THIS IS YOUR YEAR - Lone Peak High School


THIS IS YOUR YEAR - Lone Peak High School
What’s Inside
pg. 2-3
Community & World pg. 4
pg. 5
Groups of Lone Peak pg. 6-7
Student Life
pg. 8-9
Arts & Entertainment pg. 10-11
pg. 12
J.K. Rowling Simply a
A Knight’s Guide to the
Cliques of Lone Peak
pg. 6
Do Original Movies Even
pg. 10
Girls’ Soccer 2012
pg. 12
ere we are. It’s 2012. The
world is probably ending in
December anyway. So do yourself a favor; stop caring and start
This is your year. Every year
is, technically. But this year
especially-because you’re
reading this article and I’m telling
you: this is your year.
In less than a year, or less
than two years, or less than
three years, you’re going to
be wearing cap and a gown
looking back on this thing we call,
“High School,” wondering why
you cared so much about what
people thought. You all ended
up in the same place, with the
same diploma in your hand.
Because in 10 years no one is
going to know what clique you
were in or how many times you
went to attendance school. The
only thing that matters is who
you are becoming. Because no
matter how petty the little things
are, Lone Peak is where you
become who you will always be.
Out there, nobody cares if you
looked cool in the halls of LP.
When you’re in college, no one
is going to know whether people
thought you were hard core or if
you fell asleep in all your classes.
The only thing that sticks with you
is what you learned and probably
your senior quote. Although odds
are if you were asleep…that
won’t be much.
Every day, every week, every
year, make a to-do list. Not one
full of homework assignments and
dentist appointments. None of
that is going to make high school
worth it. These are the things that
Do something every day
that scares you: Talk to
the pretty girl in English
class. Jump off a cliff (into
water). Do something.
Join some sort of club/
group/anonymous meeting: Not mandatory. But
extremely helpful. Find a
place where you belong.
Find something you care
Take a class that challenges you: Even if the
thought of homework
makes you want to vomit
and throw a fit and burn
down the school - challenge yourself. Because
you’d be surprised what
you can do and what
you’ll learn to love.
Do something good: The
more selfless you are the
happier you’re going
to be. Everyone is going through something.
Because we’re all in high
school, and high school
isn’t easy. So please stop
worrying about yourself
and start worrying about
the people around you.
Listen to bad music: Hold
in your gasps, folks. Bad
music is the best form of
therapy. Everyone secretly
knows all the words to at
least one Fergie song. And
sometimes it’s just one of
those days and you need
to know that sometimes,
Big Girls Do Cry.
Stop Caring: Forget what
the words “reputation”
“popularity” and “social
standing” mean. Eliminate
them from your vocabulary. Now. Who you are
is what matters, not who
other people think you
are. Take a chance on
yourself and discover who
you are.
Find your own secret hideout/safe zone/ cupboard
under the stairs: No matter what, there will always
be times when everything
is overwhelming and the
world seems to be against
you. It isn’t, I promise. The
world is on your side. But
spend a few days finding somewhere to go.
Somewhere to cry or blast
music or scream.
Tell yourself that you’re
worth it: I’m sorry for being
cliché, Lone Peak. But if
you don’t believe in yourself, if you don’t think you
deserve “the high school
experience” you aren’t
going to get it. And here’s
a secret: You deserve to
be happy. “Just be who you are, do
what you do, and do it
-Jennifer Haynes, Junior
Signs of Affection:
He Said, She Said
or a guy, it’s easy to tell when
a fellow brother digs a respectable girl. For girls it might not be
so easy. So girls consider this an
early Christmas present from me to
you. Below are the ABC’s of how
to know if a guy digs you! You’re
Attitude - Attitude is more how he
acts, and not to be confused with
things he does. When Levi Fiso was
asked how he acts around girls he
likes he said that “Tries to be really
cute”. This was also the answer of
several other boys. Most guys tend
to act a little bit show-off-ish . IF he
does any of the above two…he
probably digs you.
Behavior- There is one thing that
every boy from the advance players to the red headed step child
all have in common…They are all
intimidated by beautiful girls. Some
refuse to admit it, but trust me it’s
there. This nervousness that a guy
has will lead to poorly timed compliments, awkward length hugs,
gut wrenching moments of silence
and long pauses in conversations,
or blushing.
Remember the rule in elementary
where if a boy is mean to you it
means he likes you? Remember
how boys never grow up? Well surprisingly the rule is the same in high
school to a point. If you notice the
boy playfully teasing you or making non offensive jokes about you,
you can bet your daddy’s savings
account that he likes you! Some
non-examples of playful teasing
are if he kicks sand in your lunch,
pulls your hair, or calls you mean
names. BEWARE if he does these
things, or takes to jokes too far and
they become hurtful GET AWAY,
the guy is a jerk.
Communication- Let’s start with
the obvious, if he tells you he likes
you it means he likes you. If he says
it, don’t ask questions and trust me
there is nothing to worry about. Let
him pull all the moves and sooner
or later you’ll be on a smooth boat
ride to the island of love. On the
flip side if he doesn’t say anything
it’s not that big of a deal he is
probably just a shy guy.
Have you ever looked at your
phone and saw a text saying “Hey
:) What are you up to? :)”, “Hey
cutie:)”, “hi:)”( I will expand on
this text message later on in the
article), Or a text like this “I’m just
sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing:( I wish I could be
with you! :)”, it probably means
he likes you. Of course not every
text is created equal, so here is a
general guideline in telling if a guy
likes you through text… COUNT THE
he’s got that shovel in her hand.
Here’s how to know if it is you
that she is digging.
·Physical Touch: It’s called
Flirt-Punching for a reason.
·Watch the Face: Staring, Winking,
Smiling, Blushing, Etc.
·Weird Habits: If you notice that
anytime you talk to her she bites
her nails or picks her split ends
furiously-odds are you’re making
her nervous. And if you make her
nervous, you either look like a serial
killer or she likes you. I’ll let you
also includes social media sites,
but unfortunately this can be done
in the privacy of her home and
is therefore hard to detect. If she
comments on your photo from
2009, you have a Facebook stalker, boys.
·Talking, or Lack Thereof: She may
never shut up. She may never
say a word. If her speaking habits
change dramatically around you,
take extreme caution. You may
just have yourself an admirer. ·It’s the Little Things, Guys: The “I
can tutor you…” and the “I’ll buy
you an iPhone...” We don’t really
enjoy teaching you math. We just
want an excuse to lean over the
same paper. If she’s lucky your
shoulders could touch. We will
do anything to be near you,
and we’ll act like we’re just being nice. It’s purely selfish, guys.
“Are you
get down?”
