NEWSLETTER - Hillbrook Anglican School


NEWSLETTER - Hillbrook Anglican School
21 AUGUST VOL.15 NO.25
t: 3354 3422 w: e:
From the School Leadership Team
We belong to an energetic and dynamic school community! Over the past
week Hillbrook has enjoyed some outstanding school community events
as well as extraordinary activities that have seen us welcome others from
the wider community and district.
Last Friday night the Year 11s laughed, chatted and danced the night
away at their Semi-Formal. [Be sure to view the photos on page 5].
This was quickly followed up on Monday lunchtime with more dancing at
our biennial, ‘Dancing with the Staff’. The PAC was packed with students,
eager to see their teachers and classmates tap, hip hop and disco across
the stage.
Ms Chris McMillan, an enthusiastic and accomplished dancer
herself, spearheaded this popular event, enlisting her entire 10 Blue
Home Class to perform some hip hop and Beyonce. Other dancers
included Ms Jude Lynch with Liam Ruddick, Mim Ford, Alex Holland and
Isabella Wadley. Year 7 teachers Ms Wendy O’Shea and Ms Tegan Baumgart
enjoyed tapping with Laura Purcell and Isla Vardy. Drama teachers, Ms
Holly O’Sullivan Williams and Mr Josh Taylor danced with Meghan Wilcox,
Maddie Kerr, James Kennelly and Patrick-Charles McLaren, creating their
own dramatic style, smashing together a range of genres. Ms Lisa Newton
teamed up with Emma Anders, Kate Graham, Charlotte Little and Lily Hill
to combine ballet with some contemporary moves. And finally Mrs Jottie
Nagle and her entire Year 12 Geography class completed the Time Warp!
Ms Catie Dunlop provided additional creative and organisational genius
and Mr Stephen Driver compared the event with much humour and charm.
The $650 proceeds from the door entry will be added to Hillbrook’s World
Vision 40 Hour Famine donation target of $14,000.
Hillbrook’s fourth Sustainability Day on Saturday was a huge success,
with thousands of children, teenagers, and adults from within and
beyond our school community enjoying the food, sunshine, music,
coffee, and a vast array of stalls. We were able to learn of ways to
better care for our planet via lectures and information booths. Sixteen
Home Classes hosted activities or stalls, with 13 other school groups
including: Green Justice; SRC; Art; Geography and Hillbrook Board
Shapers all playing a special role. Our Photography Competition also
featured on the day and proved again to be a very popular part of
Hillbrook’s calendar. Congratulations Ms Tamara Gerlic on your
inspiring leadership and coordination.
Donations from the sales of stall items were just over $10,000, and will
be distributed to a number of charities including: Australian Marine
Conservation Society, Camp Quality, our Bali sponsor child, Water
Aid, 40 hour Famine, Pyjama Foundation, MS Walk, Bikes for Life,
Brain Child, WWF, Smiling for Smiddy and the Indigenous Literacy
Foundation. From the first planning meeting in February this year to the final
wrap-up next week, the coordinating committee have worked steadfastly and
energetically. Congratulations and thank you, Co-Convenors, Kelly
Lyonns and Simone Kerr and teacher coordinators, Vicki Hansen and
Andrew Bretherton, as well as all students, parents and staff for helping
to make this year’s Sustainability Day such a significant community event.
You’ll enjoy reading a lot more about Sustainability Day on page 2.
Also this week Hillbrook hosted the Australian Council for
Educational Leaders Awards ceremony in The Tree of Life Chapel. ACEL
is a professional association that supports the whole education sector
including principals, middle school leaders, teachers, consultants and
researchers. Ms Holly O’Sullivan Williams, a member of the Queensland
Branch Executive organised the evening and our Big Band performed
Aftershock and Watermelon Man. The audience of teachers, school
leaders, family and friends were also delightfully entertained with the
performance of The Garden Song by the Year 11 Classroom Musicians.
A sense of belonging and connectedness is a fundamental human need.
And at Hillbrook we try to embody in the school’s culture, for students,
staff and parents a sense of community and participation. The past days
and week have provided us with wonderful opportunities to be members
of our community.
