LI Return of4947(a)(1) PrivateNonexempt Foundation OMB N5 50"" or Section Charitable Trust 1545-0552 Treated as a Private Foundation Department of the Treasury iiiiemai Revenue seiviee (77) Note. The foundation may be able to use a copy of this return to satisfy state reporting requirements For calendar year 2009, or tax year beginning , 2009, and ending , 20 G Check all that apply. EI Initial retum EI Initial retum of a former public charity III Final return lj Amended return lj Address change lj Nam e change A Employer identification number use the IRS Name of foundation 23-7318064 label. NUCOR FOUNDATION otherwise: Number and street (or P O box number if mail is not delivered to street address) Room/suite print B Telephone number (see page 10 of the instructions) 704-366-7000 or type- 1915 nears-onn Rom See Specific City or town, state, and ZIP code C If exemption application is pending, check here P D IHSUUCYIOHS- cHAn1.o1"1-E, Nc 29211 D 1. Foreign organizations, check here . . P E H Check type of organization: I2 Section 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation EI Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust lj Other taxable private foundation I Fair market value of all assets at end J Accounting method: Ei Cash lj Accrual 2. Foreign organizations meeting the 85% test, check here and attach computation , P EI E If private foundation status was terminated under section 507(b)(1)(A), check here . P lj of year (from Part ll, col (c), lj other (specify) -------------------------- U F If the foundation is in a 60-month termination line 16) P $ 100 , 026 (Parr /, column (d) miisi be on cash basis) under Section 507(b)(1)tB). cheek neie . v U E Analysis and taralof (a) Revenue and (d)netDisbursements ntsofInRevenue I mn b) nd d) Expenses(The m not n I al (b) Net investment (c) Adjusted for chantable 3m0U C0 U 5 ( i (C). 3 ( 3)* 90e553f7.Y EGU expenses per Income income purposes the amounts in oolumn (a) (see page 11 of the rnstructians)) b00kS (cash basis only) Contnbutions, gifts, giants, etc , received (attach schedule) e 4 Check p lj if the foundation is not required to attach Sch B We Interest on savings and temporary cash investments 8 6 8 6 4 Dividends and interest from securities . . 5aGrossrents . . . . . . . . . .. b Net rental income or (loss) 6a Net gain or (loss) from sale of assets not on line 10 b Gross sales pnce for all assets online 6a 7 Capital gain net income (from Part IV, line 2) 8 Net short-term capital gain . . . . . . 9 Income modifications . . . . . . 10abGross allowances I Less.sales Costless ofreturns goodsand sold c Gross profit or (loss) (attach schedule) . 11 Other income (attach schedule) . . . . 12 TotaI.Addlines1through11 . . . . . . 1,400,086 13 Compensation of officers, directors, trustees, etc. 14 Other employee salaries and wages . . . 15 Pension plans, employee benefits . . 16a Legal fees (attach schedule) . . . . . b Accounting fees (attach schedule) . . . . -u 17lnterest............. c Other professional fees (attach schedule) . 18 Taxes (attac sc -.-I e 1 n 1 - 1 ctions) 34 ,f 4 19 Depreciatio (atta * 5 Qgiydep *"3 *1 "1 5953.* "-5" I 20 Occupancym . . . . . . 21 Travel, con cefs1k)1d$1@ti2Q:1U 22 Printing an ptilications 0 0 521 S21 23 Other expe ses ...., 24 ope , .. ,le . ,-JT. n I -.l 1. j-ensese Adu iiiies rsiniough 23 . . . . . . . . 555 25 Contributions, gifts, grants paid . . . . . . 113781451 " " *H if 1 5 "* W 113781451 26 Total expenses and disbursements. Add lines 24 and 25 11 379 1 095 0 0 11 3791 972 27 Subtract line 26 from line 12: ,fi 1 1 *jfi,rft.3ef$*?fit:.15e 9-15- lrgi-i rf-5*?fy . * a Excess of revenue over expenses and disbursements 21# 080 - -3 "9" " "" I * " " 1"- I i -4 b Net investment income (if negative, enter -O-) 35 "* *L* *M1 f* 1 - V c Adjusted net income (if negative, enter -O-) 0,rs. For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see page 30 of the instructions. Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 2 Attached schedules and amounts in the descnplion column Beginning Of Yeaf End Of Veal" M Balance Sheets should be lor end-ol-year amounts only (See instnictions) (3) Book Value (b) Book Value (C) Fa", Market Value Cash-non-interest-bearing . . . . . . . . . . . 78,946 100,026 100,026 Savings and temporary cash investments . . A., , /3- . * . - V . -I an arf-*N* J , -2 H *NJ* M., Accounts receivable P ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N Less- allowance for doubtful accounts P ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , * -- -4" ., 4 .. J -,,,--.,..",,,-.,*.. ,A . Pledges receivable P ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, U Less: allowance for doubtful accounts P ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, U 2 3 4 Grantsreceivable .......... . . .. Receivables due from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons (attach schedule) (see page 15 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Other notes and loans receivable (attach schedule) P -------------- H 7 Less allowance for doubtful accounts P --------------------------- , 8 lnventoriesforsale or use . . . . . . . . 9 Prepaid expenses and deferred charges . . . . . . a Investments-U S and state government obligations (attach schedule) b Investments-corporate stock (attach schedule) . . . . c Investments-corporate bonds (attach schedule) . . Investments-land, buildings, and equipment" basis P ,,,,,,,,,,,,, U Less" accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) P ---------------- U 12 13 14 Investments-mortgage loans . . . . . . Investments-other (attach schedule) . . . Land, buildings, and equipment. basis P ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, N Less accumulated depreciation (attach schedule) P ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, U 15 16 Other assets (describe P ------------------------------------- U ) Total assets (to be completed by all filers-see the instructions Also, see page1,item I) . . , , , , , 17 18 as EE 19 15 20 Accounts payable and accrued expenses . .i Mortgages and other notes payable (attach schedule) . . an .2 22 23 78,946 100,026 100,026 Grantspayable............ Deferredrevenue Loans from officers, directors, trustees, and other disqualified persons Other liabilities (describe P ---------------------------------- n - ) Total IiabiIities(add lines17through 22) . . . . . . Foundations that follow SFAS 117, check here P lj and complete lines 24 through 26 and lines 30 and 31. 24 25 26 Unrestncted............... Temporarily restricted . . . . . . . . . . Permanently restricted . . . . . . . . . . . . Foundations that do not foiiow sFAs 111, check here v El and complete lines 27 through 31. 27 28 29 30 Capital stock, trustprincipal, orcunentfunds . . . . Paid-in or capital surplus, or land, bldg , and equipment fund . Retained eamings, accumulated income, endowment, or other funds . Total net assets or fund balances (see page 17 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total liabilities and net assets/fund balances (see page 17 oftheinstructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78,946 100,026 78,946 100,026 Part Ill Analysis of Changes in Net Assets or Fund Balances 1 Total net assets or fund balances at beginning of year-Part II, column (a), line 30 (must agree with end-of-year figure reported on prior year"s return) . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Enter amount from Part l, line 27a . . . . . . . . 3 Other increases not included in line 2 (itemize) P -------------------------------------- , 4Addlines1,2,and3..................... 5 Decreases not included in line 2 (itemize) P -------------------------------------------- U 6 Total net assets or fund balances at end of year (line 4 minus line 5)-Part ll, column (b), line 30 78,946 21,080 100, 026 100,026 Form 990-PF (zoos) I In Form 990-PF (2009) Page 3 Capital Gains and Losses for Tax on Investment Income (a) List and descnbe the kind(s) of property sold (e g , real estate, (b(,,kl0i?,Vu?ciiqau$Ifd (c) Date acquired (d) Date sold 2-story bnck warehouse, or common stock, 200 shs. MLC Co) (mo , day, yr) (mo , day, yr) D-Donation D ll ed C t th b (h) Gain or (loss) (e) plus (f) minus (g) ieififosssaiesfiffce *" elZ,*F3l%,?2.?.f*" *%l..03,,E2nZ.%2.3i? Complete only for assets showing gain in column (h) and owned by the foundation on 12/31/69 (I) Gains (Col (h) gain minus col (k), but not less than -0-) or Losses (from col (h)) . (j) basis (k) Excess of(1), col (i) (ll F MAdiusted V as "12/31/59 as of 12/31/69 Ove, col if any ii 23 l2 Capital gain net income or (net capital loss) i ggggiagiaginfgf 5:2 ililgg ,Z Net short-term capital gain or (loss) as defined in sections 1222(5) and (6): lf(loss),enter-0-inPartl,line8. . . .13. and . . 17. .ofthe . . instructions) . . . .. i If gain, also enter in Part l, line 8, column (c) (see .pages 3 Qualification Under Section 4940(g) for Reduced Tax on Net Investment Income (For optional use by domestic private foundations subject to the section 4940(a) tax on net investment income.) If section 4940(d)(2) applies, leave this part blank. la* ibi ici (dl Was the foundation liable for the section 4942 tax on the distributable amount of any year in the base period? El Yes El No If "Yes," the foundation does not qualify under section 4940(e). Do not complete this part. 1 Enter the appropriate amount in each column for each yearg see page 18 of the instructions before making any entries. Base penod years , Distnbution ratio 2008 1,330,927 12.8728 93,025 2007 1,197,492 2005 1, 137,852 9.2820 2005 1,084,898 Caiendai year (oi, tax year beginning iii) Adjusted qualifying distnbutions Net value of noncharitable use assets (col (bi divided by wi (ci) 2004 992,270 77, 676 17 . 1343 122, 051 116, 882 58, 143 9 .3228 17.0660 4 Enter the net value of noncharitable-use assets for 2009 from Part X, line 5 . . 2 65.6779 3 13.1356 4 113,958 5 Multiply line 4 by line 3 . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1,496,907 2TotaIofIirie1.c0lumr1(d) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Average distribution ratio for the 5-year base period-divide the total on line 2 by 5, or by the number of years the foundation has been in existence if less than 5 years . . . 6 Enter 1% of net investment income (1% of Part I, line 27b) . 7Addlines5and6 . . . . . . . . .. 8 Enter qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 7 1,496,908 8 1,378,972 If line 8 is equal to or greater than line 7, check the box in Part Vl, line 1b, and complete that part using a 1% tax rate. See the Part VI instructions on page 18. Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) page 4 Part VI Excise Tax Based on Investment Income (Section 4940(a-), 4940(b), 4940(e), or 4948-see 18 oft Exempt operating foundations descnbed in section 4940(d)(2), check here P El and enter "N/A" on line 1. Date of ruling or detemiination letter. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, (attach copy of letter if necessary-see instructions) Domestic foundations that meet the section 4940(e) requirements in Part V, check hereP Elandenter1%ofPartI,line27b ................ Addlines1and2 All other domestic foundations enter 2% of line 27b Exempt foreign organizations enter 4% of Part I, line 12, col. (b) Tax under section 511 (domestic section 4947(a)(1) trusts and taxable foundations only Others enter -0-) 2 Subtitle A (income) tax (domestic section 4947(a)(1) tnists and taxable foundations only. Others enter -0-) . Tax based on investment income. Subtract line 4 from line 3. If zero or less, enter -0- . . Credits/Payments: 2009 estimated tax payments and 2008 overpayment credited to 2009 53 Exempt foreign organizations-tax withheld at source . . . . Tax paid with application for extension of time to file (Form 8868) Backup withholding erroneously withheld . . . . . . . . Total credits and payments. Add lines 6a through 6d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Enter any penalty for underpayment of estimated tax Check here lj if Form 2220 is attached iii 2 Tax due. If the total of lines 5 and 8 is more than line 7, enter amount owed . . . . . Overpayment. If line 7 is more than the total of lines 5 and 8, enter the amount overpaid . P 1U 0 Enter the amount of line 10 to be" Credited to 2010 estimated tax P Refunded P 11 0 art VII-A Statements Regarding Activities 1aYesXNo During the tax year, did the foundation attempt to influence any national, state, or local legislation or did it participate or intervene in any political campaign? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b 3 Did it spend more than $100 during the year (either directly or indirectly) for political purposes (see page 19 ofthe instructionsfordefinition)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lf the answer is "Yes" to 1a or 1b, attach a detailed description of the activities and copies of any materials published or distributed by the foundation in connection with the activities Did the foundation file Form 1120-POL for this year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1c X , fra,-g Enter the amount (if any) of tax on political expenditures (section 4955) imposed during the year: (1) On the foundation P $ (2) On foundation managers P $ -.14 Enter the reimbursement (if any) paid by the foundation during the year for political expenditure tax imposed on foundation managers. P $ Has the foundation engaged in any activities that have not previously been reported to the IRS? . . . X If "Yes," attach a detailed description of the activities. Has the foundation made any changes, not previously reported to the IRS, in its governing instrument, articles of incorporation, or bylaws, or other similar instruments? lf "Yes," attach a conformed copy of the changes . . . 422. Did the foundation have unrelated business gross income of $1,000 or more dunng the year? . -, If "Yes," has it filed a tax return on Form 990-T for this year? . . . . . . . . . . . . Was there a liquidation, termination, dissolution, or substantial contraction during the year? . lf "Yes," attach the statement required by General Instruction T Are the requirements of section 508(e) (relating to sections 4941 through 4945) satisfied either: I By language in the governing instrument, or 0 By state legislation that effectively amends the governing instrument so that no mandatory directions that ra-". .l.-iq. * is *. J fqrn . conflict with the state law remain in the governing instrument? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did the foundation have at least $5,000 in assets at any time dunng the year? If "Yes," complete Part ll, col (c), and Part XV -. Enter the states to which the foundation reports or with which it is registered (see page 19 of the instructions) P NQBZIIZ-L $530.1,-12,1515 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , au. .2 -t 5 If the answer is "Yes" to line 7, has the foundation furnished a copy of Form 990-PF to the Attorney General (or designate) of each state as required by Genera/ Instruction G? lf "No," attach explanation . . . . ls the foundation claiming status as a private operating foundation within the meaning of section 4942(j)(3) or 4942())(5) for calendar year 2009 or the taxable year beginning in 2009 (see instructions for Part XIV on page 27)? lf "Yes," complete Part XIV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . namesandaddresses............................ VM .clk 9x Did any persons become substantial contributors during the tax year? If "Yes," attach a schedule listing their Fo 99 x (zoos) Form 990-PF (zoos) page 5 art VII-A Statements Regarding Activities (continued) At any time during the year, did the foundation, directly or indirectly, own a controlled entity within the meaning of section 512(b)(13)? If "Yes," attach schedule (see page 20 of the instructions) . . . . . . Ill August17,2008?.............................. Did the foundation acquire a direct or indirect interest in any applicable insurance contract before Did the foundation comply with the public inspection requirements for its annual returns and exemption application? Website address P HH) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - The books are in care of P HU-Q95-EQ?-Ij1Q&"-F2291 ---------------------------- 0 Telephone no, P 19-4-1-33-6f:"7-9-QQ-m L0C@f@d af * .1.?.?.53--E1?.F*f9135?-.135??EP.z--9li5B&9I?IF.c-R9 ............................ -- ZlP+4 P 3,332.1.- Section 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trusts filing Form 990-PF in lieu of Form 1041-Check here . . . P El and enter the amount of tax-exempt interest received or accrued during the year . . . . P I 15 I N/A art Vll-B Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required Yes File Form 4720 if any item is checked in the "Yes" column, unless an exception applies. No During the year did the foundation (either directly or indirectly): (1) Engage in the sale or exchange, or leasing of property with a disqualified person? El Yes lilNo (2) Borrow money from, lend money to, or othervi/ise extend credit to (or accept it from) a disqualifiedperson?......................l:lYes (3) Furnish goods, services, or facilities to (or accept them from) a disqualiied person? . lj Yes lilNo lilNo (4) Pay compensation to, or pay or reimburse the expenses of, a disqualified person? . lj Yes liiNo (5) Transfer any income or assets to a disqualified person (or make any of either available for the benefit or use ofa disqualified person)? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lj Yes @No (6) Agree to pay money or property to a government official? (Exception. Check "No" if the foundation agreed to make a grant to or to employ the official for a period after termination of government service, if terminating within 90 days.) . . . . . . . lj Yes Q No If any answer is "Yes" to 1a(1)-(6), did any of the acts fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4941(d)-3 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 20 of the instructions)? . . Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here . . . . . P EI Did the foundation engage in a pnor year in any of the acts described in 1a, other than excepted acts, that were not corrected before the first day of the tax year beginning in 2009? . . . . . . . . . . . Taxes on failure to distribute income (section 4942) (does not apply for years the foundation was a private operating foundation defined in section 4942())(3) or 4942(j)(5)). At the end of tax year 2009, did the foundation have any undistributed income (lines 6d and 6e, Part Xlll) for tax year(s) beginning before 2009? . . . . . . . . . . . . . III Yes lil No lf "Yes," list the years P 20 , 20 , 20 , 20"" Are there any years listed in 2a for which the foundation is not applying the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) (relating to incorrect valuation of assets) to the year"s undistributed income? (lf applying section 4942(a)(2) to all years listed, answer "No" and attach statement-see page 20 of the instructions) . . . . . . . lf the provisions of section 4942(a)(2) are being applied to any of the years listed in 2a, list the years here. P 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 Did the foundation hold more than a 2% direct or indirect interest in any business enterprise at any time during the year? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cl Yes lil No If "Yes," did it have excess business holdings in 2009 as a result of (1) any purchase by the foundation or disqualified persons after May 26, 1969, (2) the lapse of the 5-year period (or longer period approved by the Commissioner under section 4943(c)(7)) to dispose of holdings acquired by gift or bequest: or (3) the lapse of the 10-, 15-, or 20-year first phase holding period? (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determine if the foundation had excess business holdings in 2009.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Did the foundation invest during the year any amount in a manner that would jeopardize its chantable purposes? Did the foundation make any investment in a prior year (but after December 31, 1969) that could jeopardize its charitable purpose that had not been removed from jeopardy before the first day of the fax year beginning in 2009? Form 990-PF (zoos) Form ssopif (zoos) Page 6 Part Vll-B Statements Regarding Activities for Which Form 4720 May Be Required (continued) 5a During the year did the foundation pay or incur any amount to: (1) Carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation (section 4945(e))? , III Yes il No (2) Influence the outcome of any specific public election (see section 4955)g or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive? . . . . . . . . . . . . . EI Yes it No (3) Provide a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes? . . . . Q Yes El No (4) Provide a grant to an organization other than a charitable, etc , organization described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3), or section 494O(d)(2)? (see page 22 of the instructions). . . El Yes E No (5) Provide for any purpose other than religious, chantable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals? . lj Yes Q No b If any answer is "Yes" to 5a(1)-(5), did any of the transactions fail to qualify under the exceptions described in Regulations section 53 4945 or in a current notice regarding disaster assistance (see page 22 of the instructions)? Organizations relying on a current notice regarding disaster assistance check here . . . . . . P lj c lf the answer is "Yes" to question 5a(4), does the foundation claim exemption from the tax because it maintained expenditure responsibility for the grant? . . . . . . . . . . lj Yes CI N0 If "Yes," attach the statement required by Regulations section 53.4945-5(d). 6a Did the foundation, during the year, receive any funds, directly or indirectly, to pay premiums onapersonalbenefitcontract? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ljYes EflNo b Did the foundation, dunng the year, pay premiums, directly or indirectly, on a personal benefit contract? . . If "Yes" to 6b, tile Fonn 8870 7a At any time during the tax year, was the foundation a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction? . lj yes QI No b If yes, did the foundation receive any proceeds or have any net income attnbutable to the transaction? . . . I vb I I Part Vlll Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 1 List all officers, directors, trustees, foundation managers and their compensation (see page 22 of th e instructions). (b) Title, and average (c) Compensation (d) Contnbutions to (3) Name and address hours per week (lf not paid, enter employee benefit plans devoted to positron -0-) and deferred compensation -------------------------- H DIRECTOR 1915 REXFORD ROAD, CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 NONE -YY:---I-CBQQ -------------------------------- U DIRECTOR 1915 nnxrono norm, cnAn1.o-1-re, Nc 29211 NONE - 5-.. - -1l.i-I-S- ---------------------------- - - DI RECTOR 1915 Rzxronn norm, ci-1iuu.ofr-1-E, Nc 23211 NONE (e) Expense account, other allowances 2 Compensation of five highest-paid employees (other than those included on line 1-see page 23 of the instructions). If none, enter "NONE." (b) Title and average (d) Conmbuuons to (a) Name and address of each employee paid more than $50,000 hours per week (c) Compensation ?aT1gIcg%edlZ2fr2td devoted to position p wmpensanon (e) Expense account, other allowances Total number of other employees paid over $50,000 . . ..bl Nom: Form 990-PF (zoos) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 7 Information About Officers, Directors, Trustees, Foundation Managers, Highly Paid Employees, and Contractors (continued) 3 Five highest-paid independent contractors for professional services (see page 23 of the instructions). If none, enter "NONE." (a) Name and address of each person paid more than $50,000 (b) Type of service (c) Compensation NO SUCH COMPENSATION PAID IN 2009 Total number of others receiving over $50,000 for professional services . , P I Part IX-A Summary of Direct Charitable Activities List the foundation"s four largest direct chantable activities during the tax year Include relevant statistical information such as the number of organizations and other benelicianes sen/ed, conferences convened, research papers produced, etc Expenses 1 Elk ......................... ................ ..................................... . 2 "mn"--"un ---------- Unu"H"-mu""U-"nun"-"um ------ "um-mmm--"umm-"mn" ------- U 3 mum-nu--U ---------- ----"nn"mu"---"nu"-U"mum ...... ------- U 4 W-nu--nu-U -------- 0""-"umU"--"U"-"un-mu--nn ------ --------- U Part IX-B Summary of Program-Related Investments (see page 23 of the instructions) Descnbe the two largest program-related investments made by the foundation dunng the tax year on lines 1 and 2 Amount 1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - All other program-related investments See page 24 of the instnictions 3 -------------------------------------------------- um"---mm ------ -m---------um-mum"-"um ------------- U Total. Add lines 1 through 3 . P 0 Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) page 8 S Average of monthly cash balances . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1b , 1d , Minimum Investment Return (All domestic foundations must complete this part. Foreign foundations, see page 24 of the instructions.) 1 Fair market value of assets not used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., purposes: a b c d Average monthly fair market value of securities . . . . . . . . Fair market value of all other assets (see page 24 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . Total (add lines 1a, b, and c) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Reduction claimed for blockage or other factors reported on lines 1a and 1c (attach detailed explanation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 4 it 115 693 1c 115 693 3 , .L-.ig L.-E11 6, 1e I ""4 Acquisition indebtedness applicable to line 1 assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Subtract line 2 from line 1d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cash deemed held for charitable activities. Enter 11/2% of line 3 (for greater amount, see page 25 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 693 1,735 113 958 6 Minimum investment return. Enter 5% of line 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 698 Distributable Amount (see page 25 of the instructions) (Section 4942(j)(3) and (1)(5) private operating 5 Net value of noncharitable-use assets. Subtract line 4 from line 3 Enter here and on Part V, line 4 . foundations and certain foreign organizations check here P lj and do not complete this part) 1 Minimum investment return from Part X line 6 5,698 1 2a Tax on 2009 Part VI, b Income taxinvestment for 2009 (Thisincome does notfor include thefrom tax from Part VI.)line ,, 5...... cAddIines2aand2b...........,...,.,,..,,,,, 5,696 Distnbutable amount before adjustments. Subtract line 2c from line 1 . . Addlines3and4........................... Recoveries of amounts treated as qualifying distributions . . . . 