Organizational Meeting - Nuclear Safety and Security
Organizational Meeting - Nuclear Safety and Security
Convention on Nuclear Safety Seventh Organizational Meeting of Contracting Parties 15 October 2015 Report of the President 1. Pursuant to Rule 11 of the Rules of Procedure and Financial Rules of the Convention, the Organizational Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety was held at the Headquarters of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna on 15 October 2015. 66 out of 78 Contracting Parties participated, namely: Albania, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Korea (Republic of), Kuwait, Latvia, Lebanon, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States of America, Vietnam and Euratom. A list of participants is attached as Annex I. 2. The Meeting, noting that the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/NEA) had requested to take part as an observer to the Organizational Meeting, agreed that OECD/NEA participate in the Organizational Meeting on that basis. 3. The Meeting adopted the proposed agenda as shown in Annex II. 4. Based on a report by the Office of Legal Affairs, the Meeting accepted the credentials of the delegates as presented by the Contracting Parties participating in the Organizational Meeting on the understanding that those delegations that had so far not submitted credentials in the proper form would do so as soon as possible. 5. The Meeting decided to establish 7 Country Groups for the 7th Review Meeting. Pursuant to Rule 17 of the Rules of Procedure and Financial Rules, the Meeting allocated Contracting Parties to Country Groups, using the method described in Annex III of the Guidelines regarding the Review Process. This procedure resulted in the composition of the Country Groups listed in Annex III, which was agreed by the Meeting. 6. The Meeting elected Mr Ramzi Jammal of Canada as President of the 7th Review Meeting. 7. Since the number of candidates for the positions of Vice-President exceeded the number of elective places to be filled, a secret ballot was held for the election of the two Vice-Presidents. 8. The Meeting elected Mr Geoffrey Emi-Reynolds of Ghana and Mr Georg Schwarz of Switzerland as Vice-Presidents. The biographies of the President and Vice-Presidents are contained in Annex IV. 1 9. The Country Groups thus established, then met separately to make recommendations for Country Group Officers of the 7th Review Meeting. 10. Based on the discussions in the Country Groups, and pursuant to Rule 11 of the Rules of Procedure and Financial Rules, the Meeting: a. Country Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 selected Chairpersons, Vice-Chairpersons, Coordinators and Rapporteurs from each Country Group as follows: Chairperson Vice-Chairperson Mr Daniel DORMAN (USA) Mr Fabien FERON (France) Mr Masahiro AOKI (Japan) Mr Igor ZONOV (Russian Federation) Mr Petteri TIIPPANA (Finland) Mr Andreas MOLIN (Austria) Ms Theresa CLARK (USA) Mr Mikulas TURNER (Slovakia) Mr Anders HALLMAN (Sweden) Mr Muhammad AYUB (Pakistan) Ms Mareike RÜFFER (Germany) Mr Simon COENEN (Belgium) Ms Virva NILSSON (Sweden) Mr John FROATS (Canada) Mr John PULE (South Africa) Ms Jianxiu CHENG (China) To be nominated by Spain Ms Young Eal LEE (Republic of Korea) Mr Reno ALAMSYAH (Indonesia) Mr Sujay Kumar GHOSH (India) Ms Ginevra DELFINI (Netherlands) Ms Mina GOLSHAN (United Kindgom) Mr Marco BRUGMANS (Netherlands) Mr Zaheer Ayub BAIG (Pakistan) Ms Monica DOBBERTIN (Norway) Mr Rashid AL HAMMADI (United Arab Emirates) Mr Seung Young JEONG (Republic of Korea) Mr D. GAWANDE (India) Coordinator Rapporteur it being understood that where an individual name has not been identified yet or, if for some reason, the individual elected is unavailable, the Contracting Party concerned would nominate a replacement and notify the Secretary accordingly. b. 2 To ensure that in accordance with the Guidelines regarding the Review Process no Officer is assigned to the Country Group of which his or her country is a member, the Meeting drew numbers to advance all Officers respectively to the corresponding groups. The number drawn for Chairpersons was 3 so that Chairpersons would advance by 3 Country Groups. The number for Vice-Chairpersons was 2, so that Vice-Chairpersons would advance by 2 Country Groups. The number for Coordinators was 1, so that Coordinators would advance by 1 Country Group. The number for Rapporteurs was 6, so that Rapporteurs would advance by 6 Country Groups. As a result, the final assignment of Officers to the Country Groups was as follows: Country Vice-Chairperson Coordinator Mr Seung Young JEONG (Republic of Korea) Mr D. GAWANDE (India) Mr Sujay Kumar GHOSH (India) Ms Virva NILSSON (Sweden) Ms Theresa CLARK (USA) Mr John FROATS (Canada) Mr Andreas MOLIN (Austria) Mr Anders HALLMAN (Sweden) Mr John PULE (South Africa) Mr Daniel DORMAN (USA) Mr Fabien FERON (France) Mr Mikulas TURNER (Slovakia) Mr Muhammad AYUB (Pakistan) Ms Mareike RÜFFER (Germany) To be nominated by Spain 6 Mr Masahiro AOKI (Japan) Ms Jianxiu CHENG (China) 7 Mr Igor ZONOV (Russian Federation) Ms Monica DOBBERTIN (Norway) Mr Rashid AL HAMMADI (United Arab Emirates) Ms Ginevra DELFINI (Netherlands) Mr Simon COENEN (Belgium) Group 1 2 3 4 5 Chairperson Mr Petteri TIIPPANA (Finland) Ms Mina GOLSHAN (United Kindgom) Mr Marco BRUGMANS (Netherlands) Mr Zaheer Ayub BAIG (Pakistan) Ms Young Eal LEE (Republic of Korea) Rapporteur Mr Reno ALAMSYAH (Indonesia) 11. The Meeting, noting that the Nuclear Energy Agency of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD/NEA) had requested to take part as an observer to the 7th Review Meeting, decided to invite the OECD/NEA, in accordance with article 24.2 of the Convention. 12. The Meeting decided that interpretation will be provided during all plenary sessions of the 7th Review Meeting in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish. Requests for interpretations during the entire Country Group Sessions were filed by Armenia, Belarus, China, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Peru, Russian Federation and Ukraine, and an additional request for interpretation during the entire Country Group session was raised by Argentina; those will be reflected in the Review Meeting timetable. The list of requests for interpretation is provided in Annex V. 13. Pursuant to Rule 11.2 (e) of the Rules of Procedure and Financial Rules, the Meeting decided to recommend a budget for the 7th Review Meeting as contained in Annex VI. The Secretariat asked the Contracting Parties to consider making voluntary contributions for covering the interpretation costs of the 7th Review Meeting. 