Geoff Newton, Stephanie Munday-Lake, Craig Merritt and David Briggs
Year 7 into 8 Subject Selection Information
Parents of students in Year 7 are invited to a parent information
session for Year 8 subjects, to be held in The Tree of Life Chapel on
Monday 24 August from 6pm to 7.30pm.
Our purpose is to explain the nature of the Hillbrook curriculum in Year
8, and to give you the opportunity for questions and discussion. A copy of
the Subject Selection Booklet for Year 7 into Year 8 can be found on site
news online@hillbrook. Use the following link: http://online.hillbrook.
On Thursday 3 September there will be a follow-up informal interview
afternoon in classrooms upstairs of the Library from 3.40pm to 5.30pm
for parents and students to discuss their potential choices with their
current teachers and the Subject Co-ordinators of the various subjects.
It is important to carefully consider the subject options available and to
take advantage of these opportunities for discussion.
NAPLAN Online Trial
Hillbrook has been chosen to trial the new online platform for NAPLAN
Numeracy and Writing tests. Students have been selected from Years
7 and 9 and should have taken home a note explaining the procedure.
The Year 7 students involved will start the first test at 9am and will be
required to go to G4 straight after Daily Starter. They will then return to
G4 at the end of morning tea for the next test.
Year 9 will start their first test at 12pm and will need to come to G4
during brain break. They will sit the second test at 2pm so will need to
come to G4 straight after lunch. All students will need to bring a pencil,
rubber and calculator.
Christel Long - Enrichment Centre
2016 China Cultural Tour
Expressions of Interest
The March/April 2016 China Tour dates are
25 March - 7 April
An information evening will be held on
Wednesday 2 September @ 6pm in the Library
**Please see the letter attached to this newsletter
for further information**
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An Enormous Hug & Thank You
The giant engine room of Sustainability Day 2015 is silent. The
(alternative energy driven) engines are winding down and the
crew is quietly packing their gear and heading back off to their
lives again. The end of another voyage.
I’ve counted up the volunteers on my master list – I have 104
contacts – Hillbrook parents, teachers and staff. Some of those
contacts had their own teams - so the numbers of helpers is even
higher (many are the wonderful students and ex-students of
Hillbrook). Some people are not on that list because their jobs
ended before the day (so they are on a different list) or they
stepped in where they saw someone needed a hand and then
disappeared into the night again.
Our P&F president said it best in an email “The Hillbrook
community as always pull together and supported each
other”. Yes, yes you did. Sustainability Day is like Hillbrook
– unique. Thank you to all of the volunteers, the Hillbrook
administration staff, the teaching staff, the facilities and grounds
staff (including the cleaning staff), the parents and carers, and
the students (past and present) who helped make the day such
an enjoyable event. We have forgotten no one, nor anyone’s
contribution – never say “but I only…”, you did what you could
and your heart was with us.
Special thanks also to our teachers – you all give so much to the
Hillbrook community, and SDay was no exception. I know you all
just ‘made things work’ when you needed to and for that we on
the committee are grateful. Thank you David Jones for the music,
and for your patience with our changes. Thank you Vicki Hansen
and Andrew Bretherton for your liaising and woodworking skills.
Simone and I would like to specially thank the committee
members for being such an easy bunch to work with. On
Wednesday night the final meeting will wrap up the fourth
Sustainability Day. We will package our green shirts and banners
along with our hopes and feedback reports for the next crew who
will hold the tiller in 2017.
Kelly Lyonns & Simone Kerr - Co-Convenors
Thank You From the Communications Team
Sustainability Day last Saturday was enjoyed by thousands of
visitors to our school and the feedback that we have received via
emails, phone calls and word of mouth has been very positive.
This is a lovely reward to everyone who worked so hard to put on
this great community event!
In addition to those who Kelly and Simone have thanked, we
would also like to mention the people who made our job easier.
Thanks to Liz and Melanie in the office for their help with setting
up our Facebook page and organising the graphics and printing,
Beck and Leisa for fielding questions and the newsletter support,
to the parents and students who helped distribute our flyers and
posters, to the SRC who letterboxed our neighbours within 1 km
of the school, to those who helped with our signs and banners, to
everyone who sent on the email inviting their family and friends
to come along and to the media for their interest in Sustainability
A particular thank you to Channel 7 who supported our event
very generously by running their ‘Save the Planet’ TV ads on
Sustainability Day, which gave us great coverage on their station.
