Mercy Honors Senator, Hospital Administrator


Mercy Honors Senator, Hospital Administrator
The Magazine from Mercy College
Issue III
2008 Commencement Issue
Approximately 2,880 students received undergraduate and graduate degrees in 2007-2008 at two inspiring
commencement ceremonies held on May 28, 2008 at the Westchester County Center in White Plains. Speakers
included Mercy College President Louise H. Feroe, who presided over her final commencement before assuming a
new position in the Connecticut State University System; surprise guest U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer; and
honorary degree recipients New York State Senator Vincent L. Leibell and President and CEO of Westchester Medical
Center Michael D. Israel.
Mercy Honors Senator, Hospital Administrator
terrorist organizations through charities,
specialty care to more than 120,000
doctorates to two prominent New
children and adults each year. He has
Yorkers, State Senator Vincent L. Leibell
overseen major improvements to the
Mercy College awarded honorary
corporations. More recently, as chairman
WMC facilities, technology, and staff.
President and CEO Michael D. Israel, at
of the Senate Standing Committee on
Previously Israel served as the COO of
its 2008 undergraduate and graduate
the North Shore-Long Island Jewish
commencement ceremonies.
Military Affairs, Leibell was instrumental
Health System. From 1993-2002, he was
A member of the state Senate since
in the development of Mercy College’s
with Duke University, where he served as
1994, Leibell has championed the
Corporate and Homeland Security
the CEO of Duke University Hospital,
public authority reform as well as played
program, the first of its kind in the
the University’s vice chancellor for health
a major role in the enactment of
United States. He helped secure a
affairs, and as vice president of the Duke
permanent cost of living adjustments for
$400,000 state grant in support of this
University Health System. Prior to Duke,
public retirees and a series of bills to aid
groundbreaking endeavor.
Israel served in operational and financial
At the helm of Westchester Medical
leadership positions at St. Luke’s
September 11th terrorist attack. He also
Center (WMC) since August 2005, Israel
Episcopal Hospital/Texas Heart Institute
has worked to strengthen the state’s legal
and his team have been credited with a
in Houston and hospitals and healthcare
significant financial turnaround of the
organizations in Pennsylvania and New
enacted legislation to deter funding of
N.Y.S. Senator Vincent L. Leibell
U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer
Mr. Michael D. Israel
President Louise H. Feroe
Undergraduate Commencement Speaker: Edith Morillo
Edith Morillo did not really intend
the Archdiocese of New York, where she
vice president for finance transformation
to go to college when she took a
became circulation manager. While at
at IBM and a Mercy College trustee,
placement test with her husband David.
Mercy, she worked a full day followed by
Morillo interviewed for, was offered, and
She was only supporting his desire to go
class two and occasionally four nights a
accepted a financial analyst position at
to school, yet Morillo achieved one of the
week until 11 p.m.
IBM, which she began on June 9.
highest exam scores.
“I am definitely more confident in
Just over four years later, the 26-year-
myself and my abilities,” Morillo said. “I
old business administration student,
don’t know if I remember the me who
who maintained a 4.0 grade point
enrolled.” Once shy, Morillo said she
average, was selected to be this year’s
made a habit of sitting in the front row
undergraduate commencement speaker.
and participating in class discussions,
Morillo was born in Romania and
emigrated with her mother and brother
which prompted a number of classmates
to ask for informal tutoring.
Thanks to an opportunity made
LaGuardia High School in Manhattan
possible by Richard Finger, Director of
eight years ago, Morillo started working
for Catholic New York, the newspaper for
Development, and Gary A. Bernstein,
Graduate Commencement Speakers:
Jennifer Schwartz and Marc Caputo
in school psychology, started her
University of Buffalo, Jennifer Schwartz
education career as a teaching assistant
’08 was a self-described good, but quiet,
developmental disabilities such as down
“When I came to Mercy the
syndrome and autism. As a school
professors really brought something out
psychologist, one of her responsibilities
in me,” she said. “Now I talk all the time,
will be evaluating students who are
and I’m the commencement speaker. I’ve
struggling in the classroom. “I believe
really gained a lot of confidence in the
every child can and will learn if you focus
past three years.”
Schwartz, whose master’s degree is
on their strengths, what they can do, and
work from there,” Schwartz said.
