EDF - Robatel
EDF - Robatel
1 INTRODUCTION •PRÉSENTATION P. 3 to 9 ENGINEERING | DESIGN | CALCULATIONS •INGÉNIERIE | ÉTUDES | CALCULS P. 10 to 13 TURNKEY PROJECTS •ENSEMBLIER P. 14 to 24 HOT CELLS •CELLULES BLINDÉES P. 25 to 28 GLOVE BOXES •BOITES À GANTS P. 29 to 32 CASKS •EMBALLAGES P. 33 to 46 NEUTRON THERMAL PROTECTIONS •PROTECTIONS NEUTRONIQUESP. THERMIQUES 48 to 51 2 DOORS HATCHES •PORTES | TRAPPES P. 52 to 54 METAL WORKING •CHAUDRONNERIES DES MÉTAUX P. 55 to 57 ASSISTANCE | SERVICES •ASSISTANCE | SERVICES P. 58 to 61 3 French company set up in 1830 Involved in the nuclear field since 1953 LOCATIONS : Rue de Genève - BP 203 69741 GENAS Cedex Tel. 00 33 472 22 10 10 Fax 00 33 478 90 23 79 commercial@robatel.fr Capital of 1,800,000 Euros 100 % subsidiary of ROBATEL SA Genas (headquarters) La Hague Z.I. de Digulleville 50440 BEAUMONT-HAGUE Tel. 00 33 233 01 80 00 Fax 00 33 233 04 09 57 lahague@robatel.fr > 110 employees Turnover > 16 M€ Marcoule Z.I. de L'Ardoise 30290 LAUDUN Tel. 00 33 466 50 49 20 Fax 00 33 466 50 30 80 marcoule@robatel.fr ► Genas 4 headquarters ► Establishment of Cadarache Cadarache Zac du Pas de Menc 83560 VINON SUR VERDON Tel. 00 33 492 70 63 35 Fax 00 33 492 72 28 19 cadarache@robatel.fr January 2009 : established ROBATEL Technologies, LLC Subsidiary of ROBATEL SA In charge of the ROBATEL Group’s development on the American nuclear market LOCATION : ROBATEL Technologies, LLC 3130 Chaparral Drive, Suite 102, Roanoke, VA 24018 Tel. : 001 540 989 2878 5 Our skills 6 Design, calculations, studies Turnkey projects Metal working Mechanical engineering Lead working Site operations Company’s certifications CEFRI no. 348 E Management of staff category "A" or "B" working under radiation. ISO 9001 / 2008 Quality Management in the design, manufacturing, installation, maintenance of equipments for industry and research in the nuclear field. Since 2010, ROBATEL is authorized to use decontaminated lead outgoing from CEA. CAEAR Notification of acceptance for the following areas : Genas : Domain D 4-2E “Assistance in work control and occasional design studies” La Hague and Laudun : Domain D 3-1 «Intervention environment according to the radiation protection of the regulated area». EDF Certificate of qualification to perform services in the following EDF qualification systems : Activity on fuel Nuclear logistics maintenance Intellectual services and technical assistance Transport QA/QC capabilities: NQA-1 & 10 CFR Part 71 ► Obtaining 7 the Label supplier AREVA Our main French customers ► Radiation shielding of the French nuclear-powered submarines 8 AREVA NC, AREVA TA, AREVA NP, TNI, SGN, MELOX, STMI ALSTOM, CEGELEC ANDRA CAMECA CERCA CIS BIO DCNS Délégation Générale pour l’Armement (DGA) IRSN GROUPE ONET EDF : AMI - DAC – UTO - CIDEN – CNPE - DCN GANIL LINAC SYNCHROTRON SOLEIL CEA : Cadarache, Fontenay-aux-Roses, Grenoble, La Hague, Marcoule, Pierrelatte, Saclay, Valduc …….. Some of our customers abroad 9 AUSTRALIA ANSTO BELGIUM Belgonucléaire / Eurochemic, Mol Institut des radioéléments (IRE) IBA / SCK CEN / Transnubel BELGOPROCESS BRAZIL CTMSP CANADA TRIUMF CHINA China nuclear industry huaxing China nuclear energy industry corp GERMANY Babcock Noell ITU ITALY EURATOM, Ispra CNEN, Rome JAPAN Tokai Mura JNFS MAROCCO CNESTEN NORWAY ABB Norsk Kabel ALGETA SOUTH KOREA KAERI EGYPT Atomic Energy Establishment GREAT BRITAIN BNFL CZECH REPUBLIC Nuclear Research Institute SWEDEN SKBF SWITZERLAND CERN ZWILAG U.S.A. Allied General Nuclear Services General Atomic SHAW AREVA MOX SERVICES LLC (JV) Department of Energy Premier TECHNOLOGY Inc. UT-Battelle U.S. ITER Project Office 10 Preliminary design Studies of turnkey for completes installations Feasibility studies Mechanical calculations Thermal calculations Radioprotection calculations Crash calculations OUR SOFTWARE MEANS : DAO : Autocad CAO : Solidworks Calculations : 11 Mechanical calculations finished elements : Ansys 11.0, Cosmosworks Thermal calculations finished elements : Ansys 11.0 Radioprotection calculations : Microshield 6.10 Crash calculations : LS-DYNA 971s R5.1.1 Various analytic calculations (RDM, mechanical, thermal, containment, …) : Math Cad 2001 Example of tradeoff study followed by manufacture VERDON laboratory, CEA Cadarache 12 PRELIMINARY STUDY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LABORATORY, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE FOLLOWING AREAS : Civil engineering Seismic calculations Electricity high and low voltage Drive control – automation Ventilation Handling equipment Mechanics, metal working Future maintenance and operation Risk analysis On site assembly and testing Preliminary study example Mo / Tc laboratory, CIS BIO Schering PRELIMINARY STUDY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A LABORATORY, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE FOLLOWING AREAS : 13 Nuclear and pharmaceutical regulations (GMP) Production rate criteria Interface civil engineering / new building Control - automation Electricity high and low voltage Ventilation Handling equipment Mechanics, metal working Future maintenance and operation Risk analysis 14 Turn-key installations Waste sorting and conditioning unit, EDF/AMI Chinon This unit allows to sort waste thanks to a shielded tight cell equipped with remote controlled robotized handling means. These waste are sorted according to their physicochemical properties and radiological characteristics. Then, they are reconditioned for shipment to ANDRA’s or other sites. THIS INSTALLATION IS COMPOSED OF THREE AREAS : A sorting cell made of concrete, totally lined with a stainless steel sleeve, equipped with telemanipulators, an overhead crane, a cutting press, and a spectrometry control station. This cell is a fire-barrier with regard to its environment, and is dimensioned to stand a seism. A loading/sealing station, with conveyors and elevators for leading new drums under two tight hatches communicating with the sorting cell, and two drum sealers, An evacuation lock-chamber equipped with an automatic device measuring the contamination by rubbing 15 Waste sorting and conditioning unit, EDF/AMI Chinon 16 Radioactive waste cementation unit, ZWILAG (Switzerland) MAIN OPERATING FUNCTIONS : 17 Reception and storage of various concrete components, Eventual pretreatment of some homogeneous waste, Preparation of the concrete (mixing), Draining of the concrete into drums or transfer towards concrete work stations, Cleaning of the injection system, and recovery of the rinsing effluents, Transfer, drying and control of the drums. Outstocking of plutonium packings contained in drums located at the « Pégase » regulated nuclear facility of CEA CADARACHE (partnership with companies ONECTRA and SOGEDEC) MAIN FUNCTIONS PROVIDED : 18 Outstocking of over 2,700 drums through packaging developed to meet the safety criteria, Transfer with sealing of the packagings drums to gloves boxes, Measures and wastes characterization, Compaction of empty drums, Injection of mortar in 870 liters drums containing the wastes, Evacuation of drums to storage, Aim of the project: 2 years to develop, manufacture and installation. 3 years of operation. Equipment for MOX fuel production plant ► Rods final inspection and sorting ► Rods ► Powders handling 19 ► Filters decontamination storage and ► Rods handling carriage pre-clogging Incineration and cementing unit for very low level waste - Shipyard in Severodvinsk, Russia 20 AGATE, CEA Cadarache : Glove boxes of samples-taking, pneumatic transfer and distribution of pitchers SCOPE OF PROJECT : 21 Integration of part of the process of the Advanced Management Workshop and Effluent Treatment, Design, manufacturing, installation on site, testing and commissioning of a set of four glove boxes (calculated earthquake) automated sample-taking, connected by a network of pneumatic transfert Integration of all automated mechanical elements and control systems, Supply and installation of sorbonnes. Equipment for French DCN ► Shielded shell Mass 70 tons 22 ► Tooling K15 Mass 90 tons ► CEA Design, manufacture, assembly and tests of a loading and unloading platform for type B casks ► EDF Design, manufacture, assembly and tests of a radioactive waste cementation unit 23 ► CEA ► Docking Valduc Collimator for drums with the holding and the sealing of the lid ► CEA Specific device used for transfer, control and reconditioning of waste containers from storage pit 24 Design, manufacture and assembly 2 Photo credit : P.Stroppa / CEA ► Atalante Designer and manufacturer of hot cells since the 60s, ROBATEL Industries still develops new techniques and improves its skills in the field of design and manufacture of hot cells. 