June 2016 - Congregational United Church of Christ
June 2016 - Congregational United Church of Christ
The Monthly Newsletter of Congregational United Church of Christ June 2016 A WORD FROM OUR INTERIM MINISTER Assessing its own history and heritage is typically the first “organizational thing” a church does in the Interim transition time (NOT to overshadow much praying!). It’s about clarifying the church’s identity, purpose, core values, and vision, as it prepares to “call” a new pastor. We have completed much of that initial process over the past couple of months with the two “Heritage Fest” events after worship, on April 17 and/or May 22. THANKS to all of you who were able to share in these energizing occasions of fun, food and “historytelling”! 60+ folks filled the Fellowship Room at our April gathering, and about 45 participated in the follow-up session in May. Special thanks go to both your Hospitality deacons, Jeff and Cindy Pattee, who organized the meals for both gatherings, and your Transitional Ministry Team (TMT) who facilitated Table Groups and/or prepared (for last weekend) their favorite “Sloppy Joe” recipes. As those in attendance know well, Heritage Fest!-One involved everyone writing several “Post It” Notes each—recording personal memories and brief reflections of significant occasions and experiences in CUCC’s 57 year history. This activity resulted in several hundred “data points” that 8 table groups then discussed, looking for key “Themes” suggested by the “Post Its.” Kudos to Nancy Pardo, our Admin Assistant, who then digitalized all that information within “historical epochs” (i.e., Pastors’ ministry years—all of which info is available if you wish to look it over!). She then handed this information over to TMT to “process.” Then, in preparing for Heritage Fest!-TWO, TMT organized that info into nine (9) Themes suggesting core characteristics of the congregation. They presented these to the six Table groups to consider how well the nine Themes reflect “Who You Are” as CUCC. Each table then selected 3 or 4 elements of their conversations that they feel you as a congregation can prayerfully work on together, to help you all move “faithfully and positively together into a new future.” TMT members have met every Thursday evening for two months (so far!) to plan the two Heritage Fest events, and analyze information you all have shared. Your Transitional Ministry Team includes Bob Carpenter, Drea Gates-Ehlers, Lou Guagenti, Tom Harris, Laura Janus, Bruce Johnson, Joyce Keyes, Jeff Pattee (Chair), JoAnn Rapp, Sarah Ruthven, and Cindy Waters. Please DO thank them each for sharing with me in leading your church through this ongoing Interim process. They’re a truly great, spirited, dedicated, and multi-talented group of leaders! — and we will be your guides, along with Church Council, right up to the time of “calling” your new pastor. We hope that, by God’s grace, this will all be accomplished by early 2017. The next steps for TMT will involve meeting occasionally over the summer to plan (hopefully) for small group “congregational conversations” in September/October, and then for an All Congregation “Visioning Event” in mid-fall. As a reminder, the “pastoral search process” itself won’t start until after all that, when a Pastoral Search Committee (PSC) will then be formed. The PSC’s first task will be to write a 20+ page “Church Profile”— describing who you are, your goals, dreams, etc., based on all the “data” gathered and analyzed by your TMT. I hope this synopsis gives you some idea of what’s still to come during this Interim time. Enjoy summer---and I hope to see you in worship as much as possible! Grace, Peace and Prayers, Rev. Greg Skiba, Interim Minister 1 Church School News ~ by Meg Ulery, Church School Coordinator ~ After the story of Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus we finished the year with Paul’s Awesome Adventures: learning that Antioch was where the believers were first called Christian; experiencing Silas and Paul’s faith in the jail cell in Philippi; seeing the trust that Paul had in God even though he was about to be shipwrecked on Malta. Indeed, this year the children met several Bible characters who trusted God – Noah, Esther, Josiah. They learned more about the Jesus story and experienced some of the