InterStandox 73 (PDF | 2,45 MB)


InterStandox 73 (PDF | 2,45 MB)
index 1
Interstandox 73
the world of vehicle refinishes
Improving efficiency in a single spray pass
Create better work processes with “one visit application”
Digital colour management
Genius iQ measures effect colours
Colour videos
How to correctly repair elaborate custom finishes
2 Contents
title story
Improving efficiency in a single spray pass . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
j o u r n a l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �7
workshop management
Workshops benefit from renewed Standox paint warranty . . . . . 9
E-learning at Standox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Standofix – a paint sticking plaster as a marketing tool . . . . . . 11
Application in a single spray pass
shortens overall process times,
improves time management in busy
bodyshops and frees capacity. When
bodyshops are under growing
pressure to boost productivity, such
an increase in efficiency can create
a competitive edge.
Page 4
Genius iQ for colour and special effect measurement . . . . . 11
Standoblue restores a Cinquecento to its former glory . . . . . . . . . 12
Action! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
guest article
Spreading the word about new processes and systems . . . 15
The world of vehicle refinishes
Interstandox is intended solely
for internal use. We would be
glad to grant approval to requests
for reproduction.
Published by the
Interstandox Editorial Board
Standox GmbH, 42285 Wuppertal, Germany
Responsible for content:
Sandra Piwonski
Concept/copy editing:
K1 Gesellschaft für Kommunikation mbH,
Ulf Kartte, Cologne
Graphic design, image processing:
230Volt, Axel Helmus, Düsseldorf
Title picture: Standox GmbH
Standox® is a registered trademark.
Genius iQ comes not only with the familiar
function of colour measurement, but is
also capable of measuring effect colours.
Together these functions make digital
colour measurement even more
accurate and efficient.
Page 11
The specialists at Standox said to themselves:
instead of writing long and complicated
repair instructions, we could shoot a film.
Two new colour videos demonstrate clearly
and comprehensibly how to repair elaborate
custom finishes.
Page 14
editorial 3
Improving efficiency
with Standox
In this issue of Interstandox, we're drawing your attention to a specific
Zvonimir Simunovic,
Brand Manager Standox GmbH.
aspect of our superior paint technology, that of “one visit application”.
This term refers to the application of our products in a single spray pass,
without intercoat flash-offs. In practice, you'll often come across the
phrase “application in 1.5 coats”. It goes without saying that the system
has to be reliable – in other words, the product has to be able to achieve
good results in a wide range of conditions.
Standox has been concerned with the technique of single-pass paint
application since the Eighties. At the time, all eyes were focused on the
development of a special commercial vehicle paint series that would be
launched at the beginning of the Nineties. The first “one visit” clearcoat,
20-60 Clearcoat, came onto the market in 1994. It was developed for
Standohyd, the first one visit basecoat system, which was unveiled at
Automechanika in Frankfurt in 1992. This has since been joined by a
multitude of clearcoats and our new Standoblue basecoat system. The
system is now being rounded off with our new Standox VOC Xtra Filler.
The ongoing development of our products and systems to boost efficiency
is characteristic of our overall approach. The stated aims are to introduce
better work processes and reduce energy costs with faster spray booth
throughput. Our technical service locally can help you realise your
bodyshop's full potential. Get in touch with us!
Zvonimir Simunovic
4 title story
Improving efficiency in a
single spray pass
Flashback to 1992. At Automechanika in Frankfurt, before the eyes of the fascinated trade public, Standox presents
a new technique that dramatically shortens the painting process: one visit paint application.
Revolutionary in its day, this technology has lost
nothing of its ground-breaking quality. For in times
when bodyshops are under growing pressure to boost
productivity, such an increase in efficiency can create a
competitive edge. Standox has consistently refined this
method over the years and now enjoys a huge lead in
terms of expertise.
Standohyd Basecoat.
Standox is the front-runner with
waterborne paint systems in vehicle
refinishing. Refinishers were able
to resort to Standohyd, a complete
waterborne paint system, early on.
single system for all painting jobs
igh opacity with economic high-yield
OC-compliant and easy on the
A dynamic duo: Standoblue and VOC Xtra Clearcoat
Standoblue from Standox is a basecoat system that boosts
productivity in the bodyshop with its outstanding product
properties. The refinisher also benefits from the extraefficient painting process that comes from an innovative
system containing modern binders. The combination of
Standoblue with Standocryl VOC Xtra Clearcoat makes
it possible to apply the basecoat and clearcoat each in
a single spray pass. And this shortens process times
Standocryl 2K 20-60 Clearcoat.
