Existing Research Review Krasnoyarsk Territory


Existing Research Review Krasnoyarsk Territory
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Existing Research Review
Krasnoyarsk Territory
Actions of Lifelong Learning addressing
Multicultural Education and Tolerance in Russia
February 2015
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
ALLMEET – Actions of Lifelong Learning addressing
Multicultural Education and Tolerance in Russia
Start date of project: 01/12/2013
Duration: 36 months
Work Package 2 – Analysis of the existing knowledge, practices and policies
Lead organisation for this deliverable: KFU, UNL
Deliverable factsheet
Dissemination level:
National level
Deliverable type:
Work package:
Responsible partner:
Primary contributor:
SibFU "Siberian Federal University"
Deliverable reviewers:
Executive summary
Five reports (one for each Russian region represented in the partnership) on the existing research
on inter-ethnic and inter-religious relationships and conflicts, social stability, human rights and
inclusion of people with a migrant background. The issue is developed in a multidisciplinary
perspective covering the demographic, social, anthropological, historical, political and educative
themes and data. This report characterizes the context of Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The ALLMEET (Actions of Lifelong Learning addressing Multicultural Education and Tolerance in Russia)
project has been funded under the Tempus IV program.
This publication reflects the views only of the author(s), and the Commission cannot be held responsible for
any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Existing Research Review – Krasnoyarsk Territory
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION................................................................................................................................. 5
HISTORY, RELIGION AND CULTURE ..................................................................................................................... 8
THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL SITUATION IN THE KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY ....................................................18
THE POLITICAL SITUATION IN THE KRASNOYARSK TERRITORY ..........................................................................20
LANGUAGE SITUATION ......................................................................................................................................27
THE EDUCATION SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................................28
RELIGIONS .........................................................................................................................................................32
CRIME: PAST AND PRESENT ...............................................................................................................................36
RELATIONS BETWEEN THE VARIOUS RELIGIOUS AND ETHNIC GROUPS .........................................................37
DIFFERENT ETHNICAL AND RELIGIOUS GROUPS .........................................................................................................48
RESEARCH ..................................................................................................................................................................53
CONCLUSIONS ...............................................................................................................................................73
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Existing Research Review – Arkhangelsk Region
Contributors: O.G. Smolyaninova, D.O. Trufanov, R.G. Rafikov, A.K. Lukina, A.A. Mashanov
The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a multiethnic and multi-religious region. The representatives of 159 ethnic
groups live here, among them representatives of more than 40 religions and cults. The Yenisei area of
Siberia was formed mainly due to migrants. Extreme climatic conditions in Siberia stimulated close
cooperation of aboriginal people with the migrating population, so for centuries there have been formed a
strong tradition of good-neighbourliness, mutual help and harmony.
National issues, immigration and religious relations are in the focus of public authorities and civil society
institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is natural as the number of national and cultural associations in
the region is up to 70.
In the region there are more than 200 registered religious organizations of nearly three dozen different
directions. Regional economic development stimulates the flow of labour migration from abroad.
In this regard most of the young people have friends among representatives of other nationalities.
However, there are problem areas associated with the migration situation and interethnic relations. Among
the problems there are:
• attitude of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory towards foreign labour migrants (signs of
• spreading negative information about international relations in mass media;
• admitting by the local inhabitants that Krasnoyarsk Territory is a multiethnic society.
That is why there is the need to develop and apply mechanisms for strengthening ethnic tolerance
among young people on the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Citizens’ Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
(http://ga.krsk.ru/ – official web-site of the assembly) is an active promoter of the interests of civil society;
it promotes community initiatives, national holidays and national traditions of people living in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory. Most of the nations have managed to preserve their old customs and folk festivals,
which are based on seasonal agricultural habits: they still celebrate the completion of harvesting, the
beginning of fishing and hunting season, the beginning of the new agricultural year, the end of winter and
the beginning of spring as a symbol of new life. National holidays of some ethnic groups celebrate the
entire population of the region.
Socio-political debates, scientific conferences, interethnic and interreligious dialogues involving active
collaboration with the government and representatives of the various Diasporas support harmonization of
interethnic and interreligious relations.
All these factors make the Siberian experience of the Krasnoyarsk Territory unique and worth studying
and promoting in the international community.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
1. Geographical location
The Krasnoyarsk Territory (Krasnoyarsk Krai) is a territorial entity of the Russian Federation (a krai). It is
located in the Siberian Federal District, the administrative center is Krasnoyarsk (founded in 1628). It
belongs to the East Siberian economic region. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is situated mostly in the Eastern
Siberia, in the basin of the Yenisei River. Along the left bank of the Yenisei River there is a low-lying valley
and along the right there is Central Siberian Plateau, which reaches a height of 500-700 meters above sea
level. In the north, the territory is washed by the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. The length of the territory
from the north to the mountains of southern Siberia is about 3,000 km. In the east the Krasnoyarsk
Territory borders on the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and the Irkutsk District, in the south it shares the
borders with the Republic of Tuva and Khakassia Republic, in the west the neighbouring regions are Kemerovo and Tomsk Districts, as well as the Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District. On the
territory of the region near the Lake Vivi (Evenkia) there is the geographical center of Russia. The
Krasnoyarsk Territory as a region was formed on December 7, 1934.
Since 2006 the territory includes the Evenkiysky and Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Municipal Districts, which
previously, before the referendum on the unification of the Krasnoyarsk Territory had been Taimyr
(Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenk Autonomous Districts.
The area of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 2,339.7 thousand sq. km., which is 13.86% of the Russian
territory. Distance from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk is 3,955 kilometers.
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are 578 municipalities, 17 of them are city districts, 44 municipal
districts, 35 towns, 482 rural settlements. The total number of settlements of all types is 1763.
There are 3 climatic zones on the territory of the region: arctic, subarctic and mild. The central part of
the region is mostly flat, with the island woodland steppes and fertile soils, characterized by a relatively
short hot summers, long cold winters and fast temperature changes. In the southern part there are warm
summers and moderately severe winters with little snow. The average annual rainfall is 316 mm, the
majority of precipitation is observed in the summer, in the foothills of the Sayan Mountains the level of
precipitation is 600-1000 mm. Snow covers the land in the beginning of November and melts in the end of
March. In the mountains of the Eastern and Western Sayan snow in some years lies on the ground all the
year round. There is snow at an altitude of 2400-2600 m in the Sayan Mountains, and in the mountains in
the Putorana Plateau snow lies at the height of 1000-1300 m.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Natural resources
Biological resources
The vegetation is rich and varied, characterized by
explicit meridional and altitude distribution. 45% of the
area is covered with forests, which include the
northern and central taiga; and southern deciduous
forests. The south is covered by steppes and woodland
On the territory of the region there are more than
450 species of plants, including commercially valuable
species. More than 50% reserves of the forest timber
falls on larch, about 17% is spruce and fir, 12% is pine
and more than 9% is cedar. 88% of forests are
coniferous, this is 30% of pine forests of the country.
The forest area is 168.1 million hectares (69% of the
territory), the stock of industrial timber is 14.4 billion
cubic meters (18% of the country’s whole reserves).
The animal world of the area is diverse and unique
(342 species of birds and 89 species of mammals,
among the latter the most significant is the population
of reindeer, numbering 600 thousand animals). The
Arctic deserted areas are inhabited by polar bears,
ringed seals, walruses, seals; in the tundra there are
hares, reindeer, arctic foxes, lemmings, snowy owls,
tundra swans, partridges, foxes, red-breasted gooses;
in the Yenisey taiga there live brown bears, musk deer,
sables, Siberian weasels, wolverines, lynxes, otters; in
the southern taiga there are red deer, roe deer,
badgers, moles, hawks, owls, white-haired and whitebacked woodpeckers, chaffinches. In the northern
areas of the region there are about 60 species of fish.
Fig.1. Map of the Krasnoyarsk
Among the whitefish living in the commercial valuable
species are whitefish, Arctic cisco, European cisco, European smelt and white salmon.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Fig.2. Taiga
Water resources
The Krasnoyarsk Territory belongs to one of the prosperous regions of Russia in terms of availability of
water resources. The territory of the region enjoys a natural transport system, consisting of a welldeveloped river network. This is primarily Russia’s largest river system – the Yenisei River and its tributaries
(the Angara, the Abakan, the Stony Tunguska, the Lower Tunguska rivers), as well as the Pyasina, Taimyr,
Chatanga rivers flowing into the Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea. In the south- west there are the Chulym River
and the Kesh-Ket rivers. From south to north there runs one of the largest rivers in the world – the Yenisei.
The total length of the river is 4,092 km. The sources of the Yenisei are the Bii-Khem (the Big Yenisei) and
Kaa-Khem (the Small Yenisey). Annual outfall of the Yenisei is 590-630 cubic km. And the average water
rate is 19870 cubic meters/sec. it is difficult to imagine such amount of water. Yenisei is millions and even
billiards of tons of water. Yenisei is not just a river it is life arteria (Fig. 3).
Fig.3. The Yenisei River
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Total number of lakes in the region is 323,000, which is more than 11% of their whole number in the
country. In the southern part of the region there is a lake complex with mineral waters and curative peloid.
One of the most famous is Lake Tagarskoe.
Subsurface minerals
The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the most resourceful
territories of Russia (Pic. 4). Natural resources are the basis
of the investment attractiveness of the region and its
subsequent development. Natural resources are divided
into the following groups: fuel (energy), metallurgical and
chemical. The region has 70% of the coal reserves of
Russia, and has a lot of significant resources, such as
platinum, copper and nickel ores and Iceland spar. Gold
mining in the region is one of the most developed ones in
the country. On the territory of the region there are large
deposits of lead, apatite and nephelite, molybdenum,
copper, titanium, magnesium ore, magnetite, antimony,
talc, graphite, and others.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory also has a large number of oil
and gas fields. The advantage here is that these natural
resources are located close to each other and can be
processed at the same time1.
2. History, religion and culture
The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a unique region of Russia,
with a high cultural potential. It is the birthplace of the
writer Victor Petrovich Astafyev, singer Dmitri
Hvorostovsky, actor Innokenty Smoktunovsky, painters
Vasily Surikov, A. Pozdeyev, T. Ryannel and choreographer
Mikhail Godenko.
Fig. 4. Subsurface minerals
The Yenisei territory was first inhabited through the
valley of the Yenisei River from the south to the north. The first dwellers were the representatives of the
Mongoloid race, which is confirmed by the study of residues of a Mongoloid skull, found in the fossil site on
Afontova Mountain2 (in the city of Krasnoyarsk). The first information about the Russian people along the
Yenisei belongs to pomors travelling along the shores of “the cold sea”.
http://www.krskstate.ru - the Krasnoyarsk Territory, official portal
Artemyev E. V., Drozdov N. I., Makulov V. I. Basic Stages of Archaeological Studies of Afontova Mountain II Site. The
Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series “Geoarcheology. Ethnology. Anthropology” №2, 2013; Artemyev E.V. On the
initial settlement of Krasnoyarsk archaeological area on the materials of the research on Paleolithic Afontova
mountain-V in Krasnoyarsk in 1997. Historical stages of socio-economic and cultural development in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. Krasnoyarsk, 1998.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
However, the widespread peopling of the Yenisei region occurred together with joining Eastern Siberia
to Russia at the end of XVI – the beginning of the XVII century. The main purpose of the path finders in
Siberia was fur – the most important article which was sold abroad. Many settlements were founded by
Yenisei Cossacks and monks who had come to this “wild country”.
Fig. 5. Old photos of Krasnoyarsk
In 1619 there was founded the Yenisei fort (now the city of Yeniseysk), which for more than 150 years
was the trade and manufacturing center of Eastern Siberia. To protect the approaches to the Yenisei and
the waterway from the south there were founded other forts, known as Krasnoyarsk defense line. A
Cossack Andrey Dubensky and his party founded the fort Krasny Yar in 1628 along the Middle Yenisei3. The
word “Krasnoyarsk” is a simple translation. “Kyzyl-Jar” – “Krasny Yar” (“red hill”) was the settlement
inhabited by the Turkic tribe of Kachintsy, who had lived here before the arrival of Russians. Kyzyl means
“red” and Jar – “hill”. From its first days Krasnoyarsk and the Cossacks living there had to defend
themselves with arms and diplomacy, the Cossacks fought against the Kyrgyz princes, these battles ended
only in the early XVII century. Krasnoyarsk received a status of the city in 1690, when Siberia was finally
joined to Russia4.
Bykonya G.F. Andrey Dubensky - founder of Krasnoyarsk. Krasnoyarsk: Trend, 2008.
Krasnoyarsk: stages of the historical path. Ed. by Dr. of Economics Pimashkov P.I. Atlanta: Publishing House “Bukva”,
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Fig. 6. Yenisei fortress
Moscow (Siberian) tract (road) built in the middle of the XVIII century started a new stage in developing
of the Yenisei region. The delivery of goods has expanded from European Russia to the east, the trade was
also intensified. The tract service (yamschiks, coachmen) contributed to the formation of craft, trade and
transport functions of cities, which replaced their previous military defense functions. The flow of free
settlers to Minusinsk, Achinsk and Krasnoyarsk District increased, as these areas were considered as the
most favorable for agriculture. The growth of the Russian population in the south of the region has been
accelerated by copper mining industry. In the early XVIII century, there emerged the cities of Krasnoyarsk,
Achinsk, Kansk, Minusinsk. However, population increased not only due to natural growth.
Infamous great Siberian convict way – Moscow tract – stretched for thousands of kilometers from the
capital of Russia to the Far East. Moscow tract went through Krasnoyarsk in XVII century. But long before
Krasnoyarsk became the place for exiles. Since the XVII century the garrison in Krasnoyarsk was actively
replenished with the people coming from European part of Russia as exiles, whose penal servitude or even
the death penalty was replaced by departure to the remote fortress. By the end of XIX century the number
of exiles in Krasnoyarsk was about 23% of the population. Apart from criminals “prisoners of conscience”
were also sent to Krasnoyarsk. First it was the conservatives, then the Decembrists, then active participants
of the first socialist parties, as well as members of the Polish rebellion in 1830-1831, later appeared
Marxists, among them Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin, F. Dzerzhinsky, I. Dzhugashvili-Stalin. In XX century, the
“convict history” continued and the territory became one of the centers of the Gulag system (National
Offender Management Service System).
In 1822, the Yenisei province was established; it has the administrative center in Krasnoyarsk, which was
convenient for transportation from the geographical point of view. By the middle of XIX century the Yenisei
province became the largest gold-mining area of Russia. During the climax of “gold fever”, which happened
in 1847, in the taiga area behind the Angara there were mined 1,212 poods of gold. Gold mining industry
accelerated with the development of navigation on the Yenisei River, which in its turn stimulated
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
agriculture. On the territory of the province in 1895-1897 Trans-Siberian Railway was built. Capitalist
system contributed to industrial development of the region, the bulk of which includes railroad, gold
mining, wine distilling, timber, iron and steel industries. The migrants from Central Russia rushed to the
territory of the province. The migrant flow increased when the Stolipin’s new agricultural policy came into
force. The population of the province in 1897 reached 570.2 thousand people and by 1914 it had risen to
1,119.2 thousand people.
Fig. 7. Construction of the Trans-Siberian Railroad
Krasnoyarsk became world-famous in the late XIX century due to Vasily Surikov, who was born there in
1848 in the old Cossack family. During his lifetime he was recognized as a great master. His paintings
include “Morning of Streltsy’s Execution”, “Menshikov in Berezov”, “Boyarynya Morozova”, “Conquest of
Siberia by Yermak” and others, which make honor to the best museums in the world5.
On February 28, 1917 Krasnoyarsk became aware of the overthrow of the tsarist autocracy. After the
well-known events of October Revolution the Soviet rule was established, but in June 1918 it fell, due to
the uprising of the Czechoslovak Corps and military actions of the White Army. In early 1920, Soviet power
was restored, with the participation of Siberian partisans.
Krasnoyarsk region, like the rest of Russia, experienced hunger and devastation, the NEP period and
mass collectivization. In the 1930s there began active development of the North territories of the Yenisey
Vasily Surikov. http://artsurikov.ru (date of reference: 6.10.2014).
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
In 1934 the Krasnoyarsk Territory was formed. In the period 1930-1992 Krasnoyarsk Territory included
Evenkiysky Autonomous District, Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous District and the Autonomous
District of Khakassia.
The Great Patriotic War gave a big boost to the industry of the region. There appeared more than 40
industrial enterprises evacuated from the western parts of the country. The post-war history of the region
is marked by the intensive industrial growth and discovery and development of the richest mineral
deposits. There were built powerful hydro power plants, including ones of the world’s largest Krasnoyarsk
and Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. There grew timber industry plants, major industrial enterprises, such as
Krasnoyarsk Metallurgical Plant, Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, Krasnoyarsk Factory of Non-Ferrous Metals,
Norilsk Ore mining and Smelting Plant, etc6.
In the late 1940s, during the beginning of the “Cold War”, the Soviet leadership decided to create a
system of “closed” cities, where as soon as possible there were built top-secret defense companies. One of
these cities was Krasnoyarsk-26, founded on the banks of the Yenisei, in the wooded spurs of the Sayan
Mountains. The leading enterprise in Russia in developing and manufacturing space communication
systems, TV-sets, navigation and geodesic systems is situated in Krasnoyarsk-26.
By the end of 1980s the Krasnoyarsk Territory became a big scientific, educational, cultural and
industrial region.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory at the beginning of XXI century is a land of cultural and sport traditions,
unique natural monuments, rapidly developing economy.
In 2005 Igarka became a city of regional subordination (Turukhansky district). Solnechny settlement
acquires the status of city district.
During its long history Krasnoyarsk has gradually increased its demographic, economic, investment and
scientific potential. The economic structure of the city is characterized as polyindustrial. Together with the
traditional industrial areas (metallurgical, energetic, machine building industries) other branches such as
construction, service, education, healthcare, innovative technologies including social sphere are rapidly
developing. It allows the city to maintain the leading positions and develop its investment attraction.
From 1 January 2007 the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) Autonomous Okrug and the
Evenkiysky Autonomous Okrug merged into the new subject of the Russian Federation – the Krasnoyarsk
Territory within the boundaries of the three preexisting entities, and autonomous regions were included in
the Territory as Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets and Evenkiysky Districts. 1 January 2007 the administrative entity
Kedrovy finished its existence.
By 2007 there were created three state federal nature reserves and 27 state nature regional reserves in
the region. It is planned to create 39 more state natural reserves. In the Krasnoyarsk Territory 51 objects
have the status of a natural monument of regional significance.
Mining at Vankor oil and gas fields started 21 August 2009. Oil reserves in the field exceed 260 million
tons, natural gas reserves are about 90 billion cubic meters. The planned capacity is 14 million tons of oil
per year. Krasnoyarsk Territory takes the leading position in the Siberian Federal District in oil and gas
In 2014 Krasnoyarsk region celebrated its 80th anniversary as it was formed 7 December 1934.
It took further provincial region 80 years to become the leading industrial and cultural center.
Krasnoyarsk: from past to future. Essays on the history of the city. [Editorial Board: Bykonya G.F. et al.] Krasnoyarsk:
Rastr, 2013.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Cultural identity of the region
Historically the cultural environment of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has some specific features. The
Krasnoyarsk Territory has the area of 2,339.7 thousand sq. km and today the population numbers 2,828.2
thousand people (according to the Census of 2010) including representatives of eight indigenous peoples:
Evenki, Entsi, Selkups et al.
There are a number of settlements, located in remote areas of the Arctic and taiga zones in the region.
Accessibility of the cultural assets and values for all residents of the region is promoted by the regional
projects. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a center of Fine Arts in the Eastern part of Russia. The region has a
system of Art schools at all the levels of education.
Charity Fund for Cultural Initiatives annually supports more than 200 projects and events such as
Krasnoyarsk Book Fair and others. The Governor program in the field of culture stimulates cultural
development in the region for several years.
Traditional cultural festivals for the Krasnoyarsk Territory include Russian Maslenitsa carnival,
Krasnoyarsk International Music Festival of the Asia-Pacific Region, “Sayan Ring” International Festival of
Ethnic Music, Holiday of Central Asian and Azerbaijany peoples, interregional contest “Miss Asia – Siberia”
where students from Buryatia, Tuva, Khakassia and Yakutia take part, Cossack’s music festival and many
others. These events help people preserve their traditional culture and make the life of people living in the
Krasnoyarsk territory interesting and emotionally rich.
The main objects of cultural heritage
Currently, there are 4,588 objects of cultural heritage in the region. 1,853 of them received status
“under state protection”, and 2,735 objects are subject to state protection. The Krasnoyarsk Territory
numbers 90 objects of cultural heritage of federal importance and 1,763 historical and cultural monuments
of regional importance in accordance with the categories of historical and cultural significance.
The most important objects of cultural heritage of the region are:
- monuments of religious and civil architecture of XVIII-XIX centuries, the monuments of wooden
- objects of archaeological heritage: the Paleolithic complexes at Afontovo mountain, mounds, remnants of
fortifications located in the unique historical and cultural landscapes of Khakas-Minusinsk Basin;
- cultural heritage sites associated with the life of V.I. Surikov;
- unique monument of urban architecture of XVIII – beginning of XX centuries – Yeniseysk retaining its
structure and basic collection of historical buildings.
The most objects having historical significance are concentrated in Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Kansk,
Minusinsk and Yeniseysk (424 objects). A Historical and Ethnographic Museum and Reserve “Shushenskoe”.
Cultural symbols of the region
Chapel of St. Paraskeva is situated on the Pokrovskaya (Karaulnaya) mountain – the place of the
watchtower in Krasnoyarsk Ostrog (wooden small fort). In 1855 a new stone building of a chapel was build
instead of the wooden which was burnt in fire. The new chapel became the symbol of Krasnoyarsk. In 1992
the chapel was returned to the Krasnoyarsk and Yeniseisk Archdiocese. The chapel is displayed on the front
side of the ten ruble banknote issued in 1997. There is a viewing platform on Karaulnaya mountain near the
Chapel from which the tourists can see the most of the city.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
M.S.Godenko Krasnoyarsk State Academic Dance Ensemble of Siberia visited more than 70 countries
with concerts.
