m - Class of
m - Class of
I i B H ■^A ■ " a u H A $• ^ 1 _f e r ^ " V*O V ' c t •AA— f « A O ^ , U A S I CONTENTS Dedication 2 Campus Cife 3 faculty 17 Classes Activities Advertisements A jC M A m a z s k We’ll always be loyal and true all through our school days and when we are through Pocahontas High Zhree cheers for you. We pledge our hearts and ourselves to you. , We hope you like it! Zhe 1985-86 Chieftain Staff v e v je A Z J O M The Chieftain Staff of 1985-86 would like to dedicate this year’s Chieftain to a man who spends countless hours of his time at school helping students. He coaches football, teaches health, and sponsors the Leo Club. He also is active in church and community. So to you, Coach John, a man of few words, few faults, and many friends, we dedicate this year’s Chieftain and give our appreciation. Thank you very much, The 1985-86" Chieftain Staff John Malone Two pictures are worth at least one good explanation. Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it’s o ff to the woods we g o ........... Christmas is for families. 3 I've tasted better mouthwash than this.” "I forgot what assignment we were to do?” "Someone scratch my back.” Gee. Wally, it’s a girl. fM U M E il J p flfifl S H i J f ; In * l l Now it’s time for FAMILY FEUDII (I) "I have this sneaking feeling something is following me.” (2) Honest, it is just water we’re drinking!” (3) Nice try, but Joe Cool you’re NOTII (4) It’s Monday world, leave me alone. (5) 5 6 (3) "Get reall Me study?" ( f) "Will the rain mess my hair up?” 7 8 9 (1) Mrs. Howell stays up late grading semester tests. (2) Jim Porterfield stays up late studying for Mrs. Howell semester test. (3) Would you trust your daughter with this face?? (4) Friday nights are my nights to HOWLLLLLIIMI! (5) "Would you believe. I’ve got gum stuck in my braces!” (6) "W hat do you think, Joe, too flashy for the weekends?” 10 "W here are we going?” Karen Petty finally makes a pass. Debby Carr is in the Twilight Zone usual. Getting some beauty sleep. Jim and Kandi share some time at lunch. 11 12 13 14 15 14 16 f A C u n r r AD/HINISTIRATIICN Paul Arnn General C ooperative Education James Ashcraft Agriculture Don Breytspraak Band Ms Betty Busby Science "Hey! M r. M alone. Harry Fletcher was born on Octo ber 14, 1932, in Fayetteville, Arkan sas. He changed schools fifteen times while going through elemen tary and high schools, moving to and from Arkansas and New Mexi co. He graduated in 1950 from Clovis High School. A fter graduation Harry spent four years in the United States Air Force - one year of that on active duty in the Army as a member of the National Guard. On September 1,1955, Harry mar ried his wife Anne. They have three children named Corinne, Dance, and Mark. All three are graduates of PHS. Harry graduated in 1979 with a BSE in Mathematics at ASU, did some graduate work at ASU and now teaches here. Harry’s hobbies include: aviation, photography, camping, and travel. He is also an active member in the Arkansas Education Association. Lillian Durham English, Journalism Evelyn Fender Social Studies Lonnie Gilbreth Art Coach Kimbrell’s Jerry Lawler im pression 18 Kay Gowan Fine Arts Jim Gray Athletics, Driver’s Ed. Jim Hager Agri. Gary Hagood Social Studies Gary Hagood was born on August 25, 1945, in Los Angeles, California. Mr. Hagood has coached and taught social studies for the past 8 years at Pocahontas High School. He attended the University of Arkan sas, Southern Baptist College, and graduated from John Brown Univer sity in Siloam Springs in 1970. He married Diane in 1972. He has two children: Amy, age II, and Christy, age 8. In his spare time, he enjoys work ing on his farm, playing softball, and watching any kind of sports, either live or on television. Gary spends his summers working at basketball camps at the University of Arkan sas with his cousin Rick. This sum mer they are planning on attending camps at the University of Ken tucky and at Lamar University. Janet Harris English 19 Lin Hatch Librarian Kay Howell Spanish, English Tom Kimbrell Science, M ath 20 Dallas Howard Coach Nancy Huett Home Economics Suzanne Lassiter Special Ed. Linda Lee Science Dolores Magee Spanish. English John Malone Coach-trainer. Health Sally Malone AP Biology, Counselor Ken McMullin Earth Science Oliver Stevens History 21 Mr. Martin was born March 23, 1947. Moving to Pocahontas, he at tended Pocahontas Grade School until the fourth grade. He then moved to Maynard, completed his schooling, and graduated in 1965. He married his wife, Kathy, in June of 1968. They have had three children: Shannon 12, Shane 9, and Shelly 6. He received his BSE degree in 1970 and his MSE in 1976 from ASU. Working at Pocahontas High School for six years in the Business Education department, Mr. Martin has made quite an impact at the school. New computers and a whole new building have really helped. In his spare time he enjoys hunt ing and working on computers. He is currently the sponsor of the FBLA and the freshman class. Gary M artin Business Ed. Gary Miller Math Donna Morris English Ruth Riddle Typing Rosa Perry Home Economics 22 23 Pete Waites History Kendra Wiedeman Math M arie Wilford Physical Education, Health Dave Williams Athletics, Social Studies No autographs, please! Betty Busby believes Biology broad ens brain cells. Calgon, take me awayl M editation relieves stress. Oh, Lord. Help me, it’s Mondayl Marcus Van Camp Assistant Superintendent Wesley Cannon Superintendent Frances Sloan Secretary Glenda Tiner Bookkeeper Jerry Malone Principal Emma Warren Secretary 26 Dr. Grant Killion Curriculum Supervisor Peggy Williams Secretary SCHOOjC nOAKD Front row: (l-r) James Chester-presidnet, E. L. Modlin-vice president Back row: (l-r) Bob Adams. Jan Tyler, Jack McCord - sec/treasurer. M O M - z s A e w t f G v s K s o m e c Cooks I to r: Linda Butler; Patsy Simpson; Jean Woolridge; Neva Hibbard Back row; Jo Estes; Lisa Ragan; Maxine Tidwell; Dena Alphin Jewell Steimel Study Hall Monitor .. , „ Neal Bennett Janitor 28 Bus Drivers I to r: Bill Teel; Jim Haddic; Earney Vail; Robert Barnett; James Tribble; Leon Childress; W . H. "Baldy” Cox; Charles Horn; Juanita Robinson; Gail Mathis; Gary Tribble; Kenneth Rose; Byron Bunch. Slower- Silver Hose mMM-oilm Zo be what we are if t p p i becme what we're capable o f becoming is me "only way of life. Kobert C fSkm sbh: W e ’ve made itl Officers: M ike Thompson- Fire marshall, Robin Gill- President. Kelly Jones- Vice President. Lori Rouyer- Sec./Treas. Vickie Lynn Akins Michael Joseph J M l^P y M Keith Allen Baltz W Allan Bathrick o’ M | ■ ’ Gregory M ark Benton • . ''lin e Ann Ballet M B John Bibb Snlitton Ron Baxley M l Deborah k Biby Stacye Michelle Blackwell Benjamin Franklin Bigger Lona Jean Blackwell Michael Alan Blount Lisa Lynne Bonds I B B ifiig Shannon Michelle Cherry John Christopher Copeland » Charles Ben Couch > ,.v . Nita Jane Cowley David B r ia iy J w ^ W ^ Vi. Audrey Eugene Cox Jr. W E H Lose your car keys? -* -'»* W B j| Laura Michelle Crawford Melinda Lee r i m n r t i y Ray Edwards Davis «■§ Todd Eric Davis iS E S ® Qtice Upon a Time >r*, • * Kevin Arthur Durham - I \ Carl Lee Eaton Michael W ayne Ellis William David Evans Steven Ray Farrai William Eric Futrell Bn.ni Haven lender l \ n i k in Jane Gates Faye La Jean Foster Robin Diane i3 ill BBsl H HHnI Mary Kimberly Hall Tommie Lilnett Harper Ronnie Kay Havnes Richard Joe Huddleston Kelly Jo Jones lra c y I vnne Keech 'Did someone say TOGA PARTY!?!!! ill Gayla Ann King Kelly Lynn King Rebecca Diane larnbert 1 ■ 36 Dennis Dwain Looney Jeffery Looney Charles Arland Lundry 37 John Ashley Magee Cynthia Faye Moore Paul Regrit M artin Ronald Alan Murphy Kenneth Edward McCandless Shelly Denise Newman Shila Patel mmmmmmmmmmmKmiMmmmmMmmmmmm M u hat I Perkins ''■■'■■' ' * • '- \V s v r * * s»-? Jimmie Kay Porterfield Jr 40 Brel Mat th ru Robinctl Blaine Lee Rogers Lori Ann Rouyer Gave L011 Rom land Johnny Mac Segraves Lisa Gail Sifford David Allen Smith Bryan Jay Thielemier Vida Lucille Stalnaker a - n m m C a rd Sue Thielemier Michael Anthony Thompson Leigh Lamar Swaim HMb Angela Denise Thompson Joseph M artin Thoesch 41 42 WHO’S WMOAMONG POCAMONZAS MJQM SCMOOjC SSNJOKS M ike Bagwell Beta Club- 10,11,12 Key Club- 11.12 Smoke Signal- 9,10 Foreign Language Club- 9,10,11-Vice President Library Club- II Advanced English III Award- II Track- 9-Letter Basketball- 9,10,11,12-Captain: Letter-9,11,12 Boys State- II Who’s Who Among American FIS Students Ben Bigger English I Award- 9 Beta Club- 10,11,12 Student