Attachement - Department of the Interior and Local
Attachement - Department of the Interior and Local
't REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES @ DEPARTMEITIT OF THE IT{TERIOR AND TOCAT GOVERNMEJIT Francisco Gold Condominium ll Edsa Cor. Mapagmahal st., Diliman Quezon CiW It4arch 28, 2012 IUIEMORANDUM CIRCULAR NO. zatz TO - a> ALL PROVINCIAL GOVERNORS, CITY/IIUNICIPAL MAYORS, PUNONG BARANGAYS, THE ARIIM GOVERNOR'DILG REGIONAL SECRETARY, DILG REGIONAL AND FIELD OFFICERS AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT SUBMISSION OF LIST OF LGUS COMPLIANT WITH THE PROVISIONS OF REPUBLIC ACT 9344, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE JUVENILE JUSTICE AND WELFARE ACT OF 2006 I. PREFATORYSTATEMENU , Memorandum Order No. 13 issued by the ffice of the President datedApril '18,2011 mandates the creation of an Inter-Agency Executive Committee (Execom) on Persons Deprived of Liberty to be chaired by the DILG Secretary- The said committee is tasked to monitor the implementation of the commitments made during the 2010 National Summit on Persons Deprived of Liberty held in Manila on 16-17 November 2010. Included in the areas being monitored are approaches/strategies employed in addressing the issues of children in conflict with the law (CICL) at the local level. Further, RA 9344 mandates this Department to provide the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Council (JJWC) with periodic update on the status of LGUs compliance to several sections of the Act that concern their major mandates. Three of which were already included in the Memorandum issued by DILG dated 20 Ociober 2009. In this connection, pursuant to said Memorandum, the submission of the status of LGUs compliance to the provisions of RA 9344, particularly, Section 15 (17o lFl,A Allocation for LCPC), Section 16 (appointment of Licensed LSWDO) and Section 49 (establishment of Youth Homes), and now to include Section 18 (Development and lmplementation of Local Comprehensive Juvenile Intervention Program), is hereby reiterated. The report shall serve as reference of the Executive Committee on Persons Deprived Liberty, the Juvenile Justice and welfare council, Government Agencies, NGos, qs9ar9lers and planners in identifying the extent as well as the gaps in the implementation of RA 9344, and eventually come up with the plans for the full and effective implementation of the Act. of II. ACCOMPLISHING THE FORMS AND SUBMISSION OF REPORTS The Monitoring Forms shall be accomplished by any member of the LCpc lnterfgencV Monitoring Task Force (IMTF) to be noted by its Chair. The monitoring shall start from the 2011 datalinformation of the concerned LGUs. Continuing updating is required for the periodic submission of report to the Office of the Secretary and the JJWC.- Ueua'e W 4e. 4 .&.1 fu a & ?&tunuo LGUs Compliance to RA 93,14) to be accomplished by the Cig/Municipal IMTF, noted by its Chair and submit report in hard and sofi copy together with the database to the Provincial IMTF. ln the case of Highly urbanized and Independent Component Cities submit r€port directly to the Regional IMTF. a) 9!!g-EAgg!!-E@!. (Status of b) DILG-RA 9344 Form 002 (Provincial Summary of LGUg Compliant to RA 93{4) to be accomplished by the Provincial IMTF, noted by its Chair and submit report in hard and soft copies to the Regional IMTF. c)9!LG-@8g!