ATTEND Welcome Dr. Ravi Zacharias!


ATTEND Welcome Dr. Ravi Zacharias!
March 23, 2014
Dr. Ravi Zacharias! ATTEND
Dennis Agajanian
Next Sunday, Mar. 30
6 p.m. Concert
Gospel Singer,
Dennis Agajanian,
will be at
Anchorage Baptist
Temple, Mar. 30. He will be performing in
Concert during our 6 p.m. service.
2013 Musician of the Year with Inspirational Country Music
Need to Vote Early? Go online or call
243-8683 to find where you
can vote early.
to Vote!
Thomas missed a blessing
when he wasn't present the
night the resurrected Jesus
appeared in the upper room. Don't
miss a blessing when you choose not
to be present at church!
ABT Glacier Cruise
June 13, 2014
$70 pp
Bring visitors and win tickets or purchase
prorated tickets .
This Friday, Mar. 28
Movie Night!
7 p.m.
Everyone's Invited!
Offering Admonition
ecause we are seeking God by
our giving today, we have God’s
promise. We “shall not want any
good thing.”
Free Popcorn!
Free Corn Dogs!
Free Admission!
ohn writes
that on the
of Jesus’ resurrection,
the disciples were locked in
the upper room and for some
unexplained reason, Thomas
wasn’t among them. Unfortunate
for Thomas, that same evening
the resurrected Jesus visited the disciples. By the
time Thomas returned, Jesus had departed and all
that was left were the excited testimonies of the
other ten disciples. Thomas was skeptical… even
after two more friends from Emmaus showed up
later with the same testimony.
Not being where you are supposed to be has its
perils. Jonah should have been in Nineveh but ran
to Tarshish and was swallowed by a fish; David
should have been in battle but fell to Bathsheba;
Orpah should have followed Naomi and Ruth back
to Bethlehem, but fell out of connection with God
and His people. If Thomas had been in the upper
room, he wouldn’t have missed the blessing that
everyone else had experienced.
The same principle applies to attending church.
There is a blessing from attending. Where else can
you dedicate your time to simply concentrating on
God? Where else can you come together with those
who are bonded with you for eternity in the Body
of Christ? Where else can you be encouraged,
enabled, and edified in the power of the Gospel?
These same disciples, who evangelized the world
with the message of salvation, were able to do
so because they were strengthened “steadfastly
in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the
breaking of bread, and in prayer”… they came to
When he could have been rejoicing with the
others, Thomas held his pessimistic persona and
demanded that his only proof was the physical
touching of the wounds of Jesus. As far as we know,
since late that Thursday night, Thomas had not
even seen Jesus and, according to John, would
not see Him again for another eight days. Can you
imagine the contrast in attitude between Thomas
and the other disciples?
By unbelieving, Thomas could not have been
anticipating seeing Jesus again, where the others
had no doubt. Our continuing hope to someday
see our Lord is amplified each time we meet; it
deepens our commitment to “not grow weary while
doing good” as we look forward to His coming.
Why Thomas wasn’t in the upper room that night
will always be a mystery. It is,
however, a great loss to us as well
when we choose to miss church.
Wednesday Fellowship
whatʼs c
Biscuits and Gravy
Scrambled Eggs
o In the ABT
Adults - $5
Children - $3
Mar.6 26
Use the ABT App to follow
along in the "He Must
Increase" campaign.
Here you will find the
scheduled reading and
memory verses.
Share the Good News!
Do you wish you could share Pastor Prevo's
sermons with a friend? That's what
the ABT app is all about! From the
app, send a link to Facebook, Twitter or
email and share the word of God as if they
were sitting right next to you at church! Also share
activities and events from the ABT app. It's Free!
Get the APP
Go to Itunes (apple) or
Google Play (android)
and look for "Anchorage
Scan the appropriate QR and you will
Baptist Temple."
be brought to the site to download.
ABT - Any time! - Any place!
Watch ABT Live! Listen
to messages. Give
online. Keep up-to-date
with dates and events.
ABT is Always in the
Jonah by Priscilla Shirer
(7 weeks)
What do we do when God interrupts
our lives? Many times, like Jonah,
we run! In this 7-session Bible study,
Priscilla redefines interruption and
shows that interruption is actually God's invitation
to do something beyond our wildest dreams. When
Jonah was willing to allow God to interrupt his life,
the result was revival in an entire city.
