KRIB Almanac 2015
KRIB Almanac 2015
Who we are 3 Message by the Chairman 5 Managing Board 9 Supervisory Council 21 Advisory Council 23 Members 31 Commiees 43 Branches 59 Regions 73 Sectors 89 Events 107 THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS contents 1 KRIB HAS THE AIM TO BE MOST WIDELY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE BULGARIAN ECONOMY krib KRIB IS “THE VOICE OF THE BULGARIAN BUSINESS” THAT: produces three quarters of the country’s GDP unites over 11 000 companies, which are members through individual or collecve membership, among them the biggest companies in Bulgaria accounts for more than three quarters of the exports of Bulgaria. KRIB HAS A MISSION: to raise the compeveness of the Bulgarian economy and the companies operang in Bulgaria to be most effecve in the process of improving the business climate in the country to assist its members in sharing best business pracces, benefing from the EU membership, going regional and global to encourage the corporate social responsibili best pracces of its members. KRIB IS AN ACTIVE PARTNER IN THE SOCIAL DIALOGUE: has representaves in the social dialog on naonal, sectoral, regional and European level presents opinions on dra laws in the Bulgarian Parliament is a member of the Naonal Council for Triparte Cooperaon and its commissions its Chairman is Depu-Chairman of the Naonal Council for Triparte Cooperaon. KRIB HAS STRONG REGIONAL AND BRANCH STRUCTURES: operates 113 regional representaons all over the country unites 65 branch organizaons in all economic sectors has 10 intersectoral commiees that coordinate the interests of its members. THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS provides jobs to over 800 000 people KRIB HAS ADOPTED MEASURES AGAINST THE ECONOMIC CRISIS: helps its members to cope with the global financial and economic crisis introduced to the aenon of the government a complete platform for migang and overcoming of the economic crisis as well as a package of measures to boost the “law abiding” economy designed a socio-economic platform and a vision for the development of Bulgaria within the present elecon cycle “Project 2018: Allied in the Crisis, Strong in the Success!”. 3 krib KRIB HAS THE AIM TO BE MOST WIDELY REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE BULGARIAN ECONOMY KRIB WORKS WITH THE EUROPEAN FUNDS: THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS assists the business to work effecvely with the European funds parcipates with own representaves in the Monitoring commiees of all Operave programs. KRIB FORMULATES POLICIES FOR THE LABOUR MARKET: dras parcular policies for overcoming the lack of qualified labour force and creang condions for a developed, flexible, deregulated labour market prepares together with the World Bank and the Ministry of Labour analyses and recommendaons for increasing the employment, boosng flexsecuri of the labour market and the quali of human resources. KRIB COURT OF ARBITRATION: is effecve and reliable alternave in the resoluon of commercial disputes provides the opportuni to resolve disputes outside the system of the state courts, which ensures equali of the pares, as well as promptness, efficiency and predictabili. KRIB ACTS INTERNATIONALLY: member of the Internaonal Chamber of Commerce (ICC) as a founder of the Bulgarian Naonal Commiee of ICC supports the Bulgarian business abroad. KRIB INCORPORATES FOREIGN BUSINESSES: collecve members of KRIB are bilateral chambers such as the German-Bulgarian Industrial Chamber (DBIHK), the Bulgarian Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Confindustria Bulgaria, the Italian Chamber of Commerce, etc. main partner of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria and the Brish-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce partnership with the Internaonal Financial Corporaon – IFC, of the World Bank Group, and the European Bank for Reconstrucon and Development. KRIB IS A DEMOCRATICALLY MANAGED UNITY WITH: rotaon of the Managing Board members (about a quarter of the Board rotates annually) mandate limit of 2+2 years decentralizaon on a branch/sectoral and regional principle. KRIB WINS, BECAUSE IT IS: polically and financially independent supported only by the membership fee of its members managed and controlled solely by its members. 4 MЕSSAGE BY THE chairman Allow me at the outset as a newly elected Chairman of the Confederaon of the Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria to congratulate you - the companies, members of KRIB, and all the readers of this representave Almanac. I have taken up the challenge with firm belief that under my chairmanship KRIB will be not only the biggest and the strongest organisa on of large and medium-sized enterprises in the country but it will become the leader in the Bulgarian business communi, comprising thus also the small and medium sized economic operators in Bulgaria. This is how we will become the authenc Voice of the Bulgarian business. KRIB unites over 11 000 economic operators, 65 branch organizaons and 113 regional representaons all over the country, producing more than 3/4 of the GDP of Bulgaria and maintaining over 800 000 jobs. The main goal of KRIB is to protect the interests of the employers and to voice their posions in the socie. KRIB is well-structured, recognized and valuable brand and we will con nue to consolidate its leading posion in the Bulgarian socie as well. The Confederaon operates, through the abilies and energy of its members, for the further growth of the economy of Bulgaria so that it could meet the needs and the expectaons of the Bulgarian ci zens. We are convinced that we offer soluons that combine in the best possible way the corporate interests of our members with the naonal interests of the Bulgarian socie. We realize that the vast responsibilies that democracy lays with the politicians call for sharing those responsibilies with the business as the main driving force of Bulgaria’s economic development. Within the Naonal Council for Triparte Cooperaon, KRIB will connue to parcipate actively in the policy dialogue with the Government and trade unions and will connue to contribute to designing, implemenng and communicang the structural reforms. We expect the Government to speed up the reforms and step up fi ght against fraud, corrupon and organized crime. Any delay or failure to implement reforms will eventually result in serious discontent and severe cricism on the part of the business. In general, we demand first of all rule of law, financial stability and successful completion of the reforms in the judiciary, education, health, labor market, functioning electronic services and institutions. We believe that strengthening the fight against corruption and fraud would contribute to the social and economic stability. KRIB will continue to work for the implementation of these reforms, will support policies that will create the conditions for improving the business climate, enhancing the competitiveness of companies, sustainable growth and job creation. KRIB hopes that by their actions the new government will be able to achieve better cooperation and consensus among the main political forces as well as to generate public support for the implementation of the necessary reforms. KRIB will work hard in this direction, THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, 5 chairman’s THE VOICE OF BULGARIAN BUSINESS because the effective cooperation between business, government and civil society is a prerequisite for the growth in productivity and in competitiveness. 6 We have asked our members in a detailed questionnaire to determine the short, middle and long-term priori es of KRIB. The prevailing majori of the companies – members of KRIB consider as short-term priories: preserving the present level of direct taxaon; equalization of the social security payments between employer – worker down to the rao of 50:50 as spulated by the law; pension reform that will last for the next 25-30 years; reduction of red tape including optimisation the size of the public administraon. KRIB middle-term priorities, as defined by our members, include: accelerated start of reforms in education and health, and opening of these sectors to the private business; accelerated introduction of egovernment as an instrument to combat corruption. MЕSSAGE Our long-term priori es, according to the members of KRIB, are the following: promoon and encouragement of exports as the engine of growth; starng exploraon and consecuve producon of gas and crude oil from local sources; acvang the Bulgarian parcipaon in major European research and innovaon projects. KRIB is aware that if we are united in the crisis we will be strong in our success. In the last several years the members of KRIB have increased their business in terms of goods and services offered, and we would like to help the whole of the economy to do the same. We have shared our experience and our resources to increase public wealth. In our platform “Project 2018: Allied in the Crisis, Strong in the Success!” KRIB outlined and demanded from the Government of Bulgaria concrete acon that would help the country to increase its wealth. In this respect I am looking forward to work together with you all during my mandate as a Chairman of KRIB. Kiril Domuschiev Chairman of the Board February, 2015 MANAGING board KIRIL DOMUSCHIEV Chairman of KRIB Executive Director of Huvepharma JSC Mr. Domuschiev holds top posions in many companies such as: • Major shareholder and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Navigaon Marime Bulgare JSC ; • CEO of Huvepharma JSC • Co-founder and co-shareholder in Advance Properes group of companies • Member of the Board of Directors of Huvepharma N.V., Belgium; • Member of the Board of Directors of Huvepharma Inc., USA; • Member of the Board of Directors of Huvepharma Holdings B.V.; • Member of the Board of Directors of Huvepharma Internaonal B.V.; • Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Biovet PLC. Mr. Domuschiev holds Master’s Degree in Industrial Management and Markeng from the Technical Universi in Sofia, and his secondary educaon was at the Spanish Language School in Sofia. 9 board MANAGING CHRISTO ILIEV Deputy Chairman of KRIB Executive Chairman of AG Capital Mr. Iliev is a founder of AG Capital the largest holding structure in Bulgaria, focused on real estate with current investment portfolio consisng of 10 self-dependent companies and over 1 600 employees. Among the most successful portfolio companies are Forton/Cushman &Wakefield - commercial proper advisor, Address Real Estate – the biggest residenal brokerage, Facili Opmum - integrated facili management provider, Unique Estates/Chrise’s Great Estate - luxury residenal brokerage, Frontex Internaonal - collecon services. Mr. Iliev is a founder of Bulgarian Land Development PLC which has been listed on the AIM market of the LSE. Mr. Iliev is a board member of Vienna Economic Forum, a member of the board of the Family Business Network in Bulgaria and Honorary Consul of Mauritius in Bulgaria. He has OPM from the Harvard Business School. DIMITAR DIMITROV Deputy Chairman of KRIB Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors of Sopharma Trading JSC Mr. Dimitrov has been CEO and member of the Board of Directors of Sopharma Trading JSC since 2004. In the period 2003-2004 he was Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors of Sanita Trading JSC. In 2002-2003 he was Executive Director of the Business Group VOMIX JSC & Iskander-97 LTD. - official representative of Henkel and Reckitt Benckiser for Bulgaria. Mr. Dimitrov holds MA in financial management from the Academy of Economic Studies “D. A. Tsenov” in Svistov. He has several specializations in Capital budgeting of investment projects, Portfolio management, Risk management and Risk diversification. Mr. Dimitrov was Chairman of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Association of Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (BAPW). IVAN BOYKOV Deputy Chairman of KRIB Executive Director of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber Mr. Boykov has been Executive Director of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber since 2007. He has held management positions within “Energoproekt”, “Cement Plant” – Temelkovo, “Balkancar” JSC, “ZIT Invest” JSC. Having been elected as a Member of the 38th Bulgarian Parliament (1997 to 2001) he was a Member of the Committees on Industrial Policy and Environment Protection. 10 In the subsequent years he served the following positions: Secretary General of the FIG “REI Holding” JSC, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Branch Chamber “Roads”, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the National Social Security Institute, Vice-Chairman of the Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria. Mr. Boykov graduated from the Sofia Technical University. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of “Stroitel” newspaper. MANAGING board IVAN VUTOV Deputy Chairman of KRIB Executive Director of Geotrading JSC Mr. Vutov is Executive Director of Geotrading JSC – a company which supplies materials for some of the biggest companies in mining, construction, road-building and agricultural industries in Bulgaria, since 2005. The company managed by him is one of the founders of Associaon of Bulgarian Exporters (ABE), and so member of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI), the Scienfic and Technical Union of Mining, Geology and Metallurgy, the Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology and the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (AmCham). Mr. Vutov holds a Bachelor degree of Business Management and a Master degree of Business Administration. STOYAN JELEV Deputy Chairman of KRIB Managing Director of Sofia France Auto JSC Mr. Jelev is founder, major shareholder and Managing Director of Sofia France Auto JSC – importer of Peugeot vehicles for Bulgaria. From 1991 to the present he is in top posions in various companies in the field of financial and insurance services, agriculture, distribution, wine production, information technology. During the period 1994 – 2005 he was a member of the Management Board of the Union of the Importers of Automobiles in Bulgaria. From 2005 to 2009 he was member of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Mr. Jelev is among the founders and Vice President (20092011) of the French-Bulgarian Business Club in 1994, transformed in 2004 to the French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce. He is Knight of Naonal Order of Merit (France), awarded in 2008. Mr. Jelev is Chairman of the Associaon of Car Manufacturers and their Authorized Representaves for Bulgaria. ANGUEL JELIAZKOV Executive Director and Member of the Board of Directors of Biovet JSC Mr. Jeliazkov has been Executive Director of Biovet JSC and member of the Board of Directors of the company since 2000. Up to the year 2000 he had worked as manager in the International Center for Entrepreneurial Development at the University of National and World Economy Sofia. He has been member of the Board of Directors of Samokovska Komuna JSC and Ilyo Voivoda JSC. He graduated the University of National and World Economy Sofia in 1995 with a Master degree in Industrial Management. 