the electronics - Tijuana Economic Development Corporation
the electronics - Tijuana Economic Development Corporation
TIJUANA: THE ELECTRONICS SECTOR NEARSHORE MANUFACTURING CAPITAL Tijuana: Mexico’s Nearshore Electronics Hub Less than 500 miles or 90-minutes by plane are all that separate Tijuana from one of the global hotbeds of innovation: Silicon Valley. Virtually next-door neighbors in a world where distant, offshore manufacturing options are considered routine, Tijuana has quietly emerged as one of Mexico’s leading manufacturing centers for technology companies targeting North America. In fact, Tijuana stands out by having one of the largest concentrations of electronics clusters in Mexico, with more than 120 companies. As impressive as that is, research from Fall 2014 show these companies employed more than 48,700 workers at their manufacturing plants in Tijuana1 – greater than many electronics sector clusters on the West Coast of the United States, and, in fact, one of the largest concentrations of electronics manufacturing employment in North America. With a diverse range of consumer and advanced manufacturing, EMS and contract manufacturing, as well as high- and low-volume production, Tijuana’s electronics industry provides global (and regional) companies with a highly competitive, nearshore capabilities – in many cases, even more cost-competitive than China. This document provides a fact-based introduction on why Tijuana is not only still the number-one city in Mexico for maquiladora (IMMEX) manufacturing companies2, but also a cutting edge home in North America for electronics. 3 “The ability of our Mexico workforce to develop advanced processes apace with the technological changes in our products while maintaining top quality standards is - Ken Kannappan extraordinary…”3 President & CEO, Plantronics Toll free from the US & Canada: 1-855-558-5332 (1-855-55-TJEDC) ph (011-52) 664-681-8344 fx (011-52) 664-681-8788 1 Why Mexico and Why Tijuana? The Experts Agree… As more options exist for offshore and nearshore manufacturing, it’s also useful to note that Mexico was one of the lowest-cost countries analyzed by Boston Consulting Group in their 2014 Manufacturing Cost Index (below left) – with average total landed costs lower than even China. The experts at KPMG also (again) found Mexico with a significant cost advantage in its annual Competitive Alternatives study (below right) – with Mexico providing nearly a 12% cost advantage for electronics manufacturing compared to other global locations. Past analyses by the same experts at KPMG have also found that Mexico-based manufacturing operations can result in nearly four-times the after-tax profit as compared to the U.S. 4 The facts: while many regions market themselves as possible locations for globally-expanding companies, no other international city offers the unique combination of: A large base of more than 120 existing electronics companies within Tijuana, and even more in adjacent areas of Baja California; A “next-door”, nearshore location with quick logistical access to the West Coast of the U.S. and major international seaports and airports measured in hours – not weeks; A trained, quality-conscious and highly bilingual workforce – in a low union, businessfriendly environment; Strong intellectual property-rights protections guaranteed via NAFTA; and Lower-cost, just-in-time production capabilities. Did You Know..? In a recent survey of 70+ Tijuana electronics companies, 51% (36 total) stated they offer contract manufacturing services… …of these, 30 also stated that they provide design and product development services, too Toll free from the US & Canada: 1-855-558-5332 (1-855-55-TJEDC) ph (011-52) 664-681-8344 fx (011-52) 664-681-8788 2 Quick Access… Just-in-time production isn’t a shocking idea for Tijuana’s electronics companies – it’s a real, cost-saving logistical benefit that allows many of the city’s manufacturers to not only reduce or avoid inventories, but also to ship finished product into the North America market in as little as a few hours. Physically located only 15-minutes from downtown San Diego, California, companies operating in Tijuana are easy to access for better management communications and control, as well as have easy access to transportation infrastructure so electronics products can be trucked to anywhere in the U.S., Canada or Mexico within one- to five-days (with time-sensitive products flown from San Diego, LAX, Tijuana, and other cargo airports to customers in only hours). Great access isn’t just about geographic proximity – it’s also what electronics manufacturers get from their suppliers, with Tijuana located within 400 miles of major electronics industry clusters in Silicon Valley, Los Angeles/Orange County, Phoenix and San Diego… …And the Benefits of the Pacific Rim – Without the Problems Offshoring to Asia isn’t what it used to be. Now, companies are finding that not only can Mexico be just as cost-competitive, but Tijuana actually helps today’s global firms avoid the headaches that come with manufacturing in China. In fact, Tijuana can keep your total landed costs lower than Asia, while retaining high quality and IP protections, and avoiding 15-30 day oversea shipping times. Taking a look at reshoring back to North America? Try Tijuana – the perfect Pacific Rim option. Offshoring to Asia = Long distance problem-solving trips Language barriers Impossible-to-enforce intellectual property rights Rising labor costs Month-long shipping delays Overseas suppliers & logistics Toll free from the US & Canada: 1-855-558-5332 (1-855-55-TJEDC) ph (011-52) 664-681-8344 fx (011-52) 664-681-8788 3 The High-Tech Talent of Tijuana (and San Diego) In today’s global economy, who doesn’t need a highly talented, bilingually educated workforce? Where to find it? Here, in Tijuana. Not only does Baja California already have one of the highest education levels in Mexico, but the combined university enrollment in the Cali-Baja Mega Region (covering Baja California, San Diego County and Imperial County) has over 400,000 student enrolled at regional universities combined5. Universidad Autónoma de Baja California