Council- 11,12 Key Club- 11,12 Annual Staff- 9,10,11 Golf- 9,10,11,12 Football- 9.IO.II.I2 Foreign Language- II Physics Club- 12 Jr. Class President Fellowship of Christian Athletes- 9,10,11,12 Who’s Who Among American FIS Students Kelly Jones English II Award- 10 Leo Club- 9,11,12: President Student Council- 10,11,12: Secretary /Reporter FBLA- 10, 12: Treasurer FHA- 9,11 GCE- 12 Cheerleader- 9,12: Co-captain Foreign Language Club- II Freshman Class Secretary Senior Class Secretary Miss Redskin- 10.11: 1st runner - up Homecoming Queen- 12 Girls State- II Who’s Who Among American HS Students Becky Lambert Beta Club- 10.11,0 Leo Club- 10,11,12 Health Careers Club- 10,11,0 Physics Club- 12 Foreign Language Club- 9,10,11,12 Yearbook Staff- 11,12: Co-editor PHS Marching Band- 9,10,11,12 PHS Concert Band- 9,10,11,0 Track- 9 Spanish II Award- 10 Advanced English II Award- 10 Outstanding Sophomore Bandsman Perfect Attendance- 10,11 Advanced English III Award for Literature11 Co-recipient of Outstanding Junior Bandsman Attended Arkansas Girl’s State at Ouachita Baptist University- II Who’s Who Among American HS Students 46 Bret Robinett Beta Club- 10,11,12: President Key Club- 11,12 Foreign Language Club- II College Prep Biology Award- 10 Geometry Award- 10 Golf- 9,10,11,12: 4 Year Letter Basketball- 12 Boys State- 12 Annual Staff- 9,10,11,12: Sports Editor Physics Club- 12 Junior Class President Second Class Rank- II Who’s Who Among American HS Students Leigh Swaim Band- 9 Beta Club- 10,11,12: Vice President Basketball- 9,10,11: All District Attended Arkansas Girl’s State- II Foreign Language Club- 9: Reporter, 10: Vice President, II Fellowship of Christian Athletes- 9,10,11 Leo Club- 9 Student Council- 9,10,11 Library Club- 12 Health Careers Club- 12 Physics Club- 12 Smoke Signal- 9 Chieftain M aid- 12 W ho’s Who Among American HS Students M ike Thompson Smoke Signal-9 Beta Club-10, II, 12 Foreign Language Club-10, II Health Careers Club-12 Physics Club-12 Senior Class Reporter Boys State (Alternate)-ll General Business Award-9 Who’s Who Among American HS Students Jay To well FFA-9 Varsity Football Team Starter-10,11,12 Varsity Basketball Team-10,11: Starter Varsity Track Team-10,11 Beta Club-10,11: Treasurer Leo club-11,12 Key Club-11,12: Vice President Physics Club-11,12: President Fellowship of Christian Athletes Student Council Class Favorite-9 Algebra I Award-9 Algebra II Award-10 Geometry Award-ll Chemistry Award-ll English I Award-9 Advanced English III (Grammer) Award-ll Savings Bond for First Class Rank-ll Boys State Delegate-ll Who’s Who Among American HS Students Kim Williams Health Careers Club-10, II, 12 Student Council-9, II, 12; Treasurer FHA-9 FCA-9, 10, II, 12 Speech Club-ll, 12: President Foreign Language Club-12 Smoke Signal-9, 10: Sports Editor, II Band-9, 10, II, 12 Chaplin-10, II, 12 Co-captain Majorette-10 Head Feature Twirler-12 Beta Club-10, II, 12 Chieftain Maid Girls State Delegate Society of Distinguished High School Students of America Leo Club-10, II, 12 Who’s Who Among American HS Students Chris Williams Senior Band-9, (Drum Major): 10, II, 12 Fellowship of Christian Athletes-ll, 12 National Beta Club-10, II, 12 Annual Staff-9, 10, II, 12 Health Careers Club-12 Library Club-12 Foreign Language Club-(Reporter): 10, II Smoke Signal-9, 10 Student Council-9, 10, IF Treasurer, 12: President Boys State Delegate-ll Hugh CBrian Outstanding Sophomore Ambassador Tennis Team-9, 10, II, 12 Earth Science Academic Award-9 Who’s Who Among American HS Students A day at the zoo Nina Allen James Bagwell Larry Joe Baltz Kimberly Bellah Arlene Bennett Ronnie Blackshear Daan Blackwell Gene Blackwell Jeff Bounds Kelli Brakebill David Britt Tina Britt Dawn Burris Julie Campbell Debby Carr Shirley Carson Shannon Carter Kevin Casey Bryan Cates Billy Coates Stephanie Cox Jason Creach Tonya Cullison Kelly Davis M ary Denny The J.C. Penny Models of 1985 are . . . Sonya Derrick Kristi Dismang Kevin Dust Curtis Ellis Teri Ennis Steve Flannery William Cay Cheryl Gilbreth Corey Golliver Betty Grant Selena G riffith Todd Grooms Dawn Gutterridge Andy Harris Lauri Harris Who said "three’s a crowd??” Devonna Hawkins Kelly Heslep David Hibbard Debbie Hoggard Danny Holloway Sean Huddleston Dusty Hunt Nick Ivy Martha Jackson Sandy James Doug Johnson Greg Jones Nicole Jueal Robert Kearby Sonya Kidd Brenda Killion Molly Kincade Norman Kincade Ken Knotts Delaina Lemmons Jeff Lindsey Juan Lopez Kristi Luter Who says I date trash? Greg takes time out for some much needed rest. 52 Jackie Manis Raymond Mansker Angie Martinez Natalie Massey Rodney Mathews Donnie Medlock Julie Miller Jeff Mock John McCandless Kathy Noblin Rodney O ’Brien Johnny Palmer Ricky Patrick Karen Petty Brian Pickett Eddie Pogue Chris Reeves James Riddle Tonya Ridge Eddie Rose James Ross S3 Lesa M arie Schafer David Schratz Latese Seyler Lisa Shaffer Paul Shipp Phil Simpson Paula Smart Alan Stebbins Randy Tanner Melissa Teel Sharon Thatch Sandy Trevillion Janice Turner Kevin Vandergriff Studying Again James Ward Dana Warren Scott Wessell Greg Yamnitz Michelle Young Judith Zimmerman Do you see what she has on today? 54 S C P H C H C E E S Officers: Steven McMullen-Reporten Boyd Robinett- Sec./Tres.: Donny Breytspraak- Vice President: David Taylor- President As sophomores of PHS, we have passed the long, tedious years of freshmen and now have our sights set on the future when we shall be the seniors of 1988. The sophomores represent the middle. By that one means we have stepped forward one step higher and before we know it, we will be on top with only memories of the years we have shared and spent at PHS. As sophomores, we looked for that all important "16” when we would be able to drive on the highways, (and the sidewalks and the ditches and the fields). Dating is also another important step of the sophomores. No longer are we considered too young, but small glances tend to become stares from upper classmen as dating changes our lives. W e all know we must live every moment, because after all we will be the Seniors of 1988. Sophomores were well represented this year in all clubs. The student council representatives from the tenth grade were Stacye Blount, Cyndi Jenkins, Melanie Robinett, Laura Jackson, Donny Breyts praak, and David Taylor. Sophomore cheerleaders were Robyn Waterworth and Katie Williamson. Carnelia Anderson Cindy Anderson DaWayne Anderson Julie Atherton Kristi Baltz Renee Baltz Kevin Barnes Eric Bass Bobby Berry Stacye Blount Donald Boucher Donny Breytspraak Ramonda Brooks Jeff Brown Robin Brutin Charlotte Buazard Debbie Bunch Cheryl Burnett Clay Burton Daryl Cain Pam Carr Kim Cates Laura Clampit Pam Collins Tim Collins Lisa Combs Mike Cook John Dahm Mark Davis Steven Davis Angie Dawson Elisa Diles Kris Elliott Eddie Endicott Jamie Evans Karen Eveland Jamie Fields Brad Foust Brenda Gaude Becky Gipson Sue Gordon Karen Hoelscher Ramona Flogan Loretta Huckabee Pam Flufstedler Laura Jackson Cyndi Jenkins 57 David Johnson Mike Johnson Jeanea Jones Stefanie Jones Mike Kearby Shanna Keech Belinda Kinder Sean King Bryan Kirkpatrick Kathi Kirkpatrick Chris Layton Melvie Lemmons Jeanie Lewailen Charlotte Liebhaber Bobby Lindsey Terri Lombardo Angie Luter Kris McCluskey David McDonald Joey McDowell Steven McMullen Les McPherson Aaron Milligan 58 Charles Mitchell Shelia Mitchell Denny Mullen Timothy Neal Stephanie Newman Jimmy Nobles Kandace Perkins Darrell Poe Patty Poe M att Poindexter Stoney Poindexter Brent Powell Tina Reeves Chad Richardson Dottie Riffel Sherry Riney Boyd Robinett Melanie Robinett Rhonda Rosenwinkel Betty Scott Marsha Seamans Andy Simpson Rhonda Smart 59 Troy Smith Devin Snodgrass Crystal Southerland Holly Steimel Kathy Stratton Jania Sullinger Leslie Swaim Deonna Swann David Taylor Wade Teaster Sheila Thatch Keith Theilimier Tina Thompson Nancy Towell Deborah Tribble Ricky Trevillion Rhonda Tribble Doug Tyler Traci Tyler Anita Warner Robin W aterworth Sheila W hite Katie Williamson 60 MSSMMSN President-Sarah Anderson Vice-President-Rene Maxwell Secretary-treas.-Chris Brown I tit I wonder if they’ll notice I’m an hour late. Do I look like I care? Bobby Adams James Allen Nat Anderson Sarah Anderson Jamie Archer Stephanie Bagwell Travis Bagwell Ashley Bennett Shaunie Bickford Shannon Brooks Chris Brown M eredith Brown Tony Brown Steven Bryant Chuck Buazard Sandy Burnett Anna Burtman Beverly Butler Ricky Caldwell Kria Cannon Don Carr Alan Carson Carol Cates Richard Clark "Look, we’re Siamese twins.” 