greater torino
greater torino
G R E A T E R T O R I N O N E W P R O J E C T S, A S U C C E S S F U L L O C A T I O N A N D C H O I C E I N V E S T M E N T O P P O R T U N I T I E S Thinking of Torino today means seeing the energy of change, the will and capacity to respond to the challenges that our area has faced in recent times. Starting from the need to rethink and move beyond the industrial identity of the last century, Torino has shown how it can develop a wide-ranging and long-term vision to define a modern and dynamic city, with a high quality of life and competitive on the national and international scene. The first step was to start from the recovery and conversion to new functions of vast, now disused industrial areas: a legacy of 2.5 million square metres re-designed for the new needs of a city in which the service sector now counts more than manufacturing and that is increasingly becoming a centre for research, ICT and innovation. There are also new spaces to strengthen cultural facilities, university accommodation and high quality housing. In addition, work continues on major infrastructure projects to improve access to the city and internal mobility, such as putting underground the rail tracks that cut the city in half from north to south, building above them a major boulevard crossing the city, or the construction of the metro, the relaunch of the airport and the construction of the high capacity/high speed railway that will put Torino at the centre of Europe’s east-west line. The city will also benefit from the great tangible legacy (the infrastructures) and will gain in terms of international promotion of the Winter Olympics. The Games have already given extraordinary impetus to the process of urban transformation and are producing important, positive spin-off effects for the tourism and hospitality sectors. We have been working for some time to define scenarios and policies that can guarantee the best possible management and enhancement of this legacy. Torino is therefore a city in evolution that is taking action to create new bases of development starting from a vision shared with the local community and summarised in the Strategic Plan, now in its second edition. The new plan moves forward from the results of the first plan and takes on the challenges ahead, identifying the sectors on which to focus and the action to be taken – necessarily from the perspective of the metropolitan area – in building a future of growth. There are therefore many reasons to look at Torino with interest: never as now is the city ready to measure itself with the challenges of modernisation and to grasp and communicate all the opportunities that these major processes of change are releasing. Piazza Castello Sergio CHIAMPARINO Mayor of Torino Bern AT T H E C E N T E R O F E U R O P E A N B U S I N E S S 5 Bern-Bruxelles Zürich Genève Malpensa Lyon Aosta Milano Lyon-Paris Torino Rotterdam London Kiev Frankfurt Cuneo-Levaldigi Budapest Bern Lyon Valladolid Zaragoza Lisboa Madrid Nimes Montpellier Novara Torino Barcelona Blue Banana Latin Arc TEN-Trans-European-Networks Corridor 5 Genova-Rotterdam Sea motorways Milano Venezia Verona Genova Ljubljana Nice Genova Savona La Spezia The city of Torino and its metropolitan area are located in Italy’s economic heartland, the north west, with an important role in connections both nationally and to the major European cities. One of the priority objectives of the strategic development plan for the metropolitan area of Torino is represented by the investments planned and already being made for the upgrading of the access system to the city and international connections. Over the next 10 years more than € 30 billion investments have already been planned and started, to improve the region’s infrastructures: road network, airports, rails, intermodal and logistics platforms, tunnels. A project for Europe’s future Torino is reinforcing its position, thanks to one of Europe’s most important infrastructure works: the construction of the Italian section of Corridor 5, a key link between Eastern and Western Europe, from Kiev to Lisboa. The project includes the construction of two high capacity and high speed rail lines (Torino-Milano and Torino-Lyon), positioning the city even more strongly as the central node along the west-east route, with rapid links in both directions, and thus as the nerve centre of land transport between Italy and Europe. The transalpine line between Lyon and Torino will carry 50 million tonnes of goods and 7 million passengers every year. • Torino-Milano line (125 km) will make it possible to double rail service. Journey times will be cut to 45 minutes compared to the present 105. Completion of the Torino-Novara stretch and the Torino-Malpensa link is set for 2007, while the whole line is expected to be open in 2009. • Torino-Lyon is a transalpine line (254 km, 52 of which in tunnels). This cross-frontier project will integrate the economic space between Lyon Rhône-Alpes, Torino and Piedmont Region. The Torino-Lyon transalpine railway project is a vital link in the rail line connecting Eastern and Western Europe. Upon completion, Lyon and Torino will be only 105 minutes apart. The goal is to be fully operational in 2018. ROAD, SEA AND AIR LINES • A network of around 1,000 km of motorways and 2,000 km of railways connects the region with main Italian and European cities. • Mediterranean ports and an integrated logistics system allow fast and efficient movement of goods and people along the main national and international lines. • The international airport of Torino Caselle, only 20 minutes from the city centre, provides daily links with the main Italian and European cities. Future development of the airport focuses on the strengthening of existing national and international links, and the opening of new passenger and cargo routes. Particularly important in this sense are the links with the main intercontinental hubs (London, Frankfurt, Paris, Roma). Further improvement is also planned for the Torino Malpensa road and rail system in order to further reduce the travel times. Malpensa, 100 km from Torino, is the most important intercontinental airport in southern Europe. A SKILLED AND FLEXIBLE WORKFORCE 6 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING INSTITUTIONS • IPSET, International Pole for the Support of Education and Training • ETF, European Training Foundation • ICER, International Centre for Economic Research • ILO, International Labour Organization, International Training Centre • United Nations Staff College 7 The City of Torino is characterised by outstanding scientific and technological competencies, demonstrated by the presence of a highly skilled work force, innovative companies and prestigious universities. Torino is today in a position to become a leading knowledge city and is working to reach priority goals in this direction. Two major universities provide the backbone to Torino’s education system in technical subjects, the humanities and sciences: the Università di Torino and the Politecnico di Torino. A vast spectrum of disciplines and courses are provided, from traditional ones to the most innovative. Many schools offer specialist and vocational courses, private centres and post-graduate SOME EXCELLENCES IN HIGHER AND BUSINESS EDUCATION education institutes help young people and the labour market to meet in all areas. Numerous international training centres are also located in Torino. world. The Politecnico international programmes cover a variety of aspects: • multilateral relations with universities and research centres in various countries; • Istituto Superiore Mario Boella The Università di Torino has over 65,000 students. The University has a wide-ranging network of exchanges and co-operation with other university centres in Italy, Europe and around the world; it offers 7 bi-national degrees and about 40 agreements on international PhDs. These agreements involve mainly France, Germany, Russia, Poland and Latin America. • relations with the European Union on research and education projects, for instance through the EUA (European Universities Association); • ASP Alta Scuola Politecnica Torino-Milano. The Politecnico di Torino (26,000 students), is a leading technical/scientific education and research institution in Italy and Europe, closely integrated with the business • management of academic exchanges of students and teachers. • SiTI Istituto superiore sui sistemi territoriali per l’innovazione The Politecnico di Torino’s current internationalisation policy makes it a magnet for international education, aiming to stimulate agreements and exchanges with institutions in strategic geographical areas, such as Latin America, the Mediterranean, SouthEast Asia. Relations with the USA and Canada concern chiefly research. • ESCP-EAP, European School of Management • UNICRI, United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Politecnico di Torino Istituto Superiore Mario Boella • CRF-Fiat Research Centre CRF-Fiat Research Centre, with a workforce of 1,200, most of them with Masters-equivalent degrees or higher in Engineering disciplines, Science, Mathematics and Economics, has the mission to develop and transfer innovative products and processes. It was the FIAT research centre which created the ABS braking system and the Common Rail diesel engine. It has state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities operating in different fields: environment and energy, safety and well-being, materials and technologies. • Ti Lab Ti lab, the Telecom Italia Group’s R&D centre, with its 1,000 employees, has 40 years’ experience in all fields of telecommunications and works in close collaboration with Pirelli Labs, universities, research centres and other companies to develop innovations, engineer them and put them on the market. It contributed to the definition and establishment of GSM, MP3 and optic fibre transmission. • Motorola Technology Centre The Motorola Technology Centre of Torino, with a staff of over 500 people, one of the most active and advanced in the Motorola worldwide network, is a centre A H I G H LY I N N O VAT I V E E N V I R O N M E N T F O R R E S E A R C H A N D D E V E L O P M E N T A strong and well-established vocation for innovation makes Torino a city with a powerful drive for research and development. 