Untitled - Cámaras sin fronteras
Untitled - Cámaras sin fronteras
Mopsl "AF-s" is conslructed UNrveXMrxrc.lr'r T"" with lhe care and painstaking application lo details that one expects lo find in Iar more expensive cameras. Universal Camera Corporation manufaclures more company in the cameras per year than- any;f,her f acilities behind world. The enormous QfdtUio" Cuality and amazthis camera make possiblqtbi$t in operalion price. Economy low ingly fu F@licity are the secrel of ils exlensive PgPularity. Its compactness and light weigth give it many advanlages over lhe conrienlional type oI camera" Its rich appearance is lhe result ol much work by our staff of experienced engineers. Its parts are checked carefully belore assembly for exacting dimensions and durability. Parts which do not qualily are rejected. Each camera is inspected and adjusted lo comply with high slandard specifications. Each one is individually locused, to insure unilormly clear and sharply focused piclures lo about 30 inches from the lens. UniveX Ultrachrome Rollfilm is inexpensive, and it enlarges beautifully. The amaleur photographer can shoot piclures with ii all day long at a nominal cost, ihen choose those oI unusual inleresl lor enlargement up lo 8" x 10". This reduces lhe ultimate www.orphancameras.com { I i I I l cost oI successful pictures lo a lraction of what il would be olherwise. UniveX Cameras are olficial equipment oI Metropolilan Police Forces,'Explorers, Newspaper Reporters, Stafl Photographers, Commercial Pholographers, Youth Organizalions, and other lields throughoul the world. They are purchased and used by persons who can afford high priced cameras as well as by those who need a good camera and can pay only a Iew dollars. UniveX has never side-stepped its responsibility of leadership in the minialure camera lield. It has not missed an opporlunily to blaze new trails oI enjoymenl in the idea which it founded and pioneered: "PerIecl Photography At New Low Cost." This de Luxe folding camera is a product ol our vast experience in.bringing line photography within ihe reach of all. fr' H Tns lens must be kept clean in order lo get good, sharp, cryslal-clear piclures with yourMinicam. Wipe lens carefully,without scralching il, each time the camera is removed from thq pocket for taking piclures. .Specks of dust on the lens show on the pic- lure, particularly when greatly enlarged' Your Model "AF-s" is a lhoroughly cofnplete photographic instrument. If will give yor consistently and marvelously good pictures if you will read these inslructions farefutly 6efore taking any piclures, or even loading lhe camera with film. Particular altention should be paid to the paragraphs on Loading The Camera and Removing The Film. If the negatives are light-struck along the edges it is because light has penetrated belween the edges of the film roll and the spool flanges when loading or removing the roll film. This lrouble will be eliminated if the instructions are followed. TO IOAD FIG. l. Open the locking key at the side of lhe rear sight by rotaling it upward. '; ; j r i, i j www.orphancameras.com * ,l: FIG. 2. Swing the back cover to the rear by pushing on the rear sight with the index finger. Draw it clear back with the fingers of the other hand. F E A Q1 1 -f7otz2 fIG. 3. Use UniveX No. 00 Ultrachrome Rollf ilm. It can be loaded or unloaded in daylight. However, it oil cRAort should always be done r J,tanc in subdued light, nol in direct sun. Place the sealed roll of film under the spring grip in the bottom cradle. Make sure lhat the flange with the "V" shaped notch is on the same side as the winding knob. FIG. 4. Place one thumb on the roll of film, break the seal on the prolective paper, and draw the end out until it reaches to about Vz inch beyond as S R I A KS t A t H t n t 0pTrcAr vrEw fEute4 the empty spool. The red side of the paper is showing ^-=.