Aizawl doc1final 14th


Aizawl doc1final 14th
Affordable Bamboo
Housing in Earthquake
Prone Areas
An International Workshop Organised by:
Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre (CBTC)
Government of Mizoran
International Network for Bamboo And Rattan
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Affordable Bamboo
Housing in Earthquake
Prone Areas
At Berawtlang Tourist Complex,
Aizawl, Mizoram, India
From 29th October to 11th November, 2001
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Bamboo is one of the oldest building materials available
in nature with which human could interact. It is used for
many applications in the field of construction, particularly
in developing countries. It is strong and light weight and
available in different sizes. It does’t need to be processed
much before its use. It also does’t need to be finished
much in construction. It is also a fast growing plant which
is also planted commercially for production. In spite of
these, the use of bamboo has been largly restricted to
temporary structures and lower grade buildings due to
limited natural durability, difficulties in joining, a lack of
structural design data and exclusion from building codes.
Mizoram jointly embarked upon this idea of organizing a
training workshop on affordable bamboo housing in earthquake-prone areas.
With diminishing wood resources and restrictions imposed
on felling of trees the focus shifted on the need to identify
a substitute material, which should be renewable, environment friendly and widely available. In this context bamboo is ideally placed to become a principal engineering
and construction material for the future.
This document is a compilation of the workshop conducted
at Berawtlang, Aizawl, Mizoram on ‘AFFORDABLE BAMBOO HOUSING IN EARTHQUAKE PRONE AREAS’ during 29th October to 12th November, 2001.
Taking all these factors into consideration, the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Beijing,
China, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the Cane and Bamboo Technology
Centre (CBTC), Guwahati and the Government of
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The workshop is intented to transfer Latin American earthquake-resistant and affordable bamboo housing technology to India and to adapt it to local needs. Two Latin
American consultants, Mr. Jorge Moran Ubidia (Architect
and Director, Hoger de Christo Foundation/Lecturer, University of Guayaquil, Ecuador) and Mr. Juan Carlos
Jaramillo (Architect, Armenia, Colombia) conducted the
Acknowledgement ................................
Introduction ..........................................
Workshop Agenda.................................
Presentation-resource people.................
Construction of Model house.................
Bamboo pole base casting....................
Introduction to machines.......................
Assignment 1........................................
Visit to Traditional Mizo house...............
Assignment 2........................................
Drawings of model house......................
Construction continue............................
Feed back.............................................
Closing Function....................................
Construction continue............................
Group Photograph................................
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge the role played
I would also like to extend my heartiest thanks to the Hon’ble
by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Chief Minister of Mizoram, Mr. Zoram Thanga, who was kind
(UNIDO), the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan
enough to take time of his busy schedule and inaugurate this
(INBAR) and the Government of Mizoram for converting a dream
workshop. I am also thankful to the Hon’ble Minister for Indus-
into a reality.
tries of the Govt. of Mizoram, Pu. K. Thangzualla, the Chief
secretary to the Govt. of Mizoram, Pu. H. V. Lalringa, the offi-
The workshop was attended by as many as 86 participants in-
cials of the Industries and the Forest Departments of the Govt.
cluding one each from Ecauador, Colombia, Germany, Nether-
of Mizoram and my personal thanks to Mr. Thang Chuanga,
lands, China and U.K. and two from Ghana. Other participants
Project Manager (Bamboo), Department of Industries, Govt. of
from outside the state are Karnataka (1), Kerala (1), Maharastra
Mizoram for having made this workshop possible.
(1), Gujarat (1), Indian Army (1), Arunachal Pradesh (3),
Nagaland (1), Assam (20), Manipur (5), Tripura (2) and Mizoram
I would like to place on record the wonderful contribution made
(40). The participants also represent various international, na-
by the staff of the Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre,
tional and state level agencies such as TRADA, INBAR, BARNET,
Guwahati for their unstinted support and hard work rendered
before and after the workshop. I extend my personal thanks to
Departments, LAD, RD etc.
Shri Partha P. Majumdar, the Project Manager, Shri Anjal
Goswami, Trainer and Shri H. P. K. Singh, Trainer for their sup-
I would be failing in my duty if I do not thank the following partici-
pants for their wonderful contribution; among them are Mr. Jorge
Moran Ubidia, Dr. Ralf Kwaschik, Mr. Juan Carlos Jaramiillo,
Last but not the least, I would like to express my sincere grati-
Mr. Fitri Mardjono, Mr. Don Lionel Jayanetti, Dr. Jagdeeshan,
tude to all the participants for having put in their best possible
Mr. T. P. Subramony, Mr. Bipul Das as indeed a host of others.
efforts in making this huge event a great success.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Bamboo, as such, does not need any introduction. It is
amongst the fist materials available in nature with which
human ingenuity could interact. Much before tools to cut
trees were discovered, bamboo was cut and split by stone
tools for multifarious uses. Lashed together by vines from
trees, men made use of bamboos to make rafts, enabling
them to cross water bodies. The multitude of uses to which
bamboo could be put to ranged from mats on floors to
bamboo walls plastered with mud onto thatched roofs on
bamboo understructure. Bamboo gave humans the hollow reed (flute) for music and its bending force made it
suitable for the bow. The original potter’s wheel was made
out of bamboo, rope and mud. Bamboo work, therefore,
can be considered as the mother of all artisan skills. All
over the tropical and equatorial regions of the globe where cessing or finishing. In spite of these clear advantages,
it grows, bamboo in its varied and multifarious forms is the use of bamboo has been largely restricted to temporary structures and low-grade building due to limited natustill available in plenty and used on a huge scale.
ral durability, difficulties in jointing, a lack of structural
Bamboo meets human needs in a thousand and more design data and exclusion from building codes and manuways - from modest sewing needles to walls and roofs, in als.
stools and cots, as food and fodder, and from ladders to
Although India owns the most extensive bamboo forests
mountain bridges
in the worls, this extraordinery good fortune does not see
Needless to say, bamboo is the oldest and most versatile to have dawned much wisdom upon our policy planners.
building material with many applications in the field of With diminishing wood resources and restrictions imposed
construction, particularly in developing countries. It is on felling of trees, particularly after the Supreme Court
strong and lightweight and can often be used without pro- imposed a ban on such activities, the focus shifted on the
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
need to identify a substitute material, which should be
renewable, environment friendly and widely available. In
view of its rapid growth rate, a ready adaptability to most
climatic conditions and properties superior to most juvenile fast growing wood bamboo emerges as a very suitable alternative. It is in this context that bamboo is ideally
placed to become a principal engineering and construction material for the twenty-first century and beyond. Besides, bamboo constructions are easy to build, resilient to
wind and even earthquakes and are readily repairable in
the event of damage and that too at a very low cost.
ganization (UNIDO), the Cane and Bamboo Technology
Centre(CBTC), Guwahati and the Government of Mizoram
jointly embarked upon this idea of organising a training
workshop on affordable bamboo housing in earthquakeprone areas.
