Packet - Rockledge
Packet - Rockledge
ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE AND AGENDA Wednesday, July 20, 2016 - 5:30 p.m. Chairman Thomas J. Price Presiding Council Chamber, Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, FL 32955 *~*~*~*~*~*~* EVERY PERSON ADDRESSING THE CITY COUNCIL MUST COMPLETE A SPEAKER'S CARD The cards are located near the door of the Council Chamber. Completed cards are to be given to the City Clerk before the meeting convenes or prior to the introduction of a particular agenda item. *~*~*~*~*~*~* 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL 2. INVOCATION Councilman Blake 3. SALUTE TO THE FLAG 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting On June 1, 2016 Documents: COUNCIL MINUTES 2016 06-01.PDF B. Special Meeting On June 15, 2016 Documents: COUNCIL SPECIAL 2016 06-15.PDF 5. PRESENTATIONS Business of the Quarter Award, 2nd Quarter 2016 Planet Fitness, 1802 Rockledge Boulevard 6. FINANCIAL / BUDGET REPORT Months of May and June 2016 Documents: FINANCIAL REPORT JUNE 2016.PDF 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS / ORDINANCES / RESOLUTIONS A. Resolution: Naming the Tennis and Racquetball Courts at The McKnight Family Sport Complex as the "Elizabeth H. Pinder Tennis and Racquetball Center" Documents: A. Resolution: Naming the Tennis and Racquetball Courts at The McKnight Family Sport Complex as the "Elizabeth H. Pinder Tennis and Racquetball Center" Documents: NAMING THE TENNIS AND RACQUETBALL COURTS AT MCKFSC AS THE ELIZABETH H PINDER TENNIS AND RACQUETBALL CENTER.PDF 8. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND COMMITTEES A. Community Redevelopment Agency Board Of Commissioners 1. Minutes Of Meeting On May 25, 2016 Documents: CRA BOC MINUTES 2016 05-25.PDF 2. Minutes Of Meeting On June 29, 2016 Documents: CRA BOC MINUTES 2016 06-29.PDF a. Recommendation: Conceptual Plan, Barton Boulevard Civic Hub b. Recommendation: Authorization to Advertise Intent to Sell Property at 889 Barton Boulevard B. Council Finance & Budget Committee 1. Minutes Of Meeting On June 8, 2016 Documents: FIN-BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 2016 06-08.PDF 2. Minutes Of Meeting On June 15, 2016 Documents: FIN-BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 2016 06-15.PDF 3. Minutes Of Meeting On June 29, 2016 Documents: FIN-BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 2016 06-29.PDF a. Recommendation: Banking Services Contract (Community Bank of the South) b. Recommendation: Selection Committee for Review of Auditing Services Proposal 4. Minutes Of Meeting On July 6, 2016 a. Recommendation: Banking Services Contract (Community Bank of the South) b. Recommendation: Selection Committee for Review of Auditing Services Proposal 4. Minutes Of Meeting On July 6, 2016 Documents: FIN-BUDGET COMMITTEE MINUTES 2016 07-06.PDF a. Recommendation: Tentative Ad Valorem Tax Rate Documents: RES ESTABLISHING TENTATIVE MILLAGE RATE FOR THE TAXABLE YEAR 2016.PDF b. Recommendation: Revised Rate Structure (Wastewater) c. Recommendation: Revised Rate Structure (Sanitation Services) d. Recommendation: Revisions to Building Permit Fee Schedule C. Council Administrative, Personnel & Community Relations Committee 1. Minutes Of Meeting On July 7, 2016 Documents: ADM COMMITTEE MINUTES 2016 07-07.PDF a. Recommendation: Employee Health Clinic D. Appointments And Reappointments Documents: BOARD OPENINGS.PDF 1. Appointment: Planning Commission Documents: 8 D 1.PDF 2. Appointment: Business Development Committee Documents: 8 D 2.PDF 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None Business Development Committee Documents: 8 D 2.PDF 9. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None 10. CONSENT BUSINESS A. Approval: Universal Engineering Sciences, Proposal for Building Department Support Services (Building Dept.) Documents: 10 A.PDF B. Approval: Purchase of Four Variable Speed Drive Replacements (Wastewater Dept.) Documents: 10 B.PDF C. Approval: Purchase of 2015 Ford Interceptor Utility SUV (Police Dept.) Documents: 10 C.PDF D. Approval: Sale of Surplus Excavator on eBay (Public Works Dept.) Documents: 10 D.PDF 11. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Three-Phase Power (Breeze Swept) Documents: 11 A.PDF B. Action Item: Recreational Trails Program - Limitation of Use/Site Dedication (Griffin Trail) Documents: 11 B.PDF C. Action Item: Facility Use Request, Space Coast Lure Chase (Anderson Stormwater Park) Documents: C. Action Item: Facility Use Request, Space Coast Lure Chase (Anderson Stormwater Park) Documents: 11 C.PDF 12. PETITIONS, REMONSTRANCES AND COMMUNICATIONS 13. REPORTS A. City Manager Reports B. City Attorney Litigation Report - July 2016 Documents: JULY LIT REPORT.PDF C. Reports From The Dais 14. ADJOURN ANY PERSON WHO DESIRES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 1, 2016 - 6:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL The Rockledge City Council met in regular session on June 1, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. PRESENT: Thomas J. Price T. Patrick O’Neill Frank T. Forester Duane A. Daski Ted J. Hartselle Joseph E. Miniclier James P. McKnight Betsi Beatty Moist Lisa C. Nicholas Mayor Councilmember, Seat #3 Councilmember, Seat #4 Councilmember, Seat #5 Councilmember, Seat #6 City Attorney City Manager City Clerk Redevelopment Coordinator ABSENT: Dr. Joe Lee Smith Councilmember, Seat #1 (Out of town) Richard K. Blake Councilmember, Seat #2 (Recuperating from surgery) STAFF PRESENT: Dennis Clements Alexandra Bernard Stephen H. Wilson Timothy Matson Joseph P. LaSata C. Kenneth Poole Alan M. LaDuke Building Official Planning Coordinator Community Advocate Fire Chief Chief of Police Public Works Director Wastewater Treatment & Water Reclamation Director With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Thomas J. Price. 2. INVOCATION At the invitation of Councilman Smith, the invocation was given by Pastor Shaun Ferguson, Faith Temple Christian Center. 3. SALUTE TO THE FLAG A salute was given to the flag and the pledge of allegiance was repeated in unison. 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES – Regular Meeting on May 18, 2016 Councilman Forester moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on May 18, 2016; seconded by Councilman Hartselle. The motion carried unanimously (5). ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 5. Page 2 of 7 JUNE 1, 2016 PRESENTATIONS A. Mayor Price 1. Employee of the Quarter Award • Jacob Scott Lee, Fire Department Mayor Price recognized Jacob Scott Lee of the Rockledge Fire Department as the recipient of the Employee of the Quarter Award for the 2nd quarter of 2016. Mr. Lee was presented with a gift certificate and a framed Certificate of Commendation, along with the congratulations of the Council. 2. Beautification Awards, Second Quarter 2016 • Commercial: Renco Electronics, 595 International Place Renco Electronics, 595 International Place, was selected by The Rockledge Environmental Enhancement Board to receive the Excellence in Commercial Beautification Award for the 2nd quarter of 2016. A framed Certificate of Award was presented by Mayor Price, and the Council extended congratulations. Accepting the award from Mayor Price was Mr. J. P. Rensing. • Residential: Maria and Fernando Marques, 903 Bluegrass Lane Mayor Price recognized Maria and Fernando Marques, whose home at 903 Bluegrass Lane was selected by The Rockledge Environmental Enhancement Board to receive the Excellence in Residential Beautification Award for the 2nd quarter of 2016. A framed Certificate of Award was presented by Mayor Price, and the Council extended congratulations. B. Jerry Sansom, JHS Consultants – 2016 Legislative Report Jerry Sansom, the City’s Legislative Representative, updated the Council on the activities of the 2016 Florida Legislative Session, which he described as “fairly quiet,” and responded to questions from the dais. 6. FINANCIAL / BUDGET REPORT – None 7. PUBLIC HEARINGS / ORDINANCES / RESOLUTIONS A. Ordinance: Second Reading and Public Hearing Ordinance No. 1690-2016, Zoning District Amendment, ZDA-1602, R2 to ROC, Anderson Stormwater Park, 1220 Pluckebaum Road Councilman O’Neill offered Ordinance No. 1690-2016 entitled “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROCKLEDGE, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, ADMINISTRATIVELY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF 77.45 ACRES OF PROPERTY AT 1220 PLUCKEBAUM ROAD LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF PLUCKEBAUM ROAD AND CLEARLAKE ROAD AS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE BODY OF THIS ORDINANCE ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Page 3 of 7 JUNE 1, 2016 FROM THE R2 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT TO THE ROC (RECREATION, OPEN SPACE AND CONSERVATION) DISTRICT; AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE AND ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ROCKLEDGE