- njaaca.org


- njaaca.org
January 2015
Volume 59
No. 1
Happy New Year
1973 Pontiac Grand Prix
owned by Chuck DuBois.
Bette Pritchett, No. 23 in
Participation Points in
2013, deferred to Chuck.
See his story, Pg.11
1939 Pontiac owned
by Ed Symonds, No.
24 in Participation
Points in 2013.
See his story, Pg.11
2014 New Jersey
Region Officers
President –
Vice-President –
Gregory Roser - 908-403-6486
83 Paterson Rd.,
Fanwood, NJ 07023
Secretary –
Wayne Tuck - 609-240-1561
1284 Millstone River Rd.,
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
Trisha Copley 908-459-4689
100 Hissim Rd.,
Great Meadows, NJ 07838
Membership Secretary –
Bill Pritchett - 908-534-9069
6 Columbine Road, Whitehouse
Station, NJ 08889
Treasurer –
Tim Schimmel 973-713-7627
21 John Ct. Randolph, NJ 07869
Ed Geller
Ray Fischer
Duane Copley
Editor –
Art Briggs
The Road Map is the newsletter
published monthly by the New
Jersey Region AACA Inc.
Reprinting of articles and other
items is permitted providing due
credit is given to this publication
and the author.
Celebrations –
Brenda Zimmermann
Photography –
All items for publication must be submitted by
the 15th day of the prior month to the editor
either by email to
Duffy Bell
Trisha Copley
Bill Pritchett
or snail mail to The Road Map, 22 John Ryle
Ave., Haledon, NJ 07508.
June Roser Tim Schimmel
The Road Map – January 2015
Chris Werndly
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
Page |2
Peter Cullen, Jr.
Spring Meet Chairman
Autumn Tour
Fall Foliage Tour
Greg Roser
Programs Supervisor
Herb Singe, Jr.
Sergeant At Arms
Vince DeLisi
Spring Meet Registration
Tex Sorrell
Jerry Peck
Awards & Trophies
Bill Pritchett, Webmaster
Spring Fling, Summer Tour
Fall Mystery Tour
Ed & Debbie Symonds
Fall Foliage Tour
Ed Geller
Chief Judge
George Ernst
Watchung Mountain Chapter
Bob Hedderick
AACA Legislative Liaison
Matt Verzi
Rich Reina
In this Issue
Calendar of Events (Full year)……….. Pg.4
Celebrations……………………………. Pg.9
Bob Smith
Cover Photos…………………………… Pg.11
Dan & Trudy Unger
Letters to the Editor……………………..Pg.15
Shayna Geller 908-362-6378
Sunshine, Participation
Membership Renewal Form (2015)…. Pg.23
Duffy Bell
Summer Tour Master
Poem “The Magic Box”………………....Pg.14
Frank & Lia
Region Clothing
Brenda Zimmerman
Autumn Outing
The Road Map – January 2015
From the AACA “Rummage Box”…….. Pg.16
From the Editor’s Desk………………… Pg.14
Market Place……………………………. Pg.17
Participation Point Winners (2014)……Pg.10
Presidents Message…………………… Pg.6
Secretary’s Minutes……………………. Pg.8
Special Message Re: Membership…… Pg.23
Trivia Tidbits…………………………….. Pg.13
Washington Crossing Tour……………..Pg.11
Welcome New Member………………...Pg.10
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
Page |3
9th -12th) AACA Southeastern Spring Meet,
Charlotte NC, Hornets Nest Region
The January (672nd) Meeting of
the New Jersey Region AACA
will be held at the Annual
Banquet, Awards Presentation
and Installation of 2015 Officers
at Zeris Inn
372 Route 46 East,
Mountain Lakes, NJ.
1:00 PM January 4, 2015
19th) Judging Seminar, Ed Geller Chair
New Jersey Region AACA
Full Year Calendar of Events
Region events are noted in
bold. All events are to be
submitted to the Vice President,
Wayne Tuck, for clearance.
4th – 6th) AACA Southeastern Divisional Tour,
Pigeon Forge, TN
30th - May 2nd) AACA Eastern Spring Meet,
Virginia Beach, VA
1st – 2nd) AACA Eastern Spring Meet
(continued from April 30th)
3rd) NJ Region Annual Spring Meet,
Automatic Switch, Florham Park, Pete
Cullen Chair
7th) 676th Region Meeting
7th – 9th) AACA Special Meet, Auburn, Indiana
9th) NJ State History Fair, Manalapan, NJ.,
Greg Roser Chair
4th) 672nd Region Meeting, Annual
Banquet, Awards Presentation and
Installation 2015 Officers.