When commencement speaker Marc
Caputo’s employer agreed to support his
University of New York at Cortland,
interest in earning a master’s in business
Caputo has been working in sales. He
administration, he jumped at the chance.
currently covers the state of Connecticut
Caputo chose Mercy because the
program was competitive, accredited,
manufacturing company.
and convenient. He also appreciated how
“It was a grind, working all day and
involved the faculty was with the
going to school until late at night and
students. In addition to an excellent
barely getting a chance to eat,” he said.
academic foundation, he received valued
“But it was a great experience and I
advice and mentoring.
would do it again if I had the
Since he graduated from the State
Finding the Perfect Fit
When Pam Constantine finished
convoys. “I didn’t expect to be deployed
her to information on occupational
her undergraduate work at Concordia
because it was peaceful when I joined,”
therapy. Her husband pointed out that
College in 2001, she wasn’t sure what
Constantine said. “But it was a great life
she wanted to do professionally.
scheduling for nontraditional students.
She married Pete during her 15-
“It was a good fit from my first
sciences major worked in advertising
month deployment, and not long after
meeting (at Mercy),” Constantine said.
for six months. Then Constantine
her return home she became pregnant
“You can bring a lot of creativity to
decided to follow in her grandfathers’
with their first child. During her
occupational therapy, and it’s offered in a
footsteps and joined the United States
pregnancy, she began researching
lot of different settings.” Constantine
Army Reserves in August 2001. She left
physical therapy programs, which led
maintained a 3.9 grade point average
for basic training four days
while juggling the births of both her
after the terrorist attack on
children, Charlotte and Christopher. She
the World Trade Center,
leaving behind her New York
Children’s Hospital, where she has
City firefighter fiancé Pete
Constantine works with patients that
range in age from infancy to 21, and she
is outsourced two days a week to work
with children in the Rye City School
A Mother and Daughter Celebrate
Taramattie Ramnarain came
from Guyana to the United States
with her husband and three
daughters in 2003, and in only five
years, she’s earned two master’s
Constantine, a 2003 Mercy College
graduate. “It wasn’t easy to leave him
after all that had happened, but I think
it made me more passionate about my
decision,” she said.
After she returned from basic
training, Constantine worked in a
physical therapy clinic for nearly a year
and really enjoyed it. Then in March
2003, with only four days’ notice, she
was deployed to Iraq for the invasion.
As a sergeant in the military police,
International Airport and protected
degrees while teaching full-time at
a Bronx elementary school.
Yet the master’s in school
building leadership she received
from Mercy this spring will always
be special because she and her eldest daughter Shaarada Ramnarain were
“If I was in my country, I wouldn’t have gone to college or earned a
bachelor’s degree,” said Shaarada, who now holds a bachelor’s in behavioral
science. “Most of those who are college educated are men.”
A teacher for 26 years, Taramattie’s decision to attend college in Guyana
was controversial in her family. Yet her dedication has inspired Shaarada, who
also plans to become a teacher. “I’m proud to graduate on the same day,”
Shaarada said. “She’s guiding me through all of this. She’s basically showing
me the pathway towards my career.”
Fulfilling a Promise
something that had been left undone in
Henry “Hank” Merritt ’08 believes
my life and knew that I was an
in pursuing a passion to its fullest.
organized person and this was one of
As a teenager he became a cadet in
the few loose ends I had,” he said.
the United States Air Force Auxiliary
Three years later, just as Merritt
commanded his own squadron. As a
really began to consider college, Renee
young adult he enlisted in the Marines,
was diagnosed with breast cancer. “My
rose to the rank of sergeant and earned
focus was entirely on helping her enjoy
a Meritorious Unit Commendation for
what time she had left,” Merritt said.
flying earthquake relief missions in the
“So finishing my degree was again
Andes. Later he took up cycling and
postponed.” Renee passed away in
became a bicycle safety instructor.
December 2006.
Yet in 1997, when Merritt, then 50,
Six months later, Merritt spoke
met his wife Renee, she was surprised to
with Mary Bray, Mercy’s regional
learn that he was six credits shy of
director of admissions for Westchester.
finishing his bachelor’s degree in
She found that his life experience
business administration. Merritt had
counted for three credits and Merritt
attended Mercy in the 1980s with the
offered a new position as a computer
took Religion 111 during the last eight-
help of the G.I. Bill but had to
programmer with the United States
week session of 2007 to complete his
discontinue his studies when he was
Postal Service. “Renee felt that it was
bachelor’s degree.
Where Are They Now?
James O’Donnell ‘88
James O’Donnell ’88 is currently an assistant vice president of global
security investigation with JPMorgan Chase.