Annual holidays celebrated in Krasnoyarsk:
- Tatar-Bashkir “Sabantuy” – a holiday marking the end of sowing season. In 2014, it was celebrated in 24
cities and villages in the region. In July 2015, on Tatyshev Island in Krasnoyarsk the Federal Sabantuy will
take place. Around 20 thousand participants and guests all over the country will come to Krasnoyarsk;
- Chuvash regional holiday “Akatui” – a holiday marking the end of sowing season (in July, up to 3 thousand
- Tajik interregional festival “Sairee Lola” – a holiday of spring and tulips (in June, more than 5 thousand
- Uzbek regional holiday “Kovun Sayli” – a holiday of Uzbek melons (in June-July, up to 3 thousand
- national holidays selebrating the beginning of spring: the peoples of Central Asia and the Caucasus
celebrate “Nowruz” (March), “Siberian Maslennitza” (March), Khakass holidays “Chyl Pazy” (March) and
“Tung Payram” (May), Buryat holidays “Sagaalgan” (March) and “Surharbaan” (May), German spring
Festival (March), Tuva “Naadym” (April), Yakut holiday “Yysakh” (May);
- autumn harvest festivals: Chuvash holiday “Chukleme” (September), Cossack “Khlebny Spas” (August),
Kyrgyz “Op Maida” (September), Harvest Festival by of Finno-Ugric Peoples (October), Belarusian
“Dazhinki” (October), Korean “Chusok” (October), Ossetian “Dzhiorguba” (November);
- trade holidays and celebrations of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Northern Krasnoyarsk
Territory (Nenets, Ket, Dolgan, Nganasan, Evenki, Selkup, Chulym peoples, Entsi, Essey Yakuts): Reindeer
Herder’s Day (April); Evenk holidays “Muchun” (June), Fisherman’s Day, Reindeer Herder’s Day (December).
These festivals are devoted to the work people of different nationalities and religions do.
Traditional crafts, national occupations
A special place in the social and cultural environment of the region is occupied by the decorative and
applied folk arts and crafts. It is a form of creative industry. The Krasnoyarsk Territory has preserved:
1) traditional domestic crafts: pottery, blacksmithing, weaving, willow weaving, making wooden wheels and
others. In the Kurezh village of Idrinsky District there remained a hut where felt boots are produced.
2) traditional arts and crafts: wood carving and painting, birch bark processing and netting, various kinds of
women’s crafts: weaving, embroidery, bobbin lace making.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory demonstrates revival of folk traditions, festivals and competitions, fairs,
amateur artistic groups.
The regional state cultural center “Taimyr House of Folk Arts” offers various forms of family
entertainment for the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North: ethno-folk groups – family clubs:
Nganasan, Enets, Evenki and two Dolgan ones, which are the participants and organizers of national
holidays (Reindeer Herder’s Day, Meeting of the Sun, the International Day of the Indigenous People of the
World, the annual festival zone “Folk Classics of Taimyr”).
Small historic towns and villages
There is a list of 8 historical places in Krasnoyarsk Territory having their unique cultural values including
the cities of Achinsk, Yeniseysk, Krasnoyarsk and Minusinsk and villages Shushenskoye, Taseyevo,
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Ermakovskoye. On the territory of Achinsk city there are 46 objects of cultural heritage of regional (44) and
federal (2) values. Yeniseysk is included in the preliminary list of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage
“Long-term Program for Preservation and Effective Use of Cultural Heritage Objects in Krasnoyarsk” was
worked out to save the cultural heritage of the region. It is supported by the program “Development of the
Culture in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”7.
3. Demographics
The population of the region according to the Federal State Statistics Service of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory is 2,852,810 people (2014). Population Density is 1.21 person/km2 (2014)8.
The urban population is 76.47 % (2014) – 2,180,839 people.
The rural population is 23.53 % – 671,971 people.
The number of inhabitants of Krasnoyarsk (by the end of 2013) amounted to 1,029.1 thousand people,
which is 11.9 thousand people more than it was at the end of 2012.
Birth and death rates of the population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
41,106 births and 32,162 deaths were registered in 2013 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. There is a natural
increase in population – 4,944 people in 2013. 14.4 births and 12.7 deaths per 1,000 people with the
natural increase of 1.7 person9 was registered in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2013.
In 2013 on the Krasnoyarsk Territory there were registered 27,786 marriages and 13,356 divorces. This
is 481 per 1000 marriages (2013).
Sex and age composition of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is shown in Table 1 (2013).
Table 1: Distribution of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory according to gender and age, beginning of 2013
(number of people).
men and women
Total population
men and women 0-15
men 16-59, women 16-54
men of 60 and older, women of 55 and older
http://krasnoyarskie-arhivy.rf - Archives of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the official website
The population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Federal State Statistics Service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
http://www.krasstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krasstat/ru/statistics/population/ (date of reference:
Vital Statistics of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Federal State Statistics Service of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. http://www.krasstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krasstat/ru/statistics/population/ (date of
reference: 6.10.2014).
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Migration flow in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is presented in Table 2 (2013).
Table 2. Migration flow in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, 2013 (number of people) 10
number of
number of
increase, decrease
In Russia
with CIS countries
with other foreign countries
External (for the region) migration
Cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (population)
In terms of population at the beginning of 2013, Krasnoyarsk occupied 11th place among the citiesmillionaires of the Russian Federation (13 cities).
Krasnoyarsk – 1200000
Norilsk – 177738
Achinsk – 114010
Kansk – 92575
Minusinsk – 69263
Lesosibirsk – 65945
Dudinka – 22339
Bogotol – 20855
Yeniseysk – 18529[
Total results of migration. The Federal State Statistics Service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
http://www.krasstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krasstat/ru/statistics/population/ (date of reference:
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Artemovsk – 2130
Borodino – 16764
Zaozerny – 11290
Sosnovoborsk – 34499
Sharypovo – 39400
Divnogorsk – 31138
Igarka – 5648
Kodinsk – 15876
Nazarovo – 52790
Uzhur – 15900
Uyar – 13300
One of the characteristic features of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has traditionally been its multinational
ethnic structure. The territory of the region is home to 159 nationalities.
The ethnic composition of the population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (%)
Russian – 88.95
Belarusian – 0.61
Ukrainian – 2.31
Chuvash – 0.57
Tatar– 1.5
Armenian – 0.37
German – 1.24
Mordvin – 0.25
Azerbaijan – 0.66
Dolgan – 0.2
Total number of ethnic groups in the region is 157. Except for the mentioned above ther live Kyrgyz,
Dolgan, Evenki, Mordva, Khakassia, Nenets, Mari, Bashkir, Tuva, Lezghin, Moldavia, Chinese, Estonian,
Latvian, Buryat, Korean, Ket, Nogai, Nganasan peoples, etc.11
By the end of 2014 in the Krasnoyarsk Territory operated more than 70 national and cultural
associations. Together with their branches and municipal centers the total number of civic society
institutions related to the ethnic belonging reached two hundred12.
The main feature of the social and cultural environment of the region is its national, ethnic and cultural
diversity. Along with the indigenous people of Siberia there live people of different nationalities from all the
Ethnoatlas of Krasnoyarsk Territory. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Krasnoyarsk: Publishing House “Platina”,
Rafikov R.G. The strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation and the institutions of civil society in
the Krasno-yarsk Territory. Public education movement in Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory: problems and
prospects: proceedings of the scientific and practical conference, 12 December, 2012. Krasnoyarsk Branch of Scientific
Educational Institution of Higher Profes-sional Education “Saint-Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations,
Economics and Law”, Krasnoyarsk, 2012. Pp. 30-36.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
republics of the former Soviet Union. That is why there is purposeful and systematical work devoted to the
development of all the traditional folk arts. There are the activities aimed at friendly cooperation and coexistence of all the members of the multinational population of the region. The authorities of the region
promote the idea of preservation of cultural diversity of the Krasnoyarsk territory.
Currently in the region, there are 33 national and cultural autonomies, which contribute greatly to the
cultural development of the region. Coordinating and teaching functions in the sphere of culture are carried
out by the interethnic cultural center of the region “Palace of labour and Concord”. There are plans to build
National Cohesion Palace.
National culture and national languages support is carried out in the form of organizing national holidays
and festivals, competitions and round tables, language schools and other events. There is also support for
permanent clubs and groups. In their work the national non-government organizations of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory focus on the preservation and development of national traditions, customs and culture. Days of
national culture are held (for peoples of the North, Dagestan, Central Asia, Finno-Ugric and Baltic peoples,
Jews, Italians, Belarusians, Poles, Ukrainians, and others)13 in recent years in the Krasnoyarsk Territory on a
regular basis.
4. The economic and social situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the most industrialized regions of Russia. The unique local natural
resources of the region help to develop various industries – hydropower stations and solid-fuel power
stations, nonferrous metallurgical plants, mining, forestry.
The leading industries play an important role not only on the federal level, but also on a global scale.
The region produces more than 80% of nickel in the country (and 20% of world production), more than 70%
of copper, 30% of primary aluminum, almost 98% of platinum metals. The region has become the largest
producer of gold in Russia providing 18% of whole production in the country.
In electricity production the region takes the third place in Russia, the second place takes Tyumen and
Irkutsk areas, in coal mining the region is the second after the Kemerovo District.
In terms of output timber production the region occupies the 12th place among the regions of the
Russian Federation, and the second place in the Siberian Federal District (after the Irkutsk Oblast).
Among the entities of the Russian Federation the Krasnoyarsk Territory takes the 9th place in terms of
gross regional product, and it has the first place among the regions of the Siberian Federal District (SFD).
The index of industrial production in 2009 amounted to 94.5% at an average price index for
productivity of 89.3 percent. The existing index corresponds to the main industrial areas:
- mining – 105.4%;
- manufacturing – 92.6%;
- production and distribution of electricity, gas and water – 91.6%.
In 2012 the gross regional product (GRP) of the Krasnoyarsk region was 1.19 trillion rubles, GRP per
capita – 420 thousand rubles. The GRP of the region: mining, agriculture, hunting and forestry, production
http://www.krasstat.gks.ru - Regional office of the Federal State Statistics Service of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the
official website
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
and distribution of electricity, gas and water, manufacturing, construction, wholesale and retail trade,
transport and communication, financial activities education, health and social services.
Among the regions of the Siberian Federal District the Krasnoyarsk Territory took the 7th place (94.5%)
comparing industrial index. Foreign trade operations were carried out with partners from 95 countries both
from close and far – away countries. The top ten trading partners of the region include Switzerland, France,
the USA, China, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Turkey and Ireland. Trade with these
countries provided 81.3% of the foreign trade turnover of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The number of employees in each sector of the economy: industry – 23%; agriculture and forestry – 11
%; transport and communications – 8%; wholesale and retail trade 16%; housing sector – 6%; health care,
physical culture, and social support – 7%; education, science, culture and art – 13%; finance, credit,
insurance – 1%: management – 5 %; other industries – 3%.
The leaders in foreign trade in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are: JSC "Norilsky Nickel”, JSC “RUSAL
Krasnoyarsk Aluminium Plant”, JSC “Production Association Electrochemical Plant”, JSC “Lesosibirsk Wood
Processing Plant №1”, LLC “Novoangarsky Processing Plant”, CJSC “Novoyeniseysk Chemical Complex”, JSC
“Gold Mining Company "Polyus”, JSC “Reshetnev’s Information Satellite Systems”. Foreign trade operations
of these participants took 86.7 % of the whole foreign trade value.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory exports raw materials and derivative products. Leading position in the export
of the region is occupied by the production of non-ferrous and ferrous metals: aluminum, nickel, copper
and their products, inorganic chemicals (petrochemicals) and timber.
The region imports mainly consumption goods, mainly industrial equipment. The most important for
the region in terms of the imported goods in the reporting period were: machine building products (53%),
chemical products (32.5%), fuel and energy products (4.3%).
Basis for sustainable social and economic position of the region and the potential for further
development is implementing large scale investment projects on the territory of the region to develop the
traditional and create new high-tech industries. It is proved by the extensive investment activity in the
region within the recent years. Only during the last 5 years the investments in the economy of the region in
comparable prices increased by more than 2.8 times.
The largest investment project at present is the Lower Angara region. It is a long-term project, its first
phase includes cooperation of private and public companies for the construction of Boguchanskaya HPP
(3000 MW), the aluminum plant (capacity of 600 thousand tons of aluminum), wood-processing complex
(capacity 850 thousand tons of pulp, 800 thousand cub. m. of lumber). Today we can observe a large scale
development of energetic, automobile and railway infrastructures.
In the future there are plans to continue the industrial development of the Lower Angara region, to
implement development projects in gold, mining, extraction and processing of hydrocarbon resources.
There will be continued development of the transport infrastructure of the territory, which gives access to
the oil and gas fields in south of Evenkia.
The next major investment project region is the Vankor field. Production began in August 2009, and the
volume of oil production was 3.6 million metric tons in 2009. In 2010 it was planned to produce 12.6 million
tons of oil. More than 25 million tons of oil per year maximum is expected.
The result of the Vankor project will be a new center of production and processing of hydrocarbons at
the federal level.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Today the forest sector of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is undergoing serious qualitative changes, as the
region implements 7 large investment projects included in the list of priorities in the field of forestry by the
Ministry of Industry of Russia.
The region is building new power generating units in Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk and Sharypovo
(Berezovskaya hydroelectric power plant) in addition to those which already function in these cities.
In the innovation sector of the region there is a project devoted to full cycle production of
semiconductor silicon. The region is involved in the implementation a global navigation system “GLONASS”.
In order to become better integrated into the system of international economic relations on the basis
of the Krasnoyarsk airport it is proposed to create an international transport hub. In the area adjacent to
the airport it is planned to establish a special economic zone. The Project received positive assessment and
passed the first selection procedure to receive federal support.
In 2006 on the basis of four major universities of Krasnoyarsk the Siberian Federal University (SFU) was
founded. The university goal is training qualified professionals, capable of creative activity and transfer of
new technologies. The specific feature of SFU is that it cooperates with large companies operating in the
region. Krasnoyarsk large air hub and the development of the regional scientific and educational complex
on the basis of Siberian Federal University are the largest projects in the emerging Krasnoyarsk
agglomeration. These projects also include the construction of a large-scale business infrastructure,
housing, social and cultural facilities. Formation of agglomeration involves new transport corridors as well.
The region has a unique natural potential in the field of recreation and tourism. The most attractive site
is the Natural Park “Ergaki” in the Eastern Sayan Mountains. The project is being implemented.
The successful implementation of the investment plans in the Krasnoyarsk Territory allows
transforming the existing potential to the economic growth and quality of life of the population. The
Krasnoyarsk Territory will strengthen its positions as one of the leading regions14.
The social situation in Krasnoyarsk Territory may be presented in terms of subsistence minimum
(second quarter of 2014): the average subsistence minimum per capita is 9 111 rubles, for the working
population – 9 662 rubles, for pensioners – 7 103 rubles, for children 9 469 rubles. In 2014 the average
wage in the Krasnoyarsk Territory was about 34.5 thousand rubles. The minimum wage was 5554 rubles.
The level of registered unemployed is 21300 people is 1.3 % (2013). There are 1103 homeless people in the
region. 95% of homeless people live in the cities and towns, the majority (822 people) lives in Krasnoyarsk.
In the Krasnoyarsk region population growth decreased due to migration. According to Krasnoyarsk
Statistics Agency, within the 9 months of 2014 80,96 thousand people came to the region and 80,83
thousand left the region, thus the increase in population due t migration flow is 131 people. In 2013 it was
837 people.
Krasnoyarsk medical companies offer foreign citizens medical insurance. Any foreign citizen in the age
from 18 to 65 can use the new service. Insurance covers costs for diagnostic tests, surgeries, and
5. The political situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
http://www.krasstat.gks.ru/wps/wcm/connect/rosstat_ts/krasstat/ru/publications/official_publications - Report, №
1.37.1 “Socio-economic status of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in January-July 2014”.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
The status of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is defined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the
present Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In relations with federal authorities, and other entities of the
Russian Federation the Krasnoyarsk Territory has the rights equal to the rights of other entities of the
Russian Federation. The status of the territory can be modified by mutual agreement of the Russian
Federation and the region in accordance with the federal law. Change of status, names and boundaries of
the region, as well as its integration with other entities of the Russian Federation can take place on the
basis of a decision taken at the regional referendum, unless otherwise is provided by the federal law.
State power in the Territory is carried out on behalf of the Russian Federation and on behalf of the
Territory within the authorities and limits established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation
correspondingly for the Russian Federation and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory has sovereignty and authority of the Russian Federation. Federal laws have
direct effect in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Federal authorities exercise their powers in the Territory, directly
or through regional bodies.
Out of the range of the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the Russian Federation
the Krasnoyarsk Territory has full power. Powers of public authorities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is
established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, agreements, federal laws, the present Charter
and the legislative acts of the region. Powers of public authorities are established by the Charter and the
legislative acts of the Territory in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal
The Krasnoyarsk Territory is responsible for:
а) administrative and territorial division of the Territory;
b) establishing a system of state authority in the Territory in accordance with the principles of the
constitutional system and the general principles of organizing representation and executive bodies
prescribed by the federal law, the order of their organization and activity; the formation of public
authorities in the Territory;
c) property located in the state-owned land and its management;
d) regional budget, regional taxes and fees;
e) social and economic, public policy and other development programs in the region;
f) foreign economic relations, international and interregional relations in the region;
g) organization of the civil service in the region;
h) budget, financial, organizational and other support to the areas of the region, especially in the area
relating to the Far North;
i) other issues.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory has its official state symbols – the flag and coat of arms.
The region may introduce regional honors and awards, as well as prizes, scholarships and other insignia.
Grounds and procedures for awarding are determined by the regional law or a legal act of the Krasnoyarsk
Administrative and political center of the region and the meeting place of the Legislative Assembly of
the Territory, Governor and the Government of the Territory is the city of Krasnoyarsk. The status of the
Krasnoyarsk city as an administrative and political center of the Territory is determined by the law [official
portal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory www.krskstate.ru].
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Political and economic ties with Moscow
Extract from the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Bodies of state power of the Territory are involved in exercising state federal power according the
Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, treaties between the federal authorities and state
authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Conflicts in distribution of power and responsibility between the
state authorities of the Russian Federation and government bodies of the territory shall be settled in
accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws. The Krasnoyarsk Territory
cooperates with other entities of the Russian Federation, contracts economic and other bilateral and
multilateral treaties and agreements in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and
federal laws, the Charter and the laws of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Territory represented by the
regional state authorities may participate in joint activities (associations) of economic and other character
with other entities of the Russian Federation.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory has the right to act as a party in the international economic relations, sign
contracts in international and economic cooperation with foreign state and regional authorities, and
participate in the international activities within the limits established by the Constitution of the Russian
Federation, the federal laws and international treaties of the Russian Federation.
Together with the other entities of the Russian Federation and federal authorities the region
participates in coordinating international and foreign economic relations of the Russian Federation, the
implementation of the Russian Federation’s international treaties [Based on materials from the official
portal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory www.krskstate.ru].
The structure of regional and local elites
Viktor A. Tolokonsky – Acting governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Has 5 deputies, and 11 ministers.
The structure of the Governor’s Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
The structure of the Governor’s Administration of the Krasnoyarsk Territory includes: deputies,
authorized representatives, co-advisers, secretariat, various departments and offices.
Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the legislature branch of power) is represented by
working on a permanent basis 52 deputies in the 9 committees [Based on materials from the official portal
of the Krasnoyarsk Territory www.krskstate.ru].
The structure of the political and administrative authorities
In accordance with the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory the system of legislative and executive
branches of power in the Territory is set independently in accordance with the principles of the
constitutional system of the Russian Federation and the general principles of organization of legislative
(representative) and state executive bodies of entities of the Russian Federation. The judicial bodies of the
Territory are created in accordance with the federal constitutional laws, federal laws, the Constitution and
the regional legislation. Public authorities in the Territory are formed and act on the basis of the unity of
the system of state power of the Russian Federation, separation of powers between the state authorities of
the Russian Federation and the bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation on the basis of
the principles of supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, the Charter and
regional laws, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, democracy, federalism, parliamentarism,
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
competence, responsibility and other principles, specified by federal laws and the Charter of the Territory.
The system of state authorities of the region includes:
- legislative (representative) body of state power of the Krasnoyarsk Territory – Legislative Assembly
of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- the highest official of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- the highest executive body of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the Government of the Krasnoyarsk
- other executive authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
- Magistrates of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Government authorities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory consist of:
1) Administration of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
2) Election Commission of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
3) Accounts Chamber of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
4) Commissioner for Human Rights in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The constitution and law
Constitutional and legal status of the Territory as an entity of the Russian Federation results in the
regional Charter, laws, territory, population, system of public authorities and powers, property, official
state symbols and other signs belonging to the status of the state territorial entity.
Doctrine and government programs for immigration and national politics
State program to assist the voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian
Federation. The main objectives of the State program developed at the initiative of Russian President
Vladimir Putin and approved by Presidential Decree of 22 June 2006 № 637, are to promote and organize
the voluntary resettlement of compatriots to Russia, to make up for the natural decline in population in the
country by attracting compatriots for permanent residence in the Russian Federation. With the adoption of
the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation № 1289 on September 14, 2012 the State Program
acquired permanent character. In this case, the certificates of participants of the State program issued
before 1 January 2013 are valid until January 1, 2015. Program of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is represented
on the official website of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: www.krskstate.ru.
With the direct support from the deputies of United Russia party the Krasnoyarsk Territory adopted
subprogram “Events aimed at realization of the strategic national policy in the Krasnoyarsk Territory” for
The objectives of the program are developing ethnic and cultural diversity of the peoples of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, harmonization of national and international (inter-ethnic) relations, successful social
and cultural adaptation and integration of migrants, increased inter ethnic tolerance in the public society of
the region. As a part of the program there will be activities aimed at the preservation and development of
national and cultural identity of the peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Migration has a significant impact on the size and composition of the population of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. In 2013, the migration flows were characterized by the following indicators: the number of
arrivals in Krasnoyarsk Territory amounted to 110 347 people (7.6% more than in 2012), the number of
emigrants from the Krasnoyarsk Territory – 108 956 people (10.4%).
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
A large majority of migrants are people of working age. In general the demographic structure of
migrants who arrived to the Krasnoyarsk Territory with in recent years has not changed, and in 2013 the
situation was as follows: 15.5% of migrants are under the working age, 75.4% are the working-age
population and 9.1% are people of retirement age.
The Concept in Migrant policy15 is the grounds for the Plan worked out for realizing the first stage of the
Concept in the Territory. The Plan on the activities until 2015 involves participation of non-government
organizations including cooperation with religious, national and cultural organizations.
