Commencement - Bowling Green State University


Commencement - Bowling Green State University
285th | Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio
May 2016
Message from the President..........................................................................3
The University............................................................................................. 4
Commencement Program, May 6, 7 p.m......................................................7
Commencement Speaker.................................................................... 9
Program Participants.........................................................................9
Graduate College Candidates..........................................................10
College of Health and Human Services Candidates.......................... 17
College of Musical Arts Candidates................................................. 19
College of Technology, Architecture and
Applied Engineering Candidates................................................20
Commencement Program, May 7, 9 a.m....................................................21
Honorary Degree Recipient..............................................................23
Commencement Speaker.................................................................. 23
Program Participants.......................................................................24
College of Arts and Sciences Candidates.......................................... 25
Commencement Program, May 7, 2 p.m....................................................31
Commencement Speaker.................................................................. 33
Program Participants.......................................................................33
College of Business Administration Candidates .............................. 34
College of Education and Human Development Candidates............. 36
Commencement Program, May 7, 7:30 p.m...............................................41
Cedar Point Center, Huron
Commencement Speaker.................................................................. 43
Program Particpants........................................................................43
BGSU Firelands Candidates.............................................................44
Honors College Candidates........................................................................ 47
Message from the Vice President for University Advancement ..................50
University Creed and Alma Mater ............................................................51
A professional photographer is taking color pictures of individual candidates
at the ceremonies. Proofs of these photographs will be mailed or emailed
to each graduate with options for purchase. Members of the audience are
requested to remain in their seats during the Commencement ceremony.
A Message
from the
Welcome to the May 2016 commencement
ceremonies at Bowling Green State
University. As graduates, you are the
pride of the BGSU community, and it is
my privilege to celebrate with you and
your families and friends as you receive
your degree.
Today’s joyous occasion marks the beginning
of a new journey for you. You take with you
knowledge and experience and a special
relationship with the University.
Most importantly, you leave BGSU with
a strong educational foundation that has
prepared you to go into the world to make
a difference. We expect to hear great things about you as you excel in your
careers and take active roles in your community. BGSU will always be here
to support you and to celebrate your accomplishments.
I hope we stay connected for years to come as you become active
members of our Alumni Association and continue to promote and
support the University.
I am truly honored to wish you well on the next part of your journey.
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on earning your degree.
Mary Ellen Mazey, Ph.D.
The University
Mary Ellen Mazey, Ph.D.
President’s Cabinet
Established in 1910 as a teacher-training institution, Bowling Green
State University is dedicated to providing quality academic programs in
a learning environment that promotes academic and personal excellence
in students. The University is situated on a 1,338-acre campus that
houses 87 buildings. BGSU has an enrollment of nearly 19,000 and
more than 200 undergraduate majors and programs. BGSU Firelands, a
branch campus, is located in Huron, Ohio.
At the center of the University’s academic community are more than
700 full-time faculty members who are engaged in teaching, research
and scholarship. Bowling Green State University provides educational
experiences in and out of the classroom that enhance the lives of
all of students, stakeholders, and the many publics served by the
University. BGSU students are prepared for lifelong career growth, lives
of committed citizenship and leadership in a global society. Through
highly interactive and engaged learning communities, BGSU offers a
welcoming, safe and diverse environment where creative ideas and
entrepreneurial achievements can benefit others throughout the region,
the state of Ohio, the nation and the world.
Committed to ensuring that every student succeeds, Bowling Green
challenges and supports students academically and socially. Integral
to campus life are the University’s core values of: respect for one
another and a culture of inclusion; collaboration; intellectual
and personal growth; creativity, innovation and entrepreneurism;
and pursuit of excellence.
William K. Balzer, Ph.D., Vice President for Faculty
Affairs and Strategic Initiatives
Cecilla Castellano, Vice Provost for Strategic Enrollment
Sidney Childs, Ph.D., Interim Vice President for Student
Sean P. FitzGerald, J.D., Vice President and General
David Kielmeyer, Chief Marketing and
Communications Officer
D. Christopher Kingston, Director of Intercollegiate
Steven P. Krakoff, Vice President for Capital Planning
and Campus Operations
Lisa C. Mattiace, Chief of Staff; Executive Director of
External Relations
Viva L. McCarver, Chief Human Resources Officer
Shea McGrew, Vice President for University
Advancement; President/CEO of the BGSU
Foundation, Inc.
Michael Y. Ogawa, Ph.D., Vice President for Research
and Economic Development; Dean, Graduate College
Patrick D. Pauken, Ph.D., Secretary to the Board
of Trustees
Rodney K. Rogers, Ph.D., Provost and Senior Vice
Sherideen S. Stoll, Chief Financial Officer and
Vice President for Finance and Administration
Barbara L. Waddell, Chief Equity and Diversity Officer
The Board of Trustees
David J. Levey, Akron, Chair
Megan E. Newlove, Bowling Green, Vice Chair
James L. Bailey, Naples, Florida
Marjorie J. Burrell, Bluffton
Stephen G. Daley, Columbus
Marilyn Eisele, Cleveland
Linda Forte, Detroit, Michigan
Daniel R. Keller, Huron
Betty D. Montgomery, Columbus
Karen J. Morrison, Columbus
Bruce Nyberg, Birmingham, Michigan
David O’Brien, Westlake
Rolf Ritchie, Bowling Green
Francis C. Voll, Marion
Raymond W. Braun, J.D., Dean, College of Business
Sara A. Bushong, Dean, University Libraries
Raymond Craig, Ph.D., Dean, College of Arts
and Sciences
Venu Dasigi, Ph.D., Interim Dean, College of Technology,
Architecture and Applied Engineering
Marie T. Huff, Ph.D., Dean, College of Health
and Human Services
Andrew J. Kurtz, Ph.D., Dean, BGSU Firelands
Simon Morgan-Russell, Ph.D., Dean, Honors College
Michael Y. Ogawa, Ph.D., Vice President for Research
and Economic Development; Dean, Graduate College
Dawn M. Shinew, Ph.D., Dean, College of Education and
Human Development
Jeffrey A. Showell, D.M.A., Dean, College of Musical Arts
Jodi E. Webb, Dean of Students
P rogram N otes
Today’s Commencement ceremony marks
the 285th graduation at Bowling Green State
University. The total number of diplomas
being awarded is 2,287, including 424
degrees granted by the Graduate College.
Undergraduate degrees are awarded
with Latin honors to signify meritorious
academic achievement; 611 students are
receiving honors today. Students with
honors wear a gold cord designating their
status. To graduate cum laude, a student
must have a cumulative grade point average
of at least 3.50 and 110 letter-graded hours
or more. Magna cum laude requires a 3.75
grade point average and 110 letter-graded
hours, while summa cum laude demands
a 3.9 grade point average and 110 lettergraded hours. Students with transfer credit
have additional requirements in order to be
eligible for Latin honors.
This program contains the names of all
candidates for this Commencement.
Certification of the indicated degree is
subject to the completion of requirements.
S chool C olors
The history behind how BGSU began using
brown and orange as its school colors dates
back to 1914. Dr. Homer B. Williams, the
University’s first president, gathered a group
of people, including Dr. Leon L. Winslow,
from the industrial arts department, as a
selection committee for the school’s new
colors. While on a trolley ride to Toledo,
Dr. Winslow sat behind a woman wearing
a large hat adorned with brown and orange
feathers. He was so impressed by the color
scheme that his committee recommended
to the Board of Trustees they approve the
combination of burnt orange and seal
U niversity M ace
The mace, used as a weapon in medieval
times, is employed today on many university
campuses as a symbol of office. The mace
of the president of Bowling Green State
University bears symbols and figures
representing three related categories of
human culture: areas of learning, the
vicissitudes of culture, and the waxing and
waning of human life.
Designed and created by Harold
Hasselschwert, an assistant professor of art,
the mace weighs six and one-half pounds
and is 27 inches long. The mace is engraved
and enameled silver, creating a moiré effect
as a backdrop for figures representing the six
branches of learning: drama, art, literature,
music, science and commerce.
T he C olors D istinctive
the D egrees
Approximately 500 square inches
of silver were used in the mace which is
adorned with ancient and medieval symbols.
At the base are engravings representing
the areas of learning: jester’s staff, quill and
scroll, lyre, palette and brushes, the atom
and the balance.
Doctor of Education in Leadership Studies,
light blue
Doctor of Musical Arts, pink
Doctor of Philosophy (Applied), dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in American Cultural
Studies, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences,
dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Communication
Disorders, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in English (Rhetoric
and Writing), dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education
Administration, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Interdisciplinary
Studies, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics,
dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Media and
Communication, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Photochemical
Sciences, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology,
dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Technology
Management, dark blue
Doctor of Philosophy in Theatre, dark blue
Specialist in Education, light blue
Master of Accountancy, drab
Master of Architecture, blue-violet
Master of Arts, white
Master of Arts in Teaching, white
Master of Business Administration, drab
Master of Education, light blue
Master of Fine Arts, brown
Master of Food and Nutrition, maroon
Master of Industrial Technology, gold
Master of Music, pink
Master of Organization Development, drab
Master of Public Administration,
peacock blue
Master of Public Health, salmon
Master of Science, gold
Master of Science in Analytics, gold
Master of Science in Criminal Justice, gold
Master of Science in Interdisciplinary
Gerontology, citron
Master of Technology Management,
drab and gold
T he P endant
A silver pendant containing the inaugural
symbol and University seal is worn by the
president of Bowling Green State University
on ceremonial occasions.
Academic Dress
Academic regalia originated in medieval
European universities during the 14th
century when commencement ceremonies
were associated with religious ordination.
Universities in Europe and the United States
continue the tradition of wearing special
robes, caps and hoods for formal academic
The Gown
The typical academic gown is black.
Bachelor’s and master’s degree gowns are
plain, although sometimes worn with honor
cords or medallions. The doctoral gown is
trimmed down the front and around the
sleeves with bands of velvet, either in black
or a color associated with the graduate’s
field of study. Sleeve styles also vary with
the degree: pointed sleeves on the bachelor’s
degree gown, short sleeves for the master’s
degree and round, full sleeves for the
doctoral robe.
The Hood
Graduates holding master’s or doctoral
degrees typically wear a hood that fits
around the neck and drapes down the
back of the robe. The hood lining displays
colors associated with particular schools.
Chevrons in a second color indicate a
dual emphasis, while velvet edging on the
hood corresponds to the graduate’s field of
study. The doctoral hood is longer than the
master’s degree hood, and trimmed with
additional velvet panels.
The Cap
The standard cap worn with academic
regalia is the mortar board, usually
the same color as the gown. Bachelor’s
degree candidates at Bowling Green State
University wear a colored tassel to represent
their academic areas.
Graduate College
College of Arts and Sciences
Bachelor of Arts, white
Bachelor of Arts in Communication,
silver gray
Bachelor of Fine Arts, brown
Bachelor of Liberal Studies, white
Bachelor of Science, gold
Bachelor of Science in Fire Administration,
peacock blue
Bachelor of Science in Journalism, crimson
College of Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration, drab
Bachelor of Science in Economics, copper
College of Education and
Human Development
Bachelor of Science in Apparel
Merchandising and Product Development,
light blue
Bachelor of Science in Child and Family
Community Services, light blue
Bachelor of Science in Education, light blue
Bachelor of Science in Human Development
and Family Studies, light blue
Bachelor of Science in Interior Design,
light blue
College of Health and Human Services
Bachelor of Applied Health Science, citron
and green
Bachelor of Science in Communication
Disorders, citron and green
Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice,
citron and green
Bachelor of Science in Dietetics, citron and
Bachelor of Science in Gerontology, citron
and green
Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory
Science, citron and green
Bachelor of Science in Nursing, apricot
Bachelor of Science in Nutrition Sciences,
citron and green
Bachelor of Science in Social Work, citron
and green
College of Musical Arts
Bachelor of Music, pink
Bachelor of Musical Arts, pink
College of Technology, Architecture and
Applied Engineering
Bachelor of Science in Architecture,
Bachelor of Science in Construction
Management, drab and gold
Bachelor of Science in Electronics and
Computer Engineering Technology,
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
Technology, orange
Bachelor of Science in Technology,
drab and gold
BGSU Firelands
Associate of Applied Business, drab
Associate of Applied Science, gold
Associate of Arts, white
Associate of Science, gold
Associate of Technical Study, gold and drab
H onorary O rganizations
Many of the candidates at the ceremony
belong to one of the honorary
organizations listed below.
Alpha Epsilon Delta
Alpha Eta Rho
Alpha Lambda Delta
Alpha Psi Omega
Beta Alpha Psi
Delta Pi Epsilon
Epsilon Kappa Theta
Epsilon Pi Tau
Gamma Sigma Alpha
Golden Key National Honor Society
Kappa Kappa Psi
Kappa Mu Epsilon
Kappa Tau Alpha
Mortar Board
Omicron Delta Kappa Society
Order of Omega
Phi Alpha Theta
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Sigma Pi
Phi Upsilon Omicron
Pi Alpha Alpha
Pi Kappa Delta
Pi Omega Pi Alpha Psi Chapter
Psi Chi
National Residence Hall Honorary
Sigma Gamma Epsilon
Tau Beta Sigma
Theta Alpha Phi
Tri Beta
S pecial T hanks
Television Commentators
May 6 – Brandi Barhite ’01 and
Dr. James Foust
May 7 – Karly Grilliot ’08 and
Dan Kenan ’81
May 7 – Calvin CM Bowers ’96 and
Volney La Van Wright ’77
V ideo P roduction
WBGU-TV provides video production
for each BGSU Commencement
ceremony. Live coverage is available
on the BGSU website and Time Warner
Cable (Channel 5) in Bowling Green.
After each ceremony the video is available
on the BGSU website and DVD copies are
available for purchase. More information
at: or
P hotography
Grad Images provides professional
photography of each candidate as they
approach the stage, receive their diploma
and as they exit the stage. Photo proofs and
purchase information will be mailed with
no obligation to purchase. Customer Service
Every effort is made to ensure that the names
of all students who are eligible to graduate are
listed in the Commencement program. Please
note that a graduate’s name may be omitted
due to requests for confidentiality, student
status or program printing deadlines.
C o mm e n c e m e n t P r o g r am
F riday , M ay 6, 2016, 7 p . m .
S troh C enter
P r o g r am
Presiding Officer
The National Anthem
Presentation of Undergraduate Candidates
Mary Ellen Mazey, Ph.D., President
Jennifer Cresswell, Master of Music in
Performance Candidate
Marie T. Huff, Ph.D., Dean, College of Health
and Human Services
Kelly A. Phillips, Ph.D., Interim Dean,
University of Toledo College of Nursing
Jeffrey A. Showell, D.M.A., Dean, College of
Musical Arts
Venu Dasigi, Ph.D., Interim Dean, College
of Technology, Architecture and Applied
Commencement Quintet
Commencement Quintet
The Academic Procession
The University Marshal
Virginia L. Dubasik, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor, Department of Communication
Sciences and Disorders
The Mace Bearer
The Candidates for Degrees in Course
Graduate College
College of Health and Human Services
College of Musical Arts
College of Technology, Architecture and Applied Engineering
The Faculties of the Colleges
The University Marshal
The Deans of the Colleges
The Board of Trustees
The Special Guests
The Provost and Senior Vice President
The President
Opening Remarks
Presentation of the Colors
Recognition of Honors Candidates
President Mazey
Recommendation of all Candidates
for Degrees
Introduction of Commencement Speaker
Provost Rogers
Rodney K. Rogers, Ph.D., Provost and
Senior Vice President
Conferral of Degrees
President Mazey
Remarks to the Candidates
Dean L. Bresciani ’85
Alumni Welcome
Presentation of Graduate Candidates
Daniel Mordarski ’91
Chair, BGSU Alumni Association
Michael Y. Ogawa, Ph.D., Vice President for
Research and Economic Development;
Dean, Graduate College
Provost Rogers
Closing Remarks
Dr. Dubasik
The Alma Mater
Ms. Cresswell
Commencement Quintet
C o mm e n c e m e n t S p e a k e r
Dean L. Bresciani ’85
Dean Bresciani earned a master of arts degree in College Student Personnel from Bowling
Green State University in 1985. He became North Dakota State University’s 14th president
in 2010. During his tenure, NDSU has reached the elite “Research University/Very High
Research” tier of the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education and holds similar standing
in rankings of the National Science Foundation.
He is known for his dedication to students and advancement of scholarly activities, as well
as being well regarded for his thoughtfulness, energy and integrity. He brings to campus the
knowledge and experience of an over 30-year career in higher education and has developed
a broad leadership base in the academic, administrative and political aspects of university
A native of Napa Valley, California, Bresciani joined NDSU after serving as vice president at
Texas A&M University from 2004 to 2008, and as a full professor there in the Department
of Educational Administration through 2010. He held similar leadership positions at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill from 1998 to 2004.
