14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07
14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07
14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page i Annual Report and Accounts 31 March Foresight 4 VCT plc 2007 Unaudited Half-yearly Financial Report i for the six month period ended 31 August 2007 Heading Foresight 4 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page ii Foresight 4 VCT plc Foresight 4 VCT f 4 Objective The objective of Foresight 4 VCT plc is to provide private investors with an attractive return from a portfolio of investments in fast-growing unquoted technology-based companies in the United Kingdom. It is the intention to maximise the tax-free income available to investors from a combination of dividends and interest received on investments and the distribution of capital gains arising from trade sales or flotations. VCT Tax Benefit for Shareholders beyond 6 April 2007 To obtain VCT tax reliefs on subscriptions up to £200,000 per annum, a VCT investor must be a ‘qualifying’ individual over the age of 18 with UK taxable income. The tax reliefs for subscriptions from 6 April 2007 are: ● Income tax relief of 30% on subscription into new shares, which is retained by shareholders if the shares are held for more than five years. ● VCT dividends (including capital distributions of realised gains on investments) are not subject to income tax. ● Capital gains on disposal of VCT shares are tax free, whenever the disposal occurs. Website: www.foresightvct.com Contents Summary and Chairman’s Statement Top Ten Investments Investment Summary Responsibility Statement Unaudited Profit and Loss Account 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 01 03 05 06 07 Unaudited Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders’ Funds Unaudited Balance Sheet Unaudited Cash Flow Statement Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements Shareholder Information Corporate Information 07 08 09 10 12 1445 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 1 Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 August 2007 01 Chairman’s Statement I Summary • Net asset value per share as at 31 August 2007 was 103.2p (compared to 101.5p as at 28 February 2007 and 98.7p as at 31 August 2006). • An interim dividend of 5.0p per share to be paid on 28 December 2007. • Four new investments totalling £2,147,000 were made in TFC Europe (£500,000), Iskra Wind Turbines (£750,000), O-Gen (UK) (£630,000) and Global Immersion (£267,000). • Eight follow-on investments totalling £1,270,000 were made in Trilogy Communications (£325,000), The Bunker Secure Hosting (£227,000), Auctioning4U (£196,000), Adeptra (£47,000), Advanced Visual Technology (£25,000), ZOO Digital (£300,000), SkillsMarket (£140,000) and Always On (£10,000). • Proceeds of £539,000 realised from the sale of the remaining holding in Oasis Healthcare plc. I am pleased to report that your Company has continued to build on recent progress during the six months under review, is continuing an active new investment programme as well as realising both legacy and more recent investments from within the portfolio. Reflecting recent investment gains, I am pleased to announce that an interim dividend of 5.0p per share will be paid to shareholders on 28 December 2007. Although Foresight 4’s holding in Oasis Healthcare was relatively small, when combined with the holdings of other Foresight VCTs, Foresight Group funds held over 10% of Oasis’s share capital, enabling significant influence to be exerted on the sales process and ultimately in achieving a particularly attractive final offer. In my report 12 months ago, Oasis was valued at 28p per share but was sold during July for 94p per share, generating proceeds of approximately £539,000 for Foresight 4. Foresight 4 invested £200,000 in the management buyout of Covion Holdings in May 2005. This was the first new investment by your Company following Foresight Group’s appointment as Investment Manager in July 2004. In the period since the investment was made, Covion has grown its turnover from £10 million per annum to a current annualised rate in excess of £30 million. Subsequent to the period end, Covion was sold Peter Dicks Chairman 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 to Balfour Beatty for total proceeds of £33 million, of which Foresight 4 will receive some £855,000 — over four times its original investment of £200,000. The performance of a number of portfolio companies continued to improve, reflecting growing demand and strong sales pipelines, most notably Nomad Payments, Adeptra, and Trilogy. Nomad Payments is now enjoying increasing demand for its market leading debit and prepaid card processing services while Nomad CORTEX, the original card authorisation software business, is performing particularly strongly. Adeptra is enjoying growing