11 board MANAGING BERTRAM ROLLMANN Managing Director of Pirin-Tex Ltd. Mr. Rollmann founded PirinTex Ltd. in 1993, currently with over 3000 employees it is one of the biggest garment producers in Europe working for top-level brands for men’s wear. It also operates on the Bulgarian and Greek market through its own brand “Rollmann”. Mr. Rollmann is Vice-President of BAPIOT (the Bulgarian Association of Apparel and Textile Producers and Exporters) and a Member of the Board of Directors of EURATEX. He is also Honorary President of the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, and at local level he is President of the Association of Entrepreneurs in the Region of Gotse Delchev. Mr. Rollmann works actively for the improvement of the professional education and social responsibility in the Bulgarian industry. DIMITER SMILENOV Managing Partner of Law Firm Kolcheva, Smilenov, Koev and Partners Mr. Smilenov is one of the founding partners of the law firm known as Novel Consult from 1994 until 2007. He has served as counsel to the Bulgarian Union of Sport Federations system prior to that. Mr. Smilenov is member of Sofia Bar Association since 1992, qualified and Licensed Trustee under the Insolvency Chapter of the Bulgarian Commercial Act since 1996, member of the ICC Institute of World Business Law, and member of the Arbitration Council at the Arbitration Court of KRIB. He serves as counsel to parties in domestic and international arbitration proceedings, as arbitrator in arbitration proceedings before the BCCI and the ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris as sole arbitrator and as a member of arbitral tribunals. Mr. Smilenov is a graduate of Sofia University Faculty of Law with a Master’s degree in Law. Currently he has undertaken a postgraduate Law specialization in International Dispute Resolution in the University of London, International Programmes. DRAGOMIR KOUZOV Executive Director of Velomania Ltd. Mr. Kouzov has been CEO of Velomania Ltd. – Sofia (production and trade) since 1998. He is architect of the DRAG Bicycles brand, one of the leading Bulgarian bicycle brands; DragZone stores; online store Screambikes; exporter of DRAG Bicycles – genuine Bulgarian brand for 20 European countries and official supplier of UEC; importer and distributor of more than 50 brands extreme sports and bicycle accessories and components. 12 Mr. Kouzov is Vice President of the Association of the bicycle producers in Bulgaria; Vice President of the BulgarianAzerbaijani Chamber of Commerce and member of the Board of the Bulgarian Electric Vehicles Association. He is founder of sport events: Velorally Cherni Vruh; road bicycle race Vitosha Uphill; co-operator in the biggest bicycle event in Bulgaria Vitosha 100 km. Mr. Kouzov has graduated with the title Master of Cycling in 1982 in the Sports Faculty of the Pedagogical University in Yaroslawl, Russia. MANAGING board ELINA DRUMEVA Chief Executive Officer of Abrites Ltd. Mrs. Drumeva is а Chief Executive Officer of Abrites Ltd. The company is founded in 2005 and its main goal is to develop diagnostic equipment of electronic components integrated into cars, trucks, bikes, etc. Under her leadership, strategic directions and management of global operations Abrites Ltd. increased its market share and became one of the fastest growing companies in the field. The company has representatives in 62 countries on 6 continents and a new branch office in Paris, France. Mrs. Drumeva, as а CEO of Abrites Ltd., was nominated for the “True Leader”- Award by ICAP Bulgaria, in 2014. This came as consequence of the company being listed in the “300 most profitable companies for 2013 in Bulgaria”. Mrs. Drumeva has Master’s Degree of Metallurgy Furnace and Aggregates from the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy (UCTM) – Sofia. HRISTO HRISTOV President and CEO of DISCORDIA PLC Mr. Hristov has established Discordia in 1992 in Varna as a company for international transport and logistics. Then he has established companies with Discordia brand in Ukraine and Romania. Starting business with road transport and forwarding, step by step he has developed rail, container, air and multimodal transport divisions. In 2008 Mr. Hristov has created unique franchising model for trucking business in the EU. He has implemented a high effective business model in the field of International road transport, which is appreciated by European companies and acknowledged Universities. Mr. Hristov has a Master’s Degree in Economics from the University of Economics - Varna. IVAN KRALEV Executive Director of Hydroizomat PLC Mr. Kralev has been Executive Director of “Hydroizomat” PLC since 2009. Prior to that, from November 2000 he worked for “Sanita Trading” and “Sanita Franchising” PLC as a Deputy Finance Director and CFO. From 2008 to 2010 he was Executive member of the Managing board of “Doverie - United Holding” PLC. He was member of the managing board of “Doverie Medical Complex” JSC, “Novoselska gamza” JSC and others. Mr. Kralev holds a Master’s degree in Finance in 2000, University D.A Tsenov, Svishtov city. 13 board MANAGING IVAYLO PENCHEV Cofounder and Manager of Walltopia Ltd. Mr. Penchev has cofounded and is actively involved in the management of Walltopia, HRT, Auxionize, Adventure Facilities Concepts and Management, Quantacea, CompositeX and Extrapack. Mr. Penchev supports with priority education and sport- related initiatives. He is Board member of Teach for Bulgaria; Chairman of the Honorary trust of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award; Board member of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum and Board member of Climbing Wall Association. Mr. Penchev holds BS in Physics from the Sofia University “St.Kliment Ohridski”. MILTCHO BOROV President of Cantek Mr. Borov founded Cantek in 1990. Initially, the company’s core activities were import, sales and servicing of office equipment. Today, Cantek is a Premier partner for Bulgaria of Ricoh and Canon and an official distributor of several others worldwide companies that offer complete office solutions. The company has experts in the fields of print and document management. For the past couple of years the company specialists have done several major projects in print management which have led to great optimization of cost in that area. Further, Cantek follows closely the print trends on the world market, therefore since 2013 it offers 3D printing services to its clients. Mr. Borov is one of the co-founders of BAIT where he has been twice Chairman and once Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors. Currently he is Chairman of the Controlling Board of BAIT. Mr. Borov graduated in 1979 with BA degree in Telecommunication technologies. He attended various trainings and workshops in Japan and many European countries, organized by either Canon or Ricoh. MIROLUB STOLARSKI Chairman of the Managing Board of BASAT (Bulgarian Association of Road Transport Unions) Mr. Stolarski holds top positions in several companies and associations such as: President of the Board of Directors of “Karat-S” Jsc; Chairman of NBKRT (National Chamber of Transport Employers); member of the Management Board of AEBTRI (Association of the Bulgarian Enterprises for International Road Transport and the Roads). 14 In 1994-2009 he was General Manager of “Eurolines Bulgaria Eurobus” Ltd. In 1993 Mr. Stolarski completed a five-year course in “Accounting and Control” at the University of National and World economy, Sofia. In December 2004 he obtained Certificate of Professional Competence for International Road Passenger Transport from IRU Academy (the International Road Union Academy). MANAGING board NIKOLA DOBREV Chairman of the Board of Directors of KCM 2000 JSC and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of KCM JSC Mr. Dobrev takes the leadership of the Board of Directors of KCM 2000 JSC and the Supervisory Board of KCM JSC from January 2013. He began his career as research associate at the Non-Ferrous Metals Institute in Plovdiv. In 1985 he became Director of KCM “Dimitar Blagoev”, Plovdiv. From 1989 to 1991 he was a General Director of the state-owned company Lead and Zinc in Plovdiv. From 1992 to 2004 he was Executive Director of KCM JSC, Plovdiv and from 2004 since December 2012 he was Chief Executive Officer of KCM 2000 JSC, Plovdiv. Mr. Dobrev is a member of the International Academy of Ecology in St. Petersburg, Russia. He is also a member of the Information, Education and Image Committee of the International Zinc Association as well as in the World Lead and Zinc Advisory Board. Mr. Dobrev has a Master degree in metallurgy of the non-ferrous metals from the Higher Institute of Chemical Technology in Sofia. He specialized at the University of Saarbrucken, Germany and at the Management School of Leibniz Academy in Hanover, Germany. PETER IVANOV Managing Partner of Solytron Bulgaria Ltd. Mr. Ivanov is managing partner of Solytron, which is one of the pioneers of the Bulgarian IT industry and has succeeded to keep its good market posi ons throughout the years. Solytron is a business partner and distributor of over 30 world spread IT brands. Mr. Ivanov was member of the Board of Directors of Bulgarian Associaon of Informaon Technologies (BAIT) from 2001 to 2003 and later from 2011 to 2013. In 2013 he was elected Chairman of the Board of BAIT. Mr. Ivanov graduated the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics at Sofia Universi. During his universi years he was soware developer at the Laboratory for Automated Systems in Educaon (LASE). PETIA DIMITROVA Chief Executive Officer and Chairperson of the Management Board of Postbank (legally named Eurobank Bulgaria AD) Mrs. Dimitrova is CEO and Chairperson of Postbank since 2012. She joined the bank in 2003 as Country CFO. In 2005 was appointed Procurator and in 2007 Execuve Director and Member of the MB of DZI Bank. Aer the legal merger of DZI Bank and Postbank she became Execuve Director and Member of MB of the new legal en. Mrs. Dimitrova is a Member of the MB of Internaonal Banking Instute, Associaon of Banks in Bulgaria, AmCham, Board of Trustees of American Universi in BG, Industrial Advisory Board - CITY College, Young Global Leaders Forum, Gerson Lehrman Group Accounng Council, Chartered Management Instute UK, CFO Club and Cofounder of Public Council of Women in Business. She is a qualified ACCA member of Associaon of Chartered Cerfied Accountants in London. Mrs. Dimitrova has an Execuve MBA in General Management from Universi of Sheffield and holds Master Degrees in Finance and Tourism. She is a graduate of ALBA Leadership Development Program, Harvard and holds a Cerficate of Merit from Georgetown Universi Leadership Seminar. Mrs. Dimitrova has received many awards, incl.: two Silver Stevie Awards “Female Execuve of the Year” (2013), “Banker of the Year”, “Mrs. Ikonomika” and “Young Global Leader honoree (2012), Internaonal Facul Disnguished Alumni Award from Universi of Sheffield (2011), etc. 15 board MANAGING PETKO NIKOLOV Executive Director of Patstroy- 92 JSC Mr. Nikolov has been Executive Director of Patstroy- 92 JSC since 2013. He has started his career in 1994 at „Patstroy- 92“ - Branch Botevgrad, where he worked until 2001 year as Survey Engineer. Within the period 2005 - 2009 Mr. Nikolov worked as Project Manager of such large projects in Bulgaria as Rehabilitation of blvd. Iv. Geshov from blvd. Bulgaria to str. G. Sofiiski, Sofia; Rehabilitation of str. P. Todorov, Sofia; Design and construction of bridge over Iskar river, etc. Since 2009 Mr. Nikolov has been General Project Manager of other large projects all over the country. Mr. Nikolov has many publications in specialized magazines, participations and reports in international conferences on surveying. He holds PhD Degree from the University of Mining and Geology, Sofia. PLAMEN BOBOKOV Chairman of the Managing Board of Prista Oil Holding Mr. Bobokov is Chairman of the Management Board of “Prista Oil Holding” and Member of the Management Board of “Monbat” PLC. In 1994 -1997 he was the manager in “Prista Oil” Ltd., Ruse. Mr. Bobokov is co-founder of the Bobokov Brothers Foundation; Major shareholder in “Project: Ruse” with subject of activity building of multifunctional sports hall; Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Bulgaria; Co-founder of the First private numismatic museum in Bulgaria; Co-founder of the foundation „Process-Space”. Mr. Bobokov has received several awards: Award for support of experimental projects in art, Bulgaria in 1998; the winner of “Executive Industrial Management” of “Atanas Burov” Foundation, Bulgaria in 2000 and the winner of “Person of the year”, Ukraine in 2008. Received awards through “Prista Oil”: Company of the year award “Golden Wallet”, Bulgaria in 2003; “Investor Number One in the automobile industry”, Bulgaria in 2009; “Oil of the Year”, Bulgaria in 2009. He has graduated from Faculty of Law of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” in 1993. RUMEN YANTCHEV Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Executive of Bulstrad Vienna Insurance Group Mr. Yantchev has been with Bulstrad since 1980. He has specialized with leading insurance and reinsurance companies in Europe and USA. He has been Chief Executive of European Reinsurance Brokers Ltd., London. He is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bulstrad Life Vienna Insurance Group; registered broker in the London market; Chairman of the SB of Utex Holding; Member of the SB of PAC Doverie. Mr. Yantchev has various public activities: Member of the 16 Board of “Dimitar Tzenov” Foundation; Member of the Academic Council at the Higher School of Insurance and Finance in Sofia; Member of the Board of Trustees of NATFA. Mr. Yantchev has received numerous awards: For contribution to the Bulgarian sport and Olympic movement (2000); Insurer of the year Award (2001); Mister Economy for all-around contribution to the national economy development (2004); Mister Economy for contribution to the development of the non-banking financial sector (2005); the Annual Burov Award for Banking and Financial Management (2012). MANAGING board STOYAN STAVREV Executive Director of Bulgarian Consultancy Organization Ltd. Mr. Stavrev has worked in the filed of consulting business, institutional building and strategic planning for more than 15 years. For four years he has been part of the management team of the Ministry of Finance, responsible for the pre-accession funds management. In 2007 he established Bulgarian Consultancy Organization Ltd. which provides consulting services in the field of regional development, preparation of strategic documents and evaluation of projects and programmes related to the management of EU funds and the enhancement of the capacity of public organizations. The company is a member of the Association for Balkans’ European Development. Mr. Stavrev has graduated law at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. He has a specialization in the field of SMEs in Tokyo, Japan and a postgraduate qualification in “Human rights protection”. TEODOR OSIKOVSKI Chief Executive Director of Energoremont Holding JSC Mr. Osikovski is the Chief Executive Director of Energoremont Holding JSC. His professional career in the power industry branch starts at the “Central Power Repair Base” JSC Sofia, where he is consequentially Board of Directors (BD) member, BD Chairman, and Manager. As of 2000, he is member of the BD of Energoremont Holding JSC, as of 2004 he is executive director of the Holding, and, as of 2007, chief executive director. Mr. Osikovski is Chairman of the Bulgarian Welding Society, Chairman of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Welding Cluster, Managing Board Member of the Confederation of the Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (CEIBG) and Managing Board Member of the Machine Building Scientific and Technical Union. Ms. Osikovski, Eng, holds M.Sc. degree with the professional qualification of “Machine Engineer” at the Technical University of Sofia. He has specialized “International Economic Relations and Customs Policy” in the Post Graduate Qualifications Institute at the UNWE. THEODORE ZAHOV Co-owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Economedia JSC Mr. Zahov is Co-owner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Economedia JSC – the publisher of Capital newspapers, the business news site and several other editions. He is also the majority shareholder and CEO of Inovent Holding JSC. He was the founder and CEO of Spectrum Net. Mr. Zahov is well known in the NGOs sector. He is Chairman of the Managing Board of the Union of Publishers in Bulgaria /UPB/, Board member of the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers /WAN-IFRA/, Member of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies /BAIT/. In the past he was Chairman of the Managing Board of BAIT and Chairman of the Managing Board of the Society of Electronic Communications /SEC/. Mr. Zahov has graduated the Technical University in Sofia and holds an Executive MBA from INSEAD. 