3 LIST OF ANNEXES Annex I List of participants to the 7th Organizational Meeting of Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety Annex II Agenda of the 7th Organizational Meeting Annex III Composition of Country Groups for the 7th Review Meeting of Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety Annex IV Biographies of President and Vice-Presidents of the 7th Review Meeting Annex V List of requests for interpretation for the 7th Review Meeting Annex VI Budget estimate for the 7th Review Meeting Annex VII Provisional Agenda for the 7th Review Meeting Annex VIII Provisional Timetable for the 7th Review Meeting 5 Annex I LIST OF CONTRACTING PARTIES th 7 Organizational Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) 15 October 2015 Country/Organization Name of Participant ALBANIA Mr Roland Bimo Mr Adhurim Resuli Mr Jovan Thereska ARGENTINA Mr Rafael Mariano Grossi 6 Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the IAEA Reisnerstraße 27/6a 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 328 87 10 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the IAEA Reisnerstraße 27/6a 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 3288710 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Albania to the IAEA Reisnerstraße 27/6a 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 328 87 10 Permanent Mission of Argentina to the IAEA Goldschmiedgasse 2/1 1010 VIENNA Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Abel Gonzalez Ms Justyna Bork Ms Maria Victoria Picazo Mr Sebastian Kobaru Ms Luz Maria Melon Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43 1 533 84 630 Autoridad Regulatoria Nuclear (ARN) Av. del Libertador 8250 BUENOS AIRES ARGENTINA Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of Argentina to the IAEA Goldschmiedgasse 2/1 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 533 84 630 Permanent Mission of Argentina to the IAEA Goldschmiedgasse 2/1 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 533 84 630 Permanent Mission of Argentina to the IAEA Goldschmiedgasse 2/1 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 533 84 630 Permanent Mission of Argentina to the IAEA Goldschmiedgasse 2/1 7 Country/Organization Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Name of Participant 1010 VIENNA ARMENIA Mr Arman Kirakossian Ms Lena Terzikyan Mr Areg Hovhannisian AUSTRALIA Ms Rachelle Allen Email: Tel.: +43 1 533 84 630 Permanent Mission of Armenia to the IAEA Hadikgasse 28/1 1140 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 890 63 63 Permanent Mission of Armenia to the IAEA Hadikgasse 28/1 1140 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 890 63 63 Permanent Mission of Armenia to the IAEA Hadikgasse 28/1 1140 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 890 63 63 Permanent Mission of Australia to the IAEA Mattiellistraße 2-4/III 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 506 74 8 Country/Organization Name of Participant Ms Kath Smith Mr David Lewis Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of Australia to the IAEA Mattiellistraße 2-4/III 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43150674119 Permanent Mission of Australia to the IAEA Mattiellistraße 2-4/III 1040 VIENNA Mr Andreas Molin Email: Tel.: +43 1 506 74 Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 1010 VIENNA Mr Thomas Augustin Email: Tel.: +43151522 4008 Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 1010 VIENNA AUSTRIA Email: Tel.: +43151522 4008 Mr Georg Martin Gierisch Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management Stubenbastei 5 1010 VIENNA 9 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43-1-51522 BELARUS Mr Aleh Sobaleu BELGIUM Mr Willem Van de Voorde Department on Nuclear and Radiation Safety (Gosatomnadzor) Ministry of Emergency Situations 16, Berson str 220030 MINSK BELARUS Email: Tel.: 00375 17 2910286 Permanent Mission of Belgium to the IAEA Prinz-Eugen Strasse 8-10 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 502 07 Mr Bart Pennewaert Permanent Mission of Belgium to the IAEA Prinz-Eugen Strasse 8-10 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 502 07 10 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Thierry Maldague Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Department Regulation; Agence Fédérale de Contróle Nucléaire (AFCN) Rue Ravenstein 36 BRUSSELS BELGIUM Email: Tel.: +32 2 289 2076 Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the IAEA Heinrichgasse 4/3 1010 VIENNA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Mr Oliver Micic Mr Sanjin Pandzic BRAZIL Mr Laércio Antonio Vinhas Mr Ricardo Maschietto Ayrosa Email: Tel.: +43 1 812 22 56 +43 1 812 22 57 State Regulatory Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety Hamdije Cemerlica 2 71000 SARAJEVO BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Email: Tel.: 65 966 341 Permanent Mission of Brazil to the IAEA Pestalozzigasse 4/4 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 230 00 99 Permanent Mission of Brazil to the IAEA Pestalozzigasse 4/4 1010 VIENNA 11 Country/Organization Name of Participant Ms Helena Lobato da Jornada Mr Marcel Furtado Garcia BULGARIA Ms Radelina Tranteeva Mr Nikolay Grozev Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43 1 230 00 99 Permanent Mission of Brazil to the IAEA Pestalozzigasse 4/4 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 230 00 99 Permanent Mission of Brazil to the IAEA Pestalozzigasse 4/4 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 230 00 99 Nuclear Regulatory Agency State Inspector 69 Shipchenski prohod Blvd. 1574 SOFIA BULGARIA Email: Tel.: +35929406846 Permanent Mission of the Bulgaria to the IAEA Rechte Wienzeile 13 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +4315856603 12 Country/Organization Name of Participant Ms Maryia Semkova CANADA Mr Philip Webster Mr Natasha Cayer Mr Brian Gracie CHILE Mr Armin Ernesto Andereya Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of the Bulgaria to the IAEA Rechte Wienzeile 13 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +4315856603 Permanent Mission of Canada to the IAEA Laurenzerberg 2 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43-1-531-38-3248 Permanent Mission of Canada to the IAEA Laurenzberg 2 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 531 38-0000 Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 280 Slater St, P. O. Box 1046 Station B OTTAWA KIP5S9 CANADA Email: Tel.: +1 (613) 947 4018 Permanent Mission of Chile to the IAEA Am Lugeck 1/3/10 1010 VIENNA 13 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43 1 512 92 08 Mr Andres Gonzalez Mr Hellmut Lagos Koller CHINA Mr Chunliang Li Mr Zhang Lei Permanent Mission of Chile to the IAEA Am Lugeck 1/3/10 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 512 92 08 Permanent Mission of Chile to the IAEA Am Lugeck 1/3/10 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 512 92 08 Permanent Mission of China to the IAEA Reisnerstraße 15/8 1030 VIENNA AUSTRIA Email: Tel.: +43 1 370 43 05 NNSA/MEP - National Nuclear Safety Administration/Ministry of Environmental Protection No.115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie, 100035 BEJIJNG CHINA Email: Tel.: 14 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Gang Sheng CROATIA Ms Mirta Mandic CYPRUS Mr Iacovos Georgiou Mr Christos Makriyiannis CZECH REPUBLIC Mr Tomas Kaderabek Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) NNSA/MEP - National Nuclear Safety Administration/Ministry of Environmental Protection No.115 Xizhimennei Nanxiaojie, 100035 BEJIJNG CHINA Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of Croatia to the IAEA Rennweg 3 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 535 01 37 Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the IAEA Neulinggasse 37/4/MZ 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 513 06 30 Permanent Mission of Cyprus to the IAEA Neulinggasse 37/4/MZ 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 513 06 30 State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) Senovazne námesti 9 110 00 PRAHA 1 CZECH REPUBLIC 15 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +420 2 21624721 Mr Jan Chara Mr Jaroslav Stepanek DENMARK Mr Jimmy Thomsen Ms Louise Fluger Callesen Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the IAEA Penzinger Straße 11-13 1140 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 899 581 40 Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the