62 James Clements Dean Courtney Billy Combs Shannon Dahm Leigh Daniel Tammy Davis Stanley Denny Terri Dickey Tammy Dodd Terry Dollahite Patty Dollins Darla Doyle Blake Duncan Karen Durham Brenda Eaton Kathy Ellis Crystal Lynn Elliot Randall Eveland Bruce Eversole Jeff Farrar Dionne Foster Sonia Garcia David Garrett Tim Garrett Candi Gazaway Chris Gipson Richard Girard "Fie doesn’t even know I exist.” 63 Annette Golliver Richard Goodnight James Gowen Joe Grider Michael G riffith Toni G riffith Brent Guthrie Michael Hammond Jon Harper Elizabeth Harralston M ary Harris Beth Hibbard Craig Hibbard Michelle Hoelscher Chris Hoggard Eric Housh Dennis Housman Pam Hufford Becky Hufstedler Spencer Howell Shannon Hyde Brian Ivy Angie Jarrett Steve Johnson Heather Jones Shannon Junkersfield Scott Kildow Rhonda Kincade Darrell Layton Dale Lewallen Greg Lundry Ernest Malden Debbie Manis Milissa Matthews Rene Maxwell Debbie Menard Ronnie Miller Tina Mitchell Eefe Moreland Kim Murphy M ark Murphy M ike Murphy Dottie Neece M ike Neece Kelly Oaks Shawn O'Donnell Jeffrey Parsons Vinna Patel Jackie Peyton 65 Tammy Poe Peggy Prater Missy Reed Leigh Rose Theresa Rouyer Joe Sanders Karen Shaffer Stephanie Sheets Eddie Shelton Tony Shepherd Ben Sims Deni Smith Gina Smith Glen Smith Kenny Smith Tracy Smith Kim Snyder David Stalnaker Shannon Steele Nancy Stewart Dana Sutton Shane Taylor Dana Thielemier Kathy Thompson "Is this my best side?” Kim Thompson Glen Throesh 66 Mark Trevillion Sherry Tribble Darlene Tyler Jody Tyler Lateice Vandergriff Billy Vaughan Keith Waymon Tim W hite Sara W icker David Williams M ary Williams Tammy Zimmerman The Endll 67 Robbie Acree Stacy Allen Sally Anderson Mike Amann Janies Anderson Andy Archer Beatriz Arpayoglou Janies Bailey Nick Baltz Andrea Barnett Heath Bass Erika Baxley Joey Becerra Reida Biby Cheryl Bonner Craig Brooks Steve Brooks Carla Brown Dianna Brown Donna Brown Scott Brown Stacy Brown Tammy Brown Vanessa Brown Cathy Butler Gina Caffrey Shawn Carter Stephen Clark Nancy Coates Melinda Conley Benny Cook Kerry Cook Kathy Cooper Chris Couch Chad Crawford Sherrie DeJournett Ray Eads Blake Early Kevin Edwards Loretta Evans Becky Fluke Jeff Forester David Gay Shannon Glisson Lisa Golden Angelia Goiliver M ike Goodwin Kim Grooms Danielle Gutterridge Doug Hackworth H i ■ k », K W H 69 Bill Hallman Michelle Hammond Sheila Hannaford Dewayne Hawkins Paul Hawkins Bonnie Haynes Donnie Haynes Coy Hensley Lori Heslep Wendy Hoggard Larry Hufford Mark Johnson Michelle Jones Stephanie Jueal Kim Kerley Tracy Kercheval Greg King Ruby King Heath Lane Chris Lindner Angie Looney Jody Luther Andy Magee Corey Magee Vicky Malden John Martinez Kristen Mason Marcus McCarroll Shannon McDaniel Dottie McVickers Greg Mock Misty Modlin Debbie Morris Donna Morris David Mullen Jeremy Phillips Kerry Poindexter Debbie Potter Jason Potter Jennifer Porter Bob Pope David Prater Denita Prater George Pratt Carla Reeves Becky Reeves Doty Reed Julie Richman Jim Riffel Wilma Riney 71 Charlotte Rogers Lance Schmidt Amber Seamans Renee Schadler David Shipp Mike Sissem Eddie Smart M ike Smith Patrick Smith Tom Snow Randy Snider Darrell Stebbins Michelle Stogsdill Donald Stowers Laurie Stratton Scott Strickland Karen Tallon Angie Taylor Darrell Taylor Jason Taylor Cindy Thatch Gene Thompson Thelma Thompson Malcolm Todd Tammy Tribble Terry Tribble Lori Tyler Mark Tyler Bridgett Waymon Kenny Waymon 72 I. to r.- D. Howard, A. Bennett, J. Malone, D. Wellman, D. Williams, T. Kimbrell SR. SOOZRAjCjC Front Row: l-r J. Williams, manager, J. Lindsey, D. Breytspraak, M. Davis, K. McCluskey, D. Schratz, N. Kincade, G. Jones, C. Ellis, R. Mansker; Second Row: C. Hackworth, trainer, J. Riddle, P. M artin, D. Hunt, J. Creach, R. Blackshear, E. Bass, K. Casey, D. Cain, R. Kearby, D. Johnson, manager; Third Row: Coach Williams, Coach Wellman, T. Smith. J. Porterfield, B. Poe, T. Loggains, F. Linder, J. Towell, J. Looney, D. Johnson, B. Bigger, B. Pickett, manager. Coach Malone, Coach Howard Clyde Hackworth, Trainer Brian Pickett, Manager David Johnson, Manager 75 Ronnie Blackshear Kevin Casey Dusty Hunt Curtis Ellis Greg Jones Are these shorts too revealing? 76 Jason Creach Doug Johnson \ . Front row-l-r-R. W aterworth, K. Jones, D. Lemmons; second row-S. Blackwell, J. Campbell, K. Williamson, C. Rosei back row-B. Larson, D. Gutterridge. c m Beth Larson Stayce Blackwell m m Julie Campbell, Capt. Dawn Gutterridge m m n s Kelly Jones. CoCapt. Delaina Lemmons Katie Williamson Carmen Rose Robyn W aterworth Front row: l-r* G. Thompson, J. Phillips, C. Crawford, B. Eversole, C. Hoggard, S. Taylor, B. Vaughan, J. Martinez, S. Strickland* Second row: A. Bennett, coach* C. Vandergriff, S. Brown, R. Goodnight, P. Hawkins, E. Housch, D. Layton, S. Steele, D. Lewallen, J. Farrar, C. Couch, T. Kimbrell, coach* Third row* C. Lindner, K. Waymon, B. Adams, D. Hawkins, L. Schmidt, J. Grider, T. Bagwell, M. McCarroll, T. Brown. 3 0 0 ZKACC 80 Bottom: C. Cooper. Left to Right: K. Grooms, H. Jones (captain), S. Hyde (co-captain) ffK . M J Q M ensenjcsA m ks SK. Boys BASKSZBAU Bottom row left-right: D. Breytspraak, D. Anderson, D. Taylor, B. Robinett, R. M atthews, B. Coates, D. Warren, J. Riddle, D. JohnsonManger. 2nd row l-r: C. Hackworth-Trainer, M. Bagwell, T. Loggains, K. Baltz, K. Dust, T. Smith, J. Towell, B. Robinett, Jim Gray-Coach. 82 M ike Bagwell Keith Baltz Tim Loggains Bret Robinett Billy Coates James Riddle 84 Kevin Dust Dana Warren Boyd Robinett Troy Smith SK. Q KJCS u a s k s z u m c 1 Front row: (l-r) C. Jenkins, T. Britt, L. Jackson, R. Baltz, D. Burris, N. Towell, K. Throesch, K. Petty, S. Riney, M. Jackson, D. Riffel, B. Gipson. Managers: L. Rose, D. Smith, K. Cannon. Coach:,Dallas Howard. Cyndi Jenkins Dottie Riffel Tina Britt Becky Gipson Laura Jackson Jeanie Lewallen Renee Baltz Nancy Towell M artha Jackson 87 Dawn Burris Kim Throesch Shelly Newman Leigh Rose Trainer Sherry Riney Deni Smith Trainer Krista Cannon Trainer Latese Vandergriff Statistician JK. GJKjCS m u kas First row: L. Crawford. N. Coates, A. Looney, L. Daniel, K. Thompson, K. Kerley, L. Heslep, Second row: D. Brown, W . Hoggard. K. Mason, R. Shadier, E. Baxley, M. Modlin, B. Waymon, S. DeJournett, Third row: Coach D. Howard, D. Smith, A. Bennett, D. Menard, D. Thielemier, B. Arpayoglou, B. Hufstedler, A. Taylor, L. Rose, K. Cannon, K. McMullen. We 41 32 37 29 38 35 43 24 25 29 36 34 33 19 29 20 32 37 38 33 29 Schedule Clay Co. Central Hoxie Piggott Walnut Ridge Corning Cave City Oak Ridge Central Walnut Ridge Highland Cave City Caay Co. Central Maynard Paragould Hoxie Corning Highland Paragould Biggers Maynard Delaplaine Hoxie COUNTY CHAMPS 90 They 44 56 22 43 19 37 15 51 31 44 25 50 35 30 19 23 34 35 36 26 56 KOyS KASKSXKMC Front row.-1 to r- H. Lane, S. Southerland, J. Forrester, J. Phillips, J. Riffel, M. Moody, D. Prater. Second row: I to r- S. Brooks, J. Gowen, D. Courtney, S. Carter, M. Smith, J. Becerra, C. Couch, E. Housh, C. Brown. Third row: I to r- Coach Alan Bennett, Manager- B. Pope, M. McCarroll, K. Waymon, J. Grider, T. Shepard, T. Bagwell, D. Hawkins, B. Adams, Manager- T. Snow, Coach Tom Kimbrell. We 32 50 23 62 33 27 44 30 42 26 Piggott Paragould Clay County Central Hoxie Walnut Ridge Cave City Maynard Highland Corning Clay County Central They 36 52 38 41 37 45 50 52 II 42 31 43 46 37 54 46 28 42 48 43 Cave City Piggott Hoxie Oak Ridge Central Walnut Ridge Biggers Highland Corning Clay County Central Highland 45 42 40 20 61 52 46 31 45 58 KAS B M C 6 first row (l-r) E. Futrell, C. Hackworth, J. Lindsey, second row: C. Mitchell, J. Throesch, T. Loggains, R. Baxley, J. Bagwell This past year, the 1985 PHS Baseball team played some fierce competition. Teams such as Doniphan and Greene Co. Tech pushed the Skins to the limit. The Redskins had many capa ble juniors and sophomores who helped boost the team to a very spirited season. The team found out through hard work and determina tion a successful season could be in their reach. This year the Skins will have their seniors push ing a little bit harder and asking more from the fans to help support them for a winning season. Due to the yearbook’s deadline, we can only publish last year’s record and last year’s team. 92 These are last season’s scores: We 16 3 17 9 II 5 21 0 Corning Doniphan Maynard Thayer Oak Ridge Cen. Corning Thayer Marianna They II 5 4 4 7 2 3 2 Dist. l-i*: D. Britt, Bo. Robinett, Br. Robinett, C. Couch, B. Bigger 93 Due to circumstances beyond our control we are able to picture only the 1985 team. The 1985 tennis team had a very good year. All of the players did very well at the district tournament. Our number one girl player, Dottie Riffel, won the district meet and attended the state tournament in Hot Springs. The 1986 team is very promising. Most of the team this year is composed of seniors that have much experience and should do quite well. Because we are now in a different division we will be playing new teams which will be very exciting. We will no longer have Nettleton in our division which will be a relief. With the determination of the players and the coaching skills of Tom Kimbrell, this year’s team will be the most AWESOME ever! 94 Front row: K. Heslep. Second row: D. Riffel, K. Jones, B. Larsen, C. Williams. Third row, M. Robinett, D. Carr, B. Fender, J. Magee. ZRACK 1st row: T. Ennis, T. Hallman, S. Blout, L. Daniel. 