PW-‐1000XL User Manual - Motorised Wheelchairs


PW-‐1000XL User Manual - Motorised Wheelchairs
PW-­‐1000XL User Manual Table of Contents Contents 1 . Parts Introduc2on Page 1 2 . Set Up Upon Arrival 2-­‐3 3 . Opera2on 3.1 – Joys2ck and Controller 3.2 – How to Operate Your Wheelchair 3.3 – How to Convert to Power and Manual Mode 4-­‐6 4 . Safety No2ce 4.1 – Before Driving 4.2 – While Driving 7-­‐8 5 . Electromagne2c Interference (EMI) 9-­‐11 6 . BaVery Charging and Care 6.1 – BaVery 6.2 – Charging The BaVery 12 7 . Specifica2on + Contact Us 13 1 . PARTS INTRODUCTION 1. 
Joys2ck Controller Seat Cushion Backrest Cushion Push Handle Armrest Armrest Lock 11 Rear Wheel Front Wheel Footrest Storage Bag Joys2ck Controller Knob 3 1 4 2 5 6 7 10 9 12. 
Safety Lock Mode Switcher Right Motor Extra BaVery Slot BaVery Brake System Lea Motor Control Box Spring Suspensions Backrest Height Adjustable Knob 8 21 20 12 19 13 14 18 17 16 15 Page 1 2 . SET UP UPON ARRIVAL When you take the wheelchair out of the box, remove the plas2c cover, and stand the wheelchair as shown. Follow the 3 steps below. Step 1 : I. 
Push the footrest out to its open posi2on (Arrow A). II.  Hold the push handle and the aluminum bar underneath the seat cushion. III.  Pull the backrest handle outward and push the boVom of seat outward at the same 2me (Arrow B). A B B P2 P1 P2 Page 2 Step 2 : I. 
Tighten the joys2ck controller lock using the knob as shown in (Circle A) before you lia it up (P3). Do not 2ghten the knob aaer the joys2ck controller has been liaed into place. II.  It is harder to lia up the joys2ck controller (Arrow C), if you over2ghten the knob. (Circle A). III.  You can adjust the posi2on of the joys2ck controller to make it more comfortable for you (P4). IV.  You can lower the joys2ck controller aaer you fold the wheelchair (P6). Remarks : Do not turn the knob once the joys2ck controller is liaed up. C A P3 P4 P5 P6 Page 3 Step 3 : There is a black colored lock behind the seatback. Please make sure it is locked before you operate the wheelchair. To fold the chair, you will need to unlock it. D To fold the Wheelchair : I. 
Hold the backrest handle and aluminum bar underneath the seat cushion, and then fold them together. Then fold the footrest towards the seat cushion. E 3 . OPERATION 3.1 JoysRck and Controller 1. 
On/Off BuVon Factory Maintenance BuVon BaVery Strength Indicator Speed Indicator Increase Speed Decrease Speed Horn Joys2ck Maintenance Light 1 2 6 7 3 4 5 9 8 3.2 How to operate your power wheelchair Turn on the power to the wheelchair by pressing the On/Off buVon, DO NOT MOVE THE JOYSTICK UNTIL THE POWER IS ON. Speed control Increase and Decrease Bu^on v 
Press the “ + ” buVon on the joys2ck controller to increase the speed. Press the “ -­‐ ” buVon on joys2ck controller to lower the speed. v  Speed Indicator Level 1 is the lowest speed, and Level 5 is the highest speed. Every 2 lights represents 1 level. Warning: We recommend that you become thoroughly familiar with the operaRon of your Foldawheel PW-­‐999UL before you increase the speed seYng from level 1 to a higher speed level. v  On/Off Bu^on The On/Off buVon provides power to the electronic control system, which in turn supplies power to the wheelchair’s motor. Do not use the ON/OFF buVon to stop the wheelchair unless there is an emergency. The joys2ck controller will automa2cally turn off the power aaer 15 minutes of inac2vity. Sugges2on: Please power off whenever wai2ng. To preserve energy. Warning: If you use the ON/OFF buVon to stop the wheelchair, it may shorten the life of the drive components. Page 4 v  JoysRck The primary func2on of the joys2ck is to control the speed and direc2on of the wheelchair. The further you push or pull the joys2ck from the center posi2on the faster the wheelchair will move. When you release the joys2ck the brakes are automa2cally applied. There is a half second delay in the movement of the wheelchair for safety purposes. v  Horn Bu^on Press the buVon to sound the horn. v  Ba^ery Strength Indicator The baVery gauge shows you that the wheelchair is switched on. It also indicates the baVery capacity remaining in the baVery pack. However, it is not a propor2onal indica2on, so please charge the