March 2011 - Clay Electric


March 2011 - Clay Electric
The newsletter for
members of
Clay Electric
Cooperative, Inc.
MARCH 2011
Your 2010
Report &
Employees donate to
Extreme Makeover family
Last month, Clay Electric’s
employees raised nearly
$3,500 to help co-op member Carrie Prewitt and her
family with their electric
bills after they received a
new home courtesy of the
Extreme Makeover: Home
Edition TV show. Above,
Co-op General Manager/
CEO Ricky Davis (left) presented a check for $3,426.94
to Carrie and Taylor Brewer (2nd from left) and Gina
Brewer (right) on Feb. 16 in
front of their new home in
Middleburg. Clay personnel (at right) were involved
in building service to the
home. See story & photos
on pages 16-17.
MARCH 2011
Reports from the
board president
and general manager/CEO... pages
2010 financial
report summary...
page 7
A look at some of
the issues lawmakers will consider in the Legislative session...
page 8
Notice of Annual
Meeting... pages
juniors have been
selected to go to
Washington, D.C.
in June as winners
of Clay Electric’s
2011 Youth Tour to
Washington contest.
The four winners are:
Lily Greenstein of
Williston High School,
Natalie Jones of P. K.
Yonge, Chelsey Hendry
The winners of Clay Electric’s 2011 Youth Tour to
of Columbia High
School, and Anna Shao Washington contest are Chelsey Hendry, Lily Greenstein, Natalie Jones and Anna Shao.
of Orange Park High
School. The alternates are Hannah Emerson of Santa Fe High
School and William Stokes of St. Johns Country Day School. The
winners were selected based on their combined scores from a
speech and written quiz. The group of students, selected by their
respective high schools to participate, were in Tallahassee the
week of Feb. 8-10 to participate in the Youth Tour contest and
also tour state government buildings and learn about how the
government operates. The Youth Tour to Washington event lasts
a week.
SCHOOL SENIORS... In May, the Clay Electric Youth Scholarship program will award 24 one-time scholarships of $1,000
each to outstanding high school seniors. The annual scholarship
program is limited to any public, private or home-schooled high
school senior whose home (primary residence) is served by Clay
Electric and who will be graduating from high school at the end
of the applicable school year. To provide an equal representation
of scholarship winners throughout the Clay Electric service area,
no more than one student at a given public school can receive a
scholarship. If your child is a senior in high school and planning
to attend college, he/she is encouraged to apply. Scholarship applications are available at, at each of the co-op’s
six district offices and at area high schools. Deadline is April 1.
Members making efficiency improvements to their homes now
have one year to submit their application. Clay Electric’s Energy
Smart Rebate program offers rebates for ceiling insulation, and
installation of high efficiency heat pumps, solar water heating
systems, window film, radiant barriers, heat pump water
heaters and heat recovery units (HRU’s). To qualify for a rebate,
members must complete and submit an application within one
year from the day the energy efficiency improvement work is
completed. Previously the rebate application had to be made
within 60 days. More information about this program can be
found by visiting
MARCH 2011
KILOWATT is published six times a year (in January, March, May, July, September & November) by
Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc., Highway 100 West,
Keystone Heights, Florida, as an informational
and educational service to its member-owners.
SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $1 a year, to Clay Electric members. Periodicals class postage paid at
Keystone Heights, Fla. and at additional mailing
offices. USPS 783-900; ISSN 1087-4747.
Meets March 22 in Keystone Heights
at 12:30 p.m.
Kelley Smith–President
Palatka–District 2
Laura Dean–Vice President
Keystone Heights–District 1
John Henry Whitehead–Secretary
Lake Butler–District 7
Susan Reeves–Treasurer
Hawthorne–District 3
Carl Malphurs–Trustee
Alachua–District 4
Robert Mullins - Trustee
Starke–District 5
Floyd Gnann - Trustee
Middleburg–District 6
Cedrick Smith–Trustee
Micanopy–District 8
Angus Hastings - Trustee
Fort McCoy - District 9
Ricky Davis–General Manager/CEO
Henry Barrow–Director
Member & Public Relations
Herman Dyal–Director
Chip Gray–Director
Human Resources
Mark Maxwell–Director
Finance & Administrative Services
Bruce McHollan–Director
Information & Communication Technology
Howard Mott­­–Director
Cheryl Rogers - Director
Internal Audit
Bill Thompson–Director
District Operations
Derick Thomas–Gainesville & Lake City
Tommy Tomlinson–Keystone Heights
Andy Chaff–Orange Park
Jim Beeler–Palatka & Salt Springs
Wayne T. Mattox- Manager of Communications
Kathy Richardson - Editor
P.O. Box 308, Keystone Heights, Florida 32656 Telephone (352) 473-8000
POSTMASTER: In using Form 3579, please give key letter and mail to KILOWATT, P.O. Box 308, Keystone Heights, FL 32656.
MARCH 2011
The President’s Message
Kelley Smith
Excellent service, Capital Credits two benefits
of membership; Annual Meeting is March 24
t’s my privilege as president
to present to you our special
Annual Report issue of the
In this issue you’ll find key
information about your cooperative, including a report from
General Manager/CEO Ricky
Davis, year-ending financial information, the Official Notice of
Annual Meeting and a preview
of activities planned for the Annual Meeting which will be held
later this month in Keystone
From a financial standpoint,
Clay Electric remained strong
during 2010. We returned $5
million in Capital Credits last
year, and we are returning the
same amount this year. Our
ability to return Capital Credits
is a good indicator of the sound
financial health of your cooperative. Capital Credits are a
distinct benefit of being served
by an electric co-op.
I’m proud of the fact that our
electric rates remained among
the lowest in the state last year.
Our residential rate for 1,000
kilowatt hours of electricity
averaged $109.63 for the year.
Rate surveys have confirmed
our very competitive rate position, and this is something that
should please members of Clay
Our Annual Meeting will take
place on Thursday, March 24.
It’s the most important event for
you to attend as a member of
the cooperative.
The main purpose of the
meeting is to elect three members to the board of trustees. On
this year’s ballot are incumbent
trustees Carl Malphurs (District
4), Floyd Gnann (District 6) and
me (Kelley Smith –District 2).
The trustee candidates will be
voted upon by all members who
attend and register to vote at
our Annual Meeting.
There are lots of activities
planned for the Annual Meeting, and I urge you to read
more about these activities on
page 12.
Our guest
will be
Knowles. He was our guest
speaker at our 2006 Annual
Meeting. Balsam Range will
provide the musical entertainment. The band uses a creative
blend of bluegrass, folk, gospel
and jazz for a unique musical
Lunch will be served at noon,
plus there are energy-related
exhibits and the popular health
screenings. Over 100 door prizes will be given away to lucky
ticket holders. Grand prize is a
2003 Chevy S-10 pickup with a
regular cab and short bed.
In conclusion, all of us at Clay
Electric appreciate the support
you’ve shown us over the years.
You can count on us to do our
best to provide you with competitive electric rates and excellent service in the future.
Five bylaws amendments on Annual Meeting ballot
embers who attend our Annual Meeting
on March 24 and register to vote will be
asked to vote on five amendments to the co-op’s
These proposed bylaws changes improve and
better disclose some of our business practices
and help make Clay Electric even more accountable by strengthening the qualifications
required to become and remain a trustee at Clay
Here’s a brief overview of the five amendments:
1. Amend Article III - Meeting of Members,
SECTION 3. Notice of Members’ Meetings. This
change gives more flexibility in notifying members of meetings and could result in savings to
the cooperative.
2. Amend Article IV - Trustees, SECTION
3. Qualifications. This change expands the list
of qualifications which members must comply with if they want to become and remain a
MARCH 2011
3. Amend Article IV - Trustees, SECTION 6.
Removal of Trustees by Members. This change
expands and clarifies procedures to remove a
trustee from the board by members, and adds a
section (b) which adds procedures for removal
of trustees by the board of trustees.
4. Amend Article IV - Trustees, SECTION
8. Compensation. This change discloses that
members of the board of trustees are eligible to
participate in the same medical insurance program that employees participate in.
5. Amend Article VII - Non-Profit Operations,
SECTION 2. Patronage Capital in Connection
with Furnishing Electric Energy. This change
discloses how capital credits received from
Seminole Electric Cooperative (Clay’s energy
provider) will be retired to members of Clay
Electric. The board of trustees recommends that you
vote to approve these amendments.
The General Manager’s Report
Ricky Davis
Despite slow economy, we continued our
focus on excellent service, affordable power
ike most electric utilities
around the nation, Clay
Electric has been affected
by the national economic slowdown that began a couple of
years ago.
While the turbulent economic
times have subsided somewhat,
it’s still having an impact on us
in many ways. For example,
we’ve seen fewer new connects,
our costs for metals and materials have risen considerably,
and we’ve unfortunately seen
an increase in the number of
members experiencing financial
difficulty due to job losses and
the bad economy.
I want to share some information about how we worked
to provide our members with
affordable power, maintain our
distribution system and expand
the services we offer.
Throughout last year, we
focused on providing excellent service and competitively
priced power. We consistently
remained lower than 14 other
electric co-ops in the state, and
lower than many of our neighboring utilities.
Last fall, our board of trustees
approved a small rate increase
that went into effect the first
of this year. Despite this small
increase, our residential rates
remain very competitive with
utilities around the state. We
will continue to strive to offer
you affordable power and topnotch service.
Our focus at last year’s Strategic Planning session was on
maintaining our financial stability during a period of economic
uncertainty and to prepare for
the likely passage of environmental legislation that could
affect our operations and those
of our power supplier.
The economic slowdown
caused a 12 percent decline in
the number of new homes being
added to our system, but that’s
an improvement over the 40
percent decline we experienced
in 2009.
We remain cautiously optimistic that economic conditions
will improve this year, and early
signs seem to indicate that the
economy is slowly recovering.
We’re anticipating a 1 percent
growth in our membership
this year. We will continue to
monitor the long-term financial
impact the recent economic
slowdown has had on the cooperative.
During 2010, our members
continued to utilize a variety
of payment methods. Our
members increased their use of
Fidelity Express by 6 percent,
and we’re averaging about 4,000
debit/credit card payments
monthly. Internet payments
have also increased substantially, and we’re now averaging 20,000 per month. This is
an increase of over 2,000 from
2009. Also, payments remitted electronically increased by
3 percent, and is currently up
to 46 percent of all payments
Employees devoted a lot of
effort last year to the conversion of our Customer Information System to a new system
that will serve us well into the
future. This system is critical to
our ability to provide essential
member services. The vendor that won the contract was
Harris-Cayenta. As we began
the process to transition to our
new CIS,
an in-house
work team
was established to work with the Cayenta
personnel, and a work space in
our Engineering building was
set aside just for this project. A
lot of effort among our employees is being expended to ensure
this new system will meet our
expectations when it goes live
late this year.