5,696 Deduction from distributable amount (see page 25 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . Distributable amount as adjusted. Subtract line 6 from line 5. Enter here and on Part XIII, 5,696 iii? mii purposes............................. Part XII Qualifying Distributions (see page 25 of the instructions) 1 Amounts paid (including administrative expenses) to accomplish charitable, etc., purposes: 1,378,972 a Expenses, contributions, gifts, etc.-total from Part I, column (d), line 26 . . . . . . . b Program-related investments-total from Part IX-B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Amounts paid to acquire assets used (or held for use) directly in carrying out charitable, etc., 3 Amounts set aside for specific charitable projects that satisfy the: n a Suitability test (pnor IRS approval required) . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Cash distribution test (attach the required schedule) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Qualifying distributions.Add lines 1a through 3b. Enter here and on Part V, line 8, and Part XIII, line 4 . . 5 Foundations that qualify under section 4940(e) for the reduced rate of tax on net investment income. 4, 3b Enter 1% of Part I line 27b (see page 26 of the instructions) 5 6 1 378, 972 1 Adjusted qualifying distributions.SubtractIine5fromIine4 . . . . . . . . . . . Note. The amount on line 6 will be used in Part V, column (b), in subsequent years when calculating whether the foundation qualifies for the section 4940(e) reduction of tax in those years Form 990-PF (zoos) Form 990-PF (2009) Part XIII Undistributed Income (see page Distributable amount for 2009 from Part Xl, line 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 9 of the instructions) Id) 2009 Years pnor to 2008 5,696 Undistnbuted income, if any, as of the end of 2009. Enter amountfor2008 only . . . . . . Total for pnor years. 20 ,20 ,20 Excess distributions carryover, if any, to 2009: From 2004 . . . . . 999 rom 2005 . 1 079 From 2006 . . 1 13 From 2007 . . . . . 11 19.2 From 2008 . . . . . 1 330 Total of lines 3a through e . . . Qualifying distributions for 2009 from Part Xll, Iine4 P $ 1,378,972 Applied to 2008, but not more than line 2a . Applied to undistnbuted income of prior years (Election required-see page 26 of the instructions) . . . Treated as distributions out of corpus (Election required-see page 26 of the instructions) . . Applied to 2009 distributable amount . . . 5 696 Remaining amount distributed out of corpus . Excess distributions carryover applied to 2009 . (lf an amount appears in column (d), the same amount must be shown in column (a) ) Enter the net total of each column as indicated below: Corpus. Add lines 3f, 4c, and 4e. Subtract line 5 Prior years" undistributed income. Subtract line4bfromline2b. . . . . . . .. Enter the amount of prior years* undistributed income for which a notice of deficiency has been issued, or on which the section 4942(a) tax has been previously assessed . . . . . . . Subtract line 6c from line 6b. Taxable amount-see page 27 of the instructions . Undistributed income for 2008 Subtract line 4a from line 2a Taxable amount-see page 27 of the instructions . . . . . . . . Undistributed income for 2009. Subtract lines 4d and 5 from line 1. This amount must be distnbuted in 2010 . . . . . . . . . Amounts treated as distributions out of corpus to satisfy requirements imposed by section 170(b)(1)(F) or 4942(g)(3) (see page 27 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . Excess distributions carryover from 2004 not applied on line 5 or line 7 (see page 27 of the instructions) . . . . . . . . . . . Excess distributions carryover to 2010. Subtract lines 7 and 8 from line 6a . . . Analysis of line 9 Excess from 2005 . 11 079 f 116 Excess from 2006 . 111311873 Excess from 2007 . 1* 192 I 879 Excess from 2008 . 11 3301 111 Excess from 2009 . 1, 373, 276 *if 1* ff 1- 9 ** 1-.f-. V -41-. *ra-f""-.f-:.":f,"" mr- af.-L-T" . - *ft * V. A.: "F if..-iv 134 ,.15 ".15"if-if 1" "1L 1.-rt *Z -. -.0, -. 1%,--...A75 m5* , 1* 11."-lf ,MaftI ,.,Q,ft*.1,Pfn) N ,-3*, 691% 7 ah, ik. * , . :,*3,y"-"ii"r-nf-*" , 1*in-A: . T," *Pin 989,377 g ,.1fg.5e,:t& L,-31.?" . 5, . 1* 6,107,255 l . .. * . ., ev 1,., v- I1 1 - ,-0 " " .*#7 ,"fir11--I1 51* -5*. * ., 1 , tk. ,wh*fpgiQ* ,-.,, ,vt P.L, -1 L .1., ..,. ....51 4V i1," #av - , g 5-.5 . .I r Av , . Y t ga *gifs gin.. gp 5, .g1:gn-ear. *krxh 9.- 2 . 5 , ." af J if Y-01:: 1,-1 s 3a5fi*f,@ 51 h "T," 2 3: Q-5*/ix... 5": i ., Form 990-PF (2009) Form 99dPF (zoos) Page 1 0 Part XIV Private Operating Foundations (see page 27 of the instructions and Part VII-A, question 9) 1a If the foundation has received a ruling or detemiination letter that it is a private operating foundation, and the ruling is effective for 2009, enter the date of the ruling . . . . P N/A b Check box to indicate whether the foundation is a private operating foundation described in sect ion lj 4942())(3) or II) 4942(j)(5) 2a Enter the lesser of the adjusted net Tax year Prior 3 years income or Xthe investmentfrom returnPart from IPart forminimum (3) 2009 (0) 2000 (C) 2007 00 00 (e) Total (d)2006 each year listed . . . . . . be5%oflme2a. . . . . .. 0 0 0 c Qualifying distributions from Part XII, line 4 for each year listed . . . d Amounts Included in line 2c not used directly foractive conduct of exempt activities . . e Qualifying dlstributions made directly Subtract Ime 2d from line 2c . . 0 0 0 for actlve conduct of exempt activities 3 Complete 3a, b, or c for the 0 0 0 alternative test relied upon 3 "A$$efS" alt8fnatlVe t8$t*el"ltef" 0 (1) Valueofall assets , , , , (2) Value of assets qualifying 0 under section 4942(y)(3)(B)(i) b "Endowment" altemativetest-enter 36 of minlmum Investment retum shown in Part 0 X Ime 6 for each year llsted . . . c "Support" altemative test-enter (1) Total support other than gross investment income (interest, dividends, rents, payments on securities loans (section 0 512(a)(5)), or royalties) . . (2) Support from general public and 5 or more exempt organizations as provided in 0 section 4942())(3)(B)(iii) , , , (3) Largest amount of support from I1 an exempt organization . . . (4) Gross investment income . . 0 0 Supplementary Information (Complete this part only if the foundation had $5,000 or more in assets at any time during the year-see page 27 of the instructions.) lnfomiation Regarding Foundation Managers: a List any managers of the foundation who have contributed more than 2% of the total contributions received by the foundation before the close of any tax year (but only if they have contnbuted more than $5,000). (See section 507(d)(2).) b List any managers of the foundation who own 10% or more of the stock of a corporation (or an equally large portion of the ownership of a partnership or other entity) of which the foundation has a 10% or greater interest. 2 lnfonnation Regarding Contribution, Grant, Gift, Loan, Scholarship, etc., Programs: Check here P III if the foundation only makes contributions to preselected charitable organizations and does not accept unsolicited requests for funds. If the foundation makes gifts, grants, etc. (see page 28 of the instructions) to individuals or organizations under other conditions, complete items 2a, b, c, and d. a The name, address, and telephone number of the person to whom applications should be addressed: NUCOR FOUNDATION, DONOVAN MARKS, 1915 REJCFORD ROAD, CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 704-366-7000 b The form in which applications should be submitted and information and materials they should include: SCHEDULE ATTACHED c Any submission deadlines: MARCH 1 d Any restrictions or limitations on awards, such as by geographical areas, charitable fields, kinds of institutions, or other factors: APPLICATION ATTACHED Form 990-PF (2009) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 11 Part XV Sugplementary Information (continued) 3 Grants and Contributions Paid During the Year or Agproved for Future Payment Recipient "s11ec?/?Ign1gtr Ifeggoggblllgggll Foundauon Purpose of grant or any foundation manager fgifusefg contnbuuon Amount Name and address (home or business) or substanval contributor P" a Paid during the year SEE ATTACHED 1, 378,451 Total . . . . . . . . . P 3a 1,373,451 b Approved for future payment SEE ATTACHED 5, 655,000 Total . , P 3b 5,655,000 Form 990-PF (zoos) Form 990-PF (2009) Page 1 2 Part XVI-A Analysis of Income-Producing Activities Enter gross amounts unless Otherwise Indicated, Unrelated business income Excluded by section 512, 513, or 514 (e) (a) (b) (c) (d) function income Business code Amount Exclusion code Amount (See P296 28 Of Related or exempt the instructions) 1 Program service revenue: a Fees and contracts from govemment agencies mbership dues and assessments . . . . erest on savings and temporary cash investments idends and interest from securities . . . t rental income or (loss) from real estate: 14 as , -.- ...z-, 2.. -,-,.-vii *$21-vv,).1-,W f. .i ,,-9,., 1, gry-,r y.a,.-*-Q .-.--sa---4.,, -- 1Ve 1,.,-,* ..Z H.i.,f.-.-*1,.. t-au f1.-. , .f ., i..Q, ,rf-.i Debt-financed property . . . . . . . Not debt-financed property . . . . . t rental income or (loss) from personal property her investment income . . . . . . . 8 Gain or (loss) from sales of assets otherthan inventory 9 Net income or (loss) from special events . . 10 Gross profit or (loss) from sales of inventory . 11 Other revenue: a b c d 9 12 subtotal. Adu columns (b), (d), and (e) . . . 13 Total. Add line 12, columns (b), (d), and (e) . . , . , . . . , , . . , , , , , (See worksheet in line 13 instructions on page 28 to verify calculations) 86 0 13 86 Part XVI-B Relationship of Activities to the Accomplishment of Exempt Purposes Line No. Explain below how each activity for which income is reported in column (e) of Part XVI-A contributed importantlg to v the accomplishment the foundation*s exempt purposes (other than by providing funds for such purposes) ( ee page 28 o the of instructions) N/A Form 990-PF (2009) Form 99cxPF (zoos) page 13 Part XVII information Regarding Transfers To and Transactions and Relationships With Noncharitable organizations? " mcash......................... .1al1l Exempt Organizations 1 Did the organization directly or indirectly engage in any of the following with any other organization described Yes N0 in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3) organizations) or in section 527, relating to political , -V I a Transfers from the reporting foundation to a noncharitable exempt organization of: " f . -. Other assetstransactions: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) g b(2)Other (1) Sales of assets to a noncharitable exempt organization . . . . "3" in 2 (2) Purchases of assets from a noncharitable exempt organization . . (3) Rental of facilities, equipment, or other assets , . . . . . (4) Reimbursementarrangements . . . . . . . . . (5) Loans or loan guarantees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ibm 1b(4) in 5) (6) Performance of services or membership or fundraising solicitations . . . 1b 5) c Sharing of facilities, equipment, mailing lists, other assets, or paid employees . . . . . . . . . . 1C d lf the answer to any of the above is "Yes," complete the following schedule. Column (b) should always show the fair market value of the goods, other assets, or services given by the reporting foundation If the foundation received less than fair market value in any transaction or sharing arrangement, show in column (d) the value of the goods, other assets, or services received (a) Line no. (b) Amount involved (c) Name of nonchantable exempt organization (d) Description of transfers, transactions, and sharing arrangements N/A 2a ls the foundation directly or indirectly affiliated with, or related to, one or more tax-exempt organizations described in section 501(c) of the Code (other than section 501(c)(3)) or in section 527? . . . . . . El Yes lil No b lf "Yes," complete the following schedule. (a) Name of organization (b) Type of organization (c) Descnption of relationship Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and rSignature "AY Nmof*ASSISTANT SECRETARY officer ustee Date Title belief, it is true, conect, and complete D(e,cSra-g of preparer (other than taxpayer or fiduciary) is based on all information of which preparer has any knowledge Date Preparer*s identifying Check ,f number (see Signature on - - self-employed b El page 30 of the instructions) signature V - Preparer"s Firm*szip name (or yours if EINno 5 and code Phone self-employed), address, , Form 990-PF (zoos) (ffrnigougfo-EZ Schedule of Contributors OMB N" 15450047 or 990"PF) p Attach to Form 990, 990-Ez, or 990-PF. Name of the organization Employer identification number Department of the Treasury Intemal Revenue Service NUCOR FOUNDATION 23-7318064 Organization type (check one): Filers of: Section: Form 990 or 990-EZ El 501 (c)( ) (enter number) organization lj 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust not treated as a private foundation El 527 political organization Form 990-PF lil 501(c)(3) exempt private foundation Cl 4947(a)(1) nonexempt charitable trust treated as a private foundation lj 501(c)(3) taxable private foundation Check if your organization is covered by the General Rule or a Special Rule. Note. Only a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization can check boxes for both the General Rule and a Special Rule See instructions. General Rule lil For an organization tiling Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF that received, during the year, $5,000 or more (in money or property) from any one contributor. Complete Parts I and ll. Special Rules lj For a section 501(c)(3) organization iling Form 990 or 990-EZ that met the 33%% support test of the regulations under sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi), and received from any one contributor, during the year, a contribution of the greater of (1) $5,000 or (2) 2% of the amount on (i) Form 990, Part VIII, line 1h or (ii) Form 990-EZ, line 1. Complete Parts I and Il. lj For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contributor, during the year, aggregate contributions of more than $1,000 for use exclusively for religious, charitable, scientific, literary, or educational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty to children or animals. Complete Parts I, Il, and III. lj For a section 501(c)(7), (8), or (10) organization filing Form 990 or 990-EZ that received from any one contnbutor, during the year, contnbutions for use exclusively for religious, charitable, etc , purposes, but these contributions did not aggregate to more than $1,000 If this box is checked, enter here the total contributions that were received during the year for an exclusively religious, charitable, etc., purpose. Do not complete any of the parts unless the General Rule applies to this organization because it received nonexclusively religious, charitable, etc., contributions of $5,000 or more duringtheyear,..........,,.,...........P$ ------------------------- U Caution. An organization that is not covered by the General Rule and/or the Special Rules does not tile Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF), but it must answer "No" on Part IV, line 2 of its Form 990, or check the box on line H of its Form 990-EZ, or on line 2 of its Form 990-PF, to certify that it does not meet the tiling requirements of Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF). For Privacy Act and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see t.l1e lnstnictions Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2009) for Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF. I scneaulemrorm 990,99cEz,or99o-PF)(2oo9) Page 1 of 1 ofpani Name of organization Employer identification number NUCOR FOUNDATION 23-7318064 (2) lb) @ Contributors (see instructions) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 (C) (dl Aggregate contributions Type of contribution N999R.9.Q3?.Q55".1fI9N ............... .. 1915 REXFORD ROAD (2) (bl Person $ 1,4oo,ooo Noncash (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution ) CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Payroll (0) ld) Aggregate contributions Type of contribution Person lj $ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, (2) lb) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Payroll El Noncash lj (Complete Part II rf there is a noncash contribution) (0) (dl Aggregate contributions Type of contribution Person lj $ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, H (H) (b) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Payroll El Noncash lj (Complete Part ll if there is a noncash contribution ) (C) (d) Aggregate contributions Type of contribution Person lj Payroll lj S --------------------------- U (2) (b) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 (Complete Part Il if there is a noncash contribution ) (0) ld) Aggregate contributions Type of contribution $ --------------------------- - (2) (b) No. Name, address, and ZIP + 4 Noncash U Person D Payroll lj Noncash lj (Complete Part II if there is a noncash contribution ) (C) ld) Aggregate contributions Type of contribution Person El Payroll D $ --------------------------- U Noncash U (Complete Part Il if there is a noncash contribution ) Schedule B (Form 990, 990-EZ, or 990-PF) (2009) NUCOR FOUNDATION FORM 990-PF YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 TAXES, OTHER EXPENSES AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION col (a) col (b) Part I, Line 18, Taxes 2008 Federal Return Payment Excise Tax Paid Excise Tax Refund $34 $0 $0 $34 $0 Part I, Line 23, Other Expenses Safe Deposit Box Rental Fees of Scholarship Selection Committee Service Charges $0 $450 $71 $521 $0 KI NUCOR FOUNDATION - EIN: 23-7318064 FORM 990-PF, PART II YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 ANALYSIS OF ASSETS Line 2 Savinqs and Temporary Cash Investments Book Value Market Value Savings and interest-bearing bank accounts 100,026 100,026 Total Savings and Temporary Cash Investments 100,026 100,026 Cash Total Assets 100,026 100,026 s*3 NUCOR FOUNDATION - EIN: 23-7318064 FORM 990-PF, PART II YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008 ANALYSIS OF ASSETS Cash Value Line 2 Savings and Temporary Cash Investments Book Market Value Savings and Interest-bearing bank accounts 78,946 78,946 Total Savings and Temporary Cash Investments 78,946 78,946 Total Assets 78,946 78,946 . .1 A NUCOR FOUNDATION - EIN: 23-7318064 YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 FORM 990 PF, PART XV GRANTS PAID OR APPROVED FOR FUTURE PAYMENT DURING THE YEAR l Type F PURPOSES: All grants are for scholarships to help finance the imdergraduate or vocational education of recipients. RECIPIENTS: No recipient has a relationship to any foundation manager. Recipients are children of employees of substantial contributor. Type M PURPOSES: All grants are for scholarships to help finance undergraduate education in certain fields of study. RECIPIENTS: No recipient has a relationship to any foundation manager or substantial contributor. Q9 J NUCOR FOUNDATION EIN: 23-7318064 FORM 990 PF DECEMBER 31, 2009 PART XV, LINE 3a GRANTS PAID DURING THE YEAR GRANTS PAID, TYPE F (SCHEDULE ATTACHED) $1,270,705 GRANTS PAID, TYPE M (SCHEDULE ATTACHED) 107,746 TOTAL $1,378,451 i - NUCOR FOUNDATION E.l.N. 23-7318064 GRANTS PAID DURING THE YEAR Payment Year* 2009 Students: 530 ALL DIVISIONS Paid Name and Address of Recipient Amount Abler Brittnie L 123 Hillside Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 1-500 21 Aid AIbrechtlCollazo. KateIynA 1 501 121 West Lloyg-, Pierce, NE 68767 "d .C l bA P. 011623165 glen Michael Allen,AL 35559 3-000 43 703 Allensworth, H 1 500 West Country Club Clrcle, Manila, AR 72442 Jaimie E 5 Aller. 150 Shlrway Road, Lexington, SC 29073 3-O00 Allison Kath n E 6 Anderson 3102 oak Lea tgyirele, Deeatur, AL 35603 1-330 Zach L 89 Ardis, Jr., Damon E 1 500 Ardis, Schavla D 1 500 7 2715 North 25th stgargt, Norfolk, NE 68701 3-000 125 Stonehurst Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445 125 Stonehurst Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445 Arens RachaeIA 10A ens 85779 554 Avenue, Pieree, NE 68767 3-000 Rvan A 11Arrnstron 85779 554 Avenue, Pieree, NE 68767 3-000 Reid A 12Atk"n 1010 GrandgConcourse, Charleston, SC 29412 3-000 N"oh I C 13Atk"nson, 378113 soulth 2105a0swest,Roy, uT 84067 3-000 Andrea N 14Baber, 3151Katydld Street, Sumter, SC 29154 3-000 Caleb R 15Ba400 North vietory Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 1-500 inski, Alexandra 16Baker, 141102 SE 182nd street, Renton, WA 98058 532 Jenna E 17Baker, 108 Randall Road, alytheville,AR 72315 1-500 Nathan L 18Baker, 108 Randall Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 2-145 Ryan M 19Balentine 332 Christopher Three Eoaks Drive, Lexington, sc 29073 2-433 20 160 Plantation Plaee, Florenee, AL 35633 4-500 21 Brent MAL235601 212 3423Barnes, Tanglewood Drive, SW, Decatur, Alison R 22Barrentine, 4777 county Road 83, Pisgah, AL 35765 1-500 Barritt. Ashle N 23Bates, 3702 Lakeview Brive, Norfolk, NE 68701 3-000 Tiauna B 24Batesole, 480Jeffrey East 250 south, Hyde Park, uT 84318 2-259 M 25Batv,4010 Boea Trail, Fort wayne, lN 46815 3-000 Rachael N 26Beck,Route 2, Box 59, Buffalo, Tx 75831 1-415 Brianna M 27 913 Terrace Drive, Crawfordsvllle, IN 47933 1-500 28 Bgscgkgr. Luke J 3 000 outh County Road 125 East, Greencastle, IN 46135 29 511 North il/lain street, Aubrey, Tx 76227 3-000 Beevers, Kristen A Lisa J 30Bellar, 2707 Dover Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 3-000 Bellom ,Jennifer R 31Bennett, 749 Allison Bellgmy Lane, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 5-005 P 32Bentlev. 806Gage sharps Ferry Road, Newbern, TN 38059 2-549 M 33 913west Pike street, crawfordsvilie, iN 47933 1-500 343473 Benzenhafer, III, Delbert A ,33064 1 273 NE 30 Avenue, Lighthouse Point, FL I Berry Kristin E 35 8213 South street Road, Port Byron, NY 13140 3-000 Ber /Bennin ton, EmiIyJ 36Bessmer 6912vEasistategRoad,Roaohdale,lN 46172 1-950 Taylor P 37 904 North Boxelder, Norfolk, NE 68701 1500 Pace 1 of 13 3? Blanton, James B 1,720 39 Blanton, Jordan E 202 Curico Lane, Summerville, SC 29483 1,500 40 Blue Alisha L 1123 Ridgeway, Paragould, AR 72450 3,478 41 Borden, Margaret G 2025 South Smokerise Way, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 3,000 42 Bort, Brittany A 8999 West Boone County Line Road, New Ross, IN 47968 1,500 43 Bowcutt, Kallie K 1,500 202 Curico Lane, Summerville, SC 29483 3855 West 1000 North, Tremonton, UT 84337 44 Bowers. III, Gary W 3,132 45 4,395 830 9401 Pendennis Lane, Charlotte, NC 28210 BowIin%, Marie Drive, G 226 Old ominion Charleston, SC 29418 46 Boyce, Tristan M 2141 South 5400 West, Malad City, ID 83252 47 Brackin, Caleb T 16oo state Highway ivi, sieeie, ivio 63677 1,500 48 Bradford, Jessica R 619 County Road 783, lder, AL 35981 1,500 49 Braswell, Candace R P O Box 118, Braggadocio, MO 63826 1,500 50 Bredehoft Crystal L P. O Box 378, Battle Creek, NE 68715 1,500 51 Breen, Amanda F 2225 Ross Avenue, Hoover, AL 35226 1,500 52 Bretschneider Nicole J 1901 Westwood Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 3,585 53 Brewer Michael T 2206 Galahad Drive sw, oeeaiur, AL 35603 1,500 54 Brimer, Kaleg E , AR 72315 421 Delta Roa ,Blytheville, 3,000 55 Brisson, Andrew D 6428 Valleywood Court, Avon, IN 46123 3,000 56 Britton. Bryan C 124 Beechwood Road, Ahoskie, NC 27910 3,000 57 Broadhead, Brandon B 926 West 885 South, Brigham City, UT 84302 1,500 58 Brothersen, Erica A 3,000 59 1,500 S0 Brothersen, Lauren M 80 Farr Lane, Elmira, NY 14903 Brown Hannah M 586 Weils Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024 1,189 S1 Brown, Rachel E 1234 Mclntyre Drive, Auburn, IN 46706 4,500 62 Browning, Amy N 909 Benton Street, Manila, AR 72442 1,589 63 Bruening, Scott T 1705 McDonald Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 1,500 64 Brungardt, Kayleigh N 605 Bowen, P. O Box 261, Elgin, NE 68636 3,000 55 Brgant, Alyssa, D Athens, AL 35611 11 6 Jackson Drive, 2,415 24 Nortii Chemung Street, Waverly, NY 14892 3,000 87 Burke, Lara E 2046 West Magnolia, San Antonio, TX 78201 3,000 68 Burton. Meredith M , 4,500 Butcher, Ryan C 13975 Road 1,Antwerp-LOH 45813 Butterfield, Aric L 6,000 P O Box 682, Stanton, NE 68779 1,500 71 Biyerlery. L Huntertown, IN 46748 1 424 andMax Road, 1,500 72 Cahill, R Auburn, IN 46706 822 EastTre? 1s Street, 1,000 73 Cancer, Kaieb A 1060 ounty Highway 444, Steele, MO 63877 2,089 74 Carlson, Stephanie J 1502 Valli Hi Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 1,500 75 Carnright Joel C 122 .iiiiian cireie, Goose creek, sc 29445 3,000 76 Carnright Shelby N 122 Jiiirari Cireie, Geese creek, sc 29445 1,500 77 Caruthers Deidra E 4oo ceker ifera Read, Penland, TN 37146 3,495 78 Cassidy Christopher K 3,093 79 Cassidy, Stephen K AR 72315 5052 E 134, Blytheville, 1,500 128 South 600 East, Brigham City, UT 84302 66 Burke Kristin M 69 70 80 203 NE Commons, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 5052 East County Road 134, Blytheville, AR 72315 Cato LeiIaniJ 5042 EGR 130, Biyineviiie, AR 72315 3,000 Pace 2of13 81. Centrone. Kaitlyn M 82 Champion, Kourtnev R 700 East Sunnyvlew Drive, Wayne, NE 68787 P. O BOX 935, 1403 North Buffalo Avenue, Buffalo, TX 75831 83 Chandler, Corey M 202 Fairway Drive, Darlington, SC 29532 84 Charles, Colby S 14911 soiilh, Fivl 148, scurry, Tx 75156 85 3.000 1,352 3.000 1,500 1,500 86 Chernr, Kendra E 2169 igliway 46, sliolby, AL 35143 Childress, Cory C 207 Bellewood Drive, Brandon, MS 39042 2,458 87 Christiansen, Luke R 1745 North 2400 West, Malad City, ID 83252 3,000 88 Cipriano, Kathleen G 89 Cockcroft Taylor R 117 Essex Drive, Summerville, SC 29485 3,000 90 Collett, James A 4,080 91 Conway, MacKenzie P 3,000 368 Walnut Drive, Danville, IN 46122 266 Eargle Road, Falkville, AL 35622 1114 Greenlea Drive, Marion, OH 43302 92 58 1,101 Cooleg, L Duncanvllle, AL 35456 11622 earJeremy Cree Road, 93 Coppotelli. Shane M 6.000 94 1004 17th Street, SW, Demotte, IN 46310 CossexISmith, 203 Du Iey Cove,Angela Brandon,DMS 39047 Cotten Emily F 3,000 95 110 Parktield Drive, Madison, MS 39110 2.782 96 Cousins, Joshua R 6243 Burbage Acres Drive, Suffolk, VA 23435 1,500 97 Covington, Kristen L 1435 Jetts Way Drive, Darlington, SC 29540 2,238 98 Cox, Jared J 1,500 99 Cregger, Chelsey A Lewiston, UT 84320 550 outh 2400 West, Crossley/Clark. MaKayla L 1,500 100 101 5025 West Bay Road, Plainfield, IN 46168 89 Earnest Road, Berry, AL 35546 2,469 3,000 102 Cunningham, B Ashkum,IL 60911 2573 North 400Kelly East oad, Dalke, Travis M 42612 SE 102nd Street, North Bend, WA 98045 3,000 103 Damron Harley M 1196 CR 543, ivlonello, AR 72447 3,000 104 D Antonio Nicole R 1406 Sweetbrlar Place, Decatur, AL 35603 1,500 105 Davies, Collin T 1,417 106 Davis, HaiIeLS 59 Damascus oad, Qultman, AR 72131 -1,034 530 Cook, Blythevllle, AR 72315 107 Davis Jillian T 3925 dalos Highway, Lamar, so 29069 4,812 108 Deas Jarrod M 505 Wildwood Drive, Quinny sc 29506 3,000 109 DeCuir, Andrew K 614 Lakeview, Grapeland, TX 75844 4,300 110 Denton Chelsea N 4945 EGR 166, Blynioville, AR 72315 2,864 111 DiGiroIamo. Evan M 205 Juniper Circle, Dyersburg, TN 38024 1,500 112 Dobbs, WiIIiam,S 1003 Diamond Pointe Circle, Hartselle, AL 35640 6,000 113 Dockins. Daryl K 1,500 2730 South 1200 East, Rockville, IN 47872 114 Doerr, Allxson K Pierce, NE 68767 85425 551 venue, 115 Doerr, Ashlyn N 3,000 85425 551 Avenue, Pierce, NE 68767 1,500 625 Laiialy, Biiffalo,1x 75331 3,000 Drud e, Nicole E 3,020 116 Dorman Erica R 117 5458 gounty Road 22, Butler, IN 46721 118 Dunbar, Emily H 421 St Aubln Circle, Manteno, IL 60950 3,000 D Kathryn C 61yggy1l1ga Street, Seneca Falls, NY 13148 1,500 Rebecca R Falls, NY 13148 6D1y%ert, ayuga Street, Seneca 1,500 Early, Jr. John B 2368 Lide Springs Road, Darlington, SC 29540 1,500 122 Easlegf, CaciLynn, L AL 35575 P O ox 193, 1,500 123 Edwards. Katelyn V 4,500 119 120 121 33443 Sunbeam Road, Franklin, VA 23851 Pacle 3 of 13 , 124. 