20 % of the entire R&D expenditure of Italian companies is concentrated in the metropolitan area of Torino, fuelling innovation and enabling the commercial system to leave its mark on the world market of cutting-edge products. A highly prized system of major R&D centres specialised in automotive and information communication technology, as well as in many innovative sectors such as bio and nanotechnologies, offers a network of topquality skills. The whole Piedmont region, with its over 200 R&D centres, ranks first in Italy for expenditure on innovation in the manufacturing sector, and envisages the mobilisation of € 3 billion for research in the next 3 years. Torino is consolidating its role of international excellence in Information and Communication Technology (ICT), a sector that can count on a major concentration of human and industrial resources. 7,000 companies with a work force of 54,000 employees are active in the ICT district. Torino will have a leading role in the implementation of the European Union’s Galileo project, the satellite navigation system. Interesting research and development initiatives are also emerging in the design sector to strengthen and consolidate the local tradition, represented by the presence of great names in many fields, including car design. Torino has in fact been nominated World Design Capital 2008. Torino and Piedmont are also strongly committed to the field of sustainable mobility and renewable energy. The Region intends to establish itself as one of the European centres of excellence in hydrogen research and has set up the Piedmont Hydrogen System (SPH2), an initiative that brings together companies, university institutions and research centres. Environment Park TORINO WIRELESS Torino Wireless ( is the first technological cluster created with the participation of the Italian government, the Piedmont governmental bodies, important ICT companies, universities, research centres and financial institutes. The cluster, coordinated by the Torino Wireless Foundation, with the aim of promoting partnerships between public and private actors in R&D as well as boosting new enterprise and improving the region’s competitiveness, is dedicated to Information and Communication Technologies, and is particularly targeting those ICT sectors impacting the technologies and many economic aspects of the Region, such as wireless technologies, software technologies, multimedia technologies, microelectronic and optical devices, and wire-line technologies. CRF-Fiat Research Centre SOME R&D CENTRES OF INTERNATIONAL STANDING of excellence for the development of global software and mobile phone systems, of new technologies and interoperability tests. The C980 and C975 models, products integrating the most advanced technologies, have been developed in Torino. • RAI Research Centre The RAI (national broadcasting company) Technological Innovation and Research Centre (CRIT) contributes to the evolution of technologies for the national radio, television and multimedia system and supports the group in its technology decisions and in the phase of experimentation and introduction of new products and systems. It is active in numerous projects financed in national and European frameworks and collaborates actively with universities and other companies. • GM Powertrain Europe Research Centre The General Motors Powertrain Europe research centre of Torino, inaugurated in 2005, co-operates closely with other GM Powertrain units in North America and Latin America and is dedicated to diesel technology and design. The Torino centre of GM Powertrain Europe will supply diesel engines for cars, small gas engines, manual transmissions and related control equipment for GM vehicles throughout the world. A G R E AT P L A C E T O L I V E A N D W O R K 11 IMPORTANT INTERNATIONAL DATES Castello del Valentino The welcome of a great European capital, an exceptional range of culture, easy access and the city’s new urban development make Torino an ideal place to live and work. Torino, the first capital of Italy and the heart of the Alps, with its Royal Residences and Baroque architecture has left behind the old “one-company town”. In recent years It has made huge steps forward to diversify its image and economic structure. Palazzo Madama - Piazza Castello The economic relaunch of the city has also and above all affected the quality of life. Torino has now also invested in its tourist accommodation to meet the needs of visitors from around the world. The traditional and well-established business tourism has been joined by thousands of visitors seeking culture, gastronomy, leisure and shopping as Torino has an extraordinary and varied range of offers. The city and its surrounding area has a wealth of artistic resources including prestigious museums of contemporary and modern as well as antique art, Castello di Rivoli - Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, GAM - Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Galleria Sabauda, Museo Egizio, Museo Nazionale del Cinema, to name just a few.1 It is also the home of the International Book Fair, one of the world’s largest, and boasts a tradition of fine wine and food that make it famous worldwide and it is no chance that the “Salone del Gusto” gastronomy fair promoted by Slow Food has put down deep roots in the city. The city brings together culture with leisure and entertainment thanks to its famous historic cafés, the clubs that make the city buzz with life at night and the 12 km of arcades that host the big fashion labels, jewelleries and the city’s major show rooms. 1 For further information: • 2006 XX Olympic Winter Games • 2006-2007 Torino World Book Capital • 2007 Winter University Sports • 2008 World Conference of UIA Union Internationale des Architectes • 2008 Torino World Design Capital • TORINO 2011, the 150th anniversary of the Unity of Italy. G R E AT E R T O R I N O O F F E R S S O M E O F T H E M O S T C O M P E T I T I V E B U S I N E S S R E A L E S TAT E P R I C E S G R E AT E R T O R I N O O F F E R S S O M E O F T H E M O S T C O M P E T I T I V E B U S I N E S S R E A L E S TAT E P R I C E S 12 13 Italia, Milano-Torino. Residential: average prices 2000-2010 THE RIGHT PLACE TO INVEST Torino is one of the most interesting real estate markets for the second half of this decade. This is highlighted by the comparison of trends in the average Italian property prices, conducted by Scenari Immobiliari1. The forecasts made by Scenari Immobiliari are based on the analysis of both the general trends in the property market in Milan and other Italian cities and on the important changes in Torino’s market structure and economy: • completion of the new railway to Milan. This will enable economic integration and easier inter-city mobility; • the strong growth of financial, insurance and IT services; • development of the university and research centres in the city, building on its industrial tradition. This means becoming a magnet for young people from the whole of Italy and abroad, with the subsequent raising of the level of housing and services demanded. The cities in the surroundings of Torino saw double figure growth both in the volumes exchanged and in turnover. 180 REAL ESTATE OPPORTUNITIES INDUSTRIAL PREMISES 160 140 AVERAGE SALES PRICES PRICES VOLUMES euro/sq.m. Square metres offered Square metres exchanged Total take-up (%) Turnover (million euros) 1,163,000 720,000 61.9 368.5 RENT euro/sq.m./year 45 - 70 35 - 58 30 - 46 550 - 820 Torino Immediate surroundings 510 - 750 400 - 530 Rest of the province Source: Scenari Immobiliari 2005. Source: Scenari Immobiliari 2005. 120 TERTIARY/OFFICES 100 In Torino a good recovery in average prices is expected, driven by the offer of new properties and a rise in demand in the coming years. This situation for housing also triggers a positive impact on the non-residential segment, with the progressive entry of Italian and international property investors in the city’s services and commercial real estate market and in industrial premises in the rest of the province. Italia Milano 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 80 Torino PRICES VOLUMES The tertiarisation of the city of Torino continues, with a strong recovery in the market for offices. Exchanges grew by almost 10% in 2004 while supply decreased. This led to take-up shooting up, rising by over 20% in a year. The interest of institutional investors remained high. Square metres offered Square metres exchanged Total take-up (%) Turnover (million euros) 210,000 105,000 50.0 202.1 AVERAGE SALES PRICES RENT euro/sq.m. euro/sq.m./year Highly desirable zones 2,150 - 3,900 130 - 260 1,500 - 3,100 85 - 195 Peripheral zones 1,600 - 3,000 100 - 200 Business Centres* Source: Scenari Immobiliari 2005. Source: Scenari Immobiliari 2005. (*) ITP calculations on Finpiemonte data Source: Scenari Immobiliari 2005. TERTIARY OFFICES: TORINO MARKET IN THE LAST SIX YEARS 1 Scenari Immobiliari ( is an independent study and research institute that analyses real estate markets and, in general, the local economy in Italy and Europe. (central zones) Rent Torino Amsterdam Athens Barcelona Berlin Frankfurt Lisbon London Madrid Milano Paris Roma Zurich 260 315 390 275 260 390 260 1,200 320 450 635 400 485 Source: Scenari Immobiliari 2005. Return % 6.5 6.2 7.5 5.5 5.8 5.5 7.2 4.5 5.2 5.2 5.5 5.3 4.5 INDUSTRIAL PREMISES (suburbs) Rent 55 80 78 78 63 74 74 170 80 70 64 66 80 CITY C Return % 8.2 7.9 10.5 8 8 7.9 8.2 5.7 7 8 8.3 8.1 7.5 Torino Amsterdam Athens Barcelona Berlin Frankfurt Lisbon London Madrid Milano Paris Roma Zurich 160 7.5 MAX. 140 7.0 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,350 3,400 4,200 2,600 9,000 3,400 5,000 7,800 5,700 5,700 5,000 3,600 4,550 4,300 4,200 5,500 3,100 11,500 4,500 6,800 9,900 7,800 8,900 50 400,000 PRICE C MIN. 60 40 6.5 120 300,000 30 200,000 20 6.0 100 5.5 5.0 80 1999 2000 2001 Medium price (base 1999=100) Source: Scenari Immobiliari 2005. 2002 2003 2004 Gross medium yields % Absorption (%) OFFICES 500,000 Square mtres CITY Sale prices of residential properties in the central zones, excluding market peaks (€/sq.m.). Yelds % The market in Torino benefits from particularly competitive prices compared to the average in Italian and European cities. In addition, the growth trends highlighted above in terms of new business locations and the regeneration of the economic fabric as a whole have generated new relocation demand, reflected in growing returns from real estate in the last three years. Rents and average return of non-residential properties in the main European cities (€/sq.m./year). Base 1999=100 COMPETITIVE PRICES 100,000 10 0 1999 Square metres offered Source: Scenari Immobiliari 2005. 