parables of our Lord. It was a joy to share our faith with these preschool and elementary children of our congregation. We thank the following folks who taught in our church school program this year: Laura Janus, Laura Robinson, Connie Stewart, Sarah Ruthven, JoAnn Rapp, Rachel Hogreve, Brenda Jentink, and Meg Ulery. Also, Jerry Goldsworthy kept the nursery clean and orderly each week. Thank you all for your care and leadership with the youngest in our church family. We also want to celebrate Jake Gates-Ehler’s huge accomplishment of attending nearly every Sunday of church school. This was even with some surgeries this year. Well done, Jake! Our church school program pauses during the summer months and will resume on September 11. “God’s Promise Fulfilled through Jesus” is our theme for this coming year of our rotation model of church school. Stepping back into the Hebrew text the children will meet the earliest members of our faith family – Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Jacob. They will meet the prophets Elijah and Isaiah. After the first of the year the children will hear some of the wise sayings of Jesus and the wonderful story of the feeding of the 5,000. The Emmaus Road Easter story will be studied this year. And finally, now that the children have met Paul, they will take a look at some of his more famous lessons on discipleship. And I have not even listed all that we will learn together! And we do ALL learn, too. Our teachers often comment about how much they learn from the teacher background material that I prepare/provide for them each month. They would be the first to encourage you to consider teaching our children, too. Be sure to visit during this fall’s church school open house on September 18 to get a good idea of all that the children will be learning. And thank you for your trust in me to help prepare these children for a life of faithful discipleship. It has indeed been a joy! Garden Plots Available! Sign up for a garden plot! Hopefully the summer weather will help us produce a better crop than last year. Sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board or call the church office 847-392-6650. Questions? Call Diane Lanigan 847-255-2846. Let’s get gardening! 2 Global Warming Puts U.S. Land Underwater ~ By JoAnn Rapp, A (Saddened, Disheartened) Creation Care Nudge ~ Thought we would hear first about coastal areas in the Philippines or Papua New Guinea being consumed by rising sea and ocean levels due to climate change, huh? The New York Times in May reported that a $48 million federal grant will enable the entire Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana community to resettle, the first Americans recognized as climate refugees. This resettlement plan is the first of its kind in the world, a kind of test case in how other countries may have to respond to rising water levels to protect their citizens. In January 2016, the Department of Housing and Urban Development announced grants totaling $1 billion for 13 states to help communities build better levees, dams, and water drainage systems. These soon-to-be climate refugees are members of the Biloxi-Chitimacha-Choctaw and United Houma Nation tribes whose displacement means loss of ancestral lands and a culture tied to those sacred lands. These Native Americans have sustained themselves by fishing, hunting, trapping and farming for generations. The once abundant banana and pecan trees have all but disappeared due to the encroaching salt water. Since 1955, over 90 percent of the island's land mass has washed away. Channels cut by loggers and oil companies speeded erosion of much of that land. Decades of flood control projects have kept the once free-flowing rivers from replenishing the sediments of the wetlands. According to estimates of the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security, by the year 2050, as many as 50 to 200 million people across the globe will be displaced because of climate change. Oh, the moral and logistical dilemmas of upending people's lives! What, O Lord, has humankind done to your glorious creation? As the Rev. Dr. Gallagher told us in his April 24th sermon, we human beings, at our current rate of consuming and destroying resources, will require four Planet Earths to sustain us!! What are we called to do to restore and protect our one and only environment? 