enterprise fiber optic cable
enterprise fiber optic cable
ENTERPRISE FIBER OPTIC CABLE Interconnect | Indoor | Indoor/Outdoor Outdoor | ADSS | MicroCore® Founded in 1984, AFL is a global leader providing fiber optic products, equipment, and engineering services to the telecommunications, electric utility, wireless, energy, private network and OEM markets. AFL also serves a diverse mix of industry segments that include service providers, military and defense, mining, oil and gas, and biomedical. AFL brings years of experience in developing solutions for customers, fostering a creative culture to drive and deploy innovative technologies that will improve communications for years to come. Our product line consists of fiber optic cable, transmission and substation accessories, outside plant equipment, connectors, fusion splicers, test equipment and training. AFL’s service portfolio includes market-leading positions with the foremost communications companies supporting inside plant central office, EF&I, outside plant, enterprise and wireless areas. AFL is dedicated to bringing our customers a quality product as well as delivering superior value. Fiber Optic Cable Table of Contents Specifying AFL Premise Optical Cables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 MicroCore® Cable OSP Loose Tube Cable—Gel-Filled OSP MicroCore® Telcordia GR-20 Micro-Technology Air-Blown Loose Tube Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Non-Armored OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 FTTx MicroDrop Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Non-Armored Loose Tube Cable—Double Jacket (LE Series DJ). . . . 6 OSP MicroCore Composite Cable Single-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SASJ). . . . . . 8 eABF Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Double-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SADJ). . . . 10 All-Dielectric Armored Rodent-Resistant OSP Loose Tube (LN Series). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 eABF Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Interconnect Premise MicroCore® Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Uniflex® Non-Armored Loose Tube Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Simplex Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Uniflex® Armored Loose Tube Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Zipcord, Dual-link and Micro-Dual Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Heavy Duty Uniflex® Loose Tube Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 250 µm Fan-out (Furcation) Tubing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 RIBBON-Link® Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 OSP Loose Tube Cable—Gel-Free Wrapping Tube Cable (WTC) with SWR®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Indoor Cable Gel-Free Non-Armored OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SJ) . . . 19 Fiber-In-A-Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Gel-Free Single-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SASJ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 QUAD-link and Circular Premise Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Gel-Free Double-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SADJ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Low Smoke Zero Halogen Distribution Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Indoor/Outdoor Loose Tube Cable—Gel-Filled Armored Tight Buffered Circular Premise Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Riser Single-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LV Series SJ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Multi-Unit Circular Premise Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Interlocking Armor Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 12-144F Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® 2.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .69 Indoor/Outdoor Loose Tube Cable—Gel-Free Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® 3.0 with SpiderWeb® Ribbon Technology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Gel-Free Riser Non-Armored Loose Tube (LV Series Gel-Free SJ). . . 27 Gel-Free Riser Single-Jacket Single-Armor Loose Tube (LV Series Gel-Free SASJ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Breakout Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 LSZH Single-Armor Single-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LL Series SASJ). . . . 31 Indoor/Outdoor Cable Listed Gel-Free, LSZH, Loose Tube Cable (LL Series). . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Indoor/Outdoor Low Smoke Zero Halogen Breakout Cable. . . . . . 75 Extreme Low Temp LSZH Double Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LA Series). . . 35 Indoor/Outdoor Riser Tight Buffered Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Gel-Free Extreme Low Temp LSZH Double Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LA Series Gel-Free) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Indoor/Outdoor Multi-unit Riser Tight Buffered Cable. . . . . . . . . . 79 XLPO LSZH Double-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LX Series). . . . . . . . . . 39 Indoor/Outdoor Breakout Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Indoor/Outdoor Plenum Distribution Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Ruggedized Indoor/Outdoor Breakout Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 continued on the next page www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 3.8.16 1 Fiber Optic Cable Tactical Cable Tactical Tight Buffered Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Broadcast Deployable Tight Buffered Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Composite Cable Copper/Fiber Composite Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 All-Dielectric Self Supporting (ADSS) Cable Mini-Span® ADSS Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Flex-Span™ ADSS Fiber Optic Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 All-Dielectric Self Supporting Cable Accessories Mini-Dead Ends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Mini-Bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Mini Formed Wire Tangent Support (FTS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Wedge Dead End. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Limited Tension Formed Wire Dead End for ADSS Cable . . . . . . . 105 Medium Tension Dead End for ADSS Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Semi-High Tension Dead End for ADSS Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Trunnion Assemblies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 ADSS Suspension Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Formed Wire Suspension for ADSS Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Wood Pole Guide Clamp for ADSS Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Spiral Vibration Damper for ADSS or OPGW Cable. . . . . . . . . . . 113 Fiber Storage Units for ADSS Fiber Optic Cable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Fiber Optic Training Light Brigade® Fiber Optic Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Certification Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Custom Fiber Optic Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 3.8.16 2 Fiber Optic Cable Specifying AFL Premise Optical Cables Cable Type Jacket Type Fiber Count Fiber Type* Unit Jacket Diameter Print Jacket Color Tight Buffer Color Tight Buffer Type Additional Information* C R 012 5 55 1 0 0 1 AIA 1=AFL standard 2=Non-standard U=Unprinted 0=Standard 1=Blue 2=Orange 3=Green 4=Brown 5=Slate 6=White 7=Red 8=Black 9=Yellow A=Violet B=Rose C=Aqua 0=Standard B=Breakout C = Circular Premise Cable D=Dual-link G=Sub-unitized Microcore K=Indoor/Outdoor S=Simplex U=Quad-link W = Ribbon X=Tactical Z=Zipcord R=Riser P=Plenum E=LSZH U=Polyurethane F=Furcation B=Bare 004=4 fiber 006=6 fiber 012=12 fiber etc. 5=50 µm MM 55=5.5 mm 6=62.5 µm MM 9=Single-mode L=10G 300 m K=Bend-Insensitive SM *more available 1=Standard Strip 3=EZ strip 6=600 µm Tight Buffer 8=Medium Strip B=Bare G=Elastomer over 250 µm H=Elastomer over 500 µm U=500 µm Bare Fiber AIA=Aluminum Interlocking Armor AIAR=Aluminum Interlocking Armor/Riser Jacket AIAP=Aluminum Interlocking Armor/Plenum Jacket * or other customer specific information * Different configurations, fiber types, etc. may be available. Please consult your AFL representative for more details. Cable Print Examples AFL OPTICAL CABLE 1-800-AFL-FIBER AFL Standard Print AFL OPTICAL CABLE 1-800-AFL-FIBER 50/125 12 FIBER (UL) TYPE OFNR c(UL) RoHS MM/YY OOOOOO METERS REEL NUMBER Generic Print OPTICAL FIBER CABLE 50/125 12 FIBER E121250 TYPE OFNR (UL) c(UL) RoHS-COMPLIANT MM/YY OOOOOO METERS REEL NUMBER * Custom print is available. Icon Legend A AFL can add Interlocking Armor to any type of fiber optic cable. Fiber optic cable that is approved for mining applications. AFL stocks many of our most popular cables for your convenience. Please contact us at 800-AFL-FIBER or AFLPremiseStock@AFLGlobal.com for more details. A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00064, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 3 Fiber Optic Cable Non-Armored OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SJ) Acting as the backbone for most of today’s fiber based systems, stranded fiber optic cables play a critical role in the high speed network. AFL’s Non-Armored Loose Tube fiber optic cables are designed to provide high fiber counts with the flexibility and versatility required for today’s most demanding installations. With fiber counts up to 576 and S-Z strand designs for easy mid-span access, AFL’s cables comply with EIA/TIA, REA/RUS PE-90 and GR-20. Industry standard designs combined with innovative technologies, such as a dry core product, yield a world class cable that will support today’s and tomorrow’s technological needs. Cable Components Product Applications • Long Haul Networking • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Trunking Lines Direct to Telecommunications Closet • Local Loop • Distance Learning • Distribution • Intrabuilding Backbones Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* FIBER COUNT 6 - 60 72 - 96 108 -120 132 - 144 146 - 216 218 - 288 290 - 432 434 - 576 SINGLE-MODE FEET METERS 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 16,400 5,000 14,100 4,300 10,800 3,300 FEET 22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900 16,400 14,000 11,000 MULTIMODE METERS 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 5,000 4,300 3,300 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 0.25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00016, Revision 6, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 4 Fiber Optic Cable Non-Armored OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SJ) Ordering Information AFL NO. LE006C5101N1 LE012C5101N1 LE018C5101N1 LE024C5101N1 LE030C5101N1 LE036C5101N1 FIBER COUNT 6 12 18 24 30 36 NUMBER OF TUBES/FIBERS 1w/6 (4 fillers) 1w/12 (4 fillers) 1w/12,1w/6 (3 fillers) 2w/12 (3 fillers) 2w/12,1w/6 (2 fillers) 3w/12 (2 fillers) LE048C5101N1 LE060C5101N1 LE072C6101N1 LE084C8101N1 LE096C8101N1 LE108CA101N1 LE120CA101N1 LE132CC101N1 LE144CC101N1 LE216CI301N1 LE288CO301N1 LE432IO301N1 LE576OO301N1 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 216 288 432 576 4w/12 (1 filler) 5w/12 (no fillers) 6w/12 (no fillers) 7w/12 (1 filler) 8w/12 (no fillers) 9w/12 (1 filler) l0w/12 (no fillers) 11w/12 (1 filler) 12w/12 (no fillers) 18w/12 (no fillers) 24w/12 (no fillers) 24w/18 (no fillers) 24w/24 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES MM 0.41 10.5 0.41 10.5 0.41 10.5 0.41 10.5 0.41 10.5 0.41 10.5 0.41 0.41 0.45 0.52 0.52 0.59 0.59 0.67 0.67 0.69 0.79 0.87 1.00 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS (N) INCHES (CM) LBS/1,000FT KG/KM SHORT TERM LONG TERM SHORT TERM LONG TERM 56 83 600 (2670) 200 (890) 8.2 (21) 4.1 (11) 56 84 600 (2670) 200 (890) 8.2 (21) 4.1 (11) 57 85 600 (2670) 200 (890) 8.2 (21) 4.1 (11) 57 85 600 (2670) 200 (890) 8.2 (21) 4.1 (11) 58 86 600 (2670) 200 (890) 8.2 (21) 4.1 (11) 58 86 600 (2670) 200 (890) 8.2 (21) 4.1 (11) 10.5 10.5 11.5 13.3 13.3 15.1 15.1 17.0 17.0 17.4 20.1 22.0 25.3 59 60 71 90 91 117 118 147 148 150 202 242 319 87 89 106 135 136 174 175 219 220 224 301 360 475 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 8.2 (21) 8.2 (21) 9.0 (22) 10.4 (27) 10.4 (27) 11.8 (31) 11.8 (31) 13.4 (34) 13.4 (34) 14.0 (35) 17.3 (41) 17.4 (44) 20.1 (51) 4.1 (11) 4.1 (11) 4.5 (11.5) 5.2 (14) 5.2 (14) 5.9 (16) 5.9 (16) 6.7 (17) 6.7 (17) 6.9 (18) 7.9 (21) 8.7 (22) 10.2 (26) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 106.7 42 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00016, Revision 6, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 5 Fiber Optic Cable Non-Armored Loose Tube Cable— Double Jacket (LE Series DJ) Product Applications • Long Haul Networking • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Trunking Lines Direct to Telecommunications Closet • Local Loop • Distance Learning •Distribution • Intrabuilding Backbones Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Acting as the backbone for most of today’s fiber based systems, stranded fiber optic cables play a critical role in the high speed network. AFL’s Non-Armored Double Jacket Loose Tube fiber optic cables are designed to provide high fiber counts with the flexibility and versatility required for today’s most demanding installations while incorporating a second jacket when extra mechanical protection is desired. With fiber counts up to 576 and S-Z strand designs for easy mid-span access, AFL’s cables comply with EIA/TIA, REA/RUS PE-90 and GR-20. Industry standard designs combined with innovative technologies, such as a dry core product, yield a world class cable that will support today’s and tomorrow’s technological needs. Cable Components Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* FIBER COUNT 6 - 60 72 - 96 108 -120 132 - 144 146 - 216 218 - 288 290 - 432 434 - 576 SINGLE-MODE FEET METERS 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 17,000 5,200 15,000 4,600 10,800 3,300 6,500 2,000 FEET 22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900 17,000 15,000 10,800 6,500 MULTIMODE METERS 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 5,200 4,600 3,300 2,000 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00015, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 6 Fiber Optic Cable Non-Armored Loose Tube Cable— Double Jacket (LE Series DJ) Ordering Information AFL NO. LE006C5111N1 LE012C5111N1 LE018C5111N1 LE024C5111N1 LE030C5111N1 LE036C5111N1 LE048C5111N1 LE060C5111N1 LE072C6111N1 LE084C8111N1 LE096C8111N1 LE108CA111N1 LE120CA111N1 LE132CC111N1 LE144CC111N1 LE216CI311N1 LE288CO311N1 LE432IO311N1 LE576OO311N1 FIBER COUNT 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 216 288 432 576 NUMBER OF TUBES/FIBERS 1w/6 (4 fillers) 1w/12 (4 fillers) 1w/12,1w/6 (3 fillers) 2w/12 (3 fillers) 2w/12,1w/6 (2 fillers) 3w/12 (2 fillers) 4w/12 (1 filler) 5w/12 (no fillers) 6w/12 (no fillers) 7w/12 (1 filler) 8w/12 (no fillers) 9w/12 (1 filler) 10w/12 (no fillers) 11w/12 (1 filler) 12w/12 (no fillers) 18w/12 (no fillers) 24w/12 (no fillers) 24w/18 (no fillers) 24w/24 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES MM 0.49 12.5 0.49 12.5 0.49 12.5 0.49 12.5 0.49 12.5 0.49 12.5 0.49 12.5 0.49 12.5 0.53 13.4 0.60 15.2 0.60 15.2 0.67 17.1 0.67 17.1 0.75 19.0 0.75 19.0 0.76 19.3 0.87 22.0 0.94 23.9 1.08 27.3 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS (N) INCHES (CM) LBS/1,000FT KG/KM SHORT TERM LONG TERM SHORT TERM LONG TERM 79 118 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 80 119 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 81 120 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 81 120 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 82 121 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 82 121 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 83 123 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 84 125 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 97 144 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.6 (27) 5.3 (14) 120 178 600 (2670) 200 (890) 12.0 (31) 6.0 (16) 121 180 600 (2670) 200 (890) 12.0 (31) 6.0 (16) 150 222 600 (2670) 200 (890) 13.4 (34) 6.7 (17) 151 224 600 (2670) 200 (890) 13.4 (34) 6.7 (17) 184 273 600 (2670) 200 (890) 15.0 (38) 7.5 (19) 185 275 600 (2670) 200 (890) 15.0 (38) 7.5 (19) 188 280 600 (2670) 200 (890) 15.2 (39) 7.6 (20) 245 365 600 (2670) 200 (890) 17.4 (44) 8.7 (22) 289 430 600 (2670) 200 (890) 18.8 (48) 9.4 (24) 372 554 600 (2670) 200 (890) 21.4 (55) 10.7 (28) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 106.7 42 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00015, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 7 Fiber Optic Cable Single-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SASJ) Acting as the backbone for most of today’s fiber based systems, stranded fiber optic cables play a critical role in the high speed network. AFL’s Armored Loose Tube Single Jacket/Single Armor fiber optic cables are designed to provide high fiber counts with the flexibility and versatility required for today’s most demanding installations, including direct buried. With fiber counts up to 288 and S-Z strand designs for easy mid-span access, AFL’s cables comply with EIA/TIA, REA/RUS PE-90 and GR-20. Industry standard designs combined with innovative technologies, such as a dry core product, yield a world class cable that will support today’s and tomorrow’s technological needs. Product Applications Cable Components • Long Haul Networking • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Trunking Lines Direct to Telecommunications Closet • Local Loop • Distance Learning • Distribution • Intrabuilding Backbones Polyethylene outer jacket Optical fiber Gel-filled loose buffer tube Corrugated steel armoring FRP central member Ripcord Water-blocking system Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE FIBER COUNT 6 - 288 MULTIMODE FEET METERS FEET METERS 19,686 6,000 19,686 6,000 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00004, Revision 8, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 8 Fiber Optic Cable Single-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SASJ) Ordering Information NOMINAL DIAMETER AFL NO. LE006C5201S1 LE012C5201S1 LE018C5201S1 LE024C5201S1 LE030C5201S1 LE036C5201S1 LE048C5201S1 LE060C5201S1 LE072C6201S1 LE084C8201S1 LE096C8201S1 LE108CA201S1 LE120CA201S1 LE132CC201S1 LE144CC201S1 LE192O8201S1 LE288OC201S1 FIBER COUNT 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 192 288 NUMBER OF TUBES/FIBERS 1w/6 (4 fillers) 1w/12 (4 fillers) 1w/12,1w/6 (3 fillers) 2w/12 (3 fillers) 2w/12,1w/6 (2 fillers) 3w/12 (2 fillers) 4w/12 (1 filler) 5w/12 (no fillers) 6w/12 (no fillers) 7w/12 (1 filler) 8w/12 (no fillers) 9w/12 (1 filler) 10w/12 (no fillers) 11w/12 (1 filler) 12w/12 (no fillers) 8 w/24 (no fillers) 12 w/24 (no fillers) INCHES 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.56 0.63 0.63 0. 70 0. 70 0. 78 0. 78 0.63 0.78 MM 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 13.3 14.2 16.0 16.0 17.8 17.8 19.7 19.7 16.0 19.7 NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT 102 102 103 103 104 104 105 106 120 146 147 176 177 213 214 152 219 KG/KM 152 152 153 154 155 155 157 158 179 218 219 262 264 317 319 226 326 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS LBS (N) INCHES (CM) SHORT SHORT TERM LONG TERM TERM LONG TERM 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.7 (28) 5.4 (14) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.7 (28) 5.4 (14) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.7 (28) 5.4 (14) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.7 (28) 5.4 (14) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.7 (28) 5.4 (14) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.7 (28) 5.4 (14) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.7 (28) 5.4 (14) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 10.7 (28) 5.4 (14) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 11.4 (29) 5.7 (15) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 12.8 (33) 6.4 (16.3) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 12.8 (33) 6.4 (16.3) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 14.2 (37) 7.1 (18) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 14.2 (37) 7.1 (18) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 15.7 (40) 7.9 (20) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 15.7 (40) 7.9 (20) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 12.8 (33) 6.4 (163) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 15.7 (40) 7.9 (20) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 42 106.7 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00004, Revision 8, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 9 Fiber Optic Cable Double-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SADJ) Acting as the backbone for most of today’s fiber based systems, stranded fiber optic cables play a critical role in the high speed network. AFL’s Armored Loose Tube Double Jacket/Single Armor fiber optic cables are designed to provide high fiber counts with the flexibility and versatility required for today’s most demanding installations, including direct buried. With fiber counts up to 312 and S-Z strand designs for easy mid-span access, AFL’ cables comply with EIA/TIA, REA/RUS PE-90 and GR-20. Industry standard designs combined with innovative technologies, such as a dry core product, yield a world class cable that will support today’s and tomorrow’s technological needs. Product Applications Cable Components • Long Haul Networking • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Trunking Lines Direct to Telecommunications Closet • Local Loop • Distance Learning •Distribution • Intrabuilding Backbones Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE FEET METERS 20,000 6,000 14,700 4,500 13,000 4,000 11,100 3,400 10,000 3,000 FIBER COUNT 6 - 72 84 - 96 108 -120 132 - 144 146 - 312 FEET 20,000 14,700 13,000 11,100 10,000 MULTIMODE METERS 6,000 4,500 4,000 3,400 3,000 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A 0.35 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A 0.25 0.25 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00003, Revision 6, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 10 Fiber Optic Cable Double-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series SADJ) Ordering Information NOMINAL DIAMETER AFL NO. LE006C5111S1 LE012C5111S1 LE018C5111S1 LE024C5111S1 LE030C5111S1 LE036C5111S1 LE048C5111S1 LE060C5111S1 LE072C6111S1 LE084C8111S1 LE096C8111S1 LE108CA111S1 LE120CA111S1 LE132CC111S1 LE144CC111S1 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD NOMINAL WEIGHT FIBER COUNT NUMBER OF TUBES/FIBERS INCHES MM LBS/1,000FT 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 1w/6 (4 fillers) 1w/12 (4 fillers) 1w/12,1w/6 (3 fillers) 2w/12 (3 fillers) 2w/12,1w/6 (2 fillers) 3w/12 (2 fillers) 4w/12 (1 filler) 5w/12 (no fillers) 6w/12 (no fillers) 7w/12 (1 filler) 8w/12 (no fillers) 9w/12 (1 filler) 10w/12 (no fillers) 11w/12 (1 filler) 12w/12 (no fillers) 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.59 0.62 0.62 0.69 0.69 0.76 0.76 0.83 0.83 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.9 17.6 17.6 19.3 19.3 21.2 21.2 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 143 169 169 201 201 234 234 LBS (N) KG/KM SHORT TERM 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 190 212 252 252 299 299 348 348 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) LONG TERM SHORT TERM LONG TERM 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 12.4 (32.0) 12.4 (32.0) 12.4 (32.0) 12.4 (32.0) 12.4 (32.0) 12.4 (32.0) 12.4 (32.0) 12.4 (32.0) 13.0 (33.0) 14.4 (36.4) 14.4 (36.4) 15.8 (40.2) 15.8 (40.2) 18.0 (46.0) 18.0 (46.0) 5.9 (15.0) 5.9 (15.0) 5.9 (15.0) 5.9 (15.0) 5.9 (15.0) 5.9 (15.0) 5.9 (15.0) 5.9 (15.0) 6.5 (16.4) 7.2 (18.2) 7.2 (18.2) 7.9 (20.1) 7.9 (20.1) 9.0 (22.9) 9.0 (22.9) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00003, Revision 6, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 11 Fiber Optic Cable All-Dielectric Armored Rodent-Resistant OSP Loose Tube (LN Series) AFL’s All-dielectric Rodent-Resistant cable is designed specifically for environments that have an increased risk of rodent infestation and disturbance. The LN-series product line covers the range of fiber-counts of up to 576 fibers. The ultra-hard, non-metallic outer polymer shell reduces risk of transmission interruptions in vital OSP network interconnections. In addition, the cable line meets all applicable RUS, GR-20 and IEC and TIA related design and performance guidelines. Cable Components rodent-resistant, low-friction, outer jacket polyethylene inner jacket Applications • Long Haul Networking • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Steam-tunnel Substreet Drainage Networks • Local Loop • Airport (FAA-E-2761c, Type B) Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC optical fibers FRP central member ripcords water-blocking system gel-filled loose buffer tube Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE FEET METERS 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,600 6,900 17,000 5,200 15,000 4,600 10,800 3,300 6,500 2,000 FIBER COUNT 6 - 60 72 - 96 108 -120 132 - 144 146 - 216 218 - 288 290 - 432 434 - 576 MULTIMODE FEET 22,900 22,900 22,900 22,600 17,000 15,000 10,800 6,500 METERS 8,000 7,000 7,000 6,900 5,200 4,600 3,300 2,000 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2009, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00019, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 12 Fiber Optic Cable All-Dielectric Armored Rodent-Resistant OSP Loose Tube (LN Series) Ordering Information NUMBER OF TUBES/FIBERS 1w/6 (4 fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES MM 0.49 12.5 MAXIMUM TENSILN LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS (N) INCHES (CM) LBS/1,000FT KG/KM SHORT TERM LONG TERM SHORT TERM LONG TERM 56 84 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) AFL NO. LN006C5101N1 FIBER COUNT 6 LN012C5101N1 12 1w/12 (4 fillers) 0.49 12.5 56 84 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) LN018C5101N1 LN024C5101N1 LN030C5101N1 18 24 30 1w/12,1w/6 (3 fillers) 2w/12 (3 fillers) 2w/12,1w/6 (2 fillers) 0.49 0.49 0.49 12.5 12.5 12.5 56 56 56 84 84 84 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 9.8 (25) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) 4.9 (13) 4.9 (13) LN036C5101N1 36 3w/12 (2 fillers) 0.49 12.5 56 84 600 (2670) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 4.9 (13) LN048C5101N1 LN060C5101N1 LN072C6101N1 LN084C8101N1 LN096C8101N1 LN108CA101N1 LN120CA101N1 LN132CC101N1 LN144CC101N1 LN216CI301N1 LN288CO301N1 LN432IO301N1 LN576OO301N1 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 216 288 432 576 4w/12 (1 filler) 5w/12 (no fillers) 6w/12 (no fillers) 7w/12 (1 filler) 8w/12 (no fillers) 9w/12 (1 filler) 10w/12 (no fillers) 11w/12 (1 filler) 12w/12 (no fillers) 18w/12 (no fillers) 24w/12 (no fillers) 24w/18 (no fillers) 24w/24 (no fillers) 0.49 0.49 0.53 0.60 0.60 0.67 0.67 0.75 0.75 0.76 0.87 0.94 1.07 12.5 12.5 13.4 15.2 15.2 17.1 17.1 19.0 19.0 19.3 22.0 23.9 27.3 56 56 65 81 81 101 101 123 123 125 156 183 243 84 84 97 121 121 151 151 184 184 187 234 273 303 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 9.8 (25) 9.8 (25) 10.6 (27) 12.0 (31) 12.0 (31) 13.4 (34) 13.4 (34) 15.0 (38) 15.0 (38) 15.2 (39) 17.4 (44) 18.8 (48) 21.4 (55) 4.9 (13) 4.9 (13) 5.3 (14) 6.0 (16) 6.0 (16) 6.7 (17) 6.7 (17) 7.5 (19) 7.5 (19) 7.6 (20) 8.7 (22) 9.4 (24) 10.7 (28) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 42 106.7 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2009, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00019, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 13 Fiber Optic Cable Uniflex® Non-Armored Loose Tube Cable AFL’s non-armored Uniflex® is a central loose tube cable used for duct and low fiber drop applications. Cable Components outer jacket strength elements buffer tube optical fiber water blocking gel ripcord Product Applications • Service (Drop) Cables • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Connectorized Trunking Cables • Distance Learning •Distribution Maximum Lengths Temperature Specifications NOMINAL DIAMETER MM 7.8 REEL A (42 x 32 x 23) FEET METERS 19,000 5,790 REEL B (58 x 32 x 28) FEET METERS 27,500 8,400 TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 0.25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. Ordering Information AFL NO. LE00221100N1 LE00441100N1 LE00661100N1 LE00881100N1 LE010A1100N1 LE012C1100N1 FIBER COUNT 2 4 6 8 10 12 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT (KG/KM) 0.31 (7.8) 34 (50) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS LBS (N) SHORT TERM LONG TERM INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM LONG TERM 600 (2670) 200 (890) 6.3 (16.0) 3.1 (8.0) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table above. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00026, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 14 Fiber Optic Cable Uniflex® Armored Loose Tube Cable AFL’s Armored Uniflex cable is a central loose tube product used in various outside plant applications. Its compact design holds up to 12 fibers. The corrugated steel armor provides additional mechanical protection and also serves as toneable element within the cable. Product Applications • Service (Drop) Cables • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Connectorized Trunking Cables • Distance Learning •Distribution outer jacket Cable Components strength elements Temperature Specifications buffer tube TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC optical fiber water blocking gel ripcord corrugated steel armoring Maximum Lengths NOMINAL DIAMETER MM 12.2 REEL A (42 x 32 x 23) FEET METERS 7,700 2,345 REEL B (58 x 32 x 28) FEET METERS 18,250 5,560 REEL C (66 x 36 x 36) FEET METERS 24,400 7,435 * Maximum lengthof 27,500 feet available on larger reels. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. Ordering Information AFL NO. LE00221200S1 LE00441200S1 LE00661200S1 LE00881200S1 LE010A1200S1 LE012C1200S1 FIBER COUNT 2 4 6 8 10 12 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT (KG/KM) 0.48 (12.2) 95 (140) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM LONG TERM 600 (2670) 200 (890) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM LONG TERM 9.6 (25.0) 4.8 (13.0) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table above. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00024, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 15 Fiber Optic Cable Heavy Duty Uniflex® Loose Tube Cable AFL’s Heavy Duty Uniflex loose tube cable features a central tube design and thickerwalled jacket. Often used in connectorized cable assemblies, it holds up to 12 fibers. Product Applications • Service (Drop) Cables • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Connectorized Trunking Cables • Distance Learning •Distribution polyn Cable Components outer jacket strength elements buffer tube Temperature Specifications optical fiber TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC ripcord water blocking gel Maximum Lengths NOMINAL DIAMETER MM 7.8 9.3 REEL A (42 x 36 x 23) FEET METERS 19,000 5,790 13,300 4,050 REEL B (58 x 36 x 28) FEET METERS 27,500 8,400 27,500 8,400 Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. Ordering Information AFL NO. LU00221200N1 LU00441200N1 LU00661200N1 LU00881200N1 LU010A1200N1 LU012C1200N1 FIBER COUNT 2 4 6 8 10 12 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000 FT (KG/KM) 0.366 (9.3) 40 (65) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS. (N) SHORT TERM LONG TERM 600 (2670) 200 (890) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM LONG TERM 7.5 (19.0) 3.7 (9.5) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table above. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00008, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 16 Fiber Optic Cable Wrapping Tube Cable (WTC) with SWR® Wrapping Tube Cable (WTC), with SpiderWeb® Ribbon (SWR), is an ultra-high density outside plant cable designed specifically for fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) or access markets. It is compliant with the latest issue of the outside plant cable standard, Telcordia GR-20. With an ultra-high density and a new ribbon technology called SpiderWeb Ribbon, WTC provides the smallest cable diameter and lowest weight, high-fiber count ribbon cable in the industry. With fiber counts from 144 fibers to 1,728 fibers, the cable is available in dielectric or double jacket single armor. SWR is a bonded fiber ribbon design allowing for either a highly efficient ribbon splicing or an individual fiber breakout splicing process. This flexibility allows for a single cable design to cover a diverse set of applications from access networks to high-fiber count mass fusion splicing. With the ability to roll and conform, the SWR provides for ultra-high density packaging in the WTC. Features • Access Ready Construction (ARC) Completely gel-free construction with easy-to-access and identify optical fiber circuits. • Spider Web Ribbon (SWR) optical fiber technology Easily ribbonized for mass fusion splicing. SWR is compacted and routed like individual fibers. Ideal for organizing slack loops in splice enclosures as there is no preferential bending of ribbon. • Significantly higher fiber density compared to traditional ribbon cables Offers ability to expand capacity of existing pathways and allows use of smaller, lower cost duct systems. • Smaller cable diameters and cable weights Means longer reel lengths that allow for lower scrap rates, easier handling of reels at the site and reduced transportation costs. • Completely dry water-blocking technology Reduces time required to prep cable-end and mid-span access resulting in labor savings. • Compact ribbon bundles Reduces enclosure/splice tray size requirements allowing for smaller telecommunications space allocation. • Armored and non-armored packages Supports all the standard cable deployment options typically found in the OSP environment including, duct, direct buried and aerial. • Fully qualified to Telcordia GR-20 Provides assurance that the cable will support optical fiber network transport functions now and into the future. ARC SWR Technology Rip cord Water blocking tape Armor Strength member SWR Sheath 12F SWR 72F SWR bundle Armored www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 Non-armored © 2015, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00128, Revision 1, 3.8.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 17 Fiber Optic Cable Wrapping Tube Cable (WTC) with SWR® Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30C to+70C OPERATING -40C to+70C STORAGE -40C to+70C Mechanical Data—Non-Armored DESCRIPTION LWSE-144-9-C-144-1-00N1D LWSE-288-9-C-72-4-00N1D LWSE-432-9-C-72-6-00N1D LWSE-576-9-C-72-8-00N1D LWSE-864-9-C-72-12-00N1D LWSE-1152-9-C-96-12-00N1D LWSE-1728-9-C-144-12-00N1D FIBER COUNT 144 288 432 576 864 1152 1728 NOMINAL DIAMETER WEIGHT INCHES (MM) 0.406 (10.3) 0.461 (11.7) 0.524 (13.3) 0.583 (14.8) 0.677 (17.2) 0.720 (18.3) 0.870 (22.1) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS/1,000 FT (KG/KM) 54 (80) 68 (101) 88 (130) 108 (160) 145 (217) 161 (239) 228 (330) SHORT TERM LBS (N) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) LONG TERM LBS (N) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS SHORT TERM INCHES (CM) 8 (20) 10 (24) 10 (27) 12 (30) 14 (35) 15 (38) 18 (46) LONG TERM INCHES (CM) 4 (10) 5 (12) 6 (14) 7 (15) 8 (18) 8 (19) 9 (22) Mechanical Data—Double Jacket Single Armor DESCRIPTION LWSE-144-9-C-144-1-10S1D LWSE-288-9-C-72-4-10S1D LWSE-432-9-C-72-6-10S1D LWSE-576-9-C-72-8-10S1D LWSE-864-9-C-72-12-10S10D LWSE-1152-9-C-96-12-10S1D LWSE-1728-9-C-144-12-10S1D FIBER COUNT 144 288 432 576 864 1152 1728 NOMINAL DIAMETER WEIGHT INCHES (MM) 0.583 (14.8) 0.669 (17.0) 0.732 (18.6) 0.767 (19.5) 0.886 (22.5) 0.909 (24.7) 1.094 (27.8) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS/1,000 FT (KG/KM) 134 (198) 168 (248) 198 (292) 225 (333) 275 (408) 304 (478) 400 (595) SHORT TERM LBS (N) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) LONG TERM LBS (N) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) 182 (810) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS SHORT TERM INCHES (CM) 12 (30) 14 (36) 16 (38) 18 (40) 18 (46) 18 (46) 22 (57) LONG TERM INCHES (CM) 7 (15) 7 (17) 8 (19) 9 (20) 9 (23) 10 (25) 11 (28) Optical Fiber FIBER TYPE Single-mode ITU-T G.652/G.657.A1 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) ISO OS2 850 NM N/A 1300 NM 0.35 www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 1550 NM 0.25 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM N/A 5000 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM N/A 1300 NM 10000 © 2015, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00128, Revision 1, 3.8.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 18 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Non-Armored OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SJ) AFL LE-Series Gel-Free Single Jacket fiber optic cables are designed for outside plant applications and intended for use in communication network connects requiring cable to be installed within duct systems or lashed to aerial messenger wire structures. The product line incorporates the latest dry water-absorption technology within the fibercontaining buffer tubes which results in user-friendly handling of fibers during routing and termination within the slice enclosures. Cable Components Polyethylene jacket Polyester tape Features • Gel-free buffer tubes reduce fiber prep termination time • SZ-stranded cable core for easy mid-span access of fibers • UV-stabilized outer jacket for long-term performance in aerial applications • 6 to 288 fibers allow for specific cable choices for multiple applications • Standards compliance: - ANSI/ICEA S-87-640 - Telcordia GR-20 - RDUP PE-90 Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Optical fiber FRP central member Rip cord Water-blocking system Gel-free loose buffer tube Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* FIBER COUNT 6 - 60 72 - 96 108 -120 132 - 144 146 - 216 218 - 288 290 - 432 434 - 576 SINGLE-MODE FEET METERS 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 16,400 5,000 14,100 4,300 10,800 3,300 FEET 22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900 16,400 14,000 11,000 MULTIMODE METERS 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 5,000 4,300 3,300 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00101, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 19 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Non-Armored OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SJ) Mechanical Data NO. OF TUBES AFL NO. LE012C5101N1D LE024C5101N1D LE036C5101N1D LE048C5101N1D LE060C5101N1D LE072C6101N1D LE096C8101N1D LE144CC101N1D LE216CI301N1D LE288CO301N1D FIBER COUNT 12 24 36 48 60 72 96 144 216 288 FIBERS/ TUBE 1/12 (4 fillers) 2/12 (3 fillers) 3/12 (2 fillers) 4/12 (1 filler) 5/12 (no fillers) 6/12 (no fillers) 8/12 (no fillers) 12/12 (no fillers) 18/12 (no fillers) 24/12 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.39 (9.8) 0.39 (9.8) 0.39 (9.8) 0.39 (9.8) 0.39 (9.8) 0.42 (10.6) 0.48 (12.3) 0.62 (15.8) 0.62 (15.8) 0.75 (19.1) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT (KG/KM) 49 (73) 49 (72) 48 (72) 48 (71) 48 (71) 55 (82) 75 (118) 119 (178) 110 (163) 148 (220) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) LONG TERM 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM 7.8 (20) 7.8 (20) 7.8 (20) 7.8 (20) 7.8 (20) 8.4 (21) 9.6 (25) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 15.0 (38) LONG TERM 3.9 (10) 3.9 (10) 3.9 (10) 3.9 (10) 3.9 (10) 4.2 (11) 4.8 (12) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 7.5 (19) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 106.7 42 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00101, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 20 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Single-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SASJ) AFL LE-Series Gel-Free Single Jacket Single Armor fiber optic cables are designed for direct bury, duct and aerial lashed installations outside plant communications infrastructure applications. The corrugated steel armor layer adds additional crush and cut-through resistance making this product line a good choice for campus network applications. The product line incorporates the latest dry water-absorption technology within the fiber-containing buffer tubes which results in user-friendly handling of fibers during routing and termination within the slice enclosures. Features Cable Components • Gel-free buffer tubes reduce fiber prep termination time • SZ-stranded cable core for easy mid-span access of fibers • Corrugated Steel Armor for improved crush and rodent resistance in direct-bury installations • UV-stabilized outer jacket for long-term performance in aerial applications • 6 to 288 fibers allow for specific cable choices for multiple applications • Standards compliance: - ANSI/ICEA S-87-640 - Telcordia GR-20 - RDUP PE-90 Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC polyethylene jacket optical fiber gel-free loose buffer tube corrugated steel armoring FRP central member rip cord water-blocking system Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE FIBER COUNT 6 - 144 MULTIMODE FEET METERS FEET METERS 19,686 6,000 19,686 6,000 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00100, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 21 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Single-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SASJ) Mechanical Data NO. OF TUBES AFL NO. LE012C5201S1D LE024C5201S1D LE036C5201S1D LE048C5201S1D LE060C5201S1D LE072C6201S1D LE096C8201S1D LE144CC201S1D FIBER COUNT 12 24 36 48 60 72 96 144 FIBERS/ TUBE 1/12 (4 fillers) 2/12 (3 fillers) 3/12 (2 fillers) 4/12 (1 filler) 5/12 (no fillers) 6/12 (no fillers) 8/12 (no fillers) 12/12 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.53 (13.4) 0.59 (15.0) 0.73 (18.5) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT (KG/KM) 95 (141) 95 (141) 94 (140) 94 (140) 94 (139) 105 (156) 127 (189) 182 (271) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) LONG TERM 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.6 (27) 11.8 (30) 14.6 (37) LONG TERM 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.3 (13) 5.9 (15) 7.3 (19) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 42 106.7 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00100, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 22 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Double-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SADJ) AFL LE-Series Gel-Free Double-Jacket Single-Armor fiber optic cables are designed for direct bury, duct and aerial lashed installations outside plant communications infrastructure applications. The Poly/CSA/Ploy jacketing system adds greatly enhanced crush and cut-through resistance making this product line a good choice for campus network applications. The product line incorporates the latest dry water-absorption technology within the fiber-containing buffer tubes which results in user-friendly handling of fibers during routing and termination within the slice enclosures. Features Temperature Specifications • Gel-free buffer tubes reduce fiber prep termination time • SZ-stranded cable core for easy mid-span access of fibers • Poly/Corrugated Steel Armor/Poly Jacket System for exceptional crush and rodent resistance compared to single-jacket single-armor designs • UV-stabilized outer jacket for long-term performance in aerial applications • 6 to 288 fibers allow for specific cable choices for multiple applications • Standards compliance: - ANSI/ICEA S-87-640 - Telcordia GR-20 - RDUP PE-90 TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Cable Components polyethylene outer jacket corrugated steel armoring optical fiber gel-free loose buffer tube polyethylene inner jacket FRP central member rip cords water-blocking system Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00102, Revision 1, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 23 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Double-Jacket Single-Armor OSP Loose Tube (LE Series Gel-Free SADJ) Mechanical Data NO. OF TUBES AFL NO. LE012*C5111S1D LE024*C5111S1D LE036*C5111S1D LE048*C5111S1D LE060*C5111S1D LE072*C6111S1D LE096*C8111S1D LE144*CC111S1D FIBER COUNT 12 24 36 48 60 72 96 144 FIBERS/ TUBE 1/12 (4 fillers) 2/12 (3 fillers) 3/12 (2 fillers) 4/12 (1 filler) 5/12 (no fillers) 6/12 (no fillers) 8/12 (no fillers) 12/12 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.57 (14.4) 0.57 (14.4) 0.57 (14.4) 0.57 (14.4) 0.57 (14.4) 0.60 (15.2) 0.67 (16.0) 0.81 (20.5) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT (KG/KM) 121 (179) 120 (179) 120 (178) 120 (178) 119 (177) 132 (196) 159 (236) 217 323 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) LONG TERM 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM 11.4 (29) 11.4 (29) 11.4 (29) 11.4 (29) 11.4 (29) 12.0 (30) 14.0 (34) 16.2 (41) LONG TERM 5.7 (14) 5.7 (14) 5.7 (14) 5.7 (14) 5.7 (14) 6.0 (15) 6.7 (16) 8.1 (21) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00102, Revision 1, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 24 Fiber Optic Cable Riser Single-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LV Series SJ) Indoor/outdoor stranded loose tube combines the robust mechanical and environmental characteristics of an outside plant cable with the flexibility of an inside plant riser cable. By installing indoor/outdoor stranded loose tube, costly splice locations entering into a building are avoided, being routed directly from the outside plant to telecommunications closets, or main distribution frames (MDF) through the riser of a building and eliminating the "50-foot rule." Indoor/Outdoor Stranded Design loose tube cable is moisture and U.V. resistant, S-Z stranded for easy mid-span access, listed for OFNR use per UL standards, and can be used in both duct and lashed applications. Applications • • • • • • • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) Trunking Lines Direct to Telecommunications Closet Local Loop Distance Learning Distribution Intrabuilding Backbones MSHA Approved for Mining Applications Cable Components PVC jacket strength elements binder water blocking system FRP central member optical fiber rip cord gel-filled loose buffer tube Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE FEET METERS 22,900 7,000 FIBER COUNT 6 - 144 FEET 22,900 MULTIMODE METERS 7,000 * Longer lengths may be available. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00010, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 25 Fiber Optic Cable Riser Single-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LV Series SJ) Ordering Information NOMINAL DIAMETER AFL NO. LV006C5101N1 LV012C5101N1 LV018C5101N1 LV024C5101N1 LV030C5101N1 LV036C5101N1 LV048C5101N1 LV060C5101N1 LV072C6101N1 LV084C8101N1 LV096C8101N1 LV108CA101N1 LV120CA101N1 LV132CC101N1 LV144CC101N1 FIBER NUMBER OF COUNT TUBES/FIBERS 6 1w/6 (4 fillers) 12 1w/12 (4 fillers) 18 1w/12, 1w/6 (3 fillers) 24 2w/12 (3 fillers) 30 2w/12, 1w/6 (2 fillers) 36 3w/12 (2 fillers) 48 4w/12 (1 filler) 60 5w/12 (No fillers) 72 6w/12 (No fillers) 84 7w/12 (1 filler) 96 8w/12 (No fillers) 108 9w/12 (1 filler) 120 10w/12 (No fillers) 132 11w/12 (1 filler) 144 12w/12 (No fillers) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000 FT (KG/KM) 107 (159) 108 (160) 108 (161) 108 (161) 109 (162) 109 (162) 110 (164) 111 (165) 128 (190) 158 (236) 159 (237) 197 (294) 198 (295) 242 (360) 243 (361) INCHES (MM) 0.51 (12.9) 0.51 (12.9) 0.51 (12.9) 0.51 (12.9) 0.51 (12.9) 0.51 (12.9) 0.51 (12.9) 0.51 (12.9) 0.54 (13.7) 0.61 (15.5) 0.61 (15.5) 0.69 (17.4) 0.69 (17.4) 0.76 (19.3) 0.76 (19.3) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS LBS. (N) INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM LONG TERM SHORT TERM LONG TERM 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 600 (2700) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 10.2 (26) 10.2 (26) 10.2 (26) 10.2 (26) 10.2 (26) 10.2 (26) 10.2 (26) 10.2 (26) 10.8 (28) 12.2 (31) 12.2 (31) 14.0 (35) 14.0 (35) 15.2 (39) 15.2 (39) 5.1 (13) 5.1 (13) 5.1 (13) 5.1 (13) 5.1 (13) 5.1 (13) 5.1 (13) 5.1 (13) 5.4 (14) 6.1 (16) 6.1 (16) 7.0 (18) 7.0 (18) 7.6 (20) 7.6 (20) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 106.7 42 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00010, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 26 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Riser Non-Armored Loose Tube (LV Series Gel-Free SJ) AFL LV-Series Gel-Free Indoor/Outdoor Single-Jacket fiber optic cables are designed for enterprise networking applications. The cable construction uses the latest in dry water-blocking and flame retardant material technologies to offer a cable fully suited for OSP applications yet allow for transitioning to inside-plant riser pathways. For OSP applications, LV Series Gel-Free can be installed in ducts or aerially lashed. The product line incorporates the latest dry water-absorption technology within the fiber-containing buffer tubes which results in user-friendly handling of fibers during routing and termination within the splice enclosures. Cable Components Features • Gel-free buffer tubes reduce fiber prep termination time • SZ-stranded cable core for easy mid-span access of fibers • Corrugated Steel Armor for improved crush and rodent resistance in direct-bury installations • UV-stabilized outer jacket for long-term performance in aerial applications • 6 to 288 fibers allow for specific cable choices for multiple applications • Standards compliance: - ANSI/ICEA S-104-696 - UL-1666 - CSA OFN FT-4 22.2 Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC PVC jacket strength elements binder water blocking system FRP central member optical fiber rip cord gel-free loose buffer tube Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE FEET METERS 22,900 7,000 FIBER COUNT 6 - 144 FEET 22,900 MULTIMODE METERS 7,000 * Longer lengths may be available. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00103, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 27 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Riser Non-Armored Loose Tube (LV Series Gel-Free SJ) Ordering Information AFL NO. LV012C5101N1D LV024C5101N1D LV036C5101N1D LV048C5101N1D LV060C5101N1D LV072C6101N1D LV096C8101N1D LV144CC101N1D LV216CI301N1D LV288CO301N1D FIBER COUNT 12 24 36 48 60 72 96 144 216 288 NUMBER OF TUBES/FIBERS NOMINAL DIAMETER FIBERS/TUBE 1/12 (4 fillers) 2/12 (3 fillers) 3/12 (2 fillers) 4/12 (1 filler) 5/12 (no fillers) 6/12 (no fillers) 8/12 (no fillers) 12/12 (no fillers) 18/12 (no fillers) 24/12 (no fillers) INCHES (MM) 0.48 (12.3) 0.48 (12.3) 0.48 (12.3) 0.48 (12.3) 0.48 (12.3) 0.52 (13.1) 0.58 (14.7) 0.72 (18.2) 0.72 (18.4) 0.84 (21.3) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000 FT (KG/KM) 100 (148) 99 (146) 99 (147) 99 (147) 98 (146) 103 (154) 138 (205) 198 (295) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS SHORT TERM LONG TERM SHORT TERM LONG TERM LBS. (N) LBS. (N) INCHES (CM) INCHES (CM) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 9.7 (25) 4.8 (12) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 9.7 (25) 4.8 (12) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 9.7 (25) 4.8 (12) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 9.7 (25) 4.8 (12) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 9.7 (25) 4.8 (12) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 10.3 (26) 5.2 (13) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 11.6 (29) 5.8 (15) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 14.3 (37) 7.2 (18) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 600 (2670) 180 (800) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 42 106.7 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00103, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 28 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Riser Single-Jacket Single-Armor Loose Tube (LV Series Gel-Free SASJ) AFL LV-Series Gel-Free Indoor/Outdoor Single Jacket Single Armor fiber optic cables are designed for enterprise networking applications. The cable construction uses the latest in material technologies to offer a cable fully suited for OSP applications yet possess excellent flame retardant properties allowing for transitioning to inside-plant riser pathways. The corrugated steel armor layer adds additional crush and cut-through resistance making this product line suitable for direct-bury installations. The product line incorporates the latest dry water-absorption technology within the fiber-containing buffer tubes which results in user-friendly handling of fibers during routing and termination within the splice enclosures. Features Temperature Specifications • Gel-free buffer tubes reduce fiber prep termination time • SZ-stranded cable core for easy mid-span access of fibers • Improved crush and rodent resistance in direct-bury installations reduce the need to use inner-duct or metal conduits • OFNR-listed saves labor and material by eliminating the need to add a transition point when entering riser-pathways within a building • FR UV-stabilized outer jacket for longterm performance in OSP applications • 6 to 288 fibers allow for specific cable choices for multiple applications • Standards compliance: - ANSI/ICEA S-104-696 - UL-1666 - CSA OFN FT-4 22.2 TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Cable Components polyethylene jacket optical fiber gel-free loose buffer tube corrugated steel armoring FRP central member rip cord water-blocking system Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE FIBER COUNT 6 - 144 MULTIMODE FEET METERS FEET METERS 19,686 6,000 19,686 6,000 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00104, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 29 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Riser Single-Jacket Single-Armor Loose Tube (LV Series Gel-Free SASJ) Mechanical Data NO. OF TUBES AFL NO. LV012C5201S1D LV024C5201S1D LV036C5201S1D LV048C5201S1D LV060C5201S1D LV072C6201S1D LV096C8201S1D LV144CC201S1D FIBER COUNT 12 24 36 48 60 72 96 144 FIBERS/ TUBE 1/12 (4 fillers) 2/12 (3 fillers) 3/12 (2 fillers) 4/12 (1 filler) 5/12 (no fillers) 6/12 (no fillers) 8/12 (no fillers) 12/12 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.53 (13.4) 0.59 (15.0) 0.73 (18.5) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT (KG/KM) 95 (141) 95 (141) 94 (140) 94 (140) 94 (139) 105 (156) 127 (189) 182 (271) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) LONG TERM 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.6 (27) 11.8 (30) 14.6 (37) LONG TERM 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.3 (13) 5.9 (15) 7.3 (19) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 42 106.7 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00104, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 30 Fiber Optic Cable LSZH Single-Armor Single-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LL Series SASJ) AFL’s Armored Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Loose Tube cable is designed for use in OSP aerial and indoor duct appplications including subways and tunnels with requirements for limited smoke and toxicity as well as extra protection against rodents. The cable is dry-blocked to prevent axial flow of moisture and utilizes a flame-retardant, non-halogenated UV-resistant outer jacket. Cable Components FRP central member water blocking layer steel armor flame retardant LSZH jacket gel filled buffer tube Features • • • • Indoor/Outdoor Applications Steel armor Low toxicity, flame retardant construction Suitable for placement in cable trays per IEEE 383 • 12-144 fibers supports multiple networking configurations Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +60ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC optical fibers rip cord Typical Lengths MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE FEET METERS 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 22,900 7,000 FIBER COUNT 2 - 12 18 - 96 108 -120 132 - 144 FEET 22,900 22,900 22,900 22,900 MULTIMODE METERS 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 0.25 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00106, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 31 Fiber Optic Cable LSZH Single-Armor Single-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LL Series SASJ) Ordering Information NOMINAL DIAMETER FIBER NUMBER OF AFL NO. COUNT TUBES/FIBERS NON-ARMORED, SINGLE JACKET, OFN-LS LISTED 6 1w/6 (4 fillers) LL006C520151 12 1w/12 (4 fillers) LL012C520151 24 2w/12 (3 fillers) LL024C520151 36 3w/12 (2 fillers) LL036C520151 48 4w/12 (1 filler) LL048C520151 72 6w/12 (no fillers) LL072C520151 96 8w/12 (no fillers) LL096C520151 144 12w/12 (no fillers) LL144C520151 NOMINAL WEIGHT INCHES MM LBS/1,000 FT KG/KM 0.583 0.583 0.583 0.583 0.583 0.618 0.654 0.799 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 14.8 15.3 16.6 20.3 136 136 136 136 136 153 179 232 203 203 203 203 203 228 267 345 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM LONG TERM 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM LONG TERM 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 13 (32) 13 (32) 16 (41) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 7 (16) 8 (17) 8 (21) NOTES: 1. Diameter and weight subject to change without notice. 