2nd row: A. Jarrett, D. Smith, J. Evans, M. Brown, M. Hoelsher, S. Bagwell. 3rd row: D. Breytspraak, C. Hackworth, C. Perkins, H. Steimel, J. Riffel. 4th row: D. Johnson, J. Grider, G. Jones, J. Bounds, R. Baltz, J. Harper. 5th row: D. Johnson, K. Williamson, K. Casey, J. Lewallen, L. Jackson, J. Riddle. The 1986 track team entered a new tougher district this year. The addition of perennial state powers Hoxie and Highland to the schedule will lead to better competition for our students. Though still hampered by lack of a track for practice, the Redskins will see about 40 people report for boys and girls track. District races are usually the strength of the Pocahontas team with field events close behind. 95 CMJS3ZAW QUSSN w m Q JC C % A m Vicki Akins Leo Shannon Cherry GCE Michelle Crawford FHA Faye Foster Foreign Language Trish Gates Chorus Joyce Hibbard Smoke Signal Caroline Jackson Student Council Tracy Keech Speech Carmen Rose Annual Staff Lori Rouyer Physics Club Kelly King Key Club Leigh Swaim Beta Club Robin Venson FBLA Kim Williams FCA and Health Careers MR. A M ,V M S BRET ROBINETT and KELL Y JONES JR. MR. AW'D MJSS VMS LORI HESLEP and BOBBY ADAMS Senior Maid Stacye Blackwell Escorted By: Jim Porterfield Senior Maid Beth Larson Escorted By: Tim Loggains and Fred Lindner 102 Queen Kelly Jones Escorted By: Jay Towell and Clyde Hackworth Senior Maid Carmen Rose Escorted By: Ben Bigger and Billy Poe Junior Maid Julie Campbell Escorted By; Jay Towell Junior Maid Dawn Gutterridge Escorted By: Tim Loggains MOMSeOMWG ’85 Sophomore Maid Cyndi Jenkins Escorted By: Jeff Looney Sophomore Maid Katie Williamson Escorted By: Paul Martin m sweezusAKZ- u y s fOSZSK 9HAMAU - DAVJD eou K zw v 104 1986 MJSS KSPSKW PAGSAMZ Miss Redskin- Kristi Luter K r is ti is c ro w n e d 1st ru n n e r-u p B e th Larsen AKZ ecus Front row I to r, C. Gilbreth, A. Martinez, M. Porterfield. Back row, R. Tanner, L. Davis, A. W arner, J. Porterfield, S. Wessel. The PHS Art Club has continued to flourish throughout our school. The eight member team that makes up the club has been busy making and selling badges of all varieties for both the middle and high school students. Another project of the club is enter ing a float in the annual Homecoming Parade. All members of the Art Club must be enrolled in an art course or have taken art prior to joining. Mr. Gilbreth, art director at the middle school, is the sponsor. 106 Officers, Front, J. Porterfield-Pres.i M. Porterfield- V. Pres. Back, C. Gilbreth- Sec.; A. Martinez-Treas. «A m "The Pride of Pocahontas” New faces, new arrivals, and a new look became the setting for the beginning of the Pride of Pocahontas. The Pride, under the field command of Chris Williams and Kristi Luter, practiced long hours and tiring days until the Friday night show could be perfect. Mistakes were corrected and the finished project won a 2nd division at the Jonesboro ASU Band Day Contest. The band performed a spicy Spanish number called "Fiesta Brava”’. Then the percussion feature followed with their rendition of "Ole McDonald Flad a Drumline.” "Birdland”, a jazz hit with quick moves and eye-catch ing steps, was chosen as the third number. And for the grand finale, "America the Beautiful” with a 60 X 45’ American flag brought the Flomecoming crowd to their feet. The season ended with sadness and relief. For the seniors, it was their last performance and for the un derclassmen, it was a stepping stone toward the future. The year was full of memories, funny times and bad times, but the Pride took the bad ones with profession alism and the good times were kept forever. Officers are Bottom row I to r: K. Luter-Drum Major, C. WilliamsDrum Major, Top row, R. Gill-President, C. Jackson-V. President, K. Williams-Chaplain, R. Murphy-Historian. Horns- Chris Williams-Drum Maj. Tanya Cullison Kevin Vandergriff Becky Fluke Baritone- M ike Murphy Brad Foust Belinda Kinder Jon Harper Laura Clampitt Duane Vinson Tuba- Mark Murphy I Rifles: L to R: Ramonda Brooks. Crystal Southerland. Cyndi Jenkins, Renee Baltz. 2nd row: Nancy Towell, 3rd row: Stacye Blount. Managers- John Magee Dana Thielemier Angie Jarrett Candi Gazaway Kim Cates Percussion- Johnny Seagraves Chad Richardson Jamie Fields-Majorette David McDonald David Hibbard Holly Steimel Karen Hoelscher Michelle Hoelscher M ike Amann Andy Archer Darla Doyle-flag Kathy Stratton-Flag Flutes- Caroline Jackson Robin Gill Brenda Killion Stefaine Jones Angie Dawson Kim Williams-Majorette Drum Majors I to r: Chris Williams. Kristi Luter. 108 Majorettes: Jamie Fields and Kim Williams. Oboe- Debra Tribble-Flag Clarinets- Devonna Hawkins Lesa Schaffer Kristi Luter-Drum Maj. Shawnie Bickford Kelly Heslep Crystal Southerland-Rifle Julie Atherton Dana Suton Jina Cafferey Mary Harris-Flag Gayla King Becky Lambert Lori Russell A special thanks to the Pocahon tas Band Boosters and all the Band parents. Also a special thanks to Mr. Don Breytspraak; all things are pos sible in his eyest he gave us guid ance when we all needed it most. Trumpets- John Copeland Chris Reeves Stephen McMullen Keith Waymon Jason Taylor Terry Dalahite Carnila Anderson Devon Snodgrass Saxes- Ronald Murphy David Britt Karen Eveland Greg Mock Da W ayne Anderson Shawn O ’Donnell Joey Bacerra Steven Southerland Flags: (Front l-r) Tracy Keech, Capt.. Darla Doyle. Shanna Keech, Tommie Flarper-co.capt. Second row: Debbie Carr, Kathy Stratton, Deborah Tribble. Third row: M ary Harris. Tonya Ridge. Rhonda Rosenwinkle. m zA e cun Front Row: S. Blount. L. Swaim, M. Robinett. L. Swaim. M. Bagwell. B. Bigger, M. Thompson, C. Lundrey. E. Futrell, B. Thielemier. M. Ellis. Second row: C. Anderson, D. Bunch, K. Eveland. S. Keech, P. Collins. D. Cain, FI. Steimel, K. Hoelcher, R. Murphy, T. Cullison, L. Shaffer. Third row: L. Jackson, J. Towell, K. Williams, C. Rose, D. Riffel, R. Rosenwinkle, D. Taylor, B. Robinett, D. Tyler, B. Lambert, K. Throesh, L. Harris. Fourth row: T. Keech, C. Jackson, C. Williams, D. Gutterridge, K. Heslep, D. Carr, J. Campbell, B. Coates, R.Smart, P. Poe. Back row: G. Jones, B. Gipson, B. Killion, S. Jones, N. Towell, A. Dawson, G. King, D. Hawkins, K. Dismang, Sponsor-Torn Towell. Beta Club members are sophomores, juniors, and seniors who have a grade point average of 3.50 and above. Their projects include selling of Homecoming mums, the Miss Redskin Pageant, and the memberable Bloomer Bowl, when Queen Claudia Hackworth watched the Seniors beat the Juniors 28-6. Officers: President-Bret Robinett, V. President-Leigh Swaim, Reporter/Secretary-Caroline Jackson, TreasurerTracy Keech. 110 111 CMJS3ZAW SZAW Front Row: B. Robinett, D. Gutterridge. D. Warren. B. Lambert, J. Magee, A. Jarrett-, Second Row: L. Daniel, J. Mock, D. Tyler. S. Taylor. C. Gazaway; Third Row: C. Rose, L. Durham-sponsor. S. Blount, C. Williams. Not Pictured: J. Campbell and K. Durham Co-Editers: Becky Lambert and John Magee. 