annual report - New Zealand Riding for the Disabled


annual report - New Zealand Riding for the Disabled
For the year ended 31st December 2015
Core Purpose
Provide interaction with
horses to develop increased
ability, independence and
self-worth for children
and adults with physical,
intellectual, emotional and
social challenges.
Deliver safe and effective
programmes in more
local communities to
benefit more Riders.
As an organisation
we value Safety,
Teamwork, Respect,
Quality and
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
From the Chair and CEO
2015 has been a year of change at
National Office and one of strong
development in the wider National team.
Throughout, the focus has been on
Rider outcomes, so that all RDA Groups
benefit from all that has been developed.
Clarity around the Strategic Plan, what
we want to achieve and buy-in from all
involved gives us a shared focus for the
success of the organisation as a whole.
National Team Role Standards, Certification,
Training and Support
The National Team is committed
to providing Standards, Training,
Certification and Support to Groups
and all those that work at RDA.
We do this by:
• continuous development of
appropriate standards
• delivering effective training
• providing objective evidence that
RDA Groups and their people are
performing safely and effectively
through certification of Groups and
Coaches and
• providing real and personal support
to Groups.
Dna Wells, our National Training
Manager visited 40 of the 55 groups
in 2015 and spent a total of 91 days out
of the office. Successes included:
• helping with the formation of a new
Group Kawatiri formally welcomed
aboard in January 2016
• a very successful Coach Training
Course with Mary Longden
• new Team Leaders in place
• introduction on the new Equine
Skills training package
• strengthening of our partnership with
Primary ITO
• seeing 12 people complete their
NZQA Coaching qualification.
A major piece of work was undertaken
in 2015 – the complete update and
enhancement of our Group resources –
a project that was well overdue.
A new Group Resource Manual has
been issued, including a new NZRDA
Health & Safety Management System
(HSMS) and updated Volunteer
Handbook. Sarah Haydon, our
Chairman, volunteered to lead this
project and spent many hours working
with the team. Additionally, with major
financial support from the Lottery Grant
Board, we trained seven trainers and
121 Group members in the new H&S
standards. Feedback on the training
was excellent and it is great to see that
the Groups so clearly understand the
vital importance of a quality HSMS and
meeting client and public expectations in
this area.
At 2015 year end, 53 Groups had
full operational certification, with two
Groups having minor outstanding points.
An excellent record. The Operational
Certificate standards are reviewed
annually to ensure they remain current
and fit for purpose. Some changes
to the standards will result from the
implementation of the new HSMS in the
2016 review.
The three year research project
investigating the benefits of therapeutic
riding is into its third phase. This is being
undertaken by a University of Otago PhD
candidate. Currently riders are being
recruited to measure and collect data
regarding changes in their health and
well-being from therapeutic horse riding.
Their family and therapists are also being
A highlight of the year is always the
National Training Seminar and 2015
was no exception with a record number
of groups in attendance, 45 in total,
an excellent location and amazing
support from the Christchurch Group.
We gained a first-hand look at the way
the Australians run their programmes,
received some great advice on horse
training and selection from Jody
Hartstone, and got to hear from Anthea
Dixon (Paralympian) who competed at
the London Olympics in 2012.
Annual Award Winners
At the National Training Seminar
dinner, we were thrilled to recognise
the following award winners.
Volunteer of the Year 2014
Gwenyth Cossey
Kaitaia Group RDA
Young Volunteer of the Year 2014
Paige Mockler
Whakatu Group RDA
Rider of the Year 2014
Elena Truscott
Christchurch Group RDA
Coach of the Year 2014
Hannah Doughty
Hamilton Group RDA
Horse of the Year 2014
Tauranga Group RDA
Chairs Award 2014
Elizabeth Brown
Central Taranaki Group RDA
Profile and Funding Initiatives
Facebook and other social media
platforms were used to great effect in
communicating with our supporters and
particularly in promoting Horse of the
Year, with Peanut from Tauranga being
the worthy winner.
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
The Gingerbread Horse campaign was
very well supported by Groups and
schools this year with well over 500
bakers involved. We were delighted that
TV personality Jo Seager was able to
front the campaign for us nationally and
the resulting profile was excellent.
The Gingerbread Horse campaign will
be the feature event in a week-long
programme of Awareness activities in
August 2016.
Financial Outcomes
A key financial target in 2015 was to
make good on the loss sustained in
2014 and this was achieved with income
exceeding expenditure by $74,581
compared to a deficit of $55,110 last
year, a turnaround of $129,691.
Income was $96,913 higher, the primary
driver being a much higher level of
grants. Positive gains were also seen
in the level of training being provided
and Gingerbread Horse income, offset
by the withdrawal from relatively poor
performing fundraising campaigns.
