Read the Full Issue - The Alternative Health Guide


Read the Full Issue - The Alternative Health Guide
A Special Report and Information Service on Health and Nutrition
Number 11 - Fall 2012
the Danger
of refined
Omega-6 Oils
The Coconut
Oil Miracle
A New Source
of Omega 3
Recipes Inside
Health Benefits
Virgin Organic Coconut Oil
Helping families on the Solomon Islands
Page 2
Fresh Pressed - Fair Trade - Future Friendly
Coconut Oil – a BAD Oil ?
Unbelievable! Coconut Oil was once demonized as bad saturated fat, while
Dr. Bruce Fife ND, author of many books on coconut oil, heralds it as the
“Healthiest Oil On Earth.” Kevin Trudeau, medical researcher and bestselling author, includes virgin coconut oil in his book Natural Cures as “a
product that falls in that ‘miraculous’ category.” Read on - and discover why
coconut oil was called a ‘bad fat’ and now is recognized as super food.
Thanks to DME™ Virgin
Coconut Oil, Enoch and Amale have a future. DME™ locally owned small presses
increase community income four-fold.
Where picking was the only job, now
an additional five people are required
to run a small pressing operation. Press
cake, a by-product of pressing, now
feeds the local animals. Bio-mass now
fuels the local machinery. Coconut shells
are converted to activated charcoal.
Communities flourish, and children can
plan the future on their very own island.
Back Issues of
The EyeOpener
To read all back issues of this
magazine go to
There you will find all issues
available for download or printing.
It’s now more than 30 years ago when
Udo Erasmus and I were doing research
for a book on the subject of fats and
oils in health and nutrition. We had
an accessible book in mind that would
be easy to understand, clarifying the
role of different fats and oils in human
nutrition and also do away with a lot
of misconceptions. This book became
far more than we had ever imagined
and when it was finally published it was
hailed as a groundbreaking masterwork.
Fats that Heal – Fats that Kill has meanwhile sold over a quarter of a million
copies – quite an achievement for that
type of non-fiction book.
Children of the Solomons
Photo: Siegfried Gursche
DME™ Virgin Coconut Oil
Good for the planet. Good for you.
The EyeOpener is published by
Foresight Publishing
7528 Lambeth Dr
Burnaby BC V5E 1Z4 Canada
Siegfried Gursche
Manuel Cardenas
Assistant Editor
Sharon Alles
IT Advisor
Phillip Nedd
Layout and Design
Miroslav Cekic
Pat Roman, Annika Gursche
Contributing Columnists
Jesse DaSilva, Ben Alles
Siegfried Gursche, Dan Etherington
Alpha Gourmet
MCT Coconut
Salad Oil
with Chia Omega-3
Alpha Supreme MCT-Oil
Consumer’s # 1 Choice
Alpha DME™
Virgin Coconut Oil
Raw – The Taste of Freshness
Editorial Notes
Much of the information of the DME™ process has been
provided by Kokonut Pacific Pty and is reprinted with permission. No part of this magazine can be reproduced without
the express permission of the publisher. The material in this
magazine is intended solely for educational purposes. Health
related content is not intended to replace medical advice
given by any physician or health professionals.
Alpha oils are also available for industrial use in a variety of bulk sizes,
contact for details.
Alpha Health Products Ltd Burnaby BC 604-436-0545
Find out exactly how fair DME™ Fair
Trade Virgin Cocunut Oil is by visiting
Page 3
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
As we researched material for the
Coconut Oil chapter, the information
we found on Virgin Coconut Oil was
almost exclusively negative. Most of the
studies were related to oil derived from
copra, the flesh scraped from inside
the coconuts and dried before being
shipped in jute bags by truck and boat
to the oil mills.
To make this copra derived oil edible,
it needs to be refined, bleached and
deodorized. This is a high heat process, which removes all traces of naturally-occurring nutrients, vitamins and
enzymes. Moreover, this RBD coconut
oil had no known specific health benefits, other than that it was wrongly
classified as a dangerous saturated fat.
Unsurprisingly, it was labeled a bad fat,
except that it was good for deep-frying,
because it was heat-resistant to very
high temperatures.
With the prevailing knowledge in
the 1970s, any fat that is hard at room
temperature (about 20º C to 24º C)
was considered to be saturated and
therefore classified as bad. Today we
know how wrong that measuring stick
was. A much better and more precise
way to classify saturated fats is by taking
the human body temperature of 37º C
as a guideline. Cattle, goats, sheep and
many other animals have a much higher
body temperature of 42º C or more, so
their fat is liquid in their bodies. When
we ingest this type of saturated animal
fat (e.g., with our breakfast bacon or
lunch hamburger and our dinner steak),
it causes severe metabolic problems of
elevated cholesterol, plugged up arteries with sticky platelets leading to high
blood pressure, inflammation and heart
disease. With coconut oil you will not
run into these problems as this particular fat melts in your hand due to the
high content of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).
Siegfried Gursche, MH
for 40 years as
an Agricultural
Economist at the Australian National
University in Canberra. After his retirement, he had only one goal in mind,
which was to allow the natives on the
islands to produce their own handpressed fresh coconut oil on their own
plantations. Instead of being slaves for
the big oil mills they now work for
themselves earning a decent income. For
this reason Alpha DME Virgin Coconut
Oil is the only FAIR TRADE coconut
oil available.