TO REFLECT THE CHANGE OF ZONING EFFECTED BY THIS ORDINANCE; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO FORTHWITH CAUSE THE APPROPRIATE DESIGNATION TO BE MADE ON THE FACE OF THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP INDICATING THE NEW ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS ORDINANCE; DECLARING THAT INVALIDITY OF ANY PORTION HEREOF SHALL NOT AFFECT THE REMAINING PORTIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES”, and moved for the second reading of the ordinance by title only and opened for public hearing; seconded by Councilman Hartselle. The motion carried by unanimous vote (5). City Attorney Miniclier read aloud the title of the ordinance for the second reading. Chairman Price declared the matter open to the public for discussion. There being no public comment, Chairman Price declared the public hearing to be closed. Councilman Forester moved for the adoption of the ordinance; seconded by Councilman Daski. Voting for the motion: Mayor Price and Councilmembers O’Neill, Forester, Daski and Hartselle. The motion carried by unanimous vote (5). B. Resolution: Naming Street in Swiss Pointe Subdivision, Phase 3, as “Swiss Pointe Lane”; Repealing Resolution No. 2006-595 Councilman O’Neill offered Resolution No. 779 entitled “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROCKLEDGE, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, NAMING A STREET WITHIN THE SWISS POINTE PHASE 3 SUBDIVISION, AS "SWISS POINTE LANE"; SUPERSEDING AND REPEALING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-595 PROVIDING FOR A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED STREET NAME” and moved to read the resolution by title only; seconded by Councilman Daski. The motion passed by unanimous vote (5). City Attorney Miniclier read aloud the title of the resolution. Councilman Forester moved for adoption of the resolution; seconded by Councilman Daski. Voting for the motion: Mayor Price and Councilmembers O’Neill, Forester, Daski, and Hartselle. The motion carried by unanimous vote (5). C. Resolution: Supporting Indian River Lagoon Regional Compact Councilman O’Neill offered Resolution No. 780 entitled “A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF ROCKLEDGE, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, SUPPORTING THE INITIATIVE OF THE SPACE COAST LEAGUE OF CITIES & TREASURE COAST LEAGUE OF CITIES’ INDIAN RIVER LAGOON REGIONAL COMPACT: “ONE LAGOON – ONE COMMUNITY – ONE VOICE.”” and moved to waive the reading and adopt the resolution; seconded by Councilman Hartselle. Voting for the motion: Mayor Price and ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Page 4 of 7 JUNE 1, 2016 Councilmembers O’Neill, Forester, Daski, and Hartselle. The motion carried by unanimous vote (5). 8. REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND COMMITTEES A. Code Enforcement Board, Meeting of May 12, 2016 Councilman O’Neill moved to be in receipt of the minutes of the following meetings: Code Enforcement Board Meeting on May 12, 2016 The Rockledge Environmental Enhancement Board on May 12, 2016 Citizens Recreation Advisory Board on May 19, 2016 seconded by Councilman Forester. The motion passed unanimously (5). B. The Rockledge Environmental Enhancement Board, Meeting of May 12, 2016 – See Item 8A C. Citizens Recreation Advisory Board, Meeting of May 19, 2016 – See Item 8A 9. 10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – None CONSENT BUSINESS Councilman Daski moved for approval of these consent business items: A. Approval: Additional Street Resurfacings (Public Works Dept.) B. Approval: School Resource Officer Agreement, School Board of Brevard County for the 2016-2017 School Year (Police Dept.) C. Approval: Authorization to Sell Vehicles on eBay (Police Dept.) D. Approval: Replacement of Claw Truck Dump Body (Petersen Industries) E. Approval: Use of Forfeiture Funds for Brevard County Police Athletic League (Police Dept.) F. Approval: July 4th Fireworks Display Agreement, Zambelli International (City of Cocoa) The motion was seconded by Councilman O’Neill and passed without objection (5). 11. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Naming the Tennis Center at The McKnight Family Sports Complex as the Elizabeth H. Pinder Tennis and Racquetball Center City Manager McKnight explained that there had been a request from the Rockledge Park Racquet Association to name the Tennis Center at The McKnight Family Sports Complex as the Elizabeth H. Pinder Tennis and Racquetball Center. The District 4 Recreation Administrative Board unanimously approved the request and made a recommendation to City Council for approval, as the Park is owned by the City. Councilman O’Neill moved to name the Tennis Center at The McKnight Family Sports Complex as the Elizabeth H. Pinder Tennis and Racquetball ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Page 5 of 7 JUNE 1, 2016 Center; seconded by Councilman Daski. The motion carried with a unanimous vote (5). B. Action Item: Waiver of Subdivision Platting Requirements, Property on Northwest Corner of Fairway Lane and Fiske Boulevard (D R Horton) City Manager McKnight explained that D R Horton, Home Builders, has requested authorization to build on the lots located on Fairway Lane north of the Latter Day Saints Church and is requesting a waiver from the subdivision plat requirements of Section 70.10 of the Land Development Regulations. Although the City Attorney has indicated it would be legal to waive this requirement, it will not exempt D R Horton from sidewalk, utility and drainage requirements. The lots will be described using metes and bounds, and the eastern-most lot (Lot 4) is being considered for partitioning in order for the City to have ownership of it. Councilman Forester moved to waive the subdivision platting requirements, property on northwest corner of Fairway Lane and Fiske Boulevard; seconded by Councilman O’Neill. The motion carried with a unanimous vote (5). C. Action Item: Attendance, Florida League of Cities Annual Conference, Hollywood, Florida, August 18-20, 2016, and Designation of Voting Delegate Councilman Forester moved to approve travel and attendance for the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference, Hollywood Florida, August 18-20, 2016; seconded by Councilman Daski. The motion carried with a unanimous vote (5). Councilman Forester moved to designate Councilman O’Neill as the Voting Delegate for the Florida League of Cities Annual Conference, Hollywood Florida, August 18-20, 2016; seconded by Councilman Daski. The motion carried with a unanimous vote (5). D. Action Item: Authorization to Proceed, RFP for Auditing & Accounting Services (Assistant City Manager Henderson) The contract with the current auditors, Davies, Houser & Secrest, has expired with the most recent audit. Council could authorize an extension, but it would be an appropriate time to retain a new firm that will bring a fresh set of eyes to the City’s finances. Councilman Forester moved to authorize Staff to proceed with the RFP for Auditing & Accounting Services; seconded by Councilman Hartselle. The motion carried with a unanimous vote (5). E. Discussion: Fiske Boulevard/Roy Wall Boulevard Intersection, Traffic Control (FDOT Corridor Study) Councilman O’Neill explained that the FDOT Corridor Study will be released in the near future, with a primary recommendation for a roundabout at the intersection of Roy Wall Boulevard and Fiske Boulevard. There is concern that, among other things, this will impact the left-turn movements from side friction on Fiske Boulevard with little break in traffic from Barnes Boulevard to Eyster Boulevard. ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING Page 6 of 7 JUNE 1, 2016 Councilman O’Neill moved to direct City Staff to formulate a letter notifying the Florida Department of Transportation of the City’s concerns for traffic and pedestrian safety and to recommend design changes; seconded by Councilman Daski. Voting for the motion: Councilmembers Forester, O’Neill, Daski and Hartselle. Voting against the motion: Mayor Price. The motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1. F. Discussion: Silverado Retention Area (City Attorney Miniclier) City Manager McKnight explained that, in the fall of 2015, Staff met with residents of Silverado Subdivision with regard to the HOA’s not maintaining the retention pond, which is dedicated in the HOA documents. In 1997, the Subdivision was turned over to Belmont Homes, and the HOA was never reestablished. Although the City could require the residents to form an HOA and be responsible for the retention pond, it may be a better path for the City to seek ownership of the retention area. There is not a problem with the City maintaining it. City Attorney Miniclier explained that, because there is no existing entity or individual that has ownership of the parcels that compose the drainage system of the Subdivision, the City could take a colorable title by obtaining a quit-claim deed from the developer or the last known member of the Silverado HOA. The City could then remove the property from the tax rolls, maintain the drainage facility and wait for a period of seven years to extinguish any claims. Councilman Daski moved to accept the City Attorney’s recommendation, which was to have the City take a colorable title by obtaining a quit-claim deed from the developer or the last known member of the Silverado HOA and then remove the property from the tax rolls, maintain the drainage facility and wait for a period of seven years to extinguish any claims; seconded by Councilman Hartselle. The motion carried with a unanimous vote (5). 