sales for its automated alert services, in particular winning more contracts from major financial institutions in the USA, UK and now Europe. Trilogy is also enjoying increasing demand for its IP-based command and control communication system, Mercury, particularly from the defence and Homeland Security sector in the USA. Auctioning4U has refocused its business away from the consumer market towards developing its own specialist online auction platforms, the first of which ToyMart (serving the collectable toy market) is making good progress and, additionally, it is selling its ClockWorx workflow software suite to other online product resellers. I Investment activity The level of new investment activity remained high during the six months under review, with four new investments being made totalling £2,147,000: £500,000 in TFC Europe; £750,000 in Iskra Wind Turbines; £630,000 in O-Gen (UK); and £267,000 in Global Immersion. TFC Europe designs and supplies its injection moulded technical fasteners and ring and spring products to customers across a wide range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, hydraulics and petrochemicals. Iskra Wind Turbines is a Loughborough-based manufacturer of tree-sized wind turbines, typically 5.4m rotor diameter on a 12m high tower. The company has developed a high efficiency turbine suitable for volume manufacture that has the best price/performance of any tree-sized turbine currently commercially available. O-Gen’s business is to develop, build, own and operate plants which convert organic matter into combined heat and power (“CHP”). The market is driven by government regulation and incentives, specifically landfill tax which is 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 2 Foresight 4 VCT plc 02 Chairman’s Statement f 4 currently £24 per tonne increasing at £8 per tonne per annum, and is driving waste operators towards cheaper and more efficient methods of waste disposal. The electricity generated from processing the organic matter will be sold to the National Grid and as a renewable energy source attracts Renewable Obligation Certificates (“ROCs”) which generate further revenue. According to UK legislation, 10% of power generated in the UK must be from renewable sources by 2010 compared to 4% generated currently. Global Immersion provides planetariums and immersive theatres with projection equipment, design, installation and maintenance services. During the period, £1,270,000 was invested in follow-on funding rounds in eight portfolio companies, namely Trilogy Communications (£325,000), ZOO Digital (£300,000), The Bunker Secure Hosting (£227,000), Auctioning4U (£196,000), SkillsMarket (£140,000), Adeptra (£47,000), Advanced Visual Technology (AVT) (£25,000) and alwaysON (£10,000). ZOO Digital (AIM listed) raised further capital to fund a significant acquisition, which should help the company achieve traction in its target markets, particularly the USA. More recent investments Trilogy, The Bunker, Auctioning4U and SkillsMarket required follow-on funding rounds as they continued to develop their product offerings following Foresight 4’s original investment. The Adeptra fundraising was to support their transition to a direct sales model and support strong growth (sales increased from $8.8 million in 2005 to $12 million in 2006), including winning their first 3 mainland European customers. I Realisations In July 2007, the Company’s entire holding in Oasis Healthcare was sold realising proceeds of £539,000 or 94p per Oasis Share. The sale of Oasis to Duke Street Capital followed several bids and counter-bids from parties interested in buying Oasis’s expanding portfolio of dental practices and represents a significant premium to the share price of 28p per share just 12 months ago. On 17 October 2007, the Company sold its entire holding in Covion to Balfour Beatty, which returned proceeds of £855,000 on an original investment of £200,000 made, just over two years ago, in May 2005. I Net Asset Value The net asset value per share as at 31 August 2007 increased to 103.2p (compared to 101.5p as at 28 February 2007 and 98.7p as at 31 August 2006). I Dividend The Company’s dividend policy is to aim to distribute to shareholders a steady flow of dividends from income and realised capital gains. I Valuation policy Investments held by the Company have been valued in accordance with the International Private Equity and Venture Capital (IPEVC) guidelines developed by the British Venture Capital Association and other organisations under which investments are valued, as defined in the guidelines, at “fair value”. Ordinarily, unquoted investments will be valued at cost for the 12 months following the date of acquisition as the most suitable approximation of fair value unless there is an impairment in value during the period. Quoted investments and investments