ESA Punta del Este - Tourism Marketing Communication


ESA Punta del Este - Tourism Marketing Communication
Punta del Este -­‐ Uruguay Presenta1on WELCOME TO PUNTA DEL ESTE, THE MOST EXCLUSIVE
HOTEL CONRAD It is located in the heart of the most exclusive beach resort of South America, just 15 minutes away from the Interna=onal Airport, on Mansa beach, in front of Gorri= Island. Conrad Punta del Este Resort & Casino is a spectacular Resort that has a brand new Las Vegas style casino, unique in the region. HOTEL CONRAD The hotel has 294 rooms, 41 out of which are suites. All of the rooms have an open terrace with a beau=ful view to the Atlan=c Ocean. The hotel offers: Five restaurants with Mediterranean and Southeast coast cuisines; a business center; one of the largest conven=on centers of the region; an outdoor swimming pool; a spa; an indoor swimming pool and two tennis courts. MANTRA RESORT SPA & CASINO Meters away from the broad oceanic beaches and among forests with water springs, MANTRA Resort Spa & Casino is one of the fewest five-­‐star world class hotels in Uruguay, where the comfort and style are combined in a perfect way with the glamour and exquisite nature of the most exclusive beach resort of the region. MANTRA RESORT SPA & CASINO It has 88 double rooms and 12 broad suites with luxurious equipment, magnificent panoramic views and exclusive details that complete the excellent gastronomy and the broad variety of services and loca=ons that the resort offers for high level social and corporate events. ACTIVITIES
PENÍNSULA It is in the center of Punta del Este and there, it is possible to carry out innumerable ac=vi=es such as walking along the tradi=onal Avenida Gorlero (commercial center that is part of the history of the beach resort); visi=ng the different art galleries and the cra\ fair; enjoying the classic cafés, pizza shops, restaurants or pubs; walking along the well-­‐known yacht harbor; enjoying an a\ernoon in the glorieta; going to the cinema, the theatre, the casino, etc. Punta del Este is synonym of knowing the Península. It has an extension of some 15 blocks by 5 blocks approximately and unlike the rest of the beach resort, its streets are iden=fied by numbers, in spite of the fact that each one of them has a name related with naviga=on or marine nature. The numbers go from street 1 to street 31. La Caracola Full Day Program
10:30 am Departure from the Hotel to La Caracola ( 30 minutes) by private bus with English Speaking Guide. 11 am Arrive to José Ignacio Lagoon to take a liele boat to La Caracola. They have 3 boats that can accommodate 35 guests. The naviga=on is less than 5 minutes. Wellcome with So\ Drinks & Natural Juices Beach Service (beach service with umbrellas, chairs, loungers) 12 pm Cocktail and Lunch Ac=vi=es: Kaiak, Beach volley, Football, Massages and Surf classes 5 pm Tea Time with home made cakes and fruits 6 pm Naviga=on back to the bus Arrive to the hotel and refresh your self Suggested ac=vi=es Colinas de Garzón: We invite you to discover the tourist experiences that we offer around our Extra Virgin Olive Oil Bou=que Produc=on Plant, between the olive oil groves and the mountain ranges which promote the natural views, very close to Punta del Este. Available programs include a biking adventure, flying over 300 meters to enjoy spectacular views, deligh=ng a quiet picnic surrounded by olive planta=ons, having a good =me with live music at the late a\ernoon, having a delicious "asado" (BBQ) next to the vineyards, plan=ng your own baby olive tree, hand-­‐cropping and learning all about the origin and produc=on process of our oils, among others. Altos de la Ballena Winery Alto de la Ballena is perhaps the most scenic of these wineries. When Alvaro Lorenzo and his wife, Paula Pivel, decided to turn their love of wine into a business in 1998, they spent months searching for the right terroir, the French term that encompasses both soil and climate. In 2000 they found a rocky hillside plot eight miles from the sea, strategically located near Punta del Este, summer retreat of South America’s glieera=. There is no tas=ng room in Alto de la Ballena; we sampled wines and local cheeses on a simple deck with unobstructed vistas of a faraway lagoon, grazing caele and brushes of alamos and eucalyptuses. It’s hard to mind a lack of infrastructure in a place like that.” Museums: Casa Pueblo y Museo del Mar Casapueblo is a hotel located in Punta Ballena, 13 km away from Punta del Este, Uruguay. It was built by the Uruguayan ar=st Carlos Páez Vilaró originally as a summer house and workshop, but now includes a museum, an art gallery, a café and a hotel in its facili=es. It became permanent residence of its creator, where he worked and where he spent his last days Museo del Mar: Located at La Barra de Maldonado, this museum offers to its visitors a collec=on with more than 10.000 species from the acua=c fauna of all over the world. There can be found shells, corals, sea horses, sea stars, crabs, whales skeletons, turtle shells, shark jaws, and much more. There can be found a large picture collec=on from Punta del Este and a huge aquarium. The Museo del Mar is part of a private collec=on that