P r o g r am P a r t i c i pa n t s
The Mace Bearer
Dr. Lee A. Meserve, Distinguished Teaching
Professor, College of Arts and Sciences
Graduate College
Dr. Margaret Booth
Dr. Michael Brooks
Dr. Catherine Cassara
Dr. Roger Colcord
Dr. Christopher Dunn
Dr. Alexander Goberman
Brittany Joseph
Dr. Dale Klopfer
Dr. Vicki Krane
Dr. Mary Jon Ludy
Dr. Richard (Herb) McGrath
The University Marshal
Dr. Virginia L. Dubasik, Assistant Professor,
Department of Communication
Sciences and Disorders
The Announcers
Dr. Brett Holden, College of Arts and
Dr. Steve Langendorfer, College of Education
and Human Development
The Interpreter
Marta A. Crow
College of Health and Human Services
Dr. Margaret Adams
Dr. Mamta Ojha
Dr. Nancy Orel
College of Musical Arts
Dr. Per Broman
Dr. Nora Engebretsen
Dr. Mary Natvig
College of Technology, Architecture
and Applied Engineering
Dr. Salim Elwazani
Dr. Wilfred Roudebush
Dr. Donna Trautman
Faculty Marshals
Dr. Lynne Hewitt
Dr. Alan Atalah
G r a d uat e C o l l e g e C a n d i d at e s
D octor
E ducation
Janine Renee Kauffman
Leadership Studies
Leading in the Middle: Conversations and
Dialogic Leadership in Higher Education
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Paul Andrew Johnson
Jennifer Lee Theis
New Riegel
Leadership Studies
Technology Predictors of Inquiry-based
Teaching: An Examination of Two K-12 1:1
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Rachel Vannatta Reinhart
Kelly Jo Wohlgamuth
Leadership Studies
An Examination of Resident Educators and
the Role of Self-Efficacy on Teaching in
Collaborative Inclusive Settings
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Judy Jackson May
D octor
P hilosophy
Tina Lynn Arduini
Bowling Green
Rhetoric and Writing
Tools of Play: Developing a Pedagogical
Framework for Gaming Literacy in the
Multimodal Composition Classroom
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Kristine Blair
Pauline Felicia Baird
Buxton, Guyana
Rhetoric and Writing
Towards a Cultural Rhetorics Approach to
Caribbean Rhetorics: African Guyanese
Women from the Village of Buxton
Transforming Oral History
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Andrea Riley-Mukavetz
Erin Ruth Baker
Greenville, Illinois
Theory of Mind Development and Moral
Judgment as Differential Predictors of
Aggressive and Prosocial Behaviors in a
Normative Preschool Sample
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Marie S. Tisak
April Conway
Tucson, Arizona
Rhetoric and Writing
Practitioners of Earth: The Literacy
Practices and Civic Rhetorics of Grassroots
Cartographers' and Writing Instructors
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Kristine Blair
Wesley Craig Dempster
Applied Philosophy
Pragmatism, Growth, and Democratic
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Donald Callen
Jeremy Robert Doughty
De Pere, Wisconsin
Higher Education Administration
“The Other Side”: A Narrative Study
of South African Community Members'
Experiences with an International ServiceLearning Program
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Maureen E. Wilson
Vivienne Rowena Felix
Queen, New York
Higher Education Administration
The Experiences of Refugee Students in
United States Postsecondary Education
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Dafina-Lazarus Stewart
Christine Marie Garbett
Rock Springs, Wyoming
Rhetoric and Writing
Literacies in Context: Working-Class Deaf
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Donna Nelson-Beene
Janelle Marie Hawes
Lakewood, Washington
Within-Individual Differences in Offending
from Adolescence to Young Adulthood:
A Modified Theoretical Approach to
Understanding Academic Achievement and
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Jorge Chavez
Sumanth Inukonda
Jersey City, New Jersey
Media and Communication
Media, Globalization and Nationalism: The
Case of Separate Telangana
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Brett R. Labbe
Bowling Green
Media and Communication
Towards a Re-Discovery of the Public
Sphere: Examining Burma/Myanmar's
Counter-Hegemonic Potential in Relation
to Mainstream U.S. News' Re-Framing of
American Foreign Policy
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Oliver Boyd-Barrett
Liubov M. Lifshits
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Photochemical Sciences
A Supermolecular Approach for Engineering
Functional Solid-State Chromophore Arrays
within Metal-Organic Materials
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. J. K. Klosterman
LaDonna R. Moore
Houston, Texas
Higher Education Administration
The Relationship Between Experiences
with Microaggression and the Leadership
Practices of Mid-Level Student Affairs
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Dafina-Lazarus Stewart
Emily Ann Padgett
Bowling Green
Clinical Psychology
Relational Spirituality and Trajectories of
Observed Emotional Intimacy during the
Transition to Parenthood
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Annette Mahoney
David Michael Strukel
Media and Communication
Teen Pregnancy and Media Engagement: A
Uses and Gratifications Study
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Ewart Skinner
Zijian Wang
Beijing, China
Photochemical Sciences
Single-Molecule Spectroscopy and Imaging
Studies of Protein Folding-Unfolding
Conformational Dynamics: The MultipleState and Multiple-Channel Energy
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. H. Peter Lu
Don Chi Zhang
Canton, Michigan
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Using Icon Array as a Visual Aid for
Communicating Validity Information
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Scott Highhouse
S pecialist
E ducation
Karen Kay Meyer, Bowling Green
Martin J. Schuster Jr., Bloomville
M aster
A ccountancy
Sally Afram Baskharoun, Perrysburg
Maher Hamzah Barnawi, Makkah,
Saudi Arabia
Yi Zhang, Xiaogan, China
M aster
A rchitecture
Sean J. Bostater, Sandusky
Shilpa Mehta, New Dehli, India
Timur Rashidovich Valiulin, Kazan, Russia
James Alexander Wilson, Detroit, Michigan
Matthew Charles Zix, Cincinnati
M aster
A rts
Kaci Lee Abolt, Charleston, Illinois
College Student Personnel
Shahad Sudad Al-Doori, Baghdad, Iraq
College Student Personnel
Philip James Anthony, Cochranton,
Philip James Anthony, Cochranton,
Daniel John Auber, Syracuse, New York
College Student Personnel
Saleha Azmi, Mumbai, India
Media and Communication
Taylor Grant Belcher, Cincinnati
Chelsea Elizabeth Black, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Derron Stephen Borders, Circleville
College Student Personnel
Jennifer Renee Bradley, Spring, Texas
College Student Personnel
Kelly Maureen Bresnahan, Elm Grove, Wisconsin
Roxann Helen Brown, Bowling Green
Cross-Cultural and International Education
Ryder Robert Cunningham, Tuscarawas
Alanna Shay Demers, Medina
Stephanie Lynn Demkowski Vento, Sylvania
Robert Joseph Dildine, Grand Rapids
Media and Communication
Devon Ross Dittelberger, Orlando, Florida
College Student Personnel
Briana N. Enty, Reisterstown, Maryland
College Student Personnel
Ryan Nicholas Esch, Bowling Green
Christopher C. Faulkner, Stoneham, Massachusetts
College Student Personnel
Madeline C. Fauser, San Antonio, Texas
Lillian Ann Fetalaiga, Columbus
Cross-Cultural and International Education
Ryan Thurber Fischbeck, Bowling Green
Sabrina Marie Foti-Schwartz,
Bowling Green
Media and Communication
Rachel Lynn Frey, Findlay
College Student Personnel
Christopher William Gamsby, Bowling Green
Experimental Psychology
Alexandra Garner, Dublin
Popular Culture
Lisa N. Gore, Bowling Green
Chelsea Marie Graham, Sparta, Michigan
Literary and Textual Studies
Scott Anthony Graupensperger, Bend, Oregon
Developmental Psychology
Chelsea Ellen Greco, Omaha, Nebraska
College Student Personnel
Brittany Ann Halverstadt, Kernersville,
North Carolina
Experimental Psychology
Victoria Marie Harwood, Oxford, Michigan
Margaret Elizabeth Heefner,
Palmyra, Pennsylvania
English Teaching
Jamie Lynn Heineman, Hamilton
Mental Health Counseling
Brandie Marie Helmer, Minster
Alexandra Anne Smrcina Henderson,
Falmouth, Massachusetts
Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Stephanea Renea Hignight, Toledo
Mental Health Counseling
Brandon J. Hill, Cleveland
Danielle M. Howell, Cincinnati
Literary and Textual Studies
Xiaqing Huang, Wuhan, China
Xindi Huang, Dalian, China
Media and Communication
Ian Christopher Irwin, Bowling Green
Jessica Pauline Jacques, East Kingston,
New Hampshire
Allen Michael Jones, Aulander,
North Carolina
College Student Personnel
Jaylyn Janelle Jones, Sacramento, California
College Student Personnel
Demetri Rashad Kelley, Barstow, California
College Student Personnel
Michael R. Kneisel, Bowling Green
Popular Culture
Alexander Joseph Koch, Bowling Green
Popular Culture
Andrea E. Kras, Allegany, New York
Mental Health Counseling
Aaron David Lewis, Olmsted Falls
Jianyu Li, Tianjin, China
Erin Lingenfelter Mitchell, Loudonville
College Student Personnel
Aryn Lipnicki, Grand Rapids, Michigan
College Student Personnel
Joseph Charles Lueck, Perrysburg
Jacqueline K. Luedtke, Frankfort, Michigan
College Student Personnel
Phillip Anders Lundquist, Oberlin
College Student Personnel
Michael Peter Mailloux, Northampton,
Michail-Chrysovalantis Markodimitrakis,
Iraklion of Crete, Greece
Literary and Textual Studies
Mary A. Maxfield, Bowling Green
American Culture Studies
Aaron Carnegie McPherson,
College Student Personnel
Gabrielle Merandi, Bowling Green
Clinical Psychology
Nicolle Lynne Merkel, Lima
College Student Personnel
Kate Miller, Ann Arbor, Michigan
College Student Personnel
Emily Marie Mitch, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
College Student Personnel
Katie Irene Moran, Akron
Katie Irene Moran, Akron
Ian M. Morrow, Elyria
College Student Personnel
Jeffrey Norton, Westminster, Maryland
Maggie Colleen Nowicki, Madison,
College Student Personnel
Dale T. Osef, Bay Head, New Jersey
College Student Personnel
Sarah Elizabeth Perkins, Roanoke, Virginia
Joseph Dale Pernick, Tonawanda, New York
College Student Personnel
Pardis Rahimi, Kabul, Afganistan
Cross-Cultural and International Education
Matthew David Reising, Findlay
College Student Personnel
Karamy G. Renfrow, Grand Rapids
Kelsey L. Rice, Southgate, Michigan
College Student Personnel
Rolf A. Ritchie, Bowling Green
Clinical Psychology
Geoffery Scott Roberts, Croswell, Michigan
College Student Personnel
Lee Roberts, Covington
College Student Personnel
Danielle Nicole Robertson, Alexandria
Mental Health Counseling
Olivia Summer Roig, Chittenango, New York
Popular Culture
Michael Andrew Roysdon, Sewell, New Jersey
Devin Ann Ryan, Schaumburg, Illinois
College Student Personnel
Olivia Kathleen Samerdyke, Bowling Green
Media and Communication
Jacqulyn Jaye Sardina, Billerica,
College Student Personnel
Ross C. Schira, Sylvania
Literary and Textual Studies
Kelsey Spencer Schultz, Spokane,Washington
College Student Personnel
Jessica Lauren Shapiro, Santa Monica,
College Student Personnel
Caitlin Marie Shellenbarger-Rizor, Findlay
Mental Health Counseling
Peter J. Simionides, Canton
Media and Communication
Rajinder Jitkaur Singh, Bowling Green
Clinical Psychology
Megan K. Small, Defiance
Mental Health Counseling
Shayna Marie Smith, Cincinnati
College Student Personnel
Ashley M. Stevens, Delaware
Megan Elizabeth Svabik, Van Wert
Mental Health Counseling
Sindhia Swaminathan, Pickerington
Clinical Psychology
Jacqueline Hope Tomlin, Pitsburg
Jacqueline Hope Tomlin, Pitsburg
Tanja Verena Vierrether, Munich, Germany
Literary and Textual Studies
Julie Renee Wagner, Woodridge, Illinois
College Student Personnel
Molly Sarver Ward, Port Angeles,
College Student Personnel
Kristen Eve Weaver, Santa Cruz, California
College Student Personnel
Eli David Weikart, Leetonia
College Student Personnel
Ryan Nolan Winkleman, Perrysburg
Shannon Marie Wolverton, Pataskala
Brian M. Yager, Chardon
Xingyue Yan, Hangzhou, China
Media and Communication
Shaoying Yao, Haidian, China
Lauren T. Yeager, Bowling Green
Experimental Psychology
Haley Lynn Young, Loudonville
College Student Personnel
Michael Zangl, Shelton, Washington
College Student Personnel
Benjamin John Zauski, Honeoye Falls,
New York
Financial Economics
M aster
A rts
T eaching
Amanda Laporte, Bowling Green
M aster
B usiness A dministration
Gregory Braylock Jr., Toledo
Jeffrey James Eiben, Monclova
Michael James Hachtel, Bowling Green
Bernhard Herbert Klinder, Berlin, Germany
Michelle Pavan, Erechim, Brazil
Richard Marshall Ramthun, Sylvania
Keith A. Reinke, Lexington, Kentucky
Lisa A. Severhof, Maumee
Jaymee D. Skelly, Lorain
Jeffrey Thomas Wold, Ada
Jacob E. Worthington, Athens, Alabama
Yutong Wu, Huludao, China
Sarah Jordan Zibbel, Perrysburg
M aster
E ducation
Manal M. Abouyoussef, Toledo
Curriculum and Teaching
Madihah Saud Almotairi, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
Curriculum and Teaching
Bandar Khalid Almutairi, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
Curriculum and Teaching
Obaid Abdullah Alqarni, Afra Balqarn,
Saudi Arabia
Curriculum and Teaching
Muradi Mahmwwd Alqurashi, Taif,
Saudi Arabia
Curriculum and Teaching
Breshea S. Anglen, Cleveland
Ahmad Yahya Aseery, Abha City, Saudi Arabia
Curriculum and Teaching
Diana Q. Balduff, Toledo
Assistive Technology
Joy E. Beck, Pettisville
Moderate/Intensive Intervention Specialist
Caroline Eva Berger, Maumee
Sport Administration
Brianna Nicole Bergman, Maumee
Mild/Moderate Intervention Specialist
Ashley E. Birchmeier, Vaughnsville
Sport Administration
Jazmine Kiah Bowman, Dublin
Elena Maria Boyle, Bowling Green
Curriculum and Teaching
Treya Marie Brown, Pemberville,
Leah Marie Byers, Muncie, Indiana
Dustin A. Campbell, Wauseon
Deshanna Melinda Carter, Hackensack,
New Jersey
Amanda Jo Chandler, Upper Sandusky
Curriculum and Teaching
Tiffany Fries, Bellevue
Danielle Leigh Coppes, Bloomville
Sport Administration
Hannah C. Couch, Luckey
Mild/Moderate Intervention Specialist
Courtney Catherine Cox, Twinsburg
Sport Administration
Catherine Dahl, Wakeman
Curriculum and Teaching
Cori Anna Dantio, Rocky River
Stephanie N. Dotter, Toledo
Stephanie Lynne Douglas, Sidney
Nichole Ellen Dunn, Frankfort, Indiana
School Counseling
Joseph Earl Durant, Columbia Station
Sport Administration
Christopher John Dykyj, Toledo
Nathan H. Edminster, Toledo
School Counseling
Rebecca Katherine Eidnier, Madison
Rebecca Lindsey Eierman, Chardon
Kelly Ann Elton, Monclova
Dana Rae Eskins, Clyde
Curriculum and Teaching
Molly Catherine Fairchild, Galion
School Counseling
Toria Elyse Felton, Tiffin
Learning Design
Kerry Ann Fial, Sandusky
Ellen Michael Foos, Fremont
Secondary Transition
Genna Antonia Fusco, Shelby Township,
Danielle Renee Garcia, Toledo
Chelsea Lorraine Garver, Holland
Mona Saeed Ghran, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Curriculum and Teaching
Jennifer L. Grant, Bryan
Lisa Mae Gregory, Chardon
Lindsey Sue Griffes, Charlotte, Michigan
Sport Administration
Megan M. Griffith, Bradner
Meghan Suzanne Harmon, Ada
Kay Jean Hartley, Bellevue
Maguire Knisly Hodge, Grove City
Learning Design
Kayla May Hogue, Canton
Andrew Michael Holmes, Kelleys Island
Learning Design
Kaleigh Kiersten Johns, Pataskala
Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Intensive
Intervention Specialist
Jessica Anna Kager, North Canton
James Mark Kaplan, Tampa, Florida
Assistive Technology
Emily L. Keaney, Powell
Philip Andrew Kern, Maumee
Rebecca Marie King, Broadview Heights
School Counseling
Alexandra M. Klein, Toledo
Sport Administration
Jacquelyn Richele LaFave, Bowling Green
Leisure and Tourism Studies
Lisa Rose Lamson, Oak Harbor, Washington
Curriculum and Teaching
Jillian Sue Livingston, Cridersville
Mild/Moderate Intervention Specialist
Craig Douglas Lohmann, Perrysburg
Melissa Ann Mac Knight, Painesville
Megan E. Mays, Bellevue
Assistive Technology
Emily Louise McClelland, Union Grove,
Allison McDavitt, Robbinsville, New Jersey
Sport Administration
Matthew A. McEwen, Maumee
Classroom Technology
Danica Elaine McGowan, Bucyrus
Heather L. Meeker, Maumee
Jacob Evan Meyer, Reed City, Michigan
Sport Administration
Paul J. Miller, Findlay
Curriculum and Teaching
Carrie Elaine Moenter, Pemberville
Classroom Technology
Kali Elizabeth Morgenstern, Beachwood
Sport Administration
Whitney Lynne Moser, Toledo
Amanda Alexa Myers, Maumee
Anna Marie Nelson, Mansfield
Lea Anne Newton, Defiance
Classroom Technology
Thomas Richard Nisonger, West Liberty
Sport Administration
Amanda Lynn Notley, Oberlin
Sport Administration
Andrea A. O'Meara, Eaton
Classroom Technology
Julie A. Noble, Chardon
Lauren Elizabeth Phillips, Republic
School Counseling
Amber N. Ramsey, Arlington
Curriculum and Teaching
Matthias Estes Reiber, Lawrence, Kansas
Sport Administration
Emily Marie Reuland, Oswego, Illinois
Samantha Rae Rodabaugh, Findlay
Brooke Lynnette Rosendale, Bloomdale
Amy Lynn Ruthenberg, Bowling Green
Craig Lee Rutherford, Bowling Green
Classroom Technology
Daniel Lawrence Sanger, Sterling Heights,
Sport Administration
Christine Ann Scherrer, Dayton
Katie Lynn Schmidt, Graytown
David Crayg Sims, Chicago, Illinois
Sport Administration
Rachel Lynn Slotman, Hudsonville, Michigan
Alexandra Ray Smart, Dublin
Special Education
Matthew James Smith, Bryan
Emily Marie Stamm, Clyde
School Counseling
Marissa Tashenberg, Maumee
Sport Administration
Tamyra S. Thomas, North Baltimore
Business Education
Sarah Elizabeth Vechery, Cuyahoga Falls
Special Education
Eric William Vendemia, Youngstown
Sport Administration
Garrett L. Walker, Fremont
Lashell West, Detroit, Michigan
Julie J. Young, Grand Rapids
Learning Design
Joshua P. Zinger, Yellow Springs
Classroom Technology
M aster
F ine A rts
Brianna Elaine Barron, Saline, Michigan
Nicole Christine Connolly, Bowling Green
Diana Darlene Hall, Vinton, Iowa
Kelly Ann Kiehl, Saint Louis, Missouri
Grayson Lee Maxwell, Elberton, Georgia
Andrew Daniel Myers, Springfield, Missouri
Naomi Sara North, Bowling Green
Peter Joseph Pagast, Kankakee, Illinois
Kimberly K. Pledger, Springboro
Loraine L. Ruetz, Sylvania
Philip Peter Saxby, Bowling Green
Erika Barbara Schnepp, Riverdale, Michigan
Roxanne Ashley Shea, Farwell, Michigan
Caitlyn Jo Witt, Toledo
Chenxiao Zhang, ZengZhou, China
M aster
F ood
N utrition
Kaitlyn Michelle Burkhart, Mansfield
Allison Lee Doriot, Toledo
Paula Elizabeth Gallagher, Dublin
Courtney Nicole Klebe, South Lyon,
Taylor Elizabeth Lechner, Fort Wayne,
Miranda Rose Leighty, Merritt Island, Florida
Stacie Lynn Pabst, Cincinnati
Brianna Michelle Reinhard, Van Buren
Kathryn Sue Sheridan, Dayton
Shannon Smith, Perrysburg
M aster
M usic
Lindsay Marie Andrews, Sylvania
Choral Music Education
Helen Victoria Cates, Bowling Green
Instrumental Performance
Yi-Chieh Chiu, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
Instrumental Performance
Jennifer Elizabeth Cresswell, Temperance,
Emily Grace Custer, East Grand Forks,
Music Composition
Fidelia Esther Darmahkasih, Toledo
Lucas Matthew Dickow, Commerce
Township, Michigan
Instrumental Performance
Kristi Lynn Fullerton, Charlo, Montana
Music Composition
Charles Edward Gibb, Stillwater, Minnesota
Instrumental Performance
Jon Tyler Ginder, Sikeston, Missouri
Music Composition
Matthew Clark Gunby, Mercer Island,
Music Composition
Daniel Everett Holland, Spotsylvania, Virginia
Instrumental Performance
Jake Robert Kaehne, Bemidji, Minnesota
Michael Louis Keller, Wasilla, Arkansas
Instrumental Performance
Nicholas Edmund Kiekenapp, Avon,
Jazz Studies
Garrett Nathaniel Krohn, Monticello,
Instrumental Performance
Alex Christopher Meaux, Port Neches, Texas
Instrumental Performance
Evan Joseph Meccarello, Rochester, New York
Orchestral Conducting
Jennifer Ann Meister, Orlando, Florida
Choral Conducting
Daniel James Milan, Uniontown
John Edward Mink, Bowling Green
Octavian Moldovean, Brasov, Romania
Instrumental Performance
Christopher Lawrence Murphy,
Bowling Green
Instrumental Performance
Jeffrey Francis Nicholas, Pinckney, Michigan
Music Composition
Alec Norkey, Jackson, Michigan
Instrumental Performance
Joy Margaret O'Day, Warren, Michigan
Instrumental Music Education
Suzanne T. Pergal, Gloucester, Massachusetts
Nicha Pimthong, Bangkok, Thailand
Santiago Piñeros-Serrano, Bogotá, Colombia
Orchestral Conducting
Anni Qi, Huaihua, China
Robert Shane Ragoonanan, Saint Paul,
Orchestral Conducting
Matthew David Ramage, Harleysville,
Music Composition
Benjamin James Richardson, Algonquin,
Music Composition
Daniel Rodriguez Limon, San Antonio, Texas
Instrumental Performance
Jacob Sandridge, Philippi, West Virginia
Music Composition
Brian Carl Sears, San Francisco, California
Music Composition
Kelsey Paige Stremplewski, Frankfort, Illinois
Music Theory
Lin Tang, Fuzhou, China
Collaborative Piano
Hannah Grace Varnau, Indianapolis, Indiana
Music Composition
Drew Wolgemuth, Elizabethtown,
Instrumental Performance
Dalen Lawrence Wuest, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Music Composition
Yichen Yuan, Chengdu, China
M aster
P ublic A dministration
Amanda Dianne Alfarah, Toledo
Jasmine Fox Blaine, Kapa'a, Kauai, Hawaii
Caitlin Amanda Buhr, Mount Horeb,
Zachary David Crawford, Findlay
Lucas James Doseck, Jackson Center
Emilio Cuevas Garcia, East Lansing,
Wendy Sue Hoevemeyer, Monroe, Michigan
Fred Maranga Nyangaresi, Gilgil, Kenya
Michael Dean Oiler, Marysville
Jonah Onkendi Ondieki, Kisii, Kenya
Lauren Nicole Purdy, Medina
Kaitlyn Hailey Rider, Westerville
Daniel Dixon Wendt, Monroeville
M aster
P ublic H ealth
Miranda Colleen Albert, Forest
Portia Elaine Ellis, Starkville, Mississippi
M aster
S cience
Fatimah Alotaibi, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science
Endale Berhane Altaye, Hawassa, Ethiopia
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Rawan Adnan Alturkistani,
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science
Mashael Awaidih Alzaidi, Taif, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science
Stephanie Leeanne Barkey, Willowick
Speech-Language Pathology
Jennifer L. Berger, Cincinnati
Speech-Language Pathology
Neha Bhide, Bhopal, India
Computer Science
Tania Biswas, Uttarpara, India
Biological Sciences
Thomas Christopher Charest, Bowling Green
Computer Science
Elli Nicole Combs, Middletown
Speech-Language Pathology
Monica Alma Corbett, Wadsworth
Speech-Language Pathology
Nicholas Adam Cottrell, Findlay
Applied Statistics in Mathematics
Maria Catherine Dahlinghaus, Minster
Speech-Language Pathology
Taylor Marie Darr, Fremont
Speech-Language Pathology
Emily Dawn Diekema, Holland, Michigan
Speech-Language Pathology
Yunlong Fan, Chengdu, China
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Chelsea Kay Frankboner, Milan
Speech-Language Pathology
Amanda Michelle Fry, Utica
Speech-Language Pathology
Shilpa Gannamuneni, Hyderabad, India
Computer Science
Jessica Marie Gottschick, North Royalton
Speech-Language Pathology
Min Gu, Taizhou, China
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Bethany Lynn Hoehner, Bowling Green
Speech-Language Pathology
Yanzheng Jin, Qingdao, China
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Megan Elizabeth Joy, Deshler
Speech-Language Pathology
Matthew F. Kwitowski, Erie, Pennsylvania
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Meredith Marie Loy, Hartville
Speech-Language Pathology
Kurukulasoor N. Maduranga, Bowling Green
Sarah B. Meeker, Bowling Green
Speech-Language Pathology
Kevin A. Meiring, Napoleon
Computer Science
Kathryn Laurie Miller, Oakland, Michigan
Speech-Language Pathology
Casey Ann Neiman, Perry
Applied Statistics in Mathematics
Rachel Elizabeth Neltner, Amelia
Speech-Language Pathology
Ngan Thi Tuyet Nguyen, Hanoi, Vietnam
Biological Sciences
Skyler Danielle Ortt, Stone Creek
Speech-Language Pathology
Pratima Pandey, Kathmandu, Nepal
Biological Sciences
Shivashish Pati, Bhubaneswar, India
Computer Science
Hanna J. Peeples, Edon
Speech-Language Pathology
Susan E. Rader, McComb
Speech-Language Pathology
Kathryn Ellen Rapin, Toledo
Biological Sciences
Siddharth Ravikumar, Chennai, India
Computer Science
Jill M. Rieman, Ottawa
Speech-Language Pathology
Jamie Lynn Russell, Perrysburg
Biological Sciences
Kelly Ann Schardt, Perrysburg
Speech-Language Pathology
Seyedabbas Shakibajam, Abvaz, Iran
Computer Science
Rohit Sharma, Satna, India
Computer Science
Yanan Shi, Shanghai, China
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Megan G. Shortridge, Perrysburg
Biological Sciences
Andrea Elizabeth Siefker, Ottawa
Speech-Language Pathology
Wenjie Sima, Wuxi, China
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Kristyn Evelyn Stanfield, Portage, Indiana
Speech-Language Pathology
Jeremy J. Storer, Sylvania
Computer Science
Rachel Lynn Swihart, Tipp City
Philip L. Terrie, Bowling Green
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Amy Elizabeth Wakefield, Maumee
Meng Wang, Anshan, China
Applied Statistics in Mathematics
Zhi Wang, Kunming, China
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Jamie Elizabeth Wezensky, Detroit, Michigan
Speech-Language Pathology
Casey Whorton, Bowling Green
Applied Statistics and Operations Research
Susan Christine Yocum, Spencerville
Speech-Language Pathology
Tyler Jeffrey Young, Vadnais Heights,
Speech-Language Pathology
M aster
S cience
A nalytics
Srikar Arepalli, Hyderabad, India
M aster
J ustice
S cience
C riminal
Matthew Liam Dove, Powell
Heather Jamicyn Smith, Cleveland
Bobbi M. Wilds, Marion
M aster
T echnology M anagement
Mudassir Ali, Aligarh, India
Faisal Almuhanna, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Sultan Abdulaziz Alquayyid, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
Saeed Bajnaid, Perrysburg
Brian Holden, Lima
Robert Hradek, Tiffin
Arpana Maharjan, Kathmandu, Nepal
Ikya Mamidala, Warangal, India
Sai Tarun Mattaparthi, Hyderabad, India
Utkarsh Shekhar, Darbhanga, India
Ehab Mohammad Wazgar, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia
Sergey Yun, Zarafshan, Usbekistan
G raduate C ertificate
A ssistive T echnology
G raduate C ertificate in F rench
P rofessionals and E ducators
G raduate C omputer T echology
E ndorsement C ertificate
Diana Q. Balduff, Toledo
James Mark Kaplan, Tampa, Florida
Heather Brynn Koch, Dublin
Beth Marie Koester, Ottoville
Sarah Ashley Louters, Columbus
Jenna Roselisa Rayburn, Columbus
Amber Kristin Ryan, Columbus
Amy Marie Stier, Niles, Michigan
Max R. Zenker, Columbus
Suzanne Pergal, Gloucester, Massachusetts
Dennis C. Lee, Norwalk
G raduate C ertificate
T echnology
G raduate E arly C hildhood
E ducation G rades 4 and 5
G eneralist E ndorsement C ertificate
G raduate C ertificate
S pectrum D isorders
Susan G. Burnett, Columbus
Ellen Michael Foos, Fremont
Joyce Marlene Golz, Paulding
A utism
Taylor M. Baumle, Haviland
Mylissa L. Bentley, South Point
Jazmine Kiah Bowman, Dublin
Dustin A. Campbell, Wauseon
Deshanna Melinda Carter, Canton
Jamie Lynn Davis, West Lafayette
Stephanie N. Dotter, Toledo
Jennifer Kristen Entsminger, Bellefontaine
Danielle Renee Garcia, Toledo
Kayla May Hogue, Canton
Emily Keaney Ramsiare, Powell
Samantha Jo Lagrou, Fremont
Rachel Ann Smith, Dayton
Kriszti R. Stiasny, Broadview Heights
Sarah Elizabeth Vechery, Cuyahoga Falls
G raduate C ertificate
S tudies
E thnic
Mary A. Maxfield, Saint Louis, Missouri
G eospatial
Matthew Joel Romanko, Sycamore
Treya Marie Brown, Pemberville
G raduate C ertificate
T ransition
G raduate C ertificate
I nteractive M edia
S econdary
G raduate R eading E ndorsement
C ertificate
S ocial
Xingyue Yan, Hangzhou, China
G raduate C ertificate in T eaching
E nglish to S peakers of O ther
L anguages
Wafaa Hassan Aburahma, Gaza, Palestine
Adam William Sprague, Ripon, Wisconsin
G raduate C ertificate
W omen ’ s S tudies
April Conway, Tucson, Arizona
Alexandra Garner, Columbus
Hillary Weiss, Adrian, Michigan
Breshea S. Anglen, Cleveland
Treya Marie Brown, Pemberville
Leah Marie Byers, Muncie, Indiana
Cori Anna Dantio, Rocky River
Rebecca Lindsey Eierman, Chardon
Chelsea Lorraine Garver, Holland
Lisa Mae Gregory, Chardon
Kay Jean Hartley, Bellevue
Emily Kirsten Hayes, Perrysburg
Philip Andrew Kern, Maumee
Craig Douglas Lohmann, Perrysburg
Melissa Ann Mac Knight, Painesville
Heather L. Meeker, Maumee
Michelle Ann Miller, Harrison
Whitney Lynne Moser, Toledo
Anna Marie Nelson, Mansfield
Brooke Lynnette Rosendale, Bloomdale
Erin A. Walton, Sandusky
Justine Zaborowski, Willoughby Hills
H e a lt h
B achelor of A pplied
H ealth S cience
Amirah Iman Abdullah, Washington, D.C.