17 board MANAGING TIM KURTH Executive Director and Vice President of Aurubis Bulgaria PLC Mr. Kurth is Execuve Director of Aurubis Bulgaria since August 2014. He started his career in Unilever PLC (1990-2001) where he gained experience in business planning, purchasing, accounting and customer service as Director of Export. His career growth continued in “Numico” PLC and until 2004 took the position Division Manager Logistics for the brands “Milupa” and “Pulmoll”. Mr. Kurth lived and worked in Opole (Poland) from 2004 to 2006, where he held the position “Supply Chain” Director. During the same year he started work in Norddeutsche Affinerie (the former name of Aurubis). In the period 2009-2013 he took the corporate function Group Innovation Manager in the concern, responsible for various activities, including important projects in Bulgaria. He is a specialist in logistics from the University of Applied Sciences in Friedberg, Germany. VALENTIN ZLATEV General Director of LUKOIL-Bulgaria Ltd. Mr. Zlatev is a member of the Supervisory Board of Lukoil Neftochim Burgas - the biggest oil refinery in South-East Europe. From 1994 to 1998 he had been Vice President of Rosneft Oil Company responsible for foreign trade activity. He is the Chairman of Bulgarian Petrol and Gas Association, representative non-governmental organization established by the major companies active in the Petroleum and Gas industry in Bulgaria. Mr. Zlatev has MA in International Law from MGIMO University for International Relations and a Ph.D. in Comparative Politics from Moscow State University and Russian Academy of Science. Mr. Zlatev is the author of books and publications in the field of geopolitics. He was awarded the title Doctor Honoris Causa of City University of Seattle in 2003 in recognition of his commitment to higher education in Bulgaria. He was awarded with the prize “Mr. Economics” and the orders of St. Alexander Nevsky and St. Sergiy Voronezhsky. He is the President of Lukoil Academic basketball team. EVGENIY IVANOV Executive Director of KRIB Mr. Ivanov is former Ambassador of Bulgaria to the European Union (1993-1997). His diplomatic career includes also the positions of Third Secretary in the Permanent Mission of Bulgaria to the United Nations, New York; Director in the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations; Deputy National Coordinator of the EC PHARE Programme for Bulgaria; Coordinator of all assistance programmes of Japan for Bulgaria. He is MA in International relations from the Moscow State Institute for Foreign Relations (MGIMO) and the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna. Mr. Ivanov has specializations and trainings: in public 18 administration (Ecole Nationale D’Administration - ENA,Paris); in privatization techniques (PricewaterhouseCoopers London); in coordination of Japanese T/A programmes (JICA, Japan); in alternative dispute resolution (Wasington D.C, Chicago IL); in democratic leadership of Employers Unions (Berlin, Dresden), etc. Mr. Ivanov was Executive Director of the Bulgarian Business Leaders Forum affiliated to the Prince of Wales Business Leaders Forum, UK (1998-2000); Secretary General and Member of the Board of the Employers Association of Bulgaria (2000-2006). Mr. Ivanov was Vice-chairman of the Bulgarian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce - ICC (2007-2011). CENTRALNA ENERGOREMONTNA BAZA EAD was established in 1948 and for 65 years of existence has gained the reputation of reliable supplier of repair services to the power facilities within the electric power sector in Bulgaria and abroad. Diagnostics, repair services and maintenance of transformers, generators and motors are carried out on site or at the premises of CERB EAD. TRANSFORMERS: Diagnostics /visual control, on-line and off-line testing, oil sampling and analysis/; Partial repair or overhaul: repair of the core, manufacturing of new windings, replacement of all accessories /valves, relays, bushings/, replacing of the cooling systems, etc. Maintenance; Revision and repair of OLTC ROTATING ELECTRICAL MACHINES: Repair of turbo and hydro generators and motors: repair of stator body and core, rewinding on site, manufacturing of new coils, repair andbalancing of rotors CENTER FOR CONTROL OF METALS: Test of boilers and equipment, turbines – blades, bodies, valves, bolts, studs, shafts, diaphragms; Methods of testing: non-destructive, microstructure analysis, mechanical tension tests, high-temperature tests of creeping and durable strength; ON-LINE MONITORING SYSTEM FOR VIBRATION MONITORING AND ANALYSIS VOCATION TRAINING CENTER OF WELDERS: MANUFACTURING: Hand operated arc welding, MIG/MAG, TIG (GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding), oxy-Acetylene Welding Manufacturing of new transformers up to 10 MVA; Manufacturing of NeutralEarthing Resistors (NER) and star centers; Manufacturing of clamps (Al, brass, bronze, bimetallic), current fittings (busbars, spacers, support), isolation rods, earthing devices; Manufacturing of spare parts and non-standard equipment for electrical machines TRANSPORT: Transportation of heavy and oversized loads by road and by railway; Experienced rigging team for loading, unloading and supporting SUPERVISORY council DIMITAR BELELIEV Chairman of the Supervisory Council Chairman of the Board of Directors of Centralna Energoremontna Baza Ltd. (CERB) Mr. Beleliev has been Chairman of the Board of Directors of Centralna Energoremontna Baza Ltd. (CERB) since 2002. He holds management positions at several companies and organizations as follows: Manager of “Dimitar Beleliev” Ltd. (from 1994); CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of “Conventional Energy Systems”From (from 2009); CEO of “Domo Estetico” JSC (from 2010). Mr. Beleliev has been Chairman of the Managing Board of Association of Bulgarian-Ukrainian friendship and cooperation since 2007. Mr. Beleliev graduated from the Technical University of Sofia, majored in Transport Machinery and Technology. IZABELA DZHALAZOVA Managing Partner and Chairman of the Board of Directors of RSM BX Ltd. Mrs. Dzhalazova is Managing Partner, Chairman of the BoD, Director “Audit and audit-related services,” at RSM BX Ltd., a member of RSM International, the seventh largest international organization of independent companies offering services in the field of independent financial audit Mrs. Dzhalazova has more than 20 years of professional experience in auditing and audit-related services; accounting; business and tax consulting. She is Registered Auditor - Member of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Bulgaria; Member of the Institute of Internal Auditors in Bulgaria; Member of the Chamber of Tax Consultants in Bulgaria; Member of the CIA (Certified internal auditor); Certified appraiser of whole enterprises; Certified lecturer on the application of IFRS and IAS; Certified Quality Manager and Internal Auditor of Systems of quality management under ISO 9001:2000; Certified auditor entitled to certify the annual financial statements of pension funds, since 2000. KRASIMIR SLAVCHEV Executive Director of SCS Franchise JSC Mr. Slavchev has been Executive Director of SCS Franchise JSCo. since December 2007. From 2004 to 2007 he worked as a Trade Manager for Sanita Franchising JSCo. Prior to that from 2000 to 2004 he was a financial analyzer at Sanita Franchising JSCo. From 1998 to 2000 he worked as Financial Manager for Taloderma Ltd. Mr. Slavchev holds a Master degree in Accountancy and financial control from University of Economics, Varna city. 21 ADVISORY MANAGING council board OGNIAN DONEV Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Sopharma PLC TZOLO VOUTOV President of Geotechmin Ltd. and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Ellatzite-Med PLC SVETOSLAV GLOSSOV CEO of BIAD-S Ltd. ATANAS GAROV CEO of Garitidge Investment Management Ltd. 23 council ADVISORY SIMEON PESHOV Honorary President of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber GEORGE RANDELOV Public Sector Lead CEE Multi-country, Microsoft BORIANA MANOLOVA CEO of Siemens Bulgaria Ltd. BORISLAV BOYANOV Managing Partner in Boyanov & Co. Attorneys at Law 24 ADVISORY MANAGING council board LUCHEZAR TZOTZORKOV President of Assarel-Medet PLC PETAR KANEV President of Printing Industry Union of Bulgaria EMILIAN ABADJIEV CEO of Industrial Holding Bulgaria STEFAN SHARLOPOV Owner of Sharlopov Hotels JSC 25 council ADVISORY PETKO DIMITROV Partner and Director of PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Azerbaijan IORDAN MATEEV Executive Director of Association for Modern Trade IVO PROKOPIEV Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Alfa Finance Holding KALINA TRIFONOVA Member of the Management Board of EVN Bulgaria Ltd. 26 ADVISORY MANAGING council board KAMEN KOLCHEV Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of ELANA Financial Holding KETI KIROVA Member of the Board of Directors of Ellatzite-Med PLC NIKOLAY GARNEV Managing Partner Ernst & Young Audit Ltd. PHILIPPE ROMBAUT CEO of Agropolychim PLC 27 council ADVISORY LEVON HAMPARTZOUMIAN Chairman of the Managing Board and Chief Executive Director of UniCredit Bulbank RENNY IORDANOVA Managing Partner of AFA Ltd. DANIELA PETKOVA Chairwoman of the Management Board of PAC Doverie FAHRI IDRIS Chairman of the Managing Board of KRIB-Kardjali 28 ADVISORY MANAGING council board TZVETAN LAZHANSKI Chairman of the Board of Directors of Plastchim-T JSC and Chairman of the Board of Directors of United Distribution Group ZDRAVKO DERELIEV Chairperson of the National Association of Companies for Trade Security (NAFTSO) MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA 3S SOT members ABRITES ACTAVIS ACTAVIS OPERATIONS AD DECUM DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ADIPHARM ADM BULGARIA TRADING AES 3 MARITZA IZTOK AFA AG CAPITAL AGRION INVEST AGROMIL BULGARIA AGROPOLYCHIM AIESEC BULGARIA ALBENA ALCATEL-LUCENT BULGARIA ALLIANZ BULGARIA HOLDING ALPHA BANK, SOFIA BRANCH AMETA HOLDING AMGEN BULGARIA AMYLUM BULGARIA ARTEKS ENGINEERING ASSAREL-MEDET ASTRA ZENECA ATARO CLIMA AURUBIS AVANGARD TECHNOLOGIES AVTOMOTOR CORPORATION THE POWER OF UNITY A B BALKAN BALKAN CONSTRUCTION BALKAN STAR AUTOMOTIVE BALKANSTROY BALKAM BARGAME BELAZ-SOFIA BELLA BULGARIA BG BUSINESS SOLUTIONS 31 THE POWER OF UNITY members MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BG ESTATES BIAD-S BICA INTERNATIONAL BILLA BULGARIA BIOPHARM ENGINEERING BIOVET BLACK SEA GOLD POMORIE BLAGOEVGRAD BT BMF PORT BURGAS BMW VERTRIEBS GMBH-BULGARIA BRANCH BNP PARIBAS BULGARIA, S.A.-SOFIA BRANCH BODU BOYANOV&CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BRAIN STORM CONSULT BRAND MEDIA BULGARIA BRITISH-AMERICAN TOBACCO (BAT) BTV MEDIA GROUP BUILDING AND ASSEMBLAGE BULGARGEOMIN BULGARGEOMIN WATER BULGARIAN-AMERICAN CREDIT BANK (BACB) BULGARIAN BANK FOR DEVELOPMENT BULGARIANCHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (BCCCI) BULGARIAN CONSULTANCY ORGANIZATION BULGARIAN FOOTBALL UNION BULGARIAN RAILWAY COMPANY BULGARIAN STOCK EXCHANGE BULGARIAN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY / VIVACOM BULGARTABAC HOLDING BULSTRAD VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP BUSINESS CLUB-SOFIA UNIVERSITY BUSINESS PARK SOFIA C CANTEK BULGARIA CARLSBERG BULGARIA CASINO TECHNOLOGIES CENTRALNA ENERGOREMONTNA BAZA (CERB) CEZ BULGARIA CHEQUE DEJEUNER 32 CHRISMETAL CHUGUNOLEENE-PARVOMAY CIBANK CIELA NORMA CITIBANK EUROPE-BULGARIA BRANCH CITY HOSPITALS AND CLINICS CLIMACOM ENGINEERING COCA-COLA HELLENIC BOTTLING COMPANY COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA CONSTRUCTION GROUP CONTOURGLOBAL MARITZA IZTOK III CONSORTIUM TITAN SOFIA CENTER CONVERGYS members D D COMMERCE BANK DANONE SERDIKA DAY AND NIGHT DB SCHENKER DECART DELOITTE BULGARIA DEMAX DEUTSCHE BANK BULGARIA-REP. OFFICE DEUTSCHE LEASING BULGARIA DEVIN DEVNYA CEMENT DHL EXPRESS BULGARIA DISCORDIA DOMKO DONEV INVESTMENTS HOLDING DORECO COMMERCE DOVERIE - PENSION ASSUARANCE COMPANY DOVERIE - UNITED HEALTH-INSURANCE FUND DOVERIE – UNITED HOLDING DRUJBA GLASS WORKS S.A. DSK BANK DSK RODINA – PENSION SECURITY COMPANY DUNDEE PRECIOUS METALS DZI-LIFE INSURANCE THE POWER OF UNITY MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA 33 members MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA THE POWER OF UNITY E 34 E & S WATCHES AND JEWELRY E-CARD ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT BULGARIA ECONOMEDIA ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE ECOSTEEL EDENRED BULGARIA ELANA HOLDING ELECTRON PROGRESS ELECTRONCOMMERCE ELITE MEDIA BULGARIA ELIT TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL ELKABEL ELLATZITE-MED ELPHARMA ELTA CONSULT ELTRAK BULGARIA EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT ENERGOREMONT – GALABOVO ENERGOREMONT HOLDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY&RENEWABLE SOURCES FUND EPIQ ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY EQE BULGARIA ERNST & YOUNG BULGARIA ESCANA ESRI BULGARIA EUROBANK BULGARIA EUROBET EUROFOOTBALL EUROMARKET BRD EUROSPEED EVN BULGARIA EXPERIAN BULGARIA EXPRESS LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA members F FESTO PRODUCTION FICOSOTA FIRST INVESTMENT BANK FOREST-BUL FTS BULGARIA THE POWER OF UNITY G GALAXY INVESTMENT GROUP GALCHEV ENGINEERING GROUP GARITAGE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT GED GE HEALTHCARE BULGARIA GENERALI BULGARIA HOLDING GEOPROJECT GEORGIEV, TODOROV&CO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW GEOSTROY GEOTECHMIN GEOTRADING GERMAN-BG INDUSTRIAL&TRADE CHAMBER GLAVBOLGARSTROY HOLDING GLAXOSMITHKLINE GLOBAL TAX GLORIENT INVESTMENT BG GORUBSO KARDJALI GP GROUP GRADUS-1 GREEN LIFE H HAN ASPAROUH HELIX HEWLETT-PACKARD BULGARIA HIGIA HOSPITAL HILL CLINIC HOLCIM BULGARIA HONEYWELL HUVEPHARMA HYDROIZOMAT 35 members MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA THE POWER OF UNITY I IBM BULGARIA IFC-INTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION IG HOLDING INDESIT COMPANY BULGARIA INDUSTRIAL HOLDING BULGARIA INFORMATION SERVICES ING BANK – SOFIA BRANCH INSA INSA GAS INSA OIL INSA PORT INTER ENGINEERING-10 INTERLEASE INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL INTERPRED-WTC SOFIA INVESTBANK INVEST RECICLING ITALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN BG ISMAIL TERZI J JOBTIGER K K & K ELECTRONICS KAMENITZA KAOLIN KARAT-S KATARZYNA ESTATE KAUFLAND BULGARIA KCM KINGS TOBACCO INTERNATIONAL KNAUF BULGARIA KOLCHEVA, SMILENOV, KOEV&PARTNERS LAW FIRM KOMUNALNO-BITOVO STOPANSTVO – BOURGAS KONDIKA KPMG BULGARIA KOUSH GROUP 36 у MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA members LANDMARK HOLDINGS LB BULGARICUM LIDL BULGARIA LTD.