Continuous Sand Filters - Tertiary WWT and Other Applications
Continuous Sand Filters - Tertiary WWT and Other Applications
Continuous Sand Filters Tertiary WWT and other applications References from Saudi Arabia- Sewage Treatment Plants Customer: Flow: •Abqaiq STP •Dhahran WWTP •Hofuf STP Ph1 •Dammam STP •Hofuf STP Ph2 •Al Khobar STP •Qatif STP 960 m3/h 1056 m3/h 3000 m3/h 6800 m3/h 1700 m3/h 6800 m3/h 6300 m3/h SAWEA-Workshop 2004-03-22 Mattias Feldthusen 1 Dammam 2004-03-22 Introduction: z What does ”Continuous Sand filtration” mean? z Doesn´t the filter need to be backwashed? z How could good filtration results be achieved for applications like Tertiary Filtration with Continuous Sand Filtration? 2 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous filtration with DynaSand Inlet water Reject/ washwater Filtrate Outlet water Sandwasher Air-lift pump Water distributor z Drain z Water upward, sand downward according to the counter-current principle. Continuous flow of reject washwater. 3 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous filtration with DynaSand Free standing units in Stainless Steel z z z Sizes from 0,3 – 5,0 m2 Water flow from 1,5m3/hour and upwards Surface load rates 5 – 25 m/hour 4 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous filtration with DynaSand Free standing units in Glasfibre Reinforced Plastic (GRP) z z z z Sizes from 0,7 – 4,5 m2 Water flow from 3,5m3/hour and upwards Suface load rates 5 – 25 m/hour For high salinity and corrosive waters 5 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous filtration with DynaSand Multimodule installations in concrete basins z z z z z BE TeknikINFO AB Sizes: 5 and 6 m2 /each unit 4 to 12 units in each basin Water flow from 25 m3/hour and upwards Surface load 5 – 25 m/h Stainless steel or GRP 6 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous filtration with DynaSand Systems To treat as high flows as needed. 7 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous Sand filter advantages z A revolutionary separation method in form of ”Continuous Contact Filtration”. z Simple function without any moving parts. Only air is added to the air-lift pump. z The DynaSand Filter has a very high reliability and a very low demand of maintenance and supervision. z A compact installation z No interruption for back-washing. z Higher capacity per unit of filter area. z Continuous flow of washwater. No shock-load on the wash water treatment system. z No ”first filtrate”. Always high quality filter effluent. 8 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous filtration with DynaSand Nitrification-/Denitrification Sand Washer Feed DynaSand Deni Filtrate Sand Washer Feed DynaSand Oxy Filtrate Wash Water Wash Water Air Lift Pump Air Lift Pump Nitrification Zone Air Feed Distributor Aerator Filtration Zone Feed Distributor 9 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous Sand filter history The first pilot trial on Tertiary filtration of municipal waste water was carried out in August 1978. 10 Dammam 2004-03-22 DynaSand-the first Continuous filter z Developed by The Axel Johnson Institute now Nordic Water Products AB in Nynäshamn, Sweden. z The DynaSand Filter was introduced in 1979. z The inventor is still with the company. z The first filter was installed for metal finishing wastewater in 1979. z The first municipal wastewater treatment plant with DynaSand also was erected in 1979. 11 Dammam 2004-03-22 DynaSand-the first Continuous Sand Filter z Today there are over more then 18 000 installed filters worldwide, among them around 1000 in Sweden. z DynaSand are installed in more then 50 contries. z The worlds biggest Continuous Sand Filter installation is to be built in Saudi-Arabia. 12 Dammam 2004-03-22 Continuous Sand filter Applications z z z z z z z z z z z Municipal drinking water Municipal wastewater Pulp and paper industry Iron & Steel industry Chemical industry Food industry Pharmaceutical industry Mining- and minerals industry Power and thermal power stations Metal finishing industry And several others…. 