traded on AIM and PLUS (formerly OFEX) are valued at the bid price as at 31 August 2007. The portfolio valuations are prepared by Foresight Group and are subject to approval by the Board. I Share Issues and Share Buy-backs The Board is pleased to announce its intention to issue a prospectus (linked with other Foresight VCTs) for each to raise up to £2.5 million in the current and next tax years. This will enable your Company to remain an active investor in the current market and take advantage of new opportunities currently being reviewed by Foresight Group. It continues to be the Company’s policy to consider repurchasing shares when they become available in order to provide liquidity for the Company’s shares. During the period, the Company repurchased 405,167 shares at a cost of £363,000. I Change of Name The Investment Manager changed its name from Foresight Venture Partners to Foresight Group on 1 October 2007. I Outlook The market in which Foresight 4 operates continues to be encouraging in terms of potential new investment opportunities as evidenced by the volume of new investments completed during the period and the current deal flow being reviewed by Foresight Group. Furthermore, merger and acquisition activity continues to be buoyant as witnessed by the realisations noted above. To date, there has been no significant fallout from the recent credit crunch on the levels of merger and acquisition activity at the smaller end of the market in which Foresight 4 operates and with that in mind, Foresight Group will continue to actively pursue potential realisations from within the portfolio. Peter Dicks Chairman October 2007 Reflecting recent realised gains, the Board is declaring an interim dividend of 5.0p per share for the year ending 28 February 2008 to be paid on 28 December 2007. The ex dividend date will be 19 December 2007 and the record date will be 21 December 2007. 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 1445 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 3 Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 August 2007 03 Descriptions of Top Ten Investments by Value A summary of all investments is provided on page 5. Nomad Payments Ltd is a leading provider of innovative card processing services and card payment processing software based in London. Nomad Payments provides outsourced card processing services for issuers of debit and prepaid cards and is a leader in the latter emerging but fast growing market in the UK and Europe. Nomad CORTEX supplies sophisticated retail payments software and systems used in handling payments via debit and credit cards and ATMs, principally to retail banks in Central and Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Nomad continues to win more customers and launch more prepaid card programmes.,779) VectorCommand Ltd is a globally recognised authority on incident command and continues to secure orders for its core Fire Simulation and Training suites. Thirty-six UK Fire Brigades and eight Australian Fire Authorities have deployed the system, and other users are based in Europe, the USA, Canada and the West Indies. The company is expanding its product portfolio and the introduction of multi-agency Emergency Management tools has led to sales growth over the last 12 months, especially overseas and further growth is expected in the USA through its US partner. Eqos Ltd develops and markets e-collaboration and CRM (customer relationship management) software for business to business transactions, principally sold to major UK retailers for improving the efficiency of their supply chains. A significant proportion of annual sales revenue comes from repeat orders from existing customers but annual sales growth depends on winning a small number of orders from new customers. Following the establishment of a US sales office, good progress has been made in winning orders from major retailers in the USA. ZOO Digital Group plc supplies authoring software and services to film studios and post-production films and to publishers and developers of interactive games on DVD. Authoring is the process of transferring video and audio content to DVD and adding menus and links to allow consumers to navigate the content. In August 2007, ZOO acquired the authoring business of Scope Seven, providing the group with a base near its key customers in California and a broader service offering. UTarget plc UTarget is the UK market leader in serving the UK online advertising market, specialising in video advertising. The company is now serving in excess of 9 million video ads per month including for blue chip clients such as BMW. The company is also the UK market leader in online subsite advertising whereby full page ads are served behind the active browser. 