One visit application, which started
in the Eighties with Standofix 2K
Compact Paint, was extended to include
Standocryl 2K 20-60 Clearcoat in 1992.
• One visit application
• High gloss and excellent vertical
• Highly efficient and simple application.
2K HS Clearcoat.
HS systems from Standox were always
ahead of their time. Long before VOC
legislation, Standox was committed
not only to yield and quality, but
also to environmentally compatible
top- and clearcoat.
• High vertical stability
• Bright gloss and immaculate paint appearance
• Good polishing characteristics
• Reliable handling
• Easy on the environment.
Standoblue Basecoat.
The paint demonstrates its outstanding
properties in every situation, irrespective of the working environment, room
temperature and humidity. High-speed
drying and superb blending-in delivers
smooth transitions even on the smallest
areas. Highly efficient and economic.
• High efficiency and economy
• Highly reliable application
• Outstanding blending-in.
VOC Xtra Filler.
This filler is characterised by its fast
drying properties at low and extreme
stabilities with high levels of thickness.
This makes Standox the first paint manufacturer to provide a complete single
application system.
• Available in three colours.
Ideal surface for perfect coverage.
• Application in a single operation with
new spare parts.
• Approved by leading OEMs.
One visit application
Uncompromisingly geared to efficiency
and economy.
• Application in a single spray pass
without intercoat flash-off and with
no interruptions
• State-of-the-art at Standox for 20
years – nothing like it on the market
• Approved by leading car makers
• Saves material, energy and time.
6 title story
Erwin Hartmann, applications technician at Standox
Germany, has introduced many bodyshops to the
advantages of one visit application: “The process is
ideal for bodyshops that want better capacity use with
faster painting and increased booth throughput.” The
refinisher applies Standoblue Basecoat in a coat with
about 80 per cent covering power. This is followed by
the effect coat applied in the same spray pass on the
still wet paint film. Full coverage and a powerful effect
are achieved in this way. For clearcoat, it's the reverse
procedure – an overall, thin coat followed by a full
The combination of Standoblue with
Standocryl VOC Xtra Clearcoat makes it
possible to apply both basecoat and
clearcoat each in a single spray pass.
Outstanding results
Results from painting in a single spray pass are
excellent and in no way inferior to conventional twocoat application. “Standoblue forms a really smooth
surface after final flash-off,” explains Hartmann. “The
high solids content of VOC Xtra Clearcoat and its terrific
vertical stability produce an exceptional surface finish.
There's no trick to single-pass application,” Hartmann
adds. However, it is important for the refinisher to
observe the information on the technical data sheet.
One visit application shortens overall process times,
improves time management in busy bodyshops and
frees capacity. “First of all,” Hartmann explains, “there's
no need for the otherwise necessary flash-off. And
secondly, very good through-drying is achieved.” This
way the bodyshop saves not only time but also material.
“Savings of clearcoat amount to an average of 25 to 30
per cent compared to clearcoat applied in two or more
And it's not only Standoblue and VOC Xtra Clearcoat that
can be applied in a single pass. The process also works
well with almost all Standox clearcoats as well as with
the established Standohyd and Standofleet systems.
This makes the process as important today as it was
20 years ago when first used with legendary Standocryl
2K 20-60 Clearcoat.