In this connection one of the basic ideas of the migrant policy defined by the Constitution is promoting
cultural development in interethnic and interreligious relationships, formation the skills in intercultural
communication (for migrants) and discouraging xenophobia, national and race intolerance – that is
developing tolerance.
Siberian Federal University and the Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University offer courses in the
Russian language as foreign. There are courses of Russian in some schools of Krasnoyarsk for children with
migrant background. The goal of the free of charge language courses are not only language study but
solving the problems in intercultural communication as the participants of the courses belong to different
nationalities and religions. Such experience allows to cut down confrontation between the different ethnic
groups and supports intercultural dialogue.
In 2015 the changes were introduced in the legislation on migration. These changes include
examinations in Russian legislation, language and history all the migrants will have to pass before they get
official permission to live and work on the territory of the RF.
Krasnoyarsk Agency of Federal Migrant Department of RF cooperates with religious organizations
beginning from 2011 in supporting cultural and language education of migrants. There were signed the
three Agreements with Krasnoyarsk Episcopacy, the Yeniseysk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and
Spiritual directorate of the Muslims. At present the parties came to an agreement on starting the work in
cultural and language adaptation of migrants in the Episcopacy curacy16.
Political and civil institutions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are interested in the fast adaptation of the
arriving immigrants; the migrants are expected to increase their knowledge level in the legislature and
language and obtain legal right to work in the Krasnoyarsk territory. The State program in assisting the
voluntary resettlement of compatriots living abroad to the Russian Federation for the period 2013-2020 is
also functioning in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Regional legislature concerning the mentioned above ethnic groups and ethnic minorities
The relations are governed by the regional legislature on the mentioned above ethnic groups and ethnic
minorities, by the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated from 6 October 2011 N 13-6273 “On
Amendments to the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory “On protection of the original environment and
traditional way of living of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. 17
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory the additional measures of state support are provided to families with
children, who live in Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets, Evenkiysky Municipal Districts, Yeniseysky, Severo-Yeniseysky,
Turuhansky and Tyukhtet Districts.
http://docs.cntd.ru/document/ - Concept in Migrant Policy
http://www.krasufms.ru/stateprog/ - Krasnoyarsk Agency of Federal Migrant Department of RF
Garant System: http://base.garant.ru/18617669/#ixzz2y7KnmP1i
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
In 2011 – 2013 the government support measures were provided in accordance with the following
normative legal acts:
• The long-term target program “Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of Krasnoyarsk Territory” for
2012-2014, approved by the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated from 13.10.2011 № 591-п;
• The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated from 18.12.2008 № 7-2670 “On provision of local
governments in Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District and its settlements with state authority on social
support of certain categories of citizens residing in the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal district of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, as well as with the authorities of the state registration of civil status”;
• The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated from 18.12.2008 № 7-2660 “On social support of citizens
living in Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”;
• The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated from 01.12.2011 № 13-6668 “On provision of the local
government in Turukhansky District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with certain state powers to provide
measures of state support to the indigenous small-numbered peoples in Turukhansky District of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory”;
• The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated from 18.12.2008 № 7-2666 “On provision of the local
government in Evenkiysky Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with certain state powers to
provide measures of social support to the certain categories of citizens in Evenkiysky Municipal District of
the Krasnoyarsk Territory and measures to organize specialized medical care”;
• The Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated from 18.12.2008 № 7-2658 “On social support of citizens
living in Evenkiysky Municipal District of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”.
The indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, leading a traditional lifestyle, are provided with
the following measures of state support:
• additional scholarships. 189 students belonging to the indigenous small-numbered peoples received
an additional scholarship. 288 students received an additional scholarship, total amount 3,608.0 thousand
rubles in 2013;
• reimbursement of tuition fees. In 2013, the reimbursement received 34 students, total amount of
822.0 thousand rubles;
• reimbursing travel expenses from the place of study to the place of residence once a year. The total
amount of 1066.4 thousand rubles was spent on 113 students;
• baby sets for newborns for women from the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North, when
they give birth to a child. In 2013 290 families received baby sets, the total amount 1147.6 thousand rubles;
• providing to children belonging to the indigenous minorities of the North a free transportation from
the villages, where the parents (legal representatives) have a permanent place of residence to the place
where the parents (legal representatives’) live outside of the village (in the tundra, in the woods, in hunting
and fishing places) and back once a year by air transport. In 2011, 179 children were ensured by the free
drive from the settlement of a fixed place of residence of their parents to their workplace on the fishing
grounds and back totaling 3,232.20 thousand rubles. In 2013 219 children were provided free
transportation, for the total amount 6,242.6 thousand rubles18.
http://krao.ru - Report “On the situation of children and families with children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Politics and religion
There are 296 registered religious organizations, belonging to the 14 confessions (Russian Orthodox
Church, the Old Believers, True Orthodox Church, the Armenian Apostolic Church, Roman Catholic Church,
Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Lutheran, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh-Day Adventists, Evangelical Baptists,
and Evangelical Christians (Pentecostals) and others) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The main political parties and their position on the multi-ethnic society and problems associated with
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are 45 regional branches of political parties, 3 local party offices and
94 associations.
In the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are 4 representatives of parties: United
Russia – 33 people, the Communist Party – 8, Fair Russia – 5, Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) – 4
and 2 people do not belong to any party.
United Russia has 69 local branches in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. United Party of Russia implements 45
projects in the Krasnoyarsk Territory; within this study the two projects are realized: “National Union”
(target – harmonization of interethnic relations, providing conditions for comfortable living in the Territory
of people of different nationalities), “The Future for Northerners” (goal – development of the northern
areas as part of the region; preserving cultural identity and traditional way of living of the peoples of the
LDPR from its founding has had a special focus in providing a favorable condition for compatriots,
Russia-speaking people, returning to Russia from the former Soviet republics and the newly created states
[Based on materials from the official portal of the Krasnoyarsk Territory www.krskstate.ru].
Regional authorities responsible for the multicultural and multi-ethnic relations in the society
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there exists a PR body of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the
Social Development Agency for the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
In 2013 at the initiative of the Governor of the region, member of the presidium of the regional
executive committee of the “United Russia” Lev Kuznetsov established a Ministry of Northern Regions for
Supporting the Indigenous Small-Numbered Peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Areas of responsibility in legislation (at the national, regional and local level) concerning issues related
to ethnic and religious integration
At the federal level the issues of prevention of extremism and harmonization of interethnic and
interreligious relations are handled by different government agencies: Ministry of Regional Development of
Russia; Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs (migration issues); Russian Ministry of Justice; Russian Ministry
of Education; Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Sport, Tourism and Youth Policy;
Russian Ministry of Communications; Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia (in the sphere of international
relations); Russian Ministry of Economic Development; Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia
(in the field of employment and labour migration); General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation
(implementation of laws on federal security, international relations, withstanding extremism and
terrorism); Russian Federal Security Service identifies and prevents, carries pretrial investigation, identifies,
prevents and quells acts of terrorism.
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Interaction of public authorities with national civil society institutions is carried out via the public
national assemblies and the National Assembly of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North of
the Krasnoyarsk Territory, international cultural center at Krasnoyarsk Palace of labour and Concord, the
Council of the heads of youth national associations and other meeting sites.
Initiatives and best practices, promoted by local and regional governments to maintain peace and
dialogue between different ethnic groups and religions
The strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 was
asserted by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated from 19.12.2012 No. 1666.
Models and theoretical postulates on the basis of ethnic and religious integrative politics
According to the Decree № 602 of the President of the Russian Federation the working group of the
Presidential Council on international relations prepared a draft of strategy for national policy. The strategy
is a basic Document of the state national policy, based on the historical features and actual problems of
Russia’s development, it defines the main directions of state national policy, provides the basis for
coordinating the activities of federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian
Federation, bodies of local self-government, civil society institutions.
This problem was discussed in the decision of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of
21.01.1999 No. 5-263p “On the concept of regional national policies of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. The
concept of regional national policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is a modern system of science-based
theoretical propositions defining principles of the bodies of state power and local self-government in the
region, in the sphere of national relations.
The concept of the regional national policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is based on the principles of the
Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the laws of the Russian
Federation and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the generally accepted norms of international law. It is
designed in accordance with the basic key concepts of the state policy of the Russian Federation.
The concept of the regional national policy is a document designed to take into account the interests of
all the peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and to uphold the interests of the Territory as a member of the
Federation in federal relations on the principles of primacy of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.
6. Language situation
In the Krasnoyarsk region there live groups of Slavic, Turkic, Altaic languages’ speakers, speakers of the
languages of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North. A total of 138 languages are spoken on
the Territory. State language in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is Russian. Other languages of living in the region
peoples are used in order established by the federal law (the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Article
27, http://www.sobranie.info/statute.php?UID=7028).
In order to preserve the identity of the spiritual culture of the peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory of
both indigenous peoples and diaspora there are national-cultural associations, working to revive national
traditions, culture and language. There are also conducted various seminars, in the agenda of which there
are such important issues of public policy for the conservation of cultures and languages of national
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minorities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the mechanisms of interaction between civil society, nongovernmental organizations and public authorities in the conservation and protection of minority
languages, the problem of preservation of languages and traditional culture of the indigenous ethnic groups
of Taimyr, Evenkiysky and Turukhansky Municipal Districts and a number of other topics. In the end of May
in the international exhibition and business center “Siberia” there was information workshop on
“Strengthening the role of non-governmental organizations involved in the protection of culture and
languages of the national minorities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory”.
Education in schools is conducted in Russian. Learning of the national language is rather optional.
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are realized many large investment projects, so the region is very
interesting for foreign nationals. On December 1, 2013 in the Territory there was adopted a norm according
to which the foreigner must prove knowledge of the Russian language.
Certificate of state testing in the Russian language as a foreign language can be obtained by the
following addresses:
1. Krasnoyarsk, Svobodny Pr., 82, the audience U441A (Center for International education of SFU).
Acceptance for testing is carried out by appointment in advance. Tel. (391) 206-27-82 from 14.00 to 16.00
every day (except Saturday and Sunday).
2. Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsky Rabochiy Pr., 31, building "A", room 102 (Center for testing certification of
SibSAU named after Reshetnev). Е-mail: cpas_sibsau@mail.ru, tel. 291-91-75.
3. Krasnoyarsk, Parkovaya St., 8, office. 109 (Center for State certification testing Siberian Institute of
Business, Management and Psychology). Е-mail: testsibup@mail.ru, tel. 286-16-58.
4. Krasnoyarsk, Krupskaya St, 32, office 1-1 (scientific and educational institution of additional
professional education "Safety-K").Е-mail: bezopasn_K_24@mail.ru, tel. 247-52-58, 247-52-40.
In these institutions there are conducted training courses for foreign citizens to pass the tests.
In social interactions Russian language is used. However, on the territory of Krasnoyarsk region there are
national-cultural autonomy, which, together with the Russian, use national languages as means of
Bilingualism is officially registered in the Republic of Khakassia, which in December 1990 left the
Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to Article 69 of the Constitution of the Republic of Khakassia official
languages in the Republic of Khakassia are19 the Russian and Khakassian languages (similar provision is
contained in paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the Law of the Republic of Khakassia dated 20.10.1992 № 11 “On
the languages of the peoples of the Republic of Khakassia”).
The vast majority of the media in the Krasnoyarsk region is also in Russian. Information about the
existence of the media in other languages is missing.
7. The education system
The regional system of education (The description is based on official data on the website of the
Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk territory http://krao.ru)
In the 2013-2014 academic years, a network of secondary schools and other organizations of additional
for children of Krasnoyarsk Territory includes:
http://www.admkrsk.ru – Official site of administration of the city of Krasnoyarsk
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- pre-school state (municipal) and private educational institutions – 1010, in which the number of
children in groups of full-time staying – 123 582 (as of 01.11.2013);
- municipal organizations of primary, basic and secondary education – 1118 (including 15 evening
schools, 133 branches), enrollment in them include 288 168 pupils (hereinafter – as of 05.10.2013);
- regional cadet boarding schools, military schools and the Mariinsky Gymnasium – 10, in which the
number of pupils is 2 818;
- regional state comprehensive autonomous institution “The Krasnoyarsk Territory boarding school of
secondary (complete) general education for gifted children “School of Cosmonautics”- 1, its students’
number – 339;
- regional special (correctional) educational institutions for students and pupils with disabilities – 37;
educational institutions for children in need of psychological, educational, medical and social assistance, –
15, in which students’ number – 4577;
- regional sanatorium boarding schools – 3 with two branches, the students’ number in them – 991;
- regional center for psychological, medical and social support with five branches;
- regional evening (shift) secondary schools – 8 with 5 branches, in which students’ number – 1821;
- non-state educational institutions – 8, in which students’ number – 885;
- 144 institutions of further education of children, which engage 129.6 thousand schoolchildren;
institution of additional professional education (training) for professionals, where annually more than
20,000 teachers participate in professional development activities, about 10,000 teachers are trained on
223 licensed and accredited educational programs of training and retraining.
Total in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as of 09.05.2013 the state (municipal) institutions of comprehensive
education train 299,297 children, including 75,564 children in 740 rural educational institutions, 223,733
children are taught in 430 municipal educational institutions.
The system operates 67 NGO schools, 29 vocational secondary educational institutions, attended by
42,270 people.
In addition, the Krasnoyarsk Territory has 10 state federal state universities and one non-governmental
university with the enrollment of 98,997 students.
The education system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory has 1010 functioning pre-school educational
institutions (including 19 departmental kindergartens and 2 private kindergartens). More than 110,000
children (56.2% of the total number of children aged 1 to 7 years) are attending these kindergartens.
Overall, pre-school education reached more than 120,000 children from 0 to 7 years.
32,840 employees work in pre-school educational establishments of all types in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory (including day-care assistants – 13,094 employees).
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is an automated information system “Receiving statements for
entering the institutions of preschool education”. The system was put into operation in October 2012. The
system works with all municipalities of the region (61 local authorities).
State Policy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the protection of children's rights is based on the following
• creation of economic, legal, social and environmental conditions for the development of physical,
mental and moral health of the child, formation and self-realization of the individual;
http://krao.ru - Report “On the situation of children and families with children in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for
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• education the child patriotism, citizenship, involvement into national and world culture;
• ensuring children’s right to education in the family, providing parents, adoptive parents and guardians
with the due assistance;
• allocation from the regional budget funds needed for social support for children;
• protecting children from the factors that negatively affect their physical, intellectual, mental, spiritual
and moral development.
There are some religious schools in the region. There is the Orthodox school in Lesosibirsk, where
students receive a General secondary education, pass the State exam and receive documents of the
Cadet education
The system of cadet and female secondary education in the Krasnoyarsk region began its history in
1998. The system is directly supervised by the Governor of the region: one of the founders of it was the
former Governor A.I. Lebed.
Currently, the system of cadet and female secondary education includes 7 cadet boarding schools,
optimally located on the territory of the region, one cadet school, two female Mariinsky school, Center for
Continuing Education “Honor and Glory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”. The founder of these educational
institutions is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The system passed the
stage of its development; there is a project of development strategy for cadet and female secondary
education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory until 2020, which was submitted to the Government of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Some large Diaspora (Armenian, Tajik, Azerbaijani) support ethnic Sunday schools as cultural centers.
System of supplementary education in the region
In the regional educational system a share of children and young people engaged in additional
education co-constitutes 70% of the total number of children and young people aged 5 to 18 years.
In the regional educational system there are 144 institutions of additional education of children, which
engage 129.6 thousand schoolchildren.
The regional state educational institutions of additional education of children include: The Krasnoyarsk
Territory state budget educational institution of additional education for children “Krasnoyarsk Regional
Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren”, The Krasnoyarsk Territory state budget educational institution of
additional education for children “Krasnoyarsk Regional Children and Youth Centre “Centre for Tourism and
Region Studies”, The Krasnoyarsk Territory state budget educational institution of additional education for
children “Krasnoyarsk Regional station of young naturalists”, The Krasnoyarsk Territory state budget
educational institution of additional education for children Krasnoyarsk Regional Center for Continuing
Education for children – distance science school of Siberian Federal University, The Krasnoyarsk Territory
state budget educational institution of additional education for children “Krasnoyarsk Regional Center for
Continuing Education for Children “Honor and Glory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”, The Krasnoyarsk
Territory state budget educational institution of additional education for children “Krasnoyarsk Regional
Children and Youth Sports School”, Municipal educational organizations of supplementary education for
children (as on 01.09.2013).
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The system of state support for orphans and children left without parental care
4 basic orphanages (resource centers) “Minusinsky orphanage”, “Kansky orphanage named after Y.A.
Gagarin, “Achinsky orphanage №1”, “Lesosibirsky orphanage named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky”;
3 orphanages with the centers of psycho-pedagogical support of pupils: “Sosnovoborsky orphanage”;
“Kansky orphanage named after Y.A. Gagarin, “Achinsky orphanage №1”, “Lesosibirsky orphanage named
after F.E. Dzerzhinsky”;
6 orphanages with the centers of social and labour adaptation and guidance: “Ermakovsky orphanage”,
“Tesinsky orphanage”, “Esaulovsky orphanage”, “Partizansky orphanage”, “Irbeysky orphanage”,
“Shushensky orphanage №1”.
1 foster home: “Orphanage of family type” in Divnogorsk;
21 typical orphanages.
Institutions of primary and secondary vocational education
Children of different nationalities study in Krasnoyarsk schools. Children integrate into the school
environment; many schools hold special programs for the integration of migrant children into the culture of
the host community. The norm was to conduct of polyculture holidays, make adjustments to the program
of academic disciplines devoted to the study (or at least mention) of the culture of the people, whose
representatives attend school. There are cultural centers in several schools, where representatives of
migrant communities can learn Russian language, get advice on adaptation to local conditions. For
example, in school №16 a special centre for the study of migrants of Russian as a foreign language was
established. For schools teachers special seminars on the development of their multicultural competence,
styles and technology are held. So, seminars for the study of Russian as a foreign training, taking into
account national and cultural peculiarities of the pupils of the school are conducted for teachers of the
Russian language. Networking schools in which learns a large number of migrant children were created.
Joint activities, events, seminars, exchange of experience are conducted. Inter-ethnic conflicts have not
been fixed in schools over the last 5 years; migrant children successfully finish schools, go to Colleges.
Although the official state language in the territory of Krasnoyarsk region is Russian, children in national
schools (Evenk and Taymyr) learn their native language. Recently the number of such schools has
decreased, causing alarm among authorities. Work on restoring the status of the languages of small
indigenous peoples of the North is on the process.
Institutions of primary and secondary vocational education train more than 42 thousand people from
among the young people and carry out an annual professional training, retraining of more than 20
thousand people out of the adult population, including more than 10.8 thousand people on orders of
enterprises, 14.5 thousand people according to contracts with individuals and 4.4 thousand people under
contracts with employment centers.
The system operates in 65 schools of primary vocational education and 38 educational institutions of
secondary vocational education. Preparation is carried out to teach 80 trades and professions. Now in the
region there are 11 hightech centers, realizing a new type of educational programs under the qualification
requirements of employers, they are preparing professionals with high levels of skill. In 2012, these centers
prepared 5,968 representatives of the adult population in the total amount of 42.5 million rubles.
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Creation of 6 modern institutions was possible as a result of state support of primary and secondary
vocational education, introducing innovative educational programs, within the framework of the priority
national project “Education”. In modernization there was an investment of 316,693 thousand rubles,
including the federal budget funds – 150,912 thousand rubles, the regional budget funds – 136,590
thousand rubles, the funds of employers – 29,191 thousand rubles.
High School in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
The higher education system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is represented by 11 universities, 10 of which
are state and 1 – non-state. 5 institutions of higher education have the status of a university, one is
assigned to the category of “federal university”, 4 are university institutes and 1 has the status of the
academy. The system of higher education is complemented by a network of branches of higher state
institutions. The total number of students in higher education institutions of the region is 98,997 students
(of which 59,880 – in full-time education), with the system employing 6,326 teachers (including 654 doctors
and 3162 candidates of sciences). The structure of specialties in universities almost completely covers the
need for economic and social spheres in the region in experts with specialized training.
In Siberian federal district according to the specific number of university students the Krasnoyarsk
Territory ranks second, behind the Novosibirsk Oblast. Currently in post-graduate system of universities
and research organizations in the region there are 2,168 people. Every year, more than 200 graduate
students are to protect or defend their candidates’ dissertations.
The leader of the modernization of the education system in the region is FSAEI HPE “Siberian Federal
University”, created in the framework of the priority national project “Education” by Governmental Decree
№ 1518-r dated November 4, 200621.
Upon admission to the University official language is Russian. The nationality of the students is not taken
into account, representatives of more than 30 different nationalities study in SibFU. There are national
cultural associations (Diaspora) or student fraternities of some major ethnic groups in the University: the
Republic Plow (Yakutia), Tyva, the Armenian Diaspora, the Tatar national-cultural Association, etc., These
Diaspora are supported by "older" associations or public authorities in the respective States, conscious of
the training. Especially powerful support to their students gives Republic Sokha (Yakutia), in which there is a
strong growth of national consciousness.
8. Religions
National composition of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has extreme diversity and a wide range of
denominations, which is the result of complex ethno-cultural, demographic and political processes, so the
socio-cultural space of the Krasnoyarsk Territory pays special attention to the preservation and
development of national traditions, customs and culture.
In the Krasnoyarsk region the following structures to promote inter-religious cooperation are organized:
the Expert Council for conducting state religious expertise in the management of the Ministry of justice of
Russia on Krasnoyarsk region (since 2009); Inter-religious Council (traditional denominations) of
Krasnoyarsk region (since 2003); the Council of religious institutions of Krasnoyarsk region – Interfaith
http://www.krskstate.ru - Krasnoyarsk Territory, the official portal
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
meeting (since 2004); Board of Muslims of the Krasnoyarsk region in the management of public relations
(since 2002); Interagency Council on the interaction of bodies and institutions of the health region and the
Krasnoyarsk diocese and other religious organizations (1996); Committee of the heads of Christian churches
in Yenisei region (since 2005); Coordinating Council on issues of social and spiritual rehabilitation and
prevention of psychoactive substance used in the Krasnoyarsk region (since 2006.) and others.