& CO. LINDNER IMMOBILIEN MANAGEMENT LIREX BG LODIS INVEST LP LUKOIL BULGARIA LUKOIL NEFTOCHIM BURGAS LZ VARNA M MAKRA-T MARINE ANTIPOLLUTION ENTERPRISE MAT MEATSA MBL MEDLINE CLINIC MEDIA GROUP BULGARIA MEDICA MEDICO ENGINEERING MEGATEX COMMERCE MELEXIS BULGARIA METRO CASH&CARRY BULGARIA M-GAZ MICROSOFT BULGARIA MINSTROY HOLDING M-KAPI MOBILTEL MONBAT MONDELEZ BULGARIA MONDI STAMBOLIJSKI MONOLIT SOFIA MORAN TRADE MOTO-PFOHE MTG DOLPHIN MUNICIPAL BANK MUSALA SOFT THE POWER OF UNITY L 37 members MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA THE POWER OF UNITY N NADEZHDA HOSPITAL NATIONAL COMPANY FOR COLLECTION AND RECICLING OF WASTE OILS NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP NATIONAL LOTERY NAVIGATION MARITIME BULGARIA NELSEN-CHISTOTA NEOCHIM NESTLE BULGARIA NETINFO NEW i NEW GAMES NEXT CONSULT NORD HOLDING NOVA BROADCASTING GROUP NOVE HOLDING NOVO NORDISK PHARMA O OD&M CONSULTING / WYSER OGNYANOVO-K OILTANKING BULGARIA OMV BULGARIA ORGACHIM PARAFLOW COMMUNICATIONS PATSTROY-92 PETKO ANGELOV BG PETROL PHARMACHIM HOLDING PHILIP MORRIS BULGARIA PICCADILLY PIRAEUS BANK PIMK HOLDING PIRIN TEX PRODUCTION PIROGOV /UNIVERSITY MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE/ PLASTCHIM-T P 38 MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA PLEVEN BT PODEMCRANE PORSCHE BG PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS BULGARIA PRISTA-OIL HOLDING PRISTA RECYCLING PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB “LUDOGORETS 1945” PROMMONT PROVIDENT FINANCIAL BULGARIA members S SAS ABRITES FRANCE S GROUP BULGARIA SANDVIK BULGARIA SANITA FRANCHISING SBB MEDIA SAVANTO SCS FRANCHISE SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BULGARIA SENSOR-NITE INDUSTRIAL SHARLOPOV HOTELS SHELL BULGARIA SIKO TRANS SIEMENS SIENIT HOLDING SIRMA GROUP HILDING SODEXO BULGARIA SOFIA BT SOFIA FRANCE AUTO THE POWER OF UNITY R RAICOMMERCE CONSTRUCTION RAIFFEISENBANK (BULGARIA) RESB RISK ELECTRONICS ROAD COMPANY ROADS AND EQUIPMENT ROCA BULGARIA R.S. CONSULT RSM BX 39 THE POWER OF UNITY members 40 MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA SOFIA HOTEL BALKAN SOFIAMED HOSPITAL SOLARPRO SOLVAY SODI SOLYTRON SOMAT SOPHARMA SOPHARMA BUILDINGS SOPHARMA TRADING SPASOV & BRATANOV LAWYERS’ PARTNERSHIP STANDARD NEWS ST.CYRIL AND ST.METHODIUS UNIVERSITY OF VELIKO TURNOVO STAR POST STROITEL WEEKLY SVILOSA SYNERGON HOLDING T TABAC MARKET TAL ENGINEERING TANGRA-AV ТASHEV TRANS TECHNOLOGICA TECHNOPOLIS TELEKOMPLEKT TELELINK TELEMATIC INTERACTIVE BULGARIA TELENOR GROUP TELSO TERI GROUP TITAN BKS TITAN SERVICE TOKUDA BANK TOMBOU BULGARIA TOURIST MANAGEMENT TRACE GROUP HOLD TRAKIA GLASS BULGARIA TRAKIA HOSPITAL TRIAS HOLDING TV EVROPA TVT PACK MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA members U V V&VGD GREENHOUSE PETRICH VAGLISHTA PERNIK VAYA-7 VELOMANIA VENTURE EQUITY BULGARIA VICTORIA INSURANCE COMPANY VIKY COMFORT VINPROM PESHTERA W WALLTOPIA X XEROX BULGARIA THE POWER OF UNITY ULEN ULICHNO OSVETLENIE UNICREDIT BULBANK UNILEVER BULGARIA UNIPHARM UNITED BULGARIAN BANK UNITED FREE MEDIA /PRESA DAILY/ UNIVERSEMETAL USIS Y YURI GAGARIN Z ZAGORKA ZAHARINOVA AND PARTNERS ZMBG ZORA M.M.S. 41 42 KRIB committees FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE The commiee was set up on February 3, 2010 with the following priories: to recommend detailed measures to restore and accelerate the economic growth and development of the capital market in Bulgaria. Members: ABRITES AES 3 MARITZA IZTOK ALLIANZ BULGARIA HOLDING ALPHA BANK SOFIA BRANCH ASSOCIATION OF BULGARIAN INSURERS BOYANOV & CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF LICENSED INVESTMENT INTERMEDIARIES (BALIP) BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF SOFTWARE COMPANIES (BASSCOM) BULGARIAN STOCK EXCHANGE BULGARIANAMERICAN CREDIT BANK (BACB) BULSTRAD VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP CITIBANK EUROPE PLC BULGARIA BRANCH CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA DEUTSCHE BANK REP. OFFICE DOVERIE PENSION ASSURANCE COMPANY DSK BANK DSK RODINA PENSION SECURITY COMPANY ECONOMEDIA ELANA HOLDING ELIT TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL ELTA CONSULT ELTRAK BULGARIA EUROBANK BULGARIA EXPERIAN BULGARIA FTS BULGARIA GENERALI BULGARIA HOLDING GEOTRADING ING BANK SOFIA BRANCH INTERLEASE KAOLIN PROVIDENT FINANCIAL BULGARIA SOLVAY SODI TOKUDA BANK UNICREDIT BULBANK THE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES Chairpersons: Ms. Pea Dimitrova, Execuve Director, Eurobank Bulgaria Mr. Kamen Kolchev, CEO, Elana Holding 43 KRIB committees ENERGY COMMITTEE The commiee was actualized on January 22, 2015. The main acvies of the Energy Commiee are aimed at discussing and preparing posions on energy sector development in Bulgaria and EU policies including improvement of the current legislaon and regulatory regimes, enhancing compeveness and smulang investments. Members: ACTAVIS AES 3 MARITZA IZTOK AGROPOLYCHIM AMYLUM BULGARIA ASSAREL MEDET ATANASOVGROUP KRIB DOBRICH AURUBIS BICA INTERNATIONAL BIOVET BOYANOV & CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BULGARIAN FEDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS (BFIEC) BULGARIAN PETROLEUM AND GAS ASSOCIATION (BPGA) CENTRALNA ENERGOREMONTNA BAZA CEZ BULGARIA CHAMBER OF INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS IN BULGARIA (CISB) CITIBANK EUROPE PLC BULGARIA BRANCH CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA CONTURGLOBAL MARITZA IZTOK III DELOITTE BULGARIA DRUJBA GLASS WORKS S.A. DUNDEE PRECIOUS METALS ELANA HOLDING ELLATZITEMED ELPROMET KRIBDOBRICH EVN BULGARIA EXPERIAN BULGARIA FICOSOTA HOLDING HAN ASPARUH KAOLIN KCM PLOVDIV KRIB DOBRICH MINSTROY HOLDING NEOCHIM PLASTCHIMT ROCA BULGARIA SHELL BULGARIA SIEMENS SOLARPRO SOLVAY SODI SVILOSA TRAKIA GLASS BULGARIA V&VGD GREENHOUSE PETRICH THE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES Chairpersons: Mr. Konstann Delisivkov, Execuve Director, Bulgarian Federaon of Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC) Mr. Kamen Kolchev, CEO, Elana Holding 45 ! " ## $ #%&' (( )*+,,( - .)*+,+/,( 012 3"#2 KRIB committees Chairperson: Dipl. Eng. Prof. Nikolay Michailov, Chairman of the Managing Board, Trace Group Hold The mission of the Investment Projects and Infrastructure Commiee is to raise and promote the presge of the Bulgarian construcon business in its relaons with the Bulgarian state authories, EU instuons and internaonal partners; to make recommendaons for the implementaon of a systemac policy in public investments to the benefit of the socie and the business in Bulgaria. Members: AES 3 MARITZA IZTOK ARTEKS ENGINEERING BOYANOV & CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INERT MATERIALS PRODUCERS (BAPIM) BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF SOFTWARE COMPANIES (BASSCOM) BULGARIAN CONSTRUCTION CHAMBER (BCC) CITIBANK EUROPE PLC BULGARIA BRANCH CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA ELTA CONSULT ELTRAK BULGARIA EUROMARKET BRD GEOSTROY GLAVBOLGARSTROY HOLDING NATIONAL REAL ESTATES ASSOCIATION SIENIT HOLDING SOLVEY SODI TELELINK TOKUDA BANK TRACE GROUP HOLD AGRICULTURE AND FOOD COMMITTEE Chairpersons: Mr. Stoyan Jelev, Chairman of the Managing Board of the ACM The commiee was set up in 2011. The priories of the Agriculture and Food Commiee are focused on the development of the agricultural sector and the improvement of the legislaon including the EU funds management for agricultural producers. Members: AMETA HOLDING BRITISHAMERICAN TOBACCO BULGARIAN SOFT DRINKS ASSOCIATION KRIB DOBRICH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MILK PROCESSORS THE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES INVESTMENT PROJECTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE COMMITTEE NEOCHIM NESTLE BULGARIA PHILIP MORRIS BULGARIA UNION OF BREWERS IN BULGARIA 47 ALWAYS MOVING FORWARD KRIB committees Chairpersons: Mr. Stoyan Stavrev, Execuve Director, Bulgarian Consulng Organizaon Ms. Teodora Ovcharova, Execuve Director, Elana Investment Mr. Yanko Iliev, partner at Lirex.BG The commiee was actualized on January 23, 2015. The main objecve of the European Funds and Programs Commiee is to propose soluons to opmize the funconing and ulizaon of the European funds and programs to the benefit of the private sector in Bulgaria. Members: AD DECUM DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS ALBENA BULGARIAN AMERICAN CREDIT BANK (BACB) BELAZSOFIA BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION FOR LEASING (BAL) BULGARIAN CONSULTANCY ORGANIZATION BULGARIAN TRADE ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURERS AND OPERATORS IN THE GAMING INDUSTRY (BTAMOGI) CASINO TECHNOLOGY CENTRALNA ENERGOREMONTNA BAZA CHAMBER OF INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS IN BULGARIA (CISB) CIBANK ELANA INVESTMENT ERNST & YOUNG BULGARIA EVN BULGARIA GED KRIBKARDJALI LIREX.BG MEGATEX MICROSOFT BULGARIA NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR PUBLICPRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS IN BULGARIA PIRIN TEX PRODUCTION RSM BX SOLVEY SODI TELELINK TELEMATIK INTERACTIVE BULGARIA TOMBOU BULGARIA UNION OF HOME PRODUCERS ZMM BULGARIA HOLDING THE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES EUROPEAN FUNDS AND PROGRAMS COMMITTEE 49 KRIB committees TAX AND LEGAL COMMITTEE The commiee was set up on February 9, 2010. Its priories are draing proposals on improving the tax and customs legislaon, as well as making recommendaons regarding the legal base of business environment in Bulgaria. Members: ABRITES AFA ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING COMPANIES (APAC) BOYANOV & CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BRITISHAMERICAN TOBACCO BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INERT MATERIALS PRODUCERS (BAPIM) BULGARIAN PETROLEUM AND GAS ASSOCIATION BUSINESS PARK SOFIA CEZ BULGARIA CITIBANK EUROPE PLC BULGARIA BRANCH CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA CONTURGLOBAL MARITZA IZTOK III DELOITTE BULGARIA ECE PROJECTMANAGEMENT BG ELANA HOLDING ELLATZITEMED ELTRAK BULGARIA ERNST & YOUNG BULGARIA EVN BULGARIA EXPERIAN BULGARIA GEORGIEV, TODOROV&CO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW GLOBAL TAX INTERLEASE KAOLIN KAUFLAND BULGARIA KOLCHEVA, SMILENOV, KOEV & PARTNERS LAW FIRM NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMPANIES FOR TRADE SECURITY (NAFTSO) PHILIP MORRIS BULGARIA PIRIN TEX PRODUCTION PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS BULGARIA RSM BX SHELL BULGARIA SOLVEY SODI TOKUDA BANK ZAHARINOVA AND PARTNERS THE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES Chairpersons: Mr. Georgi Simeonov, Senior Manager, Deloie Bulgaria 51 KRIB committees Chairpersons: Ms. Tanya Svasareva, Aorney-at-law, Manager in EY Law Partnership Mr. Hristo Tzvetkov, Human Resources Director, METRO Cash & Carry Bulgaria The acvies of the Human Resources Commiee were updated in January 2015 with decision of the Managing Board of KRIB. Currently the main priories of the HR Commiee are to provide the Managing Board with professionally grounded posions on the legislave amendments issued under the Naonal Council for Triparte Cooperaon, to iniate discussions and to propose amendments in the relevant legislaon for beer flexibili of the working force, to help the KRIB members to share the best pracces in the field of HR management. Members: ABRITES AFA ALCATELLUCENT BULGARIA AMYLUM BULGARIA ASSAREL MEDET ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING COMPANIES BG ESTATES BELLA BULGARIA BIOVET BRAIN STORM CONSULT BRITISHAMERICAN TOBACCO BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION FOR PEOPLE MANAGEMENT BULGARIAN FEDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS (BFIEC) BULGARIAN RAILWAY COMPANY BULGARIAN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY / VIVACOM BULSTRAD VIENNA INSURANCE CEZ BULGARIA CHAMBER OF INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS IN BULGARIA (CISB) CITIBANK EUROPE PLC BULGARIA BRANCH COCACOLA HBC BULGARIA CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA CONVERGYS DRUJBA GLASS WORKS S.A. ELLATZITEMED ERNST & YOUNG BULGARIA EUROBET EUROFOOTBALL EVN BULGARIA EXPERIAN BULGARIA FESTO PRODUCTION GALAXI INVESTMENT GROUP GED GENERALI BULGARIA HOLDING GEOTECHMIN HOLCIM BULGARIA INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL IBS JOBTIGER KAOLIN KPMG MEDIA GROUP HOLDING MELEXIS BULGARIA METRO CASH & CARRY BULGARIA MUSALA SOFT NAVIGATION MARITIME BULGARIA NEOCHIM ORGACHIM PHILIP MORRIS BULGARIA PIRIN TEX PRODUCTION PROMMONT RAICOMMERCE CONSTRUCTION RAIFFEISENBANK BULGARIA SENSOR NITE BULGARIA INDUSTRIAL SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BULGARIA SHELL BULGARIA SIEMENS SOLVAY SODI SOPHARMA TRADING TOMBOU BULGARIA UNION OF HOME PRODUCERS YURI GAGARIN THE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES HUMAN RESOURCES COMMITTEE 53 network with the best coverage in Bulgaria KRIB committees Chairpersons: Mr. George Randelov, Public Sector Lead CEE Mul-country, Microso Mr. Theodore Zahov, Member of the Managing Board, Bulgarian Associaon of Informaon Technologies (BAIT) The ICT and e-Government Commiee was renamed ICT Commiee in May 2013. The main goals of the ICT Commiee are: to work for ICT business development in the country by mainly focusing on the strategies and development programs; to be a medium for an exchange of ideas between the ICT companies – members of KRIB. The ICT commiee prepares and submits to the Managing Board proposals regarding legislave and praccal problems in the sector. Members: BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BAIT) BOYANOV & CO. ATTORNEYS AT LAW BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF SOFTWARE COMPANIES (BASSCOM) CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA EXPERIAN BULGARIA FTS BULGARIA GED HEWLETTPACKARD BULGARIA MELEXIS BULGARIA MICROSOFT BULGARIA MUSALA SOFT PIRIN TEX PRODUCTION RISK ELECTRONICS SOLVEY SODI TELELINK HEALTHCARE COMMITTEE Chairpersons: Mr. Dimitar Dimitrov, CEO and Member of the Board of Directors of Sopharma Trading Mr. Konstann Velev, Member of the Managing Board of Generali Bulgaria Holding Dr Mimi Vitkova, Execuve Director of United Health Insurance Fund Doverie The Commiee was established