ORCS Notes November 2012.pub - Our Redeemer Christian School


ORCS Notes November 2012.pub - Our Redeemer Christian School
Our Redeemer Christian School * Kirkland, Washington * 425-821-2425
Erin Selvig, School Director * Jan Barnhart, Newsletter Publisher
November 2012
ORCS Purpose & Philosophy
Our Redeemer Christian School,
ORCS, is a non-discriminatory, nondenominational educational institution. ORCS serves as an extension of
the Christian ministry of ORLC and
as an outreach program to our
neighboring community.
Each child at ORCS is valued as a
special person in his/her own right, a
person unique and of worth because
God created him / her, our emphasis
is based on Christian attitudes and
beliefs in a positive and supportive
Message From the
Director – Erin Selvig
Thanksgiving is a special time where families feast, give thanks,
and carry on family and cultural traditions. Children will feel the
holiday spirit as they prepare traditional foods and make
decorations as these are special and meaningful times. Take this
time to pause, appreciate, and give thanks for all your blessings.
Put anxiety and stress aside and remember that Thanksgiving
gives us the opportunity to share God’s love with others.
Be Thankful
Program &
19 & 20
See page 3
for more details.
’Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire, if
you did, what would there be to look forward to?
’Be thankful when you don’t know something for it gives you
opportunity to learn.
’Be thankful for the difficult times; during those times you grow.
’Be thankful for your limitations because they give you
opportunities for improvements.
’Be thankful for each new challenge because it will build your
strength and character.
Thanksgiving Break
NO School
November 21—23
’Be thankful for your mistakes; they will teach you valuable lessons.
Veterans Day
It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.
GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.
November 12
NO School
’Be thankful when you’re tired and weary because it means you’ve
made a difference.
Author Unknown
During the next six
weeks you and your
child will be thinking
a lot about gifts and
giving – and receiving! Giving thanks is a life skill that you have
already been teaching your child, I’m sure. The
Thanksgiving season gives us many opportunities to develop our giving skills.
God’s grace is given freely so that we might be
fully accepted in Christ, even without our being
worthy. He pours that same grace into our lives
so that we might give freely to those who are in
need, even without their being worthy. As you
and your child experience the fullness of God’s
grace in Christ, He will enable you to grow in
the joy of giving.
Many children will respond very generously
when they see a real concrete need. You may
want to plan some of those experiences for your
child so that they might grow in the grace of
giving during Thanksgiving and
Christmas this year.
The Bible brings grace and giving together, especially as the Apostle Paul writes about gracious gifts in II Corinthians 8 & 9. Note in particular how Paul was excited about the work of
God in producing generous giving in the Church:
“And God is able to make all grace abound to
you, that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every
good deed; as it written, ‘He scattered abroad,
He gave to the poor, His righteousness abides
forever.” II Cor. 9:8,9
You and your family are
cordially invited to
Our Redeemer
Lutheran Church’s
“Fall Festival”
Happy Parenting! Pastor Moland
NOVEMBER 22, 2012 AT 10 AM
Come Join Us and
Give Thanks to the Lord
Saturday, November 17th
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Please extend this invitation to your
family, friends and neighbors.
Fall Festival entertainment and a
Thanksgiving meal will be provided.
This will be a special day when we
give thanks to God for our families,
friends and neighbors.
Please RSVP via e-mail to orlckirkland@hotmail.com or contact ORLC/
ORCS office (425-821-2424).
Also, a sign-up sheet will be located
in office.
9 am – 4 PM
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
looks forward to you and
your family coming to join us.
Picture Make - Up - Day
Red Apple Orders will be delivered on
Wednesday, November 14th
after 11:00 am
November 29th at 9:00 am.
Make up day—if you missed pictures on
October 3rd or 4th
Please let us know if you want pictures
so we make sure to get everyone's pictures.
All orders must be picked up on the 14th!
Thank you ORCS parents & friends who supported Red Apple
Fundraiser by making a purchase or a monetary donation!!
Save the Date:
SATURDAY, March 9, 2013
5:30 pm—9:30 pm
A Journey Through Narnia
Auction Chair Christy Michaels
Fun items are coming in!
Woodland Park Zoo Family Pack
Museum of Flight
Disney Land Park Hopper Passes valued $500.
Interested in helping: contact ORCS 425-821-2425
There are both little & big jobs and even some that can be done at home.
