternate plumage show bright grays, whites, and yellows. After breeding, these birds undergo a prebasic molt resulting in a distinctly drabber basic plumage that we see as the birds pass through the Methow on their southbound migration. Male yellow warblers, with reddish breast streaks and bright yellow body, look slightly brighter in their alternate plumage, which they wear during the breeding season, but the birds’ alternate and basic plumages are essentially the same. Some adult birds undergo more than two molts per cycle. The reader may have noticed that there are either one or two adult plumages per cycle in any of the four molt sequences. Adult ptarmigans, alpine breeding birds in the family containing grouse and turkeys, have been found to molt three times per year. The basic plumage of the white-tailed ptarmigan, which breeds in alpine areas of the North Cascades, is a cryptic all-white plumage held during the snowy non-breeding season. The birds also undergo two additional molts, one as winter recedes and one in late summer. Both plumages resulting from these two molts have varying amounts of dark mottling, which help camouflage the bird as it moves among the alpine vegetation. Some birds start molting, then suspend molt for a period, before later completing the process. A single molt process, which can involve the replacement of many feathers, typically occurs over an extended period of many weeks to several months. For example, some birds, such as some species of hawks, that migrate long distances molt some flight feathers as part of their prebasic molt, suspend their molt while they migrate, and then finish molting their flight feathers on their wintering grounds. There are many more variations on the four basic sequences, plus many fascinating aspects of molt not covered here that bird lovers could spend many hours studying. Of the various publications available that discuss molt, there is one that stands head and shoulders above the rest for readability: Molt in North American Birds by Steve N.G. Howell published in 2010 (in the Peterson Reference Guides series). Clearly written with excellent figures and photos, this reference will reward whatever level of attention you give it. And, help to explain why what we see in the field doesn’t always match the field guides! Wilson's Phalarope, juvenile plumage 11 Slime Molds, continued from page 7.... B. A. A. D. C. B. D. C. Lifecycle of a cellular slime mold. A. Spores germinate into amoeboid cells. B. After feeding cells aggregate into a mass, but remain individual cells. C. Aggregation forms a tight mobile mass, called a 'slug,' which moves towards light in preparation for reproduction. D. The still-individual cells form spore-bearing sporangia. Lifecycle of a plasmodial slime mold. A. Spore germinates into either a flagellated or amoeboid cell. B. Two cells fuse into one, creating a diploid nucleus. C. New cell creates many nuclei and increases cytoplasm but remains one cell, now a plasmodium. D. Plasmodium produces spore-bearing structures, sporangia. It might go without saying that slime molds exhibit a certain intelligence; otherwise how could their genetic line have survived almost four billion years of competition and natural selection? (As biologist Lynn Margulis notes, “All organisms alive today are equally evolved, all can trace their ancestry back to the inception of life on earth”). Recent experiments have illustrated this non-cerebral acumen. Plasmodia that are chopped up—remember they are a single cell-can somehow communicate with the lost body parts and move back together. Slime molds placed in a maze in a laboratory setting with viable and blocked routes to a food source will find the shortest route to the nutrients in short order. One point of astonishment here to those of us with neural ganglia is that slime molds demonstrate intelligent action without any nervous system whatsoever. All action is accomplished through chemical communication between and within cells. but is still composed of individuals, each with dreams of their own value and self-worth. One of the striking twists in the reproductive cycle of this group is that when the sporangium is formed, some individual cells form the stalk, and others transform themselves into the spores atop the stalk that will become the next generation. Those that form the stalk are sacrificial in the sense that they die without reproducing; they altruistically give their lives for the continuation of the communal genetic line. Altruism (self-sacrifice) adds an element of confusion to the biological principle of natural selection and the general theory of the survival of the fittest. So what are slime molds: animal, vegetable or mineral? They are none of the above. When most of us were growing up there were three Kingdoms of Life; now there are six. What are they? Animals, Plants, Fungi; those are the original three Kingdoms recognized by the scientific community. The additional ones are the Bacteria, the Archaeans (ancient, earlyevolved forms of bacteria that do not utilized oxygen for respiration), and the Protists (from the Greek protos, “first”, although they definitely were not first), which are the non-bacterial, eukaryotic (as cosmologist Brian Swimme notes, “there is just no way around the term ‘eukaryote’"), single-celled organisms of the biosphere. Some of these are familiar to us at least in name, such as amoebae, paramecia