We continue to explore new
channels of communications
in order to reach our members
with information that they can
use and benefit from. In conjunction with a project sponsored by our power supplier
(Seminole Electric), our Member
& Public Relations Department
produced three video programs
which discussed portable generator safety, energy efficiency
issues and how cooperative
businesses benefit their members. These were placed on YouTube to make it easier to access
these videos.
Our employees continued
their community involvement
this year by raising $10,000 for
Relay for Life, a fundraising
effort by the American Cancer
Society. Since our employees
got involved in the Relay for
Life effort back in 2002, they’ve
managed to raise over $85,000
for this great cause. The cooperative, through its corporate
sponsorship of Relay events,
has contributed just over
$22,000 since 2002.
During this past Christmas
holiday period, a number of our
employees conducted food and
gift drives to help less fortunate
families in their communities.
MARCH 2011
And we appreciate the support our members show toward
Project Share. Funds collected
through our Project Share
program enables the Salvation
Army to assist families with
their electric bills when they
experience difficult times. As I
mentioned, we’re seeing more
families who have needed assistance due to layoffs and tough
economic times.
Members took advantage of
our Energy Rebate and Loan
programs last year. Nearly
1,500 members received rebates
totaling $361,517 which generated an anticipated reduction in
usage of 7.7 million kilowatts.
Energy efficiency loans totaled
nearly $700,000 for a variety of
energy efficiency upgrades.
We also completed 814
energy surveys in 2010, which
helps homeowners get the most
benefit from their electricity
Our employees continued
to emphasize an outstanding
attitude toward safety last year.
On Dec. 11, 2010 we celebrated
12 consecutive months that our
employees worked without
experiencing a lost-time injury.
The last time we had a lost-time
injury was Dec. 11, 2009. Quite a
few of our districts and departments have outstanding safety
records and we’re very proud
of this achievement. Our daily
safety goal is for each of our
employees to go home to their
family without injury.
Much work was accomplished during the year to
maintain the reliability of our
distribution and transmission
systems. Transmission line
upgrades were performed in
several areas last year, and
maintenance and upgrades
were performed at 30 of our
distribution substations. We had
nearly 22,000 poles treated this
year to ensure their integrity,
and tree-related outages were
much below normal, a tribute to
MARCH 2011
Here’s how each dollar was spent
our danger tree removal program and continuing vegetation
management efforts. We had
software upgrades installed for
three systems which are used by
our Control Center personnel.
During 2010 we monitored
a variety of legislative issues
in Tallahassee and Washington
that could impact our ability to
provide competitively priced
power, and many of you responded when we asked you to
participate in our call to action
efforts. We may call on you
again this year to assist us in
voicing concerns over legislative
matters. There are a number of
legislative proposals being considered in Washington and in
Tallahassee which we’re watching closely, and which could
impact your cost of power.
Last year we polled state and
federal candidates on four critical energy issues and published
the results in the Kilowatt to
help educate our members
about the candidates’ views
before voting. We also make a
sincere effort to reach out to the
federal and state legislators that
represent our North Florida service area to explain how energy
legislation could impact our
members’ cost of power.
We intend to keep you informed when these issues come
up. It’s so very important for
the folks that you elect to office
to understand how the energy
issues they’ll vote on can affect
your cost of electricity.
In closing, we accomplished
much on your behalf during
2010. We must continue to
prepare for the many challenges
that will come our way in the
future. Be assured that we will
work hard to provide you with
affordable and reliable power,
we’ll seek new ways to serve
you, and we pledge to maintain the cooperative’s financial
health so that it’s ready and able
to meet your power needs in the
coming years.
As always, we appreciate the
opportunity to serve you.
The Board of Trustees
The cooperative’s Board of Trustees is composed
of a group of nine Clay Electric Cooperative members. Each member of the Board of Trustees represents one of the nine trustee districts that make up
the co-op’s service area.
The Board of Trustees meets monthly at the coop’s central office in Keystone Heights. Each member of the Board of Trustees serves a three-year term.
The terms are staggered so that three members of
the board are up for election each year.
Trustee district meetings are held each year in late
January or early February for the purpose of selecting one or two candidates for the position of trustee
from each of the three districts.
Members are elected to the Board of Trustees at
the co-op’s Annual Meeting, which is held each year
on the fourth Thursday in March.
Serving as officers on the Board of Trustees for
2010 were: Kelley Smith - president, Laura Dean vice president, John Henry Whitehead - secretary,
and Susan Reeves - treasurer. Each year, following
the co-op’s Annual Meeting, the board elects its officers.
Clay Electric’s Board of Trustees
Laura Dean
District 1
Carl Malphurs
District 4
Robert Mullins
District 5
Floyd Gnann
District 6
John Henry Whitehead
District 7
Clay Electric’s Trustee District Map
Kelley Smith Jr.
District 2
Susan Reeves
District 3
Cedrick Smith Jr.
District 8
Angus Hastings
District 9
MARCH 2011
Copies of audited financial statements are available upon request.
Financial Statements
Years Ending December 31
Energy Sales.................................................................
Other Electric Revenues...............................................
Total Operating Revenues ..........................................
Purchased Power...........................................................
Transmission and Generation........................................
Customer Accounting....................................................
Customer Service & Information...................................
Administrative & General...............................................
Other Deductions .........................................................
Total Expenses..............................................................
Operating Margins........................................................
Non-Operating Margins................................................
Capital Credits from Associated Organizations...........
Total Margins.................................................................
$ 337,270,212
$ 368,671,764
$ 344,677,666
$ 376,455,516
$ 266,845,872
$ 293,497,375
$ 342,285,368
$ 376,056,239
As of December 31
Cash/Cash Equivalents.................................................
Accounts Receivable....................................................
Other Current & Accrued Assets..................................
Deferred Debits.............................................................
Net Utility Plant..............................................................
Total Assets..................................................................
$ 475,211,721
$ 515,558,996
Notes Payable & Lines of Credit...................................
Accounts Payable..........................................................
Customer Deposits........................................................
Other Current & Accrued Liabilities...............................
Deferred Credits & Miscellaneous Reserves ...............
Total Liabilities.............................................................
$ 173,475,540
$ 193,975,540
$ 219,014,397
$ 254,304,396
Membership Fees..........................................................
Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income.................
Capital Credits...............................................................
Total Equities................................................................
Total Liabilities and Equities.......................................
$ 256,197,324
$ 475,211,721
Average Number of Members Receiving Service Per Month.......
Total kWh Purchased by Cooperative Members.......................... 2,515,580,298
Average Monthly Residential kWh Usage....................................
Total kWh Purchased by Cooperative.......................................... 2,641,033,405
Cost of Power Purchased by Cooperative...................................
Average Cost per kWh Purchased by Cooperative.....................
Clay Peak Demand in Kilowatts (kW)..........................................
Month of Clay Peak Demand.......................................................
MARCH 2011
$ 261,254,600
$ 515,558,996
A preview of the 2011 Florida Legislative session
Jobs, renewable energy legislation & budget
shortfall compete for lawmakers’ attention
By Mike Bjorklund,
Director of
Legislative Affairs,
Florida Electric
Association, Inc.
Tallahassee, Fla.
lorida’s annual legislative
session began on Tuesday, March 8th, but the
work actually got underway
immediately after the elections
in November, when legislators
began filing bills and holding
committee hearings.
In addition to the new legislators, Floridians were able to
elect a new Governor and an
entire Cabinet on the same ballot for the first time in over one
hundred years.
As Florida’s economy remains
depressed and unemployment
hovers around 12 percent, legislators will be focusing on efforts
to create jobs.
Newly elected Gov. Rick Scott
has made jobs his first priority.
The Governor, in conjunction
with the legislature, will strive
to reduce and streamline regulations to promote an environment that will benefit Florida’s
businesses and attract new
businesses. In addition, the
Governor and legislators must
address the budget shortfall
of over $3 billion in order to
comply with the requirement in
Florida’s Constitution to have a
balanced budget.
The debate on whether or
not to mandate more renewable energy in Florida will be a
prominent issue again this year.
Most renewable energy is much
more expensive, less reliable,
and limited in availability compared to traditional generating
methods. Clay EC’s wholesale
power provider, Seminole
Electric Cooperative, has been
able to purchase approximately
5 percent of its total generation
from renewable energy at costs
comparable to more traditional
fossil fuels. However, absent
a breakthrough in technology,
competitively priced renewable
options in Florida have been
virtually exhausted.
A federal or state mandate
to purchase more renewable
energy will cost Seminole and
all electric utilities considerably
more and will ultimately increase the costs to Clay Electric’s
Some legislators are looking
for ways subsidize renewable
alternatives. One bill under
consideration this year would
add a 25 cents per month tax to
every electric utility customer
in the State including members
of Clay Electric. This tax would
be used to subsidize renewable projects and to continue
the rebate program to aid in
the purchase of solar panels for
homes and businesses. Under
this proposal, Clay Electric
members would pay the tax and
ultimately would be responsible
for Clay Electric’s administrative costs associated with the
tax. Additionally, under the
current structure of the legislation there would be no guarantee that Clay Electric members
would receive any benefits from
this tax.
Another bill under consideration would expand renewable
energy at the expense of electric
utility customers by allowing a
third party renewable generator
(less than 5MW) to interconnect
to an electric utility’s electric
system and also allow the
renewable generator to provide
electric service to certain utility
customers with no regulatory
This proposal would
undermine the current regulatory regime and shift a significant
amount of the utility’s costs to
its other customers. The utility
would be forced to reevaluate
its load forecasting and planning methods which could lead
to a less reliable generation design and increased costs to the
general body of ratepayers.
The legislative session in
Tallahassee is presenting many
challenges for the electric cooperatives, but there are policy
directives coming from Washington, D.C., that will certainly
be more onerous.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has adopted
a rule to restrict the amount
of numeric nutrients, such as
nitrogen and phosphorus, in
Florida’s water.
This EPA rule only applies to
Florida and will take effect in
March 2012. If the EPA enforces
this rule, it will have disastrous
consequences on Florida’s
economy. The rule will impact
farmers, water and sewer utilities and some power plants.