IAEA Penzinger Straße 11-13 1140 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 899 581 40 Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA Datavej 16 3460 BIRKERØD DENMARK Email:, Tel.: +45-45-90-62-70 Permanent Mission of Denmark to the IAEA Führichgasse 6/3 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 512 02 32 16 Country/Organization Name of Participant Ms Lalesh Kaplan ESTONIA Ms Reelika Runnel Ms Tiia Treier Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of Denmark to the IAEA Führichgasse 6/3 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 512 02 32 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Estonia to the IAEA Wohllebengasse 9/13 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 503 77 61 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Estonia to the IAEA Wohllebengasse 9/13 1040 VIENNA Mr Santiago Martinez Iglesias Email: Tel.: +43 1 503 77 61 European Commission (EC) EUFO 04/255 128 rue Alcide de Gasperi LUXEMBOURG Mr Didier Lenoir Email: Tel.: 4301 32 104 EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna Argentinierstraße 26/10 1040 VIENNA EURATOM Email: 17 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Tel.: +43505 84 11 -0 Mr Hendrik Koets Mr Volker Holubetz Mr Wilhelmus Verstegen FINLAND Mr Anu Laamanen EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna Argentinierstraße 26/10 1040 VIENNA Email: hendrik.koets@eeas.europa. Eu Tel.: +43505 84 11 -23 EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna Argentinierstraße 26/10 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43505 84 11 -0 EU Delegation to the International Organisations in Vienna Argentinierstraße 26/10 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43505 84 11 -0 Permanent Mission of Finland to the IAEA Gonzagagasse 16 1010 VIENNA Austria Email: Tel.: +43 1 535 03 65 18 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Ms Kirsi Alm-Lytz Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) PO Box 14, Laippatie 4 00881 HELSINKI FINLAND Mr Petteri Tiippana Email: Tel.: +358 9 759881 Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) PO Box 14, Laippatie 4 00881 HELSINKI FINLAND Ms Emilia kaerkkaeinen Email: Tel.: +358-9-759-88-200 Permanent Mission of Finland to the IAEA Gonzagagasse 16 1010 VIENNA Austria Mr Mauri Riihonen Email: Tel.: +43 1 535 03 65 Permanent Mission of Finland to the IAEA Gonzagagasse 16 1010 VIENNA Austria Email: Tel.: +43 1 535 03 65 19 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Anu Konttinen FRANCE Ms Marion Paradas Permanent Mission of Finland to the IAEA Gonzagagasse 16 1010 VIENNA Austria Email: Tel.: +43 1 535 03 65 Permanent Mission of France to the IAEA Gonzagagasse 16/2 1010 VIENNA Mr Philippe Jamet Email: Tel.: +43 1 501 82 0 Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) 15-21 rue Lous Lejeune MONTROUGE 92120 FRANCE Mr Andre-Claude Lacoste Email: Tel.: +33 666400971 Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) 15-21 rue Lous Lejeune MONTROUGE 92120 FRANCE Ms Isabelle Forest 20 Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +33-146-16-4403 Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) 15-21 rue Lous Lejeune MONTROUGE 92120 FRANCE Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +33 1 4616 4404 Mr Fabien Feron Ms Mathilde Prevost Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) 15-21 rue Lous Lejeune MONTROUGE 92120 FRANCE Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of France to the IAEA Gonzagagasse 16/2 1010 VIENNA Mr Erik Ducousso Email: Tel.: +43 1 501 82 0 Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) 15-21 rue Lous Lejeune MONTROUGE 92120 FRANCE Mr Stephane Gitkoff Email: Tel.: +3346164497 Autorité de Sûreté Nucléaire (ASN) 15-21 rue Lous Lejeune MONTROUGE 92120 FRANCE Email: Tel.: +33 3 45 83 22 55 21 Country/Organization Name of Participant GERMANY Mr Kai-Jochen Weidenbrück Mr Peter Sperling Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety Robert-Schuman-Platz 3 53175 BONN GERMANY Email: Tel.: +49 228-99-305-2883 Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety Stresemannstr. 128-130 10117 BERLIN GERMANY Mr Sven Sattler Email: Tel.: +49 30 305-4260 Permanent Mission of Germany to the IAEA Wagramer Straße 14 VIENNA 1220 AUSTRIA Ms Mareike Rueffer Email: Tel.: +431263337517 BFS Willy-Brandtl-Str 5 38226 SALZGITTER GERMANY Email: Tel.: 22 Country/Organization Name of Participant GHANA Mr Geoffrey Emi-Reynolds GREECE Ms Chryssoula Aliferi Ms L. Mitsi Mr Pantelis Oikonomou Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Radiation Protection Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) P.O. Box 80 LEGON-ACCRA GHANA Email: Tel.: +233 21 400976 Permanent Mission of Greece to the IAEA Argentinierstraße 14 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 506 15 Permanent Mission of Greece to the IAEA Argentinierstraße 14 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 506 15 Permanent Mission of Greece to the IAEA Argentinierstraße 14 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 506 15 HUNGARY Mr Karoly Dan Permanent Mission of Hungary to the IAEA Bankgasse 4-6 1010 VIENNA 23 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43 1 535 47 47 Mr Attila Juhasz Ms Barbara Baller ICELAND Mr Thordur Ingvi Gudmundsson INDIA Mr Dinesh Kumar Shukla 24 Permanent Mission of Hungary to the IAEA Bankgasse 4-6 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 537 80 456 Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority Fényes Adolf utca. 4 1036 BUDAPEST P.O. Box 676 1539 BUDAPEST 114 HUNGARY Email: Tel.: +36 1 436 4863 Permanent Mission of Iceland to the IAEA Naglergasse 1/Top 8 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 505 8666 Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Trombay 400085 MUMBAI INDIA Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Suhel Ajaz Khan Mr Deepak Ojha Mr Sreedharan Nair Harikumar Mr Shridhar Chande INDONESIA Mr Rachmat Budiman Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of India to the IAEA Kärntner Ring 2/2nd Fl. 1015 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 505 8666 Permanent Mission of India to the IAEA Kärntner Ring 2/2nd Fl. 1015 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 505 8666 Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) B-802, Galaxy Nebula, Plot No. 220-221, Sector 10, Kharghar NAVI MUMBAI 410210 INDIA Email: Tel.: B-802, Galaxy Nebula, Plot No. 220-221, Sector 10, Kharghar NAVI MUMBAI 410210 INDIA Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the IAEA Gustav-Tschermak-Gasse 5-7 1180 VIENNA 25 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43 1 476 23 Mr Amrih Jinangkung Ms Johanna Maria Christina Johari Mr Khoirul Huda Mr Reno Alamsyah Ms Felicia Yuwono 26 Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the IAEA Gustav-Tschermak-Gasse 5-7 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 476 23 Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the IAEA Gustav-Tschermak-Gasse 5-7 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 476 23 Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the IAEA Gustav-Tschermak-Gasse 5-7 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 476 23 Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency (BAPETEN) Jl. Gajah Mada No. 8 JAKARTA 10120 INDONESIA Email: Tel.: +628129167524 Permanent Mission of Indonesia to the IAEA Gustav-Tschermak-Gasse 5-7 Country/Organization Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Name of Participant 1180 VIENNA