12. PETITIONS, REMONSTRANCES, AND COMMUNICATIONS – None 13. REPORTS A. City Manager Reports City Manager McKnight informed Council that there will be a special Council meeting on June 15 at 5:30 p.m. and thanked Steve Wilson, Lisa Nicholas and Vice Mayor O’Neill for their efforts on the Memorial Day Ceremony B. Reports from the Dais • Councilman O’Neill reported that: o The first CPR training for Rockledge citizens was held on May 26 at Fire Station No. 1 and was extremely well received o He would be joining with the Space Coast League of Cities on June 3 to present a check to the Marine Resources Council ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING 14. Page 7 of 7 JUNE 1, 2016 ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council, Chairman Price declared the meeting to be adjourned at 7:08 p.m. __________________________________________ Council Chairman ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 15, 2016 - 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL The Rockledge City Council met in special session on June 15, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. PRESENT: Thomas J. Price Dr. Joe Lee Smith T. Patrick O’Neill Frank T. Forester Duane A. Daski Ted J. Hartselle James P. McKnight Betsi Beatty Moist Lisa Nicholas Mayor Councilmember, Seat #1 Councilmember, Seat #3 Councilmember, Seat #4 Councilmember, Seat #5 Councilmember, Seat #6 City Manager City Clerk Redevelopment Coordinator ABSENT: Richard K. Blake Councilmember, Seat #2 (Recovering from surgery) STAFF PRESENT: Alan LaDuke James Elmore Wastewater Treatment Director Assistant Wastewater Treatment Director With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Thomas J. Price. 2. BUSINESS A. Approval: Award of Bid, Florida Avenue Force Main Replacement Project City Manager McKnight explained that six bids had been received for the Florida Avenue Force Main Replacement project and recommended approval of the recommendation offered by the City’s consulting engineers, Jones Edmunds and Associates, and Waste Water Treatment Director LaDuke, to award the Florida Avenue Force Main Replacement project to the low bidder, Atlantic Development of Cocoa, Inc., whose bid was $588,402.00, with an immediate Notice to Proceed. Councilman Forester moved to approve the award of the Florida Avenue Force Main Replacement project to the low-bidder, Atlantic Development of Cocoa, Inc., whose bid was $588,402.00, with an immediate Notice to Proceed; seconded by Councilman O’Neill. The motion passed by unanimous vote (6). B. Approval: Proposal for Engineering Services (Jones Edmunds) City Manager McKnight explained that limited engineering services during construction for the Florida Avenue Force Main project will be required. Jones Edmunds and Associates has submitted a proposal in the amount of $28,250.00, ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Page 2 of 2 JUNE 15, 2016 which is a comparable amount for engineering services, when compared to other projects of this size and scope, and recommended approval of the proposal. Councilman O’Neill moved to approve the proposal in the amount of $28,250.00 for limited engineering services from Jones Edmunds and Associates for the Florida Avenue Force Main Replacement project; seconded by Councilman Hartselle. The motion passed by unanimous vote (6). C. Approval: State Highway Lighting, Maintenance and Compensation Agreement (FDOT) City Manager McKnight informed Council that Council action was not required for this item. Mayor Price removed the item from the Agenda. 3. ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Council, Chairman Price declared the meeting to be adjourned at 5:35 p.m. __________________________________________ Council Chairman ATTEST: _________________________________ City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 2016 - _______ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCKLEDGE, BREVARD COUNTY, FLORIDA, NAMING THE TENNIS AND RACQUETBALL COURTS AT THE MCKNIGHT FAMILY SPORTS COMPLEX AS THE “ELIZABETH H. PINDER TENNIS AND RACQUETBALL CENTER”. WHEREAS, Elizabeth H. Pinder devoted 25 years of her life promoting the game of tennis to adults and youth in Brevard County at the tennis and racquetball courts located at The McKnight Family Sports Complex; and WHEREAS, based on a request from the Rockledge Park Racquet Association, on May 16, 2016, the Brevard County District 4 Recreation Administrative Board unanimously recommended approval to name the tennis and racquetball courts at The McKnight Family Sports Complex as the Elizabeth H. Pinder Tennis and Racquetball Center; and WHEREAS, because The McKnight Family Sports Complex is owned by the City of Rockledge, a recommendation was made to City Council to name the tennis and racquetball courts at The McKnight Family Sports Complex as the Elizabeth H. Pinder Tennis and Racquetball Center; and WHEREAS, on June 1, 2016, City Council unanimously approved said recommendation; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCKLEDGE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The tennis and racquetball courts located at The 1 McKnight Family Sports Complex are hereinafter to be named and officially designated as the "Elizabeth H. Pinder Tennis and Racquetball Center”. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rockledge, Florida, this 20th day of July 2016. ________________________________ Chairman, Rockledge City Council ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk 2 ROCKLEDGE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, May 25, 2016 - 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL The Rockledge Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners met in regular session on May 25, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. PRESENT: Edward Inman Ken Zeszutko Lynne Krnoul Roll Steve Lum Albert Forbes Timothy Pickles Commissioner Commissioner (arrived at 5:38 p.m.) Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commission Attorney ABSENT: Dan Henn Perry Cameron Jr. Commissioner (excused) Commissioner STAFF PRESENT: James P. McKnight Lisa Nicholas Sherry Cazessus, CMC City Manager Redevelopment Coordinator Recording Secretary With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Steve Lum. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES & ATTENDANCE RECORD Meeting of April 27, 2016 Commissioner Inman made a motion to approve the minutes and attendance record of the meeting on April 27, 2016; seconded by Commissioner Roll. The motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT – April 2016 Motion by Commissioner Roll to be in receipt of the financial report for the Rockledge Community Redevelopment Agency; motion seconded by Commissioner Inman. The motion carried unanimously. 4. REPORTS FROM STAFF A. Staff Report 1. Façade Grant Projects Ms. Nicholas reported on the following façade grants which have been completed: ROCKLEDGE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING • • • • Page 2 of 4 May 25, 2016 Heritage Services Corporation, documentation received and payment has been made Molly Mutt III Thrift Shop MEB Law Firm Turtle Creek Golf Club Pro Shop The following façade grants are in progress: • • • • • • Marathon Gas Pirtek The East Coast Cabinet Company SkyZone Scooters Rockledge Square The following businesses have expressed interest in the façade grant program: • • • • Rockledge Square (landscape grant) Subway Indian River Furniture The Kings Daughters Bridal Shop, 1900 Huntington Lane, #E Mr. McKnight reported that the property located at the corner of Hardee Lane and U.S. #1 (former Victory Groves location) is undergoing renovation and the Space Bowl property has new owners. 