In the 2013-2014 school year, in fact, Tijuana alone had over 40,000 undergraduate and 2,400 graduate university students enrolled – ranking it amongst the top per-capita university enrollment levels in Northern Mexico. For today’s high-tech industries, Tijuana’s talent base is also highly technical, including nearly 1,000 engineering students graduating each year from a range of degreed programs including electromechanical engineering, electronics, information and computer sciences, as well as industrial processes. UC San Diego “Tijuana’s engineering and manufacturing capabilities, as well as access to a binational pool of high-tech talent, are a crucial part of keeping Benchmark Electronics Tijuana's operation competitive and constantly innovating…” - Rod Gunther General Manager, Benchmark Electronics Tijuana Toll free from the US & Canada: 1-855-558-5332 (1-855-55-TJEDC) ph (011-52) 664-681-8344 fx (011-52) 664-681-8788 4 3D Robotics Inc. • Adi Systems • Amigo Tecnología • Arris • Asteel Flash • Tijuana’s Manufacturers Autosplice • Baja Border Maquila Electronics • Ballard Power Systems • Bandy Servicios • BC & EMS/CEM Providers: Manufacturing • BEI Sensors MexicoHereshore • Belden Location. de Sonora • Benchmark World Classde Quality. Electronics • Blue Bose Corporation • Bourns • Chiyoda Integre • Clayton With Streak over 120•electronics manufacturers – including over 35 contract electronics manufacturing service providers, large and small – Tijuana’s Maquiladora •companies Coastline Remec • workers Cubic and • lower-cost Custom Sensors reflect• theCobham global quality, talented & environment that they need to stay competitive. It’s what you might expect Technologies •when Delphi Delta DGS Electric DHA • Diamond nearly •90% of the Electronics companies over •250+ employees have• quality certifications ranging from ISO 9000, ISO 9001:2000, AS 9100, ISO 13485, TS Electronics • Doitronics • Dong Chuel • other Eaton • Electronica de La Mesa • Enersys 16949, to NADCAP and world-class standards. • Ensambladora Altecsa • Ensambles De Calidad Mexico • Ensamb les Ser-Cal • Below are just a few of the world-class electronics companies that currently manufacture in Tijuana – shouldn’t you? Eson • Esterline • Foxconn • Goto • Hanil Electronics • Harman • Hubbell Lighting • Idatech • Industria Mexicana De Ensamble Electrónico • Industrias Electricas Ag • Jae • Jem • JMK • Jumper Shop • Katolec • Kollmorgen • Kyocera • Kyung In • Lark Engineering • Leviton • Lockheed Martin • Mac Manufacturing • Manitowoc • Manufacturera Baja Mex • Mayax USA • McCain Traffic Supply • Meade Instruments • Merry Tech International • Mexhon • Mi Technologies Internacional • Muramoto • Nexergy • North A merican Production Sharing • Nova • Nutray • OCP • Omni Track • Oncore • Osca -Arcosa • Oshitani • Pacific Transformers • Panasonic • Parpro • Philatron International • Philips Lighting Electronics • Plantronics • Portable Energy • Pulse Power • Rectificado res Internacionales • Ricoh • Right Hand Synergy • Saehan Electronics • Samsung • Santomi • Sanyo • Scheneider Electric • Schott Magnetics • Seacon • Seiton • Seong Ji • Sigmatron International • Smiths Conexion • SMK Electronica • Sohnen • Soundpia Mexicana • Summit • Switch Luz • Tally Genicom • Tamura Power • Técnicas y Servicios Internacionales • Tecnología y Servicio Para La Informática • Teledyne • Tornik • Transmex Internacional • Trend Smart de México • Trombetta • Tyco Electronics • Ugcom • Uni -solar • Vigobyte • Volex • Worldwide Manufacturing • Zoom de Mexico Toll free from the US & Canada: 1-855-558-5332 (1-855-55-TJEDC) ph (011-52) 664-681-8344 fx (011-52) 664-681-8788 5 “Tijuana and Baja California are well positioned to become a center of excellence for component manufacturing in the aerospace industry given the number of companies established in the region, its geographical location, and the initiatives academia, government and private industry are promoting...” - Alberto García Hentzen Manager Latin America Supply Chain Management EATON Aerospace Group Building the Future in Tijuana It´s not an accident that Tijuana´s manufacturing leadership in the State of Baja California make it one of the top places in Mexico and in North America for computer and electronic components. It takes a combination of assets to be successful- including not just lower- cost labor, a ready pool of talent form both sides of the border, and one of the best security environments in Nothern Mexico. Companies from around the globe have found that Tijuana is a nearshore powerhouse for the elecronics industry, as well as for other advanced technology sectors. Looking to build the future? Start by building your products in Tijuana. TIJUANA EDC SERVICES Advisory Services Site Selection Business Services One-Stop-Shop Government Liaison Is a private non-profit organization landing of manufacturing operations in Tijuana, Mexico and the CaliBaja Mega-Region. To learn more, come visit us at the first Gold LEED-certified building in Northwest Mexico – home to the Tijuana EDC. Initial Recruiting White paper developed and researched by Crossborder Group ( 1 Tijuana electronics rms, employment and company cert cation information veri ed primarily via phone survey in October 2014 by Crossborder Group (70 rms), supplemented with 2014 data from the Tijuana EDC/DEITAC, company websites, and regional industrial directories ; 2 INEGI rm data for Industria manufacturera, maquiladora y de servicios de exportación (IMMEX) industry, accessed February 2015 ; 3 Ken Kannappan quote from 2014 Mexico National Quality Award press release ( release/mexico/plantronics -earns -two-premier -awards -mexico), images courtesy of Plantronics and 4 “Competitive Alternatives: KPMG’s Guide to International Business Location – 2014 Edition”, ( ). 5 Crossborder Group analysis of educational statistics from Baja California’s Sistema Educativo Estatal del Gobierno del Estado (, the State of California, and individual university data Toll free from the US & Canada: 1-855 -558 -5332 (1 -855 -55 -TJEDC) ph (011 -52) 664 -681-8344 fx (011 -52) 664 -681-8788 6
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