Ms Mary Whelan Email: Tel.: +43 1 476 23 Permanent Mission of Ireland to the IAEA Rotenturmstraße 16-18 5th Floor 1010 VIENNA Mr Kevin O'Donoghue Email: Tel.: +43 1 715 42 46 Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government Local Government Custom House DUBLIN Mr John Gerard McCoy Email: Tel.: +353 1 8883959 Permanent Mission of Ireland to the IAEA Rotenturmstraße 16-18 5th Floor 1010 VIENNA IRELAND Ms Ulrika Grufman Email: Tel.: +43 1 715 42 46 Permanent Mission of Ireland to the IAEA Rotenturmstraße 16-18 5th Floor 1010 VIENNA 27 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43 676 7979 525 ITALY Mr Roberto Ranieri Mr Massimo Drei Ms Isabella Oldani Ms Daniela Maier JAPAN 28 Mr Mitsuru Kitano Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) Via Vitaliano Brancati, 48 00144 ROME ITALY Email: Tel.: +39-0650-072150 Permanent Mission of Italy to the IAEA Am Lugeck 1-2, 5th Floor 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +431535 16 29 16 Permanent Mission of Italy to the IAEA Am Lugeck 1-2, 5th Floor 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +431535 16 29 16 Permanent Mission of Italy to the IAEA Am Lugeck 1-2, 5th Floor 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +431535 16 29 16 Permanent Mission of Japan to the IAEA Andromeda Tower Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Donau-City-Straße 6 VIENNA 1220 Mr Takehiro Kano Email: Tel.: +43 1 260 63 0 Permanent Mission of Japan to the IAEA Andromeda Tower Donau-City-Straße 6 VIENNA 1220 Mr Ichitomo Taninai Email: Tel.: +43 1 260 63 0 Permanent Mission of Japan to the IAEA Andromeda Tower Donau-City-Straße 6 VIENNA 1220 Email: Tel.: +43 1 260 63 0 Mr Naoto Ichii Nuclear Regulation Authority (NRA) Roppengi 1-9-9 Minato-Ku TOKYO JAPAN Email: Tel.: +81 3 3501 1087 29 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Mr Yuta Kawashima Permanent Mission of Japan to the IAEA Andromeda Tower Donau-City-Straße 6 VIENNA 1220 Mr Hikohito Oishi Email: Tel.: +43 1 260 63 0 Permanent Mission of Japan to the IAEA Andromeda Tower Donau-City-Straße 6 VIENNA 1220 Mr Michio Kubota Email: Tel.: +43 1 260 63 0 Permanent Mission of Japan to the IAEA Andromeda Tower Donau-City-Straße 6 VIENNA 1220 Mr Hussam Al Husseini Email: Tel.: +431260630 Permanent Mission of Jordan to the IAEA Rennweg 17/4 1030 VIENNA Austria JORDAN Email: Tel.: +431 405 1025 30 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Mr Mutaz Hyassat Permanent Mission of Jordan to the IAEA Rennweg 17/4 1030 VIENNA Austria Mr Mohammad Omari Email: Tel.: +43 1 405 10 25 Permanent Mission of Jordan to the IAEA Rennweg 17/4 1030 VIENNA Austria Mr Mohammad Albqoor KOREA, REPUBLIC OF Mr Suk Ho Lee Email: Tel.: +431 405 1025 Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commision (JNRC) Zahran Str. - 5th Circle PO Box 830283 11183 AMMAN JORDAN Email: Tel.: 962 6 5927124 Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) P.O. Box 114, Yusong-Gu 62 Gwahak-ro DAEJEON 305-600 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Email: Tel.: +82-42-868-0136 31 Country/Organization Name of Participant Ms Eunshil Han Mr Munki Lee Mr Yeondoo Jeong KUWAIT Mr Jarrah Alsabah LATVIA Ms Maera Ruese Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of the Rep. of Korea to the IAEA Gregor-Mendel Strasse 25 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +431 664 286 3465 Permanent Mission of the Rep. of Korea to the IAEA Gregor-Mendel Strasse 25 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 478 19 91 0 Permanent Mission of the Rep. of Korea to the IAEA Gregor-Mendel Strasse 25 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 478 19 91 0 Permanent Mission of Kuwait to the IAEA Strassergasse 32 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +4314055646 Permanent Mission of Latvia to the IAEA Stefan Esders Platz 4 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 328 72 90 32 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Bahtijors Hasans Ms Dace Satrovska LEBANON Mr Salim Baddoura LIBYA Ms Ismahan Eddib LITHUANIA Ms Milda Urbonaite Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of Latvia to the IAEA Stefan Esders Platz 4 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 328 72 90 Radiation Safety Centre of State Environmental Service of Republic of Latvia Rupniecibas street 23 1045 RIGA LATVIA Email: Tel.: +371 67084305 Permanent Mission of Lebanon to the IAEA Oppolzergasse 6/3 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 533 88 21 Permanent Mission of Libya to the IAEA Blaasstraße 33 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 367 76 39 Permanent Mission of the Republic of Lithuania to the IAEA Opernring 5/4 1010 VIENNA 33 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43 1 710 97 80 Mr Marius Pareigis State Nuclear Power Safety Inspectorate (VATESI) A Gostauto Street 12 01108 VILNIUS LITHUANIA Mr Aidas Rimkevicius Email: Tel.: +370 5 262 41 41 Economic Security Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs J. Tumo-Vaizganto Str. 2 01511 VILNIUS LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG Mr Hubert Wurth Mr Patrick Majerus Email: Tel.: +370 5 236 2998 Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the IAEA Sternwartestraße 81 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 478 21 42 Ministry of Health Directorate of Health, Department of Radiation Protection Villa Louvigny; Allée Marconi 2120 LUXEMBOURG LUXEMBOURG Email: Tel.: +352 4785670 34 Country/Organization Name of Participant Ms Stephanie Goerens Ms Marta Caruda Ms Patricia Pommerell Mr Philippe Donckel Mr Jean-Claude Thiry Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the IAEA Sternwartestraße 81 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 478 21 42 Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the IAEA Sternwartestraße 81 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 478 21 42 Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the IAEA Sternwartestraße 81 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 478 21 42 Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the IAEA Sternwartestraße 81 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 478 21 42 Ministère de la Santé Villa Louvigny, Allée Marconi 2120 LUXEMBOURG Email: Tel.: 35 Country/Organization Name of Participant Ms Alexandra Hardt MALTA Mr Joseph Debono Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the IAEA Sternwartestraße 81 1180 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 478 21 42 Permanent Mission of Malta to the IAEA Opernring 5/1 1010 VIENNA Ms Kristina Farrugia Email: Tel.: +43 1 586 50 10 Ministry of Foreign Affairs Palazzo Parisio; Merchant's Street VALETTA MALTA Mr Víctor Manuel González Mercado Email: Tel.: 2204 2216 Comision Nacional de Seguridad Nuclear y Salvaguardias (CNSN) Dr. Barragan 779, Col. Narvarte, Del.Benito Juarez 03020 CIUDAD DE MÉXICO MEXICO MEXICO Email: Tel.: +52 5 368 4346 36 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Eduardo Ruiz Mazón MONTENEGRO Ms Slavica Milacic Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of Mexico to the IAEA Operngasse 21/10 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +4313107383 Permanent Mission of Montenegro to the IAEA Nibleungengasse 13 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 715 31 02 Ms Stanica Andic Permanent Mission of Montenegro to the IAEA Nibleungengasse 13 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 715 31 02 NETHERLANDS Ms Ginevra Delfini Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection (ANVS) Bezuidenhoutseweg 