baVery when the green light on the baVery indicator disappears. v  Factory Maintenance Bu^on The factory maintenance buVon is used for re-­‐programming of the joys2ck controller. Pressing the buVon will not affect normal usage. v  Lock / Unlock JoysRck Controller §  To lock: When your joys2ck controller is powered on, press and hold the “on/off buVon” for more than 5 seconds un2l the light turns off. You will see the baVery strength indicator blinking and running from right to lea. (The power will turn off automa2cally aaer a few seconds) §  To unlock: Press the “on/off” buVon to turn on the joys2ck controller. Then press the “ + ” (Increase speed buVon) 3 2mes. Page 5 3.3 How to Convert to Power and Manual Mode v  Pull the red levers towards you to engage Power Mode. While in Power Mode, do not aVempt to push the wheelchair manually. (P5) v  Push the red levers away from you to use Manual Mode. To push the wheelchair manually in Manual Mode, turn off the power using the joys2ck controller. (P6) P5 P6 Page 6 4. SAFETY NOTICE 4.1 Before driving The user should become readily familiar with this User Manual and the opera2on of this wheelchair before driving it outdoors. TO AVOID SERIOUS INJURY OR DEATH, please keep the following safety 2ps in mind at all 2mes: v  Driving Environment §  Drive straight up and down a ramp, slope, curb or any uneven surface. §  Do not drive up or down hills that are too steep. §  When approaching a curb, or any uneven surface, stop a few inches in front of it and then slowly drive the wheelchair from the stopped posi2on up the curb or surface. §  Do not drive your wheelchair aaer consuming alcohol, or when you feel 2red. §  This wheelchair has been designed to operate on dry pavement at speeds up to 10km/h (6.2 mph). §  Drive on even pavement and marked pedestrian areas only. v  PracRce operaRng your power wheelchair at home. §  Turn the speed dial to the lowest sekng for ini2al use. Only increase the speed sekng when you are confident that you can easily operate and control the wheelchair. §  Be sure someone accompanies you for safety when opera2ng your wheelchair for the first 2me. v  Do not use this wheelchair to carry or haul goods. v  The maximum weight capacity is 330 lbs with center of gravity in a seated posiRon. If the user exceeds 330 lbs, this wheelchair is not recommended for use. Page 7 4.2 While Driving § 
Do not aVempt to get out of the wheelchair while it is moving as doing so may cause serious injury or death. Pay close aVen2on to avoid any loose clothing gekng caught in the wheels, or catching on the joys2ck controller. It is further recommended that you follow these warnings. Do not get in or out of your wheelchair unless the power is off. Do not drive on roads with heavy traffic. Do not drive in rain, snow or icy condi2ons. Do not drive your wheelchair in an “S” paVern, or make erra2c turns, as this could cause the wheelchair to flip over. Do not take the wheelchair onto escalators. Do not drive onto ramps that are steeper than the specified gradient. Always use a low speed sekng when ascending or descending a hill. Do not make turns when driving on gravel roads or ramps. Always lean forward when climbing a steep hill, and lean backwards when going down hill. Release the joys2ck control lever completely and the wheelchair will come to a stop. Do not turn the power OFF from the joys2ck controller un2l you have come to a complete stop. Do not use a mobile phone or other wireless communica2on device while driving. WARNING! §  Exceeding the weight capacity of the wheelchair may lead to damage to your wheelchair, cause it to malfunc2on, or endanger your own safety. The warranty does not cover this type of damage. §  Do not stand and put all of your weight on the footrest. This may cause the wheelchair to 2p and possibly result in serious injury. §  Do not turn the power switch to OFF while driving, as this will lead to an emergency stop and possibly result in serious injury. §  Do not set to higher speeds while driving indoors. §  Be aware of people and objects at all 2mes while opera2ng your wheelchair. §  Do not adjust the speed while driving. A sudden change in speed may cause injury to you and/or others, or damage to