125 Elliott. Eliiah L 4530 West County Road 1000 North, Roachdale, IN 461 72 3,000 19277 Highway 24, Moulton, AL 35550 4,500 Elliott Rebecca C 126 Ellis, Gabriel M 318 Atrium Ridge Court, Saint Charles, MO 63304 1,500 127 Elwood/Balls Kristin 106 South 450 East, Wellsville, UT 84339 1,983 128 Embree, Valerie J 7716 County Road 26, Butler, IN 46721 3,000 129 Etcheson Lianna R 179 East 300 South, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 3,000 130 Eubanks, Stegahen M 245 Lakecircle rive, Salem, AR 72576 1,500 131 Eucker, Jade R 1003 Tara Heights Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 3,000 132 Faber, Kirstyn,M 14401 SE Petrovitsky Road, F201, Renton, WA 98058 3,000 Fair, Billy/VJ 810 West alnut Street, Blytheville, AR 72315 1,500 Farmer, Carra N 3,676 135 Ferrier, Devon N 791 133 134 3556 Marion Marysville Road, Prospect, OH 43342 3016 Harris Drive, Antioch, CA 94509 136 Fitzpatrick, Evan S 97 Gunderman Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 3,000 Flannigan. Corie S 1,500 138 Flowers. Ashley N 1831 Davy Crockett, Dyersburg, TN 38024 1,500 139 Flignn. James 30 Kalber Drive,PHartsville, SC 29550 3,133 140 Fo1qle W TX 75839 49 ACRRonald 119, Elkhart, 1,500 7890 Stephanie Cove, Bartlett, TN 38133 1,500 6022 West Highway 36, Weston, ID 83286 2,466 137 118 Northview Drive, Monette, AR 72447 141 Follis Elizabeth L 142 Fonnesbeck Annette 143 Fonnesbeck J.Scott 6022 West Highway 36, Weston, ID 83286 1,500 144 Ford Templeton C 3,000 105 Nighthawk Lane, summerviiie, sc 29485 145 Ford, Traci N 201 Robbie Road, Lexington, SC 29073 1,500 Foster, Charlissa L 408 East 21st Street, Cameron, TX 76520 3,000 147 Freeman, Jenna R 08976 Hicksville-Edgerton Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 3,000 148 Freeman, Nicole L 4,500 146 08976 Hicksville-Edgerton Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 149 Fuqua. Hannah A 1301 High Street, Hartselle, AL 35640 1,500 150 Gaetke, Shannon R 4753 Glenn Street, Charleston, SC 29405 1,449 151 Gall, Andrew J 3,000 152 Gamble, Tiffany D 3,000 2004 Westwood Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 2212 Santee Road, Andrews, SC 29510 153 Gardner Alenda M 1,533 154 Gardner Erik B 3,000 2539 North 270 East, North Logan, UT 84341 43 North 300 East, P o Box 252, weiisviiie, UT 34339 155 Garland, Tiffany R 4,500 156 1,223 157 Gamer, JeffenkS 262 Stephenson oad, Hartselle, AL 35640 Garrett, Robert W 158 Gee Lindsey M 1,500 159 Geldenhuis, Petrus J 4,500 8934 Black Oak Street, Austin, TX 78729 225 Jennings Way, Eufaula, AL 36027 903 East State Highway 18, Blytheville, AR 72315 53 Trotters Run, Brownsburg, IN 46112 160 Gentry. Lauren B 952 Petters Road, Mountain View, AR 72560 161 George, Levi A 802 South Poplar, Andrews, SC 29510 1,500 3,343 2,821 Gerigb Chelsey 3721 ounty Road L43, Auburn, IN 46706 163 Geriq, Dane P 3,000 164 1,423 162 18923 Lochner Road, Spencerville, IN 46788 165 Gerig, Jenna Road, R Spencerville, IN 46788 1892 Lochner Gillen, Deirdre E 166 Giovenco, Rachel L 556 North Villa Drive, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 452 Pennsylvania Avenue, Waverly, NY 14892 1,500 4,500 4,500 Pace 4 of 13 157 Glenn, Casey L * 369 Highway 36 East, Hartselle, AL 35640 3,000 153 Glenn. J3V D 1,140 159 Graben. Sandra K 3.000 170 Grable, Rebecca S 171 Graves, James T 3.000 727 172 Gray, Ceone 810 orth EnnenCLane, Osceola, AR 72370 3.000 173 145 PM 27, Fa1rfioio,Tx 75640 3,000 369 Highway 36 E, Hartselle, AL 35640 214 County Road 664, Pisgah, AL 35765 2705 Magnolia, Caruthersville, MO 63830 825 Sand Rock Avenue, Sand Rock, AL 35983 Green John T 174 Greene, 911 WestBradlefyw Sande er Road, Athens, AL 35611 175 Griffin Garrett G 2,702 175 Griffiths Olan E 1,500 177 Gross, Lawrance R 1,500 175 Guimond Forrest M 2,986 179 Guina, Bxron A 5001 PAT IOT PARK CIRCLE, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 Guine , Gregory C 1.500 151 Hadberq AmberN 93 wosiidonh sneer, iviouni Gilead, oH 43333 1,887 Ha amanlCoIIey, Ellie D 1,719 11435 Craig Street, Overland Park,2KS 66210 3733 Norah 1ooo Easi, Kondaiiviiie, iN 46755 504 North Main Street, P O Box 279, Antwerg, OH 45813 3648 East 6000 North Road, Manteno, IL 60950 180 104 Bugs Lane, ivionoks comer, sc 29461 182 103% Walleye Road, Bonneau, SC 29431 183 H3", Ryan C 1252 Haughton Road, Edenton, NC 27932 3,000 863 933 154 Hanks, Skye 7445 North 600 West, Honeyville, UT 84314 185 Harris Derek 1,500 155 Harris Shannon D 1,500 157 Haslam, Jennifer L 1,500 155 Hatcher, Jordyn W 1,500 159 Haynes, 49 5 East Holly CountyRRoad 192, Blytheville, AR 72315 190 Heffner, Allison O 3,000 191 Henderson, Brian D 2,086 192 Heng:hJordan F Norfolk, NE 68701 1643 ackberry Drive, 2,762 193 Henrichs Stephanie E 4,182 194 Hermes, Michael K 1,500 195 Hernandez, Chad A 1,500 3286 vilesi iooo Nonn, Tromonion, ur 34337 3393 vilesi chapel i-iiii Road, Deoa1ur,Ai. 35603 2821 South 200 West, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 705 North Columbus Street, P O Box 192, Galion, OH 44833 1020 Westwind Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46845 518 Leigh, Gosnell, AR 72315 548 North Lakeshore Drive, Gilbert, SC 29054 1208 Magnolia, Gainesville, TX 76240 6686 Hare Run Lane, Arlington, TN 38002 195 HernandezlJarrow, Elizabeth E 16090 North Beaver Dam Road, Collinston, UT 84306 197 Herschberggr. V46785 5969 CR 55, aintCaleb Joe, IN 195 Hester, Jacob S 2102 Cotton Gin Road, Russellville, AL 35653 1,500 1,500 153 1,500 3,743 199 Hewitt, Marg-Margaret 296 Bampfiel Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 H"I ert, Tyler L 3,000 200 4i9qRiogoway Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 1,500 201 Himes, Zachary T 1 1 1,500 202 Hirose, Mamiko, 3,000 2031196 Hi$t6d, EVEN A . Salem Church Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 3,839 204 Hoerinq, Janelle V 1,500 205 Hoffman, Jennifer K 3,532 205 Hoffman, Stefanie S 3,000 207 Hollas, Aaron M 3,000 7608 Samuel Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46259 1324 Creekview Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23321 8208 Asher Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 2329 North Rolling Road, Hartsville, SC 29550 1212 Nebraska Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 P o Box 724, Jewoii, Tx 75646 Hollis Brittne N ,208 P o dox 204, i-iiimburg, AR 71646 3,228 209 Holman, Jenny L 1,165 972 West 520 North, Tremonton, UT 84337 Paoe 5 of 13 210 Holmes, II Gary D 723 llllnols Street, Blythevllle, AR 72315 211 Horn Alissa L 915 3,000 1104 siiortnorri orive, Norfolk, NE 88701 212 Howe, Nicole M 3337 Robinson Road, Wellsburg., NY 14894 213 Hoxworth, Avery W 6,000 106 Madd Lane, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 1,979 214 Huber, Jeffery L Auburn, IN 46706 6002 Deer Tra Cove, 3,000 215 Hudson, Andrew M 3,000 14015 Covered Wagon Trail, Leo, IN 46765 216 Hudson, Kian J 16410 Sunset Pass, Harlan, IN 46743 6,000 217 Hughes. A 102 ickoryGraham Lane, Antwerg, OH 45813 3,000 218 Hughes, Jocelynn B Marlon, OH 43302 175 Bellefontalne Avenue, 1,500 219 Hugihes. G , AR 72315 101 Country ClubMary Road, Blythevllle, 1,665 220 Hulgan, Blake W 309 County Road 27, Fort Payne, AL 35968 3,000 221 Hunter, Jessica A 3,000 222 Hurd SaleCottonwood S 1205 Sout Court, Garland, UT 84312 Hutton, Joshua M 3,000 223 129 Wingate, Blythevllle, AR 72315 3,000 224 Isbell Lucas D 3955 l-lignway 20, Tuseumbia, AL 35874 2,719 225 Ives, Sarah M 308 Hamlett Drive, White House, TN 37188 1,500 226 Jackman, Devin B 1,500 2920 Hawthorne Circle, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 474 Holiday Drive, Brigham City, UT 84302 227 JacquaylDanieI, 3841 CR 71, Butler,Katelyn IN 4 721M 228 James, Lindsay A 229 939 1060 North Valley View Drive, Tremonton, UT 84337 3,000 Jansen, Colby C 3,000 85070 548th Avenue, Pierce, NE 68767 230 Jarred. Brittany L 201 LaVlsta Drive, Steele, MO 63877 231 Jenkins, Colby A 1,500 406 7th Street, Stanton, NE 68779 3,000 232 Jensen, Joshua E 460 ACR 138, Elkhart, TX 75839 3,645 233 Jensen, Nicholas M 710 south sixth street, Norfolk, NE 88701 3,000 234 Jensen. Rebecca R 460 ACR 138, Elkhart, TX 75839 1,500 235 Jeske, Tyler W 258 Moorewood Avenue, Avon Lake, OH 44012 1,146 237 Jessop, Carson 95 South 100 West, Fielding, UT 84311 Johnson Alexander M 304 west talhoun street, Luxore, AR 72358 4,075 238 Johnson, Christiana D 3428 Bicentennial Avenue, Springfield, OH 45503 4,500 239 Johnson, Clay T 1,500 240 4,500 241 Johnson, Mealan G 208 Prosperity ay., Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 Johnson/Cox Kyley J 1084 North 1050 East, orem, UT 84097 3,000 242 Jones Adam R 1084 West Greasewood Drive, Riverton, UT 84065 1,500 243 Jones Devon F 1083 Stonehenge Drive, Charleston, SC 29410 1,500 244 Jones Paul A , 1084 West 11765 South, Riverton, UT 84065 3,000 245 Jordan, Ill, Basil M 1,500 236 320 Woodrun Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157 2501 lseman Road, Darlington, SC 29532 1,500 246 KallhofflJacoby, Jennifer 1803 Sunset Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 247 Kanervisto Christopher K 2,871 248 Keener, Morgan D 1,500 249 Keiter, Phillip H 1,500 250 Kemp, Andrea C 624 Lanes Way, Manila, AR 72442 1,032 4540 west 12000 North, Tremonton, UT 84337 7884 CR 50, Butler, IN 46721 533 Leigh Street, Gosnell, AR 72315 251 Kenney Daniel W 330 south Broadway, Little York, ll. 81453 252 Kinq, Emily S , 1111 Crowne Pointe, Newbern, TN 38059 3,000 4,343 1,500 Pace 6 of 13 253 Kinq. Erin D 1111 Crowne Pointe, Newbern, TN 38059 254 3,266 255 Kinq Skyler B 7690 North Highway 38, Honeyville, UT 84314 256 Kin% Vanessa R 1,500 King, J , TX 75801 560 CR Jerome 374, Palestine, -901 405 helsea Drive, Palestin, TX 75803 3,000 257 Kinnamon Jeremiah J 7217 North 100 West, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 2,883 258 Kigfer, D Fremont, IN 46737 21 5 EastTaner 400 North, 1,500 259 Kirven, Marv K 3,000 260 Kirven, Robin K 302 Beaver Pointe Drive, Florence, SC 29501 1,500 302 Beaver Point Drive, Florence, SC 29501 261 Kizziah. Jenna L 12857 Holt Peterson Road, Cottondale, AL 35453 3,637 262 Klegper, Andrew R 512 Casebeer-Miller RD, Hicksville, OH 43526 3,000 263 Kleggxer, Taylor M 051 Casebeer Miller Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 264 1,500 Klug2566 Lindsay N stanton, NE 66779 642 Avenue, 265 Kluver, Jace F 303 North 1st Street, P O Box 113, Plainview, NE 68769 266 Knuppenburg, Rvan M 12 Oak Drive, Union Springs, NY 13160 267 Kortan, Hunter G 113 South Wisdom Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 268 Kucek. Michael A 1023 South Peninsula Road, Florence, SC 29501 269 Lackey, Danielle E 1105 Broadmoor Street, Blytheville, AR 72315 270 Lamb, Nicholas R 206 Northview Drive, Royse City, TX 75189 271 Lane, Jordan B 210 Belle Meade, Kennett, MO 63857 3,000 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 272 Lanford, Jordan L 308 Kenilworth Road, Summerville, SC 29485 273 Laska Matthew J 4,500 274 Lavoie, Joel L 9706 Autumn Hollow, Converse, TX 78109 275 Lee Kari E 1117 North 6th street, Biytheviile, AR 72315 276 Lemons, Evan C 25 Honeysuckle Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 277 Lessuise, Kalinda R 1086 Hoks Ridge Lane, De Pere, WI 54115 278 Lewis/Hettich, Sasha N l 985 South Fairway Drive, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 279 Ley Kavin J 1,020 4633626701 street, conterviiie, so 57o14 ao l/veot1ststreet,Aviiia, iN 46710 280 Lienemann, Hillary K 281 3,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 1,500 56285 851 Road, Hoskins, NE 68740 1,023 Line, Nathan J 4,500 1331 West 300 South, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 282 Linnville, Mark C 586 Center Court Drive, Boone, NC 28607 283 284 1,500 1,500 Locbsdon MattParagonio, D 720 Tory Lane, AR 72450 3,000 Lonqnecker, Josie M 3,000 309 Bressler Avenue, Winside, NE 68790 285 Lowe Cory W 6375 SW Spruce Avenue, Beaverton, OR 97005 286 Ludlow, Brxnne 2771 North 1 75 East, Ogden, UT 84414 287 Ludlow, Chase Q 2771 North 1275 East, North Ogden, UT 84414 288 Luebben, Kelli A 599 McCrystal Circle, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 289 Lundberg, Anna L 354 North 400 West, Brigham City, UT 84302 290 Luttrell, Amanda K P. O Box 636, Welch,WV 24801 3,000 291 3,000 Macgargle. Klyle 380 Lewisham oad,MColumbia, SC 29210 1,089 1,500 3,000 3,886 3,000 Maguire J,amie,L 290 GoIfView Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 Maharaj, Azara Z 293 3,000 294 Maharaj, Leeah I 1,300 295 3,000 292 2701 FourWinds Place, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 2701 Four Winds Place, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 Mahoney, EmiI&A 4588 Roc efeller oad, Auburn, NY 13021 3,000 Paoe 7 of 13 295 Malager, Austin T P. O ox 373, Bainbridgg, IN 46105 297 Manqum. Allison M 4,500 293 Mannin%. B Route 1, ox Candace 523-A, Oakwood, TX 75855 3,000 299 64366 543111 Avenue, Norfoik, NE 66701 1,500 300 Marinos William M 1,500 301 Marrier, Ashli E I 3,000 302 Martens, Brandon T 3,000 303 Matthews. Gavin D 1,500 304 Matthews, Megan N 2,011 210 South 300 West, Hyrum, UT 84319 Mannin ,RachaeIE 2923 Wellington Circle, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 210 William Latham Drive, Apartment 2, Bourbonnais, IL 60914 1204 Kansas Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 8216 Chesapeake Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23518 8216 Chesapeake Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23518 Ma , Tiffany J 3,000 305 64051 543 Avenue, Barrie creek, NE 66715 1,500 300 McCann AbbiStorm 1,500 307 McCauley Amanda S 1,462 6315 6111 Sireei, Leighton, AL 35646 5046 East County Road 132, Biyineviiie, AR 72315 308 MCDBY, Kelly K 3601 Chanute Street, San Diegg, CA 92154 3,000 309 McDonald, Kagla J Green, KY 42103 311 Scott Lane, owling 1,500 310703 McFadden, Sean P , Paddington Drive, Greenville, NC 27858 3,000 311 McGaughe7y, Brooke D 7705 South 00 West, Waveland, IN 47989 3,000 312 Mclnville Lindsey E 439 Wire Road, Dar ington, SC 29532 McKa Megan E 3,000 412 314 McKelvey, Leannda A 3,000 315 McLain, Trace C 1,500 313 McLoughlin, Emily N 4,500 317 Merchant, Zahra A 1,500 3,3147 Metcalf, Karissa J A South Gosnell, Blytheville, AR 72319 1,500 313 127 ugliighway 61, sieeie, ivio 63677 251 County Road 443, Dawson, AL 35963 122 Zee Court, Covington, IN 47932 2611 Hamilton Street, Weedsport, NY 13166 2127 Cannes Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006 Me er Chelsey L 319 646511"-iignway14,Nei1gg, NE 66756 3,685 320 Meyer, Eric L 3,000 321 Meyer, Melinda L 3,000 322 330 Me15er PatrickK , Drive, Florence, SC 29501 West Hampton Pointe 1,500 323 Michaels Jared D 1,559 324 Michaels Jessica L 1,980 325 Mickelson, Nathan L 3,000 320 Mickey, Genna M 3,000 327 Miller, Justin A 1,500 3233748 Miller Justine E , North Evergreen Drive, Pleasant View, UT 84414 2,915 329 Mills BretteL 1,478 330 Mlodzianowski, Jana M 3,000 331 Momberger Ella T 3,000 332 Moore, Ashley M 3,000 84601 Highway 14, Neligg, NE 68756 8924 Bull Rapids Road, Woodburn, IN 46797 503 North Boxelder, Norfolk, NE 68701 503 North Boxelder, Norfolk, NE 68701 907 East High Street, Hicksville, OH 43526 837 Wingfoot Drive,,North Aurora, IL 60542 413 Gleneagle Circle, lrmo, SC 29063 396 Nonn 1oo Easi, ivienoion, ur 64325 2791 Marshall Street, P. O. Box 77, Weedsport, NY 13166 664 Lindsey I-lollow Road, Gallatin, TN 37066 7214 Parkwood Street, Florence, AL 35634 333 Moore JT 5944 Us 136 EBSI, CI*3Wf0l*d$VIll8, IN 47933 12 334 Moore, Steven W 1,500 335 Morris, Justin M 3,000 330 Mosley, Justin M 3,305 337 Mountain, Tavis J 2,203 333 Mula, Nikolas C 1,500 1239 Theresa Lane, Bourbonnais, IL 60914 1393 Highway 131, Eufaula, AL 36027 3810 Darwood Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 247 Charlie Powell Road, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 56 Littleton Road, Kenton, TN 38233 Paae 8 of 13 , 330 MuIaILancgey, Jenna LTN 38233 56 Littleton oad, Kenton, 340 Mulvaney, Alex K 341 1,500 271 Beaver Creek Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 4,500 Mulvanev. Ethan T 3,000 271 Beaver Creek Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 342 Myers, Kodey W 6845 South Highway 165, Hyrum, UT 84319 1,500 343 Newcamp, James W 519 Wilmalr Avenue, Hartsville, SC 29550 3,844 344 Newcomer, Brittney D South, Kendallville, IN 46755 6142 East Beck Lake oad 3,000 345 Norris Katherine M 10267 East New Ross Road, New Ross, IN 47968 346 Norris, Kristen H 140 Private Road 5515, Palestine, TX 75801 3,000 1,500 347 Nowlin, Alexandra M 870 County Highway 493, Steele, MO 63877 3,000 348 Oliva. Brenden C 516 East 300 North, Brigham City, UT 84302 4,037 349 O"MaIIey Ry(an S Madison, AL 35758 405 Clydelzan Drive, 1,500 350 Osberg1, Bethany N 1802 Hi view Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 1,500 351 Oswalt, Andrew D 2440 Arlington Avenue, Davenport, IA 52803 3,000 352 Palmer, Taylor J 1340 North 1560 East, Logan, UT 84341 3,000 353 Parish Erica R 5030 ECR 130, Biyiheviiie, AR 72315 2,940 354 Pedersen, Poul V 313 Hook Lane, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 3,000 355 Perez, Nicholas S 57 Weiss Way, Southington, CT 06489 356 Peters Amanda N 1,500 5200 Vlfest Bluegill Circle, Denton, NE 68339 1,500 357 Petersen, Jessica M 704 South Center, Tilden, NE 68781 1,970 358 Pettiglrew, Mitchell 402 C erry Leaf Road,ADelaware, OH 43015 2,000 359 Pfeiffer Amanda R 55731 s52nd Road, winside, NE 58790 3,000 360 Phillips, Matthew A 1863 Harrison Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 3,000 361 Philpott, Laura M 10912 South State Road 47, Waveland, IN 47989 1,367 362 Pichler, Evan D 413 East Nebraska, Norfolk, NE 68701 1,733 363 Pierce, Zachary/GI 1522 North Main, illard, UT 84340 3,381 364 Pittman, Ashley B 339 Sanford Avenue, Eufaula, AL 36027 3,000 917 West Willow Street, Pierce, NE 68767 3,000 365 Polt. Jessica R 366 Pool, Elizabeth A I 129 Bruce Farmer Road, Aulander, NC 27805 3,000 367 Port, Vallie B 2,604 368 PorterISmith, K Logan, UT 84341 2147 North 800Beck# East, orth Pospisil, Amanda M 369 2,581 370 Postlethwait, Kelsy M 2505 McGowan Boulevard, Marion, IA 52302 1,500 P O Box 825, 1026 Donie Road, Buffalo, TX 75831 1102 South 4th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 2,145 Postlethwait, Olin J 1,500 372 Powers. Danielle M 2725 Oak Manor Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 3,000 373 Powers. Eric R 3,000 374 Prevost, Mallory A 4316 Jenni Lane, onesboro, AR 72404 3,000 375 Pritchard, Elizabeth M 1,500 376 Pritchard, Jessica L 3,000 371 2505 McGowan Boulevard, Marion, IA 52302 2725 Oak Manor Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 3400 Navajo Ridge Drive, College Station, TX 77845 686 Hudson Road, Decatur, AL 35603 377 Ptak, Erin M 1010 Darrus Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 1,500 378 Ra%an, Kristyn B Pocahontas, AR 72455 133 Crenshae Road, 3,000 379 Ra1per, Nicole L Blytheville, AR 72315 39 4 South Division, 1,893 380 Reaves Bradlelxidge G Road, Lake Cormorant, MS 38641 859 Confederate Reese Meagan V 1,289 381 2518 VI/est Third Loop Road, Florence, SC 29501 280 Page 9 of 13 I i 382 383 Reichenbach. Jennifer L 5233 Prospect-Upper Sandusky Road North, Hamster, OH 43323 0-000 Reissmann, Me an F P O. Box 308, 43652 South Robert Street, Kingman, IN 47952 1-500 384 Rekieta, Corey A 519 North iviarket, P o. Box 462, Bremond, Tx 76629 3-000 385 Rekieta, Luke A 115 East Colorado Street, Bremond, TX 76629 1-500 386 Rethwisch Cali M 387 516 south Ei"rn, Tilden, NE 66761 3-000 Re es-Ruiz, Mayra A 37 Xiorth iviain street, Apartment 10, wall-ngford, CT 06492 1-500 388 Rhodes, Kara L 389 4924 East County Road 166, Blythev-lie, AR 72315 1-500 Rice Sarah E 390 391 392 3415 Columbus, Gainesville, Tx 76240 1-500 Rice, Jeffrey S Richie Gerald J 4 500 1246 Hiiton Head Court, Def-anoe, oH 43512 5-000 929 North 1175 west, Jamestown, iN 46147 4-500 4223 VI/est Hilltop Lane, Franklin, WI 53132 Riedel Steven C 393 Riffle Lyndsay K 394 6620 County Road 61, Danville, AL 35619 1-045 Robbins, Nathan L 395 Robbins, Nicholas A 396 397 1693 west state Highway 16, Man-la, AR 72442 293 1693 west state H-ghway 16, Manila, AR 72442 1-500 Robinson Kelsey L P o Box 466,Jewett,Tx 75646 4-500 Robinson, Lakendra N 2 672 105 West Hartwick Lane, Goose Creek, SC 29445 399 621 County oada56, Pisgah, AL 35765 2-902 Ro ers Sarah F 400 Rose. Tessa M 398 Roggers, Megan N 401 11251-iez"Peroe Drive, Darlington, sc 29532 1-500 113 Meadowview Drive, Brandon, MS 39047 3-000 Rovito, Sarah M 6240 Glade Avenue, Cineinnat-, CH 45230 3-000 4034 Fawnhill oad, Matthews, NC 26105 1-594 Ruckman Rebecca L 402 RowIanlKnigg1ton, April D 403 404 6629 state Road 6, Butler, iN 46721 3-000 160 unkist Village Lane, Tiptonville, TN 38079 1-500 405 Rupg, Jessica L Sanders, Sarah C 406 Sandor, Stephanie R 407 Schaffer K le D 408 Schimminq Cod L 409 Schkerke Christopher A 506 North 27 street, Norfolk, NE 66701 3-000 6030 Lawnhili Drive, Memphis, TN 36135 3-000 2200 skyline Br-ve, Norfolk, NE 66701 3-000 410 31443195th" $treet,yP-okering, lvlo 64476 1-074 360 North iforest Avenue, Bradley, lL 60915 4-500 Schomaker, Amanda L 411 Schremmer Stephanie M 412 Schwartz Paiqe R 15265 eennis street, omaha, NE 66154 3-000 2495 County Road 609, Cardwell, ivio 63629 5-312 14737 seniors Trail, Leo, iN 46765 1-500 413 Scott, II, Harold G 11963 Cranston Drive, Arlington, TN 36002 1-751 414 415 5149 sR 101, MZTV saint Joe, iN B 46765 1-500 Seiberl, 1 207 3802 Union Chapel Road, Northport, AL 35473 Scouten Adam R 416 Sellers, Amber R 418 12307 Leon Dr-ve, Brookwood, AL 35444 1-200 210 45th slreet NE, Fort Payne, AL 35967 1-500 Shar Danielle L 419 Sharrock Lindsay M 417 Shankles Amanda L 421 1647f*rownship Road 199, Kenton, oH 43326 3-000 781 Mountx/ernon Avenue, Marion, OH 43302 2-995 Shell Margaret C 825 Westminster Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601 3-000 Shelton, Abby R 422 Shirley, Ashle N 423 Shortridge, Ashle R 420 352 Crews Drive, Dora, AL 35062 1-302 413 Henderson xoad, Decatur, AL 35603 1-500 455 Sudbury Circle, gswegg, IL 60543 3-000 424 Simpson, Erika R 4006 Brandywine Drive, Jonesboro, AR 72404 3-147 Paae1Oof13 426 Slade. Meagen C 83 North 100 West, Preston, ID 83263 426 Smid. Brittany L 1708 West Beniamin, Norfolk, NE 68701 427 Smith, Briana N 1639 East CR 200 North, Greencastle, IN 46135 428 Smith, Il Chip J 421 East Main, Steele, MO 63877 429 Smith, Jacob A 412 Running Fox Road West, Columbia, SC 29223 430 Smith, Joseph B 421 East Mann Street, Steele, MO 63877 3,951 3,000 1,500 3,045 1,500 3,000 431 Smith. Savannah M 1,500 432 Smith. Suzanne R 3,000 250 Green Avenue North, Fort Payne, AL 35967 412 Running Fox Road West, Columbia, SC 29223 433 Snow Ashley N 1120 West Adams, Blytheville, AR 72315 434 Souther, Krystal G 3,000 306 South Terrace Drive, Florence, SC 29506 1,500 435 Sgsader Andrea D Norfolk, NE ea7o1 2 os Golf vrew Drrvo, 4,930 436 Spann, Bra/ana K sc 29450 P. o Boxa 5, Hogg, 1,500 437 Sgires. Sara ECrescent, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 3 33 Pignatelli 1,500 438 Sgaires. Steven E 3 33 Pignatelli Crescent, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466 3,000 439 Sgrinqer, 7 43 CountyJennifer Road 39,ASpencerville, IN 46788 440 Sruti, lla 1207 Ogelthorpe Avenue, Nonnal, IL 61761 441 Stames, Kelsea B 1,500 1,500 3894 East County Road 122, Blytheville, AR 72315 2,745 442 Stephens, Caleb A 120 Pole Bridge Drive, Brandon, MS 39042 3,000 443 Stephens, Cambrey A 3,000 120 Pole Bridge Drive, Brandon, MS 39042 444 Stewart. Clint G P O Box 927, Jewett,TX 75846 445 Stewart, Timala S 834 27th Street, Newport News, VA 23607 446 Stiles, Miranda S 444 4th Street, Pleasant Grove, AL 35127 447 Stilwell, Nicholas S 127 Creek View Drive, Hoschton, GA 30548 448 Stobaugih DarciA 1oa sout Wrsdorn Road, Blymovrllo, AR 72315 449 Stoffel, Rebecca L ees East 3525 North, ogden, UT 84414 450 Stracener. Natasha I 955 Mecklenburg Cove, Southaven, MS 38671 451 Stricklin Ellery 0 1,649 990 3,000 4,500 2,983 3,000 1,500 203 Brrstol cove, Brandon, ivis 39047 3,000 2309 East Coolidge Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 3,000 Stxmiest, Joshua J Valparaiso, IN 46383 15 1 Boca Lago Drive, 1,500 452 Stuthman Janeen F 453 454 Suber, Nina M 1,500 455 Suddarth, Shea E P O Box 244, Haig, MO 63851 456 Swann, Laura K 1,500 400 East Rico Drive, Florence, SC 29505 1513 County Road 730, Jonesboro, AR 72401 457 Swick, Bradley K 209 North Railroad, Groesbeck TX 76642 458 Swindle Autumn N U I 222 Pine Street, Caruthersville, MO 63830 459 Sykes, Chasity 9 9 Jimmy Drive, S Gosnell, AR 72315 460 Taezge William F Norfolk, NE ea7o1 160 slrerroarr orrve, 1,500 1,510 2,660 1,123 309 461 Tarlton, Joshua D 3133 South Canal Drive, Florence, SC 29505 3,000 462 Tate Meaqan L 1,355 104 Whne oak street, Brooklana, AR 72417 463 Ta-ylor, Brandon M 93 Howell Street, Wills Point,TX 75169 464 107 North Main Street, Mt. Gilead, OH 43338 465 Thaxton, Kyle E 1191 East State Hlghway 239, Blytheville, AR 72315 466 Thies Jordan T 1223 deorqg, Norfolk, NE 58701 467 Thomas. Chelsie L Tebbe, Sarah E , P O Box 233, GrapeIand,TX 75844 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 Page 11 of13 466 Thompson, Abbey Gosnell, L 5106 illage Avenue, AR 72315 469 Thompson, Kilee S 1,827 05085 Casebeer Miller Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 1,500 470 Thomhrson L 5455 CR 555,Summer Biy1heviiie,AR 72315 8,875 471 Thompson, Tyger 1475 