Wednesday morning, October 17th,
family & friends, students & teachers
attended a play in the chapel
performed by
our Kindergarteners.
Their performance included the
following songs, chants and poems.
A Cat and a Mouse and a Bumble-Bee
Wise Old Owl
Horsie, Horsie
Hey Diddle-Diddle
Cluck, Cluck, Cluck, Cluck
Little Boy Blue
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
All (children, family & friends) joined
in for the Circle Game of “The
Farmer in the Dell”.
A fun, time was had by all!
ORCSkirkland on
facebook &
receive current
news and
Thanksgiving Program & Feasts
Monday, November 19 & Tuesday, November 20
Parents, family and friends are invited to attend our upcoming Thanksgiving celebration,
which has been an ORCS tradition for over 20 years.
*All children should arrive at school at their regular time
Please join us for our program and feast held during the last 45 minutes of class.
Each child should bring 2 pieces of fruit on the day of the feast for the Friendship salad AND
a non-perishable item for Hopelink. Please bring all items to your child’s classroom
If you signed up to make pumpkin bread or would like to make pumpkin bread please drop it off
in the kitchen.
The feast will begin in the sanctuary; Please arrive a little early so you are ready when the
singing starts and so you find a great seat .
The children will present songs, poems, and chants they have learned. They will then be dismissed to their parents for the “feast” of pumpkin bread, butter, and friendship fruit salad in
the Big Room.
Thanksgiving Feast schedule:
Monday, November 19
The following classes will “feast” at 10:45 AM:
* M/W AM Early Preschool (Overland), * M/W/F AM Preschool (Marpert) & * M-Th AM Pre K (Laughlin)
Tuesday, November 20
The following classes will “feast” at 10:45 AM:
* T/TH AM Early Preschool (Overland), * T/TH AM Preschool (Marpert) & * Kindergarten (McGoorty)
The following classes will "feast" at 2:15 PM:
* T/Th PM Early Preschool (Overland), * T/W/Th PM Preschool (Hagan), & * M/T/Th PM Pre (Schwindt) &
* M/T/Th PM Pre K (Bornemeier)
Hopelink www.hope-link.org is a non-profit organization that provides assistance to families in need. Some suggested items to consider donating include canned foods, peanut butter, toilet paper, tuna, toothpaste, soap and towels. See page 4 for items always in demand
at Hopelink.
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Volunteer Opportunities
rea page 5
Volunteering for “Thanksgiving Feast” does not conflict
Pum found
with you being able to feast with your child. It is very quick, fun, and easy!
Set-up helpers needed for Monday’s “Feast”. Set-up includes arriving 30min before the feast time and setting
the tables, cutting and plating of the fruit and pumpkin bread.
Clean-up helpers needed for all “Feast” times. Clean-up includes making sure all the tables are cleaned up,
food and garbage are disposed of, and floors are cleaned of visible garbage.
If you have already signed up, you will be contacted shortly.
Thank you for volunteering time and assistance.
☺ School will be in session.
☺ Sign-up sheet for each class will be posted Monday,
November 12th on wall across from Women’s Restroom.
☺ Parents will be able to meet briefly with their child’s teacher
to exchange information.
☺ There will be no childcare for siblings. Consider trading
childcare with another parent.
The teachers are looking forward to seeing you at the
Parent – Teacher – Exchange.
ORCS is passionate about giving
back to the community.
ORCS Staff attended the WAEYC
Conference October 18 & 19, in
Vancouver, WA. It was an excellent conference that provided
ORCS staff with a wide variety
of early childhood classes and
also provided time for staff
Continuing Education serves
to maintain the
professionalism of the
ORCS Staff.
All donations can be placed in the
Hopelink donation barrel in the lobby
(ORLC’s entrance).
Father’s Night held Oct. 2nd
Shopping List for
Kirkland/Northshore Food Bank
Thank you to Jane Villott for organizing;
Emily Detmon, Sara Zeller &
Rebecca Judy for serving and cleaning
Father’s Night!
Items always in demand:
Cooking Oil
Canned Meats
Boxed Meals
Paper Towels
Laundry Soap
Toilet Paper
WAEYC Conference
The staff is very grateful for
the continuing education
opportunities that are
supported by the ORCS Board.