112 113 SR. HJ$H CHORUS First Row: K. Brakebill, P. Carr, K. Ellis, M. Baltz, Second Row: G. Smith, A. Simpson, S. Carson, T. Thompson, E. Bass, Mrs. Kay Gowen-Choral Director SR. H M H CHORUS First Row: T. Sutton, M . Sabastian, K. Lombardo, R. Noles, L. Perkins, P. Crain, L. Stratton, Second Row: B. Shipp, I. Tyler, G. Thompson, G. Pratt, C. Young, J. Richmond, V. Brown, M. Sissems, M . Hammond, Third Row: S. Allen, M. Jones, L. Neece, C. Rosenwinkel, D. Morris, C. Bonner, S. Napier, H. Lambert, K. Liebhaber, P. Morris, Fourth Row: J. Anderson, C. Butler, T . Brown, K. Douglas, K. Carson, Mrs. Kay Gowen-Choral D irector, D. Tribble, A. Golliver, C. Rogers, R. King, H. Bass The 1985-86 Pocahontas High School Senior Chorus has received a new choral director. She is Mrs. Kay Gowen. Mrs. Gowen has taught at Crowley’s Ridge College for nine years, and has now come to direct the P.H.S. Chorus. The chorus performed a Christmas concert jointly with the "Pride of Pocahontas” concert band. The group is planning to attend the Regional Solo and Small Group contest held at Arkansas State University. There are eleven members at present. The Soprano group includes: Tina Thompson, Marsha Baltz, Pam Carr, Kathy Ellis, and Angie Thompson. The Altos are: Judy Zim merman, Kelly Brakebill, Trish Gates, Shirley Carson, and Leigh Grigsby. The Tenors are: Andy Simpson and Glen Smith. Officers are: Pres.: J. Zimmerman, Vice-Pres.: T. Thompson, Sec.: M. Baltz, Reporters: A. Simpson and G. Smith. Front row, l-r: S. Blount, J. Towell, F. Lindner, K. Petty, K. Heslep, D. Carr, B. Poe, J. Porterfield, B. Pickett, J. Magee, K. Caseys second row: C. Jenkins, J. Looney, D. Schratz, G. Jones, D. Gutterridge, T. Loggains, B. Bigger, K. Williams, T. Keech, J. Fields; third row: B. Gipson, C. Southerland, D. Hunt, J. Lewailen, C. Hackworth, R. Mansker, R. W aterworth, J. Campbell, T. Hallman, D. Breytspraak, K. Baltzs fourth row: J. Riddle, R. Baxley, D. Warren, R. Tribble, L. Presley, B. Scott, T. Ennis, D. Lemmons, M. Jackson; Back row: R. Matthews, D. Cain, D. Anderson, D. Riffel, K. Williamson, L. Jackson, M. Hall, M. Crawford. Since Coach Dave Williams has come to our school, we have had the organization of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Members of this organization include both boys and girls who are in any kind of athletics. Through FCA young people learn to be leaders in sports, as well as in Christ. This club helps young people get ready for the real world. The Pocahontas chapter is very strong due to the participation and help of all the members. Every year the FCA raises money to send a few mem bers to the National Conference and other activities. Last summer we were fortunate to send three members to the National Conference in Stillwater, Oklahoma. We hope to send even more members this year. 115 m s MM SMACCS First row: left to right; T. Cullison, F. Moreland, S. Patel, S. Bagwell. Second row: J. McDowell, M. McCarroil, R. Baxley, C. Hackworth. Third row: E. Baxley, J. Creach. The state of Arkansas requires that all public schools must have a school fire marshal program. The fire marshals are to watch for fire hazards, develop an adequate plan for evacuation in case of fire and to conduct a fire drill at least once a month during the school year. They are to check all buildings to see that all people have left them. All persons must be out of all buildings within one minute and thirty seconds after the alarm has sounded. Also the fire marshals are to conduct at least one toronado drill each school year. There is no greater responsibility at school than that of a fire marshal because they are saving lives and one can not put a price on that. 116 ncA Front row: J. Chastain; C. Anderson; J. Sullinger; R. Tribble; C. Rose; L. Presley; T. Hallman; D. Lemmons; R. Venson; K. Jones; J. Bibb; J. Magee; K. Baltz. Second row: D. Venson; S. O ’Donnell; R. Gill; S. Blackwell; K. King; M. Hall; J. Atherton; D. Hoggard; N. Massey; A. Luter; M. Baltz. Third row; M. Ellis; T. Doliahite; D. Bunch; K. Oates; S. Anderson; K. Cannon; K. Thompson; D. King; K. Shaffer; M. Redd; A. Martinez. Back row: B. Poe; C. Reeves; B. Killion; K. Luter; L. Schafer; D. Cain; D. Tyen D. Taylor; B. Adams; D. Mullen; J. Nobles. The 1985-86 FBLA Club is sponsored by Gary Martin. Their activities include: the Valentine’s Dance, football programs, dis trict and state meetings, and Convention at Little Rock. The officers for this year are President-Carmen Rose* Vice President-Stacye Blackwell* Secretary-Tracy Hallman; Reporter-Robin Gill* Treasurer-Kelly Jones* and Historian-Krista Cannon. Officers: Carmen Rose-Pres.; Stacye Blackwell-V. Pres.i Tracy Hallman-Secretary; Kelly Jones-Treasurer* Robin Gill-Reporter* Krista Cannon-Historian m First row, left to right: T. Brown, A. Milligan, D. Liebhaber, R. O ’Brian, S. Flanery, M. Ellis, D. Courtney, D. Vandergriff, C. Lundry, D. G arrett, C. Mitchell, R. Trevillion, M. Poindexter, Second row: C. Hibbard, B. Pickett, W . Gay, T. Davis, H. Robinson, A. Golliver, K. Noblin, J. Jones, D. Stalnaker, G. Lundry, Third row: J. Grinder, E. Housh, C. Brown, D. Courtney, H. Jones, S. Garcia, C. Hoggard, D. Layton, D. Holloway, J. Bagwell, C. Throesch, C. Buazzard, sponsor- M r. Ashcraft, Fourth row: M. Trevillion, B. Duncan, J. Archer, R. Huddleston, S. Howell, D. Lewallen, M. Neece, D. Williams, J. Parsons, R. Eveland, G. Throesch, C. Gipson, J. W eaver, Fifth row: L. Baltz, M. Kearby, S. Burris, S. Farrar, J. Bibb, M . Young, D. Poe, D. Vinson, L. Eaton, R. Miller, R. Davis, K. McCandless, Sixth row: A. Carson, B. Lindsey, D. W ade, E. Endicott, E. Pogue, D. Hibbard, J. W ard, D. Smith, B. Sims, B. Guthrie, J. McCandless, D. Looney The FFA is a good program that involves both boys and girls. Skills such as welding, woodworking, electric ity, small engines, and many more are taught to stu dents in the shop. The FFA is involved in many activi ties throughout the year. Some of these include judging contests, parliamentary precedure contests, haunted house, and the gun show. These all help the chapter earn money and awards. Also representatives from our chapter attend The National Convention each year. 118 O fficers: First row: Vice President- D. Courtney. President-M. Ellis. Second row: Secretary- C. Lundry, Treasurer- D. Vandergriff, Sentinel- S. Flan ery. 119 §m First row: left to right: F. Foster, N. Massey, L. Syler, S. G riffith , R. Brutton, S. Carter, C. Anderson, sponsor Nancy Fluett, Second row: T. Fiarper, M. Crawford, D. Ledbetter, S. Mitchell, D. Tribble, T. Dickey, K. Thompson, S. Bagwell, Third row: A. Burtman, D. Carr, A. Luter, R. Maxwell. P. Hufford, C. Cates, S. Anderson, S. W hite, A. King, Fourth row: S. Riney, D. Manard, R. Tribble, D. Bunch, N. Jueal, P. Poe, K. Noblin, Fifth row: L. Harrelston, F. Moreland, P. Dollins, A. Huddleston, N. Stuart, K. Murphy, S. Junkersfeld, R. Kincade, D. Hoggard, Sixth row: S. Dahm, T. Poe, M. Porterfield, D. Foster, B. Hibbard, K. Oaks, P. Prater, T. Smith, T. Mitchell left to right: Shannon Junkersfeld, Rhonda Kincade, Cindy Anderson, Sherry Tribble, Santa Claus, and Nancy Stewart. FHA sponsored "Breakfast w ith Santa” with the proceeds going to March of Dimes. First row: left to right; S. G riffith - Third vice-president, L. Seyler- Treasurer, N. Massey- First Vice-president; Second row: R. Brutton- Secretary, F. Foster- President, C. Anderson- Historian, S. Carter- Reporter Sarah Anderson, a freshman, placed in the top three in the category of "Floral Arrangement” at the Federation 5 Competitions. 121 W K S J ffl C A m U A Q S First row: T. Dickie. D. Smith. A. Bennett, F. Moreland, F. Foster, R. Brooks, S. Keech, L. Jackson, L. Swaim. D. Riffel, M. Robinett. Second row: Kay Floweii-sponsor. K. Dismang. J. Sanders, B. Sims, D. Tyler, K. Thompson, S. Bagwell, P. Collins, K. Bellah, J. Atherton. Third row: C. Jackson, J. Farrar, D. Holloway, J. Bagwell, W . Teaster, L. Sifford, B. Thielemier, D. Gutterridge, K. Heslep Fourth row: J. Lopez, J. Chastain, B. Coates, C. Southerland, M. Hoelscher, H. Steimel, J. Miller, R. Hogan, P. Carr, L. Smith Fifth row: J. Evans, J. Fields, B. Kinder, K. Eveland, Sixth row: K. Vandergriff, B. Lambert, R. Murphy, D. Britt, M . Murphy, M. Murphy, D. Sutton No hablamos ingle's The PHS Foreign Language Club is involved in numerous year ly activities. Early in the year the club sponsors the Annual Homecoming Chili Supper which is the Club’s only fund-raising project. Participating in the State Foreign Language Festival at U.A.L.R. has become an important competition for Spanish stu dents. Competitors win certificates, ribbons, and trophies for the declamation, extemporaneous reading, baking, and poster categories. In the classroom the students enjoy slide presentations of student travel to both Mexico and Spain. This summer six students who traveled with Mrs. Howell are as follows: Sandi Anderson, Ben Bigger, Daryl Cain, Caroline (Guapa) Jackson, Stefanie Jones, Brigette Robinett. The students spent sixteen days in Spain and visited Madrid, Barcelona, Alicante, Algeciras, and Ceuta on the coast of Africa. Christmas treats this year, prepared by Mrs. Howell, were the Spanish deserts "flan” and "marzipan”. Students also share Spanish and South American dishes with their classes. All students currently enrolled in a Spanish class are eligible to participate in Foreign Lanugage Club activities. This year’s enrollment continues to grow with the addition of the Spanish III class. Officers from I to r: C. Jackson. Pres.i D. Gutterridge. V. Pres.: Second row: F. Foster. Sec.: C. Southerland. Tres. j VIVA ESPANA I 123 me Front (l-r): D. Ledbetter, D. Liebhaber, K. Jones, R. Venson, J. Bounds, D. McFall, R. Baxley, B. Cox, E. Futrell. Second row: R. O'Brian, L. Rowland, M. Flail, K. Vance, L. Blackwell, L. Sifford, J. Copeland, D. Evans, Third row.