Further details are available at the Standox website
Interstandox 73
journal 7
Pininfarina paints dream car
with Standoblue
Pininfarina, the Italian design specialist, has painted
its Cambiano concept car with Standoblue basecoat
from Standox. This fascinating hybrid model stands out
in its exclusive golden grey colour with iridescent blue
reflections. This impressive finish matches the vehicle's
unique technology and equipment. The Cambiano is
built entirely of carbon fibre and aluminium and powered
by a hybrid drive. The four batteries in total give it a
range of 800 kilometres and are charged on the move
by a 50 kW jet turbine. In sports mode, they accelerate
the Cambiano to up to 250 km/h. The floor of the vehicle,
like the doors, is panelled with varnished oak, recycled
from redundant oak piles from the lagoon city of
The Art of Colour
Standox GmbH in Wuppertal is continuing its global image campaign “The Art of
Colour” with three new advertisement designs. As always, the pictures address the
concept of colour. The ads focus on the high performance that underpins Standox's
premium positioning on the market: efficient one visit application, practical advice
and the fact that Standox has received more approvals from leading vehicle manufacturers than anyone else. The illustrations from the international award-winning
image campaign are available for download from Standox as decorative wallpaper
8 journal
Colour searching goes digital
Whether you use the Genius colour measuring device, Standowin colour software or a smartphone in your
search for colours on location, colour searches with Standox are going digital. Electronic colour tools and the
internet are already important aids in quickly identifying colours and converting them into mixing formulations
with the minimum of effort. At a new, dedicated website, Standox presents a practical overview of aids to
digital colour searches under the heading “Go digital!”. Using a virtual bodyshop there are fun comparisons
of conventional and digital colour searches. Visitors can see for themselves how fast and convenient colour
identification is via Genius, the advanced colour measuring device. The microsite for these electronic tools
can be found at
A car like no other
The “smart BRABUS tailor made” system enables lovers of the nimble
compact car to have their smart fortwo configured to their personal tastes.
In doing so, they can choose from among thousands of colours for body
panels, Tridion safety cell and rims. In the interior, hundreds of different
kinds of leather and other materials cover every conceivable wish for
individual design. The tailor-made models are not only personalised, but
are also enriched with hand-crafted, manufacturer-tested, high-grade
materials and parts of superlative quality. Standox supplies all the colours
for the exclusive models in Standoblue basecoat.
Classy loudspeaker systems in Standoblue
There are speakers and speakers. The high-end “pearlescent white matt” and, for more exclusive
systems of the Estalon brand undoubtedly rank among tastes, Standox Alubeam and Red Rocket from the
the world's most exclusive. The products made by exclusivelineXL series.
Estonian manufacturer Alfred & Partners have already
collected several international awards in the highperformance audio bracket. The systems costing
several thousand dollars are renowned not only for
their incredible sound, but also for their classy design.
Thanks to cooperation with Estonian Standox
distributor Benefit AS, all Estalon speakers are painted
with Standox materials. For the exclusive finish, the
painters use the Standoblue basecoat system. The
selected colours include “dark grey metallic matt” and
Interstandox 73
workshop management
Color for Life
Bodyshops benefit from
renewed Standox Color
for Life paint warranty
Standox has revamped its Color for Life paint warranty and it now includes new benefits. This means Standox is
offering bodyshops an outstanding marketing tool for publicising their services to car owners and other customers
such as insurance companies, leasing companies and vehicle fleets. They can set themselves apart from the
With Color for Life, Standox-certified conditions and everything the car owner comprehensive marketing package. It
bodyshops can give car owners an almost needs to know. Color for Life also includes contains among other things a folder for
unparalleled long-term warranty for their an annual free paint check for final the car owner with advance information
refinishing work that extends to the customers.
on Color for Life, attractive giveaways and
vehicle's entire service life. This allows
templates for high-profile advertising
the bodyshop to assure customers of its A customer satisfaction analysis, now campaigns. The possibility of integrating
professional application of advanced also part of the programme, is of high the practical Standofix paint sticking
products and customer-friendly service. practical benefit for the bodyshop. Via a plaster in the mirror tag gives the
The warranty comes into effect in the website, the car owner can quickly and bodyshop additional means to keep the
event of problems such as the fading of easily rate various aspects of the repair, customer coming back.
the paint due to faulty pigmentation or such as the quality of workmanship and
the peeling of the topcoat or other staff friendliness. The bodyshop receives
coatings. For claims under the warranty, the results free of charge every month by
Standox covers the cost of materials, email. These can give the business
labour and a hire car.
valuable pointers to potential for
improvement. The regular customer
The new Color for Life simplifies assessments also give the bodyshop a
participation for bodyshops and car competitive edge in their appeal to car
owners alike. For instance, refinishers no leasing companies, insurers and fleet
longer have to sign complicated warranty owners.
agreements with their customers.