The rational behind holding the event in this region is to
make the people aware of the advantages of low-cost
bamboo based housing and also take into account the
fact that this is seismically sensitive zone. The Workshop
will also focus on transfer of Latin American earthquakeresistant and affordable bamboo housing technology to
Taking all these factors into consideration, the Interna- India and to adapt it to local needs. In this connection,
tional Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR), Beijing, two Latin American consultants, Mr. Jorge Moran Ubidia,
China, The United Nations Industrial Development Or- Director, Hoger de Christo Foundation and Mr. Juan
Carlos Jaramillo, Architect, Colombia, conducted this
for fifteen-day Workshop. At the same time, experts from
different places participated in the workshop as resource
The Workshop was focussed on the practical aspects of
affordable bamboo housing. It introduced the construction systems and use of the bamboo in building houses in
Equador and Colombia to the participants. The event was
highly interactive and participants got an opportunity for
hands-on learning experience.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The Target group for the workshop was basically the local
people, local authorities, designers, architechts, builders,
development practitioners, policy makers,etc. from the
North-east and from other parts of India as well as interested overseas participants and technical assistance agencies.
the east and the south and Bangladesh and Tripura in the
west with its northern frontiers touching Assam and
Manipur States. The state capital is Aisawl. Mizoram literally translated means “Land of the Highlanders”. The hills
are steep with an average height of about 900 meters. Its
green thick forest is rich in flora and fauna. Bamboo plays
a very important role in the mizo society.
This workshop is a success and helped participants and
The venue of the workshop was at the scenic Berawtlang
others who closely involved in the field of bamboo.
tourist complex, about eight kilometers from the city of
Mizoram, a mountainous region that became the 23rd
State od Indian Union in February 1987, has an area of
21081 sq. km and is sandwiched between Myanmar in
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Workshop Agenda:
Monday, 29th October:
Arrival and registration of participants
Tuesday, 30th October:
09.30 - 10.30 Registration of participants
11.00 - 12.00 Inauguration
14.30 - 15.30 History of the use of Guadua in Colombia and
Ecuador, Jorge Moran Ubidia and Juan Carlos Jaramillo
15.30 - 16.30 Improved construction systems in Equadore
and Colombia, Jorge Moran Ubidia and Juan Carlose
16.45 - 17.45 Case study: Hoger de Christo Foundation
Equadore, Jorge Moran Ubidia
Wednesday, 31st October:
08.30 - 10.00 Works of Juan Carlos Jaramillo in Colombia
10.15 - 11.30 India’s construction systems, Bipul Das
11.30 - 13.00 Bamboos of NE India: Plantation, utilization,
Dr. K. Haridasan and Kamesh Salam
14.30 - 15.30 Status of seismicity in NE India and earthquake
disaster mitigation, Dr. R.P. Tiwari
15.30 - 16.30 Design tool for bamboo building, Fitri Mardjono
16.45 - 17.45 Activities of IPIRTI in the bamboo housing sector, Dr, H.N. Jagadeesh
Thursday, 1st November:
08.30 - 10.00 India’s construction system, contributions by
10.15 - 11.30 Discussion on advantages and disadvantages
of India’s construction systems, elaboration of proposals for
improvement, Moderators: Das, Salam, Moran, Jaramillo
11.30 - 13.00 Natural and Chemical bamboo preservation
methods, preservation and discussion, Moran Jaramillo and
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
M/S Pest Control, Guwahati. Practical session on bamboo
chemical preservation by M/S Pest Control, Guwahati.
14.30 - 16.00 Discussion and organization of afternoon practical sessions, Moderators Moran, Jaramillo, Das
16.00 - 17.45 Practical sessions: constructive system design,
joints, constructive details, etc.
Friday, 2nd November:
08.30 - 13.00 Design session continued, Das Moran Jaramillo
14.30 - 17.45 Presentation and Evaluation of previous session, discussion, Moderators: Das, Moran, Jaramillo
Saturday, 3rd November:
08.30 - 16.30 Practical session on compounds, joints, etc.,
1:1 scale, Das, Moran, Jaramillo
16.45 - 17.45 Evaluation of previous sessions, discussions,
Moderators: Das, Moran, Jaramillo
Sunday,4th November:
Monday, 5th November:
08.30 - 16.30 Design session on complex architectural elements
16.45 - 17.45 Evaluation
Tuesday, 6th November - Saturday, 10th November:
08.30 - 09.30 Activities of TRADA in the bamboo housing
sector, Lionel Jayanetti and Paul Follet (Tuesday)
08.30 - 17.45 Organization of groups for practical sessions.
Parallel work on model house and on complex architectural
elements. Presentation of videos on special subjects. Field trip
Bamboo factory
Saturday, 10th November:
15.30 - 16.30 Closing function
On tuesday, 30th October, The Hon’ble Chief Minister of
Mizoram Mr. Zoramthanga had inaugurated the workshop at Berawtlang. Mr. H.V. Lalringa, Chief Secretary of
Mizoram, Dr. Ralf H.Kwaschik, INBAR, Dr. Juan Carlos
Jaramillo, Mr. L. R. Laskar, Secretary, Industries Department were attended the fuction
Inaguration by Hon’ble Chief minister of Mizoram Mr. Zoramthanga Introductory speach, by Mr. Kamesh Salam CBTC, Guwahati
Guest of Honour, Hon’ble Minister of Industries, Mr. K. Thangzualla During the Inaugural function......
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
During the Inaugural function......
display of INBAR books, Chief minister observes the products
displayed, oppening song etc.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
History of the use of Guadua in Colombia and
Ecuador by Mr. Jorge Moran and Mr. Juan Carlos
The bamboo has been always present in the American
History, but specially in Colombia and Ecuador. The archeological and archeobotanical investigations have demonstrate some uses the man has given to this material
more over than thousand years, by finding different instruments and some houses ruins. The bamboo culture
has remarked the Colombian and Ecuadorian history
through the times in differnt ways: it has been present in
the music, the popular traditions, the hunting, the fishing,
the agriculture, the religion, the cooking, the recreation,
the armory, and many other uses, many of them similar to Asia. In this speach he mentioned some historical elements from Equadore, that belong to the most remot times,
and still today. In this special mention for the rural housing, where the pragmatically knowledge given by the centuries is a real patrimony from the vernacular architecture
from Ecuador. There is also a mention of the urban building where the timber, initially used to build the Spaniard
army boats transferred its use to the housing carpenter
getting tied to the bamboo as a construction material.
Finally there is demonstrated that the wrong way to construct with bamboo has become a symbole of misery ant
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Colombia is located in the western hemisphere, in the
NW corner of the South America, has a coast in the Atlantic Ocean at North and in the Pscific Ocean at occident.