- L. Seyler, P. Smart, D. Hoggard, J. Hibbard, C. Roberts, L. Gooch, J. Peoples, J. Seagraves, K. McCandles, Fourth row: C. Brodell, J. Truitt, M . Young, D. Courtney, B. Thielemier, M . Perkins, E. Rose, T. Davis, Fifth row: A. Higginbotham, M. Crawford, L. Bonds, S. Bailey, S. Cherry, R. Haynes, G. Benton, R. Davis, P. Arnn-sponsor, Sixth row: R. Huddleston, C. Lundry, D. Vandergriff, T. W olf, J. Ross. This year some GCE members went on a trip to Conway to elect state GCE officers. Jeff Bounds, this year’s secretary-treasurer, ran in the race for state vice-president. GCE also entered a float in the Homecoming parade. The club also sold doughnuts before school and at lunch to raise money. 124 O fficers; first row (L to R): J. Seagraves-President, T. Davis-V. President, J. Bounds-Secretary-Treas. Second row: J. Copeland-reporter, D. Courtney-Parlia mentarian, D. Liebhaber-Sergeant-at-Arms. H M Z M CMSSKS 8 Front row: B. Pickett, V. Akins, L. Rouyer, M. Thompson, K. Williams, C. Hackworth, D. Gutterridge, K. Fleslep, D. Carri Second row: SponsorMrs. Malone, J. Magee, B. Lambert, C. Theilemier, S. Newman, M. Baltz., A. Huddleston, J. Jones-, Third row: C. Brodell, S. Patel, L. Bonds, A. Higginbotham. S. Bailey, S. Cherry, L. Shaffer, L. Harris: Fourth row: S. Jones, B. Killion, K. Petty, K. Dismang. L. Schafer, K. Luter, D. Tribble, T. Cullison-, Fifth row: T. Keech. C. Williams, A. Dawson, C. Southerland, C. Jenkins, B. Larsen, L. Swaim, T. Britt, R. W aterworth. If Health Careers Club had a motto it would be "volunteer before you’re chosen”. That is what HCC is all about. Members of HCC devote hours of their own time each school year and sometimes even during the summer months to the cause of helping people. Have you ever wondered what that huge van was doing parked on the corner square about once every six months? If you are not aware, that is the Ameri can Red Cross Blood Mobile. Members are sometimes asked to aid in preparing donors and/or just help out. Candystripers are a welcome sight to nurses on busy days at RCMC and the local convalescent home. Whether filling water pitchers at the nursing home or rubbing alcohol on an arm that just gave blood, the students in this club are sure to get into some real life experiences needed for their own hopeful health career in the future. Officers: Tracy Keech-Pres.: L. Rouyer-V. Pres> Kristie Luter-Sec.-, Brenda Killion-Treas. k jc o o Lisa, it’s just the rubbing alcohol. "W hat diseases?” :v "I’ve got to look like I am not in pain.' "Who? What? Where? M y name is what?” 127 gumon mm mm First row: D. Smith, L. Daniel, A. Jarrett, C. Gazaway, M . Tyler, K. Waymond, D. Reed, G. Caffery, M. Hoelscher. Second row: L. Golden, A. Golliver, M. Reed, K. Shaffer, S. Anderson, R. Maxwell, J. Gowen, S. Taylor, C. Brown, J. Harper. Third row: Mrs. Harris- Sponsor, C. Butler, D. Brown, L. Tyler L. Heslep, S. McDaniel, L. Evans, T. Snow, D. Hackworth. (Not pictured: K. Durham) The Pocahontas High School Chapter of the National Junior Beta Club was chartered in I985. The purpose of the Junior Beta Club is to encourage effort and reward merit, and to promote those qualities of character that make for good citizenship. The objective of the Nation al Junior Beta Club is to reward scholastic leadership and service achievements among the members of the school’s student body. The members of the PHS chapter reach these objectives with such projects as honoring teachers with Teacher Appreciation Week and provid ing a service of book/poster sales for students. 128 O fficers- First row: Chris Brown-president, Candi Gazaway-vice president. Second row: Deni SmithSecretary, Leigh Daniel- reporter, Angie Jarretthistorian. Key ecus 1st row: B. Pickett, J. Magee, B. Robinett, B. Cox, R. Baxley, P. M artin, B. Fender, M. Bagwell. 2nd row: E. Futrell, J. Mock, B. Bigger, D. Warren, T. Loggains, B. Coates, E. Bass, K. Casey. 3rd row: J. Lopez, J. Towell, D. Breytspraak, J. Riddle, F. Linder, C. Hackworth. B. Robinett, C. Reeves, J. Looney, Coach Kimbrell-sponsor. The Key Club, which works in cooperation with the Kiwanis Club, is very active at PHS and in the community. There were several new members added to this year’s club. The main goal of the Key Club is to promote school spirit. Some activities the Key club participates in are the turkey shoot, the Kiwanis pancake day, and a vollyball game. They sponsor slave day and they also show a movie on campus. The members of the Key Club regularly attend Kiwanis luncheons to observe the working activities of a community organiza tion. Officers- Pres.-P. Martin, V. Pres.-J. Towell, Treas.-J. Looney 129 c so ecun First Row: K. Jones; K. Hoelshen R. Rosenwinkle; T. Lombardo: M. Hoelsher: M. Baltz-, C. Gazaway: D. Gutterridge: D. Carr: Second Row: R. Venson; D. Ledbetter; S. Taylor; B. Coates; D. Sutton; M . Harris; K. Cannon; F. Moreland; K. Oaks; Third Row: M. Hall; R. W aterworth; B. Scott; C. Hackworth; T. Ennis-, A. Jarrett; A. Bennett; L. Rose; K. Heslep; Fourth Row: B. Gipson; L. Jackson; K. Williamson: C. Jenkins-, D. Riffel; M. Robinett; J. Lewallen; L. Swaim; S. Blount; Fifth Row: K. King; T. Keech; K. Williams; J. Fields; L. Rouyer; B. Lambert; K. Cates; L. Dials; Coach Malone-sponsor The Leo Club is a branch of the Lion’s Club organization. Among the many objectives, one is to help the visually handicapped. The Leo Club purchases glasses for the kids who need them. To help raise school spirit, the Leo Club is in charge of the preparation of the annual Home coming Victory Stew. The Leo Club has much help from their sponsor, Coach John Malone. Money is accumulated by participating in a vol ley ball game against the Key Club. Sending senior members to the dinner meetings of the Lions Club is a regular occurrance. This adds a personal connection between the Lion’s Club and the PHS Leo Club. President: Kelly Jones Vice-President: Robin Venson Secretary: Melanie Robinett Reporter: Dottie Riffel 130 spseeM First row: left to right, L. Presley; M. Matthews; N. Stuart; S. Tribble; T. Harper; D. Venson; K. Luther; K. Petty. Second row: C. Rose; T. Keach; J. Hibbard; K. Williams; B. Powell; M. Robinette. Third row: S. White-, K. Cates-, B. Larson; P. Collins-, S. Patel; K. Williamson. Speech Club is made up of members from Speech I and Speech II. In these classes we con cern ourselves primarily with the process of com munication. In Speech I, we learn the basic types of performances given-demonstration speeches to dramatic interpretation-and try our skills at each one. Speech II class prepares and presents a weekly radio program, Redskin Rally, for the local radio station, KPOC. We also attend various speech tournaments throughout the year. m KAKv ecm First row: B. Killion, L. Swaim, B. Larson, T. Britt, T. Ennis, C. Brown, N. Coates, K. Kerley. Second row: M. Jackson, D. Lemmons, R. Maxwell, L. Rose, T. Harper, W . Gay, J. Magee, A. Barnett, J. Richmond, Mrs. Hatch-Sponsor. Third row: B. Gibson, K. Williamson, A. Jarrett, C. Richardson, J. Fields, J. Bibb, J. Lopez, C. Couch, L. Heslep, J. Porterfield, Fourth row: C. Williams, R. Gill, S. Riney, S. G riffeth, S. Evans, B. Adams, T. Snow, B. Waymon, S. McDaniel. First row: President-Beth Larson, Vice-President-Robin Gill. Sec ond row: Treasurer-Terri Ennis, Secretary-Brenda Killion. 132 133 P M ysjes e c u s Earth's Nearest Neighbor Has R Visitor H R L L E V 5 C D I T 1 E T pmvsjcs earn First row.- M. Young, J. Lopez, J. Bibb, B. Poe, J. Towell, L. Rouyer. Second row: Gary Miller- sponsor, C. Couch, L. Swaim, J. Magee, B. Robinett, R. Murphy. Third row: M. Thompson, C. Jackson, B. Bigger, T. Cullison, B. Lambert, J. Chastain. One of the main objectives of Physics is to let the students know that they are the key to our tomorrow in the scientific field. We are involved in the everchanging, everexpanding fundamental science of physics by carrying out many experiments and attending study sessions to finish an interesting lab report. This year, as a fund-raiser, the Physics Club held a W inter Wonderland Dance- complete with square snow. Front row: J. Towell- President, L. Rouyer- Vice President. Back row: C. Jackson- Secretary/Treasurer, B. Poe- Reporter. 