Information on centralized religious organization, registered in the Krasnoyarsk Territory22:
- centralized religious organization United Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory (Krasnoyarsk muftiat) (Islam)
- centralized religious organization of the Union of Churches of “Christian life” Christians of Evangelical
Faith (Pentecostal) (Christians of Evangelical Faith-Pentecostals)
- centralized religious organization “United Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory” (Christians of Evangelical Faith)
- centralized religious organization of Evangelical Christians “Regional Association of Churches of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory” (Christians of Evangelical Faith)
- centralized religious organization of Coordinational Christian missionary center of Evangelical
Christians-Baptists “Pilgrim” un the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Evangelical Baptists)
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are large centralized religious organizations that have been registered
by the Russian Ministry of Justice (registered – in the NPO Department):
- religious organization of Krasnoyarsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate).
Metropolitan of Krasnoyarsk and Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk Chapter archdiocese, Managing Krasnoyarsk Diocese
of the Russian Orthodox Church Panteleimon;
- religious organization of Yeniseysky Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate).
Bishop of Yeniseysk and Norilsk, managing Yeniseysky Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Nicodim;
- religious organization Kansk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate). Bishop of
Kansk and Boguchany, managing Kansk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church Filaret;
- centralized religious organization of Evangelical Christians “Light of the Gospel” (Evangelical Christians
“New Generation”);
- centralized religious organization of evangelical Christians “Evangelical Christian Church”.
Religious educational institutions (secondary and higher educational institutions):
- private educational institution “Yeniseysk Orthodox Gymnasium” (Yeniseysk), 63 pupils;
- private educational institution “Lesosibirsk Orthodox Gymnasium”, 169 pupils;
- private educational institution “Achinsk Primary Orthodox Gymnasium”, 56 pupils;
- private educational institution Secondary School “Origins” of the Church of the Last Testament, 190
Subject “Basics of religious cultures and secular ethics” is taught in 1103 schools, including 135
branches. Classes are taught by teachers of primary schools, history and social science, Russian language
and literature, world culture, representatives of religious organizations. In 10 cadet corps the subject
Information has been prepared by Dvoretskaya A.P., Cand. of Hist. Sciences, Assoc.Prof. of Department of Russian
History SFU on the basis of the report of archival materials in 2013. Office of Public Relations of the Governor of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory http://www.krskstate.ru/society/uprav
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
“Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture” is taught (note: the number of students is given at the beginning of
the school year 2013/2014)
Social partnership between the state and religious organizations
The Ministry of Health of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Archdiocese of ROC:
Constant activities of Orthodox clergy and sisterhoods of mercy in the hospital temples and stationary
health institutions in the region. Moral support and spiritual care to patients under treatment in the
hospital. Participation in the World TB Day in conjunction with antituberculosis service of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. The activities of the Diocesan Brotherhood of sobriety in Krasnoyarsk Diocese of the ROC, with
branches in the Yeniseysky and Kansk Dioceses of the ROC. There is held IV Festival of Orthodox Youth “For
a healthy lifestyle!” dedicated to the prevention of alcoholism and alcohol and drug addiction (120
participants). The section “Orthodox medicine” in the XIII Krasnoyarsk Regional Christmas Readings;
meeting of the Society of orthodox doctors and Sisterhood of charity: “Social service of the Sisters of
Mercy”. The work of the priests in 27 Orthodox churches and chapels in hospitals.
Activities of 138 Sisters of Mercy in 12 branches of the Sisterhood of Mercy in 8 territories in the
Territory, including: 9 – in Krasnoyarsk Diocese of ROC, 2 – in Yeniseysky Diocese of the Russian Orthodox
Church, 1 – in Kansk Diocese of ROC. In the hospital temples in 2012 there were held 60 liturgies, 50prayer
services, and more than 360 different occasional services. There were holding weekly meetings of
Brotherhood of sobriety. A total number of members – 150 people. In 2013, there were 10 seminars, 256
individual counseling of psychologist. Effectiveness of the work: the annual remission after the full course
of 3-4 people out of 10, after individual sessions with a psychologist – 6 out of 10 people.
Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk region and Krasnoyarsk Diocese of Russian
Orthodox Church:
As part of the XIII Krasnoyarsk Regional Christmas Readings there were held activities to celebrate the
Day of Orthodox culture and days of Slavonic Literature and Culture; there were held problem roundtables
with the media, consulting and teacher training in educating basics of Orthodox faith; advising parents of
school students on the choice of course modules “Basics of religious cultures and secular ethics”,
excursions to the temples for teachers of the subject “Basics of religious cultures and secular ethics”. It is
popularized spirituality in education, there are held orthodox education of educators and other areas’
specialists through joint educational projects.
Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Diocese of Russian Orthodox Church:
XIII Krasnoyarsk Regional Christmas readings, XVII Krasnoyarsk Regional Easter Arts and Charity Festival,
XVIII Krasnoyarsk Regional Festival of Spiritual Culture “Pokrovsky Meetings”, popularization of spirituality
and Orthodox culture in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the restoration of the national traditions of celebrating
Christmas, Easter and Feast of the Intercession.
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Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Archdiocese of Russian
Orthodox Church:
In 2013 for the purpose of spiritual, moral, cultural, aesthetic and patriotic education of the personnel in
the police Russian Orthodox Church clergy conducted 88 lectures and conversations. The priests took part
in the 27 roundtables on topical issues in the field of police and in 200 actions and events. Each department
in the city of Krasnoyarsk police has its own priest. As curators the priests provide psychological, spiritual
and moral support for the police officers and their families; work with the public on prevention of
infringements of law and crime. During Baptism of Jesus Holiday there are excursions for policy employees
in the Orthodox churches, on the Day of Defender of the Fatherland there held a friendly game of minifootball among employees of police and priests.
Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (the Federal Service for Execution of
Punishment) and Krasnoyarsk Archdiocese of ROC:
At the diocesan administration there was established a department for cooperation with the
penitentiary institutions. In the colonies there are constantly 22 Orthodox churches and 19 prayer rooms of
ROC. The travelling temple on the basis of the all-terrain car ZIL-131 during 2013 regularly worked on sites
Penal Colony-1 and Penal Colony-26. The machine has an autonomous heating system for trips in the
winter. To carry out organized religious rites there was provided adjacent to the car tent 4 by 4.40 meters.
During the charity action “Christmas behind bars” more than 40 juvenile defendants received Christmas
sweets and icons. All participants were awarded with diplomas. All penal colonies and remand prisons
cooked a special Easter holiday menu, bakeries baked Easter cakes. In Kansk educational colony students
enrolled in “Baker” program prepared themselves Easter buns and paint Easter eggs. In addition to Easter
services in a number of charitable institutions of Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
there were held concerts of Orthodox choir. In October 2013, Orthodox and Lutheran priests from Bulgaria
and Hungary visited Krasnoyarsk to exchange experience of prison spiritual guidelines.
Russian Federal Penitentiary Service in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and United Spiritual Administration of
Muslims of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. With the assistance of the Mufti of the Krasnoyarsk Territory 10
penitentiary institutions organized common prayer rooms (of Orthodox and Islamic religion) for convicted
prisoners in the units with the strict conditions of serving the sentence; in a penal colony IK -42 a mosque
was built and activities were organized to build a mosque in a penal colony IK -16. In November 2013 on the
basis of a penal colony IK -27 there was held an event dedicated to the celebration of Kurban Bayram.
There are 1 mosque and 10 prayer rooms.
Russian Federal Penitentiary Service in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Buddhist religious associations. In
February 2013 the convicted Tuvinians in the penal colonies IK -27 and IK -31 celebrated New Year on the
eastern calendar. This event was held in the Federal Penitentiary Service for the second year in a row.
Wrestlers in national costumes – the convicted people from the IK-27 and IK-31 – under the cheers of the
audience showed agility and strength in the traditional struggle “khuresh”. The winner in the battle
performed eagle dance, which is the traditional end of the fight. Then there was the national game “Tevek”
(akin to Russian game “Who Knows?”), after which the participants of the event sang songs in the Tuvan
language and watched a film about their native place “Journey to Tuva”.
On 18.05.2013 on the basis of the penal colony IK-27 there were held cultural mass events dedicated to
the “Day of Culture of the Republic of Tuva”. The celebration began with sporting events – the struggle
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
“khuresh”. After the competition, there was a tea party with singing national songs. There is 1 prayer room
for Buddhists.
Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Krasnoyarsk Jewish religious association:
The system of penitentiary institutions of the region 1 prayer room for Jewish believers.
Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Siberian Prison Ministers Association
Represented predominantly by Protestant religious associations. In 2013, the institutions of Penitentiary
Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Teritory saw about 500 of spiritual and moral activities, including 40
sports and cultural events. On the basis of churches cooperating with SPMA, there are adaptation centers
for people released from prison, as well as rehabilitation centers for people with drug and alcohol
addiction. There is work on social support for people released from prison, who asked for the help of the
Association. In the regional prison system there are 8 prayer rooms of religious associations affiliated to
SPMA. Among those released from prison and passed through re-socialization in SPMA centers there is a
sharp reduction in recurrent manifestations. Humanitarian assistance to prisoners is provided.
Hare Krishnas (Vaishnavas) perform traditional charity programs of social support. They carried out
orders of social services of Sverdlovsky and Oktyabrsky Districts of Krasnoyarsk.
9. Crime: Past and Present
According to data from the portal of legal statistics of General Prosecutor Office http://crimestat.ru
In 2013, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranked eleventh in the country in the number of registered crimes. In
2012, the number of crimes was 58,585 (for comparison, in 2011 in the region there was registered 63,087
crimes, a year earlier – 71,009). Picture remains the same, if we start from the relation of crimes’ number
per hundred thousand people – all the same eleventh place, however, against the thirteenth position in
2012. Beginning in 2012, all in all there is a positive dynamics of crime detection.
Indicators of crime detection in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (according to the portal of legal statistics of
the General Prosecutor Office http://crimestat.ru)
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory there were recorded crimes of: terrorist character – in 2012 – 1, in 2013 – 3;
extremist orientation – in 2012 – 6, in 2013 – 12.
Particularly serious crimes committed by juveniles or with their complicity were pre-investigated: in
2012 – 39, in 2013 – 56, serious crimes: in 2012 – 450, in 2013 – 474, medium-gravity crimes: in 2012 –
1211, in 2013 – 1147, minor crimes: in 2012 – 622, in 2013 – 641.
Particularly serious crimes committed while intoxicated were pre-investigated: in 2012 – 531, in 2013 –
520, serious crimes: in 2012 – 1652, in 2013 – 1631, medium-gravity crimes: in 2012 – 3350, in 2013 – 3269,
minor crimes: in 2012 – 4483, in 2013 – 4590. The number of the identified perpetrators of the crime while
intoxicated in 2012 – 9181, in 2013 – 9546.
Particularly serious crimes committed under the influence of narcotics were pre-investigated: in 2012 –
45, in 2013 – 42, serious crimes: in 2012 – 228, in 2013 – 119, medium-gravity crimes: in 2012 – 159, in
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
2013 – 81, minor crimes: in 2012 – 14, in 2013 – 13. The number of the identified perpetrators of the crime
under the influence of narcotics in 2012 – 439, in 2013 – 253.
As for pre-investigated extremist crimes, in 2012 – 1, in 2013 – 10.
The number of extremist crimes, criminal cases of which were directed to the court: in 2012 – 1, in 2013
– 9.
The number of crimes related to illegal drug trafficking, criminal cases of which were directed to the
court: in 2012 – 3887, in 2013 – 3203.
The number of crimes committed by foreign citizens and stateless people: in 2012 – 585, in 2013 – 526.
The number of the Identified foreign citizens and stateless people who have committed crimes: in 2012
– 389, in 2013 – 427.
The number of the recorded crimes against foreign citizens and stateless people: in 2012 – 198, in 2013
– 228.
The Krasnoyarsk Territory Prosecutor Michael Savchin states: “Residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
continue to show tolerance, so that the region does not become a place of strife due to national or religious
In Krasnoyarsk, there was approved the concept of the city program to prevent extremism, the press
service of the city administration said. The key issue is the formation of tolerance in society. In Krasnoyarsk
extremism prevention is done systemically. Now the city administration is developing a special program,
whose concept has already been approved. The system of program activities includes sections
“Personality”, “Family”, “State”, “Organizational and informational support” for events of all social
According to the deputy head of the city of Legal Affairs – chief of the department of public safety – Yuri
Strigin, “Under these circumstances, only by means of program-oriented approach we may solve the
problem of xenophobic attitudes in society, more effectively prevent terrorism and extremism. Only
through an integrated approach, supported by appropriate financial and logistical support, we can achieve
a higher level of anti-extremist protection of residents of Krasnoyarsk. But we need to combine the efforts
of law enforcement officials, representatives of state and local authorities, civil society, media, as well as
educational and cultural”23.
10. Relations between the various religious and ethnic groups
Marriages (and divorces, if possible) between spouses of different ethnic groups
no data, no research on the topic.
Marriages (and divorces, if possible) between spouses of different religious beliefs
no data, no research on the topic.
Polls of students at Krasnoyarsk universities fixed presence at the level of three generations (children –
parents – grandparents) the presence of other nationalities’ roots for 70-75% of the respondents.
http://crimestat.ru – Portal of legal statistics of the General Prosecutor Office of the Russian Federation
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Group “friendship”: how important is ethnicity and religion for friendship? (expert evaluation)
The adult urban population of Krasnoyarsk has no apparent alienation from, social distance with respect
to the representatives of other nationalities. Thus, the number of citizens, not willing to enter into relations
with the representatives of other nationalities, exceeded the number of those wishing to enter into a
relationship with them only on the question of consent to marry to a representative of the other nationality
(Chart 1). More than half of the urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory have expressed reluctance to
engage in marital relations with the representatives of other nationalities (52%) and 47.1% in one way or
another agreed to probably have such a relationship. At the same time the proportion of consonants to
marry foreigners regardless of their ethnicity is 12.5%, while those who agreed to marry only to the
representatives of some ethnic groups – 34.6%. In all other kinds of relations the urban share, who
expressed general consent to enter into relations with the representatives of other nationalities, exceeds
that of those who objected the idea to enter into such relationships.
Data in Chart 1 indicate that the maximum social distance (maximum alienation) with respect to the
representatives of other nationalities was expressed in the answers 15% of respondents who disagreed
even be citizens of one state with the representatives of other nationalities and live with them in the same
Сhart 1. Total distribution of responses to the question “Do you agree to enter into the following relationships (to
be friends, etc.) with the representatives of other nationalities living in the region?” % 24
On average, 21% of citizens have no desire to engage in social contact with the representatives of other
nationalities – learn/work with them in the same group/organization, to be neighbours. Furthermore,
26.5% of respondents do not consider for themselves the opportunity to be friends with other nationalities
and 52% – to conclude with them marriage.
Trufanov D.O., Rafikov R.G. Does friendship begin with a smile? Some results of sociological research of society
opinions of citi-zens of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Ethno-world on the Yenisei River. About Peoples of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. №10, 2014, Pp. 115-118.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
In this case, half of the adult urban population (49-51%) without any restrictions perceive the
representatives of other nationalities as citizens, as well as the inhabitants of a shared with them
settlement. Furthermore, 44-46% agreed to study/work with the representatives of other nationalities in
one group/organization, 35.8% – to be co-neighbours, 28.4% – to be friends, and 12.5% – to join them into
On average, about one third of the urban population (32-35%) expressed a selective attitude to the
representatives of other nationalities and pointed out that to not the all, but to some nationalities they are
ready to marry, study/work with the representatives of other nationalities in one group/organization, to be
fellow citizens with them, as well as residents of one and the same settlement with them. At the same time
the number of city residents willing to be friends with the representatives of some nationalities is 44.5%,
and 42.1% – do not reject being neighbours with the representatives of some nationalities. We believe that
such selectivity is the result of, on the one hand, personal experience with the citizens of other nationalities
in the multinational environment in our region, on the other, the image of the representatives of the
various nationalities, formed in the mass consciousness of the urban population of the Krasnoyarsk
For the purpose of comparative analysis of social distance, which is installed by residents of the cities of
the Krasnoyarsk Territory of different gender, age, educational level groups in relation to people of
different nationality, the researchers used the index method. It allowed them to calculate the average
value of the scale of social distance. In their sociological questionnaire to assess the social distance the
scientists used a seven-term social distance Bogardus scale. The question was as follows:
“Do you agree to enter into the following relationships (to be friends, etc.) with the representatives of
other nationalities living in the region?”
1. to be spouses
2. to be friends
3. to be neighbours
4. to be classmates/groupmates
5. to be colleagues
6. to be citizens of one and the same city/village
7. to be citizens of one and the same country
This scale defines seven levels of social distance. Level 1 (to enter into marriage) characterizes the
minimum distance that is demonstrated to the representatives of other nationalities. This distance
expresses total acceptance by respondents of the representatives of other nationalities, a positive attitude
to them and close contact with them. Level 7 (to be fellow citizens of one state), for example, on the
contrary, expresses the maximum social distance. It shows the rejection by respondents of other
nationalities, reluctance to have close relationship with them. The index method allowed researchers to
conclude what level of social distance (1 to 7) urban residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory show towards
the representatives of other nationalities. The closer the value of the index to 1, the more intimate social
distance takes place and vice versa.
The index scale is constructed using the following formula:
I  К11 К 2 2 К3 3 К 4 4 К5 5 К 6 6 К 7 7
К1  К 2  К3  К 4  К5  К 6  К 7
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
I – scale index,
К1 – number of positive choice for answer 1,
К2 – number of positive choice for answer 2,
К3 – number of positive choice for answer 3,
К4 – number of positive choice for answer 4,
К5 – number of positive choice for answer 5,
К6 – number of positive choice for answer 6,
К7 – number of positive choice for answer 7.
The results of this method allowed scientists to estimate the social distance, which is revealed by urban
residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in relation to people of other nationalities living in the territory of the
region as an average. In numerical terms, the index is 4.25. This means that, on average, the appropriate
distance for most citizens towards the representatives of other nationalities is at the level of social contacts
with them – learn/work with the representatives of other nationalities in one group/organization. The
value of the index is closer to 4, which suggests the possibility of closer contact between respondents and
the representatives of other nationalities, e.g., at the level of communication of classmates (group mates).
Men establish closer social distance towards members of other nationalities, compared with women
(Chart 2). So, if the index of social distance established by men is 4.21, in the subsample of women it
reaches 4.28.
Chart 2. Comparative analysis of social distance towards members of other ethnic
groups among men and women, index value
Thus, women are increasingly trying to distance themselves from the representatives of other
nationalities, compared with men. Men, by contrast, expressed a little more tolerant attitude towards the
representatives of other nationalities, compared with women.
Characteristic differences in the values of the indices of social distance scale were found in subsamples
of people of different age groups (Chart 3).
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Chart 3. Comparative analysis of social distance towards the representatives
of other nationalities among the citizens of different age groups, index value
As shown in Chart 3, the level of acceptance by citizens of the representatives of other nationalities has
a positive age dynamics: the older the respondent, the greater the social distance towards the
representatives of other nationalities. Minimum social distance towards them was recorded among urban
youth (4.18), the maximum – among citizens of retirement age (4.29). Thus, young people aged 18 to 29
years old are more open to contacts with the representatives of other nationalities, and the citizens of
middle-aged group and senior citizens are more closed for this contact.
Among the residents of the city of Krasnoyarsk compared with the residents of other cities of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, the level of social distance towards members of other ethnic groups is somewhat
higher (Chart 4). Thus, the index of social distance, set by the residents of the city of Krasnoyarsk, is 4.28,
while, among the population of other cities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory – 4.21. This ratio is to be expected,
given that the level of social fears associated with the arrival in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of foreign migrant
workers is higher in the Krasnoyarsk megalopolis, as compared with other cities in the Krasnoyarsk
Chart 4. Comparative analysis of social distance towards the
representatives of other ethnic groups among the inhabitants of
Krasnoyarsk and other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, index value
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
There are differences in responses between respondents with different levels of education on the issue
of their readiness to enter into certain relations with other nationalities (Chart 5). As shown by the data in
Chart 5, the higher the level of education of the respondent, the less they distance themselves from the
representatives of other nationalities. Thus, the index of social distance scale in a subsample of residents
with an average level of education reaches a value of 4.32, in a subsample of residents with higher or
incomplete higher education it decreased to 4.21 and 4.22, respectively.
Chart 5. Comparative analysis of social distance towards the representatives of other
ethnic groups in relation to educational level, index value
Thus, the higher the level of education of urban residents, the more they are open to relations with the
representatives of other nationalities. In contrast, among respondents with secondary education there is
the most part of those who are not ready to enter into relations with the representatives of other
Thus, the social distance, which is set by the adult urban population in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
towards the representatives of other nationalities, should be evaluated as average. In general, the index of
social distance has a value of 4.25 and characterizes the willingness of residents to communicate with the
representatives of other nationalities at the level of colleague relationships and at the level of eagerness to
study and work together.
Women are increasingly trying to distance themselves from the representatives of other nationalities,
compared with men. Men, by contrast, establish closer social distance towards the members of other
ethnic groups, in comparison with women.
Also, there is a tendency, according to which the social distance to the representatives of other
nationalities increases with the age of the respondents. Young people aged 18 to 29 years old are more
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
open to contacts with representatives of other nationalities, and the citizens of middle-aged cohort and
senior citizens are more closed for this contact.
Among the residents of the city of Krasnoyarsk there is the higher level of social distance towards the
representatives of other nationalities than among the population of other cities in the Krasnoyarsk
With the increase in the level of education of the respondents, there occurs a growing acceptance of
people of other nationalities and the decrease in the level of set social distance (the higher the level of
education of urban residents, the more they are open to relations with the representatives of other
Problems and conflicts in the political, economic and educational spheres, as well as in everyday life
between members of different ethnic and religious groups
There are no conflicts.
The main problems relate to the scope of migration relations:
violating of immigration laws (gray migration),
additional costs on municipalities for teaching the Russian language to children of the other
nationalities, who learn in secondary schools.
In the sphere of religious relations:
complaints from the public on the harassment and “flogging” of services offered by the
representatives of Jehovah’ Witnesses;
additional costs oт municipalities for the development of social, cultural, traffic, education and
other infrastructure in the area of compact settlement of the followers of the Church of the Last Testament
(Community of Vissarion).
Events of racism in the past and in the present
There are no problems of racial conflict (in the classic sense of the problems in the Russian
historiography) in the region. Reasons:
1. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in the Asian part of Russia, where for over 4 centuries the
representatives of Caucasoid and Asian races have coexisted peacefully. According to the census of 1989
the region was inhabited by representatives of 124 ethnic groups, including 10 indigenous peoples.