The colombiam territory in general is formed by a mountainous region. A significant proportion of the urban structures of the towns and cities, included the departmental
capitals in the coffee axis, were built with different
bahareque and guadua constructive techniques. It means
that the bahareque and the guadua have been intimately
bound to the urban historical growth of this important
Colombian region, and even today in spite of the repeated
events that have caused big destruction’s, many of these
structures still up as a silent witness of the step of the years
and as real examples of seismicresistant structures. How
ever with the economic prosperity achieved by the coffee
business, these technologies stayed in the fields, and began to show up in the cities new imported technologies
that broke the urban structures and it began to hide the
reality of the bahareque houses behind false facades made
with bricks or many other materials. The new widespread
tendency slowly change the physiognomy of the cities and
the bahareque and the guadua began to be considered
as poor’s technology.
agents or avoiding their development. The cut should be
done during the five days of bigger darkness of the last
quarter of the moon in the first hours of the day before
the dawn (among 1:00 o’clock am. and 5:00 am) being
left to ferment inside the bamboo forest for space of 20
days as minimum. The Guadua presents three kinds of
water inside: the Hygroscopic, the Molecular one, and
free one. Rhis last one is found among the cells and it is
the one that more easily gets lost, the hygroscopic is in
the waslla, and only gets lost by artificial drying processes,
and the molecular humidity gets lost only by the total combustion. The ideal humidity average to work is 12%, as a
fact the drying is a good immunization.
The most useful drying methode in colombiais the natural
one that consists on cutting and leaving stopped the bamboo cane inside the bushes during twenty days, at this
time it losses the freee water content, and then they are
In this new stage the biggest concern have been centered
in the immunization and preservation of the material. The
immunization is essential as the guadua is a susceptible
to insects attack material like the termites. The preservation has as an object to modify the chamical constitution
of the stems making them not attractive for the biological
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
cutted into peieces and taken out of the guadual, and left
approximately one month in vertical position using big
and light structures to chieve their relative humidity stabilization. since four years it was brought from Japan a drying system adapted with smoke. The process consists on
introducing the guaduas in a closed space that can be an
oven, where an incomplete combustion takes place to
produce the smoke, and in presence of water vapor, it is
left for a three weeks period of time.
The immunization system most commonly used in colombia
are those with chemicakl products, which are not accepted
by the developed countries. Compoud as the borax, boric acid, the copper pentacloratum and formal among
others are the must useful. The Immunization for injection
that consists on applying 5 cm. of poison on each knot
using syringes, it can be done before or after the structure
is built. The Boucheri method consists on making pass the
immunizing through the guadua fibers from one side to
Improved construction systems in Equador and
Colombia, Jorge Moran and Juan Carlos.
The lecture contains some construction experience that
had been made with bamboo at the ecuadorial coast. By
the use of air chamberswithin the walls and ceilling, suitable ventilated, it eliminates the thermal conductivity effects, producing comfor inside the construction. The climate protection must be done as a clear design concept,
and avoid the influence of the rain and humidity against
the construction. Finally all the construction systems may
guarantee the earthquakes and strong wends preventing.
The admissible coefficients of the differnt components from
the building must be higher than the efforts they must resist under adverse conditions. Because of its lowest weight,
this constructions will better resists on earthquakes, perhaps some of the components may fall down as the walls
mortar, the house will remain standing up and his habitants will be safe, some very good examples of this are
there in Colombia and CostaRica.
besides the housing construction the guadua has been
used for furniture, musical instruments, paths, construction and agricultural equipment, rural aqueducts, crafts,
fences, stables, habitat for animals, sales places, kiosks
among many other.
Seismic culture
The nature and especially the earthquakes have shown
them the necessity to evaluate their own circumstances
with their own elements, under their own culture and the
error of simply import just to be up to date. The last earthquake of January 25th 1999 in the Colombian coffee
The modern technology of bamboo began in America
axix, evidenced the fragility of the bad constructions built
with the investigation and books written by Oscar Hidalgo,
with seemingly stronger materials and that had desplaced
Jules Janssen, Walter Liese, Dr. Lionel Jayanetti and Follet
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
the use of the guadua and the wood in urban centers examples, but basig on the magnificent example that masters like Simon Velez has carries out for high strata.
located in areas of high seismic risk.
The foreign technologies that were imported in the past,
and the constructions built without controls were reassessed and studied in the year of 1984, due to the tragedy when a great intensity earthquake destroyed the historical city of Popayan, located in south Colombia. In that
moment the National government approves a law that
rules for all the constructions to be build in the country,
how ever in the one was’t included inside their articulate
a norm for bahareque constructions. It was evidenced
the resistance and long-lasting of the bahreque constructions, that were silent witness of the disasters happened in
their surroundings, and they remained stand up in spite
of the destruction power showed not only in the past earthquake, but of the repeated earthquakes that have stricken
them through their long existance years, being finally
able to call the attention of architects and engineers and
to get now a space to be kept in mind as a material with
excellent physical mechanical properties of great adaptability and that it allows to create constructive seismicresistant systems.
The social Interest house was designed by the architect
Simon Velez who donates this design to several entities
like the INBAR, The National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia and the Government of the Quindio,
searching for dignify the social interst housing. The design comes out of a perfect 5x5 mts. square that has an
appendix in of 1.5 mts. at the back where the stairway is
centered to ascend to the second floor, and in the front as
a symmetrical balnce stands out a generous balcony in
the second floor that sconforms the access porch.
Life Park Auditorium in northern Armenia capital of the
Quindio department in Colombia. Taking advantage of
a natural depression of the land in this place was designed the auditorium. In front of this natural flight of steps
was built as an acostic shell a space that seems to be
floating over the water and that seems to be a very light
structure that does’t break up with the landscape that leans
on in autochthonous and characteristic materials from the
place and that allows a permanent visual through it and
towards all the places of the park. The structure basically
Juan Carlos adds his experience in sonstruction in Co- is a sample of propping up guadua that gives the sensalombia with guadua as a hobby than a job. By his own tion of great eave that makes it seem much lighter than it
experiments and investigation works with guadua is fun- really is.
damentally to prosecute the use of this material in a medium social stratum where it can be acequible to a bigger Service station also made using the same structural conquantity of the population, without falling into folkloric cept that were used for the acoustic shell for life park.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
To guide the visitors the departmental Government intends to build some small places for the tourists information that were strategically located in all the access roads
to the department, and because of their architecture they
must were very outstanding and easily identifiable; as an
answer to this two young architects making a show of
their creativity proposed a traditional construction with
bowed brick walls in whose cover should be present the
guadua and the mud tile as a regional identity symbol,
getting a good sample of new architecture built with
autochthnous materials.
The Sun Door is a country house built on a traditional
system with confined brick using the guadua as structural
element of the covers and in the columns of the corridors
and the open spaces only. It is an EL plant construction
completely introverted because of some security considerations made by the owner, since it is a house just for the
weekends, it has a social open area that can perfectly be
used independent from the other house activities, or to
be integrated when it will be required with the dining room
and kitcken area of the house.