-Jake Eaton
·The Stalking: This can refer to
the accidental encounters and
the honks whenever she drives
by. --Oh, you ignorant fools, the
term “accidental” is completely
relative. You really think she just
happened to accidentally go
into the band room on her way
to Calculus? Think again. Stalking
Now that you’ve been
handed the female mind on a
silver platter (you’re welcome)
there should be nothing
stopping you from going out
and making your move (we
like that). If you think this is a
lie, well odds are no girls like you
and that’s really sad and sorry
about that. Scouts honor, guys,
this is the truth. We’re not all that
Photo Illustration by Lizzy Alexander
he characters, the settings, the events—they
are all real. I have decided that J.K. Rowling
is not nearly as creative as she appears, but
simply a gifted biographer. A biographer for
the wizarding world. Maybe she is a Squib (a
non-magical person born into magical bloodline) and is so ashamed that she became a
Muggle (non-magical person) writer.
He has piercing green eyes and disheveled
black hair. He wears glasses and has a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Eleven-year-old
Harry, an orphan, discovers his magical powers, and goes to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft
and Wizardry. Each character is brilliantly writ-
ten and every single
detail astoundingly ties
together. It all makes
so much sense. Could
it all be real?
I am not saying
that J.K. Rowling isn’t
a remarkable writer.
The woman has more
talent than most of the
world combined. I am
just saying that maybe
she isn’t as creative as
she is built up to be. If
it is all real…she would
just be writing events.
She wouldn’t have to
come up with what is
coming next, because
it is happening. She
just has to wait. And
write about it beautifully as it happens.
But why? Why
would the wizarding
world expose themselves? Maybe we
were about to discover the alternate world. Our mere Muggle technology has grown so much—we could have
been too close to finding the magic. So they
had Rowling publish those books to throw us off
their trail. Convince us it was all make believe.
Props to them. It worked. Well on everyone but
me. Conspiracy theory much? Yeah. Get lost in
my mind.
Those miracles and catastrophes we see
around us? You think they are unexplainable?
Explanation: MAGIC. They can be traced to
Harry Potter, if Harry Potter was traceable. The
mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids, Bigfoot, The
Loch Ness monster, and other paranormal activities all would make sense if this was all real.
The unidentified serial killers: Jack the Ripper,
The Zodiac Killer, Frankford Slasher, The Monster
of Florence, and so many more are probably
all evil wizards. He Who Must Not Be Named
could be behind it all. Natural disasters could
just be the magical current overload.
J.K. Rowling is just in the scheme of keeping
us from discovery, because obviously a children’s story about a young wizard can’t be
But then she says something like this: “Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity
to envision that which is not, and therefore
the fount of all invention and innovation. In its
arguably most transformative and revelatory
capacity, it is the power to that enables us to
empathize with humans whose experiences
we have never shared.” And I get back into
worship J.K. Rowling mode.
Maybe she does have that much imagination. Enough imagination to create a whole
new world, full of humor, mystery, and love. So
maybe she’s not Harry Potter’s personal biographer. Maybe she just is that amazing. Well,
“The truth. It is a
beautiful and terrible
thing, and must therfore be treated with
great caution.”
-Albus Dumbledore
she’s amazing either way.
But is Harry Potter real? I have this fantasy
where I am going to get my Hogwarts acceptance letter and fall in love with a cute wizard.
It could be real. We could all be under a spell.
But that’s the magic of it. We will never know.
Photo Illustration by Lizzy Alexander
t’s this monster that is eating me away. I can’t
stand to go to class. My attendance is horrid.
Most of the classes I am taking are a joke. So
is Senioritis a real thing? It’s definitely there. It
surrounds all of us. You can tell which kids that
have it. The ones dancing down the hall because they are so bored, the ones who look so
miserable that you think their dog just died, and
the ones you don’t know exist because they
literally never come to class. And then there is
me, who is an odd combination of all three.
According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of Senioritis is: “A crippling disease that
strikes high school seniors. Symptoms include:
laziness, an over-excessive wearing of track
pants, old athletic shorts, and sweatshirts. Also
features a lack of studying, repeated absences, and a generally dismissive attitude. The only
known cure is a phenomenon known as Graduation.”
The problem I have with Senioritis is that I
don’t believe it only applies to seniors. I don’t
think it has anything to do with grade. It has to
do with the person. Let me be honest, the first
time I ditched high school was the first day of
sophomore year. FIRST DAY. And it has all gone
downhill from there. But then there are those
kids that are still so excited about school every day. They have perfect attendance. They
smile when they
walk down the
hall. They do their
homework without
the cynicism.
After talking to
Lone Peak students from each
grade, everyone
seems to believe
in Senioritis. Not
necessarily because they have
been diagnosed
with it, but everyone knows someone with it. But the
juniors who don’t
have early Senioritis don’t seem to
think they will get
it next year. The
ones who have a definite identification of Senioritis all seem to have had it their whole high
school career. Some people just love school.
Some people like school. And some people
absolutely hate school.
So is Senioritis real? In my opinion, NO. I got
it when I was a sophomore. I had it when I was
a junior. I have it as a senior. Maybe I just need
help, or maybe it should be called “Schoolitis”
or “Skull.” Yes, seniors have it, and they may be
more prone to the disease, but I don’t think it
should be based on grade. It should be based
on personality or a temperament. Senioritis? Or
simply school haters?
LDS Church Changes Missionary
Age Minimum
homas S. Monson,
President of the
LDS Church, started
the 182nd General Conference with fireworks:
“Effective immediately, all worthy and able
young men who have graduated from high
school or its equivalent, regardless of where
they live, will have the option of being recommended for missionary service beginning
at the age of 18, instead of age 19. I am not
suggesting that all young men will — or should
— serve at this earlier age. Rather, based on
individual circumstances, as well as upon a
determination by priesthood leaders, this option is now available.”
He followed that statement by announcing
that LDS young women would now be able
to serve missions at the age of 19, instead of
21. The Church has used these age minimums
for the last few decades, dating back to the
To deal with the massive inflow of missionaries that will soon flood into the mission field,
missionaries will now spent 1/3 of the normal
time in the Missionary Training Center.
After the Saturday morning session, Elder
Jeffery R. Holland held a press conference to
answer questions about the change. When
Holland was asked the obvious question of
‘Why?’, the apostle simply answered:
“The Lord is hastening this work, and he
needs more and more willing missionaries.”
In addition to this, there are other possible
minor reasons for the change. Some countries
are requiring you men to serve a set amount
of military service, and this new age standard
will allow them to serve both the Church and
their country. Another reason may be that
young people in the past have often deviated
from the Church’s standards in the time spent
between high school graduation and leaving
on the mission. The Church is avoiding this by
removing this down time.
High has the largest LDS Seminary program
in the world, with a membership percentage
in the high nineties. The Crusader polled the
seniors at Lone Peak to see if their post-high
school plans have changed after the big announcement. Here’s what we got:
Does the change in missionary age
minimum change your post-highBoys
school plans?