25 Design, manufacture and assembly ► 3 cells for IRE, Belgium ► 26 Last references 2002 / 2006 ► Hot cells for SCK CEN, Belgium ► Hot cells for the nuclear center of Morocco Supply of 1,800 tons of lead shielding for the CEA Saclay (PELECI) ► Hot cells for SCK CEN, Belgium ► Boucliers cellules du LECA, CEA Cadarache Design, manufacture and assembly ► Pharmaceutic Cis Bio (IBA) cell ► Neutron Saclay cell (PNT7™ Robatel) CEA Last references 2007 / 2012 ► Cell for microprobe Karlsruhe ► ALGETA cell on SCK plant ► Cadecol ► Hot cell for Cyceron 27 cell 28 Study, manufacture, assembly ► MELOX ► MELOX ► CEA ► CEA ► CEA ► CEA 29 ► MELOX ► COGEMA ► ZWILAG Photo credit : P.Dumas / CEA Study and manufacture of internal equipment ► MELOX ► AREVA ► IRSN 30 ► ALL FILL (GB) NC ► CEA Glove boxes dedicated to a US MOX plant, manufactured in 2009 31 32 Design & approval Starting with the first French reactor “ZOE”, 60 years of experience : Design and acquisition of 74 approvals of type B transportation casks Design of many casks: type A, IP2, … Extension of approvals Elaboration of special arrangements ORIGINAL TECHNICAL PATENTED : Neutron-absorbing and thermal protections: compounds ROBATEL # 9™, 10™, 21™, 22™, PNT7™, PNT3™ «Thermal switch » protection Tightness by triple seals ► Underwater Transportation of a 1300 MW PWR fuel assembly 33 ► Shuttle for vitrified HLW Scale models - drop and fire tests ►9 34 meter drop test of a type B cask Design and manufacture of scale models Drop tests carried out on our In-house drop test facility Performance of fire tests (800°C, 30 min) ► Scale model of a type B cask for concrete transportation shells Design & manufacture Over 800 casks 35 R72 cask Rod transportation for EDF (type B cask) 36 R72 cask Rod transportation for EDF (type B cask) 37 R73 cask This cask has been designed for EDF CIDEN to transport activated metallic waste from dismantling (type B cask) 38 R69s cask Spent fuel transportation package CABRI, IRSN Cadarache 39 R74 cask Design, approval, manufacturing of 2 type B casks R74 for wastes transportation Scotland (Dounreay) (Dounreay) / Belgium (SCK) 40 Other current projects : R75 cask - EDF UTO - Design, approval and manufacturing of a type B cask for the transportation of 5 cluster guides 41 Other current projects : R76 cask CEA Cadarache Design, approval and manufacturing of 4 Type B casks for the transportation of waste drums. 42 Other current projects : R77s cask AREVA NC Design and manufacturing of a site cask for the transportation of 4 drums of alpha wastes 43 Other current projects : RTG32s cask EDF UTO Design and manufacture of nine casks to store 32 clusters guides (charged mass of 57 tons) RA03 EDF CIDEN Design and manufacture of a cask for transporting the lid of the vessel of Chooz A reactor 44 Crédit photo : CEA Recent references : ► CEA – Design of type B cask for radwaste ► EDF – 30B and 48Y Casks (2010) ► CEA – Design and manufacture of cask for glove boxes – Design of a type B cask for concrete shells, and certification ► EDF 45 Recent references : ► EDF CIDEN Design and approval of PNL casks for Super Phénix ; manufacture of 58 casks ► CEA : Type B cask R64, transport of neutron sources ► CEA 46 : Cask Phénix ► CEA : Pégase container 47 Compound ROBATEL no. 9TM and no. 10TM ► Wall 48 CP9 (PPB) With a binder based on plaster, these neutron materials can be used for any protection which does not support any thermal or any particular mechanical constraints It is, preferably, implemented in metallic boxes, securely sealed so that it retains its optimal characteristics. In this case, the access to the inside of boxes at the time of implementation should be as wide as possible. In the absence of containment, it should take into account the progressive loss of free water by drying. This type of material was subjected to irradiation testing until an integrated flux of 1,8.1017 thermal neutrons/cm². No apparent degradation was observed Chemical composition: boron, calcium, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, miscellaneous. Density : 1,15 to 1,25 g/cm3. Material approved by : CEA, AREVA, EDF. Compound ROBATEL no. 21TM and no. 22TM 49 Neutrophage materials made of a base of polyester resin. They have independent properties to any containment. They are generally molded to the shape and size desired and can be, if necessary, machined. They enable to make protection with a high mechanical strength