OCULARIST – DEFINITION THE REMOVAL OF AN EYE (enucleation / evisceration) After the removal of an eye, to accommodate for the loss of volume in most cases an orbital implant is surgically inserted by the eye specialist in order to fill out the orbit and prevent further pathological problems. Approximately four to six weeks post-operatively the patient can then be fitted with an ocular prosthesis with a three dimensional fit. Membrane Implant Muscle Optic Nerve After Ocularist visit THE ACRYLIC STOCK EYE PROSTHESIS Ocularists also supply and fit stock eye prostheses. These are not individually designed but usually chosen from a fitting set by the Ocularist. It is possible to adjust an acrylic stock eye for a better cosmetic result and best comfort. THE GLASS EYE PROSTHESIS Prosthesis Orbital Implant Before Ocularist visit Muscle Affected eye THE OCULAR PROSTHESIS After surgery The ocular prosthesis, commonly known as an artificial eye can be made from glass or acrylic. A glass artificial eye is made of a specially produced silicate glass. The Ocularist begins with a glass globe with a finished iris and cornea, and it takes approximately an hour to complete the prosthesis. The glass prosthesis must be replaced every 1-2 years. It is not possible to polish or modify a glass artificial eye. THE ACRYLIC EYE PROSTHESIS THE SCLERAL OR HAPTIC SHELL Acrylic (Methyl Methacrylate) is an extremely hard substance. This type of prosthesis is manufactured from an impression taken of the socket and custom designed to match the overall cosmesis of the existing eye. The acrylic ocular prosthesis is generally replaced every five to eight years due to socket tissue changes. It is possible to modify the existing prosthesis within the first three years should socket changes occur earlier than normal. A scleral shell or scleral lens is a flush fitting, thin artificial eye usually fitting over a patient’s own shrunken eye, called Phthisis bulbi. It is a large lens fitting over the white of the eye as well as the cornea, thus called a scleral shell since the white of the eye is called sclera. They can be used for aesthetic reasons but can often be used therapeutically for corneal protection, tear retention and pain relief in ocular surface disorders. It can also be called a Haptic Shell, meaning simply that it touches on the eye. THE OCULAR PROSTHESIS & CHILDREN The ocular prosthesis Scleral cover shell After ocularist visit When fitting a child with either a glass or acrylic eye prosthesis, a new prosthesis is required at regular intervals during the growing years in order to have the socket and prosthesis shape and size keep pace with the changes occuring in the facial bone structure. www.oasa.org.za THE OCULARISTS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA The Association represents the co-ordinating body for disciplines related to the rehabilitation of the patients suffering from all forms of Ocular and Orbital trauma resulting in either blindness or loss of either one or both eyes. MISSION STATEMENT The Ocularists aim is, through an eye prosthesis not only to restore lost orbital and ocular contours and function, but also to buoy the spirit of the patient. The Association aims to endeavour to sustain and further develop the working relationship held with Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons and Maxillo-facial Surgeons in order to achieve the best possible treatment in holistic rehabilitation of patients. OMBUDSMAN The Ocularists of Southern AfricaAfrica has appointed The OcularistsAssociation Association of Southern makes use Mrthe Harry Rosen asOmbudsman, Ombudsman. of Optometric care of the Executive Officer of the The Ombudsman is available to both Ocularists patients South African Optometric Association, Mr Harryand Rosen. Contact alike 8053882. in order to The maintain an open is andavailable honest work ethicOcularist in 011 Ombudsman to both Ocularistry. can be contacted and patient The alikeombudsman in order to maintain an open and honest work on 0833793374 ethic in Ocularistry.or ombudsman@oasa.org.za. President Before Ocularist visit Jackie Heatlie 0824921848 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Vice-President / Public Relations G. Officer Altona Chantal DownwardJ. Treasurer B. Carvalho Gail Altona president@oasa.org.za 0832367670 Heatlie pro@oasa.org.za C. Kritzinger 0153071243 treasurer@oasa.org.za