2. For other types of LSZH Cables: Double Jacket, Non-Armored; Single Jacket, Single Armor; Double Jacket, Single Armor and higher fiber counts in non-armored, please contact your AFL’ Representative. Fiber Types-Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 42 106.7 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00106, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 32 Fiber Optic Cable Listed Gel-Free, LSZH, Loose Tube Cable (LL Series) AFL LL-Series Gel-Free fiber optic cables are designed for use in traditional network communication infrastructures deployed in environments requiring the performance of outside plant cabling, while offering the safety of a listed low smoke zero halogen solution. Applications in confined spaces such as tunnels and mine shafts require low smoke zero halogen materials to enhance life safety and minimize damage to sensitive electronic equipment in the event of a fire. Additionally, AFL’s product line incorporates the latest dry water-absorption technology within the fiber-containing buffer tubes which results in user-friendly handling of fibers during routing and termination. Temperature Range Features Specifications Operating: -40ºC to +70ºC •OFN(C)G-LS allows for use in OSP and inside plant pathways •Gel-free buffer tubes reduce fiber prep termination time •SZ-stranded cable core for easy mid-span access of fibers •UV-stabilized outer jacket for long-term performance in outdoor applications •6 to 288 fibers allow for specific cable choices for multiple applications •OFNG-LS Listed, CSA-FT4, IEEE1202 and UL1685 •Meets requirements of NFPA 130 and 502 for use in fixed guideway transit systems and road tunnesls •ANSI/ICEA, S-104-696, Telcordia and GR-20-CORE •Sunlight Resistant Jacket •Oil Res II Compliant Jacketing System •Zero Halogen Per MIL PRF 85045 Storage: -40ºC to +75ºC Installation: -30ºC to +70ºC Crush Resistance Armored: 440 N/cm (250 lbs/in) Non-armored: 220 N/cm (125 lbs/in) Cable Components LSZH Jacket Optical fiber Gel-free loose buffer tube Optional corrugated steel armoring FRP central member Rip cord Water-blocking system Optical Information FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (8) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 1000 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (7) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 2000 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 350 600 500 500 500 800 1500 500 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 500 1000 600 600 750 2000 900 550 N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2015, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00117, Revision 1, 2.12.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 33 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free LSZH Non-Armored Loose Tube (LL Series Gel-Free SJ) Mechanical Data NO. OF TUBES AFL NO. LL012C5101N1D LL024C5101N1D LL036C5101N1D LL048C5101N1D LL060C5101N1D LL072C6101N1D LL096C8101N1D LL144CC101N1D LL216CI301N1D LL288CO301N1D FIBER COUNT 12 24 36 48 60 72 96 144 216 288 FIBERS/ TUBE 1/12 (4 fillers) 2/12 (3 fillers) 3/12 (2 fillers) 4/12 (1 filler) 5/12 (no fillers) 6/12 (no fillers) 8/12 (no fillers) 12/12 (no fillers) 18/12 (no fillers) 24/12 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.39 (9.8) 0.39 (9.8) 0.39 (9.8) 0.39 (9.8) 0.39 (9.8) 0.42 (10.6) 0.48 (12.3) 0.62 (15.8) 0.62 (15.8) 0.75 (19.1) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT (KG/KM) 49 (73) 49 (72) 48 (72) 48 (71) 48 (71) 55 (82) 75 (118) 119 (178) 110 (163) 148 (220) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) LONG TERM 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM 7.8 (20) 7.8 (20) 7.8 (20) 7.8 (20) 7.8 (20) 8.4 (21) 9.6 (25) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 15.0 (38) LONG TERM 3.9 (10) 3.9 (10) 3.9 (10) 3.9 (10) 3.9 (10) 4.2 (11) 4.8 (12) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 7.5 (19) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number corresponding to desired fiber type below. 5 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 600 7 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 2000 6 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 300 8 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 1000 Gel-Free LSZH Single-Jacket Single-Armor Loose Tube (LL Series Gel-Free SASJ) Mechanical Data NO. OF TUBES AFL NO. LL012C5201S1D LL024C5201S1D LL036C5201S1D LL048C5201S1D LL060C5201S1D LL072C6201S1D LL096C8201S1D LL144CC201S1D FIBER COUNT 12 24 36 48 60 72 96 144 FIBERS/ TUBE 1/12 (4 fillers) 2/12 (3 fillers) 3/12 (2 fillers) 4/12 (1 filler) 5/12 (no fillers) 6/12 (no fillers) 8/12 (no fillers) 12/12 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.50 (12.6) 0.53 (13.4) 0.59 (15.0) 0.73 (18.5) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000FT (KG/KM) 95 (141) 95 (141) 94 (140) 94 (140) 94 (139) 105 (156) 127 (189) 182 (271) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) LONG TERM 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.0 (25) 10.6 (27) 11.8 (30) 14.6 (37) LONG TERM 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.0 (13) 5.3 (13) 5.9 (15) 7.3 (19) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number corresponding to desired fiber type below. 5 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 600 7 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 2000 6 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 300 8 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 1000 L = 50/125 µm multimode Laser-Link™ 300 9 = Single-mode Q = Non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode K = SM Futureguide SR-15e Bend Insensitive www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2015, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00117, Revision 1, 2.12.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 34 Fiber Optic Cable Extreme Low Temp LSZH Double Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LA Series) The LA-Series is specially designed for applications that demand reliable performance in harsh environment installations. The cable construction incorporates a variety of packaging technologies that allow the product to operate in extremely low temperatures, mechanically abusive installations and highly caustic and acidic environments. The key to the reliable, ultra-high performance is the specially designed cable core and the dual layer jacketing system. The cable core is constructed using materials and engineered geometry that optimizes the isolation of the optical fibers from the stresses and strains imparted on the cable and commonly realized in extreme environments. The outer jacketing is designed to further protect the ruggedized core assembly with a multiplying system made up of a double-ply, low smoke zero halogen (LSZH) flame resistant jacketing system that integrates a strong layer of aramid yarn between the inner and outer sheaths. Applications Features Network Connectivity for: • Oil and Gas fields • Low Temperature Environments •Refineries •Mining • Mass Transit • Fiber Range 12-144 • OFNG-LS Listed, CSA-FT4 • IEEE Flame Test • ICEA S-104-696 • CSA 22.2 No. 230 and 232 • Increase tensile load rating • Chemical Resistance testing per ASTM D412 • 2X Crush Resistance compared to standard fiber optic cables • 2X Cold Impact Resistance compared to standard fiber optic cables • Self-supporting capability (contract factory for system design support) Temperature Range FIBER COUNT 12-144 FIBERS, 12-72 FIBERS, 8- AND 6-POSITION 12-POSITION CORE CORES Operating -55ºC to +70ºC -60ºC to +70ºC Storage -60ºC to +70ºC -60ºC to +70ºC Installation -30ºC to +50ºC -30ºC to +70ºC Cable Components Anti-buckling element Water blocking layer Inner FR-LSZH jacket Outer FR-LSZH chemical-resistant jacket Gel filled buffer tube Mechanical PARAMETER Crush Cold Impact Tensile Installation Operational VALUE 440N/CM 8.8 N*m Optical fibers Aramid cut-resistant matrix Rip cord 1,000 lbs (4,450N) 400 lbs (1,780N) www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00094, Revision 5, 1.27.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 35 Fiber Optic Cable Extreme Low Temp LSZH Double Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LA Series) Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. Ordering Information NOMINAL DIAMETER 6-POSITION, -50ºC OPTION LA012C6111N1 LA024C6111N1 LA048C6111N1 LA072C6111N1 8-POSITION AND 12-POSITION, -60ºC OPTION LA012C8111N1 LA024C8111N1 LA048C8111N1 LA072C8111N1 LA096C8111N1 LA144CC111NI FIBER COUNT 12 24 48 72 INCHES 0.606 0.606 0.606 0.606 MM 15.4 15.4 15.4 15.4 NOMINAL DIAMETER FIBER COUNT 12 24 48 72 96 144 INCHES 0.673 0.673 0.673 0.673 0.673 0.823 MM 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 17.1 20.9 NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000 FT 154 154 153 152 KG/KM 229 229 227 225 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) INSTALLATION 1000 (4,450) 1000 (4,450) 1000 (4,450) 1000 (4,450) NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000 FT 184 184 184 184 184 250 KG/KM 273 273 273 273 273 371 OPERATION 400 (1,780) 400 (1,780) 400 (1,780) 400 (1,780) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) INSTALLATION 1000 (4,450) 1000 (4,450) 1000 (4,450) 1000 (4,450) 1000 (4,450) 1000 (4,450) OPERATION 400 (1,780) 400 (1,780) 400 (1,780) 400 (1,780) 400 (1,780) 400 (1,780) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION 13 (31) 13 (31) 13 (31) 13 (31) OPERATION 6 (16) 6 (16) 6 (16) 6 (16) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION 14 (35) 14 (35) 14 (35) 14 (35) 14 (35) 17 (42) OPERATION 7 (18) 7 (18) 7 (18) 7 (18) 7 (18) 9 (21) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table above. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00094, Revision 5, 1.27.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 36 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Extreme Low Temp LSZH Double Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LA Series Gel-Free) The LA-Series is specially designed for applications that demand reliable performance in harsh environment installations. The cable construction incorporates a variety of packaging technologies that allow the product to operate in extremely low temperatures, mechanically abusive installations and highly caustic and acidic environments. The key to the reliable, ultra-high performance is the specially designed cable core and the dual layer jacketing system. The cable core is constructed using materials and engineered geometry that optimizes the isolation of the optical fibers from the stresses and strains imparted on the cable and commonly realized in extreme environments. The outer jacketing is designed to further protect the ruggedized core assembly with a myltiplying system made up of a double-ply, low smoke zero halogen (LSZH) flame resistant jacketing system that integrates a strong layer of aramid yarn between the inner and outer sheaths. Applications Features Specifications Network Connectivity for: • Oil and Gas fields • Low Temperature Environments •Refineries •Mining • Mass Transit • Gel-Free buffer tubes • Fiber Range 12-288 • Suitable for direct burial and tray installations per UL 1277 • Increased tensile load rating • 2X Crush Resistance compared to standard fiber optic cables • 2X Cold Impact Resistance compared to standard fiber optic cables • Self-supporting capability (contact factory for system design support) • OFNG-LS Listed, CSA-FT4, IEEE1202 and UL 1685 • Meets requirements of NFPA 130 and NFPA 502 for use in fixed guideway transit systems and road tunnels • ICEA S-104-696 • CSA 22.2 No. 230 and 232 • Fluid immersion testing per ASTM D412 • Sunlight Resistant Jacket • Oil Res II compliant Jacketing System • Zero Halogen Per MIL PRF 85045 Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +50ºC OPERATING -55ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -60ºC to +75ºC Mechanical PARAMETER Crush Cold Impact Tensile Installation Operational Cable Components VALUE 440N/CM 8.8 N*m Anti-buckling element Water blocking layer Inner FR-LSZH jacket Outer FR-LSZH chemical-resistant jacket Gel-free buffer tube 1,000 lbs (4,450N) 400 lbs (1,780N) Optical fibers Aramid cut-resistant matrix Rip cord www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00109, Revision 5, 1.27.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 37 Fiber Optic Cable Gel-Free Extreme Low Temp LSZH Double Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LA Series Gel-Free) Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. Ordering Information NOMINAL DIAMETER AFL NO. LA012C6111N1D LA024C6111N1D LA048C6111N1D LA072C6111N1D LA096C8111N1D LA144CC111NI D LA288C03111NI D FIBER COUNT 12 24 48 72 96 144 288 INCHES 0.575 0.575 0.575 0.575 0.638 0.776 0.89 MM 14.6 14.6 14.6 14.6 16.2 19.7 22.6 NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1,000 FT 140 139 136 133 156 199 264 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) KG/KM 209 207 202 197 233 297 393 INSTALLATION 990 (4400) 990 (4400) 990 (4400) 990 (4400) 990 (4400) 990 (4400) 990 (4400) OPERATION 290 (1300) 290 (1300) 290 (1300) 290 (1300) 290 (1300) 290 (1300) 290 (1300) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION 13(29.4) 13(29.4) 13(29.4) 13(29.4) 15(32.6) 18(396) 20(45.4) OPERATION 6 (14.6) 6 (14.6) 6 (14.6) 6 (14.6) 6 (16.2) 8 (19.7) 9 (22.6) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table above. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00109, Revision 5, 1.27.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 38 Fiber Optic Cable XLPO LSZH Double-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LX Series) Consisting of thermoset (XLPO) jacket, AFL’s LX-series of low-smoke zero-halogen (LSZH) loose tube cables are specifically designed for harsh environments. Ideal for indoor and outdoor industrial applications, the cable design includes dry-core water blocking system, SZ-stranded core for easy mid-span access to fibers, and a highly chemical resistant, cross-linked UV-resistant outer jacket. For even greater mechanical robustness, a corrugated steel armor version is available. Applications include mining, industrial, railways, subways, and much more. Applications Features • Subway tunnels • Railway right-of-way • Airport terminals • Confined space pathways • Steam tunnels •Industrial •Mining •Shipboard • Fiber counts up to 72 • Low smoke zero halogen, thermoset jacket • Optional rodent resistant armor available • Resistant to lubricating oil (Mil-L-23699), hydraulic fluid (Mil-H-5606), gasoline and deionized water • NEC OFNG-LS listed • NEC OFCG-LS listed (steel armor option) • Meets or exceeds requirements of NFPA 130 and NFPA 502 Temperature Specifications Cable Components FRP central member Water blocking layer Strength member XLPO flame retardant LSZH jacket Gel-filled buffer tube TEMPERATURE RANGE -20ºC to +60ºC INSTALLATION -40ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -50ºC to +75ºC STORAGE Optical fibers Crush* ARMORED NON-ARMORED Optional inner jacket and steel armor 550 N/cm (375 lbs/in) 440 N/cm (250 lbs/in) * Standard loose tube cables are 220 N/cm (125 lbs/in) Ripcord Maximum Lengths FIBER COUNT 2 - 72 SINGLE-MODE FEET 23,000 METERS 7,000 MULTIMODE FEET 23,000 METERS 7,000 Longer lengths may be available upon request. Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2009, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00057, Revision 6, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 39 Fiber Optic Cable XLPO LSZH Double-Jacket I/O Loose Tube (LX Series) Ordering Information FIBER NUMBER OF AFL NO. COUNT TUBES/FIBERS NON-ARMORED (OFNG-LS) 1w/6 (4 fillers) LX006C5101N1 6 1w/12 (4 fillers) LX012C5101N1 12 2w/12 (3 fillers) LX024C5101N1 24 3w/12 (2 fillers) LX036C5101N1 36 4w/12 (1 filler) LX048C5101N1 48 5w/12 (no fillers) LX060C5101N1 60 6w/12 (no fillers) LX072C5101N1 72 ARMORED (OFCG-LS) 1w/6 (4 fillers) LX006C5111S1 6 1w/12 (4 fillers) LX012C5111S1 12 1w/12,1w/6 (3 fillers) LX018C5111S1 18 2w/12 (3 fillers) LX024C5111S1 24 2w/12,1w/6 (2 fillers) LX030C5111S1 30 3w/12 (2 fillers) LX036C5111S1 36 4w/12 (1 filler) LX048C5111S1 48 5w/12 (no fillers) LX060C5111S1 60 6w/12 (no fillers) LX072C6111S1 72 KG/KM MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) SHORT TERM LONG TERM MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) SHORT TERM LONG TERM 92 92 91 91 90 90 105 137 137 136 136 134 134 156 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 180 (800) 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 9.4 (24) 10.6 (27) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 4.7 (12) 5.3 (13.5) 129 131 132 132 132 132 132 132 153 192 194 196 196 196 196 197 198 228 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 600 (2670) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 12.4 (32) 13.0 (33) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 6.2 (16) 6.5 (17) NOMINAL DIAMETER NOMINAL WEIGHT INCHES MM LBS/1,000 FT 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.47 0.53 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 13.5 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.63 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 15.2 16.1 NOTES: 1. Diameter and weight subject to change without notice. 2. For other types of LSZH Cables, please contact your AFL Representative. Fiber Types-Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight With Lagging REEL A INCHES 42 36 32 23 3 180 lbs CM 106.7 91.4 81.6 58.7 7.9 82 kg REEL B INCHES 58 38 32 28 3 420 lbs REEL C INCHES 66 42 36 36 3 685 lbs CM 147.3 96.5 81.3 71.1 7.9 191 kg CM 167.6 106.7 91.4 91.4 7.9 311 kg REEL D INCHES 72 42 36 36 3 710 lbs CM 182.8 106.7 91.4 91.4 7.9 320 kg REEL E INCHES 84 40 34 35 3 950 lbs CM 213.4 101.6 86.4 88.9 7.9 431 kg AFL typically provides Loose Tube cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. Larger reel sizes may be required to accomodate long cable lengths. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2009, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00057, Revision 6, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 40 Fiber Optic Cable OSP MicroCore® Telcordia GR-20 Micro-Technology Air-Blown Loose Tube AFL OSP MicroCore® cable series is designed for outside plant installation in microduct conduit systems. The unique, high-fiber density geometry yields a cable construction that can safely accommodate 12 up to 432 fibers and can be blown into microducts ranging in inside diameters from 10 mm to 16 mm. For example, with a 7-way 12.7 mm x 10 mm (conduit with seven microducts) in place, the system designer has the flexibility to install from 12 to 144 fibers per microduct. With this approach, only the number of fibers required for initial networking requirements need to be installed. Then as future network upgrades and expansions are required, the spare microducts can be jetted with addition OSP MicroCore cables without having to add additional pathway space and the associated installation labor cost. Applications • Designed for long -haul, middle-mile and metro-loop • Campus inter-building backbone distribution • Low-cost fiber upgrade migration strategies Features • GR-20 compliant water-blocked cable core and buffer tubes • Colored binder threads for easily identifiable optical fiber bundles • High installation tensile load rating • OD compatible with 10 mm to 16 mm inside diameter microducts • 12 up to 432 fibers Fiber Specifications FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (L) 50/125 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 1310 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00027, Revision 11, 3.8.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 41 Fiber Optic Cable OSP MicroCore® Telcordia GR-20 Micro-Technology Air-Blown Loose Tube Mechanical Data LM-SERIES AFL NO. LM012C6101NS LM024C6101NS LM048C6101NS LM072C6101NS LM096O6101NS LM144O6101NS LM288R6101NS LM432OI301NS FIBER FIBERS/ TUBE COUNT 12 24 48 72 96 144 288 432 12/1 (5 fillers) 12/2 (4 fillers) 12/4 (2 fillers) 12/6 (no fillers) 24/4 (2 fillers) 24/6 (no fillers) 48/6 (no fillers) 24/18 (no fillers) NOMINAL DIAMETER IN. MM 0.299 7.6 0.299 7.6 0.299 7.6 0.299 7.6 0.311 7.9 0.311 7.9 0.409 10.4 0.496 12.6 MIN. DUCT MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS NOMINAL WEIGHT I.D. LBS (KG) INCHES (CM) IN. MM LBS/1,000 FT KG/KM INSTALLATION OPERATION INSTALLATION OPERATION 0.394 10 31 46 300 (136) 90 (41) 5 (13) 4 (10) 0.394 10 31 46 300 (136) 90 (41) 5 (13) 4 (10) 0.394 10 33 49 300 (136) 90 (41) 5 (13) 4 (10) 0.394 10 34 51 300 (136) 90 (41) 5 (13) 4 (10) 0.394 10 34 51 300 (136) 90 (41) 7 (16) 5 (13) 0.394 10 36 53 300 (136) 90 (41) 7 (16) 5 (13) 0.512 13 63 93 350 (150) 100 (45) 19 (21) 7 (17) 0.630 16 90 134 300 (136) 90 (41) 10 (26) 6 (15) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -10ºC to +40ºC OPERATING -30ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -30ºC to +75ºC Standard P-U Length Reel Type Reel Size 6,000 m (20,000 ft) Wood 58 x 32 x 28 in. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00027, Revision 11, 3.8.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 42 Fiber Optic Cable FTTx MicroDrop Cable The AFL Fiber Strand Unit (FSU) MicroDrop cable offers the FTTH designer a vastly superior micro-cable for pedestal to subscriber ONT connections. The stand-out feature of this product is the hard-shell, push-rod core integration system that allows the cable to be installed, without air, for distances up to several hundred meters and much greater distances with air-assist. The small, compact geometry is ideal for micro-duct inside diameters ranging from 3.5 mm to 6 mm. Features • Hard-shell casing improves installer handling robustness compared to traditional micro-fiber units • OFRP Push-rod allows FSU to be axially stressed to maximize push distances. No air need for typical FTTH drop applications. • Low-friction cable sheath improves push air jetting distances • With air-assist, FSU can be installed over 1000 meters Applications • Pushable and Air-jettable FTTx subscriber fiber optic drops • Distribution route—low fiber-count lateral drops Cable Components Optical fibers Optical fibers Micro strength member Micro strength member Soft polymer coating Dual layer outer coat 88Fiber Fiber8 Fiber Soft polymer coating Dual layer outer coat 1212Fiber 12 Fiber Fiber Mechanical Data AFL NO. FSU01-AP-2.0 FSU02-AP-2.0 FSU04-AP-2.0 FSU06-AP-2.0 FSU08-AP-2.0 FSU12-AP-2.5 FIBER COUNT CORE GEOMETRY 1 2 4 6 8 12 1 with 7 fillers 2 with 6 fillers 4 with 4 fillers 6 with 2 fillers 8 with 0 fillers 12 with 0 fillers NOMINAL DIAMETER NOMINAL WEIGHT INCHES MM LBS/1000FT KG/KM 0.299 0.299 0.299 0.299 0.311 0.311 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.5 3 3 3 3 3 4 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 6.5 MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INSTALLATION OPERATION INSTALLATION OPERATION 10 (4.5) 10 (4.5) 10 (4.5) 10 (4.5) 10 (4.5) 10 (4.5) 5 (2.3) 5 (2.3) 5 (2.3) 5 (2.3) 5 (2.3) 5 (2.3) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 4 (10) 2 (5) 2 (5) 2 (5) 2 (5) 2 (5) 2 (5) Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -30ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -50ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -50ºC to +75ºC www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00041, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 43 eABF Solutions eABF Cable At the heart of the eABF solution is the cable and the duct. The eABF cable has been designed to offer exceptional air-jetting qualities yet rugged enough to comply with Telcordia’s GR-409 Premise Cabling standard and NEC Riser and Plenum flame ratings even outside of the MicroDuct. As a result, the cable can be deployed once exiting the pathway without the need for additional costly furcation tubing as required by other less robust alternatives. The cable is available in fiber counts from six through 72 with all fiber types including SMF, OM2, OM3 and OM4, and employs bend-insensitive fiber technology. eABF MicroDuct The eABF pathway system is comprised of Enterprise FuturePath® MicroDuct products engineered and produced by Dura-Line, the premier communications-oriented fiber optic duct system. The eABF duct options include indoor/outdoor riser, plenum, low-smoke zero halogen (LSZH) and HDPE product lines. All eABF ducts incorporate low-contact ribbed inner surface and ultralow friction Silicore®. The eABF FuturePath MicroDuct comes in tube counts from two through 24. System AFL and Dura-Line have joined together to produce a high-performance blown fiber optic cabling system with applications across a broad spectrum of networking configurations. The solution, eABF (Enterprise Blown Fiber) cabling system is engineered to offer a reliable, easy-to-install optical fiber network communications infrastructure that has one of the highest fiber density solutions in the blown fiber market. The eABF solution has all the key elements that, when combined, yield a state-of-the-art and highly flexible “living” communications pathway. •AFL eABF Cables •Dura-Line Enterprise FuturePath MicroDuct •AFL Connectivity •AFL Test Equipment and Fusion Splicers •CLi® 25-year Warranty •Design, BOM and SOW Support •Contractor Training and Project Management AFLglobal.com or 800-866-7385 Duraline.com or 800-847-7661 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00037, Revision 4, 10.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 44 eABF Solutions CABLES Enterprise Blown Cable (6-72 fibers) Specifically designed for air-jetting applications through MicroDuct pathways. The proprietary high-drag, light-weight design yields a cable that performs well during installation and yet offers a very robust and compact package for direct routing through congested point-of-termination cable management locations. These cables are GR-409 compliant and come in OFNP and OFNR ratings. Enterprise Blown OSP MicroCore® Cable (LM Series) Available in fiber counts up to 432 in blowable and pullable designs. Stranded buffer tubes simplify splicing/handling and allow for mid-span access to the fibers. The AFL OSP MicroCore series includes one of the industry’s highest fiber densities yet maintains a minimum 300-lb load rating for installation. MICRODUCT SYSTEMS Enterprise FuturePath Enterprise FuturePath is available in many sizes and configurations including riser, plenum and LSZH. MicroDuct sizes include 12.7 mm, 8.5 mm and 5 mm to accommodate your fiber requirements. Configurations from single MicroDucts to 24 pathways allow for rapid deployment of fiber today with permanent pathways in place for future growth. OSP FuturePath OSP FuturePath is available in many sizes and configurations for outside plant network installations. The same broad range of MicroDuct options found in the Enterprise products plus a large range of inner duct sizes are available. All FuturePath products come in armored and non-armored designs. CABLE JETTING EQUIPMENT Plumett UltimaZ® V-20 Ideal for pushing and jetting Enterprise MicroCables and eABF cables into standard or riser-rated single or bundled FuturePath MicroDuct products. Powered by common electric corded and cordless drills. The UltimaZ can be outfitted with inserts to accept Enterprise MicroDucts (5 mm, 7 mm, 8 mm, 8.5 mm, 12 mm, 12.7 mm OD) and cables ranging from 1 - 4.5 mm OD. Other UltimaZ models and inserts available. CONNECTIVITY AND TEST EQUIPMENT Poli-MOD® Patch and Splice Module The Poli-MOD is an innovative patch and splice module which allows for increased densities in an incremental growth platform. Based on the LGX® 118 footprint, this product is capable of supporting up to 144 patch and splices in a standard 4U panel, resulting in 1296 patch and splices within a seven foot rack (38RU). Field-Installable Connectors FASTConnect®: Factory pre-polished, field-installable connectors that completely eliminate the need for hand polishing in the field. FUSEConnect®: With a factory pre-polished ferrule, its innovative field-termination process eliminates polishing, adhesives and crimping in the field, minimizing the potential for operator error and expensive connector scrap. Test & Inspection Equipment AFL’s test and inspection products consistently meet and exceed customer needs. AFL delivers exceptional fiber optic test equipment and outstanding service. Our ISO 9001:2008 certification and quality practices ensure you receive excellent products and documentation. 