The Kinder Garden Los Cafeteritos arises after the 1999
earthquake as a quick and economic solution to the necessity of harboring 100 children with ages between the
6 months of life and the 7 years. This project is built starting from prefabricated guadua panels that were made in
a shop and latler on they were taken to the place to be
installed. Those were installed then over a confined brick
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
wall built as a base wall with 60cm height as those elements conformed the lowest diaphragm and give design
protection for the guadua.
School in Barcelona, a built project for the UNICEF in the
little town of Barcelona Quindio to assist the children of
two schools that collapsed during ther January 1999 earthquake, they attended classes in some improvised classrooms made with tents in a lot next to an interdepartmental road with heavy vehicular flow. It uses also as foundation a floating base plate with outlying mooring beams,
where rises the base wall in confined brick with concrete
columns and finished off on a 80 cm height by a mooring
beam, on which rests a guadua like beam complement
through which the rods that serve as mooring soul to the
vertical guaduas of the structure happens and they unite
with the horizontal one by fish mouth unions with iron
soul and filled with concrete in the interknits.
The Univerisity Great Colombia in Armenia has decided
to displace its architecture and agro industry faculties to a
rural lot located in the south of the city and has asked to
the atchitecture faculty to take to carry out the designs,
beginning from base that will be the first university built in
guadua. The designs are being developed by a group of
students by way of shop, and in this process we have also
participated as advisory.
During this presentation they were also showing the slides
related to the subject. s
India’s construction systems, Bipul Das
Mr. Bipul Kumar das has
presented his work done
during his study at M.S.
University, Baroda for Barch. course. In this he had
explained about the system
of building construction with
bamboo as the principal
material. This study was
based on pure observation
clubbed with reasoning and
He started with bamboo as
a material for mankind as
old as wood. sice man
came out of the cave and started the making of shelters
for protection from natural calamities many materials like
timber, earth and stone have gained a considerable
upliftment in their respective uses. The he talk about how
bamboo is used in various places for various uses. The
about bamboo and its growth, dofferent species, structural aspects of bamboo, strength properties etc. Later he
talk about the construction system in NE india and later
the improved construction system ha had developed during his study and the importance of that in todays context.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Bamboos of NE India:
Plantation and Utilization, Dr. K. Haridasan
and Kameash Salam
India’s NE region consist of
seven states viz, Arunachal
Pradesh, Assam, Manipur,
Meghalaya, Mizoram,
Nagaland and Tripura. It
has a total geographical
area of 255082 This
region has a greater proportion of forests cover
compared to many other
states in India. Dr.
Haridasan talk about the
bamboo habitates in NE region, Species diversity, Distribution Farming potential, Utilization, Plantation, Conservation etc.
North east India which is known for a greater diversity of
flora is also rich in bamboo diversity. Each state has a
different composition of species constituting its bamboo
resource. Many of the species in the region are utilized
for different purposes. There is also scope and potential
for augmenting the economic utilization of bamboo resources. This may warrant farming and large scale plantation of desired species. It can also be seen in the region
that some of the bamboo species are rare and endan- Status of seismicity in NE India and earthquake
gered. Such species may require conservation efforts for disaster Mitigation, Dr. R.P. Tiwari, Dept og Geoltheir survival.
ogy, Pachhunga university College, Mizoram
Mr. Kamesh Salam talk about the Industrial application of University.Aizawl.
bamboo. As a example he was showing the Chinese industries making bamboo
boards, floor tiles and wall
tiles. He was explaining was
the organised system in
chine right from plantation
to the production like
devided job in between different people and villages.
They have system like somebody who do the plantation
and provide quality bamboo, then the other group
will take care of transportation, Then next group will do
the sixing and spliting, then
it has gone to the factory wher it is boiled ,treeted and
then applied glue on it then stacked together. After all this
this will go to another unit to press it together to make
boards and other products. He was alo talking about the
Bamboo shoot-food products and the scope of that in
India. he also mentioned the indian bamboo mat ply. So
in India we need to have an organised way of production
right from plantation to marketing. Now this is the time to
think about it.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Dr. Tiwari talk about the occurrence of earthquake, how
it happence and the NE regions earthquake. NE India is
seismically one of the six most active regions of the world.
It is placed in zone 5, the highest zone, of the seismic
zonation map of India. The region has experienced 18
large earthquakes during the last 100 years including the
great earthquake of shillong (1897, M=8.7) and assamTibet border (1950, M=8.7). besides, several hundred
small and microearthquakes have also been recorded in
the region. It is not the earthquake them selves that kill
people but the collapse of man made structures which
does most of the damage. There fore suitable building
codes should be recommended in the region and should
in a plannes manner with available and suitable material
Design tool for bamboo building, Fitri Mardjono, Activities of IPIRTI in the bamboo housing sector,
Dr. H.N. Jagadeesh
In the beginning he had
talked about the problems
identification and solving
the problem by design process after looking at the
constraints and analysis of
the problem of building design practiced in Indinesia.
Dr. Jagadeesh was talking
about the bamboo mat
board and various uses of
it, then the treatment and
preservation of bamboo
and also the house they
developed and prototyped
in bangalore.
The he had talked the design tools - software - they
developed for building the
houses. It is like you can
choose the place where you
want to make the house.
then see the material available and the soil,weather condition and select the design according to that .
Later he mentioned abou the few truss structures they had
developed for different construction like building houses
and bridges etc. The joints were made from sheet metal
and nut and bolts.
The important of the software is it provides all the information to manage build a house. And also it is very user
friendly. Right now in Indonesia there are lack of relevent
information provided the the designer. If a designer does’t
know more about the material and other aspects it is very
difficult to do design.
IPIRTI has been associated
with development of bamboo based composites for
more than two decades. It
is successfully developed
and transferred the technologies for manufacturing
Bamboo Mat Board and
Bamboo Mat veneer Composits.The Institute has also
developed the technology for Eco-friendly roofing material from bamboo viz. Bamboo mat corrugated sheets. In
addition, several housing applications of these material
have also been evolved. Bamboo related R&D efforts have
culminated into evolution of bamboo based housing system wherein round/split bamboo/bamboo composites
have been efficiently combined along with conventional
building materials. A few demonstration houses have already been constructed using this technique.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Presentations by participants:
Social Scientist
Participants from different places attended the presentation session. All are from different background like Architects, Engineers, Designers, Artisans, Government Officials, Students, Interior Designers, Teachers, Scientists,
Social workers, NGOs, Artists,etc. Since are from different back ground it was necessary to understand eachother
and working in a group to share the experiences and
knowledge and learn more for a better out put. These
presentations gave tham a chance look at each others
works and to understand what is happening around them.