All this happened at a time when
Virgin Coconut Oil has been discovered
to have many health benefits. Virgin
Coconut Oil is the newest trend, people
tell me; by using it, they all experience
healthy improvements in their physical
My first clue as to the wonders and conditions.
health benefits of coconut oil came durIn his new book “Natural CURES
ing my research for another new alive Revealed”, Kevin Trudeau praises
book Coconut Oil, which I wrote filling the tremendous benefits of virgin
in the gap left by Udo Erasmus in the coconut oil:
book Fats that Heal – Fats that Kill.
“If you take a tablespoonful in the
With it came the opportunity of morning and one in the late afternoon”
importing the best hand-pressed Virgin he says, “and if you do this everyday for
coconut oil; it practically fell into my thirty days, here is what you will find.
lap. This new venture turned out to be High blood pressure can be a thing
more than just a business; it became my of the past. Circulation problems vanmission. My wife, Christel, shares this ish. Mood swings, gone. Depression,
vision and so do others at Alpha, which lifted. Constipation, cured. Arthritis
is my new company I started after retir- pain, reduced or eliminated. Cancer,
ing as founder and publisher of the alive in remission. Cholesterol, normalized.
magazine for 30 years.
Oh, and there is a major side effect. If
This new mission is DME (direct you are overweight, you will probably
micro expelled) Coconut Oil, helping lose ten pounds! This oil has a dramatic,
to take the slavery aspect out of coco- positive effect on the body. The healthnut harvesting. The DME process was giving properties that it contains are
introduced by Dr. Dan Etherington, overwhelming.” You will be astonished
with his invention of the hand operated what it could do for you.
SAM press. He lectured on tropical oils Visit Kevin at
Page 4
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
The Awakening of a
Sleeping Beauty
Omega-3 rich Camelina Oil
By Siegfried Gursche, MH
t is no longer unusual to leave a doctor’s or health practitioner’s office with a nutritional recommendation for
increasing the intake of omega-3 oil. What was news only
25 years ago is now common knowledge.
Despite the fact that omega-3 is vital for staying
healthy, we often don’t get enough of it in our food and must
end up taking it through supplements.
You may be well aware of all the health effects and attributes
of omega-3, one of the polyunsaturated fatty acids. This very
oil is known to be beneficial for combatting cardiovascular disease. It keeps the blood thin and flowing as it prevents platelet
stickiness and blood clots, thereby lowering blood pressure.
Additionally, omega-3 prevents and heals inflammation (rheumatoid arthritis), has been recognised as playing a corrective
role in psychiatric disorders (depression, as well as in cognitive
aging including dementia), and has even shown positive results
in treating cancer and diabetes.
Significant sources are cold-water fish, like mackerel, cod and
salmon, as well as krill, the algae that fish live on.
However, most people find omega-3 supplements from the
ocean disagreeable because of the accompanying fishy taste and
unpleasant burping.
Major vegetable sources are found in many different seeds, but
mainly in flax and chia seed. The champion of course is flax oil,
which is very rich in omega-3 and is also reasonably priced. The
draw back? Flax oil has a limited shelf life, gets rancid quickly
and often turns bitter. Chia seed oil is a very good source, yet
also expensive. As a newcomer, omega-3 oil from camelina seeds
fills a real void here. It is pleasant tasting, has a delicious nutty
flavor like almonds, and has a delightful floral, light earthy
aroma. Best of all, it is affordable as a culinary oil.
The Sleeping Beauty
Camelina, also called Wild Flax, with the Latin scientific
name camelina sativa, is a hot new tip in culinary and nutritionally-healthy oils. Actually, the seed is ancient and has been used
as food for over 3000 years in Eastern Europe and Russia.
I remember visiting the oldest and historical German oil mill
in Erfurt, East Germany with my wife, Christel, a couple of years
after the fall of the wall in 1989. The owner, Mr. Fischer, was a
walking dictionary with a lot of knowledge on flax oil. He told
us about this alternative omega-3-rich oil seed, called Leindotter
Oil or Wild Flax, which had been harvested in Germany for
hundreds of years. The previous Communist Government, he
said, forbade the planting of Wild Flax in Eastern Germany due
to a shortage of agricultural acreage.
Instead, flax was grown since it yielded higher harvests per
acre. This explains why camelina is more expensive to produce
than flax. Nevertheless, from a nutritional point of view the
many advantages justify the higher price.
Let Food be your Medicine, and your
medicine be your food.
This quote by Hippocrates, the “Father of Medicine,” is
sound advice which I wholeheartedly apply to Camelina oil.
What are its medicinal components? This newly rediscovered
ancient seed is now being researched due to its exceptionally
high (up to 45%) levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which is uncommon in vegetable sources.
Over 50% of the fatty acids in cold-pressed Camelina oil are
health-promoting: omega-3 fatty acid ( 35-45%) and omega-6
fatty acid (15-20%). There is therefore a decent ratio of Omega3 to Omega-6.
Camelina oil is also very rich in natural antioxidants. Especially
the vitamin E content in the form of the rare gamma-tocopherol, which has a higher bio-activity than the alpha-form, making
it a highly stable oil, very resistant to oxidation and rancidity—
much more so than flax oil. Gamma-tocopherol enhances the
nutritional value, making Camelina oil very heart-friendly.
For these reasons Camelina oil was chosen as the omega-3 part
in the content of Alpha’s Gourmet MCT Coconut Salad Oil.
It adds to the longer shelf life, but not only for that; according
to Dr. Mary Newport, MD, the combination of omega-3 with
medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) from coconuts elevates this
formula to brain cell food without compare.
