Cupola Brochure
Cupola Brochure
Coyob WEATF]ERVANES w =s.Ct A Boyal Orowne Cupola ls the perfect way to "crowne" your roof, giving it that finished appearance it weli deserves. Royal Crowne Cupolas are handcrafted in New Holand, Lancaster County, PA. Cwned and operated by three generations of Amlsh, Boyal Orowne Cupolas has been manufactur ng cupoias and other outdoor decor since 1980. Royal Crowne manufactures and selLs hlgh qua ity cupolas, weathervances, copper finiaLs, and other outdoor products for the home and garden. We stock copper weathervanes and flnlals in dozens of designs to provide that finlshing touch to any rooftop, turret or cupola. Over the past few centurjes, cupolas have served to light and ventilate buildings of all kinds, but especially cathedrals, castles and government buidings. Oupolas have also become an imporlant part of architecture, defining exterior buidlng styes. Today cupolas are often used to enhance the style of houses, garages, barns and other buildings. TahloOtCom (100) , . . , .4 Keystone Series (700) EstateSeries(2OO) . ..,., .6 Shed Series (BOO) SelectSeries(300) . .......8 Cazebo Series (900) EstateCopperSeries(400). .,,..'10 Custom Cupo as & Options Estate Gazebo Series (500) 10 Weathervanes & Finials Sundance Series (600) . . . .11 Gallery of Cupoas. , Signature Series , 2 12 12 12 13 14 1R l!J ;ii=ci*o i*i'Ci*oi.i Cry,rb; rW A good rule of thumb in selectihg the right size cupola for your building is a minimum of 1 .25" for every foot of unbroken roof ridge line. For example: if a roof section measures 24', the minimum size the cupola should be is 30". For roof length 48' and longer you may want to consider using 2 or 3 cupolas. . Cupola size is derived from the measurement of the base width. 24' of unbroken roof line . Extended bases are available for steeper pitched roofs. . Cupolas come in 2 or 3 sections for easier shipping and installation. o All louvered cupolas can provide ventilation for your structure, o Windows are removable for ease of ., fl c o o ah 60" & 72" cupolas come standard with p = double midsections, . Custom ,E U installing a light fixture, o l styles and sizes are available o t o a AII Royal Crowne Cupolas with a wind rating are: . Engineer drawn and approved o Wind rated with proper installation procedures followed . Approved for up Io 120 mph wind speeds o Available with Sealed engineer drawings Most of our cupolas are available and manufactured with a cellular-pvc trimboard that offers "Maintenance Free Solutions" for many years. This material is rot, moisture, and insect resistant and offers a Limited Lifetime Warranty. : : -it 5 t ? !'L .E t @ .e SERTES (100) ! .l: The S gnature Serles Cupolas are high y detailed in construction and craftsmanship and are distinguished from the other lines of cupolas on the market today, lnspired by the beauty of English Oastles, the Signature Series will add elegance and distinctive beauty to your home or lnstltution o Standard Weathervane Mount . Cupolas accommodate up to 10/12 roof pltch Window Configurations ,E II , OCIAGON Signature Series Sizes €.-L ffiffi& "rIffifi,: Base Size Sq. Model 0xford/Danbury 24" 48" 47" 30' 60" 60' 58" 70" 69" 36', $:: .ii Plymouth/Yarmouth .-, 47', 42" 84" 81 ' 7q', 48" 96', 93', 9l' 60' 1 18" 1 13', 111 72" 140" 1 36', 1 4 5.L Heights Cupola SQUARE 33', Alexander ,ffii,1,ffi *&::::;;; Fairfield The Signature Series Cupolas are manufactured solely of a solid Vinyl-PVC trimboard with a sealed edge technology, which is a rot, moisture, and insect resistant material, and capped with copper.providing a maintenance free producl These cupolas are avarlable in louvered or windowed versions. ffi Greenfield *, r ';* I '& -'},1'=f"J---,ff:='' :,l ffire& *,9 *B: €: &-*M : - . Plymouth Oxford -.1i ffiw&, u u'.! T,% r Ft l :'I , -gl &;, &.