Creekside rive,DBrownsburg, IN 46112 472 Thrash, Emily E 718 Sprin Hill Drive, Madison, MS 39110 473 Thrash, LeAnn K 718 Spring Hill Drive, Madison, MS 39110 474 Thunker, LoriaLei M 54545 Nonh us Highway 51, Norfolk, NE 55701 475 Tiffany, Hannah Y 4803 Browning Drive, Killeen, TX 76542 476 Titus/Parish Rachel M 71 North 470 East, Smithfield, UT 84335 477 Towles, Loqan B 616 Lanes Way, Manila, AR 72442 478 Tucker, Danielle N 522 South Lewis, Pierce, NE 68767 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 597 2,768 3,000 479 Tucker, lll Thomas R 2,427 480 Turney, Kaitlyn N 152 Woodside ane, Dyersburg, TN 38024 1,500 1713 North Broadway, Blytheville, AR 72315 481 Turnev. Kyle J 152 Woodside Lane, Dyersburg, TN 38024 3,000 482 Turose, Alyssa J 3903 Mandy Rue, Auburn, NY 13021 483 Turose, John M 3,000 484 Turose, Kaela M 3903 Mandy Rue, Auburn, NY 13021 485 Tweedy Adam J 3,000 486 Tweedy, Jenna N 713 West Court Street, Pierce, NE 68767 487 Udy, Ging:Ler N 1,500 488 Venable, Jonathan G 3,000 489 Vernon, Michael A 2304 Bel Air Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 490 Vornhagen, Adam R 1626 West Berry Hill, Norfolk, NE 68701 1,454 6,000 491 1,500 3903 Mandy Rue, Auburn, NY 13021 713 wesf court, Pieioe, NE 55757 20075 Nort 5000 West, Plymouth, UT 84330 189 County Road 445, Hillsboro, AL 35643 Wachel Jessica R 150 Fivi 2413, Biemoiid, 17( 75529 492 Waite, Zane M 770 Glen Valley Road, Athens, PA 18810 493 Walquist, Brianne J 7115 North 5500 West, Newton, UT 84327 494 Walaluist Jordan M 341 eeiioosoiirh,New1oii, uT 54327 495 Walsh Katherine A 121 coliiiiewooa Drive, Eiifaiiia, AL 35027 496 WalterlJohnson, M46738 605 Oakleaf Drive, Ashley Garrett, N 497 WatsonlNaramore, Mary E 211 Fort Higdon Lane, Adger, AL 35006 498 Weber, Dustin L 1,500 3,338 1,178 3,000 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 2,995 823 East Main Street, Pierce, NE 68767 3,000 499 Weber, Joshua R 823 East Main Street, Pierce, NE 68767 3,000 500 Weidner Katie L 54375 asdiii Road, iviaoieoii, NE 55745 1,433 501 Wells Corey A 2,271 502 Wells Lauren A 3,000 1903 Sheridan Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 9100 East Orchard Lane, Charlotte, NC 28210 503 Wenzl, Gina M U 1404 Longhorn Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 1,500 504 Wenzl, Tyller J 1404 Long orn Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 3,000 505 Whatlev. Christina M 2,487 506 Whitaker, Amanda B , 1,469 507 WhiteseIIlGallion, Anola J 1,983 508 Widdicombe, Danica R 354 Bird Loog, Centreville, AL 35042 8412 Canterbury Lane, Morris, AL 35116 186 East Colony Acres Drive, Brazil, IN 47834 202 Randall Road Extended, Blytheville, AR 72315 509 Willett, Jennifer D 1581 Parksite Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 510 10280 North Highway 38, Deweyville, UT 84309 Williams, Gentry D , 225 1,500 1,500 Paoe12of13 ,, 1" 514 Williams, Jordan J 620 North 600 West, Malad City, ID 83252 512 Wilson. Cameron J 513 1050 ACR 160, Palestine, TX 75801 1,500 Wilson 296 LciiCod&R 404, roesbeck, Tx 76642 3,000 514 Wilson, Kayla H 5095 East County Road 128, Blytheville, AR 72315 515 Wilson, Lee R 280 County Highway 324, Portageville, MO 63873 516 Winslow, Jamie L 132 Selwin Road, Belvidere, NC 27919 517 Wolfe, Dillon W 23 New Mexico Parkway, Hilltop Lakes, TX 77871 518 Womack Brian A 655 Solar Shield Boulevard, Odenville, AL 35120 519 Woss. Ashley N 340 Skyline Drive, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 520 Wri%ht, Jillian M 521 522 1,500 2,051 1,500 3,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 117 larksville Road, Edgerton, OH 43517 3,000 Wri ht Randee R 202 glorth Plum Street, P O Box 405, Plainview, NE 68769 3,000 Wyers JacobGrapeianu, C 77 7ch 2120, Tx 75644 1,500 523 Younq, Kierra T 1416 Fox Hollow Drive, Hartsville, SC 29550 524 Zahrn, Anthonyvb 9665 North 4400 est, Tremonton, UT 84337 2,506 525 Zautke Kala S 55028 859th Road, Pierce, NE 68767 3,000 526 Zickgkraf, Rachel A 4689 ast State Road 14, Columbia City, lN 46725 3,000 527 Zielinski, Jordan A 5082 East County Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 1,500 528 Zink Jessica S 24502 siaie Road 37, i-iarian, iN 46743 2,114 529 Zurcher, Andrew H 340 Edgewood Drive, Providence, UT 84332 530 Zurcher, Ben C 390 Edgewood Drive, Providence, UT 84332 Total 3,000 1,500 3,000 $1,270,705 Paae13of13 - 1. NUCOR FOUNDATION E.I.N. 23-7318064 GRANTS PAID DURING THE YEAR Payment Year: 2009 Students: 45 ALL DIVISIONS Name and Address of Recipient Bass Taylor J Paid Amount 6427 tifion Road, charione, Nc 26226 1,500 Bauqlwman, 9722 idgemoreKevin Drive,MCharlotte, NC 28277 1,500 Brewer, Bethany C 1525 Piccodilly Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211 1,500 Brunner, Brian D 3,000 Bryant, Michael N 98 Broome Road, Bartonville, TX 76226 Callow, Alex G 3,000 1720 Manitoba Avenue, South Milwaukee, WI 53172 23537 State Highway KA, Graham, MO 64455 3,000 Cam?/,beII, Justin Z Collierville, TN 38017 1126 acon Ridge Drive, 1,500 Clemons. Johnathon L 453 Millstone Court, ,Woodbridg-QLCA 95258 4,500 Conway, Eric J 18 Templeton Road,,WaIIingford,,,,CT 06492 3,000 Crasso, Anthony W 45 Sylvan Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 3,000 Curtis Charles A 659 Butler Road, Poriiand, TN 37146 2,909 Dawson, Andrew M 870 Hatton Cove, Collierville, TN 38017 1,500 DiDominic, Amber L 1115 4th street, i-iiiier, PA 15444 4,500 Doolittle. Kristen M 9522 Sardis Glen Drive, Matthews, NC 28105 1,500 Farr, Ashley R 12558 Teddy Drive, McCalla, AL 35111 3,134 Foster, Katherine A 1474 Route 326, Auburn, NY 13021 3,000 Graham, Gabriel M 957 Rainbow Avenue South, Rainsville, AL 35986 1,500 Haines, Shannon R 376 CDV Extension, Auburn University, AL 36849 1,500 Huynh, Syrena 9912 Brigs ock Court, Charlotte, NC 28269 1,420 501 west Loousi sireei, Lodi, CA 95240 6,000 2160 South 67th Place, West Allis, WI 53219 4.500 Key, K Ie W 1229 Wnetstone River Road North, Caledonia, OH 43314 3,366 Kirkpatrick Grant D 2320 county Road, 22oo Nonii, iviinonk, iL 61760 4,500 Kukielski, Casey J 14403 Bishar Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277 1,500 Lam, Grace 2626 Hawaii Avenu, Stockton, CA 95206 3,000 Lampe, Evan M 3,000 lturraran Nicholas M John Alexanderw 8436 South Howell Avenue, Oak Creek, WI 53154 Lemons, Ebony L 1629 Oakwood Street, Memphis, TN 38108 181 McCormick, Shannon C 2809 White Birch Lane, Auburn, NY 13021 1,500 McManus, Michael P 3462 East Van Beck Avenue, St Francis, WI 53235 3,000 Mieth Stephanie L 3,000 Mills Allen C 1,500 2700 Mimick Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 3704 Montevallo Road SW, Decatur, AL 35603 Monteiano. Rocio C Route 4, Box 123, Crockett, TX 75835 957 Parker, Jordan A 8606 Briar Oak Court, Charlotte, NC 28226 Patel Viren K 1,500 6031 Saxton court, stooidon, cA 95212 1,500 Pickens, Ellis A 9717 Warwick Circle, Charlotte, NC 28210 1,500 4036 Woodland Forrest Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Prater Jameson S 3,000 Putienter, 1,90 Alaska Joseph Avenue, G Norfolk, NE 68701 1,500 Pace 1 of 2 I Schumacher, Cassidv L 400 Hickory Lane, Eureka, IL 61530 39 Smith SuZV 15495 North 4400 West, Garland, UT 84312 2,363 1,500 40 Thorborg. Robert J 3,000 41 Welsh. Peter D 71 Mary Road, Box 137, Bracey, VA 23919 1,238 42 Witte BeckiLA 4128 Easmis ei, Phoenix, Az 85032 Wooley Beniamin W 2,178 43 410 Steuben Street, Horseheads, NY 14845 25 Peek Road, Hartselle, AL 35640 1,500 44 Wooten, Daniel D 1,500 45 York, Matthew T 108 Denali Court, Terrell, TX 75160 3,000 10704 Virginia Dare Circle, Charlotte, NC 28277 Total $107,746 Paae 2 of 2 NucoR FouNnATloN EIN: 23-1318064 FORM 990 PF DECEMBER 31,2009 LlNE sb GRANTS APPROVED FOR FUTURE PAYMENT GRANTS PAID, TYPE F (SCHEDULE ATTACHED) $5,331,000 GRANTS PAID, TYPE M (SCHEDULE ATTACHED) 324,000 TOTAL $5,655,000 EYE S L in I NUCOR FOUNDATION E.I.N. 23-7318064 GRANTS APPROVED FOR FUTURE PAYMENT DURING THE YEAR Grant Year: 2002 to 2009 Students: 1,357 ALL DIVISIONS Grants Name and Address of Recipient 1 1 1 P. O Box 147, New Richmond, IN 47967 56 County Highway 515, Caruthersville, MO 63830 180 NORTH 100 WEST, SMITHFIELD, UT 84335 Approved 0 0 0 2 Abler Brittnie L 3 Abler Tracy L 4 ADAMS BRADY 5 Adams Charles 6 ADAMS JAMES 7 Adams, Joshua L 8 Albrecht/Collazo, Katelyn A 121 West Lloyd, Pierce, NE 68767 9,000 9 ALDER BRYAN KURTIS 305 SOUTH BOYER, BATTLE CREEK, NE 68715-0000 9,000 10 Aldridge, Caleb A 6,000 11 Alexander, Amanda R 13 Allen, Kathryn L 14 Allensworth, Michael H 15 Aller, Jaimie E 16 Allison Kathryn E 17 Alt, Russell L 18 Alt/Gilliam, Kellie 900 Golf Links Drive, Blytheville, AR 72315 6,000 19 Ambroz, Randy J 3,000 123 Hillside onve, Nerfeik, NE 6a7o1 123 HiIlside Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 9,000 0 1328 SOUTHLAKE DRIVE, MT PLEASANT, SC 29464 3,000 710 SouIh 4th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 3,000 710 SOUTH 4TH STREET, NORFOLK, NE 68701 9,000 144 Ray Farmer Road, Aulander, NC 27805 P O. Box 166, Glen Allen, AL 35559 2892 East County Road 346, Blytheville, AR 72315 12 ALFORD, LAUREN ROUTE 1, BOX 1186, ELKHART, TX 75839 238 Connie Wright Road, Irmo, SC 29063 703 West Country Club Circle, Manila, AR 72442 150 Shirway Road, Lexington, SC 29073 3102 Oak Lea Circle, Decatur, AL 35603 90-o Geif Links, Biyineviiie, AR 72315 108 Vista, Norfolk, NE 68701 20 AMERSON TIMOTHYY 2617 SOUTHERN AIRE ROAD, TIMMONSVILLE, SC 29161 0 0 6,000 0 9,000 0 9,000 0 6,000 21 ANDERSON JR. KEVIN 22 Anderson, Kristen M 0 23 Anderson, Matthew G 0 24 Anderson. Zachary L 25 AndersonlRouse Lindsey(A 7 216 Station Street, Gosnell, 26 RURAL Rou1*E 1, Box11,PiERcE, NE 68767 Route 1, Box 11, Pierce, NE 68767 5470 Augusta Road, Apartment 907, Lexington, SC 29072 2715 North 25th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 Arcement BrentJ , 118 Hunter Lane, Blytheville, AR 72315 6,000 6,000 0 9,000 27 ARDERY JENNIFER 3,000 28 ARDERY JOSHUA 205 NORTI-I 8TH, NORFOLK, NE 68701 6,000 29 Ardis, Jr., Damon E 9,000 30 Ardis, Schayla D 0 31 Arens Ashley M 0 32 Arens RachaeIA 33 Arens Ryan A , 34 Armstrondg Reid A Charleston, SC 29412 1010 Gran Concourse, 35 Ashley), Drew MTX 75831 Box 72 , Buffalo, 205 NORTH BTH STREET, NORFOLK, NE 68701 125 Stonehurst Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445 125 Stonehurst Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445 65779 554 Avenue, Pierce, NE 66767 85779 554 Avenue, Pieree, NE 66767 3,000 85779 554 Avenue, Pierce, NE 68767 3,000 0 O Pace 1 of 32 ASKEW. MARIANNE 11802 PLEASANT HILL COURT, RICHMOND, VA 23236 6,000 3788 south zoso west, Roy, UT 84087 3,000 3788 South 2050 West, Roy, UT 84067 9,000 Atkin Tyler S 9,000 Atkin Brandan J Atkin Nicholas C 3788 south zoso west, Roy, UT 84087 Atkinson, Andrea N 315 Katydid Street, Sumter, SC 29154 0 Babcock, Matthew A 95 North Lewis Street, Auburn, NY 13021 9,000 Baber, Caleb R 3,000 400 North Victory Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 Ba%inski, Alexandra 141 2 SE 182nd Street, Renton, WA 98058 0 Baker, M , AR 72315 108 RandalAlyssa Road, Blytheville, 0 Baker, Brett A 0 11 Victona Road, PO Box 9014, Victoria, AR 72370 Baker, Daniel 2602 A Pine Ridge Road Sw, Fort Payne, AL 35968 6,000 Baker, Jenna E 108 Randall Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 9,000 Baker. Nathan L 108 Randall Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 3,000 Baker, Ryan M 3,000 332 Three Oaks Drive, Lexington, SC 29073 Balentine, Christopher E 160 Plantation Place, Florence, AL 35633 Ball Sheriece 510 Bending Oaks Trail, Rockwall, TX 75087 BALOTTI ANGELA 700 LANCELOT DRIVE, FLORENCE, SC 29505 BANKS EMILY 6,000 9,000 9,000 332 COTTONWOOD, GOSNELL, AR 72315 6,000 Barnes, Brent M 3423 Tanglewood Drive, SW, Decatur, AL 35601 6,000 BARNES SCOTT 1335 SOUTH SUMMIT DRIVE, HOLTS SUMMIT, MO 65043 9,000 BARNHILL JARED RYAN 3430 OXFORDSHIRE LANE, MT PLEASANT, SC 29464-0000 Barnhill, Jordan 3430 Oxfordshire Lane, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 3,000 0 Barrentine, Alison R 4777 County Road 83, Pisgah, AL 35765 3,000 BarrettlDownie, Kathie 6,000 Barritt, Ashlesrive, N Norfolk, NE 68701 3702 Lakeview Barritt, Brittany A 3,000 2620 PROSPECT AVENUE, NORFOLK, NE 68701 3702 Lakeview Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 Bass, Sara E 216 Cordell, Crockett, TX 75835 Bass TaylorJ 8427 Titton Road, Charlotte, NC 28226 Batenhorst Tgler 2100 ClearfieId rive,D Norfolk, NE 68701 Bates, Tiauna B 480 East 250 South, Hyde Park, UT 84318 0 0 9,000 0 6,000 Batesole, Brad W 0 Batesole, Jeffrey M 0 Baty. Rachael Rou e 2, Box 59, N Buffalo, TX 75831 0 4010 Boca Trail, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 4010 Boca Trail, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 Baugflaiman Blake iN 48708 P.o ox 702, Auburn, 9,000 BaugFhman, 9722 idgemoreKevin Drive,MCharlotte, NC 28277 9,000 Beck, Brianna M 9,000 913 Terrace Dnve, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Becker, Luke J 4059 South County Road 125 East, Greencastle, IN 46135 0 Beevers, Kristen A 3,000 Belcher, IV, Paul D 0 Belcher, Sarah N 0 511 North Main Street, Aubrey, TX 76227 10717 Tradewind Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46825 10717 Tradewind Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46825 Bellar, Lisa J 2707 Dover Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 3,000 Bellomy, Jennifer R 3,000 749 Bellomy Lane, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 Beryamin 143 East St Amy Paul Road, Timmonsville, SC 29161 0 Paoe 2 of 32 79 Bennett, Allison P 6,000 89 BENNETT COURTNEY 9,000 . 806 Sharps Ferry Road, Newbern, TN 38059 2106 PINEHURST DRIVE, CARMEL, IN 46032 51 BENNETT MICHAEL 0 92 Bennington, Krista J 9,000 2106 PINEHURST DRIVE, CARMEL, IN 46032 1105 Sherwood Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 93 Bennington/Finkral Nicole M 1105 Sherwood Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 84 Bentley, Gage M 9,000 95 Benzenhafer. III, DeIbertA 6,000 39 Bernhardt Mashaela K 6,000 913 West Pike Street, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 3473 NE 30 Avenue, Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 P o. Box 352, same creek, NE 66715 97 Berry Kristin E 8213 South Street Road, Port Byron, NY 13140 Ber lBennin, ton, Emily J 88 69121529 siaieqRqaa, Roachdaie, iN 46172 99 Bessmer Taylor P 904 North Boxelder, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 0 9,000 99 Bessmer Tiffany 0 91 Bessmer, Tony A 0 904 Nonn Isoxeider, Norfolk, NE 66701 84125 549th Avenue, Battle Creek, NE 68715 92 Betts, Kayla L 6,000 93 Bickham Autum J 9,000 94 BIERMAN BODEN 3,000 95 Bingham, Ashley N Malad, ID 83252 130 East 6700 South, 99 Bisnett, Rachael V 3,000 97 BLACK roNvA 9,000 854 Meadow View Drive, Ogden, UT 84404 2643 Old Cox Road, Boydton, VA 23917 P O BOX 28, BATTLE CREEK, NE 68715 550 Palmetto Battery Way, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 ROUTE 2, BOX 421, FRANKLIN, TX 77856 0 0 99 Blackburn. Jayldee 965 East 80 Nort , Smithield, UT 84335 99 Blaisdell, Elise, 9,000 101, BLAisoELL. KENNETH 9,000 10, eLAisoELL, MANDY 9,000 565 Grandview Drive, Malad, ID 83252 440 NORTH 2100 WEST, MALAD, ID 83252 245 NORTH DESCHAMPS ROAD, MALAD, ID 83252-0000 192 Blakely, Taylor D 314 South Beech Avenue, Andrews, SC 29510 193 Blakemore, Joshua A P. O Box 416, Dyersburg-, TN 38025 194 Blalock, Heather L 131 Manchester Road, Summerville, SC 29483 195 Blank Nicholas Rural riouie 2, Box 2oa, Pierce, NE 66767 0 3,000 0 3,000 199 Blanton, James B 0 197 Blanton, Jordan E 9,000 202 Curico Lane, Summerville, SC 29483 202 Curico Lane, Summerville, SC 29483 108 BIBW, MIChaeI J 216 South Barrington Drive, Florence, SC 29501 199 Bloomquist, Adam R 401 South Eastwood, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 0 110 BLUE. ALEXANDER 3,000 111 Blue Alisha L 3,000 112 Bogue, 508 EastAbbey County E Road 128, Blytheville, AR 72315 6,000 113 Bogue, Samantha sos Ecr12a, Biyihevliie, AR 72315 6,000 RURAL ROUTE 6, BOX 204, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 47933 1123 Ridgeway, Paragould, AR 72450 114 BOIdUafl, V P. 0 BOX 453, BHTUS Cfeek, NE 68715 115 Borden, MargaretG f 2025 South Smokerise Way, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 119 Bort. BrittanvA 8999 West Boone County Line Road, New Ross, IN 47968 0 3,000 0 117 eowcurr JARED 3,000 7 3855 West 1000 North, Tremonton, UT 84337 119 Bowcutt, Kallie K 9,000 119 Bowers, Ill, GaryW 3,000 432 EAST 700 NORTH, TREMONTON, UT 84337 9401 Pendennis Lane, Charlotte, NC 28210 Marie G Charleston, SC 29418 ,129 226Bowlin%, Old ominion Drive, 121 Bowman, Casey R 10673 South State Road 47, Waveland, IN 47989 0 0 Pace 3 of 32 122 Boyce, Tristan M 2141 South 5400 West, Malad City, ID 83252 123 BOYD. CHRISTOPHER 869 HARBOR VIEW DRIVE, MEMPHIS, TN 38103 9,000 9,000 124 Brackin, Caleb T 9,000 125 Bradford. Jessica R 9,000 126 127 Brandenburg, 5508 North Sta eRicky Highway 312, Blytheville, AR 72315 Braswell, Candace R P O Box 118, Braggadocio, MO 63826 9,000 128 Brazelton, Vincent W 651 East 500 North, Brigham City, UT 84302 9,000 129 Bredehoft Crystal L P O. Box 378, Battle Creek, NE 68715 9,000 130 Breen, Amanda F 2225 Ross Avenue, Hoover, AL 35226 9,000 131 Bretschneider Nicole J 1901 wesiwooo bnve, Norfolk, NE 66701 3,000 132 Brewer, Bethany C 1525 Piccodilly Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211 9,000 133 Brewer Michael T 2206 Galahad Drive SW, Decatur, AL 35603 9,000 1600 stare i-nghwey ivi, steeie, Mo 63677 619 County Road 783, lder, AL 35981 0 134 Bricker, Andrew D 2510 Meadowsweet Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46808 9,000 135 Brimer, E 421 DeltaKalety Roa , Blytheville, AR 72315 6,000 136 Brimer. Lauren M 421 Delia Road, Biyihevme, AR 72315 137 Brisson, Andrew D 6428 Valleywood Court, Avon, IN 46123 138 BRISTER, PAUL P O BOX 1011, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72316 139 Britton, Bryan C 124 Beechwood Road, Ahoskie, NC 27910 3,000 0 9,000 3,000 140 Broadhead Brandon B 141 Bronson, Kami 142 Brothersen Erica A 128 South 600 East, Brigham City, UT 84302 6,000 143 Brothersen, Lauren M 3,000 144 Brown, Casey 0 145 Brown Hannah M 0 926 we-51666 sooan, Bngnem ony, ur 04302 P. O Box 14, Plymouth, UT 84330 80 Farr Lane, Elmira, NY 14903 1934 Leota Road, Southside, AL 35907 586 Wells Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024 146 BROWN JOSHUA 840 KELLY ROAD, DYERSBURG, TN 38024 147 Brown, Justin M 840 Kelly Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024 0 0 3,000 0 148 Brown, Meqan J 0 149 Brown, Rachel E 6,000 3014 Lenox Drive, SW, Decatur, AL 35603 1234 Mclntyre Drive, Auburn, IN 46706 150 Brown, Ryan 1901 North 19th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 151 Brown, Wade A 1901 North 19th, Norfolk, NE 68701 152 BROWN/HURNI JENNIFER 08599 OH-IN STATE LINE ROAD, HICKSVILLE, OH 43526 153 Browning. Amy N 909 Benton Street, Manila, AR 72442 0 9,000 9,000 6,000 154 Brueninq, Christine H 0 155 Brueninq, Kay T 0 1705 McDonald Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 1705 McDonald Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 156 Brueninoq, Scott T Norfolk, NE 68701 1705 Mc onald Road, Brungardt, Kayleigh N 157 605 Bowen, P. O. Box 261, Elgm, NE 68636 0 6,000 158 Brunner, Brian D 159 Brxant, Alyssa D Athens, AL 35611 11 6 Jackson Drive, 3,000 160 Brxant, Meghan L 11 Virginia oad, Edenton, NC 27932 3,000 161 Bryant, Michael N 98 Broome Road, BartonviIIe,TX 76226 0 162 Brxner, ReneeDrive, , Norfolk, NE 68701 16 3 Blackberry 0 1720 Manitoba Avenue, South Milwaukee, WI 53172 163 BUCK BLAIR 206 GREEN DRIVE, DARLINGTON, SC 29532 164 Bunn Joel A 6605 South 082 East, Wolcottville, IN 46795 0 6,000 0 Paue 4 of 32 165 Burke. Kristin M 24 North Chemung Street, Waverly, NY 14892 3,000 166 Burke, Lara E 6,000 167 Burks, Paul l 0 168 Burtis, Charles C 0 169 Burton, Meredith M 6,000 170 3,000 171 Butcher, Ryan C 13975 Road 1, Antwerp, OH 45813 Butler Katherine H 172 Butterfield, Aric L 173 B./yerled, L Huntertown, IN 46748 1 424 andMax Road, 9,000 174 B-/yerlery, Shane Huntertown, M 1 424 and Road, IN 46748 6,000 2046 West Magnolia, San Antonio, TX 78201 540 Leigh, Blytheville, AR 72315 P O. Box 61, 6500 South 1550 West, Hyrum, UT 84319 203 NE Commons, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 3138 clayton Road, Plnson, AL 35126 P. O Box 682, Stanton, NE 68779 175 BYRD HEATHER 2212 ViNCENT STREET, BROWNWOOD, TX 76801 176 ClSchvaneveIdt, MeKeIIe L 691 North 200 West, Malad, ID 83252 177 Ca%Ie, Holly M Road 86, Leachville, AR 72438 516 West County 178 Cahill, Trey R 822 East 1st Street, Auburn, IN 46706 179 Callow, Alex G 23537 State Highway A, Graham, MO 64455 9,000 0 3,000 0 0 9,000 6,000 180 Camarillo, Damian L 181 CampAbell, Justin Z Collierville, TN 38017 1126 acon Ridge Drive, 9,000 182 CamRpbeII, W Creek, SC 29445 119 ockdale Robert Lane, Goose 6,000 183 Canog, Kaleb A 1060 ounty Highway 444, Steele, MO 63877 Cardwell, Jr., Ronald 6,000 184 1112 Park Lane, Blytnevnle, AR 72315 6,000 185 Carlson, Stephanie J 1502 Valli Hi Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 9,000 186 Carnright Joel C 122 Jillian Circle, Goose Creek, SC 29445 6,000 187 Camright Shelby N 9,000 188 Cargaenter, Courtnecy E 687 North 100 West, rawfordsville, IN 47933 0 189 Carter, Jennifer 0 190 Caruthers Deidra E 191 Cassidy Christopher K 192 9313 Whitney Lane, College Station, TX 77845 122 Jnnan Cnole, Goose creek, sc 29445 209 South Eastwood, Norfolk, NE 68701 4oo Coker iford Road, Penland, TN 37148 5052 East County Road 134, Blytheville, AR 72315 Cassidy, Stephen K AR 72315 5052 EC 134, Blytheville, 193 CASSIDY/PRESNELL MELINDA CAROLYN 194 0 6,000 0 9,000 ROUTE 1, BOX 420BB, CHESTERFIELD, SC 29709-0000 3,000 5042 lscR 130, aiyinevme, AR 72315 6,000 Cato LeiIaniJ 195 Cecil, Adam E 107 Poplar Street, Caruthersville, MO 63830 196 Centrone, Kaitlyn M, 700 East Sunnyview Drive, Wayne, NE 68787 197 CHAMBERS, ANDREA 820 WEST HARRISVILLE ROAD, OGDEN, UT 84404 0 6,000 9,000 198 Champion, Kourtney R P. O. Box 935, 1403 North Buffalo Avenue, Buffalo, TX 75831 6,000 199 Chandler, Corey M , 3,000 202 Fairway Drive, Darlington, SC 29532 200 Chapman, Tyler K 13323 Jackson Avenue, Florence, SC 29501 9,000 201 Charles. Colby S 9,000 202 Cheney, Justin P 0 14911 souln FM 148, seurry, Tx 75158 8201 State Route 34, Weedsport, NY 13166 203 Chern/, Kendra Shelby, E 2169 1ghway4e, Ai. 35143 204 Chesterfield, Kimberly A 201 Latham Drive, Bourbonnais, IL 60914 205 Childers, Sarah R 5722 Bent Creek Drive, Pinson, AL 35126 206 Childress, Cory C 207 Bellewood Drive, Brandon, MS 39042 207 Christiansen, Amber M 1745 North 2400 West, Malad, ID 83252 9,000 0 6,000 6,000 0 Paoe 5 of 32 Christiansen, Jacob N 203 150 East 200 North, Newton, UT 84327 209 CHRISTIANSEN KARLEE 150 EAST 200 NORTH, NEWTON, UT 84327 210 CHRISTIANSEN KATIE 150 EAST 200 NORTH, NEWTON, UT 84327-0000 211 Christiansen, Luke R 1745 North 2400 West, Malad City, ID 83252 212 CHRISTIANSEN NATALlENANNATrER zsse E 3150 N, i.AYToN, ur 84040 213 Chu Angela 252 Summit Ridge Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30045 214 Cipriano, Kathleen G 368 Walnut Drive, Danville, IN 46122 215 Clark, Russ A 103 Garden View Drive, Brandon, MS 39047 216 Classen, Joshua R 1211 Belridge Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 217 Clem Sara K 7012 Cavern Road, Trussville, AL 35173 218 Clemons, Johnathon L l 453 Millstone Court, Woodbridge, CA 95258 219 COBBLE, CHRISTOPHER 5073 CR 48, AUBURN, IN 46706-0000 220 COBURN. REBECCA 6865 CR 64, ST. JOE, IN 46785 221 Cockcroft Taylor R 117 Essex Drive, Summerville, SC 29485 3,000 3,000 9,000 0 6,000 0 0 O 0 0 6,000 9,000 6,000 6,000 222 COLE BRADLEY 1030 PENCROSS DRIVE, FORT WAYNE, IN 46845 9,000 Cole, Brent R 9,000 223 319 Springcreek Court, West Columbia, SC 29170 224 COLEMAN KRISTEN 611 WEST 7TH STREET, RECTOR, AR 72461 225 Collett, James A 266 Eargle Road, Falkville, AL 35622 226 18 Templeton Road, Wallingford, CT 06492 227 Conway, Jordan L I 1114 Greenlea Drive, Marion, OH 43302 228 Conway, MacKenzie P 1114 Greenlea Drive, Marion, OH 43302 229 Cook, Aaron W 927 Countryside Drive, Gosnell, AR 72315 230 Cooleg, Jeremy L Conway, Eric J , 11622 ear Cree Road, Duncanville, AL 35456 3,000 0 3,000 6,000 6,000 9,000 3,000 231 Cooger, Matt ABlytheville, AR 72315 110 amblewood, 0 232 Cope KyIeeK , 0 233 Cope. Nicholas B 0 234 Coppotelli Shane M 240 vi/est wind Drive, Newbem, TN 38059 902 Terrace Drive, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 1004 17th street, sw, Demone, iN 46310 3,000 235 COREY DANIEL 1407 EAST MAIN STREET, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 47933 236 6,000 237 Cotten Emilly F 11oParlmeia nve,Madison, ivis 39110 3,000 CosseglSmith, 203 Du ley Cove,Angela Brandon,DMS 39047 238 Cousins, Joshua R l 239 Covington, Kristen L 6243 Burbage Acres Drive, Suffolk, VA 23435 1435 Jetts Way Drive, Darlington, SC 29540 240 COX. CASSIE P O. BOX 1333, MEXIA, TX 76667 241 Cox, Jared J 5025 West Bay Road, Plainield, IN 46168 242 CRAIG, ERIKA 205 SOUTH 3RD STREET, NEW MARKET, IN 47965 9,000 3,000 0 6,000 9,000 9,000 243 Crasso, Anthony W 3,000 244 CRAWFORD. JR.. MICHAEL 9,000 45 Sylvan Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 1304 COLLINS AVENUE, CARUTHERSVILLE, MO 63830 245 CreamerlEnsor, Amy 246 Creger, 550 outhChelse/U 2400 est,ALewiston, UT 84320 9,000 247 Creviston, Bryan P 9,000 1804 clark streei, Norfolk, NE 63701 326 Jay Trail, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 248 Crocker, Tiffany D 249 0 111 Brock Avenue, Gosnell, AR 72315 9,000 Cross, Lillian L 6,000 2072 West Lake Road, Skaneateles, NY 13152 250 CrossIeylCIark, MaKayla L 89 Earnest Road, Berry, AL 35546 6,000 Pace 6 of 32 251 Crouch, James J 412 23rd Avenue Northeast, Birmingham, AL 35215 252 CROUCH STEPHANIE 5336 WEST 900 NORTH, NORTH SALEM, IN 46165 253 Cunningham, Kell& B 2573 North 400 East oad, Ashkum, IL 60911 254 Curtis, Amv S 1956 Highway 60, Russellville, AL 35654 255 Curtis Charles A 659 Butler Road, Penland, TN 31146 256 Dalke, Travis M 42612 SE 102nd Street, North Bend, WA 98045 257 Damron. Harley M 1196 CR 543, Monette, AR 72447 258 Daniels, Amber L 0871 Casebeer Miller Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 259 DANIELSON ERIC 9280 SOUTH 100 EAST, PARADISE, UT 84328-0000 260 D"Antonio Nicole R 1406 sweeibrlar Plaee, Decatur, Al. 35603 261 Davidson, R West, Centennial, CO 80111 6527 South Kimberljy Heritage lace 0 6,000 0 9,000 6,000 0 9,000 0 6,000 9,000 0 262 Davies, Collin T 530 Cook, Blytheville, AR 72315 263 6,000 264 Davis, Jillian T 6,000 Davis, HaiIei&S 59 Damascus oad, Quitman, AR 72131 3925 Oates Highway, Lamar, SC 29069 265 Davis, John Route 4, Box 227, Mexia, TX 76667 266 Davis, Karen 714 Gene Street, Buffalo, TX 75831 267 DAvls/GoNzALEs JULIE 114 GENE STREET, 6uFFALo, 131 15331 268 DavislReed Stephanie N 6331 E CR 315, Buffalo, Tx 15331 269 Dawson. Andrew M 870 Hatton Cove, Colllerville, TN 38017 270 Deas. Jarrod M 505 Wildwood