Tuesday mornings starting March 25, at 10:00 in
room 119. Cost of book: $12
Led by Margie Smith. Contact info. 338-8366 or
ABT Women’s Connection
Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
Twenty times in the New Testament
Jesus issued a compelling and
challenging invitation to Follow Him.
He's not interested in mere fans. He
doesn't want enthusiastic admirers. He
wants Completely Committed Followers.
Based on the engaging approach of Kyle Idleman,
this one of a kind small group study examines what
it means to deny one's self and truly follow Jesus.
Study begins Tuesday evenings April 1 and continuing
for six weeks. Dinner is at 6:15 and Bible study is at
6:45 p.m. The study will be at the home of Edie Lee,
2528 Tulane Street (two blocks from church)
Cost of book: $10
For more information, contact Edie at 338-2905 or
MOPS is meeting
this Friday morning,
March 28, f r o m
1 0 a.m. - noon in
the VIP Room. Child care is included
in our $5/meeting dues. We will be
having a special guest speaker in this
meeting. MOPS membership has fun
perks and we have low group fees
and payment options. Scholarships
are available. We will have food, fun
and lots of time for fellowship!
Hiking, Biking, Outdoor and Indoor
Activities, plus an Arts and Crafts
Program. We will also have Reading,
For our regular weekly services
Math,and Computer Center for
Students along with Bible lessons.
Add Some Excitement to
your Child's Summer!
Nursery Needs
Sign up to serve our kids at this year's
10 a.m. Sunday
11 a.m.
at Ithe
Infants-1 eow* Bible
- 1MeetToddler
Middlers - 2
Toddler II - 2 eow* Toddler II - 1
Toddler I - 2
* every other week
Please contact Pastor Tony Smith at
333-6535 or
The Holy Land with Pastor Prevo
This trip is planned for Oct. 22 - Oct. 31,
2014. Information can be obtained at the
link on the homepage (download a
pdf file with costs, itinerary, brochure, etc).
If you have questions, email Holyland@ancbt.
Brochures are available in the lobby.
Starts May 20!
For more information, contact
Mr. Rich Ames at 337-9575, Option 3.
Open to children entering
1st grade - 6th grade.
Operation Christmas Child
meets this Thursday evening at
7:00 p.m. in the game room (room
221). We will be preparing shoe
boxes, making toys and jewelry. Be
a part of fulfilling the Great Commission by helping
this vital ministry.
to those adults who are celebrating birthdays
and anniversaries this week!
03/23 Peter & Maria Frost
03/28 Michael & Stephanie Williams
03/29 Bob & Sonetaya Erwin
03/26 Rudy & Liliana Colin
03/27 Darren & Kelly Talmadge
03/23 Fern Potts
Michele Singleton
03/24 Jeffrey Olson
03/25 Jeff Guido
03/26 Sue Ahrens
Barbara Doss
Rich Hofacker
Russ Wilmot
Kenny Wilson
03/27 Joshua Alkire
Lindy McCoy
03/28 SooMe Davis
Karla Schultz
03/29 Dave Hess
Skip Soto
GOD gives the increase.
Saved This Week.................................7
Saved This Year...............................174
Total Baptized 2014..........................93
Total Joined 2014..............................48
Albert Berry, Janette Bohlman
Roger Colley, Kristi Collister
Kaylene Disla, Nico Disla
Shaelynn Dovell, Melissa Jones
Amanda Kaganak, Tawna Keitt
Brystal Mann, Chris Marquez
Shaneill Marquez, Patricia PaQuin
Marsean Santos,Vicky Smith
Alyssa Taylor , Analea Thielke
Four Services
All with Different Music and Messages
This Week’s Services
Sunday School.......10:00 a.m.
Worship Service..... 11:00 a.m.
Evening Service........6:00 p.m.
Service ....................7:30 p.m.
Anchorage baptist temple
6401 E. Northern Lights Blvd.
Anchorage, AK 99504
T: 907.333.6535 • F: 907.929.9851 • Dr. Jerry Prevo, Pastor
For Women:
• Drug and Alcoholism
• Eating Disorders
• Sexual Addiction
For Men:
• Drug and Alcoholism
• Sexual Addiction
For Men and Women:
• DivorceCare
• Depression
• GriefShare
• Anger Resolution
Thursdays, Rm. 207 (7 - 9 p.m.) Contact
Pastor Tony Smith at 333-6535 or
Pastor’s Class
Sundays - 10 a.m.