Apart from spreading the sustainable message to people in a fun
and interesting way, it is wonderful to know that a number of
charities will also benefit from the proceeds from the stalls.
If you’re thinking you’d like to be more involved in the next
Sustainability Day, then put your hand up when we start planning
again, it’s a great way to meet more parents at the school and
spend time with a great bunch of people!
Jo McCreanor & Amerson Stephenson - Communications Team
Hillbrook P&F Country Kitchen Stall
We would like to thank the many volunteers who contributed
to the P&F Country Kitchen stall on Sustainability Day! We were
overwhelmed with both the quality and quantity of the baking
and preserves which were beautifully made and donated by our
very generous families. Thank you also to those who donated
clean jars, fresh produce and, most importantly, their time and
energy to ensuring the success of the stall.
Maree Jones & Wendy Brownscombe
Hillbrook Music
Thank you everyone for the wonderful reception to our music
on Sustainability Day. It was truly a great day of music, with 22
ensembles/bands and over 50 solos/duets performing. Well done
students and their teachers.
Our Winter Concert Series will conclude on Tuesday evening,
25 August, with a Chamber Concert featuring our Brass bands,
Clarinet and Voice ensembles and selected Solos/duets. Come
along to the PAC at 6.30pm for an entertaining night. Entrance
is by donation.
Year 11 Work Experience
The Hillbrook Work Experience program provides students in Year
11 with the opportunity to:
help develop skills in applying for and securing a job; and
sample a potential future career path.
Students will be embarking on their placements very soon. We
wish them well and encourage them to practice being ‘mindful’
during this valuable learning opportunity.
Placements will be taking place during:
Monday 7 September – Friday 11 September
Monday 14 September – Friday 18 September
And some during the September school holidays
Well done to several of the Year 11 cohort who have already
completed their work experience. This year we have students
going to placements in a range of industries, including:
Request to parents: In building up our register of prospective
employers for the future, it would be most appreciated that if
you have contacts and/or suggestions for organisations suitable
for work experience placements for our Year 11 students, please
let me know -
Kerry Batt - ICT Coordinator/Work Experience Coordinator
Enrolment Interviews for Year 7 2018
Enrolment interviews for Year 7 in 2018 will be held next week
on Tuesday 25 August until Thursday 27 August. To facilitate these
conversations we will be finishing school at 3pm on each of the
interview days. Interviews will be held in the upstairs of the
library. The library will be open for student use on each of these
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JMC Academy Open Day & Work Experience
Year 11/12 ITS students were invited to attend the Open Day at
JMC Academy, located in South Brisbane, on Saturday 8 August.
My family and I went along to tour the campus and listen to a
number of lectures.
There are currently seven courses on offer in the area of creative
industries, with a new course in digital design (web and app
design) being offered in 2016. The courses teach a wide range
of skills that will help form the basis for future careers. As I am
interested in game development and animation I went along to
the specific lectures held in these areas.
In the back of my mind I was also looking to speak with one of
the heads of department to try and organise a work experience
placement. Once meeting up with Mrs Batt (Coordinator of ICT
and the Work Experience program at Hillbrook) and her husband,
at JMC Academy, I felt I was in good stead to securing a work
experience placement.
We approached Mark Dickie, Head of Animation and Game Design,
and discussed the possibility of a work experience placement. To
my surprise, the plans were made and it was locked in. What a
success! I’m glad I took the initiative to go along to their open
For senior students wishing to delve into the world of digital
art, design, IT, sound, entertainment, film, television, and much
more, I would highly recommend checking out JMC Academy!
Dominique Fournier - 11 Green
Lines From the Library
Books and Reading
Year 7 Readers’ Cup Grand Final was held this week.
Congratulations to 7 Green, winners of our inaugural Year 7
Readers’ Cup Trophy. Team members Jade Kinshela, Georgie
Wyer, Finian McGregor, Kayla Schultz & Laura Peters put in a great
effort in a very strong field to win by just half a point. Well
done to the other finalists who helped make it one of the closest
contests this year. Thank you to their English teachers Miss O’Shea
and Miss Baumgart for supporting Reader’s Cup and to Jane and
Margaret for their indefatigable and invaluable help running the
quizzes. We have now completed 12 of the 15 quizzes in the
Readers’ Cup ‘season’, with Year 8 to also finalise this week.