Seminole’s coal fired plant
near Palatka would be required
to install an estimated $60 million worth of upgrades in addition to spending an additional
$10 million per year on extra
operating and maintenance
costs. It is estimated that the
overall cost of compliance with
this rule would be $700/year for
Florida families.
The EPA is considering at
least 15 additional rules that
will drastically increase the
costs of maintaining and operating existing and future power
plants, which could result in the
shuttering of some coal-fired
power plants thereby jeopardizing the reliability of the electric
Continued on page 9
MARCH 2011
2011 Legislative Directory
Some tips on getting your point across to legislators...
egislators are generally
very interested in the opinions of their constituents.
Lawmakers like to know that
their support for or opposition
to a certain piece of legislation
reflects the sentiments of the
residents in their district.
If, during this year’s Legislative session, a bill is introduced
that you have strong feelings
about, consider writing a letter to your representative and/
or senator. However, there are
a few guidelines to consider
before taking action.
Your legislators receive a huge
amount of phone calls and mail.
Unfortunately, their full agendas
limit their ability to personally
read and respond to all calls and
letters. How then, can you be
sure your voice is heard? Here
are some tips to help you get the
most impact out of your communications with your legislators.
General Tips...
Know who your legislators
are and how to contact them.
Information in the Kilowatt Legislative Directory will help you
get started. For those who have
access to the Internet, there’s lots
of resource information available about the Florida Legislature and individual lawmakers.
One useful website address is
Make sure you understand
the legislative process. Even the
most basic understanding of the
process will help you effectively
express your ideas. There’s information on the Internet that will
help you in this area.
Contact your legislator about
a particular issue before the
Legislature takes action on it.
Most matters coming before the
Legislature are well publicized
before the session.
Use a variety of communica-
When you contact your legislator...
Some tips to help you if you decide to write, call or
visit your legislator.
- Address letters to members of the House of Representatives as follows: The Honorable John Doe, Florida
House of Representatives. Address letters to senators this
way: Senator Jane Doe, The Capitol.
- Be absolutely certain you spell your legislator’s
name correctly and use the correct address.
- Type or print legibly. Sign your name neatly and
give your address correctly so they can respond.
- Keep letters, e-mail and faxes brief. Never write more
than one page. Short and to-the-point is more likely to
grab and keep their attention.
- Identify your issue at the beginning of the letter.
Don’t bury your main point under trivial text.
- Cover only one issue per letter. If you have another
issue to address, write another letter.
- Back up your opinions with supporting facts.
- Avoid abbreviations, acronyms & technical jargon.
- Don’t send the same letter to more than one legislator. Personalized letters have more impact.
When telephoning or visiting your legislator...
- Plan your call or visit carefully. Keep to the point
and discuss only one issue. Organize your thoughts
ahead of time & make notes to help you stay on track.
- When planning to visit your legislator, make an
- Prepare a fact sheet on your issue to give to your
legislator. This will help him or her better retain what
you present.
Mike Bjorklund’s Report - from page 8
For example, the EPA is using
its powers as a federal agency to
regulate carbon dioxide under
the Clean Air Act and Clean
Water Act, even though neither
Act was intended to regulate
carbon dioxide.
We believe this policy should
be addressed by your elected
officials in Congress through
legislation not by EPA or the
MARCH 2011
tion methods. You might choose
to telephone, write, e-mail,
fax, or visit your legislator.
You might also choose to give
testimony at public hearings
held by the Legislature. To give
testimony, you would need to
contact the appropriate committee secretary before the hearing
to sign up.
Tell your legislator what effect you think a particular bill,
if it becomes law, will have on
you, your children, business,
or community. Be concise, but
Be polite, even if you disagree
strongly with the legislator you
are addressing. Lawmakers
cannot please everyone. Your
communication will be more
effective if you are reasonable
in your approach.
Suggest a course of action
and offer assistance. Don’t
make promises or threats.
If all of EPA’s proposed rules
are adopted it will be extremely
difficult, if not impossible, to
build new coal (and possibly
natural gas) power plants and
could ultimately lead to the shut
down of some existing power
plants, which together could
have potentially catastrophic
effects on the reliability of the
electric grid.
We are very concerned about
the potential impact on electric
cooperatives and their members if EPA implements its rules
and if laws are changed to give
renewable energy producers
special privileges and subsidies.
That is why electric cooperatives are working closely with
other stakeholders, state and
federal officials to find solutions
to these proposed rules and the
other issues before Congress
and the Florida legislature.
2011 Legislative Directory
Florida House of Representatives
Leonard L. Bembry (D)
House District 10
Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Franklin,
Hamilton, Jefferson, Levy, Madison,
Taylor, Wakulla counties. Chiefland
office: 23 Southeast 2nd Ave., Chiefland, FL 32626, Ph. (352) 493-6848;
Tallahassee: 1003 The Capitol, 402 S.
Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL 32399;
Ph: (850) 488-7870; E-mail: leonard.
Elizabeth Porter (R)
House District 11
Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Gilchrist,
Lafayette, Suwannee counties Address: 678 SE Baya Drive, Lake
City, FL 32025. Ph. (386) 719-4600;
Tallahassee: (850) 488-9835; E-mail:
Janet H. Adkins (R)
House District 12
Baker, Bradford, Clay, Duval, Nassau,
Union counties. Address: 905 S. 8th
St., Fernandina Beach, FL 32034-3706
Ph: (904) 491-3664; Starke office: (904)
966-6215; Tallahassee: (850) 488-6920;
E-mail: janet.adkins@myfloridahouse.
Daniel Davis (R)
House District 13
Clay, Duval counties
Address: 8970 103rd St., Suite 10,
Jacksonville, FL 32210-8689
Ph: (904) 573-4994; Tallahassee:
(850) 488-5102; E-mail: daniel.
Mike Weinstein (R)
House District 19
Clay, Duval, St. Johns counties. Address: 155 Blanding
Blvd., Suite 10, Orange Park,
FL 32073-2624; Ph: (904) 2133005; Tallahassee: (850) 4881304; E-mail: mike.weinstein@
Bill Proctor (R)
House District 20
Clay, Flagler, St. Johns counties.
Address: 900 State Road 16, Suite 2,
St. Augustine, FL 32084-8592;
Ph: (904) 823-2550; Tallahassee:
(850) 488-2977; E-mail: bill.proctor@
Charles Van Zant (R)
House District 21
Bradford, Clay, Lake, Marion, Putnam, Volusia counties. Address:
3841 Reid St., Suite 5, Palatka, FL
32177-2509. Ph: (386) 312-2272;
Tallahassee: (850) 488-0665; Email:
Chuck Chestnut (D)
House District 23
Alachua, Marion
counties. Address:
3141 Northwest 13th
St., Gainesville, FL
32609-2186; Ph.
(352) 955-3083; Tallahassee (850) 4885794; E-mail:charles.
The legislators listed in this
directory serve constituents that
reside within Clay Electric
Co-op’s service area.
Keith Perry (R)
House District 22
Alachua, Levy and Marion counties. Address: 5220 SW 50th
Court, Ocala, FL 34474-5675
Ph: (352) 873-6564; Tallahassee: (850) 488-0887; E-mail:
Dennis Baxley (R)
House District 24
Marion County
Address: 315 South
East 25th Ave.,
Ocala, FL 344712689
Ph: (352) 732-1313;
Tallahassee (850)
488-0335; E-mail:
Fred Costello (R)
House District 26
Flagler, Volusia counties. Address: Room
206 Deland City Hall,
120 S. Florida Ave.,
Deland, FL 32720
Ph: (386) 736-5100;
Tallahassee, (850)
488-9873; E-mail:
MARCH 2011
Florida Senate
U. S. House of
Charlie Dean (R)
Senate District 3
Baker, Citrus, Columbia, Dixie, Hamilton, Jefferson,
Lafayette, Leon, Levy, Madison, Marion, Suwannee, Taylor counties. Address: 415 Tompkins St.,
Inverness, FL 34450 Ph: (352) 860-5175; Statewide:
(866) 538-2831; Tallahassee (850) 487-5017; Ocala
office: (352) 873-6513 E-mail: dean.charles.web@
Stephen Wise (R)
Senate District 5
Parts of Clay, Duval, Nassau and St.
Johns counties
Address: 1460
Cassat Ave., Suite
B, Jacksonville, FL
32205 Ph: (904)
381-6000; Fax
(904) 381-6040;
Tallahassee (850)
Evelyn Lynn (R)
Senate District 7
Parts of Clay,
Marion, Putnam and
Volusia counties
Address: 536 N.
Halifax Ave., Ste.
101, Daytona Beach,
FL 32118. Ph: (386)
238-3180; Fax: (386)
238-3179; Ocala office: (352) 694-0160;
Tallahassee: (850)
487-5033; Statewide ph.: (866) 831-2665;
Steve Oelrich (R)
Senate District 14
Alachua, Bradford,
Columbia, Gilchrist,
Levy, Marion,
Putnam and Union
Address: 4131 NW
28th Lane, Suite
4, Gainesville, FL
32606 Ph: (352)
375-3555; Fax:
(352) 955-6262;
Tallahassee (850) 487-5020; E-mail:
U. S. Senate
Marco Rubio(R)
Address: 356 Russell
Senate Office Building,
D. C. 20510; Ph: (202)
224-3041; Fax: (202)
228-5171; Jacksonville
office: 1650 Prudential
Drive, suite 220, (904)
398-8586 Website:
MARCH 2011
Alan Hays (R)
Senate District 20
Counties: parts of
Lake, Marion, Seminole, Sumter, and
Volusia counties.
Address: 871 South
Central Avenue
Umatilla, FL 32784
(352) 742-6441
Tallahassee: (850)
487-5014; E-mail:
Bill Nelson (D)
Address: 716 Senate
Hart Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
20510; Ph: (202)
224-5274; Fax (202)
228-2183 Jacksonville office: (904)
346-4500; Fax: (904)
346-4506 Website:
Corrine Brown (D)
District 3
Alachua, Clay,
Duval, Lake,
Marion, Orange,
Putnam, Seminole
and Volusia counties. Address: 2336
Rayburn House
Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
Ph: (202) 225-0123; Fax (202) 225-2256
Jacksonville office: (904) 354-1652; Fax:
(904) 354-2721 Website:
Ander Crenshaw (R)
District 4
Baker, Columbia,
Duval, Hamilton,
Jefferson, Leon,
Madison, Nassau and
Union counties
Address: 440 Cannon
House Office Building,
Washington, D.C.
