Landrum Quilters


Landrum Quilters
Landrum Quilters
President.........................................................Sue Burton
VP/Membership...........................................Denise Cwik
VP/Programs……………………….….Debbie Williams
Secretary.............................................Kathleen Warmack
Treasurer......................................................Betty Fortner
Sunshine Chair............................................Lynn McDole
Newsletter Editor…………………………Debbie Spiers
9:30 A.M. - 2nd Thursday of each month
Gowensville Community Center
Intersection of Hwys 14 & 11
NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: Friday week after meeting
Asheville, NC – Ricky Tims Seminar Sept. 15 – 17,
Crowne Plaza Tennis & Gold Resort, One Resort
Dr., - Featuring Alex Anderson and Libby Lehman
Fletcher, NC - Asheville Quilt Show, Sept. 30, Oct.
1 & 2, WNC Agricultural Center, 1301 Fanning
Bridge Rd., Fletcher, NC 28732
Fountain Inn, SC - Nimble Thimbles Quilt Show,
October 1-2, Fountain Inn Activity Center,
Fairview Rd.
July 14 Meeting, 9:30 a. m.
Program: Jean Ann Wright, Quilts in my suitcase;
the life of a traveling quilt editor.
Concord, NC - Cabarrus Quilters Show, October
7-8, Cabarrus Arena and Events Center
Editor-in-chief for Quilt Magazine for 20 years,
Jean Ann now designs quilts for fabric companies
and leading quilt magazines.
Quilt Show committee chairs will meet
following the program.
Janine Allen
Linda Brown
Betty Caudill
Phyllis Cole
Marilyn Doheny
July 25 Monday Bee, 9:30 a. m.
Executive Committee meeting to review the
budget status of each area and other pending items.
Upcoming Events
Carolinas Shop Hop – July 9-16
Atlanta, GA – Ebony Stitchers Quilt Exhibition,
quilts and other fiber arts made by AfricanAmerican women,
President’s Message
Well, you all did it! What a wonderful show! So many
congratulations are in order: everyone who entered a
quilt to make up the lovely whole of the show; everyone
who helped with setup and takedown (not the least
including the “men’s auxiliary,” all of the husbands and
friends who worked so hard lugging and loading, then
doing it all over again!); everyone who worked somewhere
during the show; providers of food and snacks for the
hostess room (great reviews from the vendors about the
food and the service they received during the show); each
committee chair who planned and oversaw the success of
their part of the show; ribbon makers (and weren’t they
lovely?); everyone who helped distribute posters and
flyers to publicize the show; even those who attended but
couldn’t work (where would we be without people to view
the work being displayed?).
I certainly wish to congratulate Eva Nicklaw for her Best
in Show, and everyone who was fortunate enough to have
one or more ribbons placed on their quilts. BUT – it
wouldn’t be a show without all of the entries combined, so
please, please don’t hesitate to enter your quilt in a show
because you don’t think it’s good enough or because it
probably won’t win a ribbon. It takes all of the entries to
make up the whole. To paraphrase something I read
somewhere, “Use the talents you are blessed with; the
woods wouldn’t be alive with singing if only the best birds
Have I mentioned lately that the Landrum Quilters is a
really good group??? You are, and each one of you is
necessary to make it so. I’m so proud of all of you.
Love and stitches,
A Bit of Baltimore, pieced, appliqued and quilted by Eva
Nicklaw, was voted Best in the 2011 Show.
Nicklaw Wins Best in Show
Eva Nicklaw won Best in Show for her large
appliqued/mixed wall quilt entitled A Bit of Baltimore
which also won a blue ribbon in its category and a vendor
ribbon from Bernina Sewing Center.
Show guests voted on Thursday, Friday and
through noon on Saturday for their favorites.
Some 50 ribbons were awarded to quilts in the
2011 Landrum Quilt Show which featured 140 quilts in 11
different categories.
Attendance for the three-day show was
approximately 1,200.
People’s choice ribbons
Hand-quilted bed quilts: First, Carol Hediger,
Baby Bunnies; second, Jean Lessig, Scalloped Love Ring;
third, Mary Margaret Lejeune, Lori’s Garden Path.
Machine-quilted bed quilts: First, Rita Fowler,
Oops-A-Daisy; second, Phyllis Cole, Butterfly Garden;
third, Debi Miller, Poppy Garden.
Long-arm quilted bed quilts: First, Sandy Wolf,
Civil War Splendor; second, Marilyn Doheny, Abstract
Garden of Delight; third, Emily Boisvert, Christmas
Large wall quilts - pieced: First, Connie Wells,
Woven Ribbons; second, Betty Fortner, Free Falling;
third, Sybil Radius, I Spy...