135 SM K SJQMC 0 8 Front row, l-r: E. Ulmer-sponsor, J. Atherton, A. Dawson, B. Killion, S. Jones, J. Magee, M. Baltz, A. Luter, J. Porterfield. Second row: F. Lindner, C Flackworth, K. Williamson, D. Taylor, A. Bennett, J. Hibbard, C. Gilbreth, A. M artinez, B. Foust. Third row: K. Dismang. K. Petty, K. Luter, D. Carr, L. Schaffer. Brenda Kiliion-Editor 136 Gone are the days when the Smoke Signal was printed on the offset press at school. This year the Ozard Journal O ffice at Imboden graciously con sented to print our school paper at a reasonable price. This has resulted in a much improved look for our newspaper. Twenty-four students worked hard to write news stories and meet publication deadlines. Not having a class period made the task harder; however, the activity period in the class schedule this year pro vided more time than the staff had in past years. The Smoke Signal staff is proud to have won the second place sweepstakes award at the ASU Journal ism Day contests in the spring of 1985, following only Little Rock Mills High School. Staff members Karen Petty, Kristi Luter, and Lesa Schafer placed in five divisions. Tom W at products were sold before Christmas to raise money to print the paper. The group made approximately $700 through this effort. Brenda Killion, editor, states, "I am pleased to have had such a large staff willing to work so hard this year. I hope in the years to come the Smoke Signal will cpntinue to be something the school and community will be proud of.” Mrs. Erma Ulmer is the Smoke Signal advisor. H 9& s z u D s m e o u jc e K Front row: (I to r) K. Williams, T. Keech, L. Rouyer, C. Williams, C. Jackson, A. Jarrett, V. Patel. Second row: (I to r) P. Taylor-sponsor, S. Blount, D. Breytspraak, D. Taylor, J. Bounds, L. Daniels, D. Warren, A. Bennett. Third row: (I to r) K. Heslep, D. Gutterridge, J. Campbell, K. Jones, M. Robinett, B. Larsen, J. Lopez. Fourth row: (I to r) J. Towell, J. Looney, C. Jenkins, L. Jackson, B. Bigger. This year the Student Council became very active with new challenges, new ideas, and new faces. A new change of office started the 85-86 season with Chris Williams as President, Beth Larsen as Vice President, Kelly Jones as Secretary, and Kim Wil liams as Treasurer. Ideas on helping the school and community were placed upon the new council mem bers. The group attended various workshops throughout the year. Beth and Chris spent a week attending a leadership seminar at Arkadelphia. New ideas were given and a new outlook had begun. This year the annual Homecoming festivities were the Student Council’s major project; organizing the pa rade and setting up the ’85 cornation were major accomplishments. Officers: Chris Williams-President, Beth Larsen-V. President. Kel ly Jones-Secretary. Kim Williams-Treasurer. The PHS campus was alive with spirit during the week of Homecoming. Each day brought spirit on the campus with special days set aside for each theme day. Some of the theme days were twinkie day, camouflage day, jersey day, sweats day, and the traditional red and white day. Representing PHS in the royalty included sophomore maids Cyndi Jenkins and Katie Williamson, junior maids Dawn Gutteridge and Julie Campbell, and senior maids Carmen Rose, Beth Larsen, Stacye Blackwell, and the 1985 Homecoming queen was Miss Kelly Jones. Miss Jones reigned over the parade whose theme was "Cartoon Carnival”. Taking first place in the major float division was the Jr. High Beta Club, second place went to Speech Club, and third place went to Co op. Taking first place in the mini float division was the Smoke Signal, second went to the Art Club, third went to the HeMan and the Masters of the Universe group. Speech Club wins second with Sylvester and Tweety. Captain Caveman yelled "Mash the Mustangs!” Paint a perfect picture on Homecoming day. M OM 8COM JM ’85 139 y o w v s eoM S a w m WAV SSMOKSl l-Kim Williams, 2-Leigh Swaim, 3-Billy Poe, 4-Keith Baltz, 5-Stacye Blackwell, 6-Cub scouts, 7-Carmen Rose, 8-Chris Williams, 9-Caroline Jackson, 10Lori Rouyer, ll-Kelly Jones and Beth Larson, Q-Kelly Jones and Wobbles, 13-Mike Thompson, I4-Tracy Keech, I5-Steve Farrar, 16-Ron Baxley, 17-Brian Fender and John Magee (at birthday party). 18-Dennis Looney, I9-Mary Flail, 30-Robin Gill, 21-Kelly King, 32-Duane Vinson. 142 L U tb tl'LJlXli m m m u L 1 U C L M M l 144 G G 3 G V i e u m m li T L U L l t L L z LruiiQ.1 *> c a L i G a 145 G G j G U SSCKSZMV 0 3 SZAZ£\ Bill McCuen talked about his job as Secretary of State, taking care of State House grounds and buildings. He makes sure that the State House area is clean, safe, and under good construction. He is also in charge of the Flag Flower Garden. He also showed some slides of the State House and its grounds. Some of these slides were from around the turn of the 20th century. He also showed slides of the making of "Under Siege.” "Bill” told us how busy his job as Secretary of State was and how he works with the governor. Doug Hackworth (8th grade student) 148 (oJUXT ShQUULK i S > W A C U S lu — \ + K U V jm ^ U V iiU L n M , H ^ u (X T J L o r jL o c t crv , r 1^ T ^w rln WuUtT ^ ^ ^ Q Q ir d ^ n u i+ h n 3 +^ ^ ^ fc jL tk u To: THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY ^ There were many times this year when it looked like we would never get done, but we finally did. Much time, effort, and money have gone into preparing this yearbook. We hope you enjoy it as much as we have enjoyed preparing it for you. We express our sincere appreciation to our advertisers, to our sponsors, and to everyone who had a part in making the 1986 CHIEFTAIN possible. A special thanks goes to Miss Wilford for the hours she spent working with us. W e also want to express our appreciation to Mrs. Sally Malone for providing us with the great pictures of Coach John used for the dedication. Sincerely, John Magee Becky Lambert Co-Editors *P.S. a. stexUlJlouCuoajjt cjuvJY\rruLrbu/\c(] MY OLD GYM SHOES The many memories that wC’ve shared. Can be seett in your weathered wear. W e’ve come through good times, come through bad, p i t ’s a specail friendship that we’ve had. Our graduation time draws near, W e’ve waited for it twelve long years. The prom will be a special night, A Time for Us, Camelot at night. A few more tests are left to take, And then we’re off for days at the lake. While everyone else is still in class, W e’ll take a last run around the track. The teachers and coaches cheering us on, th e challenge is there* but the timer is gone. W e’ll get bur diplomas, awards to some, The biggest race of our life has come. Do we go to college? O r settle down? ; Do we Stay here? O r another town? There’s one more step I have to take, It’s a sad choice I’ve had to make. The old gym shoes I’ve cherished so long, Run to the sound of a different song. They represent my high school years, All the laughter and all the tears. ITI keep the memories that we’ve shared, But I think now you’re too old to wear. A new beginning brings new memories, too, So goodbye for now to my old gym shoes. But I’ll keep you handy just in case My new beginning’s too new to face. I’ll slip you on and close my eyes, And for a while, remember old times. Rebecca Lambert Bottom row, left to right: D. Ledbetter, C. Rose, K. Jones, M. Burr, T. Baltz, (unknown), M. Thompson, J. Magee. 