2000 2001 2002 2003 Square metres exchanged 2004 0 Absorption index (%) Greater Torino can meet the most sophisticated business and investment demands with a vast range of location opportunities. As part of its mission to provide support for foreign investment in Piedmont, ITP - Invest in Turin and Piedmont, has identified a number of interesting location and investment opportunities offered by both public bodies and private companies: • multipurpose projects • hotels • offices and light industrial units • industrial and logistics areas Ask further information: All information included in this publication is provided by real estate operators and while being as accurate and up to date as possible at the time of going to print is not legally binding. TORINO, BUILDING THE FUTURE TORINO, BUILDING THE FUTURE 14 Torino is engaged in a process of radical urban renovation and improvement whose roots lie in the need to redefine the prospects and identity of an industrial city in the era of post-Fordism and globalisation. TORINO INTERNAZIONALE TORINO’S STRATEGIC PLAN The urban scene is changing rapidly and entire sections of the city are being reconstructed at great speed around the new central axis of the Backbone Boulevard and the Crossrail line: the key infrastructure for new urban accessibility and mobility founded on the Metropolitan Rail Service as outlined in the Regional Transport Plan. Work is continuing to redefine the functions but also the shape, morphology and architecture of places and the built environment. Torino was the first city in Italy to adopt a Strategic plan (2000 2011) - that involves institutions, political representatives, the economic world and society as a whole in a project to redefine the city’s identity. In view of the Olympics, the first significant results of this intense activity through the years at the turn of the century are being seen. Many of the programmes and projects will demand commitments for at least the next five years, but a clear perception of the future is already here after the phase of endless building sites. The objects and environments that will define the identity of the contemporary city are taking shape. Architectural and urban quality needs to be ensured while at the same time providing conditions of general environmental sustainability, a liveable community, social integration and security, as the best guarantee that the city functions well. This is the role of the Urban Centre, established in 2001, first for the city and as of 2005 for the metropolitan area. Its institutional mission is to make the public aware of the change underway and to foster discussion and encounter between the cultures and actors involved in the construction of the city. This is also the framework of the mission of Torino Internazionale and ITP Invest in Turin and Piedmont to promote the city as a place of joint operational support, social cohesion and location opportunities. 2004-2015 TOWARDS A NEW PLAN Four years after the Plan was initiated, new priorities are emerging that need to be read in the perspective of the work that has been carried out and organized into a wideranging project. These priorities are the catalysts of the debate which the consolidated method, with its strategic, integrated and concerted plan, must interpret through its personal vision: sustainable development, social cohesion, governance and valorization of the network, research into opportunities for future generations, the value of culture and knowledge, the ability to communicate change. Supply has increased, attracting growing shares of the housing and tertiary/industrial demand. But above all there has been an increase in the confidence of the trade and investors in the reality of the prospects of change and modernisation of the city’s structure that the Master Plan had outlined, but in which trust in its actual implementation was very low. The re-activation of the market has made it possible to attract substantial resources with which to finance new or upgrading of buildings and infrastructures, with at the same time a substantial increase in the areas for services and public gardens. In brief, a virtuous circle has been set in motion in the system, made up of upgrading of the infrastructural network and services as an essential condition for supporting development by attracting investments and brains. Palaisozaki and Olympic Stadium Faced with a relatively negative economic situation, the contribution of the construction industry, above all in infrastructures, has been considerable and has played a significant anti-cyclical role in creating jobs and wealth. Mario VIANO Town Planning Commissioner City of Torino TORINO, BUILDING THE FUTURE 16 According to the latest Censis ( report, Torino is the Italian city that showed the “greatest determination to emerge” in 2005. € 1.2 billion for the creation of the Crossrail system € 970 million for the new metro (inauguration on 4 February 2006) € 1.7 billion for the creation of the car park system and urban plans related to the Central Backbone € 150 million for the construction of the athletes’ Olympic Villages 17 MAIN DRIVERS OF CITY CHANGE THE CROSSRAIL SYSTEM, THE BACKBONE BOULEVARD AND THE CENTRAL BACKBONE PROJECT The Crossrail system is one of the fundamental drivers of the changes underway in Torino. In the framework of the mobility plan, based on the development of interlinked and integrated transport systems, the Crossrail is a crucial infrastructure, together with the new Metro line. The project plans to put underground 15 kilometres of tracks that cut the city in two from north to south. At the same time, tracks will be doubled and the urban fabric re-joined. It will thus be possible to cross the city from north to south along a metropolitan rail system with six city stations that will also be used by national and international trains. The city’s future main railway station will become Porta Susa, which will see the passage of trains on the high-speed trains on the Milan-Torino-Lyon line in addition to all national trains and, thanks to the presence of a Metro stop in the new station, the system will be perfectly integrated. This work will also ensure a considerable improvement in access to the city from all the towns of the metropolitan area (Greater Torino). Above the underground crossrail network, the Backbone Boulevard provides a tree-lined avenue with vast green areas, bicycle paths, car parks, and other transportation facilities that streamline traffic in the city. The Backbone Boulevard is surrounded by one of the city’s most important development and transformation projects: the Central Backbone. The project is divided into four key areas denominated Backbones 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each of these areas is organised around one of the stations of the Crossrail system. They have different vocations and offer a linear series of new central points. The new facilities therefore provide significant benefits for local economic development as well as for the image of the city . THE NEW METRO LINE Line 1 of the underground radically changes how people move in the city. 28 kilometres of tunnels and 15 stations; quick and efficient interchanges between railway connections and public transportation. • From the town of Collegno to Porta Nuova railway station in 15 minutes; • from Porta Nuova to Lingotto in 7 minutes; • a train every two minutes during rush hour. Backbone Boulevard Underground Underground Backbone Boulevard Underground € 1.5 billion total “Olympic legacy”, i.e. the value of the facilities that will remain with the city after the Olympics NORTH 18 JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY 8 REBAUDENGO 9 C ZAPPATA D STURA A PORTA SUSA 2 DORA B 7 5 1 PORTA NUOVA LINGOTTO 3 6 “Volo IT2000” - Compagnia Generale Riprese Aeree (C.G.R. – Parma), PROVINCE OF TORINO 4 19 1 Southern Sector - Olympic District: exhibitions, fairs and congresses 2 Southern Sector - Mirafiori: automotive, design and sustainable mobility 3 4 5 6 7 Backbone 1 and 2: higher education, research and business 8 9 Stadio delle Alpi Area: sports, facilities and services Backbone 3: ICT, technology and renewable energies Historic Centre Northern Sector: higher education, services and residential Northern Sector: new access to the city through Backbone Boulevard Basse di Stura Park UNDERGROUND CROSS-RAIL SYSTEM RAILWAY STATION A B C D Backbone 1 Backbone 2 Backbone 3 Backbone 4 JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY Porta Nuova PIAZZA D’ARMI OLYMPIC STADIUM PALAISOZAKI FORMER DOGANE AREA FORMER CARPANO AND PASTIFICIO ITALIANO OLYMPIC VILLAGE 21 SOUTHERN SECTOR - OLYMPIC DISTRICT Between the river Po and Piazza d’Armi: an area that is already a symbol of the new Torino The journey starts at Lingotto, the building restructured by Renzo Piano that today houses fair and exhibition centres, hotels, shopping centres, museum spaces and university faculties, a true multifunctional centre buzzing with life at all times of day. A few yards from Lingotto, the historic building of the former “Pastificio Italiano” has been transformed into an internationalstandard hotel and the adjacent former “Carpano” factory is to become a centre of excellence for wine and food that will strengthen the image of Torino as the Capital of Taste with its tradition in the field that has made it famous throughout the world. The area will be well served by Line 1 of the underground (completion of works is planned for 2009) and the pedestrian walkway over the railway will provide a direct link with the Lingotto rail station, which will become an important strategic centre for transport in the city. The journey continues into the heart of the Olympic District: the Olympic Village created in the former Mercati Generali area (former wholesale market). We then head westwards, to the area of the old Municipal Stadium (Stadio Comunale), remodelled to host the opening and closing ceremonies of the XX Olympic Winter Games. Alongside it, the new Olympic sports centre for ice hockey. Palaisozaki is a multifunctional facility that can be transformed into a space for congresses, concerts and other events. Opposite the two buildings, the park of Piazza d’Armi is being reorganised: a splendid setting for official ceremonies and leisure activities. The new Ice Rink (Palaghiaccio), designed for figure