Zainab Sadiq Alfaraj, Qatif, Saudi Arabia
Fahad Almogbel, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Kylie A. Bateson, Cygnet
Cum Laude
Audrey Kathleen Biederman, Hamilton
Winona Catherine Booher, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Alexander Nicholas Brenner, Walbridge
Kristy L. Brown, Conover
Alyssa Kay Brunswick, Coldwater
Hannah Rose Bundy, Bowling Green
Summa Cum Laude
Candace Mariah Calloway, Bowling Green
Chelsea Elaine Charniga, Bowling Green
Lindsey Susan Clark, Berea
Madison Nicole Deloney, Englewood
Jessica Margaret Early, Lima
Nichole Marie Edwards, Holland
Kathryn N. Fisher, Norwalk
McKenzie Lee Gallagher, Fremont
Stephanie Jeanette Garcia, Goshen, Indiana
William Ralph Garner, Detroit, Michigan
Marielle Jane Giardini, Allegany, New York
Cum Laude
Jessica Marie Gregor, Bowling Green
Summa Cum Laude
Ciauna Renee Harrison, Cleveland
Kylie Nicole Hayes, Springfield
Magna Cum Laude
Troy M. Hellman, Fort Jennings
Magna Cum Laude
Michenzi Lee Hoffman, Castalia
Summa Cum Laude
Katelyn Marie Hoops, Bowling Green
Garrett Michael Howell, Port Clinton
Cum Laude
Nicole Morgan Hranchook,
Harrison Township, Michigan
Cum Laude
Keith Lamont Johnson, Redford, Michigan
Sandra Erin Johnson, Farmington, Michigan
Eric Michael Karaba, North Ridgeville
Chelsea Nicole King, Tiffin
Monica Marie Koelsch, Sandusky
Jacqueline Marie Konderson,
Broadview Heights
Cum Laude
Adrianne June Kowalski, Mansfield
Brittany M. Lane, Taylor, Michigan
Kaylin Marie Marley, Erie, Pennsylvania
Magna Cum Laude
Michelle McKinney, Sandusky
Kayla Nicole Meadows, Springfield, Virginia
Cum Laude
Russell P. Miller III, Cleveland
Adam Glen Newcomer, McComb
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Zachary Thomas Nolen, Delta
H uma n S e r v i c e s C a n d i d at e s
Emma Norris, Sycamore, Illinois
Trevor R. Risner, Tiffin
Cum Laude
Maurisa Marie Sanchez, Curtice
Erin Elizabeth Schroeder, Leipsic
Sara Anne Secondcost, Ottawa
Cum Laude
James E. Sedlak, Perrysburg
Jazmaine Mone'T Smith, Dayton
Michael Loren Smith, Bowling Green
Adam Robert Spinelli, Erie, Pennsylvania
Abigail Rae Stahl, Rossford
Summa Cum Laude
Molly Renee Steck, Toledo
Cum Laude
Brandy Lorraine Wadsworth,
Detroit, Michigan
Allison M. Wait, Hilliard
Sarah E. Walters, Amherst
Cum Laude
Ashley Gavrielle Weiss, Marysville
Tyler James Wiedeman, Fort Jennings
Magna Cum Laude
Maryellen Wilken, Sandusky
Amanda Carol Wolfe, Long Bottom
B achelor of S cience in
C ommunication D isorders
Megan Rose Bendele, Ottoville
Magna Cum Laude
Emily Elizabeth Black, Maumee
Magna Cum Laude
Camila Rose Buchholz, Waterville
Cum Laude
Kirsten A. Bundschuh, Norwalk
Cum Laude
Hannah M. Carver, Englewood
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Christel G. Ciolino, New Boston, Michigan
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Carly Elizabeth Cribbs, Rochester, Michigan
Olivia Armitage Dempsey, Wilmington,
New York
Madeline Paielli Desmond, Toledo
Samantha J. DeStazio, Rossford
Summa Cum Laude
Eryn Caroline Fick, Defiance
Cum Laude
Jenna Leigh Fisher, Russia
Davin Denise Fumich, Chesterland
Brittany M. Ishmael, North Baltimore
Magna Cum Laude
Alyssa N. Jenkins, Cincinnati
Magna Cum Laude
Kaylee Janet Kapalko, Canfield
Magna Cum Laude
Kaitlyn Jean Kish, Kirtland
Cum Laude
Andrea Lynne Kotula, Bowling Green
Kelsey Marie Kuenning, New Bremen
Magna Cum Laude
Ashley Lynn Langhals, Columbus Grove
Jessica Marie Lee, Stow
Summa Cum Laude
Lauren Noel Macatangay, Strongsville
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Austin James Michael, Hicksville
Ashley Christine Monteith, Urbana
Cum Laude
Rebecca Carol Rae, Orillia, Canada
Magna Cum Laude
Victoria Lynn Repko, Leipsic
Magna Cum Laude
Elizabeth Marie Richley, Cleveland
Magna Cum Laude
Natalie L. Robson, Wakeman
Summa Cum Laude
Kristen Ashley Roldan, Norwalk
Jennifer Leigh Ruhe, Amelia
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Sadie L. Sneider, Gibsonburg
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Amanda May Spangenberg, Elyria
Ashton Nicole Speer, Sandusky
Summa Cum Laude
Rian Rachelle Spicer, Castalia
Cum Laude
Dale K. Summers, Naperville, Illinois
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Kassandra Julia Tomaric, Centerville
Jenna R. Warnecke, Cloverdale
Summa Cum Laude
Ashley Nicole West, Tiffin
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Michala Anne Wiemken, Defiance
Summa Cum Laude
Alexandra Nicole Will, Bryan
Elizabeth M. Wynn, Columbus Grove
B achelor of S cience
C riminal J ustice
Tyler Drew Anderson, Sidney
Taylor Marie Asberry, Huron
Jacob William Barrett, Wapakoneta
Stephen Michael Brown, Wadsworth
Israel Burgos, Cleveland
Craig M. Cox Jr., Westfield Center
Keri Elisabeth Faris, Annapolis, Maryland
Alec M. Feldhaus, Wauseon
Cum Laude
Jacob James Hamilton, Rossford
Cum Laude
Michael Francis Hanneman, Norwalk
Timothy Stephen James, Fostoria
Cum Laude
Kayla Christene Martin, Delaware
Amanda Nicole Orange, Dublin
Donnia Merrie Pearson, Sandusky
Kaitlyn R. Porter, Massillon
Megan Ruth Schnell, Northwood
Chandler Kaila Scott, Centerville
David Scott Shubert, Northfield
Cum Laude
Cameron M. Stewart, Toledo
Taylor M. Szalkowski, Elyria
Cum Laude
Kalyne Taylar Treon, Greenville
Tori Rae Trottier, Beavercreek
Elizabeth Anna Zartman, Payne
Courtney Amelia Niese, Leipsic
Magna Cum Laude
Kathleen Michelle Nolan, Dayton
Shayrice Monique Rand, Cleveland Heights
Alexis Olivia Simpson, Cincinnati
Brianna Leigh Slaughter, Bowling Green
Isabella G. Testa, Stow
Taylor Ann Wycoff, Marysville
B achelor of S cience
L aboratory S cience
Shane Arthur Starbuck, Amherst
Magna Cum Laude
Tiffany Ann Swartz, Tiffin
Lesley Marie Tatro, Northwood
Cum Laude
Skylar Rae Van Fossen, Amanda
Kevin A. Vollmar, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Blake Vincent Wollam, Toronto
Summa Cum Laude
M edical
Christine Nicole Starkey, Sterling Heights,
B achelor
S ciences
S cience
N utrition
Kayla Marie Reddmann, Chillicothe
B achelor
S cience
D ietetics
Kelli Alisa Baumgardner, Bowling Green
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Bridget Agnes Brown, Vermilion
Laura A. Brubaker, Bowling Green
Abigail P. Crum, Carleton, Michigan
Cum Laude
Gina Renee Ghilani, Hilliard
Rebecca Eden Hoffman, Ottawa
Magna Cum Laude
Alexander Timothy Holman, Kings Mills
Jena L. Kryling, McComb
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Ashley Nicole Riley, Norwalk
Cum Laude
Olivia Johanna Rump, Ottawa
Samantha J. Schneider, Convoy
Marisa May Shook, Maumee
Magna Cum Laude
Brendan M. Valentine, Findlay
Lilia Carmen Villegas, Pemberville
Breanna LaCoy Warren, Bowling Green
Jessica Kayla Sue Wright, Newark
Jordyn Taylor Yeater, Ashland
Courtney Ann Zeigler, Cleveland
B achelor of S cience
G erontology
Jamie Lee Bihn, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Erin K. Brady, Wapakoneta
Jennifer Rochelle Clabaugh, Bowling Green
Mallory Gwen Dougherty, Findlay
Allison Marie Ehmen,
Carpentersville, Illinois
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Sarah Alyse Fravel, Strongsville
Kristie Nicole Henehan, Avon Lake
Maren Elizabeth Legg, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Logan Alexis Miller, Sherwood
Cum Laude
B achelor
S cience
N ursing
Mariah Leeann Adams, Perrysburg
Magna Cum Laude
Jason Matthew Auch, Holland
Brianna N. Austin, Mentor
Chastity Nicole Austin, Wapakoneta
Kristina Marie Bogucki, Stow
Cum Laude
Sierra Bryant, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Chelsea Rae Calvert, Port Clinton
Elleah Michelle Cooper, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Kimberly Allyce Crawford, Oregon
Summa Cum Laude
Hannah Lynn DeBlase, Bellevue
Cum Laude
Emily Ann Drown, Wadsworth
Cum Laude
Abbey Lynn Dunckel, Perrysburg
Felicia Renee Eisenbrandt, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Mackenzie L. Gambetta, Westlake
Magna Cum Laude
Katlyn Marie Hodges, Dayton
Gena R. Kirksey, Sandusky
Megan Elizabeth Kolke, Stow
Cum Laude
Emma True Kosmach, Stow
Heather Leigh Macy, Troy
Magna Cum Laude
Allison Renee Martin, Perrysburg
Cortney Sue Miller, Spencerville
Summa Cum Laude
Kayla Alyson Miller, Piqua
Megan Marie Miller, North Ridgeville
Nicole Marie Miller, North Ridgeville
Magna Cum Laude
Regina Ann Missler-Eakes, Sandusky
Ericka Danielle Moran, Mount Vernon
Summa Cum Laude
Kiley N. Murd, Holland
Magna Cum Laude
Alesha Pauline Overmyer, Fremont
Kassidy C. Smith, Strongsville
B achelor
S cience
S ocial W ork
Chanel Alanna Carter-Sumling,
Detroit, Michigan
Erica Marie Donovan, Bowling Green
Crystal Joy Gaiter, North Randall
Cum Laude
Meghan Nicole Green, North Canton
Cristina Marie Gutierrez, Dunbridge
Shannon Lynn Haas, Toledo
Emily Lauren Hillyer, Oregon
Magna Cum Laude
Amy M. Hofner, Bowling Green
Samina P. Hudson, River Rouge, Michigan
Erin Robertson Koosed, Waterville
Alissa K. Krizan, Perrysburg
Kenny Kwong, North Olmsted
Danielle Paige Mahaffey, Columbus
Mackenzie Elizabeth Marquis, Marysville
Cum Laude
Katie Jane Martin, Tiro
Cum Laude
Melissa Marie Merrow, Elmore
Samantha Lynne Mills, Toledo
Allison Marie Pavlik, Aurora, Illinois
Bethany Leigh Peiffer, Tiffin
Kaitlyn Rose Pennington, Aurora
Ashley M. Perkins, Cleveland Heights
Mckenzie Patricia Rand, Twinsburg
Olivia Dorothy Schmidt, Marion
Leandra D. Smith, Columbus
Brooke Ashley Thompson, Bowling Green
Amy Elizabeth Trosin, Chagrin Falls
Angeleah Itsuko Viol, Warren, Michigan
Elizabeth Marie Wagner, Perrysburg
Summa Cum Laude
Kendall Kay Weber, Wauseon
Cum Laude
Jamie Lynn Wlosowicz, Macedonia
B achelor
M u s i ca l A r t s C a n d i d at e s
M usic
Andrew H. Binder, Saint Louis, Missouri
Cum Laude
Michael Bryce, South Park, Pennsylvania
Magna Cum Laude
Kevin Austin Clark, Defiance
Sara Ann Dodsworth, Columbus
Cum Laude
Samuel Mathis Fronk, Cincinnati
Cum Laude
Thomas Edward Garey, Sylvania
David Frederick Gieseler, Bowling Green
Cody William Greenwell, Englewood
Adonai L. Henderson, Cleveland
John Michael Holz, Bellbrook
Summa Cum Laude
Robert Kenneth Hosier, Sheffield Lake
Justin Thomas Kohler, Cincinnati
Magna Cum Laude
Abigail Jayne Leitch, Waterford, Michigan
Cum Laude
Parker James Maas, Ottawa
Aaron D. Mancini, Westlake
Stefan Daniel Mohrmann, Pinckney, Michigan
Kiralee Mary Monahan, Charleston, Illinois
Cum Laude
Dean Perry Moore II, Oak Park, Michigan
Alexis Brittney Pelltier, Napoleon
Bethany Noel Pennell, Bowling Green
Rachel Jane Richards, Ravenna
Cum Laude
Emily Nicole Ritter, Fremont
Paul Joseph Sansing, Bowling Green
Sophia Rachel Schmitz, Perrysburg
Magna Cum Laude
William Richard Sheak, Uniontown
Magna Cum Laude
Cassandra Marie Tyler, Willoughby Hills
Brett David Welly, Kansas
Cum Laude
Si Wen, Chongqing, China
Christa L. Widman, Sandusky
Summa Cum Laude
Josh S. Williams, Massillon
Joseph C. Woodie, Brookville
B achelor
M usical A rts
Caitlin Ballinger, Akron
Cum Laude
Daniel L. Carder Jr., Cleveland
Chelsea J. Cousino, Monclova
Magna Cum Laude
Dakota Brianne Lause, Defiance
Christopher Steven Miller, Genoa
Kyle Robert Richards, New Albany
Kellie Marie Sonntag, Bowling Green
Christopher James Wendt, Toledo
College of Technology, Architecture
A pp l i e d E n g i n e e r i n g C a n d i d at e s
B achelor of S cience
A rchitecture
Hassan Maitham Almoumin, Dammam,
Saudi Arabia
Justin Thomas Brown, Granville
Daniel Clifford Davis, Farmington Hills,
Alessandro Paolo De Angelis,
Lake Worth, Florida
Matthew Lewis Gilmore, Beavercreek
Matthew Henry Gunther, Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania
Kathleen Elaine Meyer, Dayton
Garrett Kyle Reighard, Northwood
Zohreh Safarabadi Farahani, Bowling Green
Dennis James Sartor, Northwood
Jeffrey Scott Saxton, Bay Village
Aaron J. Schultz, Maumee
Summa Cum Laude
Gregory S. Smolkovich, Lake View,
New York
Cum Laude
B achelor of S cience in
C onstruction M anagement
Timothy Michael Brown, Bellevue
Cum Laude
Anthony Ray Burger, Ohio City
Jacob David Butler, Toledo
Colin Micheal Geiger, Dunkirk
Cum Laude
James W. Gregg, Bowling Green
Jessica B. Hassen, Perrysburg
Dylan Matthew Hess, Perrysburg
Jordan Craig Kitzmiller, Bowling Green
Samuel William Logan, Oregon
Andre L. Mack, Bowling Green
Alexander Michael Mahon, Cleveland
Cody Clay McGuire, Fredericktown
Brandon W. Metzger, Alvada
Jordan Thomas Myles, Napoleon
Michael S. Nock, Avon Lake
Caleb Thomas Panning, Findlay
Mark C. Sims, Maumee
Kyle T. Souder, Ontario
Nicholas Donald Usserman, Troy
Aaron Patrick Vorst, Columbus Grove
B achelor of S cience in E lectronics
and C omputer E ngineering
T echnology
Yogitha Reddy Malkireddy, Kazipet, India
Clinton Arthur Sandys, Defiance
B achelor of S cience
T echnology
E ngineering
Mohammed Alkhadrawi, Algatif,
Saudi Arabia
Steven Michael Boehm, Worthington
Christian David Goecke, Belle Center
B achelor
S cience
T echnology
Rami Saher Abukhater, Bowling Green
Jordan Marie Baumer, Oregon
Robert J. Bell, Findlay
Summa Cum Laude
Rachel M. Berner, Liberty Township
Magna Cum Laude
Joel Thomas Black, Pemberville
Cum Laude
Eric T. Burgasser, Troy
Cum Laude
John Jay Cessna, Swanton
Carly A. Debaldo, Cheswick, Pennsylvania
Summa Cum Laude
Hank William Doster, Findlay
Mackenzie Kane Dowling, Swanton
Britni Lee Fackler, Bowling Green
Sara Leeann Farman, Put-in-Bay
Ana Mae Fischer, Huron
Cum Laude
Alexander Michael Francis, Hilliard
Kara Nicole Frey, Cincinnati
Thomas R. Gay, Waldo
Magna Cum Laude
Trevor David Gorrell, Mansfield
Zachary James Harris, Hudson
Joel David Hemmelgarn, New Bremen
Ryan Michael Heuton, Chico, California
Sheila Ann Hoegler, Cleveland
Summa Cum Laude
Eli David Hoffer, Bluffton
Joshua Allan Jacobs, Irvine, California
Rowan Matthew Kempf, Galion
Magna Cum Laude
Nancy Kay Kohn, Aurora
Magna Cum Laude
Alicia V. LaManna, Bowling Green
Nicholas Landsberger, Arlington Heights,
Lance Fredrick Leininger, Salem
Brooke C. Leslie, Norwalk
Nikita Lynn Lewis, Rocky River
Cum Laude
Derek F. Marckel, Ottawa Lake, Michigan
Samuel Thomas Meier, Oregon
Rachael Anne Messner, Painesville
Brian C. Miller, San Marcos, California
Ryan Michael Mills, Kirtland
Elizabeth Ann Mitchell, Huber Heights
Shelby Kai Moeller, Bowling Green
Timothy L. Negulici, Bowling Green
Jason P. Nemes, Strongsville
Joshua David Nickels, Deshler
Amanda L. Nixon, Bellevue
Cum Laude
Bashir Nofal, Bronx, New York
Andrew Joseph O'Connor, Indianapolis,
Sherry Marie Ott, Sandusky
Savannah Rose Owoc, Madison
Alyssa Nicole Pine, Bowling Green
Lana Christine Reed, Garrettsville
Travis K. Robertson, Cincinnati
Kenneth Tyler Robinson, London
Thomas Abram Ruit, Troy, Michigan
Timothy Roy Russom, Colorado Springs,
John Raymond Sailer, Mark Center
Nicholas A. Scarpelli, Dayton
Emily C. Schnipke, Glandorf
Cum Laude
Laura Ann Schweitzer, North Canton
Lindsay Kaitlin Sherman, Hilliard
Zachery Michael Siegel, New Bremen
Samantha Anne Sieren, Perrysburg
Corey James Smith, Norwalk
George M. Smith, Bowling Green
Jonathan L. St. Clair, Fostoria
Connor Reed Stanford, Maumee
Anthony James Stoebling, Holmdel,
New Jersey
Herbert M. Tennant, Sebastian, Florida
Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Hannah Marie Van Horn, Waynesfield
Aaron Patrick Wells, Bowling Green
Steven Andrew Young, Bowling Green
Ronald Dale Zeisloft, Ypsilanti, Michigan
C o mm e n c e m e n t P r o g r am
S aturday , M ay 7, 2016, 9 a . m .
