Media Kit - US Cellular Center
Media Kit - US Cellular Center
Connecting your business with the people who shape Asheville and WNC Delivering the highest concentration of educated, affluent and influential citizens. Our listeners are your clients, customers, patrons and employees. Steve Busey, Director of Underwriting Office: 828-210-4816 Cell: 828-230-6244 This is NPR® National Public Radio NPR is the most respected news gathering agency in the United States WCQS delivers NPR NEWS and entertainment, classic jazz and traditional regional music in a noncommercial, educational environment. During the weekday commute, WCQS carries trusted national and international news from Morning Edition and All Things Considered—while our staff of radio journalists covers state and regional issues with the same thoughtful perspective. On the weekends, listeners laugh with the likes of Car Talk, Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me, the perennially popular A Prairie Home Companion and This American Life. In the evenings, this audience enjoys NPR Jazz Profiles, Piano Jazz, Jazz from Lincoln Center and locally produced ‘Round Midnite with Jamal Jabali and Jazz Shack with Richard Layman. WCQS truly is the “Heart of the Arts” in WNC making classical music accessible with friendly and educational commentary. WCQS supports arts and culture in Asheville and WNC, offering a return to the fundamentals of effective marketing – a simple, honest message delivered to a loyal audience in a non cluttered and high integrity environment. Each week, WCQS reaches approximately 80,000 highly engaged listeners, the second largest audience in the Asheville Metro area, including all public and commercial formats. No listeners report changing channels due to sponsorship announcements in contrast to commercial radio behavior. A Dynamic Audience WCQS attracts loyal listeners and supporters from all walks of life. They are highly educated, culturally passionate and concerned with the issues facing their community and the world at large. They are 3.6 times more likely than the average American to have completed graduate school. Affluent & Influential GENDER Male 46% 54% Female EDUCATION 70% College Grad 18% Some College HOUSEHOLD INCOME (000) AGE GROUPS 18-34 35-54 55-65+ 75+ 14% 29% 55% 50-75 25-49 38% 24% 25% WCQS AUDIENCE #1 RADIO STATION AMONG HOUSEHOLDS MAKING $75,000+ Median Household Income is $92,700 compared to National Average of $59,300 NPR Public Radio Profile 2014 Have an Advanced Degree 10% 36% Professional Occupation 13% 27% Culturally Passionate $500,000+ Market Price of Home 6% 13% Donated to Arts, Cultural Organization in Last Year 14% 23% Community Minded Visited a Foreign Country in the Past Year 24% 39% Participated in Community Activities 77% 94% Voted in Federal, State or Local Elections 45% 71% Source GFK, MRI, NPR Profile 2014 NPR Audience US Population Strategic Marketing Partnership Focused on Your Goals Underwriting on public radio delivers dual marketing benefits to your organization: Your message reaches an exceptionally devoted audience that is hard to capture through traditional media and your support of a respected, nonprofit public service generates goodwill. Your Asheville Public Radio representative will work with you to customize an effective campaign that may include: • Broadcast announcements, 15 seconds in length, written in an objective style that listeners expect and appreciate • 300 x 250 Banner ads on • Banner ads on Member and Underwriting e-newsletters • Streaming Broadcast Introduction The mission of WCQS is to provide objective, intelligent news and information programing along with engaging musical and cultural entertainment, free of commercial constraints as a public service for our community. Underwriting Generates Marketing Results Delivers an excellent ROI 95% of public radio listeners have taken a direct action as a result of sponsorship, acting on their preference to do business with partners of their station. Builds Brand Loyalty and Trust 59% of listeners surveyed believe companies that sponsor programs on public radio are more credible than those that advertise on commercial radio. Cultivates Clients and Consumers 80% of NPR listeners prefer to buy products and services from companies that support public radio, when price and quality are equal. Corporate Citizenship 88% of public radio listeners hold a more positive opinion of a company when they learn it supports public radio. Source: NPR/Jacobs Media Why WCQS? Compelling and In-Depth Journalism The environment on public radio is thoughtful, compelling and engaging. The journalism team at WCQS provides a forum to cover the people, issues and events that shape our region. Quality Audience The WCQS audience is highly educated, affluent and influential. They have significant discretionary income and are politically and culturally engaged in their community. 