67, 2500 BA The Hague THE NETHERLANDS Email: Tel.: +31 625299378 37 Country/Organization Name of Participant NIGERIA Mr Lawrence Dim Mr John Dahua Adamu Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority Plot 564/565 Independence Avenue Central Business District BMB 559 Garki ABUJA NIGERIA Email: Tel.: 80 23 63 5501 Nigerian Nuclear Regulatory Authority Plot 564/565 Independence Avenue Central Business District BMB 559 Garki ABUJA NIGERIA Email: Tel.: 80 23 63 5501 NORWAY V Mr Victor Jensen Ms Monica Dobbertin Ms Maria Hviding 38 Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority NRPA P.O. Box 55 ØSTERAS 1332 NORWAY Email: Tel.: +47 67 162500 Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority P.O. Box 55 ØSTERAS 1332 NORWAY Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Mr Naeem Ul Syed Email: Tel.: Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority P.O. Box 55 ØSTERAS 1332 NORWAY Mr Sverre Hornkjøl Email: Tel.: Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority P.O. Box 55 ØSTERAS 1332 NORWAY Mr Kristian Ødegaard Email: Tel.: Permanet Mission of Norway to the IAEA Reisnerstraße 55 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 71 660 39 Country/Organization Name of Participant OECD (ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT) Mr Javier Reig Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA); Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Le Seine St. Germain; 12, boulevard des îles 92130 ISSY LES MOULINEAUX FRANCE Email: Tel.: +33 1 45241050 OMAN Mr Badr Mohamed Zaher Al Hinai Mr Khalid Al Rubkhi Mr Ahmad Waqar PAKISTAN Mr Husham M. Ahmed 40 Permanent Mission of Oman to the IAEA Währinger Straße 2-4/24-25 1090 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 310 86 43 21 Permanent Mission of Oman to the IAEA Währinger Straße 2-4/24-25 1090 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 310 86 43 21 Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the IAEA Hofzeile 13 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 368 73 81 Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the IAEA Hofzeile 13 1190 VIENNA Country/Organization Name of Participant PERU Mr Edgard Arturo Perez Alvan Mr Enrique Noria Freyre Mr Bernardo Roca-Rey Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +43 1 368 73 81 Permanent Mission of Peru to the IAEA Mahlerstraße 7/22 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 713 43 77 Permanent Mission of Peru to the IAEA Mahlerstraße 7/22 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +4317134377 Permanent Mission of Peru to the IAEA Mahlerstraße 7/22 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 713 43 77 Mr Alvaro Salcedo Teullet Permanent Mission of Peru to the IAEA Mahlerstraße 7/22 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +4317134377 Mr Ivan Aybar Valdivia Permanent Mission of Peru to the IAEA Mahlerstraße 7/22 1010 VIENNA 41 Country/Organization Name of Participant POLAND Mr Jacek Sawicz Ms Ewelina Hilger PORTUGAL Ms Raquel Chantre ROMANIA Mr Cristian Istrate Ms Amira Mihailescu 42 Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +4317134377 Permanent Mission of Poland to the IAEA Hietzinger Hauptstraße 42c 1130 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 870 15 816 Permanent Mission of Poland to the IAEA Hietzinger Hauptstraße 42c 1130 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 870 15 816 Permanent Mission of Portugal to the IAEA Opernring 3/1 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43-1-586-753-625 Permanent Mission of Romania to the IAEA Seilerstaette 17/8-9 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +431 512 8566 Permanent Mission of Romania to the IAEA Seilerstaette 17/8-9 1010 VIENNA Country/Organization Name of Participant RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mr Alexey Karpov Mr Ivan Saenko Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +431 512 8566 Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 182 1220 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 282 53 91 Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 182 1220 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 2825391 Mr I Gudkov Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 182 1220 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 282 53 91 Mr Alexander Klyazhnikov Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 182 1220 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 282 53 91 43 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Aleksei Samokhin Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Scientific and Engineering Center on Nuclear and Radiation Safety Malaya Krasnoselskaya, 2/8 bld. 5 107140 MOSCOW RUSSIAN FEDERATION Email: Tel.: +74967694364 Mr Sergey Kharlampiev State Atomic Energy "ROSATOM" Ferganskaya str. 25 109507 MOSCOW RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mr Igor V. Zonov Email: Tel.: +7 495 6474379 Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC Ferganskaya 25 109507 MOSCOW RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mr Gleb Maslov Email: Tel.: +7 495 647 4606 Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 182 1220 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 282 53 91 44 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Oleg Postnikov Mr Roman Fokin Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 182 1220 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 282 53 91 Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 182 1220 VIENNA Mr Alexander Bychkov Email:, Tel.: +43 1 282 53 91 State Atomic Energy "ROSATOM" Ferganskaya str. 25 109507 MOSCOW RUSSIAN FEDERATION Mr Yury Sokolov Email: Tel.: +7 916 656 2688 JSC Concern Rosenergoatom Holodilny, 3A MOSCOW 115191 RUSSIAN FEDERATION Email: Tel.: 0079 859248397 Mr Igor Kholodnikov Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the IAEA Erzherzog-Karl-Straße 182 1220 VIENNA 45 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: ikholod@rambler.ry Tel.: +43 1 282 53 91 Mr Alexander Erastov SAUDI ARABIA Mr Tariq M. Shukri SINGAPORE Mr Tah Jiun Tan SLOVAKIA Ms Ol'ga Algayerova State Atomic Energy Corporation 'Rosatom', Department of International Cooperation 24 Bolshaya Ordynka St. 119017 MOSCOW RUSSIAN FEDERATION Email: Tel.: +7 499 949 2193 Permanent Mission of Saudi Arabia to the IAEA Formanekgasse 38 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +4314834191 Permanent Mission of Singapore to the IAEA Schwindgasse 7/12A 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 890 5831 Permanent Mission of Slovakia to the IAEA Blaasstraße 34 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 368 94 33 200 46 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Mr Mikulas Turner Division of International Relations and European Integration P.O. Box 24, Bajkalska 27 820 07 BRATISLAVA SLOVAK REPUBLIC Ms Stanislava Bystricka Email: Tel.: Nuclear Regulatory Authority of the Slovak Republic P.O. Box 24, Bajkalska 27 820 07 BRATISLAVA SLOVAK REPUBLIC Ms Katarina Leligdonova SLOVENIA Ms Barbara Zvokelj Email: Tel.: +421 2 58221163 Permanent Mission of Slovakia to the IAEA Blaasstraße 34 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 368 94 33 200 Permanent Mission of Slovenia to the IAEA Kolingasse 12/Top 3 1090 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 319 11 60 11 Mr Igor Grlicarev Slovenian Nuclear Safety Administration (SNSA) Litostrojska cesta 54 1000 Ljubljana SLOVENIA 47 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: +38614721100 SOUTH AFRICA Mr Tebogo Seokolo