After the presentations by the core group another grup of
presentations had happened by the participants. It was
more like presenting their papers and share their experiences to others.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Here he mentioned the relation of nature and the human beings that, there are
so much there in nature, we
have to discover it. And also
it is very important thet we
have to give more attention
to the traditional knowledge
which is derived after a long
experiences living with nature and the material. he
also mentioned the link between material growth and
spiritual growth
Dr. T.K. Damodharan,
Wood Scientist
He had talked about the
housing system of Kerala, a
southern state of India, and
explained the trend which is
building very expensive
houses. He also mentioned
the traditional material and
techniques which can be
adapeted for the new development and diversification
of the system. He also mentioned about the treetment
of the bamboo and cane.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Sukumar Haobam,
Product Designer
Mr. David Eli
Bamboo Rattan Enthusiast
Mr. Vaibhav Kaley
Mr. Sukumar talked about
the housing system of
Manipur. The place, material, house plan structure
and the joints of different
material like stone and
wood etc. Here more wood
members.He also mentioned about the foundation
like puting wooden pole on
to the stone like tennon and
mortise joint.
Mr. David has talked about
the present scenario of
bamboo in Ghana. There
they have only natural forest bamboo, there is no
plantations. For housing
they use whole bamboo for
super structure. Half splitten
bamboo for the roof structure/roof. They also use rejected roof tiles as a filler for
the bamboo reinforced
concreet roof.
He talked about his experience working in an
erthquake affected area,
Bhuj,Gujarat, recently.
There he had used bamboo
and bamboo laminated
plyboard for the house construction. He mentioned
about longer time housing,
semi structure and cost effectiveness of his work. It
also should be a system
which ready for any time.
Mr. Daniel L.A. Ofori
Building /Landscaping
Talked about the Bamboo
& Ratten Network of
Ghana(BARNET) and their
activities for the economic
and social development.
Basically creating awareness through axhibition of
chinese bamboo products
and sending the craftsmen
to china for training in production, plantation etc. Also
planning for large plantation of sellected species.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Anil Kumar
OSD to Minister of Power
Mr. Harinarayan Saikia
Technical officer
Ms. Mibi Ete
Architecture Student
He talked abou the activities of Maharashtra specially goa region. here they
focussing of generation of
surplus economy through
value addition, wastage reduction employment generation for women like
kerala, etc. He also talked
about the plantation and
the need according to the
market and community development through this.
Here he had explained
about what he doing in the
field as a technical officer.
How to make things available for the grass root level
people. Like there are so
happenning in lab level and
the result is not reaching to
the land. He was also talking about the plantation
and how it has to be done
in this level of people.
She had talked about the
traditional construction of
Arunachal. Basically about
the construction and the
space planning. They make
free standing house, the
poles stay on stones. The
roof is mostly tatched. The
smoke that comes from the
fire place give treatment to
the bamboo and the roof.
now concreat is introduced
for the pillars
Mr. Sumit Kr. Majumdar
Civil Engineer
Mr. C. Thanchuanga
Mr. Nehemiah Panmei
Project co-ordinator
Mr. K. Ramachandran
Industrial Designer
Talked the experiments he
had tried for low coast
housing in Tripura. For the
roof he had used reinforced
concreat, like first tied the
mooli bamboo with G.I.
wire and placed polythien
sheet on top and then
chicken mesh and then
cocreat on top of it. It is
successful. He also talked
about the cultivation of
bamboo from the nodes.
Talked the change of material used for construction in
Mizoram. Earlier there were
everything was depend on
wood and bamboo. Now
there is problems getting
wood. So people go for
concreat, and it is expensive
because the material has
come from out side. And the
transportation is difficult.
There he suggest bamboo
as material for future.
He had mentioned his experiences in Chine during
his visit and how he can
apply this system here. He
also talked abou the INBAR
and UNIDO ‘s various
programmes which will help
for the upliftment of the
material in the north-east.
According to him the
avarness programmes
should start form the grass
root level people.
Talked about the bamboo
thouse they have designed
at IIT Guwahati, and how
they are planning about the
construction and space lay
out of the same. here they
have used the bend bamboo for the roof structure.
The inside part is devided in
to two areas. At present the
house is still in detailing
level. They had made a
scale model of the same.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Chemical Bamboo preservation method, Practical session by M/S Pest Control, Guwahati.
Material required:
Plastic sheet big size
Plastic tube as long as bamboo
Methyl Bromide - cylinder
Place the bamboo
or bamboo splits
which needs to
treat place on the
plastic sheet. Put
the one end of
plastic (Nylon) tube
on bamboo, then
cover the entire
bamboo with plastic by folding the
plastic from all the
sides on th the
bamboo spilts.
Then the other end
of the pipe conect
to the gas (chemical) bottle, so the
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various steps of the bamboo
preservation process showned
during the workshop.
inside the plastic folds. then
it needs to kept for one day
and then remove it. By the
time this gas should go inside the bamboo cells and
give a prevention from any
fungal or insect affection.
During the process it should
be ensured that the plastic
should be closed very well
and the chemical should not
have any contact with human body. Also should use
Chemcal (which is a gas) safty masks and avoid
will pass through the tube breathing the gas. It is very
to the folded plastic sheet gangerous to the health.
and collect there and go in This is a very effective treatto the bamboo which kept ment for bamboo.
Construction of Model house
As a part of the workshop at berawtlang a house
been built in Colombian - Ecuador techniques
designed by Mr. Jorge Moran and Mr. Juan Carlos.
This house was the main subject of the workshop.
The house is designed specially for the earth quake
prone areas. In colombia and ecudore this techniques has been used for years since both the
countries are considered as high seismic zone.
concreat foundation been made (above)
The place for pipe connection (below)
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Metal rods casted with concreat
Half wall of bricks been made on the
The corner details
connecting the
foundation, half
wall and the tie.
Details of pillar construction
between two walls and
connection to the tie.
Putting up the bamboo pols.
metal rodes comming out
from the foundation for further construction and it to
connect with the foundation.
Then a brick wall is constructed above the foundation and it breacks
whereever the iron rods
comes up. This place is left
to cast in concreat for supporting the pillar. Later this
is joined with an another
rode structure which connect
all the walls and pillars together
Participants are observing the
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The construction of house started during the beginning of construction of pillars, guiding
the workshop. According to the plan they had started with by the architects.
making concreat foundation. Which is started below
ground level and it ends just above the gound. There are
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
1. Bricks placed on the
ground for a better quality
2. Above the brick wall putting concreat tie for strong
3. Pillar base made of
brick, the rods comes out to
fix the bamboo pols for pillar construction.
4. Bamboo joint together
for the beems to be put over
the pillars for constructing
the roof and as a tie member for pillars.
Different views during the construction
The construction progressed between the other assignments of the workshop. Participants shown very enthusiasm working towards building this house.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
After the concreat tie on the brick wall, bamboo poles
placed on the rods, as pillars of the house. These poles
again connected with another tie beems. All these were
not has been fixed properly with the concreat or bolts for
the ease of adjustments during the construction since bamboo is not a very even material in sizes and in diameter.