Drive, Quinbv, SC 29506 271 DeCuir, Andrew K 614 Lakeview, Grapeland, TX 75844 272 DENDINGER ERIC 820 NORTH OAK STREET, NORFOLK, NE 68701 273 274 Dendinger, 820 Nort OakJacob Street, M Norfolk, NE 68701 Denton Chelsea N 4945 ECIR 166, alyrhevrile, AR 12315 275 DeSDain, Jr., Robert D 618 Lindsey, Gosnell, AR 72315 276 Dexter, Kelcx L 8 Campanella ourt, Hanahan, SC 29406 277 DiDominic, Amber L 1115 4th Street, Hiller, PA 15444 278 Diehl, Brett D 01525 Arrowsmith Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 279 Diemer, Melissa M 9510 West 762 South, Helmer, IN 46747 280 DiGirolamo, Evan M 205 Juniper Circle, Dyersburg, TN 38024 0 0 O 3,000 0 9,000 3,000 6,000 9,000 0 0 0 6,000 6,000 0 0 9,000 Dobbs, William S 3,000 282 Dockins, Darvl K 3,000 283 3,000 281 1003 Diamond Pointe Circle, Hartselle, AL 35640 2730 South 1200 East, Rockville, lN 47872 Doerr, Allxson K Pierce, NE 68767 85425 551 venue, Doerr, Ashlyn N 284 85425 551 Avenue, Pierce, NE 68767 285 Dolesh Ramsey 603 EaelProspeo1, Norfolk, NE 63101 286 Doolittle Kristen M 287 Donnan Erica R 288 9,000 0 9522 Sardis Glen Drive, Matthews, NC 28105 9,000 625 Lanelv, Buffalo, nc 15331 6,000 Dossantos Roseanne 502 Carousei Circle, Norristown, PA 19403 0 289 Douglas Amnx M 4901 aldweli ill Lane, Brimirigham,AL 35242 290 Dowless, Lauren A P. O. Box 415, *Monette, AR 72447 0 291 0 Dreger Stefanie 190 Hlliview Drive,N Noitolk, NE 68701 0 292 Drevecky, Amber L 0 293 Drudqe, Nicole E 5458 County Road 22, Butler, IN 46721 0 306 souiir 13:11 Plaee, Norfolk, NE 60101 P308 7 of 32 Drymalla Jennifer N 0 294. P o. Box 52, Bremond, Tx 76629 295 ouke,Joshua I 10130 Pr 4120, Marquez, Tx 77665 296 Dunbar. Emily H 421 St Aubm Circle, Manteno, IL 60950 297 Dyer. Deterrius 3 11 South Philco A Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 298 6,000 Kathryn C 6D1ygert, ayuga Street, SenecaYFaIls, NY 13148 9,000 299 Rebecca R Falls, NY 13148 6D1ygert, ayuga Street, Seneca 9,000 0 6,000 300 Early. Jr., John B 2368 Lide Springs Road, Darlington, SC 29540 301 Easley, Caci L 0 302 EBELING JACOB 0 P o Box 193, Lynn, AL 35575 55415 830 ROAD, MADISON, NE 68748 303 EBERHARDT, KORY 2311 FAIRVIEW DRIVE, NORFOLK, NE 68701 304 Edwards, Katellgn 33443 Sunbeam oad,VFranklin, VA 23851 305 Eqobert, 82 HooverShaun Street, Montpelier, ID 83254 306 EGNEW. CALVIN MACKAY 50 EAST 300 SOUTH, HYRUM, UT 84319-0000 307 EGNEW, KYLE 0 6,000 6,000 0 6,000 50 EAST 300 SOUTH, HYRUM, UT 84319 3,000 10206 ifziverdaie Drive, Leo, iN 46765 3,000 308 Eichel Ronald 309 EIIenberqerlCover, Sara 0 310 EIIin%wood, 3670 outh StateLuke Road 341, Hillsboro, IN 47949 0 311 Elliott, Amanda N 3410 North 61 Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 1858 West 450 North, Covington, IN 47932 312 Elliott. Eliiah L 4530 West County Road 1000 North, Roachdale, IN 46172 313 Elliott Rebecca C 314 Ellis, Gabriel M , 318 Atrium Ridge Court, Saint Charles, MO 63304 19277 I-iighway 24, iviouiion, AL 35650 315 Ellis Geoffrety E 110 Ridge Rea ,Ahoskie, Nc 27910 316 Ellis, Wyndee L P O. Box 3, Centerville, TX 75833 317 ElwoodlBalls Kristin 106 south 450 east, weiisviiie, uT 64339 318 Embree, David C 7716 CR 26, Butler, IN 46721 319 Embree, Valerie J 7716 County Road 26, Butler, IN 46721 320 ENGLE. JOEL MICHAEL 107 37TH STREET EAST, NORFOLK, NE 68701-0000 321 EPPLE RYAN 322 Erickson Kira L 6628 COUNTY ROAD 29, AUBURN, IN 46706 2003 East Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 323 Enivin Katie A 54248 865th Road, Osmond, NE 68765 324 325 Etcheson Lianna R 179 East 300 South, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 Eubanks, Leandra M 4448 NCR 175, Manila, AR 72442 6,000 0 6,000 9,000 0 3,000 0 0 0 9,000 9,000 0 0 0 0 326 Eubanks, Ste6:hen M 245 Lakecircle rive, Salem, AR 72576 9,000 327 Eucker, Jade R 3,000 328 Eutsler, Jennifer L 0 329 Evans, Lance C 0 330 Everman, Jamie L 0 331 EZELL SAMANTHA 113 sHilEi.Ds LANE, GosNELL, AR 72315 6,000 332 Faber Kirstyn M 9,000 333 Faerber, Stephanie A 1003 Tara Heights Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 8230 South Kirkwood Way, Sandy, UT 84094 3867 Garner Road, Timmonsville, SC 29161 517 Durango Drive, O"FaIlon, MO 63366 14401 SE Petrovitsky Road, F201, Renton, WA 98058 2307 Maple Drive, Starkville, MS 39759 334 Fair, Billy/JI 810 West alnut Street, Blytheville, AR 72315 335 Fanner, Carra N 3556 Marion Marysville Road, Prospect, OH 43342 336 Farr, Ashley R 12558 Teddy Drive, McCaIIa, AL 35111 9,000 9,000 3,000 0 Pace 8 of 32 337 Faulkner Lorene E 302 Wllks brlve, Fort Payne, AL 35967 338 Fawcett, Laura M 13160 North Meridian, North Manchester, IN 46962 339 FAWCETT STEVE 13160 NORTH MERIDIAN, NORTH MANCHESTER, IN 46962 340 Felder, Adrain 6110 Pygatt Road, Effingham, SC 29541 341 342 Ferguson Kimberly, 1834 RIVER CROSSI G CIRCLE, APARTMENT D, AUSTIN, TX 78741 Ferrara,,Charles J 235 Winding Way, Logan, UT 84321 343 Ferrara, Hailey M 6760 West 600 North, Petersboro, UT 84325 344 Ferrara, Lisa A 6760 West 600 North, Petersboro, UT 84325 345 Ferrier, Devon N 3016 Harris Drlve, Antioch, CA 94509 346 FETTERS JACOB 347 Flauggh, Adam B 10th Street, Madison, NE 68748 P O ox 34, 202 East Flint Kelsie 350 East Riverview Dnve, Garland, UT 54312 6,000 0 3,000 6,000 9,000 9,000 0 9,000 0 0 6,000 6,000 421 East Jackson Street, Rich Square, NC 27869 6,000 312 Hart Street, St. Joe, IN 46785 6,000 Foqle, Casev 358 Foqle, Corey A 312 Hart Street, St Joe, IN 46785 Fo1gle W TX 75839 49 ACRRonald 119, Elkhart, 360 Follis Elizabeth L 7390 stephanie cove, Bartlett, TN 33153 361 Fonnesbeck Annette 6022 West Highway 36, Weston, ID 83286 363 Fonnesbeck J.Scott 6022 West Highway 36, Weston, ID 83286 Fonnesbeck Kristen 364 Ford Templeton C 362 0 3,000 97 Gunderman Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 352 FloreslMo,XIer, Darcey R 1101 West alnut Street, Apt B, Blythevllle, AR 72315 353 Flowers, Ashley N 1831 Davy Crockett, Dyersburg, TN 38024 354 FLOYD BAMBI NICOLE 317 HARLEE STREET, MARION, SC 29571-0000 355 Flynn. James P 305 Kalber Drive, Hartsvllle, SC 29550 356 Flythe, Tanishia A 359 0 9,000 118 Northview Drive, Monette, AR 72447 357 9,000 5397 COUNTY ROAD 52, SAINT JOE, IN 46785 Flanagan, ErinDrive, M Marlon, OH 43302 1040 ampagne 349 Flannigan, Corie S 351 0 Fitzpatrick, Evan S 348 350 0 6022 West Highway 36, Weston, ID 83286 105 Nighthawk Lane, suinmeiville, sc 29485 365 Ford, Traci N 201 Robbie Road, Lexington, SC 29073 366 FORDICE JENNIFER 7609 WEST CR 900 NORTH, RUSSELLVILLE, IN 46175 367 Fordice, Sarah 7609 West Cr 900 North, Russellville, IN 46175 368 Fortenberry, Heather E O 9,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 9,000 9,000 0 2319 9th Avenue, Haleyvllle, AL 35565 6,000 Foster, Charlissa L 3,000 370 Foster, Katherine A 6,000 369 408 East 21st Street, Cameron, TX 76520 1474 Route 326, Auburn, NY 13021 371 Fox Megan E 0 372 Fox Ramona M 0 Frederick, Jason L 0 Freeman, Jenna R 0 375 Freeman, Nicole L 6,000 376 Frees, Ellen L 3,000 373 374 2027 Armada Court, Chesapeake, VA 23321 1325 Gus Drive, oailingten, sc 29532 600 Richardson Hill Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024 08976 Hicksville-Edgerton Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 08976 Hicksville-Edgerton Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 1160 Clover Place, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 Frees Michael 0 378 French, Katy D 0 377 2011 Highway 17 North #22ooA, Mt Pleasant, sc 29465 P O Box 88, Grapeland,TX 75844 379 Frias Amanda M 5450 Shoal Brook Court, Charlotte, NC 28277 0 Page 9 of 32 380 Fruhling Anthony L 102 East 1"9ih sireei, caruihersviiie, ivio 63830 381 FUHRMANN BRIAN 3,000 37 DEL MAR DRIVE, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 47933 6,000 Fullmer, Katie 6,000 9,000 384 Fuqua. A 130 HighHannah Street, Hartselle, AL 35640 Futrell, Andrew K 385 Gaetke, Kristen A 0 386 Gaetke, Shannon R 0 387 Gage, Abigail P 0 388 Gainev, Jessica A 382 383 47 South Main Street, Clarkston, UT 84305 P. O. Box 268, Jewett, TX 75846 4753 Glenn Street, Charleston, SC 29405 4753 Glenn Street, Charleston, SC 29405 409 East Wabash Avenue, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 1101 South Grandview Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 389 Galewski, Heather L 6510 Ugper Finley Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024 390 Galewski, Monica A 6510 Ugper Finley Road, Dyersburg, TN 38024 391 Gall, Andrew J 2004 Westwood Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 9,000 6,000 3,000 0 392 GALL. JESSICA 6,000 393 GALLANT, KODY 1241 EAST STATE HIGHWAY 18, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 394 6,000 395 Gamble, Tiffany D 6,000 1610 BENJAMIN AVENUE, NORFOLK, NE 68701 G ii J h D Paoeg3is292?%gIineid,1x 75840 2212 Santee Road, Andrews, SC 29510 396 Gansebom Shane D 397 Gardner Alenda M 398 Gardner, Ashlee D 399 Gardner Erik B 1101 Eldorado Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 2539 NortI1 270 East, North Logan, UT 84341 P. O Box 252, 43 North 300 East, Wellsville, UT 84339 43 North 300 East, P O Box 252, Wellsville, UT 84339 400 GARDNER. MARK 2539 NORTH 270 EAST, NORTH LOGAN, UT 84341 401 Garland, Tiffany R 402 Garn Beckie 8934 Black Oak Street, Austin, TX 78729 1050 Sumac Drive, Logan, UT 84321 403 Garner, JefferyRS 262 Stephenson oad, Hartselle, AL 35640 404 Garrett, Robert W 225 Jennings Way, Eufaula, AL 36027 405 Garris Micheal 8902 OId Nichols Highway, Nichols, SC 29581 406 Gebczyk, Kathleen M 3734 School House Road, Moravia, NY 13118 407 Gee Lindsey M 903 East State Highway 18, Blytheville, AR 72315 9,000 0 6,000 0 9,000 0 6,000 0 3,000 9,000 O 0 9,000 408 GEESAMAN ARIC 3,000 409 GEHRKE BRANDON 115 VIRGINIA DRIVE, DARLINGTON, SC 29532 410 Geldenhuis, Petrus J 53 Trotters Run, Brownsburg, IN 46112 9,000 411 6,000 7745 KANE COURT, FISHERS, IN 46038 Gentry, Lauren B , 952 Petters Road, Mountain View, AR 72560 412 Geor%e. Andrea L Route , Box 146, Teague, TX 75860 413 George Codyw 8576 ighway 41 North, Jonesboro, AR 72401 414 George Levi A 802 South Poplar, Andrews, SC 29510 415 GEORGE MATTHEW 8576 HIGHWAY 141 NORTH, JONESBORO, AR 72401 416 Geri% Chelsey 3721 ounty Road L43, Auburn, IN 46706 417 Geriq, Dane P 18923 Lochner Road,jpencerville, IN 46788 418 Geriq, Jenna R , 18923 Lochner Road, Spencerville, IN 46788 6,000 3,000 0 3,000 6,000 3,000 9,000 3,000 419 Geriq, Ryan W 18923 Lochner Road,Qpencerville, IN 46788 420 Gibbs, Jessica L 816 East Canyon Road, Avon, UT 84328 6,000 421 6,000 422 Gibson, Kayjce 719 Chaucer rive,BFlorence, SC 29505 Gillen, Deirdre E , 556 North Villa Dnve, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 9,000 6,000 Page 10 of 32 423 9,000 Gillette. Kayla 7293 County oadR733, Hornersville, MO 63855 424 Giovenco, Rachel L 6,000 425 3,000 452 Pennsylvania Avenue, Waverly, NY 14892 Glenn, Casey3 L 369 Highway East, Hartselle, AL 35640 Glenn, Jay D 426 369 Highway 36 E, Hariseiie, AL 35640 427 Godsey Brandon L 428 Gonzales, John C 9360 State Highway P, Senath, MO 63876 11448 Yarron Court, Fontana, CA 92337 429 Graben, Sandra K 214 county Road 664, Pisgah, AL 35765 430 Grable, Rebecca S 2705 Magnolia, Caruthersville, MO 63830 0 0 9,000 3,000 0 431 Graham, Gabriel M 957 Rainbow Avenue South, Rainsville, AL 35986 9,000 432 Grant Jr., Robert L 11035 Iviyers Road, ivioundviiie, AL 55474 6,000 433 Graves, James T 9,000 825 Sand Rock Avenue, Sand Rock, AL 35983 434 Gray, Ceone C 810 orth Ermen Lane, Osceola, AR 72370 3,000 435 Gray, Trekker L 348 orth 500 East, Brigham City, UT 84302 9,000 436 GREEN ABBIE RURAL Roure 1, Box 92, TILDEN, NE 66761 9,000 145 FM 27, Faimeid, Dc 75640 3,000 437 Green John T 438 GREEN ROBERT RURAL ROUTE 1, BOX 92, TILDEN, NE 68781 439 440 Green Steghanie 32LeicI1wor1 sireei,M Auburn, NY 13021 Green/Hunsaker, Kellee S 441 Greene, Bradley W 651 North 100 West, Tremonton, UT 84337 911 West Sanderfer Road, Athens, AL 35611 6,000 0 9,000 0 442 GRESHAM/HOLCOMB HOLLY 9,000 443 Griffin Garrett G 11435 Craig Street, Overland Park, KS 66210 444 Griffin, Jr. Glenwood M 3,000 719 South Greenwood Avenue, Kankakee, IL 60901 6,000 445 GRIFFITH HOLLY P o Box 656, BuFFALo,Tx 75631 9,000 446 Griffiths Olan E 3733 North 1000 East, Kendallville, IN 46755 9,000 447 GROLL DESIRAY 5505 WEST 8800 NORTH, TREMONTON, UT 84337 448 Gross, Lawrance R 6,000 RouTE 1, Box 163i-i, Ru$K,1x 75765 504 North Main Street, P O Box 279, Antwerg, OH 45813 9,000 449 Grundy Sean M 1611 Ladoga Road, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 450 GUBBELS. KECIA RURAL ROUTE 2, BOX 165B, NORFOLK, NE 68701 3,000 6,000 451 Guimond Forrest M 3648 East 6000 North Road, Manteno, IL 60950 6,000 452 Guina, Byron A 5001 PAT IOT PARK CIRCLE, Owens Cross Roads, AL 35763 9,000 453 Guiney, C Corner, SC 29461 104 Bu s Gregorv Lane, Moncks 6,000 454 Gunson Jessica L 4003 WaIIbrook Drive, Matthews, NC 28105 455 GURLEY LEAH 2764 GASTON GATE, MT. PLEASANT, SC 29466 456 Gurleg. Sarah 2764 aston Gate, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 0 6,000 0 457 Gutierrez, Justin S 458 Hadberg, Amber 93 West orth Street,NMount Gilead, OH 43338 3,000 459 Hag5amanlCoIIey, Ellie D SC 29431 103 Walleye Road, Bonneau, 9,000 Hagger, Richard 824 Cavern Road,ATrussville, AL 35173 HAHN BEN 461 6,000 63 Waltons Park Lane, Daingerlield, TX 75638 460 834 LAKE FOREST PARKWAY, LOUISVILLE, KY 40245 462 Hahn, Daniel A I 10405 Wemberly Hills Boulevard, Louisville, KY 40241 463 HAHN, MELISSA 905 NORTH BOXELDER, NORFOLK, NE 68701 464 376 CDV Extension, Auburn University, AL 36849 465 HALL, JONATHAN 124 SHILOH CIRCLE, RAINSVILLE, AL 35986 Haines, Shannon R , 0 6,000 0 9,000 6,000 9,000 Pace 1 1 of 32 466 Hall Leah N 6,000 467 Hall, Ryan C 6,000 203 south em street, iviarmauuke, AR 72443 1252 Haughton Road, Edenton, NC 27932 468 Hanks, Skxe 7445 North 600 West, Honeyville, UT 84314 469 HANKSIREESE TANGI 7445 NORTH 4600 WEST, HONEYVILLE, UT 84314 470 HANKS/SMITH, TAWNI 7445 NORTH 4600 WEST, HONEYVILLE, UT 84314 471 Hannen, Emily 3109 Dorothy Lane, Spring Arbor, MI 49282 472 HANSEN JESSE 16520 BEAVER DAM ROAD, COLLINSTON, UT 84306 473 HANSEN-LOA 99, JULIA 16520 NORTH BEAVER DAM ROAD, COLLINSTON, UT 84306-0000 474 Harden. Michael T 1004 Candlewood Way, Fort Wayne, IN 46845 475 HARDWICK DARCY RURAL ROUTE 1, BOX 259, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 47933 476 HARKINS/CATOE SAMANTHA ROUTE 1, BOX 20, ORAPELAND, TX 75844 477 Hamieier, Matthew D 1220 Lodgeview Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 478 HARRIS. BRIAN P O BOX 61,JEWETT,TX 75846 479 Harris Derek 3286 West 1000 North, Tremonton, UT 84337 480 Harris Shannon D 3898 West Chapel Hill Road, Decatur, AL 35603 481 HARRISON. NICOLETTE 1803 CLARK STREET, NORFOLK, NE 68701 482 Hartley, Melissa A 149 Cypress Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 483 Haslam, Jennifer L 2821 South 200 West, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 484 HATCH, BRIAN 18777 HIGHWAY 18, MONETTE, AR 72447 485 Hatcher, Jordyn W 705 North Columbus Street, P O Box 192, Gallon, OH 44833 486 Hawkins, Brooke 306 East 11th Street, Leachville, AR 72438 487 Hayes Sean M 1138 Pfeasant Street, Horseheads, NY 14845 488 Ha-/ynes, Holly R 49 5 East County Road 192, Blytheville, AR 72315 489 Haiynes, Julie C 48 4 Ten Sleep Lane, Fnendswood, TX 77546 490 Hedrick, Thomas W 1768 FM 1147, Marquez, TX 77865 491 Heffner, Allison O 1020 Westwind Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46845 492 Henderson, Brian D 518 Leigh, Gosnell, AR 72315 9,000 3,000 3,000 0 3,000 9,000 0 9,000 6,000 9,000 3,000 0 9,000 3,000 0 0 6,000 9,000 0 O 6,000 0 9,000 0 3,000 493 Henderson, Steven M 518 Leigh Street, Gosnell, AR 72315 494 HENDRIX MARY 304 CROSS CREEK DRIVE, CHATTANOOGA, TN 37415 495 Hengq Jennev A 1643 ackberry Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 496 Hengh JordanDrive, F Norfolk, NE 68701 1643 ackberry 497 Henley, Erica A 5370 South Bahama Court, Centennial, CO 80015 498 Henley, Scott R 5370 South Bahama Court, Centennial, CO 80015 499 Henley, Shana R 5370 South Bahama Court, Centennial, CO 80015 500 Henrichs Stephanie E 548 North Lakeshore Drive, Gilbert, SC 29054 6,000 0 501 HENRIE BOBBY 6,000 3306 WEST 3000 NORTH, BENSON, UT 84335 502 Henry, Matthew J 203 Countryside, Gosnell, AR 72315 503 Herbiq, Michael J 6397 Canoga Road, Auburn, NY 13021 504 Herbiq, Paul E 6397 Canoga Road, Auburn, NY 13021 505 Hermes, Michael K 1208 Magnolia, Gainesville, TX 76240 506 Hennsen Kendra 1411 Longhorn, Norfolk, NE 68701 507 Hemandez Andres C 16090 North Beaver Dam Road, Collinston, UT 84306 508 Hernandez, Chad A . 6686 Hare Run Lane, Arlington, TN 38002 9,000 9,000 9,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 9,000 0 0 9,000 Pace 12 of 32 509 HernandezlJarrow, Elizabeth E 16090 North Beaver Dam Road, Collinston, UT 84306 0 510 Herren, Kevin W 1649o CR 467, Marquez, Tx 77665 6,000 511 Herschbergser, V46785 5969 CR 55, aintCaleb Joe, IN 9,000 512 Hester, Abby G 81 County Hig way 469, Steele, MO 63877 0 513 Hester, Jacob S 2102 Cotton Gin Road, Russellville, AL 35653 3,000 514 Hewett, Shannon E 6,000 1763 Gregg Avenue, Florence, SC 29501 515 Hewitt, Mary-Margaret 296 Bampfiel Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 6,000 516 Hilgert, Tyler L 419 Ridgeway Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 517 Hille, Melissa 2803 North 49th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 518 Himes, Zachary T 7608 Samuel Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46259 519 Hirose, Mamiko 1324 Creekview Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23321 520 Histed, Evan A 1196 Salem Church Road, Elizabeth City, NC 27909 9,000 521 Hoagland, 100 ast StateAlexis Street,KVeedersburg, IN 47987 522 Hochstein, Justin M 1700 Alaska Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 9,000 3,000 6,000 0 0 523 Hockey, Joseph A 7249 State Street Road, Auburn, NY 13021 6,000 524 Hoerinq, Janelle V 9,000 525 Hoff Whitney L 8208 Asher Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 806 south 2nd sireei, Norfoik, NE 68701 526 Hoffman, Jennifer K 2329 North Rolling Road, Hartsville, SC 29550 527 Hoffman, Michelle A 1045 West 350 South, Logan, UT 84321 528 Hoffman, Stefanie S 1212 Nebraska Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 529 HOFFMANN TANDI RURAL ROUT,E 2, BOX 178, MEADOW GROVE, NE 68752 530 Holden, Katie B 808 Lakeview Drive, Auburn, IN 46706 531 Holden, Kyle C 808 Lakeview Drive, Auburn, IN 46706 0 3,000 3,000 6,000 6,000 0 3,000 532 Hollas, Aaron M 0 533 Hollis. Brittney N P. O. Box 204, amburg, AR 71646 0 P O. Box 724, Jewett, TX 75846 Holman, Jenny L 3,000 535 Holmberg, Aaron 0 534 972 West 520 North, Tremonton, UT 84337 1504 Eldorado, Norfolk, NE 68701 536 Holmes, II Gary D 723 Illinois Street, Blytheville, AR 72315 537 HOLMES LAURA 2000 BEL AIR ROAD, NORFOLK, NE 68701 538 Hoover KimberlypR 15 East 510 south, ieasani Lake, iN 46779 6,000 9,000 9,000 539 Horan, Kevin J 0 540 Hore Michael 0 541 Horn Alissa L 6,000 542 HORNE MARCUS 6,000 1597 Talmadge Hill Road, Waverly-, NY 14892 P o. box 1164, Biyrheviiie, AR 72316 1104 snonhorn onve, Norfolk, NE 69701 RouTE 3, Box 23A, GRAPELAND, 11 75544 543 HORNE WILLY RouTE 5, Box 23A, GRAPELAND, Tx 75944 9,000 544 Horton, Nathon S A 5309 Christopher Road, Chemung, NY 14825 545 Houser, Justin K 0 546 HOWARD JULIE 6,000 114 Sandel Lane, Summerville, SC 29483 726 EAST foo souri-1, i-iYRuivi, ur 94319 0 547 Howe, Alicia S 0 548 Howe, Nicole M 3337 Robinson Road, Wellsburg, NY 14894 549 Howle, Jr., Kenneth A 106 Woodcreek Road, Darlington, SC 29532 550 Hoxworth, Avery W 106 Madd Lane, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 0 35 Lane 240A Big Otter Lake, Fremont, IN 46737 551 HUBER CHRISTOPHER 104 WHIITEFIELD LANE, LEXINGTON, SC 29072 6,000 3,000 6,000 Pace 13 of 32 552 Huber, Jeffeg L Auburn, IN 46706 6002 Deer Tra Cove, 553 Hudson. Andrew M 554 0 14015 Covered Wagon Trail, Leo, IN 46765 3,000 Hudson, Kian J 16410 Sunset Pass, Harlan, IN 46743 6,000 555 Huff Matthew J 109 Riverridge Drive, Helena, AL 35080 6,000 556 Hughes, A 102 ickoryGraham Lane, Antwerg, OH 45813 6,000 557 Hughes, Jocelynn B Marlon, OH 43302 17 Bellefontaine Avenue, 9,000 558 Hughes. Mary G 0 559 0 1014 Country Club Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 Hu%hes, Richard 362 Ner 165, ivianiia, AR 72442 560 Hulqan, Blake W 3092 County Road 27, Fort Payne, AL 35968 561 HUMPHREY MATTHEW 562 0 215 3RD STREET, MEADOW GROVE, NE 68752 3,000 Hunter, Jessica A 3,000 2920 Hawthorne Circle, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 563 Hurd SaLeCottonwood S 1205 Sout Court, Garland, UT 84312 564 Hutton. Joshua M 129 Wingate, Blytheville, AR 72315 565 Hux, Brock A 2711 Rainier Street, Florence, SC 29505 6,000 3,000 0 566 Huynh, Sl/rena 9912 Brigs ock Court, Charlotte, NC 28269 567 lacampo, Angela M 0 568 Ingram, Timothy 11 Deweese Street,DFlorence, SC 39073 0 5078 East County Road 128, Blytheville, AR 72315 569 INMANIBROOKS BRANDI 48 CR 2291, BOONEVILLE, MS 38829 570 571 Isbell,,Lucas D 3955 Highway 20, Tuscumbia, AL 35674 Iturraran Nicholas M 501 West Locust Street, Lodi, CA 95240 572 Ives, Sarah M 9,000 6,000 0 6,000 308 Hamlett Drive, White House, TN 37188 9,000 573 Iwan, Justvna B 423 Buchanan Avenue, New Westminster, BC V3L 226 3,000 574 Jackman, Devin B 9,000 575 JACKSON CRAIG 0 474 Holiday Drive, Brigham City, UT 84302 3477 NORTI-I 3900 WEST, OGDEN, UT 84404 576 Jackson, Craig A 577 Jackson, Matthew R Route 3, Box 8-3, Teague, TX 75860 84 Bingham Road, Owegg, NY 13827 578 Jackson/My-(ers Sarah N 221 wisdom ead, Biyrneviiie, AR 72315 579 Jacquay/Daniel, Katelyn M 3841 CR 71, Butler, IN 46721 580 James, Allison L 891 North 100 West, Tremonton, UT 84337 3,000 0 0 6,000 0 581 JAMES DAVID ALAN 891 NORTH 100 WEST, TREMONTON, UT 84337-0000 9,000 James, Lindsay A 3,000 582 1060 North Valley View Drive, Tremonton, UT 84337 583 JAMES STEVEN 891 NORTH 100 WEST, TREMONTON, UT 84337 3,000 65070 5-tern Avenue, Pieree, NE 66767 6,000 584 Jansen CoIbvC , 585 Jarred Brittany L 201 Levisia Drive, sreeie, rvio 63677 586 JARRED MANDI 107 QUARAW, STEELE, MO 63877 587 JEDLICKA JUSTIN 1602 VALLI I-ll ROAD, NORFOLK, NE 68701 588 Jedlicka, Nathan A 2803 Mimick Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 589 Jedlicka, Travis J 2803 Mimick Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 590 Jellison, Steghaniel 0 6,000 9,000 0 0 10424 Saxony oad, Richmond, VA 23235 3,000 591 Jenkins, Brandon 309 Deira Reed, eryrneviiie, AR 72315 6,000 592 Jenkins, Coil?ramen, A NE 66779 406 7rn srreei, 3,000 593 JENKINS LINDSAY 594 406 7TH STREET, STANTON, NE 68779 6,000 Jensen, Aaron D 9,000 460 ACR 138, Elkhart, TX 75839 Pace 14 of 32 Jensen, Joshua E 3,000 596 Jensen, Kristin M 0 597 Jensen, Nicholas M 598 Jensen. Rachael E 599 Jensen, Rebecca R 595 .460 ACR 138, Elkhart, TX 75839 460 Anderson County Road 138, Elkhart, TX 75839 710 South Sixth Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 710 South Sixth Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 460 ACR 138, Elkhart, TX 75839 600 JEPPESEN MINDY 505 NORTH 7200 WEST, CORINNE, UT 84307-0000 3,000 0 9,000 6,000 601 Jeske, Tyler W 258 Moorewood Avenue, Avon Lake, OH 44012 9,000 602 Jessop, Carson 95 South 100 West, Fielding, UT 84311 603 Jianq. Xuanwu 9,000 0 604 John AIexanderW 0 605 Johnson, Aaron F 0 606 Johnson Alexander M 0 11430 Innes Court, Charlotte, NC 28277 2160 South 67th Place, West Allis, WI 53219 804 Edmonton Circle, Goose Creek, SC 29445 304 West Calhoun Street, Luxora, AR 72358 607 JOHNSON, AMBER 608 P. O BOX 261, LUXORA, AR 72358 6,000 Johnson, Christiana D 3,000 3428 Bicentennial Avenue, Springfield, OH 45503 609 Johnson. Clay T 320 Woodrun Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157 610 9,000 0 611 Johnson Holly B Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 1247 Chatfield S reet, Johnson, Katrina E 612 Johnson, Kobie M 6,000 613 Johnson. Mealan G 208 Prosperity ay, Muscle Shoals, AL 35661 Johnson. Steven V 6,000 614 402 Crestmont Circle, Blytheville, AR 72315 9,000 615 JohnsonICox KyIeyJ 3,000 616 Jones Adam R , 1084 West Greasewood Drive, Riverton, UT 84065 9,000 617 Jones, Angela R 3428 Bicentennial Avenue, Springfield, OH 45503 16750 West CR 344, Marquez, TX 77865 1054 Nonn 1056 East, orem, ur 54091 1805 College View Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 618 Jones, Ashley L 20 Bailey Avenue, Fyffe, AL 35971 619 Jones, Caitlin M 48 Center Street, Union Springs, NY 13160 620 0 0 0 Jones, Devon F 9,000 1900 SR 32 WEST, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 47933 3,000 1084 West 11765 South, Riverton, UT 84065 6,000 1083 Stonehenge Drive, Charleston, SC 29410 621 JONES. MICHELLE 622 0 Jones Paul A 623 Jones, Wendy D 5575 Norm i-ilghway 61, Biytnevnle, AR 12315 6,000 Jordan Brandon S 0 625 Jordan. III, Basil M 9,000 624 1613 Tolson Road, Timmonsville, SC 29161 2501 lseman Road, Darlington, SC 29532 626 Jorgensen, Joshua J 2104 Clearfield Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 627 JUDY. CAMERON 1347 BETHERA ROAD, BONNEAU, SC 29431 628 JUDY. MEREDITH 1347 BETHERA ROAD, BONNEAU, SC 29431 629 KAHNYISANDERS ELIZABETH 508 NORTH 27TH STREET, NORFOLK, NE 68701 630 KALE. SYDNEY 1303 ROLLINS AVENUE, FLORENCE, SC 29505 9,000 631 KALLHOFF REBECCA 1803 SUNSET AVENUE, NORFOLK, NE 68701 6,000 Kallhoff/Jacoby. Jennifer 6,000 632 1803 Sunset Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 633 Kambic Karl L 904 South Park Avenue, Glenshaw, PA 15116 634 KANEKO*MlSSION 2/97* CALIE 1785 EAST MAIN, TREMONTON, UT 84337-0000 Kaneko, Pepper 1785 East Main Street, Tremonton, UT 84337 636 Kanervisto Christopher K 635 4540 West 12000 North, Tremonton, UT 84337 637 Keener, Ashley M 7884 County Road 50, Butler, IN 46721 3,000 9,000 9,000 0 9,000 0 6,000 0 Pacie 15 of 32 638 Keener, Morgan D 7664 cR 50, Butler, iN 46721 639 Keesee, Magqie K Rural Route 2, Box 146, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 640 KEESEE SAMUEL RURAL ROUTE 2, BOX 146, CRAWFORDSVILLELIN 47933 641 Keiter, Phillip H 533 Leigh Street, Gosnell, AR 72315 642 Kelsey, M Crawfordsville, IN 47933 6335 orthBrooke 400 West, 643 Kemp, Andrea C 624 Lanes Way, Manila, AR 72442 644 Kendrick, Amy Route 5, Box 604, Crockett, TX 75835 645 Kenney Daniel W 330 south Broadway, Lrule York, IL 61453 646 9,000 9,000 3,000 6,000 0 9,000 3,000 6,000 0 Key, W Rlver Road North, Caledonia, OH 43314 1229 Kyle W etstone KIMBER KADE 647 6,000 648 KIMMEL NICHOLAS 6,000 649 King, EmilyPointe, S 111 Crowne Newbern, TN 38059 650 Kinq, Erin D 9,000 651 6,000 554 NORTH 300 EAST, BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302 7953 COUNTY ROAD 64, SPENCERVILLE, IN 46788 1111 Crowne Pointe, Newbern, TN 38059 Kin% J 560 CRJerome 374, Palestine, TX 75801 652 KING JOSEPH 340 COTTONWOOD, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 653 Kinq Skyler B 7690 Norln Highway 36, Horroyvrllo, ur 64314 654 King, Vanessa 405 helsea Drive,RPalestln, TX 75803 655 Kin /H o , K ll N 656 Kinnamon Jeremiah J 518?NCo$g5iYBi)?ihg17Ille, AR 