3 Come one! Come All! Walk to Support the Local Food Pantry ~ JoAnn Rapp ~ CUCC Organizer for the 31st GCFD Hunger Walk CUCC over the last few years has joined with members of Lutheran Church of the Cross, the local host church of the Arlington Heights food pantry, for the annual Greater Chicago Food Depository Hunger Walk. On June 25th, all hearty folk rally early a.m. at Soldier Field for a 5K walk along the lake front. Keep in mind that each walker earns food credits that enable LCC to purchase even more much needed food through the GCFD program at a very nominal cost. These accrued credits really help LCC meet the ever-growing needs of our suburban neighbors. So get your favorite walking shoes ready, put a big circle on your calendars around June 25th, and watch for forthcoming details. Not a walker? You are already supporting the LCC food pantry directly through CUCC's annual stewardship donation to our local pantry. “Dine with 7 to 9” We have six June dates (6, 7, 8, 9, 13 & 14) and there is still space available! If you’ve not yet signed up, call the church office (847-3926650) to see which slots are still open. Coffee Hosts / Liturgists / Flowers We appreciate everyone stepping up to host coffee after a Sunday service and also serving as liturgists and providing flowers. Please look at the sign-up sheets in the Narthex for open dates. Thank you to everyone who cared lovingly for our building and grounds on Spring Church Beautification Day May 7! All your hard work is very appreciated! 4 Highlights from the Chicago Metropolitan Association Meeting ~ JoAnn Rapp and Joyce Keyes, your CMA and IL Conference Delegates ~ A rousing worship service with full throttle pipe organ opened our five-hour day together at St. Peter’s UCC, Elmhurst on May 7. In the morning presentation, selected urban and suburban congregations participating in UCC's Center for Progressive Renewal program called "New Beginnings" discussed their emerging self-awareness and revitalization hopes and plans to grow more fully into being the Church. In the business portion, we learned about CMA's intentionality to bring youth to the table by creating a Standing Ministry Team for Youth. Starting in Fall 2016, new church startups will be required to complete ethics training. The CMA Constitution is under review to update language and a draft will be circulated in 2017 for local church feedback. Our very own Brenda Jentink, chair of the Nominating Committee, helped with the election of new committee members. Our Ken Stewart will be serving on Church and Ministry. Pastor Greg, who holds standing in the Fox Valley Association and, therefore, cannot be a voting CMA clergy member, attended with us as our much appreciated, supportive CUCC clergy voice and presence. Special Note: Amongst other church leaders, CUCC was recognized with two certificates for our stewardship commitment. One acknowledges our being a Five and Five congregation, meaning we have contributed to the denomination's special missions: One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors in Need, and the Christmas Fund, plus Our Church's Wider Mission (OCWM). The second certificate specifies our contributing $21,000 to OCWM. Both are signed personally by the Rev. Dr. Jorge Morales, Minister for UCC's Illinois Conference and our Chicago Metropolitan Association Minister, the Rev. Dr. Vertie Powers. Let us rejoice about our witnessing as outreach stewards. Look for the posted certificates in the gathering space. The Illinois Conference Annual Celebration and 52nd Anniversary is scheduled for June 17 and 18 in East Peoria at the Embassy Suites. The keynote speaker is the Rev. Traci Blackmon, recently appointed as Acting Executive Minister for Justice and Witness Ministries of the UCC and who serves as pastor at Christ the King UCC in Florissant, Missouri. All who wish to learn and increase your awareness and involvement within the larger church are welcome! For further information and to register, use the link: http://ilucc.org/event/illinois-conference-annualcelebration/ 5 Coloring Book Small Group All Ages Are Welcome Celebrations! June Our next Coloring Book Small Group meeting is Monday, June 6, at church at 7:00 pm. We have coloring books and coloring pens and pencils to