Good luck to those four classes for your year levels Grand final on
A Read-A-Round based around ‘Blueback’ by Tim Winton has been
enjoyed by Year 7 students over the last few weeks. We collect
fiction and non-fiction resources related to themes students
are covering in class, or are reading about in this case, and offer
a read and respond activity. The RAR for ‘Blueback’ has an
environmental focus and many of the student responses have
been very insightful. Alex Yann of 7W and Abbey Hughes of 7B
have been awarded certificates and itunes vouchers for their
great work in this extension activity.
Research and Assignments
Year 12 Ancient History students are researching the Fall of Rome
in the Library at the moment. We are also preparing resources for
junior Global Studies classes, who are due in the Library shortly
to start work on their next project – a Geo-Environmental study.
News and Special Events
On Sustainability Day, the student book club ChocLits and
Library staff combined forces to run a second-hand bookstall. The
books were donated to us and we also sold book art created by
students and paper bunting made from old book jackets. Our charity
of choice is the Indigenous Literacy foundation, which does
wonderful work in remote communities. They provide kids with
packs of new books and we are very proud to be associated
with supporting the empowerment and joy of reading for all
Yuraygir POP - Expressions of Interest
Expressions of interest are now being sought for the next, and
final, Parents Outdoors Program for 2015. Early next term we
will be heading down to Yuraygir National Park to sample aspects
of our Year 10 Outdoor Ed program. We will be catching trains,
hiking along isolated beaches, camping in tipis and under sheets
of plastic, feasting on seafood, experiencing the unique Primal
painting process, and sharing many other experiences that are
unique to our Year 10s Outdoor Education camp.
You will need to make sure you have the Friday off, as it’s an early
start to travel to Yuraygir and make the most of our weekend. The
dates are Friday 9 – Sunday 11 October. The cost will be $300, the
experience will be priceless!!
It’s been four years since we last ran this option and it is always
very popular, so you’d better get in quick. As always, preference
will go to first timers on a POP, and those with students currently
in Year 10. To get your name on the list, simply send an email
to Norelle ( including your name,
your students details, and your preferred email and mobile.
Looking forward to seeing you out there.
Simon Roberts - POP Coordinator
We raised $593 to send to this very worthwhile charity. Thank
you to everyone who donated and purchased books and to Jane
and Margaret in the Library who did so much of the ‘backroom’
preparation work. Another great collaborative effort from
Hillbrook readers!
BWF is looming on the horizon. We are taking a group of students
in to see presenters on September 4th and it promises to be a
great day out as usual.
And just for fun...
With Children’s Book Council Book of the Year announcements
imminent and Book Week scheduled for next week, I thought you
might like to see this lovely youtube clip. Aaron Blabey’s hilarious
book ‘Pig the Pug’ is shortlisted for the Picture Book category and
the kids in all the reading classes (and we adults!) have loved it,
and all his other picture books as well. I hope you enjoy this too.
Happy reading!
Loris, Margaret, Jane and Rosanne
P.S. As usual photos of this week’s library doings are on our blog
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Year 12 QCST Stationery Kit
These are now available from the Stationery Shop at a cost of $13.00 each. This Kit has been put together for students sitting for the
QCST and it contains all the essential items that they will require to complete the exam. As the students are only allowed to take
approved items in to each session and are not permitted to borrow from other students once they have entered the exam room,
this is a good way to ensure that they have everything they need to assist them during the exams. Items are also available for sale
individually if required.