Ms Lydia Greyling Mr Katse Piet Maphoto Ms Lesiba Ratlou Permanent Mission of South Africa to the IAEA Sandgasse 33 1190 VIENNA Email:, Tel.: +43 1 320 64 93 Permanent Mission of South Africa to the IAEA Sandgasse 33 1190 VIENNA Email:, Tel.: +43 1 320 64 93 Nuclear Safety and Technology, Department of Energy Private Bag X96, 192 Visagie Street 0001 PRETORIA Email: Tel.: +72 832 1145 Permanent Mission of South Africa to the IAEA Sandgasse 33 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 320 64 93 48 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Orion Phillips Ms Melinda Williams-Maluka Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) National Nuclear Regulator (NNR) P. O. Box 7106 Eco Glader 2, Block G, 420 Witch Hazel Avenue, Eco Park Centurion 0157 0046 CENTURION SOUTH AFRICA Email: Tel.: +27 12 674 7195 Permanent Mission of South Africa to the IAEA Sandgasse 33 1190 VIENNA Email:, Tel.: +43 1 320 64 93 Mr Thabiso Pie SPAIN Ms Maria Isabel Villanueva Delgado Department of Energy Private Bag X96, 192 Visagie Street 0001 PRETORIA SOUTH AFRICA Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (CSN) Pedro Justo Dorado Dellmans, 11 28040 MADRID SPAIN Email: Tel.: +34 91 346 0320 49 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Alfonso de las Casas F. SRI LANKA Ms Madurika Weninger SWEDEN Mr Stefan Appelgren Ms Lovisa Wallin Caldwell Ms Anna Welsapar Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Permanent Mission of Spain tot eh IAEA Argentinierstr. 34/4 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +4315359884 Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the IAEA 33-35 Weyringergasse, 4th Floor 1040 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 503 79 88 Permanent Mission of Sweden to the IAEA Liechtensteinstraße 51 1090 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 217 530 Ministry of the Environment and Energy STOCKHOLM SWEDEN Email: Tel.: +4687994474 Permanent Mission of Sweden to the IAEA Liechtensteinstraße 51 1090 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 217 530 50 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Mr Ervin Liszka Swedish Radiation Safety Authority Solna Strandvaeg 96 171 16 STOCKHOLM SWEDEN Mr Hans Wanner Email: Tel.: + 46 8 799 41 95 Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) Industriestrasse 19 5200 BRUGG SWITZERLAND Mr Georg Schwarz Email: Tel.: Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) Industriestrasse 19 5200 BRUGG SWITZERLAND SWITZERLAND Mr Jean-Daniel Praz Ms Rosa Sardella Email: Tel.: +41 56 460 85 02 Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the IAEA Wächtergasse 1 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 263 41 18 Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) Industriestrasse 19 5200 BRUGG 51 Country/Organization Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Name of Participant SWITZERLAND Ms Linda Muelli Mr Hugo Nilsson Mr Rolf Stadler Ms Annatina Müller-Germanà Email: Tel.: +41 56 460 8560 Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the IAEA Wächtergasse 1 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 263 41 18 Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) Industriestrasse 19 5200 BRUGG SWITZERLAND Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the IAEA Wächtergasse 1 1010 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 263 41 18 Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI) Industriestrasse 19 5200 BRUGG SWITZERLAND Email: Tel.: 56 460 8605 52 Country/Organization Name of Participant TURKEY Mr Mehmet Ceyhan Mr Mehmet Akkaya Mr Tahir Akbas Mr Engin Türesin UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Mr Hamad Alkaabi Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Turkish Atomic Energy Authority (TAEK) Eskisehir Yolu, Lodumlu 6530 ANKARA TURKEY Email: Tel.: +3122958975 Permanent Mission of Turkey to the IAEA Rennweg 17/3 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 714 20 95 Permanent Mission of Turkey to the IAEA Rennweg 17/3 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 714 20 95 Permanent Mission of Turkey to the IAEA Rennweg 17/3 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 714 20 95 Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the IAEA Chimanistraße 36 1190 VIENNA Email: 53 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Tel.: +43 1 715 00 28 Ms Natalie Marie Maldonado Bonilla Mr Omar Al Neyadi Mr Ahmed Alnuaimi UNITED KINGDOM Mr Rene Mctaggart Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the IAEA Chimanistraße 36 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 715 00 28 Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the IAEA Chimanistraße 36 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 715 00 28 Permanent Mission of the United Arab Emirates to the IAEA Chimanistraße 36 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 715 00 28 UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change Lvl 2 Area D 3 Whitehall Place LONDON | SW1A 2AW UNITED KINGDOM Email: Tel.: + 44300 068 6114 54 Country/Organization Name of Participant Mr Mark Pettitt Mr David Hall Mr Simon Thornhill Ms Susan Vierny UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mr Daniel Dorman Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) UK’s Department of Energy and Climate Change Lvl 2 Area D 3 Whitehall Place LONDON | SW1A 2AW UNITED KINGDOM Email: Tel.: + 44300 068 6114 Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the IAEA Jaurèsgasse 12 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel. +43 1 716 13 Office of Nuclear Regulations Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge SE1 9HS LONDON UNITED KINGDOM Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of the United Kingdom to the IAEA Jaurèsgasse 12 1030 VIENNA Email: Tel. +43 1 716 13 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Mailstop O-13 H16M 55 Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) ROCKVILLE MD20852 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mr Robert Taylor Ms Cynthia Jones Email: Tel.: +1301 415 1274 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Mailstop O-13 H16M ROCKVILLE MD20852 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the IAEA Wagramerstraße 17-19 1220 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43664 833 3975 Mr Timothy Liston Permanent Mission of the United States of America to the IAEA Boltzmanngasse 16 1090 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 31339 4775 Mr Jan Fladaboe 56 Foreign Affairs Officer ISN/NESS Room 3320 2201 C St. N.W WASHINGTON DC 20520 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Country/Organization Name of Participant Official Mailing Address (+Tel., Fax and email address) Email: Tel.: Ms Veronica Rodriguez Mr David Skeen VIET NAM M Nguyen Manh Tuan U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Mailstop O-13 H16M ROCKVILLE MD20852 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Email: Tel.: +1-301-415-1006 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 11555 Rockville Pike Mailstop O-13 H16M ROCKVILLE MD20852 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Email: Tel.: Permanent Mission of Viet Nam to the IAEA Felix-Mottl-Straße 20 1190 VIENNA Email: Tel.: +43 1 368 07 55 13 57 Annex II Convention on Nuclear Safety Organizational Meeting for the Seventh Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties IAEA Headquarters Vienna International Centre (VIC) Board Room (B/M1) in the M Building Vienna, Austria 15 October 2015 (starting at 10.00 