S troh C enter
P r o g r am
Presiding Officer
The National Anthem
Recognition of Honors Candidates
Mary Ellen Mazey, Ph.D., President
Abigail Leitch, Bachelor of Music in
Performance Candidate
Provost Rogers
Presentation of Undergraduate Candidates
Commencement Quintet
Commencement Quintet
The University Marshal
Shannon K. Orr, Ph.D., Associate Professor,
Department of Political Science
The Academic Procession
Opening Remarks
The Mace Bearer
The Candidates for Degrees in Course
College of Arts and Sciences
The Faculty of the College
The University Marshal
The Deans of the Colleges
The Board of Trustees
The Special Guests
The Provost and Senior Vice President
The President
President Mazey
Presentation of the Colors
Raymond Craig, Ph.D., Dean, College of Arts
and Sciences
Recommendation of all Candidates
for Degrees
Provost Rogers
Conferral of Honorary Degree
President Mazey
Conferral of Degrees
President Mazey
Maribeth S. Rahe ’70, Doctor of Business
Alumni Welcome
Introduction of Commencement Speaker
Closing Remarks
Rodney K. Rogers, Ph.D., Provost and
Senior Vice President
Remarks to the Candidates
Jay Crawford ’87
Alumni Association Representative
Dr. Orr
The Alma Mater
Ms. Leitch
Commencement Quintet
H o n o r a ry D e g r e e R e c i p i e n t
Maribeth S. Rahe ’70
Maribeth Rahe is president and chief executive officer of Fort Washington Investments Advisors, Inc., a
wholly owned subsidiary of Western & Southern Financial Group based in Cincinnati, Ohio. A native
of Chicago, Rahe earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Spanish and a minor in business from
Bowling Green State University.
Under Rahe’s leadership, Fort Washington is one of the largest investment advisors in Ohio. The firm
provides professional and comprehensive asset management services for institutions, corporations,
insurance companies, mutual funds, foundations, associations and high-net-worth individuals.
Prior to joining Fort Washington, Rahe was president and a board member of the United States Trust
Company of New York. She also has served as vice chair of the board of The Harris Bank in Chicago
and has held various positions at JPMorgan in London and New York. She earned a Master of Business
Administration in International Management with honors from Thunderbird School of Global
Management. She was also a Ph.D. candidate at The Ohio State University.
Rahe serves on several regional and national boards of directors, including The Greater Cincinnati
Foundation; Cincinnati Arts Association; Cintrifuse; Consolidated Communications Holdings, Inc.; United
Way; Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur Development Advisory Board; Xavier University Williams College
of Business Board of Executive Advisors; First Financial Bancorp and First Financial Bank, N.A.; and
Cincinnati Women’s Executive Forum. She is a life trustee to Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke’s Medical Center
and New York Landmarks Conservancy.
A well-known and acknowledged expert in financial services, Rahe was featured in Vanity Fair as one of
“America’s Most Influential Women – 200 Legends, Leaders and Trailblazers.”
C o mm e n c e m e n t S p e a k e r
Jason “Jay” Crawford ’87
Jay Crawford earned a Bachelor of Arts in radio, television and film from Bowling Green State University
in 1987.
Crawford joined ESPN in 2003 as the co-host of the network’s first live morning show, “Cold Pizza,”
produced daily in midtown Manhattan. In May 2007, the show relocated to the network’s high-definition
Connecticut studios and was re-launched as “ESPN First Take.” After hosting “First Take” for six more
years, Jay was promoted to his current role of co-host for ESPN's flagship show, “SportsCenter,” handling
the midday duties.
Before joining ESPN, Crawford served as the sports director for WFTS-TV in Tampa, Florida, March 1998
to August 2003, notably covering the Tampa Bay Buccaneers Super Bowl Championship in 2003. He was
also the sports director for WBNS-TV in Columbus and served as a weekend sports anchor for WTIC-TV in
Hartford, Connecticut. He began his sports television career in 1987 at WYMT-TV in Hazard, Kentucky.
His professional achievements include winning four regional Emmy Awards, the Best Sportscaster Kentucky
AP Award and three SPJ Best Sports Program Awards. Crawford has been a Children’s Miracle Network host
and has contributed time to Special Olympics.
P r o g r am P a r t i c i pa n t s
The Mace Bearer
Dr. Lee A. Meserve, Distinguished Teaching
Professor, College of Arts and Sciences
College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Julie Barnes
Dr. Catherine Cassara
Dr. Scott Martin
Dr. Theodore Rippey
Marcus Sherrell
Dr. Margaret Weinberger
The University Marshal
Dr. Shannon K. Orr, Associate Professor,
Department of Political Science
Faculty Marshals
The Announcers
Sara Lipinski Chambers, College of Arts and
Dr. Steve Langendorfer, College of Education
and Human Development
The Interpreter
Marta A. Crow
Dr. Timothy Pogacar
Dr. Michael Zickar
B achelor
A rts
A rt s
S c i e n c e s C a n d i d at e s
Lindsay Michele Ackerman, Cleveland
Alexis Canarissa Adams, Monroe
Lyndon Mary Adanich, Parma
Olufisayo Isaac Adeleye, Cincinnati
Madeline K. Allen, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Blake M. Altman, Napoleon
Moriah Joy Angott, Sharpsville, Pennsylvania
Magna Cum Laude
Ryan Marie Arnold, Detroit, Michigan
Andrew Paul Art, Russia
Magna Cum Laude
Emily June Atkinson, Marion
Tyler M. Austin, Grove City
Andrea Valerie Badertscher, Mentor
Cum Laude
Matthew Steven Baer, Pemberville
Cum Laude
Hollie Michelle Baker, Hubbard
Jazmin Lee Baldwin, South Euclid
Cum Laude
Jessica K. Bartels, Avon Lake
Rachel Marie Bartlett, Youngstown
Magna Cum Laude
Britni R. Bates, Bowling Green
Madison Paige Beck, Bellefontaine
Cum Laude
Kyler G. Bell, West Unity
Jennica Lyn Betsch, Granby, Connecticut
Magna Cum Laude
Jillisa Yvette Blake, Powell
Magna Cum Laude
Andrew P. Bondy, Westerville
Isaac W. Bouyack, Clyde
Thomas James Branchick,
Middleburg Heights
Brooke Breckenridge, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Jeb Eli Brink, Napoleon
Marygael Britton, Avon Lake
Cameron Austin Brown, Lebanon
Hannah Elizabeth Brown, Bowling Green
Nandi Iman Brown, Bowling Green
Tyler J. Brownell, Sandusky
Tyler Jacob Broyles, Englewood
Michael Bryce, South Park, Pennsylvania
Magna Cum Laude
Emily Lynn Buck, Westlake
Magna Cum Laude
Christopher James Burden, Elyria
Lucas R. Bushman, Massillon
Anthony James Buzzacco Jr., Bowling Green
Summa Cum Laude
Benjamin M. Byers, Norwalk
Cum Laude
Nicole Mary Ellen Campos, Sylvania
Kristen Marie Carter, Toledo
Taylor J. Carter, New Bremen
Courtney Taylor Chalfin, Risingsun
Cum Laude
Alden Scott Childers, Sidney
Evan John Coane, Powell
Kelsey Marie Cogan, Carrollton
Taylor Shameer Collins, South Euclid
Jay Foster Colville, Sylvania
Gabriel Tienzhu Colwell, Cleveland
Joseph Henry Cooper, Tiffin
Haley B. Coy, Dayton
Cum Laude
Larry Copeland, Bowling Green
Anthony Adam Cruz, Elmore
Elizabeth M. Danko, Waterville
Danielle Nicole Davis, Columbus
Cum Laude
Taylor Sydney Dawes, Granville
Adam M. Delucia, Ottawa
Kelliann Marie Dennison, Toledo
Denisha Elizabeth Dewberry, Dayton
Emily C. Dick, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Nolan Ryan Dieter, South Bend, Indiana
Carlin Chase Dixon, Cleveland
Chelsea Eileen Dudley, Dayton
Imani Parkinson Dumas, Bowling Green
Emily Ann Dushek, Brunswick
Magna Cum Laude
Tianna Marie Dysert, Broadview Heights
Andrew Jeffrey Etgen, Van Wert
Summa Cum Laude
Jacob L. Extine, Ada
Katie Marie Finch, Avon Lake
Cum Laude
Bradley T. Fite, Bowling Green
Veronica Lynn Flacke, Rome
Magna Cum Laude
Anna Nikea Flemming, Crystal Lake, Illinois
Cum Laude
Carlie Renee Forster, Vermilion
Trenice Foster, Teaneck, New Jersey
Emily Anne Fox, Bowling Green
Raymond James Frey, Perrysburg
Wendy L. Fuller, Sylvania
Cum Laude
Chelsea Lynn Gailhouse, Bowling Green
Brittany Ann Gallagher, Maplewood
Brittany Ann Ganss, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Monique D. Gaston, Toledo
Justin Ryan Gentile, Bowling Green
Rebecca Rose Gonya, Hamilton
Cum Laude
Makena Diane Goodwin, Bowling Green
Angelique Joeann Gordon, Cincinnati
Dale Lee Grau, Oak Harbor
Danielle Marie Gross, Cleveland
Grant R. Hackett, Cincinnati
Elycia Nicole Hage-Ali, Holland
Lee-Ann W. Hall, Middletown
Cum Laude
Emma Katherine Haney, Dayton
Kristian Kealin Kato Hanna,
Nassau, Bahamas
Taylor Lynn Harman, Columbus Grove
Cum Laude
Kaysie Marie Harrington, Dayton
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Darrico Rayshon Harris, Bowling Green
Holly Kay Hecklinger, Genoa
Elizabeth Jean Herring, Westerville
Magna Cum Laude
Amber Christine Herron, Columbus Grove
Cum Laude
Elizabeth Ann Hile, Findlay
Christina Joy Hilliard, Maple Heights
Morgan Alexandra Holliger, Perrysburg
Tabitha Fai Holowka, Bowling Green
Philip Michael Holtz, Grand Rapids
Keslie Rae Honeycutt, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Cody James Hoover, Steubenville
Laura B. Hotton, Glenview, Illinois
Stephen J. Houston Jr., Toledo
Alexandria Victoria Hudeck, Macedonia
Deanna Wright Huffman, Toledo
Magna Cum Laude
Mckensey Alexis Huffman, Swanton
Cum Laude
Krystal Rae Ingman, Waterville
Summa Cum Laude
Drew Amber Jackson, Rudolph
Nathaniel L. Januszewski, Wayne
Michael D. Jaynes, Toledo
Chloe L. Jefferson, Cleveland
Su Jiang, Kunming, China
Briana Marie Johnson, Bedford
Ebonee V. Johnson, Detroit, Michigan
Courtney Sharee Jones, Cleveland
Jessica D. Jones, Bowling Green
Nathan Joseph Kanyok, Independence
Alyssa Emily Kapelka, Bloomville
Krista Marie Kavalauskas, Liberty Township
Cum Laude
Angelina Rae Keeran, Cloverdale
Samantha Marie Keller, Gibsonburg
Ryan Kevin Kelly, Bowling Green
Josie D. Kinneer, Reynoldsburg
Rachel Lauren Kitzler, Toledo
Rachel K. Knott, Maumee
Megan C. Krejci, Broadview Heights
Nikolis David Kurr, Willowick
Cum Laude
Danielle Marie Kutan, Canfield
Cum Laude
Kera Michelle Lamotte, Mason
Joseph Byron Lautzenhiser, Cincinnati
Sydney Rae Leach, Whitehouse
Cum Laude
Brandon J. Leal, Bellevue
Cum Laude
Audrey Margaret Lee, Wooster
Kayla Marie Lewandowski,
Lambertville, Michigan
Magna Cum Laude
Jennifer K. Lightle, Swanton
Brett William Lippian, Peninsula
Cum Laude
Raychelle Sharita Little, Southfield, Michigan
Patrick D. Logan, Patchogue, New York
Brandon Donald Logue, Avon Lake
Brian Edward Long, Vandalia
Kelsey Amanda Lortz, Toledo
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Caitlin Lorraine Lowe-Hoover, Dayton
Cum Laude
Cade J. Lowing, Waynesville
Marissa Jean Lumbrezer, Berkey
Cum Laude
Mia C. Luschini, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
Alfonso L. Mack Jr., Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Summa Cum Laude
Gerald Ricardo Marshall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Benjamin J. Martin, Gahanna
Nathaniel Duntley Martin, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Celissa Lyett Martinez, Girard
Leandra Waverly Mayfield,
Memphis, Tennessee
Sara G. Mayhew, Whitehouse
Nichole L. McCrory, Eastlake
Kaitlin J. McGuire, Defiance
Kelly Elaine McManamon, Hilliard
Magna Cum Laude
La Neisha Deswan McNeill, Bowling Green
Aaron Vincent Melnek, Weston
Cum Laude
Kaylyn B. Messenger, Bowling Green
Rainy M. Michael, Lima
Cum Laude
Bryant Joseph Miesle, Antwerp
Magna Cum Laude
Adam Michael Milligan, Bay Village
Sierra Bianca Minarcin, Rossford
Chase Robert Minnear, Port Clinton
Cassandra D. Mitchell, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Cum Laude
Michael Moran, Pico Rivera, California
Thailia Dejenae Morton, Maple Heights
Matthew Robert Noone, Fairport, New York
Aaron William O'Flaherty, Upper Sandusky
Cum Laude
Jacqueline Elizabeth Osborn, Wilmington
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Sage Zoda Osentoski, Martin
Kerry Meade Owens, Avon Lake
Brett Houston Pappert, Bowling Green
Danielle Nicole Parker, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Tarra Richelle Pease, Westlake
Jared L. Pendleton, Bryan
Kathleen Elizabeth Phelps, Milford
Cum Laude
Allison L. Pinkelman, Bluffton,
South Carolina
Daniel Steven Piwinski, Middleburg Heights
Lindsay Christine Pottmeyer, Pickerington
Leslie Nia Leontine Potts, Brooklyn,
New York
Jemetri Jordan Presley, Bowling Green
Ivory T. Price, Farmington Hills, Michigan
Adam Tyler Ramos, Portage
Tangela R. Ramsey, Cincinnati
Michael Stephen Reasoner, Columbus
Roger Reynolds Jr., Glendale
Holly Marie Robertson-Sciko,
Munson Township
Jarod B. Rose, Thornville
Cum Laude
Daniel K. Rossignol, Acton, Massachusetts
Magna Cum Laude
Jamie Reyes Salazar, El Paso, Texas
Alisha Beth Sanders, Pemberville
Summa Cum Laude
Alexandra May Schaffeld, Cincinnati
Tara Lynn Schlacter, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Natalee Anne Schmitz, Maumee
Margaret Elizabeth Schroeder, Ottawa
Magna Cum Laude
Lydia Suzanne Scott, Bowling Green
Corey R. Selhorst, Perrysburg
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Margaret Rose Selzer, Perrysburg
Magna Cum Laude
Ricky Leon Sexton, Sylvania
Brittany C. Shank, Wadsworth
Brianna A. Shareef, Westland, Michigan
Kyle D. Shepherd, Shadyside
Erika Leeanne Shores, Akron
Valerie Michelle Skorupski,
Rockford, Michigan
Cum Laude
Benjamin Edward Sloan, Loudonville
Elaine Kathryn Souder, Louisville
Magna Cum Laude
Colleen Marie Sovik, Naperville, Illinois
Anna Marie Speck, Bowling Green
Hannah Marie Stanbery, Newark
Robert Clarkson Stephens, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
Jamie Nicole-Ann Stewart, Deerfield
Sara I. Strauss, Zanesville
Emily Nicole Sullivan, Orrville
Derek Joseph Sutter, Fort Recovery
Magna Cum Laude
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Taddie, Strongsville
Cum Laude
Marissa Mae Taylor, Medina
Amanda E. Terlizzi, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Alysson Brooke Tharrett, Smackover, Arkansas
Christa A. Thomas, Bowling Green
Matthew C. Thomas, Saint Clairsville
Zachary J. Times, Galena
Cum Laude
Micaela Ann Tore, Toledo
Magna Cum Laude
Thomas J. Trease, Toledo
Kayge Anthony Truax, Fredericktown
Morgan Olivia Tucker, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Summa Cum Laude
Joseph J. Tutie, Mentor
Erin Morgan Vaughan, Hilliard
Autumn Marie Vinciquerra,
Painesville Township
Joel T. Wallick, Columbus
Jessica Alexandra Walls, Cleveland Heights
Mitchel A. Weber, Bowling Green
Michael G. Webster, Belleville, Michigan
Christopher P. Wegman, Waterville
Jacob W. Weinmann, Grand Rapids
Rebecca Lynn Whitesel, Germantown
William Andrew Whitesmith, Westerville
Timothy James Whitlinger, Lewis Center
Ryan Earl Widmer, Gibsonburg
Jazmin Nicolette Williams, Cleveland
Lauren Margaret Wolfe, Bowling Green
Sabreena N. Woods, Bowling Green
Brandon Terrell Wriston, Ravenna
Abigail Marie Wunderle, Ravenna
Magna Cum Laude
Sabrina M. Wyrick, Hamilton
Cum Laude
Alexis Anne Yoder, Bowling Green
Michael J. W. Young, Fairborn
Kimberly Marie Zaun, Richfield
Allison N. Zimmerman, Saint Marys
Cum Laude
Chelsea Ann Zimmerman, Louisville
B achelor
A rts
C ommunication
Tyler Jane Bee, Cuddy, Pennsylvania
Micala Frances Behrens, Englewood
Magna Cum Laude
Janina Koehl Bradshaw, Lima
Cum Laude
Cleophus Brian Brown II, Toledo
Tiffiny Lynnann Clark, Bowling Green
Dominic John Demarco, Willoughby Hills
Cheikh Ahmadou Diop, Columbus
Dustin S. Druckman, Batavia, Illinois
Taylor-Cherie Monique Ervin, Cleveland
Joseph John Fiscus, Avon Lake
Thomas Chalmers Forsyth IV, Aurora
Charli Joan Habingreither, Northfield
Brooklyn Javon Hall, Toledo
Ijonte Shaquille Hall, Toledo
Dallas Lauren Hawkins, Maple Heights
Megan Danielle Henisse, Perrysburg
Mckenzie S. Hirschfeld, Anna
Tyler Joseph Keppler, Croton, New York
James B. Knapke, Bowling Green
Cieara Little, Blacklick
Hunter Constantine Marcuson,
Birmingham, Michigan
Bonnie Marie McCann, Piketon
Kaitlyn Nichole McWhirter, Clayton
Michael Mario Meszaros, Berea