This news obviously has huge ramifications
on the student body of this school. Lone Peak
Top Tweets
2012 Election -- The Home Stretch
he 2012 presidential
election has certainly
been the biggest topic
of debate for millions across America. You’ve
seen the campaign ads on television. You’ve
seen the bumper stickers.
And, more recently, it’s likely
that you’ve watched or at
least heard about the presidential and vice presidential debates. With all of this
advertising and information
that fills our daily lives, the
citizens of the United States
are almost forced to come
up with an opinion on who
they’ll support and vote for
in the presidential election.
Polls open November 6,
2012. This means that mere
days separate us from the
time when the people of
America will officially declare who they think is best
fit to lead our nation. However, it has not been an
easy race for Obama and
Romney. With Obama’s
incontestable struggle to
keep our country’s economy afloat and Romney’s
often frustrating inconsistency in arguments, many informed voters struggle
to pick a side. It has been a tug-of-war that has
left many of us uncertain about who the victor
will be. But here are some things that we know.
Utah, as we all know, is very conservative and
will probably have the highest percentage of
Romney voters in the nation. But our state only
contributes six of the 270 electoral college votes
needed to win. Where is Romney going to get
the other votes? Well, the big one is Texas, with
38 electoral votes coming from the large state.
Despite this state’s big contribution, though,
the rest of the states that are pro-Romney are
pretty small, ranging from two to sixteen electoral votes.
Obama, as the incumbent, has the uphill
advantage, with states like New York (29 votes)
110 of the electoral votes go to toss-up states,
with an additional 85 only hinting at who they’ll
be voting for. The difference in electoral maps
between sources also indicates the uncertainty
about the election’s outcome. The New York
Times predicts
that Obama will
have a landslide
victory, while
Poletical says it
will be a close
win, with Romney coming out
on top. So these
swing states will
be key in choosing the next
Chief Executive
for our nation.
Why does this
matter? Well,
as a strongly
state, we can
have an influence on others
with our position.
But even if you
don’t support
Photos Courtesy of you can still can
convince voters
and California (55 votes) already committing to in some of these toss-up states to change their
his cause. However, his only other “big gun” is
minds. Whether you are a registered voter or
Illinois, with 20 electoral votes. These three states not, make your opinion known. Share a link to
only give him a total of 104 of the required 270
a speech you liked on Facebook, tweet your
votes. WIth such small numbers on both sides,
opinion of the candidates. Who
how is anyone ever going to win?
might make a difference in these final hours beThe key lies in the states that are unpredictfore the election. And this decision might make
able. Called “swing states” or “toss-up states,”
a difference in who will make the country the
these will play a major role in this election, with
way the people want to see it. So go out there
the dilemma of who to vote for being so strong. and make your voice heard!
According to the New York Times, which has
a regularly-updated electoral map, a total of
eing a citizen of America is a great privilege
in which we have freedom. Something new
that Lone Peak has been trying to do this year
is to have the students recite the Pledge of
Allegiance at the beginning of their first period class each
day. Not only is it a
rule we do at the
school, but it has
been issued by
the states courts
to pass it as an
official law that we
must participate in
saying the pledge.
Some issues in the
past has been that
the words “under
god” in the pledge
should be removed.
Certain states have
made it a law
to recite the full
pledge as it is, but some states have the option
of choosing to only reciting the pledge without
the words “under god.”
Lone Peak has been known as a wonderful
school with good values and incredible dedication. Being part of Lone Peak has made
students realize the importance of life and of
the freedoms
we have here.
The shields that
represent Lone
Peak are justice, strength,
integrity, valor,
trust, and service. This also
applies to those
who serve our
country and
who have
fought to keep
our freedoms.
Having the stuPhoto by Tommy Johnson dents recite the
pledge helps us
show our respect for our country and become
more appreciative towards those around us.
Tardies Pay a Price
school. The scheduled time and days for atducation is a key factor in becoming suctendance schools is Monday thru Friday from
cessful, and Lone Peak does its best to
6:15am to 7:15am right before school. Stuensure that each student is getting the best
dents can also attend
education posafter school on Monsible. The only
days from 1:30pm to
problem is that
some students
2:30pm. Now students
will either miss
and parents may be
a few days of
concerned because
it costs $5.00, but here
school and
are some tips to help
have to make
you out. If you pay
it all up, or the
in advance it is only
fact that stu$3.00 and attendance
dents will cut
school is free Monclass. This has
days, Tuesdays, and
made Lone
Wednesdays. This helps
Peak realize the
Photo by Caden Codling
importance of
Photo by Caden Codling students realize the
importance of staying
fixing this probin school and staying in class. This has really
lem by holding an attendance school. This will
helped keep Lone Peak continue to be a world
allow students time to make up their absences
and truancies by attending the attendance
class school.
October Achievements at Lone Peak
• Marching Band
• Took 1st at Nebo Tournament
of Bands
• Took 3rd at the 4A Division of
the Rocky Mountain Band
• Took 1st at the Davis Cup
• Girls Tennis won State Championship
• Varsity Football became Region 4
Champion for the fourth year in a
• Sophomore Football finished the
season undefeated
• Girls Soccer Team made Regions
• Girls Tennis Team won the State
• Coach Myers had her 300th win
at the volleyball game on October 2nd
• Debate team took second
place at the Beehive-Bonanza
Photo by Courtnie Mustain
one Peak has an unusual number of school
dances. There are four stag dances and
seven date dances. The date dances are the
ones that are the most known and the most
exciting. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire,
Hogwarts has a winter ball. Everyone is excited
to go and start an asking fury. Ron Weasly walks
up to Fleur Delacour, and asks her. This took
guts; however, students at Lone Peak ask a little
differently. The majority of the student body
asks to dances in a variety of creativity ways.
From getting an extra-large pair of boxers and
writing on them to giving the person a list of
names to call and find which one asked, there
are many ways to do it.
Asking can be summed up in three categories.
1. The Traditional Way: Call that special
someone or walk up to them at school and
say, “Hey, would you like to go to [insert
name of dance here] with me?” This way
only requires taking the time to find them
and ask.
2. The Digital Way: Text or instant message
them asking if they would like to go to the
dance with you.
3. The Special Way: Think of something creative or look it up online. Then use this idea
to leave something incredibly difficult for
the person to figure out.
But why ask in this special way? Why not just
simply ask to their face or given them a call? Is
it due to the excitement it creates or has it just
become a social norm?
“‘Cause it’s
-Senior Jodi Page
“To show off
creativity for
the femmetypes.”
-Senior Devin Sudweeks
Whether it is because of social norms, creativity, or excitement, Lone Peak students are thinking outside the box when it comes to asking.