15th – 17th) NJ Region “SPRING FLING” Bill
Pritchett Chair
5th) 673rd Region Meeting
12th – 14th) AACA Annual Meeting and
Philadelphia Downtown Hotel, 201 N 17th St.,
Philadelphia, PA 717-534-1910
5th) 674th Region Meeting
6th – 8th) Winter Meet – Puerto Rico Region
San Juan, Puerto Rico 787-633-2065
18th – 21st) Annual Grand National & Western
Spring Dual Meets; Tucson, AZ 520-325-7247
2nd) 675th Region Meeting
12th) Watchung Mountain Chapter 49th
Annual Swap Meet and Flea Market, George
Ernst Chair
The Road Map – January 2015
17th) “Wheels in Motion” restoration shop
tour, Pottstown, PA, Judy Fischer Chair
(Combined 4 club day tour) Ontelaunee
Region, NJ Region, South Jersey Region
and Early Ford V-8 Club
4th) 677th Region Meeting
4th -6th) AACA Central Spring Meet,
Independence, MO
12th -14th) The Elegance at Hershey & Grand
Ascent Hillclimb, Hershey, PA
2nd) 678th Region Meeting
15th -18th) AACA Southeastern Fall Meet,
Louisville, KY
18th -25th) NJ Region Summer Tour, (Duffy
says Lancaster, PA area Bill Pritchett says
not decided yet)
27th -31st) AACA Vintage Tour, Lancaster PA,
Buzzards Breath Region
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
Page |4
9th) Annual NJ Region Picnic, 679th Region
Meeting, VFW Hall, Pete Cullen Chair
If your event is changed or cancelled, notify
Bill Pritchett, and he will put the information
on the web site. This will give many of our
members the ability to check the web site for
cancellations. As the seasons arrive, a
is a possibility.
672nd Region
Annual Banquet,
25th -27th) AACA Western Divisional Tour,
Northern CA, Redwood Empire Region
30th -Sept 4th) AACA Revival Glidden Tour,
Oklahoma City, OK
Awards Presentation
and Installation 2015 Officers
Sunday, January 4, 2015
1st -4th) (Glidden Tour continued)
3rd) 680th Region Meeting
12th) Avalon Assisted Living/ Chelsea
Assisted Living, Bernie Cooney Chair
The January 2015 Region Meeting, Annual
Banquet, Awards Presentation and Installation
of the 2015 Officers will be held at the Zeris
Inn, 372 Route 46 East, Mountain Lakes, NJ.
The festivities begin at 1:00 PM. Dinner will be
served around 2:00 PM. There will be a cash
14th -18th) AACA Founders Tour, Northeast
19th) Wynwood of Florham Park Assisted
Living 12-3 PM, Greg Roser Chair
20th) Rain Date for Wynwood of Florham
Park Assisted Living
AACA Annual Meeting and
National Awards Banquet
February 12 -14, 2015
Make plans to attend this very interesting and
informative meeting held in the Sheraton
Philadelphia Downtown Hotel, 201 N 17th St.,
(corner of Race St.) Philadelphia, PA 19103,
Phone 215-448-2000.
Details are in the
November– December Antique Automobile.
26th) Brandywine Assisted Living/ Eastern
Star Home, Bernie Cooney Chair
1st) 681st Region Meeting
4th) Autumn Outing, Hunterdon Hills
Playhouse, Brenda Zimmerman Chair
4th) Watchung Mountain Chapter Fall Fest
and Car Show, George Ernst Chair
7th -10th) AACA Eastern Fall Meet, Hershey,
16th -18th) NJ Region Fall Foliage Tour,
Lukans, Pete Cullen, Ed & Debbie Symonds
24th) Mystery Tour, Bill Pritchett Chair
5th) 682nd Region Meeting
5th - 7th) AACA Central Fall Meet, Houma, LA
3rd) 683rd Region Meeting and Holiday Party
(7:30 PM)
The Road Map – January 2015
Spring Fling
May 15th – 17th
This is a brief update on the Spring Fling. We
are currently selecting a hotel. On the tour, our
stops will include a tour of QVC, the
Brandywine River Museum of Art (Wyeths and
other artists), and the American Helicopter
Museum. Signup forms will be available in the
next couple of months. If you have any
questions, please call Bill Pritchett or Roger
Activity Forms are available on the
N.J. Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
Page |5
The continuing debate and issue of the
electronic distribution of the Road Map will be a
hot topic at our Board of Directors meeting at
my home on January 25th. I remind you that
when Art Briggs volunteered in 2013 to be the
new editor of the Road Map, WHEN NO ONE
ELSE WOULD DO IT, it was to be an
“ELECTRONIC ONLY” publication. Somehow
in the last 16 months we have strayed from
that, with more and more members demanding
paper copies of the Road Map. There is a
behind the scenes campaign pushing this very
issue. With no experience in editing and
publishing a newsletter, Art Briggs has taken
our publication from an excellent newsletter to
an outstanding one. One of the reasons Art
was able to do this is because of the wonders
of computers and electronics.
The other
reason is Art himself, whose dedication and
perseverance has made the Road Map one of
the best AACA region publications in the
country. The Road Map has grown to 28
pages, with some of the best articles and
pictures around. The e-mailed Road Map is in
full color, something a printed copy will never
be. Can you imagine the cost if it was? YOU,
the members contributed to the success and
growth of the Road Map. Contributions and
submittals to the Road Map have swelled in the
last year. More and more members, myself
included, want to be a part of this success, and
were inspired by Art’s spirit. How would you
feel if an article or pictures you submitted were
never published because we were forced to
reduce the size and quality of the newsletter
just to be able to send it by postal mail? I WILL
NOT let that happen, as long as I am
President. Remember that when the Road
Map was postal mailed only, it was an average
of 8-10 pages. Last month’s Road Map was 28
pages. The content and quality continue to
A full cost
analysis of printing, preparing, and mailing the
Road Map is being compiled. This will be
discussed at the Board of Directors meeting,
and the findings and recommendations will be
presented to the membership at the February
region meeting. If we were to go back to a
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
New Jersey Region AACA
Presidents Message
Happy New Year to all of our
members and friends. I hope all
of you had a healthy and joyous
holiday season.