Ph: (202) 225-2501;
Fax: (202) 225-2504;
Jacksonville office
(904) 598-0481; Fax: (904) 598-0486;
Lake City office: (386) 365-3316; Toll free
(888) 755-5607
Cliff Stearns (R)
District 6
Alachua, Bradford, Clay, Duval,
Gilchrist, Lake, Levy
and Marion counties.
Address: 2370 Rayburn House Office
Building, Washington, D. C. 20515
Ph: (202) 225-5744
Fax: (202) 225-3973;
Orange Park office (904) 269-3203;
Gainesville office (352) 337-0003; Ocala
office (352) 351-8777
John Mica (R)
District 7
Flagler, Orange,
Putnam, Seminole,
St. Johns & Volusia
Putnam Office:
Putnam County
Government Complex,
2509 Crill Ave., #200,
Palatka, FL 32177,
Ph: 386-328-1622
Address: 2313 Rayburn House Office
Building, Washington, D. C. 20515
Ph: (202) 225-4035; Fax: (202) 226-0821;
Annual Meeting offers something for everyone
lay Electric’s 73rd
Annual Meeting
will be held on
Thursday, March 24 in
Keystone Heights. Members will find it to be an
activity-filled day, with
Balsam Range (right)
providing the musical
entertainment and guest
speaker Carey Knowles
sharing stories about
growing up in rural
There will be health
screenings, a delicious
grilled chicken lunch,
energy-related exhibits and a chance to win
a door prize. This year’s
grand prize is a 2003
Chevy S-10 pickup truck.
An important part of
the day is the business
portion of the meeting
which takes place beneath
the big tent located alongside Highway 100.
Following a brief
morning session which
begins at 9 a.m., the polls
open for members to cast
Carey Knowles
their ballots to elect three
members to Clay Electric’s
board of trustees. This year’s candidates were selected by members who attended trustee district
Balsam Range
meetings in late January. The candidates are
incumbent trustees. On annual meeting day,
polls will remain open until 5 p.m.
Members who register to vote at the Annual Meeting will receive a CFL light bulb as
a gift.
The afternoon business session begins at
1 p.m. and will include comments by Board
President Kelley Smith and General Manager/CEO Ricky Davis.
As noted before, the day’s musical entertainment will be provided by Balsam Range.
The group, which hails from North Carolina, creatively blends bluegrass, folk, gospel
and jazz into a new American acoustic music
Annual Meeting Schedule of Events
9:00 AM
Opening of Meeting....................Kelley Smith, President, Board of
Certification of Notice of Meeting
Candidates for Trustee placed in Nomination
Appointment of Tellers & Inspectors
Other Announcements
Recess for Voting, Entertainment, Lunch
Entertainment..............................Balsam Range
Grilled chicken lunch
1:00 PM
Meeting Called to Order............Kelley Smith, President
Pledge of Allegiance
Announcement of Quorum
Approval of Minutes of 2010 Meeting
Introduction of Board of Trustees & Management....Kelley Smith
Introduction of Special Guests
Introduction of 2011 Youth Tour winners...........Henry Barrow, Director of
Member & Public Relations
Presentation of Service Anniversaries and Employee of the Year Award
President’s Remarks....................Kelley Smith, President
Manager’s Report....Ricky Davis, General Manager/CEO
Introduction of Speaker of the Day...............Ricky Davis, GM/CEO
Speaker of the Day......................Carey Knowles
Unfinished Business, New Business
Drawing of Door Prizes
Recess Until Poll Closes
5:00 PM
Poll Closes at 5 p.m.
Report of Election Results
MARCH 2011
Official Notice of Annual Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the members of Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc. will be held at the headquarters of the cooperative in Keystone Heights, Clay County,
Florida at 9:00 a.m., Thursday, March 24, 2011 to take action upon the following matters.
(a) The election of a trustee from District No. 2, a trustee from District No. 4 and a trustee
from District No. 6, to serve three-year terms.
(b) The report of officers
(c) To amend Article III (Meeting of Members, SECTION 3. Notice of Members’ Meetings)
of the co-op’s bylaws, to read as follows:
Written or printed notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting and, the purpose
or purposes for which the meeting is called, shall be delivered to each member not less than ten
(10) days nor more than sixty (60) days before the date of the meeting, either personally or by
mail, by or at the direction of the Secretary, or upon a default in duty by the Secretary, by the persons calling the meeting. If mailed, such notice shall be deemed to be delivered when deposited in
the United States mail, addressed to the member at his address as it appears on the records of the
Cooperative, with postage thereon prepaid. The failure of any member to receive notice of an annual or special meeting of the members shall not invalidate any action which may be taken by the
members at any such meeting.
(d) To amend Article IV (Trustees, SECTION 3. Qualifications) of the co-op’s bylaws, to
read as follows:
To become and remain a trustee in the Cooperative an individual must comply with the
following qualifications:
(a) be an individual who is a member and bona fide full time resident of the district which
the individual is to represent for at least 12 months preceding nomination;
(b) have the capacity to enter into legally binding contracts;
(c) have not acquired or have a financial interest in or relationship with an outside organization or individual having business dealings with the Cooperative if this interest or relationship
would likely impair the ability of the trustee to serve the best interests of the Cooperative, and
annually complete and sign a conflict-of-interest certification and disclosure form approved by the
(d) shall not be a related individual to a current trustee as defined in the Conflict of Interest Board Policy;
(e) shall not have been previously removed as a trustee, or shall not have resigned as a
trustee while a proceeding to remove him or her was pending;
(f) while a trustee and during the 5 years immediately before becoming a trustee, not be
convicted of or have plead guilty to a felony or first degree misdemeanor;
(g) while a trustee and during the 3 years immediately before becoming a trustee, not be
an employee of the Cooperative;
(h) except as otherwise provided by board policy for good cause, attend at least two-thirds
of all board meetings during each year of the trustee’s term of office; and
(i) comply with any other reasonable qualifications set forth in policies adopted by the
Upon establishment of the fact that a trustee is holding office in violation of any of the
foregoing provisions, it shall immediately become incumbent upon the board of trustees to remove such trustee from office. Nothing contained in this section shall affect in any manner whatsoever the validity of any action taken at any meeting of the board of trustees.
(e) To amend Article IV (Trustees, SECTION 6. Removal of Trustees by Members) of the coop’s bylaws, to read as follows:
SECTION 6. Removal of Trustees
(a) By the Members: Any member may bring charges against a trustee by filing such
charges in writing with the Secretary, together with a petition signed by at least ten (10) per
centum of the members residing within district served by such trustee, requesting the removal of
Continued on page 14
MARCH 2011
such trustee by reason thereof. The trustee against whom such charges have been brought shall
be informed in writing of the charges at least twenty (20) days prior to the meeting at which the
charges are to be considered and shall have an opportunity at the meeting to be heard in person
or by counsel and to present evidence in respect of the charges; and the person or persons bringing the charges against him shall have the same opportunity. The President shall determine the
order and procedure for hearing the petition at the meeting. The members of the Cooperative
shall be notified of the call for removal and the date and time of the meeting at which the matter will be considered, as provided in Article III, Section 3 of these Bylaws. The question of the
removal of such trustee shall be considered and voted upon at the next regular or special meeting of the members. Any vacancy created by such removal may be filled by the Board of Trustees
in accordance with Section 7 of this Article.
(b) By Board of Trustees: Any member of the Board of Trustees may call for removal for
cause of a fellow Trustee by filing with the Secretary a written statement of the allegations (Statement) constituting cause for removal. The Statement must be signed by no less than four of
the current Trustees. The Statement shall be delivered to the affected Trustee by USPS certified
mail return receipt requested, by hand delivery, or by an overnight courier services for which a
receipt is given. The Board shall then conduct a preliminary hearing on the Statement no sooner
than ten days after delivery of the Statement to determine if there is probable cause to proceed
with a removal action as specified herein. The affected Trustee shall have an opportunity at the
preliminary hearing to be heard in person or by counsel and to admit or deny the allegations in
the Statement. At the conclusion of the preliminary hearing, the Board shall convene an executive session to either determine that there is no probable cause to proceed with the removal
action, in which event the matter shall be closed, or determine that there is probable cause and
set the matter for a removal hearing as hereinafter set forth. If the Board determines that there
is probable cause for removal of the affected Trustee, the matter will be considered at the next
regular meeting of the Board of Trustees or at a special meeting of the Board called for that
purpose, subject to the notice requirements of these Bylaws. At the meeting where the removal
of the Trustee shall be considered, the Trustee shall have an opportunity to be heard in person
or by counsel and to present evidence in respect of the charges. The Trustee or Trustees bringing the charges against the affected Trustee shall have the same opportunity. The President shall
determine the order and procedure for hearing the removal action. The members of the Cooperative shall be notified of the call for removal and the date and time of the meeting at which the
matter will be considered, as provided in Article III, Section 3, of these Bylaws. The question
of the removal of the Trustee shall be considered and determined by a majority of the Trustees
present and voting at the meeting. The vacancy created by a removal may be filled by the Board
of Trustees in accordance with Section 7 of this article.
(f) To amend Article IV (Trustees, SECTION 8. Compensation) of the co-op’s bylaws, to
read as follows:
Trustees as such shall not receive any salary for their services, but by resolution of the
board of trustees, trustees may receive a fixed sum, for each day or portion thereof spent on
Cooperative business, such as attendance at meetings, conferences, and training programs or
performing committee assignments when authorized by the board of trustees. If authorized by
the board of trustees, trustees may also be reimbursed for expenses actually and necessarily incurred in carrying out such Cooperative business or granted a reasonable per diem allowance by
the board of trustees in lieu of detailed accounting for some of these expenses. The board may,
by appropriate resolution, authorize trustees to be eligible for comprehensive medical insurance on the same basis as the Cooperatives’ employees. No trustee shall receive compensation
for serving the Cooperative in any other capacity, nor shall any close relative of a trustee receive
compensation for serving the Cooperative, unless the payment of compensation shall be specifically authorized by a vote of the members, or the service by such trustee or close relative shall
have been certified by the board of trustees as an emergency measure.
(g) To amend Article VII (Non-Profit Operations, SECTION 2. Patronage Capital in Connection with Furnishing Electric Energy), Paragraphs 2 & 5, of the co-op’s bylaws, to read as
(Paragraph 2) The Cooperative is obligated to pay by credits to a capital account for each
MARCH 2011
patron all such amounts in excess of operating costs and expenses. The books and records of
the Cooperative shall be set up and kept in such manner that at the end of each fiscal year the
amount of capital, if any, so furnished by each patron is clearly reflected and credited in an appropriate record to the capital account of each patron; and the Cooperative shall within a reasonable time after the close of the fiscal year notify each patron of the amount of capital so credited
to their account.