Various joints used for the construction of the
model house using hardwares.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various joints used for the construction of the
model house using hardwares.
Drilled holes on the pillar
to put concreat inside
An inser been put
for the joint
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
During the construction of pillars and the beams, there is
another work was going. Another group of people was
making the pannels for the wall. Here they were made
wooden frames according to the sizes requires, which will
fit in between the pillars. Then on the surface they had
placed flatened bamboo which was treated early in Mithil
Bromide for protecting from insects. It is fixed with nail to
the wood. The nail was not put in to the wood completely.
Because it was required to tie the metal wire on top of it to
hold the bamboo with the wood. After putting the nail on
the bamboo and wood metal wire tied at one end and
continue taking to the nest nail and tied on to it and continue like that. It helps to stop the splitten bamboo slipping off from the wooden frame.
This kind of pannels been prepares and kept aside to fix
with the pillars. The bamboo splits had been placed bothe
side of the wooden frame. So the middle part will be empty
even after the construction of the houses. This will reduce
the weight and also this will act as heat insulator. Here
the bamboo also used as a reinforce material for the
plasterring. This methods been practiced in Colombia and
also in Ecuadore
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Bamboo pole base
Various kinds of foundation
casted in concreat for holding
bamboo pole in the ground.
There are different kinds of foundation for the pole has
been made as a sample piece during the workshop. This
has just made for an experience for the participats. Jorge
and Juan shown this because it is very important when a
person build a house has to be very care ful about how
the bamboo fixed to the ground. Here they shown different options for that. Buckets and PVC tubes been used as
mould. They also shown how to fix the bamboo on to it.
While casting itself they inserted rods which comes out
from the concreat and them bamboo is fixed to it. This
entire concreat block will go in to the ground.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Introduction to Machineries
As a part of the workshop
bamboo machineries been
introduced to the artisans to
get a experience working
with it during the process.
The Machineries shown
here is made by M/s Anmol
Guwahati, Assm, India.
These machines are specially designed for the Indian bamboos, which is
different from the bamboos from other countries. Specially the blade is
more harder here to make suitable for Indian bamboo. Mr. Vikas Goenka
had demonstrated the machines and explained the qualities and the advantages of these machines.
There all kind of machines
been displayed and used,
like cross cutter, sliver machine, stick making machine, stick sizing machine
etc. During the workshop
most of the participats utilized these machines.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Assignment 1
After the presentations made by the participats The fist
assignment been given to them. The task is design a house
using bamboo as a primery material. Also cone has to
work out the important joints been used that particular
house designed by them.
First They all devided in to 8 teams. These teams had
bring out some concept and the joints. There was no constrain of material. But the joint should be like that they
should be able to made by next day. So one has to restrict
to the minimum material and process. During the
conceptualisation Mr. Juan and Mr. Muran guided the
each team.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Group Presentations.
Later own Each group has presented the work work to the
others. They had presented their ideas through drawings
and sketches. Some are made very detailed sketche. Some
people worked out the house and the environment, and
how it is related to it.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The interesting part of it is most of the group has all kind
of people in it. Like some arearchitect, designers, engineers, artisans, Governement officials etc. This is good
experience for everybody to work together and understand , and share each others knowledge for this.
Some of drawing made during the assignment.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
After the presentations each group has to select
some joints and had to make details and full size
drawings which shows all the setails. Later it has
been presented again and finalised for making.
Participants working on the joineries they developed
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Participants making the joineries they have designed
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Later each group had presented their work to the
others and discussion had happened on each
joints they experimented on the basis of strength
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Jorge Moran, Mr. Juan Carlos, Mr. H.N. Jagdeesh,
Mr. Bipul Das had given the feed back to the participats
during their presentation of joints.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
existing one and some came up with new concepts. Some
verymuch applicable in the real situation.
There are many interesting ideas and concepts been came
out in this process. Some people tried to improve the
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Visit to the traditional MIZO house
It was very important to everybody to see
the traditional system of building houses
in the region. It was very interesting experience for everybody to see a traditional house where all different techniques been used to build house and
hoe they divide the space in term of of
utilisation. The sliding doors and windows roof construction wall etc, was
very important and and interesting to
do detail study of it. They also decorated the houses with anumal skull and
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Assignment 2
Here the participatns been divided into 4 groups and each group worked
under a guide. Each team got a subject work.
Here this group was given a tastk to designa temperory structure for
gettogethers and meatings. The group has done 2 models and one of it
been made in full scale during the workshop. This structure can be made
in different sizes. The top material also can be changed according to the
sizes and the requirments. This design is very simple and practical.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The second group had made a kiosk in bamboo and made a a scale model of it. It was
very interesting geometrical form. The material used for this is Bamboo mat board and
bamboo. The task is to design an information kiosk where one has to think about the
diamensions and ergonomics principles.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The third group made a bus
stop using method of truss
construction. Here bamboo is
used as tention cables. The
bamboo is split and joint together to make it in standard
sizes. It is a very strong structure can be used for bigger
buildings also.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Some drawings of the bus stop
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The 4th team concentrated on the gate
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The task was to make a gate in the workshopo site whcih
should be big enough to alow a bus pass through. This
was a very interesting structure made very simpley and
very fast. Here for the top part split bamboo been used
and for the pole hole round bamboo is been used. The
tope is worked out from pure geometry.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Drawings of the model house prepared by Mr. Jorge Moran and Mr. Juan
Carlos for the workshop in India
Material used for the model house:
Cement ......................................
Bamboo : (4 mts. long)................
Bamboo : (5 mts. long).................
Splited Bamboo ..........................
Chiken mesh...............................
Timber 2”x2” (3mts. long)............
Welded wire mesh (for the floor)...
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
50 sacs
100 units
80 units
200 m2
200 m2
12 m2
68 units
42 m2
Ceramic tiles .............................
Nails: 1, 1/2” .............................
Nails: 3”, 4”................................
Cinc sheets #8............................
Cinc sheet #10...........................
Iron platin 2” x 1/8” (1mt. long)...
Rods (1mt. long)..........................
Nuts ans washers ........................
Iron #12 (6 mts long)..................
Iron #10 (6 mts long)..................
Iron # 6......................................
11 m2
25 kg.
1 kg.
18 units
18 units
20 units
70 units
300 each
18 units
18 units
85 Kg.
Bamboo poles
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Side by side an another group was concentrating on the modelhouse during the assignments under
the guidance of Mr. Jorge Moran and Mr. Juan Carlos
chicken mesh used for the reinforcement of mortar plaster- chicken mesh fixed on to the split bamboo wall and then
plastered on top.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Inside view, after fixing the wall
pannels made of wooden frame
and flattened bamboo.