A criminal justice major, he began his career in law enforcement as a fulltime employee of campus security. During his senior year, he joined the
White Plains Police Department, where for the next 10 years he worked as a
patrol officer, field-training officer, plain-clothes street crime officer and a
detective specializing in credit card fraud and identity theft.
O’Donnell then joined the Westchester County District Attorney’s Office
as a criminal investigator. He also earned a master of public administration
degree from Marist College.
Like many Mercy students, O’Donnell was the first in his family to
graduate from college. Although it was a struggle to work and attend classes,
he said, “It was worth the bus ride to get up to Dobbs Ferry because it felt a
world apart.”
By also working full-time on campus, he made many lasting friendships.
“My friends from 20 years ago are still the ones I speak to on a weekly basis,”
he said. O’Donnell and about 45 friends from Mercy still hold informal
reunions every couple of years.
Time Capsule 1988
The U.S. and Canada reach free trade
Benazir Bhutto, first Islamic woman prime
minister, chosen to lead Pakistan.
Pan-Am 747 explodes from terrorist bomb
and crashes in Lockerbie, Scotland.
Pop Culture
Movies: Rain Man, A Fish Called Wanda,
Bull Durham
Songs: “Faith,” George Michael; “Need You
Tonight,” INXS; “Got My Mind Set On You,”
George Harrison
Books: The Bonfire of the Vanities, Tom
Wolfe; Love in the Time of Cholera, Gabriel
Garcia Marquez; All I Really Need to Know I
Learned in Kindergarten, Robert Fulghum.
Realizing A Dream
Six years ago,
“I love the fact that Mercy has a
because she was struggling in one of her
Hana Kim wanted
major courses. “It was Natalie who
to try something
community,” Kim said. “It’s possible at
encouraged me and told me that I should
new. She left her
Mercy to have a close relationship with
never give up,” Kim said. “If Natalie
native Korea and
professors and classmates.”
wasn’t there at the time, I’m sure that I
came to the United
English as a Second Language courses.
Natalie Bronstein, Kim has had the
would have given up my dream and
possibly returned to Korea.”
At Mercy’s baccalaureate ceremony,
In the course of her two years of
research, an experience that could better
Kim received the Neillis Memorial
study, Kim decided she wanted to stay in
her chances of gaining admission to a
Scholarship for students majoring in the
the States to go to college. A friend
medical school. A molecular biologist,
natural sciences who have attained
recommended Mercy College’s biology
Bronstein’s work focuses on genetic
academic merit. Kim plans to take the
program to Kim, who wants to become a
influences on heart development.
Medical College Admission Test this
physician. She graduated in May with a
3.9 grade point average.
If it weren’t for Bronstein, Kim says
she may have abandoned biology
Mercy Confers First Doctorates
Just over three years ago, Hemansu Mangal needed a
change from his career in nonprofit management, but he still
wanted to pursue a field where he could impact people’s lives.
Physical therapy had always been a consideration, and as
Mangal began weighing the options, he found Mercy
College’s weekend program offered the smoothest transition,
allowing him to work nearly full time throughout. What
Mangal did not know when he enrolled is that
he would have the opportunity to be among the
first to earn a doctorate from Mercy College.
The College established the doctorate of
physical therapy (DPT) in 2007 in response to
changes in national practice standards, and on
May 28, Mercy conferred its first doctorate
degrees on Mangal and 13 of his physical
therapy classmates.
“About five years ago we went from a twoto a three-year master’s program to prepare us
for implementing a doctorate,” DPT director
Nannette Hyland explained. “As a faculty we’re
excited to see the fruition of our work and happy
to be able to extend the opportunity to our existing master’s
Students already enrolled in the master’s physical therapy
program were offered the chance to earn the DPT by
attending an extra semester and an intercession. “One of the
questions I asked during the admissions process was whether
the program would transition to a DPT. So I was very happy,”
Mangal said. “Ultimately I would have had to come back for
it because the DPT is the new standard.”
The American Physical Therapy Association has
encouraged educators to develop doctoral-level programs
because of the profession’s increasing autonomy. The DPT
prepares students to provide evaluation and treatment
without physician referrals. As a result, the program includes
an increased emphasis on the clinical skills required in direct
access situations. These include pharmacology, pathology,
differential diagnosis, and imaging.