It’s a new year, and time to get down to
some serious business. Although I was not
able to preside at the December region
meeting, I have been fully informed of what
was discussed. A long time member brought
up the question of why we support AACA
National with a $500 donation to the AACA
Museum and a $500 donation to the AACA
Library & Research Center. I am reminded of
this quote from John Donne, “No man is an
island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of
the continent, a part of the main.” We as a
region of AACA were formed in 1951 from
AACA National by members of AACA National.
This makes us a part of them, and they a part
of us. Without AACA National, we would
cease to exist as we are today. It is our
obligation to support them, as they support us.
A full essay is being prepared explaining the
benefits for both parties, but a few of the
benefits for the NJ Region are the liability
insurance provided to the NJ Region at no
charge, national advertising for our activities
and events, and the outstanding Annual
Meeting in Philadelphia. I feel very strongly
about our relationship with AACA National, and
will continue to champion this cause of
supporting them with monetary donations.
Page |6
FULL postal mail distribution, as proposed by
some members, the two $500 donations to
AACA would pay for only a fraction of the cost,
heck, it wouldn’t even pay a third of the cost for
the 60 copies we are mailing now. The
majority of the members that are now getting
mailed copies have access to e-mail, but may
be reluctant to change. I don’t easily adapt to
change myself, but have come to realize that
the world around me is changing rapidly, and I
do not want to be left behind. It may even be
time for me to trade in my old flip phone for a
smart phone. If my Dad at, age 86, could be
proficient on the computer, so can you. If you
don’t have a computer, I am sure a son or
daughter or grandchild can help you out. The
Road Map now is triple the size, that means
more than triple the costs, as all expenses
have gone up, especially the postage. A
preliminary estimate is that a full postal
distribution of the Road Map in its current state
would cost in excess of $10,000.00 per year.
In 2014 alone, we spent approximately
$3000.00 printing and mailing only 60 copies of
the Road Map. That’s around $50.00 per year
for each member that gets a mailed copy. You
have a big surprise coming if you think your
$20.00 annual dues cover that expense. Our
total Road Map distribution list is almost four
times the 60 we are mailing now! Do I need to
remind you that the NJ Region had a DEFICIT
of $3530.22 in 2012? Do you want to return to
those dark days? I think not! Those that
preceded me took the steps to get our
spending under control. In these days of
diminishing revenue, we need to be ever
vigilant. This is NOT a prediction of doom and
gloom. Our club is as vibrant and active as
ever, just look at the 2015 full year calendar
published in this issue. There are many more
events in the planning stage, yet to be
announced. There WILL be a solution to this
dilemma, I will see to that. Please be present
at the February region meeting if this is
important to you.
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
By now, you should have sent your
reservation for the January Awards Banquet. If
not, we will miss you there. It is always a
highlight of my year recognizing our members’
service and presenting the awards. Our new
trophy and awards chairman, Jerry Peck, had a
nasty fall which resulted in a broken femur. My
team and I will be working with Jerry to see
that all the work he has put into the awards will
see completion. We pray for his speedy
Don’t forget to send your registration for the
February 12-14, 2015 AACA Annual Meeting in
The registration deadline is
February 2 .
Also, remember your hotel
reservations if you are staying overnight. June
and I will be there from Thursday to Sunday.
We hope to see many NJ Region members
there. We, as an AACA region, have the
benefit of being within easy driving distance to
Philadelphia. Do not let this opportunity pass
you by. Several NJ Region members are
instrumental in the planning and organization
of the Annual Meeting, especially Ed and
Shayna Geller, and Ray and Judy Fischer.
Please come to support their efforts.
We have an exciting year planned for the
NJ Region, and June and I will be participating
in most of the events and activities. Remember
that this is your club, be active and participate.
See you on the road, and remember, my
line is always open.
President Greg
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Sponsor for Class 1
Ashley’s Auto Body Shop
Page |7
New Jersey Region AACA
Secretary’s Minutes
December 4, 2014
Motion was made to dispense with the rest of
the regular committee reports in favor of
getting on with the Christmas dinner. All were
in favor – motion so carried.
The 671st meeting of the N.J. Region AACA
was called to order at 7:30 pm by Vice
President, Wayne Tuck.
The membership then participated in the
“Pledge of Allegiance”.
V.P. Wayne explained that because of the
Christmas Dinner plans, tonight’s meeting
would be a short one.
There were no guests presented.
Motion was made and seconded to accept the
minutes as published in the Road Map. All
approved. Motion so carried.