and short-track skating training during the Games, will become the city's ice sports centre. Going towards the river, we find the Palavela, the reinforced concrete building built in 1961 for the Centenary of the Unification of Italy, restructured to host the figure and short-track skating competitions. From here, along the banks of the Po, we reach the pavilions of the ITC-ILO campus restructured and extended up to 300 rooms to host one of the media villages during the Games. LINGOTTO MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTRE OVAL FORMER FIAT AVIO AREA PALAZZO DEL LAVORO Oval ITC-ILO CAMPUS Olympic Village PALAVELA Olympic Village - Olympic Arch Lingotto Palaghiaccio 20 SOUTHERN SECTOR, OLYMPIC DISTRICT - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Completion area Area to develop The Olympic Village, constructed to host 2,500 competitors during the XX Olympic Winter Games in 2006, is part of a complex project of transformation and re-use of a vast area of about 170,000 sq.m., parallel to the Lingotto rail tracks and in part occupied by the disused buildings of the former Mercati Generali (wholesale market). The Olympic Village covers 65,000 sq.m. of gross floor area, in addition to the structures of the old market; it will then be converted in part into social housing, in part into public offices and university halls of residence. The use of the central zone, of high architectural value and characterised by the arches of the former market, is currently being assessed. In the same area, a further 47,000 sq.m. of gross floor area are available. The transformation and upgrading of Torino’s various trunk roads has helped to place the Olympic Village in a central position in the city. This area will also be well connected with the underground and integrated with the Lingotto multifunctional centre. Olympic Village The Olympic Village FORMER MERCATI GENERALI AREA • Olympic Village Gross floor area 65,000 sq.m. • Completion area Gross floor area 47,000 sq.m. Owner City of Torino SOUTHERN SECTOR, OLYMPIC DISTRICT - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES FORMER DOGANE AREA Existing building to redevelop PALAISOZAKI AND PIAZZA D’ARMI AREA A post-Olympic management opportunity The former Dogane customs buildings that occupy the central and southern section of the area adjacent to the Mercati Generali, will undergo completion and improvement works to convert the buildings to a new use. The new hockey stadium (18,300 sq.m. gross floor area), has been designed by Arata Isozaki and Pier Paolo Maggiora to become a real factory of events able to host, after the Olympic hockey matches, both sports and other important events (conferences, concerts, sports, circuses etc.) for up to 15,000 spectators. The design of the new Palaisozaki, built in the vicinity of Piazza d’Armi, completely redefines the urban shape of this area by bringing together, in a new spatial system also the FORMER DOGANE AREA Land area 87,900 sq.m. Gross floor area 61,500 sq.m. Owner Agenzia del Demanio (State property agency) Piazza d’Armi Area FORMER MERCATI GENERALI AREA Former dogane area 22 PALAISOZAKI Gross floor area 18,300 sq.m. Torino City Council is currently searching for a management company to run the complex in the post-Olympic period existing building of the Stadio Comunale. The area has uniform paving and, facing the large pedestrian square, the Olympic Gardens open up, a monumental park that is part of the larger nature park around it. In the project for the restructuring of the sports complex that includes the Olympic Stadium, the construction of a new hotel (gross floor area 6,000 sq.m.) is also envisaged. la Pa iso i zak 23 SOUTHERN SECTOR, OLYMPIC DISTRICT - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES SOUTHERN SECTOR, OLYMPIC DISTRICT - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES LINGOTTO, MULTIFUCTIONAL CENTRE Torino’s main conference centre FORMER FIAT AVIO AREA Area to develop FORMER CARPANO AND PASTIFICIO ITALIANO AREA The City of Taste and 5-star accommodation Lingotto, twenty years on. Two decades after the closure of the factory that Le Corbusier defined as “one of the most impressive spectacles offered by industry”, the FIAT factory (a total of 300,000 sq.m.) designed in the 1920’s by the engineer Matté Trucco, has been completely re-interpreted. Designed by Renzo Piano, the change has followed the metamorphosis of the city itself. The first stage was in 1992 with the opening of the Fair Centre, followed in 1994 by the Conference Centre and the multifunctional Auditorium (seating for 2,090). The Oval, the facility adjacent to Lingotto built for the 2006 Olympic Winter Games, has been designed to be used as an expansion of the Lingotto conference centre. With this addition, the centre will have a total capacity for 9,000 guests. The multifunctional Lingotto centre hosts the 8 Gallery shopping centre of over 20,000 sq.m. (with a 4,000 sq.m. car park) and the Pathé multiplex. But Lingotto is also a place of business, study, culture and accommodation. The business centre (one of the biggest in Torino) opened some time ago and has been joined by the automotive engineering faculty of the Politecnico di Torino, the largest Italian Dental School, a hall of residence for foreign students and the Giovanni and Marella Agnelli Foundation art gallery. Two new hotels have been created at Lingotto to provide further hospitality to support the Lingotto fair and conference centre: Le Meridien and Art&Tech, for a total of 360 rooms. The former Fiat Avio area, adjacent to the Lingotto complex, is a closed large industrial plant. It spreads out over a total area of about 187,000 sq.m. and is located immediately south of the Lingotto complex, in a zone of the city subject to major urban transformations and improvement of old, now disused, buildings. The owner of this area is the Piedmont Region. In the vicinity of Lingotto the transformation is underway of a former industrial area which, once completed, will provide the zone with important new functions. Already today, this area represents a new urban centre. The former Pastificio Italiano building has already been converted into a 5-star hotel (AC10 Torino). Work is underway to create the City of Taste in the premises of the former Carpano plant. THE ITALIA ’61 PARK A unique environmental quality location New multifuctional building New project to develop. Investment opportunity The former Carpano and Pastificio Italiano area also envisages the possibility of a new building of about 10,500 sq.m. gross floor area for services on the zone bordering the areas owned by Lingotto. 1 2 3 AC10 Torino Hotel New multifuctional building City of Taste The southern zone of access to the city of Torino is characterised by high landscape and environmental quality due to the river Po, its riverside park and the splendid view up to the hills. This area hosts buildings of great architectural value: the pavilions created for the events to celebrate the Centenary of the Unification of Italy in Torino in 1961. Some of these buildings have been completely restructured to host the events of the XX Olympic Winter Games. The Palavela has been completely renovated, to designs by Gae Aulenti and Arnaldo De Bernardi, to host the figure and short-track skating competitions during the Games. Palazzo del Lavoro Location and investment opportunity Pa Not far from the Palavela there is an important, large-scale building of excellent architectural quality, the Palazzo del Lavoro. New uses for the building are foreseen as an incentive to full and sustainable re-use: offices, tourist accommodation, services, exhibitions, conferences and fairs, entertainment including cinemas and theatres, indoor and outdoor sports facilities and leisure facilities. 1 Lingotto Multifuctional Centre 2 NEW AC10 TORINO HOTEL ***** Opened 2005 Italia 61’ Park AC10 Torino Hotel 3 Palazzo del lavoro 24 NEW MULTIFUCTIONAL BUILDING Gross floor area 10,500 sq.m. PALAZZO DEL LAVORO Covered area 22,500 sq.m. Owner FINAM SpA For sale Owner FINTECNA SpA lav ela 25 JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY 27 SOUTHERN SECTOR - INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION DISTRICT Mirafiori: automotive, design and sustainable mobility The industrialisation of the southern area of the city dates back to the 1950’s with the construction of the FIAT Mirafiori factories and numerous other plants of supplier companies. After a period of crisis that entailed the closure of many plants, it has seen in recent years new re-industrialisation and urban replanning. Travelling through the area from south to the south-west, among the disused sites of the former Carello factories, cutting edge multi-functional complexes have been created to host innovative ICT companies, one of the driving sectors in Torino. A small but significant part of the FIAT Mirafiori area was bought recently by the City of Torino, Province of Torino, Piedmont Region. In the framework of a LE TORRI BUSINESS CENTRE 1 2 project to strengthen the automotive cluster, an auto/mobility research and development centre will be created, bringing together the Politecnico design activities, currently scattered across the city, with the objective of increasing interaction between the research and business worlds. Continuing further, along Corso Tazzoli, behind the FIAT plants, a number of important business centres are currently being developed. They will significantly increase the availability of quality spaces for light industry and services. This area, already well-served by road access, will benefit from the upgrading and widening the road which connects the city to the logistics area of Orbassano-Grugliasco with the S.I.TO.1 and C.A.A.T.2 facilities. Freight road/rail interchange centre of Orbassano (the largest in Piedmont with its 2,800,000 sq.m.) Wholesale fruit and vegetable centre of Torino (450,000 sq.m.). Lingotto Mirafiori Area Mirafiori Area MIRAFIORI AREA Mirafiori Area 26 SOUTHERN SECTOR, INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION DISTRICT - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Ar ori r af i Mi MIRAFIORI, A FACTORY OF KNOWLEDGE Location opprtunity MIRAFIORI AREA CONVERSION PROGRAMME • First lot Gross floor area 300,000 sq.m. Uses • Research and education centre • Light industry and business location research activities of excellence in the Mirafiori site. The objective is to create a centre to support the