72315 7217 North 100 West, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 657 KIPFER ANDREW 2125 EAsT 400 NORTH, FRElvloNT, lN 46737 658 659 660 O 6,000 9,000 0 0 3,000 9,000 Kigfer, D Fremont, IN 46737 21 5 EastTaner 400 North, 0 Kirk. Joseph 0 203 Harvey Streeg Linden, IN 47955 Kirkpatrick Grant D 2320 county *Roao, 22oo North, lvllrrorlk, lL 61760 661 Kirkpatrick, Maggie M 731 arnham Drive, lchmond, VA 23236 662 Kirven. Mary K 302 Beaver Point Drive, Florence, SC 29501 663 Kirven. Robin K 302 Beaver Pointe Drive, Florence, SC 29501 664 Kizziah, Jenna L 12857 Holt Peterson Road, Cottondale, AL 35453 665 6,000 O 3,000 9,000 0 Klegper. Andrew RRD, Hicksville, OH 43526 512 Casebeer-Miller 3,000 666 Kleggzer, Taylor M Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 051 Casebeer Mlller 9,000 667 Klug Lindsay N starl1orl,NE 66779 642 2 566 Avenue, 3,000 668 Kluver, Jace F y 303 North 1st Street, P. O. Box 113, Plainview, NE 68769 0 669 Knuppenburg, Ryan M 9,000 670 KOBIELA ADAM 6,000 12 Oak Drive, Union Springs, NY 13160 6077 CR 1l,GARRE1T, iN 46736 671 Koch. Jessica N 3302 North 120th Court, Apartment 234, Omaha, NE 68164 672 0 0 Koch, Kylie J 2419 Ma ison Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 673 KOEKENBERG DUSTY 3,000 674 Koenig, Alan T 11 Lloy Drive, Horseheads, NY 14845 675 Kohne, Jackie B 9,000 676 Kortan, Hunter G 113 South Wisdom Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 677 Kortie Jana M 2111 skyline Drrva, Norfolk, NE 66701 678 Kortie Jared R 2111 skyline Drrve, Norfolk, NE 66701 679 9,000 205 WEST MONROE STREET, ATTICA, IN 47918 3407 Marias Drive, Fort WayneLlN 46815 Kott, Mollya G 5015 Cohu Heights, Cohutta, GA 30710 680 KRUGER WILLIAM 600 NORTH BOXELDER, NoRFoLK, NE 66701 O 6,000 0 0 3,000 Page 16 of 32 681 Kruse Bradley T 9,000 682 Krusec Jennifer E , 230 North Jackson, Clarendon Hills, IL 60514 3,000 138 Hilfside Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 683 Kucek, Michael A 1023 South Peninsula Road, Florence, SC 29501 684 KUK KYLE 110 HILLSIDE DRIVE, NORFOLK, NE 68701 685 Kukielski, Casey J 14403 Bishar Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277 686 Kulinski Maria D 810 East Rosemary, Seguin, TX 78155 687 Lackey, Danielle E 1105 Broadmoor Street, Blytheville, AR 72315 688 Lam. Grace 2626 Hawaii Avenu, Stockton, CA 95206 689 Lamb. Christogher J 705 Brookhaven rive, Royse City, TX 75189 690 Lamb. Nicholas R 206 Northview Drive, Royse City, TX 75189 3,000 3,000 9,000 0 9,000 6,000 6,000 9,000 691 Lampe, Evan M 692 Lampkin RandaIlC P o Box 341, New ivierkei, iN 47965 9,000 693 Lane, Jordan B 3,000 8436 South Howell Avenue, Oak Creek, WI 53154 210 Belle Meade, Kennett, MO 63857 694 Lanford, Jordan L 308 Kenilworth Road, Summerville, SC 29485 695 Lan ellier Jessica R 105 gouth Second Street, P. O Box 122, Martinton, lL 60951 696 Lanavston, Elizabeth J 402 hite Magnolia Avenue, Darlington, SC 29532 697 LANGSTON, MATHEW 402 WHITE MAGNOLIA AVENUE, DARLINGTON, SC 29532 698 Larson, Matthew P 1298 Stratford Drive West, Bourbonnais, IL 60914 699 LARSON REX 14360 NORTH 4400 WEST, GARLAND, UT 84312 700 Laska Matthew J 46336 267111 sireei, cenierviiie, so 57014 701 Laudenklos, Jamie J 702 Lavoie, Joel L 83146 540th Avenue, Newman Grove, NE 68758 9706 Autumn Hollow, Converse, TX 78109 703 LAWRENCE, BROOKE 519 LEIGH, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 704 Lawrence, Susan R , 804 East Walnut, Blytheville, AR 72315 705 Lee, Kari E 1117 North 6th Street, Blytheville, AR 72315 706 Lee Katherine N 1117 Nenn 6111, Biy1heviiie,AR 72315 707 LEE, KRISTINA 1117 NORTH 6TH, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 708 Lee Matthew T 1555 Crane Neck Road, Scranton, SC 29591 0 6,000 0 0 3,000 0 0 9,000 0 9,000 9,000 0 9,000 0 6,000 0 709 Lemons, Brandon C 6,000 710 9,000 711 Lemons, Ebony L Memphis, TN 38108 1629 Oakwood S reet, Lemons, Evan C 25 Honeysuckle Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 9,000 712 Lessuise, Kalinda R 6,000 713 Lester, Douglas 25 Honeysuckle Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 1086 Hoks Ridge Lane, De Pere, Wl 54115 P O BOX 695, Manila, AR 72442 0 714 LESTER NICOLE 3,000 715 LEWIS SUSAN 2215 NORTH OLD CARRIAGE ROAD, ROCKY MOUNT, NC 27804 716 Lewis/Hettich. Sasha N 985 South Fairway Drive, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 717 3,000 2337 BIRCH STREET, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 Leg Kavin J so I/veei1s1s1ree1,Aviiia, iN 46710 Lienemann, Hillary K 718 56285 851 Road, Hoskins, NE 68740 719 Lindsay Garrett J Reuie 3, Box 706, creeken, 171 75635 3,000 9,000 9,000 0 720 Line, Nathan J 3,000 721 LINN JUSTIN 3,000 1331 West 300 South, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 803 ANDY"S LAKE ROAD, NORFOLK, NE 68701 722 Linnville, Mark C 586 Center Court Drive, Boone, NC 28607 723 Locbsdon MattParagould, D 720 Tory Lane, AR 72450 9,000 0 Page 17 of 32 724 Long Lindsey L 725 Lonqnecker, Josie M 8760 East county Road 100 North, coateevine, iN 46121 309 Bressler Avenue, Winside, NE 68790 726 Lowe Cory W 6375 SW Spruce Avenue, Beaverton, QR 97005 727 Lucas Tyler J 13650 ko 278, Antwerp, oi-i 45813 0 3,000 0 9,000 728 Ludemann Jacob L 83741 552nd Avenue, Norfoiii, NE 68701 0 729 Ludemann Joseph W 83741 552nd Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 730 Ludlow. Brgnne 2771 North 1 75 East, Ogden, UT 84414 9,000 2771 North 1275 East, North Ogden, UT 84414 9,000 731 Ludlow, Chase Q 732 Luebben. Kelli A 599 McCrystal Circle, Moncks Corner, SC 29461 733 Lundberg, Anna 354 North oo west,LBrigham city, ur 84302 0 6,000 734 LUNDBERG, BRYAN 354 NORTH 400 WEST, BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302 735 Luttrell, Amanda K 3,000 736 Lutz. Zachary A 11970 West Morgan Avenue, West Allis, WI 53228 737 3,000 P. O Box 636, Welch, WV 24801 Macgargle, Klyle 380 Lewisham oad,MColumbia, SC 29210 738 Mack Jennifer E 739 Mack Shanda T 1844 Somerset Circle, Charleston, SC 29407 1908 Tobin Drive, Fiorenoe, sc 29501 740 MackIMeyer, Heather 4245 state Road 1, Biitier, iN 46721 0 0 3,000 0 0 741 Maggiuson Ashlei D 104 arkiey biaee, Madison, Ms 39110 742 743 Magruder, Joshua Florence, SC 29506 410 Byrnes Boulevard, Maguire Jamie L 2904 coifvievv Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 3,000 744 Maharaj, Azara Z 6,000 2701 FourWinds Place, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 3,000 0 745 Maharai, Cadill 0 746 Maharai, Leeah I 0 2701 Four Winds Place, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 2701 Four Winds Place, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 747 Mahoney, Emil&A 4588 Roc efeller oad, Auburn, NY 13021 748 9,000 Malager, Austin T P. O ox 373, Bainbridge, IN 46105 Manqum, Allison M 749 6,000 210 South 300 West, Hyrum, UT 84319 3,000 750 Mannin%, B Route 1, ox Candace 523-A, Oakwood, TX 75855 3,000 751 Mannincg, Rachael Norfolk, E 84366 54 th Avenue, NE 68701 9,000 2923 Weliington Circle, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 9,000 752 Marinos William M 753 Marrier, Ashli E 210 William Latham Drive, Apartment 2, Bourbonnais, IL 60914 754 Martens, Brandon T 1204 Kansas Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 755 Martin, Ashley N 2703 Quail Run, Kennett, MO 63857 756 Martinez Efren 3415 west vermont Avenue, unit B, Phoenix, Az 85017 757 MARTINSONIBECKMAN. STACEY 87205 587 AVENUE, ALLEN, NE 68710 6,000 3,000 0 9,000 3,000 758 Martz, Jennifer C 0 759 Massey Brandon L O 760 Mastowski. Nicholas A 132 Gayle Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 9,000 761 Matthews. Ashley S 3,000 625 North 18th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 3376 State Highway A, Wardell, MO 63879 P O. Box 414, Turbeville, SC 29162 762 Matthews, Gavin D 8216 Chesapeake Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23518 763 Matthews, Megan N 8216 Chesapeake Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23518 764 MAUGHANIKOFOED ALESHA 396 EAST 200 souri-i, l/vELi.sviLLE, ur 84339 9,000 0 6,000 765 Mag, J Battle Creek, NE 68715 840 1 Tiffany 543 Avenue, 0 766 McAuley. Mark R . 0 P O Box 195, Huntersville, NC 28070 Paue 18 of 32 McBroome, Trista R 767 113 Carroll Road, Conway, AR 72032 768 McCann AbbiStonn 6315 61h street, Leighton, AL 35646 769 McCauley Amanda S 5048 East County Road 132, Blytheville, AR 72315 770 McClelland, Sharon L 771 0 9,000 9,000 138 Paddock Way, Summerville, SC 29483 9,000 McCormick, Shannon C 9,000 2809 White Birch Lane, Auburn, NY 13021 772 McCormick, Tara N Rural Route 1, Box 342, Johnstown, NE 69214 0 773 McDay, Kelly K 6,000 774 McDonald, Kayla J Green, KY 42103 311 Scott Lane, owling McFadden. Sean P 775 9,000 776 McGaughe7y, Brooke D 7705 South 00 West, Waveland, IN 47989 777 6,000 3601 Chanute Street, San Diego, CA 92154 703 Paddington Drive, Greenville, NC 27858 McGaugBhney, G IN 47989 Route 1, ox 90B,Nathan Waveland, 778 MCGILL KENNETH #27 NORMAN TRAIL, ROCKWALL, TX 75087 779 McHan. Kyle T 530 Laura, Iytheville, AR 72315 780 Mclntosh Scott M 204 Clark Street, P O Box 639, Jewett, TX 75846+ 781 Mclnville Lindsey E 439 wire iioao, Darlington, sc 29532 0 0 3,000 0 0 0 782 McKag/ Megan E 127 U I-irghwoy 61, sioeie, ivio 63677 3,000 783 McKeIro%f Amanda N 6942 CR I3, Buf1aio,Tx 75631 784 McKeIvey, Leannda A 251 County Road 443, Dawson, AL 35963 785 McKniqht, Jordan E 14757 Romulus Road, Coker, AL 35452 786 McLain, Trace C 122 Zee Court, Covington, IN 47932 787 McLoughlin, Emily N 2611 Hamilton Street, Weedsport, NY 13166 788 McManus. Michael P 3462 East Van Beck Avenue, St Francis, WI 53235 789 McMeans, Mai? A 9,000 1716 Edgewood treet, SW, Decatur, AL 35601 790 McMeans, Thomas W 1716 Edgewood Street SW, Decatur, AL 35601 791 3,000 0 9,000 6,000 0 0 6,000 Mecham, Kylee J 6,000 1107 WEST SECOND STREET, HEARNE, TX 77859 9,000 1959 North Smokerise Way, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 792 MERCER MARQUESHIA 793 Merchant, Zahra A 2127 Cannes Drive, Carrollton, TX 75006 794 MESSERLY JENNIFER 303 NORTH 9TH STREET, NORFOLK, NE 68701 795 Metcalf, Ashlely 1184 Dentwood rive, Brigham City, UT 84302 796 Metcalf, Bryce R 1184 Dentwood Drive, Brigham City, UT 84302 797 Metcalf, Karissa J 147 South Gosnell, Blytheville, AR 72319 798 Meyer, Chelsey L 84601 Highway 14, Neligh, NE 68756 799 Meyer Eric L 84601 i"-irghwoy14,Noiigg, NE 66756 800 Meyer Kendra J 846 1 Firgnway14,Noirg5, NE 66756 801 Me(yer, Lacey P. Box 321, 340 South Madison, Pilg-ig, NE 68768 Meyer, Melinda L 802 9,000 6,000 0 0 9,000 6,000 6,000 0 0 0 8924 Bull Rapids Road, Woodburn, IN 46797 803 MEYER MICHAEL 3,000 804 Meyer, Patrick K 9,000 303 wiNbsoR oRivE, NoRFoLK, NE 68701 3302 West Hampton Pointe Drive, Florence, SC 29501 805 Michaels Jared D 806 Michaels Jessica L 503 North Boxoider, Norfolk, NE 6a7o1 503 North Boxelder, Norfolk, NE 68701 807 Michel Heather L 808 0 0 1416 SE 39m court, ooaio, Fi. 34471 9,000 Mickelson, Nathan L 6,000 907 East High Street, Hicksville, OH 43526 809 Mickey, Genna M 837 Wingfoot Drive, North Aurora, IL 60542 3,000 Paue 19 of 32 Mieth, Stephanie L 810 2700 Mimick Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 811 Miles, Sarah A 622 Bndlewood Lane, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 6,000 0 812 Miller. Ashley R 0 813 Miller, Justin A 6,000 413 Glen Eagle Circle, lrmo, SC 29063 413 Gleneagle Circle, lrmo, SC 29063 814 Miller Justine E 3748 North Evergreen Drive, Pleasant View, UT 84414 815 Miller, Lee F 10041 South 875 East, Ladoga, IN 47954 816 Mills Allen C 3704 lvlontevallo Road SW, Decatur, AL 35603 817 Mills Brette L 398 North 100 East, Mendon, UT 84325 818 Mills Brvcen H 398 North ioo East, Mendon, ur 34325 819 Mills Lisa P o "Box 469, Mendon, ur 34325 820 9,000 0 9,000 0 6,000 2619-7, ABBEY DRIVE, FORT WAYNE, IN 46835 9,000 822 Moehrinq, Michelle M 10906 Oakbrier Court, Ft Wayne, IN 46845 Moeller, J Malad, ID 83252 5442 WestLyndsie 000 North, 824 Mohr, Adam M 20830 Powers Road, Defiance, OH 43512 825 9,000 Mlodzianowski, Jana M 2791 Marshall Street, P O Box 77, Weedsport, NY 13166 821 MODI MEERA 823 0 Momberger Ella T . 664 Lindsey I-lollow Road, Gallatin, TN 37066 0 9,000 0 6,000 826 Monk, Haley 6,000 827 3,000 910 Maple Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 Montejano, Rocio C Route , Box 123, Crockett, TX 75835 828 Moore, Ashlea N 308 South Victory Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 829 Moore, Ashley M 7214 Parkwood, Street, Florence, AL 35634 830 Moore JT 831 Moore, Steven W 5944 us 136 East, crawforasviiie, iN 47933 1239 Theresa Lane, Bourbonnais, IL 60914 832 Morris, Charles 833 0 6,000 0 9,000 6201 Cr 428, Marquez, TX 77865 3,000 Morris, Justin M 9,000 1393 Highway 131, Eufaula, AL 36027 834 Morrow, Lance D voo Nunn wiiiow, Norfolk, NE 69701 835 Mosley, Justin M 3810 Danivood Court, Fort Wayne, IN 46815 836 MOTEN KRISTY 616 FRYE, CROCKETT, TX 75835 837 Mountain, Tavis J 247 Charlie Powell Road, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 838 Mula, Nikolas C 56 Littleton Road, Kenton, TN 38233 839 Mula/Langley, Jenna L 56 Littleton oad, Kenton, TN 38233 840 MULFORD CINDY 4304 PIERCE DRIVE, NORFOLK, NE 68701 0 6,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 Mullins, Matthew 0 842 Mulvaney, Alex K 3,000 843 Mulvaney, Ethan T 6,000 841 P. O Box 35, 409 Sewell Street, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 271 Beaver Creek Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 271 Beaver Creek Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 B44 Mulvaney, Kate A 271 Beaver Creek Cove, Dyersburg, TN 38024 845 Munson, Emilee 2624 Whirlaway Avenue, Florence, SC 29505 846 Munson, Virginia S 2624 Whirlaway Avenue, Florence, SC 29505 847 Mugphy, Alyssa 150 Cabrillo Drive, Florence, SC 29505 848 MURUA-CUNEY BREE AMBER 4005 SUGARHILL RUN, NEW HAVEN, IN 46774-0000 849 MUSSER JACQUELINE 6576 COUNTY ROAD 64, ST. JOE, IN 46785 850 Mutschelknaus, Lucas B 84854 559 Avenue, Hoskins, NE 68740 0 0 0 3,000 9,000 9,000 6,000 851 Myers, Kodey W 9,000 852 MyerslRich Chelsye65,KHyrum, ur 64319 6645 south i-lighway 6,000 6845 South Highway 165, Hyrum, UT 84319 Pace 20 of 32 III, Raymond S , 853,Napolitan. 517 Loma vista, Heath, Tx 75032 0 NEFF KATHRYN 854 2559 ELM DRivE, GiRARD, OH 44420 9-000 LhE 855N ff.25059 Eir?1aDrive, Girard, OH 44420 5-000 855 Neidhardt. Katherine A 0 04819 Arrowsmilh Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 Brett B 857Nelson, 7550 North 6000 west, Eiwood, UT 64337 5-000 Newcamp, James W 858 519 wiirriarAveriiie, Hansviiie, sc 29550 3-000 Newcomer, Brittne D 859 6142 East eeok Lake Road soiiih, Kehdaiiviiie, iN 46755 5-000 NEWMAN ASHANTI 361 552 Nichols, Nielsen,TXIerM Sarah 00 860 ROUTE 1, 6Ox 59, GRAPELAND,1x 75644 9-000 8630 SR 23 West, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 1800 Alaska Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 Noble, Tiffan L 863 2700 ivywood ifoad, Fiorenoe, sc 29501 0 NoIzelFinch Jill 864 84055 562nd Avenue, Stanton, NE 68779 0 855 Norris, Jessica N 0 140 Private Road 5515, Palestine, TX 75801 Norris Katherine M 866 10267 East New Ross Road, New Ross, IN 47968 6-000 H 867Norris, 140Kristen Private Road 5515, Paiesiine,1x 75601 9-000 NORTON JESSICA 808 4316 OR 49, Au6uRN, iN 46706 3-000 Nowlin, Alexandra M 370 O"Brien, Ashley M 0 87, O-KEEFE. cOuRTNEY CARROLL 9 000 869 670 county Highway 493, sieeie,MO 63677 9-000 100 North Norfolk Way, Goose Creek, SC 29445 1720 COUNTRY CLUB ROAD, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315-0000 i O"Keefe, Jacob P 872 3966 west 7940 North Road, Maiiteho, iL 60950 9-000 OLDROYD, NICHOLAS i 873 225 NORTH 610 EAST, sMiTHFiELD, uT 64335 3-000 574 Oliva, Brenden C . 0 l 516 East 300 North, Brigham city, ur 64302 N 8750"MaIIey 405 Jennifer ciydebahkd Drive, Madison, AL 35756 0 R an S 876O"MaIIey 405 ciydeliarixii Drive, Madison, AL 35756 9-000 Orr, Brittney L 877 P O Box 411,coiiihsviiie, AL 35961 9-000 Osberg.AshIe A 878 917 Biaine, NorfoYk, NE 66701 0 Osber ,Bethan N 079 1602 Hii1view DriiieYNorfoik, NE 66701 9-000 I 880 Osborne. Mark V 0 331 Oswalt, Andrew D 0 1 1113 Terrace Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 2440 Arlington Avenue, Davenport, IA 52803 Overton Brooke D 383 Oviedo Brandi N 0 882 5090 EOR 132, isiy1heviiie,AR 72315 9-000 2102 Bef Air Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 Paqe Bryan A 884 P.O Eiox 260, .iewett,Tx 75646 9-000 PALMER JEFFREY 586 Palmer, Joel R 0 885 1340 NORTH 1560 EAST, LOGAN, uT 64341 3-000 414 Wonderwood Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211 Ta lor J 887Palmer, 1340 North 1960 East, Logan, uT 64341 0-000 PAPSTEIN, ANGELA 888 600 sOuTH 9TH STREET, NORFOLK, NE 66701 0-000 P " h E" R 889P ker 5t?3r0sECR 053, aiytheviiie, AR 72315 3-000 Jordan A 890Parrott 6g066rlarOaiicoiir1,chariotte,Nc 26226 9-000 Julia E 891 1961 Ruby Road, Hartsiiiiie,sc 29550 3-000 , Aaron J 892Parsle 1000 vvgast 2rid street, Reotor, AR 72461 9-000 P tel Viren K 893 6031 Saxton Court, Stockton, CA 95212 9-000 594 PATTERSON. KRISTIN 1048 EAST CR 200 NORTH, GREENCASTLE, IN 46135 * 3 395 MICHELLE 9 000 4091PATTERSON. NORTH COUNTY ROAD 903, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 * Paue 21 of 32 B96 PAYNE. LISA P O. BOX 644, GRAPELAND, TX 75844 897 Payne, Tiffany L 2219 Carleton Drive, SW, Decatur, AL 35603 898 Payton, Brittney M 309 Oak Drive, Lewiston, NC 27849 899 Pagan, Erica D P Box 457, Lewiston-Woodville, NC 27849 900 Pearce, Michael J 143 Murray Street, Auburn, NY 13021 3,000 0 9,000 0 0 901 PEBLEY MATTHEW LOYD 571 SOUTH 600 WEST, BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302-0000 6,000 902 Pedersen, Poul V 313 Hook Lane, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464 3,000 903 Perez, Nicholas S 57 Weiss Way, Southington, CT 06489 9,000 904 Perkins Ashley N 226 Fair Sailing Road, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 9,000 905 Peters Amanda N 5200 West Bluegill Circle, Denton, NE 68339 9,000 906 Petersen, Jessica M 3,000 907 Petersen, Joseph A 0 704 South Center, Tilden, NE 68781 22932 SE 43rd Place, Sammamish, WA 98075 908 Petersen. Katherine A 22932 SE 43rd Place, Sammamish, WA 98075 909 Peterson Lindsay K 0 2027 East Deer Run Drive, South Weber, UT 84405 6,000 910 Peterson Nicole R 10224 NE 6501 sireeal, Krrklana, WA 96033 6,000 911 Peterson, Rebecca 5370 North Highway 38, Brigham City, UT 84302 3,000 Pettigrew, Mitchell A 402 erry Leaf Road, Delaware, OH 43015 3,000 912 913 Pfeiffer Adam J 56731 852nd Road, Winside, NE 68790 914 Pfeiffer Amanda R 56731 852nd Road, Winside, NE 68790 915 Phillips, Matthew A 1863 Harrison Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 916 Philpott, Laura M 917 918 0 6,000 0 10912 South State Road 47, Waveland, IN 47989 9,000 Pichler Anthony L 6,000 Pichler Evan D 6,000 413 East Nebraska Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 413 Easl Nebraska, Norfolk, NE 66701 919 Pichler, Michael R 413 East Nebraska Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 920 Pickens, Ellis A 9717 Warwick Circle, Charlotte, NC 28210 9,000 921 Pierce, Zachary J 6,000 1522 North Main, Willard, UT 84340 922 Pittman. Ashley B 339 Sanford Avenue, Eufaula, AL 36027 923 Pitzer Austin D 13926 Metea coun, Leo, iN 46765 924 PLAYER, RACHEL 6,000 0 84054 RIDGE ROAD, STANTON, NE 68779 9,000 925 Pletcher, Andrew K 3,000 926 Podell Ryan L 615 Summerlane Drive, Hartselle, AL 35640 5 Twin Oaks, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 927 Polt, Adam J 917 West Willow, Pierce, NE 68767 928 Polt Gabriel Rural Route 2, Box 770, Proroa, NE 66767 929 Polt. Jessica R 917 West Willow Street, Pierce, NE 68767 930 Polt, Matthew C 917 West Willow, Pierce, NE 68767 0 3,000 0 3,000 0 Pool, David A 0 932 Pool, Elizabeth A 0 931 129 Bruce Farmer Road, Aulander, NC 27805 129 Bruce Farmer Road, Aulander, NC 27805 933 Port, Vallie B . P O. Box 825, 1026 Donie Road, Buffalo, TX 75831 0 934 PorterlSmith, K Logan, UT 84341 2147 North 800Beck# East, orth 935 Pospisil Amanda M 0 936 0 937 Pospisil Joshua L 1102 south 401 siraai, Norfolk, NE 66701 Post Rachel E 938 Postlethwait, Kelsy M 1102 South 4th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 4409 I/vyokoff Road, sorpio carrier, NY 13147 2505 McGowan Boulevard, Marion, IA 52302 3,000 0 3,000 Paoe 22 of 32 939 Postlethwait, Olin J 2505 McGowan Boulevard, Marlon, jk 52302 940 Poteet. Ricky J 9,000 419 Leathers Lane, Jewett, TX 75846 0 941 Powell, Christopher 0 942 Powers, Danielle M 511 Ferguson Street, Caruthersville, MO 63830 2725 Oak Manor Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 943 Powers, Eric R 2725 Oak Manor Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 944 945 3,000 9,000 Prater Jameson S 4036 Woodland Forrest Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 0 Prevost. Mallory A 4316 Jenni Lane, onesboro, AR 72404 0 946 Price, Andrew M 102 Speightstown Court, Goose Creek, SC 29445 947 PRICE TARA 102 SPEIGHTSTOWN COURT, GOOSE CREEK, SC 29445 948 Pritchard, Elizabeth M 3400 Navajo Ridge Drive, College Station, TX 77845 949 Pritchard, Jessica L 686 Hudson Road, Decatur, AL 35603 0 3,000 9,000 3,000 950 Pritchard, Jonathan D 0 951 Provines, Andrew 0 686 Hudson Road, Decatur, AL 35603 6232 Hursh Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46845 952 Ptak, Erin M 1010 Darrus Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 953 PUIKKONEN PANU 1671 EAST 1700 NORTH, LOGAN, UT 84341 954 Putgenter. Joseph Norfolk, G 190 Alaska Avenue, NE 68701 6,000 955 Pg/le, Kassandra M Butler, IN 46721 5 44 County Road 24, 956 QUATRINO, DANIEL 11709 MOFFAT AVENUE, TAMPA,fL 33617 957 9.000 I 958 9,000 0 9.000 Ra%an, Kristyn B Pocahontas, AR 72455 133 Crenshae Road, 0 1204 Mockingbird Lane, Blytheville, AR 72315 6.000 Ramsdell, Danielle 959 Raper, Nicole L 3914 South Division, Blytheville, AR 72315 3,000 960 Ray Adam P, 9,000 961 Read, Mandi K South Lombardi Lane, Hanahan, SC 29406 1893 North State Highway 181, Manila, AR 72442 962 Reaves BradIeFyidge G Road, Lake Cormorant, MS 38641 859 Confederate 963 REDDIN BRIAN 303 WILLIAMSON ROAD, FLORENCE, SC 29506 964 REDIGER. JANIS 300 NORTH JAMES, BUTLER, IN 46721 965 Reed, Amber R 3106 North 25th Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 966 Reese, Jaccgieline 708 Douglas, . O. Box 281, Stanton, NE 68779 Reese Meagan V 967 2518 VI/est Third Loop Road, Florence, SC 29501 968 Reichenbach. Jennifer L 5233 Prospect-Ugper Sandusky Road North, Harpster,fOH 43323 969 REINERT. LINDSAY 702 WEST MAIN STREET, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 47933 970 Reissmann, F Robert Street, Kingman, IN 47952 P. O. Box 308,Mecian 436 South 971 Rekieta, Corey A 519 North Market, P O. Box 462, Bremond, TX 76629 972 REKIETA. KRISTEN P. O BOX 363, BREMOND, TX 76629 973 Rekieta, Luke A 115 East Colorado Street, Bremond, TX 76629 974 REKIETA MATTHEW ROUTE 1, BOX 349, BREMOND, TX 76629 975 Rethwisch. Cali M 516 South Elm, Tilden, NE 68781 976 Rexles-Ruiz, MayraApartment A 37 orth Main Street, 10, Wallingford, CT 06492 977 Rhodes, Kara L , 3415 Columbus, Gainesville, TX 76240 978 Rhodes, Kathleen E 979 Rice, Jeffrey S 3415 ColumbusLGainesville, TX 76240 4924 East County Road 188, Blytheville, AR 72315 0 9,000 9.000 9,000 0 0 0 0 6,000 9,000 3,000 3,000 9,000 9,000 6,000 9,000 9,000 0 9,000 980 RICE LYNDSEY P O BOX 191, OSMOND, NE 68765 3,000 981 3,000 Rice Sarah E 929 Nunn 1175 west, Jamesiown, iN 46141 K Pace 23 of 32 982 Richie Gerald J 4223 V1/est Hllltop Lane, Franklin, WI 53132 983 RICHTER WAYLON 3,000 2425 SOUTH ROBINSON AVENUE, JEWETI",TX 75846 9,000 1246 Hilton Head ceuri, Denance, oH 43512 6,000 984 Riedel Steven C I 985 Rieqe Jennifer 986 Riffle Lyndsay K 6820 County Road 81, Danville, AL 35619 3,000 987 1001 Village Green Drive, Apartment 1, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 Rigggn, J 12 andallAndrew Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 9,000 988 Risinq/Hubbard, Staci J 1525 East Rangeline Road, Greencastle, IN 46135 9,000 989 Rizzo Philip A 9,000 990 Robbins. Nathan L 6,000 991 Robbins, Nicholas A 992 Roberts, S West Jordan, UT 84088 9035 SouthAngela 10 5 #213, Robertson, Keith 993 1072 Worthington Drive, Hoffman Estates, IL 60194 1893 West State Highway 18, Manila, AR 72442 1893 West State Highway 18, Manila, AR 72442 P O Box 92, 251 Lcr 664, Kosse, TX 76653 994 Robinson. Felicia 932 Drew Drive, Darlington, SC 29540 995 Robinson, Kelsey L P O Box 488,Jewett, TX 75846 996 Robinson, Lakendra N 105 West Hartwick Lane, Goose Creek, SC 29445 997 Robinson, Nikki 12324 Highway 79 West, Jewett, TX 75846 998 RobinsonlReinoehI Kathleen E 999 Roche James D 190 West County Road, 300 South, Greencastle, IN 46135 0 6,000 6,000 0 6,000 3,000 0 0 3955 Vlfest 2400 North, Corinne, UT 84307 9,000 P O BOX 1028, BUFFALO, TX 75831 3,000 100( RODRIGUEZ RALPH 1001 Rogers, Holly Highway S 396 East Street, 312, Blytheville, AR 72315 1002 Roggers, Megan 621 County oadaN58, Pisgah, AL 35765 3,000 100( Roggrs, Sarah F Darlington, SC 29532 112 ez Perce Drive, 9,000 0 1004 ROOZE DOUGLAS 1129 STATE ROAD 32 WEST, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 47933 6,000 1005 Rose, Lauren E 417 East Main Street, Steele, MO 63877 6,000 100( Rose, Tessa M 113 Meadowview Drive, Brandon, MS 39047 3,000 1 007 Roth, Jordan C 9,000 1005 Rotherham, Blake 0 Rovito. Sarah M , , 0 Rowlan/Knighton April D Nc 28105 4034 Fawniuli oau,1/iannews, 0 1005 101( 526 Laura, Gosnell, AR 72315 1007 South Lincoln Street, Madison, NE 68748 6240 Glade Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45230 1011 Ruark Sarah 1012 RUCKMAN, JESSICA 1011 Ruckman, Rebecca L Rural Fieuie 4, Box 149, Tangler, iN 47952 14310 SR 101, GRABILL, IN 46741 6829 State Road 8, Butler, IN 46721 1014 RUCKMAN. SARAH 6829 STATE ROAD 8, BUTLER, IN 46721 1015 Rung/el, Heather E Ridge Road, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 2547 est Rock River 101( Rupg, Jessica L Lane, Tiptonville, TN 38079 160 unkist Village Rutledge, Amanda C 1017 101E 1015 440 Candy Lane, Buffalo, TX 75831 Rvan DanielleE , 2960 ifzeute 38, iviuravla, NY 13116 Ryan JohannaM , 2960 house 36, Moravla, NY 13116 102( Ryan, Killa W Drive, Coker, AL 35452 1 095 Ro y Hills 1021 SADOSKI. CHRIS 1022 1022 1630 SUNSET DRIVE, LOGAN, UT 84321 Sadoski, Joseph P 1630 Sunset Drive, Logan, UT 84321 Salvesen Jasmine R 211 Hazel blaee, Tremonion, UT 64337 1024 SALVESEN. TYLER JAY 211 HAZEL PLACE, TREMONTON, UT 84337-0000 0 3,000 0 3,000 0 9,000 6,000 O 0 0 3,000 0 0 6,000 Paae 24 of 32 1025 SAMPSON AMANDA 102E Samuelson Jared L 1025 Sanders, Sarah C 1025 Sandor, Stephanie R 103( Schaffer, Kyjle D Norfolk, NE 68701 2200 Skyline rive, 1031 Schimming Cody L 31443 195111 street, Pickering, ii/io 64476 9,000 1032 Schkerke Christopher A 360 North Forest Avenue, Bradley, IL 60915 6,000 1035 Schlickbernd, Elizabeth A 9120 Barrington Terrace, Brooklyn Park, MN 55443 3,000 1034 SCHLUNS TAMI JO 9,000 165 BARRY ROAD, LUMBERTON, NC 28358 402 East 8th Street, Madison, NE 68748 1027 SAMUELSON MICHAEL 402 EAST 