Andrew J. Mighton, Burton
Austin C. Miller, Farmington Hills, Michigan
Lindsey Marie Minnig, Van Wert
William Tyler Montague, Maumee
Lance Edward Morris, Northwood
Matthew David Novick, Columbia Station
Alexander Joseph Partyka, Fremont
Logan Derek Richardson, Hilliard
Benjmain Michael Riegger, Toledo
Candace Stephanie Roane,
Round Rock, Texas
Colin Kershaw Simpson, Dayton
Lance Michael Sims, Findlay
Katrina K. Smiley, Dayton
Jacob Logan Smith, Raleigh, North Carolina
Alexander Michael Sroufe, Gregory, Michigan
Joseph Anthony Todaro, Wellington
Stephanie Marie Wallace, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Halle Elizabeth Weaver, Port Clinton
Jessica Jo Whetsel, Gibsonburg
Michael John Wiedle, Castalia
Angela Marie Zanzano, Olmsted Falls
B achelor
F ine A rts
Kaleigh Paige Abrams, Akron
Alyssa Ann Batch, Curtice
Jason Morgan Bauck, Chagrin Falls
Danielle V. Bonanno, Bowling Green
Chinyere Jane Breitner-Nwizuzu, Delta
Allison Leigh Brenner, Gurnee, Illinois
Cum Laude
Ashley N. Brickner, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Anita Jane Britt, Wayne
Cum Laude
Allison Halley Burch, Northwood
Chloe Rae Cinibulk, Norfolk, Virginia
Jonathan Alexander Clark, Huron
Rachel Elizabeth Court, Montgomery
Magna Cum Laude
Nana Akuffo Darko, Blacklick
Lauren Elizabeth Donnelly, Marblehead
Michael Wesley Edwards, Englewood
Cum Laude
Sarah Elizabeth Elfers, Grafton
Caroline Marie Ellingboe,
Excelsior, Minnesota
Cum Laude
Rachael Marie Ewald, Toledo
Savannah T. Fulmer, West Chester
Magna Cum Laude
Megan Suzanne Furmanek, Hudson
Steven A. Gill, Whitehouse
Jamie Rae Graf, Columbus
Charli Joan Habingreither, Northfield
Sterling A. Harris, Sheffield Lake
Christopher K. Hatfield, Toledo
Cum Laude
Danika Leigh Hoffert, Fremont
Madeline Claire Holcombe, Dayton
Victoria Eleanore Hutchinson, Brecksville
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Melanie R. Isenogle, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Cum Laude
Erin H. Johnson, Gomer
Falon Nicole Johnson, Grand Rapids
Cum Laude
Kathryn Irene Jostes, Marysville
Stella Emmeline King, Chillicothe
Kaitlyn Renee Kinloch, Wayne
Cum Laude
Kerry Aislinn Kirkpatrick, Toledo
Brooke Ashley Kranz, Shelby
Summa Cum Laude
Daniel Patrick Krentz, Cleveland
Cum Laude
Kelsey Amanda Lortz, Toledo
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Kyle David Lowdermilk, Bratenahl
Kaitlynn S. Lutz, Saint Marys
Erin Mae McCarty, Wakeman
Cum Laude
Delaney Nicole Miller, Dayton
Summa Cum Laude
Alaina Rose Nogar, Dublin
Summa Cum Laude
Kara Lynn O'Dea, Hilliard
Alex D. Opfer, Sandusky
Magna Cum Laude
Alexander Mario Orbanic, Parma
Alyssa Morgan Parsons, Liberty Center
Alec C. Peterson, Silvis, Illinois
Cum Laude
Trevor J. Rice, Bowling Green
Elise Nicole Rowe, Mansfield
Nicole Kathryn Schmidt, Holland
Rebecca Lynn Schroeder, Ottawa
Magna Cum Laude
Taylor N. Sijan, Port Clinton
Summa Cum Laude
Bailey Lynne Simmons, Perrysburg
Brittny Dawn Elizabeth Stein, Pemberville
Holly Kay Stohl, Clyde
Hallie Swanson, Bellevue
Brach Allen Tiller, Maumee
Cum Laude
Gerald R. Veasey, Warrensville Heights
Ashley Rose Volney, Grafton
Abigail Lynn Watson, Columbus
Magna Cum Laude
Darcy E. Welling, Lambertville, Michigan
Allison Taylor Will, North Olmsted
Patricia Ruth Williams, Seville
Joey Janette Willis, Maumee
Jonathon Thomas Zapiecki, Bowling Green
Abigail Danielle Zbasnik, Elyria
Cum Laude
Julia Marie Zouhar, North Ridgeville
B achelor
L iberal S tudies
Rebekah Kay Akers, Avon Lake
Cum Laude
Carly M. Anderson, Republic
Abby Lynn Bishop, Springboro
Deidre S. Booker, Bowling Green
Deborah L. Corey, Toledo
Zachary Allen Coyne, Huron
Melanie Maria Cross, Raeford,
North Carolina
Scott Kelly Davis, Richmond, Virginia
Andrew Thomas Dayton, Mason
Cum Laude
Richard Franklin, Toledo
Katrina L. Friedberg, Fremont
Lorie L. Garcia, Fostoria
Joshua Gomez, Bronx, New York
Barbara A. Griffin, Sandusky
Jermal Antjuan Hosley, Southfield, Michigan
Chad Powell Jarnagin Hurst, Bowling Green
Demetrius L. Ingram, Bowling Green
David Micheal Joseph, Corona, New York
Kevin Nicholas Larsen, Grove City
Jennifer Shea Medlin, Sylvania
Summa Cum Laude
Janie Arlea Mergler, Greentown, Pennsylvania
Rachel Marie Miller, Huron
Mariah Dawn Morales, Sandusky
Nicholas Mackenzie Muhl, Dayton
Kathy J. Niehm, Sandusky
Spencer Lawrence Parker, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Ashley Shanee Peguies, Detroit, Michigan
Michael N. Piacente, Sandusky
Elizabeth A. Price, Sun City, California
Lauren Elizabeth Rusch, Toledo
Darcy Jill Russell, Sandusky
Morgan Renee Savage, Norwalk
Zachary J. Savage, Whitehouse
Brittany Catherine Schmidlin, Columbus
Ashley Ann Sebo, Berlin Heights
Cum Laude
Jenna Noel Stewart, Delphos
Demetra Lasha Taylor, Avon, Indiana
Blake Levi Weible, Defiance
David Louis Westmeyer, Toledo
Cum Laude
Noah David Willis, Bowling Green
B achelor
S cience
Sayfuldeen Ahmad Alqwafli,
Alqurayat, Saudi Arabia
Hannah E. Anderson, Avon Lake
Richard F. Anderson, Lorain
Elizabeth J. Andrus, Perrysburg
Alyssa Francesca Aprea, Canfield
Cum Laude
Kasey M. Ashdown, Sheffield Village
Angela Christine Barbour, Huron
Summa Cum Laude
John Alexander Barry, Maumee
Magna Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Alissa Mary Barwinski, Columbus
Joseph Lawrence Basalla, Lakewood
Summa Cum Laude
David Lee Baum, Rudolph
Lauren Olivia Beauregard, Canton, Michigan
Kaelan Christian Bell, Mobile, Alabama
Tyler Austin Bennett, Lake Orion, Michigan
Jordan Mackenzie Bensch, Northwood
Matthew Stephen Bickerton, Cortland
Nicole Patrice Birt, New Weston
Clara Ann Bittner, Bowling Green
Savanna Marie Blank, Cincinnati
Drew James Boden, Grafton
Elijah Douglas Bodey, Lima
Magna Cum Laude
Tiffani Michelle Bolen, Cape Coral, Florida
Avare Denise Broady, Columbus
Allison Heather Brooks, Pataskala
Sydney Renee Brooks, Southgate, Michigan
Alec A. Brown, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Sarah Elizabeth Brown, Stow
Thomas C. Brown, Napoleon
Jordan Linne Bullock, Zeeland, Michigan
Douglas Houston Burchfield, Troy
Houston R. Burrow, Fostoria
Cum Laude
Courtney Nicole Butler, Vanlue
Brittani Nicole Bylon, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Kara Elizabeth Callahan, Wauseon
Bobbi June Carter, Amelia
Magna Cum Laude
Joshua A. Chaffins, Lima
Ryan Gibson Christenson, Canton, Michigan
Mercedes Isabella Chumbley, Bradford
Andrew Scot Clark, Gibsonburg
Brigette Danielle Clark, Monroeville
Jayna Marie Clemens, Lima
Chad Conard Clements, Bowling Green
Avonelle Rose Combs, Dayton
Alexandra B. Corrigan, Avon Lake
Caitlin Marie Cunningham, Tampa, Florida
Magna Cum Laude
Alison M. Cupp, Ypsilanti, Michigan
Meric Adam Curlis, Bowling Green
Devan Christian Daniel, Ontario
Tationa Amyre Dennard, Southfield, Michigan
Ryan Gerard Dettmer, Cleveland
Braiden Ross Dillow, Huntersville,
North Carolina
Edmund Senanu Kofi Dogoe, Toledo
Joseph Evan Doughtry, Avon Lake
Margaret K. Dowe, Waynesville
Cum Laude
Rachel Marie Drown, Pataskala
Spencer P. Dubro, Clayton
Erwin John Dugasz III, Delaware
Drake Avery Dversdall, Beavercreek
Peter John Edwards, Stow
Cum Laude
Kayla E. Effinger, Carmel, Indiana
Magna Cum Laude
Sean M. Fahy, Galloway
Jordan Stephen Paul Farrell, London
Cum Laude
Michael Joseph Finch, Perrysburg
Ashley Fish, Defiance
Scott V. Flowers, Toledo
Megan Sue Foley, Greenville
Cum Laude
Johnnathen Shaide Fox, Grand Rapids
Timothy J. Frizzell, Columbus
Thomas Michael Gaetano, Kipton
Keagan Timothy Gertz, Westerville
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Benjamin Richard Gordon, Maumee
Nicole M. Gordon, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Stephanie Lynn Gowan, Strongsville
Crystal Jacqueline Groesser, Lorain
Maureen Yvonne Haley, Troy
Eric Lamar Hall, Bowling Green
Thomas Jimele Hamway, Toledo
Joshua David Hanna, Amherst
Murphy Katherine Colleen Harrington, Bryan
Tatiana M. Head, Bedford
Ferras Hicham Hebaichi, Toledo
Alanna Ann Heestand, Pemberville
Jordan Alana Hensel, Findlay
Alexandra Jane Hohlbein, Anna
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Meghan Rene Hughes, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Emily Lauren Hummel, Brunswick
Cum Laude
Shermaine L. Hutchins, Toledo
Ben Hutchison, Jackson
Cum Laude
Haley Anne Ingram, Gahanna
Abigail Sarah Jarosz, Cleveland
Andrew Donald Johnson, Toledo
Andrew Phelps Jones, Cincinnati
Danielle Ju-Lar Kemp, Alliance
Adam Edward Knipfer, Macedonia
Cum Laude
Sarah Louise Knott, Pemberville
Matthew L. Kovach, Rossford
Cum Laude
Kate Kraatz, Mason
Darryl Harrison Kraska, Chardon
Magna Cum Laude
Madeline Marie Kroll, Avon Lake
Seth Andrew Larcomb, Medina
Michael William Brian Lay, Sycamore
Amanda T. Machovina, Elyria
Jennifer L. Marshall, Orrville
Magna Cum Laude
Ryleigh Marie Mattle, Livonia, New York
Cum Laude
MacKenzie Graye McMillin, Springfield
Cum Laude
Amanda Nicole Michnay, Twinsburg
Warren P. Miller, Wellington
Nadejda A. Mirochnitchenko,
Bowling Green
Summa Cum Laude
Obed Ifeme Monago II, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Florence Parisa Montarmani, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Tiffany Ann Montgomery, Mansfield
Magna Cum Laude
Jonathan J. Newton, Port Clinton
Summa Cum Laude
Darbi L. O'Brien, Northville, Michigan
Drew Stephen Palermo, Whitehouse
Magna Cum Laude
Christian Jacob Pemberton, Bowling Green
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Rachel Elizabeth Perry, Collinsville, Illinois
Elizabeth Michelle Pesta, Sterling Heights, Michigan
Cum Laude
Christian James Petilli, Bradford Woods, Pennsylvania
Cum Laude
Adam J. Porto, Stow
Amy Lynne Puffenberger, Fostoria
Cum Laude
Paige Nicole Reinhart-Anez, Fostoria
Jeremy Stephen Richard, Reynoldsburg
Cum Laude
Kaitlin Leigh Richard, Perrysburg
Magna Cum Laude
Daniel Robert Rochester, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Stephanie Anne Romeo, Youngstown
Joshua Tyler Rothenbuhler, Grosse Pointe, Michigan
Jennifer F. Ryavec, Sheffield Village
Rameen D. Salehi, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Jonathan N. Schafer, Berlin Heights
Cum Laude
Alexandra Rose Schmidt, Brighton, Michigan
Magna Cum Laude
Scott Gregory Schnitzler, LaRue
Austin J. Schreiber, Waterville
Cum Laude
Mary B. Scott, Maumee
Matthew T. Shaw, Forest
Kayla Marie Shellenbarger, Medina
Allyson R. Sherrard, Wakeman
Cum Laude
John T. Shinaver, Maumee
Autumn Noel Simmermeyer, Findlay
Summa Cum Laude
Laura Marie Skebba, Maumee
Magna Cum Laude
Sadie Nicole Slamka, Middletown
Kathryn Marie Slezak, Fairview, Pennsylvania
Peter J. Stark, Rocky River
Alexander L. Stewart, Pemberville
Leah Marie Stribrny, Mentor
Rachel Nicole Szekely, Dublin
Cum Laude
Morgan Alexandra Tantillo, Honeoye Falls, New York
Magna Cum Laude
Benjamin Thomas Terry, Algonac, Michigan
Danielle Renee Therrien, Lake Ann, Michigan
Mckinzey Lynn Thompson, Quincy
Jacklyn Michelle Tobia, Columbia Station
Ashley Marie Van Order, Grove City
Emily Anne Warner, Bowling Green
Nicolas James Weitzel, Swanton
Jacob Austin Will, Coshocton
Cum Laude
Jocelyn Juanita-Kay Williams,
Leesburg, Georgia
Cum Laude
Nathan Kyle Williams, Stow
Richard Allan Williams, Westerville
Cum Laude
Mariah Wilson, Willoughby
Christina M. Wisvari, New Bremen
Matthew K. Witte, Wakeman
Magna Cum Laude
Morgan Rebecca Wollenberg, Delaware
Jillian Susan Wray, Lowell, Michigan
Cum Laude
Brian Anthony Wurst, Delphos
Le Yang, Dongying, China
Magna Cum Laude
Meagan Christine Yant, Perrysburg
Magna Cum Laude
Luke C. Zona, Sylvania
Summa Cum Laude
B achelor of S cience
A dministration
B achelor
S cience
J ournalism
Parminder Kaur Banga, Maumee
Marissa Lee Barenbrugge, Bowling Green
Lily Jane Bartell, Hilton Head,
South Carolina
Cum Laude
Brittany Anne Bauer, Monclova
Hannah Jeanette Benson, Streetsboro
Cum Laude
Crystal M. Chlebina, Uniontown
Anna Hulsey Crabill, Dayton
Samantha Grace Fisher, Woodmere
Cum Laude
Timothy Kyle Howard, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Emily Anne Johnson, Kettering
Megan Elizabeth Kraft, North Royalton
Terrance Douglas Lash, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Gary Joseph Malveaux, Jessup, Maryland
Magna Cum Laude
Lindsay Nicole Marshall, West Bloomfield, Michigan
Lindsey Marie Meyer, Sylvania
Madison Elene Mincone, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
Cum Laude
Steven Joseph Motuza, Cleveland
Linda Michelle Nelson, Toledo
Kelsey Marie Palmer, Howell, Michigan
Morgan Elizabehth Marie Phelps,
West Liberty
Carlye Anne Pollack, Strongsville
Audrey Yukon Michael Quinn, Munroe Falls
Amy N. Reeves, Stow
Cum Laude
Ian-Alexander Larry Robinson, Southfield, Michigan
Hannah J. Tempel, Antwerp
Jackie Elaine Tidd, Anna
Kristen Michelle Tomins, Hudson
Cum Laude
Alexandra Mary Traczyk, Strongsville
Kaitlyn Marie Traub, Mars, Pennsylvania
F ire
Brandon Keith Bargaheiser, Westlake
Bradley A. Stucky, Bryan
C o mm e n c e m e n t P r o g r am
S aturday , M ay 7, 2016, 2 p . m .
S troh C enter
P r o g r am
Presiding Officer
The National Anthem
Presentation of Undergraduate Candidates
Mary Ellen Mazey, Ph.D., President
Dean Moore, Bachelor of Music in
Performance Candidate
Raymond W. Braun, J.D., Dean, College of
Business Administration
Dawn M Shinew, Ph.D., Dean, College of
Education and Human Development
Commencement Quintet
Commencement Quintet
The Academic Procession
The Mace Bearer
The Candidates for Degrees in Course
College of Business Administration
College of Education and Human
The Faculties of the Colleges
The University Marshal
The Deans of the Colleges
The Board of Trustees
The Special Guests
The Provost and Senior Vice President
The President
Presentation of the Colors
The University Marshal
Pascal Bizarro, Ph.D., Primrose Family
Professor in Accountancy,
Department of Accounting and
Management Information Systems
Recommendation of all Candidates
for Degrees
Provost Rogers
Conferral of Degrees
Opening Remarks
President Mazey
President Mazey
Introduction of Commencement Speaker
Rodney K. Rogers, Ph.D., Provost and
Senior Vice President
Remarks to the Candidates
Alumni Welcome
Ron Parthemore ’73, ’89
Board Member, BGSU Alumni Association
Closing Remarks
Holly Horn ’83
Dr. Bizarro
Recognition of Honors Candidates
The Alma Mater
Provost Rogers
Mr. Moore
Commencement Quintet
C o mm e n c e m e n t S p e a k e r
H olly H orn ’83
Horn is a 1983 graduate of Bowling Green State University with a Bachelor of Science in education. Her
33-year career has spanned over various businesses and organizations, including politics, education, health
care, consulting and finance.
Upon graduation from BGSU, Horn worked for Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur, before returning to
teaching. In 1988, she completed a Master of Health Administration degree from George Washington
University School of Business in Washington, D.C., and pursued a career in health care. She served as the
director of strategic planning and business development for the Inova Healthcare system, a five-hospital
system in Fairfax, Virginia, where she focused on growing the system’s hospital and ambulatory care
practices. She then joined the national health care strategy and business development consulting practice
of Ernst and Young, where she assisted hospital systems across the country in expanding their services and
improving operations for patients.
Today, Horn works in the municipal finance industry in New York City for Assured Guaranty, a bond
insurance company that assists issuers such as states, cities, airports and hospitals lower their cost of
financing while ensuring that bondholders get paid if such entities are unable to pay the debt on their
bonds. In her current role of chief surveillance officer of public finance she is responsible for monitoring
a $360 billion insured portfolio and has represented the firm in several high-profile distressed credit
negotiations such as City of Detroit and Puerto Rico.
Horn resides in New York City and Washington, D.C.