(Paragraph 5) In the event of dissolution or liquidation of the Cooperative, after all
outstanding indebtedness of the Cooperative shall have been paid, outstanding capital credits
shall be retired without priority on a pro rata basis before any payments are made on account of
property rights of members. If, at any time prior to dissolution or liquidation, the board of trustees shall determine that the financial condition of the Cooperative will not be impaired thereby,
the capital then credited to patrons’ accounts may be retired in full or in part. If the Cooperative
separately identified and allocated capital credits representing capital credits or similar amounts
allocated to the Cooperative by an Entity, such as Seminole Electric Cooperative, in which the
Cooperative is or was a member, patron, or owner, then the Cooperative may retire and pay
these capital credits in association with when the Entity retires and pays the capital credits or
similar amounts to the Cooperative. The board of trustees shall determine the method, basis,
priority and order of retirement, if any, for all amounts thereafter furnished as capital. Capital
credited to the account of each patron shall be assignable only on the books of the Cooperative
pursuant to written instruction from the assignor and only to successors in interest or successors
in occupancy of all or part of such patron’s premises served by the Cooperative, unless the board
of trustees acting under policies of general application shall determine otherwise. In the event a
non-member patron shall elect to become a member of the Cooperative, the capital credited to
the account of such non-member patron may be applied by the Cooperative toward the payment
of a membership fee on behalf of such non-member patron.
(h) To conduct such other business as may properly come before this meeting.
The Board of Trustees hopes you will be able to attend this meeting and learn more
about the cooperative. Under the bylaws, as amended at the 1951 Annual Meeting, there can
be no voting by proxy. This makes it imperative for you to be present in order to vote. Voting
booths will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The bylaws provide that the two nominees of each
district receiving the highest vote shall be the official nominees in the district and shall be listed
in the order of preference indicated by the respective vote.
You are hereby notified that at the meetings of Districts No. 2, No. 4 and No. 6, the following were nominated for membership on the Board of Trustees:
Please note: Legal boundary descriptions of Districts 2, 4 & 6 are provided in Clay Electric Co-op’s
Member Handbook. The handbook is also available in PDF format online at (See Member
Services, Communications, Member Handbook). If you have more questions, call the phone number listed
in your monthly bill statement.
District No. 2:
Nominee: Kelley R. Smith Jr.
No second nominee
District No. 4:
Nominee: Carl Malphurs
No second nominee
District No. 6:
Nominee: Floyd Gnann
No second nominee
At the Annual Meeting the Secretary will place in nomination the above named official
candidates from each district. Clay Electric members registered at the Annual Meeting will elect
one trustee for each of the three districts. There will be music and entertainment from 9:30 a.m.
until Noon. Free luncheon will be served on the grounds at Noon.
By: Kelley Smith, President
Attest: John Henry Whitehead, Secretary
MARCH 2011
Employees donate to deserving family
long with millions of other
viewers, employees of Clay
Electric Cooperative will likely
be watching TV the evening of May
8 when a special episode of the CBS
show Extreme Makeover: Home Edition airs.
Why the interest in Extreme Makeover? The episode will feature a long
time member of the cooperative who
received a new home courtesy of the
TV show.
Carrie Prewitt, a resident of Middleburg in Clay County, was selected to
receive the new home after many of
her friends and neighbors contacted
the show’s producers and nominated
her. Prewitt is a popular teacher and
Clay Electric’s director of Member & Public Relations Department Henry Barrow,
volleyball coach at Middleburg High
right, presents the family with information about the new surge protection equipSchool, and she has devoted a lot of
ment the co-op is providing for their new home.
time helping her students and others in
with the TV program swarmed over the home
the community.
site. The site was a bee hive of activity around the
When Prewitt was offered an opportunity two
clock. In just 106 hours a beautiful new home had
years ago to provide a stable environment for
three girls, she didn’t hesitate. Prewitt became the been built.
legal guardian of Ashley, Gina and Taylor Brewer. Clay Electric construction crews made several
visits to the project site to provide utility services.
The girls had a place to call home, but Prewitt’s
Clay Electric’s Member & Public Relations
aging double-wide trailer was in need of repairs,
Department learned in late December that an
it was drafty and it shook whenever the clothes
Extreme Makeover episode was coming to Clay
machine operated.
On Jan. 26 Extreme Makeover host Ty Penning- County, and that Prewitt had been chosen. But
that information was strictly confidential until
ton visited Prewitt during a volleyball practice
Pennington made his announcement. Manager
session at the school and told her that she had
of Communications Wayne Mattox and Editor
been picked to receive a new home.
Kathy Richardson came up with the idea that a
A few days later, Prewitt and her three daughfundraiser to help Prewitt with her electricity bills
ters were whisked off on a vacation to the Virgin
would reflect well on the cooperative.
Islands. The double-wide was demolished and
Moving from a double-wide trailer to a 3,400
building contractors, hundreds of volunteers,
Continued on page 17
construction equipment and dozens of people
New guidelines for cleaning up broken CFL bulbs
he EPA estimates the average CFL
bulb has 4 milligrams of mercury
-- much less than the 500 milligrams in an old-fashioned thermometer. A recent report by a European
Commission scientific panel said adults
are unlikely to be harmed by the mercury of a broken bulb.
CFLs are known to pose some risks
when they break, and now the Environmental Protection Agency has revised guidelines for their safe disposal.
*Shut off the central forced air heating/
air conditioning system.
*Collect materials needed to clean up
broken bulbs.
During cleanup
*Be thorough in collecting broken glass
and visible powder.
*Place cleanup materials in a sealable
After cleanup
*Promptly place all bulb debris and
Extra care should be
What to do about a broken CFL
taken when cleaning up cleanup materials outdoors in a trash
a broken CFL bulb.
Here’s a summary of EPA’s revised
container or protected area until materitips for cleaning up a broken CFL:
als can be disposed of properly.
Before cleanup
*For several hours, air out the room where the
*Have people and pets leave the room.
bulb was broken and leave the heating/air condi*Air out the room for five to 10 minutes by
tioning system shut off.
opening a window or door to the outdoor
MARCH 2011
Gene Carver, line foreman, and Cody McLendon, lineman, from the Orange Park District work on building service to the new home on Jan. 31.
Continued from page 16
square foot home would likely mean higher
electricity bills (although the new home is more
energy efficient), but not having to worry about
how much their electric bills might be in their
new home would mean one less concern. A campaign soon got underway to ask the co-op’s employees to help the deserving family. Employees
responded generously to the call for donations.
On Feb. 16, Clay Electric General Manager/
CEO Ricky Davis presented a “giant check” in
the amount of $3,426.94 to Carrie Prewitt and her
daughters to acknowledge the employees’ fundraising effort.
“I am proud of our employees for contributing
so generously to this deserving family,” Davis
said. “This was an opportunity to highlight the
giving spirit of our cooperative family.”
The amount raised by the employees will be
applied to the Prewitt’s account as a credit, and
their monthly bills will be deducted from the
amount until the balance is zero. The cooperative
also donated surge protection equipment and a
year’s supply of air filters for the Prewitt’s heating
and air conditioning system.
“I thank you so much for this and the spirit
in which it was given,” Prewitt said following
the check presentation. “I know how hard everyone works for their money and to have them
give so much is such a blessing. This will give
us a chance to adjust to the new bills in our new
“Several of our employees know Carrie personally through school and church, and they were so
MARCH 2011
Robert Keller, meter reader coordinator, and Gene Carver,
line foreman, work to set a pole at the home site on Jan. 26.
excited to help with this effort,” Davis said.
Davis said this was a good opportunity for
Clay Electric to demonstrate and promote its image as a good corporate citizen.
“I believe this endeavor – just like the support our employees give to the American Cancer
Society’s Relay for Life event – reflects well on the
co-op and its employees,” Davis said.
Clay Electric has served as a corporate sponsor for American Cancer Society events in the
area since 2002 and has given nearly $22,000.
Since 2002, Clay employees have raised just over
$85,000 through their participation in Relay for
Life events and fundraisers.
The generosity and concern of Clay Electric’s
employees was also shown in the fall of 2009
when they raised nearly $3,000 to help co-op
member Diena Thompson of Orange Park with
her electric bills after her eight-year-old daughter
Somer was abducted and murdered. The tragic
event drew national media attention.
“The outpouring of employee support for one
of our Clay Electric members is reflective of the
type of people we have here at Clay Electric. Our
employees are dedicated and compassionate,”
Member & Public Relations Director Henry Barrow said at the time.
Davis said the co-op’s employees are active in
their communities, they volunteer in many activities, and they’re willing to lend a helping hand to
the Prewitt family in Middleburg.
“Our employees set Clay Electric Cooperative
apart and make it a unique and caring organization concerned about the members we serve,”
Davis said.
The Trading
Submit your Trading Post
ad by sending a post card to
Clay Electric, PO Box 308,
Keystone Heights, FL 32656.
For more Trading Post ads,
visit the Clay Electric web site
BASS BOAT 1998 R91 Ranger
200HP Merc EFI Low hours, great
condition $8500. 904-525-6005
VCR PANASONIC, $20; 24K gold
trim coffee set, $30; Looney Tunes
leather/denim jacket, $50; 4 Mercedes
rims, $200; 96 Lincoln window motors,
$20; Cadillac svc manual & wiring
diagrams, $25; Mercedes hood &
trunk lids, Can email pics $45. 352454-3422 Schena
2007 SUZUKI Quad Runner 4x4
400cc, 294 miles org. $5,000; 2006
Gulfstream Travel Trl, exc. cond.,
$4,500. 386-325-0410 Carwile
PROM DRESSES, 6, each only worn
once, size 1-3, various colors & styles,
$20 each; past, present, future ring
14kw gold, 1 tcw diamond, $550;
1/2 cwt 14kw gold engagement ring
& 1/4cwt 14kw gold wedding band
CRAFTSMAN wood joiner, belt
sander combination $100 obo; 12 gal
HD plastic tubs, formerly cattle block
containers $1 each, ideal for plant
nursery 386-755-3541 Robinson
2005 TRIUMPH 17-1/2’ dual console
w/ 75hp Yamaha 4-stroke engine (little
use); 12v Minnekota trolling mtr; fish
finder; bimini top; trailer; hull lifetime
warranty. Laster
1996 SEADOO SPI w/ rebuilt engine,
trailer included, $500. 904-704-0281
2002 BAYLINER 19 Cuddy cabin,
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top/cockpit cover, fish finder, AM/FM
CD player, porta potty & trailer, great
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2004 HONDA XR80 dirtbike, like
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2010 KENMORE Refrigerator 19’ CU
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paid $919, sacrifice for $425. 352-6253538 or Simmons
12’ JON BOAT dual hull w/ 2 removable cushion seats & 2 life preservers,
boat only used twice, like new
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386-758-2465 or ftheo321@yahoo.