77% of NPR listeners are homeowners. Beneficial Relationship Just by virtue of supporting WCQS, the connection you build with listeners predisposes their desire to do business with you. There’s a sense of ownership with WCQS that no other media can match. And it’s this “ownership” that creates the loyalty that we transfer to our underwriters. WCQS delivers an affluent, educated and brand loyal audience that values your business sponsorship of the station. Your association with WCQS radio builds a positive brand perception and increases your credibility 80% of our listeners say they prefer to take their business to our sponsors: Source: NPR/Jacobs Media WCQS underwriting guidelines and samples On-air public radio: sponsorship messages can… The programming environment on public radio is compelling, engaging and free of clutter. With an average of only eight, 15-second local messages per hour (2 per break), there is virtually no tune out. Your message will be heard. • Be a maximum total length of 15 seconds • Announce primary information: name, location, years in business • Include factual, value-neutral descriptions of a sponsor or its products, services or events • List up to 4 services provided • Day(s) or date(s) of event • Website URL FREQUENCIES / FM COVERAGE AREA YANCEY MADISON Mars Hill Marshall TENNESSEE HAYWOOD Cherokee Bryson City Asheville Clyde SWAIN BUNCOMBE Waynesville RUTHERFORD HENDERSON Dillsboro Cullowhee JACKSON Franklin CHEROKEE Black Mountain Sylva GRAHAM McDOWELL Hendersonville Brevard POLK TRANSYLVANIA MACON Murphy CLAY Highlands GEORGIA SOUTH CAROLINA 88.1 Asheville, 88.5 Murphy 89.7 Cullowhee, Waynesville, Clyde,Webster 90.5 Brevard 91.3 Franklin N. Georgia 91.5 Dillsboro, Sylva 94.7 Bryson City 95.3 Cherokee Waynesville 99.3 Hendersonville 101.7 Highlands 107.5 Black Mountain Montreat For Instance... ...THE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA – WORKING WITH INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES TO ESTABLISH CHARITABLE FUNDS THAT SUPPORT ORGANIZATIONS AND COMMUNITIES ACROSS WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA – NOW AND FOREVER – WITH MORE AT C-F-W-N-C DOT ORG ...INGLES SUPERMARKETS – PROVIDING SEASONAL PRODUCE, CRAFT MADE BREADS AND ORGANIC HORMONE FREE MEATS FROM LOCAL AND REGIONAL PROVIDERS – SERVING THE REGION FOR OVER 50 YEARS – WITH MORE AT INGLES HYPHEN MARKETS DOT COM The FCC asks Public Radio to avoid… • Comparative, qualitative, suggestive endorsements or promotional language • Addressing the usefulness, convenience or advantages of a product of service • Inducement to buy, sell, rent, lease, borrow or loan • Price or value information • First person or second person words which imply endorsement (I, you, they, we) • More than two mentions of a company name including URL • No direct calls to action Acceptable: “…WITH INFORMATION AVAILABLE AT ABC DOT COM”, Unacceptable: “…GO TO ABC DOT COM” PROGRAMMING 5 AM SUNDAY SUNDAY MONDAY MONDAY TUESDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY PROGRAMMING THURSDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SATURDAY AM 5 6 AM 6 7 AM 7 8 AM 8 9 9 AM 10 AM 10 11 AM 11 5 AM BBC BBC BBC BBC Morning MORNINGEdition EDITION On Being ON BEING Selected SELECTED SHORTS Shorts Weekend WEEKEND Edition EDITION Weekend WEEKEND Edition EDITION Wait, WAIT,Wait WAIT Don’t DON’TTell TELLMe ME Classical Music CLASSICAL MUSIC 2 PM 2 5 PM 5 6 6 PM 7 7 PM 8 8 PM 2 AM 2 3 AM 3 San SANFransisco FRANCISCO Symphony SYMPHONY Fiesta FIESTA C lCLASSICAL assical Music MUSIC Santa SANTAFe FE RECORD Record Shelf hamber ORCHESTRA Orchestra AMERICAN Life LIFE CCHAMBER SHELF Jazz Bob JAZZwWITH 1 AM 1 MarketPlace MARKETPLACE PIANO Jazz JAZZ Piano Jazz Bob JAZZwWITH BOB PARLOCHA Parlocha Jazz Bob JAZZ w WITH Parlocha BOB PARLOCHA Chicago CHICAGO Symphony SYMPHONY Orchestra ORCHESTRA Jazz rofiles JAZZPPROFILES Jazz JAZZNight NIGHTin INAmerica AMERICA Classical CLASSICAL Music MUSIC Jazz Bob JAZZwWITH