Large wall quilts - appliqued/pieced: First, Eva
Nicklaw, A Bit of Baltimore; second, Sybil Radius,
Shimmer; third, Donna Sutton, Anna’s Flower Garden.
Small wall quilts - pieced: First, Margaret
Freedman, Rainbow Row; second, Betty Fortner,
Seminole Mountain; third, Debbie Williams, On the Road
to Georgia’s.
Small wall quilts - appliqued/pieced: First,
Barbara Massey, Tidal Passage; second, Debi Miller, 12
Days of Christmas; third, Carol Hediger, Butterflies and
Lap quilts: First, Sybil Radius, Postcards from
Cate; second, Debi Miller, Karla’s Scrap Garden; third,
Della DeSantis, Purple Wonder.
Art quilts: First: Sybil Radius, Summer, Fall,
Winter, Spring, aka Princess; second, Barbara Massey,
Dock of the Bay; third, Marilyn Doheny, Still Life
Miniatures: First, Marie Cryderman, Glow in the
Dark; second, Connie Wells, Yes, I Know I’m Crazy; third,
Judy Gallman, Cosmos.
Quilted articles: First, Rita Fowler, Ashley’s
Rags; second, Phyllis Cole, Peacock Purse; third, Sybil
Radius, Donna’s Tea Party.
Sponsor and vendor ribbons
The following received sponsor ribbons:
Margaret Freedman, Raj the Radical Rooster, City of
Landrum; Sandy Wolf, Civil War Splendor, Landrum Area
Business Association; Debi Miller, Some Like It Hot,
Spartanburg County Parks Commission; and Donna
Sutton, Lady of the Lake, Spartanburg County District
One Schools.
Vendor ribbons went to these: Eva Nicklaw, A Bit
of Baltimore, Bernina Sewing Center; Sybil Radius,
Postcards from Cate, Bonnie Ouellette Antique Textiles;
Emily Boisvert, Christmas Snowflakes, Elaine’s Attic;
Jean Lessig, Hazel’s Promise, Inman Quilt Cottage; Debi
Miller, Poppy Garden, Judy’s Sewing and Vacuum World;
Sandy Wolf, Civil War Splendor, Marietta’s Quilt and Sew
and The Cotton Quilt; Debi Miller, Baltimore Blues,
Nana’s Quiltin’ Place; Wanda Brothers, Welcome to My
Jungle, North Wood Farms Fiber & Yarns; Janet Boland,
“X” Marks the Spot, School House Quilts; Judy Gallman,
Cosmos, The Quilter’s Gallery; and Carol Hediger, Baby
Bunnies, Viking Sew ‘N Quilt.
Amy Buckingham’s art quilt, Old Time Frasers,
was recognized by the Quilters of South Carolina for a
first-time quilt.
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LQ member Betsy Freeman shows off her Ronald
McDonald quilt to Ronald McDonald himself and Terry
Stephenson, owner and operator of the Inman
McDonald's. Since 1989, the Landrum Quilters have
made thousands of lap quilts for children receiving
medical treatment while staying at the Ronald
McDonald House in Greenville. Ronald McDonald’s
meet and greet was one of the Saturday highlights.
Visitors to the show enjoyed talking with Georgia
Bonesteel, the 2011 Quilter in Residence. One of the
founders of LQ, Bonesteel is recognized as one of those
responsible for the quilting revival which began in the
Seventies. Her television series on quilting was aired
throughout the country.
Thank you, thank you!
Without a doubt, we have the best club members and the
best family support!
Thank you everyone who chaired a committee, brought
food, helped take in, hang up and take down quilts,
greeted guests at admission, took money for the fundraiser quilt, the seven fat quarter baskets or items in the
boutique, answered quilting questions as floor hostesses,
artfully arranged the philanthropy display in the lobby
and skillfully displayed the many beautiful boutique
Thank you to those who put out signs all over Landrum
and the surrounding area, laid out vendor spaces, toted
quilt frames to and from the truck, kept the golf carts
running, brought and arranged flowers and thoughtfully
took lunch to vendors who couldn’t leave their spaces.
To those who put together the program and made signs
for all the quilts, who coordinated local and state-wide
publicity, counted money and counted ballots, thank you.
LQ member Dianne Barnhill designed this original quilt
block which was presented to Landrum Middle School in
appreciation for the school’s partnership with the
Landrum Quilters and the biennial quilt show. Student
Lucas Champion submitted the name selected for the
block: Cardinal Heritage. The block was painted by the
production team of the Upstate Heritage Quilt Trail,
Anderson, Oconee and Pickens counties. The block now
hangs outside over the entrance to the gym.