Year 12 QCST
1 - 2 September
Year 11 Mini-Block Testing
2 - 3 September
Year 11 Camp
7 - 18 September
Year 11 Work Experience (1st week)
7 - 11 September
Year 11 Work Experience (2nd week)
14 - 18 September
Last Day Term 3
Friday 18 September
First Day Term 4
Tuesday 6 October
Safe Driver Training Course
Saturday 10 October
Year 10 Camps
18 - 31 October
Mt Cotton
Year 12 Formal
Friday 18 September
6pm - 10.30pm
Hillstone, St Lucia - St
Lucia Golf Links
Class of 1995 - 20 Year Reunion
Friday 9 October
Grand Central Hotel, City
Hillbrook Under the Stars
Saturday 24 October
Family Day
Sunday 1 November
Celebration Evening
Thursday 5 November
Year 12 Graduation Dinner
Thursday 19 November
Year 12 Farewell Day
Friday 20 November
Year 8-11 Final Day
Friday 27 November
City Hall
Anita Hanlon
Janine Fossa
Anne Lewis
Kym Davie
Wendy Bryett
Maree Jones
Wendy Jackman
Angelina Phipson
Roseanne Hansen
Alison Hatchman
Marion Crowther
Donna Melling
Louise Peters
Helen Murase
Katya Fairlie
Anne Spearritt
Julie Marshall
Valda Dorries
KLesley Irvine
Bronwyn Avery
Susan Horton
Carolyn Hartwig
12pm - 2pm
8am - 9am
8am - 9am
Karin Rushin
Jo Wilson
Melissa Curtis
Fiona Clark
Fiona Lynch
Judy McNeeley
Virginia Gehrke
Narda Phillips
Carolyn Hartwig
Wendy Grady
Hillbrook Under
the Stars
Saturday 24 October, 2015
Start organising your tables!!
Tickets on sale soon!!
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Year 11 Semi Formal
Chairperson of the School Board Recipients for Semester 1
2016 China Cultural Tour
14 August 2015
Dear Parents and Students
We have now completed our preliminary organisation for the March/April 2016 China Cultural Tour tour dates: 25/3/2016 – 7/4/2016. We know it’s very early, but it’s wise to book well in advance.
This is the first time we have offered this trip. The aim of this trip is to explore the cultural,
historical and artistic aspects of China. Students with an interest in art, photography, history and
different cultures will find this trip an exciting experience.
We will be visiting Beijing Winter and Summer Palaces, The Great Wall of China, Xian and the
Terracotta Warriors, Chengdu Giant Panda Research Breeding Base, the Leshan Giant Buddha,
Guilin and limestone Tors, Yangshuo and Shanghai. The trip is a fantastic opportunity for students
and parents to go on a fully escorted tour through this fascinating part of Asia.
We will be holding an information night either in term 3 or 4 and we will advise you of the date.
If you are interested a deposit of $500 will be required by Monday 31st August. Please use the
following link to accept and pay for your son/daughter.
A minimum of 25 students is required for this trip to go ahead and places will be allocated on a
first – in –first –served basis.
If this number is not reached then the $500 deposit will be refunded in full to your parent account.
The approximate cost of the trip will be just under $5,000 per student. Tour numbers are limited
to approximately 30 students. We also have a small number places for accompanying parents.
Please find the full trip itinerary is attached.
Thank you
Geoff Newton
T:\Parent Lounge\Excursions\Attachments\2015\Art\China Trip 2016 parent letter.docx
Kathy Owen
31st July 2015
The following information is designed to help you get the most out of your travelling, and includes a day-byday itinerary detailing touring and accommodation on your journey.
China is a country like no other – the scale, the grandeur, the history, the mystery, the people – all offer the
most wonderful and challenging experience for the traveller. Chinese civilisation, dating back over 5,000
years, has influenced Asian culture more than any other. From the contrasting cities of Beijing and Shanghai,
to the ancient history of the Terracotta Warriors in Xian and from the desert landscapes of the Silk Road to
the lush mountains of Yunnan Province, China is awesome. Scratch the surface of the “Middle Kingdom” and
you will begin an unforgettable journey.
25 MARCH 2016
Arrive Beijing you will be met by an Insider Journeys representative and transferred to your hotel.
Rich in history and a city of impressive scale, Beijing offers a spectacular and fascinating introduction to
China. For many Travel Indochina travellers, entering the once-hidden world of the vast Forbidden City
through its towering gates, intimidating walls and exquisite architecture is a highlight of their China
This afternoon an opportunity for some shopping at Silk Market Beijing – one of the few in Beijing which
enjoy a world-wide reputation. In recent years, it has become one of the most popular destinations among
the tourists from all over the world.