2. Barton Boulevard Properties Ms. Nicholas reported that no responses were received to the RFQ that was sent out for 515, 517 & 527 Barton Boulevard. The conceptual plan for the Civic Hub would be presented later in the meeting. The bus stop conversion project is near completion and the Public Works Department has done a great job on the project. Plans are underway for a ribbon cutting ceremony in June. 3. Recent Events Ms. Nicholas reported on the following recent events: • • • Rockledge Night with the Manatees was held on May 6th, good attendance and the weather was great The Volunteer Breakfast was held on May 7th, great turnout and the food was great Dedication Ceremony for Lake Betsi and the Don Griffin Recreational Trail was held on May 24th 4. Upcoming Events Ms. Nicholas announced the following upcoming events: • • 2nd Annual Memorial Day Ceremony, Sunday May 29th at 2:00 p.m. at Larry L. Schultz Park City Employee Charity Golf Tournament, Saturday June 4th at 8:00 a.m. at Turtle Creek Golf Club. This year’s beneficiary will be the American Cancer Society Rockledge Relay for Life team. ROCKLEDGE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING • • • • 5. Page 3 of 4 May 25, 2016 30th Annual Independence Day Picnic, Monday July 4th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at McLarty Park, followed by fireworks at Riverfront Park in Cocoa SkyZone Job Fair, Friday June 3rd (from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) and Saturday June 4th (from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) at the Council Chamber at City Hall Costco Photo Op, Saturday June 11th at 10:00 a.m. at the Carnival Mall parking lot Ribbon Cutting, Saturday June 11th at 11:00 a.m. at Functionally Fit, located at the Publix Plaza on Barnes Boulevard UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Discussion: Conceptual Plan Ideas – Barton Boulevard Civic Hub Ms. Nicholas presented two conceptual ideas for the Barton Boulevard Civic Hub. Concept 1 provides space for 95 vendors, with four walkway entrances from Barton Boulevard and the preservation of more trees. Concept 2 provides space for 85 vendors with two walkway entrances from Barton Boulevard. Both concepts include a covered band shell. Following discussion, it was determined that Concept 1 was the best use of space. Staff will provide a task order for hard design from Kimley Horn at the next meeting. B. Discussion: Succession Planning for Redevelopment Coordinator Position Ms. McKnight presented the draft of the open position announcement for the Redevelopment Coordinator position. If approved the ad for the position would be posted next week with the deadline for applications to be July 15th. Motion by Commissioner Zeszutko to authorize Staff to move forward with the advertisement for the Redevelopment Coordinator position; motion duly seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 6. CONSENT BUSINESS - None 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion: Preliminary FY 2016-2017 Redevelopment Agency Budget Ms. Nicholas reported that the FY 2016-2017 budget process has been underway since May 17th and that the preliminary budget would be presented at the next meeting. Priorities discussed include the Barnes Boulevard Streetscape Project; funding for the Civic Hub and continuing or expanding funding of the façade grant program. B. Update: Annual Audit Report Mr. McKnight presented an overview of the Community Redevelopment Agency portion of the annual audit report, which has been accepted by City Council and will be forwarded to the state in order to meet statutory requirements. C. Approval: Reschedule June Board of Commissioners Meeting Ms. Nicholas presented the request to reschedule the June meeting from the fourth Wednesday of the month to the fifth Wednesday of the month. ROCKLEDGE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING Page 4 of 4 May 25, 2016 Motion by Commissioner Zeszutko to reschedule the June meeting from June 22nd to June 29th; motion seconded by Commissioner Inman. The motion carried unanimously. 8. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Roll thanked Ms. Nicholas for serving as the guest speaker at the CocoaRockledge Women’s Club meeting. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Lum declared the meeting to be adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sherry Cazessus, CMC Recording Secretary _______________________________________ Chairman, Board of Commissioners of the Community Redevelopment Agency ROCKLEDGE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 29, 2016 - 5:30 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL The Rockledge Community Redevelopment Agency Board of Commissioners met in regular session on June 29, 2016 at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. PRESENT: Edward Inman Ken Zeszutko Lynne Krnoul Roll Steve Lum Albert Forbes Perry Cameron Jr. Timothy Pickles Commissioner Commissioner (arrived 5:40) Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Commission Attorney ABSENT: Dan Henn Commissioner (excused) STAFF PRESENT: James P. McKnight Alexandra Bernard Lisa Nicholas Sherry Cazessus, CMC City Manager City Planner Redevelopment Coordinator Recording Secretary With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Steve Lum. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES & ATTENDANCE RECORD Meeting of May 25, 2016 Commissioner Forbes made a motion to approve the minutes and attendance record of the meeting on May 25, 2016; seconded by Commissioner Inman. The motion carried unanimously. 3. FINANCIAL REPORT – May 2016 Motion by Commissioner Forbes to be in receipt of the financial report for the Rockledge Community Redevelopment Agency; motion seconded by Commissioner Roll. The motion carried unanimously. 4. REPORTS FROM STAFF A. Staff Report 1. Façade Grant Projects Ms. Nicholas reported on the following façade grants which have been completed and waiting for documentation for payment: • • Molly Mutt III Thrift Shop MEB Law Firm ROCKLEDGE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING • Page 2 of 4 June 29, 2016 Turtle Creek Golf Pro Shop The following façade grants are in progress: • • • • • • Pirtek SkyZone Rockledge Square The East Coast Cabinet Company Marathon Gas Scooters The following businesses have expressed interest in the façade grant program: • • • • Rockledge Square (landscape grant) Subway Indian River Furniture 984 Rockledge Boulevard (former Victory Groves location) 2. Barton Boulevard Properties Ms. Nicholas reported the 515, 517 and 527 Barton Boulevard properties have been referred to Consultant Tom Vani for marketing strategies. The bus stop conversion has been completed and is an enhancement to the area, as well as an improvement from a safety standpoint. 3. Recent Events Ms. Nicholas reported on the following recent events: • 2nd Annual Memorial Day Ceremony was held on May 29th at Larry L. Schultz Park • City Employees Charity Golf Tournament was held June 4th at Turtle Creek Golf Club, with over $15,000.00 raised for Rockledge Relay for Life • Costco Photo Op was held June 11th at the Carnival Mall • Ribbon Cutting for Functionally Fit was also held on June 11th • Ribbon Cutting for the Bus Stop Conversion on Barton Boulevard was held on June 10th • Ribbon Cutting for Pirtek was held on June 24th Commissioner Zeszutko arrived 4. Upcoming Events Ms. Nicholas announced the following upcoming events: • 30th Annual Independence Day Picnic, Monday July 4th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at McLarty Park, followed by fireworks at Riverfront Park in Cocoa • SkyZone VIP Day, Monday July 18th from 2:00 to 8:00 p.m., with the grand opening and ribbon cutting scheduled for July 20th at noon. ROCKLEDGE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING 5. Page 3 of 4 June 29, 2016 UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Approval: Conceptual Plan for Barton Boulevard Civic Hub Ms. Nicholas presented the conceptual plan, which included 3-D renderings and the cost estimate for the Barton Boulevard Civic Hub. The plans include a raised stage; forever lawn in front of the stage and lighting upgrades. Kimley Horn prepared the concept plans. Motion by Commissioner Forbes to approve the conceptual plan for the Barton Boulevard Civic Hub with the incorporated comments and suggestions and to forward to City Council for approval; motion seconded by Commissioner Roll. The motion carried unanimously. B. Approval: Authorization to Advertise Intent to Sell Property at 889 Barton Boulevard Ms. Nicholas reported that the owners of MEB Law Firm have expressed interest in expanding their property by purchasing the Community Garden property, located at 889 Barton Boulevard. Florida Statutes require a 30-day public notice be publicized in a newspaper of general circulation when there is the intent to sell property within a redevelopment area. Motion by Commissioner Zeszutko to authorize the advertisement for approval by City Council of the intent to sell the property located at 889 Barton Boulevard; motion seconded by Commissioner Inman. The motion carried unanimously. C. Approval: Preliminary 2016-2017 Redevelopment Agency Budget Mr. McKnight introduced new Finance and Risk Management Director Matthew Trine. Ms. Nicholas presented an overview of the preliminary budget. Discussion focused on budget increases for completion of the Barnes Boulevard Streetscape project, façade grants and public private partnerships. Motion by Commissioner Roll to approve the preliminary 2016-2017 Redevelopment Agency Budget; motion seconded by Commissioner Cameron. The motion carried unanimously. 