Correspondence included a shortened reading
of the letter received by Tim Schimmel from
AACA Museum thanking the club for its
contributions in the past and describing it’s new
goal for creating the AACA Regions and
correspondence was received by President
Greg from National regarding the Annual
Award set up in memory of Elmer Bassage
from the Genesee Valley Antique Car Society
Region, the I.C. Kirkham award. This award
will be presented to the Chapter or Region that
sponsors the most new members in a year
providing they fulfill AACA National’s
In President’s Greg’s absence, V.P. Wayne
read the President’s report which included the
reason for Greg’s absence.
There was no old business to report.
Under new business, Ray Fischer encouraged
members to attend the National AACA meeting
at Philadelphia. Motion was made to donate
$500 to the AACA Museum and another $500
to the AACA Library. Tex Sorrell brought up his
disapproval with the donations. A show of
hands for this motion showed that the majority
of the membership was in favor of the
donations. Motion so carried. The next motion
made was to cover the President’s expenses at
the National Meeting in Philadelphia. Motion
was made to cover two nights accomodations,
the Presidents’s Banquet, and the Awards
Banquet. Motion was seconded and carried.
Motion was made and seconded to accept the
Treasurer’s report as given. Motion so carried.
A late guest announcement was made. Matt
Petitjean was introduced.
After reminding the membership that Bill
Pritchett was accepting dues, V.P. Wayne
received a motion to close the regular meeting
in order to enjoy the festivities. Motion was
seconded and carried.
Afterwards door prizes were announced: 1st
place was Bill Pritchett and 2nd place was Ray
Respectfully submitted,
Trisha Copley, Secretary
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Sponsor of Door Prizes
Activities for the next several months were
presented by VP Tuck.
Bill Pritchett re-introduced Bob Allen for
membership. All voted in favor and Bob was
welcomed as our newest member.
The Road Map – January 2015
Castrol/BP Lubricants
North America
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
Page |8
Dear fellow NJ Region members,
By Brenda Zimmerman
I received the following letter from Al Briggs’
daughter Marylin after the November region
meeting. As she is thanking ALL club
members, I have included a copy here. It’s
nice to know that Al felt as welcomed as I did
when I came to my first meeting in 2006.
January Anniversaries
Harry & Joan Dunn
61 Years
7th) Don & Joan Ball
57 Years
15th) Ray & Judy Fischer
49 Years
President Greg
27th) Bryan & Gratia Burke
54 Years
Dear Mr. Roser,
31st) Ron & Nancy Hutchins
54 Years
I want to thank you for the warm welcome you
January Birthdays
and the club gave to my Dad, Al, when he
visited a few weeks ago. The 50 year honor
Gratia Burke
Ron Hutchins
and presentation meant so much to him! He is
not one to ever take the stage or credit for
2 )
Helen Jane Swan
anything but he's always been there for our
Greg Newell
John Kefalonitis
Duffy Bell
Dawn Calvert
4 )
family! As you know he is a lifelong auto
hobbyist and will continue! I hope he can visit
5 )
your group again with his brother!
7 )
Brendan Hogan
Again thank you so much! I saw your
presentation and you look like a great
9 )
president and seems you have a nice group of
Mary Ann Griffith
Kirk Judkins
12 ) William Thonebe
13th) Amy Gluckin
Happy Thanksgiving!
16th) Mary Reynolds
Warm regards,
Bob Jephson
Marylin Briggs Curiel
19 ) Anne Toye
Scottsdale, Arizona.
25th) Kathy Olexa
28th) Joseph Durna
30th) Aaron Newman
Vera Tiffinger
31 ) Gregory Roser
Interested in having your Birthday and/or
Anniversary dates published?
Please contact Brenda Zimmermann
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
Page |9
Attention: Cover Photos for February 2015.
Bill Pritchett, No.1 in Participation Points in
2014 and Duane Copley, No.13 in Participation
Points in 2014. Please submit your photos
along with a short blurb about your car prior
to January 15th to Road-Map@outlook.com or
by snail mail to: The Road Map, 22 John Ryle
Avenue, Haledon, NJ 07508.
In the below chart of 2014 Participation Point
top 24 members, the last column indicates
which month your car will appear on the front
of the Road Map. Please prepare for & provide
a picture and blurb about your car timely.
2014 Participation Point Winners
By Shayna Geller
The Road Map – January 2015
Car Pic
Jan 16
Jan 16
Region Accessories Available for Sale
Region 40th Anniversary glass mugs 2/$5.00
Region Key Rings with Logo
Bronze License Plate Badges w/ Logo $10.00
Square Jacket Arm Patches w/ Logo
NJ Region Bracelets w/ Logo
Duryea Sterling Silver Charms
Assorted Car Jacket Patches
$ .50
Duffy Bell, Accessories Chairperson
Email: duffy_bell@hotmail.com
Phone: 973-571-1174
Welcome New Member
Bob Allen, 15 Hyde Ct,, Bedminster, NJ
07921 908-781-2202 Region No. 1509
Bob was sponsored by Bob Graham
John has a 1977 Cadillac Sedan DeVille
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
P a g e | 10
August Tour to Washington’s Crossing
State Park and Picnic
Cover Photos
Ok, so now that all the leaves have fallen off
the trees, the weather has gotten colder and
we've had some snow, I am finally able to write
this article. I want everyone to think back to
that nice warm sunny day in August as we
toured the back roads of NJ and PA on our
way to Washington's Crossing State Park.