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
Page 5
The Canadian Connection:
“Three Farmers”
Four years ago, Saskatchewan crop farmer Colin Rosengren
heard about the seed camelina sativa, which traces back
3,000 years to northern Europe and parts of Central Asia,
but had never been approved for consumption in Canada’s
domestic market. Right away, Colin saw potential in the pea
shaped seed’s fatty acid content and its versatility as a salad
and cooking oil. It was then that he joined forces with local
Midale, Sask., crop-growers Ron Emde and Dan Vandenhurk
to found Canpressco Products Inc., a Camelina oil company, a
small group of South-eastern Saskatchewan farmers passionate
about growing natural and healthy food. Their mission is as follows: “We are second and third generation farmers that grew
up on this land and are committed to the preservation of what
we consider to be the ‘last best place’ on this planet. Farming is
not our job; it is our way of life, and our ability to share this with
others is important to us.” “This is why they have implemented
traceability into each bottle that they produce. By visiting and entering the code on your bottle you
will find out who your farmer was The brand name they have
chosen for their Camelina oil is ‘Three Farmers’ in the tradition
of producing the highest quality cold pressed oil.
The three farmers inspecting their crop of ancient camelina
“Ancient Grains” is a term that has been used to
describe seeds which are “new” in the sense that
they are not recognizable to the current generation
and yet have been around for centuries and remain
untouched (unmodified; non-GMO) over time. They
are the same seeds that grew wild centuries before
us and were harvested by our foraging ancestors.
Camelina is one such seed.
Page 6
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
Page 7
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
Content of Omega-6 and Omega-3
in Food Oils
The Danger of
refined Omega-6 Oils
Chia seed
Omega-6 Starts Inflammation, Omega-3 Stops It
By Siegfried Gursche, MH
There was a time, probably 150 years ago, when our food intake was balanced in regards to the
fatty acid supply having an ideal ratio of one part omega-3 to three parts of omega-6.
Our modern diet has changed drastically
as omega-6 rich vegetable oils have permeated the American food supply. You’ll
find them in just about all cooking oils in
supermarkets—canola, corn oil, soy oil,
sunflower and other vegetable oils. They
are also the base oil in many salad dressings, potato chips, corn chips, and french
fries. Moreover, they are typically modified
into partially hydrogenated vegetable oil
for use in breads and packaged foods.
As a result, our generation suffers from
many degenerative diseases like cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity,
rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, cancer, irritable and inflammatory bowel disease, and
even psychiatric disorders which were rare
or even unknown in previous times.
The sources of omega-3 in the diet of
our forefathers were cold-water fish and all
kinds of seeds and nuts such as flax, walnuts, pumpkin, chia and camelina seeds, as
well as olive oil.
Through time the ratio has become unbalanced. Our diet today consists of a ratio
of one part omega-3 to up to 20 parts
omega-6—seven times as what it should
be! Research has established that a diet
dominated by omega-6 causes inflammation in our bodies, the precursors of the
ailments listed above.
Understanding the stark difference between
omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids sheds
some interesting light on how to reduce
inflammation naturally. It turns out that
omega-6 starts the fire of inflammation and
omega-3 puts it out.
It is a complicated contradiction, but
as Dr. Evelyn Tribole puts it simply in
her fascinating recent book, The Ultimate
Omega-3 Diet:
“It is no different from the opposing tools
used for repairing a house. You might need
a demolition ball to tear out a rotten wall
and a crane to deliver wood for building a
new wall.”
If your diet is rich in omega-3 fats, your
inflammation response will be more balanced and you are on your way to a healthier life. It’s that simple.
So, to get you motivated enough to actually change your fat intake, you first need
to understand that our diet should have a
daily intake of at least 70 grams of fat, 30%
of our caloric intake, but it must be good,
unrefined, natural oils and fats providing
a wide spectrum of fatty acids including
essential oils omega-3 and omega-6 in a
proper ratio.
The importance of including omega-3
oil in the treatment of Alzheimer’s has
been recognized by Dr. Mary Newport,
MD, and is well documented in her book
Alzheimer’s Disease - What If There Was a
Cure? The Story of Ketones. This book can
be ordered through any health food store,
or by phoning 604-436-0545.
The new Alpha Gourmet Coconut MCT
Salad Oil, which also includes Omega-3
from chia and camelina seeds, is one such
example of a balanced oil. Be sure to take it
daily instead of any of the harmful refined
omega-6 oils. Check out the recipe section
of this EyeOpener page 12 for mouthwatering salad suggestions.
Bon appétit!
Alpha Coconut
Blossom Sugar
- an exciting NEW Health Product
Alpha Coconut Blossom Sugar is 100%
natural and unrefined with many traces
of minerals and micronutrients, free
from other sugar
additives and artificial
Packaged in 454 g
pouches – economically priced
Alpha Coconut Blossom Sugar
Low Glycemic Index
Normally, chia seed contains from 30% to 35% seed oil, of
which approximately two-thirds is Omega-3. The following
charts show that it is the highest natural known source of
Omega-3 oil:
Omega–3 content as the percentage of the seed oil spectum.
Common name Alternate name Botanical name
% n3
Chia sage
Salvia hispanica
Lin seed
Linum usitatissimum
Perilla frutescens
Wild Flax
Camelina sativa
Camelina Oil
The major components are alpha-linolenic acid, C18:3 (omega3-fatty acid, approx. 35-45%), and linoleic acid, C18:2 (omega-6
fatty acid, approx. 15-20%). The oil is also very rich in natural
antioxidants, such as tocopherols, making this highly stable
oil very resistant to oxidation and rancidity. It has 1-3% erucic
acid. The vitamin E content of camelina oil is approximately
110 mg/100g. It is well-suited for use as a cooking oil, especially
with its almond-like flavor and aroma.