8TH STREET, MADISON, NE 68748 1035 508 North 27 Street, Norfolk, NE 68701 6030 Lawnhill Drive, Memphis, TN 38135 416 WEST 13TH STREET, WAYNE, NE 68787-0000 9,000 0 3,000 0 6,000 0 0 1035 Schmidt Me%an 23o7Har1:lisen five,PNorfolk, NE 66701 Schomaker, Amanda L 1037 Schremmer Stephanie M 1035 SCHROEDER, JOEL 1035 Schulz, Debi S 104( Schumacher. Cassidy L 400 Hickory Lane, Eureka, IL 61530 6,000 1041 Schwartz Paige 14737 settlers raii,RLeo, iN 46765 9,000 1042 Scott, II, Harold G 11983 Cranston Drive, Arlington, TN 38002 9,000 1045 ScottlBate Kimberly J 6,000 1044 Scouten Adam R 9,000 15265 Bennis Street, Omaha, NE 68154 2495 County Road 609, Cardwell, MO 63829 300 LANE 210 HAMILTON LAKE, HAMILTON, IN 46742 Route 2, Box 142A, Osmond, NE 68765 665 South 634 West, Tremonton, UT 84337 5149 SR 101, semi Joe, iN 46765 1045 SEAMONS MANDY 3,000 0 6,000 0 2223 SOUTH 5400 WEST, MALAD, ID 83252 6,000 1045 Seibert, Mary B 3,000 1047 SEIBERT SARAH 5768 NORTH STATE HIGHWAY 137, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 6,000 104E Sellers, Amber R 12307 Leon Drive, Brookwood, AL 35444 6,000 1045 Severance. Rachel C 4804 Langston Road, Timmonsville, SC 29161 9,000 105( Shankles, Amanda L 210 45th Street NE, Fort Payne, AL 35967 3,000 1051 Sha? DanielleRoad L 199, Kenton, OH 43326 1647 Township 6,000 3802 Union Chapel Road, Northport, AL 35473 1052 Sharrock Lindsay M , 1055 SHAW JENNIFER 1054 Sheble Kimberl C 1055 Shell MargaretC 1055 Shelton, Abby R 0 1057 Shelton, Justin L 0 1055 SHIELDS MELISSA 781 Mountvt/ernon Avenue, Marion, OH 43302 1403 HOBART DRIVE, FLORENCE, SC 29501 3315 Wistchester Avenue, College Station, TX 77845 825 Westminster Drive, Lancaster, PA 17601 352 Crews Drive, Dora, AL 35062 1307 Chitwood Avenue, SE, Lot 3, Fort Payne, AL 35967 0 9,000 0 3,000 1702 DUPWE, JONESBORO, AR 72401 6,000 1055 Shirley, Ashlexoad, N Decatur, AL 35603 413 Henderson 9,000 106( 6,000 1061 Shortridge. R 455 Sudbury Ashleg Circle, swegg, IL 60543 Shoulders, Ashley C 1 062 Shuey. Danielle M 0 1062 Shuey, Kristin L 0 22173 Shawnee Lane, Athens, AL 35613 513 Rice Hope Drive, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 0 1 064 513 Rice Hope Drive, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 SHUMATE/LIPSCOMB RACHAEL 12 BLUEBIRD LANE, CONWAY, AR 72032 3,000 1065 Shumway, Maria S 3,000 1066 2786 Seastrand Lane, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 SILHACEK BETTY 416 NORTH LUCAS, PiERcE, NE 66767 1067 SIMMONS, ELLIOT 313 DELTA ROAD, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 6,000 6,000 Pacie 25 of 32 106E Simon, Kenton L 0 1065 Simpson. Erika R 4006 Brandywine Drive, Jonesboro, AR 72404 6,000 367 NORTH 1ST WEST, DOWNEY, ID 83234-0000 9,000 802 South Dargan Street, Darlington, SC 29532 107( SIMPSON TODD ALLEN 1071 1072 Sims Travis A P. O Box 747, 505 Henry Prairie Road, Franklin, TX 77856 0 0 1073 Singleton, R Charleston, SC 29405 480 ParksideShannon Drive, North SizemorelBarnett, Leah B 1074 SKEELS MANDY 1075 Slade, Meagen C 6,000 107E Smid, Brittany L 0 1077 Smith, Aaron L 1076 Smith, Andrew R 1075 Smith, Briana N 9,000 108( Smith. Il Chip J 421 East Main, steeie, Nio 63877 0 1081 Smith. Jacob A 412 Runningfrox Road West, Columbia, SC 29223 0 1082 SMITH JASON 0 1082 Smith. Joseph B 1084 1085 747 Chavies Road, SE, Rainsville, AL 35986 1007 EAST KHOLLS, NORFOLK, NE 68701 83 North 100 West, Preston, ID 83263 1708 West Beniamin, Norfolk, NE 68701 174 Water Oak Drive, Ridgeville, SC 29472 305 North 3rd, Box 148, Plainview, NE 68769 1639 East CR 200 North, Greencastle, IN 46135 1309 MEADOW DRIVE NE, FORT PAYNE, AL 35967 421 East Main Street, Steele, MO 63877 SMITH. KATHERINE 521 WILDEWOOD AVENUE, GEORGETOWN, SC 29440 3,000 6,000 6,000 0 6,000 9,000 3,000 108E Smith Kyleigh 17836 laui RapidsDRoad, spenoarviiie, iN 4e7aa Smith, Matthew B 1087 Smith, Meqan C 0 108E Smith, Melanie P 407 Warren Hill Road, Brandon, MS 39042 1085 SMITH NATHAN 15495 NORTH 4400 WEST, GARLAND, UT 84312 0 0 109( Smith Nicholas L 0 1091 Smith, Sam D 1092 Smith. Savannah M 1092 Smith, Suzanne R 412 Running Fox Road West, Columbia, SC 29223 3,000 1094 Smith Suzy 6,000 1095 smith, Timothy A 7 2604 Rivertowne Parkway, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 0 1096 Smith Zachaiay 17836 I3ull Rapi sARoad, Spencerville, IN 46788 0 1097 Snellenbarger KatieGreencastle, IN 46135 1333 West 1 5 South, 0 1098 Snow. Ashley N 1095 Soine, Timothy R 110( SORENSON BROOKE 1144 EASTRIDGE DRIVE, LOGAN, UT 84321 6,000 1101 SOUKUPIHANSEN JENNIFER MARY 1901 souTH 45TH, NoREoi.k, NE sa7o1-oooo 9,000 1102 Souther. Krystal G 0 1102 Sgader D Norfolk, NE sa7o1 2 oa GolfAndrea view Drive, 0 1104 1105 Spann, Brafana K SC 29450 P O Box3 5, Hugg, SPEIDEL ANDREW 1106 S /Price Ashley 0 1107 Sgiieqel, HeidiDrive, M Norfolk, NE 68701 3 9 Brentwood 0 1105 Sgaires, Sara ECrescent, Mount Pleasant, SC 29466 3 33 Pignatelli 9,000 1105 Sgires, StevenCrescent, E 3 33 Pignatelli Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 3,000 111( Sgrinqer, 7 43 CountyJennifer Road 39,ASpencerville, IN 46788 174 Water Oak Drive, Ridgeville, SC 29472 250 Green Avenue NW, Foit Payne, AL 35967 6001 ll/Ioon Street NE, #2524, Albuquerque, NM 87111 35 Fennell Street, SkaneateIes,,NY 13152 250 Green Avenue North, Fort Payne, AL 35967 15495 North 4400 West, Garland, UT 84312 1120 West Adams, Blytheville, AR 72315 7357 Cross Lake Road, Plainville, NY 13137 306 South Terrace Drive, Florence, SC 29506 84475 HIGI-IWAY 35, NORFOLK, NE 68701 28, 512,11/h 150 East, iviaiad, io 83252 0 9,000 0 6,000 0 9,000 6,000 0 Paoe 26 of 32 111 1 I 1112 1115 Sgrinqs, E 3 35 CreekCandice Road, Timmonsville, SC 29161 Sruti. lla 1207 Ogelthorpe Avenue, Normal, IL 61761 Stafford. Sarah 0 9,000 0 114 16655 Wcr 344, Marquez, TX 77865 STALLINGS. ZACHARY 1 115 Stark, Joshua J 404 East Nebraska Street, Pierce, NE 68767 0 1 115 STARK JUSTIN 404 EAST NEBRASKA, PIERCE, NE 68767 6,000 1 117 Stames, Kelsea B 3894 East County Road 122, Blytheville, AR 72315 6,000 1 115 Starr, Ryan N 3225 West 2000 North, Malad City, ID 83252 9,000 1 115 Staub. Anthony W 6,000 1 12( STAUB. JARED 1 P O BOX 265, SYLVANIA, AL 35988 P. O. Box 113, Hoskins, NE 68740 6,000 302 S WILLIS ST , HOSKINS, NE 68740 6,000 302 SOUTH WILLIS STREET, HOSKINS, NE 68740 9,000 1 121 STAUB MATTHEW 1 122 Steel, Heather N 102 Villageway, Crockett, TX 75835 1122 STEPAN. LUKE 1460 W 2200 S , COLLEGE WARD, UT 84339 0 3,000 124 Stephens, Caleb A 120 Pole Bridge Drive, Brandon, MS 39042 3,000 125 Stephens, Cambrev A 6,000 1 125 STERNBERG AIMEE 3,000 1 127 1 1 120 Pole Bridge Drive, Brandon, MS 39042 3111 STONEY MIST, SAN ANTONIO, TX 78247 Stevens, Brittanx L Midlothian, VA 23112 5217 Cllgper Cove oad, 0 12E STEVENS TONYA 3,000 1 125 STEVENS/ALLEN TIFFANY P. o Box 496, oAKl/vooD,Tx 75855 6,000 1 13( Stewart, Clint G 9,000 1 131 Stewart, Timala S 0 1 132 Stiles, Miranda S 0 1 1132 Ro 8oxA96,oAKvvooD,11t 75855 P O. Box 927, Jewett, TX 75846 834 27th Street, Newport News, VA 23607 444 4th Street, Pleasant Grove, AL 35127 Stilwell, Nicholas S 6,000 3,000 127 Creek View Drive, Hoschton, GA 30548 1 134 1 135 Stobauglh DarciA 108 soul Wlsaom Road, Biyxnevlne, AR 72315 Stoffel, Rebecca L 136 STOKES JENNIFER 137 STONE. BRYCE 9,000 113E Stone. Jeffrey R 0 135 Stone, Michael D 0 1 14( Storm Meredith K 0 1 141 Stracener, Natasha I 955 Mecklenburg Cove, Southaven, MS 38671 9,000 142 Stricklin Ellery 0 6,000 I 1 1 1 668 East 3525 North, Ogden, UT 8441.4 9,000 325 LAUREL OAK ST , HARTSVILLE, SC 29550 6,000 4840 FM 39 N, JEWETI", TX 75846 4947 Breckenridge Run, Syracuse, NY 13215 410 Steuben Street, Horseheads, NY 14845 2115 Shadowlawn Street, Brandon, MS 39042 203 Bristol Cove, Brandon, MS 39047 1145 Strong, Chad M 0 144 Stuckey Ashley O 1 145 Stuthman Janeen F 0 1 145 Stxmiest, J , IN 46383 15 1 Boca LagoJoshua Drive, Valparaiso, I 147 Suber, Nina M 1 14E Suddarth, Shea E P. O Box 244, Hagi, MO 63851 9,000 SUDHOFF CHANDRA 6354 COUNTY ROAD 11A, GARRETT, IN 46738 6,000 Sukup. Robert J 6,000 SULC JASON 8 RIDGE RD, CRAWFORDSVILLE, IN 47933 6,000 SUMMERS/GRUNIG, JENNIFER 3,000 1 1145 1 15( 1151 1 152 1155 508 South Second Street, Garrett, IN 46738 19108 Hull Road, Auburn, iN 46706 2309 East Coolidge Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 400 East Rico Drive, Florence, SC 29505 909 North 2nd, Norfolk, NE 68701 275 S 200 E , CLARKSTON, UT 84305 Sun, Jennifer 210 Marsala Court, Canton, Ml 48187 9,000 0 0 Page 27 of 32 1154 Swann, Laura K 1513 County Road 730, Jonesboro, AR 72401 9,000 1155 Swick, Bradley K 209 North Railroad, Groesbeck, TX 76642 3,000 1155 Swindle Autumn N 222 Pine Street, Caruthersville, MO 63830 3,000 1157 Sykes, Chasity 9 9 Jimmy Drive, S Gosnell, AR 72315 0 115E Taezqe Matthew 160 Sheridan Drive, Norfoik, NE 68701 0 Tae2ge William F Norfolk, NE 68701 160 Sheridan Drive, TANNER/NELSON APRIL 116( 0 1155 7475 NORTH 2800 Vi/EST, HONEYVILLE, UT 84314 6,000 1161 Tarlton, Joshua D 3133 South Canal Drive, Florence, SC 29505 3,000 1162 Tate Meaqan L 9,000 Taylor, Brandon M Point, TX 75169 93 Howell Street, Wills Tebbe, Sarah E 9,000 1163 1164 104 White oak street, Brookiario, AR 72417 107 North Main Street, Mt Gilead, OH 43338 3,000 1165 Tharf, Ryan Road, Leo, IN 46765 1006 Garman 0 116E Tharp, SheIbyRL 10064 Garman oad, Leo, IN 46765 0 Thaxton. Kyle E 0 1167 1191 East State Highway 239, Blytheville, AR 72315 1162 THAYNE HOLLY 9730 NORITH HIGHWAY 38, DEWEYVILLE, UT 84309 6,000 1165 Thayne, Kinlee 3,000 117( Theisen, Jill 1171 Thies Jordan T 1223 Georgii Norfolk, NE 68701 3,000 1172 Thomas, Chelsie L P. O. Box 233, Grapeland, TX 75844 3,000 1175 Thomas. Haley N 400 Summercourt Drive, Summerville, SC 29485 9,000 1174 THOMAS JENNIFER 3250 WEST HAMPTON POINTE DRIVE, FLORENCE, SC 29501 6,000 1175 Thomas, Kiel J 7221 East Devonald Avenue, Terre Haute, IN 47805 3,000 117( Thomas, Matthew R 6,000 1177 Thomas Michelle N 0 1175 1175 118( 9730 North Highway 38, oewoyvriie, ur 84309 Rural Route 2, Box 126b, Pierce, NE 68767 3250 West Hampton Point Drive, Florence, SC 29501 Route 1, Box 126, Swansea, SC 29160 Thorvason, AbbeyGosnell, L 5106 illage Avenue, AR 72315 Thompson. Adrianne N 601 Seventh Street, Crawfordsville, lN 47933 0 6,000 9,000 0 1181 Thomgason, Akeila O148, P. o. Box 1821, Biyfnovriie,AR 72316 4181 asisiaie Highway THOMPSON. BRADLEY 1182 Thompson, Dan M 0 1182 Thomgzson, Leanard C Blytheville, AR 72316 4160 ast State ll, Highway 148, 0 1121 N BROADWAY, BLYTHEVILLE, AR 72315 30 Vandenburg Cove, Jackson, TN 38305 3,000 1184 Thompson. Jacob D 9,000 1185 Thompson, Kilee S l 05085 Casebeer Miller Road, Hicksville, OH 43526 9,000 1871 West 500 South, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 0 1186 Thomrpson L 5465 cR 865, Summer isiy1neviiie,AR 72315 1187 Thompson, Tyger 1475 Creekside rive,DBrownsburg, IN 46112 9,000 118E Thorborg, Robert J 410 Steuben Street, Horseheads, NY 14845 6,000 1185 Thrash, Emily E 9,000 119( Thrash, LeAnn K 1191 Thunker, LoriaLei M 84848 North US Highway 81, Norfolk, NE 68701 3,000 1192 Tidwell, Adrienne F 3,000 1192 Tiffany, Hannah Y 1194 TituslParish Rachel M 71 North 470 East, Smithfield, UT 84335 3,000 1195 Tomlin, Rebecca J 9,000 1196 Tormanen, Tristin N 718 Sprin Hill Drive, Madison, MS 39110 718 Spring Hill Drive, Madison, MS 39110 133 Covey Chase, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 4803 Browning Drive, Killeen, TX 76542 73 Reservation Loop, Glasgow, VA 24555 3836 U S. Highway 50, Fayetteville, OH 45118 0 0 0 Pace 28 of 32 41 1197 1195 Towles, Loqan B 616 Lanes Way, Manila, AR 72442 TRUDEAU, DANA 6,000 P O BOX 451, BATTLE CREEK, NE 68715 6,000 1195 TRYON KIMBERLY Route 1, Box 101, GRAPELAND, Tx 75344 9,000 120( Tse Wendy Y 5514 18th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108 0 1201 Tucker, Andrea M 0 1202 Tucker, Danielle N 522 South Lewis, Pierce, NE 68767 6,000 1205 Tucker, Ill Thomas R 1713 Norm broadway, Biyineviiie, AR 72315 3,000 9,000 1205 Turney, Kaitlyn N Dyersburq, TN 38024 152 Woodside ane, Turney, Kyle J 1205 Turose. Alyssa J 1207 Turose, John M 120E Turose, Kaela M 1205 Tweedy, Adam J 713 West Court, Pierce, NE 68767 3,000 121( Tweedy, Jenna N 9,000 1204 2104 Armada Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23321 152 Woodside Lane, Dyersburg, TN 38024 3903 Mandy Rue, Auburn, NY 13021 3903 Mandy Rue, Auburn, NY 13021 3903 Mandy Rue, Auburn, NY 13021 713 West Court Street, Pierce, NE 68767 1211 Udy, N West, Plymouth, UT 84330 200 5Ging11er Nort 5000 1212 VAN NATTER RYAN 2566 EAST 3750 NORTH, LAYTON, UT 84040 1211 Vanosdall, Eric , Rural Route 1, Box 6a, Hoskins, NE 68740 O 0 9,000 O 3,000 0 6,000 1214 Vau han Juan E 1215 Venable, Jonathan G 1215 Venable, Miranda L 0 1217 Vereen Amber G 1335 Old Brickyard Road, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466 0 1215 Vereen Natalie G 1335 Old Brickyard Road, Mt Pleasant, SC 29466 0 1215 Vemon MichaelA 1330q-lighway 158 West, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 189 County Road 445, Hillsboro, AL 35643 542 Center Grove Road, Ahoskie, NC 27910 2304 BelAir Road, Ndrfdik, NE 69701 122( VESELY JAMIE 1602 EAST SOUTH AIRPORT ROAD, NORFOLK, NE 68701 1221 1222 1222 Vesellgr, LoriAirport Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 1602 ast So Villavicencio Desirea C 0 3,000 9,000 9,000 0 2412 Madison Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 6,000 Vo%el Jill M Drive, Pauiding, oi-i 45379 123 0 Buckeye v1.2305I lsugfgye T J Drive, Paulding, oH 45079 3,000 1224 1225 Vornhagen, Adam R 6,000 1226 Votruba, Trevor L 1227 Wachel Jessica R 1225 Wade Candice L 1229 Wade/Wessel, Jessica 123( Wainwright, Christopher C 328A Founders Boulevard, Lexington, SC 29073 9,000 1231 Wainwright, Kristin M , 328 Foun ers Boulevard, Lexington, SC 29073 9,000 1232 Waite, Zane M 0 1232 Walker Adam W 0 1234 Walker, Brett S 0 1235 Walker, D , MS 39110 105 WoodsBrittany Lake rive, Madison, 0 1236 Walker, Tenille 1237 Wallace, Ryan K 1626 West Berry Hill, Norfolk, NE 68701 1408 Crown Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 160 FM 2413, Bremond, TX 76629 5053 East county Rdad, #134, Biyri1aviiia,AR 72315 55471 835 ROAD, NORFOLK, NE 68701 770 Glen Valley Road, Athens, PA 18810 2235 CR 39, wateridd, iN 46793 3205 West Cobblecrest, Deweyville, UT 84309 3205 West Cobblecrest, Deweyville, UT 84309 P O Box 581, Leachville, AR 72438 1236 WALLACE ZACHARY 1271 COUNTY ROAD 192, CROSSVILLE, AL 35962 1235 Walaluist, 341 est 100Alison South, Newton, UT 84327 0 0 9,000 0 0 9,000 0 6,000 0 Pace 29 of 32 124( Walquist, Brianne J 7115 North 5500 West, Newton, UT 84327 9,000 1241 Walaluist. 341 est 100Jordan South, M Newton, UT 84327 6,000 1242 Walcwist, 7115 orth Roby/ic 5500 est, Newton, UT 84327 9,000 121 Coflinswood Drive, Eufaula, AL 36027 6,000 9 1245 Walsh Katherine A 1244 Walston, Shawnah M P. O Box 32, Centerville, TX 75833 0 1245 WaIterIJohnson, M46738 605 Oakleaf Drive, Ashley Garrett, N 0 1245 WARD JOHN 1247 Ware Jonathan W 0 0 1245 Warren, Amy81,Gosnell, G 677 Highway AR 72315 WASSOM JEFFREY 1251 Watson, Jessica A 1252 Watson/Naramore. Mary E 0 1255 Wattier, Vanessa D 0 1254 Weaver Erin L 0 1255 WEAVER JAMIE RouTE 1, lsox 176, NEW Ross, iN 47966 1255 Weber, Dustin L 1257 Weber Elizabeth 01020 Us 6, Edgerion, oH 43517 6,000 1255 Weber, Joshua R 823 East Main Street, Pierce, NE 68767 6,000 1255 Weidner Katie L 54376 630111 Road, iviaalsen, NE 66746 3,000 1245 1404 CALE YARBOROUGH HIGHWAY, TIMMONSVILLE, SC 29161 6960 CR 75,speneerv1ne, IN 46766 129 NORTH 100 WEST, SMITHFIELD, UT 84335 125( WATERS JACK 102 BOTANY BAY BOULEVARD, NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29418 126( P O Box 451, Jewett,TX 75846 211 Fort Higdon Lane, Adger, AL 35006 2702 Mimick Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 Route 1, "Box 176, New Rees, iN 47966 823 East Main Street, Pierce, NE 68767 6,000 3,000 6,000 3,000 6,000 0 0 1261 Weiss, Jenn(yircle, L Pinson, AL 35126 8360 Country Wells Corey A 1262 Wells Lauren A 9100 East Orchard Lane, Charlotte, NC 28210 3,000 1265 Welsh, Peter D 6,000 1264 Welter. Sara R 0 1265 Wenner, Nicholas O 1 265 Wentling, Ashley R 0 1267 Wenzl, Gina M 0 1265 Wenzl, Ty1ler J 1404 Long orn Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 1265 Wessel, Jack W 0 127( Wessel, Jane D 0 1271 Whatley, Christina M 0 1272 Wheeler Kimberly M 0 1211 MEADOW DRIVE, NORFOLK, NE 68701 9,000 1274 Whistle, Matthew S 3089 North State Highway 181, Dell, AR 72426 9,000 1275 Whitaker, Amanda B , 6,000 1275 White Dylan K 1277 White, Rhianna 9,000 0 1275 White, Sarah N 0 1275 WHITE VINCENT 128( Whitesell, Brad M . 0 1281 Whitesell, Codxcres W Drive, Brazil, IN 47834 186 East Colony 0 1282 WHITESELL TODD 1903 Sheridan Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 71 Mary Road, Box 137, Bracey, VA 23919 4108 Earlswood Drive, Charlotte, NC 28269 2201 East Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 1221 East Sherwood Road, Norfolk, NE 68701 1404 Longhorn Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 5846 Lakeview Drive, Auburn, NY 13021 5846 Lakeview Drive, Auburn, NY 13021 354 Bird Loog, Centreville, AL 35042 1492 Reule 34, P o Box 172, Genoa, NY 13071 1275 WHISINNAND. THOMAS 8412 Canterbury Lane, Morris, AL 35116 109 Jullei, Teague, Tx 75660 P O Box 56, Teague, TX 75860 5618 Renfrew Drive, Fort Wayne, IN 46835 4588 NORTH 2225TH STREET, PARIS, IL 61944 186 East Colony Acres Drive, Brazil, IN 47834 186 EAST COLONY ACRES DRIVE, BRAZIL, IN 47834 0 6,000 6,000 Pace 30 of 32 1285 Whitesell/Gallion, Anola J 1284 Widdicombe, Danica R 0 1285 Witggins, Jillian M 431 Southborough Roady, Florence, SC 29501 Wilber, Jamie L 0 1285 1287 Wilcox, Matthew D 1285 Wilkinson AshIey,N 1285 Willett, Jennifer D 129( Williams, Chantelle J 1291 Williams, Gentry D 10280 North Highway 38, Deweyville, UT 84309 9,000 1292 Williams, Jordan J 620 North 600 West, Malad City, ID 83252 9,000 1292 Williams, Justin A 3,000 -in 186 East Colony Acres Drive, Brazil, IN 47834 202 Randall Road Extended, Blytheville, AR 72315 953 Elbert Taylor Road, Gilbert, SC 29054 Route 3, Box 115C, Rusk, TX 75785 2731 Westchester Drive, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 1581 Parksite Drive, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 917 Rogers Road, Darlington, SC 29532 1294 101 James Street, P O Box 36, Senath, MO 63876 Williams, Patricia D I 226 Pinewood Drive, Darlington, SC 29532 1295 Williams/Morris, Jessica S 1296 1297 WiIIiamsIWa%ie, R 620 North 600 est,Kimberlg Malad, I 83252 Wilmes. Mark 1295 Wilson, Adam R 10280 North Highway 38, Deweyville, UT 84309 1506 Baron Court, Auburn, IN 46706 224 Golden Lane, Lexington, SC 29072 1295 Wilson, P. O BoxAubrex(C 694, hart, TX 75839 Wilson, Brendon D 130( 2699 County Road 20, Waterloo, IN 46793 3,000 9,000 9,000 0 9,000 0 3,000 0 3,000 0 0 0 0 1301 Wilson, Brentney D 6,000 1302 Wilson, Cameron J 9,000 101 Wingate, Blytheville, AR 72315 1o5o ACR 160, Palestine, Tx 75601 1305 Wilson 296 LCRCod&R 4o4, reeebeek, Tx 16642 1304 WILSON DIXIE 6,000 P O. BOX 12, 510 CENTRAL ST , HORNERSVILLE, MO 63855 6,000 1305 Wilson, Kayla H 6,000 1305 Wilson, Lee R 0 1307 Wilson, Raven N 2636 St Charles, Jackson, MS 39209 O 1305 Wilson. Robert 0 1305 Wilson, Ryan J 0 131( Wilson/Kikta Melissa L 0 1311 Winslow, Jamie L 1312 Winslow, Jennifer L 3,000 0 1315 wine Beeky)A V 65032 4126 Easmie e1,Pneenix,Az 3,000 2307 NORTH VERMILION STREET, DANVILLE, IL 61832 6,000 5095 East County Road 128, Blytheville, AR 72315 280 County Highway 324, Portageville, MO 63873 214 Sweetbriar Road, Summerville, SC 29485 214 Sweetbriar Road, Summerville, SC 29485 Rural Reuie 1, lsex 57,,winge1e, IN 47994 132 Selwin Road, Belvidere, NC 27919 132 Selwin Road, Belvidere NC 27919 1314 WOLFE ANNE V 1315 Wolfe, Craiq M 1215 Taylor Avenue, Norfolk, NE 68701 6,000 1315 Wolfe, Dillon W 9,000 1317 Womack Brian A U 655 Solar Shield Boulevard, Odenville, AL 35120 9,000 1315 WOMACK. KRISTY 6,000 1315 WOOD EMILY 6260 co Ro 41, RAINSVILLE, AL 35966 132( Woodard, Danielle R 1321 Woods Jessica, 1322 Wooley Beniamin W 9,000 1321 Wooten, Daniel D 9,000 0 1324 1325 23 New Mexico Parkway, Hilltop Lakes, TX 77871 101 WHITE CIRCLE, RAINSVILLE, AL 35986 806 Walter Martin Road, Conway, NC 27820 1529 Old Village Drive, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464 25 Peek Read, Heneeiie, AL 35640 10704 Virginia Dare Circle, CharlotteL,NC 28277 Worster, Ashley 863 Tanners Poin e K Drive, Lawrenceville, GA 30044 Woss. Ashlev N 340 Skyline Drive, Belle Vernon, PA 15012 3,000 0 0 9,000 Page 31 of 32 132E WRIEDT MELINDA JO 1327 Wriqht Chase B I 1325 1325 2101 VALLI Hl ROAD, NORFOLK, NE 68701 3525 Lake swamp Road, Dariinoion, so 29532 Wri%ht, JillianRoad, M Edgerton, OH 43517 117 larksville WRIGHT JOSHUA 9,000 0 3,000 3525 LAKE SWAMP ROAD, DARLINGTON, SC 9 9,000 133( Wrig,ht Randee R P. O Box 405, Plainview, NE 68769 202 orth Plum Street, 3,000 1331 Wvers C 77 7 CRJacob 2120, Grapoiano, Tx 75344 9,000 1332 Wvlie, Heather M 701 East Dearborn,Avenue, Winside, NE 68790 9,000 1331 Yezak Joseph A 147 soliubryon-Amis Road, Bremond, ix 76629 6,000 1334 Yezak Lauren E 0 133E York, Matthew T 147 Schubrych Antis Road, Bremond, TX 76629 1335 YEZAK, MELVIN P. O BOX 443, BREMOND, TX 76629 108 Denali Court, Terrell, TX 75160 1337 YOST, AMANDA 1225 SUNNYDELL LANE, NORFOLK, NE 68701 133E Young, Ashlynn E 1335 YOUNG JACOB 114 Knottingham Drive, Goose Creek, SC 29445 563 GREENBRIAR LANE, FAIRFIELD, TX 75840 134( Younq, Kierra T 1416 Fox Hollow Drive, Hansville, SC 29550 9,000 0 9,000 0 3,000 3,000 1341 Young, Sally L 1342 Zahrn AnthonYND 9665 North 4400 est, Tremonton, UT 84337 3,000 55028 859th Road, Pierce, NE 68767 3,000 563 Greenbriar Lane, Fairfield, TX 75840 0 1341 Zautke Kala S 1 344 Zeigler, Tabitha 0 1345 Zeisloft, Sarah 0 1346 Zickgtraf, Rachel A . City, IN 46725 4689 ast State Road 14, Columbia 6,000 1347 Zielinski, Jordan A 5082 East County Road, Blytheville, AR 72315 9,000 1345 Zink Jessica S 24502 siaia Road 37, Harian, iN 46743 6,000 1345 Zohfeld, Matthew L 2018 West Mudcreek Road, Covington, IN 47932 4895 State Road 8, Auburn, lN 46706 1626 Hackberry Drive, Norfolk, NE 68701 0 135( ZUNDEL CASEY 0 1351 Zundel, McKeII A 127 South 1000 West, Tremonton, UT 84337 3,000 1352 Zurcher, Andrew H 6,000 1352 Zurcher, Ben C 0 1354 ZurcherIShaw, Sarah M 0 Zwingman, L 2116 ighlandRgan rive, Norfolk, NE 68701 Total 0 127 S 1000 W , TREMONTON, UT 84337 1355 340 Edgewood Drive, Providence, UT 84332 390 Edgewood Drive, Providence, UT 84332 390 Edgewood Drive, Providence, UT 84332 $5,331,000 Paue 32 of 32 NUCOR FOUNDATION E.I.N. 23-7318064 - - - GRANTS APPROVED FOR FUTURE PAYMENT DURING THE YEAR Grant Year. 2002 to 2009 Students" 73 ALL DIVISIONS Grants Name and Address of Recipient APPFOVGU 1 Anderson, Matthew G 5470 Augusta Road, Apartment 907, Lexington, SC 29072 0 2 Bass Taylor J 8427 Tifton Road, Charlotte, NC 28226 9,000 3 Baugwman, Kevin MCharlotte, NC 28277 9722 idgemore Drive, 4 Brewer, Bethany C 9,000 1525 Piccodilly Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211 9,000 5 Brunner, Brian D 0 6 Bryant, Michael 98 Broome Road, N Bartonville, TX 76226 7 Callow, Alex G 0 23537 State Highway A, Graham, MO 64455 6,000 3 Cam?/Ibell, Justin Z Collierville, TN 38017 1126 acon Ridge Drive, 9,000 1720 Manitoba Avenue, South Milwaukee, Wl 53172 9 Cheney, Justin P 0 16 Chesterfield., Kimberly A 0 8201 State Route 34, Weedsport, NY 13166 201 Latham Drive, Bourbonnais, IL 60914 11 Clemons, Johnathon L 6,000 12 Conway, Eric J 3,000 13 Crasso, Anthony W 3,000 453 Millstone Court, Woodbridgg, CA 95258 18 Templeton Road, Wallingford, CT 06492 45 Sylvan Avenue, Meriden, CT 06451 14 Crouch, James J 0 15 Curtis, Charles A 6,000 16 Dawson, Andrew M 9,000 17 DiDominic, Amber L 6,000 16 Doolittle Kristen M 9,000 412 23rd Avenue Northeast, Birmingham, AL 35215 659 Butler Road, Portland, TN 37148 870 Hatton Cove, Collierville, TN 38017 1115 4th Street, Hiller, PA 15444 9522 sardis eien Drive, Matthews, Nc 28105 19 Farr, Ashley R 12558 Teddy Drive, McCalla, AL 35111 0 26 Felizco, Ferdinand M 12,000 21 Foster, Katherine A 6,000 22 Gonzales, John C 9,000 23 Graham, Gabriel M 9,000 24 Haines, Shannon R 3,000 25 Herren, Kevin W 6,000 4 Crosstown Road, Wilson, AR 72395 1474 Route 326, Auburn, NY 13021 11448 Yarron Court, Fontana, CA 92337 957 Rainbow Avenue South, Rainsville, AL 35986 376 CDV Extension, Auburn University, AL 36849 16490 CR 467, Marquez, TX 77865 26 Horton. Nathon S 5309 Christopher Road, ChemungJ NY 14825 O 27 Howle, Jr., Kenneth A 6,000 26 Huynh, Syrena 9,000 29 lturraran Nicholas M 1 6,000 106 Woodcreek Road, Darlington, SC 29532 9912 Brigstock Court, Charlotte, NC 28269 501 West Locust Street, Lodi, CA 95240 36 John Alexander W 0 31 Kezy WRiver 7 Road North, Caledonia, OH 43314 12 9 WKlle etstone 0 2160 souih erin Place, west Aiiis, wi 53219 32 Kirkpatrick, Grant D 2320 County Road, 2200 North, Minonk, lL 61760 6,000 0 33 Kirkrpatrick,MagggeM 731 arnham Drive, ichmond,VA 23236 34 Kukielski, Casey J 9,000 35 Lam, Grace 6,000 14403 Bishar Lane, Charlotte, NC 28277 2626 Hawaii Avenu, Stockton, CA 95206 36 Lampe, Evan M 8436 South Howell Avenue, Oak Creek, Wl 53154 37 Lemons, Ebony L Memphis, TN 38108 1629 Oakwood S reet, 0 9,000 Pace 1 of 2 38 Lutz. Zachary A 11970 West Morgan Avenue, West Allis, WI 53228 39 -Martinez, Efren 3415 West Vemiont Avenue, Unit B, Phoenix, AZ 85017 40 McAuley, Mark R P O. Box 195, Huntersville, NC 28070 41 McCormick, Shannon C 2809 White Birch Lane, Auburn, NY 13021 42 McManus, Michael P 3462 East Van Beck Avenue, St Francis, WI 53235 43 Mieth Stephanie L 27oo iiliimick Drive, Norfolk, NE 66701 44 Mills Allen C 3704 Montevallo Road SW, Decatur, AL 35603 45 Monteiano, Rocio C Route 4, Box 123, Crockett, TX 75835 46 0"Brien. Ashlev M 100 North Norfolk Way, Goose Creek, SC 29445 47 O"Keefe. Jacob P 3986 West 7940 North Road, Manteno, IL 60950 48 Palmer, Joel R 414 Wonderwood Drive, Charlotte, NC 28211 49 Parker, Jordan A 8606 Briar Oak Court, Charlotte, NC 28226 50 Patel Viren K 3,000 9,000 0 6,000 0 6,000 9,000 3,000 0 9,000 0 9,000 6031 saxion c6un,s16cki6n, CA 95212 6,000 51 Phillips, Evan A 9,000 52 Pickens, Ellis A 9,000 53 Prater Jameson S 54 10010 Drawbridge Drive, Charlotte, NC 28215 9717 Warwick Circle, Charlotte, NC 28210 4036 Woodland Forrest Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35405 Putlenter, Joseph Norfolk, G 190 Alaska Avenue, NE 68701 0 6,000 55 Run e HeatherE 56 Schumacher, Cassidy L 6,000 57 Smith Suzy 6,000 2547qNest Rock River Ridge Road, Crawfordsville, IN 47933 400 Hickory Lane, Eureka, IL 61530 15495 North 4400 West, Garland, UT 84312 58 Soine, Timothy R 7357 Cross Lake Road, Plainville, NY 13137 59 Stone, Michael D 410 Steuben Street, Horseheads, NY 14845 0 0 0 60 Storm Meredith K 2115 Shadowlawn Street, Brandon, MS 39042 61 Thorborg, Robert J 6,000 62 Tidwell, Adrienne F 3,000 410 Steuben Street, Horseheads, NY 14845 133 Covey Chase, Tuscaloosa, AL 35406 0 63 Tse, Wendy Y 0 64 0 5514 18th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108 65 Vaughan, Juan 1330 ighway 158 E West, Murfreesboro, NC 27855 Ware Jonathan W 66 Welsh, Peter D 6,000 67 Welter, Sara R 0 6960 CR 75, spencerviiie, iN 46766 71 Mary Road, Box 137, Bracey, VA 23919 4108 Earlswood Drive, Charlotte, NC 28269 68 Wilson, Adam R 224 Golden Lane, Lexington, SC 29072 0 0 69 Witte Beck1LA 4126 Easi Nis e1,Ph6en1x,Az 65032 3,000 70 Woolev Beniamin W 25 Peek head, Hanseiie, AL 35640 9,000 71 Wooten, Daniel D 9,000 72 Wynter, Tyshaun A 10704 Virginia Dare Circle, Charlotte, NC 28277 8816 Avebury Drive, Apartment L, Charlotte, NC 28213 73 York, Matthew T 108 Denali Court, Terrell, TX 75160 Total 12,000 0 $324,000 Page 2 of 2 i NUCOR FOUNDATION 990-PF FOR THE YEAR ENDED 12/31/2009 PAGE 8, PART X MONTH LY AVERAGE FAIR MARKET VALUE OF ASSETS JAN 1 JAN 31 FEB 28 MAR 31 APR 30 MAY 31 JUN 30 JUL 31 AUG 31 SEPT 30 OCT 31 NOV 30 DEC 31 TOTAL CASH SECURITIES 78,946.16 78,793.66 215,627.52 123,992.73 103,992.56 52,935.23 219,903.75 64,605.70 162,214.30 130,131.85 21,064.42 151,775.57 100,026.