2. The Krasnoyarsk Territory in Soviet times as a consequence of the development of the All-Union
Communist Party was a “closed” city, so members of other races, besides the aforementioned, as well as
foreign countries were not available. By 2010, the number of nationalities represented had risen to 159,
but the number of representatives of the negroid race is still negligible.
Racism expressed indirectly and everyday racism
The region does not have racism, including domestic violence. There are some cases of xenophobia on
the national ethnicity, including at the household level.
Institutional discrimination against ethnic minorities and immigrants
There is no such discrimination.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Religious discrimination
Within the framework of the Russian legislation the scope of freedom of conscience, there is no such
Serious ethnic or religious clashes and violence
Have not been fixed.
Xenophobia and stereotypes about other ethnic and religious groups
Opinion polls fixed some stereotypes in the public mind of Krasnoyarsk about certain nationalities
(Chinese, Americans, Gypsies) or ethnic groups (immigrants from Central Asia and the Caucasus, migrant
workers can be attributed to this group).
With regard to religious groups xenophobia was manifested against rootlessness for Siberia cults and
movements, most clearly concerning the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Scientology and the Church of the Last
Testament (Community of Vissarion).
The general attitude of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to other nationalities
(ethnic groups) can be described as positive: the majority of citizens (79.5%) stated that they do not feel
hostile feelings towards any nationality (the groups of nationalities) (Chart 6). In addition, 47% of
respondents reported that although they do not feel hostile feelings towards any nationality, but several of
them cause their hostility. Up to 20.5 % indicated that there are some nationalities (ethnic groups), to
which they have no friendly feelings.
Chart 6. Total distribution of responses to the question “Are there any nationalities
or ethnic groups, towards which you do not have friendly feelings?” 25
Trufanov D.O., Rafikov R.G. Does friendship begin with a smile? Some results of sociological research of society
opinions of citi-zens of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Ethno-world on the Yenisei River. About Peoples of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. №10, 2014, Pp. 115-118.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
The survey revealed that, among men the number of those who say they do not have friendly feelings
towards certain nationalities (ethnic groups) is by 3.8% more than this number among women (Chart 7). As
the Chart 7 shows, 22.5% men and 18.7% women have no such friendly feelings.
Chart 7. Total distribution of responses of men and women to the question “Are there any
nationalities or ethnic groups, towards which you do not have friendly feelings?”, according to
gender, %
Also among women the number of those who reported that there is no such nationality, to which they
have no friendly feelings, but rather there are some representatives of other nationalities that do not cause
their friendly feelings, is slightly more than among men. However, the difference is minimal and does not
exceed 2%.
Age dynamics of considered indicators is weak (Chart 8).
Chart 8. Total distribution of responses to the question “Are there any nationalities or ethnic groups, towards
which you do not have friendly feelings?”, according to age, %
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
The share of citizens, for whom there are some nationalities, causing no friendly feelings, has a weak
negative age dynamics within 3.6%. So, if among the youth (16-29 years) the share of such responses is
22%, in a subsample of retirees it is 18.4%. Conversely, the proportion of citizens, for whom there is no
such nationality, has a positive age dynamics and increased from 29.7% among youth to 32.3% among
pensioners. By the way, the maximum value of this index reaches in a subsample of citizens of middle age
(30-54 (women), 30-59 (men)) – 34.5%. Most of all, in all age cohorts there are those respondents, for
whom in general there are no such nationalities to which they do not experience the friendly feelings,
however, some representatives of other nationalities cause their hostility. Indicator of the share of such
citizens ranges 45.1-49.3% in different age subsamples.
Attitude of the inhabitants of the city of Krasnoyarsk to other nationalities is more negative, compared
with the ratio of the residents of other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (Chart 9).
Chart 9. Total distribution of responses to the question “Are there any nationalities or ethnic groups, towards
which you do not have friendly feelings?”, according to the territory of living, %
Thus, in the adult population of Krasnoyarsk the share of those for whom there are some nationalities,
causing no friendly feelings, is up to 22% (in other cities of the region the figure is up to 19%). Also in
Krasnoyarsk the number of those who dislike individual members of ethnic groups is by 7.7% more than in
other cities. On the contrary, in other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory the number of citizens who said
that there are no such nationalities to which they do not experience the friendly feelings is by 10.7% more
than in Krasnoyarsk.
The indicator of urban residents’ attitude to the representatives of other nationalities has dynamics
associated with the level of education of respondents (Chart 10).
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Chart 10. Total distribution of responses to the question “Are there any nationalities or ethnic groups, towards
which you do not have friendly feelings?”, according to the educational level, %
As the Chart 10 shows, the lower the level of education of the respondents, the more they are likely to
have a negative attitude towards other nationalities (ethnic groups). Urban residents with secondary and
vocational secondary education levels are more prone to have an aversion to other nationalities, whereas
among respondents with incomplete higher and higher levels of education there are more those people, for
whom other nationalities do not cause hostile feelings. For example, in the subsamples of citizens with
secondary and vocational secondary education levels there was recorded up to a quarter (24.7-24.8%) of
those indicating that there are such nationalities, towards which they do not experience the friendly
feelings and there are 28.7-30.1 % of those for whom there are no such nationalities. Among residents with
higher and incomplete higher education levels the number of such respondents is 16.7% and 35.1-35.4%,
Thus, in general, the attitude of the adult population in the cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to other
nationalities (ethnic groups) can be characterized as predominantly positive: the majority of citizens
(79.5%) indicated that they do not feel hostile feelings towards any nationality, while 20.5% indicated that
there are some nationalities (ethnic groups), towards which they do not experience any friendly feelings.
Among men the number of those who have no friendly feelings towards certain nationalities is 3.8%
more than among women; women slightly more frequently than men reported that there is no such
nationality, towards which they have no friendly feelings, but there are rather some representatives of
different nationalities, towards which they do not express any friendly feelings.
Age dynamics of the considered parameters is weak. The share of citizens, for whom there are some
nationalities, do not causing feelings of friendship, has a weak negative age dynamics within 3.6%. The
share of citizens, for whom there is no such nationality, has a positive age dynamics and increases from
29.7% among youth to 32.3% among pensioners.
Attitude of the inhabitants of the city of Krasnoyarsk to other nationalities is more negative, compared
with the attitude to them expressed by residents of other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. In other cities
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are 10.7% more citizens, indicating that there are no nationalities,
towards which they do not experience the friendly feelings.
The lower the level of education of the citizens, the more is the number of them who have a negative
attitude towards other nationalities (ethnic groups). Urban residents with secondary and vocational
secondary education levels are more likely to have an aversion to other nationalities, while among
respondents with incomplete higher and higher levels of education there are more those who have no
hostility to other nationalities.
Important events of xenophobia
There haven’t been any striking examples, only in everyday life26.
11. Associations and other institutions involved in the promotion of dialogue among different
ethnical and religious groups
Best practices and existing initiatives
There is a wide range of negotiating platforms, regardless of nationality or religious orientations. There
is a large amount of socially important work that is carried out is independent religious organizations either
separately or in conjunction with government agencies.
Great influence on social processes, cultural and social is made by Russian Orthodox Church. In the
social sphere the actions of Catholics and Protestants are visible (working with drug addicts, alcoholic,
homeless, imprisoners). In the area of adaptation and integration of migrants Muslims’ influence is
remarkable in the face of NGOs of ethnic Muslims. In the northern territories of traditional land
management associations of the indigenous small-numbered peoples play an important role.
Cooperation with NGOs
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory public authorities interact with national public organizations operating in all
areas, except the political sphere. The most active influence is seen in the field of culture, education, social
services, education of the younger generation. These organizations are assisted by a system of national
clubs, libraries, institutions of leisure assisting character, creative teams.
The main cultural centers of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, which are aimed exclusively at the national and
inter-ethnic environment, include the following:
a) Transnational Cultural Center (hereinafter – the Center), which operates as a division of the Regional
State autonomous cultural institution of cultural and social complex “Palace of labour and Concord”. The
Center employs 13 national creative teams, 5 of them have the honorary title of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
“People’s Artistic Ensemble”, 3 permanent clubs, 9 national language (Sunday) schools for children and
adults, a living room for 33 national-cultural associations.
b) The Regional state independent cultural institution “Center for international and regional cultural
relations”, which aims at the development and strengthening of regional and international cultural
http://crimestat.ru – Portal of legal statistics of the General Prosecutor Office of the Russian Federation
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
c) The Regional state budget institution of culture “Taimyr House of Folk Art”, which is active in the field
of preservation and development of the culture of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North,
assisting the development of national arts and crafts and artistic applications, organizing original national
folk festivals, conducting a large-scale research and exploration.
d) The Regional state budget institution of culture “National center of folk art in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory” carries out activities aimed at the preservation and promotion of traditional folk art and culture,
the development of modern art forms and genres of folk art in cultural institutions of club type in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, promoting inter-ethnic cultural cooperation in the field of amateur creativity.
In 2013, the region had more than 100 national and cultural club groups, including more than 70
national teams of amateur art. Honorary title of Krasnoyarsk Territory “People’s Artistic Ensemble” was
awarded to: People’s folklore ensemble “Obereg” (Krasnoyarsk), Ukrainian folk choir “Barvinok”
(Krasnoyarsk), People’s Chuvash folk en- ensemble “Dubravushka” (Krasnoyarsk), Azerbaijani folk dance
ensemble “Odlar Urdo” (Krasnoyarsk), Tatar folk vocal and choreographic ensemble “Yoldyz” (Krasnoyarsk),
national Armenian dance ensemble “Armenia” (Krasnoyarsk), folk ensemble “Krasna Rus” (Borodino); gypsy
folk ensemble “Rusalina” (Balakhtinsky District), folk ensemble of German song “Morgentau”
(Krasnoturansky District), Tatar vocal duet “Duslyk” (Pirovsky District), folk song and dance ensemble of the
peoples of the North “Heiro” (Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District), Evenk song and dance ensemble
“Osiktakan” (Evenkiysky Municipal District) and others.
Honorary title of Krasnoyarsk Territory “Exemplary Artistic Ensemble” was awarded to: exemplary
ensemble “Rodnichok” (Krasnoyarsk), exemplary folk music ensemble “Veselukha” (Lesosibirsk), exemplary
folklore ensemble “Belfry” (Abansky District), exemplary ensemble “Khotugu Sulus” (Evenkiysky Municipal
District), a circle of ivory carving skill “Mamonntenok” (baby mammoth) (Dudinka) and other of that kind.
Some festivals have become traditional for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, for instance, Russian Maslenitsa
carnival, festival “Heiro”, holidays of Fisherman’s Day and the Day of the Reindeer Herder of the North, the
Tatar- Bashkir “Sabantuy”, Chuvash “Akatui”, Khakass “Chyl Pazy”, Yakut “Yysakh”, Buryat “Sagaalgan”,
Tuva “Shagaa”, Tajik “Sairi Lola”, Moldovan “Martsishor”, Finnish “Juhannus”, Armenian “Vardavar”;
holiday “Nowruz”, celebrated by the peoples of Central Asia and Azerbaijan, the Days of Slavic literature
and culture, the festival of the Baltic nations “Midsummer day – Jāņi”, the Karelian- Finnish “Kalevala”, the
German spring festival, the Chinese “Yuansyaotsze” and “Chunjie” holidays; Ukrainian “Shevchenko days”,
sporting event “Inter” and interregional competition “Miss Asia – Siberia” with the participation of students
from Buryatia, Tuva, Khakassia and Yakutia , the Jewish Book festival, the tournament on mini-football “Cup
of Nations”, a festival of Cossack song “Yenisei meridian” and many others.
National NGOs receive state support through the provision of a specific budget lines for the
implementation of the state national policy, the adoption of long-term programs (regional and municipal),
creating the special category “Consent” at the competition of regional grants and subsidies to sociallyoriented NGOs, which in accordance with the federal legislation include national cultural autonomies.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
In the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the field of inter-ethnic and inter-religious relations there is a large number of call sites. Among the main we should distinguish the
Structure name
Name and position of
the head
Citizens’ Assembly of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory
Co-chairman of the Board
A.A. Menshchikov
Public Chamber of
Nationalities of CAKT
Chairman of the Chamber
D.V. Gorbachev
(chairman of Polish
national cultural
autonomy, hereinafter –
Public Chamber of the
Indigenous Small-numbered
Peoples of CAKT
not elected
Council of the National
Youth Unions in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory
under the auspices of the
Public Relations
Department of the
Chairman A.R. Bazarov
(chairman of Buryat
Foundations to start
activities (regulations)
In the sphere of national relations
Law on Citizens’ Assembly
Purpose, objectives addressing development of institutions of civil society.
of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Two-tier structure:
of 14.02.2007
lower – 14 public chambers in different directions (approx. 250 NGOs),
№ 21-5803
upper (28 people) – The Council of Representatives – CAKT Council of representatives of public
chambers (14 people), from members of the public (14 people, at the suggestion of the Governor
and the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory).
Service – the boundary institution “CAKT Apparatus”. Has its own building with meeting rooms and
its own budget.
Meetings on a monthly basis.
Founded in September
Interaction between the national communities in the region and the executive bodies of state
2004, on organizational
power. Study of issues of combating xenophobia and radicalism, of joint venture in the development
meeting. Entered CAKT
of national culture, integration of migrants, forming ethnic tolerance in the society consciousness.
according to the Law on
Composition – 25 national NGOs. Entry is done by a vote at a meeting of the Chamber.
Citizens’ Assembly of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory of
Meetings on a monthly basis.
№ 21-5803
At the stage of organization
Interaction between the associations of the indigenous small-numbered peoples in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. Study of issues of development of traditional land management of the indigenous smallnumbered peoples. Examination of bills of the region, connected to the indigenous small-numbered
Composition – 7 national NGOs. Entry is done a vote at a meeting of the Chamber.
Meetings – at least 1 time semi-annually
Regulations of the Council
Coordination of cooperation between national youth associations between themselves and with
and its composition
public authorities.
approved at the meeting of
Composition – 19 national youth associations. Entry is done a vote at a meeting of the Council.
the Council in
Meetings on a monthly basis.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Public Advisory Council with
Department of the Federal
Migration Service (DFMS)
for the Krasnoyarsk
Chairman –
L.V. Mayorova,
Associate Professor of the
Law Institute of the
Siberian Federal
Council of National
Associations of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory with
DFMS for the Krasnoyarsk
Chairman –
Z.V. Grudina, head of
DFMS of Russia for the
Krasnoyarsk Territory
Council on Interaction with
Religious Associations
under the auspices of the
Governor of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory
Chairman of the council –
S.A. Ponomarenko, First
Deputy Governor of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory –
Head of Governor’s
Muslim Council of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory under
the auspices of the Public
Relations Department of
the Governor
Chairman of the Council Mufti of the Krasnoyarsk
G.T. Fatkullin
Decree of DFMS for the
Coordination of FMS interaction with national NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs in the field of
Krasnoyarsk Territory of
migration policy in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the organization of interaction of national diasporas
with foreign citizens, DFMS and other public authorities.
№ 148 “On approval of the
Composition – 24 чел., including representatives from national NGOs and religious organizations
Regulation on Public
Meetings on a quarterly basis.
Advisory Council with
Department of DFMS for
the Krasnoyarsk Territory
Decree of DFMS for the
Interaction with national NGOs to reduce illegal immigration, to address issues of formation of a
Krasnoyarsk Territory of
tolerant attitude of the local population of migrants; social protection of foreign citizens and
17.09.2008 № 170 “On
stateless people temporarily or permanently residing in the Russian Federation;
approval of the Regulation
Composition – representatives from 14 national NGOs.
Meetings – as required (2 times a year).
Council of National
Associations of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory with
DFMS for the Krasnoyarsk
In the sphere of religious relations
Decree of the Governor of
Strengthening public consent, tolerance, respect in matters relating to freedom of conscience and
the Krasnoyarsk Territory of freedom of religion, the development of dialogue between denominations, enhancing the spiritual
culture of the society
№ 214-уг “On creation of
Composition – 24 people, including heads of ministries and departments of the Government of the
Council on Interaction with
region, leaders of religious organizations.
Religious Associations
Meetings – as required.
under the auspices of the
Governor of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory”
Regulations of the Council
Addressing the social and spiritual life of ethnic Muslims in the region. Constructive dialogue of
and its composition were
Muslims with the authorities of state power and public in the region.
approved at the meeting of
Composition – 22 people (in addition to the clergy the Council includes leaders of 9 NGOs of ethnic
the Muslim Council on
Muslims: Tatars, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Azeri, Ingush, peoples, Chechens, Tajiks, Kazakhs, the peoples of
Meetings – as required.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Committee of Heads of
Christian Churches of
Yeniseysky region
Responsible secretary –
I.V. Krapivin,
baptist pastor
Meeting protocol
Interagency Council on the
interaction of health bodies
and institutions in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory
together with Krasnoyarsk
Diocese and other religious
Chairman of the Council –
V.N. Yanin, Minister of
Health of the Krasnoyarsk
Coordination Council for
social and spiritual
rehabilitation and
prevention by psychoactive
substances’ abuse in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory
Public Council under the
auspices of Federal Drug
Control Service of the
Russian Federation for the
Krasnoyarsk Territory
Chairman of the Coordination Council –
E.Yu. Kiseleva
Chief Physician of
Krasnoyarsk State Budget
Institution “Krasnoyarsk
Regional Narcological
Clinic No. 1”
(September 2013)
S.N. Kim
Editor-in-chief of
“Siberian News Agency”
Decree of Health
Administration of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory
of 27.10.1996 № 111 “On
creation of Council on the
interaction of health bodies
and institutions together
with Krasnoyarsk Diocese
of ROC”
of the Council and its
composition were
approved at
Council meeting on
Decree of Public Council
under the auspices of
Federal Drug Control
Service of the Russian
Federation for the
Krasnoyarsk Territory of
27.11.2009 № 263
Interfaith cooperation of Christian churches and consolidation of resources for the implementation
of social programs, cultural and educational projects, joint activities, the implementation of socially
significant projects.
Composition – more than 30 people (representatives of religious organizations in the mainly
Protestant areas)
Cooperation in the field of health care with religious and social associations.
Composition – 28 people, including representatives of 16 religious organizations of the Russian
Orthodox Church, Muslims, Jews, Lutherans, Catholics, Baptists, Hare Krishnas, Evangelical
Christians, Pentecostal Churches, Adventists and other Protestant denominations.
Meetings on a quarterly basis.
Coordination of the interaction between public and religious organizations with the executive power
authorities of the territory on the prevention, social and spiritual-rehabilitation of people dependent
on psychoactive substances, as well as their subsequent re-socialization. Implementation of the
interaction program. Coordination of the work of 44 rehabilitation centers and peer support groups
(codependent category), Orthodox Brotherhoods of sobriety.
Composition – 28 people, including representatives of 23 religious and community organizations.
Meetings on a quarterly basis.
Interaction of Public Council under the auspices of Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian
Federation for the Krasnoyarsk Territory with religious organizations and associations.
Composition – 26 persons, incl. representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church, Muslims, Jews,
Meetings on a quarterly basis.
Note: In addition to these negotiating platforms representatives of religious organizations and national associations participate in advisory councils under the
auspices of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Krasnoyarsk Territory; MOI of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russia; 6 ministries and departments of the
Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory; Advisory Council for Nationalities of Norilsk municipal town; Council or representatives of the indigenous smallnumbered peoples, supervised by the Head of the Evenkiysky Municipal District, as well as by the Head of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal District. In the
city of Krasnoyarsk in 4 of 7 city district administrations there are coordinating councils on migrations policy, in which more than half of the participants are
represented by leaders of national-cultural associations.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
12. Review of the existing studies directly related to the project objectives. Pedagogical research
Pedagogical research
On 28-19 November 2013 on the basis of the Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute of Teacher Training there
was held sixth all-Russian scientific – practical conference “Civil education in the information age: the
harmonization of ethnic and civic identification, interethnic and interfaith relations through education”. It
was attended by 156 people. Among them were politicians of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, representatives of
MES of the Russian Federation for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the scientists of the Institute of Ethnology and
Anthropology of the RAE (Russian Academy of Education), the Institute of Education Management of the
RAE, representatives from HSE, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin, SFU, Institute of
Psychology and Developmental Pedagogy, KSPU named after V.P Astafyev, Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute
of Teacher Training, managers of training institutions from the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Omsk, Tomsk,
representatives of religious denominations.
Within the framework of the socio-political debate there were identified expectations of government
and civil society on teaching ethnic relations through education, related to the effectiveness of the system
of education, the formation of a unified national (Russian) and cultural (ethnic, regional) identities.
Conference participants discussed the plenary lectures on school education as a resource of national
(Russian) and cultural (ethnic, regional) identities, civic education and modern childhood, ethnodemographic processes in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the social and cultural integration of immigrant
children in schools, etc. At the roundtables the participants discussed the problems, conditions, models,
mechanisms of harmonization of ethnic and civic identities, interethnic and interfaith relations through
education. Scientists and educators presented the experience of the development and implementation of
programs of education and socialization, formation of civic identity in the multicultural environment; they
discussed the content of non-formal and informal education in the context of the formation of civic
identity; they also identified the role of humanitarian subjects in harmonization of interfaith, inter-ethnic
relations; they discussed the conditions necessary for the social and cultural integration into the institutions
of comprehensive and vocational secondary education with the multiethnic composition.
The participants noted that the solution of the problem of education and development of the individual
citizen, the formation of national (Russian) and cultural (ethnic) identities against the background of the
crisis of Russian civic identity, a lack of continuity of generations, the growth of nationalism and
xenophobia, increasing migration, is possible with interaction, cooperation of school, family, government,
business and society. There were prepared foundations to raise a question about the content of this
• the successful experience of the introduction of the course “Basics of religious cultures and secular
ethics” in the schools of the Krasnoyarsk Territory,
• scientific and methodological support of the institutions of restorative mediation in the schools of
the Krasnoyarsk Territory,
• experience in the implementation of projects and programs on the harmonization of interethnic
relations in the educational institutions of the Leninsky district of Krasnoyarsk, some schools in
Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk and Kansk, Kuragino and Yemelyanovsky Districts, Evenkiysky and Taimyr Municipal
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
• experience of the project realization in school No. 84 in Oktyabrsky District of Krasnoyarsk and the
Siberian Federal University, the project’s name is “Interaction of children, parents and teachers on the
integration of children of immigrant families “Learning to Live in Siberia”,
• experience in the implementation of additional educational program “Socio-cultural adaptation of
children from migrant families” in the projects of schools in Leninsky District of Krasnoyarsk with the help
of Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev,
• school libraries’ provision with materials of video encyclopedia “Peoples and Religions of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory” (Public Relations Department of the Krasnoyarsk Territory),
• cooperation of educational institutions and religious confessions in the field of education,
• creation of a laboratory of methodology and organization of spiritual and moral education in
Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute of Teacher Training,
• organization of the activities of the experimental site by Institute of Education Management
(Russian Academy of Education) on the theme “Development of principles and methods for forming the
special competencies of heads of educational institutions in order to create intraschool interethnic
communication” (2013 – 2020) in Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute of Teacher Training, etc.