Thank you to everyone who entered a quilt in the show;
your work was truly amazing.
A special thank you goes to your husbands, sons, sisters
and others who came and helped because you asked.
We appreciate the wonderful spirit of cooperation and
harmony which made our roles as your quilt show chairs
a very pleasant and enjoyable experience.
Mary Margaret Lejeune, Debi Miller & Ellen Henderson
2011 Quilt Show Chairs
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Sheridan Kay Quilting
Long-arm quilting service
by Sheridan Carter
Hand-guided and computerized quilting
LQ Website Update
Photos of the blue-ribbon winning quilts are
posted on the Web site,
Click on the tab 2011 Quilt Show.
The list of items needed for Steps to Hope has
been moved to the LQ Members page.
Ladies, break-ins occurred recently to two cars left
in the community center parking lot while the
owners went off to lunch or shopping.
August classes
August 10
August 11
Fabric painting
Teacher: Karen Pharr
From Ricky Tims’ Kaleidoscopes
Teacher: Karen Pharr
Call the shop 828.817.6297 for times and a list of supplies.
Located at The Coach House, 227 E. Rutherford St, Landrum
Please plan to lock your cars while attending
meetings and park elsewhere (the Spinx is a good
choice), if you pile in one car to go off for a couple of
hours after a bee or meeting.
1. Needles have a front and back so if you are having
trouble threading the needle, turn it over.
Personal ads are free for LQ members; $5 per
business card-size ad for professional services
offered by LQ members and others.
Hand or machine quilting needed
Natalie Vaughn from Saluda, NC attended the show and
loved it! She has a quilt she needs to have quilted, hand
quilting preferred, but she would accept machine quilting.
If you can help her with this, please call her at
2. When threading a small-eyed needle, try doing it over
a sheet of white paper to make the eye easier to see.
3. Thread multiple needles onto the spool when you are
doing handwork.
4. The bobbin thread is usually easier to pull out than the
top thread. This is useful for "un-sewing."
5. Being a good seamstress means you can rip out seams
almost as fast as you can sew them.
6. Free-motion machine quilting is great. When there is
no set pattern, you cannot make a mistake.
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7. Be sure to remove all the loose threads from the
backing, batting, and top before you start quilting. Those
loose threads seem to be magnified in the finished quilt.
8. When life gives you scraps, get busy quilting!
We currently have 3 members signed up. Assuming that
we will not have more than 9, the price is $194.
I am asking that you have your completed registration
forms and check to me by July 22. Overnight
accommodations are up to you. Please let me know if you
need a registration form.
Sue Burton
Bring your batiks to the July meeting
Even if you have not participated in the 10 inch batik
block swap, you can start any time.
You can cut all 12 blocks from one yard of fabric.
If you miss a month, it’s OK. You cannot make up a
month that you miss.
Here’s what is left of our trip around the world with
batiks. Use your creativity when making your fabric
Santa Cruz Beach Sand
Tijuana Orange
North Atlantic Sea Foam Green
Yukon Midnight Blue
Asian Red
Mexicali Mixer
Life member Lillian Jenkins will turn 101 on
July 23. Lillian was an active member of the
Landrum Quilters for many years.
• You must use all cotton batiks and prewash them.
• Bring 12 10-inch squares in a zip lock bag with your
name on it.
• You may do up to 5 sets of blocks but each must be a
different fabric in a different bag.
• No flannels, solids, plaids or stripes
• No novelty fabrics
If you have questions, call or e-mail me.
Shirley Martin
Local workshop opportunities
in July and September
The Western North Carolina Quilt Guild is
offering to Landrum Quilters members the opportunity to
attend a workshop by Wendy Butler Burns of
The workshop is Friday, July 22, at the Etowah
Methodist Church on Brickyard Road, Etowah, NC.
The title of the workshop is "Out of the Box,"
and it is on paper and pencil quilt designing. Cost is $35..
If interested, please contact Diana Walgreen, 64
Wild Sage Ct., Fletcher, NC 28732, or call her at
LQ Programs & Workshops
August 11
First Baptist Church, Gowensville
Last names M-Z bring refreshments.
September 8 TBA
October 13
Linda Cantrell, fiber artist
November 10 “To Everything There is a Season”
December 8 Christmas Party
First Baptist Church, Gowensville.
Last names A-L bring refreshments
The date for signing up for the Ricky Tims seminar in
Asheville on Sept. 15-17 has been changed.
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