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,504,009.71 13 13 115,693.05 115,693.05 1.50% LINE 4 1,735 LINE 5 113,958 5.00% LINE 6 5,698 NUCOR FOUNDATION - EINZ 23-7318064 FORM 990-PF YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 LIST OF ATTACHMENTS 1 Schedule B, Schedule of Contributors 2 Taxes, other expenses and supplementary information 3 Analysis of assets at December 31, 2008 4 Analysis of assets at December 31, 2009 5 Grants paid during the year 6 Grants approved for future payment 7 Scholarship application forms FILJCZQ FOUNDATION Community Scholarships Application information Nucor Foundation was established as a non-profit corporation for charitable and educational purposes including the awarding of scholarship grants to deserving men and women. lt is the belief of the Foundation that the further economic and social progress of the nation is built upon the education of its citizens. The awarding of scholarships is seen as a way to encourage personal as well as national and community development. Nucor and affiliates are manufacturers of steel products, with operating facilities primarily in the U S and Canada Products produced include: carbon an alloy steel - in bars, beams, sheet and plate, steel joists and joist girders, steel deck, fabricated concrete reinforcing steel, cold finished steely steel fastenersg metal building systems, light gauge steel framingg steel grating and expanded metal, and wire and wire mesh. Nucor, through The David J. Joseph Company, also brokers ferrous and nonferrous metals, pig iron and HBI/DRI, supplies ferro-alloys, and processes ferrous and nonferrous scrap. Nucor is North America"s largest recycler. x" x T4" Although the Foundation receives substantial contributions from Nucor, the Foundation is operated completely separate from Nucor and is not subject to its control. These scholarships are, for the most part, limited to children of Nucor employees in recognition of the support which Nucor gives to the Foundation. WHA T/S THE PURPOSE OF THESE SCHOLARSH/PS? The purpose of the scholarships is to help finance the undergraduate or vocational education of eligible applicants WHO /S EL /G/BLE TO APPL YFOR THE NUCOR FOUND/I T/ON COMMUN/ TY SCHOLARSHIP? A person is eligible for the Nucor Foundation Community Scholarship if he or she lives in a county where Nucor has a place of business and meets the following requirements: o the county in which a person is residing must be recognized as an eligible county by the Nucor Foundation for that current year. o prior to the date of application has been a resident for at least S/X MONTHS in a county which Nucor has a place of business and continues such residency until the scholarship is awarded. o is not affiliated with Nucor by reason of personal employment or employment of any member of immediate family. o must be pursuing either an undergraduate degree in engineering or metallurgy. o must not be a "disqualified person" with respect to the Foundation as that term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code section 4946(a) (i.e., certain persons affiliated with the Foundation or with substantial contributions to the Foundation). *Includes Nucor Corporation, its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates 12/2008 WHO W/LL MAKE THE SELECT/ONS? Applications for scholarships will be reviewed by a scholarship selection committee. The committee will be comprised of three individuals. These people will be from the fields of education, business, or the professions and in no way related to any scholarship applicant. lt should also be noted that no member of the committee will be an officer, director or employee of either Nucor Foundation or Nucor. WHA T CR/TER/A W/LL THE SELECT/ON COMM/ 77"EE USE TO A WARD SCHOLARSH/PS? The selection committee will base the awarding of scholarships on the applicant*s personal background, academic abilities, leadership traits, character and information on financial need. Scholarships will be awarded without regard to sex, race, color, creed, national origin, religious or political affiliation. FOR HOW LONG ARE THE SCHOLARSHIPS A WARDED? All scholarships will be awarded for a period of four years, or whatever lesser period of time is normally required for completion of the courses in which a recipient is enrolled. The course of study must be completed within eight (8) years of completion of high school. HOW MUCH ARE THE SCHOLARSH/PS WORTH? The current award amount is three thousand dollars ($3,000) per year. WHA T CAN THE SCHOLARSHIPS BE USED FOR? Scholarship funds may be used only to defray the recipient"s undergraduate actual out-of-pocket expenses that are payable directly to the school for: (al tuition, Ib) fees, (cl books and materials and (dl room and board (in that order). Payments must be made directly to the school. HOW W/LL THE SCHOLARSHIPS BE SUPER V/SED? Freshman students must provide the Foundation with their first semester transcripts. Thereafter, at least once a year (preferably at the end of each spring semester), students must send to the Foundation a verified cumulative copy of their transcript from the educational institution where they are enrolled. Students that fail to meet this requirement may experience delays in receiving subsequent funds. Upon completion of a student*s course of study, a final report should be sent to the Foundation. WHA T TYPE OF ACADEMIC RECORD SHOULD THE STUDENT MA/NTA/N? In order to remain in good standing, a student must maintain a 2.0 grade Q0/"ntaverage and meet the requirements imposed by the school which he or she is attending. Students on academic probation must complete their probationary term before funds for that term will be paid to the school. Unless permission is otherwise granted, scholarship recipients should enroll as full-time students in the fall of the year in which the scholarships are awarded. For good reason, a recipient may be granted a leave of absence. Students are required to write the Foundation for reinstatement into the scholarship program if absent from school for one year or more between completed terms, or if they withdraw during a term. It is important that any withdrawal, for any reason, be registered with the Foundation. A T WHA T SCHOOLS MA Y THE STUDENT USE THE SCHOLARSHIP? The scholarship recipient may attend any qualified college or university offering an undergraduate degree in engineering or metallurgy. Upon written request to the Foundation, a recipient may trgnsferfrom one institution to another and retain the award. This request should include the name of the institution, mailing address and name of the financial aid contact. HOW CAN YOU APPL YFOR THE SCHOLARSHIP? After determining your eligibility for the scholarship, complete the enclosed application, or write: NUCOR FOUNDATION, 1915 REXFORD ROAD, CHARLOTTE, NC 28211. ln many cases, applications will be available from high school officials in schools located in counties where Nucor has offices. Completed applications should be submitted to your HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR on or before February 1. No further action is required. Your guidance counselor will attach your transcript with all the applicable information (copies of SAT/ACT test scores are acceptable) and send to the Foundation by Margg 1. You will receive word from the Scholarship Selection Committee by mid April. Should you have any questions, please contact Liz Wells at the above address, by e-mail at liz.wells@nucor.com, by phone at 704/367-8662 or via FAX 704/943-7199. (E-mail is the preferred mode of communication) fi 1 Q Fl I-I C D R FOUNDATION Scholarships for the Children of Nucor* Employees Application Information Nucor Foundation was established as a non-profit corporation for charitable and educational purposes including the awarding of scholarship grants to deserving men and women. lt is the belief of the Foundation that the further economic and social progress of the nation is built upon the education of its citizens. The awarding of scholarships is seen as a way to encourage personal as well as national and community development. Nucor and affiliates are manufacturers of steel products, with operating facilities primarily in the U.S. and Canada. Products produced include: carbon and alloy steel - in bars, beams, sheet and plateg steel joists and joist girdersg steel deckg fabricated concrete reinforcing steelg cold finished steelg steel fastenersg metal building systemsg light gauge steel framingg steel grating and expanded metalg and wire and wire mesh. Nucor, through The David J. Joseph Company, also brokers ferrous and nonferrous metals, pig iron and HBl/DRlg supplies ferro-alloysg and processes ferrous and nonferrous scrap. Nucor is North America*s largest recycler. Although the Foundation receives substantial contributions from Nucor, the Foundation is operated completely separate from Nucor and is not subject to its control. These scholarships are, for the most part, limited to children of Nucor employees in recognition of the support which Nucor gives to the Foundation. . - H H fi ff -E AE# WHA TIS THE PURPOSE OF THESE SCHOLARSHIPS? The purpose of the scholarships is to help finance the undegyrsduate or vocational education of eligible applicants. WHO /S ELIGIBLE TO APPL YFOR THE NUCOR FUUNDA TION SCHOLARSHIP? Any person who is the natural or adopted child or stepchild of a "qualified" Nucor employee is eligible for the Nucor Foundation Scholarship. A "qualified" employee is one who meets these requirements: 0 has been a full-time, active employee of Nucor for at least SIX MONTHS prior to the date the scholarship is applied for. o continues to be employed from the date the scholarship is applied for until the date it is awarded. o is not at the date of application for the scholarship or date it is awarded an executive officer or director of Nucor or an officer or director of Nucor Foundation. 0 must not be a "disqualified person" with respect to the Foundation as that term is defined in the Internal Revenue Code section 4946(a) (i.e., certain persons affiliated with the Foundation or with substantial contributions to the Foundation). A person may also be eligible for a Nucor Foundation Scholarship if he or she is the natural or adopted child or stepchild of a Nucor employee who died or became totally and permanently disabled while a full-time active employee of Nucor. In the unlikely event of a workplace fatality, children of the deceased employee can receive up to double the current scholarship maximum award. *includes Nucor Co/poration, /ts subsidiaries, and/or aiii/iates 12/2008 WHO WILL MAKE THE SELECTIONS? Applications for scholarships will be reviewed by a scholarship selection committee. The committee will be comprised of three individuals. These people will be from the Gelds of education, business, or the professions and in no way related to any scholarship applicant. It should also be noted that no member of the committee will be an officer, director or employee of either Nucor Foundation or Nucor. WHA T CRITERIA WILL THE SELECTION COMMITTEE USE TO A WARD SCHOLA RSHIPS? The selection committee will base the awarding of scholarships on the applicant*s personal background, academic abilities, leadership traits, character and information on financial need. Scholarships will be awarded without regard to sex, race, color, creed, national origin, religious or political affiliation. WHA T % OF STUDENTS APPL YING FOR A NUCOR FOUNDA TION SCHOLARSHIP RECEIVE ONE? The number of Nucor Foundation Scholarships awarded in any given year will not exceed 25% of the total number of eligible applicants. The remaining 75% of applicants will be eligible for the Educational Disbursement. FOR HOW LONG ARE THE SCHOLARSHIPS A WARDED? All scholarships will be awarded for a period of four years, or whatever lesser period of time is normally required for completion of the courses in which a recipient is enrolled. The course of study must be completed within eight (8) years of completion of high school. Also parents of recipients who are awarded the Educational Disbursement, must remain active employees of Nucor in order for their children to receive subsequent funds. HOW MUCH ARE THE SCHOLARSHIPS WORTH? The current award amount is three thousand dollars ($3,000) per year. WHA TCAN THE SCHOLARSHIPS BE USED FOR? Scholarship funds may be used only to defray the recipient"s undergraduate actual out-ofspacket expenses that are payable directly to the school for: (al tuition, lb) fees, (cl books and materials and (dl room and board (in that order). Payments must be made directly to the school. HOW WILL THE SCHOLARSHIPS BE SUPER VISED? Freshman students must provide the Foundation with their first semester transcripts. Thereafter, at least once a year (preferably at the end of each spring semester), studen$ must send to the Foundation a verified cumulative copy of their transcript from the educational institution where they are enrolled. Students that fail to meet this requirement may experience delays in receiving subsequent funds. Upon completion of a student*s course of study, a final report should be sent to the Foundauon. WHA T TYPE OF A CA DEMIC RECORD SHOULD THE STUDENT MAINTAIN? ln order to remain in good standing, a student must maintain a 2.0 grade golnt average and meet the requirements imposed by the school which he or she is attending. Students on academic probation must complete their probationary term before funds for that term will be paid to the school. Unless permission is otherwise granted, scholarship recipients should enroll as full-time students in the fall of the year in which the scholarships are awarded. For good reason, a recipient may be granted a leave of absence. Students are required to write the Foundation for reinstatement into the scholarship program if absent from school for one year or more between completed terms, or if they withdraw during a term. lt is important that any withdrawal, for any reason, be registered with the Foundahon. A T WHA TSCHOOLS MA Y THE STUDENT USE THE SCHOLARSHIP? The scholarship recipient may attend any qualified college, university, vocational, or trade school. It should be noted that correspondence schools andlor most internet classes are not eligible for the Foundation Scholarship. Upon written request to the Foundation, a recipient may QQQQ" from one institution to another and retain the award. This request should include the name of the institution, mailing address and name of the financial aid contact. HOW CAN YOU APPL YFOR THE SCHOLARSHIP? After determining your eligibility for the scholarship, complete the enclosed application, or write: NUCOR FOUNDATION, 191 5 REXFORD ROAD, CHARLOTTE, NC 28211. An eligible person must apply within four (4) years of completing high school. Completed applications should be submitted to your HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE COUNSELOR on or before February 1. No further action is required. Your guidance counselor will attach your transcript with all the applicable information (copies of SAT/ACT test scores are acceptable) and send to the Foundation by March 1. You will receive word from the Scholarship Selection Committee by mid April. Should you have any questions, please contact Liz Wells at the above address, by e-mail at liz.wells@nucor.com, by phone at 704/367-8662 or via FAX 704/943-7199. (E-mail is the PREFERRED mode of communication) Pl L.l C G R FOUNDATION Community Scholarship Application INSTRUCTIONS Applicant: Complete the four pages of this application and deliver it to your high school guidance counselor no later than February 1. No further action is required. You will receive word from the Scholarship Selection Committee by mid April. Guidance Counselor: Please attach a transcript of the applicantls grades for seven semesters. Be sure to include the applicants class rank, test scores, and a letter of recommendation. Mail the application and all attachments on or before MARCH 1 to: NUCOR FOUNDATION 1915 REXFORD ROAD CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 r 7 1 I*/"inl llwrllly in lil.. l("lx" i/I/t 11// I/1./if/"/uuliu/I /w/ln".s"l1*r/ Name Firal MlS.S.# hat GENERAL INFORMATION r f Home Address I Numbu Street Zip Code City Stale Date ofBirth Sex Q ) Mmth Dly 1 Year * IImlPlmnNurnbe* . I lf you are a veteran, indicate: Branch of Service-i.-i Rank Attained ,-.-..-,1. I Discharge Date i I u Marital Status: Single Married- If you are married OR the head of household: Number of dependent children V L Number of other dependents (mm ummm) Spouse *s Name "Spouse*s Occupation l Ages of brothers and sisters How many are attending a college?-1-,, I V Is any member of your immediate family employed by Nucor*? Yes i No i In what County are you a legal resident? I-low long have you been a resident of this coimty? 7 I I Please describe in your own words any jobs you have held or work you have performed during the past three years, either for your family at home or for outside employers: List all schools attended, grades 9 through 12. Name of High School City, State, & Zip Attendance Dates l. Year through Year 2. Year through Year IMPORTANT: lf you have eamed credits in high schools other than the one you are now attending (or last attended), be sure that all grades and credits eamed are included in the high school record submitted by your guidance counselor. ln which quarter of your class do you rank? ...l.Top quarter --. Second quarter ,ilhird quarter -l Fourth quarter 1 F lrst Second What subjects have you found most interesting in your school work? Do you feel that your high school grades are an accurate index of your ability? lj Yes lj No If not, what were the factors that prevented you from doing better? Which college or university do you plan to attend? (NOTE: Your choice of college or university will have no effect in determining whether you will be awarded a scholarship.) First choice Name of college or lmiversily Second choice Name of college or tmiverslty Third choice Name of college or university What general course of study do you plan to take? Cny Suu: Cny Sure City Sme 4 What special recognition have you received for outstanding schoolwork such as honors, pnzes, or scholarships? Specify what part you have played in high school activities such as class or school o1Tices, band or orchestra, athletics, dramatics, debate or oratory, school publications, pep club, etc. Designate by number in right-hand column the high school year in which you participated in each activity as follows: l-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior Use back page or attach separate sheet if more space is required. i l Activity Position Held Hours spent per week Year of Participation l is i l Specify what part you have played in organized out-of-school activities such as rank attained as Boy or Girl Scout, 4-H Club work, church organization, etc. Designate by number in nght-hand column the high school year in which you participated in each activity as follows" 1-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior. Activity Position Held Hours spent per week Year of Participation l tb 5 i F What are your favorite recreational activities? What are your hobbies? lr i Have you received any special recognition in connection with your recreational activities or hobbies? l ij Yes Ei No lf so, what? What is your high school guidance counseloris name? First Middle Last Guidance counselor*s office phone number( ) Guidance counselor*s Email address: l What was the range of your family*s TOTAL INCOME before taxes last year? -l under $40,000 1,* $40,000 to $60,000 $60,000 to $80,000 over $80,000 What financial resources will you have available for your education (other than savings, loans or earnings) such as grants or scholarships? Please use the space below to briefly describe why you should be awarded this scholarship: Indicate below any additional information which you feel the Selection Committee should be aware of: To comply with the provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, permission is hereby given to school officials to release the secondary school record and other requested information for consideration in the above-named scholarship program. I hereby declare that all statements and information on the application form are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Applicants Signature Date *Includes Nucor Corporation, its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates. I*l I-I Z Q Q SCHOLARSHIP FQUNDATION APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS Applicant: Complete the four pages of this application and deliver it to your high school guidance counselor no later than February l. LATE APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. No further action is required. You will receive word from the Scholarship Selection Committee by mid April. Guidance Counselor: Please attach a transcript of the applicant*s grades for seven semesters. Be sure to include the applicants class rank, test scores, and a letter of recommendation. Mail the application and all attaclunents on or before MARCH l to: DNISION LOCATION: N UCOR FOUNDATION 1915 REXFORD ROAD or CHARLOTTE, NC 28211 ATTN: LIZ WELLS Name S.S.# - Fust Ml last I*/"i/ll /will/-i" ill If/..fl("l( in/1" ul/ in-/if/"niulinli iw/1w.s"I4*1l GENERAL INFORMATION Home Address Number Street or RFI) Zlp Code Clty State Date of Birth Sex ( ) Month Day Yur Home Phone Number Is your father living? El Yes lj No Is your mother living? El Yes lj No Indicate on whose employment status you are basing your application for a scholarship: El Father El Mother El Stepfather El Stepmother Parent*s Name First M.I Llsl S.S.# - Address of Parent Number Street or RFD City State Zip Cod.: Parent is employed at the following Nucor* location: City Stale Dlvlslon Name & Loutloii H pq,"-mgm pmmm Parent started his (her) employment with Nucor on: Month Day Year Indicate how many persons are living in your home as part of your family group: lj Mother El Brothers (give ages of each) lj Father El Sisters (give ages of each) El Applicant El Other persons (how many and what relationship?) 4 Please describe in your own words any Jobs you have held or work you have performed during the past three years, either for your family at home or for outside employers" List all schools attended, grades 9 through I2 I2 Year through Year Year through Year Name of High School City, State, & Zip Attendance Dates IMPORTANT: lf you have earned credits in high schools other than the one you are now attending (or last attended), , be sure that all grades and credits eamed are included in the high school record submitted by your guidance counselor ln which quarter of your class do you rank"7 ii mop quarter l Second quarter -iThird quarter 1- Fourth quarter First Second What subjects have you found most interesting in your school work? l i l Do you feel that your high school grades are an accurate index of your ability? El Yes El No If not, what were the factors that prevented you from doing better? 1 Which college or university do you plan to attend? (NOTE: Your choice of college or university will have no effect in determining whether you will be awarded a scholarship.) l First choice Second choice Third choice Name of college or university City State Name of college or university City State Name ofcollege or university City Slate What general course of study do you plan to take? I l 1 4 i l i , What special recognition have you received for outstanding schoolwork such as honors, prizes, or scholarships? i *E Specify what part you have played in high school activities such as class or school otTices, band or orchestra, athletics, dramatics, debate or oratory, school publications, pep club, etc. Designate by number in right-hand column the high school year in which you participated in each activity as follows: l-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior. Use back page or attach separate sheet if more space is required. Activity Position Held Hours spent per week Year of Participation Specify what part you have played in organized out-of-school activities such as rank attained as Boy or Girl Scout, * 4-H Club work, church organization, etc. Designate by number in right-hand column the high school year in which you participated in each activity as follows: l-Freshman, 2-Sophomore, 3-Junior, 4-Senior. Activity Position Held Hours spent per week Year of Participation r 3 What are your favorite recreational activities? What are your hobbies? Have you received any special recognition in connection with your recreational activities or hobbies? lj Yes CI No If so, what? What is your high school guidance counselor"s name? First Middle Last Guidance counselor*s office phone number( ) What was the range of your familyls TOTAL INCOME before taxes last year? under $40,000 $40,000 to $60,000 $60,000 to $80,000 - -.. over $80,000 What financial resources will you have available for your education (other than savings, loans or eamings) such as grants or scholarships? Please use the space below to briefly describe why you should be awarded this scholarship: Indicate below any additional information which you feel the Selection Committee should be aware of: To comply with the provision of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, permission is hereby given to school officials to release the secondary school record and other requested infomiation for consideration in the above-named scholarship program. I hereby declare that all statements and information on the application form are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Applicants Signature Date *Includes Nucor Corporation, its subsidiaries, and/or affiliates.
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