P. Carvalho V. van 0823370203 der Linde Pedro Carvalho members@oasa.org.za Past President /Member Liaison Officer Secretary CARE AND MAINTAINANCE TYPE: It is important to see your Ocularist every year for the polishing of the ocular prosthesis. It improves comfort and ensures good socket health. This depends on the individual and the type of prosthesis. It is suggested to follow the regimen prescribed by your Ocularist. Please also feel free to browse the website at An Ocularist is a trained professional who manufactures and fits Custom Designed Ocular Prostheses and Haptic Scleral shells (Artificial eyes and lenses fitted over blinded eyes). The Ocularists’ domain is the eye socket and blinded ptisical eyes. Beryl Carvalho 0832631026 secretary@oasa.org.za After Ocularist visit NPC OCULARISTS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA An Eye on the Profession Before Ocularist visit After Ocularist visit (NPC) . ank . Mr Marc Trester 015 307 1243 abear@midrand-estates.co.za abear@midrand-estates.co.za abear@midrand-estates.co.za Name Practice Name NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME PracticeNAME Telephone W. Trester Ocularist t/a Glass Eyes International PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Email EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL (w) 011 434 5532 |Mrs 011 683 Mrs Gail Altona 8224 Mrs Gail Gail Altona Altona PRACTICE ADDRESS PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS ADDRESS PRACTICE ADDRESS Midrand - Gauteng PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS Midrand Midrand -- Gauteng Gauteng Email ADDRESS gailltona@tzaneen.co.za ADDITIONAL PRACTICE ADDRESSESTzaneen Bloemfontein |East East London ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES Bloemfontein Bloemfontein || East London London Practice address - Limpopo NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME Name NAME www.arteyesassoc.co.za PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Name TELEPHONE Email NAME NAME NAME Practice address PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Tzaneen - Limpopo Tzaneen Tzaneen -- Limpopo Limpopo beryl@eyesalive.co.za Jack Bernard Mr MrMr Jack Jack Bernard Bernard Mr Wolfgang Trester Randburg – Gauteng /Custom Centurion Jack Bernard t/a Custom Eyes Jack Jack Bernard Bernard t/a t/a Custom Eyes Eyes PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. Website PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL (w) 011 478 0015/65 www.eyealive.co.za (w) (w) 011 011 478 478 0015/65 0015/65 W. Trester Ocularist t/a Glass Eyes International info@custom-eyes.co.za info@custom-eyes.co.za info@custom-eyes.co.za Randburg - Gauteng Randburg -683 - Gauteng Gauteng Pedro Carvalho (w) 011 434 5532Mr|Randburg 011 8224 PRACTICE ADDRESS PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS Name ADDRESS NAME NAME NAME Practice Name PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Mike Bernard Mr MrMr Mike Mike Bernard Bernard Eyes Alive donna@dongang.co.za The Contact Lens Laboratory The The Contact Contact Lens Lens Laboratory Laboratory of ofof SA SASA Practice Telephone NO. PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Email EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL 083 263 1026 - 086 139 3725 (w) 011 326 0245 | (c) 079 526 3317 (w) (w) 011 011 326 326 0245 0245 || (c) (c) 079 079 526 526 3317 3317 Johannesburg | Cape Town eyesalive@worldonline.coza mike@contactlenssa.co.za mike@contactlenssa.co.za mike@contactlenssa.co.za Practice address PRACTICE ADDRESS PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS ADDRESS Randburg – Gauteng / Centurion Randburg - Gauteng Randburg Randburg -- Gauteng Gauteng Mr Danie van derwww.eyealive.co.za Linde Mrs Beryl Carvalho Mrs Mrs Beryl Beryl Carvalho Carvalho Website NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Eyes Alive Eyes Eyes Alive Alive Ocular Impressions (w) 011 704 3153 |(w) (w) 0861eyesalive Mr(w) Jorgon Cieslik (w) 011 011 704 704 3153 3153 || (w) 0861eyesalive 0861eyesalive Name PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. |(c) 083 263 1026 |(c) |(c) 083 083 263 263 1026 1026 Jorgen Cieslik Ocularist eyesalive@worldonline.co.za eyesalive@worldonline.co.za eyesalive@worldonline.co.za (w) 021 945 4926 Practice Name EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Practice Telephone NO. PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES 