Newsletters_files/Knobbies 11-14
Newsletters_files/Knobbies 11-14
Fall 2014 On The Avenue Knob Mountain North Carolina Motorcycle Chapter BMWMOA #216 BMWRA #53 2013-2014 Officers: President—Seth Purdy V. President—PO Wilson Activities Director—Hal & Bobbi Smith Secretary—Virginia Lackey Newsletter Editor: Chris Lloyd Coming Soon… KNOBBIES Annual Christmas Party Inside this issue: Sunday, December 7, 2014 Morganton Elks Lodge $15 per person RSVP by November 23 (form on page 10) Knobbies Rally A Huge Success!! To all our Knobbies who either showed up at our Rally or helped in any way, I want to thank each and every one of you. It would take the rest of this newsletter to name all the Knobbies who contributed in one way or another. Once again, thanks to all!!!! special 50/50 Prize Winner was Mr. Charles Potts of Charlo tte, NC. He graciously donated his winnings of $316 to the South Mountain Children's Home!! We want to thank him for that great donation. 1 Treasurer—Sharon Wilson Knobbies Annual Christmas Party 1 Knobbies Rally A Huge Success 1 From the President 2 Weekly Sunday Rides Knobbies on Facebook 2 Geno’s Corner 3 Kobbies Rally 2014 Memories 4 Knobbies—Who Are We? 7 For Sale 7 More Rally 2014 Pictures 7 Knobbies Out and About 10 Christmas Party RSVP 10 Election Nomination Form 11 Calendar of Events 12 From the President... Wow, what a rally! For those that missed it, it was a wonderful time; just look at all the pictures. We had a great turnout and it was great to see everybody from far off. Thanks goes to Gene for the organization, Danny and Sharon Wilson, John Wilson, PO Wilson, Daryl and Penny Carswell, Hal and Bobbi Smith, John Nichols, David Lantz, David Burns and everyone else who helped out, led rides and came out to support. It appeared that everyone had a great time and they are looking forward to coming back. want to make sure everyone gets to eat, so please, please, please get this back to us so we can lock you in. Remember also that we usually play Dirty Santa at this party, so if you want to participate, please bring a gift. Please use your own judgment on price. Also remember that the best idea gifts generate the most competition and add more fun in the game. The Business Meeting is coming up in January. It’s election year and in the last newsletter you received the nomination form. The form is in this newsletter as well. Please get those in by November 30th to Danny Wilson. We will put a ballot together and hand out at the Christmas Party for the voting. The ballot will also be put on the website for download to be mailed back in by December 31st. The new team will be announced at the Business Meeting. We’re heading toward the end of the year now and it has flown by fast. Next up is the Christmas party and that will be December 7th at the Elks Lodge in Morganton. The RSVP is in this newsletter and the cost is $15.00 per person…tip not included. Please get this back by November 23rd. This is important because if we don’t get it back, you don’t get a meal. The caterer does not prepare that much extra and we So that’s all I have for now. I’ll let the pictures tell the rest of the rally story! Take care and ride safe, Seth Sunday Rides Knobbies on Facebook The Knobbies meet around 8:00 AM at Timberwoods Restaurant (I-40 Exit 106, Morganton, NC) for breakfast and a day ride. Group leaves between 9–9:30 AM. There is a group page on Facebook where Knobbies can post messages and photos. To access it, create an account, log in and search for “NC Knobbies”. All content on the group page is public and open for all members’ activity. Even if you can’t ride, join us for breakfast and fellowship! First Sunday of every month is “Picnic Sunday.” 2 Geno’s Corner Fifth Annual Ride the Blue Ridge Rally Recap nothing but brag on your great City and the friendliness of all our residents attitudes toward motorcyclists. I know that in the past there has been controversy over Motorcycle Rallies, but as I hope you can see, our BMW crowd attracts some of the nicest people from all over the country that you could find. Each year we grow a little more and as word is spreading I sincerely think we can keep growing. This year attracted 135 participants, the largest we have had to date. If the weather holds next year, I expect to easily break the 150 mark as word spreads. We hope to keep making this a bigger and better rally each year since our proceeds go to the South Mountain Children’s Home. I hope as the word spreads we will be able to make a very significant contribution in the years to come. It is just amazing how many of our attendees come up to me and are so impressed with the facilities, the knowledge of our “Knobbie” roads and the friendliness of not only our Knobbies but