6. CONSENT BUSINESS - None 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Approval: Attendance, ICSC Florida Conference Ms. Nicholas presented the request for Staff to attend this year’s ICSC Conference to be held August 22nd and 23rd at the Orange County Convention Center. The Agency’s consultant, Retail Strategies, will also be attending this conference, as well as City Planner Alexandra Bernard. Motion by Commissioner Forbes to approve the attendance of Staff at the ICSC Florida Conference; motion seconded by Commissioner Roll. The motion carried unanimously. B. Approval: Attendance, Florida Redevelopment Association Annual Conference Ms. Nicholas reported that this year’s Florida Redevelopment Association Annual ROCKLEDGE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REGULAR MEETING Page 4 of 4 June 29, 2016 Conference will be held at the Hilton Orlando I-Drive October 12th through October 14th. This year Ms. Nicholas, the new Redevelopment Coordinator and one Agency Commissioner plan to attend. Motion by Commissioner Forbes to approve the attendance of Ms. Nicholas, the new Redevelopment Coordinator and one Commissioner at the Florida Redevelopment Association Annual Conference; Motion seconded by Commissioner Roll. The motion carried unanimously C. Approval: Upcoming Events Ms. Nicholas presented the request for approval of the following upcoming events, which are sponsored by the agency: • • • Hot Rockin’ Nights Car Show, Saturday, October 15th from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. on Barton Boulevard Central Florida’s the Food Truck Bazaar, Thursday, November 10th from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at a location to be determined 9th Annual Art and Craft Show, Saturday, January 28th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, January 29th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Barton Boulevard Motion by Commissioner Roll to approve the three upcoming events listed above; motion seconded by Commissioner Zeszutko. The motion carried unanimously. D. Approval: Reschedule August Board of Commissioners Meeting Ms. Nicholas presented the request to reschedule the August meeting from the fourth Wednesday of the month to the fifth Wednesday of the month. Motion by Commissioner Zeszutko to reschedule the August meeting from August 24th to August 31st, motion seconded by Commissioner Inman. The motion carried. 8. REPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Roll inquired about the status of the Carnival Mall property. Mr. McKnight reported that members from All Aboard Florida had recently visited the area and chose the old passenger station across from the Carnival Mall as the best site for the Brevard station. This would make the Carnival Mall and adjoining property in Cocoa choice property for transient oriented development. However, the rail project is still 5 years in the future. 9. ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Commission, Chairman Lum declared the meeting to be adjourned at 6:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Sherry Cazessus, CMC Recording Secretary ________________________________________ Chairman, Board of Commissioners of the Community Redevelopment Agency COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 8, 2016 – 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Council Finance & Budget Committee met on Wednesday, June 8, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas J. Price, Jr., Chair Councilman T. Patrick. O’Neill Councilman Frank T. Forester Councilman Duane Daski MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager James P. McKnight Asst. City Manager David A. Henderson Chief of Police Joseph LaSata Public Works Director Ken Poole Wastewater Treatment Director Alan LaDuke Planning Coordinator Alexandra Bernard Building Official Dennis Clements Fire Chief Tim Matson With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by the Chair at 4:00 p. m. 2. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – None 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Presentations 1. Department Head Priorities, FY 2017-2019 City Manager McKnight offered a review of how the current budget had progressed so far. At that point, each Department Director provided an overview of their department goals and priorities for the upcoming years in preparation for the annual budget. 2. Committee Priorities for FY 2017 Each member of the committee was given the opportunity to express their priorities, to be used in the preparation of the upcoming fiscal year 2017 budget. B. Discussion: Fees & Charges 1. Building Permits: City Manager McKnight led a discussion of fees & charges throughout the City for a variety of things. He noted, in this case, that our Building Permit fees were significantly lower than other municipalities in our area, and wanted to get the consensus of the committee regarding increases prior to bringing back a recommendation for consideration. COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Page 2 of 2 June 8, 2016 2. Public Hearings: It was noted that many of the fees we charge for Zoning, and Comprehensive Plan Amendments have not changed in a number of years. These fees, which are only designed to recover our costs of advertisement will be revisited and a recommendation for increases be forthcoming at a future date. 3. Stormwater: The City Manager noted that the budget for Stormwater was being recommended without a rate increase, even though our monthly rate was comparatively low. 4. Wastewater: It was reported that a recommendation for a moderate increase in the sewer consumption rate would be made at a subsequent meeting. The rates for the City system are significantly lower than our contemporaries in the County. 5. Garbage Collection: As a rate increase had not been initiated since 2009, and costs have continued to increase, it was reported that the Staff would be recommending an increase for the upcoming year. 6. Tentative Millage Rate: City Manager McKnight noted that the current, preliminary, rolled back rate was just over 6.00 mills and that the budget was being predicated on a millage rate of 6.30. Finalized information from the Property Appraiser’s Office was due by the end of the month. 7. Other Business: There was a brief report made of the status concerning the possible Health Clinic to be coordinated between several cities in the County and information on the same was in the process and would be forthcoming in the future. 4. ADJOURN There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:45 p. m. Submitted by: David A. Henderson Assistant City Manager COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 15, 2016 – 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Council Finance & Budget Committee met on Wednesday, June 15, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas J. Price, Jr., Chair Councilman T. Patrick O’Neill Councilman Frank T. Forester Councilman Duane Daski MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager James P. McKnight Asst. City Manager David A. Henderson Chief of Police Joseph LaSata Public Works Director Ken Poole Wastewater Treatment Director Alan LaDuke Building Official Dennis Clements Redevelopment Coordinator Lisa Nicholas Fire Chief Tim Matson Finance Director Matthew Trine Planning Coordinator Alexandra Bernard With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by the Chair at 4:00 p. m. 2. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – None 3. NEW BUSINESS A. Grants/Planning Projects City Manager McKnight introduced Planning Coordinator Alix Bernard and asked that she brief the Committee on Grants/Planning Projects in line for the upcoming year. At that point Ms. Bernard reviewed a number of projects that were ongoing in the City and outlined their funding sources and impact on the community. B. Compensation Study City Manager McKnight reviewed the status of the Compensation Study from HRCC. He noted a completion date of mid-July and a report being made available in August of this year. He mentioned to the Committee a need to consider the impacts on the upcoming budget. C. Health Clinic Proposal Mr. McKnight updated the Committee on the status of negotiations and discussion surrounding the proposed Health Clinic partnership with several cities in the County. He indicated a number of favorable responses from the employees of the cities COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Page 2 of 2 June 15, 2016 involved and was hopeful a complete agreement could be reached for implementation by the close of the calendar year. D. Three-Year Capital Needs City Manager McKnight reviewed the capital needs of each department and Citywide over the next several years and Department Directors provided clarifications where applicable. E. Tentative Millage Rate City Manager McKnight led a discussion concerning the proposed millage rate for the Fiscal Year 2017. He noted the budget has been tentatively programmed with a millage rate of $6.30 mills, but that the final numbers had not yet been received from the Property Appraiser. Members of the Committee expressed general support, but indicated a desire to see the millage rate be as low as possible. 