Out side view of the house while
a view of the wall from out
Making the sun shade of the
Plastering on the wall pannels
Plastering on the sun shade
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various tools and hardwares used during the construction of the house.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Workshop feed back
Mr. Vinay Oberoi addressing the participants
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Participants writing the feedback.
Closing function
Pu Lalchamliana
Hon,ble Minister of State
Environment and Forest
Department , addressing the
participants during the closing
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Pu Vanhela Pachuau, Secretary , E&F
Mr. Kamesh Salam, CBTC
Mr. Vinay Oberoi, UNDP
Mr. Juan Carlos, Colombia
The participants and other guests
Distribution of Certificates
The participants and other guests
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Construction of roof
Different view of roof construction
Wooden members fixed to the bamboo
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Fixing of CGI sheets
Various Stages of Construction
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various Stages of Construction
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various Stages of Construction
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various Stages of Construction
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various Stages of Construction
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Visit of Government Officials at the site
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various Stages of Construction
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Various Stages of Construction
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Final Stages of Construction
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Say cheese................
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The workshop, ‘Affordable Bamboo Housing in Earthquake
Prone Areas” was a first of its kind for the North East region. For fifteen days, a diverse, enthusiastic and highly
motivated group of persons lived and worked together
and shared experiences and knowledge.
regard, the contributions made by Mr. Jorge Moran
Ubidia, Director, Hogar de Christo Foundation, Mr. Juan
Carlos Jaramillo, Architect and Mr. Bipul Das, Architect
were invaluable and provided the starting point for discussion, interaction and building activity.
The discussion during the workshop successfully covered
almost all of the practical aspects of bamboo-based housing. The participants were introduced to different construction systems, and to a range of technology, materials
and skills. The initial presentations led to lively discussions on the current construction systems in India, and
The workshop went far beyond its original objectives, and their relative advantages and disadvantages. These interthe output significantly exceeded the expectations of the active discussions led into practical sessions on construcorganisers. It also succeeded in overcoming the consid- tion elements, bamboo preservation, and adaptation of
erable logistical and other difficulties that are a part of new designs.
any venture of this kind in the region.
The workshop also emerged as a platform for ideas and
The primary objective of the workshop was to demon- problems to be shared and discussed, and for specific
strate and transfer the technology and skills developed in problem solving.
Latin America for simple, sturdy, inexpensive bamboo
based housing technology. This was carried out, and the It proved to be a highly instructive and enjoyable experilegacy, in addition to the bamboo house at Berwatalang, ence, and the participants were delighted at the opportuis a nucleus of people who have sufficiently familiarised nity of getting the opportunity for hands-on learning.
themselves with the concepts not only to be able to build
similar structures in their respective locations, but to adapt The workshop was not only an interactive forum for archithem to specific local needs. and places of work. In this tects and other professionals, but for the local people,
decision makers, media and construction agencies. It was
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
The workshop participants came from seven countries and
four continents, twelve States of India – the largest contingent was naturally from the States of the North East, for
whom the subject of the workshop was of immediate and
practical relevance.
a unique and educative experience for them all. The exhibition of various industrial bamboo products, which was
also concurrently held with the workshop, was a major
attraction for the participants and the local population.
There is no doubt that the model bamboo house constructed during the course of the workshop will pave the
way for many more such houses to come up in the near
future not only in the North East but in other parts of the
country as well .At the same time it will be a model house
for the government sponsored rural housing schemes in
The workshop was a success not just because of the fact
that participants from other countries participated in it. It
was a success because of the active support, cooperation
and collaboration by the local people.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
List of organizers
Dr. Ralf Kwaschik
Sr. Information Specialist and Network Advisor
C/o INBAR, P.O. Box 100101 –80, Beijing
100101, P.R. China
Mr. C. Thanchuanga
Project Manager,
Industries Office, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. T.P. Subramony
Resident Manager
INBAR – South Asia Office, New Delhi 110003,
Ph. 011-461941130
Mr. Kamesh Salam
Project Co-ordinator,
CBTC, opp. To Guwahati Tea Auction Center
G.S. Road, Dispur – 751006, Assam, Ph. 227390
Mr. Lalnunzia
PCCF Office, Tuikhuahtlang, Aizawl, Mizoram
Ms. Lalrinkimi
Extension Officer
Industries Office , Khatla , Aizawl, Mizoram
Ms. Hunthianghlimi
Extension Officer
Industries Office , Khatla , Aizawl, Mizoram
Ms. B. Vanlalhuruaii
Computer Operator Ms. Hunthianghlimi Extension
Industries Office , Khatla , Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. Vanlalhruaia
Industries Office, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. Partha P. Majumdar
Project Manager
CBTC – Accounts
opp. To Guwahati Tea Auction Center, G.S. Road,
Dispur – 751006, Assam
Mr. Vijayan Pillai K.D.
Accounts Officer
CBTC, opp. To Guwahati Tea Auction Center,
G.S. Road, Dispur – 751006, Assam
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Laldingliana Sailo
Industries Office, Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. Bipul Kr. Das
Architect, Design Nucleus
Bye Lane 11 West R.G. Baruah Rd, Guwahati.
Dr. H.N. Jagadeesh
Consultant, IPIRTI
No.179(710),24th. B’Cross,III vlock
Jayanagar, Bangalore-560011
Dr. T.K. Dhamodaran
Scientist, Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi, Kerala, 680653.
Dr. K. Haridasan
Scientist –SE, State Forest Reasearch Institute,
Van Vihar, P.B. No. 159, Itanagar
Resource Persons:
Mr jorge Moran U.
Architect/Consulatant, Univ. de Guayaquil
Catolica. INBAR
Ecuador,, ph. 593-4-2384283
Mr. Juan Carlos Jaramillo P.
Architect/Consultant, Univ. Gran Colombia.
AV. Bolivar 7N Apto 501
Mr. Don Lionel Jayanetti
Head Trada International, Trada Technology,
Stocking Lane Hughenden Valley, HP 14 $ND
U.K. +441494569600
Mr. Fitri Mardjono
PHD Student, Eindhoven University of Technology,
T Hofke 107 5641 Ak Eindhoven
The Netherlands
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Daniel L.A. Ofori
Building Landscaping Contractor, BARNET
P.O. Box 7268,ACWLA – North Ghana
Mr. David Eli
Bamboo & Rattan Enthusiast, BARNET
P.O. Box Ds 1469, Dansoman – ACCRA, Ghana
Alexander Bosjnak
Faculty of Industrial Design,
National Institute of Design, Paldi, Ahmedabad,
Mr. Shanti Kumar Chakma
A.E., Kamalanagar, Cadc, Mizoram
Mr. Samuel Saithuamliana
C/o Chairman, Relief&Rehabilitation Board,
Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. Lalfakzuala
C/o Chairman, Relief&Rehabilitation Board,
Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. Peter Lalzawmliama
Project Assistance, Zohandco, Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. Anthony Vanlaltluanga
H/No.6 mission Veng
mr. C.N. Tluanga
O/S, Tuikual North, Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. Tlanglianchhuma
SDO, Distribution Sub Div. Ii (P&E)
Aizawl, Mizoram
Navin Gulgulia
Technical Executive
C/o United Impex Limited, Silchar
Mr. Thokchom Buddhabir
Architect, Chingamathak Thokchom Leikai
Edge Consultants
Mr. Lynda Partei
PWD, Project Div –1
Mr. Lalrinmawia
Sub Divisional Officer TC
Aizawl Water supply project
Mr. Lalnithanga Pachuau
P.S. to Chairman, R&R Advisory board, Ramhlun
Vengali, Aizawl
EX-MNA, Mizoram
Mr. Vanlalchhuana
E.E. PWD Aizawl building Div.