25-YEAR END-TO-END SYSTEM WARRANTY CLi 25 Year Warranty Standards-based 25-year performance warranty written around performance standards to give your customers peace of mind for the 25-year design life of their fiber installation. AFLglobal.com or 800-866-7385 Duraline.com or 800-847-7661 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00037, Revision 4, 10.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 45 Fiber Optic Cable Interconnect Premise MicroCore® Cable Interconnect Premise Microcore Cables are designed for MTP terminations and meet the interconnect standards of Telcordia GR-409. To minimize the cable’s diameter, multiple colored 250 µm fibers and aramid strands are packaged in a high performance PVC jacket. Fiber counts from 8 to 48 fibers are available. Both simplex and zipcord designs are available. Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION 0ºC to +70ºC OPERATING 0ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Features Applications • Plenum NFPA 262 Rated • lSZH cables compliant to IEC60332, IEC60754, and IEC61034 • Tested to meet or exceed GR-409-CORE • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • 2.0 mm or 3.0 mm Outer Diameter for Round Boot 12-count MTP Cables • 3.0 mm or 3.8 mm Outer Diameter for Round Boot 24-count MTP Cables • 4.8 mm Outer Diameter for Round Boot 48-count MTP Cables • Exceptional skew performance • Building Interconnections • Data Centers and Central Offices • Anywhere MTP connections can be used • High Density Interconnects • 40gbit and 100gbit Ethernet Architecture Cable Components coated fiber aramid yarn outer jacket 8 or 12 Fiber Simplex aramid yarn coated fiber outer jacket string binder 16 or 24 Fiber Zipcord (3.0 mm only) 16 or 24 Fiber Simplex 48 Fiber Simplex Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00056, Revision 5, 1.15.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 46 Fiber Optic Cable Interconnect Premise MicroCore® Cable Mechanical Data PLENUM LSZH AFL NO. SP/ZP SE/ZE Single Small Form SP012201#0B — 12 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.08 (2.0) SP024301#0B — 24 0.12 (3.0) 5.3 (8.0) 22 (100) 7 (30) 1.8 (4.5) 1.2 (3.0) Simplex SP008301#0B SP012301#0B SP016381#0B SP024381#0B SP048481#0B ZP016301#0B ZP024301#0B SE008301#0B SE012301#0B SE016381#0B SE024381#0B SE048481#0B ZE016301#0B ZE024301#0B 8 12 16 24 48 16 24 0.12 (3.0) 0.12 (3.0) 0.15 (3.8) 0.15 (3.8) 0.19 (4.8) 0.12 (3.0) 0.12 (3.0) 5.8 (8.6) 6.0 (9.0) 9.6 (15.4) 13.2 (19.6) 26.4 (40.0) 11.8 (17.6) 12.4 (18.4) 50 (222) 50 (222) 100 (445) 100 (445) 100 (445) 100 (445) 100 (445) 17 (76) 17 (76) 33 (147) 33 (147) 33 (147) 33 (147) 33 (147) 1.8 (4.5) 1.8 (4.5) 2.2 (5.7) 2.2 (5.7) 2.8 (7.2) 1.8 (4.5) 1.8 (4.5) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.5 (3.8) 1.5 (3.8) 1.9 (4.8) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) CABLE TYPE Zipcord FIBER COUNT WEIGHT TENSION LBS (N) LBS/1000FT INSTALLATION (KG/KM) 2.6 (4.0) 22 (100) LONG TERM 7 (30) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) LONG INSTALLATION TERM 1.2 (3.0) 0.8 (2.0) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 12 Fiber Interconnect 12 Fiber Ruggedized 24 Fiber 36 Fiber (4 @ 1) 48 Fiber 72 Fiber 96 Fiber 144 Fiber REEL A 16 15 8 10 REEL B 24 17 12 23 REEL C 30 15.25 12 34 REEL D 34 21.25 12 44 REEL E 42 36 23 140 2200 (7220) 1000 (3281) 600 (1970) — — — — — — 3500 (11485) 2000 (6560) 900 (2953) 1501 (4920) — — — — — 4000 (13123) 1500 (4920) 3000 (9843) — — — — — — 3000 (9843) — 1000 (3281) 1000 (3281) — — — — — — 2000 (6560) 2000 (6560) 1000 (3281) www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00056, Revision 5, 1.15.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 47 Fiber Optic Cable Simplex Cable Simplex fiber optic cables provide the strength and flexibility required for today’s fiber interconnect applications. AFL offers the broadest selection of simplex cordage including Plenum, Riser and LSZH, available in all diameters. Our simplex cable is tested to meet Telcordia GR-326 when used in connectorized assemblies. AFL provides customized performance with regard to jacket stiffness and flexibility, diameter, print legend, jacket color and tight buffer strippability. The easy strip option allows removal of up to one meter of 900 µm material without stripping the fiber’s 250 µm coating. Compliant with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS). Features Applications Cable Components • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-133 and Telcordia GR-409-CORE • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • LSZH meets the requirements of IEC 61034-1, 61034-2, 60332-1-1, 60332-1-2, 60754-1, 60754-2 • Building Interconnections (Campus LAN) • Trunking Lines Direct to Telecommunications Closet • Fiber patch panels within communications closets • Long Haul Networks • Links between electronic equipment and fiber patch panels • Connectorized patch cords for cross connect applications tight buffered fiber (900 µm buffer) aramid yarn outer jacket Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00063, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 48 Fiber Optic Cable Simplex Cable Mechanical Data FIBER COUNT AFL NO. PLENUM RISER LSZH SP001301#01 SP001241#01 SP001201#01 SP001161#01 SA001301#01 SR001241#01 SR001201#01 SR001161#01 SE001301#0E SE001241#0E SE001201#0E NOMINAL DIAMETER 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 INCHES (MM) 0.11 (2.9) 0.09 (2.4) 0.08 (2.0) 0.06 (1.6) 0.11 (2.9) 0.09 (2.4) 0.08 (2.0) 0.06 (1.6) 0.11 (2.9) 0.09 (2.4) 0.08 (2.0) WEIGHT TENSION RISER PLENUM LBS (N) LBS/1000 FT LBS/1000 FT INSTALLATION LONG TERM (KG/KM) (KG/KM) — 6 (9) 22 (100) 7 (30) — 5 (7) 22 (100) 7 (30) — 3 (5) 22 (100) 7 (30) — 2 (3) 22 (100) 7 (30) 5 (7) — 22 (100) 7 (30) 3 (5) — 22 (100) 7 (30) 3 (4) — 22 (100) 7 (30) 2 (2) — 22 (100) 7 (30) 5 (7) — 22 (100) 7 (30) 3 (5) — 22 (100) 7 (30) 3 (4) — 22 (100) 7 (30) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Temperature Specifications INSTALLATION OPERATING STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE PLENUM RISER 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +75ºC -40ºC to +75ºC LSZH 0ºC to +70ºC 0ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +75ºC Maximum Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel/Box Height (inches) Reel/Box Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) Simplex 1.6 Simplex 2.0 Simplex 2.4 Simplex 3.0 FIBER BOX* 15.13 REEL Z 14.0 REEL A 16.0 REEL B 24.0 13.0 12.0 15.0 17.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 7.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 23.0 — — — 914 (3,000) 5,000 (16,404) 3,500 (11,483) — — 5,000 5,000 4,000 2,500 (16,404) (16,404) (13,123) ( 8,202) — — 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) * Add suffix "– XMFBOX" to cable AFL number to specify "Fiber-In-A-Box" solution. "X" indicates length of cable in thousands of feet. Only available in standard lengths as indicated in chart above. EXAMPLE: SP0019301001–3MFBOX Would be the resulting AFL number for 3,000 feet of SP001*301001 cable with 9/125 µm single-mode fiber and the Fiber-In-A-Box solution. Refer to Fiber-In-A-Box data sheet. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00063, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 49 Fiber Optic Cable Zipcord, Dual-link and Micro-Dual Cable Zipcord, DUAL-link and Micro-Dual cables provide links to the future for such protocols as FDDI, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, ATM, and Fibre Channel. Connections are easy to terminate with this flexible, two-fiber design. AFL offers the broadest selection of duplex cordage including Plenum, Riser and LSZH in all diameters. LSZH jacketed cables are OFNR listed. One design for global companies that don’t want to maintain multiple cable types for varying global standards. Compliant with Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS). Features Applications • Communications closet to wall outlet • Wall outlet to desk • Connectorized patchcords for intercon- nect and cross-connect applications • Easy interface to ESCON®, FDDI, and various other duplex connectors • Print legend customization • Jacket color (12 standard colors available) • Tight Buffer strippability (easy strip option allows removal of up to 1 meter of 900 µm material without stripping the fiber’s 250 µm coating) • Ruggedized Duplex designs for transport from communications closet to wall outlet • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-133 and Telcordia GR-409-CORE • LSZH meets the requirements of IEC 61034-1, 61034-2, 60332-1-1, 60332-1-2, 60754-1, 60754-2 • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Cable Components Zipcord DUAL-Link Micro-Dual Ruggedized Duplex Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) ISO/ IEC 850 NM (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 3.5 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 3.5 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 3.0 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 3.0 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 3.0 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 N/A (9) SM N/A OS2 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00067, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 50 Fiber Optic Cable Zipcord, Dual-link and Micro-Dual Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. CABLE TYPE FIBER COUNT RISER PLENUM LSZH ZA002301#01 ZP002301#01 ZE002301#0E 2 ZR002241#01 ZP002241#01 ZE002241#0E 2 ZR002201#01 ZP002201#01 ZE002201#0E 2 ZR002161#01 ZP002161#01 — DR002201#0B DP002201#0B DA002481#01 DR002281#01 DR002241#01 Ruggedized RR002301#01 Duplex Zipcord Micro-Dual DUAL-Link NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (mm) WEIGHT RISER PLENUM LBS/ LBS/ 1000 FT 1000 FT (kg/km) (kg/km) TENSION LBS (N) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM INSTALLATION LONG TERM 10 (15) 12 (18) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 1.2 (3.0) 7 (10) 9 (14) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 1.2 (3.0) 5 (8) 7 (10) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 1.2 (3.0) 2 0.11 x 0.22 (2.9 x 6.0) 0.09 x 0.19 (2.4 x 4.8) 0.08 x 0.16 (2.0 x 4.0) 0.06 x 0.12 (1.6 x 3.2) 4 (6) 7 (6) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 1.2 (3.0) DE002201#0B 2 0.08 (2.0) 3 (5) 5 (7) 22 (100) 7 (30) 1.2 (3.0) DP002481#01 DP002281#01 DP002241#01 DE002481#0E DE002281#0E DE002241#0E 2 2 2 17 (20) 6 (9) 5 (7) 22 (100) 22 (100) 22 (100) 7 (30) 7 (30) 7 (30) 3.1 (7.2) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 0.78 (2.0) 2.0 (7.2) 1.2 (3.0) 1.2 (3.0) RP002241#01 — 2 — 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.8 (7.1) 1.9 (4.7) 0.19 (4.8) 13 (20) 0.11 (2.8) 5 (7) 0.094 (2.4) 3 (5) 0.185 x 0.30 34 (50) (4.7 x 7.6) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Temperature Specifications INSTALLATION OPERATING STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE PLENUM RISER 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +75ºC -40ºC to +75ºC Maximum Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel/Box Height (inches) Reel/Box Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) FIBER BOX* REEL A REEL B REEL C 15.13 13.0 8.0 6.0 16 15 8 10 24 17 12 23 30 15.25 12 34 — — — 914 (3,000) — — 305 (1,000) — 4,500 (14,764) 2,850 (9,350) 2,000 (6,562) 1,250 (4,100) 4,000 (13,123) 2,500 (8,200) 900 (2,953) — — 5,000 (16,400) 5,000 (16,400) 4,000 (13,123) 5,000 (16,400) 5,000 (16,400) 3,200 (10,500) 1,500 (4,921) — — — 5,000 (16,400) — — 4,500 (14,764) 2,500 (8,200) CAPACITY: Meters (Feet) Zipcord 1.6mm Zipcord 2.0mm Zipcord 2.4mm Zipcord 3.0mm DUAL-Link 2.4mm DUAL-Link 2.8mm DUAL-Link 4.8mm Ruggedized Duplex * Add suffix "– XMFBOX" to cable AFL number to specify "Fiber-In-A-Box" solution. "X" indicates length of cable in thousands of feet. Only available in standard lengths as indicated in chart above. EXAMPLE: ZA0029301001–3MFBOX would be the resulting AFL number for 3,000 feet of ZA002*301001 cable with 9/125 µm single-mode fiber and the Fiber-In-A-Box solution. Refer to Fiber-In-A-Box data sheet. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00067, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 51 Fiber Optic Cable 250 µm Fan-out (Furcation) Tubing AFL Furcation tubing offerings reflect the high performance and quality standards present throughout AFL’s complete cordage line. The inner tube allows for smooth and easy fiber insertion while maintaining the integrity required for robust connectorization. Features • Standard diameters • Product is un-printed by defualt; Custom Print Legend available • Smooth fiber insertion • Low Shrinkage for superior resistance to aging and high temperatures • Ferrule adherence tested using industry standard adhesives • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • LSZH meets the requirements of IEC 61034-1, 61034-2, 60332-1-1, 60332-1-2, 60754-1, 60754-2 Applications • Ribbon and Trunk cable fan-out to single fiber connections Tubing Components Simplex Zipcord Dual-link inner tube inner tube inner tube aramid yarn aramid yarn aramid yarn outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2005, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00049, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 52 Fiber Optic Cable 250 µm Fan-out (Furcation) Tubing Mechanical Data TUBE COUNT NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) WEIGHT LBS/1,000 FT (KG/KM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM INSTALLATION LONG TERM 1 1 1 1 0.11 (2.9) 0.09 (2.4) 0.08 (2.0) 0.06 (1.6) 5 (7) 3 (5) 3 (4) 2 (2) 22 (100) 22 (100) 22 (100) 22 (100) 7 (30) 7 (30) 7 (30) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 1.25 (3.2) 1.25 (3.2) 1.25 (3.2) 1.25 (3.2) 2 2 2 2 0.11 x 0.22 (2.9 x 6.0) 0.09 x 0.19 (2.4 x 4.8) 0.08 x 0.16 (2.0 x 4.0) 0.06 x 0.12 (1.6 x 3.2) 10 (15) 7 (10) 5 (8) 4 (6) 22 (100) 22 (100) 22 (100) 22 (100) 7 (30) 7 (30) 7 (30) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 1.25 (3.2) 1.25 (3.2) 1.25 (3.2) 1.25 (3.2) 2 2 2 0.19 (4.8) 0.11 (2.8) 0.094 (2.4) 13 (20) 5 (7) 3 (5) 22 (100) 22 (100) 22 (100) 7 (30) 7 (30) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 1.25 (3.2) 1.25 (3.2) 1.25 (3.2) 1 0.12 (3.1) 8 (5.4) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 1.25 (3.2) AFL NO. PVC LSZH SIMPLEX SF000@30U#0 SE000@30U#H0 SF000@24U#0 SE000@24U#H0 SF000@20U#0 SE000@20U#H0 — SF000@16U#0 ZIPCORD ZF000@30U#0 ZE000@30U#H0 ZF000@24U#0 ZE000@24U#H0 ZF000@20U#0 ZE000@20U#H0 — ZF000@16U#0 DUAL-LINK DF000@48U#0 DE000@48U#H0 DF000@28U#0 DE000@28U#H0 DF000@24U#0 DE000@24U#H0 MICROCORE FURCATION PF000@22U#00 — ID 350 µm 500 µm 500 µm 1100 µm 1100 µm 350 µm 1050 µm 1.6 mm OD 900 µm 900 µm 900 µm 1400 µm 1500 µm 900 µm 1400 µm 2.2 mm BENDING RADIUS—INCHES (CM) (#) Outer Jacket Colors Available () Tubing Diameters Available UNIQUE INDICATOR P V H X W Y Z MicroCore Furcation TENSION—LBS (N) 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red MATERIAL PVDF PVDF Hytrel PVDF Polypropylene Polypropylene Polypropylene PVC 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -20ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +70ºC www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2005, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00049, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 53 Fiber Optic Cable RIBBON-Link® Cable RIBBON-Link cables combine high fiber density in a small diameter, flexible package. These cables can be terminated with 12 or 24 fiber multi-fiber connectors or the fibers can be fanned out and terminated individually. Plenum, Riser and LSZH options are all UL listed. Features Applications • Fiber counts up to 48 with unitized, zip configuration construction • Maximum of two 12-fiber ribbons per unit • Skew matched ribbons available (<10, <6, <5, <4, <3, <2, <1.2 ps/meter) • Easy interface to MT and MTP based connectors as well as today’s newest ribbon connectors (12- or 24-fiber ferrules) • Ruggedized versions with additional jacketing are available • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-A / GR-409-CORE • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • Direct interface to computers with the use of “backplane” style fiber connectors • High density interconnection to wall outlets or patch panels with ribbon connector interfaces • “Micro-diameter” fanout cables utilizing standard industry fiber connectors (ST, SC, FC, LC, MT-RJ.) • VSR OC-192/OC-768 Interface based on parallel fiber optics Cable Components 24-Fiber Single Pod outer jacket fiber subunit aramid yarn 24-Fiber Dual Pod Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00062, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 54 Fiber Optic Cable RIBBON-Link® Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. CABLE TYPE PLENUM (PVDF) PLENUM (PVC) FIBER COUNT RISER LSZH WR004141#12 WE004141#12 4 WR006161#12 WE006161#12 6 WP008181#12 WK008181#12 WR008181#12 WE008181#12 8 WP0121C1#12 WK0121C1#12 WR0121C1#12 WE0121C1#12 12 WP0241D1#12 WK0241D1#12 WR0241D1#12 WE0241D1#12 24 RIBBONWP004141#12 WK004141#12 Link (single WP006161#12 WK006161#12 pod) NOMINAL DIAMETER WEIGHT INCHES (MM) RIBBONWP008241#12 LINK (dualWP012261#12 pod) — WR008241#12 WE008241#12 8 — WR012261#12 WE012261#12 12 WP016281#12 — WR016281#12 WE016281#12 16 WP0242C1#12 — WR0242C1#12 WE0242C1#12 24 ROUND WP002301#12 RIBBON (simplex) WP004301#12 — WR002301#12 WE002301#12 2 0.08 x 0.16 (2.1 x 4.0) 0.08 x 0.16 (2.1 x 4.0) 0.08 x 0.16 (2.1 x 4.0) 0.08 x 0.18 (2.1 x 4.6) 0.10 x 0.18 (2.5 x 4.6) 0.08 x 0.32 (2.1 x 8.2) 0.08 x 0.32 (2.1 x 8.2) 0.08 x 0.32 (2.1 x 8.2) 0.08 x 0.36 (2.1 x 9.2) 0.11 (2.9) WE004301#12 4 0.11 (2.9) — WR004301#12 TENSION BENDING RADIUS LBS (N) INCHES (CM) LBS/ 1000 FT (KG/ KM) INSTALLATION 7.5 (11) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.4 (6.0) 1.6 (4.0) 7.5 (11) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.4 (6.0) 1.6 (4.0) 7.5 (11) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.4 (6.0) 1.6 (4.0) 8 (12) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.7 (6.9) 1.8 (4.6) 8.7 (13) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.7 (6.9) 1.8 (4.6) 15 (22) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.4 (6.0) 1.6 (4.0) 15 (22) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.4 (6.0) 1.6 (4.0) 15 (22) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.4 (6.0) 1.6 (4.0) 15 (24) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.7 (6.9) 1.8 (4.6) 5 (7) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 1.2 (3.0) 5 (7) 22 (100) 7 (30) 2.0 (5.0) 1.2 (3.0) LONG INSTALLATERM TION LONG TERM Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Temperature Specifications INSTALLATION OPERATING STORAGE www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 TEMPERATURE RANGE PLENUM RISER 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +75ºC -40ºC to +75ºC © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00062, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 55 Fiber Optic Cable Fiber-In-A-Box AFL’s "Fiber-In-A-Box" solution offers contractors lightweight, easy to use cable packaging with "out of the box" disbursement of fiber cable. No reel supports or pay-off's are required. Simply set the box down in a convenient place, unlock the built-in braking mechanism and begin pulling. Adjust the braking mechanism to apply the amount of pulling tension required. Stack and configure boxes together to disburse cable from several reels at the same time. Available in lengths of 1000, 2000 and 3000 feet, this unique cable package solution will save contractors valuable time and cost. Features/Benefits • Easy count printing – descending marks (feet or meters) indicating amount of cable remaining on reel • Light weight and easy to transport with grips on both sides of the box for easy handling • Eliminates the need for reel supports and cable spooling equipment • Unique braking mechanism allows reel to be locked in place within carton during transport and provides control of tension during cable pulls • Boxes can be stacked and configured to support easy pay-off of multiple cable runs • Wording under feed-through slot reminds installers of proper pulling methods for optical cable • Factory packaging ensures cable is not "over-stressed" in non-factory cable cutting operations where personnel may not be sensitive to proper handling of fiber optic cable • Available in lengths of 1000, 2000 and 3000 feet, depending on cable diameter • Easy access to reel from top allows installers to repackage excess cable removed from box • Easy way to organize, store and manage short lengths of excess cable Applications • Horizontal cabling / Fiber-to-the-Desk • Fiber Drops within MDUs • Short-to-medium length cable runs between buildings Ordering Information Add suffix "-XMFBOX" to part number to specify "Fiber-In-A-Box" solution where X indicates length of the cable in thousands of feet (1, 2, or 3). AFL CABLES AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE WITH "FIBER-IN-A-BOX" PACKAGING SOLUTION: FIBER COUNT 1 2 2 4 6, 8, 12 2, 4, 6 CABLE TYPE Simplex, 3 mm Zipcord, 3 mm Dual-Link (Round), 4.8 mm Quad-Link Circular Premise Cable Indoor/Outdoor Tight Buffered Cable (Plenum or Riser) High Impact Indoor Cable High Impact Indoor Cable 2 4, 6, 8, 12 www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 MF – THOUSANDS OF FEET 1, 2, 3 1, 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 © 2006, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00048, Revision 3, 10.10.11 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 56 Fiber Optic Cable QUAD-link and Circular Premise Cable QUAD-Link and single unit Circular Premise Cable designs allow for excellent packaging density, flexibility, and ease of routing. Buffered to 900 µm, these cables can be directly terminated into connectors in loaded panels or in communications closets. Applications Features • Connectorized communications cables with both send-and-receive and sendand-receive backup in a single unit • Routing between communications closets and equipment rooms • Intrabuilding backbones • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-A/ GR-409-CORE • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • Mixed fiber designs available Cable Components Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00061, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 57 Fiber Optic Cable QUAD-link and Circular Premise Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. CABLE TYPE QUAD-Link CPC RISER PLENUM FIBER COUNT 4 6 8 12 18 24 A004481#01 UP004481#01 CR006441#01 CP006441#01 CR008481#01 CP008481#01 CR012551#01 CP012551#01 CR018801#01 CP018761#01 CR024841#01 CP024841#01 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.19 (4.8) 0.17 (4.4) 0.19 (4.8) 0.22 (5.5) 0.32 (8.0) 0.34 (8.5) WEIGHT RISER PLENUM LBS/ LBS/ 1000 FT 1000 FT (KG/KM) (KG/KM) 17 (25) 20 (30) 12 (17) 13 (20) 13 (19) 17 (25) 17 (25) 20 (30) 34 (50) 38 (56) 41 (61) 46 (69) TENSION LBS (N) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM INSTALLATION LONG TERM 100 (440) 100 (440) 100 (440) 100 (440) 100 (440) 150 (660) 30 (132) 30 (132) 30 (132) 30 (132) 30 (132) 45 (198) 3.0 (7.2) 3.0 (7.2) 3.0 (7.2) 3.5 (8.3) 5.0 (12.0) 5.5 (12.9) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.0 (5.0) 2.5 (5.5) 3.2 (8.0) 3.5 (8.6) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red Temperature Specifications 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) INSTALLATION OPERATING STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE PLENUM RISER 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +75ºC -40ºC to +75ºC Maximum Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel/Box Height (inches) Reel/Box Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 4 Fiber Quad-Link 6 Fiber CPC 8 Fiber CPC 12 Fiber CPC 18 Fiber CPC (single unit) 24 Fiber CPC (single unit) FIBER BOX* 15.13 13.0 8.0 6.0 305 305 305 305 (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) (1,000) — — REEL A 16 15 8 10 REEL B 24 17 12 23 REEL C 30 15.25 12 34 1,000 (3,281) 1,200 (3,937) 1,000 (3,281) 800 (2,625) — — 3,200 (10,500) 3,800 (12,467) 3,200 (10,500) 2,400 (7,874) — — 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,000 (16,404) (16,404) (16,404) (13,123) — — REEL D 34 21.25 16.5 44 — — — 5,000 (16,404) 2,600 (8,530) 2,300 (7,545) * Add suffix "– XMFBOX" to cable AFL number to specify "Fiber-In-A-Box" solution. "X" indicates length of cable in thousands of feet. Only available in standard lengths as indicated in chart above. EXAMPLE: UA0049481001–3MFBOX Would be the resulting AFL number for 3,000 feet of UA004*481001 cable with 9/125 µm single-mode fiber and the Fiber-In-A-Box solution. Refer to Fiber-In-A-Box data sheet. A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00061, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 58 Fiber Optic Cable Multi-Unit Circular Premise Cable Multi-Unit Circular Premise Cables are for use in applications requiring fiber counts between 18 and 144 fibers. Unitized construction allows for ease of fiber identification and rapid installation. Applications Features • Head-end termination to a fiber "backbone" • Termination of fiber rack systems • Multi-floor deployment where select fibers are used at each floor • Intrabuilding "backbones" • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-A / GR-409-CORE • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • Hybrid constructions are available Cable Components Temperature Specifications INSTALLATION OPERATING STORAGE TEMPERATURE RANGE PLENUM RISER 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC 0ºC to +70ºC -20ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +75ºC -40ºC to +75ºC Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00060, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 59 Fiber Optic Cable Multi-Unit Circular Premise Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. CABLE TYPE RISER CPC with 6 Fiber Subunits CPC with 12 Fiber Subunits FIBER COUNT PLENUM NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) WEIGHT RISER PLENUM LBS/1000FT LBS/1000FT (KG/KM) (KG/KM) TENSION LBS (N) INSTALLALONG TION TERM BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLALONG TION TERM CR018441#01 CP018441#01 18 0.55 (13.3) 121 (180) 134 (200) 300 (1320) 150 (660) 8.3 (20.0) 5.5 (13.3) CR024441#01 CP024441#01 24 0.55 (13.3) 121 (180) 134 (200) 300 (1320) 150 (660) 8.3 (20.0) 5.5 (13.3) CR036441#01 CP036441#01 36 0.62 (15.6) 147 (220) 171 (255) 300 (1320) 150 (660) 9.2 (23.4) 6.2 (15.6) 4.0 (10.0) CR024551#01 CP024551#01 24 CR036551#01 CP036551#01 36 0.30 x 0.52 (7.6 x 13.2) 0.61 (15.4) 120 (180) 134 (200) 300 (1320) 150 (660) 9.1 (23.1) 6.1(15.4) CR048551#01 CR060551#01 CR072551#01 CR096551#01 CP048551#01 CP060551#01 CP072551#01 CP096551#01 48 60 72 96 0.61 (15.4) 0.76 (19.3) 0.76 (19.3) 0.90 (22.8) 120 (180) 184 (275) 184 (275) 281 (420) 134 (200) 211 (315) 211 (315) 295 (440) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 9.1 (23.1) 10.4 (26.4) 11.4 (29.0) 13.5 (34.2) 6.1 (15.4) 6.9 (17.6) 7.6 (19.3) 9.0 (22.8) CR144551#01 CP144551#01 144 1.0 (25.4) 288 (430) 302 (450) 300 (1320) 150 (660) 15.0 (38.1) 10.0 (25.4) 57 (86) 62 (92) 300 (1320) 150 (660) 5.0 (12.0) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 18 Fiber CPC 24 Fiber CPC 36 Fiber CPC (6F subunits) 36 Fiber CPC (12F subunits) 48 Fiber CPC 60 Fiber CPC 72 Fiber CPC 96 Fiber CPC 144 Fiber CPC REEL F 42 36 23 148 REEL G 60 36 30 287 2,300 (7,546) 2,300 (7,546) 1,600 (5,250) 1,500 (4,921) 1,500 (4,921) 1,250 (4,100) 1,000 (3,280) — — 2,500 / (8,200) 2,500 / (8,200) 2,500 / (8,200) — — 1,500 / (4,921) 1,500 / (4,921) 1,500 / (4,921) 1,300 / (4,265) A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00060, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 60 Fiber Optic Cable Low Smoke Zero Halogen Distribution Cable The Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Distribution cable family from AFL offers all of the benefits of a traditional 900 µm based optical cable while supporting compliance to stringent international standards for jacket material composition and flame safety. Additionally, AFL's LSZH distribution cable design complies with UL 1666 and UL 1685 standards for OFNR-LS criteria. Circular Premise cable based on 900 µm tight buffer constructions provide the performance and density demanded by today's optical network installation demands. These cable designs support either direct or indirect termination schemes while enabling efficient routing through industry-standard Fiber Management Systems. Cable constructions support the application of Industry-leading multimode fiber as well as single-mode solutions. Both fiber configurations are available in bend-insensitive designs as well. Cable Components Features Applications • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA-568, Telcordia GR-409-CORE Issue 2 • IEC 60332, IEC 60754, IEC 61034 Compliant • UL 1666, UL 1685 Compliant (OFNR-LS) • RoHS/REACH SVHC Compliant • Mixed fiber designs available • Bend-insensitive optical fiber available • Routing between communications closets and equipment rooms • Data center trunk cabling • LAN distribution/intrabuilding backbones • Environments requiring zero-halogen safety features • Pre-terminated optical assembly Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2012, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00058. Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 61 Fiber Optic Cable Low Smoke Zero Halogen Distribution Cable (cont.) Mechanical Data CABLE TYPE AFL NO. QUAD-Link UE004481#0E CE006521#0E CE008541#0E CE012601#0E CE018761#0E CE024821#0E CPC FIBER COUNT LSZH 4 6 8 12 18 24 TENSION LBS (N) NOMINAL DIAMETER WEIGHT INCHES (MM) 0.189 (4.8) 0.205 (5.2) 0.213 (5.4) 0.236 (6.0) 0.299 (7.6) 0.331 (8.4) LBS/1000 FT (KG/KM) 14 (21) 17 ( 26) 19 (29) 26 (38) 39 (58) 50 (75) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM INSTALLATION LONG TERM 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 200 (890) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 90 (396) 90 (396) 3.8 (9.6) 4.1 (10.4) 4.3 (10.8) 4.8 (12.0) 6.0 (15.2) 6.5 (16.4) 1.9 (4.8) 2.1 (5.2) 2.2 (5.4) 2.4 (6.0) 3.0 (7.6) 3.3 (8.2) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -10ºC to +60ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +70ºC Maximum Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel/Box Height (inches) Reel/Box Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 4 Fiber Quad-Link 6 Fiber CPC 8 Fiber CPC 12 Fiber CPC 18 Fiber CPC (single unit) 24 Fiber CPC (single unit) FIBER BOX* 15.13 13.0 8.0 6.0 REEL A 16 15 8 10 REEL B 24 17 12 23 REEL C 30 15.25 12 34 REEL D 34 21.25 12 44 305 (1,000) 305 (1,000) 305 (1,000) 305 (1,000) — — 1,000 (3,281) 1,200 (3,937) 1,000 (3,281) 800 (2,625) — — 3,200 (10,500) 3,800 (12,467) 3,200 (10,500) 2,400 (7,874) 1,300 (4,265) 1,000 (3,281) 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) 4,000 (13,123) 2,100 ( 6,890) 1,700 ( 5,777) — — — 5,000 (16,404) 3,350 (11,000) 3,150 (10,335) * Add suffix "– XMFBOX" to cable AFL number to specify "Fiber-In-A-Box" solution. "X" indicates length of cable in thousands of feet. Only available in standard lengths as indicated in chart above. EXAMPLE: CE0049481001–3MFBOX Would be the resulting AFL number for 3,000 feet of CE004*481001 cable with 9/125 µm single-mode fiber and the Fiber-In-A-Box solution. Refer to Fiber-In-A-Box data sheet. A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2012, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00058. Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 62 Fiber Optic Cable Interlocking Armor Technology Jacketed aluminum interlocking armor provides the best balance of ruggedness, flexibility, and low weight. Flame rated armored cables with no outer jacket and flame rated armored cables with steel interlocking armor are also available. Interlocking armor can also be used with all types of premise cables including Distribution, Indoor/Outdoor Distribution, Breakout and Premise MicroCore®. Applications Ruggedized Indoor/Outdoor Breakout Cable • Routing inside of buildings where additional ruggedness is required or where increased rodent resistance is required • Extra protection for fiber optic cables in harsh industrial environments • Manufacturing plants • High-density routings in data center applications • Approved for use in mining applications • For cables that can be armored, look for the armor shileld icon A Cable Components High Fiber Count Circular Premise Cable Circular Premise Cable Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® with Spider Web™ Ribbon Technology Multi-unit Circular Premise Cable www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00039, Revision 4, 11.14.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 63 Fiber Optic Cable Interlocking Armor Technology Aluminum Interlocking Armor (AIA) Sizing Chart MAX CORE OD INCH 0.17 0.22 0.26 0.33 0.37 0.42 0.46 0.52 0.56 0.63 0.69 0.74 0.78 0.83 0.88 0.92 0.96 1.04 MM 4.4 5.6 6.6 8.4 9.4 10.7 11.7 13.1 14.2 16.1 17.4 18.7 19.8 21.1 22.3 23.3 24.4 26.3 OD WITH ARMOR AND JACKET INCH 0.52 0.56 0.62 0.68 0.74 0.77 0.83 0.87 0.96 1.02 1.07 1.12 1.17 1.22 1.27 1.30 1.39 1.39 MM 11.9 13.3 14.3 15.9 17.3 18.7 19.7 21.1 22.1 24.3 25.9 27.1 28.4 29.7 31.0 32.2 33.0 35.3 ARMOR AND JACKET WEIGHT (ADD TO CORE CABLE) PLENUM PVC (OFCP) RISER PVC (OFCR) LSZH AIAP AIAP AIAL LBS/1000FT KG/KM LBS/1000FT KG/KM LBS/1000FT KG/KM 67 100 60 90 67 100 77 115 70 105 77 115 87 130 77 115 87 130 97 145 87 130 97 145 107 160 97 145 107 160 121 180 107 160 117 175 127 190 114 170 124 185 138 205 138 205 124 185 148 220 134 200 144 215 161 240 144 215 161 240 171 255 154 230 168 250 185 275 164 245 181 270 191 285 171 255 188 280 201 300 181 270 198 295 211 315 191 285 211 315 221 330 198 295 218 325 231 345 208 310 228 340 242 360 218 325 242 360 Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 4 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 6 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 8 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 12 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 18 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 24 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor BEND RADIUS INCH (MM) SHORT TERM INCH 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 CM 12 13.5 14.5 16 17.5 18.5 19.5 21 22 24.5 26 27 28.5 29.5 31 32 33 35.5 LONG TERM INCH 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 21 CM 18 20 21.5 24 26 28 29.5 31.5 33 36.5 39 40.5 42.5 44.5 46.5 48.5 49.5 53 Temperature Specifications REEL F 42 36 23 148 REEL G 60 36 30 287 2,600 (8,530) 2,600 (8,530) 2,600 (8,530) 2,250 (7,382) 1,700 (5,577) 1,500 (4,921) 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) 4,800 (15,748) 3,600 (11,811) 3,200 (10,500) INSTALLATION OPERATING STORAGE www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 TEMPERATURE RANGE PLENUM RISER 0ºC to +70ºC -10ºC to +70ºC 0ºC to +70ºC -10ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +75ºC -40ºC to +75ºC © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00039, Revision 4, 11.14.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 64 Fiber Optic Cable Armored Tight Buffered Circular Premise Cable Armored Tight Buffered CPC Cables incorporate 4 to 144 fiber count CPC cables in a jacketed, aluminum interlocking armor. Jacketed aluminum interlocking armor provides the best balance of ruggedness, flexibility, and low weight. Flame rated armored cables with no outer jacket and flame rated armored cables with steel interlocking armor are also available. Interlocking armor can also be used with other types of trunk cables, including Indoor/Outdoor Distribution, Breakout and Premise MicroCore®. Applications • Routing inside of buildings where additional ruggedness is required or where increased rodent resistance is required • Extra protection for fiber optic cables in harsh industrial environments • Manufacturing plants • High-density routings in data center application Cable Components High Fiber Count Circular Premise Cable Circular Premise Cable Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00039, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 65 Fiber Optic Cable Armored Tight Buffered Circular Premise Cable Mechanical Data NOMINAL DIAMETER AFL NO. RISER FIBER COUNT PLENUM INCHES (MM) RISER WEIGHT PLENUM LBS/1000 FT LBS/1000 FT (KG/KM) (KG/KM) TENSION RISER BENDING RADIUS PLENUM INSTALLATION LONG TERM INSTALLATION LONG TERM LBS (N) LBS (N) LBS (N) LBS (N) INCHES (CM) INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM UR004481001-AIAR UP004481001-AIAP 4 0.46 (11.8) 79 (117) 89 (132) 150 (660) 45 (198) 100 (440) 30 (132) 7.0 (17.7) 5.0 (12.7) CR006441001-AIAR CP006441001-AIAP 6 0.46 (11.8) 74 (109) 82 (122) 150 (660) 45 (198) 100 (440) 30 (132) 7.0 (17.7) 4.8 (12.2) CR012551001-AIAR CR024891001-AIAR CP012551001-AIAP CP024841001-AIAP 12 24 0.51 (13.0) 0.62 (15.7) 79 (117) 129 (193) 89 (132) 144 (215) 150 (660) 300 (1320) 45 (198) 90 (396) 100 (440) 150 (660) 30 (132) 45 (198) 7.0 (17.7) 9.3 (23.6) 5.0 (12.7) 5.3 (13.4) CR024441001-AIAR CP024441001-AIAP 24 0.84 (21.3) 247 (367) 273 (407) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 150 (660) 45 (198) 7.9 (20.0) 5.2 (13.3) CR036551001-AIAR CR048551001-AIAR CR072551001-AIAR CR096551001-AIAR CR144551001-AIAR CP036551001-AIAP CP048551001-AIAP CP072551001-AIAP CP096551001-AIAP CP144551001-AIAP 36 48 72 96 144 0.94 (24) 0.94 (24) 1.10 (27.9) 1.21 (30.7) 1.37 (34.8) 256 (395) 256 (395) 355 (530) 472 (705) 498 (742) 294 (439) 294 (439) 401 (597) 507 (755) 534 (796) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 90 (396) 90 (396) 90 (396) 90 (396) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 14.2 (36.0) 14.2 (36.0) 16.5 (41.9) 18.1 (46.1) 19.8 (50.3) 9.4 (24.0) 9.4 (24.0) 11.0 (27.9) 12.1 (30.7) 13.2 (33.5) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 4 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 6 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 8 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 12 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 18 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor 24 Fiber w/Interlocking Armor Temperature Specifications REEL F 42 36 23 148 REEL G 60 36 30 287 2,600 (8,530) 2,600 (8,530) 2,600 (8,530) 2,250 (7,382) 1,700 (5,577) 1,500 (4,921) 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) 4,800 (15,748) 3,600 (11,811) 3,200 (10,500) INSTALLATION OPERATING STORAGE www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 TEMPERATURE RANGE PLENUM RISER 0ºC to +70ºC -10ºC to +70ºC 0ºC to +70ºC -10ºC to +70ºC -40ºC to +75ºC -40ºC to +75ºC © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00039, Revision 5, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 66 Fiber Optic Cable Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® Cable Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore Cables are ideal for 12-144 fiber high performance premise installations where space is a premium. The round cross-sectional building blocks combine to provide a tight package, while enabling high density architecture. Each 12-fiber sub-unit consists of 250 µm colored fibers and aramid strength members enclosed by a high performance jacket. The sub-units are designed to be independently routed in FMS systems. Applications Features • In-building cable runs where space is a premium • Trunk applications where flexibility and small required bend radius are needed to route cable. • High density cable areas like Data Centers and Central Offices • Lower cost cable runs where easy handling of tight buffered fibers not needed because cable will be spliced to factory terminated pigtails • Trunk cables where MTP can be directly terminated on subunits • Plenum NFPA 262 rated • Riser UL 1666 rated • LSZH performance verified to IEC 60754-2, 61034-2 and 60332-3-24 • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-B3, Telcordia GR-409-CORE and ANSI/ICEA S-83-596 • Flexible dielectric FRP central strength member in four position, 24 fiber designs and higher • High performance fluoropolymer, PVC or LSZH outer jackets available Cable Components • No preferential bend typically found in stacked ribbon designs • Small diameter/superior bend performance • All aramid tensile strength members within sub-units • Sub-units are suitable for direct termination with round boot MTP • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Key: P, Q=Plenum, R=Riser, L=LSZH aramid yarn outer jacket colored fiber sub-unit outer jacket outer jacket aramid yarn for pull strength sub-unit Ruggedized 12 fiber, P Q L 12 fiber sub-unit, P L 24 fiber, P Q L center member sub-unit center member sub-unit outer jacket sub-unit flexible outer jacket flexible outer jacket aramid yarn for pull strength ripcord ripcord 36 and 48 fiber, P Q L 24-60 fiber, R 72 fiber, P Q R L center member center member center member sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit flexible outer jacket flexible outer jacket flexible outer jacket ripcord ripcord ripcord 96 fiber, P R L 144 fiber, R 144-9 fiber, P L www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 A © 2006, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00065, Revision 7, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 67 Fiber Optic Cable Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. NOMINAL DIAMETER WEIGHT FIBER LBS/1000FT LSZH PLENUM COUNT INCHES (MM) (KG/KM) 12 0.18 (4.5) 15 (22) GE012311##B G♦012311##B 0.18 x 0.30 (4.5 x 7.4) 22 (33) 24 GE024311##B-2 G♦024311##B-2 24 0.38 (9.7) 54 (80) GE024311##B-4 G♦024311##B-4 36 0.38 (9.7) 54 (80) GE036311##B G♦036311##B 48 0.38 (9.7) 54 (80) GE048311##B G♦048311##B 72 0.44 (11.1) 84 (125) GE072311##B G♦072311##B 96 0.52 (13.3) 118 (175) GE096311##B GP096311##B — 144 0.69 (17.4) 155 (230) GE144311##B — 144 0.58 (14.9) 130 (194) GP144311##B-9 AFL NO. NOMINAL DIAMETER FIBER COUNT 24 36 48 72 96 144 RISER GR024311##B GR036311##B GR048311##B GR072311##B GR096311##B GR144311##B INCHES (MM) 0.40 (10.1) 0.40 (10.1) 0.40 (10.1) 0.44 (11.1) 0.52 (13.3) 0.69 (17.4) WEIGHT LBS/1000FT (KG/KM) 54 (80) 54 (80) 54 (80) 84 (125) 118 (175) 155 (230) TENSION BENDING RADIUS LBS (N) INCHES (CM) TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLLONG INSTALLLONG OPERATING/ ATION TERM ATION TERM INSTALLATION STORAGE 150 (660) 45 (198) 2.7 (6.8) 1.8 (4.5) 150 (660) 45 (198) 2.7 (6.8) 1.8 (4.5) 150 (660) 45 (198) 5.7 (15.5) 3.8 (9.7) 150 (660) 45 (198) 5.7 (15.5) 3.8 (9.7) 0°C to -40°C to 150 (660) 45 (198) 5.7 (15.5) 3.8 (9.7) +70°C +70°C 150 (660) 45 (198) 6.6 (16.8) 4.4 (11.1) 150 (660) 45 (198) 7.8 (19.8) 5.2 (13.3) 150 (660) 45 (198) 10.4 (26.3) 6.9 (17.4) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 5.8 (14.9) 8.8 (22.4) TENSION LBS (N) INSTALLLONG ATION TERM 300 (1320) 90 (396) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 300 (1320) 90 (396) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLLONG OPERATING/ ATION TERM INSTALLATION STORAGE 7.5 (19.1) 3.75 (9.5) 7.5 (19.1) 3.75 (9.5) 7.5 (19.1) 3.75 (9.5) -10°C to -40°C to +70°C +70°C 9 (22.9) 4.5 (11.4) 10 (25.4) 5 (12.7) 14 (35.6) 7 (17.8) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2006, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00065, Revision 7, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 68 Fiber Optic Cable 12-144F Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® 2.0 The next generation of Sub-unitized MicroCore Cables represent the evolution of high performance premise cabling. Enabling the highest density infrastructures, significant savings in both space and fiber management and routing infrastructures are realized when deploying cables from this family. Constructed of the highest quality materials and to exacting industry standards, these small-diameter cables provide the solution sought-out by today’s structured cabling professionals. Each sub-cable is independently qualified and is suitable for individual routing paths within the rack/panel architecture. This enables a flexibility of design and deployment not available in comparable highdensity designs. Designed for direct termination and supportive of both single-fiber and multifiber architectures, this cable family should serve as the backbone to any deployed system. Cables are constructed with AFL MicroCore technology consistent with a long line of market leading designs. Applications • Headend termination to a fiber "backbone" • Termination of fiber rack systems • Multifloor deployment where select fibers are used at each floor • Intra-building "backbones" • MTP/MPO or MTP to break-out terminations Cable Components aramid yarn aramid yarn aramid yarn colored fiber colored fiber colored fiber outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket aramid yarn for aramid yarn foraramid yarn for pull strength pull strength pull strength ripcord outer jacket Features ripcord ripcord 12 fiber sub-unit 12 fiber sub-unit 12 fiber sub-unit 24 fiber, Dual 24 fiber, Dual24 fiber, Dual 24, 36 and 48 fiber 24, 36 and 4824, fiber 36 and 48 fiber • NFPA 262 (ONFP) 2.0 mm 2.0 mm 2.0 mm • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568/ GR-409-CORE center member center membercenter member center member center membercenter membe sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit • All aramid tensile strength members flexible flexible flexible flexible flexible flexible outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket center member center membercenter member within sub-units sub-unit sub-unit sub-unit flexible flexible flexible • Compliant to Directive outer jacket outer jacket outer jacket ripcord 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Direct Current 3.0 Sub-unitized Cableripcord in Tray ripcord ripcord ripcord ripcord 120 x 72ct cables in standard 4"X 12" tray ripcord 72 fiber 72 fiber ripcord ripcord 96 fiber 72 fiber 96 fiber 96 fiber 144 fiber 144 fiber 144 fiber 27% Reduction in 72ct Cable Diameter Yields Over 100% Increase in Pathway Capacity Next Generation Sub-unitized MicroCore 2.0 Cable in Tray 250 x 72ct cables in standard 4"X 12" tray Current 3.0 Sub-unitized Cable in Tray 120 x 72ct cables in standard 4"X 12" tray 30% Reduction in 72ct Cable Diameter Yields 100% Increase in Pathway Capacity A Next Generation Sub-unitized 2.0 Cable in Tray (800) 235-3423 www.AFLglobal.com or MicroCore © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00095, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 250 x 72ct cables in standard 4"X 12" tray 69 Fiber Optic Cable 12-144F Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® 2.0 Mechanical Data AFL NO. PLENUM NOMINAL FIBER NUMBER NUMBER DIAMETER COUNT OF SUBS OF FILLERS INCHES (MM) GQ024201##B-2 24 1 3 GQ024201##B-4 24 2 GQ036201##B GQ048201##B GQ072201##B GQ096201##B GQ144201##B 36 48 72 96 144 3 4 6 8 12 WEIGHT LBS/1000 FT (KG/KM) TENSION LBS (N) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 22 (100) 7 (30) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 2.5 (6.4) 1.3 (3.2) 15 (22) 2 0.205x0.126 (5.2x3.2) 0.28 (7.0) 30 (45) 150 (660) 45 (198) 4.2 (10.5) 1 0 0 0 0 0.28 (7.0) 0.28 (7.0) 0.32 (8.2) 0.41 (10.5) 0.51 (13.0) 31 (46) 32 (47) 44 (65) 83 (123) 128 (190) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 4.2 (10.5) 4.2 (10.5) 4.8 (12.3) 6.2 (15.8) 7.7 (19.5) 2.8 (7.0) 2.8 (7.0) 2.8 (7.0) 3.2 (8.2) 4.1 (10.5) 5.1 (13.0) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE 0°C to +60°C INSTALLATION (32°F to +140°F) 0°C to +70°C OPERATION (32°F to +158°F) -40°C to +70°C STORAGE (-40°F to +158°F) 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00095, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 70 Fiber Optic Cable NEW Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® with SpiderWeb® Ribbon (SWR®) Technology SWR Technology The third generation of our Sub-Unitized Premise MicroCore cables is another astounding evolution of high performance premise cabling. Enabling even greater pathway density than our 2.0 version, the 3.0 revolutionizes cable deployment and allows the end user to realize savings in space, routing infrastructures and fiber management. Combining the highest quality materials with rigorous testing to industry standards, this generation builds on the same quality of construction as the previous versions of our Sub-Unitized Premise MicroCore cables. Also similar to previous version is the employment of stand-alone sub cables. Each sub-cable is independently qualified and is suitable for individual routing paths within the rack/panel architecture. This flexibility of design and deployment is not available in comparable high density designs. Designed for direct termination, and supportive of both single-fiber and multi-fiber architectures, this cable family is capable of serving as the backbone in any deployed system. SpiderWeb Ribbon (SWR) is a bonded fiber design allowing for either a highly efficient ribbonizing application or for individual fiber break-outs. This flexibility allows for the application of a single cable design to cover a diverse set of applications. High density round designs allow for the most efficient use of space and materials, resulting in a cost effective solution. SpiderWeb Ribbon Technology Applications Features Benefits •In-building cable runs where space is a premium •Trunk applications where flexibility and small bend radii are required to route cable •High density cable areas like data centers and central offices •Lower cost cable runs where easy handling of tight buffered fibers not needed because cable will be spliced to factory terminated pigtails •Plenum NFPA 262 Rated •Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-B3,Telcordia GR-409-CORE (Issue 2 - Horizontal Backbone Cables) and ANSI/ICEA S-83-596 •CSA 22.2#232 (FT6) •Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) •Flexible dielectric FRP central strength member •All aramid tensile strength members within sub-units •High fiber density - more channels in less space •No preferential bend direction typically found in stacked ribbon designs •Small diameter/ superior bend performance •Each sub-unit can stand alone as a rated cable •Sub-units are suitable for direct termination with round boot MPO Cable Components 24, 48, 72 and 96 Fiber 3 mm, 24 fiber sub-unit 3 mm, 24 fiber sub-unit 3 mm, 24 fiber sub-unit Aramid strength members Aramid strength members Outer plenum jacket Outer plenum jacket Central strength member Central strength member Aramid strength members Outer plenum jacket Central strength member 120 and 144 Fiber 168, 192, 216, 240, 264 and 288 Fiber www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 A © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00112, Revision 11, 3.30.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 71 Fiber Optic Cable Sub-unitized Premise MicroCore® with SpiderWeb® Ribbon (SWR®) Technology Mechanical Data AFL NO. FIBER STANDARD COUNT LOOSE FIBER 24 GQ024301##S-4 GQ024301##B-4 48 GQ048301##S GQ048301##B 72 GQ072301##S GQ072301##B 96 GQ096301##S GQ096301##B 120 GQ120301##S GQ120301##B 144 GQ144301##S GQ144301##B 168 GQ168301##S GQ168301##B 192 GQ192301##S GQ192301##B 216 GQ216301##S GQ216301##B 240 GQ240301##S GQ240301##B 264 GQ264301##S GQ264301##B 288 GQ288301##S GQ288301##B AFL NO. WITH SWR NO. OF 24F SUBS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 BENDING RADIUS NOMINAL WEIGHT TENSION LBS (N) NO. OF INCHES (CM) DIAMETER LBS/1000 FT FILLERS INCHES (MM) (KG/KM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM INSTALLATION LONG TERM 0.40 (10.2) 63 (94) 150 (660) 45 (198) 6.0 (15.2) 4.0 (10.2) 3 2 0.40 (10.2) 65 (96) 150 (660) 45 (198) 6.0 (15.2) 4.0 (10.2) 1 0.40 (10.2) 66 (98) 150 (660) 45 (198) 6.0 (15.2) 4.0 (10.2) 0 0.40 (10.2) 67 (100) 150 (660) 45 (198) 6.0 (15.2) 4.0 (10.2) 1 0.50 (12.7) 106 (158) 150 (660) 45 (198) 7.5 (19.1) 5.0 (12.7) 0 0.50 (12.7) 108 (160) 150 (660) 45 (198) 7.5 (19.1) 5.0 (12.7) 5 0.72 (18.4) 228 (340) 150 (660) 45 (198) 11.0 (27.9) 7.2 (18.4) 0.72 (18.4) 230 (342) 150 (660) 45 (198) 11.0 (27.9) 7.2 (18.4) 4 3 0.72 (18.4) 231 (344) 150 (660) 45 (198) 11.0 (27.9) 7.2 (18.4) 2 0.72 (18.4) 233 (346) 150 (660) 45 (198) 11.0 (27.9) 7.2 (18.4) 1 0.72 (18.4) 234 (348) 150 (660) 45 (198) 11.0 (27.9) 7.2 (18.4) 0 0.72 (18.4) 235 (350) 150 (660) 45 (198) 11.0 (27.9) 7.2 (18.4) Fiber Types – Replace diamond () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table below # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE 0°C to +60°C (32°F to +140°F) 0°C to +70°C OPERATION (32°F to +158°F) -40°C to +70°C STORAGE (-40°F to +158°F) 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) INSTALLATION SWR Fiber Specifications OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (L) AFL Bend Insensitive OM3 50 µm OM3 (C) AFL Bend Insensitive OM4 50 µm OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 850 NM 3.0 3.0 N/A 1300 NM 1550 NM 1.2 N/A 1.2 N/A 0.5 0.5 850 NM 1500 3500 N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) 1300 NM 500 550 N/A 2000 4700 N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 1000 550 1040 550 N/A 5000 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 — 550 — N/A 10,000 Loose Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 300 550 600 600 800 550 1000 550 1040 550 N/A 5000 N/A 5,000 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 32 — 82 — 150 — 300 — 550 — N/A 10,000 N/A 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00112, Revision 11, 3.30.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 72 Fiber Optic Cable Breakout Cable Breakout cables combine multiple fiber flexibility with the strength of individually jacketed fibers. Breakout cables from AFL can be terminated for fanout assemblies. Breakout cable is available in counts of 2-24 fibers. Applications Cable Components • Rugged multi-fiber cross-connects • Intrabuilding "backbone" • Fiber "backbone" to communications closet Features • Sub-units printed every 6 inches • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-A / GR-409-CORE • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • MSHA approved for mining applications • Tight buffer and sub-unit jacket are available in a variety of colors Fiber Specifications MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION 0ºC to +70ºC OPERATING 0ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00044, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 73 Fiber Optic Cable Breakout Cable Mechanical Data CABLE TYPE Riser Breakout Cable Plenum Breakout Cable AFL NO. BR004241#01 BR006241#01 BR008241#01 BR012241#01 BR024241#01 BP004301#01 BP006301#01 BP008301#01 BP012301#01 FIBER COUNT 4 6 8 12 24 4 6 8 12 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.33 (8.5) 0.40 (10.1) 0.46 (11.6) 0.58 (14.7) 0.65 (16.6) 0.36 (9.0) 0.42 (10.6) 0.48 (12.2) 0.61 (15.5) WEIGHT LBS/1000FT (KG/KM) 44 (65) 64 (95) 84 (125) 138 (205) 118 (175) 57 (85) 79 (118) 105 (156) 169 (252) TENSION LBS (N) INSTALLATION 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 300 (1320) 100 (440) 100 (440) 100 (440) 100 (440) LONG TERM 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 90 (396) 30 (132) 30 (132) 30 (132) 30 (132) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 5.1 (12.8) 3.4 (8.5) 6.0 (15.2) 4.0 (10.1) 6.9 (17.4) 4.6 (11.6) 8.7 (22.1) 5.8 (14.7) 11.4 (29.0) 7.6 (19.3) 5.3 (13.5) 3.6 (9.0) 6.3 (15.9) 4.2 (10.6) 7.2 (18.3) 4.8 (12.2) 9.2 (23.2) 6.1 (15.5) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM REEL F Reel Height (inches) 42 Reel Outside Width (inches) 36 Drum Diameter (inches) 23 Reel Weight (lbs) 148 CAPACITY: meters (feet) 4 Fiber Breakout 2,500 / (8,200) 6 Fiber Breakout 2,500 / (8,200) 8 Fiber Breakout 2,500 / (8,200) 12 Fiber Breakout 1,600 / (5,250) A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00044, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 74 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Low Smoke Zero Halogen Breakout Cable AFL’s Indoor/Outdoor Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) Breakout Cables are perfectly suited for rugged applications and installations requiring increased performance. LSZH- rated I/O Breakout cables are available from 2-24 count with variable sub-cable dimensions to support specific termination and routing requirements. These cables feature a durable IEC-compliant, zero halogen, UV and fungal resistant outer jacket. Sub-cables can be specified at 2.0 mm, 2.4 mm or 2.9 mm diameters to fit the specific application. Additional strength member is applied to specifically support wedge-style industrial termination schemes. Tested and qualified to the most stringent safety and performance standards, Low Smoke Zero Halogen Breakout cables can be deployed with confidence in the most demanding of conditions. Applications Features • Harsh Environment • Industrial • Campus Environment • UL 1666 riser-rated with water-blocked sub-units • Sub-units and tight buffer available in a variety of colors • Tested to meet or exceed GR-409-CORE and ICEA-S-104-696 • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Typical Performance A B A B A B C D C D C D 8 Fiber 6 Fiber A = FRPE outer jacket B = FRPE sub-cable - 900 µm buffered fiber - water swellable aramid MAXIMUM yarn strengthATTENUATION members ISO/ C = strength member (DB/KM) IEC D = aramid yarn 850 NM 1300 NM 1550 NM 3.5 1.2 N/A OM1 3.5 1.5 N/A OM2 720 hrs -20°C to 70°C A B 2000 cycles 1500 impacts -20°C C 2200 N/cmD FOTP-89 FOTP-37 FOTP-98 FOTP-104 FOTP-25 FOTP-25 FOTP-41 FOTP-85 8 Fiber 6 Fiber 2 and 4 Fiber Cable Components 2 and 4 Fiber Weathering Low/High Temp Bend A External Freeze B Cyclic Flex Impact Cold C Impact D Resistance Crush Cable Twist A B C D A = FRPE outer jacket B = FRPE sub-cable - 900 µm buffered fiber - water swellable aramid yarn strength members C = strength member D = aramid yarn 12 Fiber Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode (9) SM OM2 OM3 OM4 OS2 OS2 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00040, Revision 1, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 75 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Low Smoke Zero Halogen Breakout Cable (cont.) Mechanical Data AFL NO. UNITS BE0022010#E BE0042010#E BE0062010#E BE0122010#E BE0242010#E 2 4 6 12 24 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) .30(7.7) .30(7.7) .35(8.8) .50(12.7) .57(14.9) WEIGHT TENSION LBS (N) LBS/1000 FT (KG/KM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 42(62) 300(1334) 90(400) 42(62) 300(1334) 90(400) 54(81) 300(1334) 90(400) 115(171) 600(2667) 180(800) 140(208) 600(2667) 180(800) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 4.5(11.4) 3.0(7.6) 4.5(11.4) 3.0(7.6) 5.2(13.2) 3.5(8.8) 7.5(19.0) 5.0(12.7) 8.8(22.4) 5.9(14.9) BE0022410#E 2 .34(8.6) 50(75) 300(1334) 90(400) 5.0(12.7) 3.4(8.6) BE0042410#E 4 .34(8.6) 50(75) 300(1334) 90(400) 5.0(12.7) 3.4(8.6) BE0062410#E 6 .40(10.2) 70(104) 300(1334) 90(400) 6.0(15.3) 4.0(10.2) BE0122410#E BE0242410#E 12 24 .58(14.8) .66(16.8) 154(230) 183(273) 600(2667) 600(2667) 180(800) 180(800) 8.7(22.2) 9.9(25.2) 5.8(14.8) 6.6(16.8) BE0023010#E 2 .39(9.8) 62(93) 300(1334) 90(400) 5.8(14.7) 3.9(9.8) BE0043010#E 4 .39(9.8) 62(93) 300(1334) 90(400) 5.8(14.7) 3.9(9.8) BE0063010#E 6 .45(11.6) 87(130) 300(1334) 90(400) 6.8(17.3) 4.6(11.6) BE0123010#E 12 .71(18.0) 217(323) 600(2667) 180(800) 10.6(27.0) 7.1(18.0) .79(20.0) 245(365) 600(2667) 180(800) 11.8(30.0) BE0243010#E 24 Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. 