automotive cluster, bringing together the degree courses in Industrial Design and Automotive Engineering (aiding their growth and internationalisation), promoting the integration of research and development in the fields of product design, systems components, new technologies for sustainable mobility, and the safety of infrastructures, means of transport and the environment. A NewCo, created for the purpose by the Piedmont Region, Province and City of Torino and FIAT, purchased the first lot of 300,000 sq.m. on which to begin the conversion programme for the area. Mirafiori Area Mirafiori Area The area of Mirafiori, in the south of the city, is characterised by the presence of the FIAT plant on a site of about 3,000,000 sq.m. This complex, first constructed in the 1950’s to back up the Lingotto factory, progressively became the symbol of FIAT in Torino but, with the worldwide process of industrial relocation, the vast complex is currently under-used. Modern production technologies enable FIAT to rationalise the use of space, and it is investing massively in the production lines for new car models at Mirafiori plant. Local institutions and the Politecnico di Torino, in close collaboration with the FIAT Group, and following the guidelines of the Second Strategic Plan for Torino, have signed an agreement to locate higher education and SOUTHERN SECTOR, INDUSTRIAL INNOVATION DISTRICT- NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES ea BUSINESS LOCATION ALONG CORSO TAZZOLI Le Torri Centre Under construction The complex is located along Corso Tazzoli, near the ring road system with rapid access to the main road network. The project envisages two tower blocks for tertiary and production activities. 4,200 sq.m. are destined for underground parking and another 3,000 sq.m. outdoor. Le Torri Centre 28 LE TORRI CENTRE • First lot (Expected delivery July 2006) Gross floor area 9,500 sq.m. • Second lot (Expected delivery July 2007) Gross floor area 8,640 sq.m. Total gross floor area 18,140 sq.m. Owner PRO.IND Srl 29 JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY Dora PIAZZA STATUTO MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTRE C BACKBONE 2 AREA 31 BACKBONE 1 AND 2: HIGHER EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND BUSINESS Along the Backbone Boulevard, from the doubling of the Politecnico to the new Porta Susa railway station The journey runs through the area destined to become a new science, and cultural zone for Torino and at the same time a place for higher education, research and business. The starting point is the Backbone 1 area, where housing and a shopping centre are being built looking out onto a large new square, designed on the basis of the guidelines provided by the architect Jean Nouvel. Following the new “Backbone Boulevard”, we reach the area once home to the Nebiolo and Westinghouse industrial plants, destined to house new cultural and research activities connected to the nearby Politecnico. Facing this, the complex of the former railway repair yards (OGR), characterised by buildings of great architectural value, are being converted to create a research, cultural and education centre. Close by, the Politecnico is doubling its area: highly prized old factories have been conserved and restructured, while new buildings host classrooms, research centres and the first Corporate Research Campus in Italy. Continuing northwards along the Backbone Boulevard, we then reach the new railway station of Porta Susa: over 15,000 square metres underground for passenger services and, above ground, a glass-fronted gallery with shops and restaurants. BUILDING IN VIA CERNAIA Porta Susa NEW PORTA SUSA RAILWAY STATION TOWERS OF PORTA SUSA POLITECNICO CORPORATE RESEARCH CAMPUS FORMER LANCIA PLANTS Porta Nuova LANCIA BUSINESS CENTRE RUFFINI PARK BACKBONE 1 AREA Mario Merz, Igloo fountain MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTRE A The doubling of Politecnico MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTRE B Backbone 2 -Towers 30 BACKBONE 1 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES BACKBONE 1 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES B - Multifunctional centre in Backbone 1 Development of a former industrial site close to the new Zappata cross-rail station in the area denominated “Backbone 1” is progressing well. This project concerns two lots of land located around major transport routes, for a total land area of 164,089 sq.m. Plans include the creation of 78,153 sq.m. of gross floor area. Housing, now almost completed, provides about 55,000 sq.m. of gross floor area. Major works are also planned for the tertiary sector. Multifunctional centre A New project - Investment opportunity Multifunctional centre B New project - Investment opportunity The creation of a new multifunctional facility of 10,000 sq.m. of gross floor area is planned in the northern part of the area. This will host a variety of uses, for the tertiary sector, commerce, leisure, hotels and housing. The area will have a large public space with squares and gardens ideal for walks, games and sports. The owner is RFI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Italian railway network company). One of the most significant works planned is a multi-storey building of 30,000 sq.m. of gross floor area, for the tertiary sector and services, located on the northern side of the area to make a striking impact against the backdrop of the “Backbone Boulevard”. The owner is City of Torino. Ba c kbo ne B oul eva r d 33 FORMER LANCIA PLANTS New development LANCIA BUSINESS CENTRE Existing building - Location opportunity The San Paolo district is the location of a major regeneration project with the conversion of a vast industrial zone of over 210,000 sq.m., the historic site of the Lancia plants. The area is located close to the Ruffini Park and along main roads. Work has been conducted in successive lots. Work on the first lot (former Gardino area - 37,000 sq.m. gross floor area for housing and retail outlets) and the second lot (66,800 sq.m. gross floor area), developed by the Gefim company, have been completed and sold. Currently at the feasibility study stage, the project envisages the conversion of part of the third lot (41,000 sq.m. gross floor area). The “Lancia Skyscraper”, the historical former headquarters of Lancia and recently restructured, is one of the best examples of office buildings constructed in Torino in the 1950’s, to a design by Giò Ponti and Nino Rosani. Located in an ideal branch of the works of Backbone 1, in a vast industrial district almost completely transformed, it offers 10,500 sq.m. of prestigious management offices fitted with the latest technologies. Lancia Business Centre BACKBONE 1 AREA Ruffini Palace 32 BACKBONE 1 AREA Land area 164,089 sq.m. FORMER LANCIA PLANTS - THIRD LOT Land area 60,000 sq.m. LANCIA BUSINESS CENTRE Offices 10,500 sq.m. Gross floor area 78,153 sq.m. Gross floor area 41,000 sq.m. Owner Torino Zerocinque Trading SpA Owner Torino Zerocinque Trading SpA (Beni Stabili SpA 42.5%; Gefim SpA 42.5%; Fiat Partecipazioni SpA 15%). For sale or rent 34 BACKBONE 2 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES BACKBONE 2 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES POLITECNICO DI TORINO, THE HUB OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Higher education, research and industry The creation of the first Italian Corporate Research Campus inside the Politecnico di Torino Location opportunity Plans for the project to double the Politecnico includes about 70,000 sq.m. gross floor area (offices, laboratories and services) to host innovative companies that want to co-operate with the Politecnico di Torino. Of these, 7,000 sq.m. are available immediately. Corporate Research Campus - first lot The project to double the Politecnico involves the area of the former railway repair yards (OGR), about 100,000 sq.m. freed by the railway, behind the present university premises. The project intends to give the area of the Politecnico an identity not only as a place of academic learning and research, but also as an attractor of major investments in research by multinationals, technology transfer, community services, social and student meeting points and urban regeneration. Former OGR building The doubling of Politecnico The project for the doubling of the Politecnico, in what is now a central position in the city, is part of the global process of major urban change favoured by the closure of large industrial areas. The Politecnico is tackling the challenges of the new millennium with the construction of a modern, efficient extension to improve the quality of teaching with new spaces for students (study rooms, canteens, gardens, sports facilities etc.), as well as to offer cutting-edge research facilities. The “doubling project” will total about 170,000 sq.m., 55,000 of which by 2006, in an area alongside the current headquarters in Corso Duca degli Abruzzi. POLITECNICO DI TORINO Corporate Research Campus Gross floor area about 70,000 sq.m For companies that want to co-operate with the Politecnico di Torino. Immediately available 7,000 sq.m. • 3,500 sq.m. business incubator • 3,500 sq.m. equipped offices Th bli ou d e of ng ico cn lite o P 35 • the construction of the new railway station with an indoor gallery, a modern take on the 19th century style urban gallery and the grandiose halls of historic stations which will house retail businesses and provide access to the floors below intended as stations for the railway and underground lines. • the construction of a double service tower (each one of about 40,000 sq.m. gross floor area) linked to the station terminal and the shopping arcade. SECOND TOWER BLOCK MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTRE BUILDING IN VIA CERNAIA Gross floor area about 42,000 sq.m. Gross floor area about 6,000 sq.m. Gross floor area about 27,800 sq.m. Owner RFI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Italian railway network company) Owner City of Torino-RFI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana Owner RAI (National broadcasting company) For sale st at io ay ra ilw Modern skyscraper of 27,800 sq.m. gross floor area made up of a central tower surrounded by a series of lower buildings. The building is located in Via Cernaia in the centre of Torino, in the immediate vicinity of Porta Susa railway station. The building is currently used for offices and is therefore compatible with hotel