a.m.) Provisional Agenda 1. Opening of the meeting 2. Adoption of the agenda 3. Credentials of participants 4. Establishment of Country Groups 5. Election of the President for the Seventh Review Meeting 6. Election of the two Vice-Presidents for the Seventh Review Meeting 7. Election of other Officers for the Seventh Review Meeting · Country Group Chairpersons · Country Group Vice-Chairpersons · Country Group Coordinators · Country Group Rapporteurs 8. Invitations to intergovernmental organizations to attend the Seventh Review Meeting as observers 9. Requests for interpretation during Country Group sessions 10. Recommendation of a budget for the Seventh Review Meeting 11. Preparation of the National Reports 12. Draft provisional agenda for the Seventh Review Meeting 13. Other business 58 Annex III Composition of Country Groups for the 7 Review Meeting of Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety th Country Group 1 USA Country Group 2 France Country Group 3 Japan Country Group 4 Russian Federation Country Group 5 China Country Group 6 Korea, Republic of Country Group 7 India Belgium Sweden Canada Germany Spain United Kingdom Ukraine Argentina Slovakia Pakistan Hungary Finland Czech Republic Switzerland Mexico Armenia Romania South Africa Brazil Bulgaria Netherlands Kazakhstan Slovenia Belarus Lithuania United Arab Emirates Italy Denmark Estonia EURATOM Ghana Greece Iceland Indonesia Ireland Jordan Kuwait Latvia Lebanon Libya Luxembourg Mali Malta Montenegro Nigeria Norway Oman Paraguay Peru Poland Portugal Republic of Moldova Saudi Arabia Senegal Singapore Sri Lanka The F.Y.R. of Macedonia Tunisia Turkey Uruguay Vietnam Albania Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Bosnia and Herzegovina Cambodia Chile Croatia Cyprus 59 Annex IV President of the 7th Review Meeting, Mr Ramzi Jammal Mr Ramzi Jammal has served as the Executive Vice-President and Chief Regulatory Operations Officer of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) since 2006. Prior to his current position, he held progressively senior positions within the CNSC and in the industry. He has accumulated over 35 years of experience in the nuclear industry, combining management skills with scientific expertise. During his career, Mr. Jammal has led several international initiatives. These include the development and establishment of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Code of Conduct on the Safety and Security of Radioactive Sources and its Guidance. He led Canada's response to the Fukushima Daiichi accident and has co-chaired an IAEA Working Group preparing the IAEA Report on the Fukushima Daiichi Accident. He has been the Canadian representative to the Commission on Safety Standards since 2007. He led three Integrated Regulatory Review Service (IRRS) missions; Russia in 2009 & 2013 and India in 2015. He headed the Canadian Delegations to the 6th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) in March-April 2014 and to the Second Extraordinary Meeting of the CNS in 2012. He was the chair of a session of the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety in Japan (December 2012). He organized and led the IAEA International Conference on Effective Nuclear Regulatory Systems in Ottawa (April 2013). He also headed the Canadian Delegation for the 5th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (May 2015). He is committed to continue to support effective regulatory frameworks and peer review processes. Vice-President of the 7th Review Meeting, Mr Georg Schwarz Date of Birth: 21 November 1959 Nationality: Switzerland Address: Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI, Industriestrasse 19, CH-5200 Brugg, Switzerland 60 Education Degree in Geophysics (M.Sc.) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich (1985) Diploma thesis on “Software development for the determination of potassium, uranium and thorium concentrations using gamma-ray spectrometry” PhD in Natural Sciences (Dr. sc. nat.) from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich (1991). Thesis on “Airborne Radiometric Mapping in Switzerland” Employment Current position: Deputy Director General, Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI (since 2007) 1985 – 1994 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Institute of Geophysics, Zurich: Research and development for geothermal energy radiometry and airborne gammaray spectrometry. 1986 – 1994 Various companies: IT expert 1994 – now Swiss Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate ENSI, Brugg, Switzerland: 1994 Head of IT Systems 1996 Head of Administration (Finance, Human Resources and Public Relations) 2002 Head of Staff (Administrative Support, Coordination and Communication) 2009 Head of the Nuclear Power Plant Division Current Leading Functions Deputy Team Leader of the IRRS Mission to Korea (2011) Chairman of ENSI’s international Expert Group on Reactor Safety (since 2012) Team Leader of the IRRS Mission to Sweden (2012) Chairman of a Country Group at the 6th Review Meeting of the CNS (2014) Team Leader of the IRRS Follow up Mission to Korea (2015) Team Leader of the IRRS Follow up Mission to Sweden (2016) 61 Vice-President of the 7th Review Meeting, Mr Geoffrey Emi-Reynolds Date of Birth: 11 November 1957 Nationality: Ghana Address: Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, P.O.Box LG80, Legon-Accra, Ghana Education 1978 – 1981 BSc. Physics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology 1983 -1986 MSc, Physics, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology 2000- 2008, Ph.D, University of Cape Coast Employment 1983-1988 Physics Tutor, Osei Kyeretwie Secondary School, Kumasi 1993-2003 Plant Manager, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (Gamma Irrad) 2003-April 2006 Deputy Director, Radiation Protection Institute (GAEC) 2007- Director, Radiation Protection Institute (GAEC) 2006- Lecturer/students Projects supervisor, School of Nuclear and Allied Science (GAEC) Other Engagements Since 1990 Course Director, Lecturer/ Expert Mission for IAEA organised training courses/workshops, Ghana Nuclear Power Programme Organization Member, GAEC Committee for Strategic Corporate Plan 2010 – 2014 Member/Chairman, IAEA International Network Of Nuclear Security Support Centres 2012 – 2014 Member/Chairman, IAEA Nuclear Security Guidance Committee 2012 – 2014 Member IAEA, Emergency Preparedness Response Experts Group 62 Annex V List of requests for interpretation for the 7th Review Meeting Country Interpretation Interpretation During National Report Presentation ONLY Interpretation During ENTIRE country group sessions 1. Albania 2. Argentina Spanish Spanish 3. Armenia Russian Russian 4. Australia 5. Austria 6. Bahrain 7. Bangladesh 8. Belarus Russian Russian 9. Belgium Chinese Chinese 10. Bosnia and Herzegovina 11. Brazil 12. Bulgaria 13. Cambodia 14. Canada 15. Chile 16. China 17. Croatia 18. Cyprus 19. Czech Republic 20. Denmark 21. Estonia 22. EURATOM 23. Finland 24. France 25. Germany French 63 Country 26. Ghana 27. Greece Interpretation Interpretation During National Report Presentation ONLY Interpretation During ENTIRE country group sessions 28. . Hungary 64 29. Iceland 30. India 31. Indonesia 32. Ireland 33. Italy 34. Japan 35. Jordan Arabic Arabic 36. Kazakhstan Russian Russian 37. Korea, Republic of 38. Kuwait 39. Latvia 40. Lebanon 41. Libya 42. Lithuania 43. Luxembourg 44. Mali 45. Malta 46. Mexico 47. Montenegro 48. Netherlands 49. Nigeria 50. Norway 51. Oman 52. Pakistan 53. Paraguay Spanish Country 54. Peru 55. Poland 56. Portugal 