13 Dammam 2004-03-22 Tertiary Filtration Mechanical filtration Pre- Screen / Bar Aeration sedimentation sedimentation Decanter Secondary- Final/Tertiary Filtration Thickener 14 Dammam 2004-03-22 Tertiary Filtration Mechanical filtration 15 Dammam 2004-03-22 Tertiary Filtration Mechanical filtration Reduction by mechanical filtration: z Suspended Solids (SS): <10 mg/l ( Max 100mg/l SS-inlet) z Phosphorus: Particular bound Phosphorus Surface load rate : Sand grain size: Filter bed height: 10-15 m/hour 1,2-2,0 mm ~ 1,5 m Shock loading up to 400 mg/l SS can be handled. 16 Dammam 2004-03-22 Tertiary Filtration Continuous Contact Filtration 17 Dammam 2004-03-22 Tertiary Filtration Contact filtration Reduction by Continuous Contact Filtration: z Suspended Solids: z Phosphorus: Surface load rate : Sand grain Size: Filter bed height: < 5 mg/l ( Max 60mg/l SS-inlet) < 0,3 mg/l 5-10 m/hour 1,2-2,0 mm ~2m Often much lower dosage of chemicals than conventional precipitation. 18 Dammam 2004-03-22 Long term operational experiences from Continuous Sand Filtration plant: •Växjö, Sundet Municipal waste water treatment plant, Sweden 19 Dammam 2004-03-22 Växjö, Sundet WWTP, Sweden Final/Tertiary filtration z z z z z Dimensioned for 80 000 pe and 20 000 pe of them from Industry. Design flow 1 500 m3/h. Maximum flow 3 000 m3/h Filtration area 300 m2. 60 pcs DynaSand DST 50D Concrete version, 6 basins and 10 filters in each basin. 20 Dammam 2004-03-22 Växjö, Sundet WWTP, Sweden Final-/Tertiary- filtration 21 Dammam 2004-03-22 Växjö, Sundet WWTP, Sweden Final/Tertiary filtration Primary settling Biology Secondary settling Filters Outlet requirements / limit values: • BOD7 • Ptot 10 0,2 mg/l mg/l Process guarantees: • Susp. <8 mg/l 22 Dammam 2004-03-22 Växjö, Sundet WWTP, Sweden Susp mg/l Final/Tertiary filtration Outlet parameters as average value over each year Susp mg/l 10,0 5,0 0,0 Outlet parameters as average value over each year Ptot mg/l 0,200 0,100 0,000 CODCr mg/l Tot-P mg/l 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 Outlet parameters as average value over each year COD-Cr mg/l 50,0 0,0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 23 Dammam 2004-03-22 Växjö, Sundet WWTP, Sweden Final/Tertiary filtration 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 Tot-P CODCr Susp 1996 % Reduction over the filters % 24 Dammam 2004-03-22 Växjö, Sundet WWTP, Sweden Final/Tertiary filtration SUSPENDED SOLIDS mg/l Inlet to DynaSand filters / Outlet from the DynaSand filters over the year 1996 - 2003 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 19 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 25 Dammam 2004-03-22 Växjö, Sundet WWTP, Sweden Final-/Tertiary filtration Ptot mg/l Inlet to DynaSand filters / Outlet from the DynaSand filters over the year 1996 - 2003 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 19 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 0,0 26 Dammam 2004-03-22 Växjö, Sundet WWTP, Sweden Final/Tertiary filtration CODCr mg/l Inlet to DynaSand filters / Outlet from the DynaSand filters over the year 1996 - 2003 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 19 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 0 27 Dammam 2004-03-22 What is happening today? z Saudi Arabia -The worlds largest continuous filtration plant, -DynaSand, are under construction installed in filtration of municipal waste water for irrigation use. - Three installations in total each with 216 filter units installed in concrete version. - Our representative in Saudi Arabia are Metito –Arab Industries Ltd z Biological filter -Nitrification/denitrification and BOD-reduction in Germany, Great Britain and Norway 28 Dammam 2004-03-22 Thank you for your attention! Nordic Water Products AB Box 1004 Nynäshamn, Sverige 29 Dammam 2004-03-22