use. It is an ideal solution for hotels given its immediate vicinity to the city’s shopping streets and the main tourist attractions. a The functional conversion is planned for the present Porta Susa railway station (once work for the new station is completed). On completion of the operation to restructure the former historical building of the railway station, the creation of a new office building of 6,000 sq.m. of gross floor area is planned. The area will be sold by public auction. rta Su s The construction of two new tower blocks is planned in the framework of the urban regeneration programme for the Porta Susa area. 150 metres high, they will offer a total gross floor area of about 87,000 sq.m. to host services, management offices and accommodation and will be directly linked to the new rail station and Line 1 of the underground. Plans for one of the two blocks are already underway and will house the new headquarters of the San Paolo IMI bank. The land on which the second tower block will be built is owned by RFI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana (Italian railway network company). Po BUILDING IN VIA CERNAIA Existing building to redevelop. Investment opportunity. Ne w The new Porta Susa railway station Once completed, the new Porta Susa railway train station will become the city’s main station: the high-speed railway line and Line 1 of the new Torino underground system will pass through it. The new train station will provide businesses with a direct, rapid daily service to Milan, Lyon and Paris. The design of the Porta Susa railway station complex was the focus of an international architectural competition won by the Arep studio (Paris) and envisages the complete reorganisation of the area. The project foresees: MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTRE C New project to develop. Investment opportunity. Building in via Cernaia Currently under redevelopment, the Porta Susa District offers strong potential for property development in the areas around the main high-speed train station. PORTA SUSA TOWERS New project to develop. Investment opportunity. Porta Susa Area - Multifunctional Centre PORTA SUSA DISTRICT BACKBONE 2 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES n BACKBONE 2 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES Backbone 2 - Towers 36 37 JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY 39 BACKBONE 3: ICT, TECHNOLOGY AND RENEWABLE ENERGIES The heart of innovation in the new post-industrial park Along the river Dora: the area, once home to major industrial plants like the Michelin factory or the Fiat steelworks, is changing and re-inventing its identity more than any other zone of the city. The river Dora, which was covered for decades by old factories, will flow again between new buildings and be a strong sign of the new Dora Park of 450,000 sq.m., the binding fabric for the numerous projects. The overall programme involves an area of 1,000,000 sq.m. and envisages a range of works for a total of 585,542 sq.m. of gross floor area, at an advanced stage of completion, with housing, commercial, business, service facilities and two units to host part of the journalists for the 2006 Winter Olympics (MediaVillages). The transformation of this area also opens up new opportunities for business, design, research and the environment. This has already happened in the Environment Park, 30,000 sq.m. of laboratories and companies surrounded by greenery, all involved in the high-tech and environmental development sectors. And this is what is happening in the former Savigliano plant, completely transformed to house a high-tech centre for companies in innovative sectors and retail spaces. In the area of the Fiat steelworks, the Santo Volto church, designed by Mario Botta, with its bell-tower constructed in the old chimney, is one of the hallmarks of the profound transformation of this part of the city. Two of the Media Villages have been constructed in the heart of Backbone 3: the Mortara Media Village and the Verolengo Media Village, which will be converted to housing. VITALI AREA MEDIA VILLAGE VITALI PARK MICHELIN NORTH AREA MEDIA VILLAGE S.N.O.S. BUSINESS CENTRE Dora ENVIRONMENT PARK Porta Susa S.N.O.S. Business Centre FORMER ODDONE AREA S.N.O.S. Business Centre BACKBONE 3 AREA Vitali Park FORMER ILVA AREA SANTO VOLTO CHURCH Dora commercial centre 38 BACKBONE 3 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES BACKBONE 3 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES ea e 3 Ar kbon Bac THE IDEAL LOCATION FOR INNOVATIVE ACTIVITIES The Backbone 3 area is today an outstanding example of how the city’s former industrial sites are being transformed into areas dedicated to new technologies, mainly in the ecotechnology and information and communication technology sectors. Due to a series of positive circumstances that have come together in the north west of the city, and especially in the framework of Backbone 3, it is an area particularly attractive for the location of small and medium sized companies active in the field of information and communication technology, business support and advanced shared services. This important centre, today characterised by the presence of the Environment Park and the proximity to the Virtual Reality and Multi Media Park, will be strengthened by the completion of the conversion of the former Officine Savigliano into an ultra-modern service centre designed to the most stringent quality standards. This project, named S.N.O.S., is intended as the logical extension and completion of the Environment Park. 7 5 6 10 7 TELECOM TRAINING SCHOOL 2 HYPERMARKET 18,000 sq.m. 8 MEDIA VILLAGE (400 FLATS) 3 MULTIPLEX 5,000 sq.m. 9 VITALI PARK 4 COMMERCIAL OFFICE-RESTAURANTS 22,000 sq.m. 10 MEDIA VILLAGE (400 FLATS) 5 PIERO DELLA FRANCESCA COMPLEX Faculty of information technology 11 S.N.O.S. Former Savigliano plant 6 CURIA HEADQUARTERS 12 DORA RAILWAY STATION 9 VITALI PARK Location opportunity The former Officine Savigliano multi-space offers 27,000 sq.m. of business spaces. Modular spaces are available both in the 6 new buildings and in the historic premises, which can be customised on the basis of the type of use, the needs and tastes of each company. All premises will be characterised by high-tech features of immediate and efficient connections with the local and global network. 3,000 sq.m. of technology areas. High-tech premises equipped to host facilities and infrastructures for the companies. 12,000 sq.m. for commerce and leisure. A fully-fledged centralised system of high-quality services: pedestrian public gallery, shopping centre, bars and restaurants, extensive leisure areas. 3,000 sq.m. of lofts. Living units looking out onto the park. Over 1,500 car parking spaces(33,500 sq.m). • First lot In the first lot a new urban complex has been realised to host journalists during the Games integrated with the Dora Park, with a direct view over the river. The centre of the complex, a public pedestrian square, is surrounded by a variety of urban functions. At the north-east corner the new housing and hotel are the main access point to the new district. This project concerns the construction of two buildings to host new advanced industries with low environmental impact, and the provision of new roads to the west of the development. The Vitalipark complex offers two parallel, rectangular buildings and a central space, the “galleria”, open at the ends and with a steel and transparent polycarbon covering. Both buildings have four floors above ground and underground floor as a 90 space car park. 32 eco-compatible units are planned of 400 to 550 sq.m. each. Priority will be given to business activities on the ground and first floors, while the second and third floors will be devoted to services. • Second lot (completion area) The second lot, to complete the project, envisages the creation of 113,000 sq.m. for housing, the tertiary sector and retail activities. 3 4 8 2 1 11 S.N.O.S. BUSINESS CENTRE Gross floor area 42,000 sq.m. Under construction For rent/for sale 12 Owner S.N.O.S. SpA (Public/Private company: Finpiemonte SpA 51%; Impresa Rosso SpA 49%) Vitali Park ENVIRONMENT PARK 30,000 sq.m. FORMER VITALI AREA Location and investment opportunity S.N.O.S. Business Centre 1 41 S.N.O.S. BUSINESS CENTRE Location and investment opportunity Vitali area 40 FORMER VITALI AREA • First lot Public and private housing 30,000 sq.m. Retail 12,000 sq.m. Hotel 7,000 sq.m. VITALI PARK Gross floor area 15,000 sq.m. Owner IMMOBILIARE EUROPEA SpA • Second lot - completion area Gross floor area 113,000 sq.m. Owner Cimimontubi SpA Owner SINATEC SpA (Public/Private company: Finpiemonte SpA, CNA1, API2, SOPRIN SpA) Under construction For rent/for sale 1 2 Craft national association Small&medium companies association BACKBONE 3 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES BACKBONE 3 AREA - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES S.N.O.S. Business Centre 43 FORMER ILVA AREA Area to develop. Created to host over 1,440 journalists during the Games, after the Olympics the village will be used for rented housing, apartments for sale and others for the elderly (400 flats). The complex is made up of three 21-floor tower blocks, located in a line almost parallel to Corso Mortara, one of the main access points from Milano. With the creation of the cross-rail system, the central Backbone Boulevard and the reorganisation of the Dora Railway Station, the area of the rail yards will be freed from its previous functions. It occupies an area of 111,000 sq.m. in which development will be possible for works integrated with others along Backbone 3, for a total of 50,000 sq.m. of gross floor area, which will look out onto the Backbone Boulevard and the Dora park. The large former ILVA steelworks completes the offer of spaces for advanced industry along Backbone 3. 