PROGRAM - Queen`s University
PROGRAM - Queen`s University
7th Conference on the Economics of Entrepreneurship and Innovation June 12th – 14th, 2014 Queen’s School of Business, Kingston, Ontario PROGRAM The organizers - Jean de Bettignies (Queen’s), Ajay Agrawal (Toronto), and Douglas Cumming (York) gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Research Office at Queen’s School of Business, and the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the University of Toronto, without which this conference would not be possible. Note: All sessions will take place in Room 118, Goodes Hall (West Wing), QSB, 143 Union Street. They will be divided into 45min presentations, 15min discussions, and 15-min Q&A from the floor. Thursday, June 12th, 2014 5:15 – 7:30pm: Cocktail Reception – Pump House Steam Museum, 23 Ontario Street, Kingston. Note: Please do come and join us even if you arrive a bit late. The museum is a short 4-minute walk from the Hochelaga Inn. Friday, June 13th, 2014 8:30am – 9:00am: Coffee and Welcome Remarks 9:00am – 10:15am: Session 1: Does Compulsory Licensing Discourage Invention? Evidence from German Patents after the US Trading-with-the-Enemy Act Chair: Jean de Bettignies Presenter: Petra Moser (Stanford, Econ.) Discussant: Hellen Kim (MIT, Sloan) 10:15am – 10:45am: Coffee Break 10:45am – 12:00pm: Session 2: Copyright Enforcement in Stock Photography Chair: Ajay Agrawal Presenter: Hong Luo (Harvard Business School) Discussant: Sharon Belenzon (Duke, Fuqua) 12:00pm – 1:15pm: Lunch and Coffee on Site 1:15pm – 2:30pm: Session 3: The Impact of Venture Capital Monitoring: Evidence from a Natural Experiment Chair: Douglas Cumming Presenter: Xavier Giroud (MIT, Sloan) Discussant: Rob Seamans (NYU, Stern) 2:30pm – 3:00pm: Coffee Break 3:00pm – 4:15pm: Session 4: Posturing and Efficient Contracting in Venture Capital Chair: Jean de Bettignies Presenter: Richmond Mathews (Maryland, Smith) Discussant: Robert Marquez (UC Davis, Management) 6:15pm – 9:15pm: Boat Cruise and Barbecue around the Thousand Islands. Boarding starts at 6:15pm, from #1 Brock Street. Saturday, June 14th, 2014 8:30am – 9:00am: Coffee 9:00am – 10:15am: Session 5: Public R&D Investments and Private Sector Patenting: Evidence from NIH Funding Rules Chair: Ajay Agrawal Presenter: Danielle Li (Northwestern, Kellogg) Discussant: Alberto Galasso (U of Toronto, Rotman) 10:15am – 10:45am: Coffee Break 10:45am – 12:00pm: Session 6: Wisdom and Madness: Comparing Expert and Crowd Evaluation Chair: Douglas Cumming Presenter: Ethan Mollick (Wharton) Discussant: Jing Chen (Copenhagen Business School) 12:00pm – 12:05pm: Concluding Remarks 12:05pm – 1:00pm: Light Lunch on Site POINTS OF INTEREST LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (as of June 12th, 2014) Ajay Agrawal (Toronto, Rotman) Sharon Belenzon (Duke, Fuqua) Jean de Bettignies (QSB) Joel Blit (Waterloo, Econ.) Emily Breza (Columbia Business School) Christian Catalini (MIT, Sloan) Vincent Chandler (Queen’s, Econ.) Jing Chen (Copenhagen Business School) Paul Chipperton (QSB) Pascal Courty (U. of Victoria, Econ.) Decio Coviello (HEC Montreal) Douglas Cumming (York, Schulich) Alberto Galasso (Toronto, Rotman) Xavier Giroud (MIT, Sloan) Anthony Goerzen (QSB) Rachel Harris (York, Econ.) Ibtissam H’Midouche (QSB) Guy Holburn (Western, Ivey) Xinning Huang (QSB) Richard Ishac (Queen’s Econ.) Olena Ivus (QSB) Hellen Kim (MIT, Sloan) Anna Koroleva (QSB) Jonathan Lee (Queen’s, Econ.) Tracy Lewis (Duke, Fuqua) Danielle Li (Northwestern, Kellogg) Jing Liang (QSB) Hong Luo (HBS) Chen Liu (QSB) Chris Liu (Toronto, Rotman) Hanna Liu (QSB) Robert Marquez (UC Davis, Management) Richmond Mathews (Maryland, Smith) John Maxwell (Indiana, Kelley) Ethan Mollick (Wharton) Petra Moser (Stanford, Econ.) Bo Pazderka (QSB) Keith Rogers (QSB) Samir Saadi (Ottawa, Telfer) Amir Sariri (Toronto, Rotman) Koray Sayili (QSB) Robert Seamans (NYU, Stern) Dong Shen (Queen’s, Econ.) Kristjan Sigurdson (Toronto, Rotman) Arash Soleimani (Waterloo, Man. Sciences) Fatma Sonmez (QSB) Kelly Shue (Chicago, Booth) Veikko Thiele (QSB) Tina Tian (QSB) Mihkel Tombak (Toronto, Rotman) Wei Wang (QSB) Jane Wu (MIT, Sloan) Jan Zabojnik (Queen’s, Econ.) Christina Zheng (QSB) Feng Zhan (York, Schulich) Minjie Zhang (York, Schulich)