Instead, they now automatically award For each repair, the bodyshop now puts
the life-long paint warranty with a refinish an individual repair code on the mirror
certificate that the customer is given as a tag that enables the bodyshop to identify
practical mirror tag after vehicle repair. the vehicle and repair in the event of a
The tag contains warranty terms, claim. To simplify the paperwork, the
code is listed on all invoices in connection
with the refinish. By means of the repair
code, responses to the online customer
surveys can also be assigned to the
repairs in question.
For bodyshops participating in Color
for Life, Standox has put together a
10 w o r k s h o p m a n a g e m e n t
Stephen Naylor,
Head of Standox Training International.
E-learning at Standox
interstandox: How important will e-learning become at
products, product processes and product systems. The
subject-matter will be steadily extended as required.
Stephen Naylor: In the next few years, e-learning will become
an integral part of the learning and training process for
refinishers. This medium brings the latest information and
work instructions for the various refinish processes on
modern vehicles straight to the bodyshop. It is an important
option that's available to refinishers via the Internet around
the clock. This tool extends the skills and expertise of every
single refinisher, regardless of his current duties and
interstandox: Who is e-learning intended for? How do you
make use of it?
Stephen Naylor: This tool is aimed at all refinishers,
whatever their experience. It is also suitable for training
in schools or training centres. Against payment of a
fee for password access, e-learning is available via the
internet from any location.
experience. It boosts his efficiency and helps him to achieve
interstandox: When is e-learning being launched at
better results from the word “go”. All this results in higher
quality and customer satisfaction and strengthens customer
Stephen Naylor: We piloted it with selected customers
in the spring. We aim to get it properly underway in
interstandox: What are the benefits of e-learning?
June 2013.
Stephen Naylor: Firstly, the information is available around
the clock and can thus be adapted perfectly to the learner's
needs. Another benefit is the lively and graphic form of
presentation with images, text, animations and videos.
interstandox: What exactly is available? Which subjects are
Stephen Naylor: We're starting off with information in a total
of ten languages. The practical subjects so far envisaged are
safety at the workplace, substrate preparation, preparation and
repair of plastic parts, high-performance substrates, colour
identification, mixing and correction, refinish processes for all
paint types and effects, remedying paint defects, Standox
Interstandox 73
w o r k s h o p m a n a g e m e n t / p r o d u c t s 11
Standofix – a paint sticking plaster as a
marketing tool
Standofix from Standox is a new marketing The bodyshop thus has an inexpensive take the car in to the bodyshop. Its use
tool for bodyshops. Standofix is a kind of and easy-to-use giveaway that, as a couldn't be easier and is also described
"sticking plaster for the car". While a quality extra bodyshop service, catches on the mirror tag. The vehicle owner first
vehicle is being repaired, a film is painted the motorist's attention and serves as a cleans the damaged area, then cuts the
with Standox basecoat and clearcoat in talking point. The film is attached to a film to the right size and presses it on
the car's colour at the same time. With practical mirror tag that the bodyshop firmly. After 48 hours, Standofix is
this special, extremely thin film, the can personalise with its address details watertight and car-wash-resistant.
bodyshop customer can later mask any and logo. The advice on the mirror tag is
minor scratches or stone chips on the to have the damaged area expertly
vehicle himself. The damaged area thus repaired within three months. This makes
becomes practically invisible.
it obvious that the film is no substitute for
a refinish and serves as an incentive to
Digital colour management
Genius iQ for colour and special
effect measurement
Standox is launching a new generation of its colour measuring device at the same time. The new Genius iQ also has a userdevice. Genius iQ comes not only with the familiar function of friendly, colour touchscreen featuring a protective film and
colour measurement, but is also capable of measuring special simple menu guidance with clearly laid-out symbols. Car makes
effects. The combination of these functions makes digital can now be easily selected before measurement.
colour measurement even more accurate and efficient. This is
decisive for a smooth refinishing process from colour identifi- In the Standowin colour software, a number of Genius
cation through to paint application. It’s at this point that the functions have also been improved to make the selection and
colour and any effects play a key role. If one of these two assessment of measurement results even easier and more
aspects of the finish is off-target, the resultant paintwork will straightforward for the refinisher. In daily bodyshop use,
be less than perfect. Standox's Genius iQ takes account of the the new easy-to-operate and advanced Genius iQ produces
growing popularity of effect and special colours. In Europe even faster and more efficient identification of the most
alone, about two thirds of all cars are painted in these colours.
unconventional colours.