Coconut Flour
500 grams
Hope for Celiacs
Alpha Coconut Flour is the new glutenfree alternative to wheat flour of choice.
Compared to other gluten-free alternatives it is inexpensive,
yet it tastes very good.
It is suitable for baking
and cooking and, as a
bonus, coconut flour
is also low in carbohydrates and high in fiber.
Alpha Coconut Flour
Gluten Free – A-1 Quality
Page 8
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
The Miracle of Virgin Coconut Oil
Look at the Benefits
Most dietary fats and oils you eat, whether they are saturated or unsaturated or are
sourced from animals or plants, are composed of long-chain triglycerides (LCT). Almost
100% of all the fats we eat today are LCT.
ow here’s the point about coconut oil. It’s a fat that’s
mostly a fat made up of medium-chain triglycerides.
MCTs are exceptionally easy to digest and absorb; used
by the body as a quick source of energy. At the same time, these
fats give your stomach a feeling of fullness allowing you to eat less.
MCTs from coconut oil have already in earlier years been added to
infant formulas, used medicinally for health recovery and athletic
products. Recently more research has been done for other beneficial health effects with amazing results.
Astounding Health Benefits of
Virgin Coconut Oil
Heart and Circulatory Health
• Is heart healthy; improves cholesterol ratio reducing risk of
heart disease.
• Protects arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis and
thus protects against heart disease.
Organ Support
• Reduces problems associated with malabsorption syndrome and
cystic fibrosis.
• Helps protect against kidney disease and bladder infections.
• Improves calcium and magnesium absorption and supports the
development of strong bones and teeth.
• Helps prevent liver disease.
• Helps protect against osteoporosis.
• Helps relieve symptoms associated with gallbladder disease.
• Relieves symptoms associated with Crohn’s disease, ulcerative
colitis, and stomach ulcers.
• Improves digestion and bowel function. It relieves symptoms of
heartburn when taken 20 minutes before a meal.
• Dissolves kidney stones.
• Supports thyroid function.
• Reduces epileptic seizures.
Balances Body Weight
• Promotes loss of excess weight by increasing metabolic rate.
• Is utilized by the body to produce energy in preference to
being stored as body fat like other dietary fats.
• Helps prevent obesity and overweight problems.
No one has ever written as many books on coconut oil as Dr. Bruce
Fife, ND. Not only that, he also writes a monthly Newsletter and
The Alzheimer’s Formula*
has been invited as an expert speaker to many conventions on this
From Dr. Mary Newport’s book “Alzheimer’s Disease”
subject matter worldwide.
Ketonic Diet 4:3 ratio
The benefits have been compiled from current scientific research 4 parts MCT Oil 60/40
and the knowledge excerpted from Dr. Fife’s books and his web- 3 parts Virgin Coconut Oil
site on coconut oil confirms this extensive list of benefits.
1 part Omega 3 Oil
Recommended use: 1tbsp (15ml) 2 to 5 times daily
Anti-infective Properties
• Kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C,
AIDS, and other illnesses.
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
Boosts the Immune System
• Is lower in calories than all other fats.
Brain Food and Anti-Depressant
• Helps slow down or revert dementia, Parkinson’s
and Alzheimer’s.
• Reduces mood swings.
Creates Healthy Skin and Hair
• Applied topically helps to form a chemical barrier on the skin
to ward off infection.
• Supports and aids immune system function.
• Reduces symptoms associated with psoriasis, eczema and
• Reduces inflammation.
• Supports the natural chemical balance of the skin.
• Kills fungi and yeasts that cause candidiasis, ringworm, athlete’s
foot, thrush, diaper rash, and other infections.
• Supports tissue healing and repair.
• Softens skin and helps relieve dryness and flaking.
• Helps protect the body from breast, colon, and other cancers.
• Prevents wrinkles, sagging skin, and age spots.
• Expels or kills tapeworms, lice, giardia, and other parasites.
• Functions as a protective antioxidant.
• Promotes healthy looking hair and complexion.
• Provides a nutritional source of quick energy.
• Does not form harmful by-products when heated to normal
cooking temperature like other vegetable oils do.
• Provides protection from damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.
• Boosts energy and endurance, enhancing physical and athletic
• Helps to protect the body from harmful free radicals that promote premature aging and degenerative disease.
• Helps control dandruff.
Digestion and Metabolism
• Does not deplete the body’s antioxidant reserves like other oils.
• Kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract
infections, gum disease and cavities, pneumonia, gonorrhea and
other diseases.
• Improves digestion and absorption of other nutrients including
vitamins, minerals and amino acids.
• Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose.
• Relieves stress on pancreas and enzyme systems of the body.
• Reduces symptoms associated with pancreatitis.
• Helps relieve symptoms and reduce health risks associated with diabetes.
• Improves utilization of essential fatty acids and protects them
from oxidation.
• Helps with chronic fatigue syndrome.
• Relieves symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia
(prostate enlargement).
* Equal to the Alpha Gourmet Salad Oil Blend
Anecdotal stories of coconut being used externally and
internally for pets are plenty. Dogs and cats with debilitating
skin rashes can be cured within days by applying coconut oil
to their skin. If they lick it off, they get more benefits, not side
effects as they would with cortisone creams. (see also the
Testimonial page).
How do you use coconut oil? You can substitute it in most
recipes calling for oil; put it in your smoothie or protein powder
drink, use it on your toast or take it straight from the spoon. It’s
excellent for stir-fries, as coconut oil has a high melting point.
What If There Was a Cure?