Meals: Welcome dinner
26 MARCH 2016
This morning begin your exploration of this impressive capital city. Beijing, which means Northern Capital, is
undoubtedly one of the great cities of the world. From one thousand years of dramatic history to a dynamic
modern metropolis, Beijing offers a magnificent insight into China’s (The Middle Kingdom’s) past and future.
This morning, walk through Tiananmen Square which was built on the orders of Mao Zedong and is said to
have the capacity to hold over a million people.
The square has often been used as a forum for popular dissent, including the infamous Tiananmen Square
massacre of 1989. From Tiananmen Square continue on foot passing through the beautiful Gate of Heavenly
Peace and under the portrait of Chairman Mao to enter the splendid Forbidden City.
Head into one of Beijing’s few remaining ‘hutongs’ or traditional lanes in the backstreets of the city, stop by a
hutong family home, before hopping on rickshaws for more close-up glimpses of local life in these laneways.
Lunch at a local restaurants.
Continue touring today with a drive to the north-west part of the city and visit the magnificent Summer
Palace. Filled with temples, pavilions, gardens and decorated corridors, the Summer Palace was particularly
favoured by the infamous Empress Dowager Cixi in the late 19th century. Here take a cruise on Kunming
Lake. Wander through the extensive grounds of this vast royal garden which includes a number of Beijing’s
artistic gems: the 700 metre (2,297 feet) Long Corridor, the graceful Seventeen Arch Bridge, and the temples
and pavilions of Longevity Hill.
Meals: Breakfast, lunch
27 MARCH 2016
This morning will be an early start travelling to Mutianyu, 90 kilometres (56 miles) north-east of Beijing, to
visit China’s most famous attraction – the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China was built over 2000
years ago and is rumoured to be visible from the moon, extending 5000 kilometres (3,107 miles) from the
Shanhaiguan Pass on the east coast to the Gobi Desert in the west.
Take the cable car up to the Wall from where you can take time to walk or climb sections (as your energy
allows), admiring the panoramic views and reflecting on the enormity of the material and labour required for
its construction. It is estimated that a million people were used at different stages during the construction
periods and that thousands died building it. Ironically the wall never achieved its aim – to prevent invaders
from the north.
This evening a chance to feast on Beijing’s famous roast duck dinner.
Meals: Breakfast, dinner
28 MARCH 2016
This morning transfer to Beijing railway station for your speed train to Xian.
Depart on service G # 651
Few cities in the world can match Xian’s wealth of history. From the beginnings of Chinese civilisation at
Banpo, through to the unification of the Chinese state and the city’s cosmopolitan status as the culmination
of the renowned Silk Road trade route, the Xian of today treats visitors to a spectacular display of the China
that was.
On arrival, transfer to your hotel inside the magnificent ancient city walls of Xian. A culturally diverse Chinese
city, Xian (which means Western Peace) is located close to the banks of the Yellow River and has a history
dating back to 1000BC. The city served as the capital for China’s greatest emperor, Emperor Qin Shi Huang
(221 BC) (the word ‘China’ is derived from his name) and was also the starting point for the world’s most
famous trade route - the Silk Road.
Meals: Breakfast
29 MARCH 2016
Start today with a short drive east that will take you to the truly remarkable Army of Terracotta Warriors one of the most important archaeological discoveries of the 20th century. Still under excavation, these
thousands of life sized terracotta warriors and horses were only unearthed in 1974 after being buried for
2000 years. Each figure is completely unique both in facial features and expression.
The terracotta army was designed to defend Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s tomb and ensure that he would have
a standing army to protect him in the afterlife. Many archaeologists believe that the warriors discovered so
far might only be part of an even larger terracotta army still buried in vaults around the Emperor’s tomb.
After lunch you have an opportunity for an educational visit to a Terracotta Warrior Factory to learn more
about the complex production process (unchanged from Qin dynasty times!) of these fascinating artworks.
Return back into town for some free time.
This evening an chance to sample Xian’s famous local dumplings at a local restaurant.
Meals: Breakfast, dinner
30 MARCH 2016
This morning transfer to the airport for flight to Chengdu. Arrive Chengdu, transfer to your hotel.
Capital of Sichuan Province, modern Chengdu offers visitors an intriguing mix of modernity and tradition with
a history of nearly 2,500 years. For many Travel Indochina travellers visiting Chengdu, a highlight is the Giant
Panda Breeding Research Centre, where we have a chance to see this remarkable endangered animal at an
institute dedicated to the survival of the species.