began in 1961 and today has pieces from all over the world. Its construc=on began in 1993 and opened its doors for the first =me the 15st of January 1996. Since then the museum has tripled its size and consequently the collec=on´s variety Day program with lunch: Full day Isla Gorri= 10:30 am Departure from the Hotel to the Harbor ( 15 minutes) by private bus with English Speaking Guide 11 am Embark to the Yacht 45 minutes of Naviga=on Drinks on board Arrive to Isla Gorri= – disembark in small boats Lunch at the Island Restaurant Beach services (beach service with umbrellas, chairs, loungers) Jets Ski Snorkeling Dive Classes 5:30 pm Naviga=on back to the bus Arrive to the hotel CIUDAD JARDÍN All along the Department, the parks have become one of the most important tourist aerac=ons of the beach resort. Coronel Francisco Mancebo park, located on the way to the lagoon, and few minutes away from Punta del Este, has barbecue (asado) areas surrounded by exuberant vegeta=on. Indígena park, located in Con. Aparicio Saravia, near Barra de Maldonado, is one of the main forest reserves. Paseo de la Aguada: located on Rambla C. William Pda 23 ½ was scenery to all sailors that arrived at our costs since sweet water could be enjoyed here. . CIUDAD JARDÍN Arboretum Lussich: located in Punta Ballena shows an extraordinary work of foresta=on done by Antonio Lussich at the beginning of the last century. It reveals a unique appeal and transforms Punta Ballena into the ideal place for those that enjoy the nature view. At present, they belong to the Maldonado local government and it is considered as the seventh forest reserve in the world and the most important one in South America. PUNTA BALLENA At present, Punta Ballena is integrated to Punta del Este ‘s urban and tourist development. It is one of the most par=cular and beau=ful places of the Uruguayan coast. The incomparable view of bahía de Maldonado and Portezuelo that can be appreciated from the Panoramic route over the sierra, makes it one of the fewest places in the world where enjoying an a\ernoon becomes pleasing. Its scarps give a Mediterranean aspect to the place and they host the mys=c “Casa Pueblo “. PUNTA BALLENA On the west side, there is a small natural port, where different nau=cal sports are prac=ced. Here you can find Portezuelo and Solanas beaches, very much visited because of its orienta=on to the sunset, its calm waters and its broad extensions of fine sand. On the east side, there are caves, rocks and thick sand beaches, with the view to Punta del Este and Gorri= island. It is located 18 km from Punta del Este and 115 km from Montevideo. 3km away, you can find del Sauce lagoon, and the Interna=onal Airport with the same name. If you watch Punta Ballena from a distance, it is possible to understand its name. The sierra on which it is located, has the shape of a sleeping cetacean. LA BARRA Located few kilometers away from Punta del Este, la Barra de Maldonado has turned out to be one of the preferred places by the tourists of all ages. It is characterized by its own style, the architectonical color of its houses, the permanent movement that the art galleries give to it, the an=que stores and the flea market. Its marine landscape with beau=ful beaches such as Montoya, Bikini, Manan=ales, El Chorro y Punta Piedras appear in sequence configuring a dynamic and happy landscape that is powered each summer with the arrival of thousands of travelers. The restaurants of different styles, pubs and discotheques aeract the youngest ones, fill its streets pursuing entertainment. In summer, it turns into a nightlife place by excellence. JOSÉ IGNACIO Located on the majes=c natural scenery by the coast of the Atlan=c Ocean, with its rural and rus=c aspect, José Ignacio, s=ll keeps its fishing village style. Far from the big buildings, discotheques, and from the speedy nightlife, today, it is an exclusive site. Something to highlight, aside from its beaches and the important summer residences, is the excellent gastronomy, center of aerac=on preferred by those who look for gewng delighted by the best sea food. RURAL ZONE The rural tourism in the department, delights the tourist with different proposals. Agro tourism and guided visits are the most aerac=ve ac=vi=es for the tourists that prefer agro as the background for their holidays. Inside, we can highlight the unforgeeable tours to cowsheds where hand-­‐made products such as jellies, cheese, etc. are manufactured. The peacefulness that is enjoyed in these natural sites is completed by the good taste and the hospitality from the people of the place who can even prepare special events for the visitors, such as a great “asado con cuero” or a friendly “guitarreada” (guitar show) or an unforgeeable horseback ride. MEET OUR TEAM
Manuel Orbe
Managing Director – ESA Argentina & Uruguay
Skype: manuel.orbe.esa
Mobile: +54-9-11-6196-6050
Office: +54-11-4776-3372
Maria Eugenia Lauro
Sales Manager – ESA Argentina & Uruguay
Skype: maria.eugenia.lauro.esa
Mobile: +54-9-11-6051-3419
Office: +54-11-4776-3372
Manuel Orbe Managing Director – ESA Argen1na & Uruguay Skype: manuelorbe1 Mobile: +54-­‐9-­‐11-­‐61966050 Office: +54-­‐11-­‐7776-­‐3372