share. Look forward to a stress free evening of fellowship. Birthdays 1 3 5 14 20 20 21 21 23 24 24 26 28 28 28 30 Joyce Keyes Emily Pattee Betty Lorentz Helen Jensen Brad Harris Jeff Pattee Leo Blankfield Kent Ulery Mandy Barton Roy Johnson Carissa Silet Dean Sasman Lindsay Glass Art Peekel Jim Perry Sarah Staley Please note that this is our last meeting until October. We plan on taking off July-August-September for the summer and will start up again Monday, October 3. Questions? Contact Laura Janus. Daytime Book Club Daytime Book Club will meet Monday, June 6 at 9:45 am in the Garden Room. Read Harriet Tubman, Secret Agent by Thomas Allen and Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad by David Adler. Questions? Ask Donna Blankfield or Barb Goldsworthy. Anniversaries 3 7 14 15 19 19 20 22 Donna & Leo Blankfield James & Niccole (Pattee) Fairbanks Helen Jensen & Jack Whisler Shirley & Lou Guagenti Steve & Eva Kilar Drea & Betsy Gates-Ehlers Jim & Sue Weichert Carol & Roger Petty Articles for the July Newsletter are due June 15. Submit to the office at conguccah1@sbcglobal.net If we’ve missed your special day, please call or email the church office: 847-392-6650 conguccah1@sbcglobal.net and we will be sure you are added. 6 Wednesday Night Summer Suppers 2016 6:30 t0 8:00 pm CUCC is again hosting the Wednesday night summer suppers to help bridge the five month gap when PADS is not operational. These summer suppers not only feed the homeless but also feed the food insecure in our community. Our slot will remain the fourth Wednesday. Our OCWM mission budget supports these summer suppers along with support from several local churches. St. Simon’s, our neighbor, staffed and provided desserts and take away snacks for the May 25 supper and will again for September 28. We may have another church supporting our summer supper site but details have not been established. For now CUCC will be responsible for June 22, July 27, and August 24. Please consider helping by signing up at the Sign-Ups bulletin board when they appear in their respective months. We will need folks to sign in our guests, serve the meal, provide desserts and take away snacks, and help clean up. John Messina will again be our chef and loves to have sous chef assistance when folks are available. We start cooking around 5:00 pm. I have included the meals we have planned. Any questions please contact Linda or Laura Janus. Thanks to everyone who helped on May 25th! MENUS June 22 July 27 Aug 24 Sept 28 Rosemary Pork Loin/roasted potatoes and carrots/dinner rolls Italian roasted chicken/ fresh basil tomato penne/peas/dinner rolls Rib eye/corn on the cob/salad/dinner rolls Pot roast with vegetables and potatoes/dinner rolls Save the Date for Christmas Tea, December 3rd It’s never too early to think about Christmas! We are planning an afternoon Christmas Tea for Saturday December 3, 2016. So save the date and mark your calendar! If anyone is interested in joining the planning committee, please contact Laura or Linda Janus. 7 Vacation Bible Camp June 27 to July 1 9 am to Noon at Congregational United Church of Christ! June is the month for Vacation Bible Camp at CUCC! Registration continues until June 13. Submit the on-line form at http://cokesburyvbs.com/CUCCAH In addition to CUCC, Surf Shack VBC is sponsored by three neighboring churches – Christian Church of Arlington Heights, St. John UCC, and Trinity United Methodist Church – and all are welcome! We offer camps for the following age groups: Boogie Boarders: Preschool children ages 3 – entering kindergarten (Must be potty trained) Surfers: Children entering 1st to 5th grades to be divided into “Crews” Lifeguards: Youth entering 6th grade and older (“Lifeguards” lead the “Surfers” through their daily adventures and participate in their own age appropriate activities) Deadline for registration is June 13, 2016. Having a deadline date will allow us to plan enough supplies for all our Surfers! Each registered family will receive a free Surf Shack music CD! Lastly, this camp is free of charge to all. So get your sun block on and get ready to hit the beach for some great fun and adventure at Surf Shack VBC! Mission of the Month June’s Mission of the Month is Vacation Bible Camp! Thank you for your support! 