Expenses were down by $32,778,
primarily due to having key national
office roles unfilled for part of the year,
a situation which was not sustainable.
Two major unusual items included
in both income and cost in 2015
(Workplace H&S training $35,902)
and 2014 (advertising in kind $35,227)
are excluded from the values and
commentary above for simplicity.
Focus for 2016
Our national focus in 2016 will be
structured around the establishment
and development of key relationships
and strengthening all components of
our training delivery.
Financial objectives for 2016 are heavily
focused on building a foundation of
sustainable and diverse revenue
streams whilst managing costs to
support the maintenance and growth of
RDA nationwide.
Thanks to the National Team
In October, we said goodbye to Guy
Ockenden and thanked him for eleven
years of dedicated service leading the
RDA movement in New Zealand. During
Guy’s time, he significantly developed
the national team structure and
programme, building Group engagement
and skill levels across the organisation.
James Craw moved on to a new role
in the not-for-profit sector having set
NZRDA on a solid path to much higher
brand recognition and significantly
enhancing our website and presence in
social media.
The Board were very grateful to Rachelle
Perkins for taking up the reins to lead the
team and for the excellent support from
Dna, Jill and Louise to keep the national
office functioning during the search for
a new Chief Executive. The team were
very pleased to welcome Chris Hooper
in January 2016 and begin a new era
for NZRDA.
Across New Zealand we are extremely
fortunate to have a team of dedicated
Volunteers who share so willingly of
their time and expertise. Without their
support as part of the National Team we
would not be able to do the work we do
and share good practices amongst
RDA Groups.
Thanks must go to the NZRDA Board
for their hard work during the year and
for the variety of skills and experience
that each member brings to the team.
At the AGM Belinda Jackson, the RDA
Member from Area Two will step down
after over seven years on the Board.
Belinda has kindly agreed to stay on for
a while as a co-opted member to support
the relatively new RDA Members on the
Board and so we can continue to use her
much needed skills and experience.
Finally – thank you to everyone in the
Groups for being part of NZRDA and
enhancing the lives of our Riders.
Sarah Haydon
Chris Hooper
Chief Executive
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
Independent auditor’s report
To the members of New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Association
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of New Zealand Riding for the
Disabled Association Incorporated (''the society'') on pages 6 to 13. The financial statements
comprise the statement of financial position as at 31 December 2015, the statements of
financial performance and movements in society funds for the year then ended, and a summary
of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.
This report is made solely to the members as a body. Our audit work has been undertaken so
that we might state to the society’s members those matters we are required to state to them in
the auditor's report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not
accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the society’s members as a body, for our
audit work, this report or any of the opinions we have formed.
Board's responsibility for the financial statements
The Board is responsible on behalf of the society for the preparation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand
(being Financial Reporting Standards and Statements of Standard Accounting Practice) and for
such internal control as the Board determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial
statements that are free from material misstatement whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We
conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (New Zealand).
Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and
disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s
judgement, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial
statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers
internal control relevant to the society’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial
statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not
for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the society's internal control. An
audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the
reasonableness of accounting estimates, as well as evaluating the presentation of the financial
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our unmodified opinion on the financial position and our qualified opinion on financial
Other than in our capacity as auditor we have no relationship with, or interests in, the society.
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
Basis for qualified opinion on financial performance
The society's recorded revenue includes donations of $651,022 (prior year: $641,689). Control
over such revenues prior to being recorded is limited and there were no practical audit
procedures that we could perform to confirm independently that all donations were properly
recorded. Accordingly, we were not able to determine whether any adjustments might be
necessary to the amounts shown in the financial statements for revenue and net surplus. Our
audit opinion for the year ended 31 December 2014 was also qualified in this respect.
Qualified opinion on financial performance
In our opinion, except for the possible effects on the current and corresponding figures of the
matter described in the Basis for qualified opinion paragraph, the financial statements on pages
2 to 9 present fairly, in all material respects, the financial performance of the society for the year
ending 31 December 2015, in accordance with generally accepted accounting practice in New
Zealand and the Financial Reporting Standards and Statements of Standard Accounting Practice.
Opinion on financial position
In our opinion the financial statements on pages 6 to 13 present fairly, in all material
respects, the financial position of the society as at 31 December 2015, in accordance with
generally accepted accounting practice in New Zealand and the Financial Reporting
Standards and Statements of Standard Accounting Practice.
14 March 2016
New Zealand Riding for the Disabled Annual Report 2015
Valued Sponsors
NZRDA is extremely grateful to the following Charitable Trusts for grants received in 2015:
Thank you to the following businesses and organisations for their support in 2015:
PO Box 58110
Porirua 5245
Unit 3, Lakeside Centre
Discovery Drive, Whitby
Porirua 5024
Contact Us
Phone: +64 4 234 6090