Keep others in mind this holiday season. Hopelink
will be needing Thanksgiving fixings such as dressing, yams/sweet potatoes, vegetables, olives, soups,
boxed dinners etc..
Diapers, sizes 3-6
Canned Fruit
Flour and Sugar
Dry Beans
Baby Wipes
Each morning at 8:20 am the ORCS
staff gathers for prayer together.
We share thanksgivings and praises as
well as needs and concerns.
We always feel blessed by this shared
If you have a special prayer request
please contact the Director or Teacher.
Also a Prayer Request Book is located
next to the Sanctuary and you are able
to write down your Prayer Requests that
will be brought to the Lord during
ORLC’s Sunday Worship Service and
during the week.
Canned Vegetables
Canned Tuna/Salmon
Pasta & Pasta Sauce
Canned & Dry Milk
ORCS donated 93 pounds of food and
75 school supply items in September. Wow!
Thank you ORCS Parents & Friends!
Thank you to those who donated cookies!
Attendance was excellent!
Attendees visited classrooms to play together, stopped
by the Sanctuary to see where monthly Chapel is held
and visited the Big Room to create treasures. It is amazing to see what can be created with paper, glue, dots,
cupcake papers, markers, and other collage materials.
Attendees also enjoyed delicious cookies baked by
many ORCS bakers.
It is always a joy to observe students with their fathers,
grandfathers, older brothers, godfathers and or family
Dates to Remember
Nov. 5
ORCS Board Mtg. – 7:00 pm
Nov. 6 & 7
Chapel (last 15 min. of class)
Nov. 12
Veteran’s Day Observed – No School
Nov. 14
Red Apple Fundraiser (DELIVERY)
Nov. 16
Staff Mtg. 12:00 – 2:30 pm
Nov. 19 & 20
Thanksgiving Feasts (last 45 min. of class)
Nov. 21 – 23
Thanksgiving Break – No School
Nov. 27 & 28
Pre K & Preschool Parent Teacher Exchange
Dec. 3
ORCS Finance Committee – 7:00 pm
Dec. 4 & 5
Chapel (last 15 min. of class)
Dec. 7
Staff Mtg. 12:00 – 2:30 pm
Dec. 10
ORCS Board Mtg. – 7:00 pm
Dec. 17 & 18
All School Singing (last 15 min. of class)
Dec. 19–31
Christmas Vacation – No School
Pumpkin Bread Recipe
Painting the Shed: Chris Stone, Jeff &
Jamey Boschee, & JoAnne & Marty
Cutting: Marcilla Proudfit, Jane Villiott, Troy Jorgenson, Kate Tremblay,
Ann Marks, April Martins, & Debra Phipps
Play dough: Kristi Beattie, Stephanie Hokanson, Kaira
Jorgensen, Sommer Parker , Kendra Farmer, Ashley Carbonatto, Danielle Mekhail, Marcilla Proudfit, Jessica Anerson, Shawna Hickey, Lisa Kirk, Sarah Zeller, Shelby
Williams, Tiffany Bayer, Stephanie Corrigan & Becky
Donors & Donations: Stacey Chapman-Pontiff
Building toys, Cathi Zac Wooden Railroad Set, Danielle Adams Wooden Puzzles & Connor Dixon Beans
for Sensory Table
This year let the children say
GRACE for Thanksgiving Dinner!
Encourage them to speak from their heart
and thank God for what He has done for
them this year. They can even sing it. Don't
forget that they can even just use old
stand bys like the following:
makes three loaves.
3 cups of sugar
4 eggs
2 cups of pumpkin
Great God, we praise Thy gracious care,
Which does our daily bread prepare.
Grace, health, strength and mercy give,
Through Jesus Christ, in Whom we live.
1 Cup of cooking oil
2/3 cup of water
Thank you for the world so sweet,
Thank you for the food we eat,
Thank you for the birds that sing,
Thank you, God, for everything!
~Edith Rutter Leatham~
Mix the above ingredients.
Combine the following dry ingredients then add
to the pumpkin mixture:
3 1/3 cups of flour
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. nutmeg
2 tsp. soda
Birth Announcement
Pour mixture into 3 greased 8 x 3 inch loaf pans.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to one hour.
Isabel Sawyer Stone
Born September 17, 2012
7 lb. 5 oz.
21 inches
Proud Parents: Theresa & Chris
Sibling: Jake
M/W/F Preschool
to set you
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