146,000 sq.m. of land currently occupied by a now disused industrial building, once part of the Fiat steelworks, where 74,000 sq.m. of gross floor area can be developed. The area enjoys good accessibility thanks to its vicinity to the main east-west trunk roads. Former Ilva Area FORMER ODDONE AREA Area to develop. Former Oddone Area MICHELIN North Residential complex Already completed Media Village - Michelin north 42 FORMER ODDONE AREA FORMER ILVA AREA Total area 111,000 sq.m. Total area 146,000 sq.m. Gross floor area 50,000 sq.m. Gross floor area 74,000 sq.m. Owner RFI, Rete Ferroviaria Italiana Owner Cimimontubi SpA (Italian railway network company) JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY 45 HISTORIC CENTRE An unrivalled architectural heritage Dora The historic centre of Torino has seen numerous improvement projects in recent years to transform the city, above all upgrading a number of squares: Piazza Castello, San Carlo, San Giovanni, Vittorio Veneto, Bodoni and Valdo Fusi.Considerable work on urban furnishing and the restructuring of buildings have contributed in recent years to giving new sparkle and vitality to a city that boasts an unrivalled architectural heritage. One particularly significant case of urban regeneration concerns the so-called “quadrilatero romano”, the old Roman heart of the city, turning it into an area of high-quality housing and bars, restaurants and night clubs, thus becoming one of the city's liveliest zones.In recent years, the area of Porta Palazzo has also seen work to improve the building and socio-economic fabric co-ordinated under the title The Gate (pilot project financed by the European Union). These include the creation of a new commercial pavilion PORTA PALAZZO SANTO STEFANO AREA BUILDING IN VIA BERTOLA Porta Susa PIAZZA CASTELLO CAVALLERIZZA REALE PIAZZA SAN CARLO MOLE ANTONELLIANA NATIONAL CINEMA MUSEUM designed by Massimiliano Fuksas. The City of Torino is also drawing up a programme of actions to create a cinema district, the “Cineborgo”, in the area around the Mole Antonelliana, the home to the National Cinema Museum. The area will offer the public cinemas, events, architectural installations and commercial services related to film. Thanks to the new role that Torino is taking on as a tourist city and the impetus of the 2006 Winter Olympics, major work has been completed in the historic centre to create new hotels. By 2007, work will be completed to improve Porta Nuova railway station, the city’s nerve centre. In the overall plan of reorganisation of the city’s rail transport, scenarios are beginning to emerge for the future transformation and upgrading of the station areas and the rail yards that involve an immense area strategic for the future of the city. PIAZZA VITTORIO VENETO Porta Nuova Archaeological area BIOTECHNOLOGY SCHOOL Piazza San Carlo CORSO MARCONI BUSINESS CENTRE Palazzo Madama - Piazza Castello PORTA NUOVA AREA Piazza San Giovanni 44 HISTORIC CENTRE - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES SOUTHERN SECTOR OLYMPIC DISTRICT 46 CAVALLERIZZA REALE COMPLEX Gross Floor area about 30,000 sq.m. Owner Agenzia del Demanio (State property agency) Unique in Italy and one of the most important in the world, the National Cinema Museum is hosted in the Mole Antonelliana of Torino, the city's symbol. Inaugurated in July 2000, more than two million visitors have come through its doors. The attractive display design by the Swiss architect François Confino occupies an area of 3,200 sq.m. with displays on six floors that illustrate the history of cinema, drawing on a vast heritage of museum collections. The collections continue to grow with new acquisitions. The National Cinema Museum is part of a much larger and more ambitious project that involves intellectuals, competencies, initiatives and financial resources in an all-embracing approach that combines culture, industrial production and technological innovation. The CineBorgo is a vast-ranging project, covering not only culture but also town planning, to transform the district around the Mole Antonelliana into something unique in Europe, a vast area dedicated to cinema, to enhance and complete the cultural mission of the National Cinema Museum. Cinema is the driver of the Torino and the “Cineborgo” project, which in addition to being the demonstration of this joins the Virtual Reality and Multimedia Park and the nascent Cineporto. The “Cineborgo” project will involve the DAMS (Art, Music and Entertainment and Sciences of Communication degree courses), the Museum of Radio and Television, the production centre of the RAI Auditorium, Teatro Regio and Teatro Gobetti, in addition to the cinemas on and around Via Po. The heart of the district will be the Mole Antonelliana and the City of Torino has begun negotiations with the main businesses and institutions in the area, including RAI (National broadcasting company), the university, Teatro Regio, Cavallerizza (State property agency) and local retailers, to define a joint development and improvement programme. Piazzale Aldo Moro New project to develop Cinema Studios and private activities compatible with such a valuable historic site, plans are for the Cavallerizza to host a varied range of uses for a total of 30,000 sq.m., such as a museum and exhibition complex in the stately wings on the ground floor retail and craft activities on the ground floors and basements of the buildings, offices, studios and housing on the upper floors. The building named “Maneggio Chiablese” will be renovated for use by the Università di Torino. Analyses of the possible configurations of the complex have highlighted the benefits of locating a hotel in the part with the prestigious frontage overlooking the Royal Gardens. The hotel could occupy a maximum of 10,000 sq.m. gloss floor area. The courtyards and spaces inside the complex will be a pedestrian area, with underground car parking. Cavallerizza Reale Complex Cavallerizza Reale Complex The complex of the Cavallerizza (former royal stables and military riding school) covers an area of about 22,000 sq.m. and is a natural continuation of the system of buildings in the adjacent Piazza Castello. It is made up of a series of wings and buildings, built in different eras, characterised by a series of pathways, links and arcades that were once the centre of military training services. The high level of urban quality given by the complex's exceptional position in the centre of the city demands regeneration not only of the buildings but also renewal in social and cultural terms for the city, making it more accessible through the opening of pedestrian routes that re-establish continuity between Piazza Castello, the buildings around the Royal Palace and the Royal Gardens. In the respect of a balance of public NATIONAL CINEMA MUSEUM AND THE CINEBORGO PROJECT National Cinema Museum DEVELOPMENT OF THE CAVALLERIZZA REALE COMPLEX Investment opportunity HISTORIC CENTRE - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES SOUTHERN SECTOR OLYMPIC DISTRICT 47 A new building project is currently being defined for the vast area facing Palazzo Nuovo, the building that houses the arts faculties of the Università di Torino. A car park for 700 vehicles is planned with the construction of a building of high architectural quality of about 13,000 sq.m. of gross floor area, occupied mainly by public services and facilities connected to the university. The area is owned by the Università di Torino. ol M e on nt A e llia na HISTORIC CENTRE - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES HISTORIC CENTRE - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES This building of great architectural and cultural value was constructed in the early years of the 20th century with evident echoes of Juvarra’s monumental art and features typical of 19th century public buildings. The façade is decorated with sculptures, columns, pilaster strip friezes in travertine and other important architectural elements. The location is very attractive and faces the Lamarmora gardens. Given the position and particular features of the property, it is suitable for possible use for high quality services and hospitality facilities. Po rta Nu ov ar ail wa y st at io n CORSO MARCONI BUSINESS CENTRE Location opportunity BIOTECHNOLOGY SCHOOL Centre of excellence for research One project on which great energy will be concentrated in coming years is the territorial and functional reorganisation of the area of Porta Nuova, part of the broader replanning of the rail network in Torino. It covers an area of about 300/500,000 sq.m., partly occupied by the tracks and service buildings which stretch southwards from the city centre creating a rift in the urban fabric. Future projects1 include the reduction in the number of lines and possibly putting them underground, enabling the reunification of part of the city fabric: gardens, squares and new buildings will occupy the land currently used by the railway from the city centre towards the south. Located a few minutes from Porta Nuova railway station and the city centre, these buildings, once the historic Fiat headquarters, have particular importance for the city and in the memory of the local and national public. The project, that will be prepared in the course of 2006, intends to exploit the potential and history of these buildings. These buildings are currently rented; the contract expires in January 2007. The new Biotechnology School, currently being constructed, is the result of collaboration between public bodies and private companies2. The project envisages the construction of a building of about 8,700 sq.m. with areas for teaching, research laboratories and administrative offices. The building, ready in July 2006, will be able to host 1,000 students and 200 teachers and other staff, plus parking for 140 cars. Of particular interest is the potential for research activities, also open to private companies, thanks to the cutting-edge laboratories and the business incubator. The new Biotechnology School intends to be a centre of excellence for research in Italy. NH Hotel Opened in January 2006, the hotel is located in the centre of Torino, between the cathedral and the Porta Palatina, within the walls of the ancient Roman city. It is a new building on a lot free of constructions. The hotel has two conference rooms with seating for 250 and 100, a restaurant and wellness centre with Turkish bath. Hotel Santo Stefano was designed by the architects Gabetti-Isola-Fusari, built by the construction firm DE-GA SpA, and is run by the Spanish company NH (Navarra Hoteles), a prestigious European brand. Building in Via Bertola Existing building to redevelop. Location and investment opportunity THE AREA OF PORTA NUOVA RAILWAY STATION Major urban development project in the heart of the city Porta Nuova railway station Hotel Santo Stefano NEW HOTEL NH SANTO STEFANO **** Opened 2006 Gross floor area about 8,000 sq.m. VIA BERTOLA Gross floor area 21,700 sq.m. Private owner 49 1 The Si.T.I.