in March 2012 by resoluon of the Board of KRIB. The acvies of the Healthcare Commiee are focused on the following priories: the financial framework of the Naonal healthcare system; the producon and distribuon of generic medicines; the funconing of the medical instuons; health insurance; e-healthcare and use of innovave IT methods in the sector; the acvi of the Health and Safe at Work Services. Members: ASTRA ZENECA BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL WHOLESALERS (BATEL) BULGARIAN GENERIC MEDICINE ASSOCIATION (BG PHARMA) CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA DR. ATANAS DAFOVSKI MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT, KARDZALI GENERALI BULGARIA HOLDING KRIB DOBRICH MICROSOFT BULGARIA PIROGOV /UNIVERSITY MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE/ SOFIAMED HOSPITAL SOPHARMA TRADING TOMBOU BULGARIA UNITED HEALTH INSURANCE FUND DOVERIE THE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES ICT COMMITTEE 55 KRIB committees Chairman: Dipl. Eng. Zdravko Dereliev, Chairman of the Board, National Association of Companies for Trade Security (NAFTSO) Deputy Chairmen: Mr. Stoyan Boev, Deputy Chairman of the Board, Bulgarian Association of Information Technologies (BAIT) Mr. Boyko Mitev, Security Manager for Central and Eastern Europe, HewlettPackard Bulgaria The Commiee was established in September 2012 with the following main goals: to promote the development of securi, connui and sustainabili of the business; to be a platform for exchange of ideas and informaon in the securi sector, including physical, cyber and informaon securi; to dra proposals for legislave amendments concerning the business securi to the Managing Board; to provide the Confederaon’s members with data on the securi systems current status. Members: 3S SOT BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BAIT) CENTIO, MEMBER OF THE BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BAIT) CITIBANK EUROPE PLC BULGARIA BRANCH CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA EQE BULGARIA ESI CENTER, MEMBER OF THE BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF SOFTWARE COMPANIES (BASSCOM) EXPERIAN BULGARIA GED GEOTECHMIN HEWLETTPACKARD BULGARIA INTERCONSULT BULGARIA, MEMBER OF THE BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BAIT) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL IBS KRIB DOBRICH LIREX.COM, MEMBER OF THE BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BAIT) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMPANIES FOR TRADE SECURITY (NAFTSO) NORD HOLDING S GROUP BULGARIA STEMO, MEMBER OF THE BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BAIT) TELELINK THE BEST BUSINESS PRACTICES SECURITY COMMITTEE 57 BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB branches ASSOCIATION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF HOMEBASED PRODUCTION Chairperson: Violeta Zlateva ASSOCIATION FOR MODERN TRADE Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 44 33 444, (+359) 889 577 746 5 Luchezar Stanchev Str., Sopharma Business Tower B, fl.4, 1756 Sofia Chairperson: Nikolay Petrov Execuve: Iordan Mateev ASSOCIATION “MAIKA BULGARIA” Tel.: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 942 71 30 15 Tvardishki prohod Str., 1404 Sofia Chairperson: Stefan Sharlopov Contact person: Sonya Spassova ASSOCIATION OF BULGARIAN INSURERS Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 980 51 24, 25 (+359 2) 981 17 28 2 Graf Ignatev Str., fl.2, 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Dancho Danchev Contact person: Jeni Parpulova ASSOCIATION OF BULGARIAN RADIO AND TV OPERATORS (ABRO) Tel.: (+359 2) 980 67 11, (+359 2) 951 55 22 Fax: (+359 2) 916 63 51 E-mail: Address: 1 Bulgaria Pl., fl.15, Office 2, 1463 Sofia THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP Tel./Fax: (+359 2) 931 55 40, 40 10 60 E-mail: Address: 112 Tzar Simeon Str., 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Atanas Genov Execuve: Meh Melikov 59 branches BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB ASSOCIATION OF CAR MANUFACTURERS AND THEIR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES FOR BULGARIA (ACM) THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP ACM is a member of the Internaonal Organizaon of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers - OICA and an associated member of the European Automobile Manufacturers Associaton - ACEA. Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: Chairperson: Stoyan Jelev Contact person: Yasen Spasov ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS OWNERS IN BULGARIA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 948 55 77 (+359 2) 945 90 94 115K Tzarigradsko Shausse Blvd., bl.B, fl.8, 1784 Sofia Chairperson: Tanya Kosseva-Boshova Contact person: Kalina Hadjivassileva ASSOCIATION OF FOOD VAUCHERS OPERATORS IN BULGARIA (AOVH) Tel.: (+359 2) 489 98 76, 423 07 97 E-mail: Address: Sofia 1766, Business Park Sofia, building 12A, fl.1, 1766 Sofia Chairperson: Arnaud Martenat Contact person: Veronica Ninova ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING COMPANIES (APAC) Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 980 27 05 45 Solunska Str., fl.1, 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Madeleine Levi-Primo Contact person: Antoniya Bogdantcalieva ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCH-BASED PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS IN BULGARIA (ARPharM Bulgaria) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: 60 (+359 2) 946 12 50 (+359 2) 943 39 44 37 Veliko Tarnovo Str., 1504 Sofia (+359 2) 971 34 64 (+359 2) 870 54 70 19 Joliot-Curie Str., fl.14, 1113 Sofia Chairperson: Iliana Paunova Execuve: Deyan Denev BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB branches Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 462 38 72 (+359 2) 462 38 88, 2 Pozitano Str., fl.7, 1301 Sofia Chairperson: Marn Georgiev Contact person: Monica Aneseva BG PHARMA (BULGARIAN GENERIC PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION) BG PHARMA is a full member of the European Generic Medicines Associaton. Tel.: Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 421 97 86 (+359 2) 421 97 91 8 Han Asparuh, 1463 Sofia Chairperson: Nikolay Hadjidonchev Execuve: Rosen Kazakov BRANCH CHAMBER OF WOODWORKING AND FURNITURE INDUSTRY IN BULGARIA (BCWFI) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 963 42 99 (+359 2) 816 42 80 73 Todor Alexandrov Blvd., fl.6, office 5 1303, Sofia Chairperson: Stoyan Stoyanov Execuve: Elitza Nencheva BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION FOR LEASING (BAL) Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 980 49 30 27B Blvd. Stamboliyski, fl.2, 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Borislav Todorov Contact person: Valenna Marinova BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION FOR PEOPLE MANAGEMENT Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 950 10 90 (+359 2) 950 10 92 49 Knjaz Boris I Str., ap.2 1000 Sofia THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP ASSOCIATION OF TRADERS WITH ELECTRICITY IN BULGARIA (ATEB) Chairperson: Petar Vasilev Execuve: Genoveva Bakardjieva 61 branches BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS Tel.: (+359 2) 951 62 65 E-mail:,, Website: Address: 29 Vladayska Str., Sofia 1606 Chairperson: Ventzislav Varbanov Execuve: Ivailo Todorov BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANIES (BAAMC) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 930 10 13 (+359 2) 930 10 31, 36 Alabin Str., fl.3, 1301 Sofia Chairperson: Petko Krastev Execuve: Evgeny Jishev BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS (BACEA) BACEA is the only full member and representave for Bulgaria of the Internaonal Federaon of Consulting Engineers - FIDIC and a full member of the European Federaon of Consulng Associaon – EFCA. Tel.: (+359 2) 983 90 41 E-mail: Chairperson: Website: Dipl. Eng. Miroslav Yordanov Address: 2A Struma Str., 1202 Sofia Contact person: Krassimira Paskova BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF FISCAL DEVICES DISTRIBUTORS (BADFU) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 32) 64 32 54 (+359 32) 64 32 25 8 Radetzki Str., 4000 Plovdiv Chairperson: Rumen Popov Contact person: Vera Kaburova BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INERT MATERAILS PRODUCERS (BAPIM) BAPIM is a member of the European Aggregates Associaton - UEPG. Tel.: (+359 2) 806 57 64 Fax: (+359 2) 858 97 80 Co-Chairpersons: Ivan Bogdanov E-mail: Emil Braichev Website: Execu ve: Irina Koleva Address: 27 Okolovrasten pat, office 31,1404 Sofia BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BAIT) Tel: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: 62 (+359 2) 946 15 13 (+359 2) 946 14 52 36, Dragan Tsankov Bul., Interpred WTC Sofia, Office B339, Sofia 1040 Chairperson: Peter Ivanov Contact person: Vessela Kalucheva BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB branches Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 962 54 81 (+359 2) 962 53 88, 32A Cherni Vrah Blvd., 1407 Sofia Chairperson: Lubomir Boyadjiev Execuve: Evgeny Jishev BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL WHOLESALERS (BAPW) Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 442 1720 8 Han Asparuh Str., 1463 Sofia Chairperson: Dimitar Dimitrov Execuve: Olia Vassileva BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF RECYCLING (BAR) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 953 32 88 (+359 2) 953 33 87 126 Vitosha Blvd., 1463 Sofia Chairperson: Borislav Malinov BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF SOFTWARE COMPANIES (BASSCOM) BASSCOM is a co-founder and an acve member of PIN-SME (Pan European ICT & eBusiness Network for SMEs). Tel.: (+359 2) 489 97 43 E-mail: Website: Address: Business Park Sofia, Building 11, entr. B, fl.1, 1766 Sofia Chairperson: Stamen Kotchkov Execuve: Maya Marinova BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE ROAD TRANSPORT UNIONS (BASAT) THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF LICENSED INVESTMENT INTERMEDIARIES (BALII) BASAT is a full member of the European Road Haulers Associaton. Tel.: (+359 2) 812 08 26 Fax: (+359 2) 812 08 20 E-mail:, Chairperson: Mirolub Stolarski Website: Contact person: Desislava Bacheva Address: 35 Mechka Str., 1330 Sofia 63 branches BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB BULGARIAN BRANCH ASSOCIATION ROAD SAFETY (BBARS) THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP Since January 2011 Bulgarian Branch Associaton Road Safe is regular member of European Road Federaon. Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 32) 69 18 67 (+359 32) 69 18 68 Ring-road, Komatevo quarter, 4000 Plovdiv Chairperson: Nikolai Ivanov Contact person: Rositsa Slavcheva BULGARIAN BRANCH CHAMBER ROADS Since 2004 Bulgarian Branch Chamber Roads is a collecve member of PIARC - the World Road Associaon. Tel.: (+359 2) 952 30 36 Fax: (+359 2) 954 97 00 E-mail: Website: Address: 12 Macedonia Blvd., 1606 Sofia Chairperson: Eng. Pavel Dikovski Execuve: Eng. Andriana Georgieva BULGARIAN CERTIFIED FINANCIAL ANALYSTS ASSOCIATION (CFA) Bulgarian CFA has been approved as the 123-rd Chapter of the Chartered Financial Analysts Insute - CFAI. Tel.: (+359 2) 400 14 00 Fax: (+359 2) 935 06 30 E-mail:; Chairperson: Kalin Metodiev Website: Contact person: Aneliya Stankova Address: 5 Dunav Str., 1000 Sofia BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 955 96 40, 955 73 45 (+359 2) 955 61 13, 8 Zemedelska Str., 1618 Sofia Chairperson: Angel Yanakiev Contact person: Taana Arshinkova BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF MINING AND GEOLOGY (BCMG) BCMG is a member of the European Associaton of Mining Industries, Metal Ores and Industrial Minerals - EUROMINES and of the European Associaton for Coal and Lignites - EURACOAL. Tel/fax: (+359 2) 99 50 307 (+359 2) 902 46 37 E-mail:, Website: Address: 27 Okolovrasten Pat Blvd., fl.1, 1404 Sofia 64 Chairperson: Prof. Lachezar Tzotzorkov, PhD Execuve: Eng. Ivan Andreev BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB branches BCC is a member of the European Constructon Industry Federaton - FIEC and of the European Internaonal Contractors - EIC. Tel.: (+359 2) 806 29 12, (+359 2) 806 29 20 Fax: (+359 2) 963 24 25 E-mail:, Website: Chairperson: Eng. Svetoslav Glossov Address: Poligona, 6 Mihail Tenev Str., 1784 Sofia Execuve: Ivan Boykov BULGARIAN CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU (BCVB) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 988 81 70 (+359 2) 981 28 97 9 Pozitano Str., 1301 Sofia Chairperson: Poly Karastoyanova Contact person: Diana Rajkova BULGARIAN EXECUTIVE SEARCH ASSOCIATION (BESA) BESA has the support of the internatonal associaton of executve search consultants – AESC. Tel./Fax: (+359 2) 962 03 05 E-mail: Chairperson: Daniela Ossikovska Website: Contact person: Ivona Naydenova Address: 44 Bigla Str. fl.1, 1000 Sofia BULGARIAN EXPORTERS ASSOCIATION Tel.: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 881 01 81 2260 Okolovrasten Put Str., Office Park “Post Bank”, Bldg. A, fl.4, 1766 Sofia Chairperson: Ivo Todorov BULGARIAN FACILITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 489 63 77 (+359 2) 489 63 72, 7A Stefan Karadja Str., 1000 Sofia THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP BULGARIAN CONSTRUCTION CHAMBER (BCC) Chairperson: Goran Milanov Execuve: Petar Tashev 65 branches BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP BULGARIAN FEDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS (BFIEC) Tel.: (+359 76) 68 10 14, 02 960 7943, (+ 359) 88 760 12 62 Fax: (+359 76) 68 19 52 E-mail:, Website: Address: 1 Universi park Str., AUBG, Sofia 1700 Chairperson: Konstann Stamenov Execuve: Konstann Delisivkov BULGARIAN HUNTING AND FISHING UNION - BLRS BLRS is a member of the Pan European Huntng and Fishing Union. Tel.: (+359 725) 60 363 E-mail: Chairperson: Asen Piperkov Website: Contact person: Rumil Lachev Address: 14 Nezavisimost Sq., 2100 Elin Pelin BULGARIAN PETROLEUM AND GAS ASSOCIATION (BPGA) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 943 33 84 (+359 2) 401 91 70, 11 Prof. Asen Zlatarov Str., 1504 Sofia Chairperson: Valenn Zlatev Execuve Director: Andrey Delchev BULGARIAN PHARMACY OWNERS ASSOCIATION Tel./Fax: (+359 2) 987 0330 (+359 2) 989 0330 E-mail: Website: Address: 17 Tsar Ivan Shishman Str., 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Nikolay Kostov Contact person: Emilia Baneva BULGARIAN SHIPOWNERS ASSOCIATION (BSA) BSA is a full member of the Internatonal Chamber of Shipping – ICS and the Internatonal Shipping Federaton – ISF. Tel.: (+359 52) 683 119 Fax: (+359 52) 683 118 E-mail: Website: Chairperson: Rosen Kosturkov Address: 1 Primorski Blvd., 9000 Varna Execuve: Cpt. Marin Petrov BULGARIAN SOFT DRINKS ASSOCIATION Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: 66 (+359 2) 983 24 22, 983 26 87 (+359 2) 983 36 82 82 B Tzar Simeon Str., 1202 Sofia Chairperson: Jana Velichkova BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB branches BTAMOGI is a member of the Internatonal Masters of Gaming Law; the European Gaming and Amusement Federaton - EUROMAT; the Gaming Standards Associaton - GSA; the Associatons of Gaming Equipment Manufacturers - AGEM. Tel: (+359 2) 812 94 46 Fax: (+359 2) 812 94 79 E-mail: Website: Chairperson: Angel Iribozov Address: 34 Alabin Str., 1000 Sofia Contact person: Rumiana Parusheva BULGARIAN UNION OF BALNEOLOGY AND SPA TOURISM (BUBST) BUBSPA is a member of the European Spa Associaton ESPA and the Internatonal Societ of Medical hydrology and Climatology - ISMH. Tel.: (+359 2) 942 71 30 Fax: (+359 2) 958 29 24 E-mail: Website: Chairperson: Stefan Sharlopov Address: 15 Tvardishki prohod Str., 1404 Sofia Contact person: Sonya Spassova BULGARIAN VENDING ASSOCIATION - BVA BVA is a member of the European Vending Associaton – EVA. Tel.: (+359 2) 962 10 00 Fax: (+359 2) 862 25 25 E-mail: Chairperson: Todor Kanazirov Website: Contact person: Hrisna Kuncheva Address: 52 Maritza Str., 4000 Plovdiv CHAMBER OF INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS IN BULGARIA (CISB) CISB is a full member of the Internatonal Union of Roofng and Plumbing Contractors (GCI-UICP), Brussels. Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 32) 62 59 18 (+359 32) 62 59 76 25 Ivan Vazov Str., 4000 Plovdiv THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP BULGARIAN TRADE ASSOCIATION OF MANUFACTURES AND OPERATORS IN THE GAMING INDUSTRY (BTAMOGI) Chairperson: Sergey Stoyanov Contact person: Adelina Stanimirova CHAMBER OF THE PROFESSIONAL VALUERS (CVP) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 980 71 13 (+359 2) 980 06 32 15 B Vrabcha Str., 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Nikola Kedov 67 branches BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB COUNCIL OF WOMEN IN BUSINESS IN BULGARIA THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP Tel.: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359) 885 512 081 2 Kukush Str, 1309 Sofia Chairperson: Dr. eng. Boriana Manolova Contact person: Maria Andonova ECOBULPACK Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 434 16 10 (+359 2) 920 06 98 Borovo district, 64, Dechko Yordanov Str., Sofia 1680 Chairperson: Vidyo Videv Contact person: George Slavchev ECOPACK BULGARIA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 975 19 25; (+359 2) 401 91 00 (+359 2) 975 19 26; 60 Tzarigradsko Shausse Blvd., 1784 Sofia Chairperson: Todor Burgudjiev Contact person: Veselina Stoyanova FIABCI BULGARIA (THE INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE FEDERATION) FIABCI is special consultant with NGO status to the ECOSOC. Tel.: (+359 2) 954 91 05, (+359 2) 983 10 03 E-mail: Website: Chairperson: Asen Makedonov Address: 7 Dukatska Planina Str., 1606 Sofia INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS (ICPA) Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 95 00 777 22 Iskar Str., 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Boyko Kostov Execuve: Svetoslava Velinova INTERNATIONAL ADVERTISING ASSOCIATION BULGARIA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: 68 (+359 2) 988 40 07 (+359 2) 981 76 10; 8 Gurguliat Str., 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Teodora Tencheva Contact person: Miroslava Nedkova BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB branches NAFTSO is a member of Confederaton of European Securi Services - CoESS. Tel./Fax: (+359 2) 952 56 14 E-mail: Chaiperson: Zdravko Dereliev Website: Executve: Stefana Antonova Address: Gotze Delchev neibh., bl. 53 E, 1404 Sofia NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MILK PROCESSORS Tel.: (+359) 886 210 311 E-mail:; Website: Address: 106 Vasil Levski Blvd., room 8, 1504 Sofia Chairperson: Bogdan Borisov Contact person: Todor Bozveliev NATIONAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION (NREA) NREA is a member of the Central European Real Estate Associatons Network CEREAN and of the Internatonal Real Estate Federaton - FIABCI. Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 988 68 90 (+359 2) 988 68 91 36A Patriarh Evmiy Blvd., 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Irena Perfanova Execuve: Pea Drenska NATIONAL VINE AND WINE CHAMBER Tel.: (+359 2) 988 47 97 (+359 2) 981 08 49 E-mail: Website: Address: 10 Lege Str., 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Radoslav Radev Contact person: Rada Videnova PRINTING INDUSTRY UNION OF BULGARIA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 930 77 77 (+359 2) 975 23 88 117 Tzarigradsko Shousse Blvd., 1784 Sofia THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMPANIES FOR TRADE SECURITY (NAFTSO) Chairperson: Petar Kanev Execuve: Rumen Trifonov SOCIETY FOR ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS (SEC) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 443 14 34; (+359) 889 143 743 (+359 2) 442 34 41 84-86 Al. Stamboliiski Blvd., fl.5, 1303 Sofia Chairperson: Ivan Ivanov Execuve: Aneta Ivanova Contact person: Sonya Tsankova 69 branches BRANCH ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB UNION OF BREWERS IN BULGARIA Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 989 40 24 16 Bacho Kiro Str., 1000 Sofia Chairperson: Vladimir Ivanov Execuve: Ivana Radomirova UNION OF BULGARIAN ROAD CARRIERS Tel.: (+359 2) 40 81 372 E-mail: Address: 1 Samokovsko Shausse Str., 1138 Sofia Chairperson: Danail Danailov Contact person: Mariana Dimitrova UNION OF BULGARIAN TOURIST INDUSTRY Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: 70 (+359 2) 819 86 19 (+359 2) 818 97 20 83A Bulgaria Blvd., Hotel Festa Barselo, 1404 Sofia Chairperson: Pea Slavova Contact person: Svetla Valeva BILATERAL ASSOCIATIONS – MEMBERS OF KRIB branches BULGARIAN-CHINESE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY (+359 2) 865 88 99 58 Bulgaria Blvd, ent. С, fl. 9, office 30, 1680 Sofia Chairperson: Victor Azmanov Execuve: Alexander Ekimov CONFINDUSTRIA BULGARIA Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 969 30 06 (+359 2) 969 30 07 36 Dr. Tzankov Blvd., Bl. B, fl. 4, 1040 Sofia It is the associaon of Italian enterprises in Bulgaria. Chairperson: Pietro Luigi Ghia Contact person: Emma Vita GERMAN-BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE (DBIHK) Tel.: Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 816 30 10 (+359 2) 816 30 19 htp:// 25 A Fr. Joliot Curie Str., 1113 Sofia Chairperson: Dr. Ruediger Hoeben-Stoermer Execuve: Dr. Mitko Vasilev ITALIAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE IN BULGARIA Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: (+359 2) 846 32 80/1/2 Chairperson: Marco Montecchi Contact person: Elena Tarkalanova 2 Knyaghianya Maria Luiza Blvd., Business center TZUM, f.5, 1000 Sofia The voice of 300 Italian enterprises in Bulgaria CONFINDUSTRIA THE STRONG COLLECTIVE MEMBERSHIP Tel./Fax: E-mail: Website: Address: Bulgaria Sofia, blv. Dragan Tsankov 36, 4th floor, office 409' tel. +359 2 969 3006 71 International Business School (IBS) is an independent, politically unrelated, private higher school in Republic of Bulgaria. For over 20 years International Business School has been a leading institution in business education, building a recognizable brand for valuable education. The mission of IBS is to change life, economics and society by means of business education and scientific research. IBS is accredited by the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency of Republic of Bulgaria and is one of the top 10 universities in Bulgaria in the area of Business Administration, Economics and Tourism. IBS Botevgrad, 2140 14 Gurko Str., T: +359 723 688 12 E: DLC Sofia, 1527 138 Vasil Levski Blvd. T: +359 2 400 16 20 E: REGIONAL BODIES OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA ARDINO Saphet Iliazov 0365/14963 0365/14925 22 Pirin Str., “Artex”AD, 6750 Ardino REGION: ASENOVGRAD Chair: Shinka Todorova tel.: 0331/66007; 66008; 65052; 0897823995 fax: 0331/ 66009; 032/635146 e-mail: Address: East Industrial Zone, 4230 Asenovgrad; Head office: 29 Mitropolit Panaret Str., 4000 Plovdiv REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: BALCHIK Iliycho Iliev 0899890776 Balik, bl. 34, en. А, fl. 1, ap. 2, Dobrudjanka 2004, 9600 Balchik REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: BANSKO Lubomir Galchev 04914901; 04914924; 04914900 Simeon Molerov Str., Galchev Engineering, 2770 Bansko REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: BELOGRADCHIK Stanislav Katsarov 094/691210; 0936/54542 2 Vazrajdane pl. hotel “Skalite”, 3900 Belogradchik REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: BELOVO Sevdalina Asparuhova 03581/26 53; fax: 03581/21 10 Belovo Paper Factory; 1A Dabravsko shousse Str., 4470 Belovo REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: BIALA SLATINA Vesselin Rankov 091/342305;342309 091/342330 Pharmaceucal Plants Milve Ltd., Industrial Zone, 3200 Biala Slana REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: BLAGOEVGRAD Lubomir Galchev 073/883060; 02/4914721 073/831655; 02/8034720; Address: 1 Polk. Dimov Str., fl.2, 2700 Blagoevgrad REGION: Chair: tel.: Address: BOBOSHEVO Stephan Lundjov 0887932123 Pochivna baza “Lipovitsa”, 2660 Boboshevo REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: BOTEVGRAD Lena Gaydarska 072/368812 072/368813 IBS, 14 Gurko Str., 2140 Botevgrad REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: BRATZIGOVO Evgenia Pekaj 0888452838 034/441694; Epsilon HR Ltd, 15 А Ekzarh Yosif Str., fl. 2, office 7, 4400 Pazardjik REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: BURGAS Stephan Djambazov 056/843860 056/84227 Vaya 7 Ltd., 19A Konstann Fonov Str., 8000 Burgas REGION: BYALA - Ruse Chair: Milen Hristov tel.: 0988843465; 0895648956; 0878536485; 0887392282 e-mail: Address: POD Toplina, 17 Kolednica Str., 7000 Ruse; 15 Stephan Stambolov Str. En. 3, fl. 6, ap. 18, 7100 Byala REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: ADDRESS: THE MOST EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: regions CHELOPECH Alex Nestor 02/9301595 Chelopech Mining, 2087 Chelopech 73 74 REGIONAL BODIES OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA CHERVEN BRIAG Polia Stancheva-Mateeva 0887787402 064/800322 3 Konstann Velichkov Str., 5800 Pleven REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: DIMITROVGRAD Stephan Dimitrov 0391/65205; 0391/60555 Himikocombinatska Str., East Industrial Zone, Neochim AD, 6403 Dimitrovgrad REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: DEVIN Georgi Serafimov 02/8072868, 0888 637 572 03041/4100; 6 Vasil Levski Str., Devin AD, 4800 Devin REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: DEVNYA Philippe Rombaut 0519/97526 0519/97594 Agropolychim, 9160 Devnya REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: DJEBEL Rizvan Halil 03632/ 2222 9 Ivan Vazov Str., ET Rinercom – Rizvan Halil, 6850 Djebel REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: DOBRICH Maria Kirilova 0581/600411, 0888252747 0581/600063 Address: Pl. Svoboda 5, floor 2, PAC Doverie, 9300 Dobrich REGION: DOBRICHKA Chair: Maria Kirilova tel./fax: 0581/600411; 0888 252747; 0581/600063 e-mail:; Address: Pl. Svoboda 5, floor 2, PAC Doverie, 9300 Dobrich REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: DOLNI CHIFLIK Nikolay Borisov 0897012299; Address: New youth iniaves Associaon, Patriarh Evmij 11, Novi Pazar 9900 REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: DOLNI DABNIK Polia Stancheva-Mateeva 0887787402 064/800322 3 Konstann Velichkov Str., 5800 Pleven REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: DOLNA MITROPOLIA Miroslava Atanasova Yordanova 0886202323 064/800322 3 Konstann Velichkov Str., 5800 Pleven REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: DOSPAT Georgi Serafimov 02/8072868, 0888637572 03041/4100; 6 Vasil Levski Str., Devin AD, 4800 Devin REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: DRIANOVO Mariana Pecheyan Krasteva 0676/72425 0676/72356; 0676/74389 1 Shipka Str., 5370 Drianovo REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: DULOVO Emilia Shtereva 0887693893 GPPMP Hipokrat-M Ltd., 68 “25 September” Str., 9300 Dobrich REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: DUPNITZA Ivan Urumov 0701/58195 0701/58555 Actavis Operaons, 3 Samokovska shausse Str., 2600 Dupnitza THE MOST EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: regions 75 76 regions REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: ETROPOLE Lena Gaydarska 072/368812 072/368813 IBS, 14 Gurko Str., 2140 Botevgrad REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: ISPERIH Plamen Pashev 08331/2577 08331/5613 Khan Asparuh AD, 1 Ahinora Str., 7400 Isperih REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: GABROVO Evgeni Stanchev 066/801375 066/801390 1 General Nikolov Str., Podemkran AD, 5300 Gabrovo REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: KAVARNA Mitko Nedev 0897574933 8 Zdravetz Str., et.3 ap.6, 9650 Kavarna REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: GALABOVO Krassimir Nenov 0887891731 Contourglobal Maritza East 3, Bulgaria Mednikarovo, Galabovo Municipali, 6280 Galabovo REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: KAOLINOVO Valenn Velev 05361/2223 054/802898 Kaolin AD, 5 Ticha Str., 9960 Kaolinovo REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: GENERAL TOSHEVO Milena Petrova 05731/3892 05731/4442 26 Tre Mart Str., 9500 General Toshevo REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: GOTZE DELCHEV Bertram Rolmann 0751/69113 0751/60509; Address: 50 Drama Str, 2900 Gotze Delchev REGION: Chair: tel.: tel./fax: e-mail: GURKOVO Kolyo Kolev 0888823537 042/602 271; Address: 37 Prohoda Str., 6199 Gurkovo REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: HASKOVO Stephan Dimitrov 0391/65205; fax: 0391/60555 Himikocombinatska Str., East Industrial Zone, Neochim AD, 6403 Dimitrovgrad KARDJALI Fahri Idriz 0361/86688; Address: 96 Hristo Botev Blvd., Meatsa, 6600 Kardjali REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: KARLOVO Dobri Penchev 0335/98624 10 Evstai Geshov Str., 4300 Karlovo REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: KASPICHAN Dimitar Doinov 053/276736, 0889880660 053/276658 Roca Bulgaria, 48 Madarski konnik Str., 9930 Kaspichan REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: KAZANLAK Boncho Sholev 0431/62885 0431/62114 Bulgarska Rosa-Sevtopolis; 110 “23 Pehonen Shipchenski polk” Str., 6100 Kazanlak THE MOST EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION REGIONAL BODIES OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA 77 78 regions REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: KIRKOVO Darina Zoteva 0885/619 319 18 March str. “R-Deksa Trading” Ltd. 4000 Plovdiv REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: LOVECH Ivan Tzankov 0886435438 44 Targovska Str., fl. 3, office 1, 5500 Lovech REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: KOSTINBROD Vladimir Kotev 0887956672 Sofia, 89 Stambolijski Blvd. ap. 14; Imot No 87129, 2257 Dramsha, Kosnbrod REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: LYASKOVETZ Steffan Kolev 062/604969 2A Slavianska Str., 5000 Veliko Tarnovo REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: MARITZA Adelina Stanimirova 032/625918 032/625976 25 Ivan Vazov Str., 4000 Plovdiv REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: MOMCHILGRAD Rizvan Halil 03632/ 2222 9 Ivan Vazov Str., ET Rinercom – Rizvan Halil, 6850 Djebel REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: MONTANA Kornelia Veleva 096/ 393133; 0882599499 096/300 974 Monbat AD, 