P r o g r am P a r t i c i pa n t s
The Mace Bearer
The Interpreter
Faculty Marshals
Dr. Lee A. Meserve, Distinguished Teaching
Professor, College of Arts and Sciences
Marta A. Crow
Dr. Patrick Pauken
Dr. Zubair Mohamed
The University Marshal
Dr. Pascal Bizarro, Primrose Family
Professor in Accountancy,
Department of Accounting and
Management Information Systems
The Announcers
Dr. Steve Langendorfer, College of Education
and Human Development
Ann Stott, College of Business
Dr. David Stott, College of Business
College of Business Administration
Bethany Niese
Brian Rohrs
Mearl Sutton
College of Education and Human
Dr. Daniel Brahier
Kimberly Christensen
Dr. Bruce Collet
D.J. Kern-Blystone
Dr. Gabriel Matney
Dr. Trinka Messenheimer
Dr. Nancy Patterson
B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r at i o n C a n d i d at e s
B achelor of S cience in
B usiness A dministration
Van E. Akers, Humble, Texas
Abdullah Abdulaziz Alkhurayyif, Riyadh,
Saudi Arabia
Ahmad M A Alnouri, Kuwait, Kuwait
Marlee K. Alt, Bellevue
Nadia Nora Alzamami, Bowling Green
Sunny J. Amin, Strongsville
Garrett L. Arnold, Shelby
Dylan Pierre Atibagos, Columbus
Cum Laude
John M. Auden, Naperville, Illinois
Cum Laude
Katie Marie Barber, Toledo
Brooke Nichole Barnes, Wadsworth
Derek Charles Bingaman, Bellefontaine
Magna Cum Laude
Joseph M. Bishman, Norwalk
Cum Laude
Michael J. Bixel, Willoughby
Phil A. Blair, Maumee
Nicholas Adam Blakely, Perrysburg
William Walter Blausey III, Woodville
Mette Anne Blumensaadt, Bowling Green
Michael Connor Boes, Liberty Township
Emma Claire Boylan, Northville, Michigan
Summa Cum Laude
Kaitlynn Rose Brewer, Monroeville
Magna Cum Laude
Spencer M. Bryant, Beavercreek
Magna Cum Laude
Chelsea Marie Burbridge, Kent
Thomas Francis Burke, Chaska, Minnesota
Brian Matthew Butts, Whitehouse
Jarrod P. Cain, Shelby
Jordan Amanda Capelli, Liberty Township
Cum Laude
Lauren Carr, Akron
David Joseph Charbel, Bellefontaine
Eric Ryan Chirdon, Westerville
Alex Joseph Clark, Delphos
Karen Diane Clifton, Canton
Hannah Marie Clouse, Findlay
Joshua Allen Cooley, Piqua
Mark Evan Cooper, Toronto, Canada
Hannah E. Cox, Walbridge
Cum Laude
Rachael Beth Cummings, Milan
Wayne E. Dabney, Bowling Green
Alek J. Darr, Findlay
Cum Laude
Daniel John Davidson, Inverness, Illinois
Kassandra Renee Dellapenna, Amsterdam
Lauren Diehl, Perrysburg
Jackson D. Dillon, Edgerton
Thomas Aubrey Dillon, Bloomsburg,
Devon M. Doepker, Wadsworth
Margaret J. Dorian, Lewiston, New York
Cum Laude
Tyler J. Dunn, Bowling Green
Carli Elizabeth Eddy, Castalia
Adam Michael Edwards, Reynoldsburg
Summa Cum Laude
Kaitlyn Elizabeth Elam, Miamisburg
Anthony Ronald Ellerbrock, Ottawa
Bryce Alan Ely, Pioneer
Alan Michael Eschweiler, Avon
Austin Michael Farrington, Defiance
Stuart Dallas Fatzinger, Avon
Matthew James Flanders, Allegany, New York
Thomas J. Fleming, Massillon*
Amber Jaynnee Flesher, Union City
Natalie Helen Forrester, Sylvania
Christine N. Foster, Luckey
Yahshua Lemual Freeman, Cincinnati
Halle Jo Frey, Findlay
Kyle Patrick Fugger, Columbus
Daniel P. Gaertner, Rocky River
Jake Thomas Genrich, Plymouth, Michigan
Cum Laude
Natalie June Genther, North Royalton
Jacob Genzel, Solon
Michael Thomas Gibson, Bowling Green
Ronald Andrew Ginn, Archbold
Alexis Grace Glanville, Bowling Green
Brian M. Goodsite, Norwalk
Sara Katlyn Gordon, Chardon
Cum Laude
Dale Lee Grau, Oak Harbor
Kourtney Marie Greco, Sheffield Lake
Magna Cum Laude
Emily Nichole Grosswiler, Grand Rapids
Ian Gabriel Gustafson, Dublin
Alexander William Hack, Beavercreek
Kelly Renee Hammond, Norwalk
Brian Paul Hasenkamp, Dublin
Andrew Kyle Henninger, Findlay
Gabrielle Leigh Hightower, Delta
Ashley E. Hillis, Clayton
Julia Elizabeth Hoffman, Strongsville
Seth Colton Hoffmann, Perrysburg
Gregory William Hohenstein,
Warrenville, Illinois
Molly Marie Hohler, Huron
Whitney Nicole Jenkins, Bowling Green
Christian Z. Jesser, Defiance
Adam David Johnson, Wapakoneta
Cum Laude
William Stuart Johnston, Roseville, Michigan
Shannon Marie Jordan, Strongsville
Magna Cum Laude
Zachary Ryan Jordan, Reynoldsburg
Magna Cum Laude
Katia Maria Jurkiw, Rochester Hills, Michigan
Michael Alan Karpinski, Avon Lake
Trenton Philip Kaufman, Toledo
Retta A. Kilgore, Elyria
Janessa P. Kipp, New London
Magna Cum Laude
Benjamin Michael Kister, Reynoldsburg
Magna Cum Laude
Desiree V. Klaer, Fort Collins, Colorado
Aliya Hanean Knight, Maumee
Summa Cum Laude
Lauren N. Koch, Fort Jennings
Ryan Daniel Koerper, Tiffin
Kenneth J. Kohlhofer, Pickerington
Cum Laude
Nicholas Paul Kurowski, Vermilion
Jordan Michael Lane, Maumee
Hannah M. Lewis, Plainwell, Michigan
Cum Laude
Ariel Taylor Long, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Andrew Robert Ludwig, Brunswick
Magna Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Jesus Tomas Luevano, Willard
Magna Cum Laude
Nicole M. Luzader, Huron
Corey Jacob Marett, New London
Ashley Terese Materise, East Amherst,
New York
Megan Ann McCurdy, Cincinnati
Tyler Warren McKenney, Defiance
Michele K. Meredith, Castalia
Stephen Michael Miller, Springfield
Eric Edward Mirto, Canfield
Brandon P. Morrison, Sidney
Adam Kent Mullen, Sidney
Scott Michael Munch, Fairborn
Cum Laude
Kyle M. Nagle, Mentor
Magna Cum Laude
Nicole Taylor Neely, Perrysburg
Jessica A. Newell, Bowling Green
Brieanna Ochoa, River Forest, Illinois
Haley Anne Parkinson, Dublin
Rebekah Anne Pastor, Chardon
Jessica Rae Pesek, Brunswick
Eric David Pickle, Canton
Magna Cum Laude
Joshua Duane Pinkerton, Mars, Pennsylvania
Danielle Margaret Pinter, Elyria
Jacob Randal Prather, Delta
Nicholas James Rafferty, Findlay
Cara Ann Recker, Dublin
Summa Cum Laude
Destini C. Riddick, Akron
Carmen Lea Riddle, Toledo
Zachary Michael Rizzo, Maumee
Matthew J. Robillard, West Chester
Greggory Kent Robison, Chardon
Magna Cum Laude
Carly Nicole Roden, Cincinnati*
Samuel Jay Rodriguez, Perrysburg
Anthony John Rogers, Sandusky
Magna Cum Laude
John Carl Rogers, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Matthew David Roland, Bowling Green
Aaron J. Russo, Maumee
Clayton A. Schaeffer, Norwalk
Cody S. Schmidt, Painesville
Alexander Lee Schott, Chambersburg,
Haley Ashton Schrock, Goshen, Indiana
Summa Cum Laude
Jessica Ann Schwiefert, Ney
Zachary Robert See, North Ridgeville
Angelo Rico Seghetti, Concord Township
Andrew Richard Seibt, Mentor
Joseph K. Seipel, Hilliard
Magna Cum Laude
Corey R. Selhorst, Perrysburg
Summa Cum Laude
Julianne Katrina Simpson, Bowling Green
Gabriel Thomas Skahen, Vermilion
Lindsey Danielle Slaughenhaupt, Waynesville
Emily C. Slavik, South Lyon, Michigan
Leah Renee Smarsh, Lorain
Kyle Alexander Smith, Pickerington
Tyrell L. Smith, Bowling Green
Lyndsey M. Snyder, Waterville
Sarah Lynn Spaulding, Chardon
Kali Nicole Sperry, Carmel, Indiana
Nathan John Spotts, Maumee
Tyler D. Spotts, Maumee
Emily Ann Springsteel, Creston
Cum Laude
Joseph Spencer Steinle, Fremont*
Cum Laude
Kyle Charles Steveson, Oregon
Kayla Susan Stewart, Vermilion
Chien-Han Sung, Bowling Green
Brian Carey Sutton, Carmel, Indiana
Devin Marie Sweeting, North Fairfield
Robyn Joelle Thayer, Bowling Green
Andrew Jordan Norris Theiss, Carroll
Allyson Leigh Tuttle, Castalia
Brady W. Vaught, Findlay
Kevin Tyler Vavrinek, Toledo
Molly Renee Verhoff, New Bremen
Valerie Anne Vondrak, Northfield
Cum Laude
Garrett Quinn Wacha, Waterville
Garrett Alden Wadsworth, Findlay
Cum Laude
Haley Nicole Wagner, Johnstown
Heidi Mae Waidelich, Archbold
Cameron Louis Walter, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Jordyn L. Walters, Northwood
Heather Rose Webb, Carey
Cum Laude
Kyley Denise Wedeman, Berlin Heights
Denzel Romare Wheaton, Sylvania
Sarah Elizabeth Wilcom, Rome*
Cum Laude
Marjorie Rose Williams, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Hayley Elizabeth Williford, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Kaitlyn M. Wimmers, Mason
Kayleigh R. Wurzel, Fremont
Ali Hassan Zakri, Jizan, Saudi Arabia
*Students receiving dual degrees from both
BGSU and Ecole de Management Strasbourg
B achelor
S cience
E conomics
Xiaodong Gao, Anyang City, Henan Province,
Trinnity Brianne Jackson, Bellefontaine
Matthew L. Kovach, Rossford
Cum Laude
Emily Anne Little, Dayton
Cum Laude
Adam Julius Toth, Maumee
Cum Laude
E d ucat i o n
B achelor of S cience in A pparel
M erchandising and P roduct
D evelopment
Brady Elizabeth Bowers, Huron
Beau William Frederick Busdicker, Huron
Hunter M. Carnes, Bowling Green
Alexandria Beaufait Corso, Painesville
Chelsey Ann Dechellis, Englewood
Madison Nicole Dinardo, Fairfield
Jenna Lynn Dowler, Greenville
Kayla Destiny Fowler, Cincinnati
Courtney Dawn George, Napoleon
Dana Christine Gill, Whitehouse
Katrina Nicole Glick, Bowling Green
Taylor A. Hartfield, Toledo
Bria D. Howard, Cincinnati
Lauren Alyssa Imm, Ottawa
Ashlei Simone McCray, Atlanta, Georgia
Keri Nicole Mileti, Olmsted Falls
Renee Suzanne Monaco, Chicago, Illinois
Molly Elizabeth Mosser, Fremont
Kira Rae Mossing, Sylvania
Cidney J. Neloms, Bedford
Cum Laude
Alexa Marie Stanford, Whitehouse
Celena Jasmine Tunila, Marysville
Alexandra Paige Whitney, Columbus
Cum Laude
Trisha Lyn Zielinski, Dayton
Ashlee Kaye Zunk, Millbury
B achelor
S cience
E ducation
Alexandra M. Abouabdallah, Cuyahoga Falls
Aureliano Adame Jr., Bowling Green
Matt R. Agee, Bellevue
Tyler William Allen, Findlay
Devin Nelson Aller, Holland
Alyssa Nicole Allsop, Findlay
Magna Cum Laude
Alexa Kay Almond, Pemberville
Cum Laude
Sarah Kathryn Alt, Bloomville
Laura Elizabeth Antel, Parma
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Amanda Elizabeth Appel, Pickerington
Emily Katelyn Asher, Sunbury
Magna Cum Laude
Emily Renea Assenheimer, Hilliard
Cum Laude
Danielle Nicole Aughenbaugh,
Bowling Green
Krista R. Aurelius, Plain City
Samantha Leigh Avena, Merrick, New York
Josie Marie Azzarello, Bryan
Cum Laude
Anna C. Bailey, Cincinnati
Magna Cum Laude
Kathryn Elizabeth Bailey, Bellevue
Cum Laude
Ross Allen Bailey, Bowling Green
Michael Daniel Baillis, Cleveland
H uma n D e v e l o pm e n t C a n d i d at e s
Alexandria Kaye Baker, Waterville
Austin D. Baker, Fremont
Cum Laude
Courtney E. Bartlett, Findlay
Alisha Nichole Barton, New Phillidelphia
Victoria Elizabeth Battani, Sylvania
Magna Cum Laude
Whitney E. Beachler, Dayton
Cum Laude
Kaitlyn E. Beal, Dayton
Summa Cum Laude
Sarah Marie Beamer, Upper Sandusky
Stephanie M. Beck, Brunswick
Stephanie Kate Beder, Solon
Emily R. Bednar, Warren
Cum Laude
Rachel Anne Berg, Columbus
Magna Cum Laude
Shane Eric Bergman, Loveland
Brian T. Berry, Dublin
McKenzi Rae Bettinger, Green Springs
Nicole Christine Blake, Bowling Green
Summa Cum Laude
Lauren Therese Blakey, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Brooke Elizabeth Blankenship, Troy
Allison Lauren Blaski, Pandora
Teddy Lee Blythewood, Euclid
Danielle Marie Bochar, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Cum Laude
Arin Philip Bolen, Findlay
Cum Laude
Juliette N. Bonifas, Venedocia
Summa Cum Laude
Jeffrey Badger Booth, Sylvania
Haley Lynn Boswell, Washington
Court House
Michael Joseph Bove, Bedminster,
New Jersey
Kelsey Marie Bowerman, Republic
Cum Laude
Tammie Jean Boyd, Swanton
Peri E. Brabenec, Olmsted Falls
Magna Cum Laude
Kiley Christine Brandon, Toledo
Allison M. Brandt, Lyons
Summa Cum Laude
Sarah Elizabeth Bravender, Westerville
Haleigh Nicole Breuer, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Cassandra Ruth Bringman, Elmore
Jonathan L. Bromberg, Deerfield, Illinois
Alison Nicole Brousseau,
Sterling Heights, Michigan
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Taylor Nicole Buddelmeyer, Ottawa
Magna Cum Laude
Delaney Fate Buechner, Bowling Green
Nicholas D. Buhrow, Martin
Summa Cum Laude
Kyle Frederick Burkhardt, Toledo
Caleb Allen Burlile, Hilliard
Brandon Maurice Busuttil,
Kitchener, Canada
Alexis Melena Buton, Westerville
Cum Laude
Michelle N. Callaway, Mason
Summa Cum Laude
Tara Scarlett Capouch, Orland Park, Illinois
Tiffany Lynn Carnicom, Toledo
Katrina Lacorte Carpenter, Laurel, Maryland
Hannah Rae Carroll, Berlin Heights
Summa Cum Laude
Christian A. Cash, Englewood
Shannon L. Cassidy, Ottawa
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Cassandra K. Castle, Delaware
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Emily Catherine Chanak, Westerville
Cum Laude
Ellen A. Chlumecky, Chicago, Illinois
Cum Laude
Amber D. Christie, Willard
Emily A. Christopherson, Swanton
Summa Cum Laude
Elizabeth Ann Chunat, Brunswick
Cum Laude
JoHanna Marie Clapp, Liberty Center
Brooke Nicholle Clark, Edgerton
Cum Laude
Kelsey Sue Clemons, Lakeside Marblehead
Aaron A. Clune, Saint Marys
Cum Laude
Devan Jacob Colabianchi, Strongsville
Summa Cum Laude
Taylor Reid Cole, Mason
Wiley Forrest Collett, Troy
Dalton Russ Collins, Napoleon
Hannah Jane Combs, Aurora, Colorado
Trisha Lynn Conley, Xenia
Tyler Michelle Conley, Wauseon
Rachael Lynn Conner, Atwater
Molly Elizabeth Conroy, Dayton
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Teddi Leigh Conway, Twinsburg
Gina Marie Costanzo, North Royalton
Zachary R. Cowell, Harbor View
Kaitlyn Ann Coyne, Cleveland
Kelsey E. Craig, Vermilion
Preston A. Crawford, Loysburg, Pennsylvania
Christian Craig Crew, Wauseon
Tamara Marie Crochran, Urbana
Braden Charles Croft, Lima
Summa Cum Laude
Jennifer Nicole Croft, Medina
Thomas Patrick Cromleigh, Powell
David Michael Cunningham, Dublin
Cum Laude
Jasmyne Richelle Curry, Twinsburg
Adam W. Curtis, Bowling Green
Brian Joseph Dalfo, Syracuse, New York
Cody William Daniel, Attica
Elizabeth A. Davidson, Medina
Cum Laude
Brenna Renae Davis, New London
Cum Laude
Samantha D. Davis, Belpre
Zachary Cord Deaton, Sylvania
Diontre A. Delk, Cleveland
Lauren Nichole Densic, Millbury
Summa Cum Laude
Jordan Austin Dettrow, Van Wert
Stephanie Leigh Diehl, Cincinnati
Magna Cum Laude
Gehrig R. Dieter, South Bend, Indiana
Andrea Rene Dinderman, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania
Carrie Ann Divincenzo, Cleveland
Cum Laude
Delina Kiane Dixon, Cleveland
Drekia Shanelle Dixon, Cleveland
Raven M. Dotson, Defiance
Timothy Michael Dragmen, Gates Mills
Joshua Evan Drake, Lyons
Sarah May Dunham, London
Jessica Lynn Dunlap, Plain City
Cum Laude
Allison Marie Dunn, Oak Harbor
Magna Cum Laude
Cory Ryan Dunn, Saint Paris
Julie Marie Dunn, Monroeville
Chelsey Elizabeth Dupakoski, Galloway
Rachel Elizabeth Dutton, Rocky River
Cum Laude
Chelsey E. Eckel, Norwalk
Jordan Edgington, Hilliard
Darius Jordan Edwards, Columbus
Emily Renee Ehresman, Bucyrus
Cum Laude
Madalyn Rose Ehresman, New Washington
Melissa Anne Ellsworth, Deerfield
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Erin Elizabeth Emery, Avon Lake
Cum Laude
Jessica Marie Enasel, North Royalton
Cum Laude
Hanna Nicole Engle, Lorain
Magna Cum Laude
Emily Nicole Eskins, Clyde
Danielle Jean Estep, Bowling Green
Brittany Nicole Evans, Dayton
Natalie Faye Eyink, Oak Harbor
Magna Cum Laude
Jennifer Lynn Fadorsen, Columbus
Breda Ciara Fanning, Sandusky
Cum Laude
Jenna Nicole Farragher, Youngstown
Cum Laude
Patrick W. Farrell, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Ashley Marie Fazenbaker,
Liberty Township
Claire Margaret Feyche, West Chester
Alysia Ann Fickel, Defiance
Jon Andrew Fickert, Oak Harbor
Shelby Anne Fielitz, Norwalk
Cum Laude
Drew Madison Fillis, Ottawa Hills
Cum Laude
Abigail Leeann Fisher, Warren
Courtney Renae Fisher, Lima
Cum Laude
Seth Thomas Fitzgerald, Saint Marys
Cassandra Aaron Lee Fleming, Lorain
Austin Michael Flores, Waterville
Cum Laude
Allison Nichol Fogelsong, Plain City
Cum Laude
Amanda Dawn Fowler, Warren
David Luck Franz, Mansfield
Cum Laude
Elise K. Freeman, Dayton
Kelsie N. Fritsch, Montpelier
Magna Cum Laude
Bryan Richard Fritz, Monroeville
Cum Laude
Michael William Galletti, Twinsburg
Marc Anthony Garcia, Lorain
Michelle Ann Garee, Perrysburg
Neil Anthony Gerding, Cloverdale
Cum Laude
Rachel Mary Gerges, Rocky River
Magna Cum Laude
Nicholas Alan Gerschutz, New Bavaria
Charles J. Gibson, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Jessica Noelle Glanz, Waterville
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Derek Scott Goeglein, Livonia, Michigan
Magna Cum Laude
Abigail Elaine Goeller, Beavercreek
Cum Laude
Tamara J. Goldner, Cincinnati
Magna Cum Laude
Dustin Allen Gonzalez, Bowling Green
David Michael Gordon, Grove City
Cum Laude
Brianna Nicole Gosche, Helena
Alexander John Graber, Lakewood
Brittany N. Graves, Huron
Cum Laude
Kaycee E. Green, Amherst
Hailee N. Greenlese, Walbridge
Cum Laude
Samantha Marie Gregory, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Nicolette M. Griffin, Toledo
Magna Cum Laude
Samuel Paul Guinta, Medina
Taylor Marie Gura, Chardon
Cum Laude
Ashley Nicole Guthrie, Bowling Green
Abigail S. Hall, Holland
Ashley Kathleen Hall, Toledo
Magna Cum Laude
Joshua Thomas Hamann, Whitehouse
Catherine M. Hanlin, Saint Paris
Cum Laude
Brooke Nichole Hanneman, Ottawa
Cum Laude
Cassidy G. Hansard, Bellevue
Magna Cum Laude
Neije R. Harris-Brice, Barberton
Cheyenne Cole Hawk, Cleves
Richard T. Hayden, Warrensville Heights
Hanna M. Haynes, Bellevue
Megan Christine Hayzlett, Wapakoneta
Magna Cum Laude
Thomas W. Heckman, Pemberville
Danielle Marie Helberg, Defiance
Cum Laude
Hayley Michelle Hesselschwardt, Hicksville
Summa Cum Laude
Michael Adam Hetzel, Brunswick
Melissa Suzanne Hill, Bowling Green
Suzanne Marie Hirsel, Columbus
Cum Laude
Taylor L. Hites, Marysville
Magna Cum Laude
Gretchen E. Hochwalt, Dayton
Amanda S. Hoehne, Anna
Allison L. Holding, Sylvania
Cum Laude
Lindsey Jo Hollars, Vermilion
Magna Cum Laude