%- , @n, ---;\S m) HEt^., zt#iltl' i;;r FIG.5. Thread the end of the 1l: :?TJil :ffi:",T"JiJ# as ir will go. Start it straight, hold the spool down, and give the winding knob two 3T lhlee lurns forward lo 3'l'"'flil?lo"*:"=H:l, i. lhis because light might reach the film and fog it. Close the back cover tightly, and turn lhe locking key downFIG. 6. Watch the red &r:rffiL wind.owon rhe back dffi Turnlhewindins cover. WW knob until the warning z hand shows. f*.to6 l a-dl. #@ JEazz/ FIG. 7. Turn slowly unril lhe figure (1) aPpears. The film is now ready for the first picture. ' After each exposure, turn the winding knob until the next higher number appears. In this www.orphancameras.com I t : ; r i way the camera is always ready for the next shot, and lwo pictures will not be taken on the same seclion of film. The Minicam Model "AF-s" lakes both snapshots and time exposures. This lengthens your photographic day to 24 hours, and enables you to take beautiful pictures indoors. TAKING SNAPSHOTS Apply the same rules that govern snap. shot photography with any olher camera. The subject should be in broad open sunlight, and the camera must be poinling away from the. sun. FIG. 8. PresS the release button as shown. The bellows will automatically open to the proper position for taking pictures. This camera affords two methods of sighting the ,pwttt' b&&Y5 subject. You can use lhe optical view finder on the side of the camera, or lhe wire field-finder at the top. Pictures can be taken with the long dimension verlical or horizontal wilh either one. Be sure that the shulter is set for snapshols. The window (below the lens) will read "Snap." Fig. 9. To use lhe open finder method, raise the wire fieldfinder, behind the front plale, as far as it will go. SHUITER RELEASE z2:-\. /-----z\ / '. . TEVER ( z _t >ffi \,n'1 4 )-ri m Fig. 10. Brace the camera againstthe face '-\{1- I'ft with the left hand. Look /rtuhz IO through the optical view finder and locate the subject in it. Fingers must be kept away from the lens. HoId your breath for an instanl, then press the shutler release lever in one di. rection only. Hold the camera steady, because if it is moved during the exposure the piclure www.orphancameras.com will be blurred.Turn the film to the next number' To use the open finder method' look through lhe rear sight and frame the subject inside the wire field-finder. The picture will be what you sanv in- the finder. Standing f arther away will include more of the subject. Standing closer will take in less. j 1 : I -1d Fig. t I and Fig. 12. To lake pictures with the long dimension horizontal, hold the camera to ihe face in a horizontal Position as shown. The camera should be on the same level as the subject, for best results. Thus, the oPerator should kneel when taking Pictures oI a child or dog, or else elevale them to the height of the camera. 1 j l jfigutoII fttu,to 12 PORTRAITS This camera makes beauliful "Close-ups,, of persons, flowers, etc., wiihout any special portrait attachmenl. Excellent enlargements can lhen be produced. For head and shoulder porlrails, lhe subject should be approximately 30 inches Irom the lens. The background also wilt be in sharp focus due to the special design of the UniveX lens. This makes it possible lo increase the beauty of your piciures with a scenic background. TAKING TIME EXPOSURES ' Fig. 13. For time exposures, puil down the plung,er al the bottom of the front plaie until the word "Time; appears in the window locat_ ed below and to the right of the lens. www.orphancameras.com ' Ii I Fig. 14. The most imPortant thing to remember in taking lime exPosures is to keeP the camera steadY orr-EItable or other firm suPPorl. A leg is pivoted at the right behind the thick Part oI the fronl plate to facilitate this' JW14 Swing down the leg to its vertical position. with the left hand hold the camera firmly on the table or olher soiid base. The right hand is now free to operale the shut'ter levlr, and the camera is prepared TIMING THE TIME EXPOSURE (ourDOORS) Relaiively short timing is required because of the unusual speed of the UniveX lens and film' The amateur photographer will never meel any outd,oor