8 Back Bay Mission Trip John L-R Back row: JoAnn, Jeff, John, Laura. Front row: Pat, Linda. The week of May 14-21 our mission team to Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi, worked varying jobs alongside college students from SUNY Geneseo. The team from UCC was John Geier, Linda Janus, Laura Janus, Pat Nuccio, Jeff Pattee, and JoAnn Rapp. Learn more about Bay Bay Mission here: https://thebackbaymission.org/what-we-do/approach/ See more photos at the CUCC website: http://www.congucc.org/back-bay-mission-2016.html Thanks to our team for taking CUCC’s extravagant welcome, God-is-still-speaking message to the folks they served! Linda First work site Laura JoAnn Pat Jeff 9 Arlington Cares, N.F.P. raises funds for the village of Arlington Heights’s Emergency Assistance fund. These funds are used for our neighbors in Arlington Heights in need of temporary financial assistance. On Friday, June 10 from 6:30-9:30 pm join Arlington Cares for wine, hors d’oeuvres, entertainment, raffle and silent auction at Cooper’s Hawk, 798 West Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights. Tickets are $50 and space is limited. For more information or to order tickets: http://www.arlingtoncaresnfp.org/events 10 News from your Township Office The Wheeling Food Pantry could use the following items: Soup Tomato products (diced, paste, sauce, etc.) Pasta Toilet paper Tuna Peanut butter & jelly Canned fruit A couple easy-peasy ways to give: If you plan on attending the July 4th parade, watch for the Wheeling Township Food Pantry truck and the “roving” shopping carts collecting from the curb along the parade route. Your contributions will be delivered to the Food Pantry. If you have a garden, consider giving to the Giving Garden Program from your abundance. Fresh veggies and fruits are received by Wheeling Township at their office at 1616 N. Arlington Heights Road from 9:00 am until 4:30 pm. Items need not be washed; however, please remove all loose dirt and lingering insects prior to dropping off. Need transportation but are no longer driving? If you are over 60 (or 18+ with a permanent disability), Wheeling Township has safe and affordable transportation. Township residents can call 847-259-7743 Monday-Friday, 9 am to 3:30 pm to make an appointment. Cost is $2 each way. For medical appointments, call at least one week in advance. (You may call up to 30 days in advance for medical appointments.) For casual appointments (salon, grocery store, etc.) you must call two days in advance. 11 Think Manna, Shop Today Purchasing your grocery shopping cards is a great way to help someone else at no extra cost to you. The profit we receive on the sale of these cards is used to support additional mission projects, like Mission of the Month. You benefit by purchasing the cards and others benefit from the missions donations. Orders are due the third Sunday of the month, June 19, along with payment payable to CUCC. Cards can be picked up Sunday, June 26. Order Forms (updated monthly) are on the wall outside the church office by the Manna mailbox. You may also download an order form from the Newsletter page of our website http://www.congucc.org/calendar---newsletter.html Call Lisa Loeffler if you have questions regarding Manna and how it works: 847-749-2411. Remember, your purchases assist in supporting the Mission of the Month. Hey there! Yes, you! What would you like to see in your newsletter?? What would you like to never see again in your newsletter?? (Smile) Are you happy with the email/online format? We want to hear what you think, so please email or call the church office. Thanks! Conguccah1@sbcglobal.net 847-392-6650 If you or someone you know is interested in being the manager for our PADS Site #18, please contact Amy Pratt at Journeys|The Road Home at 847-963-9163. Sign up today for Tower Hill! It’s time for Tower Hill Signups! Dates this year are the weekend of July 29-31 with Thursday the 28th available for campers. We have the usual rooms in Schrag Hall available and the regular campsites down the hill. Signup sheet is in the Narthex. If you’re not familiar, Tower Hill is the all church retreat/campout at the UCCowned retreat center in Sawyer, MI. It’s about a two-hour drive, depending on the traffic on 80/94. There is lodging in Schrag Hall or camping if you are so inclined. All are welcome and invited! It’s