Men's Basketball Night Fellowship and
Basketball -All adult males are invited.
Mon. 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
ACS Big Gym
Every Monday, Seniors
Wednesday, and onthe Move
Friday - Big Gym
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Top SIX Bus Routes out of 15
March 16, 2014
Team CaptainRiders
Congratulations Team for doing an
outstanding job!
ACS Third Quarter Honor Roll
A Honor Roll
Grade 07
Albeza, Raynier
Cook, Katherine
Davis, Jessie
Faison, Dakota
Fuller, Ashley
Guzman, Josue
Hofacker, Makenzie
Martin, Ethan
Parks, William
Quick, Gabrielle
Thomas, Jayden
Whipkey, Anthony
AB Honor Roll
Grade 07
Bayless, Andrew
Burris, Anthony
Cho, Jae
Gillquist, Victoria
Guillermo, Isaac
Hayner, Kacey
Hickman, Jay
Jones, Connor
Kern, Liam
Long, Kaia
Mamae, Elijah
Moandal, Michaiah
Morgan, Ayanna
Parks, Mary
Todd, Jordan
Whaley, Coele
Wood, Carlisa
Grade 08
Donnolly, Kenneth
Jackson, Audrey
Manwiller, Julie
O'Hara, Tessara
Rogers, Toria
Song, Eun
Grade 08
Baker, Timothy
Balsan, Joshua
Bennett, Blake
Carpenter, Sarah
Carrillo, Bryson
McFadden, Jonya
Reed, Ryan
Rogers, Noah
Sharp, Zackery
Singleton, Jaelyn
Sopcak, David
Steinberg, Samuel
Grade 09
Bowden, Phillip
Hofacker, Joel
Kohutek, Jonathan
Krause, Hanna
Lewis, Rachel
Manwiller, Jessie
Reed, Austin
Grade 09
Gatpandan, Joshua
Gilroy, Melody
Huckabay, Trey
LeMay, Shannon
Roberts, Julianna
Sobek, Benjamin
Strupulis, Chloe
A Honor Roll
AB Honor Roll
Grade 11
Davis, Kathleen
Dykstra, Pearl
Kohutek, Randall
Miller, Joshua
Willis, Jordan
Grade 11
Bernard, Brandon
Bowden, Caroline
Conley, Amanda
Coverdell, Luke
Scott, Tyler
Stooksbury, Nicole
Todd, Michael
Grade 12
Bronson, Katherine
Carnes, Macaela
Cox, Karoline
Crayton, Abigail
Duncan, Hollie
Ealum, Madison
Klein, Solomon
Mauldin, Catherine
Woodhouse, Heather
Grade 12
Coderre, Michelle
Dickerson, Dallas
Evans, Keaton
Jaconette, Connor
Krause, Ashley
Martin, Moriah
Mauldin, Candace
Olson, Haily
Simmers, Nathan
Tennyson, Bryn
Youn, Laura
Grade 10
Balsan, Elizabeth
Guillermo, Nathan
Land, Becca
Mitchell, Courtney
Quick, Alexis
Runkle, Kyle
Williams, Amir
Grade 10
Barrett, Benjamin
Bronson, Zachary
Coriano, Rebekah
Ealum, Tanner
Edmonds, Hannah
Feaster, Rachel
Goetz, Jacob
Jones, Lynelle
Kitko, Alexandre
Simmers, Uri
Spears, Noah
Tyler, Thomas
Anchorage C hristian Schools
Preschool, K-12
Enrolling Now for the
2014-15 School Year
(907) 337-9575
Teacher: Rich Hofacker
Marriage Builders’ Class
For couples from all walks of life
Meets in the
10 a.m.
Every Sunday
Taught by
Glenn Clary
Get Acquainted! Get Connected! Get Involved!
ABT’s Sunday Adult Bible Fellowships, 10 a.m.