your wheelchair. §  Do not place magne2c devices near the wheelchair as this could affect its safe opera2on. Page 8 5. ElectromagneRc Interference (EMI) This sec2on provides the user with basic informa2on that describes the problems with electromagne2c interference (EMI), known sources of EMI, protec2ve measures to either lessen the possibility of exposure or to minimize the degree of exposure, and suggested ac2on should unexpected or erra2c movement occur. AVen2on : It is very important that you read this informa2on regarding the possible effects of electromagne2c interference on your PW-­‐1000XL. v  ElectromagneRc Interference (EMI) from Radio Wave Sources Powered wheelchair’s may be suscep2ble to electromagne2c interference (EMI), which is interfering electromagne2c energy (EM) emiVed from sources such as radio sta2ons, TV sta2ons, amateur radio (HAM) transmiVers, two-­‐way radios, and cellular phones. The interference (from radio wave sources) can cause the power wheelchair to release its brakes, move by itself, or move in unintended direc2ons. It can also permanently damage the power wheelchair’s control system. The intensity of the interfering EM energy can be measured in volts per meter (V/m). Each power wheelchair can resist EMI up to a certain intensity; this is called its “immunity level”. The higher the immunity level, the greater the protec2on. At this 2me, current technology is capable of achieving at least a 20 V/m immunity level, which would provide useful protec2on from the more common sources of radiated EMI. This power wheelchair PW-­‐1000XL has a shipped with no further modifica2on and an immunity level of 20 V/m without any accessories. There are a number of sources of rela2vely intense electromagne2c fields in the everyday environment. Some of these sources are obvious and easy to avoid. Others are not apparent and exposure is unavoidable. However, we believe that by following the warning listed below, your risk to EMI will be minimized. Page 9 The sources of radiated EMI can be broadly classified into three types : 1.  Hand-­‐held portable transceivers ( transmiVer-­‐receivers with the antenna mounted directly on the transmikng unit. Examples include: ci2zen band (CB) radios, “walkie talkie”, security, fire, and police transceivers, cellular telephones and other personal communica2on devices. AVen2on : Some cellular telephones transmit signals while they are ON, even when not being used. 2.  Medium-­‐range mobile transceivers, such as those used in police cars, fire trucks, ambulances and taxis. These usually have the antenna mounted on the outside of the power wheelchair. 3.  Long-­‐range transmiVers and transceivers, such as commercial broadcast transmiVers (radio and TV broadcast antenna towers) and amateur (HAM) radios. AVen2on : Other types of hand-­‐held devices, such as cordless phones, laptop computers, AM/FM radios, TV sets, CD players, casseVe and small appliances such as electric shavers and hair dryers are not likely to cause EMI problems to your power wheelchair. v  Powered Power Wheelchair ElectromagneRc Interference (EMI) Because EM energy rapidly becomes more intense as one moves closer to the transmikng antenna (source), the EM fields from hand-­‐held radio wave sources (transceivers) are of special concern. It is possible to uninten2onally bring high levels of EM energy very close to the power control system of the power wheelchair while using these devices. This can affect the power wheelchair movement and braking. Therefore, the warnings listed below are recommended to prevent possible interference with the control system of the power wheelchair. v  Warnings Electromagne2c interference (EMI) from sources such as radio and TV sta2ons, amateur radio (HAM) transmiVers, two-­‐way radio, and cellular phones can affect power wheelchairs and motorized power wheelchairs. Following the warnings listed below should reduce the chance of unintended brake release or power wheelchair movement which could result in serious injury. 1.  Do not operate hand-­‐held transceivers-­‐receivers, such as ci2zen band (CB) radios, or turn ON personal communica2on devices such as cellular phones, while the power wheelchair is turned ON. Page 10 2. 