In addition to expanding its degree offerings to include
the DPT, the program maintains a competitive edge with its
commitment to working students. The DPT is one of only
three programs in the country to hold classes exclusively on
Mangal, like a number of his classmates, is already a
practicing physical therapist. He currently works with patients
recovering from surgery at New York Presbyterian Hospital.
Class of 2008 Senior Class Gift Contributors
Amal Abdellatif
Abdul Abdul-Rahman
Kwaku Adade-Poku
Elizabeth Agosto
Ramona Aguilar
Christine Alanyo
Debra Alexander
Genevieve Alleyne
Mohammed Al-Mansouri
Wilfrido Alonzo
Chiriga Alves
Nichole Anderson
Akom Anjeh
George Arden
Keira Arias
Sal Armato
Shonte Armstrong
Maysha Artis
Carlene Asher
Lindsay Astor
Irene Aviles
Christopher Ball
Anthony Barnes
Doris Barrios
Gisela Barris
Keya Bazemore
Melissa Bednarczyk
Veronica Bedoya
Viane Bello
Elizabeth Benoit-Garcia
Georgietta Bento
Jacinda Berg
Kelly-Ann Blackwood
Stacy Blue
Laura Blum
Akwasi Boateng-Duah
Vanja Bokun
Dana Boothroyd
Frank Boughner
Marisa Bourne
Marisa Bowerman
Bryan Boyd
Regina Bramberg
Sylvia Branchcomb
David Brennan
Vanessa Brissolese
Mary Britney
Melinda Brooks
Atiyah Brown
Jacqueline Brown
Miranda Brown
Shone Brown Holt
Shayna Brunson
Thelma Bryan
Averil Bunbury
Henry Bunch
Shannon Bush
Nigel Butler
Jea’Venna Caldwell
Christine Cameron
Noel Campell
Thomas Cannariato
Sharon Carberry
Tiziana Carbone
Patrice Carey
Denisse Carmona
Tamika Carpenter
Wahnika Carter
Tiffany Carter-Kirby
Shirley Castano
Geneva Castro
Alexandra Catana
Amanda Ceraulo
Sunny Chacko
Kathryn Chandler
Philippe Charles
Shirley Chen
Gerald Chisholm
Christine Clarke
Elizabeth Clarke
Jonathan Clarke
Terrence Clarke
Camele Clarke-Barrett
Daniel Clemens
Esther Clerval
Andrew Cogliati
Susan Colmenares
Marie Colomer
Keren Colon
Tinesha Conway
Arlene Cope
Hiram Cordero
Colleen Correa
Bruce Cortalano
Michelle Cortes
Laura Costa
Camille Costantino
Nicole Croce
Christine Cruz
Janice Cucciarre
Melissa Cuevas
Darshell Cummings
Desiree Darlyn
Edwin De La Rosa
Brenda De Paula
Lisa DeAllaume-McCabe
Alisa Dean
Eileen Deem
Michael Deere
Caroline DeGraff
Claribel Delgado-Baumann
Margi Dellacava
Carmine D’Emilio
Trisha Denny
Maureen Di Maiolo
Mamadou Diallo
Carmen Diaz
Jaime Diaz
Jessica Dieckman
Christine Donalds-Rose
Patricia Dormant
Rondine Douglas
Tawana Dunnham
Michael Eaddy
Natalie Edugene Guiteau
Aiesha Edwards
Tahalia Edwards
Eva Einhorn
Houda El Ghouch
Marvin Elliott
Roberto Encarnacion
Gene Enriquez
Natalis Espinal
Angela Esposito
Thomas Farish
Jessica Fernandez
Daniella Ferraro
Marie Fitzgerald
Adriene Flynn
Jason Fox
Juana Francisco
Sharon Fullerton
Patricia Galfano
Candice Gallart
Luis Garcia
Teresa Garrison
Brenda Geaney
Kathleen Gibbs
Geraldine Glasgow
Deborah Glatz-Schmelmer
Diane Goding
Sewella Goldin
Penny Goldstein
Gilda Gomez
Raquel Gonzalez
Andrea Gordon
Dianne Gordon
Reycia Gotiangco
Kristen Graham
Claudette Grant
Catherine Graves
Eugene Green
Horace Green
Devorah Greene
Robin Greene
Carriann Grexa-Allen
April Grieco
Stephanie Grier
Patricia Griffin
Donna Groeneveld
Sean Grogan
Jose Guevara
Sagine Guillard
Crystel Harris
Naina Harris
Nekisha Harris
Khristofer Harrison
Pancheta Hart