(Regiona|SummaryofLGUsComp|ianttoM$4a)sha||be accomplished by the Regional IMTF, noted by its Chair and submit soft copy of the report together with the database (from barangays, cities, municipalities and provinces) to DILG Centrat Office through email add not later than May '15, 2012. Please use Microsoft Excel with Microsoff Ofiice not higher than 2003 version for the soft copy. Attached are copies of the DILG-RA 9344 Forms 001, 002 and 003, soft copies of wttich will be forwarded to all DILG Regional Offices through the official email addresses of ROs. The instructions in filling-up the forms can be seen at the back of each form. The DILG Regional and Field Officers shall cause the widest dissemination of this Circular and shall provide the necessary assistance in the retrieval of the Forms and in the submission of report to DILG Central Ofiice. For compliance. '*l,alt JEggE T: ROBREDO Y Secretary Raublic of th€ Philipin€s oetrflEfi of llE l||t€60R st1c12.002770 ]illflilil|ililil|lllll My Da/lhndrrr i 0a2f&12 9t44lnDnEfiEranofi INSTRUCTIONS IN FILLING.UP DILG RA 9344 FORM OO1 (Status of LGUs Gompliance to Republic Act 93'14) lndicate the region and province on the space provided @ lisi of baranqavs on the sPace ffiality/barangay has allocated 4 percent of IRA for strengthening and implementation of programs, projects and activities of the C/M/BCPC. ry ffiiicipality/barangay has atlocated of programs, and implementation than one pelcent of lRA for strengthening projects and activities of the C/M/BCPC. who handles C|CL concerns was appointed. Specify on the remarks column whether a Egillqor an office for the C/M/BSWDO was created' Only information on tne appoiniment of a Licensed LSWDO will be considered on the space provided. lnfo on the appointment of not licensed LSWDO will be disregarded. if ihe city/municipality/barangay Put a check mark Juvenile Interventllqnlog-BElgJ,lgL Comprehensive r CICL managed/oPerated youth by the LGU (city/municipality/barangay). Put zero (0) if absence of homes/centefs for CICL, Column 5-b s in case the Youth homes/centers for CICL are being managed/operated by the NGOs or private individuals other than the city/municipality/barangay Specify in ihe remarks column the areas covered by the said facili$/ies (e'g' regionwide' provincewide, citryide, municipalitywide and barangaylvide) in addition to the above (e.g' lndicate other relevant data or proposed appointment of C/MSWDO is still being worked out)' Note: - Monitoring This form shall be accomplished by a member of the C/MCPC Inter-Agency TaskForce(|MTF)tobenotedbyitschairandSubmitthesameinsoficopytothe Provincial IMTF. - Only LGUs with the above data shall be listed in the form' DILO-FA 934 Foftn OOI For Clties/Manicipalitias & Bdr?ngdys STATUS OF LGUs COMPLIANCE TO REPUBLIC ACT 9344 {Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006) As of Region: Province: % OF IRA ALLOCATED crTrEs(HUc/rcc/ccy FOR C'MCPC/BCPC (S€ction 15) MUNICIPALITIES & BARANGAYS (r) (2) lo/o (2-a) APPOINTMENT OF LIGENSED lsection 16 I with crM/BswDo (3) (Effectivity of RA 9344 - May 20, 2006) more than 1o/o (2-b) Year Appointed (3) wlTH YOUTH HOMES FOR CICL lsection 4s] Comprehensive Op€rated/Managed by: Juvenile (5) lntervention Program for CIGL City/Municipality Private (Section 18) /Barangay Org./NGO (4) (ea) REMARKS (6) (5-b) CiWMunicipaliU BafangayS nxt down names of Barangays betow) Prepared by: Member, G/MGPC IMTF Notad by: (indicate nam€, otfic€ & signature) Please see instructions in filling-up this form at the back Chair, G/MCPCIMTF (indicatg nam6, offe & slgnsturc) INSTRUCTIONS IN FILLING-UP DILG RA 9344 FORM OO2 (Provincial Summary of LGUs Compliant to Republic Act 9344) Indicate the region and province on the space provided' list of baranqavs on the @he sPace with reports submitted. Column 3-a thata||ocatedgSepercen|g[-!