The conference participants are convinced that the harmonization of interethnic and interfaith relations
by means of education should be developed as a result of discussions, negotiations, scientific and
educational activities, joint search for solutions. Participants of the conference decided to support
education initiatives of regional scientific and educational community to participate in this task.
The conference participants were treated with proposals for cooperation in the formulation of
necessary conditions of development, harmonization of the united Russian civic identity and cultural ethnic
identities through education27.
As a part of the Krasnoyarsk Education Forum on March 24-28, 2014 there was organized a discussion
forum “Formation of network interaction of secondary schools in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, engaged in the
educational process in the conditions of multinational composition of students”.
Introductory and fist report at the site was made by the Head of General and Social Pedagogy
Department of SFU A.K. Lukina.
Director of Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology of Siberian Federal University O.G.
Smolyaninova presented to the goals and objectives of the project TEMPUS ALLMEET. There was held a
debate to discuss the possible problems in the multinational schools in Krasnoyarsk and the content of
interaction in terms of developing multi-cultural education. During the discussion, the researchers spoke
about the specifics of the educational environment, labor, and various means of solving problems.
According to the results of the discussion, participants decided to create a general educational resource,
useful for all schools in the city of Krasnoyarsk.
12 educational institutions of Krasnoyarsk took part in the debate.
There were identified common features of schools with a predominance of migrant children:
• relatively small number of pupils (about 500 people);
• location on the outskirts of the city of Krasnoyarsk, in depressed areas;
• low level of education and skills of parents, employment in low-prestige and low-paid jobs, early
children inclusion into the working life of their parents and families.
Common problems for the majority of the schools attended by migrant children:
http://old.kipk.ru/rb-topic.php?t=1074 – Krasnoyarsk Regional Institute of Teacher Retraining
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
• due to the poor knowledge of the Russian language some high school students are to re-study one
• it is not possible to organize group language courses;
• children of internal migrants (from other regions of Russia) are not identified as migrants, but they
are definitely representatives of other than Russian nationalities, so it is necessary to adapt them to other
social conditions;
• it is necessary to fix not only the external, but also internal migration from national republics and
regions of Russia;
• it is difficult to retain focus on multiculturalism because of strained educational programs and the
lack of a multicultural approach in the recommended textbooks;
• communication with parents is difficult to build in bulk mode, the teachers have to solve problemsrequests on an individual basis.
Basic forms and areas of work that are common to most schools:
• a variety of festivals, celebrations on the theme “Friendship of Peoples”;
• the development of cultural ties with the diasporas, relatives, friends, parents of pupils;
• contests of drawings and compositions;
• participation in the activities of the ‘International Day for Tolerance”.
Some interesting findings, not widespread so far:
School № 62
• The school has the center “Unity in Diversity”, its teachers and psychologists work with children of
other nationalities, develop and implement a variety of “cultural assimilators”
• The school distinguishes 4 levels of the Russian language for migrant children: beginner, weak,
medium (speak with an accent, but they know the stress, intonation), high level (no one has such a level). In
connection with different levels of the Russian language shown by the children there were developed
individual plans (e.g., correctional individual educational program for the pupil for the third term). Center
for Continuing Education conducts classes on Russian language and literature with migrant children. In
December 2013, the school introduced the experiment – a tutor started regular work with children on a
program “Russian as a foreign language”.
Main school problems related to the adaptation of migrant children:
1. Absence of knowledge (poor knowledge) of the Russian language.
2. The problem of parents, whether they are native speakers or not, as well as their integration into
the culture of the region: there are quite polar opposites – the willingness of full inclusion and
comprehensive care for children up to the denial need of in integration, aggressive behavior.
3. Different value of education for different nationalities.
4. Different cultural distance and willingness to integrate among the members of different national
groups: for example, Kyrgyz people and other representatives of Central Asia are more tolerant, Abkhazians
and representatives of the North Caucasus’s countries are less tolerant, they often impose their culture and
are very aggressive to the remarks of teachers in their address.
5. This affects the cultural integration of foreign language speaking children.
6. The problem of the subjects’ learning and results’ assessment. Poor language skills interfere
studying all subjects of the curriculum; therefore an individual approach to the evaluation of results is
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
7. Weak roots in national traditions of the local population, the ignorance of history of the region (the
city) shown by locals.
Areas of work:
• prevention of extremism – a city program is designed and implemented;
• professional development of teachers in relation to the understanding of different cultures;
• transformation of children into agents of change through joint activities;
• interaction with non-governmental organizations in addressing the challenges of integrating
migrants (the Society of “Knowledge”, Youth organization “Collaboration at the local level”, etc.;
• coordinator of this activity is the city information-methodical center.
1. Increasing the level of the Russian language teaching, there has been developed and implemented
the program “Russian as a foreign language", network interaction of schools on this issue: that is, children
and parents from different schools study on the basis of established centers at schools №16, 62, 39.
2. Celebrating multicultural festivals in network interaction of schools (Tolerance Day, Victory Day,
Mother’s Day, Spring Day).
3. Using the principles of inclusiveness in education of migrant children.
4. Carrying out various actions with the support of non-governmental organizations, grants from
administration of the city and region.
Sociological studies
1. The study of expert opinions on the situation of teachers about school children of ethnic migrants in
Krasnoyarsk, 2014
As a result of analysis of the expert opinions of teachers of Krasnoyarsk there were made the following
main conclusions.
In most schools in Krasnoyarsk (57.2%) presented by expert teachers the share of children of ethnic
migrants does not exceed 10%. In 19% of cases, the proportion of such pupils is up to 11-20% and 9.5% of
the experts pointed out that in their schools there are 21-30% and more than 30% of children of ethnic
workers. Most of the children of ethnic migrants enrolled in Krasnoyarsk schools, whose representatives
participated in the survey, belong to the peoples of Central Asia (Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kyrgyz) and Asia
(Armenians, Azerbaijanis). Georgians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Uighurs, Kazakhs, Moldovans and Chinese were
represented minimally.
The vast majority of pupils-children of ethnic migrants exhibit national and cultural peculiarities in their
behavior and show them to classmates. At the same time 62% of the experts suggest that these children do
it often, and only 28.6% of children – rarely. Russian schoolchildren mostly positive or neutral react to such
manifestations. Thus, 57.1% of expert teachers pointed to predominantly positive attitude of Russian pupils
to seeing national characteristics of children of ethnic migrants in their schools and 23.8 % – expressed the
neutral attitude. Thus, experts suggest that the situation in the schools, associated with the relation of
Russian pupils to manifestations of national and cultural characteristics of migrant schoolchildren is
generally favorable.
Behavior of children of ethnic migrants in Krasnoyarsk schools is predominantly normative. According to
the majority of expert teachers, such children do not particularly stand out in the school community and in
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
relation to intra regulations they behave as all pupils. At the same time 14.3% of the experts admitted the
tendency of children of ethnic migrants to deviant behavior.
In Krasnoyarsk schools, children of ethnic migrants in general are integrated into the school learners’
community, and conflicting constituent relations between the Russian schoolchildren and pupils-children of
ethnic migrants is minimized. The experts point out that the differences between the Russian
schoolchildren and pupils-children of ethnic migrants, as a rule, are not an obstacle to the establishment of
friendly relations between them. Thus, 66.7% of respondents indicated that in their schools children of
ethnic migrants do not pay attention to the differences between them and the Russian schoolchildren, their
social circle includes equally both children of ethnic migrants and Russian pupils.
Level of discussion among Krasnoyarsk school students of ethnic issues is relatively low and amounts to
38.1%. Topics that are raised during the discussion are usually associated with the discussion of educational
issues, leisure activities (music, sports, etc.), school life, school self-government, culture and history
peculiarities, the schoolchildren’s future. However, expert teachers, who participated in the study, had no
consensus regarding the level of discussion of national issues among schoolchildren. Thus, 28.6% of
respondents reported that in their schools there are no such discussions and 33.3% of respondents found it
difficult to express their evaluation.
The level of conflict between pupils in Krasnoyarsk schools on the basis of interethnic relations is
relatively low: according to the evidence of expert teachers such conflicts Krasnoyarsk in schools are often
absent. Thus, the presence of conflicts due to inter-ethnic relations of schoolchildren was recorded by 19%
of teachers. At the same time 71.4% of the expert teachers indicated that in their schools conflicts due to
inter-ethnic relations among pupils do not occur.
Level of language adaptation of ethnic migrant schoolchildren in Krasnoyarsk schools, according to
experts, is relatively high. Children of ethnic migrants mostly use the Russian language to communicate
with classmates and do not experience serious difficulties in its understanding. Only 9.5% of the experts
indicated that in their schools children of ethnic migrants generally understand the Russian language poor
and primarily use their native language to communicate with classmates. Along with this, in Krasnoyarsk
schools children of ethnic migrants in general are integrated in the social circle of Russian schoolchildren,
make contacts with them, but at the same time, in a number of cases they are experience some difficulties.
Thus, 66.7% of respondents reported that in their schools, children of ethnic migrants willingly and actively
communicate with Russian schoolchildren, easily establishing contacts with them. Twice less is the number
of experts (33.3%), who indicated that children of ethnic migrants in their schools experience some
difficulty in establishing contacts with Russian schoolchildren, their communication with Russian pupils is
sometimes difficult.
Indicators of educational activities of children of ethnic migrants do not outperform data – indicators of
Russian pupils: compared with Russian pupils’ success, indicators of educational activities of children of
ethnic migrants in Krasnoyarsk schools are low or moderate. Thus, 52.4% of the surveyed experts reported
that indicators of educational activity of children of ethnic migrants compared with Russian pupils in their
schools are worse as a whole. Nevertheless, 47.6% of respondents indicated that in their schools indicators
of educational activities of children of ethnic migrants do not differ significantly from these indicators of
Russian schoolchildren. The level of involvement of children of ethnic migrants in learning activities in their
schools, according to expert teachers, is average: about half of the children of ethnic migrants in their
schools have high educational activity, the other half are the lagging students, poorly motivated to learn.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Characteristically, the majority of experts indicated that there is a significant amount of slow learners,
poorly motivated to study, often having problems with academic performance and diligence among
children of ethnic migrants.
2. Sociological study of the attitude of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to the
representatives of other nationalities and migration for work.
Main conclusions.
1. Assessment of the social distance between the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
and the representatives of other nationalities. Social distance, established by the adult urban population of
the Krasnoyarsk Territory in relation to the representatives of other nationalities should be evaluated as
average. The index of social distance has a value of 4.25 and characterizes the willingness of residents to
communicate with representatives of other nationalities at the level of colleagues, willing to study and
work together.
Women are increasingly trying to distance themselves from the representatives of other nationalities, as
compared with men. Men, by contrast, establish closer social distance with the respect to the
representatives of other nationalities. Also, there is a tendency, according to which the social distance to
the representatives of other nationalities increases with the age of respondents. Young people aged 18 to
29 are more open to contacts with the representatives of other nationalities, whereas middle-aged and
senior citizens are more closed for the representatives of other nationalities.
With the increase in the level of education of the respondents, their acceptance of other nationalities
grows and there appears a decrease in the set social distance (the higher the level of education of urban
residents, the more they are open to relations with the representatives of other nationalities).
Among the residents of the city of Krasnoyarsk there is a higher level of social distance towards the
representatives of other nationalities than among the population of other cities in the Krasnoyarsk
The attitude of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to other nationalities (ethnic
groups). The general attitude of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to other
nationalities (ethnic groups) can be described as substantially positive: the majority of citizens (79.5%)
indicated that they do not feel hostile feelings towards any nationality, while 20.5% indicated that there are
such nationalities (ethnic groups), towards which they have no friendly feelings.
Among men, the number of those who have no friendly feelings towards certain nationalities; is 3.8%
more than the number of those, who reported that there are no nationalities towards which they do not
experience the friendly feelings; among women the number of those, who reported that there are no such
nationalities towards which they do not feel friendly feelings or there are some representatives of other
nationalities that do not cause their friendly feelings, is slightly more than among men.
Age dynamics of considered parameters is weak. The share of citizens, for whom there are some
nationalities, causing no friendly feelings, has a weak negative age dynamics within 3.6%. The share of
citizens, for whom there are no such nationalities, has a positive age trend and increased from 29.7%
among youth to 32.3% among pensioners.
The lower the level of education of the citizens, the more they are likely to have a negative attitude to
other nationalities (ethnic groups). Urban residents with secondary and vocational secondary levels are
more likely to have an aversion to other nationalities, whereas among respondents with incomplete higher
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
and higher education the number of those for whom other nationalities do not cause hostile feelings is
2. Evaluation of state of interethnic relations in Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory by the adult urban
population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. State of interethnic relations in Russia is largely negative estimated
by the adult population of the city of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as compared with the corresponding
condition in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The number of citizens who are satisfied and dissatisfied with the
state of interethnic relations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the same, while regarding Russia as a whole the
number of urban residents dissatisfied with this state is 12.7% higher than the number of satisfied ones.
Both in Russia and in the Krasnoyarsk Territory men expressed more positive assessments of interethnic
relations, as compared to women.
Young people most positively, as compared with other age groups, evaluated the state of interethnic
relations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and, quite the contrary, and most negatively this state in Russia as a
whole; middle-aged citizens found similar levels of satisfaction and dissatisfaction with the state of
interethnic relations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the number of dissatisfied with this state in Russia among
middle-aged citizens is 12.8% less than the number of satisfied; pensioners is the only age group, in which
the amount of dissatisfied with the state of interethnic relations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory exceeds the
number of satisfied (by 3.6%). Also they are the most positive about the state of interethnic relations in
Russia as a whole.
Number of residents dissatisfied with the state of interethnic relations in Russia exceeds the number of
satisfied at all levels of education. Maximal level of dissatisfaction is found among residents with higher and
secondary levels of education (48.5% and 51.7%, respectively).
The adult population of the city of Krasnoyarsk revealed a higher level of dissatisfaction with the state of
interethnic relations, compared with residents of other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. A similar ratio of
the indicators is observed in the respondents’ assessment of the state of ethnic relations in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. Here, the share of Krasnoyarsk residents dissatisfied with their condition is 13% higher than the
proportion of respondents from the other cities of the region.
3. The attitude of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to the state migration policy.
Most of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory indicated that state control of migrants
needs to be tightened on the territory of Russia (65.5%) and the Krasnoyarsk Territory (58.7%). However,
from a quarter to a third of respondents are satisfied with the level of state control in relation to migration.
At the same time there is more loyalty of urban residents to the existing state control of migrants in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, compared with this state control in Russia as a whole. This suggests that urban
residents appreciate the migration situation in Russia as more intense compared with the migration
situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The opinions of men and women about the need to change the state control in relation to migrants
differ slightly.
Against the background of the predominance of the urban population, voted for a stricter form of state
control in all age groups, most supporters of this tightening are found among urban youth (16-29 years
old). More moderate position is shared by the middle-aged and senior citizens.
Among people of all levels of education the number of urban citizens, favoring tightening state control
of migrants, is bigger. The residents of the cities of Krasnoyarsk Territory with higher education are more
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loyal in their assessments to the existing state controls on migrants, as compared to people with secondary
and vocational secondary education.
Opinions of urban residents of Krasnoyarsk and other cities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory about the need
to change the state control of migrants are generally similar.
4. The attitude of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to the national extremism and
radicalism. Up to 55.5% of urban residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are to some extent aware of the
existence in the Krasnoyarsk Teritory of extremist nationalist youth organizations. At the same time 15.9%
of respondents have trustworthy information about the existence of such organizations, and 39.6 % got this
information as rumors. Up to 43% of respondents do not know or haven’t heard about the existence of
extremist nationalist youth organizations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The level of awareness of the
existence of the Krasnoyarsk Territory extremist nationalist youth organizations is slightly higher among
men than among women.
Representatives of the urban youth are the most knowledgeable about the existence of these
organizations in the region. The number of respondents unaware of the existence of mentioned
organizations has a positive age dynamics and increases from younger age groups to older respondents.
Residents of the city of Krasnoyarsk better aware of the existence of extremist nationalist youth
organizations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as compared to residents of other cities in the region. Among
the residents of other cities of Krasnoyarsk Territory, however, the share of respondents who do not know
anything about the existence of these organizations is significant.
5. The opinions of men and women living in the cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in respect of with
interethnic situation in the region differ slightly. Among men, the number of those who consider interethnic situation in the region stable, without the threat of inter ethnic conflicts, is a little higher than
among women, the same trend remains for those who believe that the interethnic situation in the region is
unstable, an ethnic conflict can happen at any time; women are more likely to think that interethnic
situation is stable, but there can be local ethnic conflicts for domestic reasons.
In all age groups of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory the dominating is the view
that inter-ethnic situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is generally stable. Still, citizens admitted the
possibility of interethnic conflicts for domestic reasons.
Among citizens with different educational levels in all cases the dominating is the opinion about ethnic
situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory as stable, with the possibility of appearance of local ethnic conflicts
resulting from domestic violence. Citizens with secondary and vocational secondary education are more
concerned by interethnic situation in the region, as compared to citizens with higher education, and they
more often point to its instability, as well as the risk of ethnic conflicts.
Residents of the cities of Krasnoyarsk Territory tend to give a more positive evaluation of interethnic
situation in the region, as compared to Krasnoyarsk. Krasnoyarsk residents, in turn, slightly more often (4%)
define interethnic situation in general stable with the possibility of local ethnic conflicts resulting from
domestic violence. The percentage of respondents, indicating that interethnic situation is unstable and an
ethnic conflict can happen at any time, is similar and amounts to 30%.
6. Characteristics of the sources where citizens get information about the national issue. The most
common source, where city residents get a lot of information on the national issue, is modern media – TV
and the Internet (in the first place). In the second place there are such sources as friends, neighbours,
newspapers, magazines and radio. Traditional institutions of socialization – family and school – take the
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third place in the list of sources of information on the national issue. The similar ratio is conserved in all
subsamples of respondents, identified in this study.
The Internet and television are the leading sources of information on the national issue and, at the same
time, they broadcast predominantly negative information about international relations. Other sources
broadcast predominantly neutral information about them. Along with this, according to the 23-28% of
urban dwellers, radio, newspapers and magazines, friends and neighbours report mainly negative
information about the national issue.
Maximum of positive information is broadcast via traditional institutions of socialization – school, family.
School and family are sources, broadcasting mainly positive information about international relations,
according to representatives of all age groups of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At
the same time representatives of all age groups unanimously pointed to the Internet and television as
broadcasting the most negative information on the national issue.
In general, similar distribution of indicators was shown among the citizens with various levels of
Krasnoyarsk residents are somewhat more likely to receive positive information about the national issue
via school, TV, books, the Internet. Respondents who live in other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are
more likely to report positive information being broadcast via friends and neighbours, negative – via
television, newspapers and magazines, the Internet, family.
Place of the Internet and social networks in shaping opinions on the national issue of the adult
population in cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Most of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory (46.7%) believe that social networks have the destructive potential and can be used to incite
ethnic and religious hatred in the society. It needs to note, men, as compared to women, most often
specified the danger of using social networks as a means of fomenting ethnic hatred.
City residents with incomplete higher and higher levels of education – 57.1% and 50.6 %, respectively,
more often than other people admitted the danger of social networks as a means of fomenting national
hatred. Representatives of urban population with vocational secondary education more seldom expressed
fear of using socially networks to incite national hatred (38%). However, about 47% of the residents of
Krasnoyarsk and other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory pointed to the possibility of using social media to
incite ethnic hatred.
About 50% of the adult population of the cities of Krasnoyarsk Territory have seen some discussions of
interethnic relations in the Internet. At the same time young people more often have read threads, blogs,
debates, comments, dedicated to the discussion of religion issues and interethnic relations.
Among respondents with incomplete higher education there was recorded a higher percentage of those
who have seen the information on the national issues on the Internet (63.4%), in relation to other
respondents. At the same time, the population of Krasnoyarsk more often faces the Internet discussions of
topics of interethnic character, than that of other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory does.
Among the topics of interethnic relations on the Internet the first role is for issues of international
relations, interethnic conflicts, crime, illegal migrants, as well as topics of national extremism, Russophobia,
ethnocentrism and terrorism.
7. The attitude of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to labour migration.
Opinion of the population about the concept of “migrant worker”. Migrant workers are perceived by the
adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory primarily as non-Russian people who came from other
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countries to work. They tend to be busy at low-skilled jobs. Also there is an idea that these people are
forced to come to Russia, as in their own country they cannot find work. At the same time, migrant workers
often have deviant behavior.
Local population evaluation of the effect of migrant workers on the Krasnoyarsk Territory in terms of
benefits and harms. Up to 44% of citizens assess the impact of migrant workers on the Krasnoyarsk
Territory as both useful and harmful, 24.5% see migrant workers more harmful than good for the region
and 15% indicated that migrant workers may do more good than harm for the region. The opinions of men
and women in relation to the nature of the impact of migrant workers on the Krasnoyarsk Territory in
terms of benefits and harms are similar.
In all age groups of the adult urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is the prevalent
opinion that the Krasnoyarsk Territory will see migrant workers’ harms and benefits equally. In this respect,
the maximum level of the share of citizens agreed with this opinion is in the subsample of middle-aged
Distribution of opinions about the benefits or harms of labour migration in groups of urban citizens with
different levels of education does not form a stable pattern. As for this factor, respondents with higher
education see more use in labour migration (19%) and less damage (18.8%), as compared to the citizens
having other levels of education. The least use in labour migration is detected among answers of
respondents with vocational secondary education.
Among the residents of Krasnoyarsk the number of those, who believes that migrant workers will bring
the benefit and harm equally, is by 9.4% more than the number of those thinking, who live in the cities of
the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Among the residents of cities in the region there are more those, who believe
that migrant worker will bring more good than harm (up to 20.2%, in Krasnoyarsk – 11.3%).