K n i g h t' s D e c l a s s i f
How to Join the Cli
t is important to remember that jocks
have feelings too. Although they are
muscular beings
that deny using
steroids, travel in
backpack celebrating groups,
and often show
no facial expression—they feel
stuff. When you
assimilate into
jock culture, keep
this in mind, their
emotions just need to be peeled back a
bit, like an onion, or an ogre.
Jocks resemble the ancient cavemen
in some regards. Intelligence aside,
jocks and cavemen proved their worth
in society by exhibiting physical prowess
and by bringing food home to the ladies. However, at Lone Peak, jocks don’t
bring us food, they bring us state cham-
pionships—and like in ancient times,
they do deliver for the ladies. Once we
understand this inherent desire, things
make sense. Jocks flex their muscles and
score points for us,
their Mesopotamian
There is one oftenoverlooked necessity
of being a jock—the
socks. Clear out your
sock drawer; say
goodbye to anklesocks and gold-toes,
invest in some midcalf, white or black
athletic socks. Whether they are Nike
or Under Armor, proudly wear these
bad boys with your variety of athletic
shorts, a hoodie, a cool backpack, and
a baseball hat. And with the appropriate attire, you can appear to belong
with the most “mulleted” clique at Lone
he Intellectuals—what they lack in
social skills, they make up for in smarts.
They have many admirable talents and
rare qualities that the average Lone
Peak student simply doesn’t have. They
are unparalleled when it comes to YuGi-Oh duels, AP physics, AP statistics,
and reading fantasy and science fiction
novels. But our day’s intellectual community does not own pen protectors
and taped glasses; they own New Balances and laptops. They usually have a
passion for scholarly activities, they enjoy
calculus, and they probably like anime.
Witnessing a courtship display between two Intellectuals is a rare but
magnificent sight. They tell jokes that
aren’t typical, that supersede an average person’s knowledge, and they will
often laugh louder than necessary. They
might discuss the most recent sci-fi novel
they wrote, or the
events of that morning’s band practice.
However, in this intellectual culture, it is
not socially acceptable to tell a person
that you are interested in them. Awkward
of flirtatious
are the most effective way to win a
smarty-pant’s heart. And if you are interested in joining this group of the brainy
elite, intellectual hot spots can be found
in the library, and hallways that you
have probably never been in.
his group is massive and diverse, but
everybody inside of it are all somehow friends with each other. They are
very accepting, but sometimes judgy;
this is the best group for anybody who
wants to change friends, or rebound
after any clique-related drama. These
are your typical Lone
Peak students. They
make up a good portion
of the student council
and their school spirit is
unmatched. If you are
interested in joining this
group, make sure to
be incredibly friendly,
smile a lot, and say hi to
everyone you have ever had a class
with. Their lifestyle is rather preppy, but
also has a touch of hipster fashion and
music. You can find these kids near
the sword in the commons at almost
any time of day. They will probably be
complaining about, or studying for their
numerous AP classes.
This is the moodiest group at Lone
Peak, so walk like you are tip-toeing on
egg shells. Avoid crude jokes or excessively sarcastic comments. Even though
this is the default group for anybody
that is banished, rejected, or exiled—
kids can
be the
hardest to please. If you offend one,
expect burning glares on your back for
the rest of your high school career, so be
gentle! No but really guys, if you are in
this group, and you’re reading this paper, don’t hurt me. However, this group
is fun, energetic, classy, and consistent.
If you are being constantly grounded, don’t
join this group. If you are
constantly asking your
teacher if you are “failing”
a class, and you in fact
have an “A-“, your homies
belong here. A good indicator of somebody who
belongs in this group is if
they knew that they wanted to go to BYU
since they were a lil zygote.
*If you are in drama, add these results
plus much more emotion. Talk like you
are constantly in a play, and you may
only date fellow actors/actresses. You
hate the title, “thespian,” and you use
hand expressions constantly. You have
an affinity for Christmas music, all year
long. Wear fedoras. Name your child
“Steinway Jazzy Macbeth” or “Cozette
Phantom Cats Aida.”
fied Survival Guide
iques of Lone Peak
ipsters crave the unpopular—it’s
more than a fashion statement, it’s a
lifestyle. In order to fit into this anti-popular
culture, you must stand out for the right
reasons. A hipster will swim against the
current trends, and attempt to create
a subculture that creates a new definition of beauty. It’s an artistic view that is
unique to the eyes of the beholder.
When you attempt to fit into hipster
culture: speak the lingo. The safest bet
is to bash anything “mainstream” and
to boast about the band you like that
nobody else has heard of. You should
also wear clothes that are not necessarily in season—if you dress in any way that
complements your grandpa’s sense of
style, you are on the right track.
Hipsters have their own sense of social
norms. In conversations, awkward pauses
in are not unusual; in fact, this pause is
the hipster’s time of contemplation and
meditation. Do not interrupt this silent
introspection; these moments of revelation are responsible for such trends as:
the fanny-pack, rolled up pants, filters
on instagram, and most album covers.
The hipster society lives on through these
awkward ponderings.
Once conversation has begun, comment about the superiority of used bikes
on over mainstream transportation. Discuss your personal view of the
emotional powers of photography, or the
benefits of
essential oils
Name your favorite unpopular album or
your most recent visit to a rare concert—
find any excuse to mention the name,
‘Wes Anderson,’ because every time you
do, your hipster street credit will multiply
henever you hear the word “cheerleader”, what pops into your head?
Maybe huge, pearly-white smiles and
loud mindless laughter; maybe you imagine them cart-wheeling into class and
kicking their feet in the air. But what are
they really like? Are their stereotypes entirely accurate? Whether they constantly
perform acrobatic tricks or not, a lot of
girls fantasize about hanging out with
and a
of guys
The easiest way to
join the cheerleading
clique is to become a cheerleader. Go
learn how to do the splits without pain,
teach yourself how to jump at least 6
feet in the air while simultaneously doing a triple back flip. The ability to spell,
“School spirit” out-loud is a necessity.
But you don’t necessarily have to be a
cheerleader to be in the group, another
way to join them is to laugh and talk a
lot. Whenever something is even remotely humorous, be sure to laugh loudly
so everyone can hear; this shows that
you are an extremely happy person. Ask
people about the homework you don’t
understand because you were texting
during class, throw in some juicy gossip,
and above all else, think “blonde.” And
with these pointers in mind, you should fit
right in.
ook at your hand; is an energy drink in
it? If you answered yes, this could be
your group. If you belong in this group,
you hate high school, you hate Utah, and
you hate me. You have backpacks that
are especially outfitted for skateboards,
and you want Romney and Obama
to be beaten by Travis Pastrana in the
upcoming presidential
election. This group is fun?
I really don’t know, when I
tried to get interviews I was
told some unsavory words.
Walmart is their favorite restaurant and lunch-time activity. Some worship “Hottopic” and are not afraid
of PDA. But these kids are
cool, although there is not
as many of them as there
were in junior high.
