CV - Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences


CV - Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Ki Sueng Choi, Ph.D. PROFILE Address: 101 Woodruff Circle, WMB Suite 4303, Atlanta GA 30322 Email: OR Phone: (404) 313-­‐3938 EDUCATION & RESEARCH Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA •
Jan 2013 ~ Present Postdoctoral fellow in Psychiatry and Behavioral Science Advisor: Helen Mayberg Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression Prospective surgical target selection of SCC DBS Optimization of stimulation location and parameters for DBS Identifying the key axonal therapeutic pathways for SCC DBS Characterizing structural connectivity correlates of DBS evoked behavioral effects Multimodal assessment of DBS effects Identifying mechanisms mediating acute stimulation effects by combining brain image and electrophysiological measurements Brain imaging biomarker for major depressive disorder using multimodal image based approaches Complex network analysis of brain connectivity Functional and structural connectivity analysis Jan 2009 ~ Dec 2013 Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA •
Ph. D. in Bioengineering Advisor: Xiaoping Hu Characterizing structural neural network in major depressive disorder using diffusion tensor imaging Inje University, Gimhae, South Korea •
Mar 2004 ~ Feb 2006 MS in Biomedical Engineering Advisor: Chi-­‐Woong Mun Characterizing human gastric cancer tissue using magnetic resonance spectroscopy Mar 1997 ~ Feb 2004 Inje University, Gimhae, South Korea •
BS in Biomedical Engineering RESEARCH SUPPORT Jul 2014 ~ on going Tractography-­‐Activation Models for Neuropsychiatric Deep Stimulation (PI: Cameron McIntyre) •
Identify the key axonal pathways directly stimulated by therapeutic SCC DBS using patient specific tractography-­‐
activation models to optimize contact selection and DBS parameters for individual patient NIMH 1 R01 MH102238-­‐01A1 •
Role: Investigator •
Multimodal Assessment of Deep Brain Stimulation Effects in Treatment Resistant Depression (PI: Helen Mayberg) •
Measure psychophysiological effects of SCC DBS Hope for Depression Research Foundation •
Role: Investigator May 2012 ~ on going Effects of Deep Brain Stimulation on Cingulate and Frontal Oscillations in Treatment Resistant Depression (PI: Helen Mayberg) •
Measure subcallosal cingulate LFPs and concurrent frontal EEG in patients undergoing DBS electrode implantation for TRD Dana Foundation •
Role: Investigator •
Predictors of Antidepressant Treatment Response: The Emory CIDAR (PI: Helen Mayberg) •
Evaluate biomarkers predictive of antidepressant response in 400 treatment naïve patients with MDD NIMH Grant P50 MH077083-­‐04 CIDAR Role: Investigator Investigation of structural and functional abnormalities in Late-­‐
Life Depression (PI: Paul Holtzheimer) •
Magnetic resonance imaging to study structural and functional brain abnormalities in 40 patients with late-­‐life depression NIMH K23 MH077869 •
Role: Investigator •
Imaging Predictors of Treatment Response for Depression (PI: Helen Mayberg) •
Page 2 Examine the sensitivity and specificity of regional covariate patterns defined using resting state FDG PET to predict clinical outcome to antidepressant treatment with either CBT or pharmacotherapy NIMH 1 R01 MH073719-­‐03 Role: Investigator Jan 2011 ~ Dec 2013 Jul 2007 ~ Mar 2011 2007 ~ 2011 Sep 2006 ~ Aug 2010 PUBLICATIONS •
Ki Sueng Choi, Patricio Riva-­‐Posse, Robert E. Gross, Helen S. Mayberg, et al. “Mapping the 'Depression Switch’ During Intraoperative Testing of Subcallosal Cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation”, JAMA Neurology, 2015, Available online first (Sep. 28. 2015). Patricio Riva-­‐Posse, Ki Sueng Choi, Helen S. Mayberg, et al. “Defining Critical White Matter Pathways Mediating Successful Subcallosal Cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-­‐Resistant Depression”, Biological Psychiatry, 2014, Vol. 76(12), p963-­‐