and good heat resistance. This type of material was subjected to irradiation testing until an integrated flux of 1,4.1018 thermal neutrons/cm². No apparent degradation was observed Chemical composition: aluminum, boron, calcium, carbon, chlorine, hydrogen, oxygen, miscellaneous. Density : 1,20 to 1,30 g/cm3. Material approved by : CEA, AREVA, EDF. Facilities for 26 reactors in France, 1 in Korea, 1 in South Africa and 22 in China Compound ROBATEL PNT7TM These neutron materials are presented as a fine mortar and can be used for any protection subject to important thermal and mechanical constraints. It is, preferably, implemented in metallic boxes, securely sealed so that it retains its optimal characteristics. In this case, the access to the inside of boxes at the time of implementation should be as wide as possible. In the absence of containment, it should take into account the progressive loss of free water by drying. Le mortier brut reproduit exactement l'état de surface du moule. The crude mortar exactly reproduces the surface of the mold. Its ease of decontamination can be improved by applying a surface coating. This material is classified M0. Chemical composition: aluminum, boron, calcium, iron, hydrogen, oxygen, miscellaneous. Density : 1,75 to 1,95 g/cm3. Material approved by : CEA, AREVA, EDF, US Department of Energy. (Thermal Neutron Protection no. 7) and PNT3TM 50 51 Over 1200 tons produced since 2000 Design, manufacture, shop and site assembly ► Lead 52 shielded door IRSN ► Shielded hatch installed at Chernobyl ► Shielded hatch Belgoprocess Recently manufactured : ► Shielded hatch (7 tons) for Chernobyl ► Motorized shielding (50 tons) for the anti-neutron protection of a cyclotron (Milan, Italy) ► CEA 53 Saclay STELLA building ► Motorized doors for BELGOPROCESS (Belgium) 54 Stainless steel and metal working MATERIALS Stainless steel: austenitic, superaustenitic, refractory, Aluminum and alloys, Titanium and alloys, Nickel and alloys (Monel, Inconel, Hastelloy, …) CODES CARRIED OUT CODAP, ASME, RCC-M, RCC-MR, RCC-MX ► Lid 55 for Phénix (RCCM-R) ► 65 ton sleeves for nuclear fuel loading pools, DCN ► 16T forged device - CEA Stainless steel and metal working OPERATING MODES QUALIFICATION References : NF EN 288.3, ASME, RCCM… Number of reports : over 180 stainless steel : 304L, 316L… heavy steel : U45N, UB6, C22… carbon steel : S235, A42 FP… copper and alloys borated stainless MAIN WELDING PROCESSES ► Fuel ► Decontamination EDF 56 room storage basket TIG Arc welding Semi-automatic, filled wire Semi-automatic, MIG and pulsed MIG Automatic, submerged arc 57 Plastic boilermaking ► Filtration pilot ► Suction DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OF COMPONENTS MADE OF : PVC Polycarbonate Perspex Polypropylene Polyethylene Polyester resin Corian hood AREVA ► Ventilation ► Perspex 58 box gloves ► Corian gloves box ► PVC gloves box ► Polycarbonate gloves box shafts Foundry Machining of Lead ► Pieces 3 ICPE lead foundry : Genas, Marcoule, La Hague, 2 ICPE allowed to cast lead from the nuclear industry A capacity of several thousand tons per year, Parts of a few kilograms to more than 20 tons, An experience of more than 50 years in techniques of lead implementations for the nuclear industry. of large size ► Shielding 59 on site ► Brick ► Machined slab ► Pipework protection Dismantling 60 ROBATEL Industries offers its customers a large range of dismantling services approved by the CEA (CAEAR approval related to studies, design and field work). Relying on its significant experience feedback ROBATEL Industries is in a position to display unavoidable changes in studies, manufacture and servicing. Outline of proposed services Maintenance and refurbishment of hot cells Annual maintenance contracts with AREVA & CEA Loading of casks in pools and unloading Maintenance of casks : regulatory maintenance of type B casks repair of casks on site and in our workshops tightness testing before transportation and assistance to loading ► Loading casks (fuel rods) on EDF plants 61 ► Intervention crane with mobile protection Tightness testing and maintenance of glove boxes Pipe testing Supply and assembly of biological protections Installation of lock-chambers Management and disposal of radioactive waste Supply of spare parts and assembly in controlled area.
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