Analysis of the opinions of the adult population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the distribution of the
responsibility for the regulation of migration flows in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Responsibility for the
management of migration flows, in the opinion of the adult population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, should
be held in the first place by the Federal Migration Service and the regional authorities. According to 19.2%
of city dwellers, such responsibility should be shared by the country, where the migrant come from, and
according to 10-12%, this responsibility should be shared by the national diaspora and entrepreneurs. In
this case, the opinions of men and women in this respect are generally similar.
In different age groups of urban residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory the opinions of respondents also
differ a little. All age groups of respondents named as dominant the responsibility of the Federal Migration
Service, as well as the regional authorities, for the management of migration flows in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory, whereupon, more often the responsibility of these bodies is indicate by middle-aged citizens.
The responsibility of the Federal Migration Service is more likely to be mentioned by the citizens with
higher and incomplete higher education, the regional authorities are named by respondents with
secondary and vocational secondary education. An indication of the country of departure responsible for
the migrant is more common among respondents with vocational secondary and incomplete higher
education, the responsibility of the national Diasporas is more often indicated by citizens with higher
Residents of Krasnoyarsk impose responsibility for the migrant workers’ flows on FMS more often than
residents of other cities in the region. In general, Krasnoyarsk residents have a more proactive approach to
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the issue of the regulation of migration flows in the region. Principal organs, which should be responsible
for the regulation of migration flows, are again the Federal Migration Service and regional authorities.
Analysis of the attitude of the urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to migrant workers as
competitors on the labour market. The majority (61.2%) of urban residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
reported that they do not feel competition from migrant workers in the labour market. Such competition is
felt by 19.7% of respondents. The highest number of residents indicating that they feel the competition
from migrant workers in the labour market was recorded among women.
Citizens who feel this competition are more common among middle-aged respondents (21.5%). The
least share of these respondents was recorded among pensioners (17.1%).
The share of citizens who feel the competition from migrant workers in the labour market is regardless
of education level. The distribution of these factors for Krasnoyarsk and other cities of the region is also
Most residents of the Krasnoyarsk Territory responded negatively the question of willingness to take up
jobs that migrants take (61.5%). The share of the urban citizens ready to take up jobs occupied by migrants
is 18.1%. Men expressed a greater willingness to take these jobs, as compared to women.
The share of urban residents who are ready to take up jobs occupied by labour migrants in different age
groups ranges from 16-20%. In addition to the above, the maximum indicator (20.3%) is shown by
respondents in the subsample of middle-aged people. The share of citizens who are not ready to take up
jobs occupied by migrant workers has a positive age dynamics and increases from the younger age groups
to senior ones. Citizens with secondary and vocational secondary education are more likely to treat migrant
workers as competitors. Among the urban population with higher education the share of respondents who
reported their unwillingness to take up jobs occupied by labour migrants is much more higher.
In Krasnoyarsk, the share of respondents who expressed their willingness to take up jobs occupied now
by migrant workers is 8.7% higher than this number in other cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
8. Analysis of the opinions of the adult urban population about the existence of an external (foreign)
threat to the stability of interethnic relations in Russia. Not less than 48% of urban residents of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory believe that there is an external (foreign) threat to the stability of interethnic
relations in Russia and 22.8% of respondents believe that there is no such a threat. Concurrently men are
more likely to consider the existence of the external (foreign) threat to the stability of interethnic relations
in Russia, as compared to women.
The greatest concern about the presence of the external (foreign) threat to the stability of interethnic
relations in Russia was expressed by the representatives of urban youth in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the
least concern and maximum level of ignorance were shown by pensioners. Among citizens with higher
education there were recorded more respondents, who are concerned about the external (foreign) threat
to the stability of international relations in Russia, as compared to respondents with secondary education.
In the cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, respondents are more concerned about the existence of the
external (foreign) threat to the stability of international relations in Russia, as compared to residents of
Krasnoyarsk. The level of ignorance of the citizens in this respect is 28%, and this indicator is similar both
for Krasnoyarsk and other cities in the region.
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3. The attitude of the adult population of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory to labour migration, religion and religious associations (2012).
1. The level of religious self-identification for the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory is traditionally high. Not less than 76% of the population of central group of cities and regions
identified themselves as believers, and only 16% indicated that they are not. This level reflects the national
trend and is repeatedly recorded regarding the population of Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Thus, the level of religious self-identification among the population of basic socially significant cities in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory fixed in the study of ethnic and religious tolerance, held in 2011, was 75.5%28.
Among women, there is traditionally a high level of religious self-identification, as compared to men:
among the first 80% of respondents called themselves believers, among the second – 72%. However, the
older are respondents in the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the higher is
the level of their religious self-identification. If among students this level is 58.2%, among young people
aged 18 to 29 years – 65.3%, among the middle-aged people (aged 30 to 54 (women) and 30-59 (men)) this
indicator reaches 79.2%, and a number of believers among retirees – 87.1%.
The content of religious self-identification of population also reflects a nationwide situation and the
situation taking place in the Krasnoyarsk Territory: 83.4 % of the residents indicated that they are
representatives of the Orthodox religion. Islam traditionally takes the second place. It is interesting that the
Orthodox religion, unlike Islam is a “female” religion: 85.7% of women are representatives of the Orthodox
religion, whereas among men this indicator is 80.6%. Adherents of Islam are more often men: 7.5% of men
are among the members of this religion and only 6.6 % of women. Such a ratio of the indicators was
recorded in main socially significant cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2011.29
2. Religious buildings’ attendance rate of the population of the central group of cities and districts of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory is 55 % (42% of respondents indicated that they are not religious buildings’ visitors).
More often churches, other places of worship are visited by women, as compared with men. So, if women
attendance of such buildings is as high as 60 %, men attendance is almost 10 % lower (50.9 %). The lowest
level of attendance of religious buildings by religion found among students (50.9 %). In older age groups
this figure is rising.
However, this relatively high level of attendance of religious buildings according to a certain faith does
not guarantee regular attendance of temples, houses of prayer and other religious buildings and remains at
a low level. Most of the representatives of the adult population of the central group of cities and districts of
the Krasnoyarsk Territory (62.1 %) do not attend any religious building or visit them once a year or less
often. Thus, only 13.7% of respondents visit religious building every week, 9.9% – every month, 14.3% –
several times a year, and 20 % – once a year or less. Women, compared to men, more regularly attend
religious buildings, that proves traditionally higher level of religious behavior of women. Among women,
there is a higher proportion of those who attend places of worship each week – 14.7% (while among men
this figure is only 12.6%). Similar differences were also detected for women and men attending religious
Interethnic and interfaith tolerance among the population of main socially significant cities of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory. Infor-mation and Reference Bulletin. Krasnoyarsk Branch of Scientific Educational Institution of Higher
Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law” in Krasnoyarsk,
2012. P.123 (table 1.1.).
Ibid, P.124 (table 2.2)
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buildings several times a year and once a year or less often. This trend was also found in the population of
socially important cities of the region in 2011.30
3. Exercise of religion is at the relatively low level among the population of the central group of cities
and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (this level of performance of religious rites implies the ratio of
people performing and non-performing rites among the study population). The majority (71%) does not
participate in the exercise of religion, but up to 28% of the respondents admitted that they are involved in
this exercise. Often performers of religious rites are women, and among men there are more those who are
not involved in the exercise of religion. At the same time, against the background of a relatively low level of
exercise of religion, icons and other religious objects are widely distributed among the population of the
central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Thus, 82.2% of residents indicated that
they have icons and other religious objects at home, and only 17.1% do not have these items. Women are
more likely to have religious objects, as compared to men who are more likely to point to the lack of these
items at home. If 80.2% men are the owners of the objects of worship, among women this share reaches
84%. Also it is significant that the number of holders of religious objects and icons increases with the age in
the studied area.
The wide spread of religious objects among the population of the central group of cities and districts of
the Krasnoyarsk Territory and at the same time the low level of religious rites suggest that the existing cult
objects at the disposal of population are rarely used for their intended purpose and are more likely to play
the role of cultural than religious identifiers: the possession of religious objects is due to the desire of the
population to feel that they belong to a religious (Orthodox) culture, and is not conditioned by the desire
to perform their religious ceremonies with the help of these objects. This situation was also found in the
population of socially important cities of the region in 2011.31
4. More than half (56%) of the representatives of the central group of the population of cities and
districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory indicated that they refer to religious literature, and almost 44% said
that they do not read it. However, only 25% of respondents said they often read religious literature, and
36.2 % do so rarely, from case to case. Women turn to religious literature more often, as compared to men.
In contrast, among men there are more those who do not read such literature. So, if there are 53.1% men,
who refer religious literature to with some degree of regularity, among women this figure reaches 58.2%.
On the contrary, among men there are more those people who do not read such literature than among
women – 46.7% and 41.6%, respectively.
Characteristic is the change in the interest in religious literature with the increasing age of residents.
Here there are two unidirectional trends – increasing levels of reading religious literature in population
from younger to older ages and, in the same direction, reducing number of those who do not read religious
Often members of the population of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
appeal to religious literature concerning their religion. In particular, 27.7% of respondents select for reading
different literature of their religion, while 18.8% – read only the scriptures of their religion. Religious
literature regarding other religions is chosen by 11.8% of respondents. Thus, the residents of the studies
area in their majority of read religious books rarely, but refer to the various literature of their religion.
Ibid. P. 25
Ibid. P. 17-19.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Most of the representatives of the central group of the population of cities and districts of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory have a need for prayer, but often they do not know the prayers and pray in their own
words. Specifically, 27.5% of members of the public indicated that they know the prayers of their religion
and 44.8% – that they do not know that the prayers and pray in their own words. Up to 27% of the
respondents said they do not pray and do not feel need in doing so.
Women are more committed to religious behavior, as compared to men, and turn to prayer more often.
So, up to 76% of women turn to prayer, while 47.1% do not know the prayers and pray in your own words,
and 28.8% – know the prayers of their religion. Among men, the share of respondents turning to prayer
was 68.1%, while the ratio of knowing and not knowing prayers reproduces the trend shown by women.
Among men, the percent of respondents without the need for prayer is 30.8%, while among women the
rate stands at 23.1%.
5. In the mass consciousness of the population of the central group of cities and districts of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, there are two groups of religious and quasi-religious phenomena that are the subject
of faith. Miracles, signs, existence of heaven and hell – these are phenomena, in which the residents
believe primarily, while the evil eye, charm, end of the world and astrology rather cause skepticism among
respondents. So, 74.3% of the population believes in miracles, 64.9% – in signs, 58.6 – in the existence of
heaven and hell. 40.9% of the population believe in the evil eye and charm, 39.9% believe in the end of the
world, and 36.3% believe in astrology.
Despite the kind of “trend” in the public consciousness, associated with the alleged end of the world in
December 2012, the number of people who believe in this end, in comparison with 2011, has not changed
much. So, if in 2011 in the main socially significant cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there were recorded
40.8% of those who indicated that they believe in the coming end of the world, in 2012 this figure was
39.9%. Leaving other phenomena awhile, the population believes in miracles.
Belief in the existence of heaven and hell becomes more common for modern students, and the least
relevant items of faith for all ages are the astrology and the end of the world. Traditionally women, as
compared to men, are more prone to believe in the quasi-religious and religious phenomena. On average,
the number of women who are likely to believe in these phenomena is 7% more, as compared to men. The
exception is the end of the world, the amount of believers in this result remains similar among men and
6. The level of communication of the central group of the population of cities and districts of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory with priests is relatively low. 36% of the population communicate with the priest with
some degree of regularity and up to 64% of residents indicated that they do not communicate with the
priest. In the population there are only 18% of those who interact with the clergy regularly, 10.5% -weekly
and 7.5 % – each month. From time to time 17.9% communicate with the priest (a few times a year or once
a year or less). Women are somewhat more active in the direction of regular communication with the
priest, among them there are nearly 12% of those who communicate with the priest every week, while
among men there are 9% of such respondents. Residents aged from 18 to 54 (women) and to 59 (men)
years old more regularly interact with clergy: among them the level of communication with the priest
reaches 12%, and among students and pensioners this level is 7%.
7. The vast majority of the population of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory did not express any associations regarding the phrase “religious associations”. That it is to say, at
least 80% of the respondents indicated they do not know about the existence of such associations and only
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20% said they know about their existence. This situation is believed to be provoked by the concept of
“religious associations” in the sociological questionnaire, which was not entirely clear to the respondents.
So there is a situation when 55% of the population who visit places of worship according to their faith with
some degree of regularity and, at the same time, only 20% said that they are aware of religious associations
acting in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The least aware of the existence of religious groups are representatives
of students, and residents aged from 18 to 54 (women) and to 59 (men) years old, on the contrary, found
the greatest awareness of their existence.
A set of the most mentioned religious associations present in the mass consciousness of the population
studied is as follows. Most references were made to Jehovah’s Witnesses (at the first place). The second
place among mentioning was occupied by the Russian Orthodox Church, the third highest number of
mentions – the Muslim religion. However, only 16.3% of the respondents pointed to specific religious
groups, which indirectly indicates the fragmented knowledge of public representations about religious
associations operating in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Naturally, due to the absence of clear understanding of the existing religious associations, most of the
residents of the studied area left the question of the role of such organizations in the life of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory unanswered. However, the majority of those who expressed their evaluation believe that religious
associations play rather positive role in the life of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Men and women on the whole
have similar assessments of the role of religious associations in the region, but women tend to somewhat
more positively evaluate the activities of such associations.
8. The population of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, as a rule, does
not face the conflicts associated with religion (78.3%). Only up to 11% of the population faced with such
conflicts. Among those who faced with such conflicts there are more men and the representative of young
people aged 18 to 29 years.
The most rooted in the memory of the central group of the population of cities and regions of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory is a conflict with a band “Pussy Riot”, which was widely broadcast in the media. The
second place was taken by the conflict associated with the spread in the United States of the movie
“Innocence of Muslims”. It must be assumed that the presence of these events in the actual memory of the
studied population is a consequence of their media coverage. In the third place there is the phenomenon of
terrorism: the respondents remembered the attacks that are associated in the public mind with the
concept of religious conflict. In the fourth place there is a number of conflicts, associated with religion, –
political conflicts (Israel-Palestine conflict, riots in Egypt), sawing crosses, which took place in 2012 (and
which was also broadcast in the various media), historical conflict (Crusades), existential conflict (linked
with different ideas about the existence of God).
9. A significant amount (42%) of residents of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory, often young people, got information about the religion through the Internet. In this regard, 14.3%
of respondents have not met on the Internet such information and 53% indicated that they do not use the
Internet. The most active users of the Internet are the young people, they almost 2 times more often use
the Internet, as compared to people of mature age, and almost more than 3 times more often, as
compared to pensioners.
Leaders in the quantity of information about religion on the Internet are social networks – “VKontakte”,
“Odnoklassniki” (Classmates) and others. Up to 25% of the respondents indicated that they receive a lot of
information about religion from this source. The second highest resource of information about religion is
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
reference sites and electronic dictionaries (20.8%), the third place is occupied by the news sites and
electronic media (18.8%) and the last place if for sites of churches and religious associations (15.6%). The
researchers believe that the subjective assessment of the amount of information obtained from this or that
source on the Internet, characterizes mainly the reference of the respondents to these data sources. So the
least popular (and therefore considered uninformative) in respondents’ assessments were sites of churches
and religious associations: 22.4% of respondents were not interested in these resources, and 13.4% did not
find there necessary or interesting information for themselves and defined the volume of the information
received there as “little”. The most active consumers of information about religion on the Internet are
young people aged from 18 to 29, more passive are pensioners.
According to estimates by representatives of the central group of cities and regions in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory, the above mentioned online resources tend to offer positive or neutral information about
religion. The largest amount of positive information is offered on churches’ sites, religious associations’
sites, and in social networks. More neutral information, according to the respondents, is offered on
reference sites, in electronic dictionaries and on news sites. The leader in transmitting more negative
information about religion, as compared to other online sources, is social networks.
10. In the mass consciousness of the population of the central group of cities and districts of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory there is a relatively monolithic complex of opinions concerning religion and religious
practices, which is eclectic in its structure. On the one hand, respondents focused on the opinions of the
existence of God, and on opinions about religious rites and communion with the priest as a way of
communication between man and God, on the other hand, they believe that they can communicate with
God alone and they should not resort to the formal implementation of religious precepts, i.e. regularly
attend temples, know prayers and perform religious ceremonies. This fact corresponds to the situation
identified above, when the population of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory reveals a high level of religious self-identifications, most households having religious objects and,
along with it, there is a low level of religious behavior (there are relatively few respondents who regularly
visit places of worship according to their faith, read religious literature, know the prayers).
Along with this, in the minds of the inhabitants there is a cautious attitude towards religious
associations and their activities. Given that only 20% of respondents indicated that they are aware of the
existence of a such religious associations, it must be assumed that the source of the suspicious attitude to
such associations is not connected with their actual activities in the region, but rather with the image of a
religious organization, formed by the media and relating to conflicts due to the religious grounds, terrorist
attacks and other similar negative manifestations.
Women traditionally are the bearers of strong religious attitudes, as compared to men. Beliefs that
knowledge of the prayers may be optional, that people may pray in your own words and that God’s
existence cannot be questioned got the greatest spread among the studied population. In this case, the
view that a person is not necessarily obliged to know the prayers that one can pray in their own words gets
greater with the increasing age of the respondent. Furthermore it is noteworthy that young people aged
from18 to 29, as well as representatives of the middle-aged group, most often focus on self-communion
with God than pensioners, whose opinion is that communication with the priest appears as a more
important aspect of religious behavior.
Thus, against the high level of religious self-identification among the population of central group of cities
and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory the level of religious behavior remains relatively low. Residents
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
indicate that they belong to the Orthodox religion and have cult objects at home, but this manifests need in
cultural more than religious identification. This conclusion follows from the answers of the respondents,
which revealed a low level of regular attendance of religious buildings according to their faith, a low level of
communication with the priest, a low level of religious rites’ exercise and regular reading of religious
literature. Instead, residents of the studied area prefer to communicate with God alone and not to resort to
the formal implementation of religious precepts. However, people believe in miracles, signs, heaven and
hell. In summary, women show greater commitment to religious behavior, as compared to men.
11. In the view of the inhabitants of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
a concept of “migrant workers” has the following content. Under labour migrants residents often
understand representatives of other nationalities, immigrants from the former Soviet Union and China,
who are:
- arrived in the territory of Russia with the aim of earning (migrant workers are Gastarbeiters; all nonRussians who came to work; people who have moved to another country for earnings; guest workers;
immigrants from other countries who came to work in Russia, etc.; people who came to get a job; people
looking for decent wages for their quality work; people who came to work within specialties, which are in
demand; the low-skilled workers; the workers and merchants; workaholics, etc..);
- people who do not have Russian citizenship (migrant workers – unrecognized Russian citizens; citizens
of neighbouring countries who do not have Russian citizenship; people who do not have Russian
citizenship; people without citizenship who reside illegally in the territory of the Russian Federation; people
who work in the state, not being one of its nationals; mostly people without registration, etc.);
- people who are not citizens of Russia and have problems with the registration (migrant workers –
unrecognized Russian citizens; citizens of neighbouring countries who do not have Russian citizenship;
people who do not have Russian citizenship; people without citizenship who reside illegally in the territory
of the Russian Federation; people who work in the state, not being one of its nationals; mostly people
without registration, etc.).
There are opinions that migrant workers were forced to arrived, that these are disadvantaged people
who have no right, assets, employment; who need help and support (migrant workers are poor people
from other countries; unemployed from neighbouring states; unemployed, looking for a place where it is
good; disenfranchised people; hostages of labour system of their countries; people who cannot earn in
their own country; people who are in a difficult financial situation; people who have been trapped in their
own country in a difficult situation; echoes of the wrong economic and social policy of the state; people
who may do more than they can in their home country; people who need help and support).
12. In general, the inhabitants of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
give compromise estimates of the impact of labour migration on Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory and
believe that this phenomenon brings both harm and benefit equally. So 39% and 36% of respondents assess
the situation as such. Personally for themselves almost 48% of respondents do not see neither harm nor
benefit from migrant workers.
However, if to choose between benefits and harms that occur from labour migrants, migrant workers,
according to the respondents, are more useless than useful phenomenon for Russia and for the
Krasnoyarsk Territory and personally for the residents of the studied territories. Also women tend to be
more positive than men in assessing the impact of migrant workers. Among men, there are more those
who rate migrant workers as bringing more harm than good for Russia, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and for
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
them personally. In addition the population of the studied area is characterized by the decline of positive
assessments of migrant workers and, on the contrary, the elevated number of negative ratings in older age
groups. The general trend is that fact that the number of positive assessments of migrant workers
decreases as it comes to the personal space of the respondents.
13. Most of the inhabitants of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory
expressed reluctance to enter into a relationship with the representatives of other nationalities. 77.8% of
respondents do not want to marry them, and only 21.1% agreed. Most respondents agreed to be friends
with the representatives of other nationalities (54.6%), to be neighbours (57%) and colleagues (53.8%).
However, the gap in opinions of agreeing and disagreeing to enter into such a relationship with the
representatives of other nationalities is small – from 9% to 14%. Similar trends are manifested in the
responses of men and women, as well as the respondents of different age groups. However, young
students more are open to contacts with the representatives of other nationalities, and pensioners are
more closed for such contacts.
In general, social distance, set by the population of the central group of cities and districts of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory in relation to other nationalities, estimated as average. The index of social distance
has a value of 4.01 and characterizes the willingness of residents to communicate with the representatives
of other nationalities at the level of colleagues, willing to study and work together. Women are more likely
to distance themselves from relationships with the representatives of other nationalities, as compared to
men (the indices of social distance are 3.96 and 4.05, respectively). Also, there is a tendency, according to
which the social distance to the representatives of other nationalities, increases with the age of
respondents: for studying young people aged from14 to 17 years I= 3.66, for people aged from18 to 29
years I= 3.89, for middle-aged group I= 4.02, for seniors I= 4.21).
14. The general attitude of the population of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk
Territory to migrant workers depends on the region of the country they came from weakly. Most people
point to the lack of this dependence (51%) or find it difficult to clearly define their position (22%). Only 27%
of respondents said that their attitude towards migrant workers depends on the site of their departure.
Men were more likely to indicate the dependence of their attitude towards migrant workers on the home
country of the latter than women. Among men the number of such responses is 28.2%, among women –
25.8%. Members of the younger aged groups (18 to 29 years old), as well as middle-aged people are largely
dependent in their attitude towards migrant workers on the territory from which they came.