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1979 TRANS AM, 10th annv. special
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T-tops, auto trans, 403 V8, very good
condition, runs, looks and drives great,
$19,750. 386-758-1739 or ljetruax@ Truax
RED CEDAR, aromatic, cut at 1/2-3/4”
for paneling, lining the inside of a
closet, jewelry boxes & toys. 6-18”
wide x 10-12 long - $2.50 BF; 2” thick
x 18-24” wide x 10-14 long. Great
for mantles, bartops & tabletops,
$3.50 BF; glass, tempered, 72” X 44”,
sanded edges. Great for Fla. room or
greenhouse, $100; coontie, bare root
seedlings, thousands avail. .50 ea.;
rolltop desk 48” wide x 50” high X 28”
deep, $300. 352-481-4791 Drake
Honda GX Industrial OHV engine
engine, maintenance-free brushless generator design equipped with
quiet muffler, 8000 surge watts, 6600
continuous watts, 6% total harmonic
distortion for use with voltage-sensitive
equipment like computers, easy access control & outlet panel, 2 120V 15
amp outlets, 2 120V 20 amp outlets, 1
120/240V twist lock 30 amp outlet, A
6.5 gal tank full powers generator for
9.1 hours, 7 hours @ full load, circuit
breaker protection, frame measures
31 L x 23 5/8W x 22 H, storage cover
incl, $500 obo. 386-649-9220 or Doring
AMMO, 5 boxes 9mm Luger 115 Gr,
Remington UMC reloadable FMJ
$16.50 / box; 10 boxes 5.56mm
Lake City Army Ammunition Plant
Blanks, excl military-issued practice
blanks, $6/box; 10 boxes PMC Full
Metal Jacket 380 ACP, $16.50/box,
Hawthorne/Interlachen Area Jimenez
1.1 ACRE in desirable, horse
friendly Foxmeadow neighborhood
in Middleburg, One of few lots left,
close to “A” schools & shopping,
neighborhood borders Old Jennings
State Forest, $50,000 obo; 2000
Ford Ranger V6 4.0 liter 4x4 - 4 dr
extended cab, 81k miles flare side,
power window/locks, CD, cruise, cloth
interior, seats 5, running boards, bed
liner, custom topper, custom paint,
tires less than 1 year, tow package,
$7,300. 904-449-9520 Ford
DESK CHAIR black leather, like new,
$45; Lane cedar chest, exc. cond.,
$125; Aero pilates deluxe performer w/
rebounder & riser, $400. 904-5241912 Wanat
LARGE HOUSE 3,500 sq ft, 4.95
acres, Lake Asbury area, 5/3, zoned
for horses, living & dining rooms, 21’x
24’ gameroom, possible in-law suite or
2 families, 42” kit. cabinets, stainless
steel appl., toolshed/wkshp w/ extra
freezer/ refrigerator, huge utility room,
55 gal water heater, 2 AC units, sec.
sys., very private, but close to everything, $449,000. 904-945-9358 Elliott
1987 CROWN VICTORIA 1 owner
96,000 miles, 302cu power windows,
interior mint cond., $2,500 firm. 352235-7982 Hovsepian
LAKEFRONT 6 acres on Adams Lake
near Branford, 4 acres fenced, mixture
of oaks & pines, well, 2 septic tanks
& electric, $99,000. 386-292-3076
BURIAL LOT Jacksonville Memory
Gardens, Orange Park, Garden of
cleared, corner US Hwy 76 & gravel
Devotion197-2, hillside, beautifully
rd, Long Creek area, low taxes, no
landscaped, includes lifetime upkeep,
restrictions $179,000. 813-780-8798
value is $1,800, selling for $900. 352or 207-841-2486 or yorkies1@rocket494-6642 Sheldon Burrows
1997 40 SEA RAY Sundancer, Twin
Cat Diesels, 2 staterooms, 2 heads,
waterfront on Lake Annabessacook in
$139.500; 1995 Dyna Wide Glide,
Monmouth, ME 24 Morrill Ln, includes
5,825 miles, Jaguar teal, low miles,
rear acre lot, $225,000 207-841-2486
garage kept, extra corbin seat &
or Berry
backrest, $11,500; 1994 Chevy Geo
3 ACRES in Hollister, Putnam County,
Tracker, 4w/d, 5 speed, cruise control,
paved roads on corner of Hoover &
original owner, $2600. 904-861-4485
Tiki $24,000. 386-649-4809 Parker
2/2 MOBILE HOME on 1/3 acre
corner lot in K.H. 12x36 screened
16,000 lbs, $200. 352-235-1382
porch, laundry room, 2 car carport, RV
pad full hook ups, 2 storage sheds, 2
12 3/4 ACRES EASTMAN Ga., hard
wells, sell furnished, make offer. 352road frontage, 5 acres planted in 9
473-2140 Buehler
y/o pine trees, fenced, good hunting,
CORNER LOT 1/2 ac+ lot in Hollister,
deer, turkey, good for pond site,
large oak tree & other trees, 1/5 mile
annual taxes $48, 5 miles from Super
from State Hwy 20, quiet neighborWal-mart, $3,800/acre.Will hold some
hood, deep well, $9,850. 423-474mortgage. 352-817-4402 or 352-5462201 Stallings
3665 Wainwright
FIVE ACRES Bradford County, low
BAMBOO, dwarf, arrow white giant
impact fee, minutes from Wal-mart but
crookstem, ½ off you dig $10-$15
still quiet, 904-796-3302 Fox
each; cut poles $1 each 2” poles, 8’ or
METAL TRAILER 4x8, 1-7/8 ball coulonger $.50/ft. 352-485-3556 Graham
pler, homemade w/ metal floor & new
3 PARCELS off Pacetti Rd, St. Johns
wood sides, new lights, wiring, ball
County, 2.52 ac, 1.93 ac, 1.54 ac &
hitch lugs & stems. Pulls easily even
easement; 5.91 ac w/ septic, well
w/ small car, $350. Older lift chair, tan,
& power pole 14 mi s. of Chipley in
works great, $80. drobbs@bellsouth.
Washington County. 386-497-3556 or
net Baldree
386-647-6680 Williams
stainless steel honey extractor & other
1.14 acre in Middleburg, new carpet,
extracting equipment. $225. Boy & girl
new paint, fireplace, new fence all on
26” 15 speed bikes, $50 each or $90
paved road. Seller will pay all closing
for both. 352-213-4329 GIDDEON
costs for VA buyer, $74,900 obo. 904357 ROSSI SNUB NOSE revolver, 6
282-5959 or 904-327-5689 Corn
shot, stainless, NIB w/manual, built-in
OCALA FOREST, 17560 NE 246th
trigger lock, 2 keys $500. Middleburg
St, Hunt camp 2/1 house w/central
904-334-8513 Miller
ac/heat, 4” submersible well, 2 lots
GM TONNEAU cover fits any GM or
(190x165) (.71 acre) wooded, other
Chevy crew cab HD truck 2007-2011,
buildings, needs handy owner, Cedar
purchased new in July for $1,400,
Landing, $45,000 obo. 813-877-8598
perfect condition, pewter color, $400.
386-462-7003 Kowalczyk
MINI DACHSHUND puppies, regis16” WESTERN SADDLE, all leather
tered, home raised, black/white, red/
in good condition includes leather
white, reds $300-$350; miniature fillies
bridle and almost new saddle pad ask& colt, 26” & up, all colors $300 & up
ing $175 obo. 352-475-9577 Copeland
obo 352-546-1174 Murray
GE STOVE w/microwave above,
WHEELCHAIR Jet 3 w/ 3” cushion w/
$100; new solid wood quilt rack $100;
leg extensions, 2 lg & 2 sm wheels,
WWII gas can w/holder $50; silent
red foot prop, exc. cond., $800 firm;
drum set $100; Frigidaire upright
Z chair wheelchair w/ 4 wheels &
foot prop, cost $5,000, asking $500;
freezer $75; rebuilt carburetor for
swimming pool, used once, w/ ladder,
V8-90 Caddy $200; electric Franz
pump, chemicals, nice, $400 obo;
Metronome $15; extra heavy duty
Poulan 42” riding lawnmower $500,
tarp canopy 10’x20’long x 8’H at sides
front-tine rototiller w/ new blades,
14’H at center has top, 2 sides & back
works good, $250; utility trailer 70”
& poles $150; Poulan blower 200
wide x 8’ long, homemade steel w/
MPH $35. 352-222-3405 Heinser
wood sides & bottom, w/ tag, $500;
’64 VW BEETLE, rebuilt engine, new
handi-man shed, almost new 12’x16’
w/ peg board, 2 windows, small a/c
tires, brakes & pressure plates, looks
unit, bench, bookshelves overhead for
& runs great, still all 6-volt, Silver
fishing poles, aluminum siding, $1,800
Springs $4400 obo. 352-625-1519 or
firm. 352-473-3236 Griffis
352-433-3887 Robinson
HEATER, Aquastar 125
LP gas on-demand, whole
house, needs work, has
new parts, $700 new,
asking $75. 386-454-3249
Hatred stirs up quarrels, but
love makes up for all offenses.
Proverbs 10:12
CAROLINA, rolling land,
MARCH 2011
chrome rims/mounted, balanced,
Uniroyal Laredo P235 75R 16 tires,
good tread, Chevy pattern set of 4,
$160; tires, 2 Ameritrac P245 70R 17,
new, $50; chrome rims, Eagle alloy
15” x 10” universal lug pattern set of 4,
$60; irrigation pump 2hp, new, $225;
sparing partner, Century brand rubber
torso “bob,” $125; vinyl 54” wide,
marine quality, 36 yard roll, $125. 352475-3259 Coppola
29 GAL FISH TANK, iron stand, filters
& accessories, $100. 904-282-8276
1998 CHEVY MALIBU, gold, power
seats, locks, windows, cruise, CD
player, runs great. $2,800. 352-2995470 Waldron
NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC magazines,1953 thru 1980, exc. cond.,
$300. 904-264-4339 Hiers
PIT BULL PUPPIES, born 1/18/11,
both sexes, very cute, mother on
premises, $150 each. 386-467-3648
2000 SATURN L Series SW, exc.
cond., V6 3.0, runs & looks good,
$3250. Bunnell. 386-569-7962
LAND/LOT, large beautiful, High,
dry & ready to build, 4.75 acres in
Old Nursery Plantation in Macclenny.