Essentially, skater kids are actually really
sweet kids. They just have a scabbed and
calloused heart because they eat pavement at skate parks for every meal. If a
zombie apocalypse happens, these guys
could be excellent survivors. They are
surprisingly resilient and aren’t remotely
close to being sissy (except those few
that wear nail polish or mascara). These
guys know how to have a good time
too, they can jump almost anything, and
have the athleticism of a gazelle when
avoiding injury. If you are in this group,
you are cordially invited to my house to
watch “Nitro Circus” and your latest “gopro” video on a
wakeboard, dirt
bike, or snowboard. Advice:
the only flips you
should be doing
are front flips
and back flips,
not those bird
flips. YOLO guys.
Get To Work
Abigail keenan
staff writer
arning money isn’t the easiest thing, especially when you haven’t received your diploma yet. Teenagers are constantly looking
for ways to get extra cash to save for college,
gas, and other things. Finding jobs, however,
can be discouraging and nearly impossible
when students have jam packed schedules
consisting of sports, music, and extracurricular
activities. Some kids don’t even know where
to start applying, giving them a slow start to
the real world after graduation.
There is hope however, with job opportunities coming up in the next month. The brand
new Traverse Mountain Outlets, in Lehi, is
opening on November 16th. They will consist of a Nike Outlet, an Under Armour store,
J.Crew, and many more. Some of the stores
however require 18 and above for application. This project of a shopping center will
provide employment for many living in Utah
Job Ideas
Jobs w/o being employed
- Referee for a recreation team
- Nanny/Babysit
- Mowing lawns
- Teaching an instrument
- Asking neighbors for odd jobs around
their house
Jobs with being employed
- Car Wash
- Golf club
- Wendy’s/McDonalds
- Cinema theater
Abigail keenan
staff writer
both schools intertwine
within friend groups
he relationship beconstantly. Stereotween Lone Peak
types however, play
and American Fork High
a big role among the
School can be taken
communities. Alpine
many different ways,
and even Highland
depending on the topic
dwellers are known
of discussion. Established
as “the snobby, rich
only four miles from each
kids” and American
other’s campuses, the
Fork is referred to as
two rivals are bound
the “ghetto” or a step
to have hard feelings
down from Alpine. Such
for each other, espejuvenile assumptions
cially when it comes to
have been occurring
sports. Beating the other
since Lone Peak was
is always more than
established adding
satisfying, but for Lone
to the rivalry. Judging
Peak it has turned into a
each other’s houses
routine. The majority of
and possessions can’t
the students have an atbe avoided, however,
titude in that playing AF
being prejudice can
isn’t even a competition
be. Some things are
anymore. “It isn’t a rivalry
taken too far and arbecause we always win”
guments are blown out
Justina Jerema states
of proportion. Another
about her school.
common mistake that
Even though we have
happens constantly is
Photo by Abigail Keenan misrepresenting. You’ll
been consistent in
beating them in football, soccer, basketball,
see someone from American Fork do or say
and volleyball, etc., we can’t forget about their something uncalled for and just assume that
three powerhouses; cross country, track, and everyone from AF is like that. Students need to
marching band. Their cross country program
be more aware that it happens all the time to
which has been ranked in the top ten in the
our school as well. When you are wearing that
country, beating Lone Peak’s consistently the Lone Peak shirt, students need to realize they
last couple years. Their track is a tag team and are standing for their school and need to porseems to never disappoint In addition, they
tray respect and maturity in their actions.
provide an incredible marching band program In conclusion, whether you love or despise
that requires numerous hours of practice year American Fork in sports or as an overall school,
round. Overall however, Lone Peak’s athletics you need to realize they are not much different
still dominate over what the Cavemen have to from our community and they are just a high
school. Represent your own school with some
Socially, the rivalry doesn’t have a lasting
respect and don’t say something stupid. Go
sting that athletics do. Since the environments Knights.
are so close to one another, students from
Why Everyone’s a Geek
laura standage
copy editor
Photo by Laura Standage
eeks are some of the most fascinating human beings to analyze. Since the beginning of social class, high school, and what we
call life, there has been a critical eye toward
kids who like epic fantasy and understand the
many differences between Star Wars and Star
Trek. At least, that’s one kind of geek. Ever
heard of a band geek? They come from a
completely different group! Though individuals
from these divisions could mix and mingle in
multiple socially awkward geeky classifications,
there are obviously geeks of more than one
Being a “geek” is an interesting concept.
When you hear the words “nerd” and “geek”,
it’s almost guaranteed that you’ll think similar
things. However true it is that the two coincide,
when the word “geek” is left alone, the spectrum widens. In this country, school, whatever
you’d like, we have film geeks, math geeks, science geeks, Tolkien geeks, and need I mention
the fandom of Whovians?
Writer Griffin Swartzell says, “The way of the
geek is not, as one might imagine, lined with
elves, multi-sided dice, Star Trek uniforms and
Lego sets. Not necessarily.
“In the most general case, a geek is a person whose enthusiasm for something spills over
what is socially ‘normal’.” Essentially, it is safe
to say that geeks are just people who really like
some sort of thing and aren’t afraid to show it.
So then, what is the typical high school football
Yeah, he’s a geek. Technically.
Picture this. That one guy who rocks the long,
white socks and shorts is straightening his bow
tie precariously while his friend is trying to hold
onto his books as best as he can. Then the muscular football player passes him in the hall. The
nerds look at each other and grin, proceeding
to nudge him and provoke him with sarcasm.
The poor sporty guy stumbles away feeling less
significant. Sadly, not even the most awkward
cheerleader will give him the time of day.
Okay, this is hard to see, given the fact that
shyness is part of the complex of many nerds.
But in an alternate universe, it could be very,
very possible. The only thing that makes jocks
more popular than nerds is that being a football
player is the norm. A jock expresses his interest
over most “socially normal” people by being
on a team; he is looked at positively because
he’s an attractive hunk, and that’s what’s in.
So while some accentuate things that escalate them up the levels of popularity, hardcore
nerdism and all that it implies has always been
frowned upon. Sure, certain things about nerds
have risen into coolness: big glasses, suspenders, Harry Potter, superheroes. But the true,
honest-to-goodness nerdy nerds never seem to
climb the teenage social ladder.
Just because the nerds’ interest are unpopular doesn’t make them a lower classification.
Besides, time and time again, they have proven
successful. They go on to be very happy in life
by dominating the world in some way, occasionally even growing out of the awkwardness.
The only downside for them in that this comes
with slightly less dragon slaying than they might
have hoped for, and they are forced to endure
the difficulties of adolescence while being condescended instead of recognized.