In addition to effect measurement, the new Genius iQ offers a Further details are available at the Standox website
number of further improvements. The new design features of
the spectrophotometer and its extended properties prevent the
admission of stray light and ensure stronger light within the
12 i n t e r n a t i o n a l
Standoblue restores the Cinquecento
to its former glory
Gianni Piccinni bought his first Fiat 500 in the Nineties and restored it in his garage at home. Since then, the
Cinquecento has become his overriding passion. He has been running his own bodyshop since 2000 and
applies dazzling new finishes to classic models of customers’ and members’ of the Fiat 500 Club in Switzerland.
For lovers of the tradition-steeped Italian compact car (known 1957 to 1975. Word has quickly got around among members that
as “Cinquecentisti”), the Fiat 500 is far more than just an Piccinni is a specialist in the restoration of old Fiat 500s. Many
automobile. For it is also an important part of Italian car history members have already made use of his expertise and
and a tribute to Italian lifestyle. Gianni Piccinni's first Fiat 500 bodyshop.
of his own, made in 1970, was soon followed by a second,
dating back to 1962. Then in 2000 he set up his own bodyshop Although his customers regularly ask for their vehicles to be
called Piccinni Carrosserie & Autospritzwerk, which is now finished with the original paints, Piccinni uses nothing but
located in Illnau near Zurich.
advanced quality paint systems from Standox. “I use the new
Standoblue paint technology. I can only warmly recommend
Even though Piccinni expertly repairs cars of all makes in his this system to my customers.” To reproduce the original car
bodyshop, the Cinquecento takes centre stage. When he joined colours, the bodyshop uses the Genius electronic
Switzerland's Fiat 500 Club a few years ago, he met like-minded spectrophotometer. “With Genius, we can measure the colour
people with whom he can swap notes on favourite models and on the bodywork itself,” Piccinni explains. “Even with older
organise joint excursions or events, such as the international colours, the results are very reliable.” The identified colours are
anniversary meeting in Zug in June 2012. The club is committed then replicated with Standoblue. The finish is usually more
to the care and preservation of all Fiat 500 models built from light- and colour-fast than the original paintwork.
Piccinni paints exclusively with Standoblue. In the introduction
of the new system, he was supported by his paint supplier
André Koch AG, Standox's Swiss distributor. The André Koch
Interstandox 73
Piccinni has created a special display
area in his garage for the finest vehicles
of the Fiat 500 Club.
applications specialists came to the bodyshop for three days finest vehicles of the Fiat 500 Club, Piccinni has created a
and assisted him during the changeover. “Although we first of special display area in his garage in which to show them off to
course had to get used to the new system, the changeover went best effect.
ahead smoothly. We were able to continue working without any
major interruptions,” Piccinni recalls.
All of the Fiat 500 models he has restored are real gems that he
has painstakingly refurbished. One of the models sports a selfdesigned coat of arms with the Piccinni logo, airbrushed by one
of his staff. In addition to the Cinquecento, Piccinni also
restores similar models from the same period, such as the
Steyr-Puch 500 and the Ghia Jolly. However, his absolute
favourite is the Autobianchi Bianchina cabrio in black. All these
beautiful cars of course need a suitable showcase. For the
The pride and joy of the enthusiastic
Cinquecentisto is an Autobianchi
Bianchina cabrio in black, refurbished
by Gianni Piccinni.
14 g a l l e r y
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The specialists at Standox decided that instead of writing long and complicated repair instructions for
special effect finishes, they would shoot a film to demonstrate each step. So they hired a camera team for
a week, and started work to show each process clearly and graphically. For this project, they worked closely
with Mercedes-Benz. The Stuttgart car maker was so excited at the idea that it not only provided both the
vehicles (a Mercedes CLS in manganite grey metallic and a diamond white E Class T model), but also shot
a film at Standox for Mercedes's own AKUBIS TV – on the same subject, but with its own team.