lighting conditions needing more than one =..ottd for his Time Exposure' He will quickly learn the required time intervals for various light conditions after a little experimenling. In taking pictures, oPerate the le-ver firsl in Lne direction to open the shutter' then in the reverse direction lo close it. Before closing the camera,relurn the plunger to the "Snap" position and the leg to ifs t ori zontal position. Otherwise, lhe camera will nol close. ;i GUMMTD SEAt -i- .REMOVING THE TILM Fig. 15. After the last film has been exposed, lurn the winding knob until the end of the protective paper passes the red window. Then rimes more robesure tHlJi""fii. mlt aiound the spool. Open the back cover. Wirh_ ouJ removing the spool from ihe cradle, lear off the gummed seal. Moisten it and paste one end over about Vz inch of the end oi the film roll. Turn the winding knob severar times untir the roll is sealed. Turn the winding knob until the narrow end of ihe ,,V,, shap.a ,rit"t, "j"i" is pointing straight outward. Pull back the spring grip, remove the spool from lhe camera, and *r"p it immediately'and carefully for protection. The roll of film iJ now www.orphancameras.com '|l i ; .f I l. B should be done ready to be developed, which thereafter' This at the earliest possible momeni bv yourb. done by 1 phoio-finisher or ;;; sensitized all ;;lf:. The quality of the image on by prompt developmeni froducts is ret-ained after exPosure. the Before closing the back cover' transfer in now spool to ihe opposite sadle' It is It "*pty to be loaded again' is the ;;ti;;'for "u*"tl exposed u good policy to reload as soon as the ready be to order in removed 6een tii* tofi has camera the Load pictures' of grouP for the next *ittt UniveX No.bO Ultrachrome Rollfilm' FOR SERVICE ptnncr to the Camera must be returned your Su.arwith NE.4REsT service station in stamps cents 25 and antee attached .o lo""t handling and postage' For best service mail to the NEAREST ADDRESS' - UNIVER,SAT CAMER'A COR'P. 32 West 23td Slreet, New York GitY 223 Wesl Jnckson Blvd', Chicogo' lll' 6()58 Sunset Blvd.' Hollywood' Colif' UNIVEX crNE "g'r THE TIFETIME MOVIE CAMERA Uses 600 Film The lightest-weight, most compact g mm. movie camera-the only one that uses the 30 ft. UniveX B mm. Film (equivalent ro 60 feet of expensive 16 mm. fiIm). Costs only 6O( per roll. Thkes clear, sharply defined, theatre_qJal_ ity movies that can be screened 34,, x 24,, and. Iarger. Simple ro operate, quiet in action, and with inrerchangeable lens equipment. ideut for a lifetime of movie-makin S, ut less than the cost of ordinary snapshots. Backed by u written guarantee. Vith F:5.6lens I'to.C-56 $9gS Bocked by Written Guorantee www.orphancameras.com U N IVEX 8 mm. PROJECTOR. UniveX Cine 8 A worthy companion to the sensational projector in nrm' priced 8 fnfo.ri" Ca-e.a. The lowest beautifully precision built' weight, Light the world. projector takes Jesigned, hnely balancecl, the UniveX S mm. film, including professionally made movies "ff rn'hich maY be rented or bought for Your film library. A full 16 minute show right in Your own home. GivessteadYProjection with brilliant illumination. ComPlete u'ith lamp, one reel and standard lens. Backed by u'ritten fiuarantee, AC model. $l dqs No.P.83 AC-DC Model No. PU-83 $17.95 Bocked bY Written Guorontee N0.00 HLmR0115FOR5TII,I. (AMERAS UNTvEX uLTRACHRoME RoLLFTLM pos_ sessesexrreme speed as well as high ien_ sitivrty ro relatively weak li;hr,;hich pakes it possible to tuk" goJJ pict.rre, rn tne early morning or late evening. Tnr urcHEsr DEGREE oF uLTRACHRoMATTSM gives it the property of render_ ll* to their true rela-Jlors_according trvr FpcrLance to your eyes. TTTETxTREMELY FINE GRAIN AND CLEAR BASE OF UNTvEX Ultrachrome Rollfilm F1k. it possible to obtain n"1, U"u"ii_ tul enlargements of UNtvnX pic_ tures up to 8 in. x l0^your in. lqEry.! A fastpanchromaticfine grain l1T 9r-superiorqualiry. For UniveX Minicam and aII other UniveX still camefas. ffi'*ililOo I il,Tffili fSo www.orphancameras.com