7.8(20.0) Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +70ºC Cable Length—Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: Feet (meters) 4 Position 6 Position 8 Position 12 Position REEL F 42 36 23 148 5,000 (1,500) 5,000 (1,500) 5,000 (1,500) 5,000 (1,500) A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2013, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00040, Revision 1, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 76 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Riser Tight Buffered Cable Indoor/Outdoor Tight Buffered cables are specified for campus network cabling between buildings where interbuilding lengths are short enough that the installer can recognize savings from the lower costs of terminating tight buffered cables. For indoor applications the cable is OFNR listed. For outdoor applications the cable is manufactured with an outer jacket that incorporates a UV stabilizer for protection against exposure to the sun plus an anti-fungus protection for use in underground applications. Features Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +75ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +75ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC Cable Components • Cables are water blocked and meet water penetration requirements of GR-20-CORE (this helps ensure that any damage to cable is restricted to a repairable length of several meters) • Outer jacket is moisture-resistant, fungus-resistent and UV resistant for outdoor use • With a Riser rating, this cable can be used in all environments: Riser, general inside plant and outside plant • Tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-A / GR-409-CORE and ICEA-S-104-696 • MSHA approved for mining applications • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00055, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 77 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Riser Tight Buffered Cable Mechanical Data NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.19 (4.8) 0.19 (4.8) 0.21 (5.3) 0.22 (5.6 ) 0.26 (6.5) 0.31 (8.0) 0.33 (8.7) AFL NO. CABLE TYPE Indoor/Outdoor Tight Buffered Cable RISER KR0024810#1 KR0044810#1 KR0065310#1 KR0085610#1 KR0126510#1 KR0188010#1 KR0248710#1 FIBER COUNT 2 4 6 8 12 18 24 WEIGHT LBS/1000FT (KG/KM) 14 (21) 15 (23) 19 (28) 23 (33) 26 (38) 40 (59) 46 (69) TENSION LBS (N) INSTALLATION 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 150 (660) 300 (1320) 300 (1320) LONG TERM 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 45 (198) 90 (396) 90 (396) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) LONG INSTALLATION TERM 2.8 (7.2) 1.9 (4.8) 2.8 (7.2) 1.9 (4.8) 3.1 (8.0) 2.1 (5.3) 3.3 (8.4) 2.2 (5.6) 3.5 (9.0) 2.6 (6.5) 4.7 (12.0) 3.1 (8.0) 5.2 (13.1) 3.4 (8.7) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Maximum Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel/Box Height (inches) Reel/Box Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 2 Fiber 4 Fiber 6 Fiber 8 Fiber 12 Fiber 18 Fiber 24 Fiber FIBER BOX* 15.13 13.0 8.0 6.0 REEL A 16 15 8 10 REEL B 24 17 12 23 REEL C 30 15.25 12 34 REEL D 34 21.25 12 44 REEL E 34 20 24 48 305 (1,000) 305 (1,000) 305 (1,000) — — — — 1,000 (3,281) 1,000 (3,281) — — — — — 3,200 (10,500) 3,200 (10,500) 2,000 (6,561) 1,700 (5,577) 1,250 (4,100) — — 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) 3,400 (11,154) 4,000 (9,514) 2,100 ( 6,890) — — — — 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) — — — — — — — — 1,500 (4,921) 1,500 (4,921) * Add suffix "– XMFBOX" to cable AFL number to specify "Fiber-In-A-Box" solution. "X" indicates length of cable in thousands of feet. Only available in standard lengths as indicated in chart above. EXAMPLE: KR0029481001–3MFBOX Would be the resulting AFL number for 3,000 feet of KR002481001 cable with 9/125 µm single-mode fiber and the Fiber-In-A-Box solution. Refer to Fiber-In-A-Box data sheet. A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00055, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 78 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Multi-unit Riser Tight Buffered Cable AFL now offers high fiber count Indoor/Outdoor Riser Cables. Waterblocked 12-fiber sub-units are helically stranded to provide sub-unitized cables ranging from 24 to 72 fiber counts. These cables are OFNR listed for indoor applications. Both the sub-unit jackets and outer sheath contain a UV stabilizer and anti-fungus protection for use in outdoor applications. Sub-units contain a water-swellable aramid and 12 tight buffered fibers. Features • With a Riser rating, this cable can be used in all environments: Riser, general inside plant and outside plant • Sub-units are tested to meet or exceed EIA/TIA 568-A / GR-409-CORE and ICEA-S-104-696 • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • MSHA approved for mining applications • Sub-units are water blocked and meet water penetration requirements of GR-20-CORE (this helps ensure that any damage to cable is restricted to a repairable length of several meters) • Outer jacket is moisture-resistant, fungus-resistent and UV resistant for outdoor use Cable Components Fiber Specifications MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +75ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +75ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +75ºC A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00052, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 79 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Multi-unit Riser Tight Buffered Cable Mechanical Data NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.67 (16.9) 0.67 (16.9) 0.67 (16.9) 0.76 (19.2) 0.81 (20.7) AFL NO. CABLE TYPE Indoor/Outdoor Tight Buffered Cable RISER KR024601##1 KR036601##1 KR048601##1 KR060601##1 KR072601##1 FIBER COUNT 24 36 48 60 72 WEIGHT LBS/1000 FT (KG/KM) 169 (252) 178 (265) 187 (278) 197 (293) 233 (346) TENSION LBS (N) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM INSTALLATION LONG TERM 300 (1320) 90 (396) 10.0 (25.3) 6.7 (16.9) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 10.0 (25.3) 6.7 (16.9) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 10.0 (25.3) 6.7 (16.9) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 11.3 (28.8) 7.6 (19.2) 300 (1320) 90 (396) 12.2 (31.0) 8.1 (20.7) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 18 Fibers 24 Fibers 36 Fibers 48 Fibers 60 Fibers 72 Fibers REEL F 42 36 23 148 REEL G 60 36 30 287 2,300 (7,546) 2,300 (7,546) 1,600 (5,250) 1,500 (4,921) 1,250 (4,100) 1,000 (3,280) 2,500 / (8,200) 2,500 / (8,200) 2,500 / (8,200) — 1,500 / (4,921) 1,500 / (4,921) A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00052, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 80 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Plenum Distribution Cable Indoor/Outdoor Plenum Distribution cables are specified for campus network cabling between buildings where interbuilding lengths are short enough that the installer can recognize savings from the lower costs of terminating tight buffered cables. For indoor applications the cable is OFNP listed. For outdoor applications the cable is manufactured with an outer jacket that incorporates a UV stabilizer for protection against exposure to the sun plus an anti-fungus protection for use in underground applications. Cable Components Features • Cables are water blocked and exceed water penetration requirements of ICEA S-104-696 and GR-20-CORE (this helps ensure that any damage to the cable and subsequent water ingress is restricted to a repairable length of several meters and minimizes overall replacement cost) • Outer jacket is moisture-resistant, fungus-resistant and UV resistant suitable for outdoor use • With an overall OFNP (Plenum) rating, this cable is suitable for installations in most spaces requiring UL flame ratings: Plenum, Riser, General Purpose and outside plant Applications • ICEA S-104-696 • Telcordia GR-409-Core Issue II Weatherized Cable • EIA/TIA 568 • RoHS/REACH Compliant Fiber Specifications MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -10ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +70ºC A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00124, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 81 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Plenum Distribution Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. KQ0025418#1 KQ0045618#1 KQ0066418#1 KQ0127018#1 KQ0248218#1 FIBER COUNT 2 4 6 12 24 DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 0.21 (5.4) 0.22 (5.6) 0.25 (6.4) 0.28 (7.0) 0.33 (8.4) WEIGHT LBS/1000FT (KG/KM) 19 (28) 21 (31) 26 (39) 34 (51) 42 (62) TENSILE STRENGTH LBS (N) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 300 (1335) 90 (400) 300 (1335) 90 (400) 300 (1335) 90 (400) 300 (1335) 90 (400) 300 (1335) 90 (400) BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 3.2 (8.1) 2.1 (5.4) 3.30 (8.4) 2.2 (5.6) 3.8 (9.6) 2.5 (6.4) 4.1 (10.5) 2.8 (7.0) 5.0 (19.6) 3.3 (13.0) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Maximum Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel/Box Height (inches) Reel/Box Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 2 Fiber 4 Fiber 6 Fiber 8 Fiber 12 Fiber 18 Fiber 24 Fiber FIBER BOX* 15.13 13.0 8.0 6.0 REEL A 16 15 8 10 REEL B 24 17 12 23 305 (1,000) 305 (1,000) 305 (1,000) — — — — 1,000 (3,281) 1,000 (3,281) — — — — — 3,200 (10,500) 3,200 (10,500) 2,400 (7,874) 2,400 (7,874) 1,300 (4,265) — — REEL C 30 15.25 12 34 5,000 5,000 4,000 4,000 2,100 (16,404) (16,404) (13,123) (13,123) ( 6,890) — — REEL D 34 21.25 12 44 REEL E 34 20 24 48 — — 5,000 (16,404) 5,000 (16,404) 3,900 (12,795) — — — — — — — 1,500 (4,921) 1,500 (4,921) * Add suffix "– XMFBOX" to cable AFL number to specify "Fiber-In-A-Box" solution. "X" indicates length of cable in thousands of feet. Only available in standard lengths as indicated in chart above. EXAMPLE: KQ0029541001–1MFBOX Would be the resulting AFL number for 3,000 feet of KQ002*541001 cable with 9/125µm single-mode fiber and the Fiber-In-A-Box solution. Refer to Fiber-In-A-Box data sheet. A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00124, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 82 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Breakout Cable AFL’s Indoor/Outdoor Breakout Cables are perfectly suited for rugged applications and installations requiring increased performance. Available in 2 to 12 fiber counts, these cables feature a UV- and fungal-resistant semi-pressure extruded outer jacket. The individual sub-units measure 2.5 mm, allowing for ease of field termination, and use water-blocking aramid which further protects the tight-buffered fiber. Cable Components Features Applications • Fungus, water and UV-resistant PVC jacket featuring SP extrusion technology • Riser-rated with water-blocked sub-units • Sub-units and tight buffer available in a variety of colors • Tested to meet or exceed GR-409-CORE and ICEA-S-104-696 • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • MSHA approved for mining applications • Harsh Environment • Mining • Industrial • Campus Environment 2-Fiber 12-Fiber PVC outer jacket PVC outer jacket 2.4 mm water-blocked simplex sub-unit 2.5 mm simplex sub-unit - 900 µm buffered fiber - 900 µm buffered fiber - water swellable aramid yarn strength members - water swellable aramid yarn strength members - PVC jacket - PVC jacket strength member (2) upjacketed FRP center strength member ripcord ripcord Fiber Specifications MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC 850 NM 1300 NM 1550 NM (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 3.5 1.2 N/A OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 3.5 1.5 N/A OM2 PVC outer jacket (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 3.0 1.2 N/A OM2 2.4 mm water-blocked simplex sub-unit (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 3.0 1.2 N/A OM3 - 900 µm buffered fiber (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 3.0 aramid 1.2 N/A OM4- water swellable yarn strength members (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2- PVC jacket N/A 0.5 0.5 strength member (9) SM N/A (2) 0.5 0.5 OS2 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A ripcord EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 1300 NM 850 NM 300 550 32 600 600 82 PVC outer800 jacket 550 150 2.5 mm simplex sub-unit 1000 550 300 - 900 µm buffered fiber 1040 550 550 - water swellable aramid yarn strength members N/A 5000 N/A - PVC jacket upjacketedN/A FRP center strength 5,000member N/A 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 ripcord Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +70ºC A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00051, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 83 Fiber Optic Cable Indoor/Outdoor Breakout Cable Mechanical Data NOMINAL TENSION DIAMETER WEIGHT LBS (N) FIBER AFL NO. COUNT INCHES (MM) LBS/1000FT (KG/KM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 2 0.30 (7.5) 32 (49) 300 (1335) 150 (667) BX002251##1 4 0.32 (8.2) 37 (55) 450 (2000) 185 (825) BX004251##1 6 0.38 (9.6) 54 (80) 750 (3360) 375 (1680) BX006251##1 8 0.44 (11.1) 75 (111) 1000 (4450) 425 (1750) BX008251##1 12 0.57 (14.5) 165 (245) 1425 (6360) 570 (2535) BX012251##1 Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 3.8 (9.6) 2.5 (6.4) 3.9 (9.9) 3.2 (8.1) 4.8 (12.2) 3.8 (9.7) 6.6 (16.8) 4.4 (11.2) 8.5 (21.6) 5.7 (14.5) Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 4 Fiber Breakout 6 Fiber Breakout 8 Fiber Breakout 12 Fiber Breakout REEL F 42 36 23 148 2,500 / (8,200) 2,500 / (8,200) 2,500 / (8,200) 1,600 / (5,250) A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00051, Revision 4, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 84 Fiber Optic Cable Ruggedized Indoor/Outdoor Breakout Cable AFL Ruggedized Indoor/Outdoor Riser Breakout cable is suited for applications requiring a high performance fiber optic cable. Water-blocked and re-inforced with all-dielectric strength members within the core, this cable can withstand the rigors presented by higher end installations. Available in 2-12 fiber counts, these cables feature a UV-and Fungal-Resistant semi-pressure extrueded outer jacket. Individual sub-units measure 2.5 mm, allowing for ease of field termination. Sub-units are also water-blocked adding to the overall protection of the fiber optic components from environmental damage. Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +70ºC Features Applications • Fungus, water and UV-resistant PVC jacket featuring SP extrusion technology • Riser-rated with water-blocked sub-units • Sub-units and tight buffer available in a variety of colors • Tested to meet or exceed GR-409-CORE and ICEA-S-104-696 • Compliant to Directive 2002/95/EC (RoHS) • MSHA approved for mining applications • Harsh Environment • Mining • Industrial • Campus Environment Cable Components 2 and 4 Fiber 12 Fiber PVC outer jacket PVC outer jacket 2.5mm water-blocked simplex sub-unit 2.5mm simplex sub-unit - 900µm buffered fiber - 900µm buffered fiber - water swellable aramid yarn strength members - water swellable aramid yarn strength members - PVC jacket - PVC jacket aramid yarn strength member strength member aramid yarn Fiber Specifications CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00081, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 85 Fiber Optic Cable Ruggedized Indoor/Outdoor Breakout Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. FIBER COUNT NOMINAL WEIGHT TENSION DIAMETER LBS (N) INCHES (MM) LBS/1000FT (KG/KM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM .34 (8.6) 49 (73) 300 (1334) 90 (400) BM002251##1 2 .34 (8.6) 49 (73) 300 (1334) 90 (400) BM004251##1 4 .40 (10.1) 69 (102) 300 (1334) 90 (400) BM006251##1 6 .46 (11.8) 93 (138) 300 (1334) 90 (400) BM008251##1 8 .51 (13.0) 95 (142) 300 (1334) 90 (400) BM012251##1 12 Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION 5.0 (12.6) 5.0 (12.6) 6.02 (15.3) 7.0 (18.0) 8.0 (20.0) LONG TERM 3.3 (8.4) 3.3 (8.4) 4.1 (10.2) 4.6 (11.8) 5.3 (13.5) Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: meters (feet) 4 Fiber Breakout 6 Fiber Breakout 8 Fiber Breakout 12 Fiber Breakout REEL F 42 36 23 148 1,500 / (5,000) 1,500 / (5,000) 1,500 / (5,000) 1,500 / (5,000) A www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00081, Revision 2, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 86 Fiber Optic Cable Tactical Tight Buffered Cable AFL Tactical Tight Buffered Cables are ideal for use in installations where extreme environmental conditions are present. Designed to be deployed and retrieved in the field, AFL’s Tactical Tight Buffered Cables are highly resistant to damage caused by repeated impacts crushing forces, abrasion and extreme temperatures. Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -46ºC to +85ºC OPERATING -46ºC to +85ºC STORAGE -55ºC to +85ºC Features Applications • Cut resistant polyurethane jacket with flame retardant options available • Highly flexible construction allows for multiple deployments • All aramid strength members • Performance in wide temperature range • High impact and crush resistance • Durable in high traffic areas • MIL-PRF-46291 qualified fiber available (-RH designation) • Tested to meet MIL-PRF-85045 • Field deployment in abusive environments • Temporary installation of critical communications lines where quick retrieval and re-use is necessary • High Traffic areas • Security and Sensing applications • Broadcast deployments • Installations in harsh environments Cable Components Polyurethane outer jacket aramid strength member 250 µm or 500 µm optical fiber 900 µm Elastomeric Tight Buffer Specifications CHARACTERISTIC Tensile and elongation Operating tensile strength Low-temp flexibility Cyclic flexing Crush resistance Impact Temperature cycling Temperature/humidity cycling Life aging Freezing water immersion www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 TEST PROCEDURE EIA/TIA-455-33 EIA/TIA-455-33 EIA/TIA-455-37 EIA/TIA-455-104 EIA/TIA-455-41 EIA/TIA-455-25 EIA/TIA-455-3 EIA/TIA-455-5 Method B EIA/TIA-455-4 EIA/TIA-455-98 PERFORMANCE 2000 1800 N/cm or greater 200 -46°C to 85°C © 2007, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00066, Revision 5 1.20.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 87 Fiber Optic Cable Tactical Tight Buffered Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. XU00130180H-SH XU00140180H-SH XU00146180H-SH XU00255180H-SH XU00455180H-SH XU00258180H-SH XU00458180H-SH XU00661180H-SH XU00864180H-SH XU01264180H-SH XU02485180H-SH FIBER COUNT 1 1 1 2 4 2 4 6 8 12 24 NOMINAL DIA. INCHES 0.12 0.16 0.18 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.33 (MM) (3.0) (4.0) (4.6) (5.5) (5.5) (5.8) (5.8) (6.1) (6.4) (6.4) (8.5) NOMINAL WT. LBS/1000FT 5.4 9.1 12.2 16.2 16.2 21.5 21.5 22.2 28.8 30.8 38.7 (KG/KM) (8) (13.5) (18.1) (25) (25) (32) (32) (33) (44) (47) (59) MAXIMUM TENSILE LOAD LBS (N) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 135 (600) 40 (178) 180 (800) 54 (240) 180 (800) 54 (240) 400 (1780) 130 (578) 400 (1780) 130 (578) 400 (1780) 130 (578) 400 (1780) 130 (578) 400 (1780) 130 (578) 470 (2090) 160 (712) 470 (2090) 160 (712) 670 (2980) 220 (979) MINIMUM BEND RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 1.8 (4.5) 1.2 (3.0) 2.4 (6.0) 1.6 (4.0) 2.7 (6.9) 1.8 (4.6) 2.2 (5.5) 1.1 (2.8) 2.2 (5.5) 1.1 (2.8) 3.4 (8.7) 2.3 (5.8) 3.4 (8.7) 2.3 (5.8) 3.6 (9.2) 2.4 (6.1) 2.5 (6.4) 1.3 (3.2) 2.5 (6.4) 1.3 (3.2) 3.3 (8.5) 1.7 (4.3) Note: D iameter and weight subject to change without notice For flame retardant jacket option remove the extension –SH from the item number Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number corresponding below. 5 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 600 6 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 300 9 = Single-mode K = SM Futureguide SR-15e Bend Insensitive Fiber Notes/Options G = Elastomer over 500 µm – RH = Indicates Radiation Hardened Fiber www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2007, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00066, Revision 5 1.20.16 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 88 Fiber Optic Cable Broadcast Deployable Tight Buffered Cable AFL Broadcast Quality Tight Buffered Cables are ideal for use in installations where extreme environmental conditions are present. Designed to be deployed and retrieved in the field, these cables are highly resistant to damage caused by repetitive impact or harsh conditions. Applications • Field deployment in abusive environments • High traffic areas • Security and sensing applications • Broadcast deployments • Installations in harsh environments Features Cable Components • Cut resistant polyurethane outer jacket • Highly flexible construction allows for multiple deployments • All aramid strength members • Performance in wide temperature range • High impact and crush resistance • Durable in high traffic areas • Water and UV resistant • Multiple jacket colors available • MSHA approval pending • Available with 500 μm enhanced performance fiber or 250 μm optical fiber building blocks Specifications Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +85ºC OPERATING -46ºC to +85ºC CHARACTERISTIC Tensile and elongation Operating tensile strength Low-temp flexibility Cyclic flexing Crush resistance Impact Temperature cycling Temperature/humidity cycling Life aging Freezing water immersion • Sporting and media events • Temporary installation of critical communications lines where quick retrieval and re-use is necessary TEST PROCEDURE EIA/TIA-455-33 EIA/TIA-455-33 EIA/TIA-455-37 EIA/TIA-455-104 EIA/TIA-455-41 EIA/TIA-455-25 EIA/TIA-455-3 EIA/TIA-455-5 Method B EIA/TIA-455-4 EIA/TIA-455-98 PERFORMANCE 2000 2000 N/cm 200 -46°C to 85°C Mechanical Data NOMINAL DIAMETER AFL NO. XU00130180#-SH XU00258180#-SH XU00458180#-SH XU00661180#-SH XU01270180#-SH FIBER COUNT INCHES (MM) 1 .12 (2.9) .23 (5.8) 2 4 .23 (5.8) 6 .24 (6.1) 12 .28 (7.0) WEIGHT LBS/1000 FT (KG/KM) 5.4 (8) 21.5 (32) 21.5 (32) 21.5 (33) 31.7 (47) Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice TENSION LBS (N) INSTALLATION LONG TERM 250 (1112) 66 (290) 325 (1450) 66 (290) 325 (1450) 66 (290) 325 (1450) 66 (290) 394 (1750) 79 (350) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) 1.2 (3.0) 2.3 (5.8) 2.3 (5.8) 2.4 (6.1) 2.8 (7.0) TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLAOPERATING TION STORAGE -46°C to 85°C -20°C to 85°C -57°C to 85°C Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number corresponding below. 5 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 600 9 = Single-mode 6 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 300 K = AFL G657.A1 Single-mode * Other fiber types available. Replace pound sign (#) in AFL number with number corresponding below. G = 500 µm Coated Optical Fiber H = 250 µm Coated Optical Fiber www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2009, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00045, Revision 2, 10.31.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 89 Fiber Optic Cable Copper/Fiber Composite Cable Rugged easy to use composite cable consisting of flexible stranded Copper conductors and integrating communications links utilizing fiber optic technologies. The breakout design provides additional protection for both the copper and fiber channels by individually protecting each with insulated jackets and all-dielectric strength members. For applications requiring remote low-voltage power and high-speed communications, these designs provide an efficient single-installation option where space is of a premium and devices are not easily accessed. Features Cable Components • Rugged Riser rated constructions • Water-blocked • Flexible stranded Copper (12 AWG, 14 AWG, 16 AWG, 18 AWG available) • High-speed fiber optics • UL 13, UL1666 rated • NEC 725 classified • CL2R-OF classified Applications • Remote application of Low-Voltage power • Security networks • IP enable appliances • Wireless Access Points Standards 12 Fiber round with core wrap aramid strength 4 Fiber • Telcordia GR-409-CORE • ICEA S-104-696 • MSHA approved Fiber Specifications MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (DB/KM) CORE SIZE/ FIBER TYPE ISO/ IEC (6) 62.5 Giga-Link™ 300 OM1 (5) 50 Giga-Link™ 600 OM2 (A) 50 Laser-Link 150 OM2 (L) 50 Laser-Link 300 OM3 (C) 50 Laser-Link 550 OM4 (K) AFL G.657.A1 Single-mode OS2 (9) SM OS2 850 NM 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 N/A N/A 1300 NM 1.2 1.5 1.2 1.2 1.2 0.5 0.5 1550 NM N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.5 0.5 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHZ•KM) 850 NM 1300 NM 200 600 500 500 700 500 1500 500 3500 550 N/A N/A N/A N/A EMBc (MHZ•KM) N/A N/A 950 2000 4700 N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 10 GIGABIT ETHERNET MIN. LINK DISTANCE (METERS) 850 NM 300 600 800 1000 1040 N/A N/A 850 NM 32 82 150 300 550 N/A N/A 1300 NM 550 600 550 550 550 5000 5,000 1300 NM — — — — — 10,000 10,000 Temperature Specifications TEMPERATURE RANGE INSTALLATION -20ºC to +70ºC OPERATING -40ºC to +70ºC STORAGE -40ºC to +70ºC www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2010, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00046, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 90 Fiber Optic Cable Copper/Fiber Composite Cable Mechanical Data AFL NO. BR004X301#0C-xFF/yCC BR006X301#0C-xFF/yCC BR008X301#0C-xFF/yCC BR012X301#0C-xFF/yCC FIBER NOMINAL COUNT DIAMETER INCHES (MM) 4 .39 (9.9) 6 .46 (11.7) 8 .54 (13.6) 12 .59 (15.1) WEIGHT LBS/1000FT (KG/KM) 63 (93) 87 ( 130) 120 (178) 200 (298) TENSION LBS (N) INSTALLATION 300 (1334) 300 (1334) 300 (1334) 300 (1334) LONG TERM 90 (400) 90 (400) 90 (400) 90 (400) BENDING RADIUS INCHES (CM) INSTALLATION 5.7 (14.5) 6.75 (17.2) 7.95 (20) 9.45 (24) LONG TERM 3.8 (9.7) 4.5 (11.4) 5.3 (13.5) 6.3 (16) Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number in the Fiber Specifications table on previous page. # Outer Jacket Color – Replace hashtag (#) in AFL number with number in the Cable Jacket Color table below. Cable Jacket Color Options 1 - Blue 2 - Orange 3 - Green 4 - Brown 5 - Slate 6 - White 7 - Red 8 - Black 9 - Yellow A - Violet B - Rose C - Aqua K - Erika Violet (RAL 4003) Cable Length - Reel Size ITEM Reel Height (inches) Reel Outside Width (inches) Drum Diameter (inches) Reel Weight (lbs) CAPACITY: METERS (FEET) 4 Fiber Breakout 6 Fiber Breakout 8 Fiber Breakout 12 Fiber Breakout REEL F 42 36 23 148 1,500 / (5,000) 1,500 / (5,000) 1,500 / (5,000) 1,500 / (5,000) www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2010, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00046, Revision 3, 12.14.15 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 91 Fiber Optic Cable Mini-Span® ADSS Cable AFL Mini-Span All-Dielectric Self-Supporting (ADSS) cable is designed for outside plant aerial and duct applications in local and campus network loop architectures. From poleto-build to town-town installations, the Mini-Span cabling system, which includes cables, suspension, dead end and termination enclosures, offers a comprehensive transmission circuit infrastructure with proven, high-reliability performance. See AFL’s Fiber Optic Cable Hardware catalog for more information. As the ADSS cabling concept implies, a separate messenger support wire hanging system is not required, greatly reducing installation time and improving upfront and maintenance labor costs. Temperature Range Mini-Span includes fiber counts up to 144 optical fibers and any type or combination of single-mode and laser-optimized multimode fibers with the cable. Pole-to-Pole span lengths range from 50 feet to over 1000 feet. Operating: -40ºC to +70ºC Storage: -50ºC to +70ºC Installation: -30ºC to +70ºC Installation Information CABLE Mini-Span 323 Mini-Span 383 NESC SPANS (@ 1.5% INITIAL SAG) FEET (METERS) LIGHT MEDIUM HEAVY 500 (152) 300 (91) 175 (53) 450 (137) 300 (91) 180 (55) MAX. SAGGING TENSION LBS N 147 654 183 814 MAX. LOADING OPERATING TENSION LBS N 374 1668 402 1,785 MIN. BENDING RADIUS (DYNAMIC) INCHES CM 7 17 8 20 MIN. BENDING RADIUS (STATIC) INCHES CM 3.5 8.5 4 10 CABLE Mini-Span 424 Mini-Span 535 Mini-Span 693 NESC SPANS (@ 1% INITIAL SAG) FEET (METERS) LIGHT MEDIUM HEAVY 600 (183) 440 (134) 275 (84) 1050 (320) 850 (259) 575 (175) 750 (229) 600 (183) 500 (152) MAX. SAGGING TENSION LBS N 424 1886 1,306 5,809 1,411 6,278 MAX. LOADING OPERATING TENSION LBS N 707 3145 1,783 7,936 1,856 8,260 MIN. BENDING RADIUS (DYNAMIC) INCHES CM 9 22 13 27 14 36 MIN. BENDING RADIUS (STATIC) INCHES CM 4 11 5 14 7 18 Optical Information CABLE Mini-Span 323 Mini-Span 383 Mini-Span 424 Mini-Span 535 Mini-Span 693 MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (db/km) MULTIMODE MULTIMODE *62.5/125 µm 50/125 µm (850 nm/1300 nm) (850 nm/1300 nm) 0.40/0.30 3.5/1.2 3.5/1.2 SINGLE-MODE (1310 nm/1550 nm) 0.35/0.25 3.5/1.2 BANDWIDTH (MHz•km) MULTIMODE MULTIMODE *62.5/125 µm 50/125 µm (850 nm/1300 nm) (850 nm/1300 nm) SINGLE-MODE (1310 nm/1550 nm) 2.9/0.9 n/a 200/600 500/500 * All 62.5/125 µm multimode ADSS cable transmission performances meet or exceed FDDI requirements. Premium transmission performance fibers available on request. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2010, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00013, Revision 4, 7.17.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 92 Fiber Optic Cable Mini-Span ADSS Cable ® Mechanical Data CABLE Mini-Span 323 Mini-Span 383 Mini-Span 424 Mini-Span 535 Mini-Span 693 NOMINAL DIAMETER INCHES 0.323 0.383 0.424 0.535 0.693 FIBER COUNT 2-24 2-48 2-60 2-96 2-144 NOMINAL WEIGHT LBS/1000’ KG/KM 35 53 49 72 57 84 100 148 151 224 MM 8.2 9.7 10.8 13.6 17.6 MAXIMUM LENGTHS* SINGLE-MODE MULTIMODE FEET METERS FEET METERS 32,800 10,000 26,250 8,000 32,800 10,000 26,250 8,000 32,800 10,000 26,250 8,000 32,800 10,000 26,250 8,000 23,000 7,000 23,000 7,000 * Longer lengths may be available upon request. Ordering Information CABLE Mini-Span 323 Mini-Span 383 Mini-Span 424 Mini-Span 535 Mini-Span 693 FIBER COUNT FIBERS PER TUBE NUMBER OF TUBES / FIBERS SINGLE-MODE AFL NO. MULTIMODE 62.5/125 MULTIMODE 50/125 6 12 18 24 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 60 6 12 18 24 30 36 48 60 72 84 96 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108 120 132 144 6 6 6 6 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1 w/6 2 w/6 3 w/6 4 w/6 1 w/6 (3 fillers) 1 w/12 (3 fillers) 1 w/12, 1 w/6 (2 fillers) 2 w/12 (2 fillers) 2 w/12, 1 w/6 (1 filler) 3 w/12 (1 filler) 4 w/12 1 w/6 (4 fillers) 1 w/12 (4 fillers) 1 w/12, 1 w/6 (3 fillers) 2 w/12 (3 fillers) 2 w/12, 1 w/6 (2 fillers) 3 w/12 (2 fillers) 4 w/12 (1 filler) 5 w/12 (no fillers) 1 w/6 (7 fillers) 1 w/12 (7 fillers) 1 w/12, 1 w/6 (6 fillers) 2 w/12 (6 fillers) 2 w/12, 1 w/6 (5 fillers) 3 w/12 (5 fillers) 4 w/12 (4 fillers) 5 w/12 (3 fillers) 6 w/12 (2 fillers) 7 w/12 (1 filler) 8 w/12 (no fillers) 1 w/12 (11 fillers) 2 w/12 (10 fillers) 3 w/12 (9 fillers) 4 w/12 (8 fillers) 5 w/12 (7 fillers) 6 w/12 (6 fillers) 7 w/12 (5 fillers) 8 w/12 (4 fillers) 9 w/12 (3 fillers) 10 w/12 (2 fillers) 11 w/12 (1 filler) 12 w/12 (no fillers) AE00696420AA1 AE01296420AA1 AE01896420AA1 AE02496420AA1 AE0069C420AA0 AE0129C420AA0 AE0189C420AA0 AE0249C420AA0 AE0309C420AA0 AE0369C420AA0 AE0489C420AA0 AE0069C520AA4 AE0129C520AA4 AE0189C520AA4 AE0249C520AA4 AE0309C520AA4 AE0369C520AA4 AE0489C520AA4 AE0609C520AA4 AE0069C820EA7 AE0129C820EA7 AE0189C820EA7 AE0249C820EA7 AE0309C820EA7 AE0369C820EA7 AE0489C820EA7 AE0609C820EA7 AE0729C820EA7 AE0849C820EA7 AE0969C820EA7 AE0129CC20EA0 AE0249CC20EA0 AE0369CC20EA0 AE0489CC20EA0 AE0609CC20EA0 AE0729CC20EA0 AE0849CC20EA0 AE0969CC20EA0 AE1089CC20EA0 AE1209CC20EA0 AE1329CC20EA0 AE1449CC20EA0 AE00666420AA1 AE01266420AA1 AE01866420AA1 AE02466420AA1 AE0066C420AA0 AE0126C420AA0 AE0186C420AA0 AE0246C420AA0 AE0306C420AA0 AE0366C420AA0 AE0486C420AA0 AE0066C520AA4 AE0126C520AA4 AE0186C520AA4 AE0246C520AA4 AE0306C520AA4 AE0366C520AA4 AE0486C520AA4 AE0606C520AA4 AE0066C820EA7 AE0126C820EA7 AE0186C820EA7 AE0246C820EA7 AE0306C820EA7 AE0366C820EA7 AE0486C820EA7 AE0606C820EA7 AE0726C820EA7 AE0846C820EA7 AE0966C820EA7 AE0126CC20EA0 AE0246CC20EA0 AE0366CC20EA0 AE0486CC20EA0 AE0606CC20EA0 AE0726CC20EA0 AE0846CC20EA0 AE0966CC20EA0 AE1086CC20EA0 AE1206CC20EA0 AE1326CC20EA0 AE1446CC20EA0 AE00656420AA1 AE01256420AA1 AE01856420AA1 AE02456420AA1 AE0065C420AA0 AE0125C420AA0 AE0185C420AA0 AE0245C420AA0 AE0305C420AA0 AE0365C420AA0 AE0485C420AA0 AE0065C520AA4 AE0125C520AA4 AE0185C520AA4 AE0245C520AA4 AE0305C520AA4 AE0365C520AA4 AE0485C520AA4 AE0605C520AA4 AE0065C820EA7 AE0125C820EA7 AE0185C820EA7 AE0245C820EA7 AE0305C820EA7 AE0365C820EA7 AE0485C820EA7 AE0605C820EA7 AE0725C820EA7 AE0845C820EA7 AE0965C820EA7 AE0125CC20EA0 AE0245CC20EA0 AE0365CC20EA0 AE0485CC20EA0 AE0605CC20EA0 AE0725CC20EA0 AE0845CC20EA0 AE0965CC20EA0 AE1085CC20EA0 AE1205CC20EA0 AE1325CC20EA0 AE1445CC20EA0 Contact customer service for price and availability. Non-zero dispersion-shifted fibers are also available. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2010, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00013, Revision 4, 7.17.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 93 Fiber Optic Cable Mini-Span ADSS Cable ® Sag and Tension Information MINI-SPAN 383 MINI-SPAN 323 CABLE SPAN FEET METERS 50 15 75 23 100 30 125 38 150 46 175 53 200 61 225 69 250 76 275 84 300 91 325 99 350 107 375 114 400 122 425 130 450 137 475 145 500 152 50 15 75 23 100 30 125 38 150 46 175 53 200 61 225 69 250 76 275 84 300 91 325 99 350 107 375 114 400 122 425 130 450 137 INITIAL SAG % 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 INITIAL TENSION LBS N 15 67 22 98 30 133 37 165 44 196 52 232 59 262 66 294 74 329 81 360 88 392 96 427 103 458 111 494 118 525 125 556 133 592 140 623 147 654 20 89 30 133 41 182 51 227 61 271 71 316 81 360 91 405 101 449 112 498 122 543 132 587 142 632 152 676 162 721 172 765 183 814 NESC LIGHT LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 0.4 66 294 0.5 90 339 0.5 111 494 0.5 131 583 0.5 150 667 0.6 168 748 0.6 185 825 0.6 202 900 0.6 219 973 0.6 235 1,044 0.6 250 1,113 0.7 265 1,181 0.7 280 1,247 0.7 295 1,312 0.7 309 1,376 0.7 324 1,440 0.7 338 1,502 0.7 351 1,563 0.7 365 1,624 0.5 76 337 0.5 103 457 0.6 128 568 0.6 151 671 0.6 173 768 0.6 194 862 0.7 214 952 0.7 234 1,040 0.7 253 1,125 0.7 272 1,209 0.7 290 1,290 0.8 308 1,370 0.8 325 1,448 0.8 343 1,525 0.8 360 1,601 0.8 377 1,676 0.8 393 1,750 NESC MEDIUM LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 2.1 101 449 2.3 135 602 2.5 166 741 2.7 195 867 2.8 222 989 3.0 248 1,104 3.1 273 1,214 3.2 297 1,321 3.3 320 1,424 3.4 342 1,524 3.5 364 1,621 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 2.2 108 482 2.4 146 648 2.6 179 798 2.8 211 938 2.9 240 1,070 3.0 269 1,196 3.2 296 1,317 3.3 322 1,434 3.4 348 1,547 3.5 372 1,657 3.5 397 1,765 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NESC HEAVY LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 3.2 152 677 3.6 202 901 3.9 248 1,102 4.2 289 1,288 4.5 329 1,463 4.7 366 1,629 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3.2 161 717 3.6 215 956 4.0 263 1,171 4.2 308 1,370 4.5 350 1,558 4.7 390 1,736 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Typical Cable Components 4 Position 323 or 383 polyethylene outer jacket tape torque balanced aramid ripcord FRP central member gel-filled loose buffer tube with optical fibers water-blocking system www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2010, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00013, Revision 4, 7.17.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 94 Fiber Optic Cable Mini-Span ADSS Cable ® Sag and Tension Information MINI-SPAN 424 CABLE SPAN FEET METERS 50 15 75 23 100 30 125 38 150 46 175 53 200 61 225 69 250 76 275 84 300 91 325 99 350 107 375 114 400 122 425 130 450 137 475 145 500 152 525 160 550 168 575 175 600 183 INITIAL SAG % 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 INITIAL TENSION LBS N 35 156 53 236 71 316 88 391 106 472 124 552 141 627 159 707 177 787 194 863 212 943 230 1,023 247 1,099 265 1,179 283 1,259 300 1,334 318 1,415 336 1,495 353 1,570 371 1,650 389 1,730 406 1,806 424 1,886 NESC LIGHT LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 0.4 104 463 0.4 142 632 0.5 176 783 0.5 208 925 0.5 238 1,059 0.5 268 1,192 0.6 296 1,317 0.6 324 1,441 0.6 351 1,561 0.6 378 1,681 0.6 404 1,737 0.6 429 1,908 0.6 455 2,024 0.6 479 2,131 0.6 504 2,242 0.7 528 2,349 0.7 552 2,455 0.7 576 2,562 0.7 600 2,669 0.7 623 2,771 0.7 646 2,874 0.7 669 2,976 0.7 692 3,078 NESC MEDIUM LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 1.7 142 632 1.9 191 850 2.1 235 1,095 2.2 276 1,228 2.4 315 1,401 2.5 353 1,570 2.6 389 1,730 2.7 424 1,886 2.7 458 2,037 2.8 491 2,184 2.8 524 2,331 2.9 556 2,473 3.0 587 2,611 3.0 618 2,749 3.1 648 2,882 3.1 678 3,016 3.2 703 3,145 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NESC HEAVY LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 2.6 207 921 3.0 275 1,223 3.2 337 1,499 3.4 395 1,757 3.6 449 1,997 3.8 501 2,229 4.0 50 2,447 4.1 598 2,660 4.2 645 2,869 4.3 690 3,069 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Typical Cable Components 5 Position 424 polyethylene outer jacket tape torque balanced aramid ripcord FRP central member gel-filled loose buffer tube with optical fibers water-blocking system www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2010, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00013, Revision 4, 7.17.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 95 Fiber Optic Cable Mini-Span ADSS Cable ® Sag and Tension Information MINI-SPAN 693 MINI-SPAN 535 CABLE SPAN FEET METERS 50 15 100 30 150 46 200 61 250 76 300 91 350 107 400 122 450 137 500 152 550 168 575 175 600 183 650 198 700 213 750 229 800 244 850 259 900 274 950 290 1,000 305 1,050 320 50 15 100 30 150 46 200 61 250 76 300 91 350 107 400 122 450 137 500 152 550 168 600 183 650 198 700 213 750 229 INITIAL SAG % 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 INITIAL TENSION LBS N 62 276 124 552 187 832 249 1,108 311 1,383 373 1,659 435 1,935 497 2,211 560 2,491 622 2,767 684 3,043 715 3,180 746 3,318 808 3,594 870 3,870 933 4,150 995 4,426 1,057 4,702 1,119 4,978 1,181 5,253 1,243 5,529 1,306 5,809 94 418 188 836 282 1,255 376 1,673 470 2,091 565 2,514 659 2,932 753 3,350 847 3,769 941 4,187 1,035 4,605 1,129 5,023 1,223 5,442 1,317 5,860 1,411 6,278 NESC LIGHT LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 0.4 160 713 0.5 274 1,220 0.6 375 1,670 0.6 469 2,088 0.6 559 2,486 0.6 645 2,868 0.7 728 3,239 0.7 810 3,601 0.7 889 3,956 0.7 968 4,304 0.7 1,045 4,647 0.7 1,083 4,817 0.7 1,121 4,985 0.8 1,196 5,320 0.8 1,270 5,650 0.8 1,344 5,978 0.8 1,417 6,303 0.8 1,489 6,625 0.8 1,561 6,945 0.8 1,633 7,263 0.8 1,704 7,579 0.8 1,775 7,894 0.5 201 894 0.6 347 1,544 0.6 479 2,131 0.7 602 2,679 0.7 721 3,208 0.7 836 3,720 0.8 949 4,223 0.8 1,059 4,712 0.8 1,168 5,197 0.8 1,275 5,673 0.8 1,381 6,145 0.8 1,486 6,612 0.8 1,591 7,079 0.9 1,694 7,537 0.9 1,797 7,996 NESC MEDIUM LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 1.5 206 918 1.7 347 1,542 1.9 469 2,087 2.1 582 2,590 2.2 689 3,063 2.3 790 3,515 2.4 888 3,951 2.5 983 4,374 2.5 1,076 4,785 2.6 1,166 5,188 2.7 1,255 5,583 2.7 1,299 5,778 2.7 1,342 5,971 2.8 1,428 6,353 2.8 1,513 6,730 2.8 1,597 7,102 2.9 1,679 7,469 2.9 1,761 7,833 — — — — — — — — — — — — 1.5 241 1,072 1.8 409 1,820 2.0 559 2,487 2.1 698 3,106 2.2 830 3,693 2.3 958 4,263 2.4 1,081 4,810 2.5 1,202 5,348 2.5 1,321 5,878 2.6 1,437 6,394 2.6 1,552 6,906 2.7 1,665 7,408 — — — — — — — — — NESC HEAVY LOADING SAG TENSION % LBS N 2.1 297 1,319 2.5 489 2,176 2.8 655 2,915 3.1 807 3,588 3.3 948 4,217 3.4 1,082 4,813 3.6 1,210 5,384 3.7 1,334 5,935 3.8 1,454 6,469 3.9 1,571 6,988 4.0 1,685 7,495 4.1 1,741 7,745 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 2.1 336 1,495 2.6 558 2,483 2.9 752 3,346 3.1 930 4,138 3.3 1,097 4,881 3.4 1,257 5,593 3.6 1,411 6,278 3.7 1,560 6,941 3.8 1,705 7,586 3.9 1,847 8,218 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Typical Cable Components 8 Position 535 12 Position 693 polyethylene outer jacket tape torque balanced aramid ripcord FRP central member gel-filled loose buffer tube with optical fibers water-blocking system www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2010, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00013, Revision 4, 7.17.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 96 Fiber Optic Cable Mini-Span ADSS Cable ® Reel Information REEL SPECS REEL A ITEM INCHES CM Reel Height 42 106.7 Reel Width Outside 36 91.4 Reel Width Inside 32 81.6 Drum Diameter 23 58.7 Arbor Hole Diameter 3 7.9 Reel Weight with Lagging 180 lbs 82 kg MAXIMUM CABLE LENGTH (feet/meters) Mini-Span 323 15,256 ft 4,650 m Mini-Span 383 10,827 ft 3,300 m Mini-Span 424 8,850 ft 2,700 m Mini-Span 484 6,500 ft 2,000 m Mini-Span 535 5,500 ft 1,675 m Mini-Span 693 — — REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 182.8 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 320 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg 32,800 ft 25,202 ft 20,250 ft 15,750 ft 12,800 ft 9,300 ft — 32,800 ft 26,250 ft 21,000 ft 17,225 ft 12,500 ft — — 32,800 ft 32,800 ft 26,000 ft 16,330 ft — — — — 32,800 ft 23,000 ft 10,000 m 7,700 m 6,200 m 4,800 m 3,900 m 2,835 m — 10,000 m 8,000 m 6,450 m 5,250 m 3,810 m — — 10,000 m 10,000 m 6,920 m 4,975 m — — — — 10,000 m 7,000 m AFL provides ADSS cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available on request. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2010, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00013, Revision 4, 7.17.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 97 Fiber Optic Cable Flex-Span™ ADSS Fiber Optic Cable Flex-Span ADSS expands on AFL's single jacket ADSS portfolio. Flex-Span designs are optimized for a broader combination of fiber counts and span lengths, providing ADSS system designers more flexibility in their product selection. As its name indicates, there is no support or messenger wire required, so installation is achieved in a single pass. Flex-Span ADSS includes fiber counts up to 144 optical fibers and any type or combination of single-mode or multimode fibers within the cable. Pole-to-pole span lengths range from 50 ft. to over 1,000 ft. Temperature Range Features Operating: -40ºC to +70ºC •• Suitable for use on distribution lines •• Gel-filled buffer tubes are S-Z stranded for easy mid-span access •• Cable is water-blocked using dry core technology, therefore no messy flooding compounds •• Design details listed below for span lengths up to 1100 ft (457 m) and fiber counts up to 144 •• Requires the use of formed wire dead ends Storage: -50ºC to +70ºC REEL CAPACITY Installation:-30ºC to +70ºC CABLE DIAMETER FEET METERS < 0.85" (21.6 mm) 23,000 7,000 NOTE: Longer lengths may be available upon request. Cable Components (Representative) polyethylene outer jacket tape torque balanced aramid yarns ripcord FRP central member gel-filled loose buffer tube (2-12 optical fibers / tube) Optical Information FIBER TYPE (6) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 300 (8) 62.5/125 GIGA-Link™ 1000 (5) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 600 (7) 50/125 GIGA-Link™ 2000 (L) 50 Laser-Link™ 300 (9) Single-mode (Q) Non-zero Dispersion-shifted Single-mode (K) SM Futureguide SR-15e Bend Insensitive Typical Maximum Lengths water-blocking system MAXIMUM ATTENUATION (dB/km) 850 nm 1300 nm 1310 nm 1550 nm 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 3.5 1.2 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A 2.9 0.9 N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 N/A N/A N/A 0.25 N/A N/A 0.35 0.25 OVERFILL LAUNCH MIN. BANDWIDTH (MHz•km) 850 nm 1300 nm 200 600 350 600 500 500 500 800 1500 500 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A GIGABIT ETHERNET MINIMUM LINK DISTANCE (meters) 850 nm 1300 nm 300 550 500 1000 600 600 750 2000 900 550 N/A 5000 N/A N/A N/A 5000 Gigabit Ethernet Minimum Link Distances are based on “bandwidth”/modal dispersion constraints. Actual link distances may be constrained by attenuation, depending on specific loss budget. Reel Information ITEM Reel Height Reel Width Outside Reel Width Inside Drum Diameter Arbor Hole Diameter Reel Weight with Lagging REEL A INCHES CM 106.7 42 36 91.4 32 81.6 23 58.7 3 7.9 180 lbs 82 kg REEL B INCHES CM 58 147.3 38 96.5 32 81.3 28 71.1 3 7.9 420 lbs 191 kg REEL C INCHES CM 66 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 685 lbs 311 kg REEL D INCHES CM 72 167.6 42 106.7 36 91.4 36 91.4 3 7.9 710 lbs 311 kg REEL E INCHES CM 84 213.4 40 101.6 34 86.4 35 88.9 3 7.9 950 lbs 431 kg AFL provides ADSS cable on several standard sizes of non-returnable wooden reels. Non-standard reel sizes are available upon request. www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00070, Revision 0, 2.25.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 98 Fiber Optic Cable Flex-Span™ ADSS Fiber Optic Cable NESC LIGHT @ 1.5% INSTALLATION SAG SPAN FEET METERS L I G H T 12 FIBERS 525 160 600 183 700 213 800 244 925 282 1050 320 1100 335 24 FIBERS 525 160 600 183 700 213 800 244 925 282 1010 308 1100 335 48 FIBERS 525 160 600 183 700 213 800 244 925 282 1030 314 1100 335 72 FIBERS 725 221 800 244 875 267 975 297 1075 328 96 FIBERS 925 282 1000 305 144 FIBERS 1050 320 1 WEIGHT AFL NO. DIAMETER MRCL UNLOADED LBS N INITIAL TENSION1 LOADED SAG % LBS LBS/FT KG/KM INCHES MM LBS N N AE012C520A08 AE012C520AA0 AE012C520AA5 AE012C520E08 AE012C520EA1 AE012C520EA2 AE012C520EA4 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 84 84 84 88 88 88 88 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 598 746 809 999 1062 1189 2398 2661 3320 3600 4445 4726 5291 248 284 333 395 457 519 544 1104 1264 1482 1758 2034 2309 2421 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 521 592 702 807 947 1059 1127 2318 2634 3124 3591 4214 4712 5015 AE024C520A08 AE024C520AA0 AE024C520AA5 AE024C520EA0 AE024C520EA1 AE024C520EA2 AE024C520EA4 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 86 86 86 90 90 90 90 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 598 746 936 999 1062 1189 2398 2661 3320 4165 4445 4726 5291 252 289 338 402 464 507 553 1121 1286 1504 1789 2065 2256 2461 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 523 594 705 838 951 1032 1131 2327 2643 3137 3729 4232 4592 5033 AE048C520A08 AE048C520AA1 AE048C520AA5 AE048C520EA0 AE048C520EA1 AE048C520EA2 AE048C520EA4 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 89 89 89 93 93 93 93 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 628 746 936 999 1062 1189 2398 2794 3320 4165 4445 4726 5291 261 298 349 414 479 534 570 1161 1326 1553 1842 2131 2376 2536 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 528 606 711 845 958 1056 1140 2350 2697 3164 3760 4263 4699 5073 AE072C620A08 AE072C620AA0 AE072C620AA3 AE072C620AA7 AE072C620EA0 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 112 112 112 112 112 0.465 0.465 0.465 0.465 0.465 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 854 913 1002 1120 1250 3800 4063 4459 4984 5562 454 501 548 611 674 2020 2229 2438 2719 2999 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 832 911 998 1113 1230 3702 4054 4441 4953 5473 AE096C820A08 AE096C820AA1 0.1 0.1 148 149 0.528 0.528 13.4 13.4 1296 1384 5767 6159 769 832 3422 3702 1 1 1270 1370 5651 6096 AE144CC20A08 0.164 244 0.673 17.10 2070 9211 1433 6377 1.1 2048 9113 Initial tension indicates tension before 10 year creep. Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number corresponding to desired fiber type below. 5 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 600 7 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 2000 6 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 300 8 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 1000 L = 50/125 µm multimode Laser-Link™ 300 9 = Single-mode K = SM Futureguide SR-15e Bend Insensitive Q = Non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00070, Revision 0, 2.25.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 99 Fiber Optic Cable Flex-Span™ ADSS Fiber Optic Cable NESC MEDIUM @ 1.5% INSTALLATION SAG SPAN AFL NO. FEET METERS M E D I U M 12 FIBERS 375 114 400 122 500 152 550 168 650 198 700 213 800 244 24 FIBERS 375 114 400 122 500 152 625 190 650 198 700 213 800 244 48 FIBERS 375 114 425 130 500 152 625 190 650 198 700 213 800 244 72 FIBERS 525 160 575 175 625 190 710 216 800 244 96 FIBERS 725 221 775 236 144 FIBERS 875 1 267 WEIGHT DIAMETER MRCL UNLOADED LBS N INITIAL TENSION1 LOADED SAG % LBS LBS/FT KG/KM INCHES MM LBS N N AE012C520A08 AE012C520AA0 AE012C520AA5 AE012C520E08 AE012C520EA1 AE012C520EA2 AE012C520EA4 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 84 84 84 88 88 88 88 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 598 746 809 999 1062 1189 2398 2661 3320 3600 4445 4726 5291 178 189 238 272 321 346 396 792 841 1059 1210 1428 1540 1762 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 532 573 717 793 949 1018 1157 2367 2550 3191 3529 4223 4530 5148 AE024C520A08 AE024C520AA0 AE024C520AA5 AE024C520EA0 AE024C520EA1 AE024C520EA2 AE024C520EA4 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 86 86 86 90 90 90 90 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 598 746 936 999 1062 1189 2398 2661 3320 4165 4445 4726 5291 181 192 242 314 326 352 402 805 854 1077 1397 1451 1566 1789 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 533 575 719 908 951 1021 1160 2372 2559 3199 4040 4232 4543 5162 AE048C520A08 AE048C520AA1 AE048C520AA5 AE048C520EA0 AE048C520EA1 AE048C520EA2 AE048C520EA4 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 89 89 89 93 93 93 93 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 628 746 936 999 1062 1189 2398 2794 3320 4165 4445 4726 5291 187 211 250 324 337 363 415 832 939 1112 1442 1500 1615 1847 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.5 536 612 723 913 957 1027 1167 2385 2723 3217 4063 4258 4570 5193 AE072C620A08 AE072C620AA0 AE072C620AA3 AE072C620AA7 AE072C620EA0 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 112 112 112 112 112 0.465 0.465 0.465 0.465 0.465 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 854 913 1002 1120 1250 3800 4063 4459 4984 5562 328 360 391 445 501 1460 1602 1740 1980 2229 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 825 899 979 1108 1245 3671 4000 4356 4930 5540 AE096C820A08 AE096C820AA1 0.1 0.1 148 149 0.528 0.528 13.4 13.4 1296 1384 5767 6159 603 645 2683 2870 3.4 3.4 1282 1370 5705 6096 AE144CC20A08 0.164 244 0.673 17.10 2070 9211 1195 5318 3.2 2028 9024 Initial tension indicates tension before 10 year creep. Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number corresponding to desired fiber type below. 5 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 600 7 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 2000 6 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 300 8 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 1000 L = 50/125 µm multimode Laser-Link™ 300 9 = Single-mode K = SM Futureguide SR-15e Bend Insensitive Q = Non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00070, Revision 0, 2.25.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 100 Fiber Optic Cable Flex-Span™ ADSS Fiber Optic Cable NESC HEAVY @ 1.5% INSTALLATION SAG SPAN AFL NO. FEET METERS H E A V Y 12 FIBERS 200 61 250 76 300 91 325 99 400 122 450 137 500 152 24 FIBERS 200 61 250 76 300 91 375 114 400 122 450 137 500 152 48 FIBERS 200 61 250 76 300 91 375 114 400 122 450 137 500 152 72 FIBERS 300 91 350 107 400 122 450 137 500 152 96 FIBERS 400 122 500 152 144 FIBERS 600 183 1 WEIGHT DIAMETER MRCL UNLOADED LBS N INITIAL TENSION1 LOADED SAG % LBS LBS/FT KG/KM INCHES MM LBS N N AE012C520A08 AE012C520AA0 AE012C520AA5 AE012C520E08 AE012C520EA1 AE012C520EA2 AE012C520EA4 0.057 0.057 0.057 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 84 84 84 88 88 88 88 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 598 746 809 999 1062 1189 2398 2661 3320 3600 4445 4726 5291 95 118 143 160 198 222 247 423 525 636 712 881 988 1099 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 485 585 710 775 955 1057 1177 2158 2603 3159 3449 4250 4703 5237 AE024C520A08 AE024C520AA0 AE024C520AA5 AE024C520EA0 AE024C520EA1 AE024C520EA2 AE024C520EA4 0.058 0.058 0.058 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 86 86 86 90 90 90 90 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 598 746 936 999 1062 1189 2398 2661 3320 4165 4445 4726 5291 96 120 145 188 201 219 251 427 534 645 837 894 975 1117 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 485 586 712 897 957 1054 1179 2158 2608 3168 3991 4258 4690 5246 AE048C520A08 AE048C520AA1 AE048C520AA5 AE048C520EA0 AE048C520EA1 AE048C520EA2 AE048C520EA4 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.062 0.062 0.062 0.062 89 89 89 93 93 93 93 0.425 0.425 0.425 0.433 0.433 0.433 0.433 10.8 10.8 10.8 11 11 11 11 539 628 746 936 999 1062 1189 2398 2794 3320 4165 4445 4726 5291 99 124 150 194 207 233 259 441 552 667 863 921 1037 1153 4.5 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.7 4.7 487 596 714 900 960 1062 1183 2167 2652 3177 4005 4272 4726 5264 AE072C620A08 AE072C620AA0 AE072C620AA3 AE072C620AA7 AE072C620EA0 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 0.075 112 112 112 112 112 0.465 0.465 0.465 0.465 0.465 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 11.8 854 913 1002 1120 1250 3800 4063 4459 4984 5562 188 219 250 282 313 837 975 1112 1255 1393 4.4 4.6 4.6 4.6 4.6 774 880 995 1117 1243 3444 3916 4428 4970 5531 AE096C820A08 AE096C820AA1 0.1 0.1 148 149 0.528 0.528 13.4 13.4 1296 1384 5767 6159 333 416 1482 1851 4.3 4.5 1140 1364 5073 6070 AE144CC20A08 0.164 244 0.673 17.10 2070 9211 819 3644 4.3 2007 8931 Initial tension indicates tension before 10 year creep. Note: Diameter and weight subject to change without notice Fiber Types – Replace asterisk () in AFL number with number corresponding to desired fiber type below. 5 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 600 7 = 50/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 2000 6 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 300 8 = 62.5/125 µm multimode GIGA-Link™ 1000 L = 50/125 µm multimode Laser-Link™ 300 9 = Single-mode K = SM Futureguide SR-15e Bend Insensitive Q = Non-zero dispersion-shifted single-mode www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 © 2014, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-1-00070, Revision 0, 2.25.14 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 101 Mini-Dead Ends The Mini-Dead Ends are designed for fast and easy installation of your ADSS Mini-Span® cable. The Mini-Dead End is ideal in crowded distribution environments where its shorter length allows for efficient installation. This unique low-cost product is used in typical spans with 1%-2% installation sag. Features ADESDFW2-256 & 307 • Easy and quick installation • No special tools or hardware required for installation • Small, requiring less storage space Ordering Information ADELD2E-323T & 383T ADELD2E-424005TE * shown with optional thimble eye APPLICATION & DESCRIPTION Aerial Drop 256 150 ft NESC heavy, 275 ft NESC medium, 550 ft NESC light AFL NO. ADESDFW2-256 Aerial Drop 307—Short Span (250 lb max. tension) 65 ft NESC heavy, 115 ft NESC medium, 210 ft NESC light ADESDFW2-307 Aerial Drop 307—Long Span 220 ft NESC heavy, 400 ft NESC medium, 675 ft NESC light ADELD2E-013TE ADSS Mini-Span 323 175 ft NESC heavy, 300 ft NESC medium, 500 ft NESC light ADSS Mini-Span 383 180 ft NESC heavy, 300 ft NESC medium, 450 ft NESC light ADSS Mini-Span 424 275 ft NESC heavy, 450 ft NESC medium, 600 ft NESC light ADSS Mini-Span 484 275 ft NESC heavy, 400 ft NESC medium, 525 ft NESC light ADELD2E-323T ADELD2E-383T ADELD2E-424005 ADEMS484 NOTE: Part numbers ADEMS484, ADEW10J1-AL535, and ADEW16J1-AL693 attach to structure via common pole hardware sold separately such as thimble eye, ram’s head, guy hooks, etc. For spans greater than the span lengths above, contact Customer Service. ADEMS484 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00028, Revision 4, 9.26.