Michelle Hazel
Linda Henaghan
Monia Henley
Evaline Henry
Myrna Heredia
Scott Hernandez
Kathy-Ann Hicks
Barbara Higgins
Anna Hodas
Cara Hollander
Lavern Holley
Maria Holly
Della Horne
Edith Hornedo
Kenisha Howard
Maribel Hoyos
Jermaine Isaac-Hodge
John Isabella
Chantel James
Terri-Ann James
Ronillo Javellana
Marisol Javier
Funmilola Jegede
Carmen Jimenez
June Job
John Johnson
Natika Jones
Edward Judge
Leah Kaplan
Christina Katz
Michelle Keane
Kerrie Kennedy
Courtney Kern
Ali Khan
Stacey King
Tova Klapper
Esther Klein
Angela Kocovic
Gregory Komlos
Stephen Kost
Scott Kowal
Anna Kudlik
Nadia Lake
Ramona Laws
Johnelle Lawson
Hung Le
Gregory Lee
Chaung Lim
Stuart Liman
Kalah Lipinski
Angelica Llarch
Wendy Logrono
Nancy Loja
Lauren Lombardo
Margarita Long
Gabina Lopez
Grisel Lopez
Eileen Lostetter
Maurin Lovell
Elsa Lulaj
Sonia Luperon
Rachel Luria
Jeffrey Lynch
Lisa Macchia
Dominique Mahal
Anita Maher
Sharon Mais-Jeter
Deanna Malachi
Joann Malloy
Elizabeth Mampillil
Jason Manizza
Joseph Marjieth
Sarah Martabano
Kathleen Martin
Vichelle Martinez
Joseph Masi
Gladys Mateo
Susan Mateo
Carla Matos
Ifeanyi Matthew
Lucila Mauricio
Tamara Mayfield
Katherine Mazzullo
Carol McAleer
Beth McCabe
Adam McCaffrey
Roy McCalla
Tralondos McCarthy
Margaret McCormack
Sandie McEachron
Aileen McGorty
Anna McHugh
Paula McIntyre
Asheena McNeil
Karen McPherson
Jeanette Medina
Hayriye Mehmet
Anna Melendez
Stephen Melendez
Stephanie Melton
Bernarda Mercedes
Marie Merveille
Kim Mesa
Margarette Michel
Gianny Miranda
Silvia Molina
Amada Molina-Reimundez
Jocelyn Morel
Ofelia Morera
Jennifer Morfea
Kelley Moriarty
Edith Morillo
Kiana Morris
Elaine Moshe
Sydnie Motilall
Shereese Murray
Stacy Nadler-O’Meara
Francine Narcisco
Christina Narine
Sivya Nathan
Camillia Negrón
Lydia Negron
Ian Nembhard
Jeffrey Neubauer
Marianne Neujahr
Dwain Newell
Randy Newman
Luis Nieves
Felicia Noble-Williams
Carmen Noriega
Shauntel Norris
Sarah Nowowiejski
Ejiro Odjodu
John Ojuro
Victoria Olavarria
Kenny Olmeda
Caroline Onwuemeli
Luz Orellana
Brenda Ortiz
Dagmar Ortiz
Rosalyn Ortiz
Henry Osserman
Jessica Owens
Saturine Packer
Paul Panesa
Angela Papetti
Shamdai Parmesar
Aileen Parris
Brenda Parry
Rashimi Pasapula
Susan Paulsen
Julie Paxman
Melissa Perez
Zeljka Peric
William Peters
Maria Petroni-Kowgios
Rosangela Pichardo
Sidney Pierre
Stephanie Pina
Jacqueline Pinedo-Aguilar
Simone Pitts
Jose Plaza
Allyson Pocalyko
Vincent Podraza
Nicole Pollack
Albert Poppo
Nora Presutti
Jennifer Probst
Brenda Puello
Mahvush Qayum
Karen Quijano
Vickey Ragin
Saifur Rahman
Yahira Ramirez
Kellie Ramos
Yesenia Ramos
Frank Re
Nelson Reaves
Louis Rehberger
Andre Reid
Emilly Reis
Kimberley Reiss
Elizabeth Resto
Morgym Rexhepi
Alexandro Reyes
Matilde Reyes
Michelle Reyes
Frank Ribeiro
Charles Richardson
Angela Rivera
Aracelis Rivera
Ashanti Rivera
Doris Rivera
Katy Rivera
Tina Rivera
Adeline Robert
Ann Robinson
Joanne Robinson
Mark Robinson
Leandro Rocha
Norma Rodgers
Sharon Rodney
Cindy Rodriguez
Luis Rodriguez
Melissa Rodriguez
Yasmine Rodulfo
Antoinette Rogers
Gregori Romenski
Giovanna Romero
Mercedes Romero
Adarleny Rosario
Georgette Rosario
Haydee Rosario
Stephen Rose
Richard Rosen
Sara Rosenshein
Michael Ross
Frumy Roth
Robert Rundbaken