The Story of Ketones by
Mary T. Newport, MD
398 pages, soft cover
– Order from Alpha Health.
Dr. Mary T. Newport began coping with the disease after her beloved
husband, Steve, began showing signs of Alzheimer’s around 2000.
Desperate to find a way to keep Steve functional as long as possible,
Dr. Newport began researching after his rapid deterioration began in
2004. Quite by chance in 2008, she discovered that medium chain
fatty acids (MCTs) can sometimes reverse or at least stabilize the disease.
When Steve took about two tablespoons of coconut oil (a source of
these fatty acids) at breakfast before a memory test, the results were
dramatic: Steve passed the test with flying colors. Since then, Steve has
continued to maintain improvement while taking daily doses of coconut oil fortified with MCT (medium-chain triglyceride) oil with meals.
Mary T. Newport, MD shares the story of Steve’s reprieve from the
downward spiral of Alzheimer’s to educate caregivers about this readily
available dietary intervention with Coconut MCT-Oil. Since it is known
that the Alzheimer’s brain is insulin resistant or deficient, consuming these fatty acids provides ketones as an alternative fuel to glucose.
Changes in individuals may come in the form of improved memory,
return of personality, or resumption of activities and social interaction.
All those who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease need to learn about Dr.
Newport’s research and Steve’s reprieve, the importance of mediumchain fatty acids, and how Alzheimer’s patients can incorporate MCTOil into their diet as outlined in this important book.
Both of these new publications are documenting
the effectiveness of alternative natural treatments
of brain cell related diseases.
Stop Alzheimer’s Now!
How to Prevent and Reverse
Dementia, Parkinson’s, ALS,
Multiple Sclerosis, and Other
Neurodegenerative Disorders, by
Bruce Fife. ND - 352 pages, soft
cover – Order from Alpha Health.
A must read for everyone concerned with Alzheimer’s and other brain
cell related diseases, especially for family members or friends of those
stricken by these maladies.”. The author explains how diet modifications and the addition of Coconut Oil with medium chain fatty acids
(MCTs) can drastically change the course of these diseases.
The author outlines a program using the MCT-oil ketone therapy and
diet that is backed by decades of medical and clinical research and has
proven successful in restoring mental function and improving both
brain and overall health.
You can stop Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases before
they take over your life. The best time to start is now.
“A must read for any and all health care professionals, as well as any family
members or friends of those stricken by these maladies.” Jeffry Grill, MD
Alpha Health Products Ltd
Burnaby BC 604-436-0545
Page 10
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
Page 11
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
New Skin Care Discovery
A Divine Skin Care
Tamanu Oil Refreshes Skin
Watch out for it!
BPA (Bisphenol A) has been commonly used
in food and beverage containers as a liner
and has been known to break down when it
Nut Oil
Revered as “the Green
Gold of beauty oils”,
Tamanu Nut Oil contains
an overabundance of anti-bacterial, anti-microbial,
anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Tamanu Nut Oil encourages new cell regeneration
helping to diminish scars, unsightly stretch marks
and can transform dull, blemished skin to a radiant,
smooth, and glowing appearance.
Alpha’s pure, un-adulterated Tamanu Nut Oil, is
an anti-aging medium that markedly decreases
wrinkles and prevents moisture loss. Fine lines will
fade soon after applying. Experience the regeneration of a youthful healthy complexion.
Alpha Tamanu Nut Oil comes from the tropics. In ancient
times, Tamanu Nut Oil has been used by the villagers in tropics
as a healing rub for the skin. Once the villagers learned how to
press the oil from the nuts it was used to treat sores, inflammation, cuts and scars, and even varicose veins. The villagers
understood the natural healing qualities of this simple nut and
since then this nut has been utilized to help with the healing
of many skin conditions.
Alpha Tamanu Nut Oil is a rare 100% Natural
organic oil - imported directly from the native
processors in small tropical villages.
Now available in leading Health
Food stores and Nutrition
Centers everywhere.
Alpha Health Products Ltd
Burnaby BC 604-436-0545
comes into contact with fatty food such as fish
and acidic food such as tomatoes and apple
juice. Recent animal studies theorize that the
chemical may be linked to obesity, infertility
and insulin resistance. Consequently, the
federal government added BPA to Canada’s
toxic substance list in October 2010.
lpha’s oils in tin cans are not lined with
BPA. The tin itself is actually one of
the micro-trace elements needed by the
human body. Even if the tin were to leach into
the oil, it would be beneficial. As well, Alpha
prefers to use tin cans because they protect the
oil from light—especially the omega-3 portion
in the MCT Gourmet Salad Oil. Early in our
packaging testing for the MCT oil we found
that the MCT reacted with plastic when the
oil began to change colour. Therefore, Alpha
exclusively uses only the white tin can, a safe
and economical alternative to plastic and glass.
Tin cans have been used for high-end packaging
of quality olive, seed, and nut oils for decades in
Europe with no adverse effects. Be assured that
Alpha will use only safe packaging methods.
Alpha’s Coconut Oil and Plastic:
The plastic used in DME and Premium Coconut
Oils has shown no trace of BPA. The plastic jars
were tested at The University of Guelph and
were found to have no transfer or leaching of
any detectable substance into the oil.
anti-microbial properties.
I am an avid user of natural oils, pure
vitamin E, almond oil, avocado, apricot – you name it, I probably have
it. Tamanu oil caught my attention
because it has all the benefits of other
oils and more: anti-aging, scar reduction, fading of stretch marks, relief of
dry skin. It even has antibiotic and
Excited about the product, I bought a bottle of Tamanu Nut oil
from Alpha Health because they offer the oil in its purest form.