This does not mean you have to be a nerd
to express yourself. What it means is that you
should not be afraid to do so, and that you
should not be criticized for doing so. It isn’t your
fault if you are criticized for nerdy inclinations
you may possess, but it is up to you whether
or not you choose to be a geek. In essence,
just do what you like. Deep, deep down inside
there is something so incredibly unique about
your combination interests. Not even the most
typical nerd is a typical nerd.
A Time-Honored Tradition
for the night of All Hallows Eve.
And when that fateful day finally
arrives, the school is jam packed
nce a year, a day
comes around
that we all adored
when we were young:
Halloween. Every
31st of October, we
would dress up as our
favorite monsters and
characters and walk
around the neighborhoods knocking on
doors in the hopes of
receiving free candy.
The days preceding
were always filled with
ghoulish creatures and
craft making, and we
would get hyped up
on the prospect of
filling our pillowcases
with the yummy treats.
But does a day come
when we have to put
the broomstick in the
closet and hang up
our costumes? Are we
really too old to enjoy
the celebrations the
same as young children?
The hallways of Lone Peak High
School are always buzzing with
excitement during the week
of Halloween. The students are
enjoying the talk of the day to
come when they get to put on a
hat and some gloves and pretend
to be someone else; exchanging
costume ideas and party plans
with thousands of teenagers
dressed in some very interesting
costumes, ready for a night full
of candy grabbing and laughter.
However, a question arises and the
teens are faced with an ultimatum:
“Aren’t you a little old to be trickor-treating?” It’s a ‘will they, won’t
they’ situation for the high school
students everywhere. Some students believe that
trick-or-treating is
childish and they
are too old for that
kind of “nonsense”.
But they are greatly
outnumbered by
-One Direction??? No… 2 chainz.
the students who
- The only direction that One Direction is going is South
-It’s like five Justin Biebers—5x the “I gotta get to the
gym pronto!” feeling.
-They are Brittish. I only want #Merica
-“You don’t know you’re beautiful, that’s what makes
you beautiful.” But now she knows she is beautiful—
you just spilled the beans—so is she still beautiful?
-When they sing, Satan licks my ears with his hellish
-Fact: Jimmer Freddette does not like One Direction,
what else matters?
-A small piece of music died when One Direction made
it to the top twenties.
-Harry Styles should start a salon, he really should
-If One Direction went to Hogwarts, they would be in
-“I have the Direction Rejection!!” –Me
One Direction
He Says:
She Says:
-Hottest 5 guys on this planet
-Their accents are beautiful!
-They sing like angels!
-One Direction is the best thing that has happened to
this planet.
-One Direction has changed my life!
-Forget Team Edward and Jacob, I’m on team HARRY
-“I’d break the covenant for them.” –Anonymous
-When I think of men, I think of One Direction.
-They are the only direction I’m going in.
-“I have the Direction Infection!!” –Tanner Galloway
believe it is one of the greatest traditions from when they were kids.
“Why would you stop trick-or-treat-
them around the block a few
times. If you don’t have one, just
borrow one of your friends! Chances are they will have a
few to spare. Children
don’t need that much
sugar anyway, it’s bad
for them. They need their
siblings to help get rid
of some of the sure to
come dentist visits.
If you notice, when
there aren’t any kids at
the door, mom or dad
are probably snagging
a few chocolate bars for
themselves. The adults
need their yearly dose
of candy too, and what
better way than going
around to houses in their
areas and asking for it?
As long as they dress up
in some silly outfit and
ask nicely, why should it
matter if they are three
feet or six feet tall? No
one should be considered “too old” to eat
Photo by Hayley Warner
some candy and no one
should be denied the
ing? I mean, it’s free candy!” said
candy because they grew two
Lone Peak senior Matt Hansen.
feet and went through puberty.
In taking a poll of 100 students,
They are still the sweet little kids
92 said they had plans to dress up
they were years ago, they just
and hit the streets in search for the
happen to have had a few years
best candy while the other 8 mean to perfect their pleading.
to stay home and hand it out. And
Trick or treating was a tradition
while those of us who are expectthat we all grew up with and most
ing to attend the train of creatures
of us never want it to stop. And
showing up at those 8 houses apthough we know that that day will
preciate their great candy giving
come sometime, that day is not
skills, it’s safe to assume we’d all
today. Walking around the school
prefer they throw on a white sheet
at Halloween time, you will be
and join us for the fun.
hard pressed to find someone who
Trick-or-treating is an activity for
refuses to dress up and join in the
all ages, not just little kids! And if
that’s what people say, join your
little brother or sister and escort
Ghosts and Goblins, candy galore;
Whats Trending On YouTube?
Where did it all begin?
Photo by Kaylah Hassard
alloween for many people
computes into three different
things. 1. Candy 2. Costume 3.
Candy. But where did this holiday
come from? And was it always
about the candy and the costume?
Let me enlighten you. Halloween was originally called Samhain
and it was a magical holiday
practiced by the Celts around
2,000 years ago. The scary costumes and “trick or treating”
festivities can all be traced back
to the Celts. The Celts during a
particularly hard winter held a sacred bonfire that was always lit to
honor the Pagan gods. During this
time some Celts wore animal skulls
and skins and then proceeded to
dance around the fire. Hence begins the start of costume wearing
The Celts, being a superstitious
kind of people, believed that faeries still roamed the earth, but not
in their usual fairy garb. The faeries
were said to walk around dressed
as beggars and go door to door
asking for food. If you gave food
to the faeries you were rewarded,
if not you were punished. Therein
lies the origin of trick-or-treating
and wearing costumes.
So what about the title Halloween? It’s kind of a random vowel
squishing word to start out with.
Well the Christians didn’t like the
festival of Samhain (Halloween) so
they changed it to “All Saints Day”
which celebrated the Christian
dead, but still the Celts carried on
their traditions within this holiday.
All Saints Day in Old English also
means All Hallowmas and since it
was celebrated in the evening it
turned into All Hallows Eve which
eventually evolved into Halloween. So whilst you go shopping for
a costume, or making a turnabout
in the neighborhood for treats (for
those of you who still trick-or-treat),
remember you are carrying out
traditions that were formed thousands and thousands of years ago.
Mitch Decker
hat makes YouTube so
popular? I think that the
constant updating and how every
day, more than 1 million videos
are uploaded each day it’s always up to date. People update
YouTube the instant something
important happens. Not even
after a week of the presidential
debate there was an auto-tuned
song from what Mitt Romney and
Barack Obama said.
YouTube was founded on February 15th, 2005
YouTube was invented by Interaction Designer Herbert Elwood
Gilliland III while working at a startup job called Grand Illusion Studios
in 1998 and 1999. The company
was founded by Dr. Don Marinelli
and Dr. Scott Stevens. It was made
at the University Technology Research Center. The company had
developed a "Synthetic Interview"
technology which displayed video
clips when the user spoke or typed
in keywords into an application.