011 660 3191 – 083 260 0583 Randburg |Centurion Centurion Eye Hospital - Gauteng Randburg Randburg || Centurion Eye Eye Hospital Hospital -- Gauteng Gauteng oculaimp@iafrica.com jtcieslik@mweb.co.za www.eyesalive.co.za Email WEBSITE WEBSITE WEBSITE www.eyesalive.co.za www.eyesalive.co.za Krugersdorp –Carvalho /Nelspruit/St John’s Eye Hospital/ Maputo Bellville | Port Elizabeth |Gauteng Rondebosch Pedro Carvalho Mr MrMr Pedro Pedro Carvalho Practice address NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME www.vidat.co.za Name PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Practice Name EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Practice Telephone PRACTICE ADDRESSNO. PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS ADDRESS Eyes Alive Eyes Eyes Alive Alive (w) 011 7043153 |(c)(c) 082 337 0203 (w) 011 011 7043153 7043153 || (c) 082 082 337 337 0203 0203 Mr(w) Nazeem Desai 0861eyesalive 0861eyesalive 0861eyesalive N A Desai Optometrist eyesalive@worldonline.co.za eyesalive@worldonline.co.za eyesalive@worldonline.co.za Mrs Vida van der016Linde /Trumpelman 590 1901 | – 083 786 9666 Randburg |Centurion Centurion Eye Hospital - Gauteng Randburg Randburg | Centurion Eye Eye Hospital Hospital -- Gauteng Gauteng www.eyesalive.co.za nazeemdesai@gmail.com www.eyesalive.co.za www.eyesalive.co.za Ocular Impressions WEBSITE Email WEBSITE WEBSITE Practice address NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME De Deur - Gauteng Mr Jorgen Cieslik Mr Mr Jorgen Jorgen Cieslik Cieslik (w) 021 945 4926Jorgen Jorgen Cieslik Ocularist Jorgen Cieslik Cieslik Ocularist Ocularist EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Practice Name PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES Nelspruit |Klerksdorp Klerksdorp Nelspruit ||Klerksdorp ADDITIONAL PRACTICE ADDRESSES Nelspruit ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES |St John’s Eye Hospital |Maputo |St |St John’s John’s Eye Eye Hospital Hospital |Maputo |Maputo Email chan.krit206@gmail.com www.vidat.co.za NAME Practice address NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Nazeem Desai Rosebank – Gauteng/ Rustenburg/Kimberly Mr MrMrNazeem Nazeem Desai Desai ADesai Desai Optometrist NN N AA Desai Optometrist Optometrist (w) 016 590 1901 (w) (w) 016 016 590 590 1901 1901 Ms Charmain van Druten PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Name EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Mr Peter Furber nadesai@optimaxmail.co.za nadesai@optimaxmail.co.za nadesai@optimaxmail.co.za Eye Craft laboratory Deur - Gauteng De DeDe Deur Deur -- Gauteng Gauteng Artificial Eye Clinic Practice Name PRACTICE ADDRESS PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS ADDRESS Practice Telephone NO. 031 563 9565 - 083 654 4553 (w) 011 954 3149 |Mr 011 793 7392 Mr Gavin Downward Mr Gavin Gavin Downward Downward NAME NAME NAME Email PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME eyecraft@worldonline.co.za Gavin Downward Ocularist Gavin Gavin Downward Downward Ocularist Ocularist cvdluyt@telkomsa.net Durban North – KwaZulu-Natal / Zimbabwe (w) 011)4476938 |(c)(c) 082 886 6938 (w) (w) 011)4476938 011)4476938 || (c) 082 082 886 886 6938 6938 PracticeTELEPHONE address PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. NO. EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL truevalue@absamail.co.za truevalue@absamail.co.za truevalue@absamail.co.za Pretoria | Bloem | Vanderbijlpark | Welkom | Witbank Rosebank - Gauteng | Rustenburg PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES Name Rosebank Rosebank -- Gauteng Gauteng || Rustenburg Rustenburg Mr Jamie Els NAME NAME NAME Practice Name PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Jamie Els Mr MrMr Jamie Jamie Els Els Jamie Els Laboratory PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Email EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL (w) 011 477 1595 |(c)(c) 072 997 8181 (w) (w) 011 011 477 477 1595 1595 || (c) 072 072 997 997 8181 8181 jels@facialprostheses.co.za info@facialprostheses.co.za info@facialprostheses.co.za info@facialprostheses.co.za Mrs Brownwyn Vreenegoor Jamie Els Laboratory Jamie Jamie Els Els Laboratory Laboratory Practice Telephone NO. 011 477 1595 – 082 444 8457 (c) 083565 8540 Westdene - Gauteng Westdene - Gauteng Westdene Westdene -- Gauteng Gauteng bronamm@law.co.za PracticeADDRESS address