My first challenge for this liquid green gold was my fresh earlobe piercings. I have had my ears pierced several times and they
would take so long to heal that I would remove my piercings out
of frustration and the holes would grow over again. Luckyly I
found Tamanu oil. I applied it to my piercings twice daily and
they fully healed in 2 months; that’s almost half the time most
piercers suggest. No more re-piercings for me!
I slowly introduced Bruno to coconut oil and the MCT oil, adding 2 tsp of DME Virgin Coconut oil and 1 tsp Alpha Supreme
MCT Oil to his food twice a day for a week. Once I could see
he was tolerating it, I began increasing his dosages. Within two
weeks, his bad doggy breath was gone. I began to use the coconut oil and MCT oil not only in his food, but also on his fur.
Just like that, his doggy odor was gone! Three weeks later, his
fur even began to shine.
Just over a month after starting Bruno on coconut oil with the
MCT oil, I noticed his energy and playful puppy-like behaviour
returning. The other day, while preparing to go for a ride in my
SUV, I opened the hatch and Bruno actually attempted to jump
in the back with a running leap. That’s something he hasn’t
done in over a year and a half! And just the other night, he was
able to spring onto my bed by himself.
I was so delighted with the results that I experimented further.
I went through a growth spurt in my youth, and had some
unsightly stretch marks as a reminder. I added the Tamanu oil
to almond oil and used it as an after shower moisturizer – the
stretch marks started to fade, and my dry skin disappeared.
When I added Tamanu oil to my night creams my complexion
changed. My face is now brighter, firmer, clearer and my skin
looks more supple.
I am totally astounded at the progress I’ve seen in my dog in
this short period of time. I have done my research and have
found Alpha coconut oil and MCT oil to be exceptional. I want
to make other dog owners aware of the benefits of the Alpha
products. Not only are the Alpha coconut oil products good
for eczema and flea allergies, they also improve digestion, and
relieve painful arthritis and hip dysplasia in dogs. Coconut oil
and MCT oil even balance thyroids, help weight loss and can be
applied topically to cuts and bites! One of the problems when
trying to heal a dog is that they are constantly licking at their
wounds, but coconut oil is a healthy, non-toxic treatment.
I work in an emergency animal hospital, so I come home with
a lot of scratches from unruly cats, but with Tamanu oil every
bump, scratch and bruise healed in half the time, scarred less,
and faded faster. This oil has saved me from looking like a crash
test dummy. I even used it on my dog’s rash and it disappeared
in no time. Amazing!
Because of his rapid improvement, Bruno will continue on the
coconut oil and MCT oil. As his progress increases each week, I
become more amazed at how simple this cure is. I am so astonished I have begun taking more Alpha Virgin coconut oil myself.
Tamanu oil is now a staple in my everyday life and I wouldn’t
want to live without it anymore. It has helped my skin immensely.
Thank you Alpha and the “Eye-Opener” for such a quality
product and for educating us on all the benefits it has to offer.
Nancy M.
Sheau LH.
Coconut Oil Rejuvenates Dog
My dog Bruno is eight years old and I’ve
had him since birth. He has always been
fed a holistic and grain free diet. He is a
husky-lab mix, and for the most part has
been a healthy and extremely active dog,
joining me for long walks, hikes and bike
When Bruno started showing signs of hip dysplasia two years
ago, I began searching for remedies and did everything possible
to help him. Eventually he couldn’t even jump on to my bed or
into my SUV anymore. Although exercise was good for him, he
stopped coming for bike rides with me and was unable to run
for long periods of time.
A couple of months ago I picked up an issue of “Eye-Opener”
and began reading Siegfried’s article about Dr. Mary Newport
(Issue 10). I knew about coconut oil, and was becoming more
aware of MCT oil, but it never struck me as something I would
try on a dog. But, with nothing else to lose, I gave it a shot.
Younger Looking Skin - Pores are gone
My face has always had pretty large pores, loose skin but only
after a couple of days using Alpha’s PREMIUM Virgin Coconut
Oil I noticed that the pores started to look a lot smaller. My coworkers and other people started to ask me what new skincare
I was using only after a couple of days. Now that I have been
using it for a couple of weeks I hardly have any noticeable pores
left and my skin is as tight as it used to be when I was in my
early twenties. Thank you Alpha for making such a great quality
coconut oil available!
Gratefully, Pamela P.
Coconut Oil for Health - Amazing !
For many years I felt sick and had high cortisol levels along
with a host of other symptoms. After switching to coconut oil,
all my symptoms disappeared, my blood pressure dropped and
my cortisol levels normalized. If I consume any other or fish oil
supplements, I get adverse symptoms, but not if I eat exclusively
coconut oil.
Matthew B.
Page 12
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
Page 13
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
Exciting Health Promoting Recipes
Breakfast Crème or Smoothie for Two Basic Salad Dressing
½ banana
1 apple
1 cup of fruit juice (orange, pineapple,
grape, etc.)
3 - 4 tablespoons Alpha virgin coconut oil
½ cup cottage cheese or quark
½ cup hazelnuts
Some other fresh fruit if available for
2-3 strawberries, peach slices, blueberries, etc.
Juice of ½ lemon
Double amount of Alpha Gourmet MCT
Coconut Salad Oil
1 lg. clove garlic
½ tsp. ‘Herbamare’ Vegetable Salt
Whisk or mix in Personal Blender.