4. ADJOURN There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:04 p. m. Submitted by: David A. Henderson Assistant City Manager COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, June 29, 2016 – 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Council Finance & Budget Committee met on Wednesday, June 29, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas J. Price, Jr., Chair Councilman T. Patrick O’Neill Councilman Frank T. Forester Councilman Duane Daski MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager James P. McKnight Asst. City Manager David A. Henderson Chief of Police Joseph LaSata Public Works Director Ken Poole Wastewater Treatment Director Alan LaDuke Redevelopment Coordinator Lisa Nicholas Community Advocate Steve Wilson Fire Chief Tim Matson Finance Director Matthew Trine Planning Coordinator Alexandra Bernard With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by the Chair at 4:00 p. m. 2. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. FY 2017 General Fund Budget City Manager McKnight reviewed the budget as presented for each department and subgroup of the General Fund budget, having dialog with the Committee as required. B. FY 2017 Wastewater Budget City Manager McKnight discussed the Wastewater budget and noted it was built upon a small increase in the consumption charges which would provide additional revenue while still leaving the rate at a very competitive level countywide. C. FY 2017 Stormwater Utility Budget The City Manager reviewed the budget as presented, and noted the monthly rate was not being proposed for increase. D. FY 2017 Sanitation Services Budget The City Manager reviewed the budget as presented, and noted that it provide for a modest increase in the sanitation services rate, which has not been adjusted since 2009. COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Page 2 of 2 June 29, 2016 E. FY 2017 Community Redevelopment Agency Budget The City Manager reviewed the budget as presented, noting that the current increase in taxable value in the district has provided approximately $75,000 in increased funding from the City for the CRA. F. FY 2017 Rental Facilities Budget The City Manager reviewed this budget, and noted that it was providing for grants revenue and General Fund matching funds for the completion of the window project ongoing at the Old St. Mary’s Church 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Banking Services Contract (Community Bank of the South) City Manager McKnight reviewed a proposal from the Community Bank of the South regarding renewal under the present terms. After some discussion on the matter. Councilman Forester offered the following motion: That the Finance & Budget Committee of the Rockledge City Council recommends approval of the recommendation of the City Manager to renew for a period of 3 years, the Banking Services Contract offered through Community Bank of the South. The motion was seconded by Councilman Daski, whereupon it passed unanimously by a vote of 3 with one abstention due to potential conflict (Mayor Price). B. Selection Committee for Review of Auditing Services Proposals City Manager McKnight reviewed the RFP for Audit Services and suggested a review committee be established, the same consisting of the Finance & Budget Committee and the Assistant City Manager. After some discussion on the matter. Councilman O’Neill offered the following motion: That the Finance & Budget Committee of the Rockledge City Council recommends approval of the recommendation of the City Manager regarding the Audit Services Selection Committee. The motion was seconded by Councilman Daski, whereupon it passed unanimously by a vote of 4. 4. ADJOURN There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:15 p. m. Submitted by: David A. Henderson Assistant City Manager COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, July 6, 2016 – 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Council Finance & Budget Committee met on Wednesday, July 6, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Thomas J. Price, Jr., Chair Councilman T. Patrick O’Neill Councilman Frank T. Forester Councilman Duane Daski MEMBERS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: City Manager James P. McKnight Asst. City Manager David A. Henderson Chief of Police Joseph LaSata Public Works Director Ken Poole Wastewater Treatment Director Alan LaDuke Building Official Dennis Clements Community Advocate Steve Wilson Fire Chief Tim Matson Finance Director Matthew Trine Planning Coordinator Alexandra Bernard With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by the Chair at 4:00 p. m. 2. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. FY 2017 General Fund Budget Matthew Trine reviewed the General Fund budget and outlined the changes that had been made in the same since the last meeting. 1. Tentative Ad Valorem Tax Rate The review by Mr. Trine brought out the need to establish a tentative ad valorem tax rate. The budget had been promulgated on 6.30 mills, however, updated information provided an opportunity to adopt a tentative millage of 6.25 mills. On that basis Councilman Forester offered the following motion: That the Finance & Budget Committee of the Rockledge City Council recommends approval a Tentative Ad Valorem Tax Rate of 6.25 mills, and that the same be reported to the Brevard County Property Appraiser and the State of Florida The motion was seconded by Councilman Daski, whereupon it passed unanimously by a vote of 4. COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Page 2 of 2 July 6, 2016 B. FY 2017 Wastewater Budget 1. Revised Rate Structure City Manager McKnight noted that the Wastewaster Budget was unchanged, but that it was developed with a small rate increase in mind. It was suggested that a two year plan be developed, whereupon the rates would automatically update for next year. After some discussion on this method of setting rates, Councilman Daski offered the following motion: That the Finance & Budget Committee of the Rockledge City Council recommends a two year approach to Wastewater Consumption Charges; that the rate be increased lowest rate be increased to $3.60, the second tier be increased to 3.75 in year one, and that in year two, tier one be established at $3.70 and that tier two be established at $3.90 The motion was seconded by Councilman Forester, whereupon it passed unanimously by a vote of 4. C. FY 2017 Stormwater Utility Budget The City Manager reviewed the budget as presented, and noted that no changes had been made since the prior review D. FY 2017 Sanitation Services Budget 1. Revised Rate Structure The City Manager reviewed the budget as presented, and noted that it provide for a modest increase in the sanitation services rate, which has not been adjusted since 2009. He requested authorization to plan for an increase in the residential rate to $13.90 per month and the commercial rate to $4.75 per cubic yard per pickup. After discussion concerning the increased costs since the last increase, Councilman O’Neill offered the following motion: That the Finance & Budget Committee of the Rockledge City Council recommends an increase in the Residential Garbage Collection rate to $13.90 per month, and that the Commercial Garbage Collection rate be increased to $4.75 per cubic yard per pickup. The motion was seconded by Councilman Forester, whereupon it passed unanimously by a vote of 4. E. FY 2017 Community Redevelopment Agency Budget The City Manager reviewed the budget as presented, noting that the current increase in taxable value in the district has provided approximately $75,000 in additional revenue from the City for the CRA. F. FY 2017 Rental Facilities Budget The City Manager reviewed this budget, and noted that it was providing for grants revenue and General Fund matching funds for the completion of the window project ongoing at the Old St. Mary’s Church COUNCIL FINANCE & BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 3. Page 3 of 3 July 6, 2016 NEW BUSINESS A. Revisions to Building Permit Fee Schedule City Manager McKnight presented a memorandum from the Building Official outlining requested changes to the Building Permit Fees and providing justification to adopt the Fee schedule form the International Code Council (ICC). This would permit automatic adjustments to the fees based upon revisions by the ICC. Further, it was noted that the ICC provided a wide ranging schedule of fees for use in determining the fees based upon class of construction. After a period of discussion, Councilman O’Neill offered the following motion: That the Finance & Budget Committee of the Rockledge City Council recommends the adoption of the Fee Schedule promulgated by the International Code Council (ICC). The motion was seconded by Councilman Daski, whereupon it passed unanimously by a vote of 4. 