of all the people in our area. As such, I have attached my letter to the editor and an email from one of the attendees. Once again, I cannot express enough gratitude for all the help, and to all our Knobbies who volunteer their time and money. After reading this below, there’s not much more I can say, except to again, thank all you Knobbies out there for putting on the show!! Gene Smith Rally Master Knob Mountain Motorcycle Chapter “Knobbies" A BMW Motorcycle affiliated Club Letter to the Editor, the News Herald, Morganton, NC An email from Lynn Barbee To: Council Members, The Honorable Mel Cohen, Gary Leonhardt Dear Mayor and Council Members, Gentlemen, I have just returned from my second motorcycle rally in Morganton sponsored by the Knobbies motorcycle club. I travel often from Raleigh to motorcycle events and this is quickly becoming my favorite. Thank you so much for hosting the event. The Catawba Meadows park is a wonderful facility. I wanted to take this time to thank the City of Morganton, and all the Staff with the Parks and Recreation Department for co-sponsoring our Fifth Annual “Ride with the Knobbies” motorcycle rally. As you may or may not know, we are a local BMW Motorcycle affiliated club and as such, we have a number of long distance riders nationwide. Your great facilities at the Catawba Meadows Park is quickly becoming known as a “go to” facility. Great camping areas, great Facilities, and with the addition of the exceptional shower area, has turned this into a first class facility. This year, we have visitors from as far away as Canada, Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania and many other states. I am consistently impressed with the hospitality of your residents. I can’t count the number of times they would come over, ask us about our bikes, where we had been riding, offer tips on local sites and restaurants and just welcome us to your fine town. They even let us play with their dogs. Since attending last year, we always make Morganton a stop when travelling that way. I have introduced my family and friends to Judges BBQ. I know it’s supposed to be a secret, so I won’t tell too many more people about it. I don’t know how to express my gratitude to Mr. Gary Leonhardt, Tim Knipp and staff for all their help, the Marine Corps League for sponsoring their morning breakfast to help with the Toys for Tots campaign, the Burke County Tourist development association for all their literature and again, the City of Morganton. Also, Mr. Phil Scarborough for his food vending. All this has contributed to great Rallies. With my sincere thanks, Lynn Barbee Again, THANK YOU KNOBBIES!!!! It may help to know that every attendee has done Gene Smith 3 Knobbies Rally 2014 Memories Grand Prize Winner: Mr. Mike McNabb, Athens Georgia… Congrats to him! It was a $ 300 Bluetooth helmet set. And the Brown Mountain Lights… there is still nothing out there to account for the lights. Mt. Mitchell Rally Ride 4 Dual Sport Rides 5 Defiance Distillery Tour Ride 6 The Knobbies—Who Are We? The Knobbies are a group of touring motorcycle enthusiasts with about 200 international members. We meet every Sunday for a day ride to an unknown destination for lunch, then ride a different route home. Most rides consist of about 200 to 300 miles and are usually confined to back roads. Some of the popular destinations include state parks, Blue Ridge Parkway and various locations in Virginia, Tennessee and South Carolina. Started and based as a BMW motorcycle organization, the Knobbies are supported by the BMW Riders Association and the BMW Motorcycle Organization of America. You do not have to ride a BMW to be a member of the Knobbies. We accept all types of motorcycles, but we prefer responsible riders who enjoy the touring aspect of motorcycling. For Sale Lees-ure Lite Camper for Sale...$3000.00 1 person, can accommodate 2 Contact Earl Jenkins at 828-292-9275 for more info More Rally Memories 7 Catawba Meadows Rally Site 8 More Memories... 9 Knobbies Out and About Oct—Ride w/Mark Bowman Oct—Gary’s new bike! Aug—Here the six brave and fearless Knobbies who rode through the rain today to eat at the Straightaway Cafe. Thanks Buddy for leading the way. Great fun! 10 11 2014-15 Calendar of Events December 7 Other motorcycle events on Knobbies Christmas Party Morganton Elks Lodge, Morganton, NC Find more local events on our website January TBD—Knobbies Annual Business Meeting Morganton, NC March 6-15 Daytona Bike Week Daytona Beach, FL May 8-17 Myrtle Beach Bike Week Myrtle Beach, SC TBD—Knobbies Campout Iron Horse Motorcycle Lodge 2603 Shady Grove Road Connelly Springs, NC 28612 Knob Mountain NC Motorcycle Chapter Newsletter—Fall 2014 12
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