(Istituto Superiore sui Sistemi Territoriali per l’Innovazione) research institute has conducted a study of the scenarios for the transformation of the area so as to outline a strategic structure for the city through change in the use of Porta Nuova station. CORSO MARCONI BUSINESS CENTRE Gross floor area 40,000 sq.m. Owner Torino Zerocinque Trading SpA (Beni Stabili SpA 42.5%; Gefim SpA 42.5%; Fiat Partecipazioni SpA 15%). Biothecnology School HIGH QUALITY SERVICES AND HOSPITALITY FACILITIES Corso Marconi Business Centre 48 2 In December 2000 the Università di Torino published notification of a “project financing” opportunity for the design, construction and management of the new school. The group made up of the construction company DE-GA SpA., Finpiemonte SpA (the Region’s finance company), Sinloc (company of the San Paolo IMI banking group) and AEM (the local electricity firm) applied as the promoting body and, through the procedure required by law, won the contract. JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY 51 NORTHERN SECTOR: HIGHER EDUCATION, SERVICES AND RESIDENTIAL Converted industrial sites and new locations for education Dora FORMER TOBACCO FACTORY VANCHIGLIA RAILWAY YARDS Corso Regio Parco, already marked by the conversion of an old industrial area of 22,000 sq.m. into a lively, modern multifunctional centre, the Basic Village, will be further improved by work to recover, mainly for housing, the former “Ceat” factory, located at the very beginning of the avenue, close to the city centre. Close by, along the river Dora, the improvement of the former “Italgas” plant is well advanced. Continuing along the Corso Regio Parco there are vast disused areas to the northeast: the former “Tobacco factory” and the areas of the “Vanchiglia” rail yards are subject to transformation projects. The development programme of the university system includes, in addition to the expansion of the Politecnico di Torino, the creation of two new university sites located in the areas of both the former Italgas works and the former Tobacco factory. The first concerns the creation of a centre for the law and political faculties with related student halls of residence (one of the media villages for the 2006 Winter Olympics) in the former Italgas area, while a second set of facilities for art faculties will be located in the former Tobacco factory. BASIC VILLAGE MULTIFUNCTIONAL CENTRE FORMER CEAT FACTORY FORMER ITALGAS AREA Media Village - Former Italgas Area Porta Nuova Media Village - Former Italgas Area Porta Susa Tobacco Factory 50 NORTHERN SECTOR - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES NORTHERN SECTOR - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES RECOVERY OF THE FORMER CEAT FACTORY Housing 7,300 sq.m. Tertiary sector 6,250 sq.m. Green area 2,500 sq.m. Expected completion autumn 2007 Owner D.F.G. Progetti Immobiliari SpA Me dia Vill age , ne w c am pu s -F orm er Ita lga sA re a FORMER TOBACCO FACTORY Historic buildings to renovate. Location and investment opportunity VANCHIGLIA RAILWAY YARDS Area to be developed The former Italgas site, in the east of Torino: an industrial area now home to the new Law and Political Science Faculties. Buildings and libraries surrounded by greenery look out over the river Dora, to a design by Norman Foster. Again here, the Media Village created to host over 400 journalists during the XX Olympic Games will be converted into university halls of residence: about 400 rooms, common spaces, study rooms, music room, computer room and a library. The new campus, together with the university complex, constitutes one of the most important and prestigious university centres in the entire metropolitan area. The Regia Manifattura Tabacchi was built in 1768 and is one of the most historic industrial complexes in the city. The project envisages the restructuring of the historic buildings of the former Tobacco Factory and the regeneration of the neighbouring former Fimit area (19th century factory owned by the City of Torino). The location between the historical neighbourhood of Regio Parco and the River Po gives further value of an environmental nature to the conversion project. The area, which covers a total of 138,000 sq.m., will host tertiary activities, craft, and could also host cultural and educational facilities. The area of the railway yards, now in disuse, is in the north-east of Torino. The city master plan envisages work to transform the area with alternative uses such as advanced industry, services and commerce. The project covers a total area of 64,500 sq.m. which will allow the construction of 32,200 sq.m. gross floor area. The creation of a park and ride car park is also planned. Vanchiglia Railway Yards Ceat Area The building is located close to the city centre, behind the Royal Gardens, along the river Dora. The renovation work, entrusted to DE-GA SpA, was begun in autumn 2005. The ground floor and part of the first floor will be destined for commercial activities and services while the upper floors will be used for lofts and apartments of various sizes, including large terraces. A square will be created along the four sides of the block, overlooking a courtyard with garden and a two storey garage is also envisaged. 53 FORMER ITALGAS AREA New prestigious university centre Tobacco Factory RECOVERY OF THE FORMER CEAT FACTORY Residential development, under construction New University - Former Italgas Area 52 FORMER TOBACCO FACTORY Total area 138,000 sq.m. VANCHIGLIA RAILWAY YARDS Total area 64,500 sq.m. Owner Agenzia del Demanio (State property agency) Gross floor area 32,200 sq.m. Owner Ferrovie Real Estate JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY NORTHERN SECTOR - NEW PROJECTS, LOCATION AND INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES 55 NORTHERN SECTOR: NEW ACCESS TO THE CITY THROUGH BACKBONE BOULEVARD MOVICENTRO - STURA The extensive projects in the northern part of Torino will enable major upgrading in terms of functions and image of the accessibility of the city from the north arriving from Milano, thanks also to the opportunity offered by the Backbone Boulevard. Moreover the “Movicentro” transport interchange centre, including the terminus of out-of-town bus lines, is planned at the point of the motorway junction and in the vicinity of the Stura railway station. • Stura “Movicentro” The project includes the construction of a 4-storey car park, new commercial premises, a bus terminal for urban and outof-town lines with the related parking spaces (50 places for short stops and 122 for longer stays) and a new 7-floor hotel. REBAUDENGO RAILWAY STATION The northern entry point to the Backbone Boulevard is the Backbone 4 area, around Rebaudengo railway station (now under construction, work for which will be completed in 2009-2010). • Backbone 4 Backbone 4 is located on the edge of a city park with a wealth of sports facilities. It already hosts a range of innovative companies and trend-setting bars and clubs that have re-interpreted old industrial premises and will help to consolidate and strengthen this focus on advanced industry and services. The area (150,000 sq.m.) of the former Fiat plants subject to an Urban Improvement Programme (85,000 sq.m. of gross floor area), is currently being transformed. The remaining part of the area (250,000 sq.m. of land area, 110,000 sq.m. of gross floor area) is divided into a number of properties, in part disused and in part still occupied. BACKBONE 4 AREA Residential Building - Backbone 4 Backbone 4 Area Stura Area Dora Residential Building 54 JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY 57 STADIO DELLE ALPI AREA: SPORTS, FACILITIES AND SERVICES Location and investment opportunity In the framework of the project for the physical and functional re-organisation and improvement of the stadium, plans include a new complex to host sports support activities, service, tertiary and commercial operations, in addition to work to conserve the existing stadium. The operation will be run by F.C. Juventus football club, which has been assigned a 99-year lease for the Stadio delle Alpi, surrounding areas and related buildings. In a vast area named Continassa (332,000 sq.m. land area) adjacent to the Stadio delle Alpi, the City of Torino is evaluating the possibility of creating a holiday park of international standards made up of a wellequipped camp-site with 2,000 plots, a leisure and sports “water park” and a wellness centre. This project will enable the city to respond to the growing and diversified demand for accommodation as an alternative to traditional hotels. 135,000 sq.m. are available for the project. Owned by the City of Torino, the site also offers a property of historic value, the Cascina Continassa, which can be restructured to host activities to serve the whole project. CONTINASSA AREA - HOLIDAY PARK Land area 332,000 sq.m. Area available for the project 135,000 sq. m. CONTINASSA AREA STADIO DELLE ALPI Owner City of Torino Dora Delle Alpi Stadium 56 JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY JOURNEYS THROUGH THE CHANGING CITY 59 BASSE DI STURA PARK New development and regeneration programme BASSE DI STURA PARK The “Basse di Stura Park” is identified in the Master Plan as an urban and river park. It is located in the north of the city of Torino. With an area of approximately 1,500,000 sq.m., it stretches for about 3 kilometres along the right bank of the river Stura (about 1,900,000 sq.m. if the entire river area is considered). The use of the area is very mixed, marked by the presence of businesses, disused industrial sites and waste treatment plants. The Master Plan of the City of Torino aims to drive action to improve, reclaim and enhance the environment through: 1. safety measures against possible flooding of the river Stura; 2. reclamation of polluted areas; 3. termination of polluting activities; 4. identification of zoning areas for the Park. The urban park with its four functional areas may be created both by specific public initiatives and in ways that involve private resources (such as project financing, the establishment of an Urban Transformation company or other solutions). Reclamation work is currently underway following the guidelines of the Environmental Reclamation Implementation Plan which, through public resources, also allows the acquisition of the areas to be reclaimed. BASSE DI STURA PARK River area 465,000 sq.m. (31 %) Agricultural area 328,000 sq.m. (22%) Equipped area 441,000 sq.m. (29%) Theme area 263,000 sq.m. (18 %) Dora Basse di Stura Area 58