$ - ,f"i: r'---i' il! i.a 9[ Je -*****::::sJamesporl Danbury Yarmouth A SERTES (2oo) The Estate Series Cupolas are elegantly designed and will make a great addition to your home, garage, barn, gazebo or any other building These cupolas are constructed of a Vinyl-PVC trimboard (a maintenance free product), or a select grade of western red cedar and capped with a copper roof . Standard Weathervane Mount o Cupolas accommodate up to 1A/12 roof pitch r Window Configurations ,[L] OCTAGON --Y sQ 24',-36 i:i:iii:8. SQ 42 -48' fl€' Estate Series Sizes Heights Cupola Base Dalton/ Kingston/ Pinnacle/ Size Bethany Salisbury Villa 24" 48" 47" 47" 50" 30' 60" 59" 57" 62" 36" 69" 68" 67" 72' 84" Roxbury 42" 80" 79" 77" 48" s1 ' onil 88" 96" 60' 11 09', 107', 118" 72" I 129" 126" 1 3', JJ 1 €ffi.€. %ry* 40" Daiton O #ms Bethany The Estate Series Cupolas, manufactured of a Vinyl PVC trimboard are rot, moisture, and insect resistant, providing a maintenance free product These cupolas are avallable in louvered or windowed versions. Salisbury Cedar NEW! Roxbury *l Pinnacle Kingston &*l &.{- &# && Salisbury Pinnacle Cedar rt YT iltu {L &* &t *#_ &# && €*{ EI TI Villa 7 ,tu sERr=s (3cc) lf you need a special way to enhance your garage, outbuilding etc , the Select Series Cupola will provide you with beauty and charm and will also offer imporlant ventilation for your structure These cupolas are constructed of a Vinyl-PVC trimboard (a maintenance free product), or a premium grade of white pine, which is primed and ready to coat with a paint of your choice, o Standard Weathervane Mount a Cupolas accommodate up to 10/12 roof pitch Window Configurations Square Sizes t6 -z+ JU -JO 60'-72', Select Series Sizes Heighls Cupola Morton Hamlin 18" 27" 23" 22" 34" 24" 30' Size 36" 42" 48" . Ellsworth Nonruood Waterford JJ 29" 31" 27' 30" JO 35" 3B' JJ 41 35" 45" 39" 46" 41" 51', 42" 56" 46" 59" 49" 61 " 50" n3 54" 6B' 57" 72" EO" t6 63', BO" 67" 81' bt) QEN 71', 89" 75" OJ 107" 86', 112" 9l" 99', 128" 102" 33" 107" 60" 1 72" 124" B 04" Carlisle - IB &#ffi'i 33 Base 1 --1 ili * i. r:"-"' '14 li Ellsworlh 3 "!'- "f ':r's-"8 Waterford The Select Series Cupolas, manufactured of a Vinyl-PVO trimboard are inseci resistart proving a r.a ^Tenarce-free product These cupolas are available in louvered or windowed versions, roL, moisture, and ' Li*,' t: F t* #fu .B ,,.*ilfu *_'_' * -*----** --*:: Morlon Optional Co pper Louvers NEW! Carlisle Nonnuood Optional Arch Optional Sfained G/ass Hamlin ,eilL gg.3i1&,&& wtg€tl . %#fu ffiffitu :y*:ry5*4. l Carlisle el fuaPGk,ES(4oc) copper cupolas have been adding beautiful architectural elements to buildings throughout the world for centuries. The Estate copper cupola collectjon wil not disappoint you with durability, functionality, and beauty making them extremely desirable for a home or institution Each copper cupola is built with Vinyl PVC trimboard and ctad wlth '16 oz, copper .,::,.3U.1::. Dalton '& l9..*-***.% Kingston -,\- 47" 60' 59" 57 69" 68' 67" r Available in sizes from 24" - Cupolas are weathervane ready, 48" , louvered or window, 3 sections for easy assembly and installation, lr 10 47" . L& !a ill-,-**-*' Pinnacle 48" of the Estate series to proporlion with any gazebo, This series comes pre-assembled in ,.BAs6:SiZd:: it Pinnacle The Estate Gazebo is a shortened version ,/',$Afu-liirt, .