Mariola Saint Fleur
Susan Salomone
Kim Salvo
Joan Samuel
Michael Samuels
Helen Sanders
Nicole Sanders
Elisabeth Sanna
Luis Santana
Renny Santos
Richard Santucci
David Scarantino
Kathleen Schleimer
Bernadette Schnaudigel
Jennifer Schwartz
Peggy Schwartz
Elaine Shannon
Justina Shkreli
Michael Silver
Roselle Simonetti
Marsha Simpson
Sharon Sklar
Deja Slater
Casandra Smith
Paul Smith
Ulises Soto
Shandi Speller
Tracy Spooner
Daphne Squires
Frank Stabile
Kornelia Stantcheva
Arlene Staple
Baila Steinwurzel
Michael Stern
Caroline Susa
Elizabeth Sweis
Katarzyna Swierad
Nchendia Tajong
Ines Tavarez
Patricia Tejada
Deborah Terrell
Rarsha Terry
Hyacinth Thomas
Karen Thomas
Alicia Thomas-Partee
Tamara Thompson-Bertran
Felicia Thornton-McCord
Ruby Tolbert
Archiles Tolentino
Franco Tolli
Giuseppe Tolli
Fabiola Toribio
Caryn Toscano
Cipriana Trejo
Yukie Trevathan
Sarah Troy
Farai Tsokodayi
Khamani Tucker
Rachel Tyberg
Marcus Urquiaga
Julianne Vaccaro
Rosarine Vajeeprasee
Rhonda Valdes-Greene
Nelson Valdez
Kristine Valentin
Melissa Vargas
Chantel Vasquez
Justiniana Vasquez
Cheryl Velazquez
Deborah Vellozzi
Jorge Ventura
Marsha Vincent
Daniela Vitiello
Yevgeniy Vorobyev
Lisabeta Vukaj
Sherry Walker
Brenda Walker-Bryant
Raynell Webb
Kayon Webley
Matty Wechsler
Cheryl Weekes
Christine Weeks
Khalia Weisner
Chanze Wellington
Karen Wellington-Boyd
Kerri Weyrauch
Geraldine White
Nadia White
Mark Wilkinson
Joseph William
Charlene Williams
Emily Williams
Sharnett Williams
Thelma Williams
Jarasia Wilson
Svetlana Wineski
Virna Wong
Patricia Woolery
David Woolley
Maxine Wright
Peter Xanthus
Michael Yanch
Caressa Young
Cherise Young
Jennifer Yudman
Gjeline Zadrima
Daniellea Zemnick
The Senior Class Gift provides graduating students an opportunity to invest in the future
of Mercy College. By contributing to the Senior Class Gift, you are helping to ensure a great
Mercy College experience for other students.
Thank you Class of 2008!
*This list reflects contributions made as of June 16, 2008
Non-Profit Org.
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555 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Special 2008
Commencement Issue
BS in Organizational Management
“I’ll be going right into grad school in the summer. I’m pursuing
a MS in human resource management at Mercy.”
BS in Media Studies
“I hope to produce the screenplay I wrote this semester and
eventually enter it into film festivals.”
Engage, a publication for alumni and friends
of Mercy College, is produced by the Office of
Institutional Advancement, under the direction
of the Office of Public Relations and the
Office of Publications. Copyright 2008. Mercy
Send address changes and
correspondence to
Office of Public Relations
Mercy College
555 Broadway, Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
Lisa Trapasso
BS in Media Studies
Art Director
Virna Wong
“I’ll be attending law school in Washington, D.C., for
entertainment law.”
BS in Psychology
“I was accepted to the marriage and family therapy master’s
program here and will start in the fall.”
Contributing Writer
Leigh Vaccaro
John DiElsi
Lisa Trapasso
Joe Vericker
Additional Photos Courtesy of
Hana Kim ’08
Henry “Hank” Merritt ’08
Pam Constantine ’08
Shaarada Ramnarain ’08