76 Industrialna Str., 3400 Montana REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: KOZLODUY Mihail Stoyanov 0973/81298; 0888 76 27 13; Address: 2 Monolitka, bl. 8-9, fl. 3, ap. 5, SD Mistral -TSS-Stoyanova, Stoyanov, 3320 Kozloduy REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: KRUMOVGRAD Sebahn Gyokche 0888832878 Idealfashion Ltd, 2 Emanuil Rangenov str., Djebel REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: KUSTENDIL Eng. Atanas Georgiev 078/551778 1 Moritz Levi Str., 2500 Kustendil REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: LETNITZA Andrei Movradinov 0886047436 21 A Stephan Karadja Str., 5570 Letnitza REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: NESSEBAR Svetlana Jekova 0554/22957 0554/22017 Galchev Engineering Group, 8000 Burgas REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: LEVSKI Miroslava Atanasova Yordanova 0886202323 064/800322 3 Konstann Velichkov Str., 5800 Pleven REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: NIKOPOL Ludmil Stoyanov 0887492521 064/800322 3 Konstann Velichkov Str., 5800 Pleven THE MOST EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION REGIONAL BODIES OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA 79 80 REGIONAL BODIES OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA NOVI PAZAR Sirma Komitova 0537/90165; 0537/23112 3 Obirishte Str., 9900 Novi Pazar REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: OMURTAG Yordanka Georgieva 0899902738 TeoDen Ltd., 5 Hristo Smirnenski Str. REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: PANAGYURISHTE Evgenia Pekaj 0888452838 034/441694; Epsilon HR Ltd,Ekzarh Yosif 15 А Str., 2 fl., 7 office, 4400 Pazardjik REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: PARVOMAI Nadka Chushkova 032/ 606 303, 032/ 606 444 Bella Bulgaria, 37 Nestor Abadjiev Str., 4000 Plovdiv REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: PAZARDJIK Todor Proichev 0888507081 15 A Ekzarh Yosif Str., fl.3, office7 4400 Pazardjik REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: PERNIK Georgi Milev 0888810826 Dragichevo, Petrolna baza, 2351 Pernik REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: PETRICH Maria Turnarova 0745/60901 22 Bulgaria Str., 2850 Petrich REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: PESHTERA Ivan Minchev 0350/5620 0350/5636; Biovet AD, 39 Petar Rakov Str., 4550 Peshtera REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: PLEVEN Russalin Russalinov 064/800322 064/800435 Pleven Securies Group, 3 Konstann Velichkov, 5800 Pleven REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: PLOVDIV Elza Markova 032/606303, 0888984848 032/606444; Address: Bella Bulgaria, 37 Nestor Abadjiev Str., 4000 Plovdiv REGION: POMORIE Chair: Ivan Yanev tel.: 0596/22551 fax: 0596/25879 Address: Pochivna baza, P. C. 77, 8200 Pomorie REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: PORDIM Ludmil Stoyanov 0887492521 064/800322 3 Konstann Velichkov Str., 5800 Pleven REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: PRAVETS Ruslan Penchev 0899809977 IBS, pl. T. Jivkov 2, 2161 Pravets REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: PROVADIA Sirma Komitova 0537/90165; 0537/23112 3 Obirishte Str., 9900 Novi Pazar REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: RADNEVO Krassimir Nenov 0887891731 Contourglobal Maritza East 3, Bulgaria Mednikarovo, Galabovo Municipali, 6280 Galabovo THE MOST EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: regions 81 REGIONAL BODIES OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA RAKOVSKI Grisha Stoyanov 0885302054 032/637131 Sienit Holding, Industr. zona, Sgrada 6, 4150 Rakovski REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: RAZGRAD Dimitar Papazov 084/613318, 0887607244 Anbioc Razgrad AD; 68 Aprilsko Vastanie Blvd., 7200 Razgrad REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: RAZLOG Miroslava Hadjiiska 0899602101 02/8694234 41 Exzarh Yosif Str., 2740 Razlog REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: RUSSE Natalia Kasnedelcheva 082/884250 082/828289 44 Tre Mart Blvd., 7000 Rousse REGION: SADOVO Chair: Shinka Todorova tel.: 0331/66007; 66008; 65052; 0897823998 fax: 0331/ 66009; 032/635146 e-mail: Address: East Industrial Zone, 4230 Asenovgrad; Head office: 29 Mitropolit Panaret Str., 4000 Plovdiv SEPTEMVRI Nikolai Papazov 03561/ 2500 03561/2414 2 V Luben Karavelov Str., 4490 Septemvri SEVLIEVO Krassimir Kopchev 0675/30223 0675/30809; Address: Ideal Standard Vidima, 53 Marin Popov Str., 5400 Sevlievo REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: SHABLA Mitko Nedev 0897574933 8 Zdravetz Str., fl.3, ap.6, 9650 Kavarna REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: SHUMEN Suzana Nedeva 054/801501; 800535 054/800536 Elana Trading, 1 Peter Delyan Str., 9700 Shoumen REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: SILISTRA Plamen Angelov 086/821473, 0889544446 086/821436 Danube Industrial Park, 1 Feribotna Str., 7500 Silistra REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: SAMOKOV Katerina Popovianska 0722/66739; 0897882505 TempoIns Ltd., 89 Iskar Blvd., 2000 Samokov REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: SLIVEN Dr. Valenna Koleva 044/662589; 044/624087 75 Trakia Blvd., Biopharm Engeneering, 8800 Sliven REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: SANDANSKY Metody Angelov 074/634158 074/634140 Medica AD; Industrialna zona, 2800 Sandansky REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: SLIVNITZA Vladimir Kotev 0887956672 Sofia, 89 Stambolijski Blvd. ap. 14, Imot No 87129, 2257 Dramsha, Kosnbrod THE MOST EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: regions 83 regions REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: SMOLIAN Kiril Assenov 0888605060 Arexim EOOD, North Industrial Zone, 4700 Smolian REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: Stolichna VAZRAJDANE Georgi Ivanov 088806660227 Marad KOM Ltd., 81 Dunav str., fl. 5, ap.11, Sofia 1202, REGION: Chair: tel./fax: e-mail: Address: SOPOT Dobri Penchev 0335/98624 10 Evstai Geshov Str., 4300 Karlovo REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: SUNGURLARE Stanislav Slavov 0896608383 05571/5717 6 Georgi Dimitrov Str., 8470 Sungurlare REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: SOZOPOL Gergana Srebkova 0889571348 17 Pheniks Str., 8130 Sozopol REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: SVISHTOV Marusia Smokova 0888671442 41 Tzar Osvoboditel Str., 5250 Svishtov REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: STAMBOLIISKI Kostadin Kalinkov 032/909281 032/909555 Mondi Stamboliiski EAD, 1 Zavodska Str., 4210 Stamboliiski REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: SVOGE Maria Metodieva 0886306233; 0726 / 83520 1 Republika Str., Kra Foods Bulgaria AD, 2260 Svoge REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: TARGOVISHTE Eng. Galin Dachev Kanev 0601/ 64040, 0896637707 0601/64041 27 Petleshkov Str., BKS Targovishte EOOD, 7700 Targovishte REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: TERVEL Aneta Kirilova 0889350137 25 A Ropotamo Str., ap. 2, 9300 Dobrich REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: TETEVEN Ivelina Ivanova 0898771422 Griko Machining Ltd., 1 Al. Batenberg Str., 5500 Lovech REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: TRYAVNA Mariana Pecheyan Krasteva 0676/72425 0676/72356; 0676/74389 1 Shipka Str., 5370 Drianovo REGION: Chair: tel./fax: fax: e-mail: STARA ZAGORA Peter Lithgow 042/901646, tel: 02/9881275 02/9867549; Representave Ivan Tzankov tel./fax: 042/901646, tel: 02/9881275 fax: 02/9867549 e-mail: Address: AES Maritza East 1 EOOD, 72 Luben Karavelov Str., Sofia; 6280 Galabovo, 6000 Stara Zagora REGION: STOLICHNA Chair: Ivan Kralev tel.: 02/936 2063 fax: 02/9382676 e-mail:; Address: Sopharma AD; 16 Iliensko Shousse Str., 1000 Sofia THE MOST EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION REGIONAL BODIES OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA 85 THE MOST EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION regions REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: TROYAN Todorka Bachvarova-Ilieva 0670/60314; 0695/42068 Sofarma AD, Vrabevo, 5500 Lovech REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: TVARDITZA Krasimira Antonova 0446/ 016070 75 Trakia Blvd., Biopharm Engeneering, 8800 Sliven REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: TUTRAKAN Vassilena Dimova 082 87 44 16; 0878 40 15 19 OP KSB., 15 Knyajeska Str., fl.2, 7000 Ruse REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: UGARCHIN Ivo Ivanov 0885990046; fax: 068/ 604310 44 Targovska Str., fl. 3, office 4, 5500 Lovech REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: VALCHI DOL Blagovest Borisov 0899 421515; Address: New youth iniaves Associaon, Patriarh Evmij 11, Novi Pazar 9900 REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: VARNA Philippe Rombaut 0519/97526 0519/97594 Agropolychim, 9160 Devnya REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: VELIKI PRESLAV Stanimir Komitov 0537/23151, 0885996226; Address: 4 Kniaz Boris I, 9900 Novi Pazar REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: 86 REGIONAL BODIES OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA VELIKO TARNOVO Dr. Plamen Legkostup 062/ 620189; 062/620162 062/31106; Veliko Tarnovo Universi, 2 T. Tarnovski Str., 5000 Veliko Tarnovo REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: VELINGRAD Mirolub Stolarski 0888882222; Address: Hotel “Dvoretsa”, Ladjene, 8 Tosho Staikov Str., 4600 Velingrad REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: VETOVO Alexander Prokopiev 084/612500 084/612505 Kaolin AD, 8 Dabrava Str., 7038 Senovo REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: VIDIN Boris Strugarev 094/6908118 094/6908111 Avtomotor Vidin AD, South Industrial Zone, 3700 Vidin REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: VRATZA Todor Topalski 092/653081 092/660361; 0888447006; OPAL-94 Ltd. 28 Mito Orozov str., 3000 Vratza Representave: Penka Petrova tel.: 0899834649 e-mail: Address: Medico Engineering Ltd., 41 G.Rakovski str., ет.1-ви, office 8, 3000 Vratza REGION: Chair: tel.: fax: e-mail: Address: YAMBOL Nikolai Klisurski 046/669495 046/669492 8 Milin Kamak Str., 8006 Yambol REGION: Chair: tel.: e-mail: Address: ZLATOGRAD Kostadin Bashev 0898875230 19 Klokotnica Str., 4980 Zlatograd MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY sectors AGRICULTURE AND FOOD PROCESSING ASSOCIATION IN BULGARIA AGRION INVEST SOFIA BT AGROMIL BULGARIA UNION OF BREWERS IN BULGARIA AMETA HOLDING VINPROM PESHTERA AMYLUM BULGARIA V & VGD GREENHOUSE PETRICH ASSOCIATION OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCERS IN BULGARIA ZAGORKA BALKAM BANK INSTITUTIONS BELLA BULGARIA ALPHA BANK SOFIA BRANCH BLACK SEA GOLD POMORIE BLAGOEVGRAD BT BNP PARIBAS BULGARIA, S.A.SOFIA BRANCH BULGARIAN HUNTING AND FISHING UNION BULGARIANAMERICAN CREDIT BANK (BACB) BULGARIAN SOFT DRINKS ASSOCIATION BULGARIAN BANK FOR DEVELOPMENT BULGARTABAC HOLDING CITIBANK EUROPEBULGARIA BRANCH CARLSBERG BULGARIA DEUTSCHE BANK REP. OFFICE COCACOLA HELLENIC BOTTLING COMPANY D COMMERCE BANK DAY AND NIGHT DEVIN CIBANK DSK BANK EUROBANK BULGARIA FIRST INVESTMENT BANK KAMENITZA IFCINTERNATIONAL FINANCE CORPORATION (MEMBER OF THE WORLD BANK GROUP) KATARZYNA ESTATE ING BANK SOFIA BRANCH LB BULGARICUM INVESTBANK LODIS INVEST MUNICIPAL BANK MONDELEZ BULGARIA PIRAEUS BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MILK PROCESSORS RAIFFEISENBANK (BULGARIA) NESTLE BULGARIA UNICREDIT BULBANK OILSEED & OIL PRODUCERS UNITED BULGARIAN BANK GRADUS1 THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES DANONE SERDIKA PLEVEN BT TOKUDA BANK 89 90 sectors CEMENT INDUSTRY AND BUILDING MATERIALS PRODUCTION BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS (BACEA) BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INERT MATERIALS PRODUCERS (BAPIM) BULGARIAN BRANCH CHAMBER “ROADS” DEVNYA CEMENT BULGARIAN CONSTRUCTION CHAMBER (BCC) ESCANA HOLCIM BULGARIA KNAUF BULGARIA OGNYANOVOK CHEMICAL, METALLURGY AND GLASS INDUSTRY AGROPOLYCHIM CHUGUNOLEENEPARVOMAY DRUJBA GLASS WORKS S.A. KCM NEOCHIM ORGACHIM PLASTCHIMT SOLVAY SODI TRAKIA GLASS BULGARIA CHRISMETAL CLIMACOM ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION GROUP GALCHEV ENGINEERING GROUP GEOPROJECT GEOSTROY GLAVBOLGARSTROY HOLDING GP GROUP HYDROIZOMAT INTER ENGINEERING10 MACRAT MEATSA MONOLIT SOFIA PATSTROY92 PROMMONT RAICOMMERCE CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION WORKS AND BUILDING DESIGN ARTEKS ENGINEERING ASSOCIATION OF COMMERCIAL BUILDINGS OWNERS IN BULGARIA RESB REAL ESTATE SERVICES BULGARIA ROAD COMPANY THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY ROADS AND EQUIPMENT SIENIT HOLDING ATARO CLIMA TAL ENGINEERING BALKAN CONSTRUCTION TANGRAAV BALKANSTROY TELEKOMPLEKT BIADS TRACE GROUP HOLD BUILDING AND ASSEMBLAGE WALLTOPIA 91 92 MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY EDUCATION AIESEC BULGARIA BUSINESS CLUBSOFIA UNIVERSITY AD DECUM PROJECTS FOR DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL AFA “ST. CYRIL AND ST. METHODIUS” UNIVERSITY OF VELIKO TURNOVO ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING COMPANIES BICA INTERNATIONAL BRAIN STORM CONSULT BULGARIAN CFA ASSOCIATION BULGARIAN CONSULTANCY ORGANIZATION CHAMBER OF THE PROFESSIONAL VALUERS (CPV) ELECTRONIC INDUSTRY / ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT TECHNOLOGICAL SOLUTIONS ABRITES ELECTRONCOMMERCE ELECTRON PROGRESS ELKABEL DELOITTE BULGARIA EMERSON PROCESS MANAGEMENT ECONOMIC POLICY INSTITUTE EPIQ ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY ERNST&YOUNG BULGARIA EQE BULGARIA EXPERIAN BULGARIA FESTO PRODUCTION GLOBAL TAX GE HEALTHCARE BULGARIA INSTITUTE OF CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS HONEYWELL KONDIKA MELEXIS BULGARIA KPMG BULGARIA SAS ABRITES FRANCE MEDICO ENGINEERING SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC BULGARIA MKAPI SENSORNITE INDUSTRIAL NEWI VENTURE EQUITY BULGARIA PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS BULGARIA RSM BX ZAHARINOVA AND PARTNERS MEGATEX COMMERCE THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES CONSULTING SERVICES / ACCOUNTING / AUDIT / PROJECT MANAGEMENT sectors ENERGY SUPPLY & DISTRIBUTION / UTILITIES AES 3 MARITZA IZTOK ASSOCIATION OF TRADERS WITH ELECTRICITY IN BULGARIA 93 leader in the lead and zinc ore extraction The company “Minstroy” was founded pursuant to decree No. P-37 of the Council of Ministers of 1952 as a specialized mining and construction organization for accelerated construction and commissioning of raw material and energy facilities in the country. In its 60-year history, the company has built: • All mining and energy enterprises in the country; • More than 150 mines; • Over 20 factories for preparation, processing and enrichment of raw materials extracted; • More than 250 coal mining facilities; • The highway tunnels “Trajanovi Vrata” and “Vitinya”; The following facilities are also a work of the Holding: • The underground infrastructure of housing estate “Obelya” and housing estate “Druzhba”; • 7KHPDLQSDVVDEOHKHDWWUDQVIHUFROOHFWRUVLQ6R¿D • 7KH¿UVWPHWURVHFWLRQIURPKRXVLQJHVWDWH³2EHO\D´ WRKRXVLQJHVWDWH³/\XOLQ´ • The tram tunnel under “Dragan Tsankov” Blvd.; • Over 1000 