Late start exploration of Chengdu mid morning with a visit to Dufu’s Cottage. Dufu is a famed poet from the
Tang Dynasty and the gardens are filled with his sculpted poems amidst bamboo groves and serene pagodas.
You can take a break for lunch in the peaceful gardens surrounding the cottage and then continue to the
bustling People’s Park. Visit the local outdoor teahouse that makes a fine location from which to observe the
daily local activity.
Meals: Breakfast
31 MARCH 2016
Rise early this morning to visit the Giant Panda Research & Breeding Base, just a short drive out of Chengdu
and one of the highlights of this region. The base is a fascinating place to observe Giant Pandas and to learn
about these endangered animals and the conservation and breeding initiatives that have been implemented
to protect them and their natural habitat. You will have a chance to see and watch a growing number of
Giant Pandas as well as the lesser known Red Panda.
Take time to watch the younger ones at play which is always a source of much entertainment! If you are
lucky and travelling in the latter part of the year you may get a chance to see newborn pandas only a few
months old who are usually kept in incubators - a unique experience and one well worth hoping for!
Rest of afternoon free.
Meals: Breakfast
01 APRIL 2016
This morning visit Leshan Giant Buddha, the Leshan Giant Buddha is a statue of Maitreya (a Bodhisattva
usually represented as a very stout monk with a broad smile on his face and with his naked breast and
paunch exposed to view) in sitting posture.
The Buddha is located to the east of Leshan City, Sichuan Province, at the confluence of three rivers, namely,
Min River, Qingyi River, and Dadu River. The statue makes itself the most renowned scenic spot in that city.
In December, 1996, the location of the Buddha was included by UNESCO on the list of the World Heritage
This afternoon transfer to the airport for your evening flight to Guilin.
Upon arrival into Guilin, transfer to hotel.
Meals: Breakfast
02 APRIL 2016
Insider Experience - Taste: Eat breakfast as the locals do at one of our local guides’ favourite breakfast spots.
You’ll then take a wonderful day trip from Guilin to Longsheng to explore some of China’s beautiful rural
countryside. Drive past some spectacular scenery of towering karst cliff landscapes and ascend the winding
road that snakes up the mountainside to an area that is home to various ethnic minority groups.
Wander through the maze of little stone pathways and traditional wooden houses on stilts of the White Yao
village, and take a short hike further up the mountain to admire some of China’s most spectacular rice
terrace scenery. This area is known as the Dragon’s Backbone and features amazing rows upon rows of rice
terraces clinging precariously to the slopes of neighbouring mountain peaks and valleys.
Meals: Breakfast
03 APRIL 2016
This morning transfer to the pier to board your boat for a wonderful journey along the Li River. The boat
journey takes you past tranquil farming and fishing scenes and picturesque villages. The main attraction,
however, is the stunning limestone karsts that tower above the river creating a magical landscape of
mountains and water.
The unique and natural beauty of this region has for centuries been an inspiration to Chinese artists and
poets alike. The small town of Yangshuo - set in the lush green rice paddies of southern China, surrounded by
meandering river ways and limestone peaks - provides an interesting contrast to the big Chinese cities you
have just visited. Spend the afternoon walking the cobblestone streets, relax in a street side cafe, and enjoy
the colourful atmosphere of this enchanting town.
This evening enjoy a performance of the breath-taking light and sound show, Impression San Jie Liu, directed
by the famous director Zhang Yi Mou of Raise the Red Lantern fame. This spectacular outdoor performance is
staged by local villagers and fishermen completely on the river with towering karst peaks forming an amazing
Meals: Breakfast, Packed lunch
04 APRIL 2016
Insider Experience - Local: On the peaceful banks of the Li River near Yangshuo, get a hands-on Tai Chi lesson
from a professional local instructor and learn more about the complexities of this ancient martial arts form.
nsider Experience - Unique: Later, don your cycling helmets, pack your spirit of adventure and head out into
Yangshuo’s beautiful countryside on bicycles. Explore local villages, rice paddies, lotus fields and fish farms
on local tracks and enjoy amazing images of rural life.