969. (Co-­‐first authors) Ki Sueng Choi, Paul E. Holtzheimer, Helen S. Mayberg, et al. “Reconciling variable findings of white matter integrity in major depressive disorder”, Neuropsychophamacology, 2014, Vol. 39(6), p1332-­‐1339. J. Luis Lujan, Ki Sueng Choi, Helen S Mayberg, Cameron C. McIntyre, et al. “Tractography-­‐Activation Models Applied to Subcallosal Cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation”, Brain Stimulation, 2013,Vol. 6(5), p737-­‐739. Negar Fani, Ki Sueng Choi, Kerry J Ressler, et al. “White Matter Integrity in Highly Traumatized Adults With and Without Post-­‐Traumatic Stress Disorder”, Neuropsychophamacology, 2012,Vol. 37, p2740-­‐2746. Qin Xu, Ki Sueng Choi, Xiaoping Hu, et al. “An inexpensive and programmable RF transmitter setup for two-­‐coil CASL”, Concepts in Magnetic Resonance Part B: Magnetic Resonance Engineering, 2008, Vol. 33B(4), p228-­‐35. Kee Chin Tan, Ki Sueng Choi, Chi-­‐Woong Mun, et al., “Preliminary Study on the MR Temperature Mapping using Center Array-­‐Sequencing Phase Unwrapping Algorithm.” JKSMRM, 2008, Vol. 12, p131-­‐141. Chi-­‐Woong Mun, Ki Sueng Choi, Xiaoping-­‐Hu, et al., “Ex Vivo MR Diffusion Coefficient Measurement of Human Gastric Tissue.” Korean Society of Medical & Biological Engineering. 2006, Vol. 27, p203-­‐200. Chi-­‐Woong Mun, Ki Sueng Choi, et al., “Ex Vivo Proton MR Spectroscopy (1H-­‐MRS) for Evaluation of Human Gastric Carcinoma.” Magn. Reson. Imag. 2004, Vol. 22, pp. 861-­‐
870. Ji-­‐Youn Cho, Woon-­‐Jae Shin, Ki Sueng Choi, Chi-­‐Woong Mun, “Ex Vivo 1H MR Spectroscopy: Normal gastric and cancer tissue.” Journal of Korea Gastric caner, 2003. Vol. 3, p151-­‐157. Cameron McIntyre, Patricio Riva-­‐Posse, Ki Sueng Choi, Ashutosh Chaturvedi, Helen Mayberg, “Activation Map Based Individualized Planning For Deep Brain Stimulation”, U.S. Provisional Patent Application 14/557,161 SELECTED PROCEEDINGS •
SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP Page 4 Ki Sueng Choi, P. Riva-­‐Posse, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Surgical Target Selection for Subcallosal Cingulate Region DBS Based on Structural Connectivity.” 21th OHBM, 2015. Ki Sueng Choi, P. Riva-­‐Posse, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Surgical Target Selection for Subcallosal Cingulate Region DBS Based on Structural Connectivity.” BMES, 2015. Ki Sueng Choi, P. Riva-­‐Posse, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Surgical Target Selection for Subcallosal Cingulate DBS Based on Structural Connectivity.” Brain Stimulation and Imaging Meeting, 2015. Ki Sueng Choi, P. Riva-­‐Posse, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Prospective Target Selection Based on Structural Connectivity Pattern for Subcallosal Cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation.” 4th Brain Connectivity, 2014. P. Riva-­‐Posse, Cory S. Inman, Ki Sueng Choi, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Tractography and Autonomic Correlates of Acute Intraoperative Subcallosal Cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation.” Biological Psychiatry, 2014. P. Riva-­‐Posse, Ki Sueng Choi, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Optimization of subcallosal cingulate deep brain stimulation for treatment-­‐resistant depression using structural connectivity.” Biological Psychiatry, 2013. Ki Sueng Choi, Paul Holtzheimer, X. Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Reconciling variable findings in Major Depressive Disorder white matter integrity.” 18th OHBM, 2012. Ki Sueng Choi, Paul Holtzheimer, X. Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Optimal SCC DBS electrode placement determined by structural connectivity to prefrontal cortex.”, 18th OHBM, 2012. Ki Sueng Choi, Paul Holtzheimer, X. Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Using Probabilistic Tractography to Assess Optimal Targeting for Subcallosal Cingulate Deep Brain Stimulation: An Informative Case”, 20th ISMRM, 2012. Ki Sueng Choi, Paul Holtzheimer, X. Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Diffusion tensor imaging distortion correction with T1.” 19th ISMRM, 2011. Ki Sueng Choi, Paul Holtzheimer, X. Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Lateral differences revealed by structural and functional connectivity of the subcallosal cingulate.” 16th OHBM, 2010. DA Gutman, Ki Sueng Choi, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Assessing Neural Circuit Correlates of Intraoperative Behavioral Response to Deep Brain Stimulation of the Subcallosal Cingulate for Depression.” Biological Psychiatry, 2010. Ki Sueng Choi, Paul E. Holtzheimer, Xiaoping Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “A Combined Functional-­‐Structural Connectivity Analysis of Major Depression Using Joint Independent Components Analysis.” 16th ISMRM, 2008. Ki Sueng Choi, Paul Holtzheimer, X. Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “White matter disruption in early-­‐ and late-­‐onset depression: a tract-­‐based spatial statistical analysis.” 16th ISMRM, 2008. Ki Sueng Choi, Paul Holtzheimer, X. Hu, Helen S. Mayberg, et al., “Quantitative analysis of MR-­‐defined white matter hyperintensities in late-­‐life depression.” 15th ISMRM, 2007. •
Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) •
Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) PREVIOUS WORK EXPERIENCE Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA •
Jul 2007 ~ Dec 2008 Research specialist in Psychiatry and Behavioral Science Developing brain imaging technique and data processing for evaluating neurological functional and structural connectivity in Major depression disorder Dec 2005 ~ Jun 2007 Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA •
Visiting Scholar in Biomedical Engineering Technical development of magnetic resonance imaging and data processing method AILAB, Seoul, South Korea •
Internship in MRI company •
MR hardware development Medinus, Seoul, South Korea Jul 2003 ~ Aug 2003 Jan 2003 ~ Mar 2003 •
Internship in MRI company RF Coil design and development •
“Network identification of SCC Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment Resistant Depression: Structural connectivity analysis”, Samsung Medical Center, Jan. 2015. •
“Defining Critical WM pathways for SCC DBS”, Busan National University, Jan. 2015. •
“Tractography based target selection in subcallosal cingulate DBS”, Busan National University hospital, Dec. 2014. •
“Characterizing Structural Neural Networks In Major Depressive Disorder Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging”. – Inje University, Oct 2013 •
“Major Depressive Disorder with Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) Diffusion Tensor Imaging study” – Inje University, Jan 2012 •
NMR in Biomedicine •
Frontiers in Neuroanatomy TEACHING •
Quantitative Engineering Physiology Lab: GA Tech, Fall 2012 & Spring 2013 ACTIVITIES •
Biomedical signal and image processing: Inje Univ., Spring & Fall 2004 AWARDS •
Merit Abstract Award for 21th OHBM 2015 •
Second Poster Award for 16th ISMRM 2008 •
Grant of Foreign coworker program from Korea Research Foundation •
Image Processing Software: FSL, AFNI, SPM, TrackVis, FreeSurfer, DTI Studio, MRI Cron Scientific Software: Matlab, R, C++, Phython, Shell scripting language INVITED PRESENTATIONS MANUSCRIPT REVIEWING SKILLS Page 5 LANGUAGE Page 6 •
Korean – native speaker •
English – secondary language