Executive Engineer
Mr. K. Beingiachhie
Officer on Special Duty, Mara House,mamra
Autonomous district council
Zotlang, Aizawl
Mr. Malsawma Sailo
Managing Director, United Engineer’s Society,
Khatla, Aizawl, Mizoram
Ms. Elizabeth Zodingliani
Project Director, united Engineers Society,
Khatla , Aizawl, Mizoram
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Sambhu Debbarma
Asst Engineer, Rural, Dev. Dept. of Tripura
C/o the Executive Engineer
R.Div Dhadai, Tripura.
Vikas goenka
Sales Executive
Anmol Mach. House, Burnihat , Guwahati, Assam
Mr. Alakesh Baruah
Alakesh baruah
AEI road, Chandmari, Guwahati
Mr. Dipankar Mahanta
R.G. Baruah Rd., Nabin Nagar
Janapath , Guwahati
Mr. Sumit Kr. Majumdar
Project Engineer, Centre for Social Works &
Research (CSR)
Agartala, Tripura
Mr. Thesar Tachang
Social worker, Palin P.O. Palin Dist.
Kurung Kumei (API)
Future Generation, Arunachal
Ms. Mibi Ete
School of Planning and Architecture
IP Estate 4-B, New Delhi
Mr. Harinarayan Saikia
Technical Officer, N.C. Hills Community Resource
Management Society
Haflong 788819, Assam
Mr. Byabang rockit
Palin P.O., Palin
Master Co- ordinator committee
Future Generation, Arunachal
ER. K. Lalrinmawia
Asstt. Engineer, RCH Project
Thuampui, Aizawl
Mr. F. Ailiana
Instructor, Building Gentre, Zuangtui, Aizawl.
Miss. Mibina Saikia
Asstt. Design & Production, Design Nucleus
Gandhi-Basti P.O. Silpukhuri,
Guwahati, India
Mr. Anil Kumar
OSD to Minister of Power
15, Ashoka Rd. , NewDelhi , Government of India
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Rosangzuala
Secretary, Mizoram Bio – Science,
Management Centre Society, Aizawl
mr. Dinesh Chandra Chakma
President, Mizoram Buddhist Dev. Welfare,
Kamalanagar, Assam.
Mr. Lalnumawia
News Editor, Aizawl Thupuan,
Treasury Square, Aizawl.
Mr. L.T. lalrinmawia
Asstt. Engineer, Directorate of Local Administration,
Thakthing Tlang, Aizawl.
Mr. Lalkhawingaiha
Co-ordinator, Aizawl Building Centre Society,
Chawlhhmun, Aizawl.
Mr. C. Lalremtluanga
Staff Officer, industrial Department,
Zidco, Aizawl
Mr. David Lalmuanpuia
Executive member, C/o F. Hrangvela&sons,
Zidco Building, Upper Khatla, Aizawl.
Mr. B. S. Bhakuni
D&PO,66 ENGR REGT, C/o 99 APO, Army
Mr. Sukumar Haobam
Design Consultant, Top Leikai, Singjamei,
Imphal, 795008, Manipur.
Mr. Lalbiaksanga
Executive Engineer, EE(P) Trandmission Cricle,
P&E Dept.
Aizawl, Mizoram
Mr. H. Lalrinthanga
President, YMA, Tlangnuam, Aizawl.
Mr. R. Lalchhanpuia
E.O.(IND) Rural Development Dept.
Mr. John Zosangliana
E.O., Rural Dev. Department
Chandmari, Aizawl
Ms. Lalrinpuia
Social Worker, Kanaan Veng
HNAM Chhantu
Mr. R. lalronghaka
Co-ordinator, Aizawl Building Centre,
Ramhlun South, Aizawl.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Sharangajit Lisham
Secretary, Craft Society of Manipur, Imphal,
Mr. Nehemiah Panmei
Project Co-ordinator, Tamenglong Bamboo &Cane
Dve. Org. (TAMBAC)
Tamenglong, Manipur
G. Chetan Sharma
Artist, Kakching Bazar, Manipur, (CBTC)
Mr. Susanth C.S.
Industrial Designer,
National Institute of Design, Paldi , Ahmedabad,
Mr. H. Ngurdawla,
Forester, Khatle
Forest Department
K. Ramachandran
Professor, Department of Design,
IIT, Guwahati
Ranjib Baruah
Architect, C/o Designers Plenum,
Ashianasarvodaya path,
Byelane of G.S. Rd. Opp. Rajiv Bhavan,
Guwahati- 781005, Assam
Mr. C.Darrikhuma
Forester, D.F.Os Officer, Aizawl
Ms. Lalrima WII Khiangte
Dev. Officer, Hudco, Aizawl, Mizoram.
Mr. Vaibhav Kaley
Designer, Aproop Nirman, Nagpur
Ms. Chhungi Zahau
Manager, Mizoram Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd.,
Head Office, Aizawl.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Mr. Lalzakhama
SDO (TC), Store Div., Chhinga Veng,
Aizawl, Mizoram.
Technical Staff
Mr. Anjal Goswami
CBTC, Opp to Guwahati Tea Auction Center/
Dispur, 751006 (Assam)
Mr. H. Priyo Km Singh
CBTC, Opp to Guwahati Tea Auction Center/
Dispur, 751006 (Assam)
Mr. Arup Ali CBTC,
Opp to Guwahati Tea Auction Center/G.S.Road,
Dispur, 751006 (Assam)
Mr. Dushmanta Gayan
P.O. Bahhara, Vill. Baligoan
Sonitpur, Assam
Mr. Alok Mahanta
P.O. Barangabari, Vill. Napamua goan,
Sonitput, Assam
Mr. Arupjyoti Goswami
S/o Sjt Sarat Ch. Goswami,
P.O. + Vill Ghahi , Assam
Mr. Sahid Ali
Anmol Machinery House, Guwahati.
Mr. Vijay Singh
PCI Ltd, Guwahati
mr. Amarjit Singh
CBTC Guwahati.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas
Susanth C.S.
Alexander Bosjnak
Graphic Design
Deepa Vijayakumar
Susanth C.S.
affordable bamboo housing in earth quake prone areas