Amberly Davidson Holliday, Castalia
Cum Laude
Andrew A. Holliger, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
London J. Hollins, Bowling Green
Emily Renee Holmer, Willard
Cum Laude
Megan Olivia Howell, Dublin
Magna Cum Laude
Julia Lee Hunt, Bowling Green
Jeremy Scott Hunter, Cleveland
Nicole Christine Hurst, Archbold
Yusra Ahmad Khamis Mohammad Ibrahim, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Jamie Alyson Ingram, Canton
Caitlin M. Instone, Maumee
Summa Cum Laude
Kali Irvin, Dayton
Aja Theresa Ismail, Maple Heights
Derek A. Jacobson, Maumee
Lindsay Hayes Jindra, Hudson
Cum Laude
Bailey Elizabeth Johns, Archbold
Magna Cum Laude
Christina L. Johnson, Huron
Christopher Dwightstone Jones,
Wrentham, Massachusetts
Kristina A. Jones, Maria Stein
Magna Cum Laude
Corey Patrick Jordan, Troy
Erika N. Jordan, Bellevue
Duncan Alexander Kane, Oxford
Nicole Ann Kania, Wellington
Evan Martin Karchner, Maumee
Kendall H. Kaskocsak, Elida
Magna Cum Laude
Paige Marie Kelsey, Cincinnati
Kaylene M. Kiefer, Elida
Cum Laude
Logan S. Kindell, Brookville
Magna Cum Laude
Jaevonn S. King, Cincinnati
Olivia Rhae King, Sidney
Sherilyn Louise Klatt, Hilliard
Cum Laude
Jenna E. Klorer, Monclova
Cum Laude
Kevin William Knapke, Saint Henry
Summa Cum Laude
Ashley Nicole Knittle, Van Wert
Cum Laude
Karleigh Anne Kocar, Avon
Samantha Ann Kornaker, Strongsville
Magna Cum Laude
Carl John Koster, Bay Village
Emily E. Kreinbihl, Dayton
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Erin Nicole Krisher, De Graff
Magna Cum Laude
Jacquelyn Elizabeth Krohn, Fremont
Magna Cum Laude
Mariah Louise Krugh, Saint Marys
Abigail Kruse, Piqua
Steven M. Kubitza, Mentor
Magna Cum Laude
Ethan Alexander Kuespert, Reynoldsburg
Ashley E. Kurtz, Berkey
Samantha Lynn Kuzmic, Chardon
Brittni Morgan Kwiatkowski, Maumee
Summa Cum Laude
Eric James Lamorelle, Mason
Ashley Marie Lautzenheiser, Wapakoneta
Cum Laude
Alexis Ann Lawniczak, Luckey
Magna Cum Laude
Taylor Shane Lawwell, Columbus
Cum Laude
Journey R. Leary, Villa Park, Illinois
Erynn Rebecca Leff, Strongsville
Matthias Leguire, Findlay
Cum Laude
Michael Ryan Lehman, Mansfield
Katlyn Marie Leon, New London
Constance D. Letso, Ottawa
Tyler Austen Liles, Dayton
Crystal Lynne Loftin, Maple Heights
Mackenzie Leigh Logan, Northville, Michigan
Katherine Elizabeth Logsdon, Findlay
Claire Marie Long, Kenton
Shayna Lynn Looney, Findlay
Cum Laude
Maria Christine Luca, Avon
Cum Laude
Jared Roger Lucas, Pataskala
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Madeline Claire Ludwig, Milan
Magna Cum Laude
Melissa Marie Maddux, Mason
Amy Elise Madorsky, Mentor
Magna Cum Laude
Clay Andrew Malin, Vermilion
Magna Cum Laude
Monica Frances Marecki, Cleveland
Cum Laude
Jennifer Lynn Marenberg, Toledo
Magna Cum Laude
Allison Leigh Marino, Stow
Magna Cum Laude
Kelsey Marie Marlow, Mason
Cum Laude
Brittany N. Martin, Berea
Emily Ann Maruszewski, Dayton
Caila Christy Marvin, Mason
Cum Laude
Alyssa Marie Mathews, Mentor
Thomas Albert Mault, Lima
Jennifer Marie McDougall, Dayton
Morgan Elizabeth McDougall, Maumee
Cum Laude
Courtney Renee Meyers, Attica
Cum Laude
Alan Leonard Miller, Sandusky
Andrea Theresa Miller, Columbus
Natalie Crystal Miller, Holland
Magna Cum Laude
April Lynn Mingus, Sandusky
Magna Cum Laude
Danielle Nicole Minier, Vickery
Brittany Renee Mondragon, Bloomdale
Alyssa Michelle Moore, Pickerington
Hannah Marie Moore, Lancaster
Cum Laude
Jacob D. Moore, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Monet Cheree Moore, Columbus
Nicholas James Morgan, Holland
Cum Laude
Rachael Ashley Morgan, Madison
Magna Cum Laude
Brooke Nicole Morgano, Brook Park
Danielle Rebecca Mormol, New Albany
Cum Laude
Hannah N. Morris, Windham
Kristen Marie Morris, Versailles
Taylor Renee Morris, Huron
Cum Laude
Nathan Moseley, Allen Park, Michigan
Elizabeth R. Moser, Sandusky
Magna Cum Laude
Ashley Marie Moser-Barron, Bowling Green
Meagan Nicole Moyer, Sylvania
Magna Cum Laude
Grace Marie Mulvihill, Cleveland
Jacob William Musal, Hinckley
Cum Laude
Meghan Tracy Myers, Perrysburg
Magna Cum Laude
Erin Suzanne Myrice, Bowling Green
Nicole Kay Newman, Perrysburg
Logan Elaine Niederkohr, Carey
Magna Cum Laude
Maria Elizabeth Nielsen, Sandusky
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Karley Kay Niemeyer, Hamler
Cum Laude
Sierra Paige Nofziger, Archbold
Magna Cum Laude
Laura E. O'Brien, Dardenne Prairie, Missouri
Kelsey Ann Olaughlin, Cuyahoga Falls
Cum Laude
Leah Ann Oliver, Bucyrus
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Brent J. Orians, Alvada
Summa Cum Laude
Alicia Renee Ostrow, Dayton
Christopher Alan Oyer, Poolesville, Maryland
Emily Anne Pach, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Kaleb Damon Page, Wapakoneta
Cum Laude
Allison Jane Palguta, Blacklick
Cum Laude
Katherine Ann Palmer, Brighton, Michigan
Shaneeka Nichelle Palmer, Columbus
Morgan Marina Palmucci, Huron
Miranda Paige Paris, Elida
Magna Cum Laude
Heather Nicole Parliament, Bowling Green
Adam Edward Paynter, Crestline
Summa Cum Laude
Sally L. Pazynski, Fairborn
Samantha Therese Peatee, Toledo
Summa Cum Laude
Gustina Lisa Pennese, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Leslie Ann Perry, Oak Harbor
Kelsey L. Peterson, Amherst
Emily F. Petty, Galena
Cum Laude
Becca Ann Pfister, Napoleon
Magna Cum Laude
Mary Katherine Picolo, Springfield
Trenton Daniel Pilmore, Pioneer
Summa Cum Laude
Josie Elise Pirtle, Johnstown, Colorado
Magna Cum Laude
Hannah Michele Plummer, Bowling Green
Joseph James Potthoff, Ottawa
Morgan Kendall Priest, Lewis Center
Henry Garland Proctor IV, Columbia Station
Nichole Riley Provonsil, Beavercreek
Magna Cum Laude
Laura Rebecca Puffenberger, Port Clinton
Cum Laude
Amanda Katherine Pummell, Bowling Green
Cum Laude
Whitney L. Quillen, Monroeville
Jerrod D. Quimby, Plain City
Samantha Anne Quinto, Holland
Danielle Marie Rains, Brecksville
Summa Cum Laude
Gretta Danielle Rathore, Uhrichsville
Cum Laude
Christina Marie Rausch, Columbus
Sara Elizabeth Rayburn, Maineville
Summa Cum Laude
Austin James Reed, Rossford
Magna Cum Laude
Caitlin M. Reid, Delaware
Jaide E. Reiman, Defiance
Cum Laude
Bradley William Reinbolt, Bowling Green
Kori Anne Reiser, Wayne
Elizabeth Marie Remley, Massillon
Summa Cum Laude
Jessie Kathryn Rentschler, Napoleon
Cum Laude
Kelly M. Ressler, Fostoria
Cum Laude
Larissa D. Richardson, Delaware
Magna Cum Laude
Jerrica Rieger, Toledo
Abbie L. Riehm, Perrysburg
Summa Cum Laude
Annie Lea Riehm, Perrysburg
Magna Cum Laude
Haley Christine Ries, Canal Fulton
Stephanie Anne Roberts, Archbold
Wayne Patrick Robinson, Tiffin
Brandon M. Rodrigues, Middletown,
Rhode Island
Ana H. Rodriguez, Toledo
Clayton P. Rolf, Pemberville
Jeremy Michael Rosen, Uncasville, Connecticut
Alyssa Nicole Roth, Brook Park
Angela Le Rowe, Rossford
Taylor Javon Royster, Lima
Elizabeth Anne Ruch, Enon
Cum Laude
Haley Denae Rufenacht, Archbold
Summa Cum Laude
Ryan James Ruhland, Penfield, New York
Michael Paul Ryder, Findlay
Patrick Ruben Saenz, Southgate, Michigan
Brittany Nicole Sallee, Berlin Heights
Holly Roxanne Sanderson, Dayton
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Andrew C. Savage, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan
Rachel Leigh Savarino, Hudson
Magna Cum Laude
Andrew G. Schafer, Columbus Grove
Magna Cum Laude
Ryan Joseph Schalk, New Riegel
Cum Laude
Anna Marie Schieber, Goshen, Indiana
Samuel David Schmaren,
Northbrook, Illinois
Samantha Sue Schmidt, North Ridgeville
Cum Laude
Melissa J. Schmuhl, Chardon
Cum Laude
Elizabeth Lee Schnee, Norwalk
Brooke N. Schnipke, Kalida
Heather Michelle Scott, Hilliard
Troy Allen Scott, Huron
Cum Laude
Nicole C. Shaffer, Oak Harbor
Jessica Nicole Shearer, Lewis Center
Cum Laude
Katherine Mary Shearer, Dayton
Magna Cum Laude
Marissa C. Sheehan, North Ridgeville
Magna Cum Laude
Killian L. Sheely, Columbus
Summa Cum Laude
Rebecca Shroka, North Olmsted
Cum Laude
Jessica Ann Siefker, Ottawa
Summa Cum Laude
Stephanie M. Siegel, Avon
Cum Laude
Rachel Elizabeth Sieracke,
Lindenhurst, Illinois
Cum Laude
Megan Elizabeth Skeins, Fairfax, Virginia
Emily Ann Skibski, Monroe, Michigan
Summa Cum Laude
Samantha Jordan Slusher, Bowling Green
Aaron Douglas Smart, Ashland
Emily Christine Smith, Huron
Magna Cum Laude
Erica Marie Smith, Tiffin
Saige Helen Smith, Luckey
Cum Laude
Sarah McKenzie Smith, Perrysburg
Summa Cum Laude
Stefani D. Smith, Swanton
Trisha N. Smith, New Riegel
Evan Matthew Snipes, Tampa, Florida
Cum Laude
Aubrie Anne Sole, West Chicago, Illinois
Magna Cum Laude
Jennifer Helen Sperry, Marysville
Magna Cum Laude
Kyle A. St. Peter, Sterling Heights, Michigan
Andrew Francis Stacey, Ocean Reef,
Magna Cum Laude
Olivia Lynn Stallkamp, Huron
Tyler James Stanley, Bowling Green
Christian Gerald Starace, Bowling Green
Tyler Elaine Starry, Bryan
Morgan Jayne Steck, Toledo
Cum Laude
Paul Hunter Stephens, Lakeside Marblehead
Tori N. Stephens, Tiffin
Anthony Lee Stephenson, Wilmington
Kathryn Eileen Steuer, Mason
Lindsey E. Stevens, Ottawa Hills
Cum Laude
Tyler Lewis Stevens, Lima
Justina Francesca Stewart, Westerville
Gregory Alan Stoll, Wapakoneta
Joseph G. Strader, Lorain
Kaitlyn A. Stradtman, Huron
Magna Cum Laude
Jenna C. Streffon, Cincinnati
Jessica Caylor Sudnick, Grafton
Katlynn Marie Supeck, Norwalk
Victoria L. Sutton, Canton
Magna Cum Laude
Garrison Mitchell Swartz, Clyde
Magna Cum Laude
Austin Grant Syar, Marysville
Summa Cum Laude
Alexa M. Szabo, Strongsville
Nichole Marie Szymanski, Maumee
Cum Laude
Tyler J. Tapaszi, Sheffield Lake
Alexa Christine Tarasco, Mentor
Kalyn M. Tate, Woodville
Cum Laude
Tyler Paul Tate, Lithopolis
Summa Cum Laude
Shannon Mary Tegeder, Avon Lake
Jazmyn Terry, Euclid
Nicholas Anthony Tessari, Norwalk
Gary Matthew Thomas, Gahanna
Kandeise D. Thomas, Lorain
Vanessa Lea Thompson, Perry
Cum Laude
Breann Nicole Thornberry, South Vienna
Magna Cum Laude
Brock Nicklaus Thorp, Montpelier
Tyler Andrew Tincher, Brookville
Kristin Maria Titus, Brighton, Michigan
Magna Cum Laude
Samantha Eileen Tobias, Macedonia
Cum Laude
Anna Marie Tosko, Kent
Liana Catherine Toth, Maumee
Emily Elizabeth Treece, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Nicole A. Turner, Brunswick
Nathan Ryan Tyahla, South Lyon, Michigan
Paul D. Utendorf, Kalida
Magna Cum Laude
Joseph Gary Vahcic, Euclid
Cum Laude
Lauren T. Vala, Bay Village
Cum Laude
Colleen M. Valko, Bellevue
Summa Cum Laude
Brian Joseph Vamos, Helena
Cum Laude
Candace Renee Vance, Pandora
Magna Cum Laude
Victorianna Elizabeth Vanfossen,
Lewis Center
Cum Laude
Brent Andrew Verhoff, Ottawa
Gabriel A. Vittorio, Defiance
Brooke Nicole Wagner, Toledo
Cum Laude
Alayna Marie Wannemacher, Middle Point
Benjamin Jeffery Warnecke, Delphos
Victoria Eileen Watson, Republic
Erin Michelle Watton, Springfield
Cum Laude
Victoria A. Wehri, Ottawa
Cum Laude
Tracy Sue Weis, Fremont
Cum Laude
Brittany L. Welch, Holland
Magna Cum Laude
Michael A. Wenig, Versailles
Cum Laude
Kristina D. Westmark, Bowling Green
Alexi Marie Whited, Shelby
Cum Laude
Jessica Lynn Whitlow, Maumee
Magna Cum Laude
Emily Louise Whitman, Beavercreek
Cum Laude
Rachel A. Wiemken, Napoleon
Cum Laude
Rachael A. Willoughby, Avon Lake
Cum Laude
Nicole Marie Winhover, Delphos
Magna Cum Laude
Zachary Tyler Wise, Bowling Green
Amy M. Wolf, Sylvania
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Alexa MacDonald Woodburn, Cincinnati
Summa Cum Laude
Rebecca Elizabeth Woode, Springfield
Cum Laude
Morgan Irene Woodward, Bluffton
Cum Laude
Jessica Marie Wright, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Kayla Marie Young, Cleveland
Cum Laude
Kaitlyn Marie Zbin, North Olmsted
Allison Ann Zukowitz, Springboro
Magna Cum Laude
Lauren Elizabeth Zuzik, Bowling Green
Kari Anne Zwayer, Toledo
Cum Laude
B achelor of S cience in H uman
D evelopment and F amily S tudies
B achelor
D esign
Heather Lynne Andrews, Bryan
Cum Laude
Kali Nicole August, Fostoria
Brandon P. Bortel, Liberty Center
Emily S. Breivik, Toledo
Caitlyn Nicole Bryce, Cleveland
Ryan Christian Burbrink, Shady Side, Maryland
Emily Ann Casey, Bowling Green
Sarah S. Cook, Marysville
Nichole Ashlee Davenport, Northwood
Courtney July Deans, Custar
Brittany Coquella Deuble, Findlay
Celeste Lashae Dudley, Dayton
Sarah Ann Easterwood, Weston
Emily Nicole Elston, Stony Ridge
Summa Cum Laude
Adam Keith Evans, Loveland
Kelly Marie Faeth, Fostoria
Cum Laude
Sammi Eleanore Frankenberg,
Portland, Oregon
Rayia Gaddy, Detroit, Michigan
Taryn Jene'e Hill, Cincinnati
Sydney M. Howell, Canal Winchester
Tressa Elizabeth Hutton, Findlay
Vanessa D. Iosue, Euclid
Jessica Marie Jarvis, Novi, Michigan
Summa Cum Laude
President’s Award Recipient
Annette Renee King, Kent
Magna Cum Laude
Jillian Emma LaRiccia, Bay Village
Summa Cum Laude
Kelsey Marie Lehrian, West Chester
Devery D. Manier Jr., Dayton
Mariah Cheryl Mayes, Westerville
Mackenzie Elizabeth McCoy, Milan
Jordan Makaila Meador, Westerville
Margaret Anne Merlene, Stow
Jane Elizabeth Mewhort, Sylvania
Sara Nicole Novak, Chesterfield, Michigan
Alison Sue Okenka, Luckey
Daijhah Nakhole Owens, Dayton
Dakota Patton, Rudolph
Magna Cum Laude
Shaylise Monea Randle, Cleveland
Craig Andrew Rowley, Cortland
Elizabeth Margarethe Schoenwitz, Stevensville, Michigan
Jasmyn N. Sims, Bowling Green
Bethany Ann Skees, Curtice
Brooke Valeria Spees, Toledo
Cum Laude
Lauren Christine Still, Brunswick
Paige Pauline Stratton, Lancaster
Kayla Marie Thomas, Defiance
Magna Cum Laude
Amanda Leigh Traxler, Findlay
Allison Lynne Voland, Perrysburg
Cum Laude
Jamie Nicole Wadsworth, Detroit, Michigan
Kayla Marie Wagner, Fayette
Katherine Michelle Adams, Dayton
Amal S. Alflayyeh, Jubail Industrial City, Saudi Arabia
Amber Joleslie Birch, Uhrichsville
Magna Cum Laude
Chelsey M. Broughman, Bowling Green
Magna Cum Laude
Elise C. Burke, Painesville
Summa Cum Laude
Amy B. Coup, Bowling Green
Natalie Jay Green, Lewis Center
Jessica Lynn Guedras, Copley
Tiana Renee Heidt, New Knoxville
Cum Laude
Lisa M. Hewitt, Loveland
Lauren E. Hilbert, Plain City
Shannon Marie Hurley, Columbus
Renee Maria Iacano, Cleveland
Jessica Leigh Jones, Normal, Illinois
Cum Laude
Brittany Anne Kobylak, Rossford
Dana Rose Lanwehr, Ottawa
Cum Laude
Emily Ellison Leis, Ottawa
Magna Cum Laude
Jaylen Kathryn Lewis, Hudson
Taylor Nikole Ross, Bowling Green
Rebecca Ann Sperhac, Richfield
Cum Laude
Delanie Brianne Wolf, Minster
Samantha Marie Zdanowski, Monroe, Michigan
Linda Kay Zieroff, Perrysburg
S cience
I nterior
C o mm e n c e m e n t P r o g r am
S aturday , M ay 7, 2016, 7:30 p . m .
C edar P oint C enter , H uron
P r o g r am
Presiding Officer
Mary Ellen Mazey, Ph.D., President
The University Marshal
Raymond I. Schuck, Ph.D., Assistant
Professor and Faculty Chairperson,
BGSU Firelands
High Frequency Flute Quartet members of
the Firelands Symphony Orchestra
Tamara Kagy
Jody Chaffee
Jesse Martin
Elizabeth Studer
Opening Remarks
Introduction of Commencement Student
High Frequency Flute Quartet
The Academic Procession
Remarks to the Candidates
The National Anthem
Gerald F. Jasinski, BGSU Firelands Acapella
Chorus Member
Dean Kurtz
Recognition of College Credit
Plus Program Participants
Dean Kurtz
President Mazey
Andrew J. Kurtz, Ph.D., Dean,
BGSU Firelands
The Mace Bearer
The Candidates for Degrees in Course
Bachelor Degrees
Associate Degrees
The BGSU Firelands Faculty
The University Marshal
The Dean of BGSU Firelands
The Trustees
The Special Guests
The Provost and Senior Vice President
The President
Presentation of Associate Degree
Rachael B. Cummings, Bachelor of Science in
Business Administration Candidate
Introduction of Commencement Speaker
Rodney K. Rogers, Ph.D., Provost and
Senior Vice President
Remarks to the Candidates
D. Craig Rathbun ’83
Recommendation of all Candidates
for Degrees
Provost Rogers
Conferral of Degrees
President Mazey
Alumni Welcome
Patricia A. Crawford, Alumni Affairs and
Development Officer
Closing Remarks
Dr. Schuck
The Alma Mater
BGSU Firelands Acapella Chorus
Recognition of Honors Candidates
Provost Rogers
High Frequency Flute Quartet
Presentation of the Bachelor's Degree
Dean Kurtz
C o mm e n c e m e n t S p e a k e r
D. C raig R athbun ’83
D. Craig Rathbun began his educational journey at Bowling Green State University, earning a bachelor’s
degree in business administration in 1983. After graduating, he was employed by Ernst & Whinney’s (Ernst
& Young) Management Consulting Group, specializing in production and operations. He later joined his
family’s business, Venture Packaging, as operations manager.
The lessons learned at a closely held corporation served as a sound basis for two other future companies.
In 1999, as a partner in Encore Plastics, Rathbun, along with his siblings and a friend, grew a startup company from seven employees to more than 300 within three manufacturing facilities. Encore
manufactures paint sundry products for national retailers such as Lowe’s, Menards, Sherwin-Williams and
In 2009, the partners financed a renewable energy company called SUREnergy. The goal was to find
alternative ways to reduce Encore Plastics’ carbon footprint. Today, SUREnergy has evolved into providing
grant writing, sourcing, installation, maintenance and consulting services to several national and
international companies.
Rathbun is currently a member of the Firelands College Alumni Board and, in 2016, received a College
Alumni Award from BGSU.
Rathbun is part of a family with proud Falcon ties. His father, Willard, and two siblings, Tim ’84, ’86 and
Jodi, all attended BGSU. His wife, Jennifer ’85, and two of his children also attended BGSU.