Remember the cornfields, the sun shining on
the water as we crossed the Delaware River,
the wonderful tour guides that showed us
around the park, the great view from the top of
Bowman's Hill Tower, the creaking sounds the
floor boards made as we toured the
Thompson-Neely house and all the steel
bridges we crossed or passed. For those of
you who were counting there were eleven steel
truss bridges. After the tour we all kicked back,
relaxed and chowed down on hot dogs and
hamburgers at Brian Pritchett's house. Big
thanks again to Brian for opening up his house
for the picnic.
We had a total of twenty two people and
eleven cars in attendance. Thank you to Greg
Roser, Larry Solomayer, Larry's father Paul,
Mort and Fredda, Ronald Peles and his wife,
Bob and Jean Peles, Brian Pritchett and Sara
Feeley, Bill and Betty Pritchett, Stefanie
Pritchett, Chuck Dubois, John White, Ed
Symonds, Pete Cullen, Nick and Barbara
Matlga, and Brian's friend Jerry, for coming out
for the tour.
So now that I have resurrected those
memories I want everyone to grab a warm
beverage, curl up on the couch with a warm
blanket, close your eyes and repeat to yourself,
“it’s only five more months till the spring meet!”
Thank you all,
Larry Solomayer & Brian Pritchett, Chairmen
Region Clothing Emporium
T-shirts $8 (M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL)
Jackets (light) $28, $30, $35 L, XL, XXL, 3XL
Jackets (heavy) $40 - $50
Sweatshirts $16 - $20
The Road Map – January 2015
1973 PontiacGrand Prix ownerd by Chuck
Dubois. Bette Pritchett, No. 23 in Participation
Points in 2013, deferred to Chuck.
My 1973 Grand Prix was purchased by my
father brand new for around $7000.00. It has a
400ci engine with a Turbo 400 Trans. My
family used this car as our daily driver up until
1995 when we retired it and registered and
insured it as a classic. I began restoring it
when I was 15 in hopes to have it ready for
show quality by the time I had my driver’s
license. After years of research and work I was
able to drive this vehicle to shows both local
and far. Sometimes I attended a cruise every
night of the week. Not only is this car a great
cruiser, it has also been raced at the drag strip
and entered into many Pontiac show and goes.
It is certainly hard to match the performance
and style this car has along with its rarity being
that there are not too many 1973 Pontiac
Grand Prix's left. I will continue to keep this car
in my family and remember the days when I
was a passenger dropped off at school looking
back and thinking, I can’t wait to drive that car
some day. Now it has all become a reality.
1939 Pontiac 8 cylinder convertible . This
car is quite rare as only 36 were produced, and
only a handful exist.
The car was purchased and restored by Don
Symonds in about 18 months. It was shown at
Hershey and received 1st Junior and Senior
awards, and now preservation.
It was also driven (40,000 miles), by Don &
Pauline, on many Region and Glidden tours.
Debbie & I own the car now and have already
driven it on 2 Glidden tours.
It's still show worthy, and we plan to continue
using and preserving the car. It's a Keeper.
Ed & Debbie Symonds
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
P a g e | 11
Oktoberfest and Car Show
Sept. 28, 2014
The 16
Annual Chester Lion’s Club
Oktoberfest and Car Show occurred on
September 27 & 28, 2014 at Chubb Park. As a
club, we attended the car show on Sunday,
September 28th. The car show started at noon.
The highlight of the Oktoberfest was the
traditional German dancers, German food and
a couple kinds of German Oktoberfest beer.
And of course, the cars!
We were given “script” to purchase beer and
food with a higher face value than the $15
registration fee, plus a nice refrigerator magnet
noting that we attended the Chester Lion’s
Club car show.
Ken Miller’s ‘37 Ford Coupe
The people manning the food and beer
concessions were very efficient and there was
never a long wait. The beer was good and the
food, bratwurst, German potato salad, smoked
pork chops, sauerkraut, apple strudel, beehive
cake and plum cake, was better.
P.J. advertised that you could take your bride
shopping at the shops in the center of Chester,
but that’s a stretch at best. My MG overheated
in the traffic, so I walked from about half way
from the center of Chester to the show and it
took 15 minutes. I suspect it is at least a 20
minute brisk walk in each direction from the
show to the center of Chester.
Art Briggs for P.J. Ehmann, Chairman
The Fonz (Walt Terry’s) ’53 Mercury
Bob Smith’s ‘50 Ford
Members hiding in the shade.
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
P a g e | 12
by Gregory Roser
For this month’s trivia, we are going to have a
geography lesson, just like back in high school.
Many car names are also place names. This is
the first in a series of car geography trivia
where the car brand or model name is also a
city or state name. Some of the names are in
more than one state, so I have selected only
one. The list is so large, I am breaking it down
by manufacturer. This month’s lesson is
General Motors.