PRACTICE ADDRESS PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS WEBSITE Website WEBSITE WEBSITE Gauteng www.facialprostheses.co.za www.facialprotheses.co.za www.facialprostheses.co.za www.facialprostheses.co.za arteyes@futurejhb.co.za arteyes@futurejhb.co.za arteyes@futurejhb.co.za Bhungani Artificial Eye Services Pretoria | Midrand | Bloemfontein 0241040thomas@Gmail.com PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Name PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES Practice Name SURNAME SURNAME SURNAME Practice Telephone NO. PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME www.arteyesassoc.co.za www.arteyesassoc.co.za www.arteyesassoc.co.za Thomas Khubeka Mr MrMr Thomas Thomas Khubeka Khubeka Bhungani Artificial Eye Services Bhungani Bhungani Artificial Artificial Eye Eye Services Services Northcliff – Gauteng / Newcastle (w) 011 491 4219 |(c)(c) 073 789 9254 (w) (w) 011 011 491 491 4219 4219 || (c) 073 073 789 789 9254 9254 selbysecretary@clinix.co.za selbysecretary@clinix.co.za selbysecretary@clinix.co.za Mrs Chantal Kritzinger Selby - Gauteng |Newcastle Newcastle |Nelspruit Nelspruit Selby Selby -- Gauteng Gauteng || Newcastle || Nelspruit Chantal Kritzinger Ocularist Mrs Chantal Kritzinger Mrs Mrs Chantal Chantal Kritzinger Kritzinger Chantal Kritzinger Ocularist Chantal Chantal Kritzinger Kritzinger Ocularist Ocularist 041 373 5338 – 083 236 7670 Email TELEPHONE PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. NO. EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Practice address chan.krit206@gmail.com (w) 041 3735338|| (c) |(c)(c) 083 236 7670 (w) (w) 041 041 3735338 3735338 083 083 236 236 7670 7670 PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES WebsiteADDRESSES Port Port Elizabeth Elizabeth || Rosebank Rosebank -- Gauteng Gauteng www.ocularist.co.za NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Name TELEPHONE EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL truevalue@absamail.co.za truevalue@absamail.co.za Porttruevalue@absamail.co.za Elizabeth – Eastern Cape / Rosebank / Kimberley Port Elizabeth | Rosebank - Gauteng Marc Trester Mr MrMr Marc Marc Trester Trester Trester Ocularist t/a Glass Eyes International W. W.W. Trester Trester Ocularist Ocularist t/a t/a Glass Glass Eyes Eyes International International (w) 011 434 5532 |011 011 683 8224 (w) (w) 011 011 434 434 5532 5532 ||011 683 683 8224 8224 Mr Mark Trester donna@dongang.co.za donna@dongang.co.za donna@dongang.co.za Johannesburg |Cape Cape Town Johannesburg Johannesburg || Cape Town Town Practice Name W. Trester Ocularist t/a Glass Eyes International Practice Telephone NO. 011 434 5532 – 011 683 8224 PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES NAME NAME NAME Email PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Practice address PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES ADDRESSES Name NAME NAME NAME Practice Name PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES Practice ADDRESSES address WEBSITE WEBSITE WEBSITE Practice Telephone NO. (w) 012 344 1567 |(c)(c) 082 336 4671 (w) (w) 012 012 344 344 1567 1567 || (c) 082 082 336 336 4671 4671 Mr Thomas Kubheka 082 492 1848 082 082 492 492 1848 1848 Email NAME NAME NAME Practice address PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Krugersdorp - Gauteng Krugersdorp Krugersdorp Gauteng Gauteng Bellville | Port Elizabeth |--Rondebosch 0114476938 / 0828866938 PRACTICE ADDRESS PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS ADDRESS (w) 011 660 3191 (w) (w) 011 011 660 660 3191 3191 Gavin Downward Ocularist Mrs Jackie Heatlie Mrs Mrs Jackie Jackie Heatlie Heatlie Art Eyes Associates Art Art Eyes Eyes Associates Associates Pretoria Midrand || Bloemfontein Bloemfontein 011Pretoria 793 7392||–Midrand 073 789 9254 WEBSITE WEBSITE WEBSITE Practice TELEPHONE Telephone NO.NO. PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. EMAIL Email EMAIL EMAIL Practice Name Durban North - KZN Durban Durban North North -- KZN KZN Practice Telephone NO. Mr Gavin Downward vidat@mweb.co.za jtcieslik@mweb.co.za jtcieslik@mweb.co.za jtcieslik@mweb.co.za PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Name TELEPHONE EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL (w) 031 563 9565 (w) (w) 031 031 563 563 9565 9565 eyecraft@worldonline.co.za eyecraft@worldonline.co.za eyecraft@worldonline.co.za arteyes@futurejhb.co.za