a very fun and relaxing weekend by the shore of Lake Michigan. Food, campfire therapy, and camaraderie are the only goals of the weekend. Please call or email Andy Loeffler with any questions: 874-924-4521 ARLoeffler@comcast.net 12 PLEASE CONTINUE TO MAKE 2016 A RECYCLING YEAR by keeping these items out of our landfills and usefully recycled A NOTE ABOUT PILL BOTTLES! For the time being, Cluster One is pausing their pill container collection for the Malawi Project. Please recycle them in your home waste collection, remembering to remove the label, or mark out the information, to keep your information safe. CANDLES: We continue to collect used candles. POP TOPS: Thank you to all who bring in your tabs! Place them in the collection jar or leave on the shelf in a plastic bag. FOOD DONATIONS may be placed in the food donation box to support the Lutheran Church of Christ food pantry. Please note: at this time, NO plastic bags are needed. EYEGLASSES: Church Women United collects eyeglasses and donates them to the Lions Club. So bring in your old glasses for recycling to someone less fortunate. HYGIENE ITEMS: Please only new items: small soaps, toothbrushes, toothpaste, small combs, hand lotion, shampoo. (Those hotel-size hygiene products are perfect!) Place in the basket on the collection shelf for these items to be donated to PADS. Continue to bring in 2016 calendars! Thank you all who have brought in so many calendars. They will be put to good use. Other items Church Women United collect are note pads, lap robes, non-skid slippers, socks and greeting cards (new) - Christmas, Juvenile Christmas, and all occasion cards. Thank you to all who participate! PURCHASE FAIR TRADE COFFEE & TEA A sign-up sheet is on the Outreach kiosk to order coffee and tea. Questions? Talk to Renate Kowalewski 847-359-4751. A REMINDER...fairly traded coffee and tea proceeds benefit the UCC’s “Holy Joe” coffee program for the military and our own Deacons’ Fund. Donations of Keurig coffee or tea for the Garden Room are always welcome. 13 The calendar is a living thing … always evolving. Check here for the most recent version: http://www.mychurchevents.com/calendar/calendar.aspx?list_by=calendar_month&begin_date=6/1/2 016%2012:00:00%20AM&ci=L6F0M7O9O9J4O9L6I3&igd= 14 Congregational United Church of Christ 1001 West Kirchoff Road Arlington Heights, IL 60005-2420 Phone 847-392-6650 Website: www.CongUCC.org Email: conguccah1@sbcglobal.net Facebook: www.facebook.com/conguccah Sunday Worship at 10:30 am all year Infant and toddler child care is offered in the Nursery (first floor) Church School for children (downstairs) (Sept-May) Reflections for Youth (in the Garden Room, first floor) (Sept-May) On Communion Sundays, Children & Youth in church CUCC Staff & Leadership Rev. Greg Skiba, Interim Pastor pastorcucc@sbcglobal.net Norreen Klemens, Organist/ Director of Choir Chimes norreen@comcast.net Megan Murray, Choir Director mmurray84@gmail.com Nancy Pardo, Church Secretary/ Bookkeeper conguccah1@sbcglobal.net Jim Schiavone, Moderator Bob Carpenter, Co-Moderator Craig Brooks, Treasurer Linda Janus, Financial Secretary Ron Hulka, Asst. Financial Secretary Sandy Hake, Clerk Joyce Keys & JoAnn Rapp, Delegates to CMA and Illinois conference OPEN AND AFFIRMING STATEMENT ADOPTED JUNE 10, 2007 The Congregational United Church of Christ in Arlington Heights, IL, in accordance with our shared value of inclusiveness, declares itself open and affirming. We welcome and accept into the full life and ministry of our church people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We maintain that every person has sacred worth as a unique creation made in the image of God. We believe that human sexuality is a gift from God. We reach out to those who are disenfranchised from the religious community, and we seek growth and understanding as we continue toward inclusiveness. Deacons: Laura Janus & Pat Harris, Spiritual Growth Bruce Johnson, Music/ Worship/ Spiritual Space Eric Ward, Stewardship/ Nominating Whitney Waters, Evangelism Bill Robinson, Mission Support Ralph Eidle, Building&Grounds Cindy & Jeff Pattee, Hospitality Rev. Connie Stewart, Care Visit our labyrinth located in the grass behind the church on the east side of the parking lot. There are benches for rest and reflection. All are welcome. 15