2nd row: B. Robinett, C. Stout, B. Bigger, B. Larsen, B. Fender, L. Rowland, T. Declerk, K. King, M . Ellis, T. Bates. Teachers: Mrs. Magee and Mrs. Ledbetter. SSMJOKS VMS?) A W 1 Through "Good Times” and "Bad Times” I’ll be on your side because th a t’s what friends are for. 154 WAL-MART tt)u know wal Mart cares, m e proof is In the prices. Hwy. 62 West Pocahontas, AR 72455 302 S. M arr Pocahontas, AR 72455 phone: 892-9281 VIDEO SHOWTIME Entertainment You Can Live W ith • • • • VCR RENTALS VHS M OVIE RENTALS NO M EM BERSHIP REQUIRED CONVENIENTLY LOCATED HW Y, 62 WEST POCAHONTAS, AR, 72455 ACROSS FROM W ALM ART BESIDE CARTER REALTY 156 RANDOLPH COUNTY MEDICAL CENTER Quality Health Care Close to Home HWY. 90 AT COUNTRY CLUB ROAD-POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS 72455-PHONE (501)892-9597 Compliments of HAL S. BARRE, M.D. Family Practice Doctor’s Medical Building eO W Q K A Z U C A Z JO m to the SSfflOKS of 7 9 8 6 !! Compliments of Bowlin furniture R E A L ESTATE UNITED FARM REAL ESTATE REPRESENTATIVE: CHARLES RED WINE & ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 626 Pocahontas, Ark. 72455 Compliments of Kirby Kiffel Office on U.S. Hwys. 62 & 67, near north edge town at 1600 U.S. Hwy. 67 North. Phones: office, 501— 892-2515; res., 501— 8928553. King's Grocery 1015 N. Park St. Pocahontas, AR 72455 Phone: 892-3177 Open 7 days a week we deliver fresh meats - produce Congratulations: KELLY KING, MIKE PERKINS, BRYAN THIELEMIER COMPLIMENTS OF DeClerk L.P. Gas Inc. P.O. Box 411 Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 Phone: 892-5273 A*T tl oos Upholstery cvc' .T O P * |)0 * * Tonneau C over S lider W in d o w s , m Tr U N K M View M aster Bay Windows T ir e Covers Sunvisors Snack Trays T ir e C arriers Tables 892-8324 Highway 6 7 North a rs Spoilers Ventshades Visors Pocahontas, Arkansas N * A ■P ■U /IF ' Furniture A ll Types Upholstery and Body H A R D W A RE o f YOU C A N A L WA YS EXPECT FIN E Q U A L IT Y -L O W PRICES V IN Y L TOPS ,e r i N G CA^ FA '" ’’ S. ° re SPORTY ACCESSORIES COMPLETE AUTO PAINT & BODY COMPLETE VAN CUSTOMIZING LP. INC. CONGRATULATIONS KINDERGARTEN CLASS OF 1973-74 (especially Beth) J BOOSTERS PALACE PHARMACY, INC. The ^ c x *U S to re Joh n "Y” Barber Shop A . D e C l e r k . P .D . Phone 8 9 2 -5 7 8 0 PO CAHONTAS, ARKANSAS 7 2 4 5 5 Neil Baker Meric Crissman Hambrick Sales PENNY E. L IN C O LN . P .A . M EM BERS OF C A R R O LL DAV ID M cC A lJS T E R , P .A . ARKANSAS SOCIETY O F P U JU .IC A C C O U N T AN TS B ILL LIN CO LN , TAX CONSULTAN T N A TIO N A L SOCIETY O l PU B LIC ACC O U N TA N TS Darrell McFatridge Dr. W yatt Glen Cox Singley Insurance HcOIaliBter-Hinailn, limited PU B LIC ACC O U N TA N TS P .O . BOX 545 - HW Y. *7 SOUTH P O C A H O N TA S. ARK. 72455 Corrine’s Harrell A. Simpson TRW CINCH CONNECTORS Pace Road Pocahontas, A r 72455 162 "The World's Best Products by the South's Finest People" UJRTERLOD • HI INDUSTRIES INC. P.O. Box 486 Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 Congratulations Seniors from C e n tu ry 2 1 Xom & Country Wealty ’ iispecially JOHN MAGEE We're theNeighborhood Professionals. Q ' n lr r ~ i l u p f r , “ f MEDICAL ARTS PHARMACY RANDOLPH CO. VETERINARY CLINIC A professional service pharmacy. Rt. 4 Hwy. 90 Michael E. Davis, D .V .M . Hwy. 90 West, Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 Phone 501-892-3636 Phone: 892-5696 Phone.- 892-9489 Since 1926 McNABB FUNERAL HOME Jordan and VanBibber Streets Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 Phone: 892-5242 Randolph County Abstract £ Zitie Co. your "lull Senna Zitie Co. 108 SouthM ur Start Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 Mouther, Member, ArkansasJCamt ZitieAttn. AmerieanJCand ZitieAttn. " Virginia£ . Swindle Manager • Zitie Officer (501) 892-3341 III West Everett Needs for school wear and REMEMBER........... our formal wear rentals at prom. Pocahontas Lowest Prices 165 Hank of Pocahontas “Serving Since 1 9 0 3 n Compliments Of: Randolph County Officials Jim Andrews-County Judge Jack Wilson-Circuit Clerk Phyllis French-County Clerk Eddie Jones-Treasurer Steve Shults-Sheriff Betty Johnson-Tax Collector Bill Moore-Tax Assessor lla Guntharp-School Supervisor Liberty M art #1 Liberty Mart #2 Hwy. 90 & Park 6 A.M. - 12 P.M. Pyburn & Park 6 A.M. - II P.M. Yarnells Ice Cream-GroceriesGas-Broasted Chicken-Deli Foods Dr. Combardo & Staff Medical Arts Center 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. ♦ Congratulations 1985 § 86 Seniors!!! Nu-way Foods Full service supermarket ELASTICSTOPNUT Open seven days a week 6 A.M.-I2 P.M. HARVARD INDUSTRIES, INC. A DIVISION OF P 0 BOX 6 0/, POCAHONTAS. ARKANSAS 11M At the "Y” Phone: 892-8066 FARM BUREAU INSURANCE Life and Fire Insurance Larry Rowland Agency Manager Phone: 892-4524 Residence: 892-4907 FUTRELL PHARMACY Philip Futrell-Owner Phone§ 892-5615 On the Square Downtown Pocahontas , (G9) Red Pearcy O il Company 168 Quality Building Supply Compliments of Pocahontas, Ar. Hwy 67 South 892-9186 Reno 769-2266 Gazaway Grocery W e S ave You M oney V llh Free Ads Randolph County Merchandiser FREE Compliments of * S e n lug R andolph C ounty A S urro u n d in g C oniniintilits “ I lie People's Paper" I* .II. ni>« 4DS, A.Wan<a« 724*5 o u t . r I n t a lr il .M 1(0 I . I « r r rl( M . llt.H N ln w n r« ra h o n la « . On I h r S<|»air ( H lfh i N asi Ita n r I n M rlla n la l ia t n iia r r ) I92-5970 .. P h o n e 50I-892 5S70 j/ i. m / # C a ll I I I Y o u r Item s H U E. A t 892-5970! O r. M ail l o : lluitilolpli ( 'oiuiiy M ereliamliscr P .O . Ilox 405 P o c n lio n la s, A lt 72455 Zhe Clip {joint k ‘ t r t M r s / fitr tfi move! Pocahontas Federal S A V IN G S /n & LOAN A S S O C IA T IO N P .O . B O X i f t i ' P O C A H O N T A S . A R K A N S A S P .O . B O X 2 0 G • W A L N U T R I0 G 6 . A R K A N S A S C M ‘ i r> / ? 4 7 fi to u u iw v c LEN DE" J CONGRATULATIONS SENIORS ESPECIALLY MIKE BAGWELL (Owner) R £ R DISCOUNT THE EVERYTHING PLUS STORE !!!!!!!! IPPB EQUIPM ENT PATIENT LIFT HOSPITAL BEDS Hospital Equipment for the home. Pocahontas, Ar 7.2455 Phone: (50l)-892-5292 ABBEY MEDIFAC COMPANY IN C WHEELCHAIR Carter City & County Realty 892-2555 We’re All You Need To Know In REAL ESTATE. Buyer Protection Plan Moving Machine Seller Protection Plan We’ve Got The Muscle To Sell Your Property Fast! Hwy. 62 - Across From W al-Mart POCAHONTAS IGA Hwy. 62 West Open 7 days a week for your shopping convenience. POCAHONTAS READY MIX I BLOCK CO.. INCI P. O. Box 513 Pocahontas, AR 72455 Pocahontas phone: 892-5212 Corning phone: 892-3938 Southerland Medical Center Pharmacy Julian Southerland, P.D. Doctors Building - Country Club Rd. Pocahontas, AR 72455 Phone: 892-4495 D r Joe K. Jones D.D.S. Doctor’s Building-Suite 100 POCAHONTAS STAR HERALD Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 Telephone: 892-5046 Congratulations Kelly ‘Serving Since 1880” Randolph County’s Oldest Business THE AIR-FLO COMPANY Heat, Air, and Insulation POCAMONZAS CUMKSK eOM PAN V Hwy. 67 South Pocahontas, AR Phone: 892-3043 t 804 McDonald Street Pocahontas, AR 72455 Phone.r Terry's Quick Shop 892-5277 Open 7-11 Location at 211 Van Bibber Phone: 892-3745 Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 CITY PHARMACY Rick Wise, Owner Kick's Custom jewelry "Never closed to the sick. Phone, 892-5517 Pocahontas, Ar. Phone: 892-3511 211 Broadway Pocahontas, AR 72455 Watch Repair-Diamond Setting-Remounting Jewelry Repair-Custom Design Compliments of Billagtr Baker Oil Co, 108 BETTIS STREET POCAHONTAS, ARKANSAS Pocahontas, Ar. 892-3324 SHIELD Of SHELTER COUNTRY COTTAGE SHELTER INSURANCE COMPANIES g ift), c a ia t , c ia f t i, boo la , etc. Monday - Saturday 9 to 5 104 N. Bettis Pocahontas, Arkansas 72455 892-8366 HUBERT STEIMEL — Agent 112 Pyburn Street Pocahontas, AR 72455 owned & operated by Jim & Kay Gowen Phone: 892-5886 KERLEY’S DAIRY QUEEN ► 174 E. Pocahontas Phone: 892-3071 Compliments of COMPLIMENTS OF BUILDERS PLUMBING 5 Central Cash and Carry Pocahontas, Arkansas Highway 6 7 South HEA TING Phone: 892-5774 Pocahontas Aluminum Company; Jnc. POCAHONTAS BIG STAR M ore for you! QUALITY fTlERLE flORflffln The Place for the Custom Face stam ps ■1 f i l * ' • 1 Manufacturers of: ’The Home Center" BUILDERS SUPPLY & HARDWARE prime windows-storm windows-storm doorsportable building doors-camper doors East Gate Plaza L.D. Rose, President East Gate Plaza P.O. Box 103 Pocahontas, Arkansas Phone: 501-892-3689/892-3748 Congratulations Seniors especially Carmen Pocahontas, AR Phone: 892-5711/892-4521 Compliments of Pocahontas Family Practice Clinic] Route # 5 Doctors Bldg. 8 9 2 -4 4 6 7 I Albert L. Baltz, M.D. ^DannyB. Holt, M.D. Andrew J. Jansen, M.D. 17* 176 S c ? d U K j^o ca o4 >JL o o ^ l t ' L^-e-JL^~JL^*~^ v3" u j -JL^V^Jk. 0 - ^ 0 ^ C A _ / S ^ _ C k io o . ^ ' 0 -/C C ' 0 0 » ' ' L ^ J i / > \ >-&_ t ^ - S - 0 A —^ — l a J c > -J L a > ^ $ I O -N ^ t^ y o C s d ) t K j - U ^*~*~\ ^ ° N(Qlc4 . s '- ^ W w y v v J U A .; -S -> O ^ A _ » O 6 > -^ A S o p X o C S ^ Q -Jv v ^ A f i r 'V W O 'v J C - Q , tA ^ v 0^U a. ^ <I t>3 S v^>^S2 ~ VK ,'o f t © V ^ " ^ . fc ) o*S . ^ f v.'ss 0 c Q £% /lV '■ 3 V<S ^ w/. 3^73^5 ^ f- p *■ * - < r C n S K ' ' ^ :> * { j a f a : (fa u x * 0 - • a j-e -d - x 2 ^ * * /^ n J ^ y 'H f L . * ”y x t 3> f ^ q ^ J / ^ )'P' \° C 51'^ 73 3 7 vo X T Q ^ t;,# . \ | C TvxA T '1 'r t /o '^ R O s ^ s r p ^ c r p o /c n a i^ V r r f o C P *-*' v -> 4 - IV 1 n f T T r r v p o n p C * T T )i5 ^ i3 r , r w n p a g ^ o -^o v r tr K ^ 'O — ------ia ’- ' p w I ^ ro T P rv \ '^ " c n a ' ^ r T ^ ^ r u T cxJU i M ^ rr^ « $ n <$ _ v J -0 ~ C O \J f7 \