Add ½ Avocado for creamy dressing
or 1 tbsp. blue cheese
or 1 tbsp. nut butter: almond or sesame
In a blender chop hazelnuts, add the apple
and some juice, coconut oil and quark or
cottage cheese. Blend until smooth. Pour
into small bowls and top with fruit slices or
berries. If you rather like to drink than eat
this thick creme, add more juice. This is a
very satisfying breakfast, which combines
carbohydrates, protein, and fat.
Preheat oven to 350 F (180 C)
In a separate bowl, cream the butter
and Alpha coconut blossom sugar until
fluffy. Add one egg at a time and beat the
mixture until creamy then add the vanilla
extract. In another large bowl combine
flour, flax meal, oatmeal, baking powder, baking soda and sea salt. Stir in the
butter-egg mixture. Add almonds and
mix well. Form the dough into balls and
place on a cookie sheet allowing 2 inches
between each ball. Bake one sheet at a
time for 15 minutes or until the cookies are
golden. Remove them from the oven and
shift the cookies onto a cooling rack.
Yield: 6 dozen cookies.
Pasta Prima Vera with Camelina Oil
Pasta of your choice, enough for 4
1 cup + 1 tbsp. Camelina oil
4 small shallots
½ bunch of fresh basil and stems
2 cloves garlic
Salt to taste
½ green pepper* slivered
½ red pepper* slivered
1 ripe tomato, diced
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Black pepper, freshly ground
Bring a pot of well-salted water to boil and cook pasta according
to package directions.
While the pasta is cooking, peel garlic and shallots, and place
them in a food processor or blender with the basil. While blending, slowly add 1 cup of Camelina oil. Once smoothe, season with
salt. Set basil sauce aside. Heat the 1 tbsp. Camelina oil in a frying
pan over medium-high heat. Saute the peppers and tomatoes
until just tender. Divide drained pasta onto 4 plates. Spoon sauted
vegetables on top. Drizzle with the basil sauce. Toss lightly, sprinkle with freshly grated Parmesan. Season with fresh black pepper.
Serve immediately.
Luscious Ice Cream
1 can of unsweetened coconut milk
2 egg yolks
1 cup whipping cream
1/3 cup Alpha virgin coconut oil (melt to
Juice from 1 organic lime plus the zest
150 ml water
1 packet gelatin or carrageen to make up 1
pint of jelly
1 cup liquid honey or dried cane juice
(Rapadura or Sucanat could also be used)
Dissolve the gelatin or carrageen in water
according to instructions. In a blender combine coconut milk, cream, coconut oil and
egg yolks together thoroughly, blend in the
lime juice and zest, then add the gelatin mix
and blend. Finally add the honey and blend
once again. Transfer the mixture to an
ice cream maker and freeze following the
manufacturer’s instructions. Without sugar
it would be next to impossible to churn the
ice cream properly. The gelatin mix helps
prevent the ice cream from freezing solid,
thus ruining the ice cream maker.
Simple Caesar Salad
Coconut Cookies Kids Loves
1 whole wheat or rye baguette
2 tbsp. Alpha Gourmet MCT salad oil
2 tbsp. Camelina oil
1 clove garlic
1 large head romaine lettuce, leaves
whole pink peppercorns
1 cup butter at room temperature
2 cups Alpha Blossom Coconut Sugar
2 eggs
2 tbsp. pure vanilla extract
2 cups whole wheat flour
½ cup ground flax seeds (flax meal)
1 cup oatmeal
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. sea salt
2 cups freshly chopped almonds
Preheat oven to 290 F (125 C)
To make garlic croutons, cut the baguette
in half and brush the middle with Alpha
Gourmet MCT salad oil & Camelina oil.
Place the bread in the oven until crunchy
and golden brown. Let cool, then rub the
surface of the bread with one clove of garlic and cut into 1” cubes. Chop the lettuce
or use the whole leaves. In a large bowl,
toss the lettuce with the dressing and
serve with croutons and shaved Parmesan
and add peppercorns on top.
An Absolute Innovation in
Exquisite Health Food Quality
Gourmet MCT
Coconut Salad Oil
with Omega-3
540ml can chickpeas
½ tsp. cumin
1-2 cloves fresh garlic
½ cup Camelina oil
4-5 leaves fresh basil, chopped
Pinch cracked black pepper
Salt to taste
Put the chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic and cumin in the food processor and blend together. When well blended, pour in the oil
very slowly to ensure emulsification. Add chopped basil. Season
with salt and pepper to taste.
The better oil - easy to digest, an
ideally balanced fatty acid composition of MCT-Oil 60/40 and DME™
Virgin Coconut Oil plus unrefined
Chia seed Omega-3 Oil.
This new amazing oil has been created to simplify the intake of highest quality food oils.
Gourmet MCT Salad Oil - for the
most balanced fat intake.
Alpha Health Products Ltd
Burnaby BC 604-436-0545
For more information on the health benefits of
MCT-Oil go to or
Page 14
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
Coconut Oil
Dr. Bruce
Fife, ND, CN
Bruce Fife, a naturopathic doctor and certified nutritionist is
the president and founder of The
Coconut Research Center, a notfor-profit organization dedicated
to educating the public and the
scientific community on the nutritional and health benefits of coconut oil. He is the director of the
Southern Colorado chapter of the
Weston A. Price Foundation and
serves as the editor of the Healthy
Ways Newsletter.
Dr. Fife is the author of 18
books including the books selected for this page.
Ask for these and other
Alpha books at your
local health food store.
For FREE Newsletter go to:
The New
Arthritis Cure
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
191 pages
In this book you will learn
about a totally unique
approach to overcoming
arthritis and fibromyalgia
called the Arthritis Battle Plan.