$forstrengtheningandimp|ementationof programs, projects and activities of the P/CiMlBCeC f!!o-ugn RA 9344 doei not require the province' the allocation of IRA for PCPC is necessary to be reflected in the Monitoring Report. toGl nunrtier of LGUs rovince/cities/municipalities/baranqaYs) that altocaied more than one ot f Cn for strengthening and implementation of programs' proiects o.r""nt and activities of the P/C/M/BCPC'. inted Licensed Local Social Welfare and Devetopment OfficErs who handle CICL concerns' Put the total num for manaqed/operated bv the citv/municipalitv/baranqav' lumn 6-b e Private or non-qovernment orqanizations that manaqe/operate the vPuth h-omes/cpltPrs' f:t,:it'ttJ LGUS with @!! ,uni.ip"rit"r and barangays put the total number of private or NonHomes/Centers for CICL manaqed/operated bv Governmen!-qga@&!!9. lndicate other relevant data or Note: - noted by its This form shall be accomplished by a member of the Provincial IMTF the soft copy of Chair and submit the same in soft and hard copies together with accomplished Form 001, to the Regional IMTF : DILA-FIA 9344 Form oo2 ( P rov i n ci a I G o n sol id ation ) PROVINCIAL SUMMARY OF LGUs COMPLIANT TO REPUBLIC ACT 9344 (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006) As of Region: Province: LGU Level (1) No. of LGUs with No, of LGUS with IRA allocation for LCPC more than appointed Licensed Local Social Welfare and Development Officers 1% @\ (3) Report (2) 1Tq (3-a) No. of LGUs with (3-b) No. of LGUs with Gomprehensive Juvenile lntervention Program (5) Number of LGUs with Youth Homes for CIGL Operated/Managed by: (6) ProvincelCity/ Municipality (6-a) REMARKS (7) Private Org./NGO (6-b) PROVINCE clTtEs MUNICIPALITIES BARANGAYS Prepared by: Member, LCPC Provincial IMTF Noted by: (lndicate name, office and signature) Chair, LCPC Provincial IMTF Please see instructions in filling-up this form at the back (indicate namo, offlc€ & signature) INSTRUGTIONS IN FILLING.UP DILG RA 9344 FORM OO3 (Regional Summary of LGIIs Compliantto RA 93t14) Indicate the region on the space provided, Column 1 Indicate the LGU levels (given), Column 2 [ndicate the total number of LGUC wittr reports suOmitteE. Column 3-a Put ,h" that allocated one percent of lRA for strengthening and implementation of programs, proiects and activities of ihe p/C/M/BCPC. (Although RA 9344 does not require the province, the allocation of lRA for pCpC is necessary to be reflected in the Monitoring Report). Column 3-b Put the total number of LGUs (provinceslcitieslmunicpalrtieVbaranffi that allocated more than one percent of IRA for strengthening and implementation of programs, projects and aclivities of the piClM/BCpC. *itn@ Column 4 Put the total number of LGur Welfare and Development Officers. Column 5 Put the total number of LGUs with Proqram. Column 6-a Put the total number of LGUs with youth ttomeslcenGE-toi-eiEt managed/operated by the LGUs. Column 6-b Put the total number of LGUs with youtE Homea/CenteG-Gr CICL managed/operated by private or Non-Government Organizations. Column 7 Indicate other relevant data or information Note: - Thrs form shall be accomplished by a member of the Regional IMTF to be noted by its chair and submit the same in hard and soft copies together with the soft copies of accompiished DILG RA 9344 Forms 001 and 002 to DILG centrat office through NBoo with email add nboo-iland@yahoo,com. LA-RA (Reglo ndl 9?lt Fonn OoJ & n to li ddt lo n) REGTONAL SUMMARY OF LGUs COMPLIANT TO REPUBLIC AcT 9344 (Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006) As of No. of LGUS with IRA Number of LGUS Allocation for LCPC with Report (21 with Appolnted Licensed Local comprehenElvo Juvenile Interventlon Program for Social Welfare and clcL Development Officer No. of LGU5 with (4) No. of LGU8 (5) No. of LGUS with LGUs Youth Homes for CICL Managed/Operated by: (6) REMARKS Provlnce/Clty/ Munlclpality (6-a) Prepared by: Noted by: LCPC Regional IMTF Member (indicate name, office & signature) Chair, LCPC Regional IMTF Please see instrucfions ln frtling-up thls fom at the hack (indicate name, ofice & signature) (7)