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 4 Foresight 4 VCT plc 04 Descriptions of Top Ten Investments by Value f 4 Closed Loop London Ltd is the first plant in the UK to recycle waste PET plastic bottles into food grade packaging material. Following a £12m private and public sector funding issue led by Foresight Venture Partners, the 35,000 tonne capacity plant will be built in Dagenham and is expected to be fully operational during the first half of 2008. Advanced Visual Technology Ltd develops and markets retail space management software and interactive hand-held mobile store planners and now has 50 customers worldwide including Tesco, WH Smith, Barclays and HMV in the UK and Office Depot, Staples and KMart in the USA. Its products deliver impressive financial improvements for customers. The company continues to win new customers worldwide while the prospects for the sale of the new hand-held planner are promising. Trilogy Communications Ltd is a world-class supplier of Audio Communications and Infrastructure equipment to the broadcast, defence, emergency management and commercial and industrial sectors. Trilogy has a reputation for innovative design, ease of operation and reliability. The company’s products and systems are used in more than 40 countries around the world and excellent progress is being made with US defence contractors which generates significant strategic value for the business. Auctioning4U Ltd through Auctioning4U, companies, individuals and government orgainisations can sell items via eBay, Amazon or other electronic auction platforms — anonymously — without the inconvenience of writing descriptions, digitally photographing the goods, monitoring the auction process or dealing with payments and shipping. Auctioning4U has developed the first of its own specialist auction sites Toymart (addressing the collectable toy market) utilising its proprietary Clockworx workflow software. Covion Holdings Ltd provides total facilities management services (‘TFM’), or in its terminology ‘Facilities Infrastructure Services’ (‘FIS’), to private sector clients in the office and industrial sectors. Covion manages all the client’s facilities and subcontracts specific services where necessary. It seeks to form unique and close partnerships with its clients in the form of joint executive boards to which its site-based FIS manager reports. Key clients are Britvic, Logica, Anglian Windows and Sara Lee. The Covion business was sold to Balfour Beatty Group on 17 October 2007, realising £855,000 of proceeds for Foresight 4 against the original investment cost of £200,000 and 31 August 2007 valuation of £808,294. 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 1445 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 5 Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 August 2007 05 Investment Summary 31 August 2007 Amount invested Valuation Investment Nomad Payments Ltd VectorCommand Ltd Eqos Ltd Auctioning4U Ltd ZOO Digital Group plc Utarget plc Closed Loop London Ltd Advanced Visual Technology Ltd Trilogy Communications Ltd Covion Holdings Ltd SkillsMarket Ltd Iskra Wind Turbines Ltd Ixaris Systems Ltd O-Gen UK Ltd The Bunker Secure Hosting Ltd TFC Europe Limited Ltd OLED-T Ltd Snell & Wilcox (UK) Ltd Probability plc Aigis Blast Protection Ltd Global Immersion Ltd Infrared Integrated Systems Ltd Adeptra Ltd alwaysON Group Ltd Sindicatum Carbon Capital Ltd The Casella Group Ltd Healthgain Solutions Ltd Oasis Healthcare plc Signum Technologies Ltd Grand Total *Details on pages 3 and 4 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 1,769,968 1,468,750 1,050,000 1,021,000 1,150,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,032,183 825,000 200,000 539,998 750,000 750,000 630,000 626,768 500,000 1,010,000 839,137 450,000 275,000 266,666 250,005 1,283,272 210,070 200,063 774,291 1,299,989 — 2,347,047 1,550,400 1,152,011 1,021,000 1,108,590 1,000,000 1,000,000 939,730 825,000 808,294 762,220 750,000 750,000 630,000 626,768 500,000 441,701 413,525 307,894 275,000 266,666 250,005 245,098 210,070 210,040 171,052 — — 1,254,000 — 23,426,160 18,562,111 Valuation Methodology * * * * * * * * * * Discounted revenue multiple Price of recent funding round Discounted revenue multiple Cost Bid price Cost Cost Discounted revenue multiple Cost Discounted indicative offer Price of recent funding round Cost Cost Cost Cost Cost Discounted revenue multiple Discounted revenue multiple Bid price Cost Cost Cost Discounted revenue multiple Cost Price of recent funding round Discounted indicative offer In administration Sold Nil value 28 February 2007 Amount invested Valuation 1,769,968 1,468,750 1, 050,000 825,000 850,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 2,007,183 500,000 200,000 399,998 — 750,000 — 400,000 — 1,010,000 839,137 450,000 275,000 — 250,005 1,235,900 200,000 200,063 774,291 1,299,989 276,607 2,347,047 1,550,400 1,152,011 825,000 808,590 1,000,000 1,000,000 939,730 