“Buick” – Missouri
Buick “Century” – West Virginia
Buick “Electra” - Texas
Buick “LaCrosse” – Wisconsin
Buick “Marquette” – Michigan
Buick “Rainier” - Washington
Buick “Regal” - Minnesota
Buick “Riviera” – Arizona
Buick “Skylark” – Arkansas
Buick “Somerset” – New Jersey
Chevrolet “Malibu” - California
Chevrolet “Monte Carlo” – Kansas
Chevrolet “Nova” – Ohio
Chevrolet “Silverado” - California
Chevrolet “Tahoe” – Idaho
Chevrolet “Volt” - Montana
Chevrolet “Vega” - Texas
“LaSalle” – Texas
Oldsmobile “Aurora” – New York
Oldsmobile “Calais” – Maine
Oldsmobile “Delmont” - Pennsylvania
Oldsmobile “Delta” - Wisconsin
Oldsmobile “Omega” - Missouri
“Pontiac” – Michigan
Pontiac “Bonneville” – Alabama
Pontiac “Catalina” – Arizona
Pontiac “Phoenix” - Arizona
Pontiac “Tempest” – Nevada
Pontiac “Torrent” - Kentucky
Pontiac “Ventura” – California
“Saturn” - Texas
“Cadillac” – Michigan
Cadillac “Calais” – Maine
Cadillac “Cimarron” - Oklahoma
Cadillac “Eldorado” - Kansas
Cadillac “Fleetwood” – Alabama
Cadillac “Seville” - Ohio
“Chevrolet” - Kentucky
Chevrolet “Avalanche” – Wisconsin
Chevrolet “Bel Air” - California
Chevrolet “Biscayne” - Florida
Chevrolet “Blazer” – Missouri
Chevrolet “Brookwood” – Alabama
Chevrolet “Cavalier” – North Dakota
Chevrolet “Cobalt” – Connecticut
Chevrolet “Colorado” - Colorado
Chevrolet “Corsica” – Pennsylvania
Chevrolet “Delray” – West Virginia
Chevrolet “Greenbrier” – Arkansas
Chevrolet “Laguna” - California
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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From the Editor’s Desk
By Duane Copley #1337
There is a box of magic; it’s often black or grey
It comes in many sizes and often has a tray.
Most are fairly ancient, assembled years ago
The contents are important, it’s personal you
We place it in the rumble, mostly on the floor
We often place it in the trunk to drive off to the
We don’t leave home without it, this is the
sacred rule
A hobbyist without his box is often made the
The box is always with us when going on our
It makes us feel more confident when driving
all the day.
We know it has the contents to conjure up a
For any minor breakdown or mechanical
Trisha was very helpful to me when I first took
over as Road Map Editor. Thank you Trish for
your fantastic help! For me, this is a “The King
is dead, long live the King” situation. Bernie
Cooney is stepping into the position as
Recording Secretary, and he has also been a
great help to me. Welcome, Bernie!!
You’ll often find some wire buried deep within
Along with some electric tape and pliers long
and thin.
Lots of pretty sockets and a wrench of every
There’s mostly 2 of everything, it’s normal for
most guys.
I got my first when just a lad, a little box for
Shiny red with silver clasp and full of tools and
I have this box still today… it’s under my old
I still have some old screw drivers and at least
one old box wrench
I’ll pass it to my grandson who loves them ole
red trucks
And teach him how to twist a wrench and bust
them rusty nuts.
I hope he learns the lesson that I learned years
Your tool box is your lifeline when that old car
just won’t go.
The Road Map – January 2015
A few months ago when I first
started putting a picture of our Vice
President, President and Secretary
next to their columns, I was having difficulty
finding a picture of Trisha Copley smiling and I
told her so. She sent a picture from when she
was a little girl, just to prove that she could
smile, and I used it until I found one where she
looks, in my opinion, very “secretarial.” Just to
take one more poke at Trisha on her way out, I
used that picture again in this issue. However,
just to keep her from feeling picked on, I
included one of myself when I was 8 or 9 years
Last month I reorganized the listing of
committee chairmen and added pictures of
them, except for a couple that I didn’t have a
picture. Vince DeLisi answered with a picture
of himself with his grandson, Zach, and told me
to crop as I pleased. I just couldn’t bring
myself to cut such a cute kid out of the picture.
Vince is therefore pictured with his grandson.
Last year, in an effort to save the Region some
money for printing the 2014 roster, I reluctantly
got caught up in a skirmish over the deadline to
pay dues.
Let me begin by stating that, in the NJ Region,
your dues are due before January 31st each
year. NOT the first Thursday in February, a
grace period allowed in the past by our
Membership Chairman, Bill Pritchett, for your
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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Speaking of Bill, he works very hard for the
club on several committees, all for the
whopping salary of Zero. Your procrastination
in paying your dues does not make his job any
easier. Cut him some slack! Pay your dues on
In a survey of the policies of other regions
regarding the deadline to pay your dues, I
found that one region’s dues expire 12/31.
There is a one month grace period to 1/31. If
you do not pay by 1/31 you are dropped from
membership and must re-apply. I don’t think
we need to be this strict, but I would certainly
say that if you don’t pay your dues by 1/31, do
not expect to find your name in the next years
Give our membership Secretary, Bill Pritchett,
and everyone else involved in producing the
2015 Roster, a break and pay your dues
On Page 16 is an article regarding motor oils
banned in New Jersey and other states
submitted by Dave Cavagnaro. I suggest
everyone read it and check the oil you are
This month I received a “Letter to the Editor”
which is printed here in its entirety below. I
hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
Respectfully submitted,
Art Briggs, Region # 1469
Letters to the Editor
December 5, 2014
Dear Editor Art,
Thanks a bunch for sending me this
year’s entire compliment of your clubs monthly
newsletter “The Road Map”. It’s a busy time of
the year and I haven’t had time to read them all
but a quick perusal tells me you have certainly
“raised the bar” in your obvious quest to
produce a superior product.