14 Classes from which to choose!
Pastor’s Auditorium Class
Ambassadors’ Class
Couples’ Class
Faithbuilders’ Class
FIRST Class Kingdom Seekers’ Class
Korean Class
Ladies For Christ Class
Marriage Builders’ Class
Pathfinders’ Class
Real Life
Senior Saints’ Class
Spanish Class
Velocity 180*
*(Starts at 9:30 a.m.)
Multi-generational couples/singles
Multi-generational couples/singles
Multi-generational couples 30's and up
Multi-generational couples/singles
New Christians/New Members
Multi-generational couples/singles
Korean Speaking
Women’s Class
Married/engaged couples (all ages)
Adult couples/singles
Single Adults 30 and up
60’s and up
Spanish Speaking
Young Adults 18-35 Couples/Singles
Rm. 111
VIP Room
Rm. 212
Rm. 119
Rm. 110
Rm. 113
Rm. 118
Rm. 208
Rm. 202
Rm 117
Rm. 209
Rm. 207
No Lack For Those Who Seek The Lord
Sometimes even the strongest of this world experience lack. Not so with the righteous; God promises that
those who seek Him will not lack any good thing.
Scripture Reading
Psalms 34:10 “The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any
good thing.” (KJV)
Psalms 34:10 “Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those of us who reverence the Lord will
never lack any good thing.” (TLB)
Psalm 34:10 “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”
Relating to the Scripture
The lion is called the king of the jungle. Because of the lion’s cunning skill, combined with strength and
youth, it is able to acquire its food. Here in this verse of Scripture the Psalmist tells us that even with the
lion’s youth and strength, it is still unable to go without hunger or lack.
It is the same in our world. Even those who have great wealth suffer lack. They find that wealth is not the
answer to fill the voids of this life. We, who seek the Lord, however, have the promise that we will not lack
any good thing. The question becomes: “In what ways do we seek the Lord?” There are many, but several
that come to mind are: our worship; our Bible study; our fellowship in the house of the Lord; and yes, even
through our giving.
We seek the Lord through giving, as we give of our finances to the Lord, trusting Him to supply more
through our giving than we would have otherwise had. Our giving is an exercise of faith in the Father’s
ability and promise to supply our needs.
Offering Admonition /Confession
Because we are seeking God by our giving today, we have God’s promise. We “shall not want any good
KIDS and Bus Ministries
• Contact Pastor Chris Carter at 333-6535 or
Sunday, Mar. 23, 2014
If you’ve been blessed by today’s sermon, visit our Tape Table in the lobby at the end of the service
and order a copy for yourself or a friend. Past services are also available on DVD ($10) or CD ($4).
Mar. 23,
Shape and Using It
Four things we learn about temptation and how to overcome it, by
looking at the life of Jesus Christ.
A. It is not a sin to be __________.
Hebrews 4:15 "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in
all points tempted as we are, yet without sin."
Hebrews 2:18 "For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted."
B. You will never ____________ temptation.
Temptation is a sign that you're a __________ to the devil.
C. After a spiritual ______ you can always expect a spiritual ________.
Luke 4:1 2 "Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the
Spirit into the wilderness, being tempted for forty days by the devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and
afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry."
D. Temptation isn't always about your _____________.
Many times, temptation is about misusing your _____________.
II. So, what do you do when you're tempted? How do you handle it?
Many believers struggle with temptations. We get stuck in the repetitive cycle of good
intentions, the failure, then confession.
A. We all have the same basic temptations in life.
I Corinthians 10: 13 "No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful,
who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the
way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."
III. Seven steps to overcoming temptation the way Jesus did.
A. Use the _________ of God.
Psalm 119:11 "Your word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You."
B. You need to identify your _________________.
Matthew 26:41 "Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh
is weak."
There are four questions you need to ask yourself:
a. "__________ am I most tempted?"
b. "____________ am I most tempted?"
c. "Who's ________ ______ when I'm most tempted?"
d. "How do I ___________right before I'm tempted?"
C. _________ what you're _________ going to do.
Proverbs 4: 26 "Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established. Do not turn to the right
or the left; remove your foot from evil."
D. Guard Your _____________.
Proverbs 4:23 "Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life."
E. Pray for __________________. (I Corinthians 10:13)
F. Refocus Your ________________.
G. Find A _____________.
Ecclesiastes 4: 9 "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall,
one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up."