Be aware of nearby transmiVers such as radio or TV sta2ons, and try to avoid coming close to them. If unintended movement or brake release occurs, turn the powered power wheelchair OFF as soon as it is safe; Be aware that adding accessories or components, or modifying the powered power wheelchair, may make it more suscep2ble to EMI (Note: There is no easy way to evaluate their effect on the overall immunity of the powered power wheelchair). Report all incidents of unintended movement or brake release to the powered power wheelchair manufacturer, and note whether there is a source of EMI nearby. v  Important InformaRon 1. 
20 Volts per meter (V/m) is a generally achievable and useful immunity level against EMI (the higher the level, the greater the protec2on) This product has an immunity level of 20 V/m without any accessories and connected to it. Page 11 6. BATTERY CHARGING AND CARE 6.1 Ba^ery § 
The baVery pack in the Foldawheel PW-­‐1000XL is made of Polymer Li-­‐ion cells. It is a beVer baVery than the standard Li-­‐ion baVery pack, or the tradi2onal Lead-­‐Acid baVery. Not only is this high capacity baVery small in size, it is very lightweight, durable and long las2ng. One baVery pack allows the user to operate the wheelchair for approximately 10 km (6.2 miles). There is an op2on to purchase a second baVery which allows the user to operate the wheelchair for approximately 20 km (12.4 miles). And unique to this wheelchair is the op2on ot install a third baVery that will allow its opera2on for approximately 30km (18.6 miles). 6.2 Charging the Ba^ery v  The Foldawheel comes with a 24V 2A charger. It is made with high quality components and has passed all of the required standards and tests. Once you connect to a power source, the LED indicator will illuminate. Red : Connected to power source Yellow : Start Charging Green : Charging completed ATTENTION :This charger only works with equipment with the following criteria: •  24V •  Li-­‐ion baVery equipment only •  A similar charging connector Page 12 7. SPECIFICATION Net Weight with 1 baVery pack Max Speed Maximum Seat Capacity Seat Depth Seat Height From Ground (Front) Seat Height From Ground (Back) Turning Radius Folded Size Opened Size Packing Size Max Distance / Full Charge Charge Time (for 1 baVery) Slope Capability BaVery Type Motor Type Motor Power Front Wheel Rear Wheel Frame Material Front + Rear Tire Type Armrest Footrest Backrest Push Handler Storage Bag 25kg (55 lbs) 10 km/hr ( 6.2 miles/hr) 150kg (330 lbs) 45.5cm (18”) 47cm (18.5”) 47cm (18.5”) 88cm (35”) 30.5cm (L) x 69cm (H) x 63.5cm (W) 12” (L) X 27” (H) X 25” (W) 92cm (L) x 89cm (H) x 61cm (W) 36.2” (L) X 35” (H) X 24” (W) 40cm (L) x 76cm (H) x 72cm (W) 15.7” (L) X 29.9” (H) X 28.3” (W) ~10km (6.2 miles) with standard one baVery ~20km (12.4 miles) with Op2onal 2nd baVery ~30km (18.6 miles) with Op2onal 3rd baVery 4 hours 15˚ Polymer Lithium Ion BaVery Latest Brushless Motor (50% more powerful than normal standard motor) 250W x 2 units 7” (Black Color) 10” (Black Color) Aircraa Quality Aluminium Alloy (Series 6061) Rigid PU tyre Raisable Foldable High Adjustable Weather Proof Page 13 CONTACT US HQ : No.67, Jalan Mahogani 5, Bandar Botanic, 41200 Klang, Malaysia Phone: +60-­‐3-­‐33183133 One Raffles Quay North Tower, Level 25, Singapore 048583 Phone: +65-­‐6622 5585 3/F, 4-­‐1-­‐1 Ikeukuro Toshima-­‐Ku, Tokyo Japan, 171-­‐0014 Phone: +81-­‐8031592311 535 North Puente St.Brea, CA 92821, USA Phone: (949)-­‐291-­‐2309 Official Website : Facebook Page : Email : Thank You