The video clips would then act like
answers, and would be displayed
as answers. YouTube has become
the most popular video website
on the planet. All countries can
watch and make videos and put
them up on YouTube is wonderful
magical places where people
come and try to become famous
like the Beibs, he became famous
off YouTube. And now he’s living
large with his hit songs Boyfriend
and Never Say Never. If you want
to become famous and have millions and millions of girls love you,
make an account on YouTube
and start singing that’s living the
good life right there. Trust ,me I’m
doing it right now I have gotten
calls from Eminem, Tupac, Jay-z,
Wiz kalifa, and I have gotten quite
a few from mackelmore to sing
with me but I have declined them
all because. I’m waiting for Taylor
swift. So call me so we can start
making some dirty money and I
can become famous just like you I
promise you won’t regret it.
Currently made into four movies,
Jack Sparrow is not about to give
up his quest, whatever that quest
may be. In the next three years
there are two more movies coming
And what about movies made
into parts? The Harry Potter series
started the trend of movies in two
parts with Harry Potter 7 Deathly
Hallows, but making it into two
movies was acceptable. Trying to
fit seven horcruxes in one movie
would be turning the movie into
a horcrux itself. Then you have
Twilight, was it necessary to split
Edward and Bella’s love into two
movies? As if one make-out scene
wasn’t enough. . . The movie industry needs to spend more of their
time creating movies not based off
of something familiar, something
original. Movies like Up and The
Princess Bride are all time classics,
and why? Because they were left
alone! Up in its simplistic childish
cartoon garb shall forever remain
a classic because of that. The
Princess Bride, granted, is based off
a book, but the dialogue is taken from the book. The story is so
sincere to its roots that no one gets
mad at the movie, and they all
remain, as they stand. No sequels,
YouTube. on the latest poll ,had 1
Billion 311 Million videos on YouTube and there are eight Days OF
video added each day to you
tube now videos there are many
popular videos and channels on
youtube. Here are a few of them,
if you haven’t heard of them you
need to check them out!
Epic meal time
Slow mo. guys
Whi$k & K Fresh
Jullian smith
Check out these cool cats I promise you won’t regret it.
Is the movie industry
running out of ideas?
tage, Silent films, black and
white, color, 3D; this is the evolution of movies over time. With all
of these technological advances, why can’t the movie industry
come up with more creative movie
Ask anyone and more than
half the movies coming out, or that
have come out are either: sequels,
remakes, 3D, part of a series, or
based off of books. Still don’t
believe me? Let’s take a look at all
the movies made, or going to be
made 2012 and projected 2013. .
3D: 16
Remakes: 9
Sequels: 21
Book based movies: 18
Now you may be thinking that
it’s still not a big deal because
there are hundreds of movies
made a year, but when you
consider all of the successful
movies most of these make the
cut. There is a continuing trend
of 3D Disney movie remakes and
sequel after sequel after sequel!
The well beloved Pirates of the
Caribbean is a perfect example.
New iPhone Design:
Love it or Hate it?
A Very Diverse Playlist
Like country? What about rock? Techno, indie, dub step,
or pop? Well this playlist is just for you! Here is a list of
songs from all different genres that are popular here at
Lone Peak. Have any suggestions? Write into the paper
and your song suggestion might just be on the playlist.
The Show of All Shows
53% yes.
It sounds like the X96 B.A.SH at the Gallivan Center was a success! With bands like Imagine Dragons,
AWOLNATION, The Used, Neon Trees, Grouplove,
Dead Sara, The Wombats, Eve 6, and Twin Atlantic, the concert was an amazing experience. Some
of the best bands came together to put on a fantastic
concert on September 29th, and got 100% good reviews. If you have never been to any of these group’s
concerts, they are highly suggested. All in all, every band puts on a fun and amazing live concert.
31% no.
Here’s what some of our very own knights are saying
about the concert:
16% I don’t even care.
“It was awesome! There was this large hairy man that
would rub his sweat on others, but other than that it
was unreal.” –Gray Anderson
We went around our school and asked the students of Lone Peak just how much they like the
iPhone 5’s all new deisgn. You may be surprised
by the outcome!
1. Put You In a Song – Keith Urban (Country)
2. Promises – Nero (Dub Step)
3. The Girl – City and Colour (Indie)
4. Radio – Innerpartysystem (Techno)
5. New Kids in Town – Before Their Eyes (Rock)
6. Don’t Forget – Demi Lovato (Pop)
7. Coming Up – Lupe Fiasco (Rap)
8. Georgia On My Mind – Michael Buble (Jazz)
9. First Day Of My Life – Bright Eyes (Acoustic)
10.Radioactive – Imagine Dragons (What’s Hot)
“It was dece. The Used was the best. Too many fake
hipsters though.” –Zane Yarbrough
“Fantastic! Best concert I’ve been to!” –Nick Hill
“Super fun! AWOLNATION sucked, they were terrible and super bad. But Imagine Dragons exceeded
my expectations, they were amazing.” –Josh Blackhurst
Owl City’s “Midsummer Station” Review
Owl City’s new album, The Midsummer Station
came out Aug 21, 2012 and it already had a
hit song Good Time good time has sold over a
million albums and has hit platinum Owl City’s
album The Midsummer Station and was included in Jepsen’s second studio album Kiss. and it
includes the songs
6.Speed of Love
7.Good Time, Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen
1.Dreams and Disasters
2.Shooting Star
11.Take It All Away
12.Bombshell Blonde
4.Dementia (feat. Mark Hoppus)
My Favorite songs were Good Time, Dreams, and
Disasters. Embers, and the rest were alright but it
If you want to listen to Owl City’s new album go
buy it. You won’t regret it.
5. “History: The Past Can Be a Blast!”At face
value, this may seem like just another attempt
by the education system to make history fun.
Let’s take a deeper look. The fact that Garfield
the cat is pictured clearly represents James
Garfield, the 20th president of the US. Garfield
is notable because of his decisions to appoint
African Americans to his Cabinet. This poster
provides excellent commentary on the Civil
Rights Movement.
4. “The Best Thing about a Bad Attitude is that
you can Change it!” In this situation, a ‘bad attitude’ is an old fashioned incandescent light
bulb. As our World moves forward, we need to
find ways to be more efficient with our energy,
and the makers of this poster know it. A ‘good
attitude’ is an environmentally friendly LED
Credit: Hayden Andersen
The Top 5 Motivational Posters
hen we put millions
of dollars into
building beautiful Lone
Peak High in 1997, a small amount was set
aside to purchase about thirty motivational
posters to be plastered all throughout our halls.