Operations at Standox were understandably dominated by filming throughout the week, and by working
to a tight schedule on the set. However, the outcome was well worth the effort. “The videos are highly
instructive,” explains international trainer Harald Klöckner, who served as a model during the shoot. “In
the film, we show for instance how to spray sample panels in preparation for the repair of the complex
colours currently en vogue.” The films can be seen on Youtube at and
on the Standox website under the “How to…” menu item.
Interstandox 73
g u e s t a r t i c l e 15
Walter Bauch, a master panel beater by training, has
been working for Mercedes-Benz since 1984, and in
training since 1995. He has been AKUBIS presenter
since September 2006.
Spreading the word about new processes
and systems
A video on the expert repair of custom finishes was produced only recently at Standox
headquarters in Wuppertal. The vehicles that can be seen there were provided by MercedesBenz, who also filmed at Standox on the same subject for its own AKUBIS TV. Walter Bauch,
editor-in-chief of “AKUBIS direct” gave us his views.
interstandox: Mr Bauch, what exactly is AKUBIS?
interstandox: How many programmes do you produce per
Walter Bauch: AKUBIS is Daimler AG's TV training medium
and thus an important element in the overall distance
Walter Bauch: For “AKUBIS direct” we currently produce 50
learning strategy of Mercedes-Benz Global Training. With our
programmes per year, each comprising up to 5 individual
AKUBIS programmes, it's our job to spread the word about
reports on the products of Mercedes-Benz, smart and our
new processes and systems worldwide, via satellite and the
other Group brands. With this production volume, we arrive
internet. Nearly all AKUBIS programmes are produced in six
at over 200 to 250 individual film reports, each lasting up to
foreign languages (Italian, English, French, Spanish, Chinese
5 minutes. Since all of these film reports are also available
and Russian). Our broadcasts are currently screened in more
after transmission in our AKUBIS video-on-demand archive on
than 60 countries in over 2,600 of our Mercedes-Benz retail
the Internet, we've now built up a respectable video archive
amounting to over 1300 film reports. Together with the other
AKUBIS formats, we thus produce some 70 to 80 programmes
interstandox: A big operation. What does Mercedes-Benz aim
per year. Filming goes on every day at our own professional
to achieve with it?
TV studios at our training centre in Vaihingen as well as at our
Walter Bauch: Product cycles in the automotive industry are
service partners locally.
getting shorter and cars themselves more and more complex.
This inevitably increases the training needs of our global
interstandox: At Standox in Wuppertal, for instance...
Mercedes-Benz service team. We can no longer master this
Walter Bauch: Absolutely. We're delighted to have a change
challenge solely with the conventional training method of
of scenery. As I mentioned, we mainly deal with bodyshop
classroom teaching.
themes, and these also of course include paint. For our
viewers, it's very interesting to see how a custom finish is
interstandox: How would you describe your programmes to
repaired by an expert.
someone unfamiliar with them? Who are you appealing to?
Walter Bauch: As I said, our main target group is the service
interstandox: To stay up to date, don't you have to sense
and sales team working for Mercedes-Benz worldwide.
trends before they arrive. What new themes do you see on
Naturally, our films are also of interest to many other Group
the horizon?
employees concerned with service and sales issues. Our
Walter Bauch: One of the biggest challenges for the entire
programmes are structured in the same way as classical TV
automotive industry is undoubtedly the new environment-
magazines, showing in detail our service and sales themes.
friendly types of drive and particularly the electric drive in
And there's also our “AKUBIS direct” format, conceived as
all its forms and the complex subject of hydrogen drive.
a weekly news programme. This is where our viewers are
A lot is certain to happen in these areas. But this applies
supplied with the very latest information on service and sales
just as much to many other fields. In the paint sector, the
topics in several compact film reports. We cover the entire
growing demand for custom paintwork will, I think, confront
information spectrum, from the repair of individual vehicle
bodyshops with totally new challenges.
components through to the presentation of totally new
Lutz Menze Design
One can be a good number. Especially for your business. For instance, Standox onevisit application with no flash-off saves you time and materials. You also benefit from the
proven track record of superb Standox colours and premium, made-in-Germany quality.
Rely on Standox to deliver the best result, because we only have one standard.