Parlocha BOB PARLOCHA Jazz w Bob Parlocha 66AM 77AM 88AM 99AM 1010AM 1111AM 1212PM PM The Splendid THE SPLENDID TABLE Table 1 1PM Marketplace MARKETPLACE Money WEEKEND 2 2PM ON THE On The Media MEDIA 3 3PM Specials SPECIALS THIS This American AMERICAN Life LIFE All Things ALL THINGS Considered CONSIDERED Specials SPECIALS Country COUNTRY Roots ROOTS CLASSICAL MUSIC Classical Music Fresh FRESHAir AIR All Things ALL THINGS Considered CONSIDERED 11 11 PM Parlocha BOB PARLOCHA AM 12 12 PM CLASSICAL MUSIC C CLASSICAL lassical Music MUSIC 9 9 PM This American THIS 10 PM 10 State of OF Things STATE THINGS Says SAYS You YOU FromFROM The Top THE TOP 3 PM 3 4 PM 4 CLASSICAL MUSIC Car Talk CAR TALK Wait, WAIT, Wait WAIT Don’t DON’T Tell TELL Me ME Prairie A PRAIRIE Home 12 PM HOME PM 12 Companion COMPANION 1 PM 1 5 AM All ALL Things THINGS Considered CONSIDERED 44PM 55PM 6 6PM APrairie PRAIRIE 7 7PM Home HOME FromFROM The Top Companion COMPANION THE TOP 8 8PM Symphony SYMPHONY Cast CAST Close To CLOSE TO Home HOME 9 9PM 1010PM Jazz Shack JAZZ SHACK Round ‘ROUND Midnight MIDNIGHT 1111 PM AM 1212PM 11 AM BBC OVERNIGHT BBC (Global News, World Sports, Etc) 4 AM 4 22AM 33AM 4 4AM at the app store WCQS UNDERWRITING RATES: In almost all cases we prepare a customized plan for each underwriter. However, for planning purposes we invite you to use the following guidelines. Monday MONDAY through FRIDAY Friday 5am to 5am to10am 10am 10am toto3pm 10am 3pm 3pm to 7pm 3pm to 6:30pm 6:30p to 7pm 6:30pm to 7pm 7p to to 12 12 MidMid 7pm Morning Drive-Time Drive-Time Classical Music and Stateof of Things Classical Music and State Things Mid-Day Drive-Time Afternoon Drive-Time Marketplace MarketPlace Evenings Evenings SATURDAY Saturday 7am to 8am 7am 8am 8am to 8am to10am 10am 10am toto11am 10am 11am 11am N noon 11amtoto1212 12 1p1pm 12noon noontoto 1pm to to 5pm 1pm 5pm 5pm to 6pm 5pm 6pm 6pm to to 8pm 6pm 8pm 8pm to 8pm to1212Mid Mid Price per NET Message RATE Day-Part DAY PARTS Selected Shorts Selected Shorts Weekend Edition Weekend Edition $52 $52 $31 $31 $52 $52 $52 $52 $26 $26 SATURDAY CarCar TalkTalk Wait, Tell Me Wait,Wait...Don’t Wait…Don't Tell Me The Splendid TableTable The Splendid Mid-Day (MarketPlace Wkd, On OnThe TheMedia, Media, Specials, This Mid-Day (Marketplace Wknd, Specials, ThisAmerican American Life) Life) All AllThings ThingsConsidered Considered Prairie Home Companion AA Prairie Home Companion Close Home,and Round Midnight Close ToToHome Round Midnight $26 $26 $40 $40 $52 $52 $52 $52 $40 $40 $31 $31 $40 $40 $40 $40 $26 $26 SUNDAY Sunday 7am to to 8am 7am 8am 8am to 8am to10am 10am 10am 10amtoto11am 11am 11am toto1pm 11am 1pm 1pm to 1pm to5pm 5pm 5pm to 5pm to6pm 6pm 8pm to 12 Mid 8pm to 12 Mid OnOn Being Being Weekend Edition Weekend Edition Wait, Wait...Don’t Tell Tell Me Me Wait, Wait…Don't A Prairie Companion PrairieHome Home Companion Mid-Day Mid- Day AllAll Things Considered Things Considered Specials,Specials, Country Roots, ThisThis American Country Roots, AmericanLife, Life Jazz with Bob Jazz with Bob Parlocha Parlocha $26 $26 $40 $40 $52 $52 $40 $40 $31 $31 $40 $40 $26 $26 ROTATION PLANS ROTATORS ROTATORS MON - FRI thru Monday 5am to Friday 12 Mid 5am to 5am to7pm 12Mid 5am to- 7pm MON FRI Monday thru 5am to 12 Mid Sunday 5am to 7pm 5am to 12 Mid 5am to 7pm Rotate Through 4 Day-Parts Rotate Evenly 4 Day-Parts Rotate evenly through 4 Day-Parts Rotate Through 3Through Day-Parts Evenly Through 3 Day-Parts RotateRotate evenly through 3 Day-Parts Rotate Through 4 Day-Parts Rotate Through 3 Day-Parts Rotate evenly through 4 Day-Parts Rotateevenly Evenlythrough Through 3 Day-Parts Rotate Day-Parts NET - RATE Price Per $37 Message $43 $37 NET$43 - RATE Price $32Per Message $36 $32 $36 WCQS SPECIAL PACKAGES Drive Time Concentration Segment Mon-Fri, 5a-10a Mon-Fri, 3p-7p Totals Rate Pkg Credits Card Rate Total 5 $52 $48 $240 5 $52 $48 $240 10 $480 Average Spot Rate: $48 The Weekender Rate Pkg Segment Credits Card Rate Total Sat/Sun 7-10a 2 $40 $35 $70 Sat/Sun 10a-5p 2 $31 $25 $50 Sat/Sun 5-6p 2 $40 $25 $50 Sat/Sun, 7-10p 2 $26 $20 $40 Totals 8 $210 Average Spot Rate: $26 Maximum Audience (no other discounts apply) Rate Pkg Segment CreditsCard Rate Total Mon-Fri, 5a-10a 5 $52 $35 $175 Mon-Fri, 10a-3p 5 $31 $20 $100 Mon-Fri, 3p-7p 5 $52 $35 $175 Mon-Fri, 7p-10p 5 $26 $15 $75 Weekends,Sat 7a-10p 3 $30 $20 $60 Weekends,Sun 7a-10p 3 $30 $20 $60 Totals 26 $645 Average Spot Rate: $25