15. Most of the population of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (63%)
do not feel the competition from migrant workers in the labour market. At the same time, 16% feel such
competition, but 27.3% of residents expressed their readiness to take up jobs that are currently occupied
by migrant workers. In this case, there were not identified significant differences of opinion on this issue
among men and women.
Men more often than women expressed a willingness to take up jobs, which are now occupied by
migrant workers. So the proportion of men who expressed a willingness to take up these jobs is 30%, and
among women – less by five percent (25.1%).
16. Among the population of the central group of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there is
a prevailing view that state institutions should provide assistance in the adaptation and integration of
migrant workers. A leading role should belong to the state from where migrant workers arrived. This
opinion is shared by up to half of the respondents. 36.5% of respondents believe that the help to migrant
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
workers should be done by the state in the territory of which they arrived. Along with this, mainly among
young people, widely believe that this adaptation and integration on the territory of their stay is the
concern of the migrants themselves. Among students this opinion is the most common. Respondents in
other age categories indicate government support for migrant workers as the main institution to facilitate
their adaptation.
The role of NGOs in involving compatriots in integration and adaptation of migrant workers is very weak,
according to population: only 18% to 27% of the respondents indicated their role in such assistance. Also
common place in the opinions of the representatives of all ages is the very low role of business, which, as
shown by the respondent’ answers, should not serve as facilitating mechanism for the adaptation of
migrant workers.
There were not identified significant differences of opinions between men and women on this issue.
17. In the mass consciousness of the population of the central group of cities and districts of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory there is certain eclecticism in relation to religious and national aspects, in a sense,
reaching some controversy. On the one hand, residents expressed generally tolerant attitude towards
people of other nations. So about two-thirds of the residents agreed with the opinion that it is impossible
to divide nations into good and bad, as in every nation there are good and bad people (77.4%), that all the
religions that exist in Russia should be equal (63.6%), that the traditions, customs and religion of any people
deserve respect, even if they seem unusual (70.6%). On the other hand, in their opinions there is a desire to
protect their culture from the influence of other nationalities’ representatives, and to distance themselves
from the problems associated with the arrival of migrant workers, who are generally regarded as the
representatives of other nationalities. It should be added that at least 70% of the respondents agreed with
the statement that it is necessary to allow entry to Russia only to those who know the Russian language
and respect Russian culture and that it is necessary to strictly control the arrival of migrant workers in
Russia (up to 69%). Also, there is a popular view that it is necessary to limit the stay of migrant workers in
the Krasnoyarsk Territory (47%). In this case, men in a number of cases express a tougher opinion against
migrant workers, as compared to women.
The opinions of respondents of different age groups about the assertion that it is necessary to limit the
stay of migrant workers in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are quite significantly differentiated. Most often youth
aged 18 to 29 years, as well as pensioners (53% and 50%, respectively), share this opinion. The least share
of agreement with this opinion was shown by young students, among whom, on the contrary, there are
many of those who believe that the arrival of migrant workers in Russian contributes to economic
development of the country. In general, in all sub-samples there was a general trend associated with the
skeptical attitude towards migrant workers and a desire to distance themselves from the problems
associated with them.
Factor analysis allowed specifying the general conclusion concerning the identified contradictory
situation32; this analysis again showed that the population of the central group of cities and districts of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, against the background of generally tolerant attitude towards other nationalities
have signs of migrantophobia.
The highest prevalence in the mass consciousness of the population is for a set of opinions, expressing
an eclectic mix of tolerant attitudes towards members of other ethnic groups and, at the same time, the
Factor analysis helps to reveal stable latent bonds present in the opinions of representatives of the population of
the studied areas and to link these opinions into complexes.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
hostile attitude towards migrant workers (30.7%). On the one hand, in this complex there are opinions that
the division of people into the nationalities is a relic of the past, while traditions, customs, religion of any
people deserve respect, even if they seem unusual. On the other hand, there are very stable opinions that
enter into Russia should be allowed to only those who know the Russian language and respect Russian
culture, it is necessary to strictly control the arrival in Russia of migrant workers, and it is necessary to
restrict the accommodation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory of migrant workers.
The second set of opinions is almost three times less prevalent in the mass consciousness of the
population of the studied area (11.1%). It expresses opinions that characterize mainly positive attitude
towards migrant workers. This factor contain opinions that the arrival in Russia of migrant workers
contributes to the economic development of the country, the arrival of migrants in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory enrich the culture of the region, so it is necessary to create conditions to attract foreign labour
migrants in Russia, the impact of labour migration on the rise in crime in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is a
myth, the arrival in Russia of migrant workers from neighbouring countries is inevitable, so locals have to
put up with this.
The third complex (8.5%) expresses a tolerant attitude toward otherness, “not complicated” by
migration factor. Here there are judgments that people cannot be divided on good and bad, as in every
nation there are good and bad people, that all religions that exist in Russia, should be equal and that the
traditions, customs and religion of any people deserve respect, even if they seem unusual.
Finally, the fourth complex of opinions expresses the attitude of the respondents to the events of a
religious nature, which occurred in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It has a minimum descriptive force (7.2%),
and expresses the opinion that the visit of Patriarch Kirill (ROC) to Krasnoyarsk is important for the
Krasnoyarsk Territory; that such event as bringing Orthodox shrines (namely, the Belt of the Holy Virgin) to
Krasnoyarsk is an importanta landmark for the region.
These complexes are characterized by the views of the mass consciousness of both men and women.
The only difference is that the factor loads of separate characteristics vary slightly.
Thus, the average estimates of migrant workers in the representation of people from the central group
of cities and districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are as follows. Migrant workers are members of other
ethnic groups, immigrants from the former Soviet Union and China, who arrived in Russia with the aim of
earning. In this case, migrants often expose deviant behavior. There are both harm and benefits of labour
migration for Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory equally, though, if to choose between harms and
benefits, harms prevail. For themselves the interviewed people do not see any harm or benefit from
migrant workers. Residents rather than migrants are perceived as competitors on the labour market and, in
general, locals are willing to communicate with the representatives of other nationalities at the level of
colleagues, able to study and work together. They believe that state institutions should exercise assistance
in the adaptation and integration of migrant workers. A leading role in doing so should belong to the state
from where migrant workers arrived. In addition, the population of the central group of cities and districts
of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is in favor of tightening the arrival of migrant workers in Russia and
Krasnoyarsk Territory, they express cautious attitude towards migrant workers, the desire to distance
themselves from problems connected with their stay.
In addition, SFU conducted a research on the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North
integration in new socio-economic conditions. It is shown that in order to save cultural diversity there
should be deliberate government policy on preserving language and culture, especially the livelihoods of
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
the indigenous and small-numbered peoples. At the moment there is a problem of disappearance of these
people in connection with the fierce industrialization in the places of their historic residence.
13. Conclusions
Based on these studies there were defined the main risks associated with migration situation and
interethnic relations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
1. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is a multinational region: according to the National Population Census 2010
there are representatives of 159 nationalities in the region. In this regard, it is natural that the circle of
friends of most of the young people includes representatives of other nationalities. So up to 77% of
students have acquaintances, friends and relatives belonging to other nationalities. However, only 23.3% of
high school pupils and students in Krasnoyarsk indicated that they are rather happy with situation of living
in a multicultural environment, 32.6% expressed their dissatisfaction with this fact, and 44.1% were
indifferent to this fact33. Therefore, a need exists for the development and application of tools for
developing ethnic tolerance among the youth in the Krasnoyarsk Territory; these tools should be aimed at
creating a positive attitude towards people of other nationalities.
2. The level of negative attitudes towards foreign labour migration among students in Krasnoyarsk is
relatively high. So up to 42% of pupils and students believe that the foreign labour migration rather harms
the Krasnoyarsk Territory. According to 27.6% of students, foreign labour migration is more beneficial for
the region and 28.6% believe that it does not significantly affect the region’s development.
The image of foreign migrant workers in the mass consciousness of urban dwellers in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory also has largely negative traits. Thus, migrant workers in the representation of people of
Krasnoyarsk are representatives of other ethnic groups, immigrants from the former Soviet Union and
China, mostly men aged 25 to 34 years, involved in construction and market trade, who came to Russia for
the purpose of earning. They often have deviant behavior, do not have Russian citizenship, break the order
of registration on the territory of arrival.
These findings indicate the need to intensify efforts to form an overall integrated environment for the
interaction of foreign migrant workers and the youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, built on common human
3. As the case studies carried out by us in the Krasnoyarsk Territory prove, the most active sources of
information on interethnic relations among the youth are the media (television, radio, printed media, and
the Internet). In the second place there are traditional institutions of socialization (school, college, family,
friends, neighbours). At the same time, according to young people, they get the largest amount of negative
information about international relations from the periodical press, television, radio. Sources which
broadcast the largest amount of positive information about inter-ethnic relations are family and school –
about 50% of the respondents gave these data sources positive evaluations.
In addition, the young students in Krasnoyarsk in most cases (65%) believe it necessary to improve the
quality of information on national and interethnic relations among young people. The most effective
Trufanov D.O., Fen’vesh T.A. The ethnic factor in the urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: some results of
sociological research for 2009-2012. Modern Problems of Science and Education. № 2. 2014. Mode of access:
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
measures for promoting the transfer of knowledge and information, according to the youth, will be themed
stories in the media, demonstrating the values of ethnic tolerance, informing about the culture, history and
way of life of different peoples; transnational meetings, forums and other events held in the space of
modern youth culture; organization of educational activities, integrated in the education system at all
levels, in order to spread knowledge about modern interethnic relations among the youth and the values of
tolerance for members of different nationalities34.
4. In the mass consciousness of the adult population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory the researchers
identified three sets of opinions related to the attitude towards people of other nationalities and foreign
migrant workers. The most widely used is the set of opinions expressing an eclectic mix of tolerant
attitudes toward members of other ethnic groups and at the same time hostile attitude towards migrant
workers (31.9%). On the one hand, in this complex there are opinions that the division of people into the
nationalities is a relic of the past, while traditions, customs, religion of any people deserve respect, even if
they seem unusual. On the other hand, there are very stable opinions that enter into Russia should be
allowed to only those who know the Russian language and respect Russian culture, it is necessary to strictly
control the arrival in Russia of migrant workers, and it is necessary to restrict the accommodation in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory of migrant workers. These opinions are strong enough in the mass consciousness of
the population and have a higher load factor, as compared to the opinions expressed tolerance towards the
representatives of other nationalities. Such eclecticism was also found in 2011 in the study of ethnic and
religious tolerance among the population of the main socially important cities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
As a result of this study there was identified a leading range of opinions, which had both representations of
the population that it is impossible to divide nations into good and bad, as in every nation there are good
and bad people, and that the people who have their homeland outside Russia , are to leave for there35.
The second set of opinions is almost three times less prevalent in the mass consciousness of the
population of the studied area (11.1%). It expresses opinions that characterize mainly positive attitude
towards migrant workers. This factor contain opinions that the arrival in Russia of migrant workers
contributes to the economic development of the country, the arrival of migrants in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory enrich the culture of the region, so it is necessary to create conditions to attract foreign labour
migrants in Russia, the impact of labour migration on the rise in crime in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is a
myth, the arrival in Russia of migrant workers from neighbouring countries is inevitable, so locals have to
put up with this.
The third complex of opinions (8.5%) expresses a tolerant attitude toward otherness, “not complicated”
by migration factor. Here there are judgments that people cannot be divided on the good and bad, as in
every nation there are good and bad people, that all religions that exist in Russia, should be equal and that
the traditions, customs and religion of any people deserve respect, even if they seem unusual.
Trufanov D.O., Baeva Yu.V., Korostelyova D.V., Monakhova M.V. Features of attitudes of students in vocational
secondary colleges in Krasnoyarsk to the representatives of other nationalities living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The
Krasnoyarsk Territory: Past, Present and Future. Proceedings of the International Conference Dedicated to the 75th
anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Krasnoyarsk, 19-21 November 2009 in 2 Vols. Vol. 2. Pp. 324-327.
Ethnic and religious tolerance of the population of the main socially important cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Information Bulletin on Interethnic, Interfaith relations and migration in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, №8. Krasnoyarsk
Branch of Scientific Edu-cational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg Institute of Foreign
Economic Relations, Economics and Law” in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, 2012. Pp.49-59.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
These results suggest that the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, on the background of the
declared tolerant attitude towards people of other nationalities have some signs of migrantophobia. In this
regard, there should be relevant search and application of mechanisms on forming tolerant attitude
towards foreign migrant workers, which will help to prevent possible negative effects on the
migrantophobia grounds in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
1. Artemyev E. V., Drozdov N. I., Makulov V. I. Basic Stages of Archaeological Studies of Afontova
Mountain II Site. The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series “Geoarcheology. Ethnology. Anthropology”
№2, 2013; Artemyev E.V. On the initial settlement of Krasnoyarsk archaeological area on the materials of
the research on Paleolithic Afontova mountain-V in Krasnoyarsk in 1997. Historical stages of socioeconomic and cultural development in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Krasnoyarsk, 1998.
2. Vasily Surikov. http://artsurikov.ru.
3. Issues of interethnic, interfaith relations and migration in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2009- 2010.
Information Bulletin, №6. Krasnoyarsk: “Polikor” Ltd., 2011
4. Vital statistics of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Territorial Body of the Federal
5. Ivanova I.P. National-cultural centers as a factor in the harmonization of interethnic relations on the
example of the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Bulletin of the Tomsk State University, № 319. 2009.
This paper analyzes the causes of creation of national and cultural associations and centers by ethnic
diasporas and create, and the peculiarities of the national cultures’ formation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory
in terms of interethnic communication. There was considered the significance of Interethnic Cultural Center
in Krasnoyarsk, whose creation was the impetus for people of many nationalities to unite to protect their
cultural interests.
6. Krasnoyarsk: from past to future. Essays on the history of the city. [Editorial Board : Bykonya G.F. et
al.] Krasnoyarsk: RASTR, 2013.
7. Culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples in the context of global transformations:
collective monograph. Ed. by Koptseva N.P. Krasnoyarsk, SFU, 2012.
The book includes papers presented at the session “Culture of indigenous and small-numbered peoples
of the North in the context of global transformations”, held at the Third Russian Cultural Congress with
International Participation “Creativity in Tradition and Innovation space”, St. Petersburg, 27-29 October
2010. The book is based on the idea that the implementation of a particular social and cultural policy,
characteristic of Siberia, requires scientific understanding of primary and secondary cultural mechanisms of
reproduction of ethnic and cultural groups in the conditions of modern civil changes. It discusses the
methodological problems of research of culture of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples of the
North in the conditions of global transformations, gives an analysis of the global scientific experience,
regards the most productive research methods, their features. The authors study the legislation governing
the livelihoods of people living in the circumpolar zone, explore the concept of “ethnicity” in its
transformations and the process of forming ethnic tolerance. They provide examples of research of culture
of the indigenous and small-numbered peoples using various world research practices.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
8. Total results of population migration. The Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service of
9. Distribution of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory according to different gender and age
groups at the beginning of the year. The Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service of the
10. Interethnic and interfaith tolerance among the population of main socially significant cities of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory. Information and Reference Bulletin. Krasnoyarsk Branch of Scientific Educational
Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations,
Economics and Law” in Krasnoyarsk, 2012. P.123.
11. Rafikov R.G. Issues of interethnic, interfaith relations and migration in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in
2004-2008. Information Bulletin, №5. Krasnoyarsk, 2009. 192p.
Information Bulletin is devoted to topical issues of interethnic, interfaith and emigration relations and
the development of civil society in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The author gives a comprehensive analysis of
the studied issues on the basis of records, documents and research as the results of five year work from
2004 to 2008.
12. Rafikov R.G. The strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation and the institutions
of civil society in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Public education movement in Russia and the Krasnoyarsk
Territory: problems and prospects: proceedings of the scientific-practical conference on December 12,
2012. Krasnoyarsk Branch of Scientific Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “SaintPetersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law” in Krasnoyarsk, 2012. Pp. 30-36.
13. Trufanov D.O., Rafikov R.G. Does friendship begin with a smile? Some results of sociological
research of society opinions of citizens of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Ethnoworld on the Yenisei River. About
Peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. №10, 2014, Pp. 115-118.
14. Trufanov D.O., Baeva Yu.V., Korostelyova D.V., Monakhova M.V. Features of attitudes of students in
vocational secondary colleges in Krasnoyarsk to the representatives of other nationalities living in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Krasnoyarsk Territory: Past, Present and Future. Proceedings of the International
Conference Dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Krasnoyarsk, 19-21 November
2009 in 2 Vols. Vol. 2. Pp. 324-327.
The authors give the results of their study that characterizes the attitude of students of vocational
secondary educational institutions and vocational primary institutions of Krasnoyarsk to the
representatives of other nationalities living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The results show that the attitude
of students to the representatives of other nationalities is not uniform. Students specializing in the
Humanities revealed more tolerant attitude towards the representatives of other nationalities, as
compared to students of technical specialties. Among the students of technical specialties male
respondents expressed more negative attitude towards people of other nationalities.
15. Trufanov D.O. The national question through the eyes of young people: on the results of opinion
surveys of students of vocational primary and secondary educational institutions in Krasnoyarsk.
Information Bulletin on Issues of Interethnic, Interfaith Relations and Migration in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory, №7. Krasnoyarsk, 2012. 128p.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
Information Bulletin published results of the survey on the attitudes of young people studying in
institutions of vocational primary and secondary educational institutions in the city of Krasnoyarsk
regarding various aspects of inter-ethnic relations in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and Russia. This research
project was designed and commissioned by the Department of Public Relations of the Governor of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory. The published materials are aimed at specialists working in the field of education,
culture, nationality, migration and religious relations, as well as at scientists, lecturers, school teachers,
post-graduates and students.
16. Trufanov D.O., Fen’vesh T.A. The ethnic factor in the urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:
some results of sociological research for 2009-2012. Modern Problems of Science and Education. № 2.
2014. www.science-education.ru/116-12415
The paper presents some results of the held in 2009-2012 sociological research on various types of
relations of the urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to the representatives of other nationalities.
The authors considered the attitude to the ethnic factor among students, as well as among the adult urban
population in general. In addition, the authors revealed the actual attitude of the urban population to
foreign labour migration, assessing the city people’s evaluation of quantity and quality of information on
interethnic relations, being broadcast via different sources. A new aspect in the study of the ethnic factor in
the environment of the urban population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory was the study of the citizens’
estimates of virtual social networks as a source of information about interethnic relationships. It was
concluded that there is an eclectic attitude of the urban population to the representatives of other
nationalities, when, on the one hand, in the public mind there are relevant imperatives of tolerant attitude
towards people of other nationalities, on the other hand, there is a desire to distance themselves from the
problems connected with the arrival of foreign migrant workers in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
17. Fedyukina K.A. Ethnic tolerance of young people as one of the conditions of socio-cultural
adaptation of ethnic migrants. Modern Problems of Science and Education. № 6. 2013.
The paper highlights the main trends in the development of interethnic relations in the Krasnoyarsk
Territory in 1940-1990s on the basis of the documents of the State Archive of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
The State Archive of the Krasnoyarsk Territory stores documents of national cultural societies and
associations, whose overview is presented by the author. Summarizing the results, it is worth noting that
the situation of ethnic tolerance in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is relatively favorable, that is, the threats are
not observed. However, issues of concern involve transfer of information on the national issue. This is due
to the fact that the media lead in the amount of broadcast information, while the role of traditional
institutions of socialization, broadcasting more positive information about international relations, is
reduced. In this regard, the authors consider it necessary to introduce a number of recommendations
based on the results of the study.
18. Fedyukina K.A. National extremism in social networks: Myth or Threat? VI International Student
Scientific e-Conference “Student Scientific Forum”, February 15 – March 31, 2014.
This article discusses the risks associated with the possibility of igniting ethnic hatred through virtual
social networks. The author points out those virtual social networks provide a range of opportunities to
broadcast the national extremist ideology and manipulate the minds of many people across the globe.
D2.1 Existing Research Reviews (English)
These risks are largely due to the possibility of anonymous communication on the Internet and the lack of
control in this sphere by the state.
19. The population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics
20. The number of marriages and divorces in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Territorial Body of the
Federal State Statistics Service in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the official website.
21. Ethnic and religious tolerance among young students in the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the example
of Krasnoyarsk and Norilsk. Report on the results of sociological research. Krasnoyarsk Branch of Scientific
Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Saint-Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic
Relations, Economics and Law” in Krasnoyarsk, Krasnoyarsk, 2010. 198p.
The publication provides a consolidated analysis of the responses of young students to issues related to
ethnic and religious tolerance. The authors found out that in the circle of their friends most of the
respondents are representatives of other nationalities. Most young students have a negative attitude to the
ideas of radical nationalism and do not support the nationalist youth movement. Answers of the
respondents to the questions of the researchers suggest that now there is insufficient information about
interethnic relations in the information environment in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
22. Ethnic and religious tolerance of the population of the main socially important cities of the
Krasnoyarsk Territory. Information Bulletin on Interethnic, Interfaith relations and migration in the
Krasnoyarsk Territory, №8. Krasnoyarsk Branch of Scientific Educational Institution of Higher Professional
Education “Saint-Petersburg Institute of Foreign Economic Relations, Economics and Law” in Krasnoyarsk,
Krasnoyarsk, 2012. 160p.
The Information Bulletin publishes results of the sociological survey of the views of the city population
of Krasnoyarsk and other socially important cities in the region (Achinsk, Kansk, Minusinsk) on the level of
religiosity of the population, the impact of virtual social networks, the formation of public opinion in the
field of national and religious relations. This research project was designed and conducted at the request of
Department the Public Relations of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The published materials are
aimed at professionals working in the field of education, culture; national, migration and religious relations,
as well as at scientists, lecturers, school teachers, post-graduates and students.
23. Ethnoatlas of Krasnoyarsk Territory. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Krasnoyarsk: Publishing
House “Platina”, 2008.
24. The Krasnoyarsk Territory, the official portal. http://www.krskstate.ru
25. Archives of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the official website. http://красноярские-архивы.рф
26. The Territorial Body of the Federal State Statistics Service in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the official
website http://www.krasstat.gks.ru
27. The portal of legal statistics of General Prosecutor Office. Mode of access: http://crimestat.ru
28. Report № 1.37.1 “Socio-economic situation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in January-July 2014”.
29. A list of the official websites of the ministries and services of the Russian Federation.
30. Official site of the city administration of Krasnoyarsk. http://www.admkrsk.ru