and diatoms. The black and white images on the following page give a sense of the shape and texture of some Methow and Cascadia slime molds. To see them in a color format that can be printed to serve as a guide in the field see this issue of The Methow Naturalist online at For a web-based photo-gallery of slime molds see: Information on and a second photo gallery of slime molds: 12 Slime Molds to Know and Love in the Methow Fuligo septica-Dog Barf Slime Mold- is one of the most common, conspicuous, and best known myxomycetes. The fruiting body can be quite large, sometimes reaching the size of a dinner plate in maximum extent and a thickness of up to an inch. The color can range from white to pale or bright pink to red to bright yellow. Fuligo septica can be found on decaying wood and bark, forest floor litter, wood debris and soil; it sometimes fruits on living plants and in lawns. The most common, visible slime mold in the Methow. Hemitrichia calyculata-Partly Hairy Slime Mold- is a very common and easily recognized myxomycete found worldwide. The fruiting bodies are stalked, scattered to loosely clustered, and less than a quarter of an inch tall. Hemitrichia calyculata is bright to dark yellow in color. The stalk is slender, reddish brown to black, and represents up to one half the total height of the fruiting body. Decaying wood and (less commonly) bark are the usual substrates for this species. Leocarpus fragilis-Fragile Big-fruit Slime Mold- The fruiting body of Leocarpus fragilis is not likely to be confused with that of any other myxomycete, although a small fruiting could be mistaken for a mass of insect eggs. These fruiting bodies are stalked, clustered, and appear ovoid or egg-shaped. The color can range from pale yellow to deep maroon. Leocarpus fragilis is more likely to be encountered in coniferous forests. Fruiting usually occur on forest floor litter though ot sometimes fruits on living plants. Lindbladia tubulina-Tubular Slime Mold- The plasmodium is brown or black. The fruiting bodies form dense groups which are mainly sessile or, rarely, borne on a stipe. Lindbladia tubulina is widely distributed. It has been found in Ceylon, Japan, North America from Canada to Texas, and in Europe from Scandinavia to Portugal. Many specimens are found on deadwood, brushwood or conifer needles, and rarely on the wood of deciduous trees. Seasonally they appear from late spring to early autumn. Lycogala epidendrum- Tree Slime Mold- is one of the most widely distributed and best known myxomycetes. The fruiting body is relatively large (up to half an inch in diameter) and typically more or less globose, although it can be somewhat angular when individual fruiting bodies are crowded together. The color can range from pink to yellowishbrown to olive to nearly black. Lycogala epidendrum occurs on decaying wood and less commonly on bark. Physarum cinereum-Ash Breath Slime Mold- is a pathogen of turfgrass. It forms an ashy-gray coating on lawn grasses under special conditions of moisture and humidity, is unsightly but harmless and soon disappears. Physarum polycephalum-Many-headed Slime Mold- is often referred to as the “many-headed slime,” is a slime mold that inhabits shady, cool, moist areas, such as decaying leaves and logs. It is sensitive to light; in particular, light can repel the slime mold and be a factor in triggering spore growth. It is is typically yellow in color, and eats fungal spores, bacteria, and other microbes. P. polycephalum is one of the easiest eukaryotic microbes to grow in culture, and has been used as a model organism for many studies involving amoeboid movement and cell motility. The movement of P. polycephalum is termed shuttle streaming. Shuttle streaming is characterized by the rhythmic back-andforth flow of the protoplasm; the time interval is approximately two minutes. The forces of the streaming vary for each type of microplasmodium. Many-headed Slime Mold has been shown to exhibit intelligent characteristics similar to those seen in single-celled creatures and eusocial insects and mammals. Stemonitis fusca-Dark Stem Slime Mold- fruits in clusters on dead wood, and has distinctive tall brown sporangia, supported on slener stalks with a total height of approximately 6–20 mm tall Methow Slime Molds Leocarpus fragilis- Fragile-fruit Slime Mold Fuligo septica- Dog Barf Slime Mold Lycogala epidendrium- Tree Slime Mold Lindbladia tubulina- Tubular Slime Mold Physarum cinereum- Ash Breath Slime Mold Stemonitis fusca- Dark Stem Slime Mold Physarum polycephalum- Many-headed Slime Mold 14 Hemitrichia calyculata- Partly Hairy Slime Mold bird day. Our record season for these arctic birds in 16 years was 53 counted in year 2000. In just three days we have tallied 84 of them. Dark morph, light morph, and intermediate birds showing all plumages. Both adults and young birds." He also noted that, "A week ago today [that would have been October 3rd] we had over 1000 Sand-hill Cranes pass through in one day - 500 in one hour. Today we captured two Golden Eagles, by far the most powerful birds we get to see up close." Steve Bondi reported some interesting hydraulics and dynamics from North Cascades Basecamp: "Probably the best naturalist story of the fall from our home is that of the lost Methow River between Mazama and the real Lost River confluence. In this stretch of five river miles or so, the Methow River, including the seasonal spring