4. ADJOURN There being no further business to discuss, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 5:15 p. m. Submitted by: David A. Henderson Assistant City Manager RESOLUTION NO. 2016 - _______ RESOLUTION OF THE ROCKLEDGE CITY COUNCIL ADVISING THE BREVARD COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISER OF THE ROLLED BACK MILLAGE RATE OF THE CITY OF ROCKLEDGE FOR THE TAXABLE YEAR 2016, THE PROPOSED MILLAGE RATE OF SAID CITY FOR THE TAXABLE YEAR 2016, AND THE TIME AND PLACE OF THE FIRST PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED 2016-2017 FISCAL YEAR BUDGET FOR SAID CITY. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCKLEDGE, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The City of Rockledge does hereby advise the Brevard County Property Appraiser of the following, viz: (a) Based upon information certified to the City of Rockledge by the Brevard County Property Appraiser the rolled back millage rate of the City of Rockledge for the taxable year 2016 is $__________ per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation. (b) The proposed millage rate of the City of Rockledge for the taxable year 2015 is $__________ per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation. (c) The first public hearing to consider the tentative budget for the 2016-2017 fiscal year of the City of Rockledge, and to consider the aforesaid proposed millage rate, will be held Wednesday, September 7, 2016, at 6:00 o'clock p.m. in the Council meeting room in the Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. Page 1 of 2 SECTION 2. That the Finance Director of the City of Rockledge is hereby instructed to furnish a certified copy of this Resolution to the Brevard County Property Appraiser within thirty-five (35) days of said Property appraiser's certification of the 2015 taxable value of properties within the jurisdiction of the City of Rockledge. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Rockledge, Florida, this 15th day of July, 2015. ________________________________ Chairman, City Council of the City of Rockledge, Florida ATTEST: _____________________________ City Clerk Page 2 of 2 COUNCIL ADMINISTRATIVE, PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Thursday, July 7, 2016 - 4:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The Council Administrative, Personnel & Community Relations Committee met on Thursday, July 7, 2016, at 4:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Rockledge City Hall, 1600 Huntington Lane, Rockledge, Florida. MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilman Joe Lee Smith, Chairman Councilman Duane Daski MEMBERS ABSENT: Councilman Richard K. Blake (Recovering from Surgery) STAFF PRESENT: City Manager James P. McKnight Redevelopment Coordinator Lisa Nicholas Human Resources Coordinator Corey Harris Finance Director Matthew Trine With a quorum present, the meeting was called to order by Chairman Smith. 2. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Report: Employee Health Clinic City Manager McKnight introduced Shawn Fleming, Senior Benefits Consultant with the Gehring Group, who provided an overview of the proposed Health Clinic Consortium. The City of Cocoa currently utilizes a health clinic for its employees that has been very successful. The intent of entering into the Consortium is to provide quality health care to City employees at no additional cost to them. As many as five cities in Brevard County would participate in the Consortium, and administration would be through an Interlocal Agreement. Motion by Councilman Daski to recommend approval to enter into the proposed Health Clinic Consortium; motion seconded by Councilman Smith. The motion carried unanimously. B. Report: Update, Compensation and Classification Study (HRCC) City Manager McKnight reported on the progress of the Classification and Compensation Study. To date, all job description questionnaires have been completed, and most of the job descriptions have been rewritten. An additional meeting of the Administrative, Personnel & Community Relations Committee will be required prior to presenting the results of the Study to the entire Council. 3. NEW BUSINESS - None COUNCIL ADMINISTRATIVE, PERSONNEL & COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES 4. Page 2 of 2 July 7, 2016 ADJOURN There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned at 4:24 p.m. Submitted by: Lisa Nicholas Redevelopment Coordinator AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Agenda Item Number: 8D1 Subject: APPOINTMENT TO PLANNING COMMISSION Attachments: Application of Cordell Rolle Staff Contact: City Clerk Moist Background: Currently, there is one vacancy on the Planning Commission. To date, one application has been received. The vacancy resulted because of the departure of Tony Leib. Reference: Land Development Regulations Suggested Action: Appointment of Applicant Rolle to the Planning Commission for the remainder of the term, which expires in January 2018 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: REPORTS FROM BOARDS AND COMMITTEES Agenda Item Number: 8D2 Subject: APPOINTMENT TO BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Attachments: Application of Darren Gibson Staff Contact: City Clerk Moist Background: Currently there are two vacancies on the Business Development Committee. To date, there is one application on file. The vacancy that is being filled resulted because of the departure of Kevin Schleith. Reference: Land Development Regulations Suggested Action: Appointment of Applicant Gibson to the Business Development Committee for the remainder of the term, which expires in May 2017 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: CONSENT BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: 10 A UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES, PROPOSAL FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT SERVICES (BUILDING DEPT) Subject: Attachments: Contract for Services Staff Contact: Building Official Clements Background: Because the City has not been able to hire qualified building inspectors, the City has been utilizing the services of Universal Engineering to perform building inspections. The Agreement has expired as of July 1, 2015, so it is the recommendation of Staff to make the Agreement retroactive to July 5, 2016. The term of the Agreement is for two years, and the hourly rate is changed from $75 to $80. This document provides for inspections and planreview services. Reference: Florida Building Code Suggested Action: Approval of Agreement AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: CONSENT BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: 10 B PURCHASE OF FOUR VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE REPLACEMENTS (WASTEWATER DEPT) Subject: Attachments: Staff Memo; Quotes from Providers Staff Contact: Wastewater Treatment Director LaDuke Background: During the evaluation for installation of the SCADA System at the Wastewater Treatment Department, it was determined that four variable speed drives for pumps must be replaced. Since this is a replacement cost, the Renewal & Replacement Fund should be charged the $34,133.40 instead of the Capital Account suggested. Reference: SCADA Installation (Capital Budget – Wastewater) Suggested Action: Approval of Purchase MEMORANDUM TO: Jim McKnight, City Manager FROM: Alan M. LaDuke, WWT Director DATE: July 8, 2016 SUBJECT: Pump Drive Replacement Attached are two quotes for (4) four Variable Speed Drive (VFD) replacements. Two of the drives operate two of our deep well injection pumps and the other two operate two of our reclaimed water transfer pumps. The existing drives will not support the new SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system because of their age. We need to replace the drives in order for SCADA to operate these pumps. I would recommend we go with the low quote of $34,133.40, from Paralee Company Inc. Money can be appropriated out the SCADA account which is well under budget. Submitted for Council approval. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: CONSENT BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: 10 C Subject: PURCHASE OF INTERCEPTOR UTILITY SUV (POLICE DEPT) Attachments: Staff Memo; Quote Staff Contact: Police Chief LaSata Background: As discussed at the Council Finance & Budget Committee meeting, there is budgetary flexibility to purchase an additional Police SUV this fiscal year. Chief LaSata has located a 2015 model on State contract for $25,500.00, which is $2,000.00 less than what the 2016 vehicles were purchased for. Reference: Fiscal Year 2016 General Fund Budget Suggested Action: Approval of Purchase of Vehicle AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: CONSENT BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: 10 D SALE OF SURPLUS EXCAVATOR ON EBAY (PUBLIC WORKS DEPT) Subject: Attachments: Staff Memo Staff Contact: Public Works Director Poole Background: The 1987 Gradall Badger Excavator is no longer needed for service by the Public Works Department. The City is no longer able to obtain parts, and other equipment is available to meet workload requirements. The request is to dispose of the excavator on eBay. Reference: Disposal of Surplus Property Suggested Action: Approval of Sale of Surplus Property AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: NEW BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: 11 A THREE-PHASE POWER (FPL) FOR BREEZE SWEPT LIFT STATION Subject: Attachments: Staff Memo Staff Contact: Wastewater Treatment Director LaDuke Background: The City has worked with FPL to provide three-phase electrical service to the lift station in Breeze Swept as a component part of the septic-to-sewer conversion project. The poles on the south side of the subdivision will be replaced, along with new poles coming from the U.S. 1 service. The total cost will be $57,738.52, and authorization is required immediately in order to get the lift station completed and tested. Reference: Breeze Swept Septic-to-Sewer Conversion Project (Wastewater Capital) Suggested Action: Authorization to Proceed with FPL MEMORANDUM TO: Jim McKnight, City Manager FROM: Alan M. LaDuke, WWT Director DATE: July 12, 2016 SUBJECT: Three Phase Power/ Breeze Swept Project engineers had originally designed the Breeze Swept Lift Station to use 7.5 HP pumps. The design called for a three phase converter to be installed in the lift station panel to convert the existing single phase power to three phase. Wastewater staff determined years ago that the type of 7.5 HP pumps recommended for the project are not reliable and clog often. Staff recommended a more efficient and reliable pump that will minimize clogging and pass the solids required. However, the pumps that we have recommended will not meet the requirements of the engineers design to pump 255 gallons per minute (GPM) under single to three phase Conversion. After months of conversations with FPL, they will not budge from their policy to allow any pumps higher than 7.5 HP for three phase conversion. Staffs recommends a three phase 15 HP pump, which has a larger solids handling capacity to help prevent clogging. Staff believes going with the original design pumps will open a flood gate of problems from clogging issues to overflows. It is staff’s recommendation that we proceed with supplying the lift station with three phase power and install 15 HP pumps recommended by the department. The power must be run from US 1 to the back of the subdivision, to the lift station parcel. The cost of supplying the new lift station with three phase power is $57,738.52. Although the cost is expensive, once the power is run to the back of the subdivision it will available for any future expansion of the sewer system. Submitted for Council Approval. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: NEW BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: 11 B RECREATIONAL TRAILS PROGRAM – LIMITATION OF USE/SITE DEDICATION (GRIFFIN TRAIL) Subject: Attachments: Staff Memo; Site Map Staff Contact: City Manager McKnight Background: In order to receive the balance (approximately $74,000.00) of the Recreational Trails grant funding from FDEP, the City must record a limitation of use document with the Clerk of the Court. The City Attorney will need to determine the appropriate documentation required to fulfill the FDEP requirement. Reference: Recreational Trails Grant Program Suggested Action: Authorization to Record Document as Provided by City Attorney Memo City of Rockledge – Planning Division To: James P. McKnight, City Manager From: Alexandra Bernard, Planning and Grants Coordinator Date: 7/12/2016 Re: Recreational Trails Program – limitation of use/site dedication Comments: The Griffin Trail at The McKnight Family Sports Complex is complete. As part of the final grant close out, the trail must be recorded with the Clerk of Courts office that it will remain a trail in perpetuity. If the City should convert any part of the project area to anything other than a recreational trail, the City is responsible for replacing the trail to the DEP standards at the City’s expense. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: JULY 20, 2016 Agenda Category: NEW BUSINESS Agenda Item Number: 11 C FACILITY USE REQUEST, SPACE COAST LURE CHASE (ANDERSON STORMWATER PARK) Subject: Attachments: Letter of Request; Proof of Insurance Staff Contact: City Manager McKnight Background: Rick Ninko of Space Coast Lure Chase has requested use of Anderson Stormwater Park for the Space Coast Lure Chase on July 30, August 20, September 10, and September 24, 2016. As explained in the letter, a very successful trial run was conducted on July 9. There is no demand on staff, and no conflicts exist with other events since use of the Thompson House and the Pavilion is not required. Reference: Rental Facilities Suggested Action: Approval of Event Dates with Waiver of Fees July 16th, 2016 Rockledge City Council, My wife Katy and I have been local Brevard residents since 1986. Some of you may know us as the past owners and operators of the Space Coast Iceplex. Since selling the Iceplex in September of 2014 we have been evolving into retirement but have still kept very active. I’m currently the national chair for US Figure Skating’s Learn to Skate USA program as well as staying active on the BOD of USA Hockey and STAR (Serve the American Rinks). Katy is actively involved with St Johns Catholic Church as well as substitute teaching at the Viera Charter School. In our spare time we have invested in, and pursued the passion we share in dogs. We started Space Coast Lure Chase LLC in the summer of 2015. Our business provides exercise for dogs and entertainment for their owners. We set up a huge temporary fenced pen 60,000 to 70,000 sq. ft. in size. The equipment we use is a small electric motor (comparable to that of an electric drill) with pulleys spiked at strategic location around the field. A string runs around the pulleys with a plastic lure and the dogs basically chase the lure. This is not new. It was developed to help zoo animals like large cats get exercise when confined. The dogs that chase the lure totally love it. As do the owners. We have done this now at a variety of locations including Space Coast Stadium, Cocoa Village, Lori Wilson Park, Space Coast Harley, Harmony Farms, Eastern Florida State College Melbourne, Lake Eola and more. At times we have done it as fundraisers for the Brevard Human Society, Orlando Pet Alliance, and Harmony Farms. We have invested approximately $10k in the equipment and set-up. We do have monthly fixed costs to operate such as insurance, website, constant contact email, bank and merchant account fees. In order for us to keep offering this service we need a location to operate and hopefully off set some costs to keep it going. We did a test run recently on the property at the Pluckebaum Park. Steve Wilson attended as well as your past Fire Chief Rick Allen who took photos. We had fourteen dogs attend, two would not run so they were not charged, six ran from Rockledge and were charged $5 each. The other six dogs were charged $10 and some came as far as Ft Pierce to attend. We set up the night before. That took about 2hrs. We operated from 9am-1pm on Saturday and it took about an hour to tear down for a total of about 7 hours. We made $90 so obviously this is not a huge money maker. We do this because we love the dogs and the enjoyment it brings them, their owners and ourselves. We are hoping to set up in the same location on a more regular basis in hopes of building the base. Realistically we could run as many as 10-15 dogs and hour and still give them a quality experience. The traffic flow is moderate because people do not stay there the whole 3-4 hours. They usually run their dog 3-5 minutes, cool them down 10-15 minutes and run them again before leaving. All dogs are leashed except when in the pen and owners do pick up after their dogs. We provide bags if needed. The people who attend this are true passionate dog lovers. We had all positive comments about the Rockledge location and experience. We are requesting the use of the property based on availability starting Saturday July 30th, August 20th, September 10th and September 24th if possible. The city already has our proof of insurance and has been named as an additional insured via the Hartford. I would be happy to appear in front of the council and answer any question. References from any of the above for mentioned locations or events are available upon request. I’m attaching my website and Facebook in case you would like to view photos or videos. Sincerely, Rick and Katy Ninko Space Coast Lure Chase LLC