Back in town, there will be time for you to visit the local markets or indulge in some shopping in the
assortment of shops and street side stalls.
Late this afternoon, transfer to the airport for flight to Shanghai.
Arrive Shanghai you will be met by an Insider Journeys representative and transferred to your hotel.
Once known as the ‘Pearl of the Orient’, Shanghai today has emerged again as one of Asia’s most important
cities. Before the communists arrived in 1949, Shanghai was a city of European-style mansions and the most
important trading port in Asia. Communism brought about radical reconstruction of society, silencing all
western and outside influences in its path. During the height of the Cultural Revolution, Shanghai became a
city of hatred and spite as families and friends turned on each other - famously recounted in Nien Chang’s
‘Life and Death in Shanghai’. These days it is a buzzing contemporary metropolis.
Meals: Breakfast
05 APRIL 2016
Today your city tour will take you to the historical riverfront area known as the Bund - Shanghai’s former
‘Wall Street’. Home to an impressive collection of 1920s neoclassical buildings this area attests to Shanghai’s
former greatness. Next you have a chance to visit a silk factory to learn more about the ancient practice of
silk production in China.
From the Bund area head to the Old Chinese Quarter and take a relaxing walk through the peaceful Yu
Insider experience - Local: This afternoon, veer off the typical tourist trail again and explore more of real
Shanghai by taking a walking tour through the backstreets of the Chinese Old Quarter. These small streets
and markets are bustling with local life. Laundry hangs haphazardly across footpaths and locals haggle over
the best price for fruit and vegetables. Homemade noodles and fresh steaming buns are made, seafood is
cooked up in street side stalls, and strange concoctions of herbs and dried ginseng sit in glass cases for sale.
05 APRIL 2016
SHANGHAI ( continue )
Stroll through the colourful bric-a-brac market of Dongtai Lu ‘antique street’ where the stalls are lined with
Mao memorabilia, lacquerware boxes, old lanterns, and bronzed antique replicas.
Later, head off to one of the oldest neighbourhoods in Shanghai near the lovely, serene Confucius Temple,
far from the tourist crowds. Explore the temple and the surrounding backstreets where you see some
wonderful examples of old Shanghainese architecture and learn about local life. You’ll also see a lively wet
market, bird and flower market then stroll through the colourful bric-a-brac market of Dongtai Lu ‘antique
street’ where the stalls are lined with Mao memorabilia, lacquerware boxes, old lanterns, and bronzed
antique replicas. Finish your tour in the modern entertainment complex of Xintiandi, located in the old
French Concession area.
Meals: Breakfast
06 APRIL 2016
Insider experience - Unique: Head out to the suburbs of Shanghai to the charming old world atmosphere of
nearby Zhujiajiao, a traditional water canal town dating back to the Ming and Qing dynasties. Here, you will
browse through small stores selling local produce and souvenirs along Great North Street and see sites like
the great Qing Post Office. Zhujiajiao's network of waterways, old wooden waterside houses, arch stone
bridges (36 of them!), and narrow paved laneways are the perfect setting for your short peaceful canal
cruise and stroll to absorb the century old Chinese town atmosphere.
Insider experience - Unique: Back in Shanghai, visit one of the city’s hidden gems - the lesser known
Propaganda Poster Art Centre. Tucked away in the basement of an unassuming residential apartment block,
you'll be surprised to find a unique private collection of original propaganda posters and artwork dating from
1940s to 1970s. This interesting collection will give you an insight into the tumultuous history of the Cultural
Revolution period and features several intriguing pieces depicting Mao Zedong and his soldiers gallantly
defeating the American ‘imperialist army’.
This evening you are off to the theatre to view the world famous Chinese acrobats in a mind-bending
performance of skill and agility. This show is the best in town (and arguably, the country!) and must be seen
to be believed!
Meals: Breakfast
07 APRIL 2016
Today your tour end with a transfer to the airport for your flight home.
Meals: Breakfast
Hillbrook Chorale
Show Tunes
Please join us for an afternoon of fabulous music from film and memorable show melodies!
Featuring guest artists:
Mitchell Leigh - piano, Neil Favell – french horn and Nick Lavers - guitar
Hillbrook Tree of Life Chapel
Sunday August 23rd
Admission: $5