500,000 536,370 399,998 — 750,000 — 400,000 — 441,701 538,274 219,079 275,000 — 250,005 363,021 200,000 210,040 171,052 — 232,349 1,254,000 — 20,285,891 15,109,667 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 6 Foresight 4 VCT plc 06 Responsibility Statement f 4 The Directors have chosen to prepare the financial statements for the Company in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (‘UK GAAP’) In preparing these summarised financial statements for the period to 31 August 2007, we the Directors, confirm that to the best of our knowledge: (a) the summarised set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with the pronouncement on interim reporting issued by Accounting Standards Board; (b) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year); (c) the summarised set of financial statements give a true an fair view in accordance with UK GAAP of the state of affairs of the Company and of the profit and loss of the Company for that period and comply with UK GAAP and Companies Act 1985 and; (d) the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties’ transactions and changes therein). The half-yearly Financial Report has not been audited or reviewed by the auditors. By order of the Board Peter Dicks Chairman 30 October 2007 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 1445 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 7 Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 August 2007 07 Unaudited Profit and Loss Account for the six months ended 31 August 2007 6 months to 31 August 2007 (unaudited) £’000 6 months to 31 August 2006 (unaudited) £’000 Year to 28 February 2007 (audited) £’000 243 (336) (135) 312 261 (287) (130) (1,354) 541 (588) (249) 3,081 84 (1,510) 2,785 Gain/(loss) on realisation of investments 262 216 (2,917) Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities before taxation 346 (1,294) (132) — — — Profit/(loss) on ordinary activities after taxation 346 (1,294) (132) Balance transferred to/(from) reserves 346 (1,294) (132) Earnings/(loss) per share 1.6p Investment income and deposit interest Investment management fees Other expenses Unrealised gain/(loss) on revaluation of investments Operating profit/(loss) Tax on ordinary activities (6.0)p (0.6)p All items in the profit and loss account derive from continuing operations. There were no other recognised gains or losses for the period. Unaudited Reconciliation of Movement in Shareholders’ Funds for the six months ended 31 August 2007 14455 6 months to 31 August 2007 (unaudited) £’000 6 months to 31 August 2006 (unaudited) £’000 Year to 28 February 2007 (audited) £’000 Opening shareholders’ funds Net proceeds from share issues Shares repurchased in the period/year Profit/(loss) for the period/year Dividend 22,681 (3) (363) 346 — 16,566 7,113 (195) (1,294) — 16,566 7,113 (304) (132) (562) Closing shareholders’ funds 22,661 22,190 22,681 30/10/2007 Proof 8 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 8 Foresight 4 VCT plc 08 Unaudited Balance Sheet at 31 August 2007 f 4 As at 31 August 2007 (unaudited) £’000 As at 31 August 2006 (unaudited) £’000 As at 28 February 2007 (audited) £’000 18,562 10,558 15,110 Current assets Debtors Money market and other deposits Cash 253 3,607 389 253 10,104 1,467 289 7,335 9 Creditors: Amounts falling due within one year 4,249 (150) 11,824 (192) 7,633 (62) Net current assets 4,099 11,632 7,571 Net assets 22,661 22,190 22,681 Capital and reserves Called-up share capital Share premium account Capital redemption reserve Profit and loss account 220 9,173 1,824 11,444 225 9,176 1,819 10,970 224 9,176 1,820 11,461 Equity shareholders’ funds 22,661 22,190 22,681 Non-current assets Assets held at fair value through profit and loss — Investments Net asset value per share 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 103.2p 98.7p 101.5p 1445 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 9 Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 August 2007 09 Unaudited Cash Flow Statement for the six months ended 31 August 2007 6 months to 31 August 2007 (unaudited) £’000 6 months to 31 August 2006 (unaudited) £’000 Year to 28 February 2007 (audited) £’000 Cash flow from operating activities Investment income received Deposit and similar interest received Investment management fees paid Secretarial fees paid Other cash payments 70 133 (167) (37) (103) 57 181 (323) (36) (180) 89 412 (652) (68) (239) Net cash outflow from operating activities and returns on investment (104) (301) (458) — — — (3,417) — — 539 (2,377) 573 925 14 (5,652) 598 925 14 — (363) — (195) (150) (304) Net capital outflow from financial investment Equity dividends paid (3,241) — (1,060) — (4,569) (562) Net cash outflow before financing and liquid resource management (3,345) (1,361) (5,589) Management of liquid resources Movement in money market and other deposits 3,728 (5,896) (3,126) 3,728 (5,896) (3,126) — (3) 7,524 (411) 7,524 (411) (3) 7,113 7,113 Increase/(decrease) in cash 380 (144) (1,602) Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net cash Increase/(decrease) in cash for the period Net cash at start of period 380 9 (144) 1,611 (1,602) 1,611 Net cash at end of period 389 1,467 9 Reconciliation of operating profit/(loss) to net cash flow from operating activities Operating profit/(loss) Unrealised losses on investments Increase/(decrease) in creditors Decrease/(increase) in debtors 84 (312) 89 35 (1,510) 1,354 (75) (70) 2,785 (3,081) (56) (106) Net cash outflow from operating activities (104) (301) (458) Taxation Financial investment Purchase of unquoted investments and investments quoted on AIM Net proceeds on sale of unquoted investments Net proceeds on deferred consideration Net proceeds on sale of quoted investments Loan guarantee called Repurchase of own shares Financing Proceeds of fund-raisings Expenses of fund-raisings 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 10 Foresight 4 VCT plc 10 Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements f 4 1 The unaudited Financial Statements have been prepared on the basis of accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts of the Company for the year ended 28 February 2007. Unquoted investments have been valued in accordance with IPEVC guidelines. Quoted investments are stated at bid prices in accordance with the IPEVC guidelines and Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. 2 The information set out in this Half-yearly Financial Report does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts within the terms of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 for the period ended 31 August 2007 and 31 August 2006, and is unaudited. The information for the year ended 28 February 2007 does not constitute statutory accounts within the terms of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985 and is derived from the statutory accounts for the financial year, which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not contain a statement under Section 237(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985. 3 Copies of the Half-yearly Financial Report, have been mailed to shareholders and are available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Company at ECA Court, South Park, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN13 1DU. Copies of the Half-yearly Financial Report are also available electronically at www.foresightvct.com. 4 The number of shares in issue at 31 August 2007 was 21,951,339 ordinary shares (2006: 22,481,506). The weighted average number of shares in issue during the period was 22,165,119 ordinary 1p shares (2006: 21,522,401). 5 Earnings for the first six months should not be taken as a guide to the results for the full year. 6 Foresight Group, as Investment Manager of the Company, is considered to be a related party by virtue of its management contract with the Company. During the period, services of a total value of £335,533 (31 August 2006: £286,609, 28 February 2007: £588,349) were purchased by the Company from Foresight Group. At the 31 August 2007, the amount due to Foresight Group disclosed under creditors was £119,546. VCF Fund Managers Limited, as Secretary of the Company and as a subsidiary of Foresight Group, is also considered to be a related party of the Company. During the period, services of a total value of £31,427 (31 August 2006: £30,690, 28 February 2007: £62,239) were purchased by the Company from VCF Fund Managers Limited. At the 31 August 2007, the amount due by VCF Fund Managers Limited disclosed under debtors (prepayments) was £18,931. No Director has, or during the period had, a contract of service with the Company. Bernard Fairman is Managing Partner of Foresight Group, the Company's investment manager. Subject to these exceptions, no Director was party to, or had an interest in, any contract or arrangement with the Company at any time during the period under review or as at the date of this report. 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 1445 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 11 Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 August 2007 11 Notes to the Unaudited Financial Statements 7 Movement in reserves As at 28 February 2007 Share issues in the period Expenses on share issues 14455 Share Capital premium redemption account reserve £’000 £’000 9,176 1,820 — — (3) — Profit and loss account £’000 11,461 — — Total £’000 22,681 — (3) Shares repurchased in the period (4) — 4 (363) (363) Retained profit for the period — — — 346 346 220 9,173 1,824 11,444 22,661 As at 31 August 2007 8 Called-up share capital £’000 224 — — Summary of investment Quoted £’000 Unquoted £’000 Total £’000 Book cost as at 28 February 2007 Unrealised depreciation 1,577 (317) 18,709 (4,859) 20,286 (5,176) Valuation at 28 February 2007 Movements in the period: Purchase at cost Disposal proceeds realised gains Unrealised appreciation 1,260 13,850 15,110 300 (539) 262 133 3,117 — — 179 3,417 (539) 262 312 Valuation at 31 August 2007 1,416 17,146 18,562 Book cost as at 31 August 2007 Unrealised depreciation 1,600 (184) 21,826 (4,680) 23,426 (4,864) Valuation at 31 August 2007 1,416 17,146 18,562 30/10/2007 Proof 8 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 12 Foresight 4 VCT plc 12 Shareholder Information f 4 Dividends Interim dividends are ordinarily paid to shareholders in December. Final dividends are ordinarily paid to shareholders in July. Shareholders who wish to have dividends paid directly into their bank account rather than by cheque to their registered address can complete a Mandate Form for this purpose. Mandates can be obtained by telephoning the Company’s registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC (see over for details). Share price The Company’s Ordinary Shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange. The mid-price of the Company’s Ordinary Shares is given daily in the Financial Times in the Investment Companies section of the London Share Service. Share price information can also be obtained from many financial websites. Notification of change of address Communications with shareholders are mailed to the registered address held on the share register. In the event of a change of address or other amendment this should be notified to the Company’s registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC, under the signature of the registered holder. Trading shares The Company’s Ordinary Shares can be bought and sold in the same way as any other quoted company on the London Stock Exchange via a stockbroker. The primary market maker for Foresight 4 VCT plc is Landsbanki Securities (see over for details). Investments in VCTs should be seen as a long-term investment and shareholders selling their shares within three years of original purchase (five years post-6 April 2007) may lose any tax reliefs claimed. Investors who are in any doubt about selling their shares should consult their independent financial adviser. Please call Foresight Group (see details below) if you or your adviser have any questions about this process. Indicative financial calendar May 2008 Announcement of annual results for the year ended 28 February 2008 May 2008 Posting of the Annual Report for the year ended 28 February 2008 July 2008 Annual General meeting October 2008 Announcement of Half-yearly Financial Results for the six months to 31 August 2008 Enquiries Contact Foresight Group for Foresight 4 VCT plc: Telephone: 01732 471803 Fax: 01732 471810 e-mail: info@foresightgroup.eu website: www.foresightgroup.eu Foresight 4 VCT plc is managed by the Foresight Group which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Past performance is not necessarily a guide to future performance. Stock markets and currency movements may cause the value of investments and the income from them to fall as well as rise and investors may not get back the amount they originally invested. Where investments are made in unquoted securities and smaller companies, their potential volatility may increase the risk to the value of, and the income from, the investment. 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 1445 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 13 Half-yearly Financial Report for the six months ended 31 August 2007 13 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8 14455FORESIGH.qxd:Foresight Interim 07 30/10/07 17:22 Page 14 f 4 Foresight 4 VCT plc ECA Court South Park Sevenoaks Kent TN13 1DU Corporate Information Directors Peter Dicks (Chairman) Roger Brooke Bernard Fairman Philip Stephens Solicitors and VCT Status Advisers Martineau Johnson No. 1 Colmore Square Birmingham B4 6AA Company Secretary VCF Fund Managers Limited ECA Court South Park Sevenoaks TN13 1DU Sponsors and Stockbrokers Landsbanki Securities (UK) Limited Beaufort House 15 St Botolph Street London EC3A 7QR Registered Office and Investment Managers Foresight Group ECA Court South Park Sevenoaks TN13 1DU Registrar Computershare Investor Services PLC PO Box 82 The Pavilions Bridgwater Road Bristol BS99 7NH Auditors and Tax Advisers Ernst & Young LLP 1 More London Place London SE1 2AF Registered Number 3506579 Contact Numbers ● Registrars Shareholder Helpline — Computershare (0870 703 6292) ● General and Portfolio Queries — Foresight Group (01732 471800) 14455 30/10/2007 Proof 8
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Foresight4 - Foresight Group
totalling £2,825,000: Auctioning4U (£825,000), Ixaris Systems (£750,000), Probability (£450,000), The Bunker Secure Holdings
(£400,000), and The SkillsMarket (£400,000).
During the six-month period...