-- Kingston fuQ%gES(5co) '€ c4 Pinnacle Dalton ,=- €* *& ffiB #* && ra )i ffiffi €,e Fl' a6 lSUI:'tl/l::'. ,:tl:A6l::. ::'rr4gr|r'r'. Gazebo Salisbury Villa ?:::;lt;,|,: .::HLigtil....:r:,...:;,:a,,:,,.). Kingston/ Salisbury Pinnacle/ Villa 36" 36" 46" 45' 52'. 51" 61 " 60" 70" 68" Sr,rnofarrm SERTES (6CC) o Maintenance-free construction using vinyl and pre-painted steel materials. o Pre-assembled in 3 sections for fast, labor saving installation, . Square or Octagonal configuration, wiih windows or louvers in all sizes, . Optional mount for standard or large weathervanes. . Cupolas accommodate up lo a 6/12 roof pitch, Franklin Milford = Sundance Series Sizes 'Height ': Winchester Salem Cripgtal Base:Size Franklin/Milford 24n JN 40" .36', 52" 59', 48',1 67" 77" SalemAVinchester 60" ot 96', 72" 102" 112' llD SERI ES (700) Board & Batten construction RrES (e00) The Gazebo Series cupolas are crafted using cellular pvc-vinyl or a treated yellow pine and for a natural appearance. Constructed of Easiern Keystone Series Sizes capped with a copper or cedar roof, White Pine :..{rupoli: . Available in vinyl or l:'Bii$€:::, o Cupolas are weathervane raarlr vqvy r ::t,,:Siie::t: '.1a,,,:1g,t:,..,,, r ,,.',241 o Cupolas accommodate up to a 1O/12 roof pitch , Louvered Windowed 27" JJ 41 45" 61', 65" ot 85', fldu,r wood with a copper or cedar roof Gazebo Series Sizes 20" 18,;., o Optional Weathervane ':::,.:.',21.1t 25" Mount J@ '& SERTES (B0o) The Shed Series cupolas are manufactured specifically for your backyard storage shed. These cupolas are crafted using cellular pvc-vinyl or a premium grade of (primed) white pine and capped with a copper or aluminum roof, o Optional Weathervane Mount o Cupolas accommodate up lo Shed Series Sizes l7::;$*fisll.:,,11 ',?:::.:.:L:'Ltrll::*,:;..:;. ,r:t;ll2tyt:.1,t91 a7/12 roof pitch :ftishl$, tB?i#,tia€::,, ,r...r.,,:. 25yr:,::.:,::: 18" ZO 30" 36" . &*jE.*- € ffi Copper & Colored LouVers Copper, Red, Green, Blue, Black, Brown, and Copperstone g . Stained Glass Red, Green, and BIue . Apply Staybrite to Copper . Apply Patina to Copper .:t lj,:':l ':'i. m IT o Base & Crown Moulding II II o Mount for Lantern . Screened ]J lritr Tgr Louvers o Base Extension II II o Base Cutout Add stained glass to any windowed cupola or select a stained glass weathervane to add that distinctive flair. Add accented louvers in copper or solid color to set your cupola apart. a-* ;T-F .il-,F. :rrE arE rE{ ET irIIE E IT I[ ni II ^ €Erg F Cryoh,t Cn:-tom, We can do it! Whether you have your own distinctive design or have a place where our standard cupolas just won't fit, we can manufacture a custom cupola to your specifications. *. r?r S* lll rnr $rr ii-:, a t O xti EEE ;ir, g$s 1*:-# .j,1.i _e**-*'**; ".ra a a r "".es*u,==* 13 ^*&W* Our weatheryanes and finials offer a very distinctive touch atop your cupola or structure, Made of copper and brass these will add classical elegance for many years, *.\ 'fl %ffiry .i,@8,ffiF'"S & *-"4, 'BK- & e642P W * T {J-g t 6b7p .:3 - *- i.: i-'r'.::€l-*.==-' -' :: :&& I 67BP ; * €= *_=- I * 3*.* x €====*==== : @:;. i &**:*-*.* :': i*€-: 3 l&'] _ I .%& #ryr tffi . p" ,,.'1,-ffi<€ 't- &\ I 9605P flrC 611SP ft I II $ ti Aa*# i-l li 1,: I 701 lfl *i: .=- .3-; ffi ffi .€7ff1.-\ if1l r\ w JB wt T a I 703 lil a & & nTl w T 713 & ffi:l# Elg 3E BA G!? ffi Y E 739 GALLERY OF QaN Cudho Co,Vola* 15r OROWNE YOUR ROOF WITH A 7?oN ADanpl *trffiw o Quality Cupolas EB-ru-$r- o Beautiful Weathervanes js€E &# $$: o Copper Finials Authorized Dealer .4. Ridile dr GFaft Cupolas & Weathervanes. Outdoon Accents. (717')355-2254 r ,l
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These cupolas are available in louvered or windowed versions.