Here are the top five posters in our halls:
This is Adam young’s fourth album but it is the
first time he has used other artists in his album
This time he’s got company. Carly Rae Jespen help
sings Good Time. Production team Stargate helps in
Shooting Star while Blink-182’s Mark Hoppus helps
the hard rocking Dementia. This may mark the first
time Young has worked with outside help
Lone Peak Decor:
Photo by Hayden Andersen
5.I’m coming after you
didn’t sound like Owl City and I don’t think it was a
good sound for them
3.”Attitude is the mind’s paintbrush, it can color
any situation” Sherwin Williams Paint Company
provides a color called “Attitude Grey” in one
of their most versatile paints. This paint can
be used for interior walls, exterior walls, and
furniture. This truly has the ability to color any
situation grey, as the poster suggests.
2. “For all the sad words of tongue and pen,
the saddest are: it might have been.” This
poster is placed in the Foreign Language
Department of the school for a reason. At the
beginning of high school, many students take
aim at the Regents scholarship. This valuable
scholarship requires that a student take 2 years
of Foreign Language among other things. A
large percentage of students that fail to receive the scholarship do so because of a lack
of these language credits, thus the statement
of regret on the poster.
1. “The Key to Excellence __________ in our
school.”This poster is perhaps the most profound of them all. The fact that a word has
been removed makes it all the more interesting. The incomplete statement makes the
reader wonder about what the poster said.
Tweet @LPHSnewspaper YOUR completed
sentence. The best sentence will win a shoulder rub from a Crusader Staff Writer of the
winner’s choosing.
Photo by Tommy Johnson
ur Lady Knights saw much success on the soccer field this year.
Finishing with a 11-6-1 overall record, the Lone Peak team played
well in a tough Region IV, finishing second to Bingham with a 6-4 record.
The success of the team landed them a spot in the playoffs. With a
first round matchup against Jordan, the Knights won 2-1, with goals
from Tess Arnold, her second of the season, and Wesley Hamblin, her
fourth. Their second playoff game came against Viewmont, the third
ranked team in the state and came in with a 16-1, the one loss coming
to a 3 to 1 match versus Lone Peak on August 23. The Knights and Vikings played a hard fought game, with the Vikings ending the Knights
season, 2-1.
Although their season did not end to their liking, the Knights had one
of the best seasons in their history. The leading scorers were Wesley
Hamblin and Natalie Lewis with 5 each with Justina Jarema netting 4,
Tess Arnold, Courtney Hair, Hannah Hyde, Abby Keenan and Jessica
Smith all getting two and Kate Gurney, Justine Jarda, Kylee Parke and
Brittany Porter each contributing a goal to the scores. The Lone Peak
goalies and defenders helped shutout opponents nine times during
the season as well.
The soccer began started before even school did on August 7 with
a win over Orem 1-0 that helped the Knights go 4-3-1 that month.
September was even better, with our Lady Knights going 6-1, notching
two wins over American Fork and Pleasant Grove, and beating Lehi
and Bingham. The 2012 campaign was a successful one.
Senior Defender Savanah McGrath reflected on the season: The best
part of the season to her was, “getting to know the girls, because
they’re fun and crazy.”
Reflecting on her high school career, she noted that Alta was her favorite team to play against because, “they are really good and tough
to beat.” Savanah also commented on why this season is different
from past seasons. “Every year, there are new girls,” she noted, “Also,
[this season] is more fun, because I’m a senior and it’s my last.”
Savanah, along with all the other seniors on this year’s team, should
be proud with what they accomplished this season, and their Lone
Peak High girls soccer careers.
here are two reasons why our Lone
Peak student body goes to our football games: to socialize and to watch.
Here are some reasons why our students do one or the other.
The majority of our students go to our Knight’s football games
to talk with their friends, and to have a fun time. Whether it is a
sporting event, assembly or other school function, you always
go to hang out with your buds. Football games are the best
place to hang out,
because of the atmosphere. All the
people, fall weather and excitement
add up to a great
Junior Cole
Walton said he
goes to the games
so he can “see
cute girls.” When
you think about
Photo by Tommy Johnson
it, football games
are a great opportunity for flirting. Everyone cool enough to
catch your fancy goes to the games, and they are there to talk
to for two or so hours. It is a perfect time to catch up, drop some
humor, make them laugh and get a number. This trick is used
every Friday night, without a doubt.
There is another side to this equation: the kids who go for the
game. This group has many different types of students, even
though the number of Knights is slim. The biggest group is the pep band. Grace Johnson, a junior
and member of the drum line, says that she watches the game
more than talks with friends. “I don’t have a chance to socialize,” she says, “because I have to be where I have to be.”
Grace, and the rest of the band, are not the only Lone Peak
students that “have to be where they have to be.”
Cheerleaders have the job to get the crowd into the feel and
spirit of the game. Newspaper staffers are gathering quotes,
stats and other notes to prepare to write an awesome article.
Photographers are capturing ridiculous catches and hard hits for
the yearbook, newspaper or their photography class. These students have been given a job that inhibits their ability to socialize
with others. Although a game with socializing may seem difficult
for some, these students find other ways to enjoy the game.
The last group of game-watchers is the student body. At
different times during the season, our focus on our team will
change. Not many students can say they went to the state
playoff games at Rice-Eccles Stadium last year to solely talk with
friends. We all witnessed the grand sight of our team winning its
first state championship in football.
Whether you go to chill with friends or watch our Knights beat
an other opponent, going to our football games is a great experience.
he Lone Peak
football team has a
target on their backs
after last year’s undefeated season and state
title. Additionally, we lost last year’s all-stars, like
Chase, Micah, Zack, and Conner. The team
started out slow this year, but we gained momentum after Michael Smith’s unexpected field
goal against Mountain Crest. We gained further
momentum with our headlining victory over the
number one team in the state, the Bingham
But a few victories are just the beginning of
the journey. The Knights want another state
championship. It’s no small task with teams like
Jordan, Syracuse, and Alta. When I asked Levi
Fiso, all-star lineman, what his ultimate goal for
the team is, he spoke for everyone when he
said “a state title, but the only way to do that is
to take one game at a time”.
But Lone Peak needs to straighten out some
coaching issues. With the defensive coordinaMAC JONES
tor, coach Mullen, resigning mid-season, they
have had a big gap to fill. But with this year’s
talent and athleticism, our defense has recovered. When I asked linebacker, Payton Thomas
about this year’s defense, he replied “ it’s pretty hard to compare—we are so even, I guess
we had a better secondary last year, but this
year our linebackers are a little more solid. All in
all we are pretty even.”
Football is a game of inches, one person
can miss an assignment, and the play can be
broken down. Lone Peak has been able to
consistently convert third downs, make field
goals, complete passes, and make the big
plays when they are needed. Our quarterbacks
are confident in our team. I asked Braden Miles
what he thought of the offense and he simply
said “it’s great this year, lots of good players,
especially once everything is clicking.”
So let’s wait and see of the Knights can put all
their talents together, and make a run for the
state championship.
Photo by Abby Keenan