57. Republic of Moldova 58. Romania 59. Russian Federation 60. Saudi Arabia 61. Senegal 62. Singapore 63. Slovakia 64. Slovenia 65. South Africa 66. Spain 67. Sri Lanka 68. Sweden 69. Switzerland 70. The F. Y. R. of Macedonia 71. Tunisia 72. Turkey 73. Ukraine 74. UAE 75. UK 76. USA 77. Uruguay 78. Vietnam Interpretation Interpretation During National Report Presentation ONLY Spanish Interpretation During ENTIRE country group sessions Russian Russian Spanish Spanish Russian Russian 65 Annex VI BUDGET ESTIMATE (€) For the 7th Review Meeting 27 March – 7 April 2017 Interpretation (A, Ch, E, F, R, S) 300,000 Translation (A, Ch, E, F, R, S) 10,000 Printing 3,000 Staff (Conference Services, Conference clerks, Technicians, Catering) 14,000 Security 23,000 Total Cost Estimate 350,000 [Actual cost for the 6th Review Meeting was ≈303,000€] 66 Annex VII PROVISIONAL AGENDA FOR THE 7th REVIEW MEETING CONVENTION ON NUCLEAR SAFETY 7th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties Beginning 27 March 2017, at 10:00 a.m. IAEA Boardroom in M Building Vienna, Austria A. Opening Plenary (27 March) 1. Opening of the Meeting 2. Officers of the Meeting 3. Adoption of the Agenda 4. Request by late Ratifiers to attend Plenary Session of the Review Meeting and to participate in discussions relating to the conduct of subsequent Review meetings 5. Credentials of Participants 6. Organization of work 7. Report from the meeting of the Officers pursuant to Chapter X of the Guidelines regarding the Review Process under the Convention on Nuclear Safety B. Country Group Sessions C. Final Plenary 8. Presentation and discussion of oral Reports by Country Group Rapporteurs 9. Discussions related to the peer review provided for in the Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety 10. Discussion on major common issues 11. Presentation and discussion of the Report from the Open-Ended Working Group 12. Dates for the next Review Meeting, the Organizational Meeting and the submission of National Reports for the 8th Review Meeting 13. Discussion and approval of Summary Report 14. Acceptance of the President’s Report on decisions and other important actions related to the 7th Review Meeting 15. Other business 16. Closing of the Meeting 67 Annex VIII Provisional Timetable for the 7th Review Meeting Country Group Room Monday Morning 10:00 27.03.2017 Monday Afternoon 14:00 27.03.2017 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday/ Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 03.04.2017 04.04.2017 05.04.2017 06.04.2017 07.04.2017 PLENARY PLENARY A, C, E, F, R, S A, C, E, F, R, S Sunday 28.03.2017 29.03.2017 30.03.2017 31.03.2017 01.04.17/ 02.04.17 CG 1 RECESS PLENARY CG 2 A, C, E, F, R, S Preparation of CG 3 PLENARY A, C, E, F, R, S Discussion Distribution Summary Report OEWG Report PLENARY (**) A, C, E, F, R, S Rapporteurs’ Reports Rapporteurs 1+2+3 and CG 4 Summary Discussions related to the peer review provided for in the Vienna Declaration Distribution Final Summary Report PLENARY A, C, E, F, R, S Acceptance President’s Report (0.5 day) CLOSING 7th RM --- Report CG 5 CG 6 Rapporteurs 4+5+6+7 (0.5 day) Discussion Major Common Issues Procedural Matters [Preparation Summary Report] Discussion and Approval Summary Report Press Conference (after the Plenary) [Translation Summary Report)] CG 7 (overnight) 69 Plenary sessions will be held in … (A): Arabic, (C): Chinese, (E): English, (F): French, (R): Russian, (S): Spanish - (*) Interpretation will not be provided in the CG Sessions from 17h00 to 18h30. The Secretariat proposes the following basic schedule for Country Group (CG) Sessions: Countries with large nuclear programme: 4h30, with small nuclear programme: 3h, with no nuclear programme: 1h30. Detailed decision regarding the actual length of sessions should be made at the beginning of each CG session. (**) Open Ended Working Group (OEWG) sessions will be organized every day during the first week of the Review Meeting from … onwards in … . The report of the OEWG will then be discussed at the plenary during the second week. 70 8 October 2015 ADDITIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF NATIONAL REPORTS FOR THE 7TH REVIEW MEETING I. Challenges According to paragraph 35 of the Summary Report of the 6th Review Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS): “(…) a number of challenges were identified by the Special Rapporteur for consideration by Contracting Parties: · How to minimize gaps between Contracting Parties’ safety improvements? Chall. 1 · How to achieve harmonized emergency plans and response measures? Chall. 2 · How to make better use of operating and regulatory experience, and international peer review services? · Chall. 3 How to improve regulators’ independence, safety culture, transparency and openness? Chall. 4 · How to engage all countries to commit and participate in international cooperation? Chall. 5 Contracting Parties agreed to continue to report in their National Reports on actions taken with regard to lessons learned from the Fukushima Daiichi accident, taking into account the challenges identified by the Special Rapporteur, as appropriate.” Associated Articles proposed for each challenge: · Challenge 1: (Articles 6, 14) · Challenge 2: (Article 16) · Challenge 3: (Article 19) · Challenge 4: (Article 8, 10) · Challenge 5: (according to INFCIRC/572 section III, B Summary) II. Implementation of the Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety The Vienna Declaration on Nuclear Safety (hereinafter, Vienna Declaration) was adopted by the Contracting Parties by consensus at the Diplomatic Conference to Consider a Proposal by Switzerland to Amend the CNS, on 9 February 2015. The Vienna Declaration contains three principles to guide the Contracting Parties, as appropriate, in the implementation of the objective of the CNS to prevent accident with radiological consequences and mitigate such consequences should they occur: 1. New nuclear power plants are to be designed, sited, and constructed, consistent with the objective of preventing accidents in the commissioning and operation and, should an accident occur, mitigating possible releases of radionuclides causing long-term off site contamination and avoiding early radioactive releases or radioactive releases large enough to require long-term protective measures and actions; 2. Comprehensive and systematic safety assessments are to be carried out periodically and regularly for existing installations throughout their lifetime in order to identify safety improvements that are oriented to meet the above objective. Reasonably practicable or achievable safety improvements are to be implemented in a timely manner; 3. National requirements and regulations for addressing this objective throughout the lifetime of nuclear power plants are to take into account the relevant IAEA Safety Standards and, as appropriate, other good practices as identified inter alia in the Review Meetings of the CNS. The Contracting Parties to the CNS further decided that these principles should be reflected in their actions, in particular during the preparation of their National Reports, with special focus on Article 18 as well as other relevant Articles, including Articles 6, 14, 17 and 19, starting with the National Reports to be submitted for the 7th Review Meeting. Furthermore, the National Reports should include inter alia an overview of implementation measures, planned programs and improvements identified for existing nuclear installations. (Associated articles proposed: 6, 14). measures for the safety