My primary purpose in writing is to
explain that while the staff was reviewing your
Christmas request list, they were not able
decipher the code “36-24-34”. Blue eyes, long
curly auburn hair and throaty British accent
were not the problem. UPS will be delivering
the brass pole and installation will be your
This other issue proved to be
troublesome. Motor vehicles manufactured in
the United Kingdom are indeed well known and
loved the world over. Their inherited electrical
system is also known around the world and
obviously feared with the same intensity. My
Elves were not able to obtain a complete
replacement for your Lucas electrical system.
We did discover a mechanic in Cuba who says
he could adapt a Delco system if we could
deliver the car to his garage in Havana.
The cigars, fine wine, imported scotch,
Kentucky bourbon, Stoli and Dunkin Donuts
should arrive sometime late on the 24th.
Kris “I drive a Dodge” Kringle
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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From the AACA Rummage Box
Join the AACA Team
By Herb Oakes
Recruitment Chair
“Looking for a few good men
and women to serve”. You
have probably heard this
slogan, but don’t worry; you are not going to be
sent to Parris Island, SC.
AACA was founded in November 1935 by a
small group of people with a common interest,
the love of old cars. Going into our 80th year in
2015, we have grown to over 60,000 members.
AACA is definitely the leader of this hobby
throughout the world.
To be the successful organization that we are,
it could have never happened without our
volunteers -- chairmen of committees,
committee members and everyone who
supports us moving forward with this hobby.
Those of you who have enjoyed this hobby
over the years, we now need you to serve; to
pay back for all that AACA has done for us and
thousands of others. This will help guarantee
our presence for future generations.
We have many committees, National Activities,
Websites, Library and Research Center,
Publications, Membership, Judging, HPOF,
DPC, Development and Support, Youth
Activities/Scholarships. Think about this. If
interested, contact me and I will send you a
Participation Form that will let us know your
interests. It is members like you that keeps
AACA strong and continually moving forward.
The Road Map – January 2015
Free – Blue Region Name Badges – Free
I can order the blue Region Name Badges for
any club member and family members who
need them. They are required when attending
Region Business Meetings. Failure to show
them results in a 50 cent fine. They are free
and will come with each new membership.
New members will need to supply me with the
following information: Name, Region Number,
home address. If you are not a new member,
the year you joined the club.
Duffy Bell, Accessories Chairperson
Email: duffy_bell@hotmail.com
Phone: 973-571-1174
New Jersey Bans Motor Oils
The New Jersey Office of Weights and
Measures, on December 4, 2014, has banned
the sale of eight brands and 19 varieties of
discount motor oils in New Jersey after testing
found that what was on the label was not in the
bottle. The complete list of the banned
products, which were priced at about $3 to $6
per quart, is printed below.
The State Attorney General’s Office sent a
variety of motor oils for sale at gasoline
stations and discounters, to a lab contracted by
them for testing. The results of the testing
indicated that the viscosity stated on the bottle
of the banned motor oils was not the viscosity
of the oil in the bottle.
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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These motor oils are primarily sold to people
who are trying to properly maintain their motor
vehicles within a budget and it is fraudulent to
sell them motor oils that may be harming their
vehicles instead.
Retailers may now, since the institution of the
ban, be fined at least $100 per package of the
banned motor oils sold.
Below is the list of motor oils banned for sale in
New Jersey:
•Auto Club Motor Oil SAE
•Auto Club Motor Oil SAE
•Auto Club Motor Oil SAE
•U.S. Economy Motor Oil SAE
•U.S. Spirit Motor Oil SAE
•U.S. Spirit Motor Oil SAE 10W-40
The above information submitted by Dave
The Market Place
Ads in The Market Place are free to members
and run for three months, unless removal is
requested earlier. If you want your ad to
continue for an additional three months, please
notify the editor.
Please submit new listings for The Market
Place by the 15th of the month to:
Art Briggs, 22 John Ryle Ave., Haledon, NJ
1923 Model T Ford Panel Truck. The truck is
all restored and everything works. I would like
to get $14,000 or best offer. It has its original
Mifflenburg body and is a model that is
extremely difficult to locate. This is a small
truck on the Basic “T” chassis, not a “TT” which
had the worm gear rear end and was extremely
slow. Please contact me to discuss at my
home telephone; 908-735-9432. Ask for Lew.
1977 Cadillac Sedan DeVille. One owner,
80,000 miles. Well maintained. Puncture
sealing tires, air conditioned. $7,500. Contact
Walter Wary 973-267-4267
Automobile Quarterly Hard Cover Book
Collection. Volumes 1 through 40 with index
books. These books are in excellent condition.