Asking $175,000. 904-237-5652
COLEMAN 5000 portable electric
generator $325; Troybilt 3550 portable
electric generator $250; both for $500;
metal storage building 8 X 12 with 5’
wide door & drive-in ramp, $950 obo.
352-258-5119 Hayes
PROPERTIES Ft.McCoy & Palatka
vacant properties, all clear, some have
mobile homes already on them with
rental income, 352-546-4369 Lott
WHEELBARROW, 3 L x 2 W, sturdy,
$25; metal pull cart, 4L x 2W, sturdy,
$25. 352-473-4766. Blair
wood lathe, never used, asking $150.
904-282-7260 Babb
BUNK BEDS w/BEDDING, used only
2 nights, 2 sets sleeping 4, $400 each
set. 352-473-8446; formal dining set,
like new, beautiful wood, 6 place table
& 6 wooden chairs, $780; sailboat,
1989 Catalina 18, exc. cond., Photos
avail. $5,990. 352-473-3692 Cedeno
5x8 TRAILER FRAME, 5 lug, 12” tires
1850# Cap., $200. 904-291-5081 or Surman
CORNER LOT, 1/2+ acre, Highridge
Estates in Keystone Heights,
well, septic & meter box, 2 nice palms
w/ other trees & shrubs, 2 cement
slabs, lot appears much larger, under
appraisal at $10,500. 904-612-5801
100+ CLOTHES ITEMS, shoes, underwear, new w/ tags, great for large
family or someone with a flea market/
yard sale business, all nice & clean,
$100. Salt Springs 386-467-3215 or Fowler
13 WOODED ACRES, beautiful w/
well & septic that has never been
MARCH 2011
used, great land on 315 N for a
homesite, bring the horses. Some
restrictions: no mobiles, no hogs etc.,
asking $150,000. 386-659-2340 Coker
house in Gainesville, new electric,
plumbing, A/C unit, flooring, cabinets,
appliances, bathroom, large backyard,
$80,000 obo. 352-317-1550 Bradley
River, 2.5 acres. indoor pool, separate
guest house, all furnished, past
appraisal $600,000, dock, covered
boat house & party room, will trade
for smaller home or condo; you take
responsibility of $275,000 note. 970944-5229 Hoaglin
1 ACRE LOT, buildable, 3008 Twigg
Street, Palatka, paved road, zoning
allows site built or modular homes,
$39,500. 386-328-4670 Dennard
2004 POLARIS MX150 3 person
jet ski w/ 46 hrs, garage kept, turbo
charged, max speed is 68 mph, Majic
tilt trailer included, charcoal w/ black
accents, large storage compartment,
one owner, $4,300. 352-235-2983 Ivey
TOOLBAR 2-Row J.D. Bedder Hvy.
Duty toolbar + “A” frame, good cond.
$600. Palatka 386-325-3158 Eubanks
1974 VW SUPER BEETLE, recently
rebuilt 1600 engine, comes w/ VW
parts, asking $1,000. 386-467-3648
CANOE 16’ fiberglass $180; cutting
& welding torches, complete kit, new
$85; 12V winch 6000# $65; boat A/C
Cruizair carry on, new $1,000, sell
$375; home A/C Tran XB 1000, 2/
HT pump $350; handicap scooter
SC63 Revo, PTO model, original
cost $1,900, never used, $1,000 obo;
crossbow, Barnett Quad300, 11 bolts,
5 hunting broadheads, has $125 crank
device for string engagement, scoped,
$360 for all; Taurus Mod172 .17HMR
SS pump 150RDS, $220. 904-2841369 Duell
wicker, bed w/frame, lg. dresser,
night stand, chair, sml. wall shelf,
$275; 2 East Lake chairs, Captain’s
Chair refurbished $150, straight-back
is original – need refurbishing &
upholstering, much more. 386-5469395 Ferretti
1992 FORD BRONCO 4x4, 27,000
miles on factory rebuilt motor, auto
transmission, drive train, etc. good for
hunting, restoring, mudding, $1,500;
Technics electronic piano, plays classic & jazz piano, harpsichord & organ,
hardly used due to wife’s illness &
death, $2,500 new, now $1,500. Plant
City 813-754-4959 or 863-944-2848
49”Hx47”H, solid light color wood,
bought at the Wood You Store then
stained, glass door down left side, w/
3 adjustable shelves, TV opening (25
¾”W x 26” H), 2 doors storage under
TV opening, exc. cond., $100 obo.
904-291-8774 Decker
machines, Two 1950s era, 352-4731275 Guy
remote controlled, new battery &
charger, drink holder & seat, help
the New Year resolution by walking
18 holes instead of riding & save on
green fees, asking $1,150. 352-4738942 Dersham
COZY LOG CABIN furnished on
Suwannee River, guaranteed to
never flood, located in Dixie County,
$139,900. 352-538-6540 Gray
SERVICE MANUAL for 85 Cadillac
Seville w/ wiring diagrams, $25;
24K gold trim Greek coffee set $30,
Looney Tunes leather & denim jacket
has 6 Looney characters, $50; set of
four 1981-85 Mercedes rims,$195;
white faux fur trimmed gift bag set,
$5; 1981-85 Mercedes hood & trunk
lids, $45; 2000 GEO Metro Chevy,
4dr, silver,156k miles, $2,350 obo.
352-454-3422 Schena
2005 BUICK CXL silver, gray
leather interior,1,886 actual miles,
loaded,power windows,seats,locks,
auto transmission, OnStar, telephone,
approx.18 months transferrable warranty, $17,000. rose6154@comcast.
net Sluder
LAKEFRONT 2/1 MH Orange Lake,
near Ocala. Newly renovated w/ huge
screened porch w/carport. All elect.
new appliances, new flooring, elect
H/A. 2 large lots, 70 on canal & lakefront w/2 docks & boathouse. Quiet
dead end road, lovingly furnished.
813-988-2070 Sempert
WATERFRONT 3/2 CH/A Boat Slip,
3 miles south of Welaka at Fruitland/
River Park West-exc. cond., 125 W.
Palm Ave., $149,000. maridellcw@aol.
com Wooley
3 PLOTS Garden of Devotion,
Jacksonville Memory Gardens, $1,900
each; Frigidaire upright freezer, 17 cf.
commercial grade freezer, exc. cond.,
$425. 904-264-6451 Morgan
KENMORE SIDE-BY-SIDE refrigerator w/ ice/water, 28 cu. ft., white. 10
years old, exc. cond., $450; 16 HP
Cub Cadet lawn tractor 2000 Series,
Model 2166, twin rear bagger, all new
tires, less than 100 hours, $1,600. Olsen
BAJA GO-CART 150cc, off road,
used for 40 hrs, paid $2,000, selling
for $1,000. or 904284-5454 Hefferin
Block 2 Trout Lake Gardens, 445
Citrus Dr. $6,000 obo; 5’ wide x 8’ long
white closed-in trailer, $800; Voyager
kit to make your motorcycle into a
trike, $2,700; car dolly, $600 obo. 904284-1163 Knight
2004 4-WHEELER bought new, low
miles looks good, runs great, one
owner, $2,800; 5 acres w/ well, power
pole, 1 mile from Santa Fe River,
$35,000 or $3,500 down, seller will
finance payments as low as $300/
month. 386-497-4084 Descoteaux
57 ACRES in Ellaville, GA, Schley
Co., great hunting area, planted pines,
approx 15 yrs old, main highway
frontage, creek close by, high & dry,
$114,000 or make offer; St. Johns
River Astor Doublewide on wide deep
canal, near river, boat house, w/dock
& screened room, large carport utility
shed, screened porch, spa, furnished
$189,000; Clermont 2/2 upstairs
Smoky white bean chili
with pork
1.25 lbs ground pork
1 lb turkey sausage, cut into ½” cubes
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 large onion, chopped
1 tablespoon ground cumin
2 teaspoons sweet smoked paprika
1 teaspoon chili powder
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
¼ cup red wine
2 cans (14 oz. ea.) diced tomatoes
3 cans (14 oz. ea.) cannellini beans,
drained, rinsed
1 can chicken broth
1 jalapeño pepper, diced, ribs & seeds
½ cup cilantro (garnish) optional
Place cubed sausage and pork in large
pot and cook until the pork is done;
remove meat with slotted spoon and place
in bowl. Reduce heat and cook onion and
garlic until translucent; pour in wine and
stir up browned bits; add meat, beans,
diced tomatoes, seasonings, and chicken
stock. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover,
and cook at medium low for 30 to 40
minutes, stirring occasionally. Check taste
and add extra seasoning if desired. Ritz
Crackers go well with this dish.
Our thanks to Wayne Mattox of Orange Park for
providing the recipe that appears in this issue of
the Kilowatt.
1,600 sq ft under air, 1br/1ba downstairs (full basement) 1,600 sq ft great
view of Lake Minnehaha (access) see
to appreciate, $259,000; House in
historic civil war town, Andersonville,
GA mostly renovated – livable 2/1
extra corner lot, front porch, sunroom,
utility room $43,500. 352-978-3790 or
352-242-1324 Morgan
SENTRY SAFE fireproof 10”x13”, 3
number comb., lists for $200 take $60;
canoe w/ alum trailer, 15’ canoe, 2-life
jackets, 3 oars & 4 floating pillows
$850; short bed Ford Ranger truck
cover, exc. cond. $295; maple dining
room set, table 42”, 4 chairs, good
cond., $85 352-472-6436 or 352-3328343 or 352-262-2734 Ergle
5 ACRES in Melrose Landing near
airport, on Cessna Lane, $39,000.
352-475-9570 Elkins
Club, Salt Springs, $30,000 352-6858648 or 423-342-6571 Waycaster
Perfect Sun 16 bulb tanning w/
minimal use, requires a 220V, new
goggles & cleaning supplies included,
$1,000 obo. 352-235-6151 Ivey
BUSH HOG finish mower, model
TH-60, rusted out body, good gearbox
and spindles and pullies, $200. 904282-7062 Pharis
2004 RIATA MH loaded 58k 18 mpg
like new, come look, $19,800. 386758-7683 Laber
MIN-PIN PUPPIES, CKC reg., health
certificates, parents on property, rare
standard size, $325. 352-213-1341
KOUNTRY STAR 35’ 5th wheel 2002,
made by Newman, all enclosed under
belly, 3 slides, new tires, smooth side,
a lot of storage space, many add.
features, 904-769-2367 Thornton
TILLER, Troybilt Junior, 4 hp, old but
runs good, $10. 904-278-8867 Pope
2003 JAYCO travel trailer 33’+ long,
handicap bathroom, exc. cond.,
bought house & need to sell trailer.