More importantly, you will
learn what steps you must take in order to stop
the disease process and regain your health.
Cooking with
Coconut Flour
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
160 pages
Coconut flour is high in
fiber, low in digestible
carbohydrate, and a
good source of protein. It
contains no gluten. Ideal
for those with celiac disease.
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
160 pages
This book contains nearly
450 recipes using coconut
with a mixture of both
vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes to
choose from.
Eat Fat Look Thin
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
288 pages
This book explains how
to use coconut oil to raise
metabolism and lose excess
weight and improve
thyroid function. It is
completely documented with numerous references to medical studies.
Coconut Oil for
Health and
Beauty by Cynthia
Holzapfel & Laura Holzapfel
128 pages
This book discusses how populations in southeast Asia and
the Pacific Islands who use
coconut oil as their primary
source of fat, have less heart disease than people
of other regions. Includes over 30 recipes and
homemade health care and beauty products.
Coconut Oil Discover the
Key to Vibrant
by Siegfried Gursche, MH
64 pages
In his new book, the author
imparts his knowledge of
healthy coconut oil, through
both first-hand experience and
dedicated research. As founder and former publisher of alive books and alive magazine, he has been
and continues to dispel myths about fats and oils.
Oil Pulling
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
189 pages
The science behind oil pulling is fully documented
with references to medical
studies and case histories.
Although incredibly powerful, Oil Pulling Therapy is completely safe and
simple enough for even a child.
Coconut Oil
technical format.
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
Nature’s Miracle Medicine
80 pages
This short 80-page introduction to the miracles
of coconut oil is presented in a friendly, non-
The Coconut
Oil Miracle
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
192 pages
An amazing eye-opening
book to read. Coconut oil
– helps protect you from
degenerative diseases
improve your digestion,
strengthen your immune
system, protect you from infectious illness and
help lose excess weight.
Coconut Cures
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
234 pages
In this book you will learn to
use coconut oil to:
Prevent heart disease
Dissolve kidney stones
Balance blood sugar and
control diabetes
Enhance the immune system
Protect against cancer
Boost your energy and metabolism
Stop Autism
Now! - The NEW
Mystery of
Autism Solved!
by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND
302 pages
Over 1 million people have
autism. “Prescription drugs
are often prescribed. No possibility of a cure is
offered, as the condition is considered permanent - in other words, hopeless. Autism is not
a hopeless condition...” says, Dr Bruce Fife.
Page 15
The EyeOpener Fall/2012
healthy living
made easy
Dr. Conrado Dayrit :
Coconut oil does
not cause Coronary
heart disease
With all the opposition cast against Coconut
Oil by MDs of the old school, it bears repeating
again and again that no evidence has ever
been presented to prove that coconut oil
causes coronary heart disease in humans.
The human epidemiologic evidence proves that coconut oil is safe. Coconut eating populations, like the
Polynesians and Filipinos, have low cholesterol on the
average and very low incidence of heart disease.
All evidences now point to inflammation and low
HDL as the principal instigators of plaque formation.
The nutritional properties of virgin coconut oil and its
biologic actions as a medium chain fatty acid make coconut oil superior to other oils for cooking and health use.
Its anti-inflammatory and immune-regulatory actions as
shown by its remarkable control of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, auto-immune diseases and cancer,
make coconut oil unique.
Source: Dayrit, Conrado S. 2006. Coconut Products and
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) for Health and Nutrition – A
strategy for Making Coconut Globally Competitive. 2006,
Manila, Philippines.
Dr. Conrado Dayrit (May 31, 1919
– October 5, 2007) was a Filipino
doctor and scientist known for his
advocacy of coconut oil for which
he was dubbed “Dr. Coconut” and
“Father of VCO” (Virgin Coconut
Oil). He was one of the six co-founders and a president of the Philippine
Heart Association, a president of the Federation of
Asian Scientific Academies and Societies, a president
of the Philippine National Academy of Science and
Technology, and an emeritus professor of pharmacology
at the University of the Philippines College of Medicine.
He performed pioneering tests on the efficacy of Virgin
Coconut oil on HIV and wrote about Virgin Coconut
oil’s health benefits.
Elite 5000
The World’s only
Magnetic Twin Gear
Juicer - more juice,
more live enzymes,
more vitamins and
Personal Blender
Yolife Yogurtmaker
The quiet yet most powerful
citrus juicer
The most economical way to
make your own yogurt
The most practical kitchenhelper – Bestseller!
The elegant easy way to make
almond/soy milk at home
To order see your local
Health and Nutrition Centre
Alpha Health Products Ltd. Burnaby BC
Virgin Coconut Oil
can not be compared to any
lower priced coconut oil.
If it were, it would not be the
highest quality.
DME™ (Direct Micro Expelled)
Both Qualities are NOW available in a variety of sizes
The absolute Winner
2nd Best Choice
Farm level produced –
Fair Trade
Virgin Coconut Oil
Economy Priced
DME™ Virgin Coconut Oil
450 ml PET jar
475 ml glass jar
1.75 liter PET jar
1.75 ml glass jar
4 liter pails
and 14 liter pails
450 ml PET jar
475ml glass jar
1.75 liter PET jar
1.75ml glass jar
4 liter pails
and 14 liter pails
Guaranteed Best Tasting!
For larger sizes you may place your order with your local Health Food store. Retailer will
order the larger sizes along with their regular stock of consumer sizes.
For Commercial sizes in 200 liter drums or 1,000 liter Bulk Containers phone 604-436-0545
Alpha Health Products Ltd
Burnaby BC 604-436-0545
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