km. long-distance pipelines for oil and gas; • More than 100 pumping stations, reservoirs and facilities for petroleum products; • Over 600 km. of hydro tunneling, water and sewage systems; Minstroy Holding JSC: • Manages and operates lead, zinc and silver mines in the Rhodope extraction region; • Finances, built and manages its own electricity production capacities from renewable energy sources, mainly photovoltaic systems and small hydroelectric systems for over 20 MW; 94 Minstroy Holding JSC *0'LPLWURY%OYG6R¿D%8/*$5,$ tel.: +359 2 963 55 55, fax: +359 2 962 50 85 MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY CENTRALNA ENERGOREMONTNA BAZA CEZ BULGARIA COMPANY FOR ENERGY SAVING FAYANCE AND CERAMICS PRODUCTION HAN ASPAROUH ROCA BULGARIA ENERGOREMONT GALABOVO FINANCIAL SERVICES / INSURANCE / INVESTMENT FUNDS ENERGOREMONT HOLDING ALLIANZ BULGARIA HOLDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY&RENEWABLE SOURCES FUND ASSOCIATION OF BULGARIAN INSURERS EVN BULGARIA BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANIES (BAAMC) CONTOURGLOBAL MARITZA IZTOK III SOLARPRO ULICHNO OSVETLENIE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION/ WASTE MANAGEMENT BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF RECYCLING (BAR) BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF LICENSED INVESTMENT INTERMEDIARIES (BALII) BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION FOR LEASING BULGARIAN STOCK EXCHANGE ECOBULPACK BULSTRAD VIENNA INSURANCE GROUP ECOPACK BULGARIA DEUTSCHE LEASING BULGARIA ECOSTEEL DOVERIE PENSION ASSURANCE COMPANY INVESTRECICLING LZ VARNA MARINE ANTIPOLLUTION ENTERPRISE NATIONAL COMPANY FOR COLLECTION AND RECYCLING OF WASTE OILS DOVERIE UNITED HEALTH INSURANCE FUND DSK RODINA PENSION SECURITY COMPANY THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES BULGARIAN FEDERATION OF INDUSTRIAL ENERGY CONSUMERS (BFIEC) sectors DZI LIFE INSURANCE NORD HOLDING ELANA HOLDING PRISTA RECYCLING GENERALI BULGARIA HOLDING REPACK INTERLEASE UNIVERSMETAL PROVIDENT FINANCIAL BULGARIA VICTORIA INSURANCE 95 MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY sectors FOOD VOUCHERS PROVIDERS HOLDING COMPANIES ASSOCIATION OF FOOD VOUCHERS OPERATORS IN BULGARIA (AOVH) DONEV INVESTMENTS HOLDING CHEQUE DEJEUNER FICOSOTA EDENRED BULGARIA IG HOLDING SODEXO BULGARIA INDUSTRIAL HOLDING BULGARIA TOMBOU BULGARIA NOVE HOLDING SYNERGON HOLDING AVANGARD TECHNOLOGIES BARGAME BULGARIAN TRADE ASSOCIATION OF THE MANUFACTURERS AND OPERATORS IN THE GAMING INDUSTRY HOTELS AND TOURISM / CULTURE/SPORT ALBENA ASSOCIATION “MAIKA BULGARIA” CASINO TECHNOLOGIES BULGARIAN CONVENTIONS AND VISITORS’ BUREAU (BCVB) EUROBET BULGARIAN FOOTBALL UNION EUROFOOTBALL NATIONAL LOTTERY BULGARIAN UNION OF BALNEOLOGY AND SPA TOURISM (BUBST) NEW GAMES ELIT TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL R.S. CONSULT KOMUNALNOBITOVO STOPANSTVO BOURGAS TELEMATIC INTERACTIVE BULGARIA HEALTH SERVICES CITY HOSPITALS AND CLINICS HILL CLINIC HYGIA HOSPITAL PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL CLUB “LUDOGORETS1945” SHARLOPOV HOTELS SOFIA HOTEL BALKAN TOURIST MANAGEMENT THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES GAMING INDUSTRY DOVERIE UNITED HOLDING MEDLINE CLINIC NADEZHDA HOSPITAL N.I.PIROGOV / UNIVERSITY MULTIPROFILE HOSPITAL FOR ACTIVE TREATMENT AND EMERGENCY AID/ SOFIAMED HOSPITAL TRAKIA HOSPITAL HR RECRUITMENT AND DEVELOPMENT BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION FOR PEOPLE MANAGEMENT BULGARIAN EXECUTIVE SEARCH ASSOCIATION (BESA) 97 sectors MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY JOBTIGER SOLYTRON OD&M CONSULTING \ WYSER TECHNOLOGICA THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES TELELINK IT AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS/ INFORMATION SERVICES TELENOR BULGARIA ALCATELLUCENT BULGARIA LAW COMPANIES BG BUSINESS SOLUTIONS BOYANOV&CO, ATTORNEYS AT LAW BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (BAIT) GEORGIEV, TODOROV&CO., ATTORNEYS AT LAW BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF SOFTWARE COMPANIES (BASSCOM) KOLCHEVA, SMILENOV, KOEV&PARTNERS LAW FIRM BULGARIAN TELECOMMUNICATION COMPANY /VIVACOM/ SPASOV&BRATANOV LAWYERS’ PARTNERSHIP CIELA NORMA CONVERGYS ECARD MEDIA, PUBLICITY / MARKETING & PR / PRINTING INDUSTRY ESRI BULGARIA BRAND MEDIA BULGARIA FTS BULGARIA BTV MEDIA GROUP HEWLETTPACKARD BULGARIA DEMAX IBM BULGARIA DORECO COMMERCE INFORMATION SERVICES ECONOMEDIA LIREX BG ELITE MEDIA BULGARIA MICROSOFT BULGARIA GED MOBILTEL MEDIA GROUP BULGARIA MUSALA SOFT NETINFO NEXT CONSULT NOVA BROADCASTING GROUP PARAFLOW COMMUNICATIONS PRINTING INDUSTRY UNION OF BULGARIA DECART RISK ELECTRONICS SAVANTO SIEMENS SIRMA GROUP HILDING 98 SBB MEDIA STANDARD NEWS STROITEL WEEKLY MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY UNITED FREE MEDIA /PRESA DAYLY/ METAL INDUSTRY / MASHINE BUILDING OIL AND GAS PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION BULGARIAN PETROLEUM AND GAS ASSOCIATION (BPGA) INSA GAS BALKAN INSA OIL MAT LUKOIL BULGARIA MONBAT LUKOIL NEFTOCHIM BULGARIA PODEMCRANE OILTANKING BULGARIA SANDVIK BULGARIA OMV BULGARIA VELOMANIA PETROL PRISTA OIL HOLDING MINING INDUSTRY SHELL BULGARIA ASSARELMEDET VAYA7 AURUBIS BULGARGEOMIN BULGARGEOMIN WATER BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF GRADUATED SURVEYORS PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY, PRODUCTION AND TRADE, AND COSMETICS ACTAVIS BULGARIAN CHAMBER OF MINING AND GEOLOGY (BMGK) ACTAVIS OPERATIONS DUNDEE PRECIOUS METALS AMGEN BULGARIA ELLATZITEMED ASSOCIATION OF RESEARCHBASESD PHARMACEUTICAL MANUFACTURERS IN BULGARIA /ARPHARM/ GEOTECHMIN GORUBSO KARDJALI HELIX KAOLIN MINSTROY HOLDING VAGLISHTA PERNIK ADIPHARM ASTRA ZENECA THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES TRIAS HOLDING sectors BG PHARMA (BULGARIAN GENERIC MEDICINE ASSOCIATION) BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHARMACEUTICAL WHOLESALERS BULGARIAN PHARMACY OWNERS ASSOCIATION BIOPHARM ENGINEERING 101 sectors BIOVET INTERPREDWTC SOFIA ELPHARMA LANDMARK HOLDINGS GLAXOSMITHKLINE LINDNER IMMOBILIEN MANAGEMENT HUVEPHARMA MBL MEDICA NATIONAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION NOVO NORDISK PHARMA PHARMACHIM HOLDING RESB REAL ESTATE SERVICES BULGARIA SANITA FRANCHISING SOPHARMA BUILDINGS SCS FRANCHISE SOPHARMA SECURUTY SERVICES SOPHARMA TRADING 3S SOT TELSO BODU UNIPHARM NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMPANIES FOR TRADE SECURITY (NAFTSO) REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT S GROUP BULGARIA AG CAPITAL USIS BG ESTATES BULGARIAN FACILITY MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION BUSINESS PARK SOFIA CHAMBER OF INSTALLATION SPECIALISTS IN BULGARIA (CISB) COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL ECE PROJEKTMANAGEMENT BULGARIA ELTA CONSULT FIABCI BULGARIA (THE INTERNATIONAL REAL ESTATE FEDERATION) GALAXI INVESTMENT GROUP SERVICES CONSORTIUM TITAN SOFIA CENTER EUROSPEED NELSENCHISTOTA STAR POST TITAN BKS TITAN SERVICE VIKY COMFORT THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY ZMBG GARITAGE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT TEXTILE AND APPAREL INDUSTRY GLORIENT INVESTMENT BG ISMAIL TERZI GREEN LIFE PIRIN TEX PRODUCTION 103 THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES sectors 104 MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY TRADE AND RETAIL TRADE/IMPORT/EXPORT CAR AND MECHANIZATION AUTHORISED DEALERS ADM BULGARIA TRADE ASSOCIATION OF CAR MANUFACTURERS AND THEIR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVES FOR BULGARIA (ACM) ASSOCIATION OF BULGARIAN EXPORTERS BRITISHAMERICAN TOBACCO (BAT) CANTEK BULGARIA AVTOMOTOR CORPORATION E&S WATCHES AND JEWELRY BALKAN STAR AUTOMOTIVE GEOTRADING BELAZSOFIA INDESIT COMPANY BULGARIA BMW FERTRIEBS GMBH BULGARIA BRANCH KINGS TOBACCO INTERNATIONAL ELTRAK BULGARIA PHILIP MORRIS BULGARIA EUROMARKET BRD TERI GROUP INSA UNILEVER BULGARIA MORAN TRADE XEROX BULGARIA LP MOTOPFOHE PORCSHE BG SOFIA FRANCE AUTO TRANSPORT / SPEDITION / LOGISTIC BALKAN PRIVAT WAGEN (BPW) RETAILERS BMF PORT BURGAS ASSOCIATION FOR MODERN TRADE BULGARIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE ROAD TRANSPORT UNIONS (BASAT) BILLA BULGARIA DOMKO K&K ELECTRONICS BULGARIAN BRANCH ASSOCIATION ROAD SAFETY (BBARS) KAUFLAND BULGARIA BULGARIAN RAILWAY COMPANY LIDL BULGARIA LTD. & CO. METRO CASH & CARRY BULGARIA BULGARIAN SHIPOWNERS ASSOCIATION (BSA) PICCADILLY DB SCHENKER TABAC MARKET DHL EXPRESS BULGARIA TECHNOPOLIS DISCORDIA ZORA M.M.S. EXPRESS LOGISTICS AND DISTRIBUTION sectors MEMBERS OF THE CONFEDERATION OF EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA BY INSA PORT KARATS KOUSH GROUP THE MOST COMPETITIVE COMPANIES MTG DOLPHIN 106 NAVIGATION MARITIME BULGARIA PETKO ANGELOV BG PIMK HOLDING SIKO TRANS SOMAT TASHEV TRANS UNION OF BULGARIAN ROAD CARRIERS WOOD PROCESSING INDUSTRY / PAPER PRODUCTS BRANCH CHAMBER OF WOODWORKING AND FURNITURE INDUSTRY IN BULGARIA /BCWFI/ FORESTBUL MONDY STAMBOLIJSKI SVILOSA TVT PACK YURI GAGARIN The Depu Prime Minister Mr. Tomislav Donchev addressed the Annual General Meeng of KRIB which took place on November 27, 2014, and presented some of the economic priories of the Government The representaves of the companies members of KRIB approved by vong the Report of the Managing Board on the Acvies for the period October 2013 - October 2014, the Financial Report for the same period and the Budget for 2015, as well as the Report of the Controlling Council of KRIB 107 Eleven new members of the Managing Board of KRIB were elected at the Annual General Meeng of KRIB on November 27, 2014. Some of them, as Mr. Kiril Domuschiev, have already served on the Board in previous mandates. Many CEOs and owners of companies members of KRIB attended the Annual General Meeting Mr. Kiril Domuschiev (first from le to right), Execuve Director of Huvepharma JSC, was elected Chairman of the Managing Board of KRIB on November 27, 2014 108 The former Chairman of KRIB Mr. Ognian Donev (on the right) congratulated the newly elected Chairman of KRIB Mr. Kiril Domuschiev (on the le) The former members of the Managing Board of KRIB and the newly elected members of the Managing Board made a family photo 109 The former Chairman of KRIB Mr. Oginain Donev was awarded Sword of Honours at a meeng of the new Managing Board on December 17, 2014 The new Chairman of KRIB Mr. Domuschiev together with the Execuve Director and the members of the Secretariat of KRIB 110 The Chairman of KRIB Mr. Domuschiev had a meeng with the Minister of Economy Mr. Bojidar Loukarsky on December 15, 2014 The Chairman of KRIB Mr. Domuschiev had a meeng with the Minister of Health Mr. Petar Moskov on February 2, 2015 The Chairman of KRIB Mr. Domuschiev had a meeng with the Mayor of Sofia Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova on February 24, 2015 111 The way Bulgaria could be led out of the crisis was discussed on October 7, 2014, by the Chairman’s council of KRIB and the newly elected for a second term Prime Minister of Bulgaria Mr. Boyko Borisov and some of the ministers in his Government The presidenal candidate of GERB Mr. Rosen Plevneliev together with the vice presidenal candidate Mrs. Margarita Popova had a meeng with the Managing Board of KRIB on September 30, 2011 The chairmen of the Employers’ Associaons, naonally represented, and of the Trade Unions, signed an agreement in the presence of the Prime Minister of Bulgaria Mr. Boyko Borisov on November 24, 2010 112 The Prime Minister of Bulgaria Mr. Boyko Borisov presented the economic priories of the Government to the members of KRIB at the Annual General Meeng of KRIB which took place in November 22, 2011 The Chairman of KRIB Mr. Donev welcomed the Prime-Minister of Bulgaria Mr. Borisov at the Fih Annual Meeng between the Business and the Government on November 16, 2010 113 A Memorandum for establishment of a Bulgarian-Moroccan business council was signed on December 7, 2010 during the official visit to Morocco of the Bulgarian parliamentary delegaon, led by Naonal Assembly President Tsetska Tsacheva. KRIB representatives participated in the business delegation led by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Mr. Boyko Borisov in the Republic of Tunisia in February, 2012 Memorandum of cooperaon was signed between KRIB and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the State of Qatar during the visit of Mr. Boyko Borisov, Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, in the State of Qatar in March 2012 114 KRIB organized and headed the business delegaon during the state visit the President of Bulgaria Mr. Rosen Plevneliev in the People’s Republic of China in January 2014. A memorandum of understanding was signed in the Great Hall of the People by Wan Jifey, Chief of the China Council for the Promoon of Internaonal Trade and Evgeniy Ivanov, Execuve Director of KRIB, in the presence of the President of China Xi Jinping and the President of Bulgaria In Beijing the President of Bulgaria opened a joint Chinese-Bulgarian business forum with the parcipaon of more than 300 representaves of 160 Chinese companies and about 40 Bulgarian companies, most of which members of KRIB, in the sphere of the producon and export of wine, the texle industry, high technologies, transport, trade and tourism 115 KRIB became a member of the Internaonal Chamber of Commerce (ICC) as a co-founder of the Bulgarian naonal commiee of ICC. In June 2007 ICC-Bulgaria was accepted to become a full-fledged member of the organizaon. Mr. Abdelmalek Sellal, the Prime-Minister of Algeria (third from le to right), visited the headquarters of KRIB in November 2011 when he was a Water Resources Minister and had a meeng with the Managing Board of KRIB KRIB supported the organizaon of the business delegaon to Moscow during the visit of the Mayor of Sofia Mrs. Yordanka Fandakova for the Sofia Days of Culture in Moscow in November 2013 116 The former Chairman of KRIB Mr. Ognian Donev was elected in February 2015 Vice President of the Vienna Economic Forum headed by Dr. Erhard Busek, former Vice-Chancellor of Austria The Execuve Director of KRIB Mr. Evgeniy Ivanov was a panelist at the Conference “The Transatlanc Economic Cooperaon for Compeveness and Growth. TTIP Agreement: Bulgaria’s Perspecve”, held in October 2013 117 Joint Business Council between KRIB and the Federaon of Trade and Industrial Chambers of Iraqi Kurdistan took place in March 2013 under the co-presidency of Mr. Petar Kanev, former Depu Chairman of KRIB In September 2012, a meeng took place at KRIB‘s office between the Managing Board, and a delegaon from China headed by the Mayor of Shaoxing, seeking opportunies for cooperaon with Chinese enterprises. KRIB parcipated in Sofia Conference on European Capitals of Culture on May 27, 2011 where the support of KRIB was expressed for the efforts of the Bulgarian selements candidates to compete for the tle “European Capital of Culture” in 2019 118 CONFEDERATION OF THE EMPLOYERS AND INDUSTRIALISTS IN BULGARIA 8, Han Asparuh Str., 1463 Sofia Tel.: +359 2 981 91 69; 981 95 64 Fax: +359 2 988 67 76 E-mail: Website: The Headquarters of KRIB in So Sofia Sofi Design & Prepress GED Ltd. Baronesse Margaret Thatcher’s message for the First Congress of the Employers Associaon in Bulgaria, predecessor of KRIB
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