605-237-1442 Dohman
FORTRESS 2000 3 wheel scooter, 9
month old batteries, runs great, black
& red, w/ charger, weight cap. 250 lbs.
386-719-2112 Robinson
50” PANASONIC projection TV, only
2 years old, works great, just don t
need it anymore, $700. 352-665-6556
off of SR86, near Yanceyville, excellent hunting, rolling hardwoods, fields,
stocked farm pond, $1,900/acre.
423-474-2201 Stallings
32’ GULFSTREAM 2006 sleeps 8,
full size fridge, microwave ,stove, 110
hook up, no holding tanks, ac, heat
(propane), new tub, mint condition,
new tires, bumper pull, $5,300 obo.
352-745-2522 Elmore
RV APPLIANCES & equipment,
almost new, electric/gas 2 dr. refrig,
built-in microwave, furnace, power
converter, holding tanks, water tank,
water pump, antenna, A/C, sofa. Salt
Springs 352-685-2549 Howard
SMALL SPA w/cover, works great,
new motor & heater, size 4x6, you
move, $450. 352-625-7740 Kelton
2 are 5’ & one is 4’, call for more
dimensions, $800. 352-610-6026 or
352-625-7740 Kelton
CREDIT at Jax Memory Gardens,
Orange Park, $5,025 worth of credit to
be used for burial lot, casket vault, etc.
$3,600. 352-546-4360 Stewart
1988 SEA NYMPH Great Lakes special, 16’ deep hull, alum, 70hp Mercury
outboard motor w/trailer, fish finder,
electric motor w/foot controls, very
good cond., great recreation or fishing
boat, $2,500 obo 352-473-9517 Elder
KEL TEC P-FAT pistol, like new w/
ankle holster, leather, Bianchi holster,
small carrying case, instruction &
parts manual $300; carpet/upholstery
cleaner, Dirt Devil, like new, $20 firm.
386-467-8182 Cunningham
CERAMIC BISK, big assortment,
wrapped & clean, used molds, list
with prices, xmas plastic lites & stars,
many sizes, music boxes & turntables,
some kiln furniture, misc. elec rods &
wiring for lamps, much more; 2 plots in
Forest Meadows East can be traded
to any of their locations, lists $1895
each, sell for $1,500 each. 352-3721506 Frazier
w/gray leather interior 1,898 actual
miles, loaded, power windows, seats,
locks, automatic transmission, cruise
control, am/fm stereo CD, On Star,
telephone, approx 18 months transferable warranty, title in hand $17,000
904-375-0230 Sluder
CANNA LILY bulbs, orange, yellow,
red 4’-6’ high summer bloom $5/ bag
10-12 bulbs. 352-475-1466 Beckham
KUBOTA L2500 4 wheel drive tractor,
6’ bush hog mower & 6’ blade, make
offer. 352-473-2417 Douglas
peach, pear, plum, persimmon,
pomegranate, fig, chestnut, blueberry,
blackberry, grape, nectarine, privacy
trees (Carolina Sapphire), time to
plant now. 386-454-7587 Webb
2006 MAZDA 3, Grand Touring, 28-32
mpg., leather interior, moon roof, 6
CD capacity, copper red, exc. cond.,
$7,600. 904-282-6607 Coffman
first ladies of the United States, series
II perfect cond., $250. 352-595-1865
WATERFRONT Black Creek, 5.9
acre lot that fronts county road in
Middleburg, high & dry with a below
ground septic; 20 ton dual axle tilt type
equipment trailer, very heavy duty,
$7,500. 904-219-3423 Carter
PROPANE GAS TANK 250 gal., ideal
for BBQ cooker, asking $150. please
leave message. 904-289-7876 Carter
table (2 leaves), china cabinet/buffet
(lighted), server, 5 side chairs & 1
arm chair, solid wood, medium walnut
color, $600. 904-291-2239 Hargrove
1 fenced in for pets or RV, 2 bed,1-1/2
bath, Florida room screened & vinyl
10X30, 3 storage sheds, taxes $524/
yr, $28,500 cash; BOAT DOLLY used
very little like new condition, dual
wheels. 352-625-6121 Poirier
1953 COKE MACHINE, Vendo – 39,
round top, beautifully restored & runs
great, $1,900. 352-235-0247 Graf
TWO LOTS in Highridge Estates,
close to Hwy., nicely wooded, Approx.
half of tax value, 6325 Dennison Ave.
200X150, $6,000 cash; 6397 Baylor
Ave. 103X146, $4,000 cash. 352-4751923 Tucker
MINI FARM 1 acre, 2 houses
2BR/2BA, 30x60 barn, partially
fenced, 7 miles S of GCS on Hwy
17, make offer; VCR tapes, antique
trunks, make offer. 813-767-6965
CEMETERY PLOT, casket & grave
liner, Forest Lawn Memory Gardens,
S. Pine Ave. Ocala, choice of Gardens
of Ascension or Peace, all only
$1,000. 352-595-1328 Maynard
1-18 GAUGE CASKET, 1-vault,
purchased in the 80s at Jax Memory
Garden, excellent price 904-264-5939
or 904-504-0929 Hogan
SATSUMA MH, 1,500 sf, in 55+ community on St. Johns River, 2/2 w/den;
2 screen porches, covered carport w/
storage shed, stainless appl., eat-in
kitchen; exc. cond., $88,499. 386-6496068 or Wiemer
ESTATE SALE, approx. 1 ½ ac land
$30k; 12’ fiberglass flats boat, $200;
shop tools, 10’x20’ fiberglass pool
$1,500; Hamm radio, exercise equip
$400, wood stove $100; John Deere
rider mower $100; hot tub $50; ’76
Chevy flat bed truck $600; much
more, financing avail. 352-553-5240
BIRDS & BLOOMS, mags, about 60
of them, info on butterflies, flowers &
birds. 904-282-1824 Colburn
‘97 WINNEBAGO Adv. great cond.,
26,900 miles, 34’ long, sleeps 6, 14’
slideout, 2 new AC units, 5 KW gen.,
hyd jacks, 352-475-9506 or 386-5462119 Martin
PARROT CAGE powder coated,
65”Hx36”Wx28”D 4 stainless steel
food/water bowls on wheels for more
information 850-210-3806 or 352-2837487 Martin
SHOP LIGHTS, 12 4’ shop lights, $5
each; old metal miter with saw $5.
352-475-1772 Gensel
PALATKA 32 ACRES on Crescent
Lake, 660’ lake frontage, great fishing
& hunting $60,000; St. Cloud 1 acre
lot fronting Hwy 192, close to Orlando
and Kissimmee $55,000; Piano Fisher
baby grand and Piano Player with 264
musical rolls, collector $3,500. 352373-1196 Schmitt
telephoto lens, wide angle lens, filters,
carrying bag & strap, flash attachment,
auto film advancer, manual, $450 firm
386-227-1393 Hudson
MATERIAL for fireplace mantle,
8’ long 3 1/2” thick, 12 1/4 wide
2-24” long pieces for braces, Pecky
Cypress, $350 firm. 386-274-9314
CHEVY S-10 pick-up 1989, 2.5
engine, 5 speed trans, new clutch,
tires, radiator, A/C, 29+ mpg, $1500;
1964 Chev C-30 flat bed 454 engine
400 trans $3,000; 1974 Lincoln Mark
IV, 32k miles $8,000. Citra 352-5951998 White
plates, each w/ cert., $30/ plate or set
of 12 for $430; 12 miniature plates w/
wooden rack, $50. 352-220-0507 or
352-473-9978 Rusis
Pierson, 10 acres, 5 oak hammock,
plumosus fern, 5 field-grown cold
hardy palms, all irrigated, diesel pump,
2/2 MH in great cond. $500,000. West
3/2 DWMH on 1 acre in Clay County,
remodeled throughout, large master
bath w/ jet jaccuzi. bonus building w/
large office space, $78,500 lease option to buy. 352-257-2634 Smartt
community, unfurnished ground floor
2/2 w/ new vanities, full kitchen,
washer/dryer, living rm, dining rm,
enclosed lanai. carpet like new, on golf
course, community pool across street,
$42,995. 352-288-0323 Vickery
efficient model; antique miniature
English haywagon, Orange Park. 904264-5279 or Bryson
1 bdrm, Casa Del Mar, sleeps 4/2,
easy drive to Disney, Space Center,
Daytona & Sebring race tracks,
Port Canaveral, golf, Silver Springs,
Florida Keys, fully equipped w/ on site
amenities, beach, child pool, exercise
equip, game room, laundry, snack bar,
$16,000. 904-529-1503 Stark
HOUSE, 3 bdrms, part of a 40 acre
ranch set off of Lake Ft. McCoy,
hardwood floors, stainless steel appl.,
central HVAC, big yard. $750/month.
352-546-4369 Lott
Franklin, NC, near Cherokee, sleeps
6, $365 weekly, available April to
mid-November. 386-755-0070 or
386-365-2915 or www.franklinnccabin. Brooks
overlooks inland waterway, 2/2 sleeps
6, boat ramp & parking, walkway to
beach, June 19-26, June 26-July 3rd,
$600/week; Franklin North Carolina
mountain home 2/2 sleeps 10 on
Little Tennessee River, $500/week,
$50 clean up fee, for sale unfurnished
$125,000, furnished $139,000. 386385-3443 or jlawsonpalatka@gmail.
com Lawson
LAKEHOUSE on Little Lake Geneva.
Cute 2/1 house, wrap around porch
facing the lake w/ large windows for a
great view, A/C, laminate floors, 6331
Little Lake Geneva Rd., $700/month
negotiable. 352-258-2634 Smartt
N.C. CABIN, mountain vacation near
Franklin, close to Cherokee & Smokey
Mountains, many outdoor activities
nearby, $425/week. 352-473-8935 or
828-349-3137 Ahrens
TRIPLEWIDE 3BR/2BA, appliances,
CH&A, 1st, last, & security dep., 1 yr
lease, credit check/ref. req., 1 acre
fenced-in yard; shed, $750/month.
813.368.6573 Holtmeyer
stream, sat TV, fireplace, borders
Nat. Forest, great privacy, close to
Smokies, $600/wk. 352-475-1770 or Carter
MARCH 2011