P r o g r am P a r t i c i pa n t s
The Mace Bearer
Dr. Kate Dailey, Associate Dean, BGSU
Amy J. Planthaber, M.A., Director, Academic
Advising and Student Services, BGSU
Wendy M. Steinmetz, Secretary, College
Access and Career Services, BGSU
Jennifer E. Poggiah-Buening, M.S., Academic
Advisor, BGSU Firelands
The University Marshal
Dr. Raymond I. Schuck, Assistant Professor
and Faculty Chairperson, BGSU Firelands
The Announcer
Dr. Kate Dailey, Associate Dean, BGSU
BGS U F i r e l a n d s C a n d i d at e s
B achelor
A pplied H ealth S cience
Eric Michael Karaba, North Ridgeville
Amanda Carol Wolfe, Long Bottom
B achelor
L iberal S tudies
Barbara A. Griffin, Sandusky
Megan Lynn Milovich, Lorain Mariah Dawn
Morales, Sandusky
Kathy J. Niehm, Sandusky
Michael N. Piacente, Sandusky
Darcy Jill Russell, Sandusky
Ashley Ann Sebo, Berlin Heights
Cum Laude
B achelor of S cience
A dministration
S cience
C riminal
Taylor Marie Asberry, Huron
Donnia Merrie Pearson, Sandusky
B achelor
S cience
Danielle Nicole Jones, Sandusky
With Distinction
Cory Michael Long, Monroeville
With Distinction
Elizabeth Oliver, Berlin Heights
Jessica Ann Ontko, Sandusky
Cody Allen Reed, Norwalk
With Distinction
Arlene Marie West, Norwalk
Meagan Wright, Norwalk
Alexandra Corte, Huron
B achelor
A ssociate of A pplied S cience in
D iagnostic M edical S onography
S cience
N ursing
Gena R. Kirksey, Sandusky
B usiness
Joseph M. Bishman, Norwalk
Cum Laude
Kelly Renee Hammond, Norwalk
Janessa P. Kipp, New London
Magna Cum Laude
Nicole M. Luzader, Huron
Michele K. Meredith, Castalia
Clayton A. Schaeffer, Norwalk
Kayla Susan Stewart, Vermilion
Allyson Leigh Tuttle, Castalia
B achelor
J ustice
April Lynn Mingus, Sandusky
Magna Cum Laude
Laura Rebecca Puffenberger, Port Clinton
Cum Laude
Brittany Nicole Sallee, Berlin Heights
Emily Christine Smith, Huron
Magna Cum Laude
Colleen M. Valko, Bellevue
Summa Cum Laude
Tracy Sue Weis, Fremont
Cum Laude
E ducation
Kelsey Marie Bowerman, Republic
Cum Laude
Hannah Rae Carroll, Berlin Heights
Summa Cum Laude
Amber D. Christie, Willard
Cody William Daniel, Attica
Brenna Renae Davis, New London
Cum Laude
Julie Marie Dunn, Monroeville
Natalie Faye Eyink, Oak Harbor
Magna Cum Laude
Breda Ciara Fanning, Sandusky
Cum Laude
Shelby Anne Fielitz, Norwalk
Cum Laude
Brittany N. Graves, Huron
Cum Laude
Amberly Davidson Holliday, Castalia
Cum Laude
Christina L. Johnson, Huron
Katlyn Marie Leon, New London
Madeline Claire Ludwig, Milan
Magna Cum Laude
Courtney Renee Meyers, Attica
Cum Laude
A ssociate of A pplied B usiness in
B usiness M anagement T echnology
Emily Jane Burnworth, Huron
Mikayla Catherine Coe, Collins
With Distinction
Karen Lynn Deerhake, Norwalk
Almira Jean Hulin, Norwalk
With Highest Distinction
James Pennell, Huron
Leah Sabol, Milan
Adelyn Mae Sherrard, Wakeman
With Highest Distinction
President's Award Recipient
A ssociate of A pplied S cience in
E lectrical -E lectronic E ngineering
T echnology
Ward V. Cooley III, Huron
Alexis Palileo De Leon, Sandusky
John David Pankow, Sandusky
A ssociate of A pplied B usiness in
C omputer S cience T echnology
Tyler Shawn Crum, Sandusky
Ryan D. Grondin, Sandusky
Brian Paul Reinhart, Bellevue
With Distinction
Daniel Philip Rockwell, Norwalk
With Highest Distinction
President's Award Recipient
Seth Thomas Shaffer, Bellevue
Colin Andrew Shannon, Norwalk
A ssociate of A pplied B usiness
V isual M edia T echnology
Amy Rose Beier, Norwalk
With Distinction
Alexandra Brooke Conley, Collins
Bethany G. Evans, Vermilion
Justin J. Fulton, Norwalk
With Highest Distinction
Justin P. Furmanek, Castalia
Matthew William Gercak, Huron
Kristen Nicole Gonya, Port Clinton
A ssociate of A pplied S cience in
H ealth I nformation M anagement
T echnology
Helen La'vena Ilg, Norwalk
Sherri L. Klenk, Sandusky
Kelly M. Martin, Bloomville
Lisa Marie Mortensen, New London
Leah J. Patterson, Bellevue
A ssociate of A pplied S cience
H uman S ervices
Joshua Scott Bahnsen, Sandusky
A ssociate of A pplied S cience
C riminal J ustice
Brianna Lynn Eskins, Sandusky
With Distinction
Becky L. Fellenstein, Vermilion
With Distinction
Michelle Lynn Strader, Wakeman
Stephanie Anne Zeiher, Sandusky
Bethany G. Evans, Vermilion
Elizabeth Victoria Hodge, Norwalk
Ali Marie James, Castalia
Andrea Sue Myers, Norwalk
Tabatha L. Polta, Vickery
Kelly Ann Snay, Norwalk
Tiffany N. Tierney, Whitehouse
Bettyna Yvonne Turner, Sandusky
A ssociate of A pplied S cience in
I nclusive E arly C hild E ducation
Jeneise Raven Dopson, Sandusky
Rachel Elizabeth O'Leary, Huron
With Distinction
A ssociate of A pplied S cience
R adiologic T echnology
Jessica J. Dawson, Norwalk
Alexandria B. Decaro, Sandusky
Jeremy Paul Dutko, Bellevue
With Highest Distinction
President's Award Recipient
Kaylen Mary Fultz, Castalia
With Distinction
Whitney Lamae Gibson, Willard
Elrik Hans Jensen, Milan
Daniel Klein, Tiffin
Megan Ann Kozelka, Cleveland
A ssociate of A pplied S cience in
R espiratory C are T echnology
Kylie A. Bateson, Cygnet
With Distinction
Chelsea Elaine Charniga, Bowling Green
Donna Fulton, Elyria
James William Graves, Cleveland
Jennifer Jo Hartlage, Sandusky
Lilianne Huard, Westlake
Melissa M. Johnson, Berlin Heights
Dylan Kenneth Kadow, Avon Lake
Adrianne June Kowalski, Mansfield
Anna Alicia Kreh, Bellevue
Jane M. Lalli, Northfield
Michelle L. Markovich, South Amherst
Julie Marie Miles, Fremont
Joshua A. Moore, Clyde
Camela H. Newsome, Avon
Anthony Rosso, Lorain
Jerica Kylia Spears, Fremont
Amanda Carol Wolfe, Long Bottom
Alicia M. Woodland, Clyde
Jessica L. Yates, Elyria
A ssociate
A rts
Richard Mario Amezquita, Monroeville
Madison Liane Bowling, Milford
Jordan A. Burrows, Sandusky
Kolbie G. Carver, Oregon
Erin Christine Clarkson, Sandusky
Zachary Allen Coyne, Huron
Kelly L. Fantozz, Sandusky
With Distinction
Pamela Sue Fletcher, Bowling Green
With Distinction
Luke Aaron Frankboner, Milan
With Distinction
Kelly Rose Herman, Sandusky
Caitlyn Marie Holcomb, Sandusky
Taylor M. Houpt, Perrysburg
With Distinction
Amanda James, Sandusky
Aubrey Irene Notestine, Huron
Kari Anne Odegaard, Perrysburg
Wilma Jean Polin, Norwalk
With Highest Distinction
President's Award Recipient
Jessica R. Smorul, Sandusky
With Distinction
Terry L. Snyder, Norwalk
With Highest Distinction
Debra Lynn Streng, Sandusky
With Distinction
A ssociate
S cience
Hannah Leigh Alexander, Sandusky
With Highest Distinction
Zuriana Cherish Antonio, Port Clinton
Mary Elizabeth Babcock, New London
With Distinction
James Dylan Bailey, Castalia
With Highest Distinction
President's Award Recipient
Janice E . Baker, Vermilion
Kelstin Marie Barna, Norwalk
With Distinction
Karl Joseph Bates, Huron
With Highest Distinction
Adam Michael Bauman, Monroeville
Shamus P. Berry, Norwalk
Robert Tyler Biehl, Bellevue
Jade Allison Bolinger, Castalia
With Distinction
Jadelynn Lamonte' Brown, Sandusky
Kristen Mary Buder, Sandusky
With Distinction
Adriana Isabel Carrillo, Napoleon
Shandra Marie Coder, Sandusky
Michael Ryan Coffman, Sandusky
Stephanie J. Conkey, Sandusky
Daniel Francis Connor, Perrysburg
Bryson C. Conway, Sandusky
Sara Elisabeth Cordle, Sandusky
Miranda J. Cottle, Sandusky
Brenna Renae Davis, New London
With Distinction
Patricia Ellington, Sandusky
Eleanor Marie Essary, Bloomville
Bethany G. Evans, Vermilion
Ryan Patrick Everman, Norwalk
With Distinction
Benjamin William Faggionato, Huron
With Distinction
Jolene Renee Felder, Bellevue
Taylor M. Ferrell, Sandusky
Breanna Janay Gamblin, Sandusky
Rachel N. Gebard, Sandusky
Alexzandra Lynn Gies, Plymouth
Kimberly J. Gnidovec, Huron
Barbara A. Griffin, Sandusky
With Distinction
Briana K. Hamilton, Green Springs
Lisa R. Harkey, Huron
Gail M. Harmon, Lorain
With Distinction
Madison Louise Hermes, Sandusky
With Distinction
Cody O. Hipp, Norwalk
Kathryn R. Hite, Milan
Sarah Grace Holler, Berlin Heights
Sara Elizabeth Hudson, Monroe, Michigan
Donald Jerome Janik, Huron
Jennifer Erin Jones, Bellevue
With Distinction
Heather Rae Kehres, Castalia
Aldreeta L. Kennedy, Sandusky
Melissa J. Kudela, Huron
With Distinction
Pierre Williams Lacombe, Sandusky
With Distinction
Kimberlee Marie Lipstraw, Sandusky
Abbey Elizabeth Logan, Sandusky
Vanessa J. Lonigro, Collins
Amanda Marie Matter, Sandusky
Gretchen Christine McCarley, Sandusky
JoAnn Mihalek, Nowalk
Jennifer L. Milefchik, Port Clinton
Nicholas Ryan Montes, Bowling Green
Michael Warren Moreland, Newark
Eileen Marie Moriarty, Huron
Makayla Janise Mullins, Vickery
Kory Thomas Munk, Sandusky
Kylie Anne Neer, Sandusky
Racquel A. Pace, Sandusky
Clay A. Parish, Sandusky
Kelsey Anne Pepa, Lakeside Marblehead
Joshua Paul Phillips, Berlin Heights
Nathan John Phillips, Willard
Timothy David Plank, Wakeman
With Distinction
Stephanie Ann Ponikvar, Huron
With Distinction
Anissa Nicole Pugh, Vermilion
Elizabeth Ann Raftery, Norwalk
With Distinction
Brian Paul Reinhart, Bellevue
With Distinction
Brooke E. Ring, Sandusky
With Highest Distinction
Christina Maria Rivera, Huron
Tara Lynn Robbins, Sandusky
Adam Lawrence Rooker, Castalia
Austin Jeffrey Rospert, Catawba Island
Taylor Lynn Russo, Huron
Alyssa Rae Ryan, Sandusky
Amy Lynn Salmons, Berlin Heights
Christopher Ray Scherz, Sandusky
Brittany Marie Schuster, Berlin Heights
With Highest Distinction
Charles Timothy Schwarz, Kansas City
Carliann M. Schwerer, Sandusky
Cheyanne Elese Sebolt, Collins
With Highest Distinction
Macy Lynn Sessler, Sandusky
Jenna Victoria Stacy, Sandusky
With Distinction
Caleb A. Stidham, Huron
With Distinction
Gabrielle Elizabeth Stoll, Huron
Amber Lynn Sypherd, Lakeside Marblehead
Elaysha Inez Taft, Sandusky
Kirsten E. Taylor, Sandusky
Herbert M. Tennant, Sebastian
Daniel L. Traxler, North Fairfield
Frida Gashumba Umuhoza, Norwalk
Tera L. Ungerer, Clyde
Carlee M. Vaughn, Sandusky
With Distinction
Alex Andrew Wasylik, Sandusky
Brenna Marie Weaver, Sandusky
Bailey N. Wikel, Berlin Heights
A ssociate
T echnical S tudy
With distinction
With distinction signifies a high
level of academic achievement in
an associate degree program and
graduation with praise. The honor
requires a minimum of 28 Total
Letter-Graded Credits (TLC) and a
cumulative GPA at least as high as the
larger of 3.5 and [4.5 - (TLC/55)].
With highest distinction
With highest distinction signifies
the highest level of academic
achievement in an associate degree
program and graduation with
great praise. This honor requires a
minimum of 50 Total Letter-Graded
Credits (TLC) and a cumulative GPA
at least as high as the larger of 3.9
and [4.9 - (TLC/55)].
Rachael Beth Cummings, Milan
Carolyn R. Lynch, Norwalk
Allyson Leigh Tuttle, Castalia
A ssociate of T echnical S tudy
C oding and M edical B illing
Kelstin Marie Barna, Norwalk
With Distinction
Joanne Marie Lopez, Norwalk
A ssociate of T echnical S tudy
R adiologic S cience
Christine A. Ammanniti, Bellevue
With Distinction
B usiness M anagement C ertificate
Leah Sabol, Milan
C ollege C redit P lus
A ssociate
S cience
Kimble L. Arnold, Monroeville
Victoria M. Jensen, Edison
Emily N. Lommerin, Perkins
Adam John Panas, Perkins
Caylie Mary Shover, Edison
Morgan Rae Skaff, Perkins
Morgan Amelia Yun, Margaretta
C o mm e n c e m e n t , M ay 2016
H o n o r s C o l l e g e C a n d i d at e s
The criteria for graduating with Presidential
Honors include the successful completion
of 27 hours of honors courses, a 3.75
grade point average and completion of
an interdisciplinary honors project. The
criteria for graduating with University
Honors include the successful completion
of 20 hours of honors courses, a 3.5
grade point average and completion of an
interdisciplinary honors project. Students
graduating with Presidential Honors and
University Honors are wearing honors
The following students will be graduating
with Presidential Honors:
Rachel Berg
Inspector G.E.N.R.E-Helping Students Get Excited for New Reading Experiences
Mary Ann Culver, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Angela Thomas, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Patrick Pauken, School of Educational Foundations, Leadership and Policy
Steven Kubitza
Jameson’s Story: A Tale of the Human Condition through Fiction
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors College
Dr. Paul Moore, Biology
Elizabeth Moser
Comparing Contemporary Dystopian Novels with Canonical Classics in the Classroom
Dr. Jim Berta, School of Teaching
and Learning
Rona Klein, English
Maria Nielsen
Student Use and Justification of Multiple Representations
Dr. Jonathan Bostic, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors College
Sara Rayburn
Integration of Content in Early Childhood Education
Dr. Mary Ann Culver, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Pat Vrooman, School of Teaching and Learning
Emily Skibski
Not Just the Watered-Down Version of Freshman Orientation
Dr. Jodi Devine, Honors College
Dr. Margaret Weinberger, Sociology
Jessica Huddleston, New Student Orientation
The following students will be graduating
with University Honors:
Moriah Angott
An Unchained Analysis of Racial Tension in America
Clayton Rosati, Telecommunications
Lucas Ostrowski, Theater and Film
Angela Barbour
“Luck of the Draw.” Enhancing Safety in Equine University Sport
Dr. Laura Sanchez, Sociology
Dr. Lee Meserve, Biology
Ashley Brickner
Signs of Friendship
Abigail Cloud, English
Annette Barga, School of Intervention Services
Alec Brown
Purification of the Cor Bacteriophage Protein
Dr. Ray Larsen, Biology
Dr. Andrew Torelli, Chemistry
Spencer Bryant
A Comparison of Water Conservation Methods within the Supply Chain
Dr. Janet Hartley, College of Business
Dr. William Sawaya, College of Business
Emily Dushek
Cultural Translation: A Look at Understanding American Film in Spain
Dr. Rebecca Kinney, School of Cultural and Critical Studies
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors College
Katie Finch
Unmarried Older Adults and Economic Well-Being
Dr. Susan Brown, Sociology
Dr. Wendy Watson, Gerontology
Anna Flemming
A is for Asperger’s
Rona Klein, English
Bradford Clark, Theater and Film
Savannah Fulmer
Geological Bodies
Bonnie Mitchell, Digital Arts
Ina Terry, Geology
Keagan Gertz
The Binding Target of a Bacterial Toxin
Dr. Ray Larsen, Biology
Dr. Andrew Torelli, Chemistry
Brittany Graves
Inclusive Settings: RTI in the General Education Classroom
Dr. Christopher Fluckinger, Psychology, BGSU Firelands
Dr. Alfred DiVencenzo, Human Services and Family Studies, BGSU Firelands
Kaysie Harrington
Immigration to the US and Canada
Dr. Rebecca Mancuso, History
Dr. Marc Simon, Political Science
Madison Hays
Educating Managers on How to Manage Introverted vs. Extroverted Employees
Dr. Margaret Brooks, College of Business
Dr. Sherry Sullivan, College of Business
Elizabeth Herring
Role of Humor Production and Humor Receptivity in Relationship Satisfaction
Dr. Anne Gordon, Psychology
Dr. Lisa Hanasono, Communications
Alexandra Hohlbein
Post-Transplant Metabolic Risk Factors in Pediatric Heart Transplant Patients
Dr. Andrew Torelli, Chemistry
Dr. Chesney Castleberry, Washington University/St. Louis Children's Hospital
Alexandria Hudeck
The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on EEG Asymmetry
Dr. Kei Nomaguchi, Sociology
Dr. Sherona Garrett-Ruffin, Psychology
Emily Hummel
Environmental Justice in Varying Situations
Holly Myers, Environment and Sustainability
Dr. Yu Zhou, Geography
Victoria Hutchinson
The Kindred Series: Book 1, The Half Moon Inn
Dr. Wendell Mayo, English
Lucas Ostrowski, Theater and Film
Krystal Ingman
The Creation, Sharing, and Promotion of
Japanese Popular Culture on Tumblr: Exposure to Internationality in Young Adults
Dr. Ramune Braziunaite, Communications
Dr. Ewart Skinner, School of Media and Communications
Jessica Jarvis
The Association between Preschool Type and Children’s Concentration Abilities
Dr. Priscilla Coleman, Human Development and Family Studies
Dr. Jean Gerard, Human Development and Family Studies
Dr. Marie Tisak, Psychology
Kaylee Kapalko
Signs of Friendship
Abigail Cloud, English
Annette Barga, School of Intervention Services
Maren Legg
Preserving Personhood in Individuals with Cognitive Impairment: A Caregiver’s Role
Dr. Charlie Stelle, Gerontology
Dr. Allison Goedde, Education
Kelsey Lortz
Digital Poetry: Writing for the Electronic Medium
Jerry Schnepp, Visual Communication Technology
Abigail Cloud, English
Bryant Miesle
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors College
Lucas Ostrowski, Theater and Film
Nadejda Mirochnitchenko
The Influence of Beached Harmful Algal Blooms On Terrestrial Arthropods on the Shore of Lake Erie
Dr. Kevin McCluney, Biology
Dr. W. Robert Midden, Chemistry
Cassandra Mitchell
Critical Thinking of History in Entertainment
Dr. Ruth Wallis Herndon, History
Heejoo Kim, Digital Arts
Leah Oliver
Media Literacy Curriculum for the Adolescent Young Adult Classroom
Dr. Sarah Rainey, Women and Gender Studies
Dr. Joanna Weaver, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Lori Liggett, The School of Media and Communication
Alisha Sanders
Archaic Apollo in Augustan Rome
Dr. Sean Leatherbury, Art
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors College
Heather Webb
Crossroads: How Race, Class and Gender Affect Views of Poverty
Harland Jones, General Studies Writing
Katharine Kontak, College of Business
Alexandra Schmidt
Incentive Contrast as a Relative Reward
Dr. Howard Cromwell, Psychology
Dr. Michael Geusz, Biology
Michael Wenig
Bowling Green High School Branding Plan
Dr. J. Lucy Lee, School of Human Movement and Leisure Studies
Ruth White, School of Business
Sophia Schmitz
The Wishing Well: A Children's Ballet
Colleen Murphy, Human Movement and Leisure Studies
Kirk Kern, College of Business
Corey Selhorst
Morality of Libertarian, Socialist, and Mixed Economies
Dr. Kevin Vallier, Philosophy
Dr. Kevin Quinn, Economics
Jacqueline Osborn
Póliza: A Bilingual Anthology of Postmodern Female Peninsular Spanish Poets
Amanda Rzicznek, General Studies Writing
Dr. Pedro Porben, Romance and Classical Studies
Victoria Sutton
Pre-School and Kindergarten Language Arts Curriculum Unit
Kimberly Christensen, School of Intervention Services
Stacey Dudley, School of Teaching and Learning
Harland Jones, General Studies Writing
Adam Paynter
Designing an Overall Health Program for Individuals with Down Syndrome
Dr. Matt Laurent, Exercise Science
Elizabeth Walters, Athletic Training
Morgan Tantillo
The Effects of Exercise and Time of Day on EEG Asymmetry and Mood
Dr. Sherona Garrett-Ruffin, Psychology
Dr. Hanfeng Chen, Mathematics
Danielle Rains
Telescopes and Spyglasses: Using Literary Theories in High School Classrooms
Dr. Tim Murnen, School of Teaching and Learning
Dr. Kim Coates, English
Morgan Tucker
Enlightenment in Education: Buddhist Influences in Thai Education
Judy Vandenbroek, School of Intervention
Dr. Hyeyoung Bang, School of Educational Foundations, Leadership, and Policy
Kaitlin Richard
Comparison of Commercial Gecko Food Growth on Rhacodactylus Auriculatus
Dr. Eileen Underwood, Biology
Dr. Mary Ludy, Public and Allied Health
Abigail Watson
Lingua Franca
Kim Young, Digital Arts
Dr. Sheri Wells-Jensen, English
David Westmeyer
BLS Option for Pre-Dental Students at BGSU
Rachel Flick, College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors College
Trey Williams
Conversion of CAFO Manure into
a Slow-Release Fertilizer
Dr. W. Robert Midden, Center of Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education
Dr. Alexis Ostrowski, Chemistry
Marjorie Williams
Diversity in Business
Dr. Ray Braun, College of Business
Dr. Heath Diehl, English and Honors College
The following student will be graduating
with Departmental Honors in Biology:
Emily Warner
Dr. Raymond Larsen, Biology
A Message
U n i v e r s i t y A d va n c e m e n t
D e a r N e w A l um n i ,
Congratulations on earning your degree from Bowling Green State University.
Welcome to the next level of your relationship with BGSU.
Stay connected to BGSU alumni all over the country by getting involved in
local alumni networks. The networks are designed to serve and assist with
the personal and professional success of alumni, as well as help to keep you
connected to the continued success of your alma mater.
You also may stay connected by joining one of the many alumni societies
that are organized around a common interest. Much like networks, these
groups actively support the University through student recruitment, career
mentoring, scholarship fundraising, community service and
social activities.
On behalf of BGSU and the more than 175,000 alumni found around
the globe – congratulations! We are proud of you and know that you
will do great things! For more information regarding alumni services please
Shea McGrew
Vice President for University Advancement
Bowling Green State University Creed
I am a Falcon.
I value an education inside and outside of the classroom.
I aspire to be an engaged global citizen and leader.
I seek service to improve my community.
I collaborate with fellow Falcons in changing the world.
I promote diversity, respect, and a culture of inclusion.
I pursue excellence in all I do.
I support my Falcon family.
I believe in BGSU.
I am a Falcon.
Alma Mater
Edith Ludwig Bell
- ma Ma - ter
Make us wor - thy
will treat
kind - ly,
your halls
mem - ’ry
our hymn dear
Al - ma
si - ty.
the cam - pus
dear Bow - ling
the by - gone
thy name
Copyright © 1951 Edith Ludwig Bell. Arrangement copyright © 2003 Ryan Nowlin. All rights reserved.
Un - i - ver -
Ma - ter,
from now you’ll
we praise thy
add - ing
hearts, our
Chimes ring out with
is just
sons and daugh - ters
ev - er dear - er
hear us,
Congratulations Graduates!
Spring 2016

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