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 102 Mini-Bracket Mini Brackets are used for short and medium spans of ADSS fiber optic cable as well as Aerial Drop cables. Mini Brackets are sized to fit specific ADSS diameters. Standard Mini Brackets are employed with fitted bushings to provide a good support/groove fit and to prevent the support from damaging the cable. The bolted supports are supplied with aluminum captive bolts to simplify installation with no loose parts. Features Maximum one side angle: 8.5 degrees Mini-Bracket Estimated weight: 2.9 lbs. (1.3 Kg) Maximum rated strength: 3,000 lbs. Hand tighten bolt to 25 in. lbs. (2.8 N-m) Slip load at 4 to 6% of RBS Ordering Information DESCRIPTION AFL NO. Aerial Drop 256 maximum line angle =17° (150 ft NESC heavy, 275 ft NESC medium, 550 ft NESC light) AMBB256 Aerial Drop 307 maximum line angle =17° (220 ft NESC heavy, 400 ft NESC medium, 675 ft NESC light) AMBB307 ADSS Mini-Span 424 maximum line angle =17° (275 ft NESC heavy, 450 ft NESC medium, 600 ft NESC light) AMBB424 ADSS Mini-Span 484 maximum line angle =17° (275 ft NESC heavy, 400 ft NESC medium, 525 ft NESC light) AMBB484-535 ADSS Mini-Span 535 maximum line angle =17° (350 ft NESC heavy, 550 ft NESC medium, 675 ft NESC light) AMBB484-535 Mini Formed Wire Tangent Support (FTS) Formed Wire Tangent Supports (FTS) are used with ADSS Mini-Span® 323 and Mini-Span® 383 for short span applications. Tangent supports provide a method of attaching AFL’s smallest ADSS Mini-Span designs with excellent unbalanced load capability and bend relief support. This product is designed to connect directly to J-hooks on wood poles for an economical solution. ATS 321/330 ATS 371/383 Ordering Information DESCRIPTION AFL NO. ADSS Mini-Span 323 maximum line angle = 20°(175 ft NESC heavy, 300 ft NESC medium, 500 ft NESC light) ATS321/330 ADSS Mini-Span 383 maximum line angle = 20°(180 ft NESC heavy, 300 ft NESC medium, 450 ft NESC light) ATS371/383 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00027, Revision 2, 8.31.11 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 103 Wedge Dead End (to be used only on Standard ADSS Cable up to 0.890" diameter, 144 fibers) AFL offers wedge dead ends that ease and speed ADSS cable installation. The ADSS Wedge Dead End is ideal in crowded distribution environments because its shorter length allows for safer and efficient installation. The Wedge Dead End comes with all parts assembled. The side plates are properly aligned with spacers and self-locking hex bolts, as well as retainers. Lubricated wedges are pre-installed inside the body of the dead end. ADEW10J1-AL535 Caution: The load ratings shown here are based on performance results of certain cable configurations and may not be representative of all manufacturers’ ADSS cable designs. AFL strongly recommends that before using this product, you contact AFL to obtain the recommended load rating and to verify that the wedge dead end has been qualified for use with the proposed cable. AFL will perform a qualification test at no charge. Specifications PARAMETER ADEW16J1-AL693 Benefits • Wedge-type design is safer than spiral wrap style dead ends • Fewer parts, smaller and easier to store • Attaches to structure via common pole hardware sold separately (thimble eye, ram’s head, etc.) VALUE Wedge Length 10" or 16" depending on cable characteristics Cable O.D. 0.512" to 0.890" (13 mm to 22.6 mm) Hold Strength 100% of Maximum Rated Cable Load (MRCL) Maximum Attenuation Change 0.05 dB at 100% MRCL APPLICATION & DESCRIPTION ADSS Mini-Span® 535 500 ft NESC heavy, 700 ft NESC medium, 875 ft NESC light Maximum loading capability is 1500 lbs. ADSS Mini-Span 693 500 ft NESC heavy, 600 ft NESC medium, 750 ft NESC light Maximum loading capability is 1500 lbs. AFL NO. ADEW10J1-AL535 ADEW16J1-AL693 Features • Easier and faster installation • Lower total system costs • No special tools or hardware required for installation Ordering Information for Double Jacket Cables ADE ADSS Dead End W Wedge Type Dead End 16 J2 AL YYY Length of wedge component ADSS Jacket Type Cable Manufacturer Code Cable Diameter (in Inches) J2 = Double Layer 16 = 16 inch type Max. Load Rating = 3000 lbs. AL = AFL Application Notes: 1. For use with ADSS cables with polyethylene jackets only. Not for use on track resistant ADSS cable. 2. AFL fiber optic cable and related hardware are designed to work as a system. Dead ends may not be available for cable from other manufacturers. © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00067, Revision 4, 7.23.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 104 Limited Tension Formed Wire Dead End for ADSS Cable 3 4 5 LENGTH "L" ALL DIELECTRIC SELF SUPPORTING CABLE 2 Item 1 2 3 4 5 1 Features • Components strength—15,000 lbs. • Maximum initial tension—up to 1,000 lbs. • Maximum loaded tension—up to 2,500 lbs. • Dead end component cannot be reused • Contact AFL for track-resistant ADSS application Description Reinforcing Rods (SRR) Formed Wire Dead-End Thimble Clevis Extension Link 5/8 Eye Nut Material Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Ordering Information AFL NO. ADESE400/424C CABLE OD (IN) .400-.424 CABLE OD (MM) 10.1-10.7 LENGTH "L" IN (M) 48 (1.2) COLOR CODE Black ADESE425/451C ADESE452/481C ADESE482/510C ADESE511/542C ADESE543/577C ADESE578/613C ADESE614/651C ADESE652/692C ADESE693/737C ADESE738/784C ADESE785/834C ADESE835/889C ADESE890/945C ADESE946/1007C ADESE1008/1073C ADESE1074/1140C ADESE1141/1212C ADESE1213/1288C .425-.451 .452-.481 .482-.510 .511-.542 .543-.577 .578-.613 .614-.651 .652-.692 .693-.737 .738-.784 .785-.834 .835-.889 .890-.945 .946-1.007 1.008-1.073 1.074-1.140 1.141-1.212 1.213-1.288 10.7-11.4 11.4-12.2 12.2-12.9 12.9-13.7 13.7-14.6 14.6-15.5 15.5-16.5 16.6-17.5 17.5-18.7 18.7-19.9 19.9-21.1 21.2-21.5 22.6-24.0 24.0-25.5 25.6-27.2 27.2-28.9 28.9-30.7 30.8-32.5 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 48 (1.2) 60 (1.5) 60 (1.5) 60 (1.5) 60 (1.5) Yellow Green Orange Blue White Red Black Yellow Green Orange Blue White Red Black Yellow Green Orange Blue © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00013, Revision 3, 7.23.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 105 Medium Tension Dead End for ADSS Cable 3 4 5 LENGTH "L" ALL DIELECTRIC SELF SUPPORTING CABLE 2 Item 1 2 3 4 5 1 Features • Component strength—15,000 lbs. • Maximum initial tension—up to 2,000 lbs. • Maximum loaded tension—up to 4,000 lbs. • Dead end component cannot be reused • Contact AFL for track-resistant ADSS application Description Reinforcing Rods (SRR) Formed Wire Dead-End Thimble Clevis Extension Link 5/8 Eye Nut Material Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Ordering Information AFL NO. ADEME482/510C CABLE OD (IN) .482-.510 CABLE OD (MM) 12.2–12.9 LENGTH "L" IN (M) 85(2.2) COLOR CODE Orange ADEME511/542C ADEME543/577C ADEME578/613C ADEME614/651C ADEME652/692C ADEME693/737C ADEME738/784C ADEME785/834C ADEME835/889C ADEME890/945C ADEME946/1007C ADEME1008/1073C ADEME1074/1140C ADEME1141/1212C ADEME1213/1288C .511-.542 .543-.577 .578-.613 .614-.651 .652-.692 .693-.737 .738-.784 .785-.834 .835-.889 .890-.945 .946-1.007 1.008-1.073 1.074-1.140 1.141-1.212 1.213-1.288 12.9–13.7 13.7–14.6 14.6–15.5 15.5–16.5 16.5–17.5 17.6–18.7 18.7–19.9 19.9–21.1 21.2–22.5 22.6.–24.0 24.0–25.5 25.6–27.2 27.2–28.9 28.9–30.7 30.8–32.5 85(2.2) 85(2.2) 85(2.2) 85(2.2) 85(2.2) 85(2.2) 85(2.2) 90(2.3) 90(2.3) 95(2.4) 95(2.4) 97(2.5) 100(2.5) 103(2.6) 105(2.7) Blue White Red Black Yellow Green Orange Blue White Red Black Purple Pink Brown Orange © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00029, Revision 3, 7.23.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 106 Semi-High Tension Dead End for ADSS Cable 3 4 5 ALL DIELECTRIC SELF SUPPORTING CABLE 2 Item 1 2 3 4 5 1 Description Reinforcing Rods (SRR) Formed Wire Dead-End Thimble Clevis Extension Link 5/8 Eye Nut Material Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel Ordering Information Features • Components strength—15,000 lbs. • Maximum initial tension—up to 4,000 lbs. • Maximum loaded tension—up to 7,500 lbs. • Dead end component cannot be reused • Contact AFL for Length Information and track-resistant ADSS application • Lengths range from 100" to 134" AFL NO. ADELE511/542C CABLE OD (IN) .511-.542 CABLE OD (MM) 12.9-13.7 COLOR CODE Blue ADELE543/577C ADELE578/613C ADELE614/651C ADELE652/692C ADELE693/737C ADELE738/784C ADELE785/834C ADELE835/889C ADELE890/945C ADELE946/1007C ADELE1008/1073C ADELE1074/1140C ADELE1141/1212C ADELE1213/1288C .543-.577 .578-.613 .614-.651 .652-.692 .693-.737 .738-.784 .785-.834 .835-.889 .890-.945 .946-1.007 1.008-1.073 1.074-1.140 1.141-1.212 1.213-1.288 13.7-14.6 14.6-15.5 15.5-16.5 16.5-17.5 17.6-18.7 18.7-19.9 19.9-21.1 21.2-22.5 22.6-24.0 24.0-25.5 25.6-27.2 27.2-28.9 28.9-30.7 30.8-32.5 White Red Black Yellow Green Orange Blue White Red Black Purple Pink Brown Orange © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00605, Revision 3, 7.23.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 107 Trunnion Assemblies AFL offers trunnions with various mounting capabilities: bolted, banded or standoff. Trunnions reduce installation costs by functioning as a pull-through during installation (maximum line angle for stringing is 15° total, 7.5° per side, number of structures not to exceed 30). No block or pulley is needed provided these conditions are met. Features • May be used as a pull-through by removing the bushing inserts • High-strength aluminum • Smaller and more compact design • Facilitates faster installation • Color-coded range taking inserts for easy identification • Versatile mounting styles to fit different structure types: bolted, banded or standoff • Banding and pole hardware supplied by customer • Lowers the total cost of installation • Span Length: 600 ft. - NESC Heavy 1,200 ft. - NESC Light Ordering Information CABLE O.D. RANGE EST. WEIGHT INCHES MILLIMETERS LBS. KG BUSHING COLOR AFL NO. 0.420" - 0.474" 10.67 - 12.05 2.05 .930 Black ATGN420/474 0.475" - 0.525" 12.07 - 13.34 2.05 .930 Blue ATGN475/525 0.526" - 0.575" 13.36 - 14.61 2.05 .930 Orange ATGN526/575 0.576" - 0.625" 14.63 - 15.88 2.04 .925 Brown ATGN576/625 0.626" - 0.675" 15.90 - 17.15 2.04 .925 Green ATGN626/675 0.676" - 0.725" 17.17 - 18.42 2.03 .921 White ATGN676/725 0.726" - 0.775" 18.44 - 19.69 2.03 .921 Red ATGN726/775 0.776" - 0.825" 19.71 - 20.96 2.02 .916 Purple ATGN776/825 0.826" - 0.875" 20.98 - 22.23 2.02 .916 Yellow ATGN826/875 0.876" - 0.925" 22.25 - 23.50 2.02 .916 Pink ATGN876/925 Application Notes: 1. For use with ADSS cables with polyethylene jackets only. Not for use on track resistant ADSS cable. 2. As a stringing block: Maximum line angle = 15º (7.5º per side) Maximum number of structures = 30 3. For final installation: Maximum line angle = 22º (11º per side) © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00062, Revision 3, 11.28.11 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 108 ADSS Suspension Unit AFL’s ADSS suspension unit is used to provide long term performance for spans up to 1200 feet (see span rating below). The interlocking halves of the aluminum body clamp provides positive alignment and utilize our proven EDPM bushings to gently grip the cable. The 3/8" mounting bolt is held captive by an o-ring. This product cannot be used as a stringing device. Specifications PARAMETER Span Length Rating Vertical Load Rating Torque Requirement Mounting Hardware Line Angle Cable Types Recommended Slip Strength VALUE 600 feet (200 meters) NESC Heavy 900 feet (274 meters) NESC Medium 1200 feet (365 meters) NESC Light 5000 lbs Mounting bolt should be tightened to 25 ft-lb 5/8" oval eye nut and anchor shackle (both parts not shown) can be included in the assembly by adding the suffix "AS01" to the part number Max line angle is 30 degrees For use on standard polyethylene jackets only DO NOT USE on track resistant cables Contact AFL for specific slip strength requirements Ordering Information NOTE: correct orientation of bushing shown above. AFL NO. ASN420/474 ASN475/525 ASN526/575 ASN576/625 ASN626/675 ASN676/725 ASN726/775 ASN776/825 ASN826/875 ASN876/925 ASN926/959 ASN960/1045 CABLE RANGE INCHES 0.420 - 0.474 0.475 - 0.525 0.526 - 0.575 0.576 - 0.625 0.626 - 0.675 0.676 - 0.725 0.726 - 0.775 0.776 - 0.825 0.826 - 0.875 0.876 - 0.925 0.926 - 0.959 0.960 - 0.1045 BELLEVILLE WASHER MM 10.7 - 12.0 12.1 - 13.3 13.4 - 14.6 14.6 - 15.9 15.9 - 17.1 17.2 - 18.4 18.4 - 19.7 19.7 - 21.0 21.0 - 22.2 22.3 - 23.5 23.5 - 24.4 24.4 - 26.5 WEIGHT LBS KG 2.2 1.0 BRUSHING COLOR Black Blue Orange Brown Green White Red Purple Yellow Pink — Gray 3/8" STEEL BOLT EDPM BUSHINGS © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00004, Revision 2, 8.31.11 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 109 Formed Wire Suspension for ADSS Cable L1 1a L2 1b 3 1c Features Item 1a,c 1b 2 3 • For line or elevation angle changes less than 30º • Max vertical load—20,000 lbs. Description Suspension Housing Insert (2 Halves) Reinforcing Rods (SRR) Outer Support Rods 2 Material Aluminum Alloy Elastomer Aluminum Alloy Aluminum Alloy Ordering Information STRUCTURAL REINFORCEMENT RODS LENGTH "L1" ROD DIA. RODS PER CABLE O.D. RANGE (INCHES) (INCHES) SET 0.399" - 0.418" 80 .146 10 COLOR CODE Yellow OUTER RODS LENGTH"L2" ROD DIA. (INCHES) (INCHES) 42 .204 RODS PER SET 11 COLOR CODE Yellow AFL NO. ASU399/418 0.419" - 0.439" 0.440" - 0.458" 0.459" - 0.461" 0.462" - 0.476" 0.477" - 0.503" 0.504" - 0.511" 0.512" - 0.536" 0.537" - 0.559" 0.560" - 0.565" 0.566" - 0.573" 0.574" - 0.598" 0.599" - 0.625" 0.626" - 0.632" 0.633" - 0.666" 0.667" - 0.682" 0.683" - 0.710" 0.711" - 0.728" 0.729" - 0.744" 0.745" - 0.750" 0.751" - 0.786" 0.787" - 0.814" 0.815" - 0.845" 0.846" - 0.855" 0.856" - 0.894" 0.895" - 0.907" 0.908" - 0.916" 0.917" - 0.929" 0.930" - 0.942" 0.943" - 0.977" Black White Purple Purple Orange Red Blue Green Green Black Black Brown Red Red Yellow Yellow White White White White Green Yellow Green Black White Purple Brown Red Orange 42 43 46 46 46 46 49 49 49 54 54 54 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 72 72 72 80 80 80 80 80 80 11 11 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 Black White Orange Purple Orange Purple Blue Green Green Black White Brown Red Blue Green Yellow Black White White Brown Green Yellow Blue Black White Purple Brown Red Orange ASU419/439 ASU440/458 ASU459/461 ASU462/476 ASU477/503 ASU504/511 ASU512/536 ASU537/559 ASU560/565 ASU566/573 ASU574/598 ASU599/625 ASU626/632 ASU633/666 ASU667/682 ASU683/710 ASU711/728 ASU729/744 ASU745/750 ASU751/786 ASU787/814 ASU815/845 ASU846/855 ASU856/894 ASU895/907 ASU908/916 ASU917/929 ASU930/942 ASU943/977 80 81 84 84 84 84 87 87 87 92 92 92 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 111 111 111 119 119 119 119 119 119 .146 .146 .167 .167 .146 .146 .167 .167 .167 .182 .182 .182 .204 .204 .204 .204 .204 .204 .204 .204 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 10 11 10 10 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 13 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 .204 .204 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .250 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .365 .365 .365 .365 .365 .365 .365 .365 .365 © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00022, Revision 2, 10.22.13 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 110 Wood Pole Guide Clamp for ADSS Cable Guide clamps are typically two groove clamps used to guide the cable to splice locations. Clamps are spaced 5 to 8 feet apart to help maintain alignment of the cable down the towers or poles. The clamps may be bolted to the tower or poles or adaptors, and can be supplied for the steel towers, steel poles and concrete poles. Ordering Information – Wood Pole Clamp (Note: not available with metric hardware; 3/8" x 3" lag bolt included ) ADSS DIAMETER - IN. (MM) Wood Pole Clamp DIMENSIONS - IN. (MM) WEIGHT - LBS. (KG) AFL NO. 4.25 (108) .33 (.15) AGW182/274 2.81 (71) 4.25 (108) .33 (.15) AGW275/376 2.81 (71) 4.25 (108) .33 (.15) AGW377/468 0.469 - 0.561 (11.9 - 14.2) 2.81 (71) 4.25 (108) .33 (.15) AGW469/561 0.562 - 0.655 (14.3 - 16.6) 3.50 (89) 5.19 (132) .46 (.21) AGW562/655 0.656 - 0.750 (16.7 - 19.1) 3.50 (89) 5.19 (132) .46 (.21) AGW656/750 A B 0.182 - 0.274 (4.6 - 7.0) 2.81 (71) 0.275 - 0.376 (7.0 - 9.6) 0.377 - 0.468 (9.6 - 11.9) Ordering Example: For .512" diameter ADSS, the part number is AWG 469/561 B 3/8 X 3.00 LG. LAG BOLT 2.00" (51 MM) 1.00" (25 MM) A ADSS ELASTOMER BUSHING © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00070, Revision 1, 8.31.11 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 111 Installation Instructions INS-ACA028 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FDOA B & C Series – Downlead Clamp for OPGW and ADSS with Optional Lattice Structure Adapter WASHER BOLT BUSHING MOUNTING CLAMP DOWNLEAD CLAMP NUT TOWER ANGLE FIG. 1 FIG. 2 1. Attach mounting clamp adapter to tower angle (as illustrated in Fig. 1) with break-away bolt (breaking torque range: 20-25 lbf-ft). 2. Lay the proper OPGW and/or ADSS cable in each bushing groove of the bottom clamp. Place top clamp over the cables and ensure the bushing color code and cable diameter match the table below. 3. Bolt the downlead clamp to mounting clamp (as illustrated in Fig. 2). Hold the mounting clamp and downlead clamp halves while tightening the hardware to prevent rotation and bending of the OPGW and/or ADSS cables. 4. Tighten the bolt on the downlead clamp until a bolt torque of 20-25 lbf-ft is achieved. COLOR RANGE RED-B4 .400 - .500 GREEN-B5 .501 - .600 YELLOW-B6 .601 - .700 BLUE-B7 .701 - .800 WHITE-B8 .801 - .900 BLACK-B9 .900 - 1.00 B10 1.001 - 1.100 CAUTION: In order to avoid any damage to the OPGW and/or ADSS cable, it is essential that the cable be clamped only in the recommended bushings. 112 © 2011, AFL, all rights reserved. Revision 0, 5.27.11 Specifications are subject to change without notice. Spiral Vibration Damper for ADSS or OPGW Cable Spiral Vibration Dampers have a helically formed damping section sized for interplay of damper and cable to provide the action/reaction motion that opposed the natural vibration wave. A smaller gripping section gently grips the cable so that cable and fiber are not damaged or distorted and there is no optical signal loss. These PVC Spiral dampers are recommended for the ADSS cable when the combination of span length and tension indicate by vibration review that external vibration protection is required. CABLE NOTE SMALLER HELIX GRIPPING SECTION 8" DAMPING SECTION Optical Ground Wire Spiral Vibration Damper DIAMETER RANGE AFL NO. INCHES MM TOTAL LENGTH INCH (M) OSVD327/461 .327-.461 8.3-11.6 51 (1.3) OSVD462/563 .462-.563 11.7-14.3 53 (1.3) OSVD564/760 .564-.760 14.4-19.3 61 (1.5) ADSS Spiral Vibration Damper DIAMETER RANGE AFL NO. INCHES MM TOTAL LENGTH INCH (M) AVD250/326 .250-.326 6.3-8.2 49 (1.24) AVD327/461 .327-.461 8.3-11.6 51 (1.30) AVD462/563 .462-.563 11.7-14.3 53 (1.35) AVD564/770 .564-.770 14.4-19.5 65 (1.65) AVD771/876 .771-.876 19.5-22.2 71 (1.80) AVD877/1000 .877-1.00 22.3-25.3 72 (1.91) AVD1001/1250 1.001-1.25 25.4-30.5 75 (2.29) NOTE: OPGW and ADSS Spiral Vibration Dampers are not interchangeable. © 2002, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00058, Revision 3, 7.23.12 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 113 Fiber Storage Units for ADSS Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Storage Units (FSU) are used to conveniently store an extra length of cable along the ADSS cable run for later use. Furnished as pairs (kit contains two Fiber Storage Units and two sets of hanger brackets), these FSU’s are constructed from UV stabilized PPE thermoplastic. All basic hardware for attachment to the ADSS cable is provided. ADSS cable mount support brackets meet Telcordia specifications. Epoxy coated clamping devices meet ASTM specifications A153 and B695. The mounting bracket features an angled, tent-profile, epoxy-coated bracket for standard ADSS cable mounting. Features Basic hanging hardware (bolts, nuts, washers) and strand clamps all included Tie-wrap slots for securing cable Epoxy-coated strand clamps Small profile and side facing channel minimizes ice and leaf loading Constructed from UV stabilized PPE thermoplastic Specifications PARAMETER Nominal Channel Width - in. Minimum Bend Diameter - in. Cable Diameter Range - in. FOS18-AD-4010 1.00 17.5 0.4-1 Ordering Information AFL NO. FOS18-AD-4010 Kits contain one pair of FOSP and two sets of hanger brackets. Typical Installation Diagram © 2008, AFL, all rights reserved. PP-3-00002, Revision 2, 8.31.11 Specifications are subject to change without notice. 114 The Leader in Fiber Optic Training Since 1987, the Light Brigade, AFL’s training division, has trained more than 50,000 technicians, installers, engineers, and designers from a wide variety of industries: telephony, broadband cable, utilities, media broadcast, industrial, manufacturing, mining, government, aerospace, along with various branches of the military. Whether your application is voice, video, and/or data, or you are a service provider, contractor, or end user, The Light Brigade can provide critical training for your personnel to lower operating costs and improve installation efficiency. Instructors Our professional instructors and technicians are technically skilled and have a variety of real world practical experience in all aspects of fiber optics. With experience in applications such as communications, signaling, security, and network control, our instructors provide valuable insight into the design, installation, and operation of state-of-the-art fiber optic systems. Hands-on Training Extensive hands-on training sessions help our attendees to learn fiber optics by doing rather than watching. Attendees spend class time building, testing, and troubleshooting an actual fiber optic system. In each of our courses, the ratio of students to instructors during the hands-on sessions assures that there is direct personal interaction and attention to each student. Technology-based In our training classes, you receive an objective viewpoint, not a sales pitch. We teach fiber techniques that are applicable to any product, and select the best available equipment and supplies from many different manufacturers. You can choose to develop your skills using our state-of-the-art equipment and accessories, or bring your own to learn how to use it more effectively. Relevant Our course materials are constantly updated to stay in step with current and emerging technologies. All of our materials and techniques are written and taught based on the latest standards, recommendations, and codes from ANSI, ITU, TIA/EIA, IEEE, IEC, Telcordia, MSHA, NEC, NESC, and others. Continuing Support To assure continued long-term support, we offer technical assistance to our class attendees. If you have a question or need help after the class is over, our staff is there to help. © 2012, The Light Brigade, all rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice 115 Certification Options Light Brigade Certificate of Completion Everyone who completes one of our courses will receive a Light Brigade Certificate of Completion, signed by the course instructor. This certificate specifies the content and total number of instructional hours for both the classroom and hands-on portion and is traceable to the class attended. Third-party Credits and Certification Many of our classes are eligible for independent certifications through third-party industry organizations and groups. These certifications are typically progressive levels and show competency in hands-on skills and technical knowledge. See individual course for more information. In addition, many of our courses are eligible for BICSI Continuing Education Credits (CECs), SCTE Recertification Units (RUs), IMSA Technical Advancement Recognition Points (TARPs), and Infocomm Recertification Units (RUs). • • • • Fiber Optics 1-2-3 10 • Advanced Hands-on Modules 11 Certified Fiber to the Home Professional 12 FTTx for Installers and Technicians 13 Fiber Characterization 14 • Emergency Restoration 15 • Fiber Optics for Utilities Level 1 16 Fiber Optics for Utilities Level 2 17 Fiber Optics for Utilities Level 3 (Custom) • • Infocomm RUs SCTE RUs Infocomm BICSI CECs UTC Level 3 UTC Level 2 UTC Level 1 IMSA Level III IMSA Level II IMSA Level I FTTH Council CFHP FOA CFOT Utilities Telecom Council (UTC) ETA FOI ETA FOT-OSP International Municipal Signal Association (IMSA) Electronics Technicians Association (ETA) Page Fiber Optic Association (FOA) FTTH Council • • • • • Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers (SCTE) • • – • Fiber Optics for Traffic Systems Level I 18 Fiber Optics for Traffic Systems Level II 18 Fiber Optics for Traffic Systems Level III 18 Fiber Optics for Oil/Gas 19 • Fiber Optics for Mining Applications 20 • Fiber Optics for Pro-AV 21 Premises/LAN Installation & Maintenance 22 Staff Development DVDs 26 • • • • Building Industry Consulting Service International, Inc. (BICSI) • • • © 2012, The Light Brigade, all rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice 116 Custom Fiber Optic Training Advantages of a Light Brigade Custom Course The Light Brigade can develop and deliver a custom course specific to your needs and application. Let us create a course to meet your desired skill level and to focus on specific subject matter. We have produced thousands of customized courses, DVDs, videos, and other training materials. Convenience: Can be taught at your site(s) and scheduled to meet your business needs. Cost and time savings: Eliminate travel time and expense to and from a public class. Also, your employee’s time will only be spent on issues critical to your company’s business. Develop expertise: Use your own equipment in our training or have us bring our extensive inventory of supplies and equipment. You decide! Critical emphasis: You pick the points, products, and techniques of particular importance to your operations, and our skilled instructors and technicians will tailor a custom course to meet your requirements. Scheduling flexibility: A custom course can be any length: one day, one week, or longer. It can be scheduled during or after normal business hours. There can be sessions spread throughout the year and delivered at different company locations. You choose what makes sense for your organization. Subjects We Teach Industries We Train • Fiber to the User (FTTx) • Fiber Characterization • Restoration/Maintenance • PMD, CD, and ORL • Premises/Enterprise Networks • Network Maintenance • DWDM • 40G/100G Systems • ROADM/Switched Networks • Advanced Fiber Optic Systems • Long Haul and MANs • Basic Fiber Optics • Telephone • Utilities • Government • Military • Aerospace • Transportation • Manufacturing • End Users • Broadband/CATV • Pro-AV • Security • Industrial • Oil and Gas • Mining • Natural Resources © 2012, The Light Brigade, all rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice 117 Fiber Optic Cable www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 118 Fiber Optic Cable www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 119 Fiber Optic Cable www.AFLglobal.com or (800) 235-3423 120 Please contact your AFL Sales Representative for information about our other products or services. FIBER OPTIC CABLE (OPGW, ADSS, Loose Tube) TEST AND INSPECTION EQUIPMENT FUSION SPLICING SYSTEMS AND ACCESSORIES FIELD-INSTALLABLE CONNECTORS Along with a broad range of products, we also offer professional training through the Light Brigade®. Over 50,000 people have completed a Light Brigade training course making us the leading fiber optic training provider in the world. www.AFLglobal.com CAT-01004 3.8.2016
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