Reasonable offers entertained!! Call Kathy
Sage 973-773-1968
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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1931 Model A Ford Victoria with Briggs body,
rebuilt engine, Roman red exterior, beige vinyl
Phone 973-764-3781
Charles Bates #760
Tires For Sale
2 Firestone Deluxe Champion tubeless 710-15
New $100.
3 Firestone Nylon Champion 710-15
Make offer
2 Mastercraft Avenger GIT 225 70 R14 with
600 miles on, raised white letters $100
1 new spare tire, never used $100
Joseph Durna 908-216-1560
1942 Pontiac 2 dr sedan For Sale, small
series. 6 cyl,
3 on tree. Have all the parts
plus new wiring harness, turn signal unit, fog
lights/brackets. Needs work by rear quarters in
front of fenders. Extra bumpers, new fenders.
Original dealer album, shop manual, owner
manual, plus article on last Pontiac built.
Serial 1942 by body drop on firewall. Was all
black. Color changed to grey top, blue bottom.
New tires, new wheel cyls. Engine free - turns
over. Asking $10,000
Email: tiger07621aa2gmail.com or
(201) 385-4120 after 6 pm. - leave message
Lead from Tex Sorrell #866
WANTED to Buy:
Porsche 928 (1986 or older) or Alfa Spider
from 1970s-1980s. Looking for solid driver
quality car; no projects, no trailer queens. All
leads welcomed. Contact Richard Reina at
908-894-3267 or email r_reina@msn.com
The above pictures are the intellectual property of
Nanette Peterson and are printed here with permission.
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Sponsor for Class 2
George Maulbeck
Wanted: One 4.75 – 5.00 X 19 tire for a Model
A Ford. Condition is unimportant as it will only
be used for a rolling chassis. Please call Vince
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Sponsor for Class 12
Garden State Early Ford V8
Please support our advertisers by
patronizing them! They support us!!
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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The above pictures are the
intellectual property of Nanette
Peterson and are printed here with
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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The pictures on pages 19
and 20 are the work of and
are the intellectual property
Librarian at Somerset Library
in Bridgewater, NJ and are
Nanette took
these pictures during our
visits to Brandywine Senior
Living and New Jersey
Eastern Star Home, both in
September 20, 2014.
Bernie Cooney, Bob Allen
and I are impressed with
Nanette’s artistic ability with
a camera and sought her
permission to share these
photos with you. We hope
you enjoy them as much as
we did.
Art Briggs, Editor
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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The below listed businesses and individuals sponsored the New Jersey
Region AACA Spring Meet in 2014. Please support them!
Thank you to our Spring Meet 2014
Goody Bag Sponsor
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Goody Bag Sponsor
Simple Green
Thank you to our Spring Meet 2014
Sponsor Door Prizes
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Goody Bag Sponsor
Star Brite (Fuel Treatment)
Thank you to our Spring Meet 2014
Goody Bag Sponsor
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Goody Bag Sponsor
Rock Auto.com
Mother’s Polish
Thank you to our Spring Meet 2014
Sponsor Show Material
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Sponsor for Classes 3 & 4
Summit Racing Equipment
Ehmann & Company LLC
Thank you to our Spring Meet 2014
Sponsor for Class 5
Flemington Car & Truck Country
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Sponsor for Class 6
Thank you to our Spring Meet 2014
Sponsor for Class 7
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Sponsor for Class 8, 9 & 10
Altenburg Piano House
Mid-State Equipment
Thank you to our Spring Meet 2014
Sponsor for Class 11
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Sponsor for Class 13
Gregory & June Roser
Powell Financial Group, Inc
Thank you to our Spring Meet 2014
Sponsor Door Prizes
Thank you to our Spring Meet
2014 Goody Bag Sponsor
Gladpack Sunoco
Outback Steakhouse - Butler
The Road Map – January 2015
Hagerty Insurance
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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Region No……………….
State – Zip………………………………………………………
National Card…………………………………
Home Phone…………………………………………………….
National Status………………………………
Members: Do not use this portion
Office/Cell Phone……………………………………………….
For office use ONLY!!
Dues $20.00 Make check payable to “N.J. Region AACA” (no longer necessary to send your National AACA card - please don’t) by
February 1st to Membership Secretary, Bill Pritchett, 6 Columbine Rd., Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889-3951
---------------------------------------------------------- *DETACH HERE* ------------------------------------------------
Your NJ Region membership renewal form has been included in the Road Map for the last three
months. To be included in the 2015 Membership Roster, you MUST pay your dues by the
February 1, 2015 deadline. Note that it is no longer necessary to send in your National AACA
card (please don’t). In respect for our Membership Chairman and the committee that compiles
and prints the roster, I will be strictly enforcing this deadline. You now have only one month left
to renew, either by mail, or at the January banquet to be listed in the roster. We welcome ALL
renewals, but those received after the deadline will not be included in the roster. Please follow
this request to help me run YOUR club more efficiently.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Gregory Roser
President / NJ Region AACA
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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Max Altenburg, 7th generation owner
New & Used Pianos & Church Organs
Piano Tuning – Piano & Organ Moving
Repair Service
Elizabeth, NJ
www.altenburgpiano.com (908) 351-2000
The Road Map – January 2015
New Jersey Region Web Site www.njaaca.org
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