Pretoria - Gauteng / Sandton gailaltona@ tzaneen.co.za gailaltona@ gailaltona@ tzaneen.co.za tzaneen.co.za Johannesburg | Cape Town 083 263 1026 – 086 139 3725 Practice Telephone NO. PRACTICE ADDRESS PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS ADDRESS Eye Craft Laboratory Eye Craft Craft Laboratory 012Eye 344 1567 –Laboratory 082 492 1848 Website NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Gail Altona Gail Gail Altona Altona Eyes Alive Art Eyes Peter Furber Mr MrMr Peter Peter Furber Furber Practice address Mrs Beryl Carvalho donna@dongang.co.za 015 307 1243 015 015 307 307 1243 1243 PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Practice Name EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Mrs Jackie Heatie Website NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME Name PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Practice Name EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES Practice ADDRESSES Telephone NO. WEBSITE WEBSITE WEBSITE Email NAME Practice address NAME NAME PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME Website NAME PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Wolfgang Trester Mr MrMr Wolfgang Wolfgang Trester Trester Trester Ocularist t/a Glass Eyes International W. W.W. Trester Trester Ocularist Ocularist t/a t/a Glass Glass Eyes Eyes International International donna@dongang.co.za Turffontein –Gauteng / Germany / Norway (w) 011 434 5532 |011 011 683 8224 (w) (w) 011 011 434 434 5532 5532 ||011 683 683 8224 8224 donna@dongang.co.za donna@dongang.co.za donna@dongang.co.za Johannesburg |Cape Cape Town Johannesburg Johannesburg || Cape Town Town Mr Danie van der Linde Danie van der Linde Mr MrMr Danie Danie van van der der Linde Linde Ocular Impressions Ocular Ocular Impressions Impressions Ocular Impressions 012 (w) 945 4926 - 083 305 0550 (w) 021 945 4926 (w) 021 021 945 945 4926 4926 oculaimp@iafrica.com dvdl@mweb.co.za oculaimp@iafrica.com oculaimp@iafrica.com Bellville |Port Port Elizabeth |Rondebosch Rondebosch Bellville Bellville || Port Elizabeth Elizabeth || Rondebosch Belville - Western Cape / Port Elizabeth / Rondebosch www.vidat.co.za www.vidat.co.za www.vidat.co.za www.vidat.co.za Mrs Vidavan van der Linde /Trumpelman Mrs Mrs Vida Vida van der der Linde Linde /Trumpelman /Trumpelman Ocular Impressions Ocular Ocular Impressions Impressions Mrs Vida van der Linde/Trumpelmann (w) 021 945 4926 (w) (w) 021 021 945 945 4926 4926 Ocular Impressions vidat@mweb.co.za vidat@mweb.co.za vidat@mweb.co.za Bellville |Port Port Elizabeth |Rondebosch Rondebosch Bellville Elizabeth Elizabeth 021 Bellville 945 4926|| - Port 083 285 3110 || Rondebosch www.vidat.co.za www.vidat.co.za www.vidat.co.za vidat@mweb.co.za Ms Charmain van Druten Belville - Western Cape /Druten Port Elizabeth / Rondebosch Ms Ms Charmain Charmain van van Druten Artificial Eye Clinic Artificial Artificial Eye Eye Clinic Clinic www.vidat.co.za (w) 011 954 3149 |011 011 793 7392 (w) (w) 011 011 954 954 3149 3149 ||011 793 793 7392 7392 cvdluyt@telkomsa.net cvdluyt@telkomsa.net cvdluyt@telkomsa.net PRACTICE ADDRESSES PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESSES Name ADDRESSES Pretoria |Bloem Bloem |Vanderbijlpark Vanderbijlpark |Welkom Welkom |Witbank Witbank Pretoria ||Van Bloem ||Vanderbijlpark ||Welkom ||Witbank MrsPretoria Chamain Druten-Luyt Practice Name NAME NAME NAME PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. Practice TELEPHONE Telephone NO.NO. Artificial Eyes Clinic Vreenegoor Mrs Brownwyn Vreenegoor Mrs Mrs Brownwyn Brownwyn Vreenegoor EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Email PRACTICE ADDRESS PRACTICE PRACTICE ADDRESS ADDRESS Practice address 083565 8540 (c)(c) 083565 083565 8540 8540 012 (c) 4400803 - 0832367340 bronamm@law.co.za bronamm@law.co.za bronamm@law.co.za Gauteng Gauteng Gauteng cvdiuyt@telkomsa.net Pretoria- Gauteng / Vanderbijlpark / Bloemfontien / Cape Provence An Eye on the Profession PRACTICE TELEPHONE NO. PRACTICE PRACTICE TELEPHONE TELEPHONE NO. NO. Practice Telephone NO. EMAIL EMAIL EMAIL Richard A’Bear Richard Richard A’Bear A’Bear 082 497 6261 082 082 497 497 6261 6261 Gail Altona (NPC) Practice Name OCULARISTS ASSOCIATION OF SOUTHERN AFRICA . Richard A’Bear Mr MrMrRichard Richard A’Bear A’Bear Port Elizabeth | Rosebank - Gauteng Mrs Gail Altona NAME NAME NAME Name PRACTICE NAME PRACTICE PRACTICE NAME NAME