ponds on the Basecamp property that flow to the river, dried up completely during October, stranding 100's of fish (some very expensive fish too!), and thus feeding countless raccoons, bears, weasels, otters, etc. By early November, as the water table rose, the river reappeared completely along with the seasonal spring ponds. It was as if the river never went below ground!? Sort of tough on the upper Methow fish populations, especially considering the river may go subterranean again this winter, leading to perhaps a second fish kill." One more unusual bird to report; both Sue K. and Kent W. had White-winged Crossbills in their yards in Twisp in the late fall (image below). This is one of the rarest birds that can be expected to to visit the Methow, in fact Sibley shows it as rare anywhere in Washington. Cannings (in Birds of the Okanagan Valley) notes that it is seldom seen below 4000' elevation, and that "irruptions occur irregularly," noting that 1918 and 1977 were "good years" for the species in the Canadian Okanagan. Wildlife Sightings Wildlife Sightings I was trying to get some images of the summer chinook salmon spawning in early October near Winthrop when I came across this female breathing her last .(above). Pacific salmon are programmed to die soon after they spawn, but the programming is clearly not popular with the fish, and they struggle against the inevitable. Her tail is white because she has beaten all the scales off of it in the process of digging her redd, or nest (female salmon do not dig per se but turn on their sides and pull upward powerfully with their caudal fin, excavating with the resulting suction). I went back the following day to see what had be come of her, and she was being transformed into a Great Blue Heron (at right). Thus nutrients from the Pacific Ocean, 550 miles away, were enriching the montane ecosystems of the Methow watershed. Birds never fail to captivate naturalists. Bruce M. watched a Northern Shrike repeatedly attack a Northern Flicker near Twisp. Flickers weigh twice as much as shrikes and have formidable bills, so there is some question what would have transpired had the shrike succeeded in catching the larger bird. Ann D. has been fascinated to see a resident Goshawk near her home in Mazama picking off quail one by one. Merle K. found the first Barn Owl in the Methow in many years roosting at Bear Creek Lumber. The only previous Barn Owl reported in the Methow in the last 30 years was one at Pearrygin Lake in 1998. Art Campbell spotted a very light Rough-legged Hawk near his home near Winthrop, while Kent Woodruff found a pure white Rough-legged on Fraser Creek. This species summers in the Arctic, and is only in the Methow briefly in late fall. Kent reports from the Chelan Ridge Raptor count that it is a banner year for this hawk: "Today it rained Rough-legs - 39 birds - as part of a 122 15 There has been some initial progress on learning which bee species inhabit the Methow watershed. Here at The Methow Naturalist we have developed a key to bee genera of northcentral Washington, but it is not particularly easy to use; a dissecting scope is pretty much a necessity (send a SASE if you want a copy). Bees are small and intricate organisms, and identification to species can only be done at a few specialized labs in the country. We have developed a list of 170 species likely to occur in the Methow from two regional studies. Don Rolfs in Wenatchee has devoted himself to the study of bees in recent years and has a species list of 600 for the state; he plans to publish a field guide to bees in the not too distant future. Two vascular plants were added to the Methow's list of known species this fall. Barri B. encountered a rather diminutive grass species in October while working on the Washington Native Plant Society--Okanogan Chapter's native vegetation project along Highway 20. She is a trained botanist and was able to key the plant out to Purple Lovegrass, Eragrostis pectinatus. This is a native species, but is also a colonizer, capable of thriving on disturbed ground (including near highways). It is quite an attractive grass. A second, possibly new species offered some early winter excitement for local naturalists and botanists. On the gravelly hill above the former mill site in Twisp a miniature lupine grows in abundance, each plant widely spaced from the next due to the harsh, rocky substrate. The plant was noted in early December, when it was dried and dormant for the winter. But Bruce M, who frequents the hill all year, was able to report that when the plants do An eye-opening, mind-expanding program for Methow residents is coming up starting January 28th. The Methow Conservancy's Winter Conservation Course: Ecology Through History: From the Cosmos to the Methow. 6 classes, $130, to register call Mary Kiesau at 509-996-2870. For a variety of resources aids for recognizing and understanding the natural world of the Methow, see the Methow Naturalist Resource Page at www.methow Subject areas include: Amphibians, Birds, Bats, Butterflies, Ecology, Energy, Fish, Forests, Fungi, Geology, History, Insects, Lichens, Macroinvertebrates, Mammals, Plants, Reptiles, Tracking and Changes in Methow Wildlife. Some worksheets are available for download at the website. bloom, the flowers are largely concealed by the leaves--an unusual growth form for lupines. This seems to peg it as Cusick's lupine (Lupinus cusickii), which is reported to grow only in a few places in the Blue Mountains of Oregon, and not at all in Washington. But, in the regional botanical bible, Flora of the Pacific Northwest, Leo Hitchcock reported in 1965 that this species grows in the "Blue Mountains of Oregon, and Okanogan County, Washington." We will now have to wait for spring flowers to know for sure what this odd little plant is. Perhaps the most surprising sightings of the late fall and early winter have been three species of "December mushrooms." We would not have thought that such a thing was possible, but nature has proven us wrong. In early December high winds blew over a dead cottonwood on my property, revealing an Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) growing under the bark. We fried it in butter and gobbled it up. Hikes on the snowless trails of the Golden Doe Ranch revealed an abundant small mushroom known as Common Agrocybe (Agrocybe pediades) in Mushrooms Demystified. These little mushrooms were frozen when collected but gave spore prints when they thawed out. And then to round out our collection of December mushrooms Virginia H. found and took the image above of Velvet Foot, Flammulina velutipes, which she encountered growing on a stump in her field. It is edible, and the inimitable David Aurora informs us that, "It is called the winter mushroom because it fruits very late in the season, even in winter, when other fungi are not available. In it's pure-white form it is known as the 'Snow-puff Mushroom." In nature's infinite book of secrecy a little I can read. William Shakespeare Most of the miracles we hear of are infinitely less wonderful than the commonest of natural phenomena. John Muir Sometimes you can see a lot just by looking. Yogi Berra Subscribe! Subscriptions: $10 or more/year: Methow Naturalist, PO Box 175, Winthrop, WA 98862 Methow Naturalist PO Box 175 Winthrop, WA 98862 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TWISP, WA PERMIT NO. 14 Subscriptions: $10 or more/year: Methow Naturalist, PO Box 175, Winthrop, WA 98862 Contact: Readers Comments 2012: Thanks for such a wonderful publication……Wenatchee Wanted to send a little donation to a wonderful publication that is so good for the soul but also very educational. Thanks to everyone on your staff………Woodinville Please exhume me! [he had expired]; you all do a marvelous job….Blaine Your publication is a bright spot of the natural world in a very gray city…….Seattle I love you amazing magazine covering all of the topics dear to my heart. I have all of the issues from the 90s and they are timeless, amazing, entertaining and educational…… Olympia Keep up the wonderful work……..Seattle The Methow Naturalist is like nothing else that comes in the mail; thank you for publishing it….Pennsylvania Thank you for the Methow Naturalist; great issue 16/4…… Canada Each year of your journal is reliably followed by one yet more fascinating and stimulating….Seattle Thanks for the great writing……Bellingham As always Eddie Torr came through with some great writing…... Bellingham We thank you for your inspired publication……Bellingham We often see a large flock of golden-crowned kinglets feeding on the suet bird feeder….Sammamish Highly complex things survive only if less complex forms keep doing their bit; those less complex forms depend on the continued work of simpler forms. Animals absolutely depend on plants, plants and animals absolutely depend on fungi, bacteria and tiny animals in the decomposition cycle…. Salt Spring Island Thanks for your unique publication……..Bellingham Thanks for writing about bumblebees and mushrooms and raptors; now I do spend more time ‘looking at leaves,’ as Thich Nhat Hanh suggests……Okanogan Your magazine continues to fascinate me……Bellevue Mind-bending.....Seattle Your journal is splendid.......Rockport Between every two pages is a doorway to a new world……. Vancouver Again and again we enjoy the Methow Naturalist; I especially loved this edition……Seattle I didn’t know we had expired; I thought I had a couple more years on this wonderful old planet……Seattle I have to tell you how much I enjoy the Methow Naturalist publication. It is wonderful!....Tonasket Love the lampreys, and of course the prokaryotes and the eukaryotes too……Twisp Thank you for the Methow Naturalist (check for $100 enclosed)……….Lummi Island Thank you for the wonderful article on the moon!......... Bainbridge Island We love your magazine up here in Alaska!......Auke Bay I love reading The Naturalist and it is a great educational tool ($100 renewal)…..Seattle I actually started reading some of this stuff instead of just supporting outdoor education. Some of it is pretty interesting and appears to be relatively accurate too!......Twisp Sure do enjoy the Methow Naturalist………….Colorado The article on the moon affected my perception of the world; The Methow Naturalist is a real asset to the community…… Winthrop What’s up with these chipmunks this year devouring our tomatoes? I don’t mind sharing a few, but they were like locusts, climbing the stems and swinging like monkeys…… Bainbridge The last issue was great (phylogeny recapitulates orogeny)….. ARK Thanks for producing this